Tarot cards queen of coins meaning. Interpretation in layouts. Interpretation of direct provision

The Queen of Pentacles is the minor arcana among Tarot cards. The character is called the Throne of the Earth, the Sibyl, the Lady of Coins, the Benefactor and the Lady of Denarii. Its appearance in the layout marks a favorable outcome of the event along with the fulfillment of the Questioner’s desires.

It is very easy to recognize the Lady of Coins. The card shows a dark-haired woman sitting on a throne in a flowering garden. With her right hand, the beauty holds a pentacle - a symbol of prosperity. This person is neither old nor young, but rather of mature age. She is self-confident, stable and trustworthy. Once in the layout, the card shows what needs to be taken care of first. A person should improve their home or plan major purchases.

Tarot readers identify the Benefactor with feminine energy. It indicates a hardworking, kind and responsible lady. She is very sensual and resilient, surviving any adversity with dignity. The minor arcana is also comparable to love for the Motherland and reluctance to change place of residence. The lady adores children very much and strives for procreation. In addition, she is talented and creative.

A bad character trait of the Sibyl is the lack of a sense of proportion. An uncontrolled passion for something is fraught for her with the fact that those around her cease to see the positive qualities of this person. And for her, the irrepressible desire to achieve personal goals can end in disappointment or despair.

The favorable meaning of the Tarot Queen of Pentacles, which falls in an upright position, describes a well-groomed and feminine lady. She does not skimp on love and gratitude, runs a successful business and easily communicates with the opposite sex.

Paired with the Queen of Wands, the Lady of Denariev prophesies a new creative work. In terms of health, Arkan advises giving up bad habits, taking up disease prevention and switching to a healthy lifestyle.

Interpretation in an inverted position

Finding itself in an inverted position in Tarot readings, the beautiful Queen of Pentacles changes its meaning to negative. She speaks to the questioner about wastefulness and thoughtless waste of finances. If a person is thrifty, the lasso hints at stinginess. Constant saving is bad, as is squandering. Sooner or later, inept handling of money will create serious difficulties.

The card also predicts financial fraud and the problems that they will bring to the fortuneteller. Advice - refuse to interact with unreliable persons.

What else does the inverted Lady of Coins portend:

  • Disease;
  • Dismissal from work;
  • Problems in family, friendship, team;
  • Moreover, the source of difficulties will be the hysteria and egoism of the Questioner;
  • A positive mood and caring for loved ones will help you avoid troubles.

The inner meaning of the Queen of Pentacles card

A careful study of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card leads the diviner to its inner meaning. It lies in the nobility, authority and generosity of a certain woman whom no one has ever managed to fool. Despite her wealth, the lady is close to ordinary people, correctly distributes her own resources and sets an example for others. This is a man of great soul, respected by his subordinates and equals.

When viewed not as a person but as a situation, the Lady of Coins signifies order and comfort, hope, wisdom and prudence.

The meaning of the lasso in relationships and love

Forecasters perceive the direct position of the Queen of Pentacles in layouts for love and relationships as the best time for reconciliation. This is a period of manifestation of cordiality and warmth, loyalty, kindness and security. The Sibyl in the reading is also a sign of the partners’ readiness to start a family.

When the Queen of Coins appears in an inverted position, it should be interpreted as complex, problems in intimate life and excessive guardianship. The questioner is worried about a feeling of insecurity or resentment towards a partner, coming from a lack of attention and care.

The image of the Benefactor is also used in magic to make love talismans. Such amulets exude a powerful flow of energy and attract a worthy life partner to a person. The relationship between lovers will be strong and harmonious.

The meaning of the card in money readings

Alignments for the financial and housing situation with the participation of the Queen of Pentacles pleasantly surprise the Questioner. Welfare and prosperity come into his life. The Sibyl is a favorable significator for housing and money issues. Its appearance promises order in affairs, luxury and comfort.

The rich and generous Queen of Pentacles instructs the fortuneteller on the reasonable division of cash flows. This skill is not given to everyone. Many people, with the appearance of substantial sums at their disposal, either begin to spend left and right, or become too greedy. Some people, with a lot of money, become arrogant and begin to care only about the safety of the funds received.

Lady Denariev has common sense in this regard. She always manages property wisely. In general, the card is identified with luxury and the increase of property. It promises profitable deals, housewarming, profit and reliable investments.

Health status

Since the Queen of Pentacles in the Tarot has a mostly positive meaning, she establishes her state of health as good. The card focuses on a healthy lifestyle and proper body care. The problems the lasso reveals are those associated with physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle. Congestion needs to be corrected not only with medications, but also with diet and giving up bad habits. The Sibyl also warns about illness, vitamin deficiency and physical exhaustion.

In health readings, the Queen of Pentacles is designated as a doctor. But she suggests treatment not with medications, but with folk remedies. Recovery will definitely come if the Questioner changes his lifestyle towards benefits for the body.

Importance in career and work

In business, career and regular work, the Queen of Pentacles predicts the elimination of problems and stability of the situation. Stagnation is replaced by reliability and creative growth. A person receives high qualifications and gains new experience. The lasso also shows a creative approach when performing professional duties.

The inverted position of the Benefactor means unjustifiably high self-esteem. The questioner is greedy in desires and strives to receive more than he deserves. The Lady card in a reading is a symbol of pretentiousness and haste. Qualities appear where they are not needed.

Fortune telling on personality and situation

If the Tarot reading is done for the purpose of identifying a person, her assessment when the Queen of Pentacles appears is that she is a dark-haired woman. Its characteristics may be as follows:

  • Practical;
  • Serious;
  • Prosperous;
  • Cautious;
  • Mentally healthy;
  • Having social morality;
  • Loving and beloved;
  • Accustomed to surrounding yourself with beautiful things;
  • Interested in business, home management and everything related to nature.

Lying in an inverted position, the once attractive Lady Denariev turns into an arrogant, self-confident person.

She is characterized by such bad traits as deceit, excessive coquetry, importunity, greed and a tendency to scam. The woman is boastful. She takes the reins into her own hands whenever the opportunity arises.

If the lasso with the image of the Queen of Pentacles is included in the layout as the card of the day, he advises to control the situation and not allow anyone to manipulate you. Keep long-term plans in mind and work towards your goal step by step. Today you will meet a kind woman. Her soul is so broad that she will definitely give practical advice, and with its help you can solve your own problems.

Advice in various fortune-telling The Lady of Coins gives you to stay at ease and strive to achieve only real goals. Follow your own thoughts and do everything slowly. Measured activity will gradually lead you to success.

Queen of Pentacles in combination with other cards

Now we will learn how to interpret the Queen of Pentacles in combination with other cards. With the major arcana, the Sibyl is interpreted as follows:

- an important meeting will take place that will significantly affect the future life of the Questioner.
Jesteryour actions are devoid of rationality
Magepast efforts will not be in vain, you will benefit from past deeds
Empressget what you deserve
High Priestessyou more often rely on the message of reason, emotions in actions are secondary for you
you need new knowledge that can lead to success; legal marriage
Now is the right time for successful business development and career advancement
Loversharmonious development of relations
take control of your life for success
Forcesuccessful completion of an important task
Wheel of Fortunesoon there will be a chance to change your life for the better, hurry up to grab luck by the tail
Justiceretribution for old sins
HangedNow you are busy searching for the meaning of life and will do this for quite a long time
advice to control all actions
gather yourself, concentrate and put your thoughts in order
Deviltake a closer look at your surroundings - there is a person lurking in it who wants to use you for personal purposes
Starthe time has come to make your cherished dreams come true
Towerunexpected expenses of large sums

The Queen of Pentacles depicts a single woman who sits on a throne decorated with carvings of fruit trees, goats, angels and other symbols of material success and sensual pleasure. The tree above her and the ground below her feet are rich in flowers and mature plants. She holds a gold coin in her hand, which represents her material wealth.

In the lower right corner of the card, a rabbit, a symbol of fertility, jumps out from behind the bushes. The rabbit also jumps into our awareness, symbolizing that now is the time to look at how to respond to life and exercise common sense in any decisions.

Basic values:

  • mature female founder;
  • businessman;
  • high social status;
  • generous, loyal;
  • prosperity, success;
  • financially independent;
  • wealth, luxury;
  • housewife;
  • organized;
  • reasonable, practical;
  • kind, hospitable;
  • caring;
  • healer;
  • wonderful mother.

In the general meaning of the Tarot, the Queen of Pentacles represents high social status, prosperity, wealth, luxury, success and financial independence. This Arcanum tells you to approach issues in a reasonable and practical way, and then you will achieve success. She tells you to set goals and constantly work towards them.

How does a person represent

a mature female personality who is generous, wealthy and financially independent.

She also has an affinity with subtle life matters and is good in business.

She has a high social status and is also pleasant, charming, loyal, socially balanced, organized and practical. She is a wonderful, caring mother and a good housewife. People feel welcome in her home, safe in her company, and able to trust her. Has an Earth sign such as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn.

Love and relationships

The Queen of Pentacles in a relationship reading indicates that you will feel confident and secure in your relationship and deservedly so, as you have worked hard to get to this point. You and your partner should enjoy the finer things in life and perhaps add a little luxury and relaxation by visiting a fantastic hotel for the weekend. If you want to know about a person, they are kind, confident, generous, practical, loyal and caring.

The Lady of Pentacles is a wonderful mother, charming and a good housewife. She is the type of woman that others look up to. If you are single, then you have the right to be very selective when choosing who you want to have a love relationship with. You've put a lot of effort into achieving this level of success in your life, and you deserve a strong, stable relationship. Any partner you choose must be on the same level as you.

Another alternative meaning suggests that a woman will appear in your life who embodies the qualities of this card and will have a huge impact on you.

Money and career

In a career context, this is an excellent omen as it represents business success, practicality and organization. As for the qualities of a person, this is a successful, confident woman who is good at business. This girl may turn out to be a business colleague, and if so, then this will bring a lot of skills to the enterprise. Listen to her advice and guidance to get decent results in the future.

Queen of Coins Tarot meaning in a financial matter is an excellent sign of wealth and financial independence. When it appears, then everything should be fine in terms of cash flow and investment. You feel like you enjoy the finer things in life and are still a little frugal and don't waste money on low quality items.


The value of the Queen of Pentacles card for health is also positive. You have a good balanced daily routine, proper nutrition and regular exercise. If you do have health problems, reconsider how you treat yourself and your body. Think about how much time and attention you spend on yourself and make sure you are taking proper care of your body and mental health.


The Queen of Pentacles has a meaning in spirituality about the need to believe in yourself, your instincts and abilities. You should feel spiritually elevated. If you feel you are on the right path, trust your own wisdom. This lasso indicates that you have natural healing power, so use it.

Your interest and natural talent are designed for Earth magic, such as creating potions using herbs. You may be involved in a nature religion, which provides inner strength and empowerment.

Inverted position

Basic values:

  • unreasonable;
  • overly ambitious;
  • anger;
  • sociopath, jealousy;
  • possessive;
  • wicked;
  • disloyal;
  • scammer;
  • disorganized;
  • impractical;
  • chaos;
  • poverty;
  • neglect;
  • manipulation;
  • dark magic;
  • bad mother.

General meaning and interpretation

The Denarius Queen reversed in the Tarot represents failure, dependence and lack of control in life. If you don't keep your feet on the ground, you can lose everything you value. The card signifies a lack of common sense, impracticality and a chaotic approach to life.

If we consider it from a human point of view, then this is an immature female personality, mean-spirited and materialistic.

She is very jealous, envious, or at her extreme, a manipulative sociopath who won't look to anyone to get what she wants. This is also a person with whom it is unpleasant to be around, because you are filled with her laziness and disorganization.

There is also the other side of the coin, when this woman is charming and pleasant to talk to, but under this mask hides evil, chaos and danger. The Queen of Coins represents a deceiver or prostitute. She is neglectful both as a mother and as a housewife.

Love and relationships

If we consider the meaning of the Tarot cards Queen of Denariev in love in an inverted position, being in a relationship, then the lasso indicates jealousy and insecurity. You and your partner are bored with each other. You express your insecurity by trying to control everything. The partner is unpleasant and lazy, and expects you to do all the work for him.

If you're single, it means you'll have to work on yourself before you can find a healthy relationship. You lack confidence or you are waiting for someone to come and bring everything you want at your feet without any effort. Such an alliance is a misalliance, and therefore, the feeling of insecurity will constantly haunt, since there will be too much to lose if the relationship does not work out.

You will meet a woman who embodies the qualities of this Arcana. If so, avoid her, she will seem charming, but she will easily take away and destroy everything that is dear to you in the process of communication.

Money and career

In the context of a career, this inverted lasso has a negative meaning, since

he talks about bad business, chaos and unreliability.

You need to get to work, or else you'll be in serious trouble.

When considering a potential business partner, be careful and do not start a business with him yet, as this will end in complete failure. He is too ambitious, angry and dangerous. Protect your back from unexpected blows. Although this person is attractive, he will move forward no matter what.

Regarding the money issue, expect money to leave and financial dependence. The worst case scenario is poverty. You are overly materialistic and petty, which definitely affects your lack of money. Be careful not to spend the accumulated money, because this will be a critical point.


In a tarot reading for health, it usually represents weight issues. It means that your health is suffering because you are so overwhelmed with responsibilities that you forget to do simple things for your body and soul. By eating well, exercising and getting enough rest, you can turn things around. No matter how many people want your care, remember that you will not be able to show it fully while you yourself are in a nervous and tense state.


In the context of spirituality, the Pentacle of the Queen of Supreme Destiny signifies that you are wasting your natural strengths or abilities and not using your gifts. You need to focus on your capabilities.

If you practice dark magic or give corrupted gifts to harm or manipulate others, you will suffer the consequences. Remember to stay grounded and strive only for the light.

The meaning in the past, present and future situational scenarios

  • Past

The help you have given and continue to give to those who need it will become an important source of satisfaction.

  • The present

Having a female influence in your life will provide some practical advice. This will help you live in prosperity.

  • Future

Using your talents effectively will lead to financial success.


Traditionally, the Lady of Denarii is depicted as a woman sitting on a throne in the middle of a blooming rose garden. The dark-haired beauty holds a pentacle on her knees - a coin representing wealth.

The Queen of Pentacles is not young, but you can’t call her old either, she is confident in her abilities and knows what she wants. She prefers stability and trustworthiness in everything: family, work, finances and home. As a rule, when this card appears, the questioner has something to worry about, and the worries are not of a spiritual, but of an earthly nature: home improvement, planning large purchases.

Often the Lady of Coins is associated with such qualities as kindness, a realistic view of things, hard work, high efficiency and sensuality. Like the Queen of Wands, the Queen of Pentacles symbolizes an accomplished, confident and experienced woman.

She can be a caring mother and a talented actress, a bohemian artist and a real businesswoman. But if the measure in the manifestation of desires is not observed, then the positive aspects can turn into negative: melancholy, inertia, laziness and an unbridled desire for pleasure.

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles tarot will depend on various factors. First of all, from who it points to. If this is a significator (questor), then the card can be interpreted as a wonderful family man who sincerely cares about his partner. The Queen of Coins represents a prudent person, noble and generous both spiritually and materially. She is loved and respected by colleagues and friends, but at the same time she perfectly knows how to separate the personal and the public, and does not like to go beyond the established boundaries. Her generosity also has limits: the Queen will not allow herself to be used by those who want to communicate with her solely for profit. After all, everything she has was achieved through hard work, and not received instantly.

A big lover of good cuisine and quality things, she knows how and loves to enjoy life.

If the card comes up with the meaning “rival”, then you will face a strong opponent who will not give up after the first failure.

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles tarot in the upright position symbolizes a favorable outcome of the matter. This could be a profitable deal that will bring greater profits in the future, getting a stable job with good development prospects or a decent salary. Everything that bothered you and brought you adversity will remain in the past. The card does not promise a quick and easy way to realize what you want, however, difficulties will be overcome and the winner will receive a well-deserved reward. Even if clouds appear on the horizon again, do not panic - these are not thunderclouds, but a light gloom that will soon disappear.

Minor Arcana Queen of Pentacles inverted represents the crisis of all endeavors. Indecision and neglect of one's responsibilities can lead to dire consequences, and correcting the current situation will not be easy. Strong dependence on others will only worsen the situation: friends may turn away when they realize that the financial source is temporarily cut off. Try to focus on what's important and don't be afraid to take time out to think about decisions. Now this is much better than mindlessly taking sides. Hasty decisions and impractical actions can lead to the loss of everything that you have achieved through long, painstaking work.

Another meaning of the Queen of Pentacles tarot in an inverted position is a certain suspicious person in your environment. He doesn't trust anyone and tries to direct all attention to himself in order to control everyone.

If you got the Queen of Pentacles card upright when you asked about your future professionally or financially, then the answer will be positive. The unfavorable period ends and new opportunities appear. All that remains for you is not to miss the chance given by fate and show your best side.

The Queen of Coins symbolizes that the questioner can cope with any task assigned to him; the scope of his knowledge and skills allows him to boldly try himself in different fields. It is especially worth paying attention to creative professions that value the ability to express oneself (journalism, design) or require good organizational skills.

Thanks to her ability to work, the Queen of Pentacles can manage both her household and her own business equally well. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly and have clear motivation. Then the work process will become even more fruitful.

Remember to behave sensibly and judiciously, without rushing headlong into pleasure after receiving a reward. The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles tarot hints that restraint and practicality should become your principles in order not to lose touch with reality. Use what you receive wisely, then you will get closer to your most cherished dreams.

In a financial and career Tarot reading for the future, the dropped card of the inverted Queen of Pentacles warns against excessive greed. Not only in the literal sense, but also in the spiritual sense. Inflated egos and pretentiousness can ruin everything you've worked for. Do not blindly trust others: you may be deceived. So think carefully about what you say and to whom.

Be patient and take small steps towards your goal, now is not the time to conquer the world. Make useful contacts and wait for an opportunity, fate has not forgotten about you, she just took a short vacation.

In a Tarot card layout for relationships, the Queen of Coins in an upright position promises a favorable development of events. She talks about the need to make useful contacts that can lead to something more than friendship. With the right approach and presentation of yourself, not only a long-term romance is possible, but also marriage.

First of all, the card indicates the reliability of an existing relationship or the stable feelings of a partner for a couple just starting to meet. There are no obstacles to your love. You create the ideal conditions for your chosen one that he dreamed of; next to you he finds the peace and confidence he needs.

The Queen of Pentacles in relationships signifies stability. What your partner feels for you may not be like a hot volcano, but the warm, even flame of a fire in the fireplace is much safer and more reliable. Moreover, this fire is lit exclusively for you. Your relationship is built on mutual trust and respect for each other, and not just on the physical aspect.

If the Queen of Pentacles is the significator of your partner in a Tarot reading for relationships, then its meaning will be read slightly differently.

Your chosen one is completely devoted to you: both soul and body. He genuinely tries to take care of you, and his concern is often mundane: making sure you are fed, happy and in good health. Spiritual matters fade into the background. If desired, he can try and even arrange an unforgettable dinner by candlelight, but rather to please you than for personal romantic reasons.

He perceives you as you are, and will not start a scandal out of nowhere because of an unprepared dinner or unwashed clothes. But if he gets offended, then seriously. And he will give many reasonable arguments why you are guilty.

However, if the fortuneteller is interested in a person already in a relationship, then the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot is completely different. The chances of starting any romantic relationship are zero. This card symbolizes loyalty and devotion to an existing partner, and any possibility of an affair on the side is perceived extremely negatively.

For those in a relationship, Arcanum in this position speaks of a period of stagnation in your couple. Excessive suspicion, hysteria and distrust of a partner, combined with hesitancy to clarify the situation and start a conversation about painful issues, only worsens the current situation. Fear of failure leads to self-doubt and suspicion. It begins to seem that you are wasting your time on a once close person who has become a stranger. A feeling of defenselessness appears, and resentment accumulates and grows. To break out of a vicious circle, you will have to muster the courage and take the first step. Dialogue will help to understand the difficulties and find a way out of the current situation.

For those who are single or just separated, the inverted Queen of Pentacles does not promise either the appearance of new love on the horizon, or the resumption of old relationships. You need to be patient and wait out the unfavorable period. Instead of waiting for the prince and being sad, direct your energy in a different direction: take up your own career or a new hobby.

The Queen of Pentacles card indicates that the person is healthy or recovering well. To improve your general condition, you need to change your habits and start moving more actively.

In an inverted position, the Queen of Denarii may indicate a possible exacerbation of leg diseases, rheumatism, and skin diseases.

Be confident in yourself and go towards your goal. Do not pay attention to the negative statements of ill-wishers: they are groundless and do not carry any semantic meaning. However, listen to the words of an older woman you know: she will give advice that will be useful to you in the future.

In the scenario, if there are Major Arcana nearby, the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles can increase and the main quality will come to the fore.

With the Major Arcana Jester in the Tarot card layout for the future, the Queen of Pentacles will lose its positive character and will begin to indicate a lack of practicality in any endeavor.

The Queen of Pentacles in combination with the Magician suggests that the success of any endeavor depends on a carefully thought-out plan.

In combination with the Arcanum, the High Priestess calls for maintaining sanity regardless of the circumstances. Rash actions do not bode well either now or in the future.

In tandem with the Empress, it’s time to remember about saving and become more practical and sensible. If the Empress is in an inverted position, then a major quarrel cannot be avoided.

The Emperor, who appears nearby in the layout, hints that it is time to reconsider how he conducts business, otherwise problems will arise. A carefully drawn up plan and patience will help you get out of any difficult situation.

When combined with the Lovers, the positive meaning of the Queen of Denarii is enhanced. In all matters, especially romantic ones, success is inevitable.

The union of the Queen of Pentacles and the Major Arcana of Strength symbolizes the need to take tight control of the situation. The slightest relaxation or desire to let things take their course will lead to a negative result and you will have to go back a few steps.

In combination with the Major Arcana, the Hermit Queen of Coins takes on a negative character: any ideas are far from practicality and implementation and can lead to loss of fortune.

When the Wheel of Fortune appears, fate hints that you need to wait for the right moment and act decisively.

In tandem with Justice, the Lady card means that any of your actions will be carefully analyzed, weighed on the scales of fate and appreciated. Reward or punishment will not be long in coming. Everyone will be rewarded according to their deserts.

The Hanged Man, which appears in the reading in combination with the Queen of Pentacles, speaks of the meaninglessness of any undertakings. Now is not the time for active actions; you should not initiate something new.

When Death appears next to the Queen of Coins, every word must be weighed. Be careful, don't trust anyone.

When the Tower appears in a reading, refrain from large cash expenditures or capital investments.

In combination with the Star, the Minor Arcana says that realistic dreams will soon come true.

The Devil and the Queen of Pentacles hint at the need to moderate your greed and selfishness and think about those around you.

The fallen Moon in combination with the Queen of Denariev says that everything is not as it seems. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg and unless you get your footing, losses are inevitable.

A very favorable combination of the Queen of Pentacles and the Sun - 100% probability of success, no matter what you undertake, be it creative plans, career or love. When divining a man, the Queen of Pentacles in combination with the Arcana of the Sun promises a quick marriage.

Another favorable card is Peace. It promises quick career growth.

In combination with the Priest, the Queen of Pentacles warns against committing rash acts. The card is not negative, however, it is worth listening to its advice.

The Queen of Pentacles with other cards (queens of the Minor Arcana) means that an important meeting awaits you in the near future, the result of which will have a great impact on the future.

Thus, the Queen of Pentacles is one of the most important cards in the layout, influencing its interpretation.

Description: a woman sits on a throne surrounded by flowers, she holds a pentacle in her hands, and there is peace on her face. There is a hare at her feet.

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • external and internal wealth;
  • a successful person, a wonderful mother and housewife;
  • favorable big events;
  • creative intelligent person, generous and caring;
  • fleeting melancholy and sadness;
  • kindness, hard work;
  • natural instinct;
  • sensual joys;
  • incubation of ideas;
  • cordiality, warmth, loyalty;
  • desire to get married;
  • organization;
  • love of nature;
  • stable work;
  • wealth;
  • emotional maturity;
  • business success;
  • pregnancy;

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:

  • sad event;
  • strong dependence on other people;
  • neglect of duties;
  • distrust;
  • overprotectiveness;
  • irresponsibility;
  • indecision;
  • greed;
  • boastfulness;
  • paying attention to little things, skipping important points;
  • causticity;
  • those who only love to take;
  • stupid, capricious woman;
  • suspicious situation;

Otherwise, Sibyl, Queen of Denarii or Lady of Pentacles.

The Queen of Denarii represents external and internal wealth. This is a person reaping the fruits of his labors: an artist who has achieved recognition, a scientist who has made an important discovery. If the card corresponds to a woman, then she is also a wonderful mother and housewife: it is not for nothing that the Queen depicted on the card is surrounded by a blooming garden.

In a reading, it usually means events: upright - cheerful, favorable (wedding, anniversary, housewarming), inverted - rather sad.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: The dark-haired Queen of Plenty sits on her throne, tenderly holding a pentacle in her lap. Natural abundance reigns around her. An arch of roses hangs over her, a bunny nibbles the grass at her feet, and in the distance a forested valley is visible. The reverse side of the Queen's throne is decorated with an image of Cupid and fruit. Elements: Water-Earth.

EXPLANATION: The Queen of the Earthly Thrones is a creative and intelligent woman who knows this world well. She is generous, caring, wise and creative in family and business matters. Pulling this card from the deck indicates that you also have these positive qualities. If there is anything unfavorable associated with this card, it is a tendency to indulge in melancholy and sadness, but since you are always ready to help others, your sadness is unlikely to last very long.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: You depend too much on other people, neglect your responsibilities, are distrustful and suspicious, and do not develop your creative abilities.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: You are always ready to serve others, but sometimes your help and devotion are taken for granted. Pay attention to your needs and focus on your priorities.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)

The Queen of Denarii, personifying the feminine side of the earth element, means sobriety, kindness, reliability, realism, hard work, fertility and fruitful work, sincerity and sensual joys. She has a natural instinct and love for the land, which is most clearly manifested in the image of a peasant woman. In addition, she has a “light hand” in relation to material values, as is reminiscent of the rudely good-natured image of the canteen - Mother Courage from the play of the same name by B. Brecht. She is also a caring mother of many children, a talented actress or artist, or simply a sensual person who gets true pleasure from the simplest joys of life. But this also requires moderation, otherwise the above-mentioned positive qualities will turn into disappointment or inertia, laziness, and a thirst for pure pleasure.

JOB: Work that requires practical acumen and skill, patience and perseverance, but at the same time creative, which we perform not only successfully, but also with pleasure. The Queen of Denarii here means our reliability and high qualifications, ability to work and creative growth. No resounding success or awards should be expected, because the main thing in this work is its continuity and our ability to “let everything take its course” (C. G. Jung).

CONSCIOUSNESS: Here the Queen of Denariev indicates that we are going through a period of “nurturing” another idea that is destined to play an important role in our lives. We are always open to the advice and ideas of others, but always test them for feasibility and usefulness. Vague dreams or fashionable concepts do not captivate us now; we are looking for what has practical and long-term meaning. At the same time, we do not “leave the world” at all, we do not give up the joys of life. Quite the contrary: the Queen of Denarii symbolizes sensual joys, giving this card the meaning of spiritual warmth and fullness of feelings.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: A period of spiritual warmth and cordiality, sensual joys and, in general, the joys of life begins. In addition, this card indicates loyalty, constancy and the desire for kindness and security. It can also mean that we are “ripe enough to get married and start a family.

The Queen can represent either a real woman in your life or various aspects of your personality. Queens represent mothers and often symbolize mature women with some authority or personal power. Queens can also denote men who have characteristic feminine traits, including love of nature, caring, love of children, etc. Queens are much less likely to denote situations than Pages and Kings. In a reading, Queens can also represent a new level of understanding or awareness. Two or more Queens in one reading predict an important meeting between several women.

Key words and phrases: Organized. Fruitfulness. Prosperity. Sensuality. Love for nature. Hospitality. Insight. Abundance. Own. Love of luxury. Responsibility. Ingenuity. Good business sense. Stable work. Good things in life. Safety. Creation. Prosperity. Common sense. Confidence. Upbringing. Emotional maturity. Solid education. Great ability for plant growing. Wonderful house and surroundings. Caring for the physical and emotional needs of others. Ability to manage money well. Garden of earthly pleasures.

Situation and advice: This card foretells success in business and financial affairs. A smart, practical approach leads to sustainable progress. The Queen of Pentacles can signify fertility or pregnancy. This is a card of material abundance and sensual pleasures. You may be dealing with a shrewd businesswoman, or you may be taking practical, conservative measures in regard to your own affairs.

People: Businesswoman. Good organizer. Sensual woman. An insightful, talented, creative, wealthy woman. Patron of the arts. Those who like good things in life. A practical woman with business acumen. Those who know how to manage money well. A down-to-earth woman with a strong maternal instinct and a penchant for nurturing. A person who deals with the material condition of other people. A capable woman who is both a good mother and a successful businesswoman. A hardy, sensual woman who loves luxury and values ​​material things. Those who work hard to achieve material well-being. A friend ready to help. Team player. Benefactress. Philanthropist. Provider. A woman who likes to show off her wealth. A woman holding a fairly high position.

Key words and phrases: Overprotectiveness. Irresponsibility. Lack of common sense. Stagnation. Indecisiveness. Mistrust. Suspicion. Selfishness. Limited thinking. Shifting your responsibilities to others. Suspicious ideas. Gluttony. Problems with money. Pretentiousness. Exaggeration of one's own importance. Let things take their course. Greed. Carelessness in financial matters. Laziness. Addiction. Fear of failure. Instability. Fears. Diffidence. Lack of motivation. Sexual incompetence. A waste of time. Poor management of money. Boastfulness. Excessive self-indulgence.

Situation and advice: Problems can arise from a pretentious and unhappy woman. You or someone around you may be paying too much attention to the little things instead of doing what is truly valuable. Greed and carelessness can lead to problems. Perhaps you don't have enough money to achieve your goal. Your own fears and self-doubt can create feelings of insecurity and hinder your progress. To paraphrase the words of J. Kennedy, we can say this: “You should ask yourself what you can do for your country, and not focus on what the country can do for you.”

People: A sarcastic but rather pretty woman. A woman who does not feel a sense of stability and security. A man full of fears. Glutton. Those who love to take, but give little in return. A woman prone to depression and frequent mood swings. A lazy, suspicious, distrustful person who lacks motivation. Those who do not feel safe do not take any responsibility. People who waste most of their time. Extravagant personalities. Those who lack common sense. Greedy people, ready to take the best for themselves. Those who consider themselves to be in charge of everything. People who like to label. People who want to occupy a high social position. Gold miners. Women who enjoy flaunting their wealth and who will proudly display it despite the suffering of those around them.

Direct interpretation:

  • Brunette, Abundance, Wealth, Splendor, Luxury, Splendor.
  • Confidence, Security, Trust, Loyalty, Affirmation.
  • Prosperity, Courage, Freedom, Frankness.

Other meanings of the Tarot Queen of Pentacles in the upright position:

  • a noble and practical woman who values ​​her comfort and social position more than she should
  • practicality, insight, financial assistance
  • generosity, responsibility, spiritual harmony, creativity, love of nature

The Queen of Pentacles Tarot represents a practical, down-to-earth woman who tends to focus primarily on home and family. She has insight (especially in financial matters) and great efficiency, which also ensures her success in business. The Queen of Pentacles indicates a woman in adulthood who will help the Client in financial matters with good advice and finances.

The Queen of Pentacles Tarot card is a kind and generous woman, an attentive ruler (or, in modern terms, a manager), possessing both reason and intuition. Like the King, she can be favorable or indifferent to the Questioner. She is attractive and knows how to persuade; she knows how to achieve her goal. If this card does not represent a specific person, it symbolizes reliability, wisdom, prudence, wealth and even abundance.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Evil is inevitable, Doubtful, Unfaithful, Doubt, Indecision, Uncertainty.
  • Fear, Afraid, Fright, Timidity, Apprehension, Hesitation, Indecisiveness.
  • Uncertain, Indecisive, Difficult.

Other meanings of the reversed Queen of Pentals Tarot:

  • a stupid, capricious, unspiritual woman, indecisive and unsure of her powers, unable to find the proper use for them
  • commercialism, unreliability, conflict
  • self-doubt, irresponsibility, impracticality
  • illness, suspicion, fear, mistrust, loss of financial independence

When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles tarot card speaks of an overly mercantile and suspicious woman with a tendency toward prestigious spending. The inverted Queen of Pentacles is an older woman who creates problems for the Client, especially with money. She is very insecure, which outwardly manifests itself in greed and in flaunting her wealth and position in society.

This is a suspicious woman who does not trust anyone around her and is not trustworthy. Annoying, trying to control the situation at any cost. If this Queen of Pentals tarot card does not represent a specific person, it symbolizes suspicion, fear, even evil. A suspicious situation in which the Questioner does not know who to trust or whether to trust anyone at all.

Inner meaning

A noble and respected woman, known for her generous nature, but not one to be fooled or bypassed. She is respected for her money, but money does not rule her. She is a wise and prudent ruler who sets an example for others on how to best use and distribute real wealth. Like the King, the Queen of Pentacles Tarot is educated, intelligent and possesses greatness of soul, for which she has earned respect and admiration among both equals and subjects.

If this card does not represent a specific person, then it describes a situation of orderliness and comfort, which stems not only from wealth, but also from the ability to wisely manage money. The Queen of Pentacles also represents hope and the ability to overcome obstacles through wisdom and prudence.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"


Description of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card

Most decks of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card depict a richly dressed woman sitting in a luxurious chair in the middle of a flowering garden. The woman looks at the coin, holding it with both hands. This is a wise and prudent ruler who, by her own example, demonstrates to others how to best use and distribute wealth. This woman is as wise as she is rich, as respected as she is noble.

General meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reading in the upright position, the Queen of Denarii symbolizes overcoming a barren past. This process has been or will be tortuous and very difficult for you, but it will be overcome. This can apply to any business you are involved in. This is recognition of a person’s labors, this is the abundance that has entered life as a result of efforts and worries, this is finding pleasure in ordinary everyday things.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Queen of Disks is a stop in development, and sometimes even regression. Impracticality can lead to the loss of many opportunities and, as a result, to poverty. Sometimes the card speaks of too much regard for the opinions of other people, dependence on them and a willingness to immediately accept anyone’s point of view.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Tarot card Queen of Denarii speaks of overcoming a period of stagnation or problems, means reliability and high qualifications, ability to work and creative growth. It may be an indicator of high qualifications, insight and a creative approach to solving professional problems.

Reversed card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or reversed reading, the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card can denote unjustified pretentiousness and conceit, which makes a person want more than what he could expect due to personal merits and objective circumstances. It is also impatience and haste, demonstrated in the wrong places.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Very good health. Sustainable dynamics of recovery, way out of the crisis.

Reversed card position

Possible diseases of the legs, rheumatism, gout. Tendency to skin diseases, lichen and erysipelas.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Queen of Coins indicates a period of overcoming differences and reconciliation. The time is coming for warmth and cordiality, sensual joys and the joys of life in general. In addition, the Arkan symbolizes loyalty, constancy and the desire for kindness and security. The card can also mean that the partners are ripe to get married and start a family.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Queen of Disks is interpreted as excessive guardianship, complexes arising from self-doubt, as problems in the intimate sphere. It can also be an acute feeling of insecurity, resentment towards a partner because he does not show enough care and attention.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

The Queen of Pentacles as a court card (court card) usually symbolizes a dark-haired woman who is prosperous and has substantial property. This is a morally healthy person who enjoys his position, but at the same time has not lost the ability to enjoy life’s pleasures. This woman is practical, serious, careful, but at the same time sensual, loving to surround herself with high-quality and beautiful things. She pragmatically cares about preserving resources, shows interest in business, nature, animals, and households.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Queen of Coins is an arrogant, self-confident brawler with enormous aplomb, self-esteem and a penchant for scams. Deceit and selfishness coexist in her with boasting and excessive coquetry. This is an annoying person who strives to control the situation at any cost.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Don't let anyone manipulate you today. Calmly and consistently do what you planned earlier, do not forget about long-term plans. It is possible, however, that today you will meet a kind woman with a big maternal heart, and this meeting will play a certain role in your destiny. Listen to her advice.

Advice from the Queen of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts

Keep it simple and casual. Set realistic goals and objectives for yourself, without allowing anyone to influence your opinions and actions. Try to do everything you undertake without fuss, measuredly and consistently.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Pentacles

Online Tarot readings

In one translation, the Lady of Coins is presented as a dark-haired woman, in another - as a dark-skinned woman. Actually, this is where the description of the map ends. Arthur Waite wrote another pompous phrase about the fact that the Queen in her pentacle views certain worlds in much the same way as a modern lady does with a smartphone or tablet.

But Waite did not consider it necessary to mention the hare or rabbit. Either the significance of the rabbit for the British at the beginning of the last century was completely obvious, or he did not see it, just like many others. Meanwhile, a hare or rabbit is an extremely loaded symbol.

Here is what a short encyclopedia of symbols writes about the hare:

Hare. Lunar animal and attribute of all lunar deities. Represents rebirth, the return of youth, as well as intuition and “light in the darkness.” Very often the hare is associated with sacrificial fire and “life passing through death.” Everywhere the hare is a symbol of fertility and personifies women's menstrual cycles; this is the key to love, timidity, seduction, worldly wisdom, speed, agility.

Additional nuances of the Queen of Pentacles in the video

Key ideas

  • Storage and accumulation
  • Fair distribution (equalization)
  • Maternal care
  • Emotional discomfort

Basic meaning

The main meaning of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card according to Waite is associated with wealth, generosity and greatness. And if wealth does not raise any doubts today, then generosity and greatness in modern ideas have ceased to be associated with the Queen of Pentacles. The emphasis of the meanings of this card has shifted to storage, accumulation, and putting things in order. Another meaning of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card is the keeper of material values.

Since her task is not so much to spend and distribute as to accumulate, she is economical. But her economy can lead to stinginess and greed. The desire to restore order and the inability to restore it once and for all contributes to serious internal tension in the Queen.

Meaning in relationships

The Queen of Pentacles is not the most pleasant meaning of the card in a love relationship. She feels very insecure and uncomfortable on the cup field. Significantly exaggerating, for this card a plate of borscht is a much more obvious sign of a good relationship than an orchid.

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But the meaning of the Tarot card Queen of Pentacles indicates strong family relationships, which can also be based on joint housekeeping.

Open - hole card

A very closed card.

The Tarot meaning of the Queen of Coins indicates great internal tension. If we are talking about external manifestations, then first of all these are formal relationships.

The card is an ardent supporter of the “good old days.” Everything new scares her. The need to adapt to changes drives her to hysterics. There is nothing more reliable than the ancient methods, and even better than the great-grandfather methods, which have been tested for thousands of years and have proven their reliability.

Faced with rapidly changing emotions, the Queen experiences great discomfort. Unable to predict them, much less manage them, she would prefer to do without emotions altogether.

The Queen greatly underestimates the cup component between people and overestimates the pentacle component. However, the pentacle part of the Lady’s relationship is also contradictory. On the one hand, an expensive gift is an obvious sign of respect. On the other hand, these are wasted resources without any hope of dividends.

Psychological condition

The state of both “we have everything” and “we don’t have enough.” And it very much depends on what outweighs at the moment. Joy that we have everything or paranoia that we won’t have enough for anything.

The Queen of Pentacles lives in anticipation of the coming rainy day. No amount of supplies seems sufficient to her. She is afraid to enjoy what she has today because she thinks that what she eats today may not be enough tomorrow. She is pleased by the opportunity to replenish her supplies and saddened by the need to spend.

In combination with the suit of Staves

Queen of Pentacles combined with the suit of Staves

  • With 9 of Staves: The combination of cards reinforces the need to focus solely on one's own affairs.
  • From 10 Staffs: You have taken on too much. Your range of responsibilities is extremely wide. Doing them causes nothing but fatigue.
  • With the King of Staves: The King of Staves and the Queen of Pentacles are in a complex codependent relationship. Outwardly pleasant, but actually unnecessary for both.

Importance in health matters

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles usually indicates good physical health, including fertility. A strong body, the ability to withstand heavy and prolonged physical activity. But this card can also speak of psychological and emotional stress, nervous stress, and internal tightness. The Queen lives in constant anticipation of a serious test. And because of this, he gets worried and tense.

In combination with the suit of Cups

Combination of the Queen of Pentacles with the suit of Cups

  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles combined with the 6 of Cups card: A good combination. Material stability is supported by material well-being.
  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles combined with the 7 of Cups card: You are deceiving yourself. Your resources are not as large and not as high quality as you think.
  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles combined with the 8 of Cups card: You have everything to rise to the top.
  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles in combination with the Page of Cups: Difficulties in communication.

Business and finance, in professional activities

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in business is an excellent card in readings. It indicates a constant, stable profit, a strong, well-established economy, and production running smoothly. The Queen of Pentacles is not associated with the idea of ​​super-profits, but she always has a reserve for a rainy day.

Stability, controllability, controllability

Overall good for finances. Mostly the situation is stable, ladies are not inclined to let go of control and management.

And although all the ladies have a good financial situation, only the Lady of Pentacles truly controls finances.

If the Lady of Pentacles buys a good, solid thing, connected not with the concept of fashion or prestige, but with her understanding of quality, then the Lady of Posokhov turns out to be a victim of glamor magazines. The same target audience of a magazine aimed at the middle class.

The Queen of Denarii Tarot meaning is wealth as reserves. The first way is hoarding. It is important to fill warehouses and basements. Increase quantitative indicators, perhaps even at the expense of quality. The second way is saving beyond reason.

Search for discounts, freebies. However, both options are united by a key concept - meaningless possession. Buying discounted items, discounted junk, second-hand items and storing them away for a rainy day. By the way, for others she produces very high-quality things, for her own needs - not so much with high quality, but as cheaply as possible, believing that this saves money.

The condition of all the ladies is quite stable. With a positive balance.

A good forecast remains for the Queen of Swords (probable improvement of the situation) and the Lady of Pentacles (stable, even, without losses).

The Queen of Pentacles is not profit oriented. A well-established production process replaces the very concept of “profit” for her and, as a result, the lady does not really strive for it.

When making plans, keep in mind that your financial situation is good and will remain so in the future.

You think too much about possible troubles.

Lady, Lady, Queen - this card has several names. The appearance of the Queen of Pentacles in the layout guarantees the fortuneteller a favorable outcome in any matter. Depending on the upright or inverted position, the influence of the Arcanum on fate and future events changes.

In this article

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

In the classic Rider-Waite deck, the Lady of Coins is depicted as a luxurious young woman with dark hair. She sits victoriously on the throne. The Garden of Eden spreads around the Lady. The appearance of a beauty speaks of peace, dignity, well-being, and success. The Queen who appears in the layout guarantees her subjects a happy life, fulfillment of desires, material well-being, prosperity, and freedom from illness.

In the traditional interpretation, the key words of the map are considered to be:

  • generosity;
  • fertility in all senses (abundant harvest or addition to the family);
  • hospitality and courtesy;
  • abundance in the material and spiritual spheres;
  • constancy in life, absence of losses and shocks.

Lady Denariev, like any beautiful woman, is capricious and fickle. Be sure to look at the neighboring cards, they will tell the fortuneteller what exactly to expect from the Lady of Coins.

The lady personifies the desire for beauty, a luxurious life, and the desire to please the opposite sex.

Classic Queen of Pentacles from the Rider-Waite Deck

This is a card of mature people who know the value of their own attractiveness, money, and who know how to manage the benefits received from fate.

Straight position

In the upright position, the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles is extremely positive. It guarantees a stable life without shocks, adversity and illness. Material wealth is above average, income exceeds expenses.

The Queen of Pentacles says that it is time in the querent's life to reap the rewards of hard work. In practical terms, this means decent remuneration, a bonus, a salary increase or a profitable position.

Do not expect that what you want will be achieved instantly; you have to work hard to get money and fame, but the result will exceed expectations.

From this video you will learn what the Queen of Pentacles card means when divining for the coming day.

Inverted position

The reverse position of the Queen of Pentacles indicates temporary difficulties in business. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait a little longer before the reward finds its rightful owner. The crisis will be short-lived, do not panic, but be patient.

The card advises you to act boldly, openly, and rely only on your own strength. The appearance of an inverted Queen in a reading indicates that the questioner is too dependent on collective opinion, is ready to sacrifice the personal for the common good, and this should under no circumstances be done.

Depending on the neighboring cards, an inverted Lady may indicate the appearance of an envious and suspicious character in the fortune-telling environment. Before you start solving problems, find out who is interfering with your plans and eliminate the obstacle.

Queen of Pentacles from Tarot Deck 93

The lady advises taking a time out, taking a short break, distracting yourself, looking at the situation from the outside. Perhaps you trust your surroundings too much. Share your plans less with colleagues and unreliable friends. Try to take control of the situation and not give your competitors a chance to reach the finish line first.

Meaning for fortune telling about work and business relationships

Business, job change, relationships with colleagues - the appearance of the Queen of Pentacles in the layout indicates a happy outcome of events. If a person who wants to move up the social and career ladder gets the Queen of Pentacles in a reading, success is guaranteed.

In the upright position, the card says that the fortuneteller is capable of any task, the main thing is to set priorities correctly.

Basic values:

  1. A breakthrough in the material sphere.
  2. Making a profit, a successful investment of money.
  3. A chance to start a new life, find a well-paid job.

In an inverted position when fortune telling, the card means that the person is not ready for change and is unable to concentrate.

The Queen of Pentacles advises increasing self-esteem, engaging in self-education, and gaining additional knowledge in order to increase your chances of winning.

People and places

The Queen of Pentacles is a positive card when it comes to family relationships. The lady does not accept flirting; she needs stability, devotion, fidelity.

The symbolism of the sign indicates a strong marriage based on mutual feelings, respect, and equality.

If the card is taken as a significator, it symbolizes a sensual, practical person who knows the value of words and actions. The Queen of Pentacles indicates qualities such as:

  • kindness;
  • honesty;
  • decency;
  • generosity;
  • prudence;
  • constancy.

In a global sense, the card is a symbol of femininity, practicality and a clear mind. Holders of the Queen of Pentacles are full of dignity and self-confidence, but they should avoid extremes. Remember that pride is one of the most terrible sins. Be grateful to fate for what it has given you.

Queen of Pentacles from the Egyptian Tarot deck

When determining a place, the Lady of Coins can mean a father's house, where a person is always welcome.

Psychological condition

Pentacles are a suit that personifies earthly goods, the main of which is money. Profit does not come out of thin air, but multiplies through hard work, grit and knowledge.

The Queen of Pentacles card says that this is a mature, intelligent, insightful person with business acumen. If we are talking about a woman, then she is a competent, tough, fair leader. A successful business owner who firmly holds the reins of power in her hands.

The Lady of Coins loves beautiful things, dresses stylishly, and does not tolerate familiarity, vanity and flattery.

Option: the fortuneteller has excellent prospects for finding a wise and patient patron who can tactfully point out mistakes and lend a friendly shoulder in the event of a difficult situation.

From the point of view of the company's management, such a person is irreplaceable - he knows how and loves to play in a team, is ready to take risks, but does it wisely, for the sake of common interests.

Combination with Major Arcana cards

The Major Arcana, as you know, emphasize and strengthen the main aspects of the minor symbols and help to take a broader look at the interpretation of the card. They give the fortuneteller room for imagination and the manifestation of intuition and superpowers.

Queen of Pentacles and Major Arcana

  • The jester advises the questioner to take life seriously. Perhaps you underestimate the importance of the changes taking place. Option: do not try to interfere with the course of events; your actions will make the situation worse.
  • The magician says that a person should think through every step and take proposals from partners and colleagues carefully. I didn't trust anyone's word.
  • The priestess advises keeping your mind in good shape. Common sense, sober calculation and insight are the three components of a successful businessman and politician. These qualities will also help the employee strengthen his position in the company.
  • The Empress warns against unreasonable spending. Make a plan for the necessary expenses and compare them with your income. Now is the time to save so that you can later make a profitable investment or purchase a large item.
  • The Hierophant says that the time has come to gain new knowledge. They will be useful to the questioner for career advancement and increasing social status.
  • The Emperor demands attention to detail. Everyday problems are growing like a snowball, don’t put things off.
  • Lovers symbolize the strong union of two loving hearts. Option: you will have to choose between material well-being and relationships.
  • The Chariot, appearing next to the Lady of Coins, says that it is time to take the initiative.
  • Power is gaining control over a situation.
  • The hermit predicts unnecessary expenses, unexpected expenses, and loss of financial stability. Option: the questioner should spend some time in silence and solitude to regain strength for a decisive attack.
  • This time the Wheel of Fortune is spinning in the right direction. Next to the Lady of Denariev, it symbolizes good luck, success, new opportunities and prospects.
  • Justice justifies the name of the Arcana - you will get what you deserve. What it will be, punishment or encouragement, will be told by the neighboring cards.
  • The Hanged Man's lasso predicts an unstable future and vague prospects. Option: a meaningless, uninteresting life.
  • Death warns of caution. Changes are coming that do not depend on human desire. Be careful with your intentions and set achievable, short-term goals.
  • Moderation calls for order. This concerns the emotional state of business relationships.
  • The devil talks about temptations. The appearance of this card is a reason to be wary. Perhaps they want to provoke you, to push you to the extreme.
  • The tower can mean financial collapse or temporary financial difficulties. Changes will happen in any case, even if the questioner is not ready for them.
  • A star is a good sign. Wishes will come true.
  • The moon appears in the scenario for losses, disappointment, despondency. Don't let your bad mood take over.
  • The sun is a symbol of future positive changes.
  • The court ensures that your creativity is appreciated. New opportunities will open up for a person.
  • The world is a map of prosperity, good luck, the implementation of plans and ambitious projects.

It’s easy to find out how long a particular period in life will last. Use a simple calendar layout. With it, you can find out when to expect the end of the dark streak and the onset of bright days.

Educational video on the suit of Pentacles and the Queen of Pentacles:

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Combinations of cards with their own suit raise questions among newcomers to tarology. But there is nothing complicated in the interpretation technique. It is enough to remember the basic positions.

Queen of Pentacles with cards of her suit

  • Ace and Queen of Pentacles - financial income, support, unexpected but pleasant income.
  • The number two symbolizes a lack of money, empty vanity and ridiculous, unnecessary expenses.
  • Troika advises not to waste energy, to take advantage of all opportunities on the path to success. Use ability, talent and charm.
  • The Four of Pentacles and the Lady of Coins indicate the appearance of a wise female leader in the life of the fortuneteller.
  • Five, on the contrary, warns. Perhaps in front of you is a lady with reduced social responsibility, selfish and greedy.
  • Six predicts a new job and excellent prospects for advancement in business. For hired employees - promotion, gratitude from superiors, cash bonus.
  • Seven – vanity and troubles aimed at increasing the return on business.
  • Eight represents a hardworking person, most often a woman.
  • Nine guarantees confidence in the future. Promises the support of reliable partners and true friends.
  • Ten symbolizes a loved one who is interested in the fate of the fortuneteller.
  • The page points to the arrogant young man.
  • The knight reveals a purposeful and businesslike nature in the questioner.
  • The king predicts a business union of equal opposite-sex partners.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's consider the probable combinations of cards of the Cups suit with the Queen. What do the cards say in this case?

Queen of Pentacles and Cups

  • The Ace of Cups and the Lady of Coins promise motherhood for a woman and predict new experiences and relationships.
  • The deuce promises strengthening ties, engagement, and preparations for the wedding.
  • Three of Cups - moving up the career ladder, pleasant parties with friendly colleagues.
  • The Four advises calculating things several steps ahead.
  • The Five does not promise a quick resolution of conflicts.
  • The Six of Cups gives hope for a favorable combination of circumstances in favor of the questioner.
  • Seven - prospects are vague and ambiguous.
  • Eight – a break in relationships with partners or a love defeat.
  • Nine promises winning business.
  • Ten indicates a long, happy married life.
  • Page of Cups – plans that should be implemented gradually. Option for a woman: pregnancy.
  • Knight is a good deal.
  • The Queen of Cups and the Queen of Pentacles represent complete mutual understanding, mutual love, commitment, partnership.
  • King - happy union, love, dreams.

The modern interpretation of combinations of the Tarot Arcana is constantly being supplemented with new meanings. Don’t be afraid to find and implement your own associations in fortune telling. Fortune telling on cards is a creative process that requires an intuitive understanding of the picture.

Classic combinations with the suit of Swords

Using simple examples, let's look at what combinations the Lady of Coins can have with the suit of Swords.

Queen of Pentacles and Swords

  • The Ace that appears in the reading indicates that you have a person in front of you who knows how to achieve your goals.
  • Two says that it is difficult to predict the outcome of events. It's better to put off important things.
  • Three predicts a sad separation, divorce.
  • Four – travel, vacation abroad.
  • Five - a quick move to a new place.
  • Seven indicates creative abilities that need to be realized.
  • Eight indicates fear and groundless fears.
  • Nine - gloomy forebodings.
  • Ten - your dreams will not come true.
  • Page of Swords - beware of ill-wishers.
  • Knight – open confrontation, conflict.
  • The combination of the Queen of Swords and Pentacles warns of lies, hypocrisy, and hypocrisy of close friends.
  • The king has a damaged relationship with the authorities.

Classic combinations with the suit of Staves

Pentacles and Staves: what neighboring cards promise.

Queen of Pentacles and Staves

  • Ace of Wands - you are on the verge of new discoveries. There are all conditions for the implementation of plans and ambitions.
  • Two advises you to rethink your life principles.
  • Three is a guarantee of a good outcome of the planned business.
  • Four – success in business.
  • Five – disagreements with partners are possible.
  • Six - success in all endeavors, career advancement.
  • Seven – confidence, dignity, firmness and courage.
  • Eight of Staves - approved projects.
  • The Nine of Wands says that the questioner has entered a period of stagnation in life. It's time to change your priorities.
  • Ten predicts the failure of plans, the collapse of dreams. Give up hope for the implementation of your planned projects.
  • The page guarantees amazing news.
  • The knight warns about the need for rest; there is a high probability of emotional burnout.
  • The Queen symbolizes a businesswoman who is ready to help.
  • King - the work will be completed efficiently and on time thanks to the well-coordinated actions of the team.

Importance in health charts

When upright, the Queen of Pentacles says that a person need not worry. He is healthy, full of strength and energy. In the near future he will not be disturbed by chronic diseases; a period of remission has begun.

In the reversed position, the card says that the questioner is exhausted. He urgently needs rest. The Queen of Pentacles advises listening to the signals that the body gives. Perhaps it's time to get rid of bad habits and play sports.

The Queen of Pentacles is a positive card. It does not carry negative energy. Her main advice is to listen to the voice of intuition, seek help from knowledgeable people, learn to love yourself, and accept criticism with dignity.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

The Queen of Pentacles is a card whose meaning lies in a harmonious relationship with the Universe and a reserve of strength for creative deeds.

In the center of the card sits a woman with a crown on her head. The woman is beautiful. On the woman’s lap lies a coin – a pentacle; she carefully holds it with her hands. A woman’s thoughtfulness is significant; on the one hand, she can think completely about everyday things, on the other hand, she can think about more deep thoughts, unknown to others. The kingdom of the Queen of Pentacles is an elegant garden with grass, flowers and trees, in a word, everything that nature itself has created. The woman is dressed in beautiful, luxurious clothes, which may indicate her wealth and high position, but does this wealth bring her joy? Does she know what to do with it and how to manage what she owns? The thoughtful face of a woman in no way expresses happiness or thoughts about that very happiness.

Interpretation of direct provision

Keys: savings, thrift, stock of something. Hard work, reliability. Patron. Generosity. Financial assistance. Profit. Material stability. Abundance. Wealth. Hospitality. The desire to live luxuriously. Education. Responsibility. Safe position. Realization of creative potential. Self-sufficiency. Courage. Freedom. Revelation. Loyalty. Devotion. Honesty. Splendor, luxury. Practicality. The ability to be insightful. Harmony in the soul. Inner peace. Inventories. Wealth in resources and reserves. Spiritual wealth. Education.

The Queen of Pentacles shows a specific woman in your social circle. This woman is quite successful, she has achieved a lot in her life, is wealthy and well-educated. Pay attention to your work colleagues, partners, and also look at your relatives.

You are under the favorable protection of a woman.

Now is the time to think about your income, as there is an opportunity to increase your wealth. You can advance your career and increase your income. Use the generosity and authority of your patroness for this.

If the alignment is not related to a specific person, then simply accept the sign from above, which tells you that good income, success and prosperity await you. Prosperity reigns in your life.

Meaning of inverted position

Keys: adversary, competitor. Material losses. Losses. Bankruptcy. Fraud. Deception. Conflict over money. Not a practical investment. Irresponsibility. Living beyond your means.

A particular woman from your social circle can greatly harm you, both complicate your life and upset your financial situation. This woman is influential, she has power and position. Review your social circle, think about who you can expect trouble from, who can let you down or betray you. Beware of gossip, intrigue, try not to become either an object or a participant. You may become a victim of fraud or money manipulation. The result is the same - monetary losses.

On the other hand, the card shows that you may encounter a woman who does not know how to plan her expenses, spends too much, and does not know how to properly manage money and resources. This can be either a spender or a miser. The result is the same - losses on your part.

Advice. Handle money more carefully, do not fall for fraud and dubious adventures. Keep an eye on what's happening and stay alert.

Queen of Pentacles in Health

Straight position. Longevity, good immunity, resistance to diseases and illnesses. In case of illness - recovery. Good health. Good physique for having children. The body is hardy and strongly built, which allows you to work.

Inverted position. Skin diseases, problems with the musculoskeletal system. Mental problems, depression, stress. Increased anxiety.

Queen of Pentacles in Relationships

Straight position. A favorable period in relationships at all levels. Help or advice will come from a loved one. Strong family ties, prosperity and a calm, measured life.

But you shouldn’t relax at the level of comfort; the inconvenience of one of the partners can also reign. Uncertainty, discomfort, internal conflict, embarrassment.

For a married couple, this is a good sign of a strong family.

Inverted position. Quarrels or misunderstandings are possible, but do not be upset - everything will pass soon. Arrogance and self-confidence. A powerful woman who can take by force what she needs.

Jealousy and possessiveness. The desire to own your partner, to possess him, sometimes even to impose your love. This reflects the inability to show love differently or the unwillingness to take a different path.

Arcana at work

Straight position. Be persistent, hardworking, be patient, use your knowledge and skills, refer to past experience and everything will work out, you will achieve what you want. Solve problems using non-standard methods, but within the limits of what is permitted. Stable position, timely and gradual prosperity. Solve problems when they exist; don’t come up with extra activities for yourself.

When you draw up an action plan, calculate your strength, take into account not only work time, but also rest time.

Inverted position. The result is not focused on making a profit. The result itself means nothing here. The moment of production or the process of something is what is important to the Queen of Pentacles. You won't increase your income, but you will gain skills. Reluctance to strive for promotion on the career ladder and lack of motivation to increase your income.

You can improve your financial situation by saving and calculating your expenses. Make purchases only after a detailed analysis of all offers and comparison. Learn to save money and save for something you need. You can start with a small amount or goal. Put useful tips and skills into practice.

Queen of Pentacles about the current situation

Straight position. Don't let anyone control you, don't fall for attempts at manipulation. Calmness and consistency are your two main advisors. Do what you set your mind to. Analyze your plans, divide them into short-term and long-term, and describe the sequence of implementation. You can also list the resources that you have to implement your plan, and those that are missing. Plan how to achieve missing resources.

Advice. Show off your strengths. Behave like an adequate adult, not like a child or teenager. Be accountable for your actions. Your behavior should be aimed at creation and practicality.

You have enough strength and finances to realize your plans. Now is a favorable period and it is worth making the most of it.

Show equanimity and be guided by your feelings.

Advice. Don't think about failure every time. Remember that mentally you can attract failures. Think positively and move forward.

Inverted position. Claims from an offended woman. Excessive attention to detail, you look at the particular, but you should look at the whole.

Warning. Your fixation on one thing is preventing you from living. Your stinginess will not lead to good. You strive to get something and do not value what you already have at all.

Be careful, you may meet a woman on your way who wants to get rich or profit from you. You are in a state of uncertainty, take a closer look at those around you. Don't stop controlling the situation. Your distrust can turn against you. Check carefully and ask questions carefully.

Look for inner strengths within yourself and call on them to act, this is the only way to solve the problem. Remember your shortcomings, but don't show them to anyone. Improve yourself.

Ideas for understanding the Queen of Pentacles card:

  1. Accumulation, storage, preservation.
  2. Justice of actions.
  3. Fair distribution of something.
  4. Mother's care.
  5. Emotional discomfort.

Questions for analysis after the Queen of Pentacles appears in the reading:

  • What is the balance between the material side and the emotional side?
  • Why are you stocking up?
  • What are you afraid of? What are your fears?
  • Do you enjoy taking care of someone?
  • Are you happy with your home? The place you occupy in the family hierarchy?
  • Why are you trying to earn someone's approval?

Queen of Pentacles combined with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Lack of application of practical skills.

With a magician. Always think through your actions, make a plan and calculate every step.

With the High Priestess. You need to think soberly. Take a healthy look at the situation.

With the Empress. Don't overspend.

With the Emperor. You are required to be intelligent at all levels of life.

With the hierophant. Educate yourself. Use your knowledge.

With lovers. Reliability, stability. You can rely on a person.

With a chariot. Put in the effort and solve problems.

With strength. It's time to get down to business. The situation requires your control. Take responsibility.

With a hermit. Bankruptcy. Extra expenses.

With the wheel of fortune. Chance. Don't miss out on favorable opportunities.

With justice. It's time to get what is rightfully yours.

From the hanged man. Pointless actions.

With death. Carefully. You need to calculate your moves.

With moderation. It's time to put things in order in all areas.

With the devil. Greed. Negligent attitude to business.

With a tower of lightning. Problems in material terms. Spending.

With a star. Your plans can come true.

With the moon. Everything will turn upside down, things will not go according to plan.

With the sun. Creative potential. Luck.

With the court. Use your abilities. Opportunity to get things done.

With peace. Climbing the career ladder.

Interpretation in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Financial opportunities you shouldn't miss.

With a deuce. Plan your financial expenses.

With a three. Learn to do business.

With four. Harmony and well-being.

With an A. Financial dispute.

With six. Intelligence. Read your steps.

With seven. Claims in material or financial terms.

With eight. Take advantage of the opportunities provided.

With nine. Please be patient.

With ten. Not practical behavior.

With a page. Put your knowledge and skills into practice.

With a knight. Adventurism.

With the queen. Financial power.

With the king. Initiative.

Queen of Pentacles and Cups

With an ace. The birth of something.

With a deuce. Promotion, favorable outcome.

With a three. Holiday, gathering.

With four. Thinking, searching for care. The desire to be cared for.

With an A. Receiving an inheritance.

With six. Financial stability, well-being.

With seven. Self-deception. There are not as many resources as you think and they are of rather dubious quality.

With eight. Climb up, you have everything for this.

With nine. Expectation.

With ten. Joy, reunion.

With a page. Problems communicating with others.

With a knight. Slow progress. peace.

With the queen. Envious, rival. Jealousy.

With the king. Thought, thinking.

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. External influence.

With a deuce. Use what you have now.

With a three. Broken heart. A quarrel or discord with matter is possible.

With four. Peace. Calm. Gaining peace of mind.

With an A. Gathering your strength. Attracting help.

With six. To leave or abandon something established. It's time to say goodbye to the past.

With seven. Cunning. Agility. Fraud.

With eight. Hopelessness. A hopeless situation.

With nine. Mother's cry. Tears.

With ten. Fall, collapse.

With a page. Ease. Frivolity.

With a knight. Destructive forces, inability to resist.

With the queen. Waiting position.

With the king. Struggle. Fair fight.

Interpretation of the Queen of Pentacles in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Starting a profitable business. It remains to understand what the profit is.

With a deuce. Agility. Fraud. Financial pyramids.

With a three. Job well done.

With four. Gathering. Greedy. Miser. Inability to save.

With an A. Detachment. Losses. Bankruptcy.

With six. Prosperity. Abundance.

With seven. The goal has been achieved, but there is no joy from it. There is profit, but there is no one to share it with. Think about those closest to you.

With eight. You forge your own happiness.

With nine. Well-being in the family circle.

With ten. Prosperity. Profit, pleasure.

With a page. Learn to enjoy little things.

With a knight. Profitable sale. The quality of the work done.

With the king. Strong position.