Where is the law college? Law and social organization provision. What do law school students study?

The share of graduates wishing to change educational institution after 9th grade was 25% in 2015; by 2016 it had grown to 33%. Another 15% of future specialists are seriously thinking about the prospects of getting their first profession after 9th grade. Sociological research is on the side of young people: 8 out of 10 high school students are psychologically ready to decide on a specialization by the end of the 8th–9th grade.

For more than 40% of “early” applicants, the choice is law. His parents support him for three reasons:

  • salary: even with significantly increased incomes of financiers and remote employees, lawyers remain first in terms of monthly income, ahead of their closest “competitors” (programmers) by 8%;
  • Demand: out of 100 unemployed specialists without experience, less than 5% are lawyers with a diploma;
  • content of the profession: lawyer - hero of the new time, defender, indispensable participant in the business security program.

Forms and terms of study after 9th grade

Synergy University offers not only to enroll in college to become a lawyer after 9th grade, but guarantees that the knowledge gained will open all roads for a young specialist. The applicant has two programs to choose from. Full-time training takes 2 years 10 months, includes an internship in large legal offices in the capital, and the opportunity to find a job immediately upon graduation.

For residents of other cities/countries, a distance learning program is available at the Moscow Law College after 9th grade. Graduates receive the same State diploma as full-time students; the training program is structured very competently - students constantly take part in forums, master classes, and webinars. Duration of distance learning is 3 years 10 months.

Skills and knowledge you will have

Our university’s training program was developed by leading practicing specialists in the field of jurisprudence. From the first year, students undergo practical training (arbitration courts, notary offices, Moscow Lawyers' Union).

As part of secondary specialized education, students study civil and financial law, the basics of legal advice, history, and the principles of the international legal system. It trains not theorists, but practitioners with work experience and deep knowledge.

Graduate Diploma from College of Law

Confirmation of qualifications – State diploma of secondary vocational education. Quoted in all Russian companies, resident banks, large organizations.

Russia's need for good lawyers is enormous. But you don’t have to limit yourself to the local labor market. Thanks to the pan-European unified application (goes to the diploma) Diploma Supplement, college graduates can find work as employees of an international/foreign company. The application confirming qualifications is valid in more than 40 countries, including the Russian Federation, Britain, CIS members, Scandinavia, and France.

Employment prospects. Self-development

College graduates can work as consultants, practicing representatives (business interests), lawyers, assistants/secretaries for judges. With the training that our university provides, a specialist can rise to the position of a judge in literally 4–6 years.

The prospects for a qualified lawyer are impressive. The prosecutor's office, the legal profession, the notary office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - you can protect, help, and uphold justice in any field.

A “home” lawyer – a properly trained specialist – “risks” becoming not only the breadwinner of the family, but also a successful figure in a prestigious field. This is an indispensable adviser on any serious family issues, an erudite, well versed in the concepts of tact and confidentiality. On the basis of the most complex science of jurisprudence, an integral, constantly developing strong personality grows.

Law colleges in Moscow after grades 9-11 on a budget basis

Rating of Moscow law colleges after 9th grade on a budget basis. List of the best law colleges, vocational schools, schools and technical schools in Moscow after 9th grade at state institutions

Searching results:
(establishments found: 19 )


10 20 30

    British business education in Moscow after grades 8 - 11. 8 hours of English per week. Daytime and evening programs. British state diploma.

    The educational space of the college includes a training and laboratory base, as well as enterprises of thermal stations and networks - branches of OJSC "MOEK".

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    Moscow State Academy of Business Administration was founded in 1992.

    Specialties: 0 Cost:

    Admission of applicants for training in secondary vocational education programs is carried out on the basis of the results of mastering secondary (complete) general education.

    Specialties: 1 Cost:

    Admission conditions:
    - based on 9th grade - interview
    - based on 11 grades - Unified State Examination certificate
    in Russian language and mathematics; interview

    Specialties: 4 Cost:

Recently, the demand for legal education in Russia has been falling. This is due to the huge number of university graduates who received diplomas in this specialty. But most have no practical experience and do not know what to do in the workplace. This is what sets law college graduates apart. While studying at college, the student gets the opportunity to work while studying and undergoes real work practice in existing law firms.

The advantage of Moscow law colleges

Getting an education in Moscow has always been considered prestigious. Especially when it comes to legal education. In addition, this expands the opportunities for internship, since a large number of organizations that provide legal services are concentrated in Moscow. But such a large number of legal consultations arose due to the emerging demand for these services. There are a huge number of companies and people in Moscow that need legal advice. In this regard, graduates of Moscow law colleges will not be left without work.

With a college degree, it is difficult to apply for a high position right away. But such applicants have an advantage - it’s easier to find a job in a lower position, but once settled, it’s easy to prove yourself and earn a promotion. A law school student will have to graduate from university for several more years and try to go to work, while a college graduate will get a job and manage to get a promotion to the position for which a graduate of the institute will only apply.

Prospects for studying at a law college

A lawyer checks various documents and drafts them. This type of work is considered one of the most risky due to constant cases of fraud. In this regard, the lawyer needs to carefully check all documentation. A lawyer, in the workplace, advises clients, draws up contracts and documents for them, and also communicates with the judicial authorities.

These skills can be developed within the walls of a law college. The first steps in this profession are best taken under the supervision of professionals. Students will learn from leading lawyers who, in addition to educational activities, conduct their own professional service. In this area, a thorough knowledge of all existing laws and regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, including international agreements, is mandatory.

In addition to notary offices, a Lawyer can find employment in courts and law enforcement agencies. If a graduate does not want to work for someone, he himself can open a legal consultation or a lawyer's office. In modern Russia, the demand for the services of lawyers is growing, as the legal field begins to develop.

Graduates of law colleges not only have a large number of competitors during employment, but also a huge number of prospects and various areas of application of their knowledge. Even if a graduate does not go to work in the legal field, such an education will always be useful. Knowledge of the laws will help in any situation and is simply necessary when organizing your own business.

While still a schoolchild, do you see yourself as a successful lawyer, judge or legal consultant? Especially for you, after 9th grade, a law college is ready to open doors leading to knowledge, professionalism and career growth. This educational institution differs in many ways from standard Moscow colleges. Having more than twenty years of experience in providing paid services in the field of education, the college managed to adopt the positive experience of both leading Russian and eminent foreign colleagues.

Studying with us provides students with a lot of obvious advantages. Even yesterday's schoolchildren have the opportunity to save more than one year and build their careers by studying advanced techniques. We should also not forget that experience today is of the greatest value. While university graduates receive long-awaited diplomas, Infoline students can boast of three years of work experience in their specialty.

Advantages of studying at Infoline Law College

While studying in the specialty "Law and Organization of Social Security", students cover a wide range of useful material and skills. The task of the college is to graduate specialists who are ready to:

  • competently interpret regulations in the field of pension legislation and social protection of the population;
  • receive citizens and advise them on legal issues;
  • work with documents, calculate the amount of pensions and social benefits, index various financial calculations;
  • work with databases;
  • identify people in need of preferential benefits;
  • use advanced information technologies and specialized programs.

The knowledge and practical skills acquired at Infoline will become a reliable foundation for obtaining higher education at a prestigious university. Students are provided with a lot of pleasant bonuses: from balanced meals in the canteen to discounted travel on public transport. You can find out more about the conditions for admission on the website of the Law College in Moscow.


Having received a diploma from the Infoline Law College with the basic qualification “Lawyer”, you will be able to work in the following areas:

  • social and pension protection;
  • individual problems of citizens;
  • private or public enterprise, small business.

A graduate of a law college in Moscow receives a wealth of knowledge that will help:

  • interpret legal acts and regulations;
  • make financial calculations, indexation of pensions;
  • cooperate and identify citizens of preferential categories, including full support;
  • resolve private issues using jurisprudence;
  • competently work with the database and independent assessment of the legal aspect of the activity;
  • prepare documents: acts, contracts, statements of claim and conclusions;
  • represent the interests of the company in court.

College graduates receive modern knowledge and work skills not only in the practical field, but also in the documentary field, therefore they have a high level of computer and information technology.

The main advantage of graduating from a law college is the opportunity to obtain a higher education by transferring without exams to a similar faculty of the Institute of Business and Law, thus, you continue continuous learning and comprehension of new aspects of the profession in an abbreviated form.

Receive a legal education after 11th grade at the Economic Business College of Moscow South-Eastern Administrative District, majoring in lawyer. Prepare to enter law college after 9th grade.

  • Admission without exams
  • Dormitory with Internet access
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Assistance in education

40.02.01 “Law and organization of social security”

Advantages of the specialty Lawyer

This specialty is one of the most prestigious

Great choice of places to get a job after college

Individual education program

Training of our graduates in an abbreviated form at universities

Qualification: Lawyer

The profession of a lawyer is very important, because such a specialist guarantees citizens the protection of their rights and freedoms and regulates the order in relations between government bodies. The specialty “Law and Social Security Organization” is very prestigious, and the legal profession is considered respectable and highly paid.

In everyday life, a person is often faced with the need to turn to a lawyer to manage and make important decisions, while lawyers themselves are in serious personnel positions. The qualifications of employees in legal positions directly affects the success of any large enterprise. The higher it is, the more successful the company will be. It is these specialists who conduct the activities of business entities, relying on the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

What can a lawyer do after graduating from college? Competent specialists are especially in demand during a crisis situation to quickly make the most rational decision in a given situation and normalize it within the framework of the company’s economic activities. Lawyers help people resolve controversial and conflict situations in accordance with the law. They try to minimize losses and prevent the development of conflict. Such specialists are in high demand in the social sphere.

They provide legal support to citizens in social security agencies, pension fund branches and other government organizations. Lawyers provide assistance in obtaining social benefits and pensions, provide consultations on legal issues, provide support in controversial situations, and regulate property relations.

What do law school students study?

First of all, students at our College of Law in Moscow study the legal system of the Russian Federation. Thus, they receive a basis of legal knowledge and skills, as well as legal practice and support skills. Having completed their studies in the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security” at EBK College, graduates can continue receiving a legal education at a higher educational institution.

The programs of our law college and partner universities are similar and complement each other. Therefore, graduate lawyers after our college can continue to deepen their knowledge of the legal specialty, because they have already developed the foundation. Creating partnerships between educational institutions helps to prepare competent specialists with a legal framework and practical experience, ready to continue the further educational process.

The student gains knowledge both in narrow areas and in social, cultural and humanitarian disciplines.

Where can a college graduate lawyer work?

College graduates with a degree in Law and Social Security Organization can be employed in legal and law enforcement agencies of the public or private sector. Graduates of our law college in Moscow based on 11 classes are in demand in social protection authorities and branches of the pension fund and other government organizations with a social orientation.

Activities of the Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law

  • conducts theoretical and elective classes;
  • develops games and competitions on legal topics;
  • supervises research work;
  • develops complex thinking;
  • teaches you to think independently;
  • helps in forming your own opinion on the world around you.

Is it possible to enter a law college in Moscow after 9th grade?

No, you can enroll in EBK College in Moscow to become a lawyer only after completing 11th grade. The student will study for 1 year 10 months. Students in grades 9-11 can attend preparatory courses during the school year.

List of Subjects for Law Students to Study in College

  • theory of state;
  • municipal law;
  • law and civil procedure;
  • family law;
  • tax law;
  • right of special protection;
  • environmental law;
  • notary;
  • business law;
  • judicial and executive acts.

Where does internship take place at the College of Law?

Our students undergo internships in the judicial system, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other organizations engaged in legal activities.

  • pension fund branches;
  • social protection authorities;

Continuation of legal education after college in Moscow based on 11 classes

A college graduate lawyer receives a diploma of secondary vocational education. Then he can receive specialized education in legal fields at partner universities using a shortened form of education.

The following universities are perfect for continuing your specialized education after graduating from our college:

  • Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Economic University named after. G. V. Plekhanov;
  • Moscow Finance and Law University (MFUA);
  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after. V. Ya. Kikotya;
  • Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina;
  • Moscow University named after S. Yu. Witte.

What positions do legal graduates of our college in Moscow hold?

  • investigator;
  • passport office worker;
  • legal advisor;
  • HR specialist;
  • paralegal;
  • court officer;
  • an employee of a public or private organization engaged in legal and legal activities;
  • human resources department inspector;
  • employee of junior and mid-level officers in judicial and law enforcement services.

Professional activity of a lawyer after college

Among the legal colleges of Moscow in the South-Eastern Administrative District, after graduating from our college, a young lawyer will have all the necessary skills to conduct law enforcement and legal activities that meet the plan of secondary vocational education and do not require higher education. A notary's assistant, an investigator, a passport office employee, a junior investigator, and an assistant lawyer will always be in demand in various fields.