Determinative clause: examples. Sentences with attributive clauses. Subordinate clauses Clause clauses with the conjunction word which

They indicate the attribute of the subject named in the main clause; answer the question Which ?

refer to one word in the main sentence - a noun (sometimes to the phrase “noun + demonstrative word”); are joined by allied words: who, what, whose, which, which, where, where, from, when. At the same time, demonstrative words are often found in the main sentence: that (that, that, those), such, every, every, any and etc.

Like definitions in a simple sentence, attributive clauses express a characteristic of an object, but, unlike most definitions, they often characterize the object not directly, but indirectly - through a situation that is somehow connected with the object.

For example: Forest , which we entered , was extremely old.(I. Turgenev); Once again I visited that corner of the earth, where I spent two unnoticed years as an exile.

(A. Pushkin).

Subordinate clauses are added using allied words - relative pronouns which, which, whose, what and pronominal adverbs where, where, from, when. In the subordinate clause they replace the noun from the main clause.

For example: I ordered to go to a stranger item , which (= object) He immediately began to move towards us.

(A.S. Pushkin) - union word which is subject.

I love of people , With which(= with people) easy to communicate. (With which is an addition).

Conjunctive words in complex sentences with attributive clauses can be divided into basic (which, which, whose) And non-core (what, where, where, where, when).

Non-main ones can always be replaced by the main allied word which, and the possibility of such a replacement is a clear sign of attributive clauses.

For example: Village , Where(wherein) I missed you Evgeny, it was a lovely corner ... (A. Pushkin) - [noun, ( Where),].

I remembered today dog , What (which) was a friend of my youth.

(S. Yesenin) – [noun] ( What).

Subordinate clause usually appears immediately after the noun it modifies, but may be separated from it by one or two members of the main clause.

For example: They were just peasants kids from a neighboring village, who guarded the herd. (I. Turgenev.)

You cannot place a noun and the subordinate clause associated with it far from each other, you cannot separate them with members of a sentence that do not depend on this noun.

You can't say: We ran to the river to swim every day after work, which was very close to our house .

Correct option: Every day in the evening after work we ran to swim river , which was very close to our house.

The subordinate clause can break the main part, being in the middle of it.

For example: Mill bridge , from which I have caught minnows more than once , was already visible.

(V. Kaverin.)

Small house , where I live in Meshchera , deserves description.(K. Paustovsky.)

The word being defined in the main part may have demonstrative words that one, For example:

IN that room , where I live , there is almost never sun.

There are subordinate attributive clauses that relate specifically to demonstrative or attributive pronouns that, that, such, such, each, all, every etc., which cannot be omitted. Such subordinate clauses are called pronominal attributives . The means of communication in them are relative pronouns who, what, which, which, which. They are attached to the main sentence using allied words (main allied words - Who And What).

For example: Who lives without sadness and anger , That does not love his homeland.(N. A. Nekrasov) - means of communication - union word Who, acting as the subject.

He is not such , how we wanted him to be. - means of communication - allied word what, which is the definition.

All seems good What it was before.(L.N. Tolstoy) - means of communication - allied words What, which is the subject.

Compare: That man , who came yesterday , didn't show up today- subordinate clause. [indicative word + noun, ( which), ].

That, who came yesterday , didn't show up today.- subordinate pronominal attributive. [pronoun, ( Who), ].

Unlike the actual attributive clauses, which always appear after the noun to which they refer, pronominal attributive clauses can also appear before the word being defined.

For example: Who lived and thought , That can't help but despise people in his soul...(A. Pushkin) - ( Who), [pronoun].

A sentence is called which consists of two syntactically unequal parts: main part(head part) - basic and independent, subordinate clause(contractual part) is subordinate to the main part. Parts of a complex sentence are combined using subordinating conjunctions, allied words, and also using intonation.

The subordinate part is attached to the main part using conjunctions and allied words, i.e. relative pronouns and adverbs acting as subordinating conjunctions who, what, which, how, when, where, whose, from where, where, so, as if, if, so that, because, although, while and etc.

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words are found in the subordinate clause of a sentence.

The subordinate clause can refer to a specific word or phrase, to a grammatical stem, or to the entire main clause. You can pose a question from the main part to the subordinate part.

The subordinate part can be located before the main part, after and inside it: ( What), ; , (What); , (What). For example: When the bread , then the measure when the money, then there is faith (Proverb). It was already dawn when I finally fell asleep(V. Voinovich). The lion is creeping towards that stream, where herds of buffalo go to drink water every day, and hides between the stones (I. Kuprin).

A complex sentence can have two or more subordinate clauses : We need to study a lot to realize that you know little(M. Montaigne).

In the subordinate part of a complex sentence, you can provide additional information about the subject, person, event, you can indicate the cause, conditions, purpose of those events mentioned in the main sentence. Depending on this, three types of subordinate clauses are distinguished: explanatory(z "yasuvalni") definitive(meaning) circumstances (furnished) (place, time, purpose, cause, condition, concession, consequence, mode of action, measure and degree, comparison).

The subordinate clause is separated by commas in the middle of the main part (one comma if the subordinate clause is at the beginning or end of a complex sentence; two - if in the middle).

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words are identifying features of the “Commas in a complex sentence” rule.

To check, follow the algorithm: find the semantic line segment, attached by a subordinating conjunction or allied word, and separate it with commas.

Plan for parsing a complex sentence

1. Determine the type of sentence based on the purpose of the statement and the emotional coloring.

2. Highlight (underline) the grammatical bases in each part of a complex sentence and indicate that the sentence complex.

3. Make sure that the parts of a complex sentence connect subordinating conjunction or allied word, indicate that the proposal is union, complex.

4. Name home And subordinate clause part, mark place subordinate part in relation to the main one.

5. From the main to the subordinate part, ask a question, indicate what clarifies, complements, what the subordinate part in the main indicates and indicate its type.

6. Analyze each part of a complex sentence according to the plan for parsing a complex sentence.

7. Make a diagram of a complex sentence.

1. Selective distribution work

I. Read the sentences selected from the work M. Lermontov, maintaining the correct intonation. Indicate the conjunction or allied word that attaches the subordinate clause to the main clause. In which part of a complex sentence is there always a conjunction or a conjunctive word?

II. First write down sentences in which the subordinate clause comes after the main clause, then sentences in which the subordinate clause comes before the main clause, and then inside the main clause. Place punctuation marks.

1. The old woman answered all my questions that she was deaf and couldn’t hear. 2. She felt an internal heat as if there was a red-hot iron in her chest. 3. When I woke up it was already dark in the yard. 4. The area on which we were supposed to fight depicted an almost regular triangle. 5. He throws his head back when he speaks and constantly twirls his mustache with his left hand. 6. I involuntarily took several steps forward to quickly move away from the edge. 7. Everything would have been saved if my horse had enough strength for another ten minutes! 8. I went to the fortress to find out from the commandant about the hour of my departure. 9. However, in those moments when he casts off his tragic mantle, Grushnitsky is quite sweet and funny.

3. Using the materials from the table “Types of subordinate parts”, determine the type of subordinate part. Parse the third sentence.

2. Constructing sentences

Make up sentences based on this beginning. From the main part to the subordinate part, ask a question, determine the type of subordinate part.

When determining the type of subordinate clause, errors may occur.

The place where our camp was located was in a picturesque corner of the island. In this sentence, the attributive clause, since it indicates a characteristic, can be asked a question: Place ( which?), where our camp was located, ... . What error could occur when determining the type of this part? What could have caused it?

When determining the type of subordinate clause of a complex sentence, always ask a question about it, think about the question and the meaning of the subordinate clause.

3. Explanatory letter

I. Write down the sentences, arranging punctuation marks. Underline the conjunction or allied word that joins the subordinate clause to the main clause. In which part of the sentence is there always a conjunction or a connecting word?

II. Using the advice given above and the materials from the table “Types of subordinate clauses,” determine the type of subordinate clause, indicating it in parentheses. Orally comment on what errors could occur when determining the type of subordinate clause, and what could have caused them. How did you manage to avoid them?

1. Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts and not through memory ( L. Tolstoy). 2. The last time he saw her was in the spring near the school where he himself once studied ( F. Iskander). 3. I didn’t know exactly where his house was located ( F. Iskander). 4. The snow and rain were so continuous that the other bank of the river was not visible ( E. Grishkovets). 5. It's sad to see a young man lose his best hopes and dreams ( M. Lermontov).

III. Analyze the third sentence.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses explain in the main part a member of a sentence expressed by a noun or pronoun, answer questions Which? which? whose?.

Subordinate clauses are attached to the main part using allied words which, which, whose, where, where, when and subordinating conjunctions: what, to, as if, exactly as: Just in case, I opened the pantry, Where The cleaning lady was stacking firewood and laughed (V. Belov).

A conjunctive word that can be found not only at the beginning, but also in the middle of the subordinate clause: We approached the river, the right bank which overgrown with dense thorny bushes.

The attributive clause in a sentence always comes only after the word being defined.

To highlight the word being defined in the main part and in the sentence, demonstrative words can be used then, that, those, that, such.

For example: His (the artist’s) art grows along with the people he depicts (A. Tolstoy).

4. Restoring offers

I. Copy the sentences, replacing, where possible, the connecting word which union word where, when, where or What. First write down the sentences with participial phrase, then - sentences with participles and sentences with introductory words. Place punctuation marks.

II. Determine the type of subordinate parts of complex sentences. Analyze the fifth sentence.

1. On the left, behind the tangerine bushes, a garden began in which grew pears, figs and a pomegranate tree dotted with crimson helots ( F. Iskander). 2. His mother opened the door for him and, still smiling affectionately, led him into the room where his grandmother was sitting ( F. Iskander). 3. The sea quietly echoed the beginning of one of the ancient legends that may have been created on its shores ( Maksim Gorky). 4. She had to be saved, of course, by a handsome prince who would certainly appear at the most tragic moment and certainly under scarlet sails ( M. Yudenich). 5. We kept looking at the platform from which the bus was supposed to depart.

5. Punctuation work

Write down the sentences. Use commas to separate the subordinate clauses of complex sentences. Check the correct punctuation.

1. The windows of her room looked out onto a street-gorge, the bottom of which turned out to be canal water shimmering with quartz ingots. 2. The bells of neighboring churches began to speak pitifully again, interrupting each other. They and San Marco were answered by an even roar against the background of which the upper bells splashed. 3. A trapezoid of sunlight was pushed into the opening of the half-open window, the upper corner of which touched the edge of the mirror cabinet. 4. She saw the front door of a neighboring house whose steps went straight into the water.

(D. Rubina)

The attributive clause should only appear after the word to which it refers.

6. Editing

Find errors in these sentences caused by incorrect placement of the subordinate clause. Write down the sentences in corrected form.

1. We looked for luminous points of satellites moving across the sky every evening, which looked like they were lost in space stars. 2. We admired the sunset of the southern sun, which was extremely beautiful. 3. The computer program helped me develop the project much faster, which I installed. 4. Mobile communications can significantly increase the pace of life, which is widespread everywhere.

7. Mixed texts

I. This text is composed of two thematically similar texts (the first text by L. Ulitskaya, the second by T. Tolstoy). Read the texts, find their boundaries, based on some features of the author's styles and grammatical features of the texts.

II. Read the text by L. Ulitskaya expressively. Write out the isolated definitions together with the word being defined in front, orally replace the isolated definitions with a subordinate attributive with a conjunction which. Write a summary of the first text using the written materials.

Once upon a time they studied in the same class at the gymnasium, wore the same gray-blue uniform dresses, sewn by the best tailor in Kaluga, and wore the same gymnasium badges “KZhGS”. These openwork letters meant only the Kaluga Women's Gymnasium on Sadovaya.

Anya was an excellent student with a thick braid thrown over her shoulder; in her notebooks the last page was no different from the first, especially beautiful and diligent. Asya did not have the same zeal for learning that Anya had: French verbs, endless palisades of dates and beautiful trinkets of theorems flew into one of her ears, half-covered by springy, randomly curly whitish hair, and while she drew a caricature of a history teacher with a finely sharpened pencil, flew out of another. Asya was a lively, cheerful and nice girl.

We were friends childhood. We once hurried through the same morning iron darkness, past the same snowdrifts, fences and swinging lanterns, to the same red brick school, surrounded on the outside by medallions with alabaster profiles of frostbitten literary classics. And what they all had in common were green walls, floors smeared with red mastic, echoing staircases, the warm stench of locker rooms, and on the third floor landing the scary-eyed Saltykov-Shchedrin, vaguely writing about some crucian carp.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses answer case questions and explain in the main part words that have the meaning of speech, thought, feeling. Lexical meaning These words require clarification: what did you say(answered, shouted, asked) what I thought, what I felt(what I was happy about, what I’m happy about, what I’m confident about, what I’m sorry about, what’s desirable, etc.).

Such sentences require completion with the help of a subordinate explanatory part, both in meaning and grammatically. The subordinate clause may contain a demonstrative word That, with which you can direct the attention of the listener or reader to the content of the subordinate clause: He himself was surprised that that listens into this emptiness (F. Iskander).

The subordinate part most often comes after the main part and is joined to it with the help of conjunctions and allied words what, so that, how, as if, whether, how much, where, when, where, why, how, why.

Indirect speech is conveyed by complex sentences with explanatory clauses.

8. Syntactic synonyms

I. Write down the sentences. Place commas and explain their placement. Name the type of subordinate clauses, indicate the word that they explain in the main part. In which part of the sentence is someone else's speech indirectly reproduced?

II. Write down the sentences, replacing indirect speech with direct speech. How are personal and possessive pronouns replaced in this case? Whose point of view do they represent in direct speech?

1. The guide warned us to be very careful. 2. Mom asked me to find the information she needed for the article on the Internet. 3. The sailors said that the Don was becoming dangerously shallow and that its sources were being covered with sand ( K. Paustovsky). 4. Kozonkov asked where I live ( V. Belov). 5. The interlocutor, starting with the number and quality of heirs, asked where and who I work for ( V. Belov).

9. Constructing sentences

I. Read the test questions. After answering them, analyze whether you can communicate effectively. Evaluate your answers like this: Always- 2 points, In most cases- 4 points, Sometimes- 6 points, rarely - 8 points, never- 10 points. You will receive the exact answer with maximum sincerity. If you end up scoring above 62 points, you are a good conversationalist.

II. Indicate complex sentences. Write down the number of the complex sentence, draw up its diagram, and indicate the type of subordinate clause in brackets.

III. Include simple sentences as subordinate parts and the composition of a complex sentence. Build the main part like this: The psychologist asked, ... ; The presenter clarified, ... ; I asked, ...etc. Circle the conjunction-particle whether. How will the punctuation change at the end of the sentence?

Your communication style
1. Do you try to interrupt a conversation if the topic or your interlocutor is not interesting to you?
2. Can an unsuccessful or tactless expression of your interlocutor provoke you to be harsh or rude?
3. Can the manners of your interlocutors irritate you?
4. Do you avoid talking with an unknown or unfamiliar person, even when he strives to do so?
5. Do you have a habit of interrupting your interlocutor?
6. Do you pretend that you are listening attentively to your interlocutor, while thinking about something completely different?
7. Does your tone, voice, or facial expression change if the tone of your interlocutor has changed?
8. Do you change the topic of conversation if the interlocutor touches on a topic that is unpleasant to you?
9. Do you correct your interlocutor if there are incorrectly pronounced words, distorted names, or terms in his speech?
10. Are you sometimes ironic towards your interlocutor?

(According to L. Averchenko)

10. Homework

Option 1 . Copy the text of the exercise. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Circle unions or allied words, indicate the type of subordinate clauses. Explain the placement of the colon in the first sentence. Indicate sentences with indirect speech.

Option 2 . Copy the text of the exercise, transforming sentences with indirect speech into sentences with direct speech. Explain the placement of the colon and thyrsus.

Today I received a "D" in physical education: I did not jump very high, did not jump long, and mixed up all the gymnastic exercises.

There was nothing joyful about it. The physical education teacher reminded me that our school is in first place in the region in terms of sports activities. He said that I should have gone to another school that was not in such an honorable place in the area as ours. During recess, the class teacher warned me not to think that physical education was a secondary subject. And she said that in general you just have to start: today you get a bad mark in physical education and tomorrow you get a bad mark in literature or even in mathematics(our class teacher is a math major). And the class leader, Knyazev, simply said that I was a wimp.

(A. Aleksin)

Option 3 . Copy the text. Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Underline the participial and adverbial phrases as parts of the sentence. Justify the placement of dashes in sentences.

I entered my class and began to look for the desk at which I had once sat. Wait, where was I sitting? In the tenth grade, my neighbor was Seryozha Voropaev - that’s for sure. We were sitting by the window, there was a free desk in front and then there was the teacher’s desk... Now I remember! Our desks were powerful, monolithic. The lids of the desks covered with rock paintings were painted over with a thick layer of green paint every year. But the traces left by previous generations still appeared.

Moving from class to class, we grew out of our sledges like out of children's clothes - and this was called growing up. Welcoming the incoming teacher, we stood up and slammed the hinged lids - and there was some special solemnity in this.

(According to Yu. Polyakov)

Option 4 . From exercise 7, write out the second text (author T. Tolstaya), replacing participial phrases with attributive clauses. Underline the participial phrases as parts of the sentence. Indicate the word defined by the participial phrase with an x.

Option 5 .

1. Copy the text, placing punctuation marks and replacing highlighted subordinate clauses with participial and participial phrases, and direct speech with indirect speech.

2. Consider any phenomenon of nature or life, identifying the possible goals of this phenomenon from different points of view. Write an essay, trying to use the same syntactic structures as in the text of this exercise. someone else's speech convey in the form of indirect speech.

Bee who was sitting on a flower stung the child. And the child is afraid of bees and says the purpose of a bee is to sting people. The poet admires the bee which stuck into the cup of a flower and says the purpose of the bee is to absorb the scent of flowers. Beekeeper who noticed that the bee collects flower dust and brings it to the hive says the purpose of the bee is to collect honey. Another when observing the relocation of plants sees that the bee is facilitating this migration. And this new observer can say This is the purpose of the bee.

But the final goal of the bee is not limited to either one or another or a third goal that the human mind is able to discover. The higher the mind rises in the discovery of these goals, the more obvious to it is the inaccessibility of the final goal. Man can only observe the correspondence between the life of a bee and other phenomena of life. The same goes for the goals of historical figures and peoples.

(According to L. Tolstoy)

A.N.Rudyakov, T.Ya. Frolova. Russian language 9th grade

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Lesson content

Learning syntax causes certain difficulties, which is primarily due to the variety of structures and concepts. is distinguished by the presence of several predicative parts that can be independent. This is a compound sentence. Or they can be dependent and main - this is a complex sentence. The article deals with IPPs with attributive clauses.

Complex sentence with subordinate connection of parts

Sentences, where one part is the main part and the other dependent parts, can be different in their structure and in the meaning of the subordinate parts. If the subordinate part of the NGN responds to cases, then this is an explanatory part. For example:

  • Peter claimed that he was not at the meeting.
  • Catherine understood why they were doing this work.
  • The cat knew that she would be punished for her antics.

In cases where a circumstantial question is asked to the subordinate clause, this is a sentence. Eg:

  • They met in the park after the demonstration ended.
  • Since the storm began, the boat trip had to be postponed.
  • Maxim was where his friends lived.

For SPPs with attributive clauses, the question “which” is asked. For example:

This bird, which has flown over the sea several times, is called a loon.

The boy, whose parents worked at a facility in Sochi, showed excellent results in sports.

The estate, which is located within the reserve, is a museum.

Punctuation in NGN

What punctuation marks are used in a complex sentence? In Russian grammar, it is customary to separate the main clause from the subordinate clause with commas. In most cases, it precedes a conjunction or is a member of a sentence; you can ask a question to it): " The tourists stopped for the night in a tent camp because they still had a long way to go to the mountains."

There are many examples when a comma is placed at the end of the main part, but not before a conjunction/conjunctive word (this is especially often observed in SPPs with attributive clauses): " The path to the source lay through a gorge, the location of which was known to few."

In cases where the subordinate clause is located in the middle of the main clause, commas are placed on both sides of the dependent clause: " The house they moved into was larger and brighter."

Punctuation marks are placed according to the same syntactic rules: after each part there is a comma (most often before conjunctions/conjunctive words). Eg: " When the full moon rose, the children saw the mysterious splashing of sea waves, the sounds of which they had heard for a long time."

Subordinate clause

  • The attributive dependent part reveals some characteristics of the word indicated in the main part. Such a subordinate clause is comparable to a simple definition: " It was a wonderful day"/ "It turned out to be a day that we had been dreaming about for a long time." The difference is not only syntactic, but also semantic: if definitions name the object directly, then the subordinate part draws the object through the situation. With the help of allied words, SPPs with attributive clauses are added. Example sentences:
  • The car that Maria bought in Japan was reliable and economical.
  • Misha brought apples from the orchard, where pears and plums also grew.
  • The father showed tickets to Venice, where the whole family will go in September.

At the same time, there are allied words that are basic for such sentences: “which”, “whose”, “which”. Others are considered non-essential: “where”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “from where”.

Features of the subordinate clause

Having briefly described the main characteristics of the structures, we can make a short summary of “SPP with a subordinate attributive”. The main features of such proposals are revealed below:

Pronominal-defining sentences

From SPPs with subordinate attributives, where the dependent part refers to a noun with a demonstrative pronoun, it is necessary to distinguish those that depend on the demonstrative pronoun itself. Such sentences are called pronominal attributive sentences. For comparison: " Anyone who has not passed the laboratory work will not be allowed to take the test."/ "Those students who have not passed the laboratory work will not be allowed to take the test." The first sentence is pronominal-definitive, since in it the subordinate part depends on the demonstrative pronoun “that”, which cannot be removed from the sentence. In the second sentence, the dependent clause refers to the noun “students”, which has a demonstrative pronoun “those” and can be omitted, therefore it is a attributive clause.

Exercises on the topic

The “SPP with subordinate attributive” test will help to consolidate the theoretical information presented above.

  1. Which sentence contains an IPP with a subordinate clause?

a) Yegor was informed about what had happened late, which he did not like.

b) Due to the fact that the meeting was delayed, the lawyer was late for the meeting.

c) The grove, where many birches grew, attracted mushroom pickers after the rain.

d) The sea was calm when they reached the shore.

2. Find a pronominal attribute among the sentences.

a) He has not yet been seen as he was yesterday at the meeting.

b) The city that appeared on the horizon was Beirut.

c) Everyone liked the idea that came into his head.

d) The school her sister went to was in another city.

3. In which answer option does the subordinate part break the main part?

a) He will not understand Pushkin who has not read him with his soul.

b) The water in the river, which was located on the outskirts of the city, was cold.

c) His friend, whom he met at the conference, was invited to his birthday.

d) Vasily called the doctor, whose number was given by Daria Nikolaevna.

4. Indicate the subordinate clause.

a) He knew where the cargo was delivered from.

b) The country where he came from was in the center of Africa.

c) Where Mikhail came from was known only to his father.

d) She went to the window from where the voices were coming.

5. Indicate a sentence with a pronominal clause.

a) The street that ran parallel to the avenue was the oldest in the city.

b) The one in the yellow suit turned out to be Ipatov’s wife.

c) The girl that Nikolai met in the park was a friend of his sister.

d) Lydia was attracted by the song that the children performed on stage.

Subordinate clauses indicate the attribute of the subject named in the main clause; answer the question Which?; refer to one word in the main sentence - a noun (sometimes to the phrase “noun + demonstrative word”); are joined by allied words: who, what, whose, which, which, where, where, from, when. At the same time, demonstrative words are often found in the main sentence: that (that, that, those), such, every, every, any and etc.

For example: The forest we entered, was extremely old(I. Turgenev); Once again I visited that corner of the earth, where I spent two unnoticed years as an exile (A. Pushkin).

Like definitions in a simple sentence, attributive clauses express a characteristic of an object, but, unlike most definitions, they often characterize the object not directly, but indirectly - through a situation that is somehow connected with the object.

Subordinate clauses are added using allied words - relative pronouns which, which, whose, what and pronominal adverbs where, where, from, when. In the subordinate clause they replace the noun from the main clause.

For example: I ordered to go to an unfamiliar object, which (= object) immediately and began to move towards us(A.S. Pushkin) - union word which is subject.

I love the people I'm with(= with people) easy to communicate (With which is an addition).

Conjunctive words in complex sentences with attributive clauses can be divided into basic (which, which, whose) And non-core (what, where, where, where, when).

Non-main ones can always be replaced by the main allied word which, and the possibility of such a replacement is a clear sign of attributive clauses.

For example: The village where(wherein ) I missed you Evgeny, it was a lovely corner...(A. Pushkin) - [noun, ( Where ),].

I remembered today a dog that(which) was my youth friend(S. Yesenin) - [noun ( What ).

Sometimes at night in the city desert there is one hour, imbued with melancholy, when(in which ) night fell over the whole city...(F. Tyutchev) - [noun], ( When).

Union word which can be found not only at the beginning, but also in the middle of the subordinate clause.

For example: We approached a river, the right bank of which was overgrown with dense thorny bushes.

Word which may even appear at the end of a subordinate clause, as in the epigram of D.D. Minaeva: That field gives a generous harvest, for which they do not spare manure...

Subordinate clause usually appears immediately after the noun it modifies, but may be separated from it by one or two members of the main clause.

For example: They were just peasant kids from a neighboring village, who guarded the herd. (I. Turgenev.)

It is forbidden To place a noun and the subordinate clause associated with it far from each other, you cannot break them apart with members of a sentence that do not depend on this noun.

You can't say: We ran to the river to swim every day after work, which was very close to our house .

Correct option: Every day in the evening after work we ran to swim to the river, which was very close to our house.

The subordinate clause can break the main part, being in the middle of it.

For example: Mill Bridge, from which I have caught minnows more than once, was already visible.(V. Kaverin.) Little house, where I live in Meshchera, deserves description.(K. Paustovsky.)

The word being defined in the main part may have demonstrative words that one, For example: There is almost never sun in the room where I live. However, such a demonstrative word can be omitted and is therefore not required in the sentence structure; a subordinate clause refers to a noun even if it has an indicative word.

In addition, there are subordinate attributive clauses that relate specifically to demonstrative or attributive pronouns that, that, such, such, each, all, every etc., which cannot be omitted. Such subordinate clauses are called pronominal attributives . The means of communication in them are relative pronouns who, what, which, which, which.

For example: Who lives without sadness and anger, he does not love his homeland(N. A. Nekrasov) - means of communication - union word Who, acting as the subject.

He's not what we wanted him to be.- means of communication - allied word what, which is the definition.

Everything seems good What it happened before(L.N. Tolstoy) - means of communication - allied words What, which is the subject.

Like subordinate clauses, pronominal attributives subordinate clauses reveal the attribute of the object (therefore it is better to ask them a question too Which?) and are joined to the main sentence with the help of allied words (main allied words - Who And What).

Compare: That the man who came yesterday, today didn't show up- subordinate clause. [indicative word + noun, ( which), ]. The one who came yesterday, today didn't show up- subordinate pronominal attributive. [pronoun, ( Who ), ].

In contrast to the actual attributive clauses, which always come after the noun to which they refer, pronominal clauses can also appear before the word they define.

For example: He who lived and thought can't help but despise people in his soul...(A. Pushkin) - ( Who), [pronoun].

Answer questions about definitions ( Which? which? which?). Another name is subordinate pronouns. Join with the help of allied words: which, which, whose, what, where, when, from, etc. And also unions: so that, as, and the like, as if, etc. Rarely using particles (whether, etc.).


    [The alarm clock rang]. Alarm Which?(Which my grandmother gave to me).

[The alarm rang],( which my grandmother gave me).

    [The house burned to the ground]. House Which?(Where I was born).

[House,( where was I born), burned to the ground].

    [A.S. More than one monument was erected to Pushkin]. A.S. Pushkin which one?(Whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate).

[A.S. Pushkin,( whose contribution to the development of Russian literature is difficult to overestimate), more than one monument was erected].

    [That day my life changed]. In a day Which?(When I understood everything).

[In that day,( when I understood everything), my life has changed].

Explanatory clauses

Refers to a verb. Answer questions about indirect cases ( to whom? what? whom? what? by whom? how? etc.). Join with the help of allied words: who, what, which, whose, where, where, where, how, why, why, how much And also unions: what, in order, as if, as if, as if, etc.

They appear after or in the middle of the main clause.

Here the main clause is in square brackets, and the subordinate clause is in round brackets.

    [I'm definitely sure]. Sure in what?(In that the Earth has the shape of a ball).

[I'm sure of that]( that the earth is spherical).

    [He found out]. Found out What?(How many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite).

[He found out],( how many days have passed since the launch of the first satellite).

    [They understood]. Got it What?(Why did I do this).

[They understood],( why did I do this).

Subordinate clauses

Apply to the entire main part. Join with the help of allied words: what, where, where, where, when, how, why They supplement and explain the content of the main part. Often they have the meaning of a consequence.

    He was worried ,(which is why I couldn’t pass the exam successfully).

    My brother never opened the book during all this time ,(which gave me no rest)

Adverbial clauses

They have the same meanings, answer the same questions and are divided into the same types as circumstances in a simple sentence. Divided into three main groups:

    clauses of time and place;

    additional causes, consequences, conditions, concessions, goals;

    subordinate clauses of manner of action, measures, degrees, comparisons.

Clauses of time and place

Subordinate clauses indicate the time of the action in the main and answer questions When? how long? since when? How long? Unions are the means of communication barely, until, before, until, since. as soon as, when, while.

Here the main clause is in square brackets, and the subordinate clause is in round brackets.

    [It was already getting dark]. It was getting dark When?(when we arrived home).

[It was already getting dark] (when we arrived home).

    [I saw you perfectly]. I saw you until when? (while you were standing behind the crowd).

[I saw you perfectly], (while you stood behind the crowd).

Subordinate clauses indicate the place where the action takes place in the main sentence and answer questions Where? Where? where? Join with the help of allied words: where, where, where. In the main sentence they usually correspond to demonstrative words there, there, from where.