Name day March 31st women's names. Name days in March, Orthodox holidays in March. Church Orthodox holidays in March

In the traditional month book we find that on March 31, name days can be celebrated by those who received such male names at baptism as Daniel, Kirill and Trofim.

At the same time, birthday people are also represented in the church calendar for 2019, according to which those who were baptized in honor of the new martyr Father Dmitry (Rozanov) can also be congratulated on Angel Day.

Orthodox custom requires boys born on this day to be called one of the above names in order to provide them with reliable protection of the patron saint.

And in order to select the most suitable female and male names and determine the date of Angel Day, you need to carefully study the calendar.

They note that the most important name days for this day are celebrated at Natalia's, since on March 31 the Church honors the memory of their heavenly patroness, the Venerable Martyr Natalia Baklanova.

Therefore, for the baptism of girls born today, it is recommended to choose this, among other female names, to ensure their inextricable connection with the Guardian Angel.

Our ancestors believed that a name endows a person with strength and certain characteristics of the patron who bears it; this is confirmed by modern research.

This means that Natalya, who celebrates her name day on this day, will be endowed with a strong will, determination, activity and, at the same time, extraordinary warmth and kindness.

Nun Natalya came from a simple peasant family. Having learned to read and write at a rural school, she and her parents engaged in agriculture and worked in the fields.

And at the age of thirteen she became a novice of the Moscow Novodevichy Convent, where she spent fifteen years of her life, until the monastery was abolished into a commune, and later completely closed by the communists.

Together with other nuns, Natalya settled in an apartment in one of the villages of the Moscow district and earned her living by hiring herself out to work for local residents.

Later, she received a permanent job at the Moscow Institute of Balneology, where she aroused the suspicion of the relevant authorities of the Soviet regime.

Natalya refused to take part in the public life of the team, and openly opposed the establishment of new godless orders. There were many informers who contributed to her conviction.

The nun was sentenced to eight years of forced labor in labor camps. But a year later she died in the camp hospital.

Who celebrates name day in March? What female and male names should be given to newborns? We publish everything about the Orthodox holidays of March in the article!

Name day in March (what to name boys and girls in March)

Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

1 – Daniel, Ilya, Makar, Nikon, Pavel, Porfiry, Julian.

2 – Maria, Mikhail, Nikolai, Pavel, Porfiry, Roman, Fedor, Feodosius.

3 – Anna, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, Kuzma, Lev, Pavel.

4 – Arkhip, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Fedor, Fedot, Filimon.

5 – Agathon, Anton, Athanasius, Varlam, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignat, Jonah, Leo, Leonty, Luke, Nikolai, Pakhom, Pimen, Savva, Sergei, Sidor, Titus, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Thomas, Yaroslav.

6 – Alexander, George, Gregory, Daniil, Zakhar, Ivan, Konstantin, Olga, Pavel, Timofey.

7 – Andrey, Afanasy, Vavila, Varvara, Vladimir, Victor, Elizabeth, Ivan, Joseph, Irina, Mikhail, Nikolay, Praskovya, Sergey, Stepan, Titus, Fedor, Philip.

8 – Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Demyan, Ivan, Kuzma, Mikhail, Moses, Nikolay, Polycarp, Sergey.

9 – Ivan, Hilarion.

10 – Alexander, Anton, Evgeniy, Taras, Fedor.

11 – Anna, Ivan, Nikolai, Peter, Porfiry, Sevastyan, Sergey.

12 – Makar, Mikhail, Peter, Prokop, Sergei, Stepan, Timofey, Titus, Julian, Yakov.

13 – Arseny, Vasily, Ivan, Kira, Marina, Nestor, Nikolay, Sergey.

14 – Alexander, Alexandra, Anna, Anton, Antonina, Vasily, Veniamin, Daria, Evdokia, Ivan, Matrona, Mikhail, Nadezhda, Nestor, Nikifor, Olga, Peter, Sylvester.

15 – Agathon, Arseny, Joseph, Savva, Fedot.

16 – Martha, Michael, Sebastian.

17 – Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gerasim, Gregory, Daniil, Pavel, Yakov.

18 – Adrian, George, David, Ivan, Iraida, Konstantin, Nikolai, Mark, Fedor, Feofan.

19 – Arkady, Konstantin, Fedor.

20 – Anna, Antonina, Vasily, Evgeniy, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Emelyan, Ephraim, Ksenia, Lavrenty, Maria, Matrona, Nadezhda, Nestor, Nikolai, Neil, Pavel.

21 – Athanasius, Vladimir, Ivan, Lazar, Theodosius.

22 – Alexander, Alexandra, Alexey, Afanasy, Valentin, Valery, Dmitry, Ivan, Ilya, Irakli, Kirill, Leonty, Mikhail, Natalya, Nikolay, Sergey, Taras.

23 – Anastasia, Vasilisa, Victor, Vasilisa, Galina, Georgy, Denis, Dmitry, Cyprian, Claudia, Kondraty, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nika, Nikifor, Pavel, Theodora.

24 – Vasily, George, Efim, Ivan, Sophron, Theodora.

25 – Alexander, Vladimir, Gregory, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Semyon, Sergei, Feofan.

26 – Alexander, Gregory, Mikhail, Nikifor, Nikolai, Terenty, Christina.

27 – Venedikt, Mikhail, Rostislav, Theodosius.

28 – Alexander, Alexey, Denis, Mikhail, Nikandr.

29 – Alexander, Anton, Denis, Emelyan, Ivan, Pavel, Pimen, Roman, Trofim, Julian.

30 – Alexander, Alexey, Victor, Gabriel, Makar, Pavel.

31 – Daniil, Dmitry, Kirill, Natalya, Trofim.

Church Orthodox holidays in March

Theodore lived at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd century. in the city of Alasiya on the Black Sea coast and was a warrior who openly professed faith in Christ. In 306, under Emperor Galerius, the military commander tried in vain to force Theodore to sacrifice to the pagan gods. After much torment, the saint was sentenced to be burned at the stake. His body, undamaged by the fire, was buried in the city of Evkhaitakh, and later the relics were transferred to Constantinople.

Fifty years after the death of Theodore, Emperor Julian the Apostate ordered the mayor of Constantinople to sprinkle all food supplies in the markets with blood sacrificed to idols during the first week of Lent. Saint Theodore, appearing in a dream to the archbishop, ordered to announce to all Christians that no one should buy anything in the markets, but should eat boiled wheat with honey. In memory of this event, the church annually holds another celebration of the holy great martyr Theodore Tiron - on Saturday of the first week of Lent.

Hieromartyr Hermogenes

2nd of March the church also remembers. Saint Hermogenes lived at the end of the 16th – beginning of the 17th centuries. He was the first Metropolitan of Kazan and did a lot to convert local residents to Christianity. In 1606, Metropolitan Ermogen was elected to the primate see. During the Time of Troubles, when Polish troops captured Moscow, the patriarch was taken into custody in the Chudov Monastery. From captivity, he addressed his last message to the Russian people, blessing the liberation war against the conquerors. After nine months in captivity, the patriarch suffered martyrdom from hunger. After the liberation of Russia from the invaders, the body of the holy martyr was buried in the Chudov Monastery, and in 1654 it was transferred to the Moscow Assumption Cathedral.

Holy Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise

5th of March- Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Holy Prince Yaroslav was born in 978 and was the son of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. He left a memory of himself by compiling a set of laws of Kievan Rus - “Russian Truth”, which, supplemented by his sons and grandson Vladimir Monomakh, became the legal basis for the life of the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav paid a lot of attention to Christian education; on his orders, dozens of churches were built in various cities. The veneration of the blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise as a locally revered ascetic began immediately after his repose in 1054. The prince was glorified as a saint in 2005 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II.

Head of St. Prophet John the Baptist

Lutheran Easter

Lutheranism is one of the branches of the Orthodox faith, and Easter is one of the main Christian holidays, the key element of which is Jesus Christ: his faith, self-sacrifice, asceticism, crucifixion, death and, finally, resurrection from the dead. Celebrating Easter began in the middle of the second century - as evidenced by the found manuscripts describing Easter celebrations.

Passover translated from Hebrew (Pesach) means “passage”, “transition”, that is, this event can be interpreted as the transition of humanity to a new stage of existence - from eternal death to eternal life. Christ fell for human sins in order to forgive people original sin, the punishment of which was eternal death. In Lutheranism, Easter is still the highest point of the church year. Worship in honor of the Messiah begins on Easter Saturday, usually shortly before midnight. The Saturday service pays great attention to the elements of fire and water.

The service begins with the bringing into the church hall of a lit candle decorated with the Greek letters alpha and omega, which symbolize the beginning and the end. Everything is in the power of the Creator, he “... is alpha and omega,” responsible for the birth (beginning) of the universe and its death (end). On Sunday morning, a new life begins, giving and receiving gifts. This morning, children look for gifts hidden by their parents, allegedly brought by the Easter Bunny, and also play various Easter games.

It's no secret that one of the symbols of Easter is colored eggs. Today they are painted in a variety of shades, painted with patterns, flowers and other figures. In Germany, for example, eggs are painted by special craftsmen. And then the eggs are taken home, shared with relatives, friends, neighbors and just good people.

March 31st in the folk calendar

Kirill – Deri runner

On March 31, the Orthodox world celebrates the memory of the Venerable Saint Cyril, who lived in the fourth century and bore the title of archbishop.

Kirill received this nickname due to warm weather and intense melting of snow and ice. In Rus', by this time, sleds for performing yard work had finally lost their relevance, since the likelihood of their runners being stripped was very high. The sleighs were replaced by wheeled types of “transport”. The ordinary cart was very popular. However, autumn frosts still had to be feared: “On Kirill, there is winter both in front and behind,” or “On Kirill’s march, a chill breaks through.” However, the coltsfoot, which had blossomed by this time, testified to a warm April and a hot summer.

Historical events of March 31

On this autumn day in March 1889, the designer of the 300-meter tower, Gustav Eiffel, hoisted the French flag on its top. Today the Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable architectural structure in Paris. It is a symbol of the country, its calling card. Eiffel himself simply called his creation a three-hundred-meter tower. Initially, the structure served as the entrance arch to the Paris World Exhibition of 1889. Over time, the authorities planned to demolish it, and the radio antennas installed on its top saved the tower from the planned demolition.

The history of the Eiffel Tower dates back to 1886, when the organizers of the future World Exhibition opened a competition for architectural designs that would determine the “look” of this exhibition. More than a hundred people took part in the free competition. The commission was also presented with a project by Gustav Eiffel, which they liked the most. Having won the place of winner in the architectural competition, the designer exclaimed with enthusiasm: “France will be the only country with a 300-meter tower.”

One day, Judson saw a very heartbreaking picture: a man with incredible back pain had to bend over to lace his shoes, and Judson, who at that time was the author of 12 patents, had an idea - he decided to create a fastener that would make the process of fixing clothes as easy as possible. Whitcomb succeeded. The new design consisted of two looped chains connected to each other by a reed key (“dog”). Whitcomb called his next invention lightning. The new fastener significantly speeded up the process of fastening shoes. However, it was not very popular among the population due to its high cost. Over time, zipper improved (became more flexible, thinner, more convenient to use) and became cheaper. It was then, 20 years after its invention, that the “age” of lightning began. This technology, which is no longer new today, allows you to take off clothes and shoes many times faster than our ancestors did.

March 31, 1966– The Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite of the Moon

The first project to study the lunar surface was the Luna-1 automatic interplanetary station launched by the Soviet Union in 1959, and the first device to reach the Moon was the Luna-2 station. In the spring of 1966, Soviet specialists carried out a project to launch the first artificial satellite of the Moon, which was launched into orbit from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at about two o'clock in the afternoon using a Molniya-M launch vehicle. The satellite's mass varied within 250 kg, and it itself was equipped with the necessary research equipment. After 3 days, the satellite entered orbit of the cosmic body. The project, called Luna 10, was destined to operate for 56 days, after which the lunar satellite crashed onto its surface. In almost two months of work, he completed 460 revolutions around the Moon, studying its gravitational and magnetic fields, as well as radiation levels and soil composition.

Born on March 31

Rene Descartes(born 1596) - French mathematician, philosopher and physicist. Descartes was the founder of rationalism in the field of knowledge. His famous statement “I think, and therefore I exist” is the idea that every individual, cognizing reality, has the right to doubt everything except that a person is gifted to think and reason on any topic.

Franz Joseph Haydn(born in 1732) - a great Austrian composer, “creator of the quartet and symphony,” founder of sacred instrumental music, founder of the orchestra. As Hoffmann wrote, “Haydn’s symphonies lead us to beautiful green groves, a motley and cheerful crowd of happy people...”

Sergei Diaghilev(born in 1872) - in Russian culture, this man is known for “cutting a window to Europe” for Russian art. As a result, Europe appreciated it. In Paris, even one of the city squares is named after him.

Korney Chukovsky(born in 1882) - a brilliant literary critic and translator, but went down in history as an outstanding children's writer - the author of Moidodyr, Aibolit, Mukha-tsokotukha, etc.

Laima Vaikule(born in 1954) is a Latvian and Russian actress and pop artist. Vaikule became acquainted with the stage at the age of twelve, taking part in one of the competitions for young vocalists. At the age of 15 she was selected for the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra. This is how her fame and path to pop Olympus were born.

Name day March 31

Akakiy, Trofim, Kirill, Anesy, Natalia, Sergey, Dmitry, Albina, Daniil, Anin.

. Men's name day today:
. Women's name days today:

Name day on March 31 is celebrated by Grigory, Daniil, Dmitry, Kirill, Natalya and Trofim. The birthday people in 2016 can be considered those who were baptized in honor of the new martyr Father Dmitry (Rozanov). To provide the child with the protection of an intercessor, you need to call him one of the names presented above.

Carefully study the calendar in order to correctly identify male and female names. On March 31, the Church honors the memory of the martyr Natalia Baklanova. Our ancestors argued that the heavenly patron endows a person with strength and certain traits. Thus, those celebrating the name day on this day will be endowed with kindness, strong will and determination.

Natalia Baklanova
The Venerable Martyr Natalia was born in 1890 in the Moscow province (Podolsk district). In 1903, Natalya became a novice at the Novodevichy Convent. In 1918, persecution began against the Orthodox Church. The monastery remained closed for a certain period. The cells were turned into communal apartments. Natalya had to work as a cleaner. After that, she settled at Skhodnya station. Together with her sisters Anastasia and Evdokia Proshkin, Natalya worked as a day laborer for the residents of the station. In 1937, nun Natalya was sentenced to 8 years in a camp. The harsh living conditions in the camp became unbearable for the nun. Natalya died in 1938.

Natalya: characteristics of the name
Natalia is a Russian name of Latin origin. Derived from the word “natalis” (native). Meanings: “Christmas”, “blessed”. Diminutive forms: Natalie, Natusik, Tata, Natasha, Nata, etc. In addition to Natalya Baklanova, the Church also honors the memory of other saints with this name: Natalya Vasilyeva, Natalya Sipuyanova, Natalya Sundukova and Natalya Nicomedia.
Natalya is very stubborn and proud. She can be very hot-tempered. If Natalya is upset about something, then in a fit of anger she does not choose her words. Be that as it may, modesty is also a distinctive feature of such people. When communicating with Natalya, her friendliness towards people immediately catches your eye.
Natalya gets married very early. She has no serious doubts when it comes to choosing her future spouse. All family members feel loved. Natalya loves to travel and is also known for her hospitality. In rare moments of rest, she can enjoy playing the guitar or drawing.