One-story garden house (41 photos): design and choice of construction type. Construction of the foundation and assembly of the house. Single-story Sort by: ascending price The process of designing frame-panel construction

Which technology should you choose when building your own home? Each of the materials and technologies has a number of undeniable advantages, but they are also not without disadvantages. What benefits are most important to you? The choice of technology for building your own cozy house or spacious cottage will depend on this.

Frame houses are attractive due to the speed of construction, significant low cost, simplicity of construction technologies, environmental friendliness of the materials used, undemanding nature of the terrain and soil, and simple and cheap foundations. If you have already decided on frame house construction and have chosen the dimensions of your house, then all that remains is to choose a 6x6 frame house project.

Features of 6 by 6 frame houses

With a relatively small area, frame houses of this size can be used both for country houses and for permanent residence. The small size of the house, even with an attic or full second floor, ensures the light weight of the building. This allows you to design simpler types of foundations - on screw or bored piles, which significantly speeds up and reduces the cost of foundation work. The small dimensions of the house allow you to complete turnkey installation of the house yourself.

High speed of construction is a distinctive feature of frame housing construction. In the case of a 6 by 6 project, regardless of the number of floors, the construction company will build your turnkey project in less than 30 days.

Features of the layout of a 6 by 6 meter frame house include the small size of the rooms or the multifunctionality of large rooms. If you try to allocate your own corner for each family member in such a project, this will lead to a small area of ​​each room. It should be remembered that when you pile up a large number of partitions, you “eat up” useful living space. Often, when planning a 6 by 6 house, individual space is abandoned in favor of spacious general purpose rooms. The kitchen, living room and dining room are combined into one room. We will try to consider the layouts of various types of projects: one-story, with an attic, a full-fledged two-story house.

Projects of one-story frame houses 6 by 6

A one-story house with such small dimensions is considered an economical project. It’s hard to imagine any special features in the design of such a house, since the area is 36 square meters. meters is more reminiscent of a small one-room apartment than your own home for permanent residence. More often such projects are used for country house construction. In case of use (6 by 6), it has 2 or 3 rooms and a combined bathroom.

Let's consider the simplest project of a 6 by 6 frame house.

This is the simplest project. Standard house with a low base. The most common gable roof, one entrance door and several windows. What kind of layout can you expect in such a house?

Layout No. 1

The layout is as simple as the design. It is more likely suitable for a country house. In this case, an extension is built to house the summer kitchen and bathroom. The house itself is used only for sleeping or relaxing.

Layout No. 2

A wonderful example of a cozy residential building of small dimensions. The rooms may not be spacious, but there is everything for a comfortable stay for a small family of 3-4 people. With a small living space, we managed to accommodate a kitchen, living room and relaxation area.

Layout No. 3

This project is based on the principle of combining a common room for several functions. Here we have a kitchen-living room, which occupies half of the living space.

We looked at projects with so-called walk-through rooms. That is, to get into any room, you had to go through another. Is it possible to implement isolated rooms in a one-story frame house 6 by 6?

Layout No. 4

As you can see, even in such a small area it was possible to create a small corridor, which made it possible to isolate each room. Some will say that there is no boiler room here. But is there a boiler room in your apartment with apartment heating? To heat such a small building, a wall-mounted gas or electric boiler, which can be placed in the kitchen, will be sufficient.

Is it worth designing a boring house, even if it only has one floor? Is it possible to beat an economical frame house of such modest size?

The same 6 by 6 house with a pitched roof and one entrance door. All you had to do was create a small porch with one more level of roof, and the façade of the house began to sparkle with completely different colors. We may not have won in the layout: the same small rooms, but how much more attractive the house has become!

There are many other ways to decorate the front of your home. Or you can abandon the square format.

The bay window always brings individuality to the project. Projects with a bay window never look cheap, although the costs of their arrangement are minimal. A living room with a bay window will always be filled with light.

Projects of two-story frame houses 6 by 6

The project of a two-story house is the choice of large families. For the same cost of roofing and foundation, you double your living space. The main principle of planning a two-story frame house is the location of common rooms on the first floor, and personal and guest rooms on the second. The bathroom in houses of this size is also located on the ground floor. This simplifies and reduces the cost of installing communications for the bathroom. The main difficulty and feature of the two-story project is the staircase. If placed incorrectly, this element can take up significant space in the living space of the house and significantly increase the final cost of the project.

Let's start with the simplest project: two floors, gable roof.

As you can see, even a two-story house can be built on a columnar foundation. What is remarkable about this project? With its simplicity. It rather resembles the low-rise construction of Soviet times. Yes, the house managed to accommodate everything necessary for a comfortable life for an average family. But no matter how hard you try with the decoration, such a house is not pleasing to the eye. With a two-story house, you will have to work on the project not only from the point of functionality.

A project that does not differ in layout features. The absence of a bathroom indicates, rather, the dacha function of the building. The project looks quite modern due to the complex gable roof, which is also called a tower roof.

We have already looked at how advantageous a bay window can look. How will this look in a two-story project?

In addition to its beautiful appearance, there was also excellent functionality for the bay window - installation of a staircase opening. In addition to the bay window, a cozy balcony fits perfectly into the project. It is difficult to imagine modern projects without arranging a balcony on the second floor or an open terrace on the first.

Projects of 6 by 6 frame houses with an attic

Arranging an attic instead of a full second floor is used much more often for a simple reason - it is a cheaper option for expanding the living space of the house. The attic floor does not require reinforcement of the foundation or top trim. It has the same planning techniques, but it will also have to solve the problems of installing stairs.

The most common method of arranging the attic floor for a 6x6 frame house is a broken roof.

Layout No. 1

As usual, let's start with the simplest project for a country house: two large rooms on the first floor and one huge bedroom on the second. Such a house can only be used for temporary residence.

Layout No. 2

A completely residential layout with common rooms on the first floor and a bedroom on the second. Frame partitions on the second floor allow you to create several rooms. Usually these are bedrooms, children's rooms or a study.

As in two-story projects, it is difficult to imagine a house with an attic without an open balcony or a spacious terrace for relaxing in the fresh air. Often both of these elements are present in the design of a 6 by 6 frame house with an attic.

The extension will allow you to create a spacious summer veranda without damaging the living space of the main house.

Another technique for arranging the attic floor is a roof with a high ridge. The advantage of such a project is the ease of installation of the rafter system, the disadvantage is the significantly smaller living area of ​​the attic floor compared to a sloping roof. The layouts of such attics do not differ from projects with a sloping roof.

With balcony and terrace

With bay window

We have considered only simple projects that do not require special knowledge in architecture and construction. They are quite feasible with your own hands or small construction teams. It is better to entrust more interesting and complex projects to a construction company with experience and good reviews in your region.

One-story project with a Finnish roof

The project seems simple only at first glance. The design and installation of such roof structures requires precise calculations and correct orientation relative to prevailing winds.

Complex projects using many architectural techniques

Attractive porch, small balcony, bay window, complex half-hipped roof. At the same time, a small 6x6 house does not seem like a jumble of elements. The implementation of such a project will require considerable experience in frame house construction.

Faiferha Finnish house

A very popular type of finishing for frame houses. A tribute to the traditions of Finnish house building.


It's hard to believe that such a project was implemented using frame technology. Spacious terrace, huge panoramic windows. The project requires high-quality materials and professional hands.

Unusual project

An interesting project in the form of a bungalow. The small living space pays off in the attractiveness of the finished home.

Even for a small 6x6 frame house, the appearance and layout of the building are limited only by your imagination. Frame structures have long gone beyond the framework of houses of the same type covered with clapboard. A frame house, even of small dimensions, can become a cozy place for a family to live. The main thing is to take into account the wishes of all household members when choosing a project.

At ASK Stroitel, you can buy a prefabricated house at a price you can afford. Our qualified specialists will deliver and assemble a turnkey prefabricated panel wooden house on time, including all ongoing work.

In our catalog you will find various projects for the construction of country one-story prefabricated panel and frame houses with dimensions and descriptions, as well as the ability to make your desired individual adjustments. Contact our manager and order a turnkey prefabricated wooden house according to an individual project and any architectural complexity.

Thanks to ASK Stroitel's many years of experience in one-story country houses made of wood and various types of structures, we will design the house of your dreams, making it only from high-quality, reliable and durable materials!

Now it has become easy to buy a modern one-story prefabricated panel or frame country house with all the amenities. At the same time, prices for such houses have now become the most attractive.

Of course, if you are interested in various frame or prefabricated panel-type structures, for example, for the construction of different houses on summer cottages, then you must first study the price offers and technical parameters, and only then make your choice. Indeed, only an experienced specialist who is engaged in the construction of modern country houses will be able to offer the most successful solution, both in terms of price and technical parameters.

It is worth knowing that now it has become extremely simple to buy a modern one-story country house, for example - frame, prefabricated, or simply panel construction. You just need to choose a suitable house and order its construction on a turnkey basis from a company that deals with country houses professionally. At the same time, there is no doubt that the panel or frame structure of such a country house will last a long time and will constantly delight you with its quality and splendor.

You should know that the design of a modern house, for example, with panel or frame structures, can be developed individually. Nowadays, custom-designed homes are not uncommon. These prefabricated houses look great. When choosing such houses for yourself, you can be sure that they will be a great way to express your individuality and creativity. Experienced designers will be able to work with panel, prefabricated or frame structures to ensure that they satisfy all the client’s wishes. It is important to know that houses with panel, frame or prefabricated structures are now most in demand. Many people have managed to appreciate all the advantages of prefabricated, frame-, panel-oriented structures (houses) in practice.

You should know that building a turnkey one-story house these days, for example, with panel parts, does not require much time. Undoubtedly, a modern frame country house with panel parts should be erected by experienced installers. Only experienced installers will be able to perform all the correct operations with panel elements and build a beautiful and high-quality house. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, modern houses of this type are the best solution for recreation and entertainment, which is why many are now building such houses for themselves. Don't miss the real opportunity to get a nice house outside the city. You just need to choose an individual design and type of such a house and order its construction from experienced specialists. Most people spend only the warm season at their dacha. Therefore, they usually try to build one-story country houses at a lower price. But still, we all want to have a warm and cozy home, and cheap, turnkey prefabricated country houses can be quite comfortable.

Housing made from inexpensive frame-panel structures is built quickly and is relatively inexpensive. 6 by 6 frame house projects are extremely popular. The fact is that the ratio of all important indicators (construction price, usable area of ​​housing) of these objects is recognized as optimal.

Already from the name of the object we can conclude that it is a rigid frame, which is sheathed on the outside. The possibility of quick construction and the low cost of such a home have long made this type of construction extremely popular.

There are some nuances that you should pay special attention to:

  • Not a very good indicator of environmental cleanliness. It consists of the following: synthetic, a large amount of adhesive composition, products for wooden elements. Responsible material manufacturers carefully monitor the content of harmful formaldehyde when using the substances they require. When working with unfamiliar suppliers, it is difficult for the average consumer to recognize various technologies for disrupting the manufacturing process.
  • A one-story house 6 by 6 is almost impossible to remodel. It is manufactured in a factory according to the selected design, and once the work is completed, changes are not possible. Do-it-yourself “corrections,” or corrections, can have a significant impact on the overall safety of a structure. In this regard, homemade panel elements have certain advantages: they are easier to correct or replace if necessary.
  • The frame is made of wood, and like any type of wood, it is a rather capricious material. The insulation placed inside the walls serves as a bait for various kinds of rodents and pests. This can be easily solved - with a certain amount of chemicals. But as noted above, this does not at all improve the quality of the environmental friendliness of the building.
  • Panels 6 6 have quite an impressive weight. Accordingly, to simplify the assembly of the frame, it is important to use technology and a qualified approach. When constructing yourself, it is also important to strictly follow all recommendations, strictly following the existing plan. Otherwise, not only the appearance of the building, but also its safety may suffer.

We build it ourselves

How possible is it to build a 6 by 6 with a veranda without involving professionals, and without using factory “semi-finished products” for construction? In fact, this is quite possible; moreover, it is a frequently used practice.


House project

Without careful detail it is impossible to build even a simple one. Without the necessary package of papers, any erected structure is doomed to demolition, sooner or later. The point is not that they want to rip off additional money from you, and not in someone’s tyranny. The reason lies elsewhere - without the research of qualified professionals, even frame structure projects can pose a real threat to the safety of people.

At the initial stage, before starting work, you will have to contact the architectural department or design bureau for a project or drawing of a frame house.

There, specialists will analyze your specific situation regarding technical conditions, the preferred type, layout and even the external appearance of the future home, and will make the necessary calculations for a frame house.

When permission is obtained, a verified and competent project is approved much more successfully than a clumsy homemade sketch or outline.

Material: what to prefer?

Building a house with your own hands

It’s probably not worth explaining that the final result of construction work directly depends on the quality of the selected raw materials:

  • For the manufacture of the frame, certain sizes are selected. Its cross-section must be such as to withstand the expected loads at any time of the year. The most suitable material has a cross-section of 20 centimeters or more. This type is usually used in the construction of winter-type dwellings.
  • What to choose for the construction of durable and? What materials are optimal for a 6 by 6 frame house? This could be, for example, fiberboard or. Their main difference lies in the components - more or less large sawdust. Double or special extruded is used as a filler.
  • The design is also frame. You can use a lighter one with a smaller cross-section. Particular attention is paid to its quality: it should not have any flaws, even of natural origin. Roof design features are dominant when choosing. The point is the angle of inclination: the material should be more structural, the steeper the roof slope.

All wooden elements of a 6 by 6 frame house must be properly prepared before being used. Impregnation and treatment with various protective compounds will protect the tree from pests and damage.

House foundation

A neat frame house is much lighter in weight than a similar-sized structure made of solid logs or bricks.

For this reason, it does not require a monolithic foundation. What could it be?

All columnar bases have one important drawback - a cold floor in the room. To avoid such trouble, you will have to pay attention to its thorough insulation.


A frame house can be compared to a kind of multi-layered pie, consisting of many different layers, including protective ones.

  1. main of ;
  2. indispensable;
  3. panel made of wood-based materials;
  4. required layer ;
  5. lathing, one of the types of decorative.

Inside, under the chipboards, it is placed. Its role can be played by a special diffuse membrane. The design of such a “pie” is easy to make with your own hands. The layers can be installed in stages, or you can make them in advance, and only then insert the completed panels into their intended place.


The structure of a frame house does not differ from that for roofs of objects that are heavier in weight. The system is the same - a set of trusses, rafters, and gables.

It was noted above that the magnitude of the slope angle determines the nature of the material. In order for snow to easily fall off the roof without lingering on it, it is better to use options with metal for covering - or.

DIY installation: common mistakes

Before starting construction work, it would be a good idea to evaluate your own strengths. Amateur builders who do not have professional skills often make fatal mistakes, the consequences of which can be more serious than it seems at first glance. This not only reduces the operational comfort of the home, but even its collapse in extreme cases. What is important?

Wood for construction must be of proper quality. Wood of normal humidity, or factory-dried, deforms much less, thereby ensuring structural strength. This provision does not apply to untreated, raw whips. What are the risks of using unprepared or substandard material?

The frame is the basis of the entire structure. Consequently, torsion, bending or increased stress of any element will cause deformation of the entire structure. Both small and partial destruction, and complete collapse of the entire structure are possible. How to identify defects during purchase? The edges of such beams can be dirty and crooked; if iodine is dropped onto the surface, it will turn blue.

The quality of a frame house also depends on the price of the preferred materials. It’s better not to skimp on the rigidity of the frame; it may end up costing you more. Diagonal elements located between upright supports serve as structural reinforcement. Saving on them is strictly contraindicated, even if a very small house is planned.

It is necessary to take into account the loads coming from above: the weight of the structure, weather conditions, shrinkage. To increase strength, you can make additional crosswise reinforcements.

Is it possible to properly arrange window and door openings with your own hands? This is also an important part of the job. The shrinkage of the frame is noticeably less than that of log walls or walls, but it still exists. If you do not take this into account, you can introduce some risks in subsequent operation.

Window installation

Before ordering double-glazed windows, you must invite a professional measurer and. A specialist will be able to take competent measurements and assess the condition of the openings. It’s not worth it for such a seemingly trifle. Moreover, most manufacturers provide such a service virtually free of charge. Or rather, it was initially included in the price.

Special attention should be paid to the material purchased and arriving at the construction site. It must be processed, stored properly, and ventilated. Proper handling of the material will ensure the resulting high-quality structure that will be used for a long time and comfortably.

If all of the above has frightened the potential builder, disabusing him of his own capabilities and strengths, you can consider a turnkey service. Such a frame house will cost more, but in this case the price is justified by the reliability and quality of further operation.

But there’s no need to be scared in vain either. Cozy frame house 6 square meters , with a serious and competent approach, it will not become an insurmountable stage for a not lazy and handy craftsman who has carpentry skills and knows how to use a tool. The main thing in this is to correctly assess your own capabilities and use the recommendations and rules for the manufacture of frame structures. Then a home built with one’s own hands will become a source of joy and pride for its owner.

The technology that allows the construction of 6 by 6 frame houses in our country appeared more than 30 years ago. But it was not popular due to frequent non-compliance with construction rules and the fragility of the building. Now it is possible to create objects that are superior in reliability to earlier buildings. Our specialists have completed internships abroad and apply all their experience in practice. We work on a turnkey basis, creating buildings from scratch. We will complete the projects, orientation, installation and design in a couple of months. Our housing construction is of good quality.

The layout is calculated based on the dimensions. You can make bedrooms, a living room, a hall, a bathroom, a kitchen-dining room, an attic and a terrace near the house. The client’s idea is transferred to the drawing, agreed upon and then becomes the basis for future construction.

Prices for 6x6 frame houses

All craftsmen set a price tag based on the cost of the wood. We have verified suppliers. We have been working with them for more than 10 years. They bring winter wood to our workshop. It is easier to process and has good quality.

Advantages of Canadian-Finnish technology:

  • not high cost of the object;
  • accelerated construction;
  • performing work in any weather conditions;
  • the microclimate is created favorable;
  • sound insulation is good;
  • laying pipes inside the walls;
  • no shrinkage;
  • low foundation;
  • light finishing.

Photos of our work are available on the Internet. We have posted them for your convenience. Take a look at them. Choose and contact us. We will recreate the object on your site.

Frame houses have long occupied their specific niche in housing construction. At this point in time, more than half of all country households are environmentally friendly wooden buildings with a solid frame foundation.

Specialists involved in the design and subsequent construction of frame-panel residential buildings consider the construction of a private house with a garage to be the most optimal and cost-effective option.

Distinctive features of the attic

The arrangement of a sloping roof has long been a source of great controversy; there are many supporters and opponents of the construction of an attic. Projects of frame houses with an attic are particularly economical, but at the same time there is a real chance of losing square meters, and there are always not enough of them.

In addition, installing double-glazed windows in the attic will cost much more. But all costs will be recouped due to the fact that you do not need to purchase finishing materials to decorate the facade of a residential building, a bathhouse with an attic. Additional costs will only be required for the construction of the rafter system and the purchase of metal tiles.

Frame house 6x6 m with attic

The projects stand out for their particular originality and attractiveness. The attic floor is a free field of activity for designers and decorators. In a room with an unusual architecture, even the slopes of the walls can be turned into a bright element of decor.

The versatility of attic spaces allows you to arrange a bedroom, an office, a gym and even a bathroom on the upper floors.


Owners of 6x9 m frame houses with an attic quite often face the problem of poor heat transfer of the constructed structure. To cope with this nuisance, which causes certain inconvenience, it is necessary, when drawing up a project for a frame house with a garage and an attic, to take care of installing high-quality insulation inside and outside the building.

When arranging high-quality heat and waterproofing for a bathhouse with an attic, you need to have certain skills to strictly follow the established sequence of all construction work. The result of mistakes made can be the formation of condensation and the subsequent appearance of mold and mildew. In this case, it is better to order projects of frame baths with an attic in advance.

Advice! To significantly increase the heat resistance of a house with a garage and attic, you should insulate and decorate the external surfaces of the facade with attractive and durable finishing materials. It can be brick, natural stone or block house.

If the facade insulation was carried out efficiently and in a timely manner, then a 6x6 m frame house will heat up faster and cool down more slowly - maintaining a warm and cozy atmosphere in all rooms.

The need to draw up design documentation

A correctly drawn up project for a 6x8 m frame house with an attic is an almost 100% guarantee that all construction, installation and finishing work will go strictly according to plan and in accordance with all regulatory documents.

During work, the architect makes the most accurate drawing of the location of all the internal rooms of the future building. Projects of 6x9 m frame houses with an attic contain approved standards and plans for the arrangement of the foundation and the construction of load-bearing structures, material consumption and all necessary utilities.

All ready-made projects of frame houses with an attic can be divided into separate groups according to area sizes. This is a small country house with an area of ​​up to 80 square meters. m or a luxurious mansion with a total area of ​​more than 300 sq.m. It is most convenient to draw up design documentation if there are certain parameters for width and length in meters. This could be a project for an 8x10 m frame house with an attic.

Individual projects

At this point in time, a fairly large number of standard projects for residential and commercial buildings have been developed; there are projects for frame baths with an attic. However, some customers prefer to build a house with a unique, and sometimes even original, architecture.

These can be elegant mansions in the Gothic style, frame baths, or, conversely, ultra-modern buildings built using the latest developments and technologies. These include the built-in automatic “Smart Home” system. In this case, the designer’s tasks become more complicated.

When creating a project for an 8x10 m frame house with an attic, the architects take into account all the client’s wishes: facade decoration, interior footage, insulation, waterproofing, heating and water supply systems. If necessary, interior designers are involved in the creation of the project already at the initial planning stage. This tandem allows you to create the most accurate and correctly calculated plan.

The photo shows a project of a 6x8 m frame house with an attic.

Cost of a private house with a sloping roof

The final cost of the entire residential building is influenced by several factors:

  • type of foundation;
  • floor material;
  • roof structure;
  • façade finishing;
  • engineering structures;
  • installation of windows and doors;
  • interior decoration.

All costs associated with construction must be taken into account. This could include the use of construction equipment and wages for workers.

The most economical option is considered to be one-story buildings and frame baths with an attic. Projects can be very diverse.

A fully equipped house is suitable not only for staying during the summer season, but also for permanent residence of a small family.