Dream interpretation: fleas bite your feet. Why do you dream of fleas - interpretation of sleep. Why dream of killing fleas

Why do you dream of Fleas on your body in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of fleas crawling on your body, you are depressed by tense relationships and misunderstandings in the family. If you feel but do not see fleas and therefore look for them, strong feelings and anxiety do not give you peace. Found insects on the body - quarrels and disagreements are possible.

If you saw fleas on a naked person, the interpretation boils down to the fact that the person who saw the dream is currently completely defenseless against ill-wishers who surround him on all sides.

Why do you dream of Fleas, dream book What does it mean to see Fleas in a dream?

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream of Fleas in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Flea - A sign that people you trusted are weaving networks of intrigue around you. A young woman's dream in which fleas bite her warns of slander. If she sees fleas on her lover, she should be wary of his infidelity

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of Fleas in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Fleas - Fleas, like lice, are bloodsuckers and extremely unpleasant creatures. Both in reality and in a dream, hardly anyone experiences positive emotions at the sight of these insects. However, as a dream symbol, fleas and lice foretell financial gain. Moreover, the more of them in a dream, the greater the profit the dreamer will receive in reality, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Fleas?

Seeing Fleas in a dream means - Fleas - anger and irritation due to the machinations of a loved one, illness. For a woman: fleas bit her in a dream - slander, envy, her lover - to his betrayal, inconstancy.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream of Fleas:

Fleas - Seeing fleas in a dream or suffering from their bites means losing true friends.

Autumn dream book

Fleas - If you see whole hordes of fleas in a dream, this means a good harvest both in the field and in the garden, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

Modern dream book

According to the Flea's dream book, what does a dream mean?

Seeing Fleas in a Dream - If you saw fleas in a dream, someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation. If a woman dreams that she is being bitten by fleas, she will be slandered by her friends.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book of Fleas:

Fleas - to annoyance, small bites of your enemies. Catching fleas means a new activity; squashing fleas means money.

Grandma's old dream book

Why do I dream of Fleas, what does this mean?

Seeing looking for fleas in a dream is a deception; bedbugs - loss.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of Fleas according to the dream book:

Fleas - If you dreamed of fleas that simply jump and do not hurt you, then this means that money will soon come to you. If you saw angry and scary fleas in a dream, then in reality you may succumb to provocation from a person you know. You yourself will become angry, since the machinations of a loved one will become an unpleasant revelation for you.

If you start catching fleas in a dream, then you cannot avoid minor, but very sensitive troubles. If you dreamed of fleas on your head, then you yourself will be to blame for the troubles. Perhaps you will commit an unseemly or stupid act, or perhaps your unclean thoughts will lead to problems. When fleas jump on your body, the reason lies in misunderstandings with family and friends.

If a woman sees fleas in a dream, then her reputation may suffer due to the slander of her acquaintances. If there are fleas on her head, then she needs to be careful and not be frank with her friends, otherwise everyone will know her secrets. When a woman notices fleas on her husband or lover in a dream, it is a sign of his fickleness and the possibility of betrayal.

If fleas bite very hard in a dream, then this is a sign of trouble. If fleas bite in the same place on the body, then you need to pay attention to the health of this organ. Perhaps there are already symptoms of the disease, but they are weak and are felt only in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you dream about Fleas, what is it for:

Fleas - If you dreamed of fleas - this is associated with dirt, the street, disorder, something elusive. If you dreamed of a dog with fleas jumping on it and biting it - this is envy about someone else's wealth, winning the lottery, sudden profits, because of which a friend may suffer.

If you dreamed that you were trying to destroy fleas that were tormenting an animal, this is a sign of forced interference in other people’s affairs, of disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

If you dreamed of fleas and bleeding bites from them, this means an inheritance, financial litigation between you and relatives. Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

If you dreamed of an artificial flea the size of a natural one, something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences. Fate will pit you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Fleas in the dream book:

Fleas - If you dreamed of fleas, this means that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state.

If you dreamed of fleas biting you, then you will become a victim of slander from your own friends. If you dreamed of fleas on your lover, then you will have the opportunity to become convinced of his inconstancy. If you dreamed that you were squashing fleas, this means trouble; looking for fleas in a dream means anxiety.

Why do you dream about fleas? It is not for nothing that such a dream causes unpleasant associations. It warns that your emotional state is on the verge of a breakdown and can provoke severe ailments. The cause of anger or irritation will be your loved ones.

If you saw a lot of fleas, grief and minor problems will tire you. Important, serious plans must be postponed to a more favorable period, otherwise various obstacles will await you, which will upset your plans.

Seeing a lot of fleas portends the onset of a dark streak in your life. The state of sadness and despondency will become your usual state for some time.

Where were the fleas? What did you do with the fleas? What kind of fleas were there?

Where were the fleas?

Kitten with fleas Fleas on a cat Fleas on a cat Fleas on a dog Fleas on the head Fleas on the body

Fleas on legs in a dream

If you dream of fleas on your legs, the goals that you set for yourself in the near future will not lead to anything good, you will only waste time and money. To ensure success, it is worth carefully reviewing and making adjustments to your plans.

What did you do with the fleas?

Squashed fleas Caught fleas Killed fleas Fleas bit

What kind of fleas were there?

Lice and fleas

Earth fleas in a dream

I dream of earth fleas - Felomena’s dream book interprets this vision as a harbinger of small but numerous troubles and dirty tricks in her personal life. Don't get upset and don't do anything - this period will be short-lived, just wait it out.

Dream Interpretation Mice have fleas on the body dreamed of why the mouse dreams of fleas on its body? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see fleas on a Mouse’s body in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Dream Interpretation - Flea

If fleas bite, it's a disaster.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Dream Interpretation - Mouse

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness. Folk signs and sayings are associated with mice, which could have contributed to the appearance of the image of a mouse in your dream: “The mouse overcomes - before hunger; mice get out of the house - before a fire”, “Eat what a mouse has bitten, its teeth will get stronger”, “If a mouse gets into your bosom, then there will be big trouble”, “Mice will gnaw clothes (dress) - to death”, “Do not name, caressing , kittens become little mice: the mother will gnaw them to death.”

The bat is the personification of night and blindness. But according to some folk beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you. There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so do not act arrogant with them at the present time.

Setting a trap in a dream to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it in a mousetrap, then such a dream means that you have a very difficult task ahead of you, from which you can emerge victorious only thanks to your courage.

To see a bat in a dream - the dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your old hopes are destined to come true. Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing a wounded bat in a dream is evidence that you should be careful at night. You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness. Perhaps you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of those around you.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Dream Interpretation - Flea

A lot of fleas - sadness

Dream Interpretation - Mice

Seeing mice running around the apartment in a dream foreshadows an invitation to a wedding. Chasing mice is a sign of matchmaking. Killing a mouse foreshadows a sad event in the family. Seeing mice climbing onto the table and eating everything that is there is a sign of prosperity and well-being in your home.

A white mouse in a dream means strong family ties. Hearing the squeaking of mice or how they scratch nearby in the dark means you are in danger of being robbed or robbed.

A lot of mice in the basement portends difficult times financially.

Seeing a mouse standing on its hind legs means you will be able to accomplish all your plans. Pick up a mouse - a young rival will cross your path.

A mouse that bites you is a sign of revenge and betrayal in love.

If you set a mousetrap in a dream, it means that in reality you will expose the secret intentions of your enemies. If a mouse gets caught in it, the property will have to be divided in court. Seeing a cat with a mouse in its teeth means you will receive the necessary support from your friends in time. A mouse running away from a cat means you will witness a scandal in the family of your friends.

Seeing a bat hanging upside down in a dream means problems at home, discord in business and losses. Bats flying above you with a thin squeak - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and will be falsely accused. To be frightened by a bat flying in the dark right in front of your face means you will experience disgust for a vile person.

Dream Interpretation - Mouse

The mouse symbolizes ingenuity, dexterity and at the same time weakness.

The bat is the personification of night and blindness.

But, according to some popular beliefs, a bat can also be a harbinger of good luck, hope and even happiness.

So your subconscious, sending you the image of a mouse in a dream, could be based on a variety of events that happened in your life, in one way or another connected with folklore motifs.

Watching a mouse running away from a cat in a dream is a sign that you will happily avoid danger.

Feeding a mouse in a dream - a dream indicates that you should be more tolerant of the people around you, even though you see that they are weaker than you.

There will definitely come a time when you will need the help of these people, so don't act arrogant with them at this time.

Setting a trap in a dream to catch a mouse is evidence that in real life you are a very enterprising, resourceful person who can find a way out of even the most difficult situation.

If you dreamed that you killed a mouse or caught it, then such a dream means that you have a lot in front of you.

It’s a difficult task, from which you can emerge victorious only thanks to your courage.

Seeing a large number of mice in a dream means a happy release from problems.

To see a bat in a dream - a dream tells you that in real life you need to learn to adapt to all circumstances, so you can easily avoid any danger.

Watching a bat fly in a dream is a sign that your old hopes are destined to come true.

Perhaps such a dream indicates that your affairs, despite all the forecasts, will end successfully.

Seeing an injured bat in a dream is evidence that you should be careful at night.

You may be in danger of being robbed.

If you dreamed of a bat hunting for insects, such a dream portends great happiness.

Maybe you have a profitable business ahead of you that will bring you considerable material profit and the respect of those around you.

Fleas were biting my feet

Dream Interpretation Fleas bit feet dreamed of why in a dream Fleas bit your legs? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fleas biting your legs in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Catching fleas in a dream means troubles and problems; For lovers, such a dream predicts disappointment and infidelity of the beloved (or beloved); looking for them in yourself means worry and anxiety. Sometimes such a dream predicts prosperity in your home and many problems associated with keeping the house in order. Seeing fleas on yourself is a sign of a serious illness from which it will be difficult for you to recover. A dream in which you see fleas on other people means that you will face a lot of problems due to the fact that one of your friends or relatives will be in trouble and ask you for help. A dream in which you simply see fleas predicts that a certain person will cause your anger with his bad and thoughtless actions. If a flea bites you in a dream, then expect trouble due to the slander that your ill-wishers spread about you. Killing a flea in a dream is a sign of victory over your enemies. See interpretation: insects.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

A flea is jumping, and catching it is a harbinger of money, wealth, good opportunities to realize one’s abilities.

Killing a flea means money, profit, receiving unplanned income.

Looking for fleas on yourself is a sign of household chores and anxiety.

Finding fleas means quarrels and useless disputes.

Fleas bite you - someone is trying to slander you, spreading false rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

If you just see fleas in a dream, this means getting money (sometimes illness), searching for, catching fleas, killing - to big troubles in the house, to anxiety, to unpleasant news.

If fleas bite, it's a disaster.

For a woman, such a dream means slander from friends.

A flea bite is a temptation for a girl.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Flea - they say how to dream about fleas, then this will be some bad news. Catching fleas is a nuisance; see - receiving money; fleas bite - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

The symbol is associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect.

Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it means envy of someone else’s wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to destroy fleas that are tormenting your pet means forced interference in other people’s affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them means an inheritance, financial litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one means something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; Fate will bring you into contact with a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Seeing fleas in a dream means that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state. If fleas bite you, you will become a victim of slander from your own friends. Seeing fleas on your lover means you will have the opportunity to become convinced of his fickleness. Squashing fleas means trouble, looking for them means worry.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Seeing a flea jumping or catching it means money, wealth; eliminating evil with caution and attention,

Looking for fleas on yourself is a household concern.

Fleas bite - big profit.

A lot of fleas - sadness

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Dream Interpretation - Bite

If in a dream you bite something edible (an apple, a sandwich, etc.) - in reality you will experience satisfaction from a job well done.

Using pliers or wire cutters to bite off wire, nails, etc., you will find a way to earn extra money.

To bite a man in a dream means fidelity to marital ties; to be bitten by him foreshadows love that is ardent to the point of madness.

If a woman bites you, such a dream is a harbinger of illness and failure, it warns you against the desire to destroy the fruits of long work into which you have invested a lot of effort.

If you yourself bite another woman, this is a warning that you should be careful with your opponents, otherwise they will cause you too much trouble.

A dream in which a cat bit you means betrayal and quarrel. Being bitten by a dog means that in reality you will suffer significant losses. If you are bitten by a mad dog, this means sadness and anxiety about the long absence of your loved one.

If a snake bites you, in real life you will be persuaded to abandon your intention, supposedly for your own good, but in fact for selfish interests.

If a poisonous snake bites, in reality you will inflict an undeserved offense on your close friend.

To be bitten by a lion means that an old, bald, but lustful boss will pester you with his attention.

Mandavo fleas

Dream Interpretation Fleas mandavos dreamed of why manda fleas are seen in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see fleas in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Catching fleas in a dream means troubles and problems; For lovers, such a dream predicts disappointment and infidelity of the beloved (or beloved); looking for them in yourself means worry and anxiety. Sometimes such a dream predicts prosperity in your home and many problems associated with keeping the house in order. Seeing fleas on yourself is a sign of a serious illness from which it will be difficult for you to recover. A dream in which you see fleas on other people means that you will face a lot of problems due to the fact that one of your friends or relatives will be in trouble and ask you for help. A dream in which you simply see fleas predicts that a certain person will cause your anger with his bad and thoughtless actions. If a flea bites you in a dream, then expect trouble due to the slander that your ill-wishers spread about you. Killing a flea in a dream is a sign of victory over your enemies. See interpretation: insects.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

A flea is jumping, and catching it is a harbinger of money, wealth, good opportunities to realize one’s abilities.

Killing a flea means money, profit, receiving unplanned income.

Looking for fleas on yourself is a sign of household chores and anxiety.

Finding fleas means quarrels and useless disputes.

Fleas bite you - someone is trying to slander you, spreading false rumors.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

If you just see fleas in a dream, this means getting money (sometimes illness), searching for, catching fleas, killing - to big troubles in the house, to anxiety, to unpleasant news.

If fleas bite, it's a disaster.

For a woman, such a dream means slander from friends.

A flea bite is a temptation for a girl.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Flea - they say how to dream about fleas, then this will be some bad news. Catching fleas is a nuisance; see - receiving money; fleas bite - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

The symbol is associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect.

Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it means envy of someone else’s wealth; to winning the lottery, sudden profit, because of which a friend may suffer.

Trying to destroy fleas that are tormenting your pet means forced interference in other people’s affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them means an inheritance, financial litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one means something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; Fate will bring you into contact with a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Seeing fleas in a dream means that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state. If fleas bite you, you will become a victim of slander from your own friends. Seeing fleas on your lover means you will have the opportunity to become convinced of his fickleness. Squashing fleas means trouble, looking for them means worry.

Dream Interpretation - Flea

Seeing a flea jumping or catching it means money, wealth; eliminating evil with caution and attention,

Looking for fleas on yourself is a household concern.

Fleas bite - big profit.

A lot of fleas - sadness

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

Seeing fleas in a dream means that someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation with his machinations.

If fleas bite a woman, it means that her friends will slander her.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover, this indicates his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

A dream in which you see or catch fleas: symbolizes a premonition of minor, but very annoying troubles.

Flea on the head: means that the source of your problems are your own mistakes or bad thoughts.

A flea on the body: a sign of annoying problems and misunderstandings with loved ones or good friends.

Dream Interpretation - Fleas

To your annoyance, small bites of your enemies. Catching fleas means a new activity; squashing fleas means money.



I dreamed that fleas were sitting on my neck or jumping on my neck.


I dreamed of a huge accumulation of fleas on my little child, and I scraped them off with my nails!


Good afternoon I dreamed of a cat that I was stroking and caressing, and then suddenly I discovered that she had some kind of worms and bugs in her ears, and there were many, many fleas on her skin. I felt disgusted and I kicked the cat out, but after it the whole sofa was covered in fleas and I began to worry that my cat (a real one) might pick them up on himself.


In a dream, first I see fleas on the belly of my kitten/yj I don’t see the cat itself completely. and then I kind of start scolding the cat for coming into my bed. The cat, or rather, his stomach disappears and these fleas are all on the white sheet in my bed.. moving so much. What does this mean?


I dreamed of a white kitten, and there were a lot of large fleas on its stomach. I dipped the kitten in a bucket of water so that the fleas remained in the water, but there were still a few fleas on the kitten.


A small child, a baby, and there are many, many fleas on his cheeks. I take them off and I can’t take off so many of them. The child is very well-groomed, plump, it seems like a boy.


Hello, last night I dreamed that I picked up a kitten on the street to feed it and treat it. When I entered the entrance, some drug addict called me (for some reason I knew him in the dream), gave me a piece of toilet paper and told me to take it, nothing would happen to me, it’s just the way it is.. then I returned home, bye I was carrying a kitten, his fleas were biting me, I brought him into the bathroom, began to wash him, and he died. I felt very sorry for him, I tried to save him somehow, but I didn’t succeed.


In the dream, I lean into the bathroom and my mother combs my hair. Every time I scratch, live fleas fall out and I crush them. At this time, my mother and I are surprised and happy.


I saw a lot of fleas on a cat and a dog, there were a lot of them, they hurt all over the floor and wanted to jump on me and I killed them with my feet. And they were big.


I dreamed that a colleague gave me a dog, and it was covered in fleas. I returned the dog, but the darkness of fleas remained on the bed. My little granddaughter was sleeping on the bed. I grabbed her in my arms because... fleas started jumping on us and my husband and I were looking for dichlorvos to kill them.


In short, I’m lying in my sleep, then I see a large flea the size of a matchbox, I look at it and am shocked by its size and then I look at my leg and there’s another identical one on it, I throw it off, I didn’t seem to be scared, but I was very surprised, well so I threw it off and crushed it, I see there’s another one, I don’t remember where, but there was a flea on me, I also threw it away from me, I also killed it, and then let’s show them how to appear and I woke up


I found a small white-brown puppy on the street and fed him, he followed me everywhere and I decided to take him home, I picked him up and he was absolutely infested with fleas


as if I and someone else (a woman) are helping street children - 2 children. And one of them has so many fleas that they run straight down from him (fall off?). I don't remember being bitten. Rather, it was a feeling akin to that, well, when you see that someone is itching, it seems that you are itching too. I don’t remember the ending of the dream. I can't describe it better. Another child had his hair cut bald.


I dreamed that I was pulling fleas out of my ears, then I saw fleas on my ginger cat and tried to wash them, but it didn’t work. and a flea bit me on the leg. What does this mean? Tell!


Hello. I dream that I’m sitting looking, catching fleas on myself, for some reason my hands are hairy. there were a lot of fleas everywhere. I catch it with my nails and press it. then they all crawled away on their heads.


I dreamed that large fleas were crawling on my son’s chest. I took a mug of tea, and they were crawling on it. It was very unpleasant.


I also dreamed of fleas in my ears - as if I was cleaning my ears, and fleas run out of them in a line. What would that mean?


I dreamed of how I took a kitten in my hands and tried to get rid of fleas, after I shook him in my hands they all jumped on me and a lot of them I started jumping and shaking off from myself about how they stuck a lot of them on the body! After that how it all turned out, they all ended up on the floor, I ran away, from the side I only saw how many of them there were, like in an anthill!


I dreamed of three kittens. One is white and has a lot of fleas on it. I also dreamed of red tulips. My husband picked them and gave them to me.


I was driving in a car, the car overturned (there were also people unknown to me), I received a message from a friend, I tried to answer but it was difficult, I saw fleas on my legs, they were biting me, then in the city, with my husband, he stopped the gazelle and I with large bags had a hard time fitting in there


I dreamed that some young man and I were on vacation with his family, since we went swimming in the pool, there were a lot of fleas floating on the water, small ones, after my father went on vacation with his family to another boarding house, and we stayed where the pool was with fleas


we have a red cat. I dreamed of him and many other red cats that had gathered above the kitten in the vestibule in front of the apartment (the vestibule is large and bright). I went out, the cats ran away, incl. and our cat (but he’s not far away, the other cats ran away), the kitten remained (also red). I took him - there are a lot of fleas on him. I started shaking it off so as not to carry it into the apartment. shook off poorly. awoke


I dreamed of two heaps of fleas. The fleas were large, even very large. They were sitting on some gray wall. They were dark on one side, light on the other. They didn’t cause disgust, they didn’t bite me.


I dreamed that I was traveling on a train and my husband had fleas in his head, I began to kill them, but not on him, but in the dog’s fur. I don't see the dog. I crush nits.


I bathe a black and white cat, and a lot of fleas float up, end up on me, they don’t drown in the water, there are quite a lot of them... black fleas are such “good” fleas, I click, I feel their bites...


I went into the bathtub, my 7-year-old daughter was bathing in it and humming a song, and there was gray water on the floor. The Colorac beetle and 2 fleas the size of it were swimming in it...


Tatyana, good day!
Today I dreamed about several episodes in a row.
First about the haircut. I actually made an appointment with the hairdresser the day before. and I dream that I am talking about this to one of my friends, and she says to me: “I know how to cut hair, let me cut my hair.” I had a feeling. that I don’t trust her skill, but it’s somehow inconvenient to refuse. But she herself made a mistake and gave me a reason to refuse. She spent a long time getting ready, fiddling with scissors and a comb. She cut off a piece of mine, then started fiddling with something again. I got angry and said that I didn’t have that much time, she apologized and gave up trying to cut my hair. I remember the feeling of distrust of her, the inconvenience of the situation (I didn’t want her to cut my hair, but I didn’t refuse) and the fact that this happened in some dirty and greasy kitchen. And the friend herself was somewhat unkempt.
When I was about to leave her, she showed me the kitten. And it was as if I had already seen him when she first picked him up. And I seem to remember that he was all dirty and had matted fur. And she wanted to show me how clean he was now. I took him in my arms and at first I really saw that he had very short peach fur, like a newborn’s, and it was clear that he was clean. And then I noticed islands of wool, like the ones found on lambs. And I say, “Here you still need to pick up the dirty wool.” I touch it with my hand, but it can be easily removed, only inside, in every piece (they were located like islands on the body) there are some insects swarming. Like fleas, only 2 colors - gray and pale orange. And they seem to be able to live only in this patch, but since I removed the fur, they have nothing to live in and they began to jump on me. And somehow they accumulated on my legs - on my feet and up to the middle of my ankles. I kind of felt disgusted, I started shaking them off, and then I noticed that they didn’t bite, I overcame the feeling of disgust and thought that now we’ll take them out on the cat, and they’ll fall off me too.
Then there were 2 more bright episodes with different meanings, with some also negative content...
Please explain.


I dreamed that in the bathroom in the mirror I saw 3 fleas sitting on my head where my bangs were and one louse nearby. There was water in the sink and I threw 3 fleas into the water and the louse remained on my head


Hello Tatiana. My dream is that we are in my aunt’s apartment, we have a lot of guests, and a guy who is now in prison came and brought fleas (covered all over him) with him, they jumped all over the apartment and we also brought them home. Whatever they sprayed, they only got rid of half of it. Thank you in advance.




I was visiting a long-dead friend, and I collected fleas in a matchbox there. She brought them home and for some reason began to let them go, and then, seeing them crawling, she began to collect them in her hand. They crawled out of my hand, I found diclofos and began to spray them. At the same time, my children were with me through everything.


there are many cats of different colors, one of them is red and full of the same red fleas and these fleas crawl on him and want to jump on me, but I am sitting at a distance from this cat, but he - the cat keeps crawling towards me to fawn on me. One flea finally jumped on me and I crushed her. something like this.


I had a very strange dream, in my opinion! I live in Donetsk, I recently moved to Russia. In a dream, I dreamed that my grandparents (I’m 13) came here to visit us. We were in the store and there we bought a lot of things and bought lemonade on which there was a picture of my grandfather) my grandmother told me that they took part in some kind of competition and won it. Then we were already at home, sitting in the kitchen, and then grandfather brings a black dog from the street (it is short-haired and medium-sized) and says that it looks like a Porashenko! Our family doesn’t support Ukraine, but on the contrary, they don’t like it. Well, I didn't notice the similarity. Well, in general, very large fleas are starting to jump on me from this dog! Either white... Or black! And the black ones are small at first, and then increase to the size of a white block. Fat people are generally such fleas. And I am very afraid of insects. Well, they generally run away to dad (he always saves me from them :)). And I begin to shake them off and remove them. Very unpleasant! And there was another one on my mother. In the end, I suddenly realize that this is just a dream and if I wake up, then all my torment will end. So I did. When I woke up, I wasn’t breathing very smoothly. Please explain to me what's what. Otherwise I don’t understand anything about this madman’s nonsense :)


I have a white kitten. I dreamed about him today.. I saw a lot of fleas crawling out of his head.. I was scared...



I dreamed that my friends and I were choosing tights at the market, there were a lot of them, but I couldn’t choose the kind I needed, then the seller brought a lot of tights and when I started sorting through them, there were a lot of insects on some of them, it seemed to me that they were moths of tights there were holes in them and moths flew at me, I was very scared and started attacking them on myself


I dreamed that I was stroking my niece’s head and when I began to penetrate deeper into the head, I saw a large number of fleas and maybe insects in my nails and on my hands (((the size of a small ladybug))). I tell the child Anechka: after all, you only recently had your head checked at school, and everything was fine. And I scratch her head with my nails... and there are just very, very many of them...... I begin to crush them, shake them into the sink......


Today I had a strange dream. I was standing in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror and seeing fleas running all over my head, then I turned away from the mirror and felt them jumping all over my body.


I don’t remember where, how and when I was, but I was definitely lying in bed, I put my legs on the pillow in the evening, because... They hurt a little, I look at them, and there are fleas, I try to brush them off, but nothing works, I try to crush them, but instead of one there are already two, but I don’t remember them biting


I had a dream where I dreamed of hairy legs and there were fleas on my legs, when I saw this, I tried to catch or shake them off.


I dreamed that I woke up and there were a large number of fleas on my legs, just strewn with them, and then I see them all over the apartment, they bother me and I start to fight them, it’s trivial to poison and trash


I dreamed that I saw fleas on a cat, started squeezing them, and then suddenly they were on me and I said that how can animal fleas climb on a person and I started squeezing them.


Hello Tatyana! I dreamed of stepping over some kind of stream with water, something fell in, maybe it was a key, I don’t know for sure, and here I’m getting a lot of fleas on myself, I’m crying, I’m hastening to leave the ravine in the middle of nowhere, there’s a stink I can't be bitten anymore and I scream and beat them down.


Fleas were jumping on the floor, but I was surprised that my legs didn’t itch. I took one flea and crushed it with my fingers until it bled.


Today I dreamed that I was walking around the house and fleas were jumping everywhere in the air, there were billions of them... a lot. Right before my eyes... but I wasn’t wearing them.


I had a dream that I was bathing two pigeons in the bathtub, the water was filling up, the pigeons were covered with water over their heads, but did not drown, I was worried that they would not drown, and I continued to wash their heads. For some reason the water becomes dirty. And the water causes fleas to crawl onto the tops of the pigeons’ heads, and I bathe the pigeons for these fleas.


I saw my dead grandmother alive in a dream. She was calm and peaceful. And large fleas were jumping off her, more like large flies with wings, but my grandmother, when I asked why her legs were combed, said that she had fleas, and I caught them. I caught a lot, but they didn’t bite me. Where we were in the room, but I couldn’t determine which one.


My friend and I were walking somewhere and stumbled upon three puppies, one white, the second black and white, and the third black, they wanted to help, but there were so many of them, there were fleas, they didn’t dare, and then the friend asked why they didn’t die and neither of them bit them like that, and the puppies were itching and climbing their fur, but then the puppies got tired and went to bed, but I asked why they were dying and my friend said they went to bed tired, and then the alarm clock went off


Good day! I would like to know why fleas could be in my dreams all night! I felt and knew that they were on me, in a dream I woke up in a room unknown to me, and immediately realized that I had fleas, I was itching! But they didn’t bite me and I didn’t see them on myself! Tried to chicken out! Then I lifted the sheets of the bed on which I slept and saw that everything on the mattress was covered with small black fleas! I brushed them off! Then I told someone that I had fleas and wondered where they could have come from!

[email protected]:

I caught fleas from a cat... they were so fat that in a dream I was surprised, I felt so sorry for the cat because she was itching all over.


hello!, such a dream, or rather part of it, I was stroking a cat and saw a flea on it, I threw it off the cat, caught it and crushed it with my fingernail, it was crumpled but not the first time, I tried to run away))


a small but plump puppy, black and white in color, I hold him on my lap and crush the fleas, but not all of them, namely the huge ones, but I leave the small ones, but then he woke up.


I was destroying fleas on the carpet, the carpet was black and wet, the fleas were large yellow females, then a gray kitten ended up in my hand, wet and also covered in fleas. She held the kitten by the withers and looked at the fleas on its belly.


I was lying in bed with the woman I live with, and a bunch of fleas were crawling on and off me in the bed, I caught them and tried to crush them, one of them sat on my hand and was already swollen from drinking blood, I crushed it... such a disgusting feeling.. fleas climbed onto the girl, she didn’t like it, but she didn’t leave, she helped me..


I dreamed that I had fleas crawling around. The body and I don’t see them. I started taking off my clothes and my panties were full of fleas. I started shaking them out and they all started jumping and running away


Hello. I had a dream that wherever I went with my two children and wherever I ended up, a sea of ​​fleas simply attacked us, out of nowhere. Moreover, they did not touch other people. We had to shake them off the frightened children. We moved to another place, and they seemed to appear from underground.
Thank you in advance for your interpretation.


I had a very strange dream, I was walking through the forest, a bear was chasing me, I saw a boiled tree, a dog was sleeping there, then I had a feeling that the bear was no longer chasing me, and then I walked a little while, it was autumn and then I saw a lake, a transparent lake bottom was Sakura grew in the stones and around the lake, leaves fell with it


I brought home a little red kitten, went to bed with him, and a lot of fleas started falling off him, I collected them with a vacuum cleaner.


Today I dreamed of fleas on my cat... I wanted to pet her….. I ran my hand and there were countless fleas on her…. a couple of things fell on me... then the dream ended...


My 9-year-old son was sleeping in bed and called me: “Mom, I can’t sleep, something is biting me.” I pulled back the blanket and saw a bunch of fleas on a white sheet. I found some Chinese powdered flea remedy and started sprinkling them on the bed. Then I dreamed of my son sleeping on a bench on the street. The bench was on the avenue. I constantly moved him to another place until we ended up in a normal bed.


I was in my parents’ house and my cat was there and suddenly I saw that he was covered in bites, I bent over to him and suddenly fleas just started jumping in a horde from the carpet at me.


I dreamed of two fleas on a cat, I caught and caught both! But I didn’t kill them! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. Thanks in advance.


Hello Tatiana! in a dream I saw very large, terribly huge fleas crawling on my head with antennae and I don’t remember anymore...


My brother-in-law dispelled the substance from which fleas appeared on my face, shoulders and chest, so that later he could take several of them for some of his own purposes. I couldn’t get rid of them later; it was very unpleasant; there were a lot of them on my face.


I dreamed that I was sitting at the table and started biting my legs, when I looked at my legs I saw a large number of fleas and began to shake them off, but they kept jumping evenly onto my legs, I couldn’t get rid of them, I started jumping on the table, shaking a lot of them off my legs, I was able to chicken out, but my legs were bitten...


I was arguing with an acquaintance. After that, I took something from the floor that looked like tape or scotch tape and put it in place, after that something that looked like fleas crawled from the sneakers up to my hands and settled on my hands, there were a lot of them, then I started to wash them off with water. It hurt, either they bit or the water was hot. (A week before, I poisoned fleas at the dacha)


Hello. I dream that in our apartment I see strange bugs, and then it turns out that my husband was washing in the bath and accidentally breaks one of the tiles with his elbow and these bugs crawl out in a crowd and he says that they are fleas. And then I see a large flea the size of a toad only without eyes and a body flat like a cake.


Hello, I don’t remember exactly the whole dream, but I remember very well that my feet were bare and covered with fleas and bitten


In a dream, I discovered that either fleas or lice had appeared from somewhere, and they just started jumping all over me, when I got scared, I started trying to catch them to remove them, but they jumped on and got lost somewhere in me 😀


I dreamed that I was holding a red cat in my arms and there were a lot of very large fleas crawling on it, about the size of a large cockroach... it was very disgusting


Hello Tatyana. I dreamed that when I entered someone’s house or apartment, I was talking to someone, then I felt that someone was crawling along my legs, at first several of them, then they began to jump with terrible force from somewhere out of the floor (fleas) and jump on me up my legs higher and higher, my child was with me, they also started jumping on him, I don’t remember if they bit me or not, but I didn’t see any wounds, it was not nice that there were a lot of them and they climbed everywhere, I asked my interlocutor where to get a bottle of insects, by the time I got to the shelf they got into my pants in one place) and the child too, I quickly started extinguishing them with a bottle. Fleas began to fall on the floor, I took off the child’s pants and sprayed them there, examined everything, everything fell off. I couldn’t spray it on myself, but I took it out with my hands and crushed it too. Why could this be a dream? very unpleasant, to be honest.

Lyudmila Olegovna:

Huge accumulations in the form of large uneven dark dense spots 40-50 cm in size. there are live black fleas on the floor that are NOT jumping. First there is one spot, then on the right there is another large spot-dense pile, then a third, and there are more and more such spots-heaps. My feelings in the dream: first curiosity, then concern that somehow these fleas need to be destroyed quickly before they jump. How and with what? Fill with cold water - there is no water and a bucket. Spray with dichlorvos - it’s gone too. Anxiety and confusion are growing... and then I wake up and, to my great joy, I understand that it was a DREAM.


fleas, at first there aren’t many of them, 3-4 of them, then suddenly suddenly there are a lot of them, a lot and I’m itching and panicking, and they bite me at this time / then I suddenly wake up and that’s it

Gumirova Sara:

I dreamed that I opened the doors to the house and a hundred little white kittens ran home with me, fleeing from something, and I drove them all into the house and huge fleas came with them.


I dreamed that our dog was lying on the bed, I leaned my cheek towards her, and a lot of fleas appeared on her cheek, I looked at the dog and there was a pile of fleas crawling on him, I went to wash my face and went to take a spray for the dog and still woke up


In my dream I see myself standing in front of a mirror and pulling fleas out of my hair. They are so big and fat. She crushed one, then put on a cap like the doctors wear and began to drive fleas out from under it with her hand. As if brushing it off.


I don’t remember exactly, but for some reason I was moving the sofa and then on one side when I approached it and felt that someone was biting me and immediately noticed the amount of damage to me.


I dreamed of my last house, which is no longer there, that I am there with my boyfriend and child, sleeping in my room on my bed and my child is grumbling, spinning around, crying, I calm him down, I tell him to sleep, but he doesn’t want to, I get up and see that there are a lot of bugs on him on the pillow and in the pillow and in the bed, I pick him up quickly and throw the bugs off him, especially from his navel with uh, then everything is fine and I go back to bed and then I realize that it is infested with fleas, I jump up and start nervously throwing them off and jump and poison or choke.
I often dream about my house that I live there.((


Hello Tatyana. I dreamed that I wanted to scratch a cat. When I picked her up and started scratching her, there were tons of fleas there. And I immediately woke up.


I dreamed that fleas jumped on me from my child, my child is 6 years old (girl)


I stood on a small dog’s paw and she bit me on the leg, then I apologized and began to scratch her forehead, and everything there was swarming with fleas and they began to jump on me on my black coat and I began to catch them and crush them, but kill them It didn’t work out well, and then they bit me 4 times.


From Thursday to Friday there were a lot of fleas from the knees down, I shook them off, they bit me, it was unpleasant, red and black


in a dream, I caught fleas on my head, and there were a lot of them. they even jumped


Hello, I dreamed that fleas were crawling on my feet, they didn’t bite me, but I kicked my panties, but I couldn’t get rid of them, please explain


Hello, I dreamed that fleas were crawling on my feet, they didn’t bite me, but I was a coward with my legs, but I couldn’t get rid of them, please explain


There are many black puppies, all cute, I took one and he had a lot of fleas on his tummy.


I threw them off of me…..there were a lot of them….I shook them out of my head with my hands….they kept falling and falling


a child's head of a boy with a short neat haircut, the child's age is 6 years old, shaved in places. Fleas swarm and do not jump, they are all stuck to the head (like ticks), of different sizes.




I'm at some dacha, using a vacuum cleaner to remove a huge number of black fleas from a red cat, especially there are a lot of them under the tail, then from the cracks in the asphalt and from under the house I pull out a huge number of fleas from the cracks, then I see two huge black cockroaches, I try to kill them, but not It turns out that I take some kind of paw, and only then do I kill them. I understand that the vacuum cleaner is turned off, and cockroaches and fleas are crawling out from there, and scattering into the same cracks, but in even greater numbers, and I understand that they are on me and on some friend of mine, and we brush them off.


I had a dream about fleas jumping all over my arm and crawling and I threw them off


Hello! I don’t particularly remember the dream, since my memory was focused on the flea-ridden puppy. When I picked up the puppy, I found a lot of fleas on it. They were very big, so I caught them and crushed them. It was disgusting to the point of nausea. I hate fleas. They are disgusting and harmful to animals. And, in general, fleas for me are something that should not exist, even if they did not cause harm. Thank you in advance for your dream interpretation!


in a dream, my wife and I are renting a room, getting ready for bed, my daughter starts moaning, I throw back the blanket and there are a lot of fleas running around on me but not biting, but they bite my daughter in large groups, it’s just creepy, I haven’t even seen anyone, I jump up and start collecting handfuls of them and push to throw it off, we run out of the room, try to close the door, it won’t close, I put in some effort, I break the wall on which the door is and we seem to be in this room again. My wife comes, I tell her about the fleas in this room, about the fact that my daughter was bitten, I tell her that she can’t stay here, but she takes her daughter and goes back to the room and seems to go to bed... I woke up with terrible anxiety


in a dream from Thursday to Friday I saw black fleas on my legs, I didn’t crush them


I dreamed of my own white cat, just huge fleas with a brownish-red belly were crawling along her neck and head. I tried to catch them to crush them, but on the one hand I was disgusted, and on the other hand they ran very quickly. Thank you.


I dreamed that I was catching fleas in my son’s head and they were so fast that I managed to crush a couple of them.


A girl (apparently an acquaintance, I don’t remember who) came to visit with a white dog, and I accidentally saw a lot of fleas on it, and before that, not in a dream, I got rid of them with grief, so I was afraid that the fleas from this dog would now jump onto my animals and told her to quickly run outside, we went out the gate and I began to spray the dog with Bars flea spray, and the fleas began to cluster and turn into cool big piles of fleas


I dreamed of small black fleas on my arm. They climbed near the veins in that area.


At first they just walked around and then I opened the envelope and they poured out of it like a river.


In a dream I see a lot of fleas on a microwave and I kill them with some object, the hammer that I have in my hand is not excluded.


I see fleas on soft toys in a dream. And then 2 young men come up and deliberately start shaking these toys and the fleas jump on them. And then they chased me on bicycles and I ran away.


My cat was walking with street cats, I was scared for him and took him in my arms and there were fleas and nits in him, and the cats he was walking with asked to come into this room where we were, I didn’t let them in, and went home and thought along the way where can I buy a flea collar at night, we came home and fleas, nits and clips fell out of it, I started to itch in a panic and they all crawled over me, and one bit me on the neck, I removed it but didn’t seem to kill it


I had a dream and there were a lot of fleas when I combed my hair

Olga olgum:

In my apartment, in the living room, I saw a lot of fleas (although they were lice). The fleas were of different sizes. I shouted to my family, go away. I myself began to clean the forest, but they, somehow slippery, remained in place.


In my mother’s room, on a red sofa, a cat was lying on her back, white belly, in some places gray with stripes, in some places with black spots and white, obedient, but the cat was not mine, but a friend’s, a flea was running on the cat’s nose, and she kept appearing and disappearing. I felt them under my little hands, the sea was teeming with nothing but autumn I tried to catch and kill them, but I didn’t take the risk, I killed maybe a couple and there were more and more of them, I told my friend come on, I don’t have to deal with this, I don’t have that.....that is, I have a cat at home but there are no fleas. I stepped aside and she dealt with them herself. I think this is the gossip of my enemies and intrigues at work

[email protected]:

fleas on my head, they grab hold of me, I tear them off and seem to kill them, but there are a lot of them


I dreamed that a nurse caught a flea on my head in the hospital, she was beating me alone, what’s the point!


In a dream I saw a white rabbit (this is our rabbit, I know her). and she had a lot of fleas that I caught.


I had a dream as if I saw a lot of fleas on my husband’s head and threw them off. mail [email protected]


I dreamed of fleas, a lot of fleas. Just fleas and nothing around. Recommend something!


I had fleas on me and they bit me, I tried to kill them, then my mother helped me and it seemed like we killed them all




I took the kitten in my arms and began to stroke it, and in the back of the tail my hands were filled with fleas, I threw them out and then again I felt sick, I threw the kitten out of the house into the yard


We have a cat at home, they gave him to us for foster care, and I saw in a dream how I killed fleas on him. They were quite large. But I still caught them.


in a dream I dreamed of fleas on my big toe and I squeezed them out of a cut hole


I was hugging my dog ​​and suddenly I felt that someone was crawling on me, I took it off, it turned out to be a flea, and then I collected more and more of them in my whole palm, but they didn’t crawl anywhere, I threw them on a rag and they crawled away

Marina Marchenko:

Today I dreamed of a lot of fleas, they were at my beloved’s house, I just saw them and when I lay down on the floor they climbed onto my head


I was sitting at home and holding my cat on my lap. Usually he has thick black fur, but this time all the fur was covered in large bald spots that were eaten away by fleas. There were a lot of fleas, I saw them running around the cat. The cat lay there, I stroked him and kept reproaching myself, how could this be? that I didn't see. that he had fleas. that the animal was suffering, and I noticed only now. And then I started putting flea drops on the cat. And I woke up.

Why do you dream about the grave of a living person Why do you dream about the funeral of a living loved one Why do you dream about a person in the dirt

what does it mean if there are fleas in a dream

If you saw fleas in a dream, be prepared to face the slander of one of your friends. For a woman, a flea promises to be angry with one of her loved ones. If in a dream fleas have chosen your other half, this indicates her frivolity and tendency to cheat.

flea dream interpretation

If you see a large accumulation of fleas in a dream, do not be alarmed - in reality a large sum of money awaits you.
The bites of these small insects in a dream are a signal to stop wastefulness. Cut your spending items as soon as possible. Otherwise, difficulties will not keep you waiting.
Seeing fleas on your four-legged pet is a harbinger of unexpected financial support from friends.
A sure sign that you will have to incur material costs to save one of your loved ones from trouble is a flea crushed in a dream.
An infestation of fleas that cannot be gotten rid of, eating a person and gradually approaching you is a sign of the carelessness of humanity, which has given birth to bacteriological weapons that will one day become uncontrollable.

why do you dream of fleas

If you saw fleas in a dream, expect to receive a significant sum of money. A dream where you catch fleas promises bad news. Fleas that bite and cause trouble are harbingers of trouble.

dreamed of fleas

Catching fleas in a dream is a harbinger of hardships. For lovers, such dreams will bring a series of disappointments and betrayals. If in a dream you were looking for fleas on yourself, expect strong excitement. Although, in some cases, such a dream promises prosperity in the house and many difficulties that will have to be overcome in order to keep it clean. In a dream you saw fleas on yourself - expect a difficult to cure disease. If fleas are found on people around you, then there is a high probability that one of your loved ones will ask for help in coping with the problem.
If the fleas in the dream were a separate episode of it, then someone’s bad and ill-considered actions will provoke a feeling of anger in you.
A flea bite in a dream will bring you a collision with slander and the resulting troubles. A dream in which you kill a flea marks victory over your enemies.

Fleas can cause discomfort not only in reality, but also in dreams. Why might they be dreaming?

  • If you are wondering why fleas are dreamed of, then Miller’s dream book contains information that close people can cause irritation or even anger with their gossip and intrigues.
  • If a woman dreams of pests, this indicates that friends or relatives will slander or slander you.
  • If a representative of the stronger sex sees fleas on her significant other in a dream, then this is a signal of his fickleness.
  • Tsvetkov’s dream book states that if you dreamed of fleas or lice, this will promise to receive money.
  • If you catch insects, this indicates not the most pleasant news.
  • If pests bite or bother you, then this is a signal of some kind of trouble.
  • When figuring out why fleas dream, you need to prepare for not the most pleasant information. These pests can be seen by those who expect some troubles, troubles, losses (including monetary ones) or failures.
  • If fleas or lice crawl on someone else, then this promises success in any business.
  • If you had to catch insects in a dream, be prepared for unexpected troubles.
  • Pests can promise some kind of troubles, worries, vanity.
  • If you are looking for fleas or lice on yourself, this will indicate that you will have the opportunity to make some profit or increase your income.
  • If lice were killed by you in a dream, then this will be a signal of worries and torment associated with your own mistakes or mistakes.
  • If you feel that pests are crawling on your head, then this can promise wealth.
  • If insects have bitten you or tried to bite you, then you probably have some kind of disease or are at increased risk of developing it.
  • If lice or fleas were found on your head while combing, then you should take more responsibility for your health and start leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • If you kill adults and feel pleasure from it, then expect some changes, and quite pleasant and joyful ones.

  • If you find pests on a dog, then you will envy someone. In addition, you will probably be able to make a profit, but at the cost of worsening the situation of a loved one.
  • If you are exterminating insects and are unable to cope with the task, you will likely be frustrated by the effort that will ultimately prove useless. In addition, such a dream may mean that you will have to interfere in other people's affairs.
  • If lice or fleas are running along some surface, and you crush them with your own hands, then most likely you will receive unexpected income, for example, a bonus or winnings.
  • If you look for pests on your body for a long time and eventually find them, then not everything will be calm at home. Family quarrels, showdowns, and misunderstandings are likely.
  • If the insects bite you badly and you can’t get rid of them, then someone will probably spread gossip about you or false information. Also, such a dream promises a lie.
  • If a woman has long hair and fleas or lice crawl in it, then this may be a sign of deception on the part of the man.
  • If you are looking for information about what fleas mean in dreams, you will definitely find an interpretation that promises some kind of disagreement (both with colleagues and loved ones) or a deterioration in relationships. But this should only be expected if you had to kill pests.
  • If a man sees insects on his chosen one, then one should doubt her frankness and fidelity. She's probably hiding something or doesn't have the most noble intentions.
  • Fleas in the dream book almost always represent trouble. So, in Vanga’s dream book there is evidence that if you killed fleas, you may encounter unexpected expenses associated with the carelessness or imprudence of relatives or friends.

    Most often the meaning of sleep is negative

  • If you crush pests, you will be able to defeat long-standing and annoying enemies and enemies.
  • If you are combing insects out of an animal’s fur, then most likely you are trying to improve your own life or return it to its usual and calm course.
  • If you carefully look out for and catch pests, then very soon you will have to solve some problems.
  • If in a dream an animal suffers greatly from bites, then take a close look at the person close to you. He will probably have to face big troubles.
  • If you help your dog get rid of insects, then your friend will need your help.
  • If fleas were on a cat in a dream, then this may be a sign of disagreement with family members or friends.
  • If pests are literally all over the cat, then this is a signal that you will harm someone.
  • If you remove insects from a cat, then forgive your offender and forget all the bad things.
  • If a cat covered in pests leaves, then a person who is unpleasant to you will leave your life.
  • If pests were found on a child, this may mean that the parents are too protective of him.

Be prepared for any changes!

If she sees fleas on her lover- She should be wary of his infidelity.

Women's dream book

A dream about fleas initially does not bring anything good.

If you get sick of these annoying insects- you should take a close look at your surroundings. It is quite possible that another envious person will want to slander you.

If in a dream you look for fleas on your lover- you don’t have to make a date with him anymore, he’s lying to you, having one more, and maybe more than one, bride like you.

Lunar dream book

Catching fleas - getting money; those who bite are a disaster.

If a woman saw fleas on her lover in a dream- this suggests that he is cheating on you.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Fleas?

If in a dream you just see fleas- this means getting money (sometimes leading to illness), search, catch fleas, kill- to great troubles in the house, to anxiety, to unpleasant news.

If fleas bite- trouble. For a woman such a dream- means slander of friends.

Flea bite for a girl- temptation.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover- this is evidence of his inconstancy.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A flea is a reflection of aspects of minor omissions and shortcomings.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Fleas appear in a dream?

Seeing a flea jumping in a dream and catching it- a harbinger of money, wealth, good opportunities to realize one’s abilities.

Killing a flea means money, profit, receiving unplanned income.

Look for fleas on yourself in a dream- to household worries and anxiety, to find - to quarrels and useless disputes.

If you are bitten by fleas in a dream- this means that in reality someone is trying to slander you, spreading false rumors.

Azar's Dream Book

Dream interpretation horoscope

Fleas are for money.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Seeing a flea jump or catching it- money, wealth; eliminating evil with caution and attention.

Look for fleas on yourself- domestic anxiety.

They bite - big profits.

A lot of fleas- sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream in which you see or catch fleas- symbolizes a premonition of minor, but very annoying troubles.

A flea on your head means that the source of your problems are your own mistakes or bad thoughts.

A flea on the body is a sign of annoying problems and misunderstandings with loved ones or good friends.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Fleas - to annoyance, small bites of your enemies.

Catching fleas is a new activity; crush fleas- to money.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you see whole hordes of fleas in your dream- this means a good harvest both in the field and in the garden.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing fleas in a dream or suffering from their bites- to the loss of true friends.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Fleas are a hidden villain; looking for them means pursuing the enemy.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fleas in a dream- means that someone close to you will provoke you into anger and irritation with his machinations.

If fleas bite a woman- this means that her friends will slander her.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Fleas in a dream?

Seeing fleas in a dream- to the fact that the condition you are in can provoke an illness with serious consequences. Think about how to get rid of the person causing your abnormal state.

The fleas that bite you- you will become a victim of slander from your own friends.

See fleas on your lover- you will have the opportunity to verify its impermanence.

Squashing fleas means trouble, looking for them means worry.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Fleas are a serious disease.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing fleas in a dream- means a trick on the part of a person close to you, which will cause you anger and irritation.

Fleas biting a woman- warn about slander from friends.

If a woman sees fleas on her lover- this speaks of his inconstancy.

Solomon's Dream Book

Fleas are a serious disease.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing fleas means receiving money; to catch is a nuisance, bad news; bother, bite- trouble.

Aesop's Dream Book

Flea - a symbol associated with dirt, the street, disorder, and something elusive. The ambiguity of the symbol follows from the proverbs and sayings that people have made about this insect.

Seeing a dog in a dream with fleas jumping on it and biting it- envy over other people's wealth; to winning the lottery, a sudden profit due to which a friend may suffer.

Trying to kill fleas that are plaguing your pet- forced interference in other people's affairs; to the disappointment that will follow after painstaking but unpleasant work.

Seeing fleas on yourself and bleeding bites from them- to inheritance, to monetary litigation between you and relatives; Perhaps they will turn to you for financial assistance.

Seeing an artificial flea the size of a natural one- something will greatly shock you, but it will not have serious consequences; fate will pit you against a specialist whom you have long dreamed of meeting.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Fleas according to the dream book?

Seeing fleas means money; catch, beat- internal disagreements, troubles in business.

They bite - big profit; nervous breakdown.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dream of a flea, you will unexpectedly receive a lot of money.

In a dream you catch fleas- this means you will soon make peace with your old enemy.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone catching fleas- know: in the near future a measured, calm life awaits you.

Medieval dream book

Dealing with or eating fleas- to joy. More interpretations

According to the dream book, fleas seen in a dream- a sign of untold wealth.

If you dreamed of these insects living on the water- expect problems and troubles.

Seeing a cluster of them in a dream- to chagrin.

Dream about killing a flea- mainly to an unexpected inheritance received under a will. It could also be a lucky lottery ticket or a bonus at work.

Dream that fleas are crawling on you- misunderstanding between relatives or friends.

If in a dream they bit you- this means that someone speaks impartially about you. Traces of their bites portend disputes over an inheritance, or someone is waiting for support from you.

If you dreamed that you were looking for them on yourself- to disturbing experiences, and if found, disagreements await you.

A dream in which you caught a jumping flea- portends material profit, success in everything you undertake.

Seeing them in your hair in a dream- the reason for your failures is solely you.

I dreamed of catching fleas- fuss associated with the household, negative news, emotional unrest.

Squashing fleas - profit, high income. The more fleas you see, the more money will flow into your account.

I dream that there are fleas on a cat- unplanned expenses. Keep your wallet from breaking the bank by making smart purchases.

Fleas on a dog - you will compare yourself with your more successful friends, making sure that the comparison is not in your favor, you will feel bitterness and resentment. This dream may have a different interpretation: an unexpected gift, a large sum of money, the improper use of which can harm another person.

I dreamed that fleas were biting- this means lies from loved ones; they can betray or give away your secrets.

Video: Why do you dream about Fleas?

Fleas are one of the most unpleasant topics for humans. They are always associated with uncleanliness. But these insects can annoy people not only in real life, but also in dreams. Many people are scared when fleas are present in their dreams. So why do people dream about them - what do they promise and what do they predict?
Let's look for the answer to the question in many well-known dream books. In fact, you can focus on the interpretation of dreams with fleas - insects that live on animals, and with lice - which live on humans.

Fleas in a dream can predict both troubles and favorable times and events. If you dream of fleas, then you need to notice their number, behavior, and the attitude of the sleeping person towards insects. The general atmosphere of the dream makes it clear whether the dream was a good one or a bad one.

The interpretation of dreams with fleas has been of interest to humanity for a long time, so there are many interpretations of them. Having collected them together, we will try to create a generalized dream book of explanations for why fleas (lice) appear in dreams.

Fleas - the dream book of the writer Aesop

  • seeing fleas in a dream means facing difficulties in real life, an unsettled life, participating in dirty squabbles;
  • biting insects in a dream can portend hard, painstaking work, which in the end may not bring the expected result, for example, profit, to great disappointment in one’s abilities and in people;
  • crawling fleas on a person’s body - entering into an unfriendly dispute over an unexpected inheritance - quarreling with relatives, applicants for the same inheritance;
  • to see fleas jumping on animals in a dream - envy of the well-being of others, unexpected profit (for example, winning the lottery) with bad consequences;
  • catching fleas in a dream means interfering in someone else’s business and being condemned for it;
  • artificial flea - severe mental shock.

Lice or fleas - psychologist Miller’s dream book

  • dreaming of a louse can mean future troubles, irritation and anger;
  • fleas in a dream can talk about a person’s envious people, his unfavorable environment, which should be changed;
  • if you dreamed of fleas on a woman, this means slander and deception on the part of relatives, friends, loved ones;
  • biting fleas and lice - to gossip and squabbles;
  • fleas on a lover - fornication on his part.

Why do you dream of lice - esotericist Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to this author, a dream with fleas means:

  • catching fleas means imminent trouble;
  • seeing lice on someone means money;
  • biting insects mean trouble.

Why do you dream about fleas on pets?

Let's find out why you dream of fleas on a dog.

Most often, fleas on a dog mean communication with the immediate environment. The modern dream book interprets them as follows:

  • solving other people's problems;
  • troubles in children requiring intervention from the sleeper;
  • fleas on a black dog - spending time in an unreliable company of people, getting into trouble;
  • fleas on a white dog - excessive warmth and kindness shown to others, which will not be appreciated;
  • poison the dog with fleas - do not become a victim of the tricks of insidious people;
  • unexpectedly discovering fleas on a dog means unpleasant news, illnesses of loved ones;
  • fleas on a dog with multi-colored fur - successful changes in professional career - universal recognition, promotion, increase in salary.

Why do you dream of fleas on a cat? For good or bad.

Flea-covered cats, cats, and kittens most often signify love adventures, fornication, betrayal, and an unexpected turn of fate.

Modern dream books decipher dreams with fleas on cats as follows:

  • catching fleas on a cat means finding a mate soon;
  • detecting fleas on a cat - meeting with business partners;
  • fleas on a beloved cat - the appearance of an enemy from a group of numerous friends;
  • kitten with fleas - adultery, meanness on the part of a loved one;
  • Cat fleas are minor troubles that do not incur material costs.

The question of why cats and dogs dream of fleas has been sorted out. But why do you dream of squashing fleas on animals? A dream in which you have to kill fleas on animals, crush them or poison them often means attracting major troubles to your person, the deceit of loved ones, betrayal of relatives, illness of relatives and even, sometimes, the death of loved ones.

Cats and dogs in dreams are images of those who surround a person in real life, and fleas are just a tool that indicates positive or negative aspects of communication with these people.

Why do you dream of fleas on a person?

Fleas on a person are the most unpleasant sight that people can see in their dreams. There are several interpretations of such dreams that need to be taken into account:

  • lice on the head - future problems resulting from personal mistakes;
  • fleas sitting on the legs and biting them are pipe dreams, the collapse of all plans and goals;
  • fleas on the hands - participation in a business that does not promise profit or benefit for others, difficulties in professional activities;
  • fleas all over the body - defenselessness against ill-wishers;
  • seeing fleas on yourself is an omen of trouble;
  • itching from fleas - physical fatigue, irritation and anger;
  • this dream book also interprets such a phenomenon in a dream as fleas in hair - for a woman to see such a dream means treason, betrayal of a man, for a man - ruin of a business, unreasonable goals and unjustified expenses.

Who dreams of fleas more often?

Most often, fleas and lice are dreamed of by people with an overloaded psyche, experiencing a deep depression, with increased anxiety and fears.

Dreams are also influenced by the attitude of others towards a person. If it is not too positive, then all worries about this are reflected in bad dreams in which insects are present.

Most people look for a dream book to find out why fleas bite in a dream. Evil insects reflect precisely the unfavorable environment of a person in reality - evil and unreliable people.

What do folk superstitions say about fleas?

Fleas annoy people not only in their dreams, why they appear in the house or apartment.

  • Old people, according to popular belief, associate the appearance of fleas in their homes with the future deceased. But this is not the only sign concerning fleas. They can also promise long-awaited profits and prosperity in the house.
  • If fleas are infested in a clean house, and no sick people live in it, this is a sign of future unexpected changes.
  • Fleas often appear in the house because of money.
  • Domestic fleas appear in the house and bite strongly when the weather changes.
  • The appearance of lice on all family members is a sign of misfortune, scandal, and worry.

A compiled dream book of interpretations of what lice and fleas mean in dreams will help you understand your dreams. You should not take unpleasant dreams to heart. Dreams are just your internal perception of the real world; the better it is in reality, the more colorful your dreams.

None of the dream books can predict as clearly what fleas mean in dreams as the one who saw this dream. By comparing the dream picture with real life, you can later notice what it foreshadowed.