Air conditioning with cold water radiator and fan. DIY air conditioner: several options on how to make air conditioner at home. Refrigerator compartment in the form of an air conditioner

Almost all home-made air conditioners use the principle of cooling the surface by evaporating water. If you blow on a wet fabric, then as it evaporates, it will cool the surface of the material, and it will, accordingly, cool the air located around at a very short distance. This principle formed the basis of the simplest climate control device, like a wet towel on a fan body. To automate the process somewhat, you can dip part of the towel into a container of water; it will be absorbed by the fabric and evaporate under the influence of the air flow.

If after the theory you still have a question about how to make an air conditioner with your own hands, then pay attention to several simple and cheap “recipes”.

Fan and plastic bottles

This is the same air conditioner, but instead of a towel, frozen water bottles suspended from the fan body are used. Make sure that there is a gap between the cooler sections for free passage of air.

The main advantage of this manufactured air conditioner is its low cost and reusability. Frozen bottled water changed its state of aggregation and turned into water, I took out a new portion from the freezer, and put this one to freeze. The disadvantage of this design is the problem with draining the condensation that inevitably appears on the surface of bottles with ice.

If the proposed schemes do not suit you, then you can always

You can find out what's new in modern air conditioner models in the article.

Pipe, water and fan

This is another variation of a self-made air conditioner on the theme of using frozen water and its cooling properties. Take a piece of plumbing plastic pipe with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of a plastic liter bottle. A fan of suitable diameter is mounted at one end using hot-melt adhesive. Several plastic bottles with frozen liquid are placed inside the pipe.

A directed air flow passes through a small gap between the bottles (cooler) and the walls of the pipe. Prolonged contact of air with cold objects quite significantly lowers its temperature, after which the structure remains directed to the cooled room. The issue remains with the condensate drainage, but this can be solved by making several small holes in the bottom of the pipe.

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Do not direct a cold air stream at a person, especially one who is hot in the summer heat. This is not safe for your health!

Container, ice and fan

This is a small but effective air conditioner, made by yourself on the same principle as previous models. Its main advantage is the direction of action, compactness and ease of use.

To do this you will need:

  • Plastic container 1.5-2 liters.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Cooler from a computer power supply.
  • Corrugated plastic siphon.
  • Glue gun.

Take a container for storing food or non-food products. It would be better if it were flatter in shape. A hole is made in the cover, slightly smaller than the intended fan from the computer power supply. It is glued into the lid using a glue gun so that it draws air into the container. A second hole is cut at the other end of the lid, of a smaller diameter, for a corrugated plumbing siphon.

Ice is poured into the container. The air, drawn in by the fan, is cooled in the container and exits through the corrugation.

  1. It is best to use a plastic container as a container.
  2. You will also need a plastic plumbing corrugation used for draining
  3. Fan and 15V power supply
  4. Ultrasonic emitter. In Chinese online stores it is called Mist Maker or fog maker, and costs about 4-5 USD.

We begin assembling the ultrasonic humidifier with our own hands.

1 step. We cut two holes in the cover: one for the fan mount,

second - corrugations

Step 2. View of the finished cover

Step 3. We connect the fan to the power supply. The red wire is a plus, so we insert it into the socket, h black - minus, connect to the outside of the plug. Afterwards we isolate all connections.

Making an air conditioner from an old refrigerator

This is practically a real air conditioner, based on the transfer of heat by freon from the evaporator to the condenser. To do this you will need:

  • A jigsaw with a metal file.
  • Two fans
  • Polyurethane foam for sealing.

You can make your own air conditioner from a refrigerator by installing a fan in the freezer door that blows air inside. To allow cooled air to escape, make a second hole in the freezer door, into which you need to insert a plastic pipe. Carefully seal the cracks using polyurethane foam.

For better heat removal, you need to install a second fan directed at the condenser. Now you should apply voltage to the refrigerator and fans and you can cool the room of the country house.

Adding on topic


Which air cooling method from those provided will you choose?

How to make an air conditioner from a fan at home? There are several basic ways in which you can turn a fan into a real air conditioner at home. They are quite simple and do not require much effort or expense from you.

A high-quality and good air conditioner is very expensive, in addition, it consumes quite a lot of electricity. However, in modern times it is very difficult to do without this climate control device, especially during the unbearable summer heat; air conditioning is the only salvation. If you do not yet have the opportunity to install an air conditioner in your apartment, then you can escape from the insane heat using various folk remedies.

For example, you can periodically cool down with a cold shower, or from time to time spray your body and face with cool water from a spray bottle. In addition, the windows in the room can be covered with a special film or hung with thick curtains or blinds. However, the leader among all existing folk remedies for combating heat is a homemade air conditioner. There are several ways to make your own air conditioner, but the most common one is an air conditioner made from a fan.

1. The first way to make air conditioner from a regular fan is to use bottles filled with cold water. This homemade air conditioner is suitable for cooling small rooms. To make such a climate control device you will need a home fan and several plastic bottles (you can also use glass bottles or beer cans).

Fill the bottles with very cold water (it's even better to fill them with ice), and place them in one line, with the distance between the bottles being about two centimeters. These gaps are needed for the passage of air flows.

Place a fan behind this line and turn it on.

Don't forget to change your bottled water periodically.

2. You can also make a homemade air conditioner from a hose and a copper tube. This model of climate control device is more suitable for medium-sized rooms. To make such an air conditioner, you will need a fan and a fairly long copper tube (if it is not possible to purchase a copper tube, you can use a regular rubber hose, also quite long).

Wrap the copper tube (rubber hose) around the protective grille installed on the fan. In this case, gaps must be left between the turns of the tube for air flow (make sure that there are no strong kinks). As a result, you should end up with something that looks like a radiator.

Attach one end of the copper tube or hose to the faucet and lower the other end into the sink or bathtub.

Lock the device in this position.

Open the cold water, the pressure should be low, and turn on the fan.

Direct the flow of cold air in the desired direction.

3. You can also try making a more advanced conditioner from plastic bottles. This design consists of a small fan, foam tape and plastic bottles, and you need two two-liter bottles and three half-liter bottles.

Cut off the lower parts of large bottles and drill holes in them, in the first the hole should be at the bottom, and in the second - on the side.

Wrap the fan with foam tape.

Place the fan between two cut plastic bottoms; there should be a bottom at the bottom with a hole made on the side.

Cut off the bottoms of two lids.

Take a large plastic bottle with the bottom cut off and insert the neck into the hole made in the side of the small bottle. Secure this structure using a lid with the bottom cut off. To do this, insert it inside a half-liter bottle and, using a long knife (or skewer), screw the cap onto the neck of a two-liter bottle (this operation is the most exciting in the process of creating a homemade air conditioner). Next, rotate the small bottle perpendicular to the axis of the large bottle. Similarly, attach the second half liter bottle to the small bottle. It should rotate perpendicular to the axis of the first bottle.

On the structure, inside of which there is a fan, place a third small bottle filled with ice, bottom down, cover it on top with a large bottle with two rotating half-liter bottles attached. Homemade air conditioner is ready. To adjust the direction of the cooled air flow, rotate the small bottles along two axes.

When making a homemade refreshing device for your home, the principle of cooling the surface as water evaporates is most often used. Many options for such devices are quite simple, so anyone can build a cooling homemade air conditioner at home with a minimum set of funds.

The simplest device for home

The simplest cooling device, which does not require almost any material, financial, time, or intellectual costs, will be a design made from a fan and a wet towel. A towel is thrown over the mechanism, air passes through, evaporating the water. The evaporation process cools the towel, so the air flowing through will become slightly cooler. This method can be slightly improved by lowering the end of the towel into a container of water.

It will not be possible to cool the room this way. But for individual use it will be effective.

Fan + plastic container. Option 1

The most common option for constructing an air conditioner from improvised means is a combination of a ventilation mechanism and plastic bottles with cold water or ice. You will need:

  • ventilation mechanism;
  • plastic or other containers;
  • ice/chilled water.

Action plan:

  1. The container is filled with cold water and frozen.
  2. Cooled, mounted to the fan grille or placed in front of it. It is imperative to leave gaps of 1-2 cm for circulation and cooling of the air flow.
  3. Consider a way to collect condensation that will definitely appear.

The water needs to be changed periodically. You can make two sets at once, cooling them alternately.

Fan + plastic container. Option 2

  • cooler;
  • plastic containers (three two-liter and three half-liter);
  • foam tape.


  1. For two-liter containers you need to cut off the bottom and drill holes inside. In one case - from below, in the other - from the side.
  2. Wrap the cooler with foam tape (for fixation and vibration absorption).
  3. Place the mechanism between the cut parts so that at the bottom there is the bottom of the bottle with side holes.
  4. Remove the bottom from two container lids.
  5. Inside two half-liter bottles, make holes on the side with a diameter equal to the neck.
  6. Insert the neck of a large container inside the side hole of a small one, secure it inside with a cut-off lid (you can use a long knife or other tool).
  7. Fix the second, small one with the first in a similar way. Now the small bottles can rotate perpendicular to their bases.
  8. Attach a third half-liter container with ice to the plastic box with the cooler.
  9. Cover the whole thing with a two-liter bottle with two small ones attached.

Improvised homemade air conditioner made from plastic bottles is ready for use. The air flow is regulated by rotating half-liter containers in two directions. It will be useful for a small room, for individual use.

Fan + copper pipe

You will need:

  • fan mechanism;
  • copper tube/rubber hose;
  • water pipes.

Installation diagram:

  1. Attach a copper pipe/rubber hose to the protective fan grille and secure it. It is necessary to leave gaps between the turns of the tube or hose for free circulation and cooling of air. There should be no strong bends.
  2. Connect one end of the copper tube/rubber hose to the faucet. Place the second one in the sink. In this position the structure can be fixed.
  3. Open the water under low pressure.
  4. Turn on the fan mechanism.
  5. Adjust the direction of the air flow.

Such a unit is capable of cooling a medium-sized room. Can be costly due to the large amount of water supplied.

Container + cooler

Necessary materials:

  • plastic container with a volume of 1.5-2 l;
  • minifan from a computer power supply;
  • corrugated plastic siphon;
  • glue gun;
  • assembly knife.

How to make a homemade air conditioner, assembly of the structure:

  1. Inside the container lid, cut a hole slightly smaller than the mini-fan;
  2. Glue it to the lid so that the air flow is directed into the container (using hot glue).
  3. Cut a hole for the siphon pipe.
  4. Cut 25-30 cm from the corrugated sanitary siphon.
  5. Secure the resulting section inside the container lid using a hot gun.
  6. Place ice inside the container.
  7. Close the lid tightly.
  8. Connect the mini fan to the network.

The direction of the cooled air can be adjusted using a siphon. If possible, it is better to use a large piece of ice. The air flow entering the container will be able to circulate in it and cool more. In the case of small pieces of ice, there will be no such air circulation.

The direction of the cooled flow can be adjusted using a siphon. It's better to use a large piece of ice. The air flow entering the container will be able to circulate and cool more. With small pieces of ice there will be no such circulation.

Radiator + auto fan

Source materials:

  • car radiator;
  • 12 V auto fan;
  • frame for fan mechanism;
  • retaining housing;
  • fastenings;
  • rubber tubes;
  • set of clamps;
  • insulating tape;
  • sealant;
  • 12 V power supply.

Device instructions:

  1. First close the outlet for the radiator temperature sensor with a tight plug.
  2. Fix the radiator horizontally to the retaining panel.
  3. Fix the car fan so that the air flow is directed from the radiator into the room.
  4. Using clamps, install rubber hoses onto the radiator pipes.
  5. Connect the cold water supply hose to the tap.
  6. Place the drain hose in the sink or bathtub.
  7. Place a drainage container under the structure.
  8. Eliminate air pockets inside the radiator.
  9. Connect to the mains.

The device reduces the temperature by supplying cold water. The cooling time of the room depends on the speed of the autofan and the speed of liquid supply. The power is low, it will cool a small room.

Old refrigerator + fan


  • old refrigerator;
  • plastic pipe;
  • two fan devices;
  • jigsaw;
  • polyurethane foam.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut a hole inside the refrigerator freezer door for the first mini fan.
  2. Secure it so that it forces air into the chamber.
  3. Drill another hole in the same place.
  4. Insert a plastic pipe inside the resulting hole to exhaust cooled air outside.
  5. Seal the cracks with foam.
  6. For better heat removal, you can install a second cooler, the air flow from which will be directed to the condenser.
  7. Connect the structure to the network.

An improvised air conditioner from an old refrigeration unit can be a good alternative to a climate control system. The principle of its operation is based on the supply of heat from the evaporator to the condenser by freon (like many air conditioners).

Fan + Peltier elements

Air conditioning based on Peltier elements is a controversial device whose energy efficiency is low. It looks like an electronic double-sided plate with two wires. Once connected to electricity, one side heats up and the other cools down. Device diagram:

  1. Purchase Peltier elements (4-8 pcs).
  2. Attach the heating side to the ribbed aluminum radiator.
  3. Install the radiator so that it is cooled by fresh air.
  4. Attach a computer cooler to the cooling surfaces to force room air towards them.

A Peltier air conditioner cools the temperature while consuming a large amount of energy. Half of the energy consumption is heating the second side.

This video demonstrates the creation process and test experiments of a homemade cooling mechanism

The disadvantages of a homemade air conditioner greatly outweigh the advantages. Before you start making it, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. If a design from an existing fan mechanism and a couple of bottles will not cost anything except the time spent (cooling, replacing containers), then more complex devices will require some material investments, a lot of time for their assembly and arrangement.

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Summer has arrived, and with it the heat, from which sometimes there is nowhere to escape. Cold drinks, a cool shower and being in the shade only briefly help to cool down and take a break from the scorching sun. The single most effective method of escaping the heat at this time of year is air conditioning. But not everyone can afford to purchase and install it. In such a situation, ingenuity and hands that grow from the shoulders come to the rescue, as well as a little money and time. We invite you to find out how you can turn an ordinary fan into an excellent air conditioner!

To make an air conditioner with your own hands, we will need:
- fan (any type),
- copper tube
- transparent PVC tube
- plastic clamps
- aquarium submersible pump with a capacity of 600-1000 l/h
- thermal box (foam box)

To turn an ordinary fan into an air conditioner, you just need to attach a heat exchanger to the fan grille, through which cold water will circulate, and the fan, in turn, will transfer the cold from the heat exchanger into the room with an air flow.

As a heat exchanger, we will use a 1/4" (6.35 mm) copper tube, which is used for air conditioning systems. The length of the tube will depend on the size of your fan and the density of the spiral.

Of course, the higher the density of the spiral, the faster the cooling will occur, but do not forget that a very dense spiral will impede the movement of air flow, so the main thing here is not to overdo it. For a standard floor fan, the length of the copper tube for winding the spiral is 5-10m.

It is most convenient to attach the copper tube to the fan grill using plastic clamps, but as an option you can use thin wire.

We cut off the ends of the clamps so as not to spoil the appearance.

To connect the pump to the heat exchanger, you can use a transparent PVC tube with an internal diameter of 6 mm for easy connection to the heat exchanger.

You can select a PVC tube according to the diameter of the pump nozzle, but in this case, you will need to wrap electrical tape around the ends of the heat exchanger and secure it with metal clamps.

As a reservoir for cold water, we will use a foam box (thermal box) or any other container (barrel, canister), which it is advisable to insulate with foam plastic.

After all the tubes are connected, place the pump and drain hose in the heating box. Periodically, to maintain a low temperature, we throw pieces of ice, cold accumulators or frozen eggplants with ice into the thermobox.

As you can see, making an air conditioner with your own hands is not at all difficult. Of course, a homemade air conditioner will be inferior to a factory one, but, nevertheless, it is a worthy option for combating the heat.

For those who find this air conditioner design complicated, we suggest considering the option of a simpler air conditioner:

To make a simple air conditioner, we need:

Small fan (table or car),

Thermobox (foam box)

Elbow from a plastic sewer pipe

In the lid of the thermal box, cut two holes. We cut out one hole for the fan so that the fan does not fall through. The second hole is cut close to the diameter of the knee. The knee itself is necessary for the directional distribution of cold air flow throughout the room.

The operating principle of a homemade air conditioner is quite simple. Ice is poured into the thermobox and covered with a lid (on which the fan is installed). The air flow, cooled by the ice from the fan, will exit through the elbow and be distributed throughout the room. The temperature at the outlet of the elbow is below 10 degrees, and will gradually increase as the ice melts. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically drain the melt water and add ice.

If you don’t have a thermal box, you can use a large plastic container, only in this case, condensation will form on the outer walls and drain onto the floor. To prevent this from happening, the plastic container must be thermally insulated with sheet foam.

Already with the onset of the first hot summer days, many people are thinking about purchasing an air conditioner. Prices for these units usually rise during the season, and air conditioners are not cheap either in spring or winter. In addition, having bought a treasured device for 10-20 thousand rubles, get ready to shell out another 2-5 thousand for its installation. The situation, so to speak, is difficult - most citizens just sigh and suffer from the heat. Others take out loans, paying huge interest rates. But there are also enterprising people who have figured out how to make an air conditioner from a fan and other improvised means. We have collected their ideas in this article.

Method one

How to make an air conditioner yourself with only a fan? Very simple!

1. Take a more powerful fan and attach it to its iron protective grille, wind a hose or thin copper tube in a circle. The more circles you make on the grid, the stronger the effect will be, just remember to leave a small distance between the circles.

2. Insert one free end of the hose into a tap with cold water, and lower the other into a basin or bathtub.

3. Turn on the water (the pressure should be good) and the fan.

4. Enjoy the cooling effect.

So you have learned how to make an air conditioner from a fan. Yes, it may not be possible to cool the room much, but if the room is small, the refreshing effect will be guaranteed!

How to make your own air conditioner? Method two

If the room is small and the bathroom with a tap is very far away, this simple method will do. So, how to make air conditioner from a fan and ordinary plastic bottles?

1. Fill plastic bottles with water and leave them in the freezer overnight.

2. Place the fan so that there is some flat surface (for example, a table) close to its blades.

3. In front of the turned on fan, place the bottles in a row with small gaps.

4. Change bottles if the water in them is already half melted. To make the melting slower, you can add a little table salt to the water before freezing.

How to make an air conditioner from a fan in a car radiator

This method is the most difficult, but also the most effective.

1. Take a radiator from a car equipped with an electric fan.

2. Connect a pair of rubber hoses of the appropriate diameter to it. Water will flow in through one, and out through the other.

3. Place the device on a flat surface.

4. Connect the radiator to the outlet via (12 Volts).

5. Run cold water through the hose (the pressure should be low).

6. Enjoy the desired coolness.

We told you how to make an air conditioner from a fan. What if this household appliance is not at home? Even in this case, you can create coolness.

Let's describe the last way to make an air conditioner yourself, without even having a regular fan.

1. Count the number of windows in the apartment - how many pieces of chintz or gauze you will need.

2. Create a draft in the room - only then will there be an effect. Ideal if the weather is windy and there is air movement in the room.

3. Wet pieces of cloth or gauze in cold water, squeeze slightly so that the water does not flow.

4. Hang them on doorways and windows.

5. Wet as it dries.

This is the so-called country air conditioner, it is especially good at night - the fabric dries more slowly.