Intellectually educational game green pharmacy. Didactic game "green pharmacy". Rewarding participants, winners, the most active players and fans

Extracurricular activity

"Green Pharmacy"


    familiarization with various medicinal plants and their uses;

Educational objectives:

    consolidation in the process of gaming activities of theoretical knowledge acquired in the lessons of natural history and biology, social and everyday orientation;

    inclusion of new words and expressions in the vocabulary;

    development of communication skills;

    implementation of interdisciplinary connections.

Corrective tasks:

    development of memory, attention;

    development of imaginative thinking;

    development of creative imagination;

    development of perception;

    increased self-esteem, decreased anxiety.

Educational tasks:

    nurturing love and respect for the subjects being studied;

    development of students' creative abilities;

    self-realization of a teenager’s personality in a team through extracurricular activities.

Progress of the event (slide number 1)

Leading: The Green Pharmacy has been the main supplier of medicines for many centuries. Today we will talk about these plants. I invite you to take part in the Green Pharmacy game. But for this we need to select players.

I present our teams: team – “PHARMACISTS” and team – “HERBALISTS”

In order to start our event, I would like to introduce our esteemed jury. (jury presentation) Our jury will evaluate participants using a five-point system.

Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for the teams. So, let's begin!

(slide number 2)

Leading: The forest is not just for fun,

He is the wealth of the entire country.

All the trees and grass in it

Raised for our benefit.

The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,

There are only drugs around,

In every grass, in every branch

And medicine and pills.

Well, what and how to treat,

I can teach you.

(slide number 3)

Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of the native country.

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort

Competition 1. " Mysterious flower » (slide number 4)

Leading: (slide number 5) 2 people from each team receive an envelope with a flower cut into pieces. You need to collect a flower. Who is faster? For correctly assembled flowers and speed, the team receives 5 points.

Fans are asked to think(by click)- the following riddle was written about this plant: “The name of which flower consists of a particle, a preposition and the name of the guardhouse?”

Upon completion of the task, check.


(slide number 6) In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of this plant were recommended for pulmonary diseases, coughs, and skin rashes.

The jury evaluates the first competition and gives the first marks.

Competition 2. " What first, what then? »

(slide number 7)

Leading: (slide number 8) 2 people from each team receive an envelope with cards. Within two minutes you need to lay out the cards in the correct sequence. One of the jury members will keep track of the time. You can earn 3 points for the task.

(slide number 9)

Checking the job(by click) The correct sequence of pictures is: 1,2,3,4.


(slide number 10)

In folk medicine, coltsfoot is used for coughs, liver diseases, sore throats, colds (runny nose), and pulmonary tuberculosis.


(slide number 11) .

Dandelion leaves and roots are used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, jaundice, gastritis, and constipation.

A decoction of dandelion roots tones the body and improves metabolism in case of skin diseases. Common dandelion has antipyretic, diaphoretic, and anthelmintic properties. A tincture of dandelion leaves relieves intoxication caused by snake bites.

Competition 3. " Inside out » (slide number 12)

Leading: (slide number 13) 2 people from each team receive an envelope. In this envelope you will receive a riddle and letters. You need to make up an answer to a riddle using letters. Let's see which team can do it the fastest! For a correctly composed word, the team receives a maximum of 3 points.

(slide number 14) LAIAMN – Red beads hanging
They're looking at us from the bushes,
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.

At the end of the task(by click)- examination.

The jury evaluates the competition and gives marks.


(slide number 15)

A corrective syrup is prepared that improves the taste of children's medicines. The berries in the form of an infusion are used as a diaphoretic and emollient and are part of diaphoretic preparations.


slide number 16)

Tea made from dried strawberry leaves for diseases of the spleen, gastritis, bronchial asthma, neurasthenia and insomnia, to improve appetite and digestion. Infusions of leaves and tasty fruits are effective against vitamin deficiencies, atherosclerosis, uterine bleeding, and have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Competition 4. “Labyrinth of medicinal

plants » (slide number 17)

Leading: (slide number 18) Each team is given a card with a maze on the table. Each participant completes one stage of the maze and passes the card to the next player.

You need to get through it as quickly as possible. You need to put the number of the riddle next to the corresponding flower. For correctly completing the maze and speed, the team receives 3 points.

The jury evaluates the competition and gives marks.

R Omashka

( slide number 19)

Chamomile infusion is used to wash wounds, make lotions, and rinse the mouth and throat for sore throats and laryngitis.


(slide number 20)

Medicinal preparations from blue cornflower are used for kidney and bladder diseases.

Competition 5. " Puzzles" (slide number 21)

Leading: (by click) Be careful, now interesting riddles will be asked for you. Teams will answer in turns. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If a team cannot give the correct answer, the next team can answer.

(slide number 22)
1. Those berries are very useful, kids,

And for the stomach, believe me,

And they don’t bother the eyes either,

They are included in the astronaut menu. (by click)(Blueberry)

(slide number 23)

2. Seeds are like claws
Yellow-red flowers.
Helps with throat
Who doesn't know them? (by click)(Calendula.)
(slide number 24)
3. "Cat grass" -
Correction for patients:
Spine for the first aid kit
To help the heart. (by click)(Valerian)
(slide number 25)
4. The traveler often injures his leg
Here is the doctor by the road. (by click)(Plantain.)

(slide number 26)

5. The grass grows on the slopes
And on the green hills,
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her green leaf
It suits us for tea.
What kind of weed, answer me! (by click)(Oregano)

(slide number 27)

6. Angry as a she-wolf
It burns like mustard.
What kind of miracle is this?
Same ….. (by click)(Nettle)

The jury evaluates the competition, assigns marks and sums up preliminary results.


(slide number 28)

The herb is prescribed to increase appetite, improve digestion, for bronchitis, for gargling in the treatment of sore throats, chronic tonsillitis.

P road worker

(slide number 29)

Competition 6. " Freeze" (slide number 30)

Leading: (by click ) Identify a medicinal plant by its photograph. Teams will answer in turns. For each correctly named plant, the team receives 1 point. If a team cannot give the correct answer, the next team can answer.

    Linden. (slide number 31)

    Maple. (slide number 32)

    Oak. (slide number 33)

    Alder. (slide number 34)

    Pine. (slide number 35)

    Birch. (slide number 36)

The jury evaluates the competition and gives marks.


(slide number 37)

An infusion of pine needles is used as an expectorant and choleretic agent, and is used to relieve pain in joint diseases.


(slide number 38)

An infusion of birch leaves is drunk for edema, kidney disease, anemia, as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

Competition 7. " Rebuses" (slide number 39)

Leading: (by click) Solve the puzzles.

Teams will answer in turns.

For each correctly named plant, the team receives 5 points.

If a team cannot give the correct answer, the next team can answer .

(slide number 40)

(by click) KALANCHOE

(slide number 41)


(slide number 42)

(by click) SANSEVIERA

(slide number 43)

(by click) ALOE

(slide number 44)

Leading: Currently, there are about 600 plant species used in medicine.

Today we remembered plants that have long been known to us.

I would like to hope that you will be able to successfully apply the knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants acquired during the game in various life situations.

(slide number 45)

Thank you for your attention!

The jury evaluates the competition, assigns marks and draws final results. The winner is announced.

Target: consolidate children's ideas about characteristic signs that help with colds.

Rules of the game: find a card with a picture of a medicinal plant in accordance with the description of its characteristic features.

Material: cards with pictures of plants.

The presenter names the characteristic features of a particular plant that helps with colds, without naming it. Children find its image among the cards, name it, and talk about its medicinal properties. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly finds or names the answer.

Didactic game« Find what heals»

Target: teach children, using model diagrams, to find those parts of medicinal plants that are healing.

Rules of the game: using model diagrams, find and talk about the medicinal properties of a certain part of a medicinal plant (leaves, stem, flower, seeds, root, etc.).

Material: 10-15 cards with images of medicinal plants, model diagrams with images of a flower, leaf, root, stem, branches.

Organization and methodology: cards with images of medicinal plants are laid out on the table, which are turned face down (10-15 cards). The teacher invites the child to take a card, look and name which medicinal plant is shown in the picture. Then tell which part of this plant is healing () and accordingly put it next to the diagram card. For each correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Didactic game« Green pharmacy»

Target:; teach the rules of collection, preparation, and use. Practice recognizing them using illustrations.

Rules of the game: guess medicinal plants used for colds by their characteristic features, describe the rules for their collection and preparation.

Material: flat basket with a red and green cross on one side, a set of illustrations of medicinal plants.

Organization and methodology: The teacher asks the children riddles about medicinal plants. The child finds the answer in the basket, names the plant and explains why he is called the “green doctor”, talks about the rules for collecting and preparing medicinal plants.

Outdoor didactic game« Who can quickly find a plant by name?»

Target: Exercise children in quickly finding a medicinal plant by name.

Rules of the game: act on a signal, quickly find a medicinal plant by name.

Organization and methodology: the game is organized as an outdoor game. The teacher explains that after he names a medicinal plant and says: “One, two, three to... run,” the children need to quickly find the plant on the site and stand near it.

Didactic game« Interview with medicinal plants»

Target: develop the emotional and sensory sphere of the personality of older preschoolers in the process of their knowledge of nature.

Rules of the game: come up with interviews with medicinal plants.

Material: toy microphone.

Organization and methodology: The teacher invites preschoolers to imagine that medicinal plants have come to life and can speak. Next, it is proposed to come up with what questions the children would ask medicinal plants, what they would like to learn from them.

For the longest and most interesting interviews, the child receives a chip.

Didactic game« Who can quickly find a plant by name?»

Target: .

Rules of the game: quickly find cards with a picture of a medicinal plant named by the teacher.

Material: cards with pictures of plants (several cards of each plant).

Organization and methodology: The teacher lays out cards with images of various plants. Name one of the medicinal plants shown on the card. For example, calendula. Children collect all the cards with the image of calendula. The one who finds the named plant the fastest wins.

Prokofieva O.O., Kornienko S.V.

Lyudmila Samoilenko
Didactic game "Green Pharmacy"


(didactic game)

TARGET: Develop children's cognitive abilities. Develop communication. Development of general speech skills. Activating a dictionary on a topic "Medicinal plants"

PRELIMINARY WORK: Examination of the herbarium and illustrations "Medicinal plants". A conversation about how to use them, an examination of the human structure.

EQUIPMENT: Pictures with sad or crying people, where the symbol (red circle) the diseased organ or part of the body is indicated; pictures depicting funny people; pictures depicting field and medicinal plants.

GAME RULE: Each participant in the game must cure one little man, correctly telling which medicinal plant he used and in what way.

Progress of the GAME

1. Educator: “Guys, please look at our "Flower City". Something bad happened there. All its residents are sick, but they don’t know how to treat themselves.

Shorties need help. To get to their city, each of us needs to tell a poem, a riddle, a proverb about nature.) (Children complete the task).

"Here we are in Flower City".

2. Problem situation: “What and how will we treat?” (Children discuss together with the teacher). “We don’t have tablets or mixtures. So you remembered about medicinal plants. There is a field in Flower City. Let's look for them there." (The teacher displays cards with images of field and medicinal plants. You can use the botanical lotto game « Green meadow» . Children choose from all the pictures only pictures depicting medicinal plants. The teacher offers to become doctors. Children choose a sick crying person for themselves.

Doctor: - Hello, Dunno. How long have you been sick? What is hurting you? Why did you get ill? Did you walk a little? Did you eat poorly? Are you weak? Etc.

The doctor selects what is needed from a set of medicinal herbs, then explains plan: - name of the plant;

Collection time and rules;

For what diseases is it used, and in what way?

If the task is completed correctly, the crying man laughs (or replaced by laughing).

The teacher evaluates the activity and draws a conclusion about the importance of medicinal plants in people’s lives.

The cured shorties from the Flower City invite the guys to visit them and treat them to tea, juice, and fruit.

Intellectual and educational game “Green Pharmacy” for grades 3 - 4

Prepared by: Bondarenko I.A., Fedorova L.D.

Slide No. 1
There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a natural temple -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in hot and cold weather.
Come in here
Be a little hearty
Do not desecrate her shrines.

Slide No. 2
Here in the forest thickets,
Where everything is so sweet since childhood,
Where there is clean air
It's nice to breathe like that
Found in herbs and flowers
Healing power
For everyone who knows how to do it
Unravel the mystery.

Slide No. 3
The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom,
There are medicines growing all around there.
In every grass, in every branch
And medicine and pills.

1. Competition “Mysterious” Slide No. 4
1. Breathes and grows, but cannot walk. (Plant)

2. Kingdoms are dark residents
Crawling in different directions
They constantly drink moisture,
All plants are allowed to live. (Roots)

3. Birds settled on the branches in the spring
And they babble something when they meet each other.
In spring and summer they sit without flying off,
In winter, you look - the whole flock has disappeared. (Leaves)

4. I look so much like a rose
Isn't it so good?
But my fruits
Suitable for everyone to eat. (Rose hip)

5. Gives you a sneaky wink
A sweet lantern made from grass. (Strawberry)

6. These fluffy balls
Parachutists will fly. (Dandelion)

Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up, dress up
In a yellow dress.
Ya. Nishcheva.

7.. Every leaf of mine loves trails
By the side of the roads
But one day good people
Helped heal the wounds. (Plantain)

8. Sisters are standing in the field:
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

2. Game “Good Advice” Slide No. 5

The seven-flowered flower will give you 7 good advice.

Work in groups – 7 groups. Children take one petal at a time and guess what plant they are talking about.

1 petal (slide no.)
- Use the decoction to wash your hair.
- It is a good hemostatic agent
- Sends sleep to the sick.
- Stops nasty vomiting.
- They say about me that I alone replace seven doctors. (NETTLE)

2 petals (slide no.
- Heals wounds and cuts.
- Used for stomach pain.

3 petal (slide no.)
- White peas on a green stem.
- Drops are taken for heart pain.
- A sedative. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

4 petal (slide no.)
- Yellow eyes, white eyelashes.
- Used to gargle for sore throat.
- Use the decoction to wash your hair. (CHAMOMILE)

5 petal (slide no.)
If your cough is bothering you,
The inflammation has begun
Make friends with me soon
I promise everything will work out. (COLTSFOOT)

6 petal (slide no.)
- My infusion is drunk for prevention, it is very tasty and healthy
- It contains vitamin C. (ROSE HIP)

7 petal (slide no.)
Fever, headaches, poor appetite.
Drink a decoction of my leaves,
You will instantly forget about them. (COWBERRY)

Playing with spectators
First I'll ask a question,
Do you think about it seriously?
Think about it. One out of two -
“Yes” or “no” - answer out loud.
If you are resourceful, fully
A rhyme will help, but it
We are so cunning
Which can be confusing at times.

Tell me: when greeting the dawn, does the mustachioed catfish sing? (No)
- And when cutting through the surface of a pond, can geese swim? (Yes)
-And if the snow is warmed by the sun, will it turn into cold ice? (No)
-Answer, can mignonette bloom in the garden in winter? (No)
- Can a crocodile collect a bouquet of white lilies? (No)
- Can a camel, give me an answer, go three days without food? (Yes)
-Are people respecting those who always work? (Yes)
-At the end it’s time to ask: did you like the game? (Yes)

3. Solving the crossword puzzle “Recognize me by sight” using pictures. (slide no.)

4. Competition “Nature Experts”

Quiz. “About green forests and forest wonders”

 Why do the lower branches of pine die, but not those of spruce? (Pine is a light-loving tree)
Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden - blooms in summer)
 What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunt)
 Name the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly, because per day it eats several times more food than it weighs)
 Which birds in the spring mutter “I’ll buy a robe, sell a fur coat”? (Mowers, black grouse - males, the words are similar in imitation of his song - muttering)
 What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal to us? (Bird's nests are clearly visible)
 Are baby hares born sighted or blind? (Sighted)
 Who calls the cuckoo, the male or the female? (Male)
Which animal grows teeth every day? (All rodents)
 Do mosquitoes have teeth? (Yes – 22)
 Which animal has 2 monuments? (to the frog)
 Are there rhinoceroses in the forests? (Yes, rhinoceros beetle)
 Herb for 99 diseases? (St. John's wort)
 Multi-colored mushrooms? (Russula)
 Tree – a symbol of Russia? (Birch)
 What is the name of a squirrel's nest? (Gaino)
 Which cubs are born “naked”, and after a few hours they have a covering? (Ezhata)
 Which insects clap their hands? (Mosquitoes, moths)
 Which plants are predators of insects? (Sundew)
 The name of which plant tells where it lives? (Plantain)
 Which tree’s wood is used to make matches? (Aspens)

 What can be used in the forest instead of tea leaves?
A – buttercup leaves,
B – henbane leaves,
B – strawberry leaves,
G – blueberry leaves

 Make up the name of a profession related to nature from letters and underline the extra word.
goleog evil
kinatob cardiogol

 The name of which primrose consists of a particle, a preposition, a sentry box? (not-for-booth)

 The name of which spring primrose consists of 2 prepositions? (Mimosa)

 What flowers have human names?
A - Ivan - yes Marya
B – Cornflower
B – Chamomile
G - Carnation

5. How should you collect medicinal plants? (slide no.)
Flowers at the beginning of flowering;
Leaves - before flowering or at the beginning of flowering;
Roots and rhizomes - in spring or autumn.
Bark - in the spring, at the beginning of sap flow.
All raw materials are collected in dry sunny weather, when the dew has dried.
Dry under a canopy, avoiding direct sunlight, spreading out in a thin layer.
Turn over while drying.

6.Take care of nature!

Sketch “White Bird Cherry” (after Z. Alexandrova)
(the girl goes and reads a poem)

Girl 1 (pointing to the tree)
The bird cherry blossomed near the stream,
In the April sun
Whispering branches.
Light as a cloud
Clean as snow.
Every person was happy about the tree.
The girls came
Sit under it.
And she could bloom
Many, many days.
(two girls pass by)

Girl 2 (admiring the bird cherry)
-Whose bird cherry is this?

Girl 3
Yes, it's a draw.
White Snow Maiden
Near the stream.
(A group of schoolchildren walks by. Looking around, they break off all the branches from the tree)

Girl 1
The girls came running
But there is no Snow Maiden
Only lying in the dust
Withering bouquet.
And there was a bird cherry
Pure as snow
I was happy about the tree

Flowers disappear on the ground
This is becoming more noticeable every year.
Less joy and beauty
Leaves it to us every summer.
Revelation of meadow flowers
We hardly understood.
We trampled them carelessly
And they tore madly, mercilessly.
There was a silent mad “stop!” in us.
It seemed to us: everything is not enough, everything is not enough.
And then in the city crowd
We dragged armfuls of them tiredly.
And they didn’t see how from under their feet
Silently, barely breathing,
the cornflower looked doomed,
the carnations looked hopeless.

I'm ready to argue with the whole world,
I'm ready to swear on my head
The fact that all colors have eyes
And they look at you and me.
In the hour of our thoughts and worries,
In the bitter hour of trouble and failure
I saw flowers, people crying
And the dew is dropped on the sand.

We know these plants
We take care and protect
They've been listed for a long time.
We don’t tear them for fun -
We'll take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make medicine.

Guys, who knows what the Red Book of Nature is?
Representatives of nature included in this book need to be protected especially carefully.

What rules of friends of nature did you remember in this clearing?

    Strawberries: “I like blueberries a lot better,”

    I Teacher: The blueberry objected to her:

    “I’m more useful, no doubt about it.

    “I’ll argue with you girls,”

    May lily of the valley suggested.

    He said:


    “I’m more useful, no doubt about it.

    Because for people I have one answer to a hundred troubles.

    My syrup dramatically reduces blood sugar in people.

    I have the ability to treat children's throats.

    For gastritis and colitis, my infusion will help everyone.

    For burns and stomatitis, I will save everyone from problems!”

    “I’ll argue with you girls,”

    Suddenly the lily of the valley got involved in this dispute, -

    No one has healed the heart better than me for a long time.

    Let someone judge us,”

    May lily of the valley suggested.

    And they all went together to look for someone to judge them.

    Everyone they met just shook their stems:

    They said that they were both useful and necessary.

    And wild rosemary, and oregano, clover, asparagus, lungwort,

    And lavender, and thyme, and violet, finally.

    It turned out that only medicinal sage was wiser than everyone else.

    He said:

    “You are all useful, you are medicine for people, you help against diseases, only each one from his own. Stop arguing quickly and don’t waste your time, and get ready for the road: every family is waiting for you

    Lily of the valley: Teacher: Lily of the valley:




Quiz questions :

(Slide 2) Answer: Plantain

(Slide 3)

(Slide 4)

(Slide 5) Answer: A decoction of coltsfoot flowers and leaves is good

cough remedy. 1

(Slide 6) Answer: Rosehip.

(Slide 7) Answer: Great celandine.

  1. (Slide 8) Answer:

(Slide 9) Answer:Stinging nettle

Why do nettles sting?


(Slide 10)

(Slide 11) Answer:Sphagnum.

  1. (Slide 12) Answer: Aloe.

(Slide 13) Answer: Onions and garlic.

(Slide 14) Answer: Parsley.

(Slide 15) Answer: Geranium.

(Slide 16) Answer: Kalanchoe pinnate.

(Slide 17) Answer: Mint.

(Slide 18) Answer: Larch.

(Slide J 9)

And now we will play a little.

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"Green Pharmacy Quiz."

Quiz "Green Pharmacy"

Goals:- develop interest, respect and love for the environment, clarify and expand children’s knowledge about medicinal plants; to develop skills in the use of medicinal plants in order to improve the health of the body; cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher's word: HELLO dear guys and guests, we are glad to welcome you to our “Green Pharmacy” event

Today I will tell you what medicinal plants there are and how to collect them. Previously, when there were no pills, people treated themselves with herbs. From generation to generation, people have passed on various recipes and methods that help cure a patient with the help of herbs.

Currently, tablets are made from synthetic drugs. But medicinal herbs are not forgotten.

The following are obtained from medicinal herbs: decoctions, syrups, powders, ointments, drops, infusions.

Medicinal plants are used in the manufacture of toothpastes, medicinal creams, and cosmetics.

Medicinal plants must be collected carefully and carefully. Right-handed: In dry weather.

Do not mix different medicinal plants. Do not dry in the sun. Cannot be collected with sand or earth.

The wonderful wealth that our planet is endowed with is nature. There is no person on Earth whose life is not connected with nature. Animals and plants surround us everywhere. They give us the opportunity to admire the beauty of the earth, bring benefits, provide food and clothing.

A person should always remember that he is not alone on the planet. Other inhabitants have the right to life. Increasingly, animals and plants need our help, protection, and careful treatment.

Both plants and animals could live without humans. Can a person do without it?

    Communicate the objectives of the lesson. - Today we will talk about how plants help people protect and improve health.

Student performance 1 :

Medicinal herbs, healing herbs! There is no useless grass on earth! All plants need to be known, preserved and protected. After all, people make medicine from the herbs of the forest kingdom.

Student performance 2 :

Plants are constant companions of humans. They are found in all natural areas. Many of them are useful for humans and animals. Some have medicinal properties. Medicinal plants also grow in our area. Wild medicinal plants are our wealth. The collection of rare and protected medicinal plants is prohibited. Plants that are found quite often should also be protected by people so that they do not become rare. Man has learned to grow some types of medicinal plants.

Student performance 3 :

About 200 species of medicinal plants are used in scientific medicine in Russia. People use leaves, seeds, buds, bark, roots, rhizomes, tubers, and bulbs. Raw materials for medicines are prepared from them.

Knowledge about medicinal plants came to us from ancient times. The medicinal properties of plants were learned by observing animals.

Every person knows some medicinal plants and knows how to use their properties in everyday life.

2. Main part.

    Guys, what medicinal plants can you name?

    Which plant do you consider the most necessary for a person?

    viewing a dramatization of a poem by White Rus' Teacher: I Today I heard a heated argument about medicinal herbs.

How blueberries and strawberries figured out who was right: Who is healthier than who, who will save everyone from diseases.

Strawberries: “I like blueberries a lot better,”

Even though I grow in a dense forest, I improve my appetite. I also quench my thirst and help my stomach. My medicinal infusion for colds recipe is simple. I I lower blood pressure, help my heart beat, I’ll heal wounds quickly, and I’ll prolong the youth of my skin!” Teacher: The blueberry objected to her:

“I’m more useful, no doubt about it.

Because for people I have one answer to a hundred troubles.

My syrup dramatically reduces blood sugar in people.

I have the ability to treat children's throats.

For gastritis and colitis, my infusion will help everyone.

For burns and stomatitis, I will save everyone from problems!”

“I’ll argue with you girls,”

Suddenly the lily of the valley got involved in this dispute, -

No one has healed the heart better than me for a long time.

Let someone judge us,”

May lily of the valley suggested.

And they all went together to look for someone to judge them.

Everyone they met just shook their stems:

They said that they were both useful and necessary.

And wild rosemary, and oregano, clover, asparagus, lungwort,

And lavender, and thyme, and violet, finally.

It turned out that only medicinal sage was wiser than everyone else.

He said:

“You are all useful, you are medicine for people, you help against diseases, only each one from his own. Stop arguing quickly and don’t waste your time, and get ready for the road: every family is waiting for you!”


Lily of the valley: Teacher: Lily of the valley:



-Let's and we will remember some medicinal plants and name their properties.

Divide into 2 teams, choosing red or green chips.

    holding a quiz “Green Pharmacy” among two teams:

    To start the quiz, you need to name the teams and choose captains.

    team meeting, choosing a name, captains answering quiz questions one by one.

Quiz questions :

    This medicinal plant grows along roads, its leaves heal wounds. If you rub your foot on the road, will it help relieve the pain?

(Slide 2) Answer: Plantain

    Which plant is called "miaun-pgrava"? What medicine is made from it?

(Slide 3) Answer: Valerian. Heart drops.

3. What berry will replace lemon?

(Slide 4) Answer: Cranberry, it contains citric acid.

      What medicinal properties does coltsfoot have?

(Slide 5) Answer: A decoction of coltsfoot flowers and leaves is good

cough remedy. 1

      This plant, with thorns and beautiful flowers, gives a person strength and supplies the body with vitamins.

(Slide 6) Answer: Rosehip.

      The name of this plant speaks for itself - it treats many skin diseases.

(Slide 7) Answer: Great celandine.

      Which plant will help strengthen hair? (Slide 8) Answer: Great burdock, stinging nettle

      What plant do people say about: “It alone will replace seven doctors.” It is used as a hemostatic agent and as a wound healing agent. It helps in the treatment of vitamin deficiencies and anemia.

(Slide 9) Answer:Stinging nettle

Why do nettles sting?

Answer:The sharp hairs on nettle leaves contain formic acid. When you touch the skin, the tip of the hair breaks, the walls of the hairs make a wound on the skin, the liquid pours into the wound and causes a burning sensation.

      Elegant dresses, yellow brooches, Not a spot on the beautiful clothes, If you happen to catch a cold: A cough develops, a fever rises - Move towards you a mug in which a slightly bitter, fragrant decoction is smoking.

(Slide 10) Answer: Common cornflower.

      This plant is used in medicine as a hygroscopic and dressing material, which in emergency cases can be used without sterilization.

(Slide 11) Answer:Sphagnum.

      Healing plant from South Africa. The pulp of the leaf heals wounds and burns. The juice of the plant is dropped into the nose for a runny nose. Its other name is agave.

      (Slide 12) Answer: Aloe.

      Quickly kills harmful bacteria.

(Slide 13) Answer: Onions and garlic.

      These carved leaves heal the heart and kidneys. They improve appetite and relieve pain wherever it hurts.

* Freckles are quickly washed away, and there is no bald spot on the top of the head.

(Slide 14) Answer: Parsley.

      The oil of this indoor plant is good at helping to cope with respiratory infections. They are successfully treated for flu, cough and other diseases, unless, of course, there is an allergy to this plant. The plant helps treat the cardiovascular system.

(Slide 15) Answer: Geranium.

      The juice of this houseplant is used to treat long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, and inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa (stomatitis). It helps well in the treatment of sore throat, purulent inflammation of the middle ear, burns and eye injuries.

(Slide 16) Answer: Kalanchoe pinnate...

      Anyone who likes to brush their teeth comes across this plant every day. It gives a pleasant smell and freshness to the toothpaste.

(Slide 17) Answer: Mint.

      Like pine trees, like fir trees, but in winter without needles.

The needles of this tree contain many vitamins. The tree releases phytoncides - volatile substances that cleanse the air of harmful microbes. When phytoncides enter the human respiratory tract, they prevent colds and viral diseases.

(Slide 18) Answer: Larch.

      The fruits of which shrubs are very rich in vitamin C?

(Slide J 9) Answer: Black currant fruits.

Teacher's word: Well done, guys! And now we'll play a little...

Competition: “Sorting”

        Select 2 teams;

        There are pictures mixed in the basins, you need to sort out the medicinal plants for weeds and attach them to the desired Whatman paper.

        Summing up, marking the best team.

Crossword (Presentation)

          Grows like a green wall, They bypass her, A prickly and evil diva. What is the name of the grass? (nettle) (slide 1)

          He is a weed, he is a flower. Helped me with my illness. As soon as I sit down on the sofa, I will remember yellow (dandelion) (slide 3)

          Along the paths you will meet him, You will heal wounds, abrasions, You will carefully pick off a leaf. Who will heal us? (plantain) (slide 5)

She loves the garden and vegetable garden, she grows along the roads. If it's humid and warm, it makes everyone look good! It's a joy for her, a disaster for you. What's in the garden? (quinoa) (slide 7)

    The ball is soft blue, although prickly, but not evil. And it’s not bad in a bouquet. Who it? (thistle) (slide 9)

    If you pick the grass, you know you won’t wipe your hands off. Doctor of all pharmacy affairs, Who treats wounds? (celandine) (slide 11)

    If something hurts, even the beast cannot resist.

What herb should you drink the infusion with?

With miracle herb... (St. John's wort) (slide 13)

    Inconspicuous among the grasses, She has a calm disposition.

Who is proud of its usefulness? - Fragrant... (oregano) (slide 15)

Competition: “Collect a bouquet” (group teachers take part)

            Two teams of educators;

            Teams stand behind whatman paper and do not see what the previous participant is doing;

            Task: stick flowers into a basket to form a bouquet...

            I summarize the results and mark the best team.

Teacher's word:

- Well done boys! You have demonstrated good knowledge of plants. This knowledge will certainly be useful to you in life.

In the thickets of the forest,

In the fields and meadows,

Where everything is soap for the heart,

Where there is clean air

It's so sweet to breathe

Found in herbs and flowers

Healing power.

For everyone who can

Unravel their secret.


    Always remember that every person should treat with care and attention not only those plants that heal us,Noah to those that surround you everywhere us -iv nature, in the garden, and at home...

Student performance 4 :

... Let's walk slowly through the meadow and “hello!” Let's say to every flower. I have to bend over the flowers, not to pick or cut them, but to see their kind faces and show them a kind face. Samad Vurgun

Watching the cartoon: “with Yus in nature, part eight “Yus talks about medicinal plants””

Result of the event. Reflection.

Dear guys, our event has come to an end, during this time we got acquainted with medicinal plants and learned to distinguish them from weeds. We found out which plants are intended for what.

    Did you like our event?

    Our competitions?

I would like to thank you for your active participation and discipline. Thank you for your attention!