Dragon age inquisition bull approval. Dragon Age: Inquisition Companions: The Iron Bull

: What was Iron Bull like before the Inquisition?

[PATRICK WEEKS]: Iron Bull was Ben-Hassra, an embedded agent on a Qunari-controlled island that was threatened by rebels and agitators. Imagine the world's equivalent of a federal counter-terrorism unit Dragon Age, then you can roughly understand. When things got hot, he was one of those who were sent to correct the situation.

: Sounds like a high-demand job. Although, judging by his appearance, he can handle such things.

[PU]: Yes, that's true, but no one can work under such pressure forever. When the Iron Bull "went out", his superiors sent the Bull to do the job that outsiders imagine when they hear Ben Hassr: espionage in other states. He was tasked with framing the trading company, depriving the nobles of their jobs, and passing information to the Qunari.

: So how did he end up in the Inquisition?

[PU]: The official reason Iron Bull joined the Inquisition is that Bull's superiors wanted to know what the Inquisition was doing. The Qunari have a rather vague concept of uncontrollable magic, and a giant hole in the sky is the peak of what can be called "uncontrollable".

: And unofficially?

[PU]: Unofficially, Iron Bull saw demons attacking innocent people and wanted to help. He knows that agents of the Inquisition will reveal his connection to Ben-Hassra, so he decides to pass the time and be honest about his work. If the player does not mind the Bull sending reports, the Qunari agent will be able to provide the Inquisition with valuable data in exchange.

: How would you describe the character of Iron Bull?

[PU]: The Iron Bull is casual, friendly and confident. There's very little in the world that he couldn't kill if necessary, which makes him pretty laid-back. He doesn’t need to compete with anyone to prove himself, and he also doesn’t need to stroke his ego. All he needs are people he can trust and friends he can laugh with. After years of surviving terrible battles, Iron Bull has learned not to take things too seriously. Only if it doesn't come down to demons.

: Why demons?

[PU]: He has a special history with them.

: What makes Bull stand out from the rest of the companions in the Inquisition?

[PU]: Iron Bull actually enjoys life beyond what Kun requires, especially now that he's used to it. He overeats, drinks until he's sick, and jumps into bed with everyone he's sure he can't break. He has seen death often enough to enjoy life when he gets the chance.

: What is his relationship with the team?

[PU]: Iron Bull is an easy-going, friendly guy who gets along with almost everyone. He enjoys having business conversations with Cassandra after fights, for example, and he enjoys chopping people to pieces even more than Cassandra. He gets along surprisingly well with Vivien, who brings him back to his senses when he's particularly angry.

: You said “almost everyone.” Are there anyone he doesn't get along with?

[PU]: The only people he doesn't get along with are people who are looking for a fight with the Qunari. He's not trying to convert anyone, but he won't apologize for the beliefs he lives by. And those like Varric, who saw the Qunari at their worst in Kirkwall, may take this the wrong way.

Cassandra, Varric and Solas join you in the Prologue. You will not have the opportunity to refuse their company.

Unlike these three, you can refuse to recruit any of the following associates.


After the scene with Lord Seeker Lucius during the quest “The Danger Has Not Passed” in Val Royeaux at the Summer Market, an envoy from the Circle of Mages will appear who will give you an invitation to a party on behalf of a certain sorceress Vivien. This will give you the quest "Imperial Enchantress". Go to the indicated location (you need to go to the world map for this). After you watch the video and decide what to do with your opponent, Vivien will offer you her services.

Iron Bull

The quest “Captain Bulls” will appear in your journal after returning from Val Royeaux and talking with your advisors. Leave the Church and talk to the mercenary messenger - Cream. He will invite you to a meeting with the leader of their group, Iron Bull. Iron Bull is on Storm Coast very close to your first camp. Talk to him and you can recruit him as an ally, and the rest of his mercenaries will join the Inquisition as an additional military unit.


After you witness a strange meeting between Lord Seeker Lucius and the Reverend Mother Evara, following the quest “The Danger Has Not Passed,” just a few minutes later, while exploring the Summer Market, an arrow with a mysterious message will pierce the ground under your nose. This will activate the quest "Red Jenny's Friend".

According to the message, look for "red clothes" in the market, on the pier and in the tavern. Go to the designated places and look for the red scarf on the floor - to do this you need to activate the search button. It's not as difficult as it seems - the right place is marked with a quest marker, so you'll always have an idea of ​​where exactly to start your search. In addition, the red scarf is quite bright and attracts attention. (But you still need to press the search button to activate it.) The tavern and pier are located on the same level, but the desired market is on the top - go to the map to be transported to the desired location (map levels can be changed in the upper right corner ). After you find all three messages, you will receive a key and a new location that you can visit by opening the world map. Go there, watch the video, kill the enemies that appear and make a decision whether or not to take an unexpected ally as your permanent companion.


After your return from Val Royeaux, Leliana will share with you her worries about strange disappearance Gray Wardens in Ferelden and Orlais. This will give you the Lone Guardian Quest. Go to the place marked on the map of the Hinterlands and help To the Gray Warden with his “recruits” to fight off the attackers. After this, you will have the opportunity to get him as an ally.


You meet Cole during the quest "Defenders of Justice", although he will not join you during this stage of the quest. Cole himself will find you after completing the quest and you will have the opportunity to recruit him into your group.
If you did not follow the path of the templars and chose instead the quest “Tempting Whispers”, then Cole will find you when you start the next story quest, tell you what happened to the templars, and offer his services.


Recruiting Dorian is virtually the same as recruiting Cole, except that you must go the mage route and choose the Tempting Whispers quest to meet him. (Theoretically, you can meet him and still choose the templars, since you can visit Redcliffe and talk to the mages before you get to the "point of no return". The point of no return for these two quests is the moment they both become available on your map of military operations.)

If you chose the quest “Tempting Whispers”, then Dorian will accompany you during this quest, and after it you will have the opportunity to recruit him for good. If you chose the “Defenders of Justice” quest, then, like Cole, Dorian will appear in the Vault himself at the beginning of your next story quest, tell you what happened to the magicians in Redcliffe, and offer his services.

Iron Bull represents a warrior character. The main task is to be the player’s companion, accompanying him in the game. If we talk about the integrity of the image of the Iron Bull, he was not always on the side of the Inquisition. Once upon a time he was in Ben-Hazrat. An undercover agent working on an island controlled by the Qunari. When his superiors no longer needed him, they sent him to other states. There he had to spy for his world set up a trading company, leave the nobles without work and convey the necessary information to the Qunari.

Whatever the Iron Bull does, in order to become one of the strangers, he will infiltrate the Inquisition (as the official version says). The Qunari wanted to understand what the Inquisition was doing, and so tame uncontrolled magic. But in fact, the companion began to understand that demons were attacking completely innocent people. He wanted to really help, although he knew that sooner or later his connection with Ben-Hazrat would be revealed. Therefore, if the player does not mind, the Bull will be able to provide the Inquisition with a lot of useful information about the enemy.

Image of the Iron Bull

A strong character who is able to kill many enemies in the world of Dragon Age it is not for nothing that he is classified as a famous fighting force of bull mercenaries. Otherwise, he is a good hero who values ​​his dignity. He doesn't need to talk much about himself to show his greatness. He doesn't take anything seriously except his demon enemies. The Bull lives for today, drinks and sleeps with everyone with whom he has the opportunity. He communicates well with Vivien, who can tame a bull when it gets too rowdy. Discusses battles with Cassandra, because they have a lot in common.

But with whom the relationship in the Bull is tense, it is with Varric. It was he who saw the Qunari race (aka Kossit) from the bad side. Therefore, it is difficult for him to perceive this character positively.

The Iron Bull's favorite dish is a hot dog with chili, as well as a huge fried ham.