The most interesting things about animals. The most interesting things about animals Message about animals for children

“Our world is complex and vulnerable, like a spider’s web. Touch one web, and all the others will tremble. And we don’t just touch the web, we leave gaping holes in it” - the words of the great English scientist J. Durrell, who lived in the 20th century. In the 21st century, man is already openly waging a biological battle with the outside world.

Nature is unique. Extinct species of animals are unique, and future generations will never see them with their own eyes. What will we leave to our descendants? Stuffed animals in museums and bones in the ground? Do not think that the animal world is exterminated only with the help of guns and traps. Various changes are constantly taking place on our planet, from minor to global. The Soviet Union also made efforts in this dirty business: one only has to remember the loud calls: “let's turn back the Siberian rivers,” which added several species of extinct animals to the Red Book, and brought others to the brink of extinction. Deforestation, pollution of the environment with waste, climate change as a result of human activity - all this has a detrimental and destructive effect on the animal world. Man unwittingly deprives animals and birds of their natural habitats and feeding areas. And if we add to this the irrational hunting of animals and poaching, then the situation is simply catastrophic. Some animals are on the verge of extinction. For now we can still see them in zoos, nature reserves and national parks. I would like to believe that through the efforts of conscious, active participants in the struggle to save our planet, we will preserve the unique and original animal world.

1. Snow leopard or snow leopard

A native of the highlands, the snow leopard is sometimes called an icon of the wasteland or a mystical beast. It is rare that anyone manages to observe a snow leopard in nature; only traces of its vital activity indicate its invisible presence in the mountains. No one knows how many snow leopards actually remain on the planet. The numbers range from 4 to 7 thousand, however, these are very rough estimates. The World Red Book lists the snow leopard as an endangered species. In Russia, there are no more than a hundred snow leopards. The snow leopard is usually found at an altitude of 2000 to 4000 m above sea level. He was seen several times in the Himalayas, at an altitude of more than five and a half kilometers. Harsh winters in the mountains, dangerous rocks and rocky outcrops are not scary for the animal - here the snow leopard feels at home. Its body is well adapted for movement along mountain slopes, and its magnificent fur perfectly protects from frost. The animal’s wonderful fur has become the reason for increased attention from poachers. Increased demand for pelts and their high price have led to constant human persecution, which has significantly reduced the snow leopard population.

2. Ussuri tiger

A representative of the felines, the Ussuri tiger, is listed in the Red Book due to its small numbers. According to various sources, there are from 450 to 500 individuals in Russia. A certain number of Ussuri tigers, sometimes called Altai, Siberian, Amur, North China or Manchurian, live in China - no more than 40 - 50 individuals. The Ussuri tiger is the only tiger subspecies that has adapted to the difficult living conditions in the north. The weight of this large cat reaches 200 - 220 kg, and its length (including the tail) reaches 3 - 3.8 m. Soft and wide pads on the paws prevent the animal from falling into the snow, and in summer they help it move silently on the grass. The main blame for the extinction of the animal, as often happens, lies with man: the tiger skin has always been highly valued, and the animal was thoughtlessly destroyed because of its beautiful fur. The deforestation of the taiga also caused considerable harm, depriving the animal of its usual habitat. Currently, the Ussuri tiger is under protection. By the way, in Russia a ridiculous fine is imposed for killing one, and in China killing a tiger is punishable by death.

3. Burmese snub-nosed monkey

Previously, this species of monkey did not have law enforcement status, since it was discovered quite recently - in 2010. The monkey got its name because of the unusual structure of its nose, the nostrils of which are turned upward. Sometimes the animal is called a sneezing monkey: when it rains, water gets into the nostrils, and the monkey constantly sneezes. In 2012, the Burmese snub-nosed monkey was included in the list of endangered mammals in the Red Book. The updated version of the publication immediately classified it as a species with the greatest threat of extinction, because the number of monkeys is only about 300 individuals. This small population is at risk of extinction - humans are actively destroying their habitat. Hunters also contribute - monkey meat is quite tasty, and macaques can also be sold for the needs of Chinese medicine. The following fact is encouraging: in those rare moments when scientists were able to see snub-nosed monkeys, their numerous cubs were with the latter. Thus, there is a possibility of population reproduction.

4. Orangutan

Another representative of the monkeys, the orangutan, is also endangered in the wild. Incredible strength, the smartest eyes and outstanding abilities - in ancient times, the people who inhabited Southeast Asia even considered them a kind of tribe - “forest people”. Huge primates (the weight of an adult male often reaches 150 kg) live in tall trees in the tropical forests of Sumatra and Borneo. They are excellent tree climbers. Strong legs and arms grip the vines tenaciously, helping you move through the forest with ease. The main reason for the extinction of great apes is the continued loss of habitats and poaching. The creation of national parks helps to maintain the endangered species to some extent.

5. Caspian seal

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Caspian seal population was large and numbered one million individuals. A little more than a hundred years have passed, and the number of marine mammals has decreased by 10 times - to 100 thousand. Scientists predict a further decline in the population due to a number of factors: pollution, climate change, habitat destruction and disease. The most acute problem is the mortality of young animals as a result of hunting. Since hunting a grown-up animal is not an easy task, poachers prefer to hunt a defenseless baby seal (baby seal). According to some reports, shooting reaches 6 - 7 thousand individuals per year. This figure is comparable to the permitted shooting volume. Thus, a population decline is guaranteed even with a low level of hunting. Scientists believe that seal fishing should be banned for several years.

6. Sumatran rhinoceros

On the peninsulas of Indochina and Malacca, the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan, as well as in Assam and Burma, lives the smallest of the entire family of rhinoceroses - the Sumatran. Its length does not exceed 280 cm, and the height at the withers is 100 - 150 cm. Sumatran rhinoceroses are excellently developed physically. They are excellent swimmers, and in terms of running speed they are not inferior to other representatives of the rhinoceros family. Rhinoceroses navigate by smell, as their eyesight is rather poor.

The number of individuals worldwide ranges from 170 to 270. It is known that only one female of this species of rhinoceros lives in captivity at the Copenhagen Zoo, which was caught back in 1959. Since then, attempts have been made more than once to find her a partner, but they were not successful. The animal is mercilessly shot by poachers - after all, just for one kilogram of its horns they fetch tens of thousands of dollars. Hunters are not stopped even by the inaccessible places where rhinoceroses live. Currently, hunting Sumatran rhinoceroses is prohibited.

7. Bison

The last European representative of wild bulls, the bison, is the largest and heaviest land mammal in Europe. Its weight reaches 1000 kg, the length of an adult animal reaches 330 cm, and the height at the withers is two meters. The reasons for the decrease in the bison population are still the same: intensive hunting, the growing density of human settlements, and deforestation. In the International Red Book, the bison falls under the category of vulnerable species, and the Russian Red Book assigns it a place in the first category of endangered species.

The fauna of planet Earth is not a random accumulation of all kinds of animal species, but a well-ordered functioning system. The loss of any, at first glance, even the most insignificant link, necessarily leads to irreversible serious changes. The trouble is that it is unlikely that nature will be able to repeat again what was once created. It is very important to preserve and preserve each species of animal, because each of them is unique, inimitable and needed by man and nature.

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The publication “Red Book of Russia” announced its existence in 2001. This collection contains a considerable number of rare animals, their photographs and brief data.

The purpose of this publication is to attract public attention to the problem of protecting endangered animals and birds. Below is some interesting information about some of them.

It is this “lucky one” that has the largest horns. He is one of a kind.

This is the largest representative of the cat genus, which “chose” white snow and low air temperatures as its habitat. The hunting process in such conditions is quite complex. It is not easy for the tiger, however, he carries out tracking of deer and wild boars. This animal is the “pearl” of Russia. Incredibly unique! The species is quite rare and is distinguished by its expressive beauty: the belly has a five-centimeter layer of fat. Thanks to it, the animal is well protected from cold environmental conditions. Today, its population is growing in number.

The habitat of this representative is the waters of the Barents and Kara seas. The maximum size that the presented individual can reach is 4 meters. Its weight is also considerable - one and a half tons. There were times when this species practically disappeared. However, with the help of specialists, this individual has a slight increase in popularity.

This individual reaches a length of 3 meters and weighs one ton. This eared seal lives in Kamchatka and Alaska.

A distinctive feature from other representatives of its genus is its black sides and fins. Having arrived to the shores of the Baltic Sea, you can confidently wait to meet this “handsome guy”.


The species is at serious risk of complete extinction. Habitat: Primorsky Krai. Representatives of this species are also found in northeast China (in small numbers). In China, special attention is paid to the problem of protecting this species from extinction. The highest penalty for killing an individual is death. The reason for the extinction of these animals is the high percentage of poaching.

It is rightfully considered the largest representative of the “bear family”. In size it surpasses even the well-known grizzly bear.

A bright individual. It has an interesting swimming style: it arches its back. It got its name for this feature.

In appearance the animal is similar to a fox. Because of its beautiful fiery red fur, hunters shot wolves, so now the population of the predator has sharply declined. At the moment, rare flocks of 12-15 individuals can be found in the Far East.

The fox of this species is small in size: body length is up to 60 cm. In summer, the animal’s fur is short and gray in color, and in winter it becomes thicker and longer, acquiring a light gray tint. The animal lives in semi-desert and steppe.

Animals of this species are under threat because people kill them for their snow-white fur, from which they sew clothes. Individuals of the blue fox live on the coast of the Bering Sea.

Snow leopards live in Central Asia, and in Russia these animals are considered rare species. Due to the fact that they live in hard-to-reach places and harsh climatic conditions, the population has not yet been completely destroyed.

This is a wild cat with beautiful long hair. He lives in Transbaikalia and Altai. The animal population has decreased significantly due to human hunting.

This is the largest representative of the lynx genus, and an adult weighs about 20 kg. The animal's fur is very beautiful, and in winter it becomes soft and thick. The animal lives in dense forests and does not really like migration.

There are about 10 representatives of this species in the wild, and 23 individuals in zoos. Asiatic cheetahs live in the valley of the Syrdarya River.

These light-footed antelopes are found in the Altai Mountains. They live in the natural zone of deserts and steppes, have a yellowish-ocher color and long horns.

There are about 700 individuals of the Amur goral left in Russia, which move in groups of 7-8 individuals. In particular, they live in the Primorsky Territory.

Previously, bison lived in the forest-steppe, and the population numbered several thousand individuals. Now they are found in nature reserves; several dozen of these animals have survived.

This animal has fur that varies seasonally from light brown in winter to brown in summer. Both males and females have huge horns. Deer live in northern latitudes - in Karelia and Chukotka.

Other animals of the Red Book

This is a primitive type of horse, retaining the features of both the wild horse and the donkey. There are about 2 thousand individuals in the world. In Russia they live in nature reserves.

The animal looks like a donkey, but has much in common with a horse. A representative of this species lives in the wild in semi-desert and steppe.

This insectivorous animal lives in Central Russia, weighs about 0.5 kg, and body length is 20 cm. The representative is a relict species, as it has existed for about 30-40 million years, but may disappear from the face of the earth, so it is now under protection of the state.

The rodent is small in size - about 15 cm. The head and back of the animal have brown-brown fur, and white fur on the belly and cheeks. The garden dormouse lives in spruce and beech forests.

The small animal is found in Russia in the region of Western Siberia and the Ural Mountains, and lives on the banks of reservoirs.

The seal is small in size, and an adult grows up to 1.5 m, has light gray fur, and has well-developed sensory organs. Found in the Baltic Sea and Lake Ladoga.

The marine cetacean is found in the waters of Kamchatka and the Far East. Adults grow up to 8 meters in length and weigh 2-3 tons.

In the twentieth century, scientists discovered more than 50 unknown species of animals; in the same century, about 100 known species disappeared from the face of the Earth. Over the past 50 years, there have been 25 fewer species of mammals alone. And people are to blame for this.

They mercilessly destroyed and continue to destroy rare animals. And here is just a small list of those representatives of the fauna that are on the verge of complete extinction.


Mammals are the heaviest and largest in Europe. These are the last European representatives of wild bulls. Previously, bison lived in mixed and deciduous forests of Central, Western and South-Eastern Europe, Transcaucasia, the Caucasus and Northern Iran. However, due to the ruthless hunting of animals by people, as well as the draining of swamps and deforestation, the “home” of the bison has practically ceased to exist. By 1927, there were only 48 specimens of powerful animals in the world.

Scientists became concerned about the rapid disappearance of bison and identified small areas of forest where the animals could live and reproduce freely. As a result, there are now about 3 thousand individuals in the world, about 100 are kept in captivity.

Helmeted cassowary

This is a large flightless bird. Typically, an adult grows up to 1.5 meters in length and weighs approximately 80 kilograms. Cassowaries live in tropical forests in northeastern Australia and New Guinea. However, humans are quickly taking over the habitats of the giant bird.

Wild dogs and pigs reduce the number of living creatures; they eat chicks and eggs of birds. Now the population of helmeted cassowaries is only 1.5 thousand individuals.


The rarest and most bizarre crocodile in the world. Due to the constant reduction of gharial habitats and the destruction of fish stocks, by 1970 there were almost no individuals left. But in India they have developed programs for the artificial breeding of rare crocodiles. This helped increase the number of gharials to 1.5 thousand. But even now this rare animal in the world continues to die.

Crocodiles become entangled in fishing nets, and their eggs continue to be collected for medicinal purposes. Males are hunted for the growths on their noses, which are considered excellent aphrodisiacs.

Big panda

The animal is known all over the world, because it is the giant panda that is depicted on the emblem of the World Wildlife Fund. But the popularity of these cute bears does not help save them from extinction. Panda holdings in South Asia have dwindled to just a few small plantations. Moreover, they are all located separately, that is, isolated from each other. Now there are only 1,200 individuals in the world.

Snow Leopard

The most beautiful cat once lived in the mountains of Central Asia. It is similar to a white leopard, but much smaller and has a long and bushy tail. Nowadays, snow leopards are rarely seen in the wild as they are secretive predators. Moreover, the snow leopard is considered almost extinct, its population is only 2 thousand individuals.

The reason for the extinction is a reduction in habitat, a decrease in the number of ungulates that snow leopards feed on, as well as the development of mountain pastures and developing tourism, which allows people to reach the most remote areas of the mountains.

Przewalski's horse

The animal has almost become a myth. These are the last wild horses on the plains of Asia. Almost all individuals were forced out of their territories and captured by humans. Therefore, there are now only a thousand horses in the world named after the famous explorer Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. Moreover, they are bred in captivity in nature reserves and zoos.

People have never managed to domesticate a wild horse, because it is not naturally trainable and does not allow itself to be broken. The only place where it is theoretically possible to meet a Przewalski's horse is the Mongolian desert. However, the animal has not been seen there for more than 50 years. Therefore, there is a high probability that such horses have disappeared in the wild.

Mountain gorillas

These large monkeys can be found in dense tropical forests in southwestern Uganda, Rwanda, and eastern Congo. Gorillas have a rather menacing appearance and impressive size, but the animal itself is peaceful and very sociable. However, hunting of animals, destruction of their habitat, disease and the desire of circuses to get at least one individual may leave the planet forever without mountain gorillas. Now there are no more than 720 of them.

Amur tiger

The rarest animal in the world, which, moreover, is included in the Red Book. The Amur tiger is widespread in the southeast of Russia and is considered the largest of its relatives. The habitats of this animal are being intensively reduced, and predators are mercilessly exterminated.

The Amur tiger is an endangered species

Therefore, already at the beginning of this century, the number of Amur tigers almost crossed the critical mark. Measures to protect them helped to slightly increase the number of individuals to 400.

Sumatran rhinoceros

The smallest rhinoceros in the world. Not so long ago, he lived quietly in the swamps and tropical forests of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and Bangladesh. Now he is on the verge of extinction. There are only 6 populations of Sumatran rhinoceroses in the world, which live on the island of Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Peninsula.

Animals live alone, so it is very difficult to calculate their exact number. According to experts, there are no more than 275 such rhinoceroses. The reason for the catastrophically rapid decline is said to be Chinese pseudo-medicine, which uses animal horns for its treatment methods.

Philippine crocodile

Small crocodiles live exclusively in the Philippines. And they are also on the verge of extinction. They are most often destroyed by poachers who use unique fishing methods.

Hunting of the Philippine crocodile is prohibited, but the population is still declining. And now there are only 200 individuals in the world.

Far Eastern leopard

A century and a half ago, the predator could be found in the southern part of what is now Primorsky Krai. But the number began to rapidly decrease due to hunting of Far Eastern leopards. The man liked their beautiful skin. And parts of the animal’s body, from claws to liver, were used in traditional Chinese medicine. According to estimates, the number of predators is negligible. There are only 30 cats left in Russia, another 10 live in China.

The cause of the disappearance has never been established. After 1989, the amphibian disappeared and is considered an extinct species.

Florida cougar

The rarest species of puma. There are only 5-15 endangered species in the world. And you can only find it in the swamps and forests of South Florida. The Florida cougar is disappearing due to the draining of swamps and sport hunting of the animal.

The editors of the site invite you to look at the wonders of the deep sea, where you can meet rare and unusual animals. For example, an octopus, which is very similar to the baby elephant Dumbo, or a squid, reminiscent of a cheerful pig.
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Nature is in danger

Cows and goats began to graze in the old oak grove. Soon the birds, nesting in the bushes and grass, abandoned her. As a result, the gypsy moth began to breed freely. He quickly ate the leaves on the trees, and the mighty oaks dried up.

Wolves have been dealt with in the Crimean Nature Reserve. Soon the threat of extinction loomed over the forests: the multiplied goats ate the young trees.

To protect against hares, the plantings were surrounded by fences - it became even worse. Not only hares, but also badgers and hedgehogs could not get behind the fence. Under these conditions, mice multiplied and destroyed young plantings.

Our planet is Earth.

How did the Earth originate?- Many billions of years ago, a gigantic cloud appeared in our Galaxy, which consisted of dust, solid pieces and gas (hypothesis of O. Yu. Schmidt). As the cloud developed, compactions appeared in it, from which a group of stars emerged. One of these stars was our Sun. It quickly moved away from its group and carried away most of the dust and gas. From these substances the planets of our solar system, including the Earth, were later formed.

He was the first!

Schmidt Otto Yulievich (1891 - 1956)


Tiger, lion, panther... These wild animals are considered the most dangerous and the most attractive at the same time. Domestic cats are also members of this family. They were domesticated more than 5,000 years ago, they were either adored or persecuted... But the gracefulness of cats won the hearts of people.


The cat was not always the same as we know it. Its history goes back very far, about 40 million years. It was then that representatives of the felines appeared.

Ancestors of cats.

The ancestors of cats inhabited the Earth long before the appearance of humans. The first prehistoric Proaelurus cats were small predators with an elongated body and a sharp muzzle. Their lifestyle was close to that of modern cats, but when moving they relied on the entire foot, and not just on the toes, like modern cats. Twenty million years later, these small animals gave rise to larger predators - Pseudaelurus, which walked exclusively on the tips of their paws.

These flexible and dexterous creatures are direct relatives of modern cats.


Cats have not always lived in contact with humans. They came together more than 2,500 years ago in the Middle East, when the first settled peoples began to cultivate the land. Having become a farmer, man began to store surplus grain for the winter. These piles of grain naturally attracted large numbers of rodents. Attracted by their favorite prey, wild cats also began to appear near human dwellings. The peasants were happy with them, since the cats protected their supplies from rodents. They were even allowed to enter houses where it was warmer. So, living close to humans, cats gradually became pets.

Smilidon, the most famous representative of prehistoric felines - the saber-toothed tiger - had fangs 15 centimeters long.

"Cat" in all languages.

In Nubia in northeast Africa, pussycats were called kadis. Apparently, it was from this word that the Russian “cat” came from, and the name of cats in many other languages. In English “cat” is “cat”, in German it is “ketze”, in the Berber language it is “kadiska”. But in some languages, the name of a cat comes from the sound “meow”. In Chinese, a cat is called “mao”, in Egyptian - “au” (In the more ancient Vesia - “miu”), in the Mayan language - “miz”.

These strange animals!

Here are just some of the amazing creatures that inhabit the prairie.



Body length: up to 15 cm.

Weight: approximately 20 g.

Habitat: Europe.

The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head 180 degrees and look behind itself. Its color is green or brown. The food of mantises consists of insects and small vertebrates such as frogs or lizards.

Jumping hare.


Body length: 27 - 40 cm.

Weight: 3 - 4 kg.

Lifespan: 13 years in captivity.

Hare the jumper looks like a small kangaroo because of its long erect ears and bushy tail. The tail rises when running, but at the same time serves as a support for the hare when he sits down. This nocturnal rodent can jump up to 2 meters! In addition to plants, it also feeds on locusts, flying insects and other invertebrates.



Height: 1 - 1.4 m.

Weight: 30 - 70 kg.

Life expectancy: 10 years.

Habitat: Asia.

The saiga antelope lives in arid steppes and feeds exclusively on plants. The saiga's fur is beige on its back, and lighter on its belly. Only males have horns. The saiga has a large, curved nose with two downward-pointing nostrils, which it needs in order to better absorb air and regulate body temperature. This animal is very agile and can gallop at speeds of up to 80 km/h!

Photo taken from the Internet. The article is taken from the book.

Prairie. Who lives there?

Prairies are long, open, flat areas of North America and the steppes of Europe and Central Asia. There is plenty of plant food, but few places to hide. The local fauna is very diverse: various mammals, underground animals, and reptiles live here.



Body length: 70 - 97 cm.

Weight: 9 - 16 kg

Habitat: from Alaska to Costa Rica.

The name "coyote" means "barking dog" in the Aztec language. Thanks to his exceptional hearing and sense of smell, he can smell rodents even under the snow. The coyote sometimes sits in ambush for a long time, waiting for the otter to catch a fish so that he can steal it! Coyotes can run at speeds of 65 km/hour over a distance of 400 meters.

Mississippi alligator.

Reptile. Body length: 2.80 - 5 meters.

Weight: 200 - 225 kg.

Life expectancy: 50 years.

Habitat: Florida.

The difference between an alligator and a crocodile is that its lower fourth tooth fits into the upper jaw. A great hunter, the alligator feeds on birds and also mammals.



Height: 1.7 meters.

Weight: 100 - 120 kg.

Life expectancy: 15 years.

Habitat: South America.

Nandu is a real running champion, his stride length is 1.5 meters! It lives at altitudes of up to 4000 meters on the high plateaus of the Andes. The name "nandu" comes from the specific cry of this bird: "nan-doo, nan-doo!"

Steppe Falcon.


Height: 25 - 60 cm.

Weight: from 110 g to 2 kg.

Life expectancy: 15 years.

Habitat: Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and Oceania.

Steppe hawks are stocky and powerful birds of prey with pointed wings and a rather short tail. These seasoned hunters usually snare their prey (especially birds) on the fly. They show the wonders of aerobatics, reaching speeds of up to 160 km/h!

Sky lark.


Height: 18 - 19 cm.

Weight: 45 g.

Life expectancy: 12 years.

Habitat: all continents.

The skylark is prized for its long song in flight, which begins when the bird flies vertically into the sky. The lark's modest brown-striped plumage allows it to hide easily. Northern populations of larks migrate south in winter.

American bison.


Height: 2.1 - 3.5 meters.

Weight: 350 - 1000 kg.

Life expectancy: 18 - 22 years.

Habitat: USA and Canada.

Despite the fact that the American bison is stocky, it is very playful. It can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. The bison is a ruminant animal that eats grass and plants. His hearing and sense of smell allow him to easily sense danger. And thick wool protects from the cold. Despite measures taken to preserve this species, the wild bison is virtually extinct today. It is found only in a few national parks, while in the 19th century its population was estimated at 50 million individuals.

Pink flamingo.


Height: 1.25 - 1.5 meters.

Weight: 3 - 4 kg.

Life expectancy: up to 25 years.

Habitat: Mediterranean, South and West Africa, Asia Minor.

The pink flamingo can easily move through the water on its long legs in search of food. By the way, it owes its pink color to the pigments that are found in its food, which consists, for example, of small crustaceans. The pink flamingo is a migratory bird.

Photo taken from the Internet. Article taken from the book.


Man first hunted a horse, then was able to domesticate it through long and patient taming. Over time, the horse became a devoted companion for him throughout his life. This swift and courageous animal was initially used for military operations, as well as for traveling long distances.

The very first relatives of the horse appeared on Earth long before man. They were called EOHIPUS. The morphology of this animal underwent a deep evolution, and ultimately the horse turned into an animal domesticated by man and his devoted ally - both during war and in peacetime.

Photo taken from the Internet. The article is taken from the book.

Decorative flowering plants.

Abelia grandiflora.

Honeysuckle family. Genus Abelia.

Natural climatic conditions: subtropics.

Semi-evergreen shrub, reaching a height of up to 2 m; leaves are shiny, ovoid, relatively small (up to 3 cm long), dark green; white bell-shaped flowers with a strong scent, collected in an inflorescence panicle at the ends of the shoots. Blooms from October to June.

Moisture Requirement: unpretentious.

Temperature: There are no special requirements, it tolerates cold well.

Light mode: prefers moderate lighting.

Soil requirements: prefers an earth mixture of turf soil, humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1, but in general it is also unpretentious.

Reproduction: seeds and green cuttings (spring).

Features: an adult plant is large and takes up quite a lot of space in the room.

Abutilon (room maple)

Malvaceae family.

Natural habitat: tropics and humid subtropics, homeland - mainly South America, but can be found in nature

An adult dog needs to be taken for a walk at least twice a day - morning and evening, a puppy much more often - after sleep and after each feeding. If the owner does not have such an opportunity, then he will have to spend quite a lot of time and effort to teach the puppy to go to a specially designated place.

Russia occupies one sixth of the landmass. Therefore, the number of vertebrate animals inhabiting Russia is enormous and exceeds 1,500 species. Among them:

  • more than 700 species of birds;
  • more than 300 species of mammals;
  • more than 85 reptiles;
  • more than 35 species of amphibians;
  • more than 350 species of freshwater fish.

Mammals of Russia


The bear is a large animal; it is considered one of the symbols of Russia.


The brown bear is a forest-dwelling forest animal. Very often this animal can be found in Kamchatka. The brown bear is a fairly large animal; the maximum recorded weight of a male bear caught in Kamchatka was more than 600 kg.

A mother bear with cubs.

The brown bear can eat both plant foods and hunt other animals. More than half of his diet consists of plant foods: various berries, nuts, roots, and so on. Since the bear is clumsy and cannot run fast, it rarely manages to catch a deer or roe deer. But such a giant can eat insects and their larvae, catch fish, lizards

In winter, bears hibernate until spring. To do this, they equip dens in pits or caves.


The wolf is a beautiful predator, similar in appearance and size to the German Shepherd. Wolves are pack predators; with their devotion to the pack they can set an example for people.


The wolf's main prey is large ungulates. A pack of wolves chases down a weak deer; a strong pack can even attack an elk weighing about half a ton. The leader starts the meal first, only after him does the rest eat.


The fox has the reputation of being a very cunning animal.


Foxes are small animals. An adult fox weighs no more than 10 kilograms. They feed on small rodents, so they can often be found near human settlements, where there are more rodents.

But not only rodents make up her diet, she can hunt small birds, try to catch a hare, but this is difficult for her to do, since hares are faster than foxes. When hunting, a fox often uses cunning; for example, it can pretend to be sleeping near a flock of partridges, and when the birds lose their vigilance, it can suddenly attack.

The fox is a very curious creature. She is interested in everything new and unusual, and this often becomes the cause of problems. For example, a fox can fall into a hunter's trap.


Boar are wild pigs. Boars are quite large animals; the weight of an adult boar can reach 250 kilograms. With such a mass, they can run at speeds of up to 40 km/h.


Wild boars feed on everything they find in the ground. These can be various roots, worms and insect larvae, fallen fruits, acorns, chestnuts, and so on. A boar can eat a lizard or toad if it catches one.

Wild boar piglets.

If a boar feels threatened, it becomes very dangerous. His fangs can reach 20 centimeters in length, and he does not hesitate to use them.

In search of food, the wild boar performs the function of a tiller; it loosens the ground and plant seeds fall deeper, and their chance of germination increases.


Elk is a large herbivore. This animal gained fame thanks to its spade-shaped horns; they look like a plow - a tool of farmers. Therefore, since ancient times, the elk has had the nickname – elk.

Elk with big horns.

Only male moose have antlers; females do not. Every year before December, moose shed their antlers, then these antlers can be found in the forest.

Moose live in the northern latitudes of Russia, as these animals do not like heat.


The hare is a small herbivore that is generally considered cowardly. But this is fundamentally wrong; once in the clutches of a predator, the hare fights off with its strong hind legs. On these paws, moreover, he has large claws, with which he can inflict serious injuries on his attacker, or even kill him.


But hares avoid fights with predators, and they have only one way to do this - quickly run away. They are capable of reaching speeds of up to 75 km/h if their lives are in danger. Who doesn't try to hunt hares! The fox poses a danger to young hares; it cannot keep up with adults. Wolves often prey on older hares. Lynxes and large eagles, ermines, wolverines and martens can attack hares.

Hare with a bunny.

Wolverine is a predatory animal in the northern forests of Russia. The wolverine is a relative of martens, although in appearance it resembles a bear.

The weight of a wolverine can reach 30 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller than males, but this is where their external differences end.

It is believed that the basis of the wolverine's diet consists of carrion, which it picks up from bears and wolves. In addition, the wolverine hunts everything it can catch. It is a great success for a wolverine to catch a wounded and weakened small deer.

Beaver belongs to the family of rodents. It is the largest rodent in Russia and Europe. There is only one representative of rodents in the world larger than a beaver - the South American capybara. The weight of a beaver can reach 30 kilograms.

The beaver is often called “beaver,” but this name is not accurate, since in the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I., this word is used to describe the fur of a rodent.

The beaver leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, spending most of its time in the water. Beavers are famous for building dams on small rivers. Beavers live in burrows; if it is not possible to dig a burrow, the beaver builds a hut.

Beavers are active at night, and during the day they sleep in their homes. Beavers feed on plant foods, they store supplies for the winter and do not leave their shelters throughout the winter.

The ermine is a small predator, no more than 40 centimeters in length. But a very aggressive and bloodthirsty animal. It lives in bushes, on the banks of water bodies, including swamps. The ermine swims well and climbs trees deftly.

The stoat hunts small rodents, but is also capable of killing larger prey, such as a squirrel or rabbit.

In winter, stoats change their coat color to white to have a better chance of remaining undetected while hunting.

Ermine in winter.

The sable is a predator, similar in shape to the ermine, but larger. The main habitat of the sable is the coniferous taiga.

Sable on a branch.

The sable mainly hunts small rodents, but can attack squirrels and hares. He also hunts small birds such as capercaillie or hazel grouse.

Sable fur is very valuable, which led to its mass extermination.

Birds of Russia

As stated above, more than 700 species of birds can be found in Russia.

Bullfinch are birds slightly larger than a sparrow, the males of which are painted bright red. Female bullfinches are not at all brightly colored.

Bullfinch in winter
Bullfinch in May

The diet of bullfinches consists mainly of seeds and buds of trees and shrubs; bullfinches especially love rowan and bird cherry. Bullfinches can also eat small insects; they mainly manage to catch spiders.

In winter, bullfinches do not fly anywhere, but spend the winter in Russia. If the winter is very cold and there is little food, then many bullfinches die. Under favorable conditions, the bullfinch can live up to 15 years.

The tit is a bird the size of a sparrow. It is distinguished by a yellow breast and a blue tint on the back.

In the warm season, tits prefer to feed on insects; at this time they are real predators. But in winter they are forced to switch to plant foods.

Tits on a sunflower

With the onset of cold weather, tits move to cities, as it is easier for them to find food here. In the spring they fly back to the forests.

The woodpecker is famous for chiseling trees with its beak in search of insects and their larvae. The knock from its “work” can be heard a hundred meters away.

Like tits, woodpeckers' diet depends on the time of year. In the warm season, they eat more insects, although they can destroy the nests of small birds by eating eggs and chicks. In winter, woodpeckers switch to plant food.

The woodpecker's tongue is visible in the photo.

Instead of making nests on branches, woodpeckers hollow out hollows in trees with soft wood (alder or larch, for example). This work is done mainly by the male and takes about two weeks.

The lifespan of a woodpecker very rarely exceeds nine years.

The body length of an adult cuckoo is just over 30 cm and weighs 190 grams; the maximum wingspan of the cuckoo reaches 65 centimeters.

Cuckoo with prey.

Cuckoos are migratory birds and for the winter they migrate to Africa and the tropical latitudes of Asia.

A cuckoo chick in a pipit's nest.

Pisces of Russia

There are more than 350 species of freshwater fish in Russian reservoirs. Let's look at some of them.

Catfish are a real predator, and not a scavenger, as is commonly believed. One of the largest freshwater fish in Russia, which is common in many reservoirs.

Catfish can hunt not only fish and crayfish. It can also attack birds, for example, here is a video about how a catfish hunts pigeons.

Catfish in the Dnieper River.

Typically, catfish reach a mass of 20 kilograms with a length of 1.5 meters. But under favorable conditions, catfish can grow to the size of real giants and weigh 400 kilograms with a length of up to five meters. This is just a monstrous fish!

Pike is a predatory freshwater fish, the heroine of folk tales.

Typically, pike grows up to one meter long and weighs no more than 10 kg, but some individuals reach a weight of up to 35 kg.

Pike hunt from ambush. They can hide in thickets for a very long time, waiting for prey. Then, with a lightning-fast attack, they grab the victim with their powerful jaws. A fish caught in a pike’s mouth has no chance of freeing itself, since the pike’s teeth grow towards the inside of the jaw.


Pike perch is another predatory freshwater fish, widespread in the European part of Russia. It lives only in flowing reservoirs, the water of which is rich in oxygen.

Pike perch can grow up to 120-130 centimeters, while its weight can reach up to 18 kg.

Pike perch is a very aggressive predator, but the diameter of its throat is small, so it does not attack large fish, as catfish and pike do. Its prey: bleaks, small ruffs, and so on.

Beluga is the largest freshwater fish; it can grow more than four meters in length and weigh more than one and a half tons.

Belugas live most of their lives in the waters of the Azov, Black and Caspian seas. Belugas enter rivers only during the breeding season.

Belugas lead a solitary lifestyle. During the winter, they hibernate, before which their body is covered with a thick layer of mucus, which acts as warm clothing.

The main food of belugas is small fish, such as gobies and a variety of carp, herring and other similar fish.

Crucian carp is a very cautious fish. Crucians are practically omnivorous and survive well in the most difficult conditions.

There are two types of crucian carp in Russia: golden and silver.


Crayfish is an aquatic animal reaching a length of 30 centimeters. Although crayfish are usually much smaller, most often their size is 15 centimeters.

Cancer has powerful claws, and is protected from the outside by a shell.

Crayfish are nocturnal predators. During the day, they hide in their shelters, this can be a hole or a secluded lair in the roots of a coastal tree. At night they feed. The basis of the crayfish’s diet is plant food; from animal food they can get mollusks and worms, and they also do not disdain carrion.

Arctic animals of Russia

The polar bear is the ruler of the northern latitudes of Russia.

The main prey of polar bears are various types of seals, such as bearded seals and ringed seals.

Having a huge mass, the polar bear has no natural enemies. In terms of mass, only walruses are not inferior to it, and polar bears try to avoid them.

Polar bear and walruses.

Polar bears spend almost their entire lives on drifting ice floes. Only pregnant females come onto land to give birth to cubs.

The arctic fox is an animal similar to a fox. Lives in the Arctic tundra.

Arctic fox, photo: August 2014.

In winter, the color of the Arctic fox is white. But in the summer it sheds and its color turns brown.

Arctic fox in summer.

The Arctic fox's main prey in summer is rodents lemmings. Although the Arctic fox is not picky about food and can eat more than 120 species of small animals (including fish and shellfish) and more than 20 species of plants. In winter, Arctic foxes have a hard time, especially if the winter is cold.

The polar owl is the largest of all owl species. This bird is also called the white owl because of its color. The wingspan of a large individual can reach 175 centimeters.

Snowy owls spend the summer in arctic zones, and for the winter they fly to deciduous forest zones. Their main prey is lemmings, small rodents that live in the north in the tundra zone.

The polar owl tries to nest away from people.