Butterfly effect - what the term means: description in simple words, examples from life. The butterfly effect - what does it mean? Misunderstood term Butterfly effect concept from chaos theory

Modern scientists have long proven that all natural sciences are in incredibly close connection with each other. Events that occur within certain natural objects entail changes that affect other spheres of existence. Since then, people have been interested in the question of what the butterfly effect is. Of course, in the old days this phenomenon did not have such a poetic name, but it definitely took place in history and science.

The origin of this concept

Nowadays there is a phrase that has a global character, and it goes like this: “The flapping of a butterfly’s wing in Singapore can lead to a strong tornado in North Carolina.” These words are familiar to almost every person, and it would seem that they are as old as the hills. But they were actually first uttered by a mathematician and meteorologist named Edward Lorenz. The scientist was one of the founders of chaos theory, and he also actively studied what the butterfly effect is within the framework of this mathematical apparatus. The fact is that deterministic-chaotic systems are very shaky and unstable. Even the slightest leap in one place entails a storm of change in another. Lorenz described such instability and sensitivity not only from a scientific point of view, but also in a language understandable to everyone, using a metaphor. That is why the phenomenon “butterfly effect” is so called and is simple and accessible even to a child.

Chaos theory

Our ancestors believed that the human environment is something stable, a certain substance that always lives according to clear laws and norms. However, the well-known Lorentz discovered a new model of existence called dynamic or deterministic chaos. In the category of systems that are, so to speak, in a chaotic mode of operation, he included literally everything that surrounds us - the atmosphere, water columns, tectonic plates and even the human body.

In the middle of the last twentieth century, of course, this became a huge sensation, which many accepted with skepticism, but soon it was thanks to this discovery that scientists were for the first time able to connect mathematics, physics, biology and other fields of knowledge. An important aspect is also that Lorentz explained what the butterfly effect is in chaos theory. If the entire biological organism called the Earth, its interior, inhabitants and atmosphere live and interact in a chaotic manner, then the slightest fluctuations can cause global changes.

How does science fiction border on reality?

The book theorems of the Greek sages, physical laws that were discovered in the Middle Ages, have now encountered facts that have completely refuted them. Within the framework of sciences such as quantum physics and mechanics, it has been proven that parallel lines can intersect at infinity, time can go both forward and backward, and the teleportation of particles over long distances is a very real phenomenon. Such experiments have somewhat revolutionized our understanding of what the butterfly effect is, adding new, seemingly paranormal aspects to this phenomenon. If a certain particle can go into the past, it may behave differently there than the last time, which will entail a time paradox. In other words, this is the butterfly effect, as a result of which the particle ends up in the past, and its actions entail a complete change in the present, and as a consequence, the future.

Human life and its structure

As you may have guessed, the above phenomenon also occurs in the everyday life of each of us. What the butterfly effect is in everyday life was shown in the 2004 film of the same name. The main character of the picture literally changed reality, incarnating himself as a small one. The screen clearly showed how just one phrase from a child completely changed his future, as well as the future of his friends and family. A similar example was also shown in the film "Mr. Nobody".

The choices we make in the moment change more than just our lives. It completely changes the picture of the future. For a clear example, you can take the choice of profession. A certain Mr. X decides to become a doctor. While studying at a medical school, he fails. Nevertheless, this person does his best to obtain a doctor’s diploma and occupy a corresponding position in a certain clinic. It is probably not worth saying how many lives will be at risk in this situation. However, Mr. X could stop his studies in the second or third year and transfer to the university that would teach him what he really has a passion for. As the saying goes,

Everyone knows from school mathematics that parallel lines never intersect. This is stated in the traditional or official geometry of Euclid. However, probably every person, looking at the rails going beyond the horizon, in the depths of his soul began to doubt this axiom.

And indeed, in Lobachevsky’s geometry it is said that parallel lines can intersect - at infinity. Thus, it is logical that parallel planes can have points of contact. Despite the fact that this statement is extremely controversial, it cannot but excite the minds of scientists and ordinary people much more than a book axiom.

If you think carefully and carefully analyze your life, it becomes clear that any event or decision, even the smallest and insignificant at first glance, any spoken word or phrase, changes to a greater or lesser extent the course of the rest of your life.

And sometimes the fate of all humanity.

In science there is even a special term - "butterfly Effect", which explains this phenomenon in detail. Its author is meteorologist Lorenz.

The term suggests that the flapping of a butterfly's wing at one end of the planet can cause serious disasters at the other. Simply put, even the most insignificant event can cause completely unexpected and very serious consequences in a completely different part of the world.

Events generated by the “butterfly effect” occur in the same world, but at different times - that is, the “cause-effect” principle is implemented.

If we make the assumption that for every choice in life, for every turn of fate, there is its own world, its own reality in which new events develop, and all worlds exist simultaneously, it turns out very difficult, but at the same time, interesting.

There are many hypotheses and theories that our world is far from the only one, that there are several more next to it. It is quite possible that in those other worlds our likenesses live, but they have chosen a different solution, a different path. Or, quite the opposite, in these worlds live completely different creatures who are not at all like humans and who have gone far ahead in their development.

Perhaps they live on the same planet as people, but people cannot see them, because these creatures consist of “antimatter”. This assumption has been made by some scientists. Therefore, a person cannot see or feel the “anti-world”; he only periodically encounters its manifestations.

Some scientists claim that it is possible to move between worlds through certain channels or portals. For example, in folk legends and beliefs, just like in many science fiction writers, mirrors most often act as portals, and a little less often - volcanoes and caves. That is why there is a superstition that you should not look at your reflection in the mirror for a long time, as it can drag you away.

In the scientific world, there are more serious hypotheses about how you can move from one world to another. Thus, “black holes” in space act as such portals or tunnels, which can be so-called “wormholes” connecting different worlds and spaces. It is not possible to prove or refute this statement, since to date they have been studied very little.

In 1930, the term “teleportation sites” was introduced to designate areas in which invisible and inexplicable movements in space occurred. Its author was the scientist Charles Froth. Such places really exist, some researchers mention them, but all attempts to deliberately provoke teleportation have not yet been successful.

At the same time, both scientific hypotheses and science fiction works and legends claim that such transitions open only under certain circumstances and at a strictly defined time. And if in the literature everything is more or less clear, then in the case of real evidence of a transition from one space to another, there is no order or certainty.

In this regard, it is appropriate to recall the story of the legendary disappearance of an entire Norfold regiment in the mountains at the beginning of the last century. The regiment was English and was sent to the front line. Not a single soldier emerged from the gorge, tightly covered with a giant cloud, but no traces of human presence were found in this place.

According to some researchers, the regiment entered a portal that led to one of the parallel worlds. At the same time, among scientists there is also a hypothesis about the bending of time precisely at that moment and at the time when the soldiers were there. Therefore, it is completely possible that after some time (years or perhaps centuries) the Norfold Regiment will appear in the same place and complete the journey.

It is noteworthy that the largest number of cases of encounters with parallel worlds was recorded in the period from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the last century. It is difficult to say what this was due to - either the great influence of religion, or the low level of development of the sciences. However, the fact remains that these days, encounters in the unknown mostly concern “flying saucers” and aliens rather than parallel worlds.

For example, at the end of the fifteenth century in Germany, a girl named Elsa Farthen, the niece of the burgomaster, disappeared in the most mysterious way. She, as usual, went to bed in her room. After some time, the maid in the middle of the night saw a bright light that was breaking through from under the mistress’s door, but she did not attach any importance to it.

In the morning it turned out that the door to the room was locked from the inside. And since the girl did not come out, the door was broken down. The room was empty! Relatives and servants searched everything around, but to no avail. Elsa was gone for several days, and then the girl appeared in her room in the same way she had disappeared.

The girl was told that she had not been home for two days, but she did not want to believe it. Elsa was convinced that she went to bed and slept peacefully for one night. True, a little later she remembered that in her dream she saw a bright light and some strange, incomprehensible faces...

But the following story clearly demonstrates how an event can affect the course of the history of all mankind.

In September 1908 in Vienna, at the Vienna Academy of Art, one of the most venerable citadels of European fine art, during the entrance exam. In one of the classrooms, a young man with sparkling eyes demonstrates his artwork to the selection committee.

But the chairman of the commission, a very obese and dissatisfied man, is very dissatisfied with something, and constantly criticizes the work of the novice artist. Either the proportion is bad, then the gamma is wrong, there the golden ratio is incorrectly calculated, but here everything is completely bad. From the words of the head of the commission, it turned out that the young man did not know how to draw at all, and he had no place among the students of the academy.

The young man failed the exam, the head of the commission invited the next student. But at that moment he could not even imagine that with his decision he had ruined the lives of six million innocent people and unleashed the Second World War. And all because he was a failed artist Adolf Gitler.

Almost from childhood, the future Fuhrer dreamed of becoming an architect and artist, painting pictures, designing houses. Disappointed, he headed into big politics, becoming one of the bloodiest dictators and tyrants.

But everything could have turned out completely differently if the head of the admissions committee had not criticized the young applicant. Such an insignificant, at first glance, episode can sometimes lead to global catastrophic consequences.

And here is another similar story: during the era of the Crusades, at the beginning of June 1189, on the Seliv River, which is now located in the territory of modern Turkey, a huge army of German crusaders crossed the river. The army is led by the legendary Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. N in elegant knightly armor, in full regalia, on a white horse enters the water.

But the animal suddenly rears up, Friedrich could not stay in the saddle and fell into the water. The Emperor is no more. He did not drown, since the river was shallow, but rather died from heatstroke, because his armor became very hot in the sun. As a result of falling into cold water, the emperor suffered a heatstroke, lost consciousness and simply choked.

Having lost their leader, the German crusaders immediately returned home, as a result of which the third crusade, in which they had a great chance of defeating the Saracens, suffered a complete collapse. And Jerusalem, because of which this campaign was undertaken, remained under the influence of Muslims for several more centuries. And all because of a horse...

There are many similar cases in history. For example, what could have happened if Napoleon had not had a runny nose before the Battle of Borodino, or if Archimedes had not decided to take a bath one day, or if the cunning Odysseus had managed to “dodge” the Trojan War.

There are a huge number of such fatal little things, history knows about some, and is silent about others, but all of them had a significant impact, if not on the course of human history as a whole, then on the course of someone’s life, for sure.

If we talk about fiction, it should be noted that science fiction writers are very fond of the theme of the multiplicity of the Universe and parallel worlds, since this theme gives great scope for imagination. This topic is very well represented in children's fiction, in particular in the stories of V. Krapivin.

His heroes are the most ordinary schoolchildren who find themselves in other worlds, travel from one world to another, everywhere finding new loyal friends and many adventures. In these works, the Universe is presented in the form of a giant Crystal, each face of which is a special separate world. There are necessarily transitions between them at one time or another.

In literature for older people, the topic of parallel worlds is also represented quite widely. So, in particular, parallel worlds that exist in the same space and time are presented in S. Lukyanenko’s tetralogy “Watch”.

In ordinary cities live light and dark “others” who from time to time go to sort things out in another world. And this world in a certain way is superimposed on the world of people. According to the author himself, between the floors of one house the elevator goes a little slower, since there is another floor - to the “gloomy world”...

Currently, the existence of parallel worlds has not been scientifically proven. It is unlikely that this will be done in the near future. At the same time, the hypotheses about their existence are quite fully and logically explained by those “inconsistencies” and paranormal phenomena that periodically occur in our world - ghost ships, poltergeists, planes that disappeared from radar and went missing, and many others worthy of being caught in the "secret materials" section.

What is the butterfly effect?

The term “butterfly effect” was coined by Edward Nolan Lorenz. It was with this concept that he described the sensitivity of complex systems to initial conditions in his works in 1961. However, the dependence of the system on the initial conditions was noticed long before Lorentz’s work. It was believed that there is a certain critical point at which even the smallest events acquire special significance and lead to an unpredictable outcome.

What is this butterfly effect?

Describing what the butterfly effect is, talked about weather forecasting. He came to this concept after realizing that when he rounded the input data for a weather forecast using a digital model, he got completely different results than when he took numbers with all decimal places.

Thus, Lorenz came to the conclusion that it is impossible to make a long-term weather forecast, since many natural phenomena have a tremendous impact on weather conditions in individual places and on the climate of the entire Earth. That is, even the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one part of the Earth can lead to or prevent a tornado in another part of the Earth.

Lorenz shared his discovery with other scientists. One day he received an idea that using the butterfly effect it was possible to achieve large-scale changes in the Earth's climate. To do this, you just need to make small changes in nature under human control. However, Lorenz believed differently: we can force nature to behave differently, but we will never be able to predict what this will lead to. We will know for sure that this will entail changes, but what kind of changes will they be? We cannot know whether the changes will be positive or negative.

The term "butterfly effect" is especially applicable to chaotic systems. It is in them that it is difficult to predict what even the smallest impacts will lead to in the final result. If the butterfly did not flap its wings, then nothing in the system would change from the original version, and the course of events would be completely different than in reality, where the butterfly flutters.

In simple terms, the concept of the butterfly effect suggests that any small action can cause serious consequences in the future or elsewhere, both for the entire system and for its individual participants.

The butterfly effect in our lives

The butterfly effect is often used in science fiction or cinema and is associated with time travel. Thus, according to the concept of the butterfly effect, any action in the past triggers an avalanche of consequences in the present and future, which can lead to unpredictable results. Thus, a person traveling into the past can exclude the possibility of himself being born if his actions entail the death of his ancestor. In this case, he will not be born at all, which means he will thereby destroy his present.

If we talk not about science fiction, but about our everyday life, then we see the butterfly effect everywhere, we just don’t pay attention to it. Let's look at what the butterfly effect is, using specific examples for clarity.

Example about a student

By pure chance, a medical university student passed the entrance exams. However, he has difficulty studying. There are many options for the development of events, here is one of them: he may be expelled. And then, perhaps, many people will be saved whom he could have ruined by becoming a certified doctor. Or they may leave him to study, and he will receive a diploma instead of someone truly gifted and capable of changing the world or the lives of several people for the better.

An example about a disaster

A person who gets behind the wheel while drunk is heading from one city to another. It could cause a huge accident that will change the fates of dozens of people, who, in turn, will affect the lives of hundreds more of their relatives and friends. But the police stop him, thereby breaking the chain leading to disaster.

Thus, one snowflake falling in the mountains can lead to the death of several cities and thousands of people, causing an avalanche. The fall of a snowflake is an insignificant event. The death of thousands of people is a tragedy. An avalanche will also affect other nearby areas in terms of weather, disrupting the normal course of life.

The actions of one person or group of people can cause conflict between entire peoples and countries, lead to global military action, which can then lead to the destruction of life over vast territories, and in modern conditions, the entire planet.

65 years ago, the classic American science fiction story by Ray Bradbury, “A Sound of Thunder,” was published. It described a journey into the distant past, where one of the heroes accidentally crushed a butterfly. This led to unpredictable consequences, radically changing the future. In the early 60s of the last century, a young assistant at the Department of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Lorenz, received a number of unusual diagrams. Their shape resembled the wings of a butterfly, and Lorenz, a great fan of science fiction, immediately called the pattern he discovered the butterfly effect. This soon became a universal concept that explains many mysterious phenomena when minor events lead to enormous consequences, such as typhoons, large-scale epidemics, or the collapse of colossal glaciers from the dome of Antarctica.

Round Errors

In fact, the butterfly effect is far from a simple idea, resulting from a very complex mathematical theory of chaos. It all started when Lorenz tried to create a set of computer programs that could predict long-term weather changes. Once he did not round off thousandths of meteorological quantities such as wind force, humidity and atmospheric pressure. Unexpectedly, this led to a phenomenal result. It turned out that these tiny changes in data completely changed the long-term forecast.

For a whole decade, Lorenz refined his theory, but it became famous thanks to the determination of another meteorologist. In 1972, a prestigious international conference took place, but Lorenz did not have time to present the title of the report. There was absolutely no time left, and his colleague boldly did this, giving the work a completely non-academic title: “Forecasting: Will the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas?” It was from this moment that a heated discussion of the Lorenz butterfly effect began.

In that old work, Lorenz tried to prove that the far-reaching consequences of minor atmospheric anomalies constitute two very interesting problems at once. Firstly, you should not criticize weather forecasts and mock weather forecasters, because it turns out that creating an accurate long-term weather map is almost impossible. Secondly, in many processes it is simply impossible to “catch the butterfly” and identify the turning point that leads to the real final result.

Generally speaking, many philosophers are very wary of Lorenz’s butterflies, because if small inaccuracies in some natural phenomena are of such great importance, then it can be argued that our world is in some way completely unpredictable...

The birth and death of a tornado

According to Lorenz diagrams, an innumerable number of natural interactions can not only cause a tornado with the flapping of a butterfly's wings, but also extinguish a hurricane in the bud. Thus, if a person interferes with the surrounding nature, for example, by disturbing the ecological balance, then we are unlikely to ever reliably know what would have happened in the alternative “Earth without people” scenario. And all this because all subsequent changes are very difficult to track and restore the sequence of events.

During his lifetime, Lorenz sadly noticed that most of the climatologists around him perceived his original constructions exactly the opposite. The most important idea in Lorentz's theory is that we cannot easily trace a significant event and its connection with the present. Having argued that the flapping of a butterfly's wings can cause a storm, we must immediately move on to the next question: how can we confidently say that it was this atmospheric anomaly that caused the birth, and not the death, of a devastating tornado? It turns out that Lorenz's research provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the problem of cause-and-effect relationships, but does not contain simple answers to predicting the future.

Riddles of the weather kitchen

As a meteorologist, Lorenz tried to explain many of the mysteries of the weather with the help of the phenomenon he discovered. According to his bold assumption, the cause of the most powerful storms born in the Gulf of Mexico may be a small weather anomaly in the South Atlantic.

After the scientist’s death in 2008, a number of Latin American weather forecasters tried to connect the butterfly effect with the amazing Pacific El Niño phenomenon. In some unknown way, this periodic atmospheric anomaly somehow influences the birth of devastating tornadoes, causing multi-billion dollar losses in the southern states of the United States.

At the same time, many American conspiracy theorists are simply convinced that at the Pentagon’s secret testing sites they have long been trying to breed “weather butterflies” capable of causing storms in various parts of the world. In any case, this could be a real fuse for the hypothetical “climate weapon” that has been talked about a lot lately.

The main parameter here is hurricane wind as one of the areas of research in atmospheric physics. This science has been trying for many years to predict the trajectories of air vortices, but still cannot predict their strength, and therefore the scale of possible destruction.

Hurricane equation

For a quarter of a century, meteorologists have been working hard to create reliable computer models of bad weather. The stumbling block here is the so-called hurricane equation, which cannot be solved based on classical ideas about the mechanism of its formation. One can imagine that a powerful hurricane is forming somewhere in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. There, currents of warm and humid air meet cold winds blowing from the Andes. Intensive condensation of water vapor occurs with the formation of a powerful cloud cover. However, if we try to set all the necessary parameters, we will not be able to determine the course and increase in wind strength. In particular, the calculated wind speed will always be much lower than the actual one.

It is well known that the stronger the wind, the larger the waves on the surface of the water. The waves here act as a natural roughness of the water surface, against which air currents rub. Meanwhile, if we consider the balance between the supply of energy and its absorption due to friction, it turns out that the stronger the wind, the larger this absorption will be. That is, the waves should extinguish the wind, just like in the title of the cult work of the Strugatsky brothers, but in reality this does not happen.

Hypothesis of Russian geophysicists

At the end of the last century, a group of employees from the Department of Nonlinear Geophysical Processes of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences from Nizhny Novgorod expressed a very unusual hypothesis. Based on the principles of Lorentz's theory, they proposed that the resistance of the ocean surface paradoxically decreases as the wind increases.

Then, in 2003, an article by American researcher Kerry Emmanuel was published in the journal Nature, describing a similar phenomenon. He based his conclusions on long-term data on wind speeds inside tropical cyclones using falling GPS sondes from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Hurricane Center. Based on a generalization of the results of these measurements, it turned out that the drag coefficient of the sea surface is significantly lower than the value obtained in calculations of conventional winds.

Russian scientists are studying “butterflies that generate hurricanes” at a unique installation “Complex of large-scale geophysical stands”, consisting of a pool with a high-speed wind-wave channel. Today this complex is included in the list of installations of national importance in Russia.

Net for catching “hurricane butterflies”

Experiments by Nizhny Novgorod geophysicists yielded amazing results. Using a high-speed video camera that shoots up to half a million frames per second, it was possible to record the amazing processes of the birth of hurricane butterflies. This is how an understanding of the mechanism of occurrence of hurricane winds in the embryo of a storm arose. It became clear that at a certain stage the air currents of the growing typhoon were rushing over the waves like a hydrofoil glider or a colossal ekranoplan. In this case, the mass of air forms a foam cushion over the waves made of solid wings, which smoothes out the excitement. At the same time, resistance to air flows over the sea surface drops sharply.

Scientists counted the drops and realized that they had found the most effective mechanism for generating splashes, which greatly changes the pattern of hurricanes. Previously, it was believed that splashes are formed when pop-up bubbles burst and their number is disproportionately smaller. It turned out that if the results of the Nizhny Novgorod laboratory experiment are translated into natural conditions, the formation of hurricane winds becomes clear. Scientists have realized what an effective mechanism for the flow of energy into monstrous winds is, and have come close to predicting the destructive ability of a particular hurricane.

However, “Lorenz butterflies” were also found in sciences very far from meteorology.

Insects of financial crises

A decade ago, several enthusiasts from the virtual club of fans of financial forecasts Smartmoney began researching the market “according to Lorenz” and immediately caught the “butterfly of the financial crisis.” It turns out that Sony's growing logistical problems could have a critical impact on an entire network of shareholders, sellers and investors. So an ominous forecast appeared on the Smartmoney website: “One butterfly, in this case a Japanese butterfly, launches a whole critical process in the global chain of partners.” Unfortunately, no one listened to the unusual opinion of the “economic amateurs”. And the 2008 crisis struck...

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The butterfly effect is a unique phenomenon that managed not only to become another boring discovery, but also to get into cinema and the press. It confirms the correctness of popular sayings that an insignificant act can lead to serious consequences unimaginable at first glance.

Butterfly effect - what is it?

This phenomenon may not occur in every system: only in one that is called chaotic. It is based on the famous chaos theory, which states that any complex system is unpredictable and its parts can mix together in ways that are unexpected for it. The butterfly effect is a phenomenon that can affect a biological system at any level. A person who is influenced throughout his life by positive and negative factors that determine his health is also susceptible to it. There are several points of view on it:

  1. In differential equations, you can slightly change the conditions and this will significantly affect their solution.
  2. The butterfly effect determines the behavior of the ball on roulette in a casino, because its fall depends on a lot of circumstances.
  3. In a world of chaos, it is impossible to predict the behavior of systems, but the likelihood of them getting out of control is steadily increasing.

Why is the butterfly effect called that?

The name was coined by American mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz. He was the first to make the assumption, giving it a bizarre form of metaphor. Edward believed that the flapping of the wings of one butterfly in Iowa could trigger an avalanche of other actions: for example, causing a storm during the rainy season in Indonesia. The butterfly effect is a concept named for its association with the plot of Ray Bradbury's story "A Sound of Thunder."

Butterfly effect - psychology

The phenomenon ceases to be boring as soon as it enters the sphere of the humanities. The butterfly effect in psychology echoes Lorenzo's belief, but complements it with the individual's ability to influence collective reality, just as a drop of rain fills a cup. Man is designed in such a way that it is easier for him to deny the possibility of influencing the outcome of a war, the growth of the population of stray animals, and public opinion. Knowing what the butterfly effect is, how to understand and apply its effect to your advantage? The use of a phenomenon for the purpose of personal development consists of the following stages:

  • awareness of positive and negative in detail;
  • accepting traits that you previously had no desire to put up with;
  • the reward for finding a balance between irreconcilable qualities;
  • combining all internal forces to strengthen the fight against difficulties and circumstances.

The butterfly effect in life

In the real world, you can find true-to-life cases of a small event influencing the course of history. The following personalities know what the butterfly effect is and what each of its consequences means:

  1. Resident of Stockton, California. In 2003, he was unable to pay off a $250,000 mortgage, which triggered a global banking crisis.
  2. Norman Bolog is a breeder who created unpretentious varieties of vegetables and fruits that saved a huge number of people from hunger during droughts and crop failures in the 20th century.
  3. Catherine the Second - her husband, Peter the Third, was such an uninteresting interlocutor that she spent all her time in the library. Deep knowledge helped her fairly rule the country for many years.

Butterfly effect - interesting facts

The butterfly effect is a phenomenon that became the main character of the Hollywood film of the same name. Ashton Kutcher's character uses his memory with enviable regularity to travel into the past in order to change events that led to a chain of tragedies in the future. The painting itself has become a symbol of the butterfly effect. Either because of the release of higher-grossing films or because of the illness of the actors, its premiere was postponed for one year.

Butterfly effect and chaos theory

This pattern actually appeared thanks to chaos theory and became one of its signs. This teaching is based on mathematical concepts used in modulating systems. The media, cinema and scientists have created a wrong image of the doctrine: for example, thanks to Jurassic Park, people know that society should seriously fear the unity of chaos and nature. There is no such second phenomenon as the butterfly effect, which chaos theory would make world famous, so people are afraid of the unknown. In its most primitive form, its postulates can be revealed as:

  1. It does not deny the very essence of ordering. Systems can be programmable, but no one can give guarantees.
  2. She focuses on the consequences of misfortunes caused by chaos.
  3. It does not follow the expected periodicity. Time delays and feedback prevent the system from adjusting to the schedule.
  4. It works on the principle of bifurcation. Taking bizarre forms and breaking all the rules, chaos is guaranteed to return to order.