The host of the program “Moment of Truth” is Andrey Karaulov. Andrei Karaulov gets inspired by engaging in debauchery: he stole a child from his ex-wife. Why not sue him for libel?

The presenter of “Moment of Truth” told the site: he left Channel Five because of the film “Vladimir Putin’s Russia.”

Is it true that you were fired from Channel Five because of the program in which you talked about the assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin?

“I myself refused to renew the contract,” says Andrey Karaulov. “Channel Five and I had some disagreements over the film “Vladimir Putin’s Russia,” which already received almost 1 million votes on the Internet, but was not shown on air. Now I don’t even want to understand this.

Now I’m finishing a novel, I need another two or three weeks to finally submit the second volume of my “Russian Hell”, and, most likely, we will move to another channel - larger and more interesting for us. And I will remember the five years of work at “Fifth” as five years... of absolute happiness. Even my friend Oleg Poptsov (formerly the general director of the TVC, where “Moment of Truth” aired), even found fault with the plots much more often than these guys. But something happened with “Vladimir Putin’s Russia”...

- “Something” - what is it?

I really don't know. I spent two years making this film. At first there were 13 episodes, then we brought them to 10. There are 456 characters - plant directors, politicians. This is a very serious and important job for me. I literally couldn’t believe my eyes when major European television companies started sending us their offers to buy this work. This completely amazed me! How could I imagine that the Germans would want to show “Vladimir Putin’s Russia” in their country?! Moreover, we are talking about buying the entire film, not individual episodes!

“I am very pleased with the resonance, the audience, and the discussion that has unfolded,” says the presenter. - We don’t know much about our modern history. We know almost nothing about Putin’s true role, about how he returned factories manually. We show all this with specific facts.

- What prevented “Fifth” from showing such a flattering work for Putin?

I'm amazed myself! The main thing is that there were no clear explanations! They simply bought the film and put it on the shelf. That is, [Channel Five owner Yuri] Kovalchuk allocated a huge amount of money... Believe me, this is expensive work: hundreds of people, business trips... I am very grateful to Yuri Valentinovich - he actually became the producer of the film. And some boys put the film on the shelf. Moreover, he lay there for quite a long time until we took him away.

- Do you have a license now?

Difficult question, but actually yes. Our lawyers found a clue: all the main plots of the film are based on “The Moment of Truth.” We simply developed them. And initially we have all the rights to “The Moment of Truth”. Therefore, when they explained to us that we could show the film, we immediately posted it online. And in the first week they got 600,000 views. I was stunned!

I have held several meetings and have already received proposals that are more interesting to me today. This is not just about one program, but about serious work on a wide front.

- Would you like to try yourself in the popular talk show genre today? As a guest, you often visit your colleagues.

I did a talk show once. Oddly enough, it was with them that the TNT channel once began. I hosted a daily talk show there for a year, “Moment of Truth.” I don't know, we'll think about it. The election year is coming, and there are many challenges, as they say, from...

- Are you planning to return to the air in the spring?

Previously - in February.

Yulia Mareeva in preparation for his murder was literally “blown up” by the media. As journalists found out, the journalist, fearing for his life, strengthened security at the mansion and wrote a letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, asking him to take action against the “Bandera killers” who could become the perpetrators of the assassination attempt.

He attached to the message an inventory of the missing property, including an expensive Patek Philippe watch worth 60,000 euros and a painting by Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription. In addition, he asked neighbors to take care of their crocodile and piranhas if necessary.

Dear Vladimir Alexandrovich! On December 20, 2017, my wife, Yulia Alekseevna Mareeva, turned to our mutual friend, realtor Igor Nikolaevich Biryukov, with a request to help her find people who could fulfill her order: to kill me, Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov, in any way,” -

According to the journalist’s neighbors, they know about Karaulov’s fears for his life.

About two weeks ago, Andrei Viktorovich warned all neighbors that if strangers appeared, they should immediately inform him. He asked me to pay special attention to mustachioed men in embroidered shirts with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with “yellow-black license plates.” He also asked us to take care of the crocodile and piranhas living in the house, if, like, “something happens to him,” -

A resident of the village of Novoglagolevo, where the house of Karaulov A. is located, told the journalist of the Investigation Management Center.

Julia turned to me to help me get rid of my husband due to my connections. It was on Profsoyuznaya Street on December 15th. I still have her messages on my phone,”

the man said, adding that Yulia did not name the amount for the murder of her husband, but promised to thank her “very much,” noting that she felt “very bad.”

It is known about Yulia Mareeva that she grew up in an ordinary Moscow family. Her father received disability during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and her mother works as a teacher. When the girl graduated from school, then, according to Biryukov, she went to Spain, where she worked as a dancer in a nightclub. However, Yulia’s profile on social networks indicates that she studied at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and the university’s website contains information that in 2012 she defended her diploma at the Department of World Politics and International Relations on the topic “BRICS in the modern system of international relations: regional and global aspects.”

Yulia Mareeva became the fourth wife of Andrei Karaulov. The couple met more than six years ago on the Internet. At that time, she was 21 years old, and he was 53. Julia wrote that she was a big fan of the journalist’s work, and a couple of months later he suggested meeting.

Yulia, as expected, was brought by car to our village eatery, just around the corner, and I arrived in felt boots, dirty and unshaven. But it’s okay, I liked it, and four days later we left for vacation,”

TV presenter confessed to Timur Kizyakov during the program “While everyone is at home” on April 24, 2016.

Answering Kizyakov’s question about the image of her husband she created for herself, Yulia said:

I created for myself the image of a person who fights for justice."

After Yulia met Karaulov, in the fall of 2012 she entered MGIMO graduate school at the department of world political processes. According to her publications, then it took her “only three days to learn” the answers to the entrance test in philosophy, and she prepared for it on the shores of Lake Geneva, and in 2014 the girl approved the topic of her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Value foundations of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, USA, China and the EU in the field of international security", but there is no information about the defense of Mareev’s dissertation.

Biryukov admitted that immediately after his marriage, Andrei Karaulov transferred most of the real estate to his young wife and bequeathed to her a collection of paintings and gold items.

Andrey has real estate worth tens of millions, and Julia, according to my guesses, had some influence on him. He walked around not himself. Only through a reverse gift agreement was everything returned. Yes, she’s just a shark and married Andrey out of convenience!” -

he's sure.

Yulia developed useful connections with high-ranking officials and famous artists. She spent evenings in Moscow nightclubs and vacationed in hot countries, and a photograph of her in the background began to appear in her husband’s “Moment of Truth” program.

According to friends, scandals began in the family about six months ago. Yulia began to spend the night with friends or went to her grandmother in Kyiv. At the same time, journalists found out that in September 2016, Yulia asked her friends on social networks:

Guys, has anyone conducted transactions on the Internet through a guarantor? Can you recommend a reliable site? It's very urgent! I need to order a service and get data!"

On the darknet, a guarantor is an intermediary who facilitates illegal transactions, such as buying drugs, weapons, hacking mail, or even hiring a hitman.

When Yulia once again left for Kyiv, Andrei “came to his senses” and found out that his wife had transferred the apartment he had recently bought in Crimea for 6 million rubles and a Lexus for 4 million rubles to her relatives. In addition, he claims that valuables have disappeared from the house.

Having done a major inspection in my house, I discovered that the following had disappeared from there: my own Patek Philippe watch, which I bought in 2002 in Munich (price no less than 60,000 euros), a painting by the artist Nikas Safronov with a dedicatory inscription, given to me for my birthday September 10, 2017, an antique English service that I bought in Australia 2 years ago,”

he wrote to Kolokoltsev.

In December 2017, the journalist filed a complaint with the Department of Internal Affairs for the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, but then they refused to initiate a criminal case and advised him to hire a good divorce lawyer.

Karaulov claims that he is “in real danger,” and his wife in Kyiv is “looking for a killer from among the Banderaites.”

I take Ms. Yu. A. Mareeva’s intention to deal with me very seriously. I don’t understand why it’s so easy to steal a large sum from me and still not answer for it. I don’t understand why things stolen from me can be safely stored in my apartment without fear of being searched. I don’t understand what’s going on at all,”

he is indignant.

In her comments to the TsUR, Yulia Mareeva called what was happening “bullshit.”

Karaulov’s divorces are all carbon copies,”

she stated, noting that she “didn’t even see” the watch mentioned in the letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the painting by Nikas Safronov and the expensive service.

According to the girl, she will soon return to Moscow and contact the police herself. In addition, she promised to make public dirt on her husband and reveal the sources of his millions.

Let us note that the last episode of Karaulov’s program “Moment of Truth” was aired on December 12, 2016. The program was devoted to assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin, of which the journalist counted at least six since 1999. However, after the broadcast of the program, the channel’s management unexpectedly terminated the contract with Strategy of the Century LLC, which owns the rights to the Moment of Truth brand. According to rumors, then the editorial office of Channel Five, where the program aired, received a call from the Security Service of the President of the FSO with a “demand to fire this clown and dreamer.” However, the presenter himself stated that he left of his own free will. At the same time, the LRC claims that Andrei Karaulov dreams of returning to the air and is writing letters to various government agencies with a request to transfer them to the head of state.

In the Russian World, at least in the capital of the Russian World, there has not been a single family left for a long time in which their own Apartment War was not raging...
It did not bypass the television oligarch Andrei Karaulov...
But it all started there for health...
Here is the program While Everyone Is Home, filmed less than two years ago, only 30 minutes, I recommend watching it in full, you will learn a lot of cool things about Andrey’s life...

And here is today's news

“TV presenter Andrei Karaulov accused his young wife Yulia Mareeva of preparing his murder. Fearing for his life, Karaulov strengthened the security of the house, addressed a letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev with a request to take measures against the Bandera murderers and an inventory of the property that disappeared with his wife (including number of Patek Philippe watches priced at € 60,000 and paintings by Nikas Safronov) and asked the neighbors to take care of their crocodile and piranhas if something happened. For details of the family drama, the correspondent of the Investigation Management Center turned to the “customer”, “victim” and their acquaintances.

“I take Ms. Mareeva Yu. A.’s intention to deal with me very seriously”

“Dear Vladimir Alexandrovich! On December 20, 2017, my wife, Yulia Alekseevna Mareeva, turned to our mutual friend, realtor Igor Nikolaevich Biryukov, with a request to help her find people who could fulfill her order: to kill me, Andrei Viktorovich Karaulov, in any way,” - this is how she begins address to the minister on January 28, TV presenter."

Here is the letter in full...

Such a letter could not help but call on the road. I’m going to the village of Novoglagolevo (Narofominsk district), where in a house with an area of ​​821.2 square meters. m lives Karaulov. The place is considered bohemian: singers Chris Kelmi and Alexander Gradsky, TV presenter Kira Proshutinskaya settled here, and Lyudmila Gurchenko lived until her death.
The Karaulov site is surrounded by a tall fence, more reminiscent of an anti-noise screen on a highway, and CCTV cameras are installed everywhere. The TV presenter built the “wall” when he worked under the wing of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and explained to his relatives —
so that the bandits don’t throw a grenade.

I don’t have time to get my camera out when the guards appear:

“You’re not on the list, and Andrei Viktorovich is still resting,” the senior with the walkie-talkie frowned. — I can’t miss it. Come on, get out of here.

At the end of the street I see a man with a dog. It turns out that he already knows that killers are hunting for the TV presenter:

— About two weeks ago, Andrei Viktorovich warned all the neighbors that if strangers appeared, they should immediately inform him. He asked me to pay special attention to mustachioed men in embroidered shirts with a characteristic Ukrainian accent and cars with “zhovto-blakit” license plates. He also asked to take care of the crocodile and piranhas living in the house, if “something happens” to him.

Karaulov’s letter addressed to Kolokoltsev was given to me by a source in the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The information contained in it was confirmed by a close friend of the family mentioned there—realtor Igor Biryukov:

“Yulia turned to me to help me get rid of my husband because of my connections. It was on Profsoyuznaya Street on December 15th. I still have her messages on my phone.

— Julia didn’t name the amount for the murder of her husband?

— She didn’t mention the amount, but she said that she would thank her very much. I immediately told her, Yulia, come to your senses, what are you doing? And she’s like — “I feel really bad.”

Yulia Mareeva (right) with her friend | Photo:
“Customer” Yulia Mareeva was brought up in an ordinary Moscow family: her father received disability during the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, her mother works as a teacher. After graduating from school, according to the realtor, the girl went to Spain and worked as a dancer in a nightclub. At the same time, her VKontakte page indicates that she studied at the Russian State University for the Humanities, and, according to information from the Russian State University for the Humanities website, in 2012 Yulia Mareeva defended her diploma at the Department of World Politics and International Relations on the topic “BRICS in the modern system of international relations: regional and global aspects” .

Mareeva is Karaulov’s fourth wife, they met more than six years ago on the Internet, when she was 21 and he was 53. Yulia wrote to Karaulov that she was a big fan of his work, and a couple of months later he suggested meeting. “Yulia, as expected, was brought by car to our village eatery, around the corner, and I came in felt boots, dirty and unshaven. But it’s okay, I liked it, and four days later we went on vacation,” Karaulov said in the program “While everyone is at home” on April 24, 2016.

According to realtor Biryukov, immediately after his marriage, Karaulov transferred most of the real estate to Mareeva, and also bequeathed to her a collection of paintings and gold items:

— Andrey has real estate worth tens of millions, and Julia, according to my guesses, had some influence on him. He walked around not himself. Only through a reverse gift agreement was everything returned. Yes, she’s just a shark and married Andrey out of convenience!

— What impact? Do you think they put something in his food?

— Now you can buy any psychotropic drugs on the black market.

Thanks to her husband’s connections, Julia acquired useful contacts with high officials and popular artists. She spent her evenings in the capital's nightclubs, or went on vacation to hot countries. Among other things, the young wife insisted that her photograph be in the frame during the filming of documentaries about Putin.

The LRC correspondent contacted Yulia Mareeva: “Well, you yourself understand that this is bullshit. Karaulov’s divorces are all carbon copies.” And she added that she “didn’t even see the missing watch, painting and expensive service.” In the correspondence, Yulia also said that she would soon return to Moscow and contact the police herself. She promised to make public some incriminating evidence on her husband and reveal the sources of his millions.

« What are you, Are you taking Kremrelgin?»

Changes in the TV presenter’s behavior after his marriage to Mareeva were noticed not only by the family realtor. According to a well-known journalist, who asked not to be named, recently “Andrei seemed to have broken free and began to rivet books and films, praising Putin, well, in the end, there are some boundaries.”

“I jokingly say to him: “Are you taking Kremlingin?”, but he just shrugged it off and rushed off to consult with his young wife.

We turned to Andrei Karaulov for a comment, but he first promised the TsUR correspondent big troubles, and then burst into rude abuse and hung up.

A source in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed to the LRC that the TV presenter sent a letter to the minister in which he accused Yulia Mareeva of preparing his murder, but said that no official decision had been made yet. In addition to Andrei Karaulov’s contacts, the letter contains the phone number of his daughter Lydia, who is also guarding her dad’s inheritance.”

Everything according to Fischer!!!
The young oligarch waited for her oligarch!!!
Andrei is more than 30 years older than Yulia, but this did not stop them from going on vacation together four days after they met!!!
Well, now, in the best traditions of the Russian World, a fierce apartment war has begun...
The program While All the Houses can be dissected minute by minute, it’s a classic...
And Karaulov’s letter to Kolokoltsev can also be analyzed sentence by sentence...
There are also some pearls there, which is worth only his statement that Yulia signed Bandera’s followers to eliminate him...
But I won’t do this, I suggest my readers do this in the comments...

Andrey Viktorovich Karaulov(born September 10, 1958, Kaliningrad) - Russian journalist and TV presenter. Author and presenter of the journalistic programs “Moment of Truth” and “Russian Century” on the TVC channel. President of LLP “Television Corporation “Moment of Truth””. Winner of the TEFI television award.


Born in Kaliningrad near Moscow (now the city of Korolev), Moscow region.

In 1976, he worked as a laborer at the Salyut plant in Moscow.

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Theater Studies at GITIS. A.V. Lunacharsky. Candidate of Arts Sciences.

From 1982 to 1983 - service in the Soviet Army.

From 1983 to 1985 - editor of the Theater Life magazine.

From 1985 to 1988 - head of the humor department of the Ogonyok magazine.

From 1988 to 1990 - works in the almanac “Our Heritage”. Published in the newspaper “Soviet Russia”.

Since 1990 - head of the department of the Rodina magazine.

In 1991 - head of the literature and art department of Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

In August 1991, he attended a press conference of the Emergency Committee together with Tatyana Malkina, a journalist from Nezavisimaya Gazeta, who asked a question about the “coup d’etat.”

From 1992 to 2016 - author and host of the “Moment of Truth” program. In 1992-1997, “Moment of Truth” was broadcast on the RTR channel. In 1998-1999 - on TNT in a talk show format. From February 27, 2000 to September 27, 2010 - on the TV Center channel. Due to the departure of the program from TV Center, information about it was removed from the channel’s website. From June 6, 2011 to December 26, 2016, the program aired on Channel Five.

In 1998-2006, he was the author and presenter of the interview program “Russian Century” on the NTV channel, then on the TVC channel. He also hosted the programs “Stolen Air” and “Russian People” on the TNT channel and “National Treasure” on the TVC.

In 2007, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case for illegal wiretapping, including the host of the “Moment of Truth” program Andrei Karaulov.

On November 12, 2013, on the program “Special Correspondent” - “Litsedei” with Arkady Mamontov, a journalist of the TV channel “Russia-1”, entered into a discussion with the editor of the newspaper “The Moscow Times” Michael Bohm from the USA about the level of development of Russia and the USA.

Author of political books “Around the Kremlin” (the second edition of the book was published in 2 volumes by the Slovo publishing house). The first edition of the book “Around the Kremlin” was published in 1990 and, according to the author, the purpose of this book was “to show through a series of dialogues how socio-political thought lived and developed over the course of one year, where they were going and to what... "; "Russian sun". Author of the monographs “Theatre, 1980s”, “Oleg Ivanovich Borisov”, “Simplified Theatre”.

In the 2003 film “The Truth of the Moment,” R. Fatalieva played himself. Speaks German.


Married for the third time. From his first marriage there is a daughter, Lydia, and from his second marriage to Ksenia Karaulova, a son, Vasily. He was married to the daughter of Mikhail Shatrov, Natalya Mironova (born 1958).



  • 2012 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. Ed. Zebra E, 848 pp., circulation 4000 copies, ISBN 978-5-905629-71-6
  • 2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell. On the way to the underworld. Ed. Eksmo, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 352 pp., circulation 20,000 copies, ISBN 978-5-9265-0626-3
  • 2011 Andrey Karaulov. Russian hell-2. Meeting with the devil. Ed. Algorithm, series “Political secrets of the 21st century”, 336 pp., circulation 8000 copies, ISBN 978-5-4320-0014-9
  • 2001 Andrey Karaulov. Russian sun. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, series “Top Secret”, 384 pp., circulation 22000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-087-1
  • 1997 Andrey Karaulov. Ditties. "Bad boy". A new version of a famous book. Ed. Collection “Top Secret”, 256 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-89048-060-X
  • 1996 Andrey Karaulov. Bad boy. Ed. Top Secret, 196 pp., circulation 15,000 copies, ISBN 5-85275-130-8
  • 1994 Andrey Karaulov. Details. Simplified theater. Ed. Bustard, Lyrus, 320 pp., circulation 10,000 copies, ISBN 5-87675-038-7
  • 1993 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin (in 2 volumes). Ed. SLOVO/SLOVO, 912 pp., circulation 5000 copies, ISBN 5-85050-352-X
  • 1992 Andrey Karaulov. Oleg Borisov. Ed. Art, 318 pp., circulation 12,000 copies, ISBN 5-210-02513-6
  • 1990 Andrey Karaulov. Around the Kremlin. Book of Political Dialogues. Ed. News, 480 pp., circulation 100,000 copies, ISBN 5-7020-0160-5
  • 1988 Andrey Karaulov. Theater, 1980s... Ed. Pravda Publishing House, Ogoneyok Library (Issue No. 17), 46 p.
  • 1988 Andrey Karaulov. Asya Grigorova. Masquerade for power. Ed. Seer, 224 pp., ISBN 9547330276, ISBN 9789547330276



  • 2014 “How Boeing died.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2014 “Ordinary Fascism.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2013 “Fightings without rules.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 Gormost ordered to die. LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Above the Chasm of Lies.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Gref deceived Putin or it’s not true!” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Fashionable verdict of Judge Fedin.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Igor Korotchenko, service to the Motherland.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2012 “Dartboard.” LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Father” (in 3 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Unknown Putin: the life and work of this man over the past 10 years.” (in 4 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2011 “Khodorkovsky. Tru(b)py" (in 2 parts). LLC "Strategy of the Century"
  • 2010 “Skunk” about Vladimir Zhirinovsky. LLC "Strategy of the Century" commissioned by OJSC "TV Center".
  • 1998 “Russian Century” visiting Oleg Popov. Television Corporation "Moment of Truth" commissioned by NTV.

Art films

  • 2003 “The Truth of the Moment” (TV series) Azerbaijan, Turkey, Russia - plays himself.