Seeing cut nails in a dream. Why do you dream about Toenails? Why do you dream about fingernails in a dream according to the dream book

Nails in a dream are identified with stability and reliable support. What you dream about cutting your nails indicates the inevitability of change. Plot details will tell you what the nature of future events will be. The dream book takes into account appearance. The neater and more attractive the nails, the more favorable the meaning of the dream. An image that does not evoke strong emotions is most likely neutral.

Miller knows a lot about manicure

Miller's dream book explains why you dream of not only cut nails, but also a manicure that clearly requires care. When you happen to see dirt under them in a dream, in reality you are threatened with shame and disgrace, which will fall on the head of the sleeper if he does not realize it in time.

If you dreamed of not cut, but broken or bitten nails, there is a high probability of injury or illness. If you happen to see your own trimmed nails clean and neat, you will find a job to your liking, achieve success and be rewarded, at least morally.

With your own hands

Longo's dream book offers his own interpretation of the dream, why you dream of doing a manicure for yourself. The symbol means that the sleeper needs to be alone in order to make a decision on his own. The subconscious will not give bad advice, find an opportunity to retire at least for a day.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream of cutting your fingernails. A dream means accumulated tasks, for which there is not enough time to complete them.

Men's and women's night dreams

If a woman in a dream had to not only shorten her nails, but also decorate them in every possible way, the symbol reflects concern for her image and reputation in reality. Seeing your hands well-groomed and attractive is a good sign, a harbinger of an unexpected gift from fate.

If a man dreamed that he was putting his fingers in order, he would have to work hard. The old dream book warns that there will be no outside support, so you have to rely only on your own strength.

What esotericism says

If you dreamed of one of the strangers cutting your fingernails, the Esoteric Dream Book recommends not even trying to control a situation that is obviously beyond your control.

If the dream hero is familiar to you, this person will soon make a strange and stupid decision in a serious matter. Don't try to influence him, just respect his choice.

Making legs

As you know, toenails also need care. The process of getting a pedicure in a dream is important only in unusual or particularly vivid scenes; in other cases it does not carry any meaning. This is what this manipulation will tell you:

  • Trimming your toenails happens on the eve of moving or changing jobs;
  • If you dreamed about cutting someone else’s toenails, monkey work lies ahead;
  • If in a dream you are an outside observer, in reality someone will take on your troubles;
  • Reflection of one of the episodes of everyday life with a neutral meaning.

Such a dream predicts losses and troubles, grief or being forced to follow unpleasant circumstances.

Nails mean the dreamer’s protection and strength, but in some cases they dream of major troubles and scandals, indicating a person’s superiority over others, an imperious and hot-tempered character.

Growing them out or having them extended in a beauty salon is a favorable sign.

It means that in a difficult situation the dreamer will stand up for himself perfectly. But cutting your nails in a dream means restriction in actions, loss of trust or family or friendly ties.

If you want to determine the meaning of the dream, pay attention to where they began to do this and how many nails were cut off at the top. Did you treat someone else's nails or your own and how did you feel?

The Muslim dream book writes that such a vision predicts losses, but if you cut the nails of other people, you subconsciously suppress them. This is why you most often dream of cutting your toenails and fingernails.

Home manicure

Cutting your fingernails is a sign of taming your own aggressiveness, but it all depends on the length you leave. If you cut them short, it means you are preventing yourself from being aggressive.

Freud writes that you yourself limit your sexual activity and try to prevent yourself from showing character and anger. Sometimes this is following psychological programs in which parents constantly limit the child and prevent him from expressing his individuality.

Doing a beautiful and neat manicure yourself is an attempt to curb spontaneity. Miller writes that you will behave quietly only because it becomes dangerous to show your character traits.

Seeing that a nail on your hand is broken is a sign of loss. The dream book says that the dreamer may show weakness in a difficult situation or lose something important to himself.

Broken nails indicate poor health, fragility of relationships with others and worries.

If you managed to grow long nails or grow them artificially, this is a favorable sign that promises good health and good spirits. If you dreamed that your nail was cut or that it broke on its own, your protection will be broken.

By biting your nails and then filing them, you yourself will hinder your happiness. Seeing that a nail breaks while working or cleaning is a sign of big trouble.

Collecting broken nails or throwing them away means a breakdown in relationships with relatives or loss of health and vitality.

If you dream that new nails are growing in their place, expect changes for the better through losses. Sometimes a dream in which the nail on the ring finger is broken means that the marriage will crack.

Such a dream often predicts betrayal, especially if you felt pain or saw blood.

Voluntarily cutting old nails means a desire for change. For some people, such a dream predicts losses, deterioration in their financial situation and family troubles.

If you dreamed that new ones immediately grew in their place, there is no need to worry, as you will cope with all the difficulties and troubles.

Cutting another person’s nails means depriving him of health and activity, limiting his initiative. Sometimes this is a sign of psychological suppression and submission. The more people you trim their nails, the more powerful your personality will be.

If anyone has complained about poor service, blood and cuts, watch out. It is possible that by suppressing others, you yourself may run into trouble.


Seeing a stranger in this role in a dream means your plans will not come true. The dream means that your initiative will be suppressed or life and circumstances will force you to retreat. If a specialist painfully cuts your nails to the very root so that they bleed, beware of dangerous loss.

It can be connected with the material side of life or with the moral. After such a dream, expect danger, family troubles, theft or bankruptcy.

If you dreamed that an adult man was having his nails cut by a small child, this means serious trouble. The modern dream book indicates that after this dream, a friend or relative will fall ill and may feel a loss of strength or trouble. If a grandson cuts his grandfather's nails, the old man may die or become seriously ill.

When a woman dreamed that her daughter was cutting her nails, beware of troubles and troubles. You may lose your health or get into an unpleasant situation.

This dream often indicates that she will be in bad company, and as a result you will have a lot of troubles or problems. If you dreamed that your husband was cutting his nails, beware of him. This person can destroy the dreamer psychologically and interfere with her beautiful life.

A friend who begins to break or cut your nails indicates suppression, violence, as a result of which you will not be able to stand up for yourself, but it is worse if a deceased person does this. In this case, beware of loss of health and major troubles.

If the deceased is familiar, then beware of a situation similar to the cause of his death. For example, poisoning, burns and diseases. This is unlikely to be the reason for your death, but it can ruin your mood and life.

If a woman’s husband is not her husband, but another man starts cutting her nails, she should not have an affair. She will face betrayal and deceit.

If a man's nails are cut by a woman, he risks losing a lot in life. Expect material losses and suppression, dependence on another person.

If you dreamed that a relative or friend began to cut the dreamer’s nails, then she could negatively affect her life and health.

Pay attention to the length that will be left. If your nails can be extended, this is a favorable sign. The dream book writes that the loss will be insignificant, and you will soon recover from it.

But it’s worse if a woman has completely trimmed her nails. Modern books write that you will not be able to recover for a long time after a loss. Therefore, expect theft, destruction of family happiness, illness, damage or even the death of a loved one.

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Dream interpretation of toenails

Interestingly, nails in a dream are a symbol of stability. Such a dream means that the sleeping person has reliable support in life.

If you cut them off, then you will soon encounter significant changes. You can find out which way they will lead thanks to dream interpreters.

Dreaming about nails

Seeing a pedicure in a dream

Before giving you a correct prediction, the interpreter wants to know what the marigolds looked like in your dream, and, of course, your manipulations with them.

The main thing is that this symbol is remembered by you, and not accompanying it.

What will the dream books say?

You can find any information you are interested in on the Internet. You can simply search for your vision and you will be presented with an interpretation of what other people think would be appropriate.

Miller's Interpreter

According to this dream book, toenails or fingernails are a symbol that the dreamer will make every effort, but will receive minimal reward.

Take care of them, put them in order - you will begin to work for the sake of others, and receive moral satisfaction.

Dreamed of dirty marigolds

Ugly, neglected nails are obstacles in business, health problems.

The dirt underneath is a shameful story, what will happen to the dreamer himself or his family. If you do not want such a development of events, then you should look at things realistically and soberly assess the situation.

Interpreter of the Sorceress Medea

A nail is a danger, an aggression that will come from the dreamer himself or from the people around him.

Try to remember what actions you performed in a dream, and the interpreter will help you predict future events:

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

Freud believed that nails in a dream are a symbol of safe sex, condoms and other contraceptives.

If in a dream you cut them, then you approach your intimate sphere wisely and practice only safe, protected sex.

If you see a rim of dust at the base of your nail, you risk contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

Interpreter of Aesop

There are white specks on the nails, and it caught your eye - a new thing, a gift, a happy incident.

Do you see pronounced “suns” on the nails of a stranger from night vision? In reality, you will experience a feeling of envy of the stranger’s success.

Interpreter of the Winter spouses

The way your nails looked in your dream symbolizes your character and your attitude towards the people around you and life.

If in a dream your friend’s nails are fine, then you can safely rely on him.

I dreamed of a very bright and catchy pedicure

A strip of mud is a sign of conflicts, slander, gossip, and an unpleasant situation.

A bright pedicure means a person is disingenuous, does not tell the truth, is secretive.

According to this dream book, cutting your nails in a dream means you should take care of your character, reduce your ambitions, and stop being rude to people around you.

Interpreter from “A” to “Z”

If fingernails have a positive meaning, then, according to the dream book, if you see the same thing on your toes, then the interpretation of the dream will immediately be negative.

Long toenails - you will get into trouble, you will need the help of friends, but they will refuse you.

If you cut your nails, you will find yourself in an almost hopeless situation. Doing a pedicure means you will work hard, but the work will not bring you either pleasure or income.

Broken nails - an unpleasant situation will happen to you, this will happen due to the fact that you get involved in a matter that you do not fully understand.

Sores on the nails - you will feel the need. Interestingly, when your nails are pulled out or needles are inserted in a dream, this is a positive vision. You will be able to take full revenge on your offenders, and this will happen very soon.

Seeing broken nails in a dream

Interpreter Prozorov

If the main symbol in your dream was toenails, then you may soon go on a trip. True, when they were dirty or covered with a layer of dust, the journey would be very long and require a lot of effort from you.

Seeing fungus on your fingers means there are unpleasant rumors about you.

Watch them grow - you can live to an old age.

Throwing away or burning cut nails is doing something bad. Everyone around you will know about your actions. If you do not want such a development of events in reality, then you should imagine that the nails were not yours.

Appearance of the nail

Seeing unnaturally long nails in a dream

If you have unnaturally large toenails, then you are taking on too many responsibilities. It’s hard for you to carry this load, and you often fail to cope with it. Think about how to delegate authority and transfer some of the worries to family and friends.

A torn nail - take care of your health, your health is getting worse every day. Any virus can put you to bed for a long time.

Did your nail fall off completely painlessly? Some circumstance will arise that you forgot to think about: it could be unfinished business, a postponed conversation, a forgotten debt. It will remind you of itself at the most inopportune moment.

Nail cutting

If in a dream you trimmed a child’s nails, then the dream has two main interpretations:

  • when in reality you really have children, then you should be less demanding with them, you practically suffocate them with your care;
  • The dreamer has no children - household chores and misunderstandings with family members await him.

Cutting your toenails means moving to another place. For some, you will do something unnecessary that will take up a lot of your time.

To see a dream in which pedicures are done by other people means someone you know will take on part of your troubles.

Nails in a dream warn of one’s own or someone else’s aggression, danger, and conflicts. At the same time, they are a symbol of acquisition, rigorous progress towards the goal and low-paid work. Popular dream books will answer the question: why does the designated dream image appear in a dream?

According to Miller's dream book

Did you dream about your own short nails? You have to work long and hard, but the reward will not justify the effort.

If you had a chance to get a manicure in a dream, then the dream book predicts a noble deed. Seeing broken or neglected nails means that a period of failure and illness is approaching.

Why do you dream about very dirty nails? If you fail to correctly assess the situation and take action in time, then you face dishonor and shame.

According to the dream book of the Winter spouses

In a dream, the condition of the nails indicates the main character traits of the dreamer and his usual behavior. Well-groomed nails hint: the ability to behave in society and good manners will help in the implementation of your plans.

Seeing nails painted with varnish can indicate cunning, slyness and deception. Did you see very long, and even sharp nails? There will be a quarrel. Why do you dream about broken nails? The dream book is sure: some conflict will cause long-term worries. Nibbled nails indicate powerlessness and uncertainty.

Did you have a chance to cut your nails in a dream? It is necessary to restrain your emotions and, in general, tame your explosive temper a little. Did you dream of a friend’s clean and neat nails? The dream book thinks that in business he will be just as honest and reliable.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream of nails with white dots on them? The dream book is sure that in the near future you will be able to buy yourself a new thing and experience happiness. Seeing blackheads is worse. This is a sign of small but annoying problems. If in a dream your nails are covered with yellow spots, then get ready for illness. Did you dream that your nails fell off? You will quarrel with a loved one, lose money or lose your life itself.

Why do you dream of another person’s nails that have the indicated marks? In reality, you will experience the bad attitude and envy of complete strangers. Did you dream of a child who, in a daydream, is intently cleaning his nails? Meet someone who will have a strange influence on you. The same plot hints at excessive pedantry, which the dream book advises to get rid of.

According to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream about your nails? In a dream, they symbolize readiness for struggle, action, resistance, as well as domination over others. Have you seen very long nails? You will find yourself in limited conditions and will not be able to act due to strong interference from outside. Seeing your nails like this means that you are well aware of your inadequacy. You have done everything, but the results will be minimal.

What else do nails mean? Often this image betrays anger and a desire to resolve the situation by any means. At the same time, long nails, according to the dream book, indicate disappointed hopes, mistakes, and pointless actions, while short nails indicate hasty and therefore useless decisions. Did you dream of short-cut or broken nails? In reality, it will be possible to get rid of the problem, but this will not change the situation.

Why do you dream about sore nails, with dots, hangnails, peeling nails, etc.? In a dream, they hint at liver disease and imbalance of internal energy. This is a sign of a stop in movement and development, therefore the interpretation is always unfavorable.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why do you dream about your own fingernails? Any predictions about them have a positive meaning. If attention is focused on the legs in a dream, then the interpretation of the dream is always negative.

Did you dream about very long nails? You will get into trouble and ask your friends for help. You can see chewed or very short nails before sad events. If you happen to cut your nails at night, then in reality you will find yourself in an almost hopeless situation. Getting a manicure done while you sleep is no better. The dream book believes that you will have to accept unfavorable conditions. If you dreamed that you were getting a pedicure, then difficult work will bring neither pleasure nor money.

Why do you dream about broken nails? You will be misled or all the secrets will not be fully revealed. Did you dream about sore nails or their complete absence? There is real need to be experienced. Seeing nails covered with red varnish in a dream means that you will make peace with your loved ones after a long feud.

What does it mean in a dream if needles are driven under the nails or nail plates are pulled out? In reality, you will be able to achieve success and take revenge on your offenders. Did you dream that you were painfully scratched by nails? Prepare for illness and failure. Was there dirt under your nails in your dream? Expect a decline in business and a quarrel with your loved one. If in your dreams you have grown cat's claws, then you will get into trouble by chasing dubious pleasure.

According to the new family dream book

Why do you dream about legs? The dream book prophesies work for a tiny reward. The interpretation is especially relevant if the nails in the dream were too short and unkempt. Did you dream about getting a manicure done? A favorable period is approaching when you can relax, have fun and show yourself.

Seeing dirty, unkempt nails can lead to a series of failures and illness. Dirty nails also symbolize dishonor. Dream book advice: soberly assess the situation and do not get involved in adventures if you are not confident in your own abilities.

Why do you dream about fingernails and toenails?

Did you dream of beautifully trimmed fingernails? The image promises respect and unexpected money. If your fingernails or toenails are larger than usual, you are equally likely to make a profit or experience grief. Shortly cut nails on the toes and hands signify poverty, loss, hasty decisions, and vanity. You can see very small nails before a major failure.

Why do you dream about unnaturally long fingernails and especially toenails? This is a sign of trouble, cruelty, and destruction of the soul. A nail that is too long on the thumb indicates a sinful fall. If, on the other hand, your fingernails and toenails have been cut short, then you don't really have the strength to fight. Moreover, resistance in a well-known case is fraught with even greater danger. Cutting your nails with your own hands in a dream can mean resentment, irritation, or a quarrel.

What do long nails mean?

Have you seen long shiny nails? Receive very unexpected news. It is also a symbol of business acumen and new connections. If in a dream you had incredibly long nails, then in reality get ready for major troubles.

The same plot points to a long test, when you literally have to “climb” with all your might. However, moderately well-groomed nails signify success, well-being, and prosperity. The described image also indicates the presence of literary talent and a penchant for learning.

I dreamed of nails painted with varnish

Why do you dream of a woman’s nails painted with varnish for a man? Danger awaits him. If you had to paint your nails with too bright a polish, then in reality you will embarrass yourself in front of your friends. Seeing nails painted with varnish in calm shades means that some problems will be resolved successfully.

Why do you dream about painting another character’s nails with polish? In reality, danger comes from strangers. At the same time, nails painted with varnish hint at the need to use proven methods rather than experiment. If a woman paints her nails in a dream, then she will have to hide something.

What do dirty, broken nails symbolize, breaking them

Did you dream about broken and neglected nails? If you get sick, a series of failures will begin in your business. Did you dream about how you were fiddling around in the garden and your nails became ugly dirty? Prepare for real disaster. Dirty, gnarled, broken nails foretell shame for the family due to the stupid behavior of his young member.

If you cut your nails yourself, you risk losing your lover. In a dream, breaking your nails literally means: you have chosen your own path and are forced to undergo trials. Completely broken nails indicate the end of the testing period.

Why cut, file, or do a manicure in a dream?

Did you dream about getting your nails in order? Take up a low-paying but noble occupation. Filing and trimming your nails in a dream also means that a labor-intensive and low-paying job will suddenly open up bright prospects for you.

If a woman dreamed that she was getting a manicure, then she can prepare for expensive purchases. Why dream if you had to cut and file long nails with a beautiful manicure? Prepare for illness, decline, lack of money.

I ended up biting my nails at night

If you happened to bite your nails in a dream, then the plot reveals complete powerlessness and apathy. At the same time, he also points to a pleasant gift. If you happen to bite your nails at night, then in reality a problem has arisen that you should seriously think about. The same plot promises the approach of events that will lead you into absolute confusion and deprive you of the ability to act soberly.

Why do you dream of scratching with your nails?

If you dreamed that you were scratching other characters with your nails, then a bad mood will give rise to nagging and irritation. If you were scratched in a dream, then get ready to experience mental pain from attacks from enemies. Why do you dream about someone scratching with your nails? Be careful: you will be stabbed in the back, it is possible that it will be a person known to you.

Did you imagine that ordinary nails suddenly began to grow and turned into animal claws? In reality, you will find yourself in circumstances that will literally force you to show your worst qualities. The same image warns of a difficult struggle, and sometimes hints at the dreamer’s excessive aggression.

Nails in a dream - how to interpret correctly

The most accurate interpretation of a dream can be obtained if all the nuances of the dream are taken into account. It is necessary to decipher the condition, length, appearance of the nails, and also take into account the color of the coating and your own actions.

  • well-groomed – safety, well-being, health
  • beautiful - happiness in love
  • moderately long – satisfaction, stability
  • longer than usual - good profit
  • too long - tenacity, close wealth
  • grow before our eyes - extreme old age
  • grew up suddenly - life in luxury and wealth
  • short - disappointed hopes
  • shorter than usual - dissatisfaction, losses
  • too short - major losses, ruin
  • pure – success in business, profit, luck
  • dirty - melancholy, poverty, grief
  • curves - troubles
  • crumble - disease
  • turned green - death
  • sick - inability to act
  • exfoliated - lack of faith
  • ingrained - need, losses
  • with white dots - happiness, new things
  • with blacks - a bad disease
  • with hangnails - ineffectiveness of actions taken
  • no nails - ruin, complete loss of strength
  • biting nails - powerlessness, loss, disagreement
  • breaking - dishonor, self-harm, family squabbles
  • pull out - a confluence of bad events, up to the death of the dreamer
  • to cut your hair - resentment, losses, troubles
  • trim - family scandals
  • grab with nails - cruelty, aggression or glory, fame
  • doing a manicure - the desire to hide intentions, secrets
  • paint with varnish - dislike, bad habits, reluctance to get rid of them
  • scratching your nails - profit, thoughts
  • indicate - imminent changes
  • combing hair - honor, respect
  • scratch - rough sex, date
  • erasing varnish - meeting a dangerous person
  • nail polish - profit
  • white – worthy relationships, purity of thoughts
  • black – separation, melancholy, death
  • red – threat, passion, activity
  • pink – illusions, emotionality
  • purple – power, strength
  • yellow – insight, envy
  • orange – activity, pleasure
  • green – rest, relaxation
  • poisonous green – nervousness, overexertion
  • blue – danger, unrequited love
  • blue – daydreaming, fantasy
  • purple – strong passion, problems
  • golden – harmony, happiness
  • silver – mystical abilities, magic practice
  • purple – creativity
  • gray – disappointment, boredom
  • polish your nails - long-term relationship, wedding

If you happened to polish your nails in a dream, then in reality you will not be able to avoid unpleasant work.

If you dreamed of cutting your nails, polishing them and getting a manicure, this means that you care too much about what people say about you. The dream in which you see your nails long and brightly painted has the same meaning.

False nails in a dream indicate that you are prone to lying and your friends do not like you for this.

Seeing your nails healthy and strong means your efforts will be appreciated.

If your nails are yellow, sick, or break, you will have to work hard for little pay.

If in a dream your nails were dirty, this means that someone is spreading dirty rumors about you - alas, not without reason.

If a woman dreams that she is scratching someone with her long nails, the dream foreshadows a sexual affair on the side. If blood comes from the scratch, her husband will find out about the betrayal.

If a man has such a dream, in reality his aggressiveness can cause a quarrel with the woman he loves.

If you scratched yourself in a dream, this means that some mistake of yours will bring you a lot of trouble.

If you are scratched until you bleed, your family will also be involved in these troubles.

If you dream that your nails have fallen out (or have been pulled out), this is a very bad dream and may mean the loss of a loved one.

Throwing away or burning your own cut nails - you will commit an accidental crime, which you will try to hide from others.

If no one was present in your dream, in reality you will be able to hide the ends.

If someone was nearby in a dream, it means that in reality you will have witnesses. You can work through this dream by imagining that the cut nails are not yours, but someone else’s.

Seeing your nails grow is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that you will live to a ripe old age.

Excessively short nails mean a short life.

Seeing toenails is a sign of travel.

If your nails were dirty and covered in dust, the journey would be long and not very pleasant.

Fungus on the nails - to gossip and intrigue.

A universal way to work out a dream about nails is to imagine that your nails are of normal length, not too short and not too long, clean, healthy and strong.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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