A man collects mushrooms in a dream. Collect edible mushrooms in the forest. Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field▼

Did you see mushrooms in your dream? They hint at an inadequate, illusory perception of the world and warn that pleasure can bring a lot of unpleasant troubles. In some interpretations, on the contrary, they promise well-being, respect and prosperity. So, why do you dream about mushrooms? Popular dream books will tell you about this.

Interpretation according to Miller

Did you dream about mushrooms? Miller's dream book considers them a manifestation of unhealthy desires and vicious thoughts. The same image indicates excessive haste in an attempt to earn even more money.

Why do you dream if you had to eat mushrooms? This is an omen of humiliation and shame. The plot predicts serious problems for a young girl due to her disregard for public opinion and the desire for forbidden pleasures.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

This dream book considers mushrooms to be a symbol of suspicion, caution and at the same time wisdom. Did you dream of a fabulous boletus mushroom that talked in its sleep? Expect fantastic luck and prosperity. Why dream if in the night you yourself turned into a mushroom? In reality, you have to take on some serious responsibility.

Seeing yourself in a mushroom meadow is not very good. This means that you are surrounded by deceitful friends who deliberately mislead. Did you dream that mushrooms grow literally before your eyes and reach incredible sizes? Show wisdom and earn respect.

Why do you dream about a huge basket of mushrooms? In reality, it is necessary to refute the false accusation. Did you dream that someone had already collected all the mushrooms in the forest before you? By being overly cautious, you will miss a great opportunity and others will take advantage of it.

According to the dream book, seeing wormy mushrooms most often means illness, disappointment and lack of money. If mushroom soup appears in the night, then the dream book is sure: suspect a loved one of a dishonest act.

Decoding according to the dream book of N. and D, Winters

Why do you dream of mushrooms according to this dream book? In a dream, they signify a completely random and not particularly successful acquisition. Did you dream of a clearing with large mushrooms? Unexpectedly receive profit from a dubious source.

Seeing toadstools, fly agarics and other poisonous mushrooms at night means that you will receive a very tempting offer, but the dream book strongly advises you not to accept it, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems.

Interpretation according to the dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of mushrooms, then in the very near future something extraordinary and even inexplicable will happen. Mushrooms in a dream most often symbolize stupid thoughts.

If an unmarried woman happened to eat mushrooms in a dream, then she risks getting into an unpleasant situation and experiencing humiliation.

The meaning of the image according to Danilova’s dream book

Why do you dream if you happen to pick mushrooms and cook various dishes from them? the dream book considers this a bad sign, foreshadowing humiliation and shame. You are ready to commit a stupid act, after which you will become an object of universal condemnation.

If an unmarried girl dreams of this plot, then men will treat her with disdain, and the pursuit of pleasure will lead to loss of dignity and self-respect.

Interpretation according to the modern combined dream book

Why do you dream about picking forest mushrooms? You will bring heartache to a loved one without even realizing it. Most likely, the previous relationship will have to be interrupted. Did you dream that you were collecting champignons? The dream book is sure: you are wasting your personal time and life resources. And gossip less, otherwise other people will be added to the regiment of ill-wishers.

In a dream, did you have a chance to string mushrooms on a thread for drying? In reality, you will be able to defeat your enemies. For a woman, such a vision promises a lot of fans. Seeing and eating fried mushrooms means that you will soon be able to advance in your career.

Why do you dream if you happen to buy edible mushrooms? A successful and joyful period is approaching. Cooking mushrooms in a dream warns of serious domestic disagreements. Eating mushrooms that have already been cooked in any way is bad. Most likely, you will get sick and things will come to a standstill.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms, buying them?

Did you dream about picking mushrooms? The intended acquisition will turn out to be extremely successful, and the hard work will certainly be rewarded. Why dream that while picking mushrooms you come across a completely rotten specimen? Be careful: you will be betrayed. If you managed to collect fly agaric mushrooms, then you have clearly lost your way, but collecting champignons symbolizes imitation and life by other people’s standards.

Did you imagine that you bought mushrooms? You are in too much of a hurry to earn money, so you risk committing a rash act. Mushroom picking is also associated in dreams with amazing luck in professional activities. It's good to see a whole basket of collected mushrooms. The image promises numerous and strong offspring.

Why fry or cook mushrooms in a dream?

The interpretation of the dream depends entirely on the type of cooking. So, frying mushrooms means that an insoluble situation will arise and friends will help you cope with it.

Cooking mushrooms in a dream means a thoughtful and therefore successful action. Did you dream that someone else was cooking mushrooms? Minor repairs around the house are coming. The worst thing is to see another character salting or pickling mushrooms at night. In reality, ill-wishers will do everything to get you kicked out of work.

I dreamed of mushrooms in the forest, houses, a lot of mushrooms

Why do you dream of mushrooms growing on a tree or stump? They symbolize wisdom, as well as secret influence on the dreamer. The same plot reflects a young soul who finds it difficult to navigate the spiritual knowledge of the world.

It's bad to see mushrooms that have grown on clothes. The coming stage of life will be stagnant, without any changes. Seeing a lot of mushrooms on your things also means spiritual degradation.

Did you dream that you were wandering through the forest among giant mushrooms? In a similar way, the vices and wicked thoughts of the dreamer himself are reflected. But it’s good to pick mushrooms in the forest. This is an omen of decent income. If you managed to fill a huge basket at night, then in reality your big dream will come true.

What does a mushroom clearing, a clearing with mushrooms mean?

Did you dream of a clearing with mushrooms? You will suddenly experience pleasure, but it will not last. Did you see a clearing with a huge amount of mushrooms in your dream? A dream you never hoped for will come true. Picking mushrooms in a clearing or in a forest thicket marks an unexpected find or profit. Seeing an oak grove with mushrooms at night means that skillful business management will provide a stable income.

There are mushrooms in a dream

The interpretation of such a dream is quite contradictory. Eating mushrooms means that you will live to a ripe old age with a clear mind. If mushrooms are cooked in sour cream, then life will be relatively rich and health will be good. Eating mushrooms at the same time can lead to shame, deception and humiliation.

If you happen to eat edible mushrooms, then it’s time to stop eating meat products; if they are poisonous, then there is a great danger of unknown origin hanging over you. If you managed to get poisoned by completely edible mushrooms at night, then you simply do not adequately assess the current situation or do not want to notice something.

What do toadstools, fly agarics, poisonous mushrooms mean in a dream?

In general, seeing any poisonous mushroom is a big disaster. Did you dream that you were planning to poison someone with toadstools or fly agarics? Family relationships will noticeably deteriorate. Eating fly agarics in a dream can mean a visit from uninvited and not particularly pleasant guests.

But if you manage to poison yourself with poisonous mushrooms, then a pleasant meeting with friends is coming. Why do you dream of a large toadstool? In a dream, she personifies a sorcerer, a person with an “evil eye,” or simply a deceitful person. The same image warns of a woman’s betrayal and failure to fulfill her promises.

What do frozen, fried, wormy, dried mushrooms symbolize?

Why do you dream of frozen mushrooms? In a dream they hint at a stop or delay. Seeing fried or boiled mushrooms can lead to satisfaction and benefit from the mistakes of others. For men they promise overwork, and for women an unplanned pregnancy.

Did you dream about dried mushrooms? In the near future you will be able to have a good rest, get some treatment or lose weight. Selling or buying such mushrooms means that you are guaranteed a successful purchase.

What do mushrooms mean for a man, woman, pregnant woman?

For men, mushrooms are an unkind sign, hinting at the pursuit of forbidden pleasures and loss of wealth. The mushrooms warn the girl about the loss of morality and self-esteem.

Women dream of porcini mushrooms as a sign of an unplanned pregnancy, and men as a sign of a secret affair. If a girl dreams of mushrooms, then she will regularly cheat on her unloved husband. For a pregnant woman, mushrooms mean danger during pregnancy.

Mushrooms in a dream - a little more decoding

Why do you still dream about mushrooms? They warn of deterioration in health, illness, and rapid aging of the body. But if there are a lot of mushrooms in a dream, then, on the contrary, you should expect happy circumstances that will help significantly improve your life. Besides:

  • Chanterelles, saffron milk caps – acquisition of dubious character
  • honey mushrooms - expect nasty things from friends and neighbors
  • morels - excellent health
  • pigs - saving, frugality
  • white – longevity, good luck
  • toadstools - bad person, evil eye, damage
  • tea - doubts, mistrust
  • fly agaric - deception, lie, illusion
  • poisonous in general - the influence of dark forces, an otherworldly threat, witchcraft
  • edible - miraculously avoid danger
  • with red hats - a good solution to old problems
  • with black - sadness, confusion, failure
  • rotten - wear and tear of the body, old age
  • rotten - death of an elderly person
  • growing up in an unusual place - a risky business
  • collect - painstaking work, gift
  • trample - fight with yourself
  • cook - major family changes
  • salt - change of place of work
  • frying is a successful endeavor
  • stew - stable profit
  • in sour cream - prosperity, luxury
  • dry - minor difficulties at work
  • yes – benefit at someone else’s expense
  • treat - secret love, humiliation
  • a whole basket - big profit
  • buy mushrooms - gossip, slander
  • sell - others have problems

If in a dream you happened to see others around you eating mushrooms, but not giving them to you, then in the very near future a major scandal will break out in the workplace. And you will suffer the most in it.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms? For many people, picking mushrooms is a pleasant pastime in reality, but in a dream such an activity can have both positive and negative effects. In many ways, the meaning depends on the details of the vision, the type of mushrooms collected and other nuances.

Meaning of sleep

Everyone interprets a dream where a person is picking mushrooms differently.

Interpretation for a woman

Picking mushrooms in a dream is a negative sign for a woman. He talks about neglect, bad attitude towards her on the part of men, about the fact that they perceive her as an easy, short hobby without a hint of love.

Also such a dream indicates that the woman’s lover will not be who he claims to be, which can humiliate or deceive her, discredit her in any possible way.

An unmarried girl has such a dream is a warning that she needs to be wary of suitors- they can harm her honor and reputation. For a woman who has recently gotten married, picking mushrooms in a dream indicates carefree, comfortable times.

If an unmarried girl dreams that she is picking mushrooms with a young man, this promises her a quick successful marriage.

Big mushrooms

Collecting large mushrooms speaks of well-deserved awards and receiving cash bonuses. All the efforts that the dreamer has made will be noticed and rewarded. The dream also speaks of recognition from colleagues and a possible promotion.

Collecting big mushrooms with the whole family means well-being and a close bond between all family members. It is possible to purchase large real estate at a low price.

Finding a clearing strewn with large mushrooms means profit. But seeing a single large mushroom means a disease of the esophagus, stomach, poisoning is possible.

Edible or not?

When analyzing a dream, you need to pay attention not only to the size of the collected mushroom, but also to its appearance.

If in a dream you collect inedible mushrooms - this portends the appearance of a deceitful person in your life. Fly agarics and toadstools are interpreted as some kind of evil, bad thing.

Search and cut them off

Looking for mushrooms in the forest means changing circumstances that will force the dreamer to seek help from family and friends. The dream also foreshadows new acquaintances, the establishment of good relationships, and possibly changes in your personal life. Looking for mushrooms and finding them means good luck and the solution to all problems.

Cutting mushrooms means getting what a person deserves. If the cut mushroom is beautiful and fresh, then the person will be rewarded for his actions; if it turns out to be wormy or rotten, then he will be punished.

Collect at the cemetery

Picking mushrooms does not mean making a profit from an enterprise that the dreamer has long forgotten about or which he has given up on. Picking mushrooms directly from a grave means neglecting the advice of a deceased relative, who turned out to be useful.

Conduct collecting in the dark indicates a possible danger associated with money, as well as loss of profit. Picking mushrooms in a cemetery during daylight hours indicates an imminent meeting with your soulmate.

Another interpretation of the dream is family troubles and conflicts, which can only be avoided with patience and care.

What does a full cart mean?

When you dream of a large basket of mushrooms, it speaks of receiving a reward for your labors over a long time. This can be both material reward and moral reward - for example, the love of your children.

In most cases a basket of mushrooms indicates profit from a large transaction or interest on the amount of savings.

A half-empty basket of mushrooms indicates that, despite external well-being, the dreamer is missing something important in life.

It must be remembered that the meaning of a dream depends not only on the interpretation of psychologists and esotericists, but also on the subjective perception of the dreamer. That's why do not neglect your own intuition in interpreting the meanings of dreams.

Mushrooms are often called a gift of nature, and rightly so. This meat replacement product has excellent taste. If you dream about it, then only to material wealth, well-being, all the best things in life.

I dreamed about mushrooms in a dream, what does it mean?

It is believed that picking mushrooms indicates money and income. Collect them in the forest- increase your wealth.

According to Miller's dream book a passion for picking mushrooms means that a sleeping person has bad or destructive habits in his life; he can do a lot for the sake of excitement, and can even break the law.

Vanga's Dream Book portends good luck for the sleeping person when collecting, but if there are toadstools in the basket, then this is due to the betrayal of a close friend.

Picking mushrooms in a dream

Many dream books give an interpretation that if you went into the forest picking mushrooms in a dream- this is to increase wealth.

For a woman to find and collect them in a dream means:

  1. a caring and attentive husband, obedient children;
  2. wealth in the house;
  3. peace of mind and confidence in the future;
  4. well-being in the family;
  5. respect for work colleagues;
  6. a little flirtation or office romance.

Find a large white mushroom in a dream- to the groom, lover.

If a woman dreams of mushrooms

When a woman dreams of mushrooms- good sign. It means profit in material terms and “on the love front.”

If you have a dream pregnant woman, then the pregnancy will proceed without pathologies and abnormalities, and she will give birth to a healthy child.

For girls who are married- this is a sure sign of getting pregnant.

When the girl dreamed of a lot of forest fungi, then the choice of grooms will be large. In a dream, these “gifts of nature” can give a young woman in reality the only man with whom she can link her destiny forever.

Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms?

Woman collecting porcini mushrooms- great luck. Such a dream leads to:

  1. advancement up the career ladder;
  2. improving family relationships;
  3. addition to the family;
  4. the arrival of long-awaited guests.

For a sleeping person to see white mushrooms- a pleasure, both in a dream and in reality. All doors open before him, he is accompanied by good health and a happy life.

When unmarried girl she dreams that she found a white fungus - there will be a wedding!

If you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest

IN in most dream books, collect mushrooms- to make a profit, a positive solution to long-planned plans.

When a woman dreams that she is collecting honey mushrooms or boletus– she will receive monetary reward in the form of a bonus or other incentives.

When she found a big white mushroom- a new admirer will appear.

According to the dream book for a woman, picking mushrooms in the forest means:

  • pleasant meeting;
  • friendship, love, marriage;
  • obtaining significant income;
  • positive resolution of cases;
  • longevity;
  • career advancement.

But in some dreams there is a warning about possible betrayal, danger, and deceit. In such dreams, the mushrooms turned out to be inedible and poisonous.

Why do men dream about mushrooms?

The interpretation in the dream book is different for men and women. If businessman man visions of collecting fungi in the forest come, this means:

  • obtaining good profits from the implementation of the project;
  • profitable deal;
  • embodiment of ideas;
  • arrival of profitable investors.

For men, edible fungus and mean that he has many true friends.

A man who has a pregnant wife, a dream about collecting mushrooms promises the birth of a son.

Why do you dream about honey mushrooms?

  • Honey mushrooms- are associated in a dream with cohesion, as they grow in clusters. They indicate a strong team, mutual understanding, good relationships. Collecting them in a dream is a good sign.
  • Collect milk mushrooms- fulfillment of desires.
  • Picking champignons promises an unexpected, chance meeting on the street.
  • If you had to walk through the forest and find chanterelles– to well-being, additional income.
  • To a woman You may dream of such gifts of nature for the birth of your daughter.
  • Dreams are not always accompanied by pleasant events with the collection of saffron milk caps. There is some kind of cunning, secret, deception hidden here.

Picking edible mushrooms in the forest

Dreams where people collect in the forest edible forest gifts, in the dream book means:

  • long life and health;
  • good luck, prosperity;
  • material income;
  • getting rid of failures;
  • happy marriage.

If you dream about a lot of mushrooms- to true friends, successful transactions, cash receipts.

When the gifts of nature in the forest are great and a lot, a pleasant event awaits you that will make significant changes in your life.

For a woman or girl picking mushrooms in a dream - a new man who can become loved.

Why do you dream about wormy mushrooms?

Seeing things unfit for food in dreams mushrooms filled with worms, does not carry anything good.

Miller's Dream Book associates such a dream with fraud or your disastrous mistake.

Other dream books interpret this as:

  • expect meanness from an old enemy;
  • you are guaranteed to feel unwell, feel unwell;
  • Be careful, you may encounter lies, misfortune, evil plans, failures.

Treating dreams as a phenomenon that means nothing to a person is, to say the least, reckless. Many must have been surprised when what they experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus came true in reality, and regretted that they did not take the signal seriously. Did you have to pick mushrooms while traveling at night? The dream book will tell you what such an activity means.

Various sources agree on one thing: picking mushrooms in a forest dreamed of at night is most often a not very positive sign, promising troubles of various scales or calling on the sleeper to pay attention to the bad traits of his character. But there are still favorable interpretations, depending on the circumstances of the dream.

The seer Vanga's dream book predicts quick profit if the lord of sleep brings you to a clearing with beautiful boletus mushrooms. But be careful, in fact, if you end up with specimens that have a can of worms in your basket: you may be let down by those whom you consider reliable friends.

The philosopher Freud, in his interpretations, regards enthusiastic mushroom picking in a dream as a sign of an intense but disorderly sex life.

Miller's famous dream book associates picking mushrooms with difficulty, followed by reward. If you collect beautiful edible mushrooms in a dream, it means that in reality you will be successful in your career. If a “quiet hunt” is dreamed of by young people who are faced with the choice of getting married or being rejected, in reality you should not be afraid to join your destiny with your loved one. The family will be happy.

Nostradamus warns that a large clearing completely strewn with mushrooms, seen in a dream, is a clear signal that in reality the dreamer better beware: they want to deceive him.

Loff's dream book warns that if you fill your basket with toadstools and other inedible mushrooms during your night “travels,” in life, be prepared for the fact that one of your family and friends will let you down.

Why do you dream about picking edible mushrooms?

Although edible mushrooms in real life do not cause us fears or bad associations, picking them up in a dream is not necessarily a favorable symbol. This could mean:

  • light flirting, pleasant, but fleeting. It won't end in anything serious;
  • Perhaps in reality you are cherishing vain hopes. This means that the dividends received will be insignificant and fleeting;
  • the rich fantasy of the dreamer, in reality divorced from reality and soaring in the clouds;
  • an artificial problem that a person created for himself and is now unsuccessfully trying to solve it;
  • the impossibility of hoping for reciprocal feelings when you went “to mushrooms” in a dream with someone you sympathize with;
  • Probably, old wise people gave you good advice in life, but out of stubbornness and stupid contradiction you do not listen to it.

Interpretation depending on the variety of mushrooms

Since the smallest details are important when trying to figure out what you see in a dream, the type of mushroom is of great importance.

  1. If you dreamed of porcini mushrooms, this is a sign of wealth and prosperity. It’s especially good when in a dream you collected boletus mushrooms with your whole family. This shows that in reality there will be no shortage. And such a vision, which appeared to the owner of the business, promises success in business and numerous material benefits. However, when mushrooms that are slightly twisted or slightly eaten away by worms fall into the bucket, carefully check the financial condition of your company, down to the smallest detail. Such a turn is a sign of danger for the company.
  2. In a dream, your yard is overgrown with honey mushrooms and boletuses, and there is no need to go into the forest to get them. This is good? Only at first glance. The ability to fill your wallet in a dream without practically leaving home indicates that you are tormented by some secret that you are afraid to tell others about.
  3. Do you put champignons in a bucket? When you wake up, think about whether you rely too much on other people's opinions and tastes to the detriment of your own. And if they are mixed with other types of mushrooms, small and wormy, accept it: boring, monotonous work awaits you.
  4. Did you have to collect milk mushrooms in a dream? Prepare for a long-term business trip. It will suck a lot of strength out of you and keep you in suspense, but the return - both monetary and moral - will be unexpectedly high. There is another, not so rosy, explanation - upcoming conflicts and major troubles in the family.
  5. The boletus that I happened to collect is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is not confident in himself and underestimates himself. There is no need to continue to be tormented by unfinished business. Take a deep breath, be brave and take action. Everything will work out.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream

Seeing mushrooms in a dream that cannot be eaten should not be regarded as a clearly negative signal from the subconscious. Again, remember that the interpretation of night dreams depends on many factors and nuances.

For example, fly agaric mushrooms. Poisonous, but what beauties! And since you managed to collect a whole basket, you simply must look into yourself. Your enormous potential needs to be released; your remarkable abilities will bring a lot of benefit and well-deserved recognition. At the same time, if you notice that during picking you only see red mushroom caps, life is preparing something sad.

When you wake up and continue to clearly see how you are picking a single, but huge and picturesque fly agaric, and you can even describe it in the smallest detail, it means that in reality you were faint-hearted, which now haunts you.

Did you dream that you were picking mushrooms, deliberately avoiding honey mushrooms, chanterelles and other suitable ones, and picking exclusively toadstools? Contrary to understandable associations, this is an exclusively positive sign. He says that there are pleasant surprises ahead that can turn your life around in a moment. Your home will be filled with love, and your wallet will be filled with big money.

What do dreams with wormy, rotten mushrooms mean?

When collecting such loot in a dream, in the morning you need to figure out what it is for? Perhaps then it will be possible to avoid some difficulties. Spoiled mushrooms can mean:

  • the birth of many illegitimate children, since mushrooms are literally swarming with worms;
  • a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
  • that there is a disease lurking inside, and it will soon make itself known;
  • that you should not run “ahead of the locomotive”, hastily conclude agreements and sign contracts: there are pitfalls that will work against you;
  • humiliation from a loved one.

An almost rotten large mushroom in a dream is a dead person who did not tell you something during his lifetime or is pulling you towards him. Dream books advise you to try to control your actions in your dreams; under no circumstances should you pick such mushrooms or even look at them for too long.

But if you dreamed something like this, open your eyes, calm down, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness from all your friends who died, and say goodbye to them discreetly.

Picking mushrooms in the thicket of the forest, in an open clearing

Do you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest or in an open clearing? You also need to pay attention to this when trying to unravel the dream.

If in a dream you wandered into the forest thicket to pick mushrooms:

  • a carefree and joyful “white streak” will come in life;
  • the dreaming girl is about to get married and will be happy in her family life;
  • a time of great material prosperity will come to a married woman;
  • businessmen should expect success in all matters and bright prospects.

“Silent hunting” in an open clearing or forest edge, and no matter what mushrooms you collect, in real life predicts someone’s treachery. Take a closer look at those who surround you, understand in whose souls envy is seething and evil plans are swarming. This will save you from tragic consequences. “Close friends” with deceitful hypocritical masks on their faces can be especially dangerous.

The gender of the sleeper is also not the least important factor in the interpretation of dreams. Why does a man dream about picking mushrooms?

  1. He is completely satisfied with his sex life, if he walks along the forest edge, every now and then, bumping into beautiful mushrooms.
  2. Watches in a dream how someone picks mushrooms - the love relationship of a familiar couple haunts him.
  3. If he puts large specimens in the basket, he subconsciously fears impotence. And it doesn’t matter that in reality everything is wonderful in this sense and he has many mistresses.
  4. He is looking for only one mushroom, large, fresh and beautiful - which means he is already ready for a permanent relationship and responsibility for the family.

For a woman, picking mushrooms in night visions is not very good. As a rule, this is a symbol that she is wasting herself in vain, those around her do not take her seriously. Dream books give other explanations:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to health, especially for women;
  • for a young girl there is a risk of getting involved in dubious relationships and ruining her reputation;
  • a young lady in love is threatened by the betrayal of a loved one and disappointment in men;
  • It’s better to beware of unfamiliar guys and boyfriends, so as not to experience humiliation.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about mushrooms in a dream?

Mushrooms - picking mushrooms in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant chores or a profitable and well-paid job.

To trample and break mushrooms on the ground means to fight against one’s own inertia. Collecting fly agaric mushrooms in a dream is a sign that you have lost your way; champignons are a symbol of imitation of other people’s tastes and inclinations.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Mushrooms in a dream?

Mushrooms - a dream about mushrooms means unhealthy desires and unreasonable haste in an effort to increase capital: this can lead to a lawsuit and deceptive pleasures.

Eating them means humiliation and shameful love. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows neglect of property in the pursuit of dubious pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about picking mushrooms?

Dreaming of mushrooms is a bad symbol, a warning about problems and troubles associated with the unbridled desire for excessive enrichment. In reality, the dream warns you to be careful in your desire to get more money, since the methods will quickly cross the line of the law, for which you will be punished in court.

Why dream of mushrooms in a dish - beware of humiliation and shameful actions, the truth will quickly be revealed to the public. A woman dreams of mushrooms as a sign of dubious pleasures, a man dreams of deteriorating health.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

What did Mushroom dream about?

In fairy tales, evil witches and sorcerers use mushrooms to make poison from them, and this image is imprinted in our subconscious. A dream about cooking mushrooms is a warning about the infidelity of friends. You probably already doubt the sincerity of your friend’s intentions, and now it’s time to talk to him frankly.

Why do you dream of wormy mushrooms - expect illness or deterioration in health. However, if you dream of a porcini mushroom, good luck and prosperity will accompany you in the near future, which you are subconsciously sure of.

Romantic dream book

Dream about mushrooms

  • Eating mushroom soup in a dream means you will soon suspect your loved one of infidelity. But this does not mean that the suspicions are justified. You have screwed yourself up a lot, so don’t jeopardize a strong union just because of your own suspiciousness. It’s better to talk frankly with your loved one.
  • Why dream of mushrooms in a basket brought home - big troubles in the family circle through your fault. Be more tolerant with your partner so that quarrels end faster.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Mushrooms?

  • Collect porcini mushrooms - you will achieve success even where it was difficult to imagine. You can safely take on projects and expect profit.
  • Why do you dream of chanterelle mushrooms - for financial prosperity.
  • If you dream of cut mushroom caps in a dream, you will witness other people’s ups, your successes will not please you yet.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about mushrooms?

mushroom is a negative symbol. The dream warns that the desire to increase capital in a dubious way, unreasonable haste in this matter will lead to problems with the laws or lawsuits from the injured party. The dream of a mushroom also speaks of unhealthy desires.

Ancient French dream book

Seeing mushrooms in a dream

  • Dreaming about a lot of mushrooms means good luck and long life. Depending on the type of mushroom, other interpretations are possible.
  • Why do you dream of morels - health or recovery if you are sick.
  • According to the dream book, eating porcini mushrooms means a prosperous life.
  • Dreaming of a mushroom with a red cap means good luck in resolving protracted matters.
  • A mushroom with a black cap means sadness.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about mushrooms

  • Why do you dream of mushrooms in the forest - a successful purchase.
  • If you dream of a porcini mushroom, boletus or boletus - outside help in business.
  • Collecting porcini mushrooms in a dream means you will take part in a successful enterprise that will bring profit.
  • Dreaming about kombucha according to the dream book means doubt and mistrust, listen to your intuition..

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about a basket of mushrooms

Mushrooms symbolize caution and suspicion. In fairy tales, evil witches brew a brew from poisonous fly agarics and use this potion to bewitch people and cast spells on them. Sometimes a dream means wisdom; the boletus is considered the guardian of the forest and a good spirit. A meeting with this spirit predicts good luck and prosperity for a person.

  • Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms in a mushroom meadow - be careful. Imaginary friends will try to mislead.
  • If you dream of a basket full of mushrooms, you will have to refute unfounded suspicions in the near future.
  • Why do you dream of wormy mushrooms - a negative sign. Represents illness and disaster.
  • You feel like a mushroom - you have to take responsibility.
  • If you dreamed about mushrooms the size of a house, your wisdom will be appreciated by others.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a mushroom, what does it mean?

  • Picking mushrooms in the forest requires a lot of small and painstaking work.
  • Mushrooms in an unusual place - the enterprise you have started will be extremely risky. Rather, it’s just an adventure.
  • If you eat mushroom dishes in a dream, this predicts that you will receive a reward at someone else's expense.
  • If you dreamed of fly agarics and toadstools, get ready to face deception and lies.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of Mushrooms in a dream Mushroom

  • Mushrooms - for a woman to pick mushrooms - pregnancy and the imminent birth of children.
  • Dried mushrooms in a dream - misfortunes will pass.
  • Why do you dream of poisonous mushrooms - toadstools, fly agarics - a good omen that promises quick profit.
  • Eating mushroom dishes in a dream means you have a long life ahead, you will be able to live to old age.