Sample advertisement for plastic windows. What is the most effective window advertising. Other ways to attract attention

One of our clients gave a great example of how they used funny window advertising at the opening of a new office. This is actually what this article will discuss; you may want to implement something similar in your company.

What an idea!

It all started when he had a serious problem related to increasing competition. Moreover, former employees of his own company became competitors.

As a result, the owner got tired of this situation and decided to hold a large-scale event regarding the opening of a new office of the company, which he timed to coincide with the city day. That is he combined the opening of the office with the show. He simply chose the right moment when a large number of people gathered on the main street of the city.

Continuation of a story

The owner of the company called this action “Battle of the Installers,” which already attracted attention with its originality. Not only did this funny window advertisement bring the expected effect, he set up his own stage in the city center and 2 weeks before the event announced on all radio stations that “a battle of installers will take place in honor of the opening of a new sales office”.

He also sent out written invitations to all his competitors with an offer to compete with him in this type of work and, in case of victory, promised them a reward in the amount of the prize fund - 50,000 rubles.

How was the competition?

This unique and funny window advertisement was implemented as follows. The entrepreneur ordered 3 identical windows, stated in the rules of the competition what must be done to win, and asked to provide official information about who will come to the competition.

As a result, not a single competitor responded to his proposal, and he had to imitate a fight between window makers. He simply distributed responsibilities among his own installers and designated who should win and who should lose in the competition. And after the competition, he distributed the money among the installers as a bonus. But, naturally, no one in the city knew about this fact.

In order to increase the effect of the action, he also used:

  • Leaflets that read: "Only today! In honor of the opening of a new sales office, we are offering you a unique promotion, you pay us now 1000 rubles and get a window for 8900 rubles".
  • Present. When you buy 1 window - a kettle, for 2 - a screwdriver, for 5 - a microwave. Plus each client gets a bottle of champagne in honor of the city day.


After the campaign, the entrepreneur received stunning results. Thanks to her, he sold as many goods in one day as he had not sold in a whole month. He immediately paid back the stock budget of 150 thousand, and in the following days he received the same profit.

Plus, this move became an excellent PR for the company, which after that became quite famous.

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He used an ad module that had the company logo in the middle. And in the advertisement only 2 main words were used: “Quality windows”, and the word quality was written in capital letters.

In addition, the ad used the phrase “coupon bearer gets a 25% discount,” next to which there was a dotted line and an image of scissors.

In small letters in the ad, he indicated the profile he works with. This is also a rather important point, because... For many clients, the material from which window structures are made is important.

And at the end he indicated the office landline telephone number and address, as well as a telephone number that can be called in the evenings and on weekends.

Why is it beneficial to include a phone number in your ad for calls outside of business hours?

This is very profitable, because... a lot of requests are received by the company after 6, or on Saturday and Sunday.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that after such an announcement, the owner of the company received a sufficient number of clients. Moreover, he achieved this effect primarily through the use of a discount coupon, which every second client used to contact him.

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Selling tricks in advertising of window companies

Quite often, advertisers are faced with this problem - the layout seems to be beautiful and the corporate style is bright, but there are no calls or sales. How many people wonder why? The BLIZKO Repair magazine analyzed which “tricks” window companies can use when creating effective advertising layouts.
In order for advertising to work well and make a profit, it is important not only to choose a high-quality promotion channel, but also to competently compose an advertising message, understanding by what principles this message works and what audience it affects. This is especially important when placed in specialized print publications, where the number of advertising offers is quite large, which means that it is not difficult to get lost among competitors.

We study the buyer

Even the best layout will work in vain if we do not know or have not identified “our” audience. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing an advertising medium, you need to understand who the buyer of your product is. For example, is this a person who is building a luxurious country house and is looking for stained glass windows? Or is it a young family who bought an apartment with a mortgage? Or maybe your customers are middle-aged couples doing planned renovations? This list can be quite extensive, but it is important to identify some common and key characteristics of your audience. This could be, for example, income level or social status. After all, if your company sells economy-class windows for urban panel houses, the “builder” of an expensive country cottage will most likely not contact your company. And, if he does, he will waste both his and your time. Therefore, it is important to direct your message to those who will really be interested in it.

Revealing your advantages

At this stage, it is necessary to write down the main distinctive features of your product or company. Many people believe that all windows are the same, and competitors sell identical products. This means that there cannot be any advantages other than price in this market. Let's look wider and deeper. Maybe your company is a dealer of five brands of window profiles, but your competitors do not have such a choice? Or can you guarantee installation within a short period of time? Or do you have sales offices in every area, and the buyer himself can drive up and “touch” any profile? Or maybe your company works until 11 pm or even around the clock? And so on. You should analyze the advantages of your company based on the needs of your potential customers. For example, for many people planning to install windows, installment payment is important, while others are concerned about the timing of the order. Understand what your company's advantages are and tell them about them!

We develop a competent layout

Attract attention.

Build trust in the company.

Indicators of reliability can be the publication of “insignia” - various diplomas, quality assurance badges, medals from exhibitions, links to ratings. You can provide direct links to facts. For example: “every week more than 100 customers trust us”; “we are recommended to friends”; “Every day 10 people contact us based on recommendations from their friends.” It works well to indicate indirect factors that confirm the high professionalism and experience of the company’s employees, experience or time in the market. This information can be conveyed as follows: “we have been selling windows for 10 years,” “in 10 years we have installed 5,000 windows,” or “we have more than 15 years of installation experience.” It is important to convince a potential buyer of the reliability and professionalism of your company.

Show the uniqueness of your offer.

Why should a buyer be interested in your offer? Explain this in your ad layout! We need to find those “buttons” that the consumer wants to press. A potential client must understand what main benefit he will receive - low price or ease of ordering, or perhaps comfort or quality. You can pre-test several of these “buttons” on a small group of the target audience and select the most effective ones. For example, you can include a unique selling proposition, offer discounts to early buyers, or announce a huge sale. You need to convince a potential buyer that it is profitable to buy this product from you.

Show the client additional benefits from purchasing goods from your company.

If your layout has already attracted the buyer’s attention with its unusualness and unique offer, then that’s not all. Now he must explain in detail what additional benefits the consumer will receive by ordering windows from you. Such benefits in the window market include: minimal production or installation time, quality guarantees, the possibility of installment plans, free consultation, etc. For example, “product warranty (installation) – 10 years”, “service life – 30 years” or “installation according to GOST”. Also, it is advisable to indicate prices for windows of standard designs - “a window with a mosquito net - for 10,000 rubles!” In this case, already in the process of viewing your advertising message, the buyer will understand what exactly he is receiving and at what price.
The company that has placed information in the layout about the availability of a loan or installment plan, as well as a detailed description of the conditions - “down payment – ​​1,000 rubles”, “overpayment – ​​0%”, “monthly payment – ​​1,000 rubles”, etc. will receive more responses from customers. Does your company employ professionals? Tell us about it! This perhaps obvious information is very important to buyers. You can write about this like this: “get professional advice” or “free consultation by phone.”
Buyers trust professionals, so your layout can be designed, for example, as an expert column and contain tips and tricks for choosing quality windows.
It will be good if you talk about an advantage that other companies do not have. The advantage may be small, but there will definitely be buyers for whom it will be decisive when placing an order. This could be free delivery, lifting to the floor, garbage removal/removal, the possibility of measurements/installation on weekends/holidays or at an exact time, as well as an indication of services that are provided free of charge. Actively demonstrate your advantages!

Help you make a decision now, don’t delay your purchase.

After the advertisement has captured the consumer’s attention, aroused interest and desire to buy, it’s time to call the buyer to action. The so-called “urgency effect” works well when the advertisement says that an important decision needs to be made as soon as possible, otherwise a person will miss out on benefits. For example, “call us today (and get it free)”; “call us today, as the promotion will end soon,” etc. The main thing is for the consumer to take action without delay (call or come to the store).

Competent advertising layout - paper seller

Today, every consumer is bombarded with a wealth of varied information every day. The consumer is becoming more and more resistant to the effects of advertising and less open to its perception. Therefore, it is important for every advertiser to understand the needs of their customer and build their advertising message based specifically on the client’s benefits. All the information contained in your layout should clearly work in your favor, explaining why the buyer should buy your product, from your company and at the specified price.

Plastic windows are a popular product, but not an everyday one. Customers are quite scrupulous about their choice and purchase, so it is necessary to attract people either with high quality or low prices. Unfortunately, for plastic windows these two parameters are mutually exclusive.

Advertising of a company selling plastic windows should be based on exactly one of the postulates: price or quality, then the entire advertising campaign will look believable and will not make buyers doubt again.

However, in addition to product advertising, self-promotion is important for the company. In conditions of fairly fierce competition, all means are good, but not all are legal, so let’s look at legal advertising tools and evaluate their effectiveness.

Design of a retail outlet

The store is the face of the company. The number of buyers who will notice it simply passing by, remember it and decide to come in when the need arises to buy depends on how it will look and where it will be located.

The first thing that is noticeable about any store is the facade.

Facade decoration

External advertising

Billboards (billboards, billboards)

A popular and sought-after means of advertising, the advantages of which are quite obvious - constantly in sight of thousands of people, the audience coverage is extensive, and the effectiveness has been tested and proven over years of use. The most profitable billboards for advertising are those found near areas where traffic jams occur. At such points, potential buyers will not only notice the advertisement, but will also be able (or rather, will be forced) to study it.

You can also choose a billboard located near the store, then in addition to its advertising function, it will also act as a sign.


Banners are good because they can be placed almost anywhere - shopping centers, bus stops, residential buildings - there is almost no piece of vertical surface left where the banner cannot be reattached. The most “convenient” places for window advertising will be places near old houses or cheap new buildings (with cheap and “cold” windows), that is, where the product will be in demand. Several weeks, or even months, of such advertising will definitely motivate some of the residents to buy. The main thing to consider is the absence of competitors nearby. If a competitor's store is located under your banner, consider that you have paid for advertising for them.


Small advertising stands that can be easily moved from place to place, put away in the store at night and without fear of being damaged by vandals, are convenient and multifunctional. Their main advantage is the low price, for which you get advertising, a sign, and in some cases even a sign.

Internal advertising

Internal advertising of a store is, first of all, its product. Samples of windows (sectional, element by element, mounted, etc.) will become a clear example of what awaits the buyer in the event of a purchase. The quality of the sample will determine whether they become advertising or anti-advertising.

Printable advertisement


They were, are and will be an integral part of window advertising. Small, informative booklets can describe to the buyer all the advantages of the product and the company, invite them to “see with their own eyes” and buy. An important component of the booklet is the information load (new technologies, convenient forms of payment and delivery).


They hate it vehemently (primarily because they are obsessive distributors). Most buyers will never admit that they take leaflets (even fewer will tell the truth about not throwing them away). But the whole “work” of leaflets lies in the fact that, without throwing them away in the first minute after receiving them, a person cannot get rid of it for weeks. Quite an annoying advertisement, for a piece of paper, you must agree.

Internet advertising

The most modern, the most popular, and so on and so forth... The Internet cannot be underestimated in the age of technology, so using it as an advertising platform is a must.

Personal site

If resources allow, then acquiring a personal website is highly desirable. This is your own mini-platform for advertising, an opportunity to monitor the reaction of customers (who went further than the main page, how many people placed an order after viewing the catalog). The website is a powerful marketing and statistical tool. Of course, in addition to the site, it is desirable to have a person who could work with it, and not only create beautiful texts and pictures, but also conduct a complete analysis of the work.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Social media

Free analogue of the site. It’s very easy today to create your own group on one of the social networks (or all at once) and post new products, promotions, surveys and much more there. This doesn't even require any special knowledge.

Add to this advertising in several thematic groups - and that’s it, the flow of visitors is guaranteed. However, please note that the advertising policy of some social networks. networks are now quite insidious. Even without your knowledge and consent, your group can become a place for someone else's advertising.

Search engines

Useful for owners of personal websites. The famous Yandex and Google are also not averse to making money on advertising, so it’s quite easy to be on the first lines of search results for a query, although not cheap. But the effect is noticeable.

Word of mouth

The most ancient, but no less effective method of advertising. No banners, signs or comments on social media. people don’t trust networks as much as they trust a neighbor who bought windows from “the company in the house across the street.” And those windows “have been standing for a year and haven’t even gotten dirty.” Yes, it’s exaggerated, but it works!

Ineffective advertising methods


Replacing windows in a house or apartment is a balanced decision that requires both moral and financial investments. Companies to purchase are selected carefully after studying all available information. With this approach of people, it is impossible to expect that they will be attracted by an ad on the radio. In addition, now most people listen to the radio only in the car, and while driving you won’t be able to be distracted by “high-quality triple-glazed windows” - you need to keep an eye on the road.

A television

Effective for large companies with a whole network of stores in different regions. In all other cases, this is expensive advertising for a buyer who will never come to you.

Examples of slogans

  1. It's warmer with us.
  2. Winter is not so close when you have reliable windows at home.
  3. There is no bad weather when you have our windows.
  4. Protection from rain, wind and cold 24/7.
  5. Our windows will protect you in both heat and cold.
  6. Quality comes first.
  7. Let's do it as for ourselves - from the heart.
  8. Quality does not depend on the price, but on the employees. Ours are the best.
  9. You need to look at the world not through rose-colored glasses, but through a three-chamber double-glazed window.
  10. You won't freeze with us!

Every head of a window company sooner or later he asks himself the question: “How to advertise windows.” In this article we will try to answer it. It’s probably no secret that if the market in which you work is growing, then you don’t need much effort for sales. It’s another matter when, during a crisis, the market for plastic windows catastrophically slides into the abyss. What to do in this case?

We have the answer to this question! In the plastic window market there is one area that is growing every year and is growing even during a crisis, doubling, and in some regions of Russia, tripling its volumes. This direction is Painting of PVC plastic windows using ENAMERU technology. That's why today This direction is a godsend for an experienced leader!

The topic of PVC window manufacturers choosing their communication strategy will become increasingly relevant as the market develops and competition gets tougher. As you know, there are two traditional ways:
develop your brand as a window manufacturer and seller,
to one degree or another, to go under the banner of the system provider.

In recent years, a third type of PVC window promotion strategy has emerged:
do not enter the private customer market, i.e. sell windows to dealers, and then at least the grass won’t grow.

First way laid more than ten years ago by old-timers of the SEC market. Now the largest companies in Moscow, St. Petersburg and several large cities are completely focused on promoting their brand. Of course, if the system provider throws money at advertising, no one will refuse to briefly mention the “investor”. Such giants that I respect as KALEVA (have their own extrusion), WINDOWS OF GROWTH (also extruders, but not profiles), etc. have already firmly entered into external advertising and the Internet. They took the best advertising spots. Having colossal sales networks of their own, the turnover of which successfully finances the advertising process even in a crisis, the giants of the window business are unlikely to change their communication strategy. Only a few have reached this level of turnover-to-fame ratio.

Second way is gaining momentum in Russia. To date, thanks to the significant advertising activity of several large system providers, this path has led the market to the point that end consumers, having difficulty distinguishing between local window sellers, concentrate on the brand of the PVC profile manufacturer when glazing an apartment or house.

This path in its further development, in my opinion, is more acceptable for newly created companies (but which have become large), medium and small
companies (of which there are several thousand). It allows window manufacturers to significantly reduce costs by abandoning the creation of their own brand and its subsequent promotion in favor of working together in this direction with the system provider.

However, in this case, the system provider becomes a moderator of the process of promoting a common brand. This process may consist of several parts:
Creation of a brand book for using the brand at all stages: information about the profile, the process of selecting and purchasing a window, installation, service. It is possible that the trademark of the window manufacturer/seller will also find its place in this brand book.
Accumulation of advertising budget (together with window manufacturers/sellers).
Effective use of the budget at the federal and regional levels.

That. potential consumers are offered all the elements necessary for purchase in a branded and therefore well-recognizable form: information about the product, method of purchase (registered window sales points), the product itself (windows + service) and pleasure/benefits for many years of use.

Of course, we must pay tribute to the fact that not all system providers are currently in a position to carry out this complex work effectively. But in the process of struggling to reduce costs at all stages of creating added value, this path seems promising.

Consumer and We

Everyone also knows the three levels of consumer attitude towards a brand:
1. Recognition: “I’ve seen this brand somewhere.”
2. Preference: “I will buy this particular brand.”
3. Loyalty: “I will recommend this brand to a friend because... I like her".

Achievement first level- this is no longer a goal. In the developed PVC window market, achieving brand recognition is not enough. That is, if in small towns recognition is enough to sell a product, then in large cities, with a large number of sales points, the consumer is already familiar with a dozen potential sellers, and he begins to get lost.

A window seller (and along with his system provider) who is at this level of relationship with the client can compete successfully thanks to a low price.

But not all market players have reached this level. If we talk about system providers, at the moment the first level has reached approximately 5-
10 extruders from more than a hundred brands of PVC systems manufacturers. Moreover, each region has its own favorites, which is mainly due to the presence of an extrusion plant, and as a consequence, the existence of a pool of powerful window manufacturers with decent advertising budgets.

Second level– preference. The window consumer makes his choice consciously based on the double effect, i.e. satisfying him
consumer properties of the product and positive attitude towards the product brand.

The importance of price for the consumer when choosing a product under such a brand fades into the background. Preference provides the company with stable sales and a significant market share, but this is not enough to maintain leadership in the long term.

Currently, on the market of PVC profile manufacturers, there are no more than 3-4 examples of brands that are well known to potential consumers, and a significant part of these potential consumers are focused on purchasing windows under these brands.

Third level– loyalty. The consumer shows his loyalty to the brand, and now we can say - to the brand, when he recommends to friends the same windows as his. This is the highest aerobatics of the company’s marketing activities, and, having ascended to the throne, you also need to stay there. Those. maintain the image, monitor changes in consumer preferences and carry out both changes in the product line and, if necessary, rebranding of the brand.

In conclusion, I think it is important to describe the process of buying a window.
So far, in most cases it can resemble a random or thoughtful, but disposable look. A window is a product of relatively long
use, so even the most careful and meticulous buyer, having installed a window, most often forgets about all this after six months (with the exception of loyal customers).

However, the stage of replacing windows installed in the nineties is already beginning, and then this process will intensify and continue endlessly. In addition, many people have not yet started the issue of updating their Soviet wooden windows. The growth of their wealth will fuel the segment of private consumers of PVC windows for many years.

Therefore, for the successful and long-term existence of a company, it is necessary to constantly carry out a set of measures aimed at achieving a level of preference for your brand on the part of consumers, trying to evoke loyalty to it. And for the vast majority of window manufacturers, the most successful and effective will be joint work to build a powerful brand together with the system provider.