My favorite summer activity. Essay my favorite activity is sports My favorite activity in nature

It is important for each of us to learn to talk about our hobbies. This is especially necessary during school years, when we make friends for the rest of our lives. Therefore, if you doubt that you will write an essay on the topic “My Hobby,” it is better to look at the samples and get inspired to write your own story that interests you. Under each heading you will find two essay options: for a girl and for a boy.

For a girl (114 words). My hobby is drawing. I happily paint what I see. I love to draw with felt-tip pens and paints. I want to become a talented artist. For this I exercise every day.

Most of all I like to draw nature and flowers. In class I don’t always have time to do what I want. But at home I always sit down and finish the drawing. I have a beautiful view from the window, and I can constantly look at it. But I still love art classes. There they show us paintings by famous artists and teach us how to draw correctly.

I want to go to art school so I can draw better and better. Someday I would like to become a famous artist. My paintings could bring joy to people. This is what I strive for.

For a boy (103 words). My hobby is football. I love outdoor games. I especially like to play with friends when it's warm. We would kick the ball until late, there is no more fun activity.

It's nice when the game arouses interest. On weekends, relatives and passers-by watch our games and cheer. Then I feel like a real athlete. It just seems like football is simple. This is wrong. The game requires attention, strength and dexterity. It is not given to the weak and cowardly. I try to play well so that I am respected on the field. I would like to succeed in sports.

Football, parents believe, builds character. I agree with them. Sport makes a person better and teaches him to win.

2nd grade

For a girl (132 words). A real hobby is something that is always pleasant to do. For example, I like to sing and dance. I love to move to the music and sing along to it. At such moments I have a lot of fun. I have a hard time sitting still when I hear a melody.

Dances are different. I like the way they dance hip-hop. This is a very fast and complex dance. It requires dexterity and natural talent. Each movement must be remembered and repeated exactly as shown. When I grow up, I will definitely learn this art. I'm just starting out, but I believe in myself.

I also like Latin American dances, but they are more for adults. Their execution looks very beautiful! It must be difficult to move in the same way. This comes with great difficulty and after a lot of training.

I would like to move as beautifully as professional dancers. Movement, as they say, expresses the soul.

For a boy (129 words). I love collecting Lego. They give me new parts for every holiday. I enjoy creating my own inventions. It is very interesting. I try to do something every day.

I assemble the construction sets slowly so as not to make any mistakes. I hate to spoil the details. That's why I first lay them out, then do everything according to the instructions. Sometimes I ask dad to help, he has golden hands. I really like exploring with him, I learn a lot of new things. He says that someday I will be able to build computers or cars, and maybe robots.

My holidays are always interesting thanks to my hobby. Dad calls me into the garage and shows me the car parts. I would like to be able to understand them myself, but it’s difficult for now. Although the constructors also seemed complicated at first, they later became easier.

I'm glad that I have such an interesting hobby.

3-4 grade

For a girl (135 words). My hobby is handicrafts. I often make something: snowflakes and garlands for the New Year, crafts as gifts for all my loved ones, decorations for dolls. I like to create beautiful things with my own hands.

In my desk, all the drawers are filled with various cuttings, scraps and beads. I collect all the pretty things for crafts. When I see something in a store, I think about how to make it myself. I love when everything around is decorated and bright, I like to make a holiday every day. I recently drew and glued cards for all my relatives. They were very pleased.

My parents often give me nice gifts for my hobby. Recently my grandmother brought sparkles that I use to decorate a lot of things. Each such item inspires me. My family supports me in this. Mom helped me more than once with my fantasies.

I believe that what you love should bring joy to the whole family. That's how it works.

For boys (137 words). A real man must be strong. That's why I love sports. I would also like to excel at the Olympics or some other competition.

In the yard I often play football, basketball and volleyball. I like outdoor games like tag, but this is just entertainment. Swimming or hockey are much harder and more interesting, but I still can’t do it every day. I would really like to go to a wrestling club. My parents say that I will soon start studying professionally.

I already watched boxing matches with my dad. I also want to be as resilient and persistent. Sport develops these qualities, and they are useful everywhere. I would like to know how to fight correctly so that I can stand up for myself.

I haven’t decided yet what kind of sport I want to do for the rest of my life. So far I like many. I choose between Greco-Roman wrestling, swimming and football. I hope I become a champion!

5-6 grade

For girls (155 words). I really like to cook. When my mother or grandmother cooks, I always help and learn from them. My passion is not only making food, but also decorating it. I always love to eat not only tasty, but also beautiful. My dishes have an interesting appearance.

In the future I would like to become a pastry chef, because I like making sweets the most. Desserts require special art: their lover must be able to surprise. Sweets in themselves are harmful, so a person will think three times before taking them. But a talented cook will always make him forget about everything in the world. His work will look like no one can resist. I want to become the same gifted pastry chef.

I'm just learning how to cook, but I already have signature dishes. For example, I make a very tasty charlotte. The secret is to add chopped nuts and brandy to the dough. Then the pie takes on a completely different taste. I read this recipe on the Internet. Now this is a favorite treat for the whole family.

For a boy (155 words). My hobby is video games. I don't just play them, I dream of making them. To do this, you need to study how and why a particular game works. I already know a lot about them and willingly share my knowledge with my friends in the game. My skills are highly valued in my team. I think my whole life will be connected with new technologies.

Many people condemn this activity, but in vain. It is no different from other harmless forms of leisure. It can even become useful: it’s easy and fun to learn history using games. You can become Caesar or Napoleon, change the course of history throughout the world, or follow in the footsteps of generals and emperors. You can continue your favorite book, because many games are made based on literary plots.

I especially love historical games, but I really like fantasy ones too. It all depends on the mood and goal. Some are good for entertainment and communication with the guys, while others really tax the brain. However, all these games deserve attention, because in their own way they enrich a person’s inner world.

7th grade

For girls (158 words). My hobby is reading. I like to immerse myself in literary stories and find fascinating descriptions of the world around me. With the help of books you can learn, see and feel much more than a person can manage in one life.

I read every day, most often in the evenings, when all my work is done. Then the book gives the desired rest for the body, but the brain actively works, helping to invent images of heroes. Literature develops imagination, because a person imagines what he reads about. I like to lie in silence and dream about how what the author wrote happens. So I become his partner.

I also like literary language. It is richer than our speech. With its help, you can express your thoughts much more interestingly and become an extraordinary interlocutor. I even write down some phrases to remember. In them I find an explanation for many incomprehensible things happening around me.

In the future I want to choose a profession related to literature. I like working with words, maybe I’ll write my own book. Well, for now I’m just a reader, but a thoughtful and attentive one.

For a boy (163 words). I'm a film buff. My hobby is not only watching films, but also reading reviews and opinions. I like to learn more and more about the world of cinema, because this area is now developing very rapidly. New products never cease to delight me every year.

Cinema is a whole world of art. The success of a film depends on many details that are not noticeable at first glance. In a good film, every frame is a picture, thought out and complete. Sometimes the entire impression of the viewer depends on the color of the scenery or on the change of plans. And the script is generally a very difficult thing; you can’t please everyone. Therefore, a quality film is an amazing achievement for a huge number of people.

When I watch a film, I am immersed in other lives. Video gives me a chance to see the world in all its diversity. I see things that I would never see without cinema. I am learning more and more, even though I am not sitting in front of textbooks.

I would like to turn this hobby into a profession: to become a film critic or even a director. I would also like to make people recognize the world around them from my works.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Summer is the most wonderful time! I can say with confidence that summer is the best time of the year! When autumn comes, I already begin to look forward to summer. What a pity that of all the seasons, here in Siberia, summer is the shortest. As they say, now summer will be available to you only for money.

One cannot but agree with this, but it will be a completely different summer. Not so long-awaited and carefree. For me, summer is a carefree time, when you can do only what you want, you can spend time for your own pleasure. My favorite summer

The activity is a trip to nature. But not to the forest, not to the field, not to the park, but to the river.

I really like it, I can sit silently and look at this surface of water for several hours in a row. I also like to relax in the summer in a tent, on the banks of a river or lake - in the fresh air. It even breathes differently here, not like in the city, but somehow easier. In the evenings you feel a slight chill, you have to dress in warm clothes, but you still feel very comfortable. It is very nice here in the mornings, when the sun has already risen. Dew appears on the grass and the smell of morning freshness is felt.

Also my equally favorite pastime is

Trips to the sea. I’ve only been to the sea a few times, but I’ve already fallen in love with it so deeply and so sincerely. It does not matter what kind of sea it is - Mediterranean, Black or Red. I just love the sea, its endless expanses. I love lying on the beach, sunbathing and listening to the sound of the sea waves. This is simply amazing! And getting ready for the sea and waiting for the trip is doubly interesting.

When there are a few days left before such a long-awaited trip, time passes faster. But most of all I love the day of the trip... That feeling when I know and realize that in a few hours I will be sitting at the airport and waiting for my flight. I really love flying on an airplane.

But when I have to fly back home, I make myself think “was this trip worth such disappointments?” No, this is not at all due to the fact that the trip was unsuccessful.

On the contrary, the trip was simply wonderful! But the feeling that now I won’t see the sea for a whole year really upsets me. After a trip to the beautiful Mediterranean Sea, I couldn’t get away from the trip for another two weeks. My thoughts were still there. It’s very hard to just accept and accept that the journey I’ve been waiting for all year is over. It is difficult to realize that in just three hours you will be back on the plane, while now you are still walking along the sea coast.

Thus, I want to say again that summer is the most amazing time of the year. In the summer you can do anything, the main thing is that it is your favorite activity!

A hobby is an interest that a person receives from childhood. It can appear at any age, but it is best to get it from childhood. We all do some work according to our interests that can give us happiness and joy, which is called a hobby.

My hobby is watching TV. I really like watching TV in my free time. Watching TV is my hobby, but it never interferes with my studies. I prefer to do my homework first and then watch TV. I think I have a good hobby because watching TV gives me good knowledge in many areas.

What can you say about my hobby? This is most likely what I do with great pleasure in my free time from classes and household chores. It is different for everyone, for example, my mother loves to embroider, my father loves to go fishing and hunting. This is their hobby.

I have a lot of favorite hobbies. I love to read, I love to ride a bike, and I really like history. But my main hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was little. Mom and Dad very often gave me felt-tip pens of various colors, colored pencils and beautiful snow-white paper for drawing.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you choose a hobby according to your character and taste, you are lucky, because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four broad classes: making things, producing things, collecting things and studying things. The most popular hobby group is making things.

Every person has a hobby and some free time to do what we love most. I also have a hobby. And since I'm a student, I don't have much time on school days. Moreover, I study at a Russian school, so I only have one day off - Sunday.

Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. Hobbies are what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people love music, others love to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or photography.

Life is arranged in such a way that each person has his own interests and talents for something. Some people can draw well, others collect stamps and rare coins, others love fishing and hunting.
All of them do it better than everyone else, because, as people say, they have a heart for it.

In my opinion, the world is full of different types of activities and hobbies for people. Many of them are quite ordinary and common, such as fishing, reading and drawing. But there are also such unusual and exotic ones, such as the search for aliens, Bigfoot, and unraveling the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.

Benefits of a hobby

There are many benefits that hobbies provide in life. Hobbies give us time to relax, which in turn reduces stress levels. Physical hobbies encourage exercise, which will release endorphins that improve mood and awareness. Spending time on a hobby can also help you discover new skills and uncover hidden talents. For example, in a career, choosing a hobby related to a new field can help in the profession and it will also provide great advantages to include in the resume. Regardless of your chosen hobby, you can meet new friends, keep your brain in good shape, or earn money.

For some people, choosing a hobby can be a natural and easy process. For others, it can be confusing where to start since there are so many options. This article will help you understand your options by area of ​​interest and personality type.

Some home hobbies are the best and easiest option when you don’t have to go anywhere and think through different options. This may be especially important for older people. Here are some hobbies that can help keep your brain sharp:

Ä Puzzles, crosswords and sudoku
Ä Solving Rubik's cube against time
Ä Card games, solitaire
Ä Learn to draw or write
Ä Chess
Ä Learn how to play a musical instrument
Ä Learn a foreign language

Here are some great family hobbies that all kids enjoy:

Ä Simulation of trains, planes and cars

Ä Scenic train journeys
Ä Toys for all ages with remote control
Ä Puzzles and constructors
Ä Magic tricks
Ä Flying kites
Ä Visiting the zoo and green tourism
Ä Travel by boat on the river and sea
Ä Dolls
Ä Juggling
Ä Collecting (more below)

For people who love adrenaline and increased heart rate, it's time to find an active hobby. Here are some hobby options for adventurers:

Ä Fishing

Ä Noodling (bare-handed fishing)
Ä A ride on the bicycle
Ä Rowing
Ä Diving
Ä Hot air balloon flights
Ä Football
Ä Volleyball
Ä Walking
Ä Hiking
Ä Marathons
Ä Mountaineering
Ä Camping
Ä Hiking in the forest
Ä Speleology
Ä Tennis
Ä Golf
Ä Horseback riding
Ä Skiing or snowboarding
Ä Dancing
Ä Swimming
Ä Trips
Ä Bungee jumping
Ä Basketball
Ä Triathlon
Ä Geo caching
Ä Surfing and windsurfing

Did you like science subjects at school? Do you like to explore and observe? If so, here are some hobby options for you:

Ä Astronomy

Ä Building rocket models
Ä Microscopy
Ä Bird watching
Ä Aquariums

Hobbies for history buffs

Do you enjoy history and learning about our past? If yes, then here are some hobby options for you:

Ä Titanic explorations, tombs of Tatunkhamun, Troy and much more
Ä Folk souvenirs
Ä Reconstructions of historical battles
Ä Studying forgotten folk crafts
Ä Visiting museums around the country and the world
Ä Trade fairs
Ä Research and create your ancestry

Let's face it, some hobbies are simply better suited to men. I'm not saying that a woman can't do this, but here are some hobby options for men:

Ä Poker
Ä Pool
Ä Darts
Ä Ping pong
Ä Woodworking
Ä Sports reports for a newspaper or website
Ä Sports refereeing
Ä Gadgets and digital things
Ä Home brewing
Ä Hunting
Ä Taxidermy

Some home-based hobbies offer opportunities to help you earn extra money on the side. Here are some options:

Ä Freelance journalist or blogger (running your own blog)
Ä Homemade crafts (can be sold online or at fairs)
Ä Decorating and making custom cakes

Ä Sales and auctions
Ä Photography (wedding, children, freelance)
Ä Carpentry work
Ä Graphic design
Ä Video creation and uploading to YouTube (with monetization)

Hobbies for collectors

Collecting can be a lifelong passion, stimulating memories and helping to remember and preserve the past. People who collect are attentive to detail and strive for completeness. your collection. Here are some good collection ideas:

Ä Beer collection
Ä Collection of books
Ä collecting coins
Ä Collection of badges, postcards
Ä Collecting toys (unique or vintage)
Ä Collecting cars (expensive)
Ä Art collection
Ä Collection of consumer items: spoons, sugar bowls, potholders and other things
Ä Sports souvenirs and medals
Ä Collecting autographs
Ä Antique collecting
Ä Collection of natural minerals, meteorites

Are you expecting a child or have you recently had children yourself? Do you love crafts and art? But unable to leave the house for any reason, or just enjoying being at home? Whatever the reason, here are some hobby ideas for couch potatoes:

Ä Jewelry making

Ä Bakery
Ä Painting
Ä Ceramics
Ä Drawing
Ä Making candles
Ä Reading
Ä Soap making (can also make money if done for sale)
Ä Embroidery
Ä Journaling
Ä Digital art
Ä Cooking
Ä Culinary competitions
Ä Gingerbread houses
Ä Making dolls
Ä Dollhouse
Ä Making family photo albums
Ä Knitting
Ä Sewing
Ä Crochet
Ä Sewing blankets
Ä Gardening
Ä Watching movies and writing reviews
Ä Feng Shui
Ä Interior Design
Ä Writing stories, poems, novels
Ä Cross stitch

Do you like meeting new people? Do you enjoy activities that involve other people? If you answered “yes,” then these hobbies are for you:

Ä Wine degustation
Ä Flea markets
Ä Board games like Monopoly
Ä Table lotto
Ä Bowling
Ä Sports clubs
Ä Book clubs
Ä Playing in the theater, participating in amateur performances

Hobbies for music lovers

Music is a fundamental part of life. Here are some options for music lovers and the musically talented:

Ä Singing and choir
Ä Attending concerts
Ä Music History Research
Ä Write music
Ä Creating your own musical group, writing poetry and music and its promotion
Ä Music training
Ä Music collecting

Everyone needs to be less nervous and stress free and can have fun doing it! Here are some hobbies to relieve stress:

Ä Yoga
Ä Meditation
Ä Athletics and weightlifting

Seasonal Hobbies

Some activities can only be done at certain times of the year. Here are some hobbies that are good for different seasons:


Ä Fairs and sales of seedlings, trees, seeds
Ä Visiting spring flower shows


Ä Sailing
Ä Gardening
Ä Horticulture


Ä Autumn cycling tours
Ä Collecting autumn leaves and creating bouquets and herbariums (children like)
Ä Apple picking
Ä Harvesting grapes, preparing wine and raisins
Ä Pumpkin crafts, sewing Halloween costumes


Ä Creation of Christmas decorations, lights, artificial cardboard trees, snowflakes and other bright products
Ä Sewing elegant suits for the whole family
Ä Rest in the mountains, sanatoriums in winter

Have a nice rest and leisure!