Trump's birth city. Donald Trump: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Falling from heaven to earth

After winning the presidential elections, which took place on November 8, 2016, Donald Trump became the 45th president of America. His rival, the candidate from the Democratic Party, despite the total support from the world and American media, lost by a significant margin. Thus, Clinton received only 232 electoral votes, against Trump's 290 votes.

This created a real sensation in the world community. When the eccentric, incredibly temperamental and unlikeable businessman announced his intention to run for the presidency of the United States in 2015, no one took it seriously.

After all, Trump has never been involved in politics, devoting his entire life to business.

An interesting fact is that Donald himself, having announced his intention to run as a Republican, said the famous phrase: “I will be the greatest president God has ever created.” An ambitious statement!

The election results broke the pattern with such a bang that many prominent world politicians looked extremely confused, not knowing how to behave in this situation. After all, everyone was confident that Clinton would win!

However, you should wait until the newly elected president takes office. The event will take place on January 20, 2017, therefore, a lot can change during this period of time.

We bring to your attention the most interesting facts about Donald Trump.

Donald Trump in his youth

It is reliably known that at the age of 13, Donald Trump began having serious problems at school. It was all due to the unrestrained and incredibly expressive character of young Donald. In order to somehow solve these difficulties, his father decides to send him to a private boarding school, the New York Military Academy.

It was there that the true formation of the personality of the future president began. According to Trump himself, at the military academy his boundless energy was directed in the right direction. There he learned to survive among enormous competition.

His extraordinary organizational skills began to manifest themselves very early. At the military academy, he managed to establish his leadership among his comrades. Graduated from training with the rank of cadet captain S4.

New York Military Academy student Donald Trump in 1964

In 1968, Trump received a Bachelor of Science in economics, specializing in finance.

Donald Trump's father owned a real estate company. Actually, it was there that the young guy who later became the 45th President of the United States began his career.

Interesting fact: the surname “Trump” is translated from English as “Trump”. Donald was always very proud of such a trump surname, believing that it brought him good luck.

Thanks to his outstanding abilities, he turned it into an expensive brand. Various accessories, perfumes, vodka and much more are produced under this name.

How old is Donald Trump

As of 2016, Donald Trump is exactly 70 years old. He was born on June 14, 1946. By the way, this is also a very interesting fact. Trump became the oldest president in US history, being elected at the age of 70.

Before him, the record belonged to Ronald Reagan, who was elected head of state at the age of 69.

Facts from the biography of Donald Trump

Donald Trump's fortune, according to various estimates, ranges from 4 to 9 billion US dollars. During his career, he suffered complete bankruptcy several times. However, incredible perseverance and self-confidence helped him again rise to the level of the richest people on the planet.

One of the last crises of a businessman occurred in 1991. At that time, Trump's debts amounted to $9.8 billion. Taking a desperate step, he mortgaged his famous Trump Tower skyscraper in New York and received a good loan from financial institutions. Literally a few years later, he managed to pay off all creditors and again began to increase his capital.

An interesting fact from Trump's biography. One day, a businessman took out a bank loan in the amount of $500 million, securing the deal only in his own name. Probably, the creditors knew that even under the most unfavorable circumstances, the resourceful Trump would definitely find a way out of the situation and, sooner or later, return the money with a profit. In the end, they were right!

Often, American developers turned to Donald Trump with a request to sell their buildings, ensuring a successful transaction in his own name. For this reason, many buildings bearing his name are not owned by his companies.

Not everyone knows that Donald Trump is also a successful writer. He has written more than 15 books on business topics. Considering Trump’s biography, all books have sold millions of copies around the world. Every businessman studies the life of a billionaire with pleasure and undisguised interest in order to understand what principles allowed him to become so successful.

An interesting fact is that Trump took part in the filming of more than 100 films. Of course, all his roles are episodic, but this testifies to the versatility of Donald's personality.

Moreover, in 2004 he became the main presenter of his own television program “The Candidate”. Its winners, according to the terms of the reality show, were guaranteed to occupy a leadership position in the business of the Trump empire with a salary of $250 thousand.

The essence of the show was that all the applicants (candidates) became managers of Donald’s different companies for some period of time. Those who managed things poorly heard the phrase “You’re fired” from the host, after which they dropped out of the game. By the way, this phrase became so famous that the businessman wanted to patent it.

Donald Trump has always been known as a harsh critic. He once publicly stated that there is no evidence that the current president was born in the United States. As a result of a violent reaction from the American community, the White House was forced to publish Obama's birth certificate.

In 2014, when the Ebola virus became known, Barack Obama refused to ban entry into the United States of persons arriving from the infected zone. In this regard, Donald tweeted the following: “I'm starting to think that the president is not completely mentally healthy. Why didn't he ban flights? Psycho!" .

An interesting fact is that Trump’s hairstyle has become, in a way, the billionaire’s calling card. Throughout his career, he has repeatedly had to deny rumors that he wears a wig. He himself says that hair is his image.

Moreover, he considers his hair the most famous in all of America. It should be added that he washes them with inexpensive shampoos, but basically does not use a hairdryer.

By the billionaire’s own admission, he does not drink alcohol at all, and also ignores tea and. However, this does not stop him from being known for his sweet tooth.

It must be said that, being a rather gentle father, he raised his children extremely strictly in terms of their attitude towards alcohol and any drugs. None of his children use these things. Perhaps the reason for this radical attitude was the fact that Trump's younger brother died of alcoholism.

Tony Sinical, the businessman's butler, says that his master sleeps no more than 3-4 hours a day. Moreover, he gets up long before dawn. Associations involuntarily arise with others who devoted very little time to sleep, while maintaining tremendous performance.

Donald Trump's wives

At 31, Trump got married. His chosen one was the Czechoslovakian model Ivana Zelnicek. This happened in 1977. However, they divorced in 1992 after Ivana found out that her husband was cheating on her. During the divorce, she demanded $25 million.

A year later, in 1993, Trump married again, having previously concluded a detailed prenuptial agreement. Still, business thinking forced him to calculate all his risks. This time his wife was the American actress Marle Maples. They had a daughter, Tiffany, but divorced in 1999.

In February 2008, in one of his television programs, Donald Trump said the following about his wives: “I just know that it was very difficult for them (Ivana and Marla) to compete with what I love. I really love what I do" .

In 2005, fashion model Melania Knavs from Slovenia became Trump's third wife. She is 24 years younger than her husband. At the time of 2016, Melania Trump, in fact, had already become the first lady of the United States, since the elections ended in the victory of her husband.

Donald Trump and his wife Melania

In total, Donald Trump has 5 children and 8 grandchildren.

By the way, the favorite hobby of the 45th President of the United States is golf. The billionaire regularly takes part in various competitions at his own venues.

Photo by Donald Trump

Here you can see photos of Donald Trump. Among them you will find very rare family chronicles and some others. Enjoy watching!

Trump with his wife Melania and son Release of emotions near wife
Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
Donald Trump with his parents
Donald Trump with Ronald Reagan in 1987
Trump family photo
Trump with Fedor Emelianenko

Melania Trump is the businessman's third wife
Trump in Phoenix, August 2016
Trump's personal jet with exclusive layout and interior design
Donald and his wife

Now you know everything interesting facts from the biography of Donald Trump.

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After winning the elections in 2016, the already famous personality attracted even more attention. Many people are interested in how old Donald Trump is, his political and financial career, and personal life. The billionaire was born on June 14, 1946.

In 2017, Donald Trump is 71 years old.

The results of the US presidential election shocked not only America, but the whole world. Donald Trump became the forty-fifth president. This outstanding person achieved enormous success in various fields of activity. He has always been famous for his business acumen, strong character and determination. He considers himself a workaholic and a careerist.

Childhood and youth of the future president

The boy was born into the family of a millionaire. His father, Fred, earned a decent fortune (about $20 million) throughout his life, working primarily in construction. The couple had three children. But only Donald followed in his father’s footsteps, preserving and increasing the family fortune significantly.

From early childhood, he stood out for his expressive character, assertiveness, and, at times, even aggression. During adolescence, these qualities only took root. Due to problems with peers at school, the boy's parents sent him to a military academy.

According to Trump, there he found use for his unbridled energy and difficult character. He channeled his strong leadership and management skills in the right direction and learned to win in a highly competitive environment.

Trump doesn't drink alcohol at all. This fact is associated with the death of his younger brother from alcoholism. He is also indifferent to tea and coffee, but loves sweets very much.

After graduating from the New York Academy, Donald continued his education at Fordham College, but without graduating, he decided to change direction in life and entered the University of Commerce. He was attracted to two paths - a career in cinema and running a business. But Trump realized in time that building houses is a more profitable occupation and decided to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Starting a career in business

Translated from English, “trump” is a trump card or trump card. Donald considers his last name a talisman, is not afraid to take risks and confidently lives up to his reputation as a lucky man.

He adopted many business qualities from his father. I learned how to manage personnel, conduct business and negotiations, acquired the necessary contacts and lucrative government orders for the construction of large facilities. He gained his first work experience in his family's company.

Over time, views on the conduct of affairs of Trump Jr. and Sr. began to diverge. While my father spent his whole life focused on construction for the middle class of the population, the younger one wanted to work only with the powers that be. Donald has always been attracted to everything chic and expensive.

The first ambitious project in my father’s company was the construction of the luxurious Grand Hyatt hotel, the second was the Trump Tower skyscraper. This approach to business quickly bore fruit; over time, the name “Trump” became a brand. Not only large objects were built under it, but also perfumes and alcoholic beverages were produced, casinos and golf clubs were opened, and television programs were created. The Trump brand was associated with success, luxury and beauty. Many businessmen bought from Trump the right to sell their products under his name, which, with the assignment of the famous brand, became more expensive at times.

During the entire time he was doing business, Trump reached bankruptcy several times, but managed to take out huge sums of money on credit, and always paid off. He not only renewed his well-being, but also increased it significantly.

Trump's achievements in the political sphere

Throughout his life, the businessman often changed his political position. But after 2000 he began to support republican views.

Over the years, he actively and boldly criticized the policies of George W. Bush, then Barack Obama. In 2007, he made a statement on television that he would support Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary Clinton in the next elections if they ran.

It is not known in detail whether the harsh statements came from personal hostility towards the heads of state, in order to attract attention to his person, or indeed, the billionaire had his own vision of the strategy for governing the country.

The future 45th president has repeatedly stated that he wants to live his life in such a way as to leave a bright mark on the history of the United States, and perhaps the world. He claims that he began to think seriously about a political career when he decided to take part in the elections. Considering Trump’s eccentricity, incredible temperament and character, he surprised even his closest circle with this statement. Until recently, the billionaire claimed that he was more attracted to business.

The candidate's statement, “I will be the greatest president God has ever created,” seemed so ambitious and unrealistic that not only his competitors, but also his colleagues did not take him seriously.

According to all opinion polls and forecasts of political scientists, Hillary Clinton's chances of winning were much greater than those of the eccentric billionaire. Despite how old Donald Trump is, on November 19, 2016, according to the vote count, he won a landslide victory.

Trump has been named the oldest US president. Before this, Reagan had the “title.”

Regardless of how old Donald Trump is, he leads an active lifestyle. His main hobbies are construction, yachts and golf.

The achievements of this personality in a wide variety of areas are simply amazing:

  • His company built the largest hotel-casino in the world;
  • He owns jewelry, restaurant, and mortgage businesses;
  • Owns an organization that organizes the Miss Universe beauty contest;
  • At the time of its completion, the Trump Tower skyscraper was the tallest building in New York;
  • Acts in films and videos. Most often he plays himself or small episodic roles;
  • He acted as a presenter in two television shows; his project “The Candidate” on television was a huge success;
  • A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is named after Trump;
  • Created a large network marketing company that sells vitamins, sports nutrition and nutritional supplements;
  • Since 1990, he has written 17 books. The main idea of ​​most of his works is self-development, financial education, guidance on how to succeed in business;
  • According to the Forbes list, his fortune was $4 billion, according to unofficial sources 9;
  • Received the title of Person of the Year according to Time magazine.

According to relatives, he sleeps no more than 4 hours a day. This time is enough for him to feel good and recharge his batteries.

Personal life of a tycoon

People close to Donald describe him as a charismatic and attractive person. He was always surrounded by stunning and young beauties and never denied that he loved female attention.

Officially, the president was married 3 times. His wives:

  1. Ivana Zelnicek - worked in the modeling business. Originally from Czechoslovakia. The marriage lasted from 1977 to 1993. Donald's wife gave birth to 3 children. During the divorce, the woman sued her rich husband for $25 million, accusing him of numerous infidelities.
  2. Marla Mapes is an actress. The marriage lasted from 1993 to 1999. Before formalizing the relationship, Donald insisted on signing a prenuptial agreement. Marla gave birth to her husband's daughter.
  3. Melania Knavs is a model from Slovenia. The couple has been married from 2004 to the present day. Their wedding was included in the most expensive ratings and cost the newlyweds 45 million. The age difference between the spouses is 24 years. In this marriage, Donald had a son. This is his fifth child.

Two adult sons work in their father’s company, the eldest daughter owns a modeling business, the youngest daughter studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the youngest son from 3 marriages is currently 10 years old.

The age difference between the eldest and youngest sons is almost 30 years.

Donald Trump is credited with a large number of novels. During his election campaign, several allegations from women of sexual harassment and abuse were made public.

At the moment, the president has 5 children and 8 grandchildren.

Considering how old Donald Trump is, I would like to wish him good health and success not only in business, but also in political activities. The whole world is watching his work as president with interest.

Donald Trump biography: success story, personal life, ups and downs. Trump is a very interesting and multifaceted personality, his story is fascinating

Hello dear readers. Guess who is the most popular person on the planet today? Of course, Donald Trump! It was interesting when he entered the race, but no one took his participation seriously. And why does a multimillionaire need this? However, on November 8, 2016, he won the election race, and his rival Hillary Clinton still refuses to believe it. Dizzying rises in business, as well as in politics, showed that this man is an excellent analyst and strategist with an uncontrollable thirst to become great. It is his success story that will be the topic of today’s article.

We will skip the school years, which you can learn about from Wikipedia if you wish, and move on to the period of Trump’s formation as a businessman.

Donald Trump - biography and success story

Donald Trump took his first steps in the construction business while still a student. Together with his father, he purchased a bankrupt complex in Cincinnati, Ohio. It had about 1,200 apartments. It’s surprising, but the state subsidized such an impressive amount for the restoration of this project, called Swifton Village, that the Trumps, without spending a cent, carried out a complete restoration of the complex and sold it for twice as much as they bought it. As a result, Donald realized that the government was focused on providing people with housing and was ready to assist and provide assistance in every possible way, and he certainly knew how to get such help. This story was the beginning of Trump’s prosperity as a major construction entrepreneur.

I never stop and get only positive emotions from my work.

However, this was not enough for Donald. His first projects were successful, but his goal was New York. Here it is, a city of opportunity, where you have a chance to enter the real estate market directly and make yourself a major construction magnate! He immediately moved to the metropolis, rented an apartment in Manhattan, which was not particularly luxurious, and looked at buildings with great diligence. As Donald accumulated knowledge, he was convinced that it would be useful to him in creating his greatest business.

Trump was well aware that he could only get good funding by moving in certain circles and set himself the goal of becoming a member of the club for rich and influential French politicians and bankers. Getting into this closed club without a specific recommendation was not an easy task, but the young and ambitious businessman achieved his goal and received a club card after meeting with the manager. Trump has joined the milieu of the powerful. The visitors to this establishment were big bosses, successful models, top managers, and oil tycoons. Unimaginable deals and multimillion-dollar contracts awaited Donald.

Despite the dizzying start and useful contacts, Trump was constantly haunted by failure. Perhaps because of his ardor and youth, he did not inspire confidence among serious developers, but fortune, it would seem, turned away from him. Despite all this, Donald did not give up; on the contrary, failures encouraged him and kindled in him the desire to achieve his goal at all costs.

Life is a cruel thing, and people get hit very hard. Therefore, if you want to win, you need to be as strong as flint.

Having secured his father's financial support, Trump made his first deal with the bankrupt Penny Central Railroad. Donald purchased from her the dilapidated Commodore Hotel, which was adjacent to Grand Central Station. The future tycoon was able to convince the authorities to defer the payment of property taxes for him for 40 years and take loans from banks in the amount of seventy million dollars, and give Hyatt Corporation his name. And now, instead of the dilapidated Commodore Hotel, a luxurious Grand Hyatt was formed.

Trump's purchase of land in Atlantic City long before the legalization of the gambling business once again proved that he has excellent instincts and luck, since the cost of this land by 1982 exceeded $20 million.

But what made Donald Trump one of the largest construction magnates in New York was the Trump Tower project. In 1979, he rented a department store building located near the Tiffany boutique. At first, everything was not so smooth and the authorities did not want to meet him halfway, refusing to provide multimillion-dollar tax breaks. But he did not give up and, after going through several court hearings, achieved benefits.

And now, after three years, on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in Manhattan, one could see the grand opening of the mind-blowing 68-story mixed-use center Trump Tower. The building's revenue exceeded all expectations, tourists flocked to see the majesty of the skyscraper with its six-story atrium, pink marble trim and 80-foot waterfall, and celebrities rushed to rent an area here.

The 80s became the period of formation of the Trump Empire - all his projects turned into a gold mine. Such success made Trump's head spin. Not being particularly modest, he became very self-confident and when asked how things were going, the answer was: “It’s good to be Donald.”

Fall and rise

It is possible that the incredible success turned Trump’s head, he lost his dexterity and forgot about caution, because, whatever one may say, his business empire was supported by loans - to implement all his projects, he borrowed funds from large banks. Donald's name and fame did their job - creditors were ready to give him fabulous sums.

But this was hardly his goal; most likely, managing so many projects, he simply lost track of his debts and was no longer able to keep track of the state of affairs and stopped delving into the essence of the transactions. By the end of the 80s, Trump became the owner of numerous gambling houses in Atlantic City, a football team, an aviation company, a yacht, and a number of construction projects. He also owned his own vodka brand, several golf clubs and even a grocery brand. The scale of the empire grew so large that it was out of his control. In the mid-90s, everything fell apart miserably. The company could not pay a debt of $9.8 billion, part of which the tycoon owed personally.

Many speculate that this happened due to the tycoon's lack of a clear plan and strategy. Trump quickly took off and thought that by putting his name on another building, casino or plane, he would immediately make a profit. His projects were the greatest, but controversial - bringing huge profits and, at the same time, fatal for investors in the event of a fiasco.

The reaction of the press was not long in coming. She circled over Donald like a hawk, bombarding the world with news that success had left him, he had given up, given up, and the like. This hit Trump's pride hard, and he became nervous. As payment for the loan, the once successful tycoon brought a large skyscraper into the heart of New York - his own building. This temporarily calmed the creditors. Donald would later talk in his book about how he walked past homeless people and was secretly jealous that they didn't have multimillion-dollar debts. Everything could collapse in one moment and not even a cent would be left from his father’s business, and yet it served as a springboard for creating an empire. In addition to all the failures, Trump’s wife left him and bore him three children, which entailed additional financial losses.

After some time, Trump managed to get out of the debt hole and in 1993 he again began making profits from real estate and gambling houses. He still managed to remain the owner of most of his buildings and three casinos. Now Donald began turning to consultants and acquired a financial director. Since the crisis, Trump has been careful to only make deals with the biggest investors. He offers them his name as a brand and shares how to avoid falling into the abyss of debt and obligations.

Of course, the fact that the Trump empire, in fact, “rose from the ashes” was the most ambitious and significant restoration of personal financial well-being in US history.

Donald Trump biography personal life

The personal life of the winner always aroused increased interest. So, “the personal life of the king.”

1975 Donald Trump is one of the richest men in America, the dream of every American girl. But not every girl likes or suits him. Give him a “princess”, although he doesn’t look a little like a prince, however, one has appeared. Ivana, a Czechoslovakian model, quickly won Trump's heart. According to Ivana herself, the acquaintance took place in a restaurant, but Donald did not make a strong impression on the young lady. He will do it later, when he pays for her evening with friends at a fashionable club, but it’s hard to judge the girl for this.

Donald described their acquaintance as a meeting at a ski resort, it is also difficult to judge him - after all, a large number of women in his life could have gotten confused. In any case, the meeting took place, as did the wedding, as well as the birth of three children. During this time, Ivana, from a girl from Czechoslovakia, turned into an American socialite, and with rather sharp claws, this will affect later, during the divorce... In the meantime, Madame Trump is establishing her own business and even more than one, a fashion house, a perfume business, precious stones, after cutting by its masters, they were sold at high prices. The girl was not hungry.

15 years have passed. The family boat of the family did not sink, but did not float either. Donald was not only a brilliant businessman who only strengthened his financial position, but also a lover of the fair sex, more than once sponsoring beauty contests in the country. Of course, many girls could not “miss” such a sponsor, just like he could not miss them. Ivana turned a blind eye to her husband’s pranks, in the end, everything was not without sin, but another betrayal with her friend Marla put an end to their relationship. A high-profile divorce, huge compensation, by the way, in subsequent marriages, Donald will always sign marriage contracts, which he did in his time in his marriage to Ivana. What about the “offended wife”? And Ivana received her 25 million dollars and calmly began a new life.

1993 Luxurious wedding of Marla and Donald. The birth of another daughter. And then, as in the previous marriage, only now the beautiful wife behaved inappropriately, according to Trump. Or maybe she’s just tired of her scandals and requests; if you believe the tabloids, the character of “Madame Trump No. 2” is far from sugar. The divorce occurred after only 5 years. And the cunning Donald, thanks to a timely signed marriage contract, paid his ex-wife only 1.5 million dollars.

1999 Trump meets a Yugoslav beauty - even then Trump was drawn to everything Slavic. And in 2005, after 6 years of “checking,” Donald got married (although he did not forget about the contract) with Melania Knavs. So far only one son has emerged from this marriage, but what are their ages? Now Melania will be given the title not only of the wife of the richest man in America, but also the title of “First Lady of America.” The girl pulled out her lottery ticket.

All children communicate and maintain relationships both with their stepmother and among themselves. Either this is American democracy, or Donald really managed to restore order in families. In any case, it looks like a happy family. The elders successfully work for their father in his companies, and by the way, they quite successfully increase the family’s capital. Dad’s special pride is his daughter Ivanka. Indeed, she is a beauty, and judging by her position in the company - vice president, and also smart.

This is the story about the American dream. What kind of president Donald Trump will be, we will only find out with time. Be that as it may, Trump is an outstanding businessman, whose life is fascinated by many people around the world, including me.

Best regards, Stein David.

Donald Trump is a billionaire, entrepreneur and, most recently, President of the United States of America. This personality is of interest to all journalists and politicians in the world. Almost everyone wants to know how Donald Trump will build his political career. The biography of this extraordinary man is filled with ups and downs, in which his character was tempered. His rise to the political Olympus turned out to be rapid and unexpected, but, be that as it may, the fate of the American people now depends on him.

Donald Trump: biography briefly

The future president of the United States of America was born in June 1946. His family has German-Scottish roots, although Donald himself considers himself a native New Yorker. His father was a talented entrepreneur and already at the age of twenty-five owned his own construction company. Business was booming, and Fred Crist Trump's son lacked for nothing from early childhood.

The boy had an obnoxious character and at the age of thirteen was sent to a military academy. In 1968, Trump received a bachelor's degree in economics and joined his father's business. From the first days of work, he showed himself to be a talented entrepreneur and managed to complete several projects, bringing double profit to the company.

Donald Trump became interested in real estate and actively developed the family firm. Over the course of twenty years, he managed to increase the fortune received from his father several times. He won the tender to develop Manhattan and built luxury residential complexes and casinos.

But by the early nineties, Trump found himself on the verge of bankruptcy and was forced to save his company from final ruin for seven years. At the same time, the future US president built a career on television, was the owner of a beauty contest and took his first steps in politics. It is known that during the presidential race in 2000, Donald Trump was the main candidate from the Reform Party. Even then, the United States could have gotten a talented businessman for president, but unexpectedly he withdrew his candidacy from the elections and promised that he would return to this issue later.

And he kept his promise - on November 8 last year, Trump became the forty-fifth president of the United States of America. An interesting fact is that until now Donald Trump, whose biography is known to almost every American, does not hide his personal life from the media. He was always ready to give interviews, shock the audience and led the lifestyle that he liked. This is exactly how people saw Donald Trump. The personal life of a businessman has always become public knowledge. And even now the US President is not trying to hide anything from journalists, although many politicians believe that this is absolutely unacceptable for the first person of the state. But, as usual, Trump pays absolutely no attention to these little things.

Donald Trump: family

Trump has always spoken of his family with great respect. His mother came to America in 1930 from Scotland. She was a modest girl from a poor family. Almost immediately she met Fred Trump, at that time he was twenty-five years old. He was the owner of a fairly successful construction company and planned to actively develop in the near future.

The couple dated for six years, and only after checking their feelings did they marry. Immediately, the Trump family bought a cozy cottage in an elite area of ​​New York, and Mary began to furnish it with enthusiasm. The Trump couple had five children; Donald was the fourth child in the family.

Childhood and youth of the forty-fifth President of the United States of America

Many relatives noted that he was remarkably similar to his father. Donald was distinguished by toughness, determination and assertiveness. He always got his way and was often ahead of his older brothers in many characteristics. Mary and Fred didn't have a naughtier child than Donald Trump. The family tried to control the boy, but by the age of thirteen he was completely out of control and practically abandoned his studies. The teenager's father made the only right decision - he sent his son to the New York Military Academy.

Studying unexpectedly benefited Donald. He began to please his parents with his successes, became addicted to baseball and constantly received various awards. Suddenly, from a tomboy, the young man turned into the pride of the family and an example for the other children. In 1964, Donald successfully completed his studies and faced a serious choice about his future life path.

University studies

Trump admitted to journalists more than once that he dreamed of working in films. But sober calculation did not allow him to enter the film academy, and he applied to Fordham University. It was then that Donald became interested in real estate and decided to make this industry his future life's work.

Trump studied at the university for only two years, which seemed quite enough for him to understand that he wanted to specialize in finance and investment. He quickly transferred to Wharton Business School, from which he graduated brilliantly in the early sixties of the last century.

First steps in business

By the time Trump joined his father’s company, it was already a leader in real estate in America. But Donald himself was confident that he could make his family even richer and more successful.

He immediately took on a project to build middle-class housing. The apartments were sold fairly quickly, and Trump managed to make six million dollars in net profit. This amount was twice the construction costs. Such a successful start inspired the young businessman.

He began to actively make connections. Trump believed that only communication with the powers that be could help him build a successful career. Around this period of time, he opened a small office in Manhattan, where he was located almost around the clock.

In the seventies of the last century, Trump managed to win a tender for the reconstruction of a large hotel in Manhattan, as well as the surrounding areas. In addition, the company received tax breaks for forty years. Trump took out a loan of several tens of millions of dollars for reconstruction. Within six years, the obligations to the city were fully fulfilled, and the talented businessman replenished his fortune with more than a hundred million dollars.

The rise of Trump's career

In the seventies of the last century, Donald Trump's business took off by leaps and bounds. The entrepreneur bought a plot of land in a prestigious area of ​​New York and began construction of his most ambitious project at that time - the Trump Tower residential complex. Apartments on fifty-eight floors were sold out at lightning speed, and the businessman received two hundred million dollars in net profit.

At the same time, Trump became interested in the hotel business and casinos. One after another, the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino in Atlantic City, Trump's Castle and the Taj Mahal appeared. The latter complex became the world's largest hotel-casino.

In the early nineties, every American already knew who businessman Donald Trump was. The biography of the talented businessman was replenished with one very important event - his fortune reached the one billion dollar mark. The company grew to incredible proportions; Trump owned an airline, a football team and a host of small firms not related to construction. Over time, it was this fact that played a rather sad role in the life of the future president.

Balancing on the brink of bankruptcy

In the mid-nineties of the last century, Donald Trump found himself in a very difficult financial situation; he and his companies were on the verge of bankruptcy. This was primarily due to the sudden outbreak of the real estate crisis, and most of Trump’s new projects were financed with borrowed funds. As a result, his debts reached almost nine billion dollars.

Surprisingly, the entrepreneur did not give up, and literally paid off his huge debts in just six years. Already at the beginning of the year 2000, Donald Trump began implementing new projects with Asian investors.

In 2008, the entrepreneur’s business was hit by a new financial crisis, Trump had to declare himself bankrupt, and a year later he decided to leave the board of directors of his company in order to find himself in another field of activity.

Trump: career as a TV presenter

For Donald Trump, who has always loved large crowds and public appearances, a career as a TV presenter seemed very tempting. And he organized a program where, live, the candidates fought a battle of wits for the position of manager in the billionaire’s company. In just a few years, the show's ratings began to break all records, and the cost of one episode was measured in seven figures.

At the same time, Trump began organizing beauty pageants and even took part in the popular Larry King show. Ten years ago he received his star on the Walk of Fame, which he is still very proud of.

Political career: stages of a long journey

Trump has been eager to get into politics since the eighties of the last century. He even ran for the post of presidential candidate, but even before the main battle he withdrew his candidacy. The billionaire's main problem was the fact that he could not decide on the choice of political party. But eight years ago the businessman joined the Republicans. It was from them that he ran for president during the last election race.

It is worth noting that for many Americans, Donald Trump as President of the United States did not seem like the best option. But he was always open, confident and able to express himself in such a way that people understood him perfectly. They especially listened to Trump’s words in the field of economic development of the country; even during the election race, he proposed a good program that would help the country emerge from the economic crisis as quickly as possible.

Few believed that Trump would be able to beat his rival Hillary Clinton. As a result, the incredible happened - for the first time in American history, a person was appointed to the post of president who understands nothing about politics, but does excellent business.

Donald Trump is the forty-fifth President of America

Now the whole world is frozen in anticipation of how the new owner of the White House will build his policy. Many analysts believe that the president’s age plays an important role in this matter. How old is Donald Trump? Not a little at all - the head of the Oval Office is seventy years old, and he should have long ago moved away from risky decisions and spontaneous actions. But, unfortunately, no one has yet seen clarity in the president’s foreign and domestic policies. Most of all, journalists and politicians are worried about what Donald Trump says about Russia. After all, the foreign policy situation in the world depends on whether both powers are able to establish cooperation. So far, there has been no serious conversation between the Kremlin and the White House that would clarify the situation. But all political analysts hope that Trump will keep his promise and build a dialogue with Russia.

On January 20, Donald Trump was inaugurated. This solemn event was greeted ambiguously by the Americans. People took to the streets of major cities with slogans and protests; many did not accept Trump as their president. The unrest was accompanied by cries about the cancellation of the election results and recognition of the winner as Hillary Clinton, who was considered the main contender for the main post in the country. Until now, three months after the oath of office, not all Americans have accepted their president. It is worth noting that this is the first time this state of affairs has developed in America. Never before have presidential elections been so turbulent and unpredictable.

Personal life of Donald Trump

Many Russians, admiring the first lady, are interested in how old Donald Trump is. After all, the beauty Melania is an example of style and femininity. But do not forget that the current president of America was married three times, and each of his women is the quintessence of beauty, restraint and charm.

Donald Trump's first wife was a Czechoslovak skier. Ivana Zelnichkova married Trump back in 1977, their marriage lasted fifteen years. During this time, Ivana gave birth to her husband three children. Both Donald Trump's wife and children held important leadership positions in his company. And the beloved Ivanka is now her father’s right hand in the White House.

Donald Trump's second wife, Marla Maples, was a successful producer and actress. During six years of marriage, Trump's wife gave birth to a daughter. However, she could hardly bear her husband's constant delays at work, and the couple decided to divorce by mutual consent.

In 2005, Donald married Melania Knaus, a former model who became the entrepreneur's muse and his main support. A year later, the Trump couple had a son, who became his father’s favorite.

All of Donald Trump's children maintain excellent relationships with their father and support him in everything. During the presidential race, the three eldest sons of the billionaire actually headed his election campaign, and now they continue to stay close to their father in the White House. The press says that Trump gave many important positions in the government to members of his family; America has never seen such an approach to forming a government. Ivanka Trump is considered her father's most important adviser, and it is to her that Syria owes the attack on its cities. Many members of the president's family tell the press that Ivanka's influence on Trump is almost limitless. He is ready to do almost anything she asks him to do. So politicians are afraid that power in the country will fall into the tenacious hands of a charming blonde. After all, the first lady is often called not Melania Trump, but Ivanka. Whether this is so, only time will tell.

Of course, no one can yet say how successful Trump's presidency will be. His policy does not yet have a clear direction, and his first actions are a little chaotic. But many predict a sad fate for America, because at the helm of the country is a person who knows how to make money, and not weave intrigues and play the political game flexibly.

Donald John Trump. Born June 14, 1946 in Queens (New York, USA). 45th President of the United States. American businessman, well-known personality on television and radio, writer. He is the president of the Trump Organization, a large construction company in the United States, and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts, which operates numerous casinos and hotels around the world. Trump has become a celebrity thanks to his extravagant lifestyle and outspoken communication style, as well as his successful reality show “The Apprentice,” on which he serves as both executive producer and host.

Trump began his business with the reconstruction of the Commodore Hotel in the Grand Hyatt Hotel together with the Pritzkers, then began to build the Trump Tower in New York and implement other housing projects. He soon decided to try his hand at the airline business (he acquired the Eastern Shuttle company) and the gambling business in Atlantic City, where he bought several casinos, including the unfinished Taj Mahal owned by the Crosby family and on the verge of bankruptcy. This expansion, which Trump financed in part through personal bank loans, resulted in significant debts that he could no longer pay.

In the early 1990s, much was said in the American press about Trump's financial problems, the emergency loan that his creditor banks agreed to provide him, and his affair with Marla Maples, which resulted in his divorce from his first wife, Ivana Trump.

In the late 1990s, Trump again achieved financial success and public recognition. In 1997, construction began on Riverside South (“Trump Place”), a complex development along the Hudson River. In 2001, he completed the construction of Trump World Tower, a 72-story residential skyscraper opposite the UN headquarters. It owns retail space in the Trump International Hotel and Tower - New York, a 44-story mixed-use (hotel and condominium) skyscraper in Columbus Square. Trump currently owns several million square meters of prime Manhattan real estate and remains an important figure in the US real estate market and a celebrity thanks to his influence through the media.

In September 2010, Donald Trump said he was "seriously considering" running for president of the United States in 2012. In the 2008 election, he supported the Republican candidate, who ultimately lost to the Democrat.

In 2015, Trump became a candidate for US President.

Donald Trump - a success story

Trump's father Fred Christ Trump (10/11/1905, Woodhaven, New York, USA - 06/25/1999) married Mary MacLeod (05/10/1912, Stornoway, Scotland - 08/7/2000) in 1936. Paternal grandparents were German immigrants: Frederick Trump (born Drumpf, 03/14/1869, Kallstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate - 03/30/1918) immigrated to the United States in 1885, became a citizen in 1892; his wife (married in Kallstadt, Rhineland-Palatinate, in 1902) - Elisabeth Christ (10.10.1880 - 6.06.1966).

Trump's mother Mary Anne was born on the Isle of Lewis.

In 1930, at the age of 18, she left the village of Tongue, Scotland, for a holiday in New York, where she met a local builder and stayed. Trump has two brothers, Fred Jr. (deceased) and Robert, and two sisters, Maryann and Elizabeth. His older sister, Maryanne Trump-Barry, is a federal appeals court judge and the mother of David Desmond, a renowned neuropsychologist and writer in the United States.

Trump attended Kew Forest School in Forest Hills, Queens, but faced difficulties when he was 13 years old; his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy in the hope of channeling his energy and self-confidence in a positive direction. It worked: Despite attending an academy in upstate New York, Trump received awards from the academy and played on the football teams in 1962 and 1963 and on the baseball team from 1962-1964 (he was team captain). in 1964).

Baseball coach Ted Dobias, renowned for his unselfish work with children, awarded him the Coach Award in 1964. In his fourth year of training, Trump was promoted to the rank of cadet captain S4 (cadet battalion sergeant major). He also co-organized a collective company of cadets, which he trained in advanced close formation drill and led in a march down Fifth Avenue on Armistice Day in 1964.

Donald Trump at the military academy

Trump attended Fordham University for two years and then transferred to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating in 1968 with a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and a minor in finance, he went to work for his father's company, a leader in the real estate industry.

Trump began his career in his father's company and initially concentrated on his father's preferred field of middle-class rental homes in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island. One of Donald's first projects (he was still in college) was the modernization of a foreclosed 1,200-apartment complex in Cincinnati, Ohio, Swifton Village: 66% of the apartments were unrented, and Trump decided to implement his project 100% throughout the year. When Trump Organization sold Swifton Village for $12 million, the company received $6 million in net profit.

In 1971, Trump moved to Manhattan. Here he saw the city's economic opportunities, especially with large construction projects in Manhattan that offered high profits through architectural design that promoted public recognition.

Trump first sought the right to develop the old Pennsylvania Central Station on the West Side, subsequently attracting a 40-year tax credit - financially exceeded by the New York government, which decided to give the tax break in exchange for an investment during the financial crisis in a bankrupt hotel. Commodore" to turn it into a new Grand Hyatt hotel.

Trump also had a hand in the construction of the Jacob Javits Convention Center, as he owned the land on which it was built. The construction of the Jacob Javits Convention Center pitted Donald Trump against the New York government: he estimated the project at $110 million, while city estimates put the figure at $750 million to $1 billion. Trump proposed to control the cost of the project within that amount. which he succeeded in, but this proposal was not accepted.

A similar situation arose when the city attempted to renovate the Volman Ice Rink in Central Park. The project began in 1980 and was planned for 2.5 years of construction work. However, after spending $12 million on it, the city had not completed it even by 1986.

Trump offered to accept the facility under construction for free in order to continue the work at his own expense, but he was refused and did so until the local media began writing about it. As a result, Trump received a building permit, which he completed in six months, saving $750,000 of the $3 million budgeted.

By 1989, due to the financial crisis, Trump was unable to repay his loans. In the construction of its third casino "Trump-Taj Mahal" he invested $1 billion—mostly in high-interest “junk bonds.” This decision gave him an advantage over his competitors, who used most of their own money to finance their projects.

Although Trump bolstered his business with additional loans and deferred interest payments, by 1991 mounting debts caused not only business-related bankruptcy but also brought him to the brink of personal bankruptcy. Banks and bondholders lost hundreds of millions of dollars, but still decided to restructure Trump's debt to avoid wasting even more money in court. The Trump Taj Mahal Casino was released from bankruptcy on October 5, 1991, when Trump transferred 50% of his interest to the original bondholders in exchange for a reduced interest rate on the debt and more time to make payments.

On November 2, 1992, management at the Trump Plaza Hotel, Atlantic City, forced Trump to file a "prepared bankruptcy" plan under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code after he failed to pay his debt. Under the plan, Trump agreed to cede 49% of his stake in the five-star hotel to Citibank and five other creditors. In return, Trump received better terms on more than $550 million in loans from lenders and retained his position as chief executive despite making no payments or involvement in the hotel's operations.

By 1994, Trump had eliminated most of his $900 million in personal debt and significantly reduced business debt to about $3.5 billion. Along with the fact that he was forced to divest the Trump Shuttle airline (which he bought in 1989), he managed to keep Trump Tower in New York and remain manager of three casinos in Atlantic City. Chase Manhattan Bank, which provided Trump with a loan to buy the West Side sites (his largest stake in Manhattan), was forced to sell this part to Asian developers.

According to former Trump Organization executives, Trump did not retain ownership of any of the construction sites: the owners promised to give him about 30% of the profits (one time only) for the construction site, which was fully completed or sold. Until then, the owners wanted Trump to continue doing what he does best: build. They offered him a modest salary for construction and management - control of the development. The new owners also allowed Trump to use his name on buildings and construction sites, which allowed them to increase the price of the condominiums.

In 1995, Trump was elected to the Gaming Hall of Fame.

In 1995, Trump merged his casinos into a publicly traded company, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts. In 1996, the company's stock price on Wall Street topped $35, but fell below $10 in 1998 as the company remained unprofitable and struggled to pay interest on nearly $3 billion in debt. With its financial situation so dire, Trump had no way to rebuild objects included in the group so that they do not lag behind their “glossy” competitors.

Ultimately, on October 21, 2004, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts announced a debt restructuring. The plan required Trump to reduce his stake from 56% to 27% and give shares to bondholders in exchange for waiving part of the debt. Since then, Trump Hotels has been forced to seek voluntary bankruptcy protection to stay afloat. After the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in November 2004, Trump resigned as CEO but remained chairman of the board. In May 2005, the company began operating again, but under the name Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings.

Trump has worked on several projects, the stages of development of which are different. Construction of a building "Trump International Hotel and Tower - Waikiki Beach Boardwalk" promises a successful future. According to Trump, buyers made non-refinancing payments to buy space outright as soon as possible. Construction of the Trump International Hotel and Tower - Chicago continues as planned, despite the fact that 30% of the space has not been sold. At the stages of building construction "Trump International Hotel and Tower - Toronto" There are delays on schedule. Successful construction of a building "Trump Tower - Tampa" rather doubtful: too much demand has caused controversy about the upward revision of prices for space. Three years after the start of this dubious construction, it was suspended, as a result of which the buyers filed lawsuits. In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, one construction project left another waiting for approval - a building "Trump International Hotel and Tower - Fort Lauderdale". "Trump Towers - Atlanta"- a housing market that ranks second on the National Register of Unsold Homes.

The 2008 financial crisis caught Trump at a time when sales at the Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago had stalled, leaving him unable to repay a $40 million loan to Deutsche Bank in December. Trump filed a claim in court about his damaged reputation, where he indicated that the crisis is a force majeure, as mentioned in the corresponding clause of the contract he signed. Representatives of Deutsche Bank, in turn, said in court that “Trump knows about the overdue debt” and that he previously declared bankruptcy of his casinos twice.

On February 17, 2009, Trump Entertainment Resorts filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and Donald Trump announced his resignation from the Board of Directors.

In September 2011, Forbes magazine (Forbes 400 issue) estimated Trump's wealth at $2.9 billion (128th place in the ranking). Trump is known for his numerous properties he owns.

Donald Trump. Monsters Inc.

Donald Trump has been twice nominated for an Emmy Award for his comical portrayals of himself in television series and feature films, such as Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, The Nanny, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Days our lives”, and as a characteristic character in the film “Sloppy”. He is often portrayed by both comedians and artists of other genres. Trump also appears on various talk shows and other television programs.

In 2003, Trump became the executive producer and host of the reality show "Student" on NBC. The show was essentially a game in which contestants competed to become a top executive at one of Trump's companies, and those who failed the test were "fired," meaning they were eliminated from the game. In 2004, Donald Trump applied to trademark the popular phrase "You're fired!".

In the first year of the show, Trump was paid $50,000 per episode (approximately $700,000 for the first season), and starting with the second season, $3 million per episode, making him one of the highest paid people on television.

In December 2006, The View talk show host Rosie O'Donnell criticized Trump for calling himself a "moral compass for 20-year-olds" after giving a second chance to Miss USA Tara Conner, who, despite the rules , visited nightlife establishments and allowed myself to drink excessively. Trump, who owns the rights to the pageant, allowed Conner to keep the Miss USA crown while she underwent rehab. The tabloid war between these celebrities continued for several weeks.

In 2007, Trump received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his appearance on the television series The Apprentice.

In October 2007, Trump appeared on the talk show Larry King Live, where he harshly criticized the US President's actions, especially his involvement in the Iraq War. He also predicted that Rudolph Giuliani and Hillary Clinton would be running for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations, respectively, and he would be happy to support either of them in the race. Trump also expressed his position regarding Iraq in the news program “The Situation Room” with the following words: “I feel that anyone who wants more corpses in Iraq cannot win the presidential election,” hinting at Rudolph Giuliani’s speeches in support of the war in Iraq. On Larry King's talk show, Trump also spoke negatively about being recognized as the first beauty of the world.

On September 17, 2008, on the talk show Larry King Live, Trump officially recommended voting for John McCain in the upcoming US presidential election.

Donald Trump. star life

Donald Trump - US President:

On January 25, 2015, Donald Trump announced at a meeting of US Republican Party members in Iowa that he was considering the possibility of running for the upcoming 2016 presidential election.

On June 16, at his headquarters in the Trump Tower skyscraper in Manhattan, he officially announced his intention to become a Republican presidential candidate, adding: "I will be the greatest president God ever created". He promised the post of vice president to the TV presenter.

Trump's election promises included establishing good relations with the President of Russia. Donald Trump made the main slogan of his election campaign: "Make America Great Again".

After the start of the presidential race, Trump already in early July moved into first place among the Republican candidates for the presidency, beating, in particular, such serious competitors as Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio. What impressed Republican voters in the polls was that Trump "says what he believes, not what people want to hear."

Trump distanced himself from the views and policies of Senator John McCain, the Republican nominee in the 2008 presidential election, saying: “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who were never captured.".

During the election race, Trump announced that, in the event of refusal to provide support from the Republican Party in the elections, he could nominate himself for the presidency of the United States as an independent candidate.

On November 10, 2015, during the next Republican debate, Trump spoke out in support of Russia's military operation in Syria, saying: “If Putin wants to crush ISIS, I am 100 percent for it, and I can’t understand how anyone could be against it.”.

During the presidential campaign, Trump made a number of anti-Muslim statements, in particular, he announced the need to introduce mandatory registration for American Muslims (this statement led to accusations of xenophobia and a sharp drop in Trump's rating) and called for a complete ban on the entry of Muslims into the United States.

He also expressed his intention to build a wall on the border with Mexico, change the rules according to which children of illegal immigrants born on American soil receive US citizenship and deport all illegal immigrants already in the country.

According to the results of the Republican primaries, in the state of Iowa on February 1, 2016, Trump, despite leading positions in almost all public opinion polls, unexpectedly took second place, gaining 24.3% of the vote and losing first place to Ted Cruz. However, in the next primaries, held on February 9 in New Hampshire and February 20 in South Carolina, Donald Trump won a landslide victory, receiving 35.3% and 34.2% of the vote, respectively. On February 24, it became known that Donald Trump had won the Republican Party primary in Nevada, thereby strengthening his status as the favorite in the race for the presidential nomination.

On March 1, 2016, on the so-called “Super Tuesday,” Trump won the primaries in seven of eleven states: Alabama, Arkansas, Vermont, Virginia, Georgia, Massachusetts and Tennessee. On March 5, he won victories in Kentucky and Louisiana (but lost in Kansas and Maine), on March 8 - in Hawaii, as well as in Mississippi and Michigan. Following the results of the second Super Tuesday, which took place on March 15, Trump won four out of five states, losing only in Ohio to the governor of that state, John Kasich.

On March 22, Trump won the primaries in Arizona, gaining 47.1% of the vote in this state. On April 19, the primaries took place in New York, where Trump won his biggest victory, receiving 60.4% of the vote and winning almost every county in the state (except Manhattan, where he lost to Kasich by 3.4% of the vote).

American media reported the presence of a large number of opponents of Trump among donors, party workers and officials of the Republican Party, who offered to unite for his defeat around one candidate. Donald Trump's competitor in the primaries, Marco Rubio, blamed the success of his opponent on the work of the media, which had previously called him the final Republican candidate.

As part of his election campaign, Donald Trump announced the launch of the “Spread inspiration around” (SIA) campaign on February 1, 2015. The goal of the campaign is to inspire people around you with motivational phrases. Donald Trump has set a good example by inspiring his voters. By April 2016, the action had acquired international proportions.

On May 4, Trump won a landslide victory in the US Republican Party primaries in Indiana. After this, Trump's main Republican opponent, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, withdrew from the presidential race. On the same day, Trump's last Republican rival, Ohio Governor John Kasich, dropped out of the presidential race. Thus, Donald Trump remained the only candidate for the post of US President from the Republican Party.

On May 26, 2016, it became known that Donald Trump received 1,238 delegate votes, of which 1,237 votes are needed to automatically nominate a candidate for US President. Thus, Trump won the Republican Party primaries and automatically became the US presidential candidate from the Republican Party.

On July 14, 2016, Trump announced that Indiana Governor Michael Pence would be the Republican Party's vice presidential candidate.

The Republican National Convention, held July 18-21, 2016, approved Donald Trump as the official candidate for President of the United States from the Republican Party. Michael Pence was approved by the convention as the official Republican candidate for vice president of the United States.

At the age of 70, Donald Trump became the oldest first-time US president, breaking the record of Ronald Reagan, who took office at 69.

Having assumed the office of President of the United States, he signed his first decrees on the same day. In particular, one of the first decrees began preparations for the rollback and elimination of the Obamacare health care reform. Journalists noted that Trump returned to the Oval Office a bust of Winston Churchill, which Obama removed in 2009, replacing the bust of Churchill with busts of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King.

On March 5, Donald Trump signed a new decree on migrants, which prohibits citizens of six Muslim countries from entering the country: Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

On April 7, 2017, the United States launched a missile attack on an airbase of Syrian government forces in Homs province. According to the Pentagon, US Navy ships stationed in the Mediterranean Sea fired 59 Tamogawk missiles at runways, aircraft stands and air base refueling complexes. The operation was carried out on the orders of US President Donald Trump in response to a chemical attack in Idlib, for which Washington and Western countries blame Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This incident caused a mixed reaction in the European Union and Russia.

On April 12, 2017, US President Donald Trump announced the dispatch of a strike group of ships led by the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson to counter the threat from the DPRK. On April 15, the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson docked at the port of Busan. According to official Washington, the arrival of the aircraft carrier gives a signal to the DPRK that the United States is determined to respond decisively to the threat from North Korea, including nuclear testing. On May 29, military exercises between the United States and South Korea took place in the Sea of ​​Japan. A group of ships stood off the coast of Korea for just over a month, keeping watch. On May 31, the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson left the port of Busan and returned to the United States. The aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan will remain off the coast of the Korean Peninsula to stand watch.

On June 14, 2017, Donald Trump published his income statement for the past year, although he was not required to do so until May 2018. In the document, he indicated that he receives income from 565 companies or corporations in which he is listed as an executive, chairman, president or member. Trump's net worth (as of April 15, 2017, when the declaration was filed) is more than $1.4 billion. His companies have more than $300 million in debt, mainly loans for the purchase of real estate.

On July 7-8, 2017, the G20 summit was held in Hamburg, in which Donald Trump took part. The summit hosted the first meeting of the Presidents of Russia and the United States. Instead of the planned 30 minutes of dialogue, it took more than two hours. For more than an hour, the leaders of the two states discussed the fight against terrorism. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin spent almost as much time discussing possible Russian interference in the 2016 US elections. During this discussion, Putin categorically rejected accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election, and Trump forced him to admit the “fact” of this interference. Following the meeting, the presidents agreed to create a joint working group to combat terrorism, hacking, and ensure cybersecurity. An agreement was also reached on a ceasefire in some areas of Syria.