Differentiation of sounds for tasks in a notebook. Automation of sounds l, l, r, r. sounds l, l, r, r speech material. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound C in various words


  • Educational:
    • clarify the articulation of the sounds L and Y, highlighting similarities and differences;
    • achieve clear differentiation of sounds by ear and pronunciation;
    • consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of sounds;
    • correctly match sounds with corresponding letters;
    • teach children to solve riddles, to understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddles.
  • Corrective:
    • develop phonemic awareness and analysis;
    • work on developing the fullness of visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensations.
    • prevention of dysgraphic errors;
    • development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Educational:
    • developing the ability to understand the educational task;
    • fostering a sustainable interest in speech therapy classes.

Equipment: mirror, sound articulation profiles, mood pictures, computer, presentation.

Lesson plan.

I. Organizational moment
II. Articulation gymnastics.
III. Articulation of sounds.
IV. Comparison of letters
V. Differentiation in isolation, in syllables.
VI. Physical exercise.
VII. Differentiation in words.
VIII. Differentiation in sentences.
IX. Summary of the lesson.
X. Homework
XI. Assessment of student performance.


I. Organizational moment

– What do we do in speech therapy classes?

We pronounce sounds clearly,
Let's listen carefully.
We read the letters correctly,
We write them carefully.

Goals: we must learn:

  • clearly and correctly pronounce the soft consonants [Y] and [L"] that are close in articulation;
  • hear and distinguish soft consonants [Y] and [L"] that are close in articulation;
  • read syllables and words with the letters Y and L;
  • change words correctly.

II. Articulation gymnastics

  • "Smile (frog)"
  • "Spatula"
  • Tongue massage:

1) “Punish a naughty tongue” - clap your tongue with your lips from tip to middle and back.
2) “Bite your tongue with your teeth from tip to middle and back”
3) “Clean the fish” - stick out your tongue, “scratching” it with your upper incisors.
4) “Punish a naughty tongue” - clap your tongue with your lips from tip to middle and back.

  • "Pussy is angry"
  • "Slide"

III. Articulation and characteristics of sounds

Say the sounds alternately, trying to feel the movement of your tongue:

J – L", J – L"; L" - J; L" - J.

– How does a sound differ from a letter?
– We hear and pronounce sounds, but we see, write, and read letters.

Read the syllables:

Ay, il, el, oh, el, yul, yul, yul, yy, yal.
Le-y, lyu-yu, la-ya, li-y, le-yo, le-e.

VI. Fizminutka

Exercise for fine motor skills: “Bunny”.
Ears d l Inns e for th ki. (All fingers first into a fist.)
They stick out from the bushes.
(Put your index and middle fingers up. Move them forward and back.)
He and the jump e t, and jumps. (Elbow strikes on the table to the beat of the poem.)
Weight l it's their own for th chat

VII. Differentiation in words

1. Read and guess the riddles.

Guess th what a beast I:
There's a tree on my forehead I. (ABOUT l e)

Jump to the grain
TO l Yu th, not robe th.
I've been th …? (Sparrow th)

We're used to l and to him,
But he is a sorcerer th:
He's with me th speaks
In the voices of friends th. (Cellular th those l ephon)

He's almost like an ape l xin,
With thick skin th, juicy th,
Flaw l just one -
Kisly th very very. (L imon)

2. Name the fairy-tale characters, clearly pronouncing the sounds L, Y:

In what words did you encounter the sounds Y, L, both sounds?

3. Game “Say the Word.” Syllable-sound analysis of the first guess.

The beast fell asleep, covering himself with his mane th.
Ponytail with tassel th playfully th
I would touch you, osme l ev,
Yes, I'm afraid he'll wake up... l ev.

VIII. Differentiation in sentences

Change the sentences according to the example:

Wu Ko l and a parrot th.
- This is Ko l in parrot th.
U L yoshi ko th ka.
- This L yoshina ko th ka.
U L ides l e th ka.
- This L go to l e th ka.
U L skirts for th ka.
- This is Lyubin for th ka.
U L eva ha th ka.
- This …
U L ena l otherwise th ka.
- This …

IX. Lesson summary

– What sounds did we learn to distinguish today?
– How are these sounds different?

X. Homework(printed and pasted into notebook).

XI. Student Performance Assessment.

Informational resources

1. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. Exercises for speech development. "Delta" S. - P. 1999.
2. Paramonova L.G. Speak and write correctly “Delta” “Aquarium” 1996.
3. Kozyreva L.M."Large speech therapy album." Automation of sounds in speech. Yaroslavl. Development Academy. 2006.
4. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Correction of the pronunciation of the sound “Y”.
5. Tkachenko T.A. Using physical exercises to develop finger motor skills in preschoolers. // Preschool education 1989 No. 3 p. 36-40
6. Presentation “33 sisters”.
7. Clipart on a transparent background

Imagine that the figures shown are made of different materials. Name what they will be like if they are made of ice (ice lion, ice spruce, etc.) or clay (clay dolphin, clay lily, clay seal, etc.). Speak combinations of words clearly, watch the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.



Differentiation of sounds L - Y in different words of a sentence

Lena has a skirt. Lyuba has berries. Leni has iodine. Leva is wearing a T-shirt. Luda has a yacht. Yana has lemonade. Yana has lemon. Yana has a lion. Yana has a watering can. Yana has buttercups.

Differentiation of sounds L - J in one word of a sentence

Speak your sentences clearly. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Yulia and Ilya are walking in the clearing. Ilya has a ruler, Yulia has glue. Ilya and Yulia are walking along the alley. Julia pours water from the watering can. Ilya pours glue into a jar. Lilya and Yulia do not put their laundry behind the gate. Lilya waters the lily from a watering can. On Yulia's alley there were spruce, linden and maple trees. In autumn, swans fly south. Yulia and Ilya are gluing the wallpaper with wallpaper glue. Aunt Lia flies to Antalya.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in rhymes

Speak the poems clearly. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Frost lay on the branches of the fir tree, My Ilya is such a lazy man,

The spruce branches turned white. Just give me some rest.

Gave a watering can:
We drove and drove, - I won’t pour!

We drove up to the pit. - Well, then wash the dishes.

They drove around the pit, or glued the books together with glue,

And we went home. Pour water for the cat!

But the lazy man has one answer:

No! No! No! I have a watering can

Oh, what a watering can, Moths fly high,

Have you seen my new watering can? The moth flies low

Ice water, melt water Moths fly far,

I will fill it and water the flowers. The moth is flying close!

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in tongue twisters

Speak the tongue twisters first at a slow pace and then at a fast pace, maintaining clarity and volume of pronunciation. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds L and Y.

Shadow, shadow, shadow, there is a fence along the street.

I'm walking along the street, I'm blowing a long pipe.

Kolya stabs stakes, Ilya washes the watering can.

There is a thin, thin linden tree near the Antipas gate.

We ate, ate tenches from the spruce, we barely finished them off from the spruce.

We saw tench, one longer than one.

Differentiation of sounds L - Y in stories

Clearly, highlighting all the sounds L and Y, repeat first each sentence, and then the entire story.


Julia and Olya were walking in the garden. Olya has a hoe, Yulia has a watering can. Behind the house is a linden alley. There are lilies on the alley. Olya pours water into a watering can and hands it to Yulia: “Yulya, water the lilies!” Julia waters every single lily! Julia and Olya love their garden.


Olya has a grandmother, Lyuba. Baba Lyuba has been sick for a long time. Olenka is still little, she doesn’t go to the pharmacy. Olya’s mother goes to the pharmacy. Olenka loves Grandma Lyuba. Olya gives the sick woman Lyuba drops, tablets, and water in a glass. Once, seeing a lot of pills on the table, Olenka began to cry and said: “Granny! I can drink all the pills for you, just don’t get sick!”


Tolya and Vitalik always walked together. In winter, they skated on ice skates, made a snowman, and knocked down long icicles. Tolya and Vitalik filled the skating rink near their house themselves. Children from neighboring houses skated together at the skating rink. Little Lenya also got on skates. Tolya and Vitalik helped Lena. All the children had fun. Lenin’s mother baked a delicious lemon cake for Tolya and Vitalik.


One summer Galya and Lida went into the forest. They walked through the forest, wove wreaths, and looked for strawberries. Birds sang in the forest and wildflowers bloomed. Galya and Lida walked through the forest for a long time and got lost. Then the children remembered the mobile phone. They called home, Lida’s dad. Dad came to the forest by car.

1. “Listen, don’t yawn” /Hearing the sound Y, lower your hands down, the sound L - raise your hands up.”

J – L - 1

e, al, li, oh, I, le, pli, ol, ay, ul, may, gel, summer, iodine, mine, moth, stranded, give, pit, Lena.
2. “Remember, repeat” /say 3 – 5 times/

3. Pronounce /5 – 7 times/, distinguishing the sounds Y and L:

1. “Listen, don’t yawn”

J – L - 2

berries, linden, palm, south, mine, salt, hodgepodge, go, clay, blue, swans, sneak, pour out, drinks, Lena.
2. “Remember, repeat” /5 – 7 times/

3. Speak / 5-7 times /

4. Game “I - They” - Change words according to the model, highlighting the sounds Y and L with your voice: What did you do yesterday? And vice versa: What am I doing?

1. “Listen, don’t yawn and show the letters”

J – L - 3

cranberry, sings, fireworks, baby, funny, saws, washes, magic, knee, fairy, gives, deer, cabin boy, ribbon, Gennady.

2. Say / 5 7 times /

3. Come up with sentences with the words:
- hive- Bees live in the... A bee strayed into the forest.

Dad made it for the bee.
- Aboit - ...
- beat - ...
- ii - ...

4. “From 1 to 5 /7/ and back” - eka /zeyona/th/ watering can/

5. “Remember, repeat”

glue – ruler – lily
hive - lei - linen
waist – sick - Ilya

1. Speak / 5 – 7 times /

sounds J – L - 4

2. Playing with the ball “I ..., you ..., he ...”
- to draw water from /zeeno/ eka

3. “Remember, repeat”

spruce – leaves – cut out
alley – July – fun
let's go - pale - sable

4. Come up with sentences with the words:

- sawed off - ...
- waters - ...
- pours out...
- went -...
- I went...

1. Speak / 5 – 7 times /

sounds J – L - 5

yogki/y/ poen/ya/, kenovaya aeya, yubimy nik, dinna ineka, kupennaya, stolen py

*If it is difficult for a child to pronounce words, then they are slapped syllable by syllable.

2. “From 1 to 7 /10/ and back” - long ruler, purchased/th/ /th/

3. “Finish the sentence.”

- The cars left the garage... /left/.
- There are cars around the puddle... /drive around/.
- Cars... /entered the bridge/.
- Cars... /drove off the bridge/.
- Cars arrived at the house... /drove up/.
- Cars... /entered the garage/.

4. Learn

La Mila ate strawberries, and ate strawberries.
- The warm robe is not too small.

1. Speak / 5 – 7 times /

sounds J – L - 6

2. Form the words “Which one?” Which? Which?"

3. Speak out sentences
- I'm drinking water out of the water. – Ilya pours glue into a jar.
- Lilya and Yulia are carrying laundry out the gate. – Lilya waters the lily from a watering can.
- Julia and Ilya are walking along the alley.

4. Learn
I have an eka
Oh, kaka/y/eka,
Did you see the new mo?
eaten water, melted water
I'll fill the flowers too

- What kind of water? – What kind of water is called “melt water”?

1. Listen to the story and answer the questions in complete sentences.
Speak and retell the story / 3-5 times /
other name days
This is the name day. Guy and Yena were at dinner. They bought da and tupans, eukoi and iii. For lunch, me, Guy and Ena and sedka, cutets and beans. Pia children emonade and kurberry compote. Then mom and dad and the kids ride in a new car. /Tkachenko T.A./

- Who had a name day? - When was the name day?
- Who came to visit Yulia? - What did Yulia’s friends buy?
- What did the girls eat and drink for lunch? - What did the girls do after lunch?

2. “Whose? Whose? Whose?"
U and tulips. – Whose tulips are these? - These are tulips.
U Gai. - Whose spruce is this? -...
Yena has it. - Whose watering can is this? -...
Do you have it? -...
Lena has berries. -...
Gaia has one. -...

Corrective and developmental tasks.

Teach the child to listen carefully to an adult’s speech, correctly understand logical and grammatical structures and answer questions.

Teach to correctly pronounce the sounds [L] and [L"], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

Teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [L"] - [Y].

Improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activity at the level of words and sentences.

Learn to analyze words yourself.

Teach your child to transform words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise “Answer questions.” An adult reads a sentence to a child and asks a question. The child answers.

Vanya walked ahead of Petya. Who came last? Forest behind the house. What's ahead? The bus is driving ahead of the truck. What's behind? A cat is bigger than a dog. Who is smaller? The boy is taller than the girl. Who's lower? Grandfather is older than grandmother. Who is younger? Oak is taller than birch. What's below?

Task 2. Introducing the sound [L]. Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the word:

I don’t eat on my own

And I feed people. (Spoon)

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [L]:

lips slightly smiling;

the teeth are close together;

the narrow tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth towards the tubercles;

The neck "works".

Sound symbol: a large plane is flying: LLLLL...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), hard, sonorous. Designation: blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

The plane is approaching: lllllllll...; the plane moves away: LLLLLllllll... (development of voice power).

Task 4. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [L]”:

l, g, h, l...; la, ma, mu, lu...; al, ol, mind, ip...; weasel, spoon, saw, cat, table, tower, shelf...

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

la-al, lu-...; al-la, st...

Task 6. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

la-lo-lu-ly... al-ol-ul-il... kla-klo-klu-kly... akl-okl-ukl-ikl...

Task 7. Finish the words:

sound [L]: hundred..., stu..., po..., uko..., kamzo...;

syllable LA: pi..., ska..., ma...;

syllable LY: hundred..., ska..., pi..., shko..., shpa...

What words did you get? Which syllable indicates a large number of objects? (LA or LY?)

Task 8. Repeat the chain of words after the adult. What is the same last sound in all words?

Ball - was - howled, ox - goal - count, gave - hall - stung - small.

Task 9. Remove the sound [L] from words. What words did you get?

Klok - kok, raft - ..., elephant - ..., club - ..., words - ..., eye - ...

Task 10. Divide the words into syllables, swap the first and second syllables. What words did you get? (This task is completed with the help of an adult, after a detailed explanation.)

Zhi-ly (ly-zhi), ma-la..., ka-pal..., sk-la...

Task 11. Paste pictures into a notebook with images of objects whose names contain the sound [L], determine the place of the sound [L] in words, come up with a sentence with each word using familiar prepositions, count the number of words in each sentence, determine the place of the word with the sound [L ] in a sentence.

Task 12. Learn pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters:

La-la-la - shovel and saw.

Lo-lo-lo - I have an oar.

Ly-ly-ly - new boilers.

Lu-lu-lu - we bought a saw.

Al-al-al - dark basement.

Ol-ol-ol - washed the floor.

Ul-ul-ul - new chair.

Il-il-il - I washed the floors.

Alka-alka - Volodya has a stick.

Olka-olka - Volodya has a needle.

Ulka-ulka - Volodya has a bun.

Ilka-ilka - Volodya has a fork.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered and chatted about the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

Task 13. Introducing the sound [L"].

Sound symbol: a small airplane flies: llll... (see, color insert). Characteristic sound [L"]: consonant, soft, voiced. Designation: green circle with a bell.

Task 14. Phonetic exercise.

A girl sings a song: la-la-la...

Task 15. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [L"]”:

l, m, b, l...; la, lu, mi...; al, am...; leaf, fields, car, coal...

Task 16. Remember as many names as possible ending with a syllable

LYA: Kolya, Va..., Ga..., To...

Remember as many names as possible that begin with the syllables LI, LE, LYU:

Lisa, Lina...; Lyosha, Lenya...; Luda, Lucy...

Task 17. Replace the first sound in the words with the sound [L"]. What words did you get? Come up with sentences with each pair of words, count the number of words in each sentence:

Honey - ice, weight - ..., bale - ..., stump - ..., oven - ..., sand - ..., thing - ...

Task 18. Paste into a notebook pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound [L "], determine the place of the sound [L ' ] in each word, divide them into syllables, come up with a sentence with each word, determine the place of the word with the sound [L "] in proposal.

Task 19. Learn pure sayings:

La-la-la - green fields.

Li-li-li - we carried raspberries.

Lu-lu-lu - I love raspberries.

Le-le-le - I'm riding a donkey.

Task 20. Differentiation of sounds [L] - [L*]. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands when you hear a sound” [L]":

l, l, l, l; la, ol, al...

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

la la...; li-ly...; al-al...; ol-ol...

Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.

Task 21. Guess riddles, name what sound is in the answer ([L] - [L"]), and determine its place in the word.

wooden road,

It goes up slowly,

Every step is a ravine. (Ladder)

Above the houses along the path

A piece of flatbread hangs. (Moon)

Falling from a branch

Gold coins. (Leaves)

There are four legs under the roof,

And on the roof there is soup and spoons. (Table)

The tail is fluffy,

Golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

Lives in a hollow, gnaws nuts. (Squirrel)

Find the extra word in the series (by the presence of sounds [L] and [L ’]):

spoon, onion, shovel, ribbon; herring, drake, milk, plate.

Task 22. Arrange the pictures into two piles: objects whose names contain the sound [L], and objects whose names contain the sound [L"], divide all the words into syllables, determine the place of the sounds [L] and [L ’ ] in the words.

Didactic exercise “Give gifts to Lena and Lusha” (remember words with the sounds [L] and [L"]).

Name as many action words as possible that answer the questions:

What did you do? Walked, wrote... What did you do? I walked and wrote. .. Whatdid you do? We walked, wrote...

Task 23. Replace the sound [L] with the sound [L"] in the words. What words did you get? Come up with sentences with each pair of words.

Bow - hatch, corner - ..., ardor - ..., gave - ..., jackdaw - ..., ate - ..., shelf - ...

Listen to the suggestions. Find all the words in them with the sound [L] and with the sound [L"].

Lena was looking for a pin. The fox lived in the forest. Mila was watering the onions from a watering can.

Task 24. Differentiation of sounds [L"] - [Y]. Repeat pairs of words after the adult, come up with sentences with each pair.

Far - give, pain - fight, moth - mine, smack - kick, role - swarm. Lie - hedgehogs, ice - eater, Lyubka - skirt, strap - hole.

Task 25. Introducing the letter L.

L stared at the heron:

“We are like two drops:

The heron's legs are long,

Like the letter L, isn’t it?”

O. Hoffman

What else does the letter L look like?

The letter L from the fingers: slightly spread the index and middle fingers of the right hand, lower them down, and clench the remaining fingers into a fist. Letter games.

Task 26. Independent sound-syllable analysis of words, laying out diagrams from circles; writing words in printed letters under dictation, reading:

table, chair, shelf, foxes, saw.

Together with an adult, transform words using the letters of the split alphabet:

saw - linden, mala - llama, rock - weasel; give - far, pain - fight.

Analysis of proposals. Drawing up sentence diagrams, copying from an adult’s example, reading, taking dictation.

Lisa was going to the store. Lusha has a doll. Lusha was washing the doll. Lusha was washing the doll in the basin.

Yulia Skorik
Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson. Differentiation of sounds [l’] and [th] in syllables, words, phrases

Subject: Sound differentiation"L" and "Y".


Correctional and educational:

Clarify and consolidate articulatory-acoustic characteristics sounds"L`" and "Y"

Strengthen discrimination skills sounds"L`" and "Y" in syllables, words, phrases.

Practice discrimination sounds in hearing and pronunciation.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic awareness and skills sound analysis.

Develop skills sound analysis and synthesis.

Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the answers of your comrades, listen to the answer to the end, without interrupting.

Develop behavioral skills class

Equipment: individual mirrors, cotton wool, marking chips sounds, symbol cards depicting the position of the tongue during pronunciation sounds, subject pictures.

Progress of the lesson:

Today visit us lesson two friends came sound"L" and "Y". Let's say them and look at ourselves in the mirror. Tell us where and what the tongue does.

The tongue behind the upper teeth. He runs into them and jumps back.

Tell me which one sound"L"?

This consonant sound, because it is pronounced with an obstruction in the mouth. It is sonorous, pronounced with a voice and soft, lips in a smile.

Let's check it out. Let's say it again and see the tongue and lips in the mirror. And then we will feel the vocal cords ringing in the throat.

(Pronunciation clarification sound"Y". The work is carried out in a similar way.)

Compare these sounds, tell us how they are similar and how they differ.

These the sounds are similar that they are both consonants, voiced and soft. They differ in that when we pronounce sound“L” the tip of the tongue is at the top, and when “Y” it is at the bottom.

- Sounds We have prepared exercises for your tongues. Now we will do it

Articulation gymnastics:

1. "Painter"

2. "Swing"

3. "Spatula"

4. "Brushing our teeth"

5. "Delicious jam"

And now they want to play with you a little and offer you a game of football.

Breathing exercises "Football"

These sounds very cunning and love to take each other's place, but we should not allow this, because everyone sound must stay in its place.

Game “Ladki”

Now we'll play "Ladki" with sounds- we will repeat these sounds, like this l-th l-th l-th. Slowly at first, then faster.

A game "Teases"

You're doing well, now we can have some fun with sounds, let's tease them a little.

A game "Remember, repeat"

Let's see how you remember words which I will now name. Don't forget about sounds [th] and [l].

lily - alley - leaves

linden – spruce – poplar

T-shirt - pebble - nut

Okay, well done, now repeat after me

Game "Repeat"

Oh - oh - oh,” my patient groans.

Spruce - spruce - spruce - cranberry jelly.

Liu - lyu - lyu - I love my phone.

Lei-lei-lei - don’t spare the water.

Ay - ah - ah - sweep well.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, draw a picture.

- The sounds are very sporty, they love to do exercises with fairy-tale characters and invite us to do the same.

Physical education minute "Pinocchio"

Pinocchio stretched,

Bent over once, bend over twice,

He spread his arms to the side,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

We need to stand on our toes.

- Sounds“L” and “Y” love fairy tales very much, and their favorite characters are Baba Yaga and Leshy. They even came up with a game with them.

A game "Give it back word to Leshem\ Baba Yaga»

In front of the children there are pictures with words that have sound"L" and "Y"

Words with sound“L” - placed near Leshy. And with sound"Y" - near Baba Yaga.

Bunny - raspberry

yogurt - fox

tea - lemon balm

parrot - leaves

Well done! Everything was laid out correctly. Sounds shared with me one interesting story about their familiar kittens. Listen carefully and repeat

Finger gymnastics Kittens"

Here are five kittens. (The palm of the right hand is open.)

One left - and he is gone.

Well, he is not there - and no.

There are four kittens left. (Bend your thumb.)

Here are four kittens.

Alone at night sometimes

Climbed a tree -

There are three kittens left. (Fold your little finger.)

But somewhere it beeped

little mouse

The kitten heard -

There are two kittens left. (Bend your ring finger.)

One of them with a ball

disappeared through the door without a trace, (Fold your middle finger.)

And the smartest one is the one

remaining, last - (Place your index finger to your forehead.)

He went to the bowl

and, as a pussy should, (Fold your palms like a ladle.)

Lap for five

milk came out of the bowl. (Depict lapping movements with your tongue)

Guys, sounds invite us to come up with new ones words, let's go let's try:

A game "New words»

pain - sick

forest - forest

field - field

dust - dusty

glass - glass

soap - soapy

glass - glass

poplar - poplar

linden - linden

maple - maple

Well done, sounds they praise you very much and they are confident that you will cope with one more task:

A game "Finish the sentence"

(When pronouncing a sentence speech therapist places a picture in front of the children words to make work easier)

In the autumn park the ground is strewn with fallen trees. (leaves)

In winter, children wear warm clothes. (coat)

The children came for a walk in the coniferous forest. (forest)

Tall, slender ones grew up at the edge of the forest. (ate)

Natalia waters the flowerbed. (tulips)

Let me sum it up classes:

Well done boys! You did a good job today. The sounds praise you very much, they would like to play more, but it’s time for them to go home. Let's say goodbye to them.

Tell us what you liked most today?

Who came to see us today?

What games did we play with them?

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Automation of sound [t] in syllables, words, phrases” Goal: Correctional and educational goals: clarification of the articulation of the sound “T”. Automation of the sound “T” in syllables, words, sentences. Fasten.

Summary of an individual lesson in the senior group “Differentiation of sounds [S-Sh] in syllables and words” Goals: Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ш]. Objectives: -Develop the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. -Develop phonemic awareness. -Secure.

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [L]-[R] in words, phrases, sentences and tongue twisters” Topic: Differentiation of sounds [L] - [R] Goals: Correctional - educational: development of articulatory structures for sonorous sounds; differentiation.

Topic of the lesson: Automation of sound [Рь] Goal: automation of sound [Рь] Objectives: Correctional and educational: - clarify the correct articulation.