What is a priority direction in tourism. The main directions of tourism development in Russia. The importance of tourism in society

1. One of the strategic objectives of the long-term development of the republic is making full use of its geographical location, ensuring the attractiveness of transit through Belarus. By 2011, it is planned to build over 600 roadside service facilities. Transit potential will grow due to a large-scale program for creating transport and logistics centers. At least 19 of them will be created on the territory of the republic. But there is still a lot to be done, both in terms of introducing transport infrastructure facilities and technical equipment and reconstruction of existing transport systems. Thus, the main international highway Brest-Moscow is provided with food outlets by only 46%, accommodation facilities by 18%, and paid parking by 30%.

2. Belarus has significant development potential rural tourism : nature reserves, national parks, 10 thousand lakes, 20 thousand rivers, animal and plant diversity. It is also important that agritourism can create jobs in villages and prevent the outflow of the local population to cities, develop the infrastructure of villages and strengthen social contacts, using the opportunity for cultural exchange. It is too early to say that rural tourism will save the Belarusian village, but such a possibility really exists. The state is only required to provide preferential legal conditions for the development of “green” tourism.

3. Further improvement of the sanatorium and resort facilities of the Republic of Belarus . The country is often compared to Ukrainian resorts, for example, Truskavets, Moscow region, Central Russia and the Kaliningrad region. Compared to them, Belarus is primarily a budget destination. Plus cleanliness, order, hospitality, safety, predictability and good roads. There are two state languages ​​in the republic – Belarusian and Russian. When compared with its western neighbors, Lithuania and Poland, the price factor becomes even more noticeable. Of course, in these countries the level of comfort and service is higher, but the issue of language and visa barrier arises. And a Russian can enter the territory of Belarus using a Russian passport. Belarus can also compete with the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. After all, for those who prefer summer holidays on the water, the possibilities of Belarus are inexhaustible. This is a region of large and clean lakes. Any health resort is located on the shore, has a well-maintained beach and water activities. In terms of balneological potential, the country can be compared with the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The decisive factor is again price, safety and transport accessibility. In terms of natural and climatic conditions, Belarus is close to Central Russia, so acclimatization is not needed here - this is an important factor for children. But the climate here is milder than in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

4. Replenishment of the tourism industry with highly qualified personnel, preparation of educational and methodological literature and training programs, their adaptation to international standards. It was these reasons that became the motivation for the creation in the republic in the 1990s. networks of educational institutions that train tourism personnel. By the end of the 1990s. 16 higher educational institutions of the republic (state and non-state) began training personnel for the tourism complex.

Thus, the 1990s. in the field of tourism, the republics became a period of qualitative changes, primarily in the structure of economic entities. The widely developed private tourism sector is still focused on expanding outbound tourism, however, an analysis of tourist flows shows that changes are planned here too. An increasing number of companies are increasing the share of domestic tourism in the total volume of tourism services and are conducting targeted work to create a new tourist image of the republic.

The article is devoted to the complex problems of the development of tourism and tourism education in modern conditions of transition to a two-level education system.

Keywords: tourism, professional tourism education, two-level education system, competency-based approach.

In today's dynamically developing world, the importance of tourism already goes beyond the scope of the global economy; it is becoming the most important factor in the development of science, culture, sports and the world Olympic movement. As a powerful catalyst for positive economic processes, tourism contributes to accelerated regional development and brings significant total revenue to budgets at all levels. According to expert estimates, indirectly 3-4 foreign tourists provide one job in the country’s economy, and one job created in the tourism sector leads to the emergence of about 20 jobs in related industries.

Currently, an important priority of state tourism policy is sustainable tourism development, ensuring the stability of the national economy, rational use of natural resources, improving the well-being of the population, preserving the ethnic and cultural diversity of Russian society.

The current state of the Russian tourist market

Tourism sector in 2004-2009 overall developed with positive dynamics, which was facilitated by the sustainable development of the country's economy.

The main priorities for the development of the tourism sector were:

Efforts to create the image of Russia as a country favorable for the development of tourism;
- programs for promoting Russian tourism products in the domestic and global markets;
- development of the practice of international cooperation in the field of tourism, including cooperation with international organizations;
- assistance in the development of tourism infrastructure in the regions of the Russian Federation;
- facilitating visa and other formalities for foreign tourists;
- development and improvement of regulatory and legislative regulation of tourism activities;
- improving the quality of tourism services and protecting consumer rights;
- attracting investment in the tourism industry, etc.

All of the above measures have made it possible to significantly strengthen the position of tourism in the system of sectors of the national economy. However, despite the positive changes, the tourism potential of the Russian Federation is still poorly used. Thus, according to estimates, the potential of the Russian Federation allows, with an appropriate level of infrastructure development, to receive up to 40 million foreign tourists per year. However, it accounts for only 7-8% of the global number of tourist arrivals.

According to WTTC, in terms of the volume of the tourism sector in absolute terms, the Russian Federation ranks 22nd in the world, and in relative terms - 156th, which proves that Russia does not yet belong to the category of tourist-intensive countries.

Positive changes. Meanwhile, at the present period there have been noticeable positive changes in the system of organization and state management of tourism, and above all in the field of tourism legislation. In this regard, we can note the changes made to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, an effectively working hotel classification system, initiatives and measures in the field of ensuring the safety of tourists, etc.

Main problems. At the same time, there are also “pain points”, which include:

Insufficient development of tourism infrastructure;
- significant moral and physical deterioration of the existing material base;
- a small number of tourist class hotels (two or three stars);
- lack of effective regional investment policy;
- low quality of tourist services provided;
- an abundance of negative information about the social and crime situation in the country;
- lack of competent image positioning of Russia as a tourist power;
- shortage of qualified personnel, etc.

The main promising directions for tourism development:

Development and improvement of tourism legislation and improving the quality of the regulatory framework governing tourism activities;
- formation of effective approaches that contribute to the development of the tourism potential of the Russian Federation and open up new opportunities for domestic tourism;
- reconstruction of the system of mass tourism based on People's projects aimed at the patriotic education of children and youth;
- support at all levels for promising types of tourism - rural, sports, cruise, etc.;
- creating conditions for further innovative development of professional tourism education based on the introduction of third generation educational standards in the areas of training “Tourism”, “Hospitality” and “Service”.

Analyzing the main promising areas of tourism development, the further innovative development of tourism education should be highlighted as a priority.

Priority directions for the development of tourism education

It should be noted that innovative approaches to vocational education in general are distinguished by a rather complex system of relationships that arise between all subjects of the educational process. In this regard, the search for effective ways of interaction between higher education and the employer corps becomes very urgent.

In recent years, the task of orienting higher education to the labor market in our country has been solved by attracting industry representatives to specialized educational and methodological associations (EMU) and State Certification Commissions (SAC) of universities. Thus, employers, to a certain extent, began to influence the process of training specialists and, to a certain extent, reflect the interests of their industries in the field of training specialists. Without a doubt, this form of interaction is useful, but it is insufficient and has largely exhausted its usefulness.

It should be emphasized that with limited budget funding, higher education does not have the right to allow excessive deviations between the actual production of new specialists and the real need for them in the labor market. In addition, in modern conditions, the labor market is most sensitive to changes, and the traditionally rigid framework of the higher education system has very limited opportunities for “reconfiguration” to new forms and types of personnel training. Consequently, the negative dynamics of the relationship between the quantity and quality of graduates and the real need for them still persists.

In this regard, the priority scientific and practical task at the present stage can be to achieve the most accurate relationship between “demand” and “supply” in the labor market system, which involves studying positive foreign experience and, first of all, partner countries in the Bologna process.

A single educational space in a globalizing world is a very real phenomenon, although not unambiguous. The Bologna process brought about big changes in the educational system of a number of countries, including the Russian Federation.

These changes are expressed primarily in the two-level system of training graduates, which most directly affects the labor market, its parameters and operating principles.

In general, the entire European educational space is developing according to the guidelines already outlined before 2010. However, there is a need to expand planning horizons until 2020, and this undoubtedly requires a significant analytical basis for developing development forecasts.

Today, such an analytical basis is provided by a series of studies conducted in the mid-2000s, during which about 700 experts from 24 countries were interviewed on the future development of education and research until 2020. Let us highlight the most significant trends.

1. According to experts, in 2020, up to 60% of European secondary school graduates will undergo further training at universities. This trend is also very obvious for the Russian education system, since the labor market will not be ready to accept such a number of young people who do not have sufficient labor skills. In addition, the emerging system of two-level training (bachelor-master) will divide the flow of graduates of higher professional schools into two groups.

1. First major (bachelor's degree)– a group of graduates preparing themselves for practical activity, postponing further education for a more or less long or indefinite period of time.
2. Second minor (master's degree)– a group of graduates preparing themselves for scientific and pedagogical activities, work at the highest levels of management of a company, region, etc.

This opportunity to choose a personal trajectory will undoubtedly increase interest in studying at universities.

2. The main emphasis in education will be on the competencies and skills of future graduates and their suitability for employment. The competency-based approach will undoubtedly prevail, since the pragmatism of the modern economy is obvious, and it will dictate the employer’s desire to reduce costs for retraining and adaptation of graduates, and this will force higher education to tilt in favor of specialization. This trend will be expressed in the fact that in bachelor's programs up to 20% of study time, and in master's programs up to 12% will be devoted to general training, including the study of foreign languages. The rest of the time resource will be spent on general professional and vocational training.

3. The main emphasis in the management of universities will be on increasing the efficiency of their activities. It is quite obvious that the methods and principles of management of higher educational institutions will be as close as possible to the principles and methods of management inherent in large corporations and companies. Education will become a kind of socially oriented business. In any case, in Russia it will gradually acquire the features of effective personnel production, while maintaining enormous social significance that goes beyond the scope of any, even the largest business. The Western education system, which is not paternalistically oriented, will, of course, much more quickly acquire the features of a well-organized business, but at the same time, the Russian education system, hardened in the 1990s, will become more flexible and independent. The new leadership of higher education, which has grown without “excessive supervision,” will gradually make university management effective, including from an economic point of view.

In general, European experts speak out for the development of education in a pragmatic direction. Their expectations are related to a more practical orientation of university training. Translating the above to Russian practice, it should be emphasized that the two-level education system will gradually conquer the entire educational space, but relying more on the original Russian traditions than on pan-European priorities.

According to this, two branches of education will obviously be distinguished: classical (fundamental) and applied (real), which makes it possible to correctly orient all subjects of the educational process - students, teachers, employers, parents, etc.

Under the current conditions, universities will more clearly focus on the demands of the labor market for a number of reasons.

Firstly, society’s demands on the effectiveness of education will steadily increase in terms of the effectiveness of the costs incurred on it. In the era of mass higher education, budget funding will not be able to fully meet the needs of higher education. The state will be forced to shift part of the costs of education onto the shoulders of the population. This means that the population will increasingly become direct customers of educational services. A student who spends his family's money on education is increasingly interested in the final results of his studies. Training “by definition” will become practice-oriented.

Secondly, the expectations of young people to obtain decent jobs based on the practical use of educational results. There is no doubt that the aspirations of students will grow. The costs of funds, time and effort of students and their families must be compensated by obtaining employment with decent wages and strengthening the social status of graduates.

Thirdly, universities need to constantly improve their competitiveness. It is quite obvious that under any scenario for the development of Russian education in the future, the struggle between universities to attract students will only intensify. Here the negative demographic trends of the decline in the birth rate in the 1990s will manifest themselves especially harshly. At the same time, competition between Russian universities will also intensify under the pressure of the increasing penetration of foreign universities into the educational space of Russia.

The vector of the Bologna process and the conditions for Russia's future participation in the WTO will operate in the same direction. Students, especially those who will be paying for their education, will indeed have a choice in their contractual arrangements. Uncompetitive universities, given this perspective, will be doomed.

Fourthly, the need to orient educational programs to the labor market will increase. It will be implemented through systematic interaction between education and employers and formalized in the form of criteria and requirements for graduates in terms of their current practical suitability for employment.

Fifthly, the very strategy of universities to provide graduates with professional competencies that meet the requirements of the labor market will change. In this regard, it will be necessary to apply innovative approaches in teaching methods and organization of the educational process. Such freedom of action, in particular, is provided by modular methods for constructing educational programs and the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT).

Sixth, conceptual approaches to teaching and research in the field of tourism and service will change. Tourism and service as complex fields of knowledge for the first time activate an interdisciplinary approach to study and research, which will undoubtedly expand the boundaries of these professional fields, since all fields of science will find their place in them: humanitarian, technical and natural. Applied research in tourism and services will solve a whole range of problems, going far beyond the formula of any science.

This approach will allow all areas of science to find their field of research and will not require artificial support for those branches of knowledge that turned out to be not fully in demand in the conditions of market changes; This is especially true for technical specialties that are going through a difficult period in their development.


1. Tourism education / Sub. ed. prof. A.A. Fedulina. - M., 2004.
2. Tourism: personnel training, problems and development prospects // Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, March 23-24, 2006). - M.: Prometheus, 2006.
3. Professional tourism education in the context of the formation of educational standards. - M.: KNORUS, 2008.
4. Collection of scientific works. - M.: Prometheus, 2006.

The article looks into complicated challenges of developing tourism and tourism education under the current transition to the two-tier system of professional tourism education.

Key words: tourism, professional tourism education, two-tier education system, competency approach.


Chapter 1. The current state of the tourism sector in Russia

1.2 State of tourist infrastructure

Chapter 2. Promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourist markets

2.1 Study of tourism in the Volga region

2.2 Development of tourism in the Volga region


List of used literature



Tourism is one of the most important areas of activity of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. Moreover, unlike many other sectors of the economy, tourism does not lead to the depletion of natural resources. Being an export-oriented sector, tourism exhibits greater stability compared to other industries in an unstable situation on world markets.

Currently, the tourism industry in the world is one of the most dynamically developing areas in trade in services.

Relevance of the research topic . The importance of tourism in the world is constantly growing, which is associated with the increased influence of this area on the economy. Tourism is a significant source of income, employment, and contributes to the diversification of the economy by creating industries serving this area. In addition, tourism is an essential factor in the implementation of the state’s foreign policy. In our country, a realistic approach to tourism and an understanding of it as a sector of the economy that has significant benefits for the socio-economic development of Russian regions are gradually being formed. The potential of the tourism sector in Russia is ambiguous, so along with the obvious advantages - the rich cultural, historical and natural heritage of our country combined with the factor of the unknown - the tourism sector in Russia also has its own competitive weaknesses - an underdeveloped tourism infrastructure in most regions of the country - which hinder development of the tourism industry. Therefore, it is important and of practical importance to study the priority areas for the development of tourism in Russia.

The systemic problem is that while maintaining the current level of competitiveness of Russia in the global tourism market, the possibilities for developing the domestic tourism market will be insufficient to improve the standard of living and increase employment of the population, and meet the growing demand for quality tourism services.

The main purpose of the course work studying and disclosing the main directions of tourism development in Russia, which are priorities and determine the future state of the industry.

Object of study . The object of the study is the trends in the development of tourism in Russia, characterizing the current state of the industry.

The subject of the study is the main directions and mechanisms for solving problems in the development of the tourism sector.

Tasks :

Characteristics of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation;

Identification of the main competitive advantages and disadvantages of the industry.

The main hypothesis is that Russia has the potential to form a competitive tourism market. An effective strategy for promoting the domestic tourism product, focused on key destination tourist markets and of an aggressive nature, will make tourism a profitable component of the entire Russian economy.

Chapter 1 The current state of the tourism sector in Russia

An analysis of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation shows that in recent years this area as a whole has been developing steadily and dynamically. There is an annual increase in domestic tourist flow. The rapidly growing demand for tourism services within the country has caused a boom in the construction of small hotels, mainly in resort regions, as well as an increase in the number of hotels of international hotel chains in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities of the country, and the creation of domestic hotel chains. The volume of investment proposals for hotel construction from both foreign and domestic investors has sharply increased. At the same time, the main proposals are aimed at developing the hotel business in the regions of Russia. Particularly noteworthy are the successes of recent years in the development of the resort and tourist complex of the Krasnodar Territory, which naturally led to the choice of our country when choosing Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Thanks to this, not only Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi, but also the entire Krasnodar Territory in in general, which determines long-term business interest in the development of the tourism infrastructure of this region and a guarantee that in a few years the Black Sea coast will become a developed world-class resort center.

Currently, there are more than 6 thousand hotels in the country, while in 2004 there were only 4 thousand. Taking into account the number of other accommodation facilities, such as boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, tourist centers and others, the total number of tourist accommodation facilities is about 10 thousand. The number of Russian citizens living in hotels, sanatorium-resort organizations and recreation organizations in 2006 amounted to 26.6 million people, of which 16.4 million people lived in hotels.

The volume of paid services provided to the population by hotels and similar accommodation facilities is growing annually and amounted to 88.9 billion rubles in 2007, which exceeded the 2005 figures by 47%.

According to forecast estimates of the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism revenues in 2007 in our country's GDP, taking into account the multiplier effect, amounted to 6.7%. According to the same source, the number of jobs in tourism amounted to 1% of total employment, taking into account related industries - 5.7%, investments in fixed assets in the Russian tourism industry amounted to 12.1% of total investments with an annual growth of 8. 2%.

It is known that our country has a huge number of cultural and natural attractions, as well as other tourist attractions. These, according to Rosstat, include 2,368 museums in 477 historical cities, 590 theaters, 67 circuses, 24 zoos, almost 99 thousand historical and cultural monuments, 140 national parks and reserves. In Russia there are currently 103 museum-reserves and 41 museum-estates (objects identical to museum-reserves in the nature of their activities, differing, as a rule, in a small territory). Museum-reserves play a vital role in shaping an attractive image of Russia abroad. Of the 15 cultural heritage sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, 12 are part of museum reserves. In accordance with this, the network of museum-reserves as centers of international and domestic tourism requires constant improvement and development.

As for such tourist infrastructure facilities as water parks, entertainment centers, ski resorts, tourist transport, etc., there are clearly not enough of them.

It is also obvious that the country’s tourism potential is far from being fully used, and the creation of conditions for quality recreation in Russia for Russian and foreign citizens requires a more active implementation of state policy in the field of tourism.

Moscow and St. Petersburg, still the main transport gates for the entry of foreign tourists, receive up to 75% of international arrivals, the number of which has been declining in the last 2-3 years due to a sharp rise in prices in these cities. The reduction in the incoming tourist flow to our country began to occur in 2006. In 2007, the number of arrivals of “classic” foreign tourists for leisure purposes decreased by more than 8%.

This is explained primarily by the increased prices for services in the country over the past two years, as well as a sharp increase in hotel prices in Moscow due to a decrease in the number of tourist-class hotels in the city center due to the demolition or closure for reconstruction of a number of the most famous and popular hotels among tourists , such as “Intourist”, “Moscow”, “Minsk”, “Russia”, “Ukraine”, “Leningradskaya”, “Central” and “Beijing”. In Moscow, for various reasons, 9 thousand 3-star seats were withdrawn from circulation. It is the lack of beds in tourist-class hotels that negatively affects the development of inbound and domestic tourism. This significantly increases the cost of the package of services offered to tourists when traveling to Russia. The Moscow Government plans to build 353 new hotels by 2011. However, given the strengthening of the ruble and the current situation in the capital, in which the average price for a room in Moscow hotels is significantly higher than the cost of a room of the same category in European countries with lower comfort and quality of services, it becomes unprofitable for foreign tourists with a limited budget to come to the capital. This situation may continue in the next 2-3 years.

In order to obtain a comprehensive description of the current level of tourism development in the country, taking into account the results of the state’s activities in the development of this area, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the consideration of the state and trends in the development of legal regulation, tourism infrastructure, personnel training, statistical base, promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourism markets, as well as international cooperation in the field of tourism.

1.1 The state of legal regulation in the field of tourism in Russia

The current state of legal regulation in the field of tourism is characterized by the following trends:

    development and implementation of legal norms aimed at increasing the guarantees and effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of the tourism product, the quality and safety of tourism;

    strengthening the economic (financial) responsibility of persons engaged in tourism activities for violation of civil obligations, and as a result - increasing transparency, stability and investment attractiveness of the tourism business;

    the emergence of legal acts regulating classification and standardization issues in various segments of the tourism industry (accommodation facilities, beaches, ski slopes, etc.);

    development of legal regulation in the field of tourism safety;

    the formation of the legal framework for self-regulation in the tourism market, including the active development of rule-making by self-regulatory organizations (associations (unions) of tour operators, banks and insurers);

    the complexity of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism, including the presence of a significant number of “tourism norms” in branches of legislation related to the legislation on tourism activities (hereinafter referred to as related legislation);

    development of regional law-making in the field of tourism and its unification;

    harmonization of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the law of the European Union, the laws of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, etc.

These trends most clearly manifested themselves in 2006-2007, when, as a result of the effective law-making activities of the federal executive body in the field of tourism, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts were adopted that formed the legal foundations of the modern civilized tourism market in our country. At the moment, legislation on tourism activities largely complies with the norms and principles of international law, harmonized with the law of the European Union and the legislation of developed countries in terms of tourism.

Priority areas for tourism development in Russia

1. 2State of tourist infrastructure



Tourism is one of the most important areas of activity of the modern economy, aimed at meeting the needs of people and improving the quality of life of the population. Moreover, unlike many other sectors of the economy, tourism does not lead to the depletion of natural resources. Being an export-oriented sector, tourism exhibits greater stability compared to other industries in an unstable situation on world markets.

Relevance of the research topic . The importance of tourism in the world is constantly growing, which is associated with the increased influence of this area on the economy. Tourism is a significant source of income, employment, and contributes to the diversification of the economy by creating industries serving this area. In addition, tourism is an essential factor in the implementation of the state’s foreign policy. In our country, a realistic approach to tourism and an understanding of it as a sector of the economy that has significant benefits for the socio-economic development of Russian regions are gradually being formed. The potential of the tourism sector in Russia is ambiguous, so along with the obvious advantages - the rich cultural, historical and natural heritage of our country combined with the factor of the unknown - the tourism sector in Russia also has its own competitive weaknesses - an underdeveloped tourism infrastructure in most regions of the country - which hinder development of the tourism industry. Therefore, it is important and of practical importance to study the priority areas for the development of tourism in Russia.

The systemic problem is that while maintaining the current level of competitiveness of Russia in the global tourism market, the possibilities for developing the domestic tourism market will be insufficient to improve the standard of living and increase employment of the population, and meet the growing demand for quality tourism services.

Object of study . The object of the study is the trends in the development of tourism in Russia, characterizing the current state of the industry.

The subject of the study is the main directions and mechanisms for solving problems in the development of the tourism sector.

Tasks :

Characteristics of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation;

Identification of the main competitive advantages and disadvantages of the industry.

in key destination tourist markets and of an aggressive nature, will make tourism a profitable component of the entire Russian economy.

Chapter 1 The current state of the tourism sector in Russia

An analysis of the current state of tourism in the Russian Federation shows that in recent years this area as a whole has been developing steadily and dynamically. There is an annual increase in domestic tourist flow. The rapidly growing demand for tourism services within the country has caused a boom in the construction of small hotels, mainly in resort regions, as well as an increase in the number of hotels of international hotel chains in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other major cities of the country, and the creation of domestic hotel chains. The volume of investment proposals for hotel construction from both foreign and domestic investors has sharply increased. At the same time, the main proposals are aimed at developing the hotel business in the regions of Russia. Particularly noteworthy are the successes of recent years in the development of the resort and tourist complex of the Krasnodar Territory, which naturally led to the choice of our country when choosing Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Winter Olympics. Thanks to this, not only Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi, but also the entire Krasnodar Territory in in general, which determines long-term business interest in the development of the tourism infrastructure of this region and a guarantee that in a few years the Black Sea coast will become a developed world-class resort center.

Currently, there are more than 6 thousand hotels in the country, while in 2004 there were only 4 thousand. Taking into account the number of other accommodation facilities, such as boarding houses, houses and recreation centers, tourist centers and others, the total number of tourist accommodation facilities is about 10 thousand. The number of Russian citizens living in hotels, sanatorium-resort organizations and recreation organizations in 2006 amounted to 26.6 million people, of which 16.4 million people lived in hotels.

According to forecast estimates of the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism revenues in 2007 in our country's GDP, taking into account the multiplier effect, amounted to 6.7%. According to the same source, the number of jobs in tourism amounted to 1% of total employment, taking into account related industries - 5.7%, investments in fixed assets in the Russian tourism industry amounted to 12.1% of total investments with an annual growth of 8. 2%

in 477 historical cities, 590 theaters, 67 circuses, 24 zoos, almost 99 thousand historical and cultural monuments, 140 national parks and reserves. In Russia there are currently 103 museum-reserves and 41 museum-estates (objects identical to museum-reserves in the nature of their activities, differing, as a rule, in a small territory). Museum-reserves play a vital role in shaping an attractive image of Russia abroad. Of the 15 cultural heritage sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, 12 are part of museum reserves. In accordance with this, the network of museum-reserves as centers of international and domestic tourism requires constant improvement and development.

As for such tourist infrastructure facilities as water parks, entertainment centers, ski resorts, tourist transport, etc., there are clearly not enough of them.

It is also obvious that the country’s tourism potential is far from being fully used, and the creation of conditions for quality recreation in Russia for Russian and foreign citizens requires a more active implementation of state policy in the field of tourism.

Moscow and St. Petersburg, still the main transport gates for the entry of foreign tourists, receive up to 75% of international arrivals, the number of which has been declining in the last 2-3 years due to a sharp rise in prices in these cities. The reduction in the incoming tourist flow to our country began to occur in 2006. In 2007, the number of arrivals of “classic” foreign tourists for leisure purposes decreased by more than 8%.

due to the demolition or closure for the purpose of reconstruction of a number of the most famous and popular hotels among tourists, such as Intourist, Moscow, Minsk, Rossiya, Ukraine, Leningradskaya, Central and Beijing. In Moscow, for various reasons, 9 thousand 3-star seats were withdrawn from circulation. It is the lack of beds in tourist-class hotels that negatively affects the development of inbound and domestic tourism. This significantly increases the cost of the package of services offered to tourists when traveling to Russia. The Moscow Government plans to build 353 new hotels by 2011. However, given the strengthening of the ruble and the current situation in the capital, in which the average price for a room in Moscow hotels is significantly higher than the cost of a room of the same category in European countries with lower comfort and quality of services, it becomes unprofitable for foreign tourists with a limited budget to come to the capital. This situation may continue in the next 2-3 years.

In order to obtain a comprehensive description of the current level of tourism development in the country, taking into account the results of the state’s activities in the development of this area, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the consideration of the state and trends in the development of legal regulation, tourism infrastructure, personnel training, statistical base, promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourism markets, as well as international cooperation in the field of tourism.

1. 1 The state of legal regulation in the field of tourism in Russia

The current state of legal regulation in the field of tourism is characterized by the following trends:

Development and implementation of legal norms aimed at increasing the guarantees and effectiveness of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of consumers of the tourism product, the quality and safety of tourism;

Strengthening the economic (financial) responsibility of persons engaged in tourism activities for violation of civil obligations, and as a result - increasing transparency, stability and investment attractiveness of the tourism business;

The emergence of legal acts regulating classification and standardization issues in various segments of the tourism industry (accommodation facilities, beaches, ski slopes, etc.);

Development of legal regulation in the field of tourism safety;

Formation of the legal framework for self-regulation in the tourism market, including the active development of rule-making by self-regulatory organizations (associations (unions) of tour operators, banks and insurers);

The complexity of regulatory legal regulation in the field of tourism, including the presence of a significant number of “tourism norms” in areas of legislation related to the legislation on tourism activities (hereinafter referred to as related legislation);

Development of regional law-making in the field of tourism and its unification;

Harmonization of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the law of the European Union, legislation of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, etc.

These trends most clearly manifested themselves in 2006-2007, when, as a result of the effective law-making activities of the federal executive body in the field of tourism, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts were adopted that formed the legal foundations of the modern civilized tourism market in our country. At the moment, legislation on tourism activities largely complies with the norms and principles of international law, harmonized with the law of the European Union and the legislation of developed countries in terms of tourism.

Legislation on tourism activities

In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Tourism Activities), the legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities falls under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and consists of the Law on Tourism Activities adopted in compliance with it of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on tourism activities determines the principles of state policy aimed at establishing the legal foundations of a single tourism market in the Russian Federation, and regulates the relations arising in the implementation of the rights of tourists to rest, freedom of movement and other rights when traveling, and also determines the procedure for the rational use of tourism resources of the Russian Federation.

The main content of the legislation on tourism activities is the issues of protecting the rights of consumers of the tourism product, legal regulation of the activities of tour operators and travel agents, as well as the public organization of business activities in the field of tourism. It is in this area of ​​legal regulation that fundamental changes took place in 2007 (amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (No. 12-FZ of February 5, 2007).

With the adoption of the Law, the mechanism for licensing tourism activities, which existed in the period 1993–2006, was replaced by a more effective way of state regulation of tourism activities - a unified federal register of tour operators (hereinafter referred to as the register). In this regard, the main document necessary for entrepreneurs to enter information about them into the register is a tour operator’s liability insurance contract or a bank guarantee for the fulfillment of the tour operator’s obligations (financial security). From June 1, 2008, for tour operators operating in the field of international tourism, the amount of financial support cannot be less than 10 million rubles, and for tour operators engaged in domestic tourism - 500 thousand rubles.

In turn, travel agency activities are currently exempt from any excessive administrative regulation. The activities of travel agents are regulated by the Rules for the provision of services for the sale of tourism products, approved in July 2007 by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as internal standards of tour operator associations and local acts of travel agents and their associations.

An important place in the activities of federal executive authorities is given to tourism safety issues. In January 2008, the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for informing tour operators, travel agents and tourists in the prescribed manner about the threat to the safety of tourists in the country (place) of temporary stay came into force. The administrative regulations are aimed at timely providing tourists with reliable information about security threats in the country (place) of temporary stay.

questions of classification of accommodation facilities, ski slopes and beaches. For three years, the classification of hotels is carried out on the basis of public-private partnership, confirming the assessment of the quality of service, becoming a kind of quality mark. As international practice shows, the presence of “stars” at a hotel significantly increases its attractiveness to potential clients. Currently, the system is being actively implemented in Russian regions that are especially in need of consumer trust.

The beach classification system, recently introduced, received positive feedback from Russian and international experts, as well as managers of the sanatorium and resort complex, and began to be implemented. Similar work is underway to implement the Ski Trails Classification System.

The named classification systems, designed to significantly increase the level of safety of vacationers and structure the Russian market, include the procedure for assessing the compliance of hotels (beaches, slopes) with safety requirements, information support, the provision of additional services for tourists and other provisions.

Considerable attention in the activities of federal executive authorities is given to the analysis and generalization of law enforcement practice, on the basis of which proposals are formed to improve legislation on tourism activities. Thus, under the federal executive body in the field of tourism, an interdepartmental working group functions on an ongoing basis to monitor legislation on tourism activities. Representatives of civil society (associations of tour operators, associations (unions) of banks and insurers play an active role in the working group).

the field of tourism (laws “On Tourism”, “On Tourism Activities in a Subject of the Russian Federation”, “On Support for the Development of Tourism”, “On the Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism”, etc.). Along with the laws, in 3 constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are concepts for the development of tourism (sanatorium-resort, tourist complex) for the medium term, and in 16 regions regional targeted programs for the development of tourism have been adopted. All this emphasizes the importance of tourism for the socio-economic, cultural, environmental and other development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Unfortunately, the current regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation do not always regulate current problems of the development of regional tourism. Often regional laws are created according to the same canons as the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”. At the same time, federal law and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have an obvious initial difference. The first are intended to lay down unified (general) approaches to state regulation in the field of tourism, and the second are specific in relation to specific territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

tourism regulation:

Determination and support of priority areas of tourism activity in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of tourists in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, implementation of measures to ensure tourism safety on its territory;

Promoting standardization and classification of tourism industry facilities located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

the procedure for using tourism resources, taking into account the maximum permissible loads on the environment;

Promoting the activities of entrepreneurs in the field of tourism;

Other issues, with the exception of issues related to the exclusive jurisdiction and powers of the Russian Federation.

Related legislation

activities, but also acts of various branches of legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Federal Law of June 3, 2006 No. 76-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation” is of great importance for the development of tourism in our country. It formed the legal basis for the creation and operation of tourist and recreational special economic zones in Russia, as well as the development of public-private partnerships. The law for the first time defines tourism and recreational activities as activities that include elements of tourism, health resort and investment activities, which is important for the comprehensive legal regulation of the tourism sector. In 2006, 7 tourist and recreational special economic zones were identified in Russia.

agreements. In furtherance of this Law, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of a standard concession agreement in relation to cultural, sports, recreational facilities for citizens and tourism and other social and cultural facilities” has been prepared. With the adoption of these regulatory legal acts, the legal framework for attracting investment in the development of engineering, transport and other tourism infrastructure, as well as ensuring the effective use of state or municipal property, was formed.

The implementation of the Federal Law “On the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in the city of Sochi, the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” will ensure the holding of the XXII Olympic Games in the city at the highest level Sochi will contribute to the growth of tourist flows to the Krasnodar region and Russia as a whole.

A significant socio-economic effect was obtained from the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the regulations on the stay of foreign citizens – passengers of cruise ships” on the territory of the Russian Federation. This document has significantly simplified tourism formalities for foreign tourists arriving in the Russian Federation on cruise ships for a period of no more than 72 hours. Such tourists can visit the tourist centers of our country without obtaining a visa, which helps to obtain significant benefits for Russian port cities and other settlements (St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, etc.).

On June 28, 2007, Order No. 82 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia was adopted “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules “General rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, and consignees.” The Rules are a timely and relevant document in the field of regulation of tourist air transportation and significantly increase the guarantees for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of passengers and ensure the quality of services provided.

territory of the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation and other issues of state migration policy. In this regard, the state’s decision-making in this area should be carried out taking into account the balance of interests in the development of inbound tourism, as well as the interests of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.

The requirements of the dynamics of development of the tourism market determine the need for constant improvement of legislative acts in the tourism sector, as well as monitoring related legislation that affects the state of the tourism industry.

The most significant problems that require close attention and a serious approach to solving them include the insufficient development of tourism infrastructure and the lack, with rare exceptions, of the practice of creating favorable conditions for investment in the construction of accommodation facilities and other tourist facilities by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Currently, in our country, a significant part of the tourism infrastructure needs to be updated, since about half of the hotels in our country are classified as non-category.

At the same time, proposals for the development of tourism infrastructure cannot be limited only to the creation of a new and reconstruction of the existing hotel stock. It should be noted the importance of the comprehensive development of tourism infrastructure, which includes not only the large-scale construction of new accommodation facilities, but also related infrastructure (transport, catering establishments, entertainment industries, tourist display facilities, etc.). The placement of newly constructed tourist complexes should take into account both the parameters of tourist demand by type of tourism, and the nature of the tourist supply - the availability of tourist resources, conditions for staffing, in accordance with environmental requirements and economic feasibility.

The main obstacles to attracting investment are the lack of ready-made investment sites, the necessary business structures, the presence of local administrative barriers and unfavorable land lease conditions. Thus, registering a plot of land for a hotel often requires a huge number of approvals and takes two to three years. The issues of using rental income for personal purposes (renting out housing for hotel use) remain unresolved.

Cultural and educational tourism, covering 10% of the total international tourist flow and characterized by a high average rate of tourist spending;

Active types of tourism, such as sports and adventure, are becoming increasingly popular in the world;

Specialized tourism, implying such varieties as environmental, scientific, educational, event, medical and recreational, etc.;

Business tourism, covering the so-called MICE industry (business meetings, events, conferences, incentive trips).

Taking into account the nature of Russian tourism resources, the state of tourism infrastructure and the readiness of the tourism product, the following types of tourism can mainly be of particular interest for the development of inbound tourism in our country: cultural and educational, business, as well as specialized tourism (cruise, event, environmental, rural, hunting and fishing, active, including in the future skiing, extreme (adventure), ethnic, educational, scientific, etc.).

It is especially important for the domestic market to develop beach and health tourism.

Beach tourism is one of the most popular types of recreation among Russians: 38% of Russian tourists prefer to relax by the water. This direction is actively developing in the Black and Baltic Seas. The resorts of the Azov and Caspian Seas have great prospects for the development of beach holidays, however, the lack of hotel and other tourist infrastructure in the Caspian Sea and outdated infrastructure in the Azov Sea are limiting factors for the successful tourist development of these territories. With appropriate development of infrastructure, this type of tourism could become widespread in the Primorsky Territory.

Yacht tourism in Russia as a whole is just beginning to develop, and the number of tourists is no more than 0.5% of the domestic tourist flow; it is most popular in the Leningrad region and Karelia, although it could develop in all of the above-mentioned coastal regions.

For Russia, with its underdeveloped tourism infrastructure and huge unclaimed tourism potential, the development of specialized tourism as a new alternative destination is of the greatest interest from the point of view of attracting sophisticated foreign consumers and diversifying the domestic tourism offer.

The identified priority types of tourism and promising tourist regions determine their corresponding priorities in the development of tourism infrastructure.

According to the level of tourism supply, taking into account the uneven distribution of tourism resources throughout the country, as well as the different levels of development of tourism infrastructure and human resources, the country's regions can be distributed as follows:

Regions with a high level of development of the tourism product are Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, the Krasnodar Territory, the Kaliningrad region, the Golden Ring regions;

Regions with an average level of development of the tourism product are the North-Western region, Tver region, Central Russia, Tatarstan, Volga region, such republics of the North Caucasus as Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, Rostov region, Irkutsk region, Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka, Murmansk region , Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug;

North (Arctic, Franz Josef Land), Far Eastern region (Kuril Islands, Commander Islands, Yakutia, Khabarovsk Territory, Chukotka, Magadan Region), Western Siberia (Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territory, etc.), Tuva (Kungurtug village, Lake Tere- Khol, Por-Bazhyn fortress), Buryatia, Ural. In these areas, a high-quality tourism product is just beginning to appear.

One of the pressing problems is the problem of the transport component in ensuring the further development of tourism in Russia. This applies to air, rail, water and road communications, and the construction of highways.

The insufficiently high level of organization of air transport within the country compared to international transport is one of the main factors limiting the further development of tourist complexes in the regions of the country. Airport services for servicing aircraft, passengers and cargo are regulated by the state as services of natural monopolies, which limits competition for domestic air transportation and does not allow lower prices for ground services. Competition on main routes between air carriers will contribute to lower prices and a corresponding increase in tourist flow. Unlike many foreign countries, there are practically no low-cost carriers with a modern fleet in Russia. The share of air transportation in the structure of incoming and domestic tourist flows is very significant, but the state of the fleet of airliners, airports, and runways is still holding back the development of tourism in a number of Russian regions.

tourist offer associated with the emergence of tourist trains on the most popular cultural and educational routes, improving the quality of service in general), such problems as the shortage of railway transportation in the high season, the difficulty of purchasing train tickets, the lack of an electronic ticket, and inflated prices remain unresolved. In the context of the pan-European trend of growing popularity of rail tourist trips compared to air travel and due to the greater environmental safety of rail transport compared to air transport, solving the mentioned problems is of utmost importance for the development of tourist travel within the country. The largest flow of tourists in Russia is transported by rail: in 2007, about half of the total number of tourists used its services.

For many years, river cruises have been very popular among foreign and Russian tourists. The most popular routes are cruises from Moscow to St. Petersburg, as well as to Valaam, Solovki, Kizhi, and along the Volga. In total, 110 motor ships currently operate in Russia on more than a thousand river routes. At the same time, the throughput capacity of the lock system between Moscow and St. Petersburg has practically exhausted itself and a further quantitative increase in the passenger fleet on this route is impossible. Promising regions for the development of river cruises are the waters of the Siberian rivers - Lena, Yenisei and Ob, as well as the Amur.

shipping on the Black Sea, passenger shipping on the Caspian and Azov Seas is not developing, the development of river cruises in Central Russia, Siberia and the Far East is slowing down. The infrastructure of cruise tourism is worn out - sea and river terminals, berths, etc.

Tourist buses with a modern level of comfort are also not produced by the domestic industry, despite the fact that about 15% of tourists use this particular type of transport.

– water, energy and gas supply, developed road system, ski lifts and other equipment, information communications, quality service, environmentally friendly infrastructure. In addition, the mechanism for leasing forest land for the construction of ski facilities is complex.

Currently, there are about 150 ski resorts operating on the territory of the Russian Federation (Appendix 7). The most popular ski resorts in the Russian Federation are: “Krasnaya Polyana” in the Krasnodar Territory (260 thousand tourists), “Dombay” in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (195 thousand tourists received in 2007), “Elbrus” in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic ( 100 thousand tourists). Ski centers in the Moscow region received more than 320 thousand people in 2007.

Ski centers “Bobrovy Log” (Krasnoyarsk Territory), “Belokurikha” (70 km from Biysk), “Sheregesh” (200 km from Novokuznetsk), “Sobolinoye” (145 km from Irkutsk) have been built and are successfully operating. , the ski complex on Lake Baikal (Listvyanka village, Irkutsk region), “Zavyalikha” (12 km from Chelyabinsk), is intensively developing.

Ski centers are also being built in other regions: in the Republic of Karelia (“Spasskaya Guba”, Nizhny Novgorod region (“Nizhny Novgorod Switzerland”), in the Urals - in the Chelyabinsk region (“Two Valleys”, “Eurasia” and in the Kemerovo region, in Altai (“Manzherok”) ”, in the Magadan region (“Marchekan” (the list of the largest ski resorts in Russia, located in various regions of Russia, is given in the Appendix).

Taking into account the climatic and landscape features of Russia, skiing, like other winter types of tourism, have great development prospects.

A significant problem is the high customs duties on the purchase of vehicles (tourist buses, cruise ships), hotel and restaurant equipment, equipment for ski resorts, water parks and other infrastructure not produced in Russia.

The state provides support for the development of tourism infrastructure mainly within the framework of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia”. So, for the period 2006-2007. within the framework of the Federal Target Program “South of Russia”, two cable cars were put into operation in the regions of the Southern Federal District: on Dombay - Karachay-Cherkess Republic and on Elbrus - Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The first stage of access roads to the ski resort Lago-Naki - Republic of Adygea has been put into operation.

private investment. In the resort regions of Caucasian Mineralnye Vody and the city of Anapa, as a result of the implementation of program measures, the capacity of water supply and drainage system structures increased by 40%, which will increase the ability to receive vacationers by 500 thousand people.

In the Maykop region of the Republic of Adygea, 3 hotels with 200 beds were built and put into operation using attracted private investments. This will create conditions for the sustainable development of the villages of Khamyshki and Guzeripl, located in close proximity to these objects.

An incentive for the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation can be the amendments adopted in 2006 to the Federal Law “On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation”, which provide for the allocation of special economic zones of a tourist and recreational type.

The importance of tourism in the world is constantly growing, which is associated with the increased influence of this area on the economy. Tourism is a significant source of income, employment, and contributes to the diversification of the economy by creating industries serving this area. In addition, tourism is an essential factor in the implementation of the state’s foreign policy. Russia's resource capabilities make it possible, with an appropriate level of development of tourism infrastructure, to increase the reception of foreign tourists several times.

The country as a whole is currently gradually developing a realistic approach to tourism and an understanding of it as a sector of the economy that has significant benefits for the socio-economic development of Russian regions.

The analysis of the current state of tourism development in the world and the state of the tourism sector in the Russian Federation, including the measures taken by the Federal Tourism Agency for its development, carried out in the previous sections, allows us to assess the competitive advantages and disadvantages of Russia as a tourist destination among the main receiving markets. Competitive advantages include, first of all, the rich cultural, historical and natural heritage of our country, combined with the factor of the unknown, which is of particular interest to sophisticated foreign tourists. The emergence in recent years of new tourism products in the regions of the North, the Urals and Siberia strengthens Russia’s competitive advantages. Trends in the development of tourism in the world show that as the world becomes more explored and fewer new tourist centers appear, the tendency to travel to more remote, less known and inaccessible places will increase.

Russia's undoubted competitive advantages are political stability and an increase in the level of security in the country, an increase in citizens' income per capita, and the stability of the national currency.

At the same time, it should be noted that the unique natural resources and cultural heritage that our country possesses cannot be considered as the only and sufficient condition for ensuring the successful development of tourism in the country, since they represent only one of the elements of the tourism offer. There are a number of examples in the world of countries that are exceptionally successful in the development of tourism, possessing natural or cultural resources relatively comparable to Russia, but at the same time having a developed high-quality tourism infrastructure. An example is China and a number of other countries, such as Austria, France or Spain, which annually earn several tens of billions of dollars from international tourism alone.

For the most part, the tourist preferences of both foreign and domestic tourists are associated with a high level of service and a reasonable price-quality ratio. These conditions now and in the near future will be preferable when choosing tourist trips. The general trend is the polarization of tourist preferences, on the one hand, characterized by the strengthening of the position of mass tourism in developed tourism countries, and on the other, an increase in demand for an individual or specialized tourism product.

Competitive weaknesses include factors that still persist and hinder the development of inbound and domestic tourism:

Insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure in most regions of the country, a small number of tourist-class hotel accommodation facilities with a modern level of comfort;

The high cost of hotel accommodation, food, transport and other services offered to tourists, significantly exceeding the average European level;

Obstacles to attracting investment in tourism infrastructure, consisting of the lack of ready-made investment sites, the presence of administrative barriers, unfavorable land lease conditions;

In general, there is a continuing shortage of qualified personnel, which determines the low quality of service in all sectors of the tourism industry, despite some changes in the situation for the better over the past 2-3 years;

The persistence of negative stereotypes of perception of the image of Russia created by certain foreign media and, at the same time, insufficient state non-commercial advertising of the country’s tourism opportunities both in foreign destination markets and within the country, which complicates the purposeful formation of a positive image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism , which is due to limited budget funding

The issues of simplifying the procedure for issuing Russian visas to tourists from such migration-safe foreign countries as European countries, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, etc. remain unresolved. Additional fees for urgent visa processing remain, which causes justified dissatisfaction and leads to a decrease in entry tourist flow.

Thus, the systemic problem is that while maintaining the current level of competitiveness of Russia in the global tourism market, the possibilities for developing the domestic tourism market will be insufficient to improve the standard of living and increase employment of the population, and meet the growing demand for quality tourism services.

An analysis of the competitive advantages and weaknesses of the Russian Federation in the inbound and domestic tourism market, given in Appendix 1, shows the need for active action, primarily on the part of the state, aimed at creating conditions for the sustainable development of tourism in Russia.

the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for tourism services, increasing employment and income levels of the population.

To achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to provide incentives for the successful development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation as one of the elements of economic growth, strengthening the international authority of the country and improving the quality of life of the population by solving the following tasks:

Development and improvement of tourism infrastructure, including related ones (transport, catering, entertainment industry, etc.);

Creation of new priority tourist centers;

Improving visa policy, including in the direction of simplifying the conditions for entry into our country for tourists from countries that are safe in terms of migration;

Providing conditions for the personal safety of tourists.

Chapter 2. Promotion of Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourist markets

To form a competitive tourism market, efforts to develop infrastructure alone are not enough. An effective strategy is needed to promote the domestic tourism product, focused on key destination tourist markets and of an aggressive nature, which will make inbound and domestic tourism a profitable component of the entire Russian economy.

To increase the competitiveness of the Russian tourism product and create a favorable image of the country, it is necessary to organize the release of advertising non-profit printed materials in foreign languages ​​of the main destination markets.

Much of this is already happening. At the same time, with the current budget funding, activities to promote the Russian national tourism product can only minimally change the parameters of the existing tourist flow.

Most countries in the world, realizing the importance of tourism for their economies, invest heavily in promoting the national tourism product, taking into account the specifics of the main destination and receiving markets.

UNWTO data show that in order to additionally attract one foreign tourist, providing an average of 1000 euros into the country's economy, states spend from 3 to 10 euros on non-commercial advertising of a tourism product. In accordance with this, the average amount of budget funds allocated in European countries for the promotion of a tourism product is 31.7 million euros.

Unfortunately, with the current budget funding, which amounts to 0.69 euros to attract one foreign tourist, measures to promote the Russian national tourism product can only minimally change the parameters of the existing tourist flow.

Only a broad image-based, non-commercial advertising campaign of the country’s tourism opportunities, focused on key destination external and internal tourist markets and of a stable nature, will make inbound and domestic tourism a profitable component of the entire tourism sector of Russia. Data on the world leading countries in terms of consumer spending in the field of international tourism are given in Appendix 9. Particular attention must be paid to the comprehensive promotion of Russian tourism in the CIS countries, to promote not only the revival of traditional tourist routes, but also the presentation of new tourism products.

Representations of the Russian Federation for tourism abroad can and should become conductors of active promotion of the tourism product in the main destination markets abroad, which should provide communication with the tourism industry of these markets, with the media, and other participants in the tourism process. Previously it was planned that this work would be undertaken by the Trade Missions of the Russian Federation abroad. Unfortunately, it did not happen. The effectiveness of such measures is beyond doubt; in the Russian Federation alone there are currently more than 40 foreign tourism missions.

country, since it promotes and sells only its own product, and creating the image of Russia as a country favorable for tourism is an exclusively state task. This is confirmed by world practice.

The need to implement this task is indicated in the Federal Law of February 5, 2007 No. 12-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”.

The mechanisms for promoting Russia as a tourist destination in the domestic and international tourism markets are the following types of activities implemented by the state and aimed at both consumers and the tourism industry. These include:

Support and consolidation of specialized exhibition activities in the Russian Federation with the aim of creating one of the world's largest tourism exhibitions in the domestic tourism market

Preparation of non-commercial advertising and information printed and other products for distribution at major international tourism exhibitions and through Russian foreign missions, including through representative offices created under the federal executive body in the field of tourism;

Dissemination of information about Russia as an attractive tourist destination on the global Internet;

Carrying out other actions, for example, information support for festivals and events held in the country, presentations of new Russian tourist destinations abroad, organizing info tours for foreign and domestic media, holding major international conferences, symposiums, congresses and other events on the basis of bilateral and multilateral international cooperation, as well as cooperation with major intergovernmental organizations.

The experience of implementing government advertising and information strategies indicates the need to diversify the tourism product: along with the traditional tourism offer, it is necessary to ensure the display of new tourism products, the dissemination of broader information about national traditions, trades and crafts, new museums and exhibitions, events and tourism services.

All this requires the development of a long-term information campaign aimed at creating a positive image of the country in order to promote the development of inbound and domestic tourism.

2. 1 Study of the Volga tourist zone

The Volga tourist zone is a meridianally extended area, heterogeneous in natural and economic terms, united by the water system of the Volga and its tributaries. It occupies an advantageous geographical position in close proximity to areas generating tourist flows - two Russian capitals, as well as the Urals, and has good transport accessibility, being located at the intersection of the most important railway, water and highway routes; Regular air service has been opened, which contributes to the development of tourism.

monastery of the 14th century), Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin), Kazan (museum-reserve "Kazan Kremlin"), Ulyanovsk (memorial and museum complex "Motherland of V.I. View welding electrodes. Welding, electrodes, welding rectifiers. Lenin" ), Volgograd (panorama museum “Battle of Stalingrad”, monument-ensemble “Mamaev Kurgan”), etc. Places associated with the names of A. M. Gorky, V. I. Chapaev, I. I. are interesting for tourists in the Volga region. this company: production of granite monuments, 6863 - here Levitan, A.D. Sakharov and other prominent personalities.

The Volga tourist zone is the main area of ​​river cruise tourism in the country. There are opportunities for organizing permanent recreation on the water. Entertainment in Safaga.

based on cultural and sports events, sports and adventure tourism, primarily water tourism: rafting on the Sura, Khoper, Don rivers, etc. Medical tourism is also developing: the Elton balneological resort (Volgograd region), the Undory balneological resort ( Ulyanovsk region), etc. Unorganized outdoor recreation is popular among the local population. rental of special equipment price.

The Volga region tourist zone is poorly involved in tourist turnover. There is an imbalance in the structure of tourist trips: the predominance of outbound tourist flows over inbound and domestic ones. Inbound tourism is dominated by intra-zonal tourist flows from neighboring regions, Moscow, and northern cities. Among those coming to the Volga region, there is a large proportion of business tourists - non-resident and foreign specialists working under contract at large enterprises in the region, as well as groups of non-resident schoolchildren. Upholstered furniture, furniture catalogue.

The zone is characterized by an average level of development of tourism infrastructure. There are positive trends in the tourist accommodation sector: construction of new boarding houses and country hotel complexes is underway (Samara, Tolyatti, etc.), reconstruction and re-equipment of sanatoriums and hotels, and small private hotels are being built. International hotel chains have come to the region on the basis of franchising. Most travel agencies are concentrated in the Nizhny Novgorod region, the Republic of Tatarstan, Samara, Saratov and Volgograd regions.

The Law of the Astrakhan Region “On Tourism Activities on the Territory of the Astrakhan Region”, the Law of the Chuvash Republic “On Tourism”, regional tourism development programs in the Volgograd and Saratov Regions, the concept of the development of physical culture, sports and tourism in the Republic of Tatarstan, etc. have been adopted and are being implemented. An interregional program has been created tourist organization "Big Volga" to promote the Volga region as a tourist destination in the travel market.

2. 2 Development of tourism in the Volga region

tourism lies in the principle of zoning the territory of the Russian Federation depending on the degree of formation of the regional tourism offer for promotion in the domestic and international markets.

According to the level of the state of the material base of tourism, the territory of the Russian Federation is distributed as follows:

Regions with an average level of development of the tourism material base - the North-Western region (Pskov and Novgorod regions, the Republic of Karelia), the Central Russian region - the Golden Ring, the Volga region, etc.;

Lake Baikal), etc.

Based on this division, the Volga region belongs to regions with an average level of development of the material base of tourism.

In 2008, an agreement on cooperation between eight regions of the Volga Federal District in the field of tourism development was signed in the city of Ulyanovsk. The Samara region was among the first to become a party to the agreement. Expanding the range of regions should increase the tourist flow to the province, as well as contribute to the emergence of additional tourist routes.

Middle Volga region. In 2009, the Republic of Chuvashia joined the agreement. The signed document became the only example in Russia of uniting the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to create and promote an interregional tourism product.

As part of the all-Russian meeting "Interregional cooperation in the field of tourism" in Ulyanovsk, the Nizhny Novgorod, Penza and Saratov regions and the Republic of Mari El joined the quadripartite agreement. The main tasks of the parties to the agreement include the creation of an effective system of interaction, the integration of legal, administrative, economic, financial, material, technical and other resources in the process of developing domestic tourism, as well as improving the quality of the process of promoting tourism products.

“Cooperation between regions in the field of tourism will create favorable conditions for the tourism business,” says Vladislav Slepova, head of the department of tourism, infrastructure of small and medium-sized businesses of the Department of Entrepreneurship Development of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region. “This also includes the creation of a unified information field, certain service standards, promotion of a common brand "Volga" on the market, providing methodological and informational assistance, cooperation in the field of personnel training." In addition, according to Slepova, an Internet portal is currently being developed that will provide information about tourist routes of the regions participating in the agreement.

For the region, the signed cooperation agreement means an increase in the tourist flow due to visitors from neighboring regions, and residents of the province will have the opportunity to have an interesting vacation without leaving Russia. According to Slepova, in the future there is an expansion of the audience coverage of tourism programs, including the exchange of school tourist groups.

As the head of the regional tourism development department of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy Mikhail Maltsev explained, over the two years of the agreement, several tourist routes have already been developed and are operating. “River cruises to Kazan are very popular,” said Maltsev. “A tour to the Vladimir Lenin Museum-Reserve in Ulyanovsk is also becoming popular. Routes are being developed with the support of the federal tourism agency.”

In 2010, 19 cruise ships will operate on these routes. In the future, the regions - parties to the agreement - will develop a program for the development of a single tourism product - the Volga River. “It is assumed that the costs of infrastructure development will be borne by the federal and regional budgets, and commercial facilities will be built at the expense of private investors,” said Mikhail Maltsev. As a result of the meeting in Ulyanovsk, a coordination council was created, which included one representative from each region.


The implementation of the main directions and tasks of tourism development in Russia is intended to ensure the implementation of the following national tasks of the current stage of economic development of Russia:

Creating conditions for dynamic and sustainable economic growth. To do this, due to high growth rates, the tourism industry (taking into account related areas) must ensure its contribution to an additional increase in the rate of economic development;

Increasing the level and quality of life of the population by increasing the availability of tourism services, employment and income of residents of our country;

Increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy by increasing the attractiveness of our country as a tourist destination;

Ensuring balanced socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by increasing the share of tourism in the regional gross product.

The hypothesis formulated during the study confirmed that the Russian tourism industry has development potential if the shortcomings inherent in the current state of the industry are eliminated, as well as with government support and regulation.

As a study of the Volga region's tourism sector has shown, the development of domestic tourism in this district is hampered by two main factors: the deterioration of the tourism infrastructure and the lack of modern hotels with a large number of rooms.

According to the Federal Tourism Agency of the Russian Federation, the Volga region ranks third in the Russian Federation in terms of domestic tourism: 2.5 million people visit the Volga Federal District annually, which is 10% of the total volume of this type of tourism in Russia. Based on existing historical, cultural and national characteristics, as well as the presence of a large number of recreational areas, the Volga regions strive to attract investors to the tourism sector. According to the register of investment projects of tourist complexes of Rostourism, as of October 1, 2007, three such projects are planned in the Kostroma, Kirov and Samara regions, there are eight of them in Tatarstan, one in Chuvashia, and six in the Penza region.

Another weak link of Volga region tourism can be called the unsatisfactory state of the tourist infrastructure, its high degree of deterioration (60−80%). The development of domestic tourism in the same Samara region occurs through the exploitation of existing tourism funds, while, for example, in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Nizhny Novgorod region, the renewal and reconstruction of existing funds is complemented by the introduction of new tourist infrastructure facilities.

must take into account the specifics of the region, objectively assess the problems of the tourism industry and propose a set of measures, the implementation of which will allow the regional tourism business to grow. The absence of a targeted program leads to unsystematic development of the industry. A striking example of this was the Kostroma region, rich in tourist attractions, where the share of visiting tourists accounts for only 5% of the market.

List of used literature

1. Birzhakov M. B. Tourism Industry, 6th ed., revised. and additional – St. Petersburg. : Nevsky Foundation, ed. house “Gerda”, 2006. – 448 p.

2. Birzhakov, M. B. Introduction to tourism / M. B. Birzhakov - St. Petersburg, 2006. – 237 p.

3. Durovich, A. P. Organization of tourism: textbook. manual / A. P. Durovich, N. I. Kabushkin, T. M. Sergeeva and others - Mn.: New knowledge, 2003. - 632 p.

4. Efremova M. E. Fundamentals of tourism business technology: Textbook. manual, - M.: Publishing house Os 85, 2004 - 192 p.

5. Ismaev, D.K. Organization of inbound tourism in the Russian Federation: educational and practical work. allowance / D.K. Ismaev. – M.: MATGR, 2005. – 144 p.

6. Kaurova, A. D. Organization of the tourism sector: study. allowance / A. D. Kaurova. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. house “Gerda”, 2007. – 320 p.

7. Kvartalnov, V. A. Tourism: Textbook / V. A. Kvartalnov. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005. – 320 p.

8. Kuskov, A. S. Transport provision in tourism [Text] / A. S. Kuskov, Yu. A. Dzhaladyan. – M.: KNORUS, 2008. – 368 p.

9. Marinin M. M. Tourist formalities and safety in tourism [Text]: prak. edition / M. M. Marinin. – M.: Finance and Statistics., 2003. – 144 p.

11. Ostroumov, O. V. Tourism. Promotion of Russian tourism products: possibilities and reality [Text]: textbook. -method. allowance / O. V. Ostroumov; edited by Yu. S. Putrika. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. – 128 p.

12. Practice of tourism business./ Ed. Karpova G. A.. – St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Trading house "Gerda", 2000. Senin, V. S. Organization of international tourism: Textbook / V. S. Senin. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. – 400 p.

13. Senin, V. S. Organization of international tourism [Text]: textbook / V. S. Senin. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003. – 400 p.

14. Ushakov, D. S. Technologies of incoming tourism [Text]: textbook. allowance / D. S. Ushakov. – M., Rostov n/D: MarT, 2006. – 384 p.

15. Holloway, J. K. Tourist business: Transl. from 7th English ed / J. K. Holloway, N. Taylor. – K.: Zannanya, 2007. – 798 p.

18. Fundamentals of tourism activities: Textbook / G. I. Zorina, E. N. Ilyina, E. V. Moshnyaga and others; Comp. E. N. Ilyina. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2003. – 200 p.

19. Laurova, A. D. Organization of tourism: study. allowance / A. D. Laurova. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. house “Gerda”, 2006. – 280 p.

20. Belkin M. M. Tourist formalities and safety in tourism [Text]: prak. edition / M. M. Belkin. – M.: Finance and Statistics., 2005. – 184 p.

Competitive advantages and disadvantages of Russia in domestic and inbound tourist destinations

Competitive weaknesses
High cost of tourist services (hotel accommodation, food, transportation, etc.)
Stability of the national currency Insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure, small number of tourist class hotels
Availability of rich cultural and natural resources
Availability of new tourism products that satisfy the need to travel to more remote, less known and less accessible places The presence of administrative barriers and unfavorable land lease conditions to attract investment in regional tourism infrastructure
Preservation of negative stereotypes of perception of the image of Russia, supported by certain foreign media
Insufficient government non-commercial advertising of the country’s tourism opportunities in foreign destinations and in the domestic markets
Insufficient level of personal safety for tourists
Imperfect visa policy in relation to states that do not pose a migration risk
Inflated tariffs for foreign tourists for services of state museums
Low quality of service in all sectors of the tourism industry due to a shortage of qualified personnel
Unsatisfactory quality of roads for the development of tourism using motor transport

The tourism industry in Russia should become a powerful sector of the national economy. As foreign practice shows, the development of the industry will be possible if government agencies vested with power realize the importance of the role of tourism in the social and economic development of the Russian Federation and begin to pursue protectionist policies regarding the tourism industry.

In recent years, we have made some progress in this direction.

The Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (No. 132-FZ, November 24, 1996) states for the first time that tourism is one of the priority sectors of the economy.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1995. No. 1284 (Appendix 3), the Concept of reorganization and development of tourism in the Russian Federation was approved.

The main goal of the concept is the creation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex, providing, on the one hand, ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for tourism services, and on the other hand, a significant contribution to the development of the country’s economy, including by increasing the number of jobs , tax revenues to the federal budget, influx of foreign currency, conservation and rational use of cultural and natural heritage.

To achieve this goal it is proposed:

  • 1. inclusion of tourism in the list of main directions of structural restructuring of the Russian economy;
  • 2. implementation of the federal target program "Development of tourism in the Russian Federation";
  • 3. creation of a regulatory framework for tourism development that corresponds to international practice;
  • 4. the formation of economic mechanisms to stimulate the development of foreign and domestic tourism, attracting investments in this area and protecting the domestic tourism market by providing tax and customs benefits, state guarantees and other measures of state support;
  • 5. introduction of a strict system of certification and licensing of tourism activities;
  • 6. creation of favorable conditions for cooperation of tourism, banking structures, transport, hotel and insurance companies in order to form high-tech complexes of tourist services and develop the material and technical base of the industry.

The prospects for the development of the tourism industry in the country are determined by the federal target program "Development of Tourism in the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 1996. No. 177 and the Program of Social Reforms in the Russian Federation for the period 1996-2000, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 1997 No. 222.

The federal program contains basic measures for the development of tourism. Its main goal is to create a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist complex in Russia, providing opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for tourism services, a large number of additional jobs, tax revenues to the budget and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

The following directions are provided for the implementation of the program:

  • ? tourism is included in the list of main directions of structural restructuring of the Russian economy;
  • ? creation of a regulatory framework for tourism development that corresponds to world experience and legal practice;
  • ? the formation of economic mechanisms to stimulate the development of foreign and domestic tourism, attracting investments in this area and protecting the domestic tourism market by providing tax and customs benefits, state guarantees and other measures of state support;
  • ? introduction of a strict system of certification and licensing of tourism activities;
  • ? creating favorable conditions for cooperation between tourism, banking structures, transport, hotel and insurance companies in order to form high-tech complexes of tourist services and develop the material and technical base of the industry.

For the Russian state, the direction of national protectionism should be a preferential value added tax in tourism, which is practiced all over the world. For example, in France, VAT for all industries is 22%, and in tourism - no more than 13%. Since the beginning of 1994 in EU countries the amount of this tax has been reduced to 10%. Naturally, such a powerful economic lever gives quick and very significant returns.

To attract tourists to the domestic market, according to Arintsev Yu.N. (Arintsev Yu.N. How to make tourism in Russia profitable? // Tourism: practice, problems, prospects. 1998, No. 3, pp. 2-4), the main emphasis must be placed on the quality of service and price. Comparability of product quality and price is fundamentally important for Russian consumers. The avalanche of holiday offers abroad was in demand by Russians because they were offered higher quality service at reasonable prices.

Bringing the prices and quality of services provided by Russian tourist organizations into line requires, first of all, modernization and improvement of the existing material and technical base, and therefore capital investments.

To increase the competitiveness of the material and technical base of domestic tourism, it is necessary:

  • ? exemption of tourism enterprises (hotels, sanatoriums, campsites) from paying customs duties for equipment and building materials imported from abroad for repair and construction work at tourist sites;
  • ? partial or complete exemption from payment of all federal taxes when investing in the material base of the tourism and sanatorium industry, depending on the volume of capital investments made;
  • ? provision of preferential loans (at 7-10% per annum) for the improvement and development of the material and technical base of tourism, deferment of payments for a period of 2 to 10 years.

In order to support the development of tourism, measures should be taken to exempt tourism enterprises from paying city and regional taxes within limits not exceeding the amount of investment (city: income tax, VAT; regional: land tax, housing, education, transport tax, property tax , income tax, VAT).

Regional authorities could exempt tourism enterprises from regional taxes (such as road use, education tax, transport tax, property tax, income tax) within limits not exceeding investments in the development of the material and technical base. Unfortunately, the federal program for the development of tourism in the investment section is practically not being implemented; there is a lack of necessary financial support for tourism from both federal and local authorities. Moreover, national entrepreneurs are being strangled by exorbitant taxes, the constant increase in the cost of utilities, and the emission of land and fixed assets.

The state poorly protects domestic travel agencies from foreign travel companies, which, as noted in the previous section, operate widely in the Russian market. Foreign companies that create their representative offices in Russia pay taxes in their homeland, and, accordingly, the Russian budget is not replenished. But some progress has been made in this direction. Thus, the draft “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation”, adopted in the second reading (09/04/98), stipulates that only those tourist enterprises, 51%, will have the right to operate on the territory of Russia whose shares are owned by persons with Russian citizenship. In addition, the share of the authorized capital of foreign owners must not exceed 49%, at least half of the total number of personnel must be citizens of Russia permanently residing on its territory. The board of directors or other executive body must also include the majority of Russians.To prevent the emergence of fly-by-night companies on the Russian market, amendments to the law include a requirement that foreign companies operating in Russia must have at least 10 years of experience.

One of the priority areas for the development of tourism in Russia should be the training of highly qualified specialists. The tourism product has significant differences from the “classic” product, so the hope that people without special knowledge will cope with tourism activities did not materialize. This problem is relevant not only for the tourism sector, but also for the entire hospitality industry, which has fallen into decline during the years of Soviet power in the country.

Public tourism organizations

Non-governmental public tourism organizations are active in our country. Their main tasks:

  • ? creation of tourism infrastructure,
  • ? influence on the development of legislation,
  • ? implementation of international service standards,
  • ? promotion of Russian tourism products to foreign markets.

Such organizations operate both at the national and regional levels.

1. At the national level:

ASTUR - Association of Tourist Organizations of Russia;

NTA - National Tourism Association;

NGTP - National Guild of Travel Press;

PACT - Russian Association of Social Tourism;

RATA - Russian Assembly of Travel Agencies;

RGA - Russian Hotel Association;

TSSR - Tourist and Sports Union of Russia.

2. At the regional level:

MATA - Moscow Association of Travel Agencies;

NTL - Nizhny Novgorod Tourist League, etc.

Among public national organizations, it stands out for its active work Russian Assembly of Travel Agencies(President of RATA - Deputy Chairman of the SCFT Sergei Shpilko, Vice President - President of the Academservice Corporation I. Zvorykin).

RATA was created in July 1993 by six Moscow companies, and currently has 611 members.

There are ten regional branches in the RATA structure:

  • ? North-Western (St. Petersburg);
  • ? Tverskoye (Tver);
  • ? South Russian (Krasnodar);
  • ? Central Chernozem (Voronezh);
  • ? Nizhny Novgorod (Nizhny Novgorod);
  • ? Krasnoyarsk (Krasnoyarsk);
  • ? Buryatskoe (Ulan-Ude);
  • ? Khabarovskoe (Khabarovsk);
  • ? Primorskoe (Vladivostok);
  • ? Interregional "Golden Ring" (Yaroslavl).

In addition, there are representative offices in Crimea, Great Britain and Bulgaria.

RATA was created as an association of travel companies, but now it includes hotels, health resort enterprises, insurance companies, advertising agencies and the travel press. The Nizhny Novgorod branch joined RATA in May 1998, the initiator of this was the Nizhny Novgorod Tourist League.

The Russian Assembly of Travel Agencies solves various problems:

  • 1) development of domestic and outbound tourism;
  • 2) participation in international exhibitions;
  • 3) development of bills. Areas of work:
    • ? consumer rights Protection;
    • ? equalizing the imbalance between inbound and outbound tourism;
    • ? lobbying the interests of small and medium-sized businesses;
    • ? support for regional development programs.