Is it ok to pour leftover coffee down the sink? Recommendations on what you can do with old holy water, how long glue can be stored

First of all, don't worry. Often an Orthodox Christian takes prosaic and everyday things as good or bad signs. For example, if the priest accidentally dropped his wedding ring at a wedding, the young people will not live. Or: when I prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos for something to come true, I saw how a ray of sunlight fell on my face and the image seemed to smile, it means that what I wanted will come true; The Epiphany water has spoiled - God's grace has departed from the house, expect trouble. This, of course, is superstition, that is, vain faith. The Holy Fathers say unequivocally: do not look for signs, do not indulge in superstitions and do not be inflamed by either positive or negative mental and emotional attitudes in this regard. Everything should be accepted indifferently, as if it had never happened.

All the will of God. Trust her, based primarily on the commandments of the Lord and the advice of the holy fathers. It is necessary, as they say, not to get excited or panic, but to clearly and soberly realize that our salvation depends on the will of God and on how zealously we work on ourselves to eradicate sin and cleanse and sanctify our inner man.

It is very easy to recycle holy water that has spoiled. Pour it somewhere under a bush or tree, on the grass or ground in a clean place where there is no debris. If this is an apartment, then pour it into a flowerpot, but not into the sewer, so that the shrine does not interfere with sewage. If holy water was stored in a plastic bottle, then it is better to burn it in a clean place, and if in a glass container, it can be rinsed well several times and also poured into a clean place.

It is better to store holy water not on a window or in a place where it receives direct sunlight. This can also cause it to deteriorate. On the other hand, you need to understand that initially the consecrated water may contain seeds of aquatic plants, from which the water can “bloom.” There are many natural options for when holy water can go bad.

When holy water becomes unfit for drinking, you can sprinkle it on your home, children, and relatives from the palm of your hand. And thus use the shrine for its spiritual purpose, so that the baptismal water, by the power of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, sanctifies and cleanses our home, and our souls and bodies receive the saving and life-giving power of God’s grace.

You can replenish your supplies of Epiphany or other holy water (from water-blessing prayers) in the church. You can store it all year round by adding plain water to the shrine according to the principle “a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea.” In a similar way, baptismal water is stored in the temple.

It’s nice to watch when you enter another house and see holy water and a cup standing next to it, and a bag of prosphora. And you already know that this person regularly eats holy water and prosphora. And sometimes you can see that a person’s Epiphany water is brought into the house on the feast of the Epiphany, placed closed in a closet and taken out from there only the next year on January 19th. It is poured out or replenished with fresh Epiphany water. This is, of course, sad. Because Epiphany water should serve us for our good. With proper consumption, it can and should support our spiritual and physical strength every day. She is a means of sanctifying our spiritual-physical nature. And therefore it is desirable that the day of an Orthodox Christian begins with her. After all, water, among other means consecrated by the Church, helps us fight sin and draw closer to God. The great shrine-agiasma is a symbol of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. God appeared to His people and dwells among them forever... Therefore, after the morning rule on an empty stomach, consumption of prosphora and holy water with a certain prayer is a kind of echo-symbol of the Liturgy, a certain very important moment of our personal home worship, in which God sanctifies both us and the coming day, teaching us His blessing in it.

You can and should drink holy water. Christians believe that water consecrated in the temple retains the grace of God. They drink holy water with reverence and prayer. It is customary to drink holy water on an empty stomach, but if necessary (in difficult circumstances) you can drink it after meals. The main thing when using it is not to forget that it is a shrine.

Is it possible to pour out holy water?

You can throw away holy water if it has spoiled. Although holy water remains fresh for a long time, and believers usually store Epiphany water for a whole year, and sometimes even several years, it still happens that it becomes unfit for consumption. But if you have to pour out holy water, then you need to find a clean place that is not trampled (on which they do not walk).

Is it possible to pour holy water into a sink?

You cannot pour holy water into the sink. This is a sacred thing - and even if it has lost its freshness, it cannot be poured into the sewer, where all kinds of sewage are poured. You can always find a clean place that is more suitable for pouring out the holy water.

Where can you pour holy water?

Holy water can be poured into a so-called untrodden place, where the shrine will not be trampled underfoot: into a pond with running water or into flower pots. You can also pour holy water under a tree, near the trunk of which no one walks and no dogs run.

When can you collect holy water for Epiphany?

Holy water for Epiphany can be collected after the Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water on January 18 and 19. On the eve of Epiphany, on Christmas Eve, January 18, the water is blessed for the first time and begins to be distributed to believers. The water is blessed for the second time after the festive Liturgy, which takes place at night and/or in the morning of January 19. In some churches, water is distributed during these two days both day and night with breaks during services, and you can collect holy water for Epiphany almost around the clock. In other churches, where there are not so many people, water is distributed only immediately after the service and consecration or during the hours when the temple is usually open. It is better to clarify in advance how the distribution will be organized in the church where you are going to collect holy water for Epiphany.

When can you get holy water in church?

You can collect holy water in the church throughout the year. Small blessings of water can be performed in churches almost every day, which is why there is almost always holy water in the church. But the more solemn Great Blessing of Water happens only twice a year - on the eve and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. Epiphany holy water can be collected in all operating Orthodox churches on these two days.

The water consecrated on January 18 and 19 is called Great Agiasma, and there is a special attitude towards it. But both consecrated during the year and baptismal water are holy water, during the consecration of which the priest and believers prayed for God’s mercy, and it is impossible to compare which water is more blessed.

Is it possible to boil holy water?

There is no need to boil holy water. Holy water becomes holy after the blessing of water - small or great - that is, after the priest reads special prayers over it and lowers the cross into it. Drinking water is usually used for this purpose. During the rite of consecration, water receives God's grace, which keeps it fresh and clean for a long time. If the holy water has spoiled, which also happens, then it should not be boiled, but poured into some clean place.

But you cannot brew tea or use it for cooking: holy water is sacred, and the attitude towards it must be appropriate.

Is it possible to drink holy water during menstruation?

You can drink holy water during your period. According to pious tradition, women during menstruation do not approach Communion, but there are no prohibitions on receiving holy water and prosphora on these days.

Even people who have been temporarily excommunicated from the Holy Body and Blood of Christ for some very serious sins are allowed to drink holy water. And menstruation is a natural process in a woman’s body, and it is not her fault, and therefore there is even more reason not to drink holy water during “critical” days.

Is it possible to wash your face with holy water?

You can wash your face with holy water - that is, take a little into your palm and wipe your face. But there is no need to wash your face with holy water, as if it were water in a washbasin, splash it in all directions and pour the excess into the sink. This is a shrine, and it should be treated with care.

We need to wash ourselves with holy water not in order, for example, to “remove damage” (as people sometimes think), but in order to come into contact with the source of God’s grace given to us.

Is it possible to wash a child with holy water?

You can wash your child with holy water by gently rubbing a small amount over his face. But this should be done not “from the evil eye,” as parents sometimes think, but with faith that holy water gives us the opportunity to come into contact with God’s grace.

Is it possible to wash an unbaptized person with holy water?

It is possible to wash an unbaptized person with holy water. Anyone who believes in its beneficial effects, but who does not treat holy water as some kind of amulet, can drink or anoint themselves with holy water. Holy water is not a magical medicine, but a shrine, which, if a person himself strives for God, can give him some support on this path.

Is it possible to wash floors with holy water?

You cannot wash floors with holy water. Even old, unsuitable holy water is poured into the so-called “untrodden place,” that is, where no one will walk, where the shrine will not be trampled.

In addition, there is absolutely no need to wash the floors with holy water, especially since any magical actions with the shrine are unacceptable. It is enough to sprinkle a small amount of the room if necessary.

Is it possible to consecrate a cross with holy water?

It is possible and necessary to sanctify the cross with holy water. Usually the consecration is performed by a priest during a water blessing prayer according to a special rite.

Basically, the crosses in church shops have already been consecrated. Crosses found, purchased in secular stores and made to order need to be blessed. Then you need to contact the priest in order to clarify whether the purchased cross corresponds to the Orthodox canons.

If there is no way to ask the priest in the temple to consecrate the cross, then you can sprinkle it with holy water yourself with a prayer for the consecration of any thing:

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing (this cross), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, those who want to use it will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
(And sprinkle the thing with holy water three times).

Is it possible to have holy water before communion?

They usually do not drink holy water before communion, since it is customary to keep the Eucharistic fast - that is, to abstain from any food and drink from 00.00 o'clock if the Liturgy is in the morning, or for 6-8 hours if the Liturgy is at night. But it happens that a person feels unwell or for health reasons cannot stop drinking at all. In this case, the believer may be allowed to drink a little holy water to maintain strength. But such a decision can only be made with the blessing of the priest!

How long can you store holy water?

You can store holy water for a long time. It has the amazing property of not deteriorating. Thus, believers usually store Epiphany holy water for a whole year, until the next Epiphany. There are cases where holy water remained fresh for several years.

But holy water is a gift that must be used. That is, there is no point in accumulating bottles of water in the house; you need to accept this God's blessing with faith and prayer.

Is it possible to dilute holy water?

You can dilute holy water; even a few drops of holy water impart its properties to a large volume. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to carry huge bottles of holy water home from the temple and fill your containers to the very top, “over the top.”

We must dilute holy water with prayer and reverence, believing that we are in contact with God's wonderful gift.

Is it possible to consecrate an apartment with holy water yourself?

The consecration of an apartment (house) is a requirement performed by a priest according to the special rite of blessing the home. He says special prayers calling for God's blessing on everyone living in this house. Then the priest prayerfully sprinkles the house with holy water and makes crosses on the walls of the house with blessed oil. The apartment is blessed once (except for special cases).

So you won’t be able to consecrate an apartment on your own without a priest, but you can simply sprinkle holy water on your home. There is even a tradition of doing this, bringing holy water home from the temple on the feast of Epiphany. In this case, you can read the following prayer:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the presence of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

or troparion for the holiday:

In the Jordan I am baptized to You, O Lord,/ Trinitarian adoration appeared:/ For the voice of your parents testified to You,/ naming Your beloved Son,/ and the Spirit in the form of a dove/ made known your word affirmation./ Appear, O Christ God,/ and an enlightened world, glory to You.

Is it possible to put holy water on the floor?

Holy water is not placed on the floor, showing reverence and respect to the shrine. At home it is kept in a specially designated place, often next to icons, and certainly not on the floor. But when a believer pours it in the temple and on the way home, it may happen that he has to put the holy water on the floor. If this is done not with disdain, but forcedly, then there is nothing wrong with it.

Is it possible to give holy water to animals?

You cannot give holy water to animals, because you need to take it with faith and reverence, asking the Lord for forgiveness of sins and liberation from passions. It is unlikely that animals can understand the meaning of this action and feel that they are in contact with a shrine.

You can sprinkle holy water on animals. This tradition has existed since ancient times, when livestock was sprinkled with holy water with prayers, asking the Lord to protect it from pestilence. The disease and death of animals was dangerous for humans because a family without livestock could be left without food.

Can a dog have holy water?

You should not give holy water to your dog. The Gospel says: “Do not give holy things to dogs.” These words are allegorical, but they are based on the realities that existed at that time - in Old Testament times, a dog was considered an unclean animal. Today, the attitude has changed, but according to church canons, animals are still not allowed to enter the church, and this church rule applies primarily to dogs.

It is forbidden to give holy water to a dog to drink, but it is permissible to sprinkle it with prayer, just as Christians sprinkle their home and household items, asking the Lord for help in all their affairs and needs. After all, a dog is often a person’s helper, and you need to treat this God’s creature with love.

Can a cat have holy water?

A cat cannot drink holy water, but it is possible to sprinkle a cat with holy water, as believers often sprinkle everything around them. Christians treat animals with warmth and care, since they are all creatures of God, but not on equal terms. And although many consider cats to be very smart animals, they cannot accept holy water as they should receive a shrine.

Is it possible to take tablets with holy water?

You can wash down the tablets with holy water, but think about why we are doing this. Holy water is a gift from God, and in order to accept it, we need to take our minds off at least for a minute from the everyday bustle, turn to God, and feel His presence in our lives.

Sometimes believers wash down the tablets with holy water when they do not want to break the Eucharistic fast before communion, but need to drink medicine. Sometimes - hoping for God's help in recovery. But under no circumstances should you take the tablets with holy water in the hope that it will enhance their effect. Holy water is not “church medicine”, it is a shrine.

Is it possible to drink holy water every day?

You can drink holy water every day. This action cannot be turned into some kind of magical ritual. Holy water is a gift that strengthens us on our path to the Lord, but its beneficial properties are manifested only when a person accepts this gift with a pure heart, prayer, and a sincere desire to be closer to God.

Is it possible to wash with holy water?

There is absolutely no need to wash with holy water. This is a shrine, and it should be treated with care. They drink holy water, sprinkle it on people, animals, homes, objects, they can anoint themselves with it, but they do not need to wash themselves with holy water.

Holy water is the source of God's grace. But using more of it will not increase grace. One drop is enough if a person’s faith is strong.

Is it possible to drink holy water on an empty stomach?

You can't drink holy water on an empty stomach. But it is still worth remembering, if possible, the pious tradition of consuming it before meals. Two days a year - on the eve of the holiday and on the day of Epiphany itself (January 18 and 19) - everyone drinks holy water without restriction at any time of the day.

At the same time, it is wrong to refuse holy water when there is a need to drink it (in illness, with some kind of mental or spiritual illness, in difficult life circumstances), just because you have already eaten that day. The Divine Service Charter even specifically clarifies that those who refuse holy water only for the reason that they have already “tasted the food” are wrong.

However, we need to understand that we do not drink holy water to quench physical thirst. We come into contact with a shrine that contains the grace of God, capable of helping us quench our spiritual thirst.

Is it possible to add holy water to a bath?

There is no need to add holy water to the bath. There is no point in immersing yourself in holy water in the hope that it will wash away all sins and all illnesses. With God's help, a person can only get rid of sins himself by sincerely repenting of them. Medicine, not a bath with holy water, helps to get rid of diseases, but the Lord can grant a person a cure through his faith and prayers.

To come into contact with God's grace, a drop of holy water is enough. The shrine must be treated with reverence, and it must not be poured down the drain after taking a bath.

Can holy water be added to tea?

You cannot add holy water to tea. Holy water is not a food or flavoring additive, nor a homeopathic medicine. This is a shrine. You should drink it not casually, but at least briefly turning to God, with prayer, with faith that the Holy Spirit Himself came into contact with this water and God’s grace was preserved in it.

How long can you keep holy water at home?

You can store holy water at home for a long time. Holy water does not spoil. Typically, Christians keep Epiphany holy water for a year - from Epiphany to the next Epiphany. And water blessed with a small rite on other days of the year can almost always be collected in the temple, so there is no point in saving it for a long time instead of drinking it.

There is no sin in keeping holy water at home for too long. But you need to understand that it is important not to drink water, but to participate in church life, go to church, pray, confess and receive communion. And if a person visits the temple, then he will not have problems replenishing his supplies of holy water.

Is it possible to cook with holy water?

You cannot cook with holy water. This is a shrine, and the attitude towards it should be reverent. Christians believe that during the blessing of water, the Lord Himself blesses the water, imparting His grace to it. And it’s strange to make soup from such a gift from God.

Can a drunk person drink holy water?

There is most often no need for a drunk person to take up holy water. Although there are situations when relatives try to bring a drunken man out of his mind with the help of holy water, and through their prayers and the grace of God, contact with the shrine benefits him, sobers him up, and protects him from committing some greater sin.

Of course, there is no need to go drunk for holy water or plunge into an ice hole on Epiphany night. If a drunk person simply picks up a container of holy water, then he will not “spoil” the shrine. If he took it upon himself to pour it out or commit other blasphemous acts, then this is a sin, and one must try to stop him.

Holy water is a shrine; the grace of God is preserved in it. One must approach the shrine with a sincere desire to live a Christian life.

Is it possible to drink holy water from a bottle?

You should not drink holy water from a bottle. There should be an appropriate attitude towards the shrine, and drinking it “from the throat” will not be very impious. But there are different situations in life, and if a person, with the feeling that he is touching a shrine, still drinks holy water from a bottle, then this will not affect the quality of the water or the quality of his spiritual life.

Can a Muslim drink holy water?

A Muslim by birth, but interested in Christianity, may drink holy water if he does so with faith and due reverence. If a person who considers himself a Muslim wants to turn to Christ and come into contact with the grace that the Lord gives through holy water, then why not? If he is a Muslim who strictly observes all the rules of Islam, he is unlikely to have such a desire. If a person who calls himself a Muslim wants to drink holy water with some evil intent, with ridicule or out of some superstitious ideas, then, of course, this cannot be done.

Is it possible to make holy water at home?

It is impossible to “make” holy water at home. Holy water is water that has been blessed according to the established rite by a priest. Blessing of water can be great or small. Great things happen only twice a year in a church (sometimes on a pond) - on Epiphany Eve (January 18) and on the day of Epiphany itself (January 19). Prayers with a small blessing of water can be performed on almost any day of the year and not only in the temple, but also in other suitable places when circumstances require it. That is, for some reason, a prayer service can take place in a Christian’s home, but the priest will perform the consecration during it, and the Lord God Himself will make ordinary water holy through the prayers of believers.

Prayer for accepting holy water

There is a general prayer for receiving holy water and prosphora. It is read when a Christian just drinks holy water:

Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of the Most Pure One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

Men often look sharply negatively at the fact that women simply pour coffee grounds into the sink, believing that this is very harmful to plumbing pipes, contributes to their clogging and rapid wear. Is this really true?

Old cast iron pipes have difficulty flushing out the remains of brewed coffee beans, since they are more solid than liquid. Therefore, if you have such pipes, then it is better to take care of them. Coffee contains several percent fat, which remains on the walls of the pipes. Sometimes it is recommended to use special products to clean them and pour them into the pipes for prevention.

Modern versions of plastic pipes intended for the kitchen have siphons with a large diameter of 40-50 mm. Therefore, they allow both coffee grounds and leftover food from blenders to pass through without clogging.

Only the fair sex who uses coffee grounds as a body scrub should take into account that the siphons in the shower are much smaller than in the kitchen. Therefore, the pipes may become clogged, but coffee grounds can be used in the bathroom without fear.

Ways to further use coffee grounds

You can buy flavored coffee both for drinking and for subsequent use in all these cases in our online store in Moscow at a very attractive price.

Directed negative energy destroys a person on a physical and mental level. Modern people do not pay attention to the increasing frequency of problems, so the evil program continues to destroy body and soul with impunity. How does wax casting help? In our review we will analyze the features of the magical ritual.

Signs of a problem

In a person’s life, a white stripe always alternates with a dark one. But if existence has turned into a stream of negativity, then you should seriously think about it. The cause of failure may be a ritual of black magic.

Damage and the evil eye have a number of signs.

  1. Health problems. Diseases become a part of the victim's life. Even an ordinary scratch can be accompanied by a lot of complications. Chronic fatigue appears.
  2. Sleep disturbance. Regular nightmares followed by insomnia.
  3. Expecting trouble. A constant feeling of approaching horror or disaster.
  4. Foreign odors. Fragrances suddenly appear where they shouldn't be. At the same time, those around them do not feel them.
  5. Changes in mood. A deep depressive state abruptly gives way to wild hysteria and aggression.
  6. Financial difficulties. The transition from ordinary lack of money to poverty, which is accompanied by the loss of a job or business.
  7. Impact on flora and fauna in the house. With proper care, plants constantly dry out. Pets get nervous, get sick, and run away. There may be attempts to attack the host-prey.
  8. Finding strange objects. Places (needles, dolls, ashes, etc.) are found in the home or workplace.

The main reasons for magical rituals are envy and resentment. Some people cannot stand the success of their colleagues or neighbors, so they use dark rituals for sabotage. Failures on the love front are also accompanied by the casting of witchcraft on the enemy.

Features of treatment

Removing damage with wax is an ancient technique known since pre-Christian times. Our ancestors used the casting of negativity from the chakras. Orthodox healers have improved their methods and now we have a powerful healing complex for black magic.

Before the ceremony, cleansing procedures were necessarily carried out. The performer fills his soul with positive energy for several days in a row. During this period, you can read the prayers “Our Father” or the Guardian Angel. It is important to be fully prepared for complex actions.

The rules and methods for treating wax damage require the use of a fresh natural product. If the substance has already been used in other rituals, then it is not suitable. After completing the cycle of rituals, the “medicine” is thrown away.

For the sacrament, prepare 200 g of wax and fresh, cold water from the well. Where can I get the substance? It is best to purchase a suitable element yourself from beekeepers. This ingredient makes it possible to recognize even the most hidden curses.

While the liquid is being collected, mentally read any known prayer three times. After which they make the sign of the cross. Some healers recommend dipping a silver object into a container overnight. After a few hours, the moisture acquires magical properties.

The most suitable time for the ceremony is before or after sunset. Action requires a lot of energy, and this period is characterized by maximum concentration of force. Removal of damage with wax for women is carried out on odd days, and for men - on even days. You cannot cast magic on Sundays and major Christian holidays.

Water is poured into a basin, and the natural substance is melted over a fire in a metal container, but not brought to a boil. During the action, the Lord's Prayer is read. The ladle is placed on the photo or held above the patient's head. Throw the “preparation” into the liquid in a thin stream. Decoding is done using the figures that appear.

Meanings of signs

If pouring is carried out correctly at home, then you can easily determine the hidden meaning of the symbols. Carefully inspect the frozen substance from all sides. Any branches and tubercles are of great importance.

A figurine of an animal (dog, horse) always means that there are signs of a “family” curse. Most often, such damage is done to constant quarrels and failures of all prospects. The presence of the image of a rooster pushes the victim to betrayal, and the bird symbolizes failure in endeavors. The snake most often indicates an enemy from close people.

Irregularly shaped bumps on the surface of the wax indicate a burning hatred for the patient. Balls are a sign of the evil eye. A symbol of severe damage will be posts or straight knives. And the longer the “fence”, the more dangerous the ritual. Frequent small stripes along the substance hint at fear.

If wax spills into the ring, then this is a spell to work. Actions that signify illness most often appear in the form of outlines of elements of the body (heart, eyes, head). By the way, images of the genitals are obtained after a love spell. Any dark dots and inclusions indicate a ritual aimed at beauty.

A tree or branching branches indicate severe, destructive damage. Does any figure end with a loop? This curse was imposed on a person in the womb of the mother or passed on from her by inheritance. Sometimes numbers or letters appear during the ceremony. If you decipher the designations, then such symbols can indicate the date of targeting, the initials of the performer.

If you cannot determine the results yourself, then your enemy is trying to hide the meaning of sabotage. Professional sorcerers have this kind of energy, so people with the same power can help you find out the interpretation of the signs and decide what the image looks like. Any torn edge and corners on the surface allow us to conclude that there is negative interference on the person.

Remove from home

If you find a lining near the threshold or inside the home, you must immediately pour the damage onto the wax. Witchcraft is performed on all the inhabitants of the premises, so being there is dangerous to life and health. You can perform the ritual yourself.

A simple ritual will help remove destructive energy. In the morning, a large apple without worms is purchased at the market. Healers advise not to bargain with the seller and not to take change. The fruit is cut in half and the core is removed.

Each corner of the house is walked around with a lit church candle. Circle doorways and windows in a circular motion. After the procedure, the remaining wax is melted and poured into the middle of the apple. Both halves are connected with five needles. For several seconds, the object is held in the hands, imagining how all the evil is absorbed into it. Then they take it outside and throw it away in a deserted place.

Remove from child

To make a person more painful, many sorcerers cast spells on children. Children under seven years of age are not immune to magical attacks, which immediately manifests itself in the form of hysterics or illnesses. How to remove the consequences without causing harm?

After repeating the prayer to the Great Martyr Cyprian three times, melted wax begins to be poured into the liquid. It is important to perform all actions carefully and not to splash the substance. With the help of a liquid ingredient, the chakra is cleansed, and negative energy goes away.

Based on the image of what happened, you can determine whether it is damage or the evil eye. The shape of the figures shows the effect of magic on the subtle matters of children: symptoms of illness and fears appear. Symbols representing the enemy help identify the pest. Remember that the ritual requires enormous energy from the performer and the patient, so more than one repetition should not be performed per session.

Take off

Is it possible to cleanse your own chakra? Wax methods do not prohibit performing actions independently, but the ritual requires maximum concentration. If you are confident in your own abilities, then you can try to remove light damage, the evil eye. It is better to remove attacks of fear with an assistant.

You need to drain negative energy from yourself using a photograph. We recommend taking a fresh, full-length image, without any strangers or animals. Don’t be lazy and dedicate the first session to diagnostics. The resulting images are interpreted. Remember that any columns rushing through the water to the bottom are a sign of a dangerous influence on death. In this case, the treatment is entrusted to a professional magician.

Unlike rituals with a person, a photo ritual requires maximum concentration. Use a container of melted wax to make circular movements clockwise from head to toe. During the actions, you can read a prayer to St. Cyprian. Then pour the substance into the water in a stream.

Things to remember

Many people hesitate to remove the evil eye or damage from themselves, considering the method ineffective. It is not difficult to master the technique; it is important to correctly follow all the requirements of the instructions. You can learn to clean at any age.

Each performer must make a protection for himself before the ritual. Without an amulet, the “symptoms” of magic will pass from the patient to the healer, so consecrated icons and church candles must be in the room. Words of prayer are said before and after the ceremony.

Wax can be reused only in relation to the person from whom the damage has already been removed. The number of low tides can be 3, 9, 12 or 27 times; in extremely rare cases, 40 may be needed.

Wax casting at home

Remove the evil eye yourself. Wax casting

Some patients are afraid of getting sick after the wax ritual. The technique has been tested by our ancestors for hundreds of years, so there is no need to worry about the danger. The only thing that can happen is burns from carelessness. With the help of the performer, it will be possible not only to carry out the ceremony correctly, but also to determine the diagnostic results.

If you want to find out if there is damage to you, then it is better to use natural wax. The technology, proven over centuries, will allow you to determine the presence of a problem, and will also tell you what and how much has been conjured. Our recommendations will help you decipher shapes and symbols.

I am a healer, and in my work with clients, I use various tools: wax, candles, water, spells. They are only auxiliary elements to my strength and knowledge.

I don’t make any secrets out of my work, I don’t weave a veil of anything mystical or occult. On the contrary, I film, conduct trainings, write, the main purpose of which is to tell you about the possibilities.

After all, magic is natural, natural science.

Order a wax casting.

Why is wax poured?

Wax is a natural material. It is collected by living organisms, bees. To collect honey, bees pollinate thousands and thousands of flowers. The flower, in turn, is also alive, it carries information from the earth and receives the energy of the Sun. The winds blow over it and provide additional information about life on planet Earth. Bees fly from field to field. Next, they seal the honey with wax. And it turns out that one gram of living wax contains information from the vast surface of the earth. So wax is living information. Pure, bright energy.

To this day we know about the miraculous properties of honey and wax is just as useful and can be used for good. Our ancestors knew this and carried out .

It’s no secret now that a person has chakras, an aura, a biofield, several bodies, an energy cocoon. And if any of this is damaged, then it is DAMAGE. Very simple! Everything that is not whole is damaged. Logical and understandable.

Yes, there are many types of this very damage: damage to death, crown of celibacy, generational curse, etc. Depending on what exactly is damaged on the subtle plane, the damage is identified.

Example. If the upper flow of energy and the lower one are blocked, then this is damage to death. A person, like a living organism, feeds all the time and is replenished with various types of energies. Energies flow through chakra channels. If the problem is with the heart chakra and the orange one, then this is the crown of celibacy.

I talked about this in detail in the video here

What does the poured wax do?

Removes, takes on dark, negative energy. He is like a sponge, absorbing the bad. During the process of pouring, the wax twists, bends, and a complete picture of a person’s energy appears. You can take these images and put them into words. To say what exactly the person’s problems are, how long ago, who is to blame.

The most valuable thing for me about using wax is that it helps to cleanse and purify a person. Let's imagine that a person weighs 10 kg. mud. By pouring over and over again, the wax takes on myself three kilograms of this very dirt accumulates in itself. The numbers are abstract, for example only.

As a healer, I sometimes pour wax when working with clients. He is a helper for me. I know what the person has and where it is damaged. Using wax I make my work easier. Those. I can clean a person only with the help of my power, pull dark energy from a person, or I can use wax as an assistant, pour it out and spend less energy.

You can order wax casting from me online.

How exactly to pour wax?

In short.

  1. I need phantom of a person, his image is taken from a photo. I work from a distance in the same way as if the person were in front of me.
  2. Water. Much has been written about the properties of water; it is alive. We use it in addition, as an assistant and a tool.
  3. Wax. Real, pure wax.
  4. You can also light a candle. Fire alive, it burns away negativity.

We melt the wax, tune in to the person and pour the wax into the water.

At the same time, you can pronounce conspiracies and prayers to help. Download the prayers you need here