Compatibility of rooster and monkey in love. Rooster and Monkey - compatibility in love and marriage! Taurus rooster and fish monkey

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Monkey is relative. Partners rarely start long-term relationships, although short affairs do occur between them. These signs have too different temperaments, life habits and aspirations.

The Year of the Monkey will be fatal for the Rooster; the partner will easily outwit the gullible and straightforward bird and use it to his advantage. But the union will be happy if a man and a woman are able to discern each other’s talents, they will be united by sincere love and friendship.

Characters of signs

Horoscope compatibility between signs depends on their character traits. The year of birth awarded the Monkey with the following traits:

The monkey perceives life as a game. She is sociable, but does not reveal her soul to anyone. Her resourceful mind and powers of observation allow her to keep the situation under control. He is happy to use the information received to his advantage. He likes to weave intrigues and is able to destroy enemies to achieve his goal. According to the horoscope, Monkeys act spontaneously, but their quick reaction and intelligence protect them from ill-considered steps and mistakes.

💘Compatibility of Zodiac Signs by year of birth💘

Leningrad - Monkey and Eagle


Characteristics of the sign - Rooster

What do eastern astrologers say about a person born in the year of the Rooster? These are the character traits he possesses, according to the Chinese horoscope:

  • Self-assured
  • Honest and straightforward
  • Noble
  • Talented
  • Artistic
  • Communicative
  • Careful

The Rooster's self-confidence borders on self-confidence. He is often reproached for boasting and exaggerating his own abilities. In fact, the sign is truthful and honest, only slightly inclined to exaggerate its own merits. Innate nobility forces the Rooster to defend the weak. The sign, according to the horoscope, is not too sensitive and hot-tempered, so it easily hurts loved ones with a careless word. He likes to live according to a plan; spontaneity unsettles him. He knows how to earn money, but spends it quickly and thoughtlessly.

General compatibility of signs

This is not to say that compatibility in love between a Monkey and a Rooster is impossible. Signs are able to build relationships if they put mutual respect first. After all, they are able to push each other to self-improvement. The monkey is very smart, knows how to act quickly, obeying intuition and quick reactions. The Rooster is used to making long-term plans and clearly defining goals for himself. He knows how to find a common language with many, although he sometimes lacks diplomacy and tact. If you combine these abilities, you get a good union. The Monkey will help the Rooster overcome doubts, and he, in turn, will teach his partner to think about his actions and streamline his life.

Difficulties for a couple arise due to a lack of understanding of the motives and temperaments of the partner. The Monkey is angry at the slowness of the Rooster. She doesn’t understand why she should adhere to established rules and spend weeks thinking about this or that decision. The Rooster pays attention to unimportant little things and likes to find fault with words and actions. He wastes his energy on unnecessary discussions, current affairs, and makes plans for a long time. At the same time, he loves to brag and tell everyone about his achievements. Both partners are sharp-tongued, only the Monkey will control his words and emotions if it suits him. Signs can preserve love and marriage if they appreciate each other, do not waste time on empty quarrels, and restrain their emotions at the right moment.

Relationships according to the eastern horoscope will be influenced by the Zodiac. People born in the year of the Monkey are associated with Gemini and Aquarius, and to a lesser extent Libra. They are also close to the signs of Water; cunning, multiplied by Scorpio's intuition, makes the Monkey dangerous. The Rooster is closer to Leo, Aries and Sagittarius. He feels quite good next to a partner born under the sign of Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo. Pisces and Cancer find a common language with each other well. The worse relationships develop between Leo and Scorpio, Pisces and Aries. It will be difficult for opposites to understand each other, especially since the year of birth is not very favorable for such mutual understanding.

Compatibility of Rooster woman and Monkey man

At the first meeting, the Rooster woman and the Monkey man according to the horoscope begin a relationship. They will have a whirlwind romance, with noisy parties, adventures, passionate nights, and unusual sexual experiments. Quarrels and reconciliations, separations and returns are also an integral element of relationships. Problems appear at the very beginning. A woman is annoyed by a man’s lack of commitment, his secrecy and independence.

She loves to know and control everything; intrigues and secret motives are completely incomprehensible to her horoscope. A man is faced with a woman’s constant nagging, irritability and straightforwardness. He is offended that his beloved is unable to appreciate his merits.

In a regime of breakups and stormy reconciliations, relationships last for more than one year. A Rooster woman and a Monkey man rarely marry. If this happens and a family is formed, building a normal union will not be easy. Irritation and misunderstanding accumulate, destroying relationships from the inside. Partners constantly encounter financial difficulties. They know how to earn money, but spend it thoughtlessly. The Rooster buys status items, the Monkey invests in dubious projects. As a result, both become bankrupt. The Year of the Monkey is a difficult test for the Rooster man. However, it is not easier for a woman, a Monkey according to the horoscope.

Partners can find a common language over time, when they are united by something more than passion. Only by assessing her husband’s abilities, talents and potential will the wife be able to get rid of unnecessary worries and complaints. A man, in turn, should pay tribute to his wife’s ability to organize home and everyday life and raise children properly. Only in such a situation will the marriage last a long time, more than one year. The main thing is not to make a mistake and not to improve the relationship by returning to its beginning. If a man and a woman spend more time with friends, on holidays, at fun meetings, they move away. In a year or two, the Rooster and Monkey will notice that they have not been together for a long time. Each of them has their own life, perhaps a new partner. And not a single horoscope or astrologer’s advice will be able to do anything to renew the relationship.

Compatibility of Rooster man and Monkey woman

The Rooster man and the Monkey woman rarely find a common language. Their romance will be stormy, but short-lived. What will the Year of the Monkey bring to the Rooster? Most likely nothing but disappointment. The Monkey woman is too selfish, she is used to getting everything she wants. To achieve this, she does not disdain intrigue, waging a secret war against her partner. The Monkey also finds it difficult to cope with the demanding and exacting Rooster. A man pays too much attention to external character traits and rarely looks inside.

It is difficult for partners to appreciate each other. The Rooster is proud of his eloquence, but the Monkey cannot be defeated with words; she herself is an excellent speaker. A woman values ​​her inner world, intelligence, and talent as a psychologist. The man does not notice this; he is fixated on the apparent inconsistency and spontaneity of his partner. Constant complaints and nagging on his part do not have the best effect on the relationship. According to the horoscope, both signs belong to spenders, which will certainly affect the financial well-being of the family.

The money issue is another factor that destroys compatibility in marriage.

What should the Rooster and Monkey do to save their family? One option is for a woman to live entirely in the affairs of a man. But there is a danger that she will begin to interfere in them too much, to lead them. The Rooster will not tolerate such an attitude and will begin to ignore advice and scoff at suggestions. The inner dragon will awaken in him, demanding to be a leader in everything and always. Another option is that everyone lives their own parallel life, independently of each other. Both methods will help overcome horoscope incompatibility only temporarily. It’s best when partners are able to find a middle ground, learn mutual respect, see and appreciate each other’s talents and abilities. Only in such a situation will their union have a future.

Vika Di

The compatibility of Monkey and Rooster from the point of view of the eastern horoscope is very problematic and ambiguous. Here a lot depends on what sign the woman was born under, since she dominates this couple.

Although both the Monkey and the Rooster are considered to be very intelligent signs, their intelligence is different. Honest and open The Rooster is broad-minded and has the makings of a leader.. The cunning and selfish Monkey has excellent tactical thinking and the ability to manipulate people.

If the girl is a Monkey and the guy is a Rooster, then they have very little chance of a strong relationship due to the fact that she will definitely try to manipulate him, and this is unacceptable for him. Of course, there are exceptions if the guy can come to terms with her nature, and she makes every effort to change.

The Monkey and the Rooster have completely different attitudes towards life, which causes mutual misunderstanding

Straightforward cocky The rooster is used to cutting the truth in the eyes, without particularly thinking about what grievances this might cause in a partner. At the same time, he will be the first to try to improve relations and come to an agreement, although he will not always have enough persistence and patience for this.

The union of the Monkey and the Rooster from the point of view of the eastern horoscope is very problematic

This couple is catastrophically lack of mutual respect and the ability to understand the partner’s problems. Attempts to change each other do not lead to anything good, although the Rooster tries to do this more openly than the manipulative Monkey. Usually everyone in a couple is fixated on themselves, and this will inevitably lead to the collapse of the relationship if the partners fail to cope with their nature (which is quite rare).

Compatibility horoscope for Monkey and Rooster in love according to the eastern horoscope

Although love relationships between the Monkey and the Rooster arise quite often, they are not long-term. The leading position in this pair is occupied by a woman, so a lot depends on its sign.

If the guy is a Monkey , and the girl is a Rooster, then at the very beginning of the relationship she will receive enough attention from him.

Attending business events and parties together will allow her to once again shine in society, and he will be flattered by the presence of such a bright companion

But gradually he will begin to devote more and more time to his own affairs, which does not suit her, and it deprives the relationship of perspective.

If the Monkey is a girl and the Rooster is a guy, then at the initial stage he needs her increased attention, which is difficult to expect from an independent and freedom-loving Monkey. But thanks to her natural cunning, she will be able to adapt here too. True, the Rooster is unlikely to be able to appreciate this due to his superficial outlook on life.

With the help of regular appearances, they will be able to somewhat smooth out the tension in the relationship, but mutual incompatibility will not allow this relationship to develop into something more serious and long-term.

But in sex, everything is going well for them, their sex life is interesting and rich

Temperamental, sensual Monkeys are prone to experiments in bed; monotonous sex depresses them, although they will not show this to their partner. Exactly It depends on the Monkey how long the romance will be, because the Rooster has more traditional sexual preferences, in bed both men and women of this sign can seem rather monotonous. However, the Rooster does not refuse the sexual experiments that the Monkey offers, and often this is one of the few aspects of their relationship that keeps them afloat.

In the intimate sphere, everything is going well for the Monkey and the Rooster

Marital compatibility of couples born in the years of the Monkey and the Rooster

If the husband is a Rooster and the wife is a Monkey, then they have completely different approaches to life: he needs a clear, pre-worked plan, and if something goes wrong, it threatens an emotional explosion. She acts mainly on a whim, improvising. The only way to avoid constant quarrels on this issue is the Monkey’s agreement with the spouse’s plans, but with the right to make adjustments to them. Rooster husband needs advice and the approval of his wife, however, he will not tolerate excessive care from the Monkey, and this can lead to scandals, and over time, to a breakup.

The Rooster's wife is an excellent housewife, a caring wife and mother who strives to resolve all conflict situations not with scandals, but with conversations.

The cunning Monkey promises to fix everything without fail, but most likely does not keep his promises, and this causes the Rooster to be justly indignant. Constant repetition of such situations can lead to marriage collapse.

The Rooster Woman is a great housewife, wife and mother

Friendship between Monkey and Rooster according to the Chinese calendar

But the Monkey and the Rooster manage to be friends very well. Is it true, The friendship between this couple is not very deep, they prefer not to delve into each other’s problems, but communicate mainly at noisy parties, going to the theater together, etc. Communication between them is relaxed, they always find a topic for conversation, but if a dispute arises between them, the situation escalates , because no one wants to admit they are wrong.

Compatibility in work between Monkey and Rooster is very high. Work and business are perhaps the only area where the Monkey and the Rooster form a truly successful tandem: the Rooster is a good strategist, and the Monkey is a good tactician, so they successfully complement each other, on the one hand, with assertiveness, and on the other, with cunning . Both have a sharp mind, so the decisions will always be correct.

However, a strong team will emerge from this couple only if they speak frankly and are able to overcome internal contradictions

The combination of a Monkey man and a Rooster woman is especially successful, but only if she manages not to offend her partner, otherwise he may become an enemy or competitor. However, both understand that it is teamwork that provides them with the desired standard of living and position in society.

At work, the Monkey and the Rooster form a truly successful tandem

Compatibility of Monkey man and Rooster woman

If he is a Monkey, she is a Rooster, then they have a chance of preserving the union. The active, but sometimes too straightforward Rooster woman wants to build a career, and the Monkey man wants to occupy a high position in society, which is facilitated by the presence of a bright companion. He knows how to present even her characteristic rude straightforwardness in the eyes of others as eccentricity and an element of her charm.

Compatibility of Monkey woman and Rooster man

If she is a Monkey, he is a Rooster , their compatibility is possible only with a mutual desire for self-development and overcoming the initial incompatibility.

Partners are too immersed in their own world to delve into the motives of the other

The straightforward Rooster does not like the manipulations of the selfish Monkey, which she will make him dance to her tune.

The Monkey and the Rooster are too immersed in their own world to think about anything else.

It will be difficult for the Rooster man to give up dominance in a couple, as usually happens with the Monkey, and even if she agrees to play a supporting role, he is unlikely to be able to appreciate it. The prospects for such relationships are by no means rosy; the partners’ compatibility is too low.

30 May 2018, 19:53

Compatibility between the Rooster man and the Monkey woman is based on the desire of the partners to develop. People who are ready to overcome incompatibility improve themselves and promote their partner’s self-development. This is exactly what will happen in this pair.


The Monkey woman is intellectually developed, loves to travel and knows how to implement her urgent plans quickly and directly. It is not easy for her to understand why the Rooster man does everything more slowly and reacts to her every word and glance.

He has a developed imagination, is filled with ideas, but does not always see ways of quick implementation, so he spends time on long-term organization, thinking through details and being careful. At the same time, his actions are often accompanied by fuss, nervous stress and anxiety. Probably, the Monkey woman will try to show him another way, but it is unknown whether the Rooster will listen to her.

All disagreements and difficulties in this union will arise due to the reluctance of one partner to delve into the motives of the other. They are often busy with themselves and their personal lives, and therefore do not want to spend time understanding the psychological nuances of interaction.


The Rooster man is more conservative and will agree to sit down at the negotiating table faster. His main requirement will be a pre-planned plan, and the Monkey girl can offer it, but with the condition of making adjustments when necessary. It is important that each of them finds and appreciates the characteristics and talents of their partner, then reconciliation will occur in their love relationship and they will begin to move forward.

The Monkey woman will have to accept guidance from her beloved man and follow him out of respect and faith. He, in turn, must appreciate these concessions and show understanding. The Rooster man, like other men, rarely listens to their women because they are too fixated on their ideas and desire to be a hero. He tends to see the external and rarely looks deep - it is not easy for him to talk and realize his feelings. But this is not a reason for the Monkey woman to distance herself and live her life while being nearby.

To find the golden mean, they need to understand that a couple is a man and a woman standing with their backs to each other, while each minds their own business in the outside world and when they come home they exchange information with their other half, enriching each other with new knowledge. General leisure and relaxation should also bring pleasure.

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The relationship according to the compatibility horoscope of the Monkey man and the Rooster woman is complex. In this union, both partners are ambitious and seek approval and recognition, but their views on life and achieving success can be very contradictory.

The Rooster woman, because of her fastidiousness and desire for administration, prefers to look down on everything and point out other people’s shortcomings, while the Monkey man likes to act without unnecessary fuss, someone’s control and showdown. In addition, her constant behavior and her desire to argue irritate the Monkey man, causing various problems.

It is also worth noting that both the Rooster woman and the Monkey man are both straightforward, uncompromising and love to defend their point of view. As a result of all this, the union becomes very unstable. There is a high probability that there will be constant scandals, claims and a struggle between two temperaments.

Monkey man and Rooster woman - compatibility

The Monkey man and the Rooster woman are one of the brightest couples from the entire Eastern horoscope. Here people unite who know how to live life to the fullest and love with all their hearts. But, unfortunately, they rarely manage to build happy family relationships. The Monkey man and the Rooster woman have a great charge of feelings and positive emotions for each other, but on a spiritual level it is difficult for them to come to an understanding. Their compatibility is very low. Such unions in love and marriage are quite rare; their temperaments, life habits and aspirations are too different. It is important for both to make an impression, so their whole life will be exposed and become a source of pride or disappointment. It is worth noting that their compatibility increases in old age, when the outer shell is no longer important. The only way to make this union happy is to recognize each other's talents and not pay attention to each other's shortcomings.

A man born to be a self-confident person, however, few people take him seriously until they see him in action. After all, this person is a holiday, the most lively, cheerful, joker and joker. He is cheerful and often becomes the center of everyone's attention. He has an amazing sense of humor, and he perceives life as an exciting game. The Monkey man is sociable and he always has a lot of acquaintances and friends, however, he often suffers from his popularity and active external life. His resourceful mind, cunning and observation allow him to keep any situation under control and get away with it. , relying on his inner voice, but quick reaction and good intelligence protect him from ill-considered actions. The Monkey man is a very strong personality and his whole life depends on whether he directs his strength to creative or destructive activities.

A woman born in . She attaches great importance to her appearance and carefully looks after herself from an early age. She loves popularity, fame and makes every effort to be the center of attention in any company. The Rooster woman is sincere and straightforward. She always says what she thinks, and this quality greatly complicates her life, since with her frankness she can offend a person and not even notice it. In addition, she loves to criticize everything and everyone and argue, proving that she is right. Very often, the Rooster woman achieves high results in her career, but in her personal life these qualities are a big hindrance.

The romantic relationship between the bright Rooster woman and the cheerful Monkey man begins very quickly. Their romance is always stormy, with noisy parties, adventures, passionate nights, and unusual sexual experiments. An integral element of their relationship is quarrels and reconciliation, separation and return. Problems and contradictions in a couple appear almost from the first days. The Rooster woman is annoyed by the Monkey man's optionality, his secrecy and independence. And he is angry at the excessive fussiness of the Rooster woman and her desire to command and control his life. It is worth noting that if the Rooster woman wants to get to know the Monkey man and understand him, then their love relationship can become harmonious. However, she is too busy with herself and simply does not notice the desires and inner world of her lover. And if a couple decides to start a family, then the contradictions intensify with catastrophic speed.

In the mode of breakups and stormy reconciliations, the relationship between a Monkey man and a Rooster woman can last more than one year. The Rooster woman loves to know and control everything, and the intrigues and secret motives of her companion are incomprehensible to her. And the Monkey man, who loves life with all his soul, cannot stand the constant grumbling of his wife, her irritability, criticism and straightforwardness. In addition, he does not like that his beloved cannot appreciate his merits. As a result, irritation and misunderstanding accumulate and destroy the relationship from the inside. Among other things, the family may also face financial difficulties. Both spouses know how to work and earn money, but spend it thoughtlessly. The Rooster woman buys exquisite outfits and interior items, and the Monkey man invests in dubious projects.

The Monkey man is very fond of adventure, travel, and has the ability to achieve his goals in the fastest and shortest way. It is difficult for him to understand the Rooster woman, who is unsure of everything, constantly criticizes his actions and clings to his words. The whole life of the Rooster woman is subordinated to a certain system, and every action is filled with anxiety and vanity. The Monkey man is angry at his wife’s slowness. In addition, she herself does not understand why she adheres to the invented rules; she spends weeks thinking about this or that decision. The Rooster woman is full of ideas and has a developed imagination, but due to her great attention to detail, she misses the main thing and cannot achieve her goals. Both spouses are sharp-tongued and constantly tease each other. The only difference is that the Monkey man controls his expressions when he needs it, and the Rooster woman always says what she thinks. And the main problem of this couple is selfishness and unwillingness to understand the other. Everyone is too busy with themselves and does not delve into the inner world of their partner. However, if spouses learn to respect each other’s opinions, accept their loved one with all their shortcomings, they will be able to create harmonious relationships and help each other develop internal energy and gain invaluable experience of living together.

Partners can find a common language over time, when they are united by something more than passion. When the Rooster woman is able to appreciate the abilities and talents of the Monkey man, his potential, she will be able to get rid of unnecessary worries and claims. And the Monkey man, in turn, must pay tribute to his wife’s ability to organize the house, everyday life and his work space. The Rooster woman pays great attention to little things that, as a rule, the Monkey man does not notice. Thanks to her, he can avoid many mistakes due to his inattention and impulsiveness.

Monkey man and Rooster woman - compatibility in love

The sexual compatibility of the Monkey man and the Rooster woman is quite high. After the Rooster woman’s shyness has been overcome, the bed for both will become a place of fabulous bliss. Sex for both is not just physical pleasure, but something more. That is why they surrender to intimacy with all the power of passion and try to get pleasure by any means.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Monkey Man and Rooster Woman couple

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Rooster woman is not great, but true love can conquer anything. People who are ready to overcome incompatibility develop themselves and help their partner develop. The Monkey man is very smart, knows how to act quickly, obeying intuition and quick reactions. And the Rooster woman is used to making long-term plans and clearly defining goals for herself. She knows how to find a common language with many, although she lacks diplomacy and tact. If you combine these abilities, you get a good union. The Monkey man will help the Rooster woman overcome her doubts, and she, in turn, will teach her partner to think about his actions and streamline his life.

When both begin to think about the other more than about themselves, the chances of creating a happy family increase many times over. Both need to learn to give in and compromise. This will seem especially difficult to the Rooster woman. The Monkey man adapts perfectly to circumstances and becomes flexible when he needs it.

People born in the year of the Rooster and the Monkey seem very similar at first glance, but if you believe the horoscope, they are united only by superficial similarities. The compatibility of the Rooster and the Monkey largely depends on the desire of each of them to get to know their partner more deeply. And besides, from their mutual ability to accept and appreciate each other's characteristics.

Characteristics of signs


Most often, people born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their special mobility, not only physical, but also mental. They are distinguished by an active and creative lifestyle, sociability, high intelligence, dexterity and artistry. It is believed that Monkeys are very cunning, but although it seems like a paradox, they have great honesty. Such a person will masterfully get out of the most hopeless situations and at the same time never betray trust.

Periods of romance for the Monkey are often replaced by other life interests, but then the need for love arises again.


People born in the year of the Rooster attract attention at first sight. They have a striking appearance and sense of style, as well as spontaneity, directness and self-confidence. Sometimes they are too hot-tempered, stubborn and vain, but in essence they are very kind and compassionate, always ready to rush to the defense of their friends and life principles.

It should be remembered that Cockerels are big dreamers and idealists who believe in fairy tales and do not hide their innate romanticism.

Monkey Woman and Rooster Man

The Monkey woman and the Rooster man quickly enter into a relationship, as each of them seems to be an irresistible temptation for the other. The Monkey's attractiveness to the Rooster is undeniable: she is charming, active and optimistic, and in addition, she is smart and dexterous enough to make him feel like a real man. In turn, she is impressed by Cockerel’s courage and openness, his bright charisma, observant mind and romanticism.

The Rooster man and the Monkey woman could be happy if their tender friendship and passionate love never went beyond a candy-bouquet romantic relationship. However, the beginning of a life together often marks the end of a love idyll for the Monkey woman and the Rooster man. The Monkey's mind and character are distinguished not only by flexibility, but also by strength - sooner or later a man will understand that she is capable of not only admiring him, but also strives for leadership. Carried away by an argument about who is stronger in a couple, they may not notice that in marriage their tender love and fiery passion have been replaced by a banal struggle for primacy.

Monkey Man and Rooster Woman

The Monkey man and the Rooster woman attract each other with no less force than the previous couple. It’s hard not to admire a girl born under the sign of the Rooster: she is well-groomed and fashionably dressed, she behaves confidently and openly. It is difficult for Monkey Guy, with his lively mind and innate taste, to ignore such a person. In turn, he conquers the beauty with the power of his intellect, energy, wit and amazing dexterity, which gives romantic courtship a completely new charm.

In a marriage union, the Monkey and the Rooster expect new revelations, which do not always strengthen love and marriage. A woman begins to understand that in everyday life the Monkey man is not at all as romantic as during the courtship period (but she simply needs words of admiration and love, otherwise why all these efforts to be beautiful?). The Monkey guy quickly gets bored with long sighs; his mind requires more solid food: life challenges, intellectual tasks, career advancement. The Monkey and the Rooster move away and grow cold towards each other, suffering painfully from mutual misunderstanding.

  1. Partners born in the year of the Monkey and the Rooster must understand that their relationship cannot live on romance alone. No matter how wonderful it may be in the beginning, a relationship must evolve in order to exist at all. According to the horoscope, the Monkey is too lively a sign, unable to always remain in the same mood. At times she will completely forget about romance, but then everything will change again, and the beauty of the relationship will flare up with a vengeance. It is important for the Cockerel to be aware of this feature and understand that the Monkey is only temporarily distracted, but does not become cold.
  2. People of the Rooster sign simply need sincere admiration and praise, but their partners may not know to what extent this is important. Compatibility in marriage is based on harmony, which in turn is based on sincerity and openness. The Rooster should use his ability to speak with an open heart and convey to the Monkey the importance of his needs. A sincere conversation will definitely bear fruit: the Monkey’s dexterity and understanding will help her understand the situation and make useful adjustments to the relationship.
  3. Having once indulged in narcissism, the Rooster runs the risk of getting carried away and becoming completely fixated on the splendor of his own person. In such cases, love, friendship, and marriage suffer from excessive egocentrism. A red light for an egoist should be the bored look of the Monkey’s partner - this is a sign that the time has come for the beloved to break away from himself and give attention to those around him.

  • As the horoscope says, the Rooster is a romantic, which should never be forgotten. The monkey should always keep words of love and sincere compliments in his arsenal, and in emergency cases, resort to the power of admiring and loving glances. We are not talking about false flattery, you just need to express your loving attitude in time and openly say how highly the irresistible virtues of the Cockerel are valued. This habit will not only be an effective way to increase compatibility in marriage, but also an excellent opportunity to remind yourself of the unique qualities of your loved one.
  • The Monkey should be aware that when a new hobby, idea or life challenge comes to her, she is able to ignore her relationships and her loved one. In such cases, an extra minute of reflection will help calm the mind, avoid cooling and increase compatibility in marriage. The horoscope endowed this sign with a lively and changeable mind, but at the same time the ability to correctly assess the situation and set priorities. You need to use your natural gifts to gain new and equally important ones: self-discipline, moderation and insightful wisdom.