Summary of nodes on physical development. Organization of nodes on physical education in preschool within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards Synopsis of nodes on physical development for the senior group

Elena Ivanova
Abstract of the GCD “Physical Development” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Target: Formation of basic ideas about sports and healthy lifestyle values ​​in classes physical development.



1. Strengthen the skill of walking and running in a column one at a time; ability to perform movements according to the music.

2. Strengthen motor skills children: hopping on two legs while moving forward; crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach; dribbling the ball with one hand and passing the ball with both hands from the chest; dribbling the ball with the right (left) foot around objects.

3. Consolidate knowledge about sports.


1. Develop physical quality through exercises: bouncing on two legs, crawling on a gymnastic bench, dribbling and passing the ball and playing "Find your home".

2. Promote the health of children.


1. Develop the ability to perform collective actions, develop positive and creative communication skills.

2. Cultivate positive emotions.


1. Form correct posture while walking, running, exercising and playing.

Integration of educational regions:

1. Social and communicative development– supporting the child’s communication and interaction with adults and peers, developing independence and activity.

2. Cognitive development - development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

3. Speech development– enrichment of active vocabulary and mastery of speech as a means of communication.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development– promote the perception of music.

5. Physical development– acquisition of motor experience in motor activity associated with performing exercises aimed at development of physical qualities, performing basic movements, mastering outdoor games with rules. Healthy lifestyle support.

Types of children's activities and forms work:

1. Motor (outdoor game with rules, exercises)

2. Gaming (outdoor game, finger gymnastics, massage)

3. Communication (conversation, situational conversation, solving a situation)

4. Musical and creative (musical and rhythmic movements)

5. Cognitive (conversation about sports)

Preliminary work: conversation with children about sports, famous athletes; learning finger exercises, greetings, self-massage in poetic form.

Forms of children's organization: group, subgroup, individual.

GCD type: plot-game, training

Teaching methods: verbal (conversation, dialogue, story, visual (demonstration of material, practical (game, exercise demonstration)

Location: gym.

Amount of children: 14 people.

Equipment and inventory: gymnastic benches, small balls, hoops, stands, basketballs, soccer balls, cards with sports, music, prizes, gymnastic ribbons.

Musical arrangement: "Funny song"(Words by Vadim Borisov, music by Alexander Ermolov, performed by the Children's Song Theater "Mascot"); "Beauty will save the world"(Music by Vladimir Mikhailov, performed by Vocal and Instrumental Ensemble).

The course is directly educational activities:

Preparatory part (4-5 minutes)


Welcome correctional a game: "Hello!"

Psychological game "You and I are friends together"

The appearance of the hero Styopa - Zaboleikin.

Musical accompaniment: "Funny song"

Walking in a column alone:

on your toes, arms up.

on your heels, hands behind your back.

- Jumping with a task:

legs together - apart, hands on the belt, side gallop with the right and left sides.

Running in a column, one at a time, changing direction.

Walking in a column one by one

Rebuilding in two columns:

Children enter the hall and line up.

-FC instructor:

Hello girls! (teacher waves his hand)

Hello! (the girls wave their hands above their heads)

Hello boys! (teacher greets the boys)

Hello! (boys wave their hands above their heads)

Hello Sunny! (everyone raises their hands up)

Hello hello! (clap hands)

Guests, hello! (extend straight arms forward)

Hello Hello! (clap hands)

We are growing well under the sun! (on your toes, arms up, stretch higher)

We are becoming healthier every day! (hands to shoulders and to the sides)

-FC instructor:

Guys, I hasten to inform you

Today on a trip

I want to invite you!

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests.

There is a sports country

It's called the Olympic Village. Only athletes live in this village. What should an athlete be like? (Strong, brave, dexterous.) Right. Do you want to visit this village? (Yes)

Today you will be athletes and I will be your coach

But my friends can go with me, are you my friends? (Yes) Is the teacher your friend? (Yes)

-FC instructor:

Hello boy, who are you?


Zaboleikin Styopa, I’m just sick, friends.

I look sad and my head hurts

My back hurts, my side hurts

I need a doctor, he would help me.

-FC instructor:

Stop groaning and roaring, it’s a shame for the boy to be sick.

Come to our kindergarten

Here you will learn from the guys

How to be healthy and strong

How to live a day without sadness

It’s true, children, we can do it,

Zaboleikin, can we help?

Stepan, get up in line,

Repeat everything after the guys

You will learn to be brave, strong, dexterous and skillful

You will learn a lot and will not suffer.

We're getting ready to hit the road

Let's go for health.

Be equal! Attention!

To the right, to the left, step by step!

Back straight, look forward

Pull in your stomach

Breathe through your nose, land on your toes

We look over the left, right shoulder

- “Run March!”.

Keep your distance, breathe through your nose

-FC instructor: Take the ribbons.

We guys walked for a long time

They came to the Olympic Village

Let's start preparing

Go out for a workout!

Main part (15-16 min.)

Musical and rhythmic gymnastics "Beauty will save the world"

(see Appendix No. 1)

Building in loose

Finger gymnastics "Porridge"

(see Appendix No. 2))

ATS: (subgroup form of organization of children)

1. Task "Basketball Players"

(driving the ball with one hand to a landmark, passing the ball with both hands from the chest)

2. Task "Gymnasts"

(crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands over the edges of the bench (hand grip from the sides); jumping on two legs while moving forward).

4. Task "Footballers"

(dribbling the ball with the right (left) foot around objects).

Outdoor game "Find your home"

(see Appendix No. 3

We remove the tapes.

-FC instructor: Guys, let's rest a little and refresh ourselves with delicious porridge, finger exercises will help us with this.

FC instructor: Well done with the training, and now real sports tasks await us.

We divide into two teams.

I will show you a hint card, you must say what sport we will do and only then get the task.

We perform the movements correctly, efficiently and in no hurry.

In-line method.

-FC instructor: When dribbling, we do not raise the ball above the waist, we follow the ball, when passing, we pass the ball from the chest in a straight line.

In-line method.

-FC instructor: When crawling

correct grip with your hands, when jumping, land softly on your toes, hands on your belt.

In-line method.

-FC instructor: Let's keep our eye on the ball.

It's time to play

Do you agree kids?

Final part (4-5 minutes.)

Back massage: "Friendship"

(see Appendix No. 4)


Summing up the results of the lesson and presenting prizes.

Children leave the hall to the accompaniment of musical accompaniment.

FC instructor:

And now we will rest

And let's start the massage soon

Hold hands together

Get into the circle quickly.

FC instructor:

Guys, this is where it ends.

our training in the Olympic Village.

It's time to sum up our sports results,

All the children did an excellent job

And sport certainly helped us with this.

Styopa, did you like our training?


I'm not sick at all anymore

I'm happy with the training

Thank you all friends

Now I will be an athlete.

FC instructor:

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye

Return to kindergarten

Appendix No. 1

RTO "Beauty will save the world":

Introduction and part 1 verse: formation in two columns - girls and boys, ribbons to the sides.

Part 2 verse 1: swing the ribbons to the right side, then to the left, leg to the side on the toe (2 times in each direction).

Chorus: swing the ribbons over your head, alternately bending your legs; turn around on your toes, ribbons up (repeat 2 times); squats "Spring", alternately swinging the ribbons back and forth.

Verse 2: formation in 2 circles - boys form a circle in the center, girls - around the boys, ribbons to the sides; "Tower"- boys face in a circle, ribbons up, girls approach the boys, ribbons up; girls step back, ribbons are down (repeat 2 times).

Chorus: the same, only in a circle.

Losing: running in all directions, "Firework"- sit down, stand up, wave the ribbons from bottom to top (repeat 3 times).

Appendix No. 2

Finger gymnastics "Porridge"

Like porridge in a pan, the children move the index finger of their right hand over the palm of their left (cooking porridge)

And hissed and puffed,

She wanted it on our plate. Press your palms with edges towards each other and stretch them forward.

Let's serve butter with the porridge. Clap one palm on the other.

We'll treat everyone we know. They stretch their arms forward.

Prepare the spoons. Alternately bend your fingers for each name.

Masha and Antoshka,

Valerka and Polinka,

Funny Irinka. They bow their hands forward.

Appendix No. 3

Outdoor game "Find your home"

Target: Teach children to imitate the movements of athletes in sports, navigate in space without bumping into each other and follow the rules of the game.

Description: Children are divided into four teams according to sports, standing on different sides of the hall. To the music, teams begin to imitate the actions of athletes in sports. Upon command or music stop, players must find their home. Houses can change places. The game is repeated several times. At the end of the game the result is summed up.

Appendix No. 4

Back massage "Friendship"

(standing in a circle, facing back)

Adult: All the children gathered in a circle.

Children: I am your friend and you are my friend.

Adult: We'll rest a little,

And let's start the back massage.

Let's stand up straight like aspen trees,

Children: And we have straight backs (stroke your back with your palms from top to bottom)

We'll knock on your back (tapping with the edge of the palm)

Let's run our fingers (with fingertips up and down)

Let's clap, clap (palms on the back)

Let's drown, let's drown (fist tapping)

And we certainly know

We are not afraid of diseases! (children extend their left hand to the center of the circle, on the last

word throw your hands up)

Summary of educational activities for physical development in the preparatory school group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Abstract of GCD

in the educational field "Physical development"

in the preparatory school group

(implementation of the “Childhood” program

edited by T. I. Babaeva, A. G. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva)

Subject:"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales."

Target: developing in children of senior preschool age the ability to independently organize independent motor activity on the street.



Strengthen skills in walking and running, walking on toes and heels, running diagonally, scattered;

Strengthen the ability to navigate the territory using a map.

Strengthen the ability to independently choose sports equipment and act with it in known ways.


Develop initiative in children when choosing outdoor games, play exercises, and when conducting general developmental exercises;

To develop in children the ability to independently organize and conduct general developmental exercises and outdoor games;

Promote the development of physical qualities: endurance, speed, strength, flexibility, coordination of movements;

Develop communication competence.


Create conditions for children to be in a good mood and have a kind, friendly attitude towards each other;

Cultivate a sense of respect for each other, a desire to help, the ability to act in a team, and take into account the opinions of others.

Integration with other educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Type of lesson: story-based game, with elements of orienteering.

Time: 30 min.

Location: preschool territory.

Methods: visual, gaming, verbal, elements of art therapy.

Techniques: visual-visual, tactile-muscular, visual-auditory, use of visual cues.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, cards with the image of outdoor switchgear, with numbers, “magic ball”, Baba Yaga’s chest, Koshchei the Immortal’s egg, notes from fairy-tale characters, route map, ribbons - red and blue with elastic bands, small ball, balls, jump ropes, ring throw hoops , colored chalk, awards for children.

GCD move:

Part I. Preparatory

Organized entrance to the sports ground accompanied by marching music. Alignment.


The sun's ray blinds and teases us!

We have a lot of fun this morning!

Into the wonderful world of fairy tales

It's time for us all to go!

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual journey. I suggest you go to the Land of Fairy Tales! You are ready?

Children: Yes!


Well then, it's time for us to hit the road!

We circled around ourselves

And they turned into fabulous guys!

(Children spin around with their hands up)

Get in line and hit the road!

Don't forget to hold on to the back of your head!

Walk around the site to the left, march at a pace! (regular walking, 30 sec.)

It began to rain. Let's run faster! (regular run 30 sec.)

The rain has passed. March on your toes! (walking on toes for 30 seconds)

March on your heels! (walking on heels, 30 sec.)

And let's run a little (run diagonally, 30 sec.)

March in all directions! (30 sec.)

Stand in your places and stay in the back of your head! (regular step, 30 sec)

Breathing exercise “Hug yourself” (30 sec.)

Organizational and methodological instructions: look at the back of each other’s heads, keep your distance, watch your posture, breathe through your nose.

Part II. Main

Instructor: We are strong, we are brave, there are no weak ones among us! We have now arrived in the land of fairy tales!

Guys, we have arrived in the land of fairy tales. But what should we do next, where should we go?

A “magic ball” rolls up to the instructor (with the help of adults), with a note attached to it: “Whoever does the warm-up correctly will find the magic card!”

Instructor: So guys, we need to do a warm-up. Everyone come to the table and take the cards. Whoever sees what exercise on the card will do it. Remember your exercise. And place all the cards in order on the easel.

Children take cards. They put them out.

Instructor: get in line! Right! Walk around the site to the left following the guide step!

Form into columns of three.

ORU: (children come out one by one, each doing their own exercise).

1) “Curious gnomes”: I. p. - hands on the belt, legs at the width of the foot. 1-2 – turn the head to the right, 3-4 – I. p. The same to the left side (6 times).

2) “We are magicians”: I. p. - O. S., arms to shoulders, hands clenched into fists. 1-2 – arms up with force, unclench your fists, 3-4 – I. p. (6-8 times).

3) “Large circles”: I. p. - standing, feet hip-width apart, hands below. 1-2 – arms to the sides, palms up, below the shoulder. 3-4 – circular movements of the arms forward, 5-6 – circular movements of the arms backward, 7-8 – I. p. (4-5 times).

4) “Snake Gorynych”: I. p. - standing, legs apart. Inhale. 1-2 – tilt to the right, sliding the right foot along the thigh, sound “sh-sh-sh”, left hand up to the armpit, 3-4 I. p. Also with the other hand (5-6 times).

5) “Cog”: I. p. – legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-2-3 – turn to the right, 4 – I. p. Also to the left (4-5 times).

6) “Crane”: I. p. – legs apart, hands up in the lock. 1-2-3 – forward bend, 4 – I. p. (4-5 times).

7) “We walk together”: I. p. - standing, legs parallel, hands on the belt. Alternately bend your knees, lifting your heels off the floor, and vigorously roll your feet to your toes (6-8 times).

8) “Funny little frogs”: I. p. - legs apart, hands down. 1-2 – squat on the entire foot, knees apart, hands touching the floor in front, back straight. 3-6 – hold, 7-8 – I. p. (4-5 times).

The last child showing does the breathing exercise “Growing Big”: We are growing, we are growing (arms up, inhale, stretch on your toes). We are getting higher every day (hands down, exhale, lower your entire foot).

A “magic card” “falls from the sky” (with the help of an adult) to the instructor.

Instructor: guys, here's the map! This map shows the route we will take next!

The instructor gives the map to the commander (director), the children approach the instructor, and with the help of the instructor, find the next path.

Instructor: Guys, get in line! Pull yourself together and get even! Pay in order! We chose the route. Adventure awaits us! Right! Jump, march!

Children jump and cover the distance along the route indicated on the map to the indicated place (middle group area). There is a chest there. In it, children find a task from Baba Yaga - to play with sports equipment. They do it.

Instructor: Well done guys, you did a good job and completed the task! New adventures await us! let's look at the map - where should we go next?

Instructor: Guys, now take cards with numbers and line up according to the count.

Children line up on the track, counting, in accordance with the card number.

Instructor: Pull yourself together and get even! Get ready for the journey! We chose the route. Adventure awaits us! Right! Let's march!

Children run along the route indicated on the map to the indicated place (preparatory group site). There they find an egg on a tree (hang it on a ribbon). In it, children find a task from Koshchei the immortal - to play any game they like.

Instructor: guys, you can play any game you choose. Think and consult with each other - what kind of game it will be.

Children choose the game themselves, through a collective decision. They choose a leader using a counting rhyme and play independently. The instructor helps as needed.

Instructor: Well done guys, you did a good job and completed the task! Now let's look at the map - where should we go next?

Children, with the help of an instructor, determine the further route.

Instructor: Guys, now remember what number someone had when we walked here. And line up the same way!

Children line up on the track, counting, in accordance with the card number from memory.

Instructor: Pull yourself together and get even! Get ready to hit the road! We chose the route. Adventure awaits us! Right! Side gallop, march!

Children at a side gallop cover the distance along the route indicated on the map to the indicated place (corner of the kindergarten). There, in the grass, they find a note saying that they were visiting the gnome Veselchak. The gnome invites the children to draw their mood with chalk.

Part III. Final

Drawing your mood with chalk on the path to the music.

Instructor: Guys, let's look at the map again - where should we go now?

Children, with the help of an instructor, determine the further route.

Instructor: Get in line! Pull yourself together and get even! Get ready for the journey! We chose the route. Adventure awaits us! Right! Step march!

Children walk in steps along the route indicated on the map to the indicated place (sports ground). There they find a surprise and a note from fairy-tale characters, in which they praise the children for their strength, dexterity, etc.

Instructor: Guys, our fabulous journey has come to an end! What do you remember most?

Children: answer.

Instructor: let's thank each other and smile! Thank you guys for your great work in class. You are all the most dexterous, brave, strong and skillful! Get in line. Right! Step march!

To the sound of marching music, the children go into the group.

Final GCD for physical development “Flower of Health”

(senior preschool age)

Compiled by: physical education instructor Olga Aleksandrovna Radchenko, Aleksandrovskoye village November 2015. MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "KINDERGARTEN No. 2 "JUBILEE"

Program content: exercise children in walking with movements in a circle and through objects, in walking with a side step, crawling on a bench on their hands and knees; secure climbing into the hoop directly, without touching the edge of the hoop and without touching the floor with your hands, stepping over barriers of different heights; increase the level of physical and motor fitness of children in a play environment; develop physical qualities: attention, speed, agility, skills; to form correct posture in children while walking, running and doing exercises; cultivate a sense of responsibility for the assigned task; maintain interest in educational activities in physical education; create a favorable environment for direct educational activities.

Materials: gymnastic bench, rope, sandbags, barriers of different heights, cubes, pictures of fruits and vegetables, hoops, ball.

Previous work:

  • drawing up a GCD outline

Production of paraphernalia for GCD.

Integration of educational areas:

Educational area "Physical development" :

Practice maintaining balance on a reduced support area

Improve the technique of climbing into a hoop without using your hands

Promote the development of agility, mobility and speed

Maintain interest in physical education as the basis for successful learning in kindergarten

Preserve and strengthen the physical health of children

Educational area "Social and communicative development" :

Develop children's play activities

Introduce generally accepted norms and rules of relationships

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" :

Introduce to the art of music

GCD move:

FC instructor:

They say there is a magic flower - the flower of health. Whoever finds it and smells it will be the strongest, most dexterous, and most importantly the healthiest person. This flower grows in the country "Slightly" . It's not easy to get to. How I would like to smell this magical flower at least once so that I can always be healthy. What do you want?

FC instructor:

So, maybe we can take this trip?

FC instructor:

Then let's not waste time - let's go! Music is playing.

Part I. Children walk around the hall, performing movements.

FC instructor:

We got on the path,

They walked together.

Walking is normal.

Narrow bridge ahead

We stood on our toes.

Walking on your toes with your arms raised up.

We're walking, we're walking,

We raise our legs higher.

Walking with high knees.

Let's run, let's run,

No one was overtaken.

Easy running.

March at a pace, slowly,

How nice the weather is.

Children stand in one line.

The instructor shows signs with signs:

“If you go to the left, you will end up in a sleepy kingdom” .

“If you go straight, you will find health” .

“If you go to the right, you will find a mountain of sweets” .

FC Instructor: Which path will you choose?

Children: Shall we go straight?

FC instructor: Or maybe you should go to bed or eat some candy?

Children: No.

FC Instructor: Then go ahead.

Part II. Children line up in three columns.

General developmental exercises with cubes.

1. I, p.: basic stance, cube in the right hand.

1-arms to the sides;

2- hands up;

3-transfer the cube to your left hand;

4-lower your arms down and return to the starting position.

Same with your left hand (5-7 times).

2. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, cube in the right hand.

1-raise the right bent leg;

2- pass the cube under it to your left hand;

3- hands up;

4-return to starting position.

Also transfer the cube to your right hand (6 times).

3. I. p.: feet shoulder-width apart, cube in the right hand.

1-sit down, arms forward;

2- transfer the cube to your left hand;

3- arms to the sides;

4- return to starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p.: sitting, legs straight apart, cube in hands.

1-2- reach with our hands to the right leg;

3-4 - reach out with your hands to your left leg.

Performed at a medium pace (5-6 times).

5. I. p.: basic stance, cube in the right hand.

1-2- jumping on the right leg;

3-4 – jumps on the left leg (3-5 times).

Main types of movements:

  1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your hands and knees
  2. Walking on a rope with a side step, arms to the sides
  3. Walking by stepping over stumps of different heights, arms to the sides
  4. Walking with a bag on your head on a gymnastic bench, hands on your belt
  5. Jumping on two legs, holding the bag between the legs, moving forward, hands on the belt
  6. Climb straight through two hoops, holding a bag of sand in your hands and without touching the floor.

FC instructor: Well done, you overcame all the obstacles. It seems like a magical flower to me "health" It's already very close.

Outdoor game "Vitamins"

Hall (human organism). Children hold a picture of a fruit or vegetable in their hands. You know that our fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and you and I eat them before illness, during illness and after illness to strengthen our body, that is, to kill the microbes inside us. These vitamins (vegetables and fruits) located around the hall. And I will be a microbe. You guys find your vitamins while listening to music. As soon as the music stops playing, the microbe will immediately catch you and take you to the kingdom of disease. The rules are clear to everyone, and now we’ll find out who is the most dexterous, fastest, and attentive. One, two, three - start of the game!!!

FC instructor: Well done. I feel something. This is a flower "health" blossomed. Yes, not just one, there is a whole meadow of wonderful flowers. (Shows flowers made from Kindersurprise containers containing pieces of garlic). Smell them! (Children take flowers and smell). What do health flowers smell like?

Children: Garlic.

FC instructor: The smell of garlic repels all microbes from these wonderful flowers and not a single cold will come near you.

Low mobility game "Sweet, sour" .

Children stand in a circle and pass the ball to the music; as soon as the music stops playing, the one who has the ball in his hands names a sweet or sour fruit at the instructor’s command.

FC instructor: our lesson has come to an end.

What did you like?

What was difficult?

Practice at home and next time you will definitely succeed

And I really liked that you were active and tried. Thank you all, see you again.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov


continuous educational activities

on physical development

in the older group


Sobylina V.V.


Age group: senior.

Educational field: physical development

Goal: strengthening children's health, creating conditions for instilling interest in physical education.


  1. Wellness

– continue to form correct posture in children;

– create conditions for positive emotions during the event.

  1. Educational

– improve walking one after another, changing the pace and switching to a soft, mincing step;

– to develop skills in changing formations in threes.

  1. Developmental

– develop the ability to maintain alignment when walking along a bench with side steps;

– improve the skills of crawling under an arch by rolling from foot to foot, bending over;

– consolidate the skill of energetic push-off and landing on bent legs.

  1. Educational

– to cultivate interest in physical culture through the plot in educational activities;

– follow the rules of the game.

Type of activity: gaming, motor, communicative.

Form of organization: group, game with speech accompaniment.

Equipment: bench, arc, hoops.

Preliminary work: Children played a variety of outdoor games while walking, in everyday activities, and performed daily morning exercises.

GCD move

Organizing time. The teacher offers to go on an interesting journey, where many obstacles (basic movements) must be overcome along the way, but the children are strong, brave and will certainly overcome them.

I. Introductory part. Line up one at a time. Walking one after another with changes in pace. Normal running with a transition to a small mincing step. Walking and rebuilding in threes in three columns, one at a time.

II. Main part.

  1. Raising your hands up.

Starting position – basic stance, hands down.

1-hands forward




  1. Turns to the sides with arms raised.

Starting position – kneeling, hands on your belt.

1.3-turns right - left

2.4 – starting position.

  1. Forward bends

Starting position - sitting on the carpet, hands on your belt.

1.3 – lean forward, touch your toes with your hands

2.4 – starting position.

  1. Raising legs one at a time

Starting position – sitting, arms supported behind you.

1.3 – raise your right and left leg.

2.4 - starting position.

  1. "Bike"

Starting position – lying on the carpet, arms along the body. Legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach. At the signal “Let's go!” children perform movements with their legs that imitate riding a bicycle.

  1. Jumping with alternating breathing exercises.

Starting position - main stance

1.3 – jump right, left.

2.4 - return to the starting position.

Forming a column one after another.

Main types of movements.

  1. Walking on a bench with an extended step. Goal: maintain stable balance.
  2. Climbing under the arc. Goal: climb by rolling from one leg to the other, bending over and without touching the arc.
  3. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop. Goal: push off energetically and land on bent legs.

The movements are performed one after another.

Children walk one at a time along the bench at an extra step, then crawl under the arc and perform jumps on two legs while moving forward. Then they stand at the end of the column.

Outdoor game "Sly Fox". Goal: act on a signal, develop attention, run.

III. Final part. Walking in a column one at a time while performing attention exercises. Reflection. The result is in accordance with the goals set.

Continue to develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance, attention.



Abstract of GCD

(physical and cognitive development)

For children of the preparatory group

Completed by: I.I. Susloparova - physical education instructor,

Yallelutdinova N.Kh – teacher.

Educational areas


Physical development

To develop an interest and love for sports, physical exercise, and to develop the need for daily physical activity

Fasten ability to maintain a given pace in walking and running;

Strengthen the ability to quickly change lanes on the spot and while moving; line up in a column or line;

Develop arm muscles;

Strengthen the ability to work with the ball; improve hand movements when throwing the ball

Continue to develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance, attention.

Cognitive development

Form spatial relationships: in front, behind, left, right, orienting in space;

Strengthen ordinal counting skills

Strengthen knowledge of numbers and the ability to correlate them with the number of movements performed

Strengthen knowledge about geometric shapes

Develop the ability to find and name their spatial location

Develop attention, memory, thinking;

Speech development

Continue to develop speech as a means of communication;

Pronounce words clearly and relate them to actions;

Artistic and aesthetic


Develop coordination of the rhythm of movements with musical accompaniment



Develop teamwork skills;

Strengthen the ability to fairly evaluate the results of the game;

Reinforce safety rules in the game;

Foster friendly relationships between children;

Develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners,

Equipment: Dumbbells, balls, plates with numbers and examples, geometric figures, Bazarnov simulator, benches, arches.

1. Organizational moment - construction,

2. Ordinal counting, 1-2, formation in threes;

3. Walking with tasks;

4. Complex with dumbbells using cards with numbers;

5. ATS with balls;

6. Bazarnov simulator;

7. Relay:

Collect a number line.

Draw a portrait of the Clown.

8. Relaxation;

9. Lesson analysis;

Introductory part:

Children enter the gym to the music (march, line up in one line).

Educator: Calculate in order (children count).

Walking around the hall - march! Stand still - one, two!

Guys, do you like to exercise? To do this you need to pass tests. I also really love mathematics, I love counting, numbers, problems, so the tests will be unusual, but physical and mathematical. You are ready?

Line up, turn right.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Walking on your toes, arms up- the unit walked, walked, walked and found another one.

Goose-stepping, hands on knees– then she sat down smartly and turned into a deuce.

Formation in threes -Come on, don’t be lazy, quickly become a top three.

We will take dumbbells in our hands to be even stronger.

Running in place – we start running on the spot, finish in 200 meters.

Restoring breathing- enough, enough, come running, stretch, breathe.

2. ORU main part with dumbbells.


I.P. o.s. Hands with dumbbells along the body, feet shoulder-width apart

1.stretch on your toes, arms across your sides, keep your back straight.

2.return to i. P.

"Strong Men"

I.P. o.s. Hands with dumbbells on shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart

1.turn to the right, arms to the sides

2 return to i. P.

3.turn to the left, arms to the sides

4.return to i. P.

"Keep it in front of you"

I.P. o.s. Hands with dumbbells on the belt, legs in a narrow path.

1 sit down, bring your arms out in front of you, keep your back straight.

2.return to i.p.

« Bend the torso forward"

I.P. o.s. arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart

1.Hands up, bend forward, without bending your knees. Place dumbbells on the floor.

2. Straighten up, return your arms to i. P.

3-4. repeat the exercise in reverse order.


I.P. o.s. hands on the belt, legs together

1.legs apart, arms to the sides

2.return to i. P.

Children line up in a column one at a time and put the dumbbells in place.

Calculation for 1-2, formation in two ranks.

ATS with balls.

1. Throwing the ball to each other from the chest, from behind the head in a standing position

2. Throwing the ball to each other from the chest, from behind the head in a kneeling position

Working with the Bazarnov simulator

Mathematical relay race.

“Collect a number series” (From 1 to 10)

"Draw a Clown"(using geometric shapes)

Finger gymnastics:

1,2,3,4,5 we went for a walk in the yard

The birds were fed crumbs

They sculpted a snow woman.

And then we rode down the mountain,

And they were also lying in the snow.

Everyone came home covered in snow.

We shook ourselves off, ate soup, and went to bed.

Summing up the lesson.

Lesson Analysis

The lesson for children of the preparatory group is based on the integration of the educational areas “Physical Education” and “Cognition” with the goal of activating thinking through the correlation of numbers and quantities, orientation in space, etc. The purposeful use of an integrative approach allows you to effectively solve problems in the development of physical qualities and elementary mathematics presentations in the least amount of time.