“Thinking about a future profession. Choice of profession. Reflection work Reflections on the profession

The world of professions is rich and diverse. With such wide opportunities, how can a young person find himself and take a conscious, balanced step? Should I seek help from teachers, psychologists, or parents? There is no single correct answer to this question - everyone has their own path. Very often, an important step in life depends on advice. Listening to what the world around him suggests, the student must independently choose a business with which he will connect his future, choose a profession that he will love. Students from Moscow schools shared interesting stories of their search for a path... We are confident that the children’s experience can be useful for our readers.

We create our own happiness. At the “Days of Professional Education” exhibition at MosExpo at VDNKh, the final of the “Smart Hands of the Capital” competition was held. Moscow college students could test themselves in various professional fields - gardening, clothing design, wood carving and cooking. This can help them in their final choice of profession.

At the “Master of the Kitchen” competition, young confectioners were tasked with creating a composition from mastic – a special decorative edible material for making cakes, pies and muffins. It is similar to plasticine, but is made from food products - powdered sugar, gelatin and glucose. Students from Moscow culinary colleges sculpted impressive figures depicting animals, birds, and plants, combining them into scenes from the life of nature. Festival guests asked the participants in surprise: “Is this edible?!”

The skills of the contestants were appreciated not only by the guests of the exhibition, but also by the jury members: “The guys are not professionals, but look how they sculpt! Of course, there are shortcomings, but overall they have both taste and a sense of color. This makes me happy! – The head of the confectionery shop, Elena Romanova, comments on the guys’ work. “I can already see future workers in confectionery factories.”

One of the participants in the competition, who has already decided that she will connect her life with cooking, a student at College No. 28, Liza Morozova, encourages those who have not yet decided on their future profession to first of all listen to themselves: “Guys, do what you like, what your soul, your heart tells you, and this is how you will find your path in life, and in the end you will do what will bring you joy. It is most important".

The value of Lisa’s advice is given by the story of a jury member, Elena Romanova, who built her life path according to this principle. “I really wanted to become a teacher, and I also really liked sweets,” says Elena. “In the end, I graduated from a food technical school, and then got a job as a teacher at a college. It seems to me that the profession of a teacher is very similar to the profession of an educator. It turned out that I took into account all my desires. I really like my job and now I can say that I am a truly happy person.”

Alexander Samokhin, Children's press center of Moscow Vocational Education Days, All-Russian Exhibition Center

Psychologists will help you choose your life path

The young journalists talked about the difficulties and subtleties of choosing a profession with Roman Vladimirovich Komarov, deputy dean of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and Social Relations of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Everyone has known since kindergarten: “all professions are important.” However, cases are not uncommon when a person is busy all his life with some kind of activity out of habit, and not because of a great craving for this profession. How to avoid such a situation? Roman Vladimirovich believes that first of all you need to sensibly assess your own capabilities and correlate them with your preferences. There are many tests and technologies developed by professionals to make life choices easier.

“The participation of a parent in a child’s choice of profession is a double-edged sword,” says Roman Komarov. – On the one hand, parents not only can, but must help their child, relying on life experience and an adult vision of the situation. Many accomplished individuals thank their parents first of all for their destiny. But at the same time, overly concerned adults run the risk of overdoing it and narrowing their child’s professional choices as much as possible instead of helping him and opening up new opportunities.

You shouldn’t confront your child with a choice too early: it may not harm anyone, but testing at an early age is unlikely to bring much benefit,” concluded Roman Komarov.

Ksenia Volkova, Children's press center of Moscow Vocational Education Days, All-Russian Exhibition Center

Is school knowledge enough to decide on a profession?

We study at school without thinking at all about whether this knowledge is enough for us to decide who we want to become in the future. Many of us begin to think about a profession only in high school, some know what they want to become since childhood, and there are those who cannot decide at all what they want to become. What's the problem? Is it that the student approaches his future irresponsibly? Or is it that school knowledge is simply not enough?

Often, many schoolchildren cannot decide on a profession because of the teachers, or rather because of the way they teach, because now many teachers do not care at all whether the student understands a topic or not.

In fact, teachers cannot provide insight into all available careers, and this should not be their goal. Teachers are required to instill knowledge in accordance with the school curriculum, and students, based on the knowledge acquired at school, on the skills they acquire as a result of additional hobbies, with the help of the literature they read, can choose a profession in which they can most fully realize themselves.

Ksenia Elistratova, secondary school No. 680, Moscow

How did school help me decide on a career choice?

Our teachers are psychologists, second mothers, and our true friends throughout the entire training.

My future profession relates entirely to school. I will also be a teacher. Our English teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Zhizhaeva is my ideal, my role model. Everything about her is English: her smile, her manner of speaking, and her appearance.

English is my favorite subject at school (and Spanish at home), and therefore I want to direct my love in the right direction, into the profession of a teacher, and the school helps me not to stray from the chosen path, achieve the goal, acquire the knowledge necessary in the future...

Alena Morkovkina, 10 “A” class GBOU secondary school No. 947

Is there enough knowledge at school to decide on a profession?

In the modern world, students cannot always afford to do what they truly love, because the level of knowledge acquired at school does not correspond to the level of difficulty of the exams. And then there is the reduction of algebra and Russian language lessons - subjects in which the compulsory Unified State Exam is taken. Therefore, you have to attend paid courses or study with tutors. But it costs a lot of money, so not everyone can afford it.

Schools rarely or do not conduct career guidance classes for students. Although, in my opinion, such activities should be an integral part of the educational process.

Personally, the knowledge I receive at school is not enough to say exactly who I will be. Every teacher wants me to teach his subject. But why this one? Nobody explains.

I would like to be a sought-after specialist in modern society, so that the work is interesting and has decent pay. Therefore, in the hope of finding a hint on what profession to get, I go to various additional classes.

Ira Timofeeva, 14 years old, school No. 680

School is no help in choosing a profession

Many schoolchildren do not think at all about who they will become in the future. According to statistics, only 30% of graduates choose a profession in accordance with their interests and hobbies, the rest - under the pressure of various circumstances: the opinions of parents, the demand for the profession and the level of salaries.

Why is this happening? Because our school is theory-oriented. That is, when we receive our certificate, we know trigonometric functions, but we don’t have the slightest idea how and what borscht is made from. Or how to use a sewing machine. In seventh grade we had labor lessons. We were taught to sew. But we were forbidden to use the new sewing machines, although they were on the windowsill. The teacher argued that they were dangerous and that we could hurt ourselves.

During my entire study (I'm in the eighth grade), people of rare and fashionable professions were never invited to us. For example, I would be interested in meeting even a simple plumber. How many people know about how and where drinking water comes to our home? I would like to know in advance how to fix the faucet myself. I heard such lessons are held in Finnish schools, but, unfortunately, not here.

Or the now fashionable profession of a programmer. We have such a lesson - computer science. But what is the use of it if we are mostly told only theory? Also, keep in mind that we only have five computers in our class and we are only allowed to use them once a year.

Sometimes it happens that a student has chosen his future profession, but at school he lacks knowledge in certain subjects. Here, of course, either tutoring or after-school classes in special courses can help. But both are paid! The teacher here could at least provide moral support. Like, well done, a very necessary profession.

Personally, I have already made a choice for myself in which direction to move, what goal to strive for. And that’s why I’m trying to improve the knowledge that I need on my own. Recently I shared my plans with my class teacher. However, she not only did not support me, but also tried to prove that my choice was wrong, that my desire to choose my future profession on my own was stupid. And what I chose is nonsense, because such specialists are a dime a dozen, I could end up without a job. She even refused to give me extra assignments in her subject, on the grounds that it wouldn't help me anyway.

I believe that we need to bring our studies closer to life.

Varvara Sokolova

Who am I and who should I be?

Every day we choose. We drink tea or coffee, take an umbrella or run in the rain, watch a drama or comedy. We do this without thinking, at the prompting of our inner self, our faithful friend. But it’s worth asking a question that predetermines not the outcome of a single minute lived, but our future - the gloomy ego remains silent, becoming helpless before this most important choice in life: “Who am I, and who should I be?”

When the time came to decide, I was ready. Any special courses, tests, psychologist? - no, school. And I sometimes complained about the huge volumes of class and extracurricular work, about the many competitions that teachers signed me up for. I agreed to everything, because very early, in elementary school, I was told how important it is to look at myself in all aspects - and I solved the biological problems of the next competition, rushing to catch the literary Olympiad on the same day. This is what introduced me to my real capabilities, my real interests. And this is precisely what made the choice even more difficult - how, learning more and more new things, to focus on one thing?

Deciding for yourself who to be means highlighting the main thing, selecting what you will do best and with the greatest enthusiasm; It is not necessary to throw away “unnecessary” knowledge. Systematically discovering new sides and facets of general subjects, the school tested me. Now, in this fateful year, I was able to decide: my future, vague in ignorance, formed into a bright picture - they showed me, and I realized that I am a humanitarian and can think logically, that I have analytical abilities and a linguistic guess. I realized: it is important for me to know how people communicate, it is important for me to understand them, to feel the subtle meaning of their words. I realized that I wanted to study languages.

When I made this final decision, I left myself a small loophole. It is very difficult to part with the environment in which you were raised, which gave you the alphabet and the path to life - and I don’t want to part forever. People studying linguistics have the right to teach. I know for sure - maybe not right away, but I will return to my native walls, to the school that raised me with my parents.

Anna Pishchulina, 11 "A", GOU Secondary School No. 941

Many years ago I made my choice, and I still think it’s right. The answer to the question “Who should I be?” – existed for me already in early childhood. Even as a child, I played “teacher”, sitting dolls around me, laying out magazines and children’s books. I made up stories, made up fairy tales, and explained the rules to my doll students. Much later, I had a friend Tanya, who was a grateful listener to my mini-lessons, plans, reflections.

I was lucky in life: I had wonderful teachers, excellent teachers, mentors at the pedagogical institute.My classmates and I loved and respected each and every one of us in our own way. Each teacher can be said to be a master of pedagogical work, as a real Teacher, Educator.

"Teacher! Let me humbly kneel before your name!” - these words by N.A. Nekrasova speaks the best about my teachers, about the role they played in my development as a teacher, in my choice of profession. No, not a profession, but a vocation - to be a teacher.

How grateful I am for the wonderful lessons on literature to my teacher Valentina Nikolaevna: bright, emotional, deep! I remember with respect the mathematics teacher, the talented teacher Nina Mikheevna! A tactful, competent, talented physics teacher and my class teacher - Nadezhda Petrovna! As a student, I have a bright and kind memory in my heart of people, of my teachers, who gave us a piece of their soul, the name of these people is Teachers.

The “wonderful school years” flew by quickly. Here is the graduation party, I am on the verge of choosing a profession, an independent life. But there was no choice. There was a firm decision - I will be a teacher. But I could become a builder: my parents dreamed of this, they were against my choice to become a teacher. But no, I didn’t betray my cherished dream.

I made my choice - I am a teacher.

So, on September 1, 1979, the countdown of my teaching work began. Looking through the book of my teacher’s biography page by page in my memory, I want to say that I have never regretted the chosen path. And there was a lot of good and not very pleasant on it. Why didn't you regret it? Because I have always been firmly convinced that every person can have only one real thing in life. And my school teachers have always been an example for me.

The teaching profession is one of the most important in the world, I continue to think so to this day. After all, such a profession is not for everyone. Every day we have to solve new problems. How else? After all, each student is a personality, an individuality that will never be repeated! Understanding personal qualities, determining the level of not only subject, but also life knowledge - this means opening the door to the world of every child, and only then determining the path you will follow. Teaching is a wonderful profession, but I would say that it is not a profession, it is a calling. Teachers are special people. Just think about the boundless, colossal responsibility that they, teachers, carry on their shoulders!

I don't work as a teacher, I am a teacher. I like being a teacher.
And now, after so many years, I am still at school, standing in the classroom, but no longer as a student. Thanks to my mentors, I realized that the profession should be related to the education of the younger generation. After all, the art of a teacher is to penetrate from the heights of his life wisdom and experience into the most distant galaxies of the children's world, to deeply and sensitively understand the children.

What does it mean to me to be a teacher? Being a teacher is not only an opportunity to teach something, but also an opportunity to communicate with children every day, discovering new, interesting, unknown things. Children change, and I change along with them. I like to look at the world through the eyes of children, find joy and satisfaction in this, think about my students, empathize with their successes and failures, bear responsibility for them, make decisions with them, help with advice, listen to their reasoning. After all, “teacher” is not a profession, not a social position, not a hobby, not a job - it is a calling, it is life. For me, being a teacher means living. This is how I live - I’ve been a teacher for 35 years!

I love my students: curious, inquisitive, doubtful, asking questions. I teach children to listen and hear each other, to respect other people’s opinions, even if they differ in many ways from their own. It is very important for me to instill in the children a sensitive attitude to the joys and sorrows of people. I build communication with my students on trust, I try to win them over. I remember, I respect my students: talented, persistent, restless, I teach children to empathize and respect people. Each person is unique and inimitable. Sometimes, behind external inconspicuousness, there is a huge variety of inclinations and opportunities. The teacher's task is to see them.

Kindness, optimism, respect, empathy are qualities that a teacher simply must have. I am constantly searching and adjusting my own actions.

All my life I have been lucky to have good people: classmates, teachers, students, parents, colleagues. Thirty-five years have connected me with the school.

Students, students, students... Each is given a piece of heart and soul, behind each is a destiny, for each a teacher’s heart aches. And the older you get, the more you understand your purpose both as a teacher and as a person.

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“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius.

As a polite person, I’ll first introduce myself: Margarita Bakina, mother of three children, a psychologist by education (graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov), by current occupation - an employee of Kaspersky Lab, head of the educational project Antivirus School, designed for students and schoolchildren. Now you know almost everything about me :)

Here, on the pages of the 11th Grade newspaper, I would like to talk about one of the most important things in life - how to choose a profession. If the stated topic worries you, if you really want to find out not who is to blame, but what to do, then take a few minutes of your life to read this article. Who's with me? I start!

Every person comes to an age when two of the most important issues come to the fore. One of them is love. The second, no less important, is the choice of profession. Advice from family and friends, thoughts about the future, evaluation of universities, career guidance tests, etc., etc. burst into our lives.

I've been very lucky in my life. Almost by accident, I chose a specialty that has been incredibly interesting to me for 20 years now. My activities related to career guidance and development of young people, and psychological education allow me to present a well-founded point of view on the task of choosing a profession.

In order not to be unfounded, I will involve my colleagues as co-authors of this reflection, who, like me, are the organizers of the strategically important educational project of Kaspersky Lab for schoolchildren and students - “Anti-virus school”. Our division is unique: my like-minded colleagues’ eyes light up, we come to work as if it were a holiday.


Let's take a look at how young people decide on their life's work. There are two vectors here - what the young man wants and what the parents want. Unfortunately, these vectors are not always directed in the same direction.

As a rule, the horizons of high school students are not yet broad enough. They choose “familiar” professions that were somehow represented in their lives: kindergarten teacher, teacher, doctor. Romantic stereotypes give rise to the dream of becoming a pilot or astronaut. And, of course, the professions of parents are taken as a guide, who often themselves want their children to follow in their footsteps.

In addition, when young people are faced with the question of “who to be,” they think about their school grades. It is unlikely that a high school student with C grades in geography will want to become the next Ermak or Bellingshausen. In addition to school, there are additional classes (music, dance, art school, sports sections), which also influence the choice.

And finally, by graduation, the idea is fixed in the mind that it is necessary to decide on a university and, as a consequence, a future profession.

What are parents concerned about? The parents' views on the future profession of their child are adjusted by life experience. Everyone wants a child to grow up and earn his own piece of bread, with butter, caviar and a glass of champagne to boot. Parents also dream that their children will avoid stress and be able to maintain health for a long time.

And finally, parents are concerned about whether they will be able to pay for their children’s education, whether they will be able to attend a university that, in fact, guarantees well-paid and reliable job. But all these factors must be linked with the personal preferences of your child, with his talents and tastes. Moreover, we are talking only about those talents that are known to the parent (a question for filling - how often can the older generation discern and understand the aspirations of their offspring?). There is another motive that is quite often woven into the reasoning of parents - their own unfulfilled ambitions: “oh, I so wanted to be a ballerina! Let at least a daughter..."..
This whole tangle of thoughts, in which both children and parents get confused, leads to a large number of different decisions, actions, investments of time and money.

The steps on this ladder leading to the pinnacle of success look something like this:

At school “we” show talent, for example, in mathematics and physics!

Conclusion: apparently a technician.

In what profession could this be useful?

ABOUT! Maybe an engineer!

Where is this profession taught?

It seems that NNN is the best university!

How is subsequent employment organized there/where can you get a job later?...

Thinking about the validity of such logic, I immediately have a lot of questions:

Who said that if a teacher praises, then it is in this subject that it makes sense to look for the future?

Who said that an “A” in eighth grade physics means that it is in this science that a person has talent?

What should an excellent student do? Where to run?

How to decide - a techie or a humanist?

Does a C student mean that he is doomed to an unsecured life?

If mathematics, for example, did not bring joy in school, does this mean that it is not capable of becoming a favorite field of knowledge in the future?..

And in general, each step of this ladder seems to me to be a separate stage, and not a single path on the path to a successful future. I suggest going a different route. And start from the end.


Step 1.
The first thing you need to realize is that you will work all life. Every day, 8 hours (minimum)… 40-50 years! Sit back, close your eyes and think about what actions personally bring joy and pleasure to YOU ​​right now, even if they last a long time? Personally, I can endlessly communicate with people! This makes me happy! I never get tired of this. In person, by phone, by email, on ICQ, on social networks, etc.

What can you do indefinitely? WHAT WOULD YOU PERSONALLY LIKE TO DO EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE if you eliminated all of our “MUSTS/MUSTS”? Also communicate with people? Solve complex problems? Looking at flowers? Combine chemicals to get an unexpected effect? Answer the questions - why does this person act this way and not otherwise? Digging for information? Disassemble your bike? Repairing an old VCR? Listen to new music? Brush everyone who is ready to give you their head? Coloring soldiers? Coming up with new styles of clothing?..

Yuri Sekin, 25 years old, former military man, technical specialist of the Antivirus School - a new source projectIT knowledge”, which resolves all issues related to the site av- school. ru:

“Choosing a profession is a very important decision in the life of every person. About a third of your life will be devoted to work. Now imagine that you will be doing something that you don’t like or, even worse, disgusts.

Every weekday you will get up with the thought “What a horror, back to work!” It is important to understand that the work should be to your liking. Not mom, not dad, not grandparents, but YOU! Only in this case will you reach great heights and, as a result, the desired monetary reward, and the next working day will not be negative. For me personally, the most important thing at work is the variety of tasks. It’s interesting for me to come to work, because every new day brings something new. I wish you to truly find your profession.”

Step 2.
The second thing that it would be useful for each of us to do is to study ourselves and know what abilities and capabilities we have. Think, observe and make a list in which it would be useful to include what we want to learn. And then the answer to the question will gradually begin to emerge - what? I can? When we do what we can do, we are proud of ourselves, our self-esteem increases, and each subsequent success allows us to rise to the next height. We WANT to do what we DO!

Step 3.
Third, let’s look around and find out in which profession our “I want” and “I can” can best be represented, let’s talk to those who are already working in this specialty. And after that, we will begin our search for that educational institution that will give us the necessary formal knowledge and a professional environment for development!

Step 4.
Fourth, almost the most important thing - let's tell about our thoughts, searches, desires and realizations to those people who are no less, and perhaps even more puzzled than ourselves, about our future - parents! I do not exclude that, having talked in detail about this with your parents, you will become a single team and achieve the best result by combining your “I want”, “I can” with parental experience, capabilities and the desire to “make the child happy.” By the way, do you know that most problems and suffering can be avoided if you TALK to each other?

Svetlana Gulua, an invaluable member of the Anti-Virus School team, it is thanks to Svetlana that the first part of the four-volume Kaspersky Lab Dictionary already exists, of which YOU can become the author:

The most important thing that you need to understand and do in order not to miss the choice of profession isbe able to listen and understand yourself. For me personally, the most important thing in my work is the smiling faces and technically advanced brains, “my little computer lovers,” to whom we have a direct connection.

To go to work as if it were a holiday, you need to do something that interests you and in which you are valued. If you choose the wrong business, the work becomes a routine, the only advantage of which may be earnings. It's never too late to realize your mistake and start over.

And now I would like to say in a few words that I often see examples of people radically changing their path and... getting a new education, starting a new activity, mastering new areas of knowledge. Recently, while meeting with mature, accomplished people, our classmates, we suddenly discovered that most of us want to learn something fundamentally new. For example, a candidate of psychological sciences really wants to learn... to program!

From Stanislav Shevchenko, head of the education department at Kaspersky Lab as many as three higher educations: technical, managerial and psychological! He received each of them when the need for new knowledge arose. And this is our leader, inspirer, captain and friend, leading the whole team!

Every day and hourly communicating with high school students and students in our project, one of the goals of which is the selection and training of personnel for key positions at Kaspersky Lab, we do several, in our opinion, useful things:

We help children “get to know themselves”;

We develop new qualities in project participants that facilitate the path to self-realization;

We introduce you to the sorrows and joys of technical professions;

We create and maintain an environment in which it is possible to acquire a team of like-minded people, friends and experienced mentors;

We provide new technical knowledge in the field of information technology and computer security, protecting and strengthening the PC user in the Internet space;

. “leading you by the hand” to the beginning of your professional life...

We, as the organizers of the project, know that our work is necessary, important, successful, and this gives us new strength and opens up new opportunities for you! Feel free to look for yourself and your path! Look at the world with your eyes wide open! Learn to talk about your needs and correctly defend the things that are important to you! The main thing is to thoughtfully move forward into YOUR future! AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO MAKE A MISTAKE! Even if you make a mistake, don’t be afraid to make a decision and find a new business, a new profession, a new space in which you will again find joy and sparkle in your eyes!

I also have a request to all readers of the “11th Grade” newspaper - write to me about what you think on this issue. I hope we will have another opportunity to “talk” about important things that concern you. In order for our future materials to help solve life-defining problems, we need contact with you: your questions, your suggestions, your feedback and wishes.

Children are often asked the traditional question: “what do you want to be when you grow up”? But at five years old you can allow yourself imagination, dreams, and grandiose plans - everything seems feasible, and there is still more than enough time. At the age of sixteen, it suddenly turns out that everything was in childhood, many plans turned out to be impracticable, and the choice is strictly regulated, limited, and even moreover, it is almost non-existent. But everything is not as sad as people think in modern times. Let's try to dispel all possible myths about choosing a profession and build a more or less understandable selection algorithm.

“I am mediocrity, I have no ability for anything”

In fact, there are no mediocrities, there are those who do not do their own thing. And if you don’t want to join the ranks of those, try to first find some general guidelines. For example, are you a humanist or a techie? Or maybe natural sciences are closer to you? Or are you drawn to art? If you understand, for example, that you are inclined towards the humanities and at the same time are interested in art, choose the broadest possible subject of study - art history, philosophy, history. While you study and learn something new, your own niche will form, and you will either choose a narrow specialization, or move to another, more specific department, or subsequently receive a second degree. And the first one definitely won’t be superfluous. General culture has never bothered anyone, just like getting a college degree. And life never stands still: even those who have long chosen a profession and are working still periodically change directions of work, learn something new, and improve their skills. And sometimes in related areas.

Is it worth thinking that the choice should be made once and finally? And that all your abilities have already been revealed by the age of seventeen? Hardly. Rather, this is the wish of society, parents, those who, for one reason or another, would be comfortable with the predictability of your behavior, choices, and the linearity of your life process. But man is a creature that is constantly changing. And you are not obliged to forever be faithful to the choice that you make at a very young and still little conscious age.

“You can’t make money from this”

The one who does his job with talent earns a lot. And for this you need one condition: you must love the work. If you don't love it, you'll never rise above average. And it doesn’t matter what you do - draw layouts for book covers or sell office equipment. And even if you “only” repair shoes, the nature and result of your work will tell whether you love it or not.

If you love what you do, you will always be provided for. There are a lot of reasons for this - the quality of work, which if you are interested will increase several times compared to those who “just work”, and psychological comfort - after all, people who contact you will feel your love for your work and will try to maintain contact with you. you, and your productivity, which if you do what you love will always be high.

Money comes from the love of work, not from its prestige or fashion. On the contrary, a job you don’t like, even if it’s fashionable and prestigious, will drain you of strength, nerves, irritate, scare away clients, reduce quality... And at the same time, we spend a third of our lives at work. Should you neglect your love for your chosen profession?

"It's already late"

Usually I heard such things from those who are sincerely passionate about sports, music or dancing. Indeed, it is customary to start doing this from childhood. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous. Instead of reasoning, I will give examples from real life.

My classmate at the Faculty of Philosophy in his third year became seriously interested in martial arts. He started studying seriously, went to China for an internship, and still makes a living doing just that, although he completed his graduate studies at the same time. And you can’t call him a bad coach. Another friend of mine, having a lawyer's profession in his hands, entered a music institute at the age of thirty. And now he is in great demand as a singer. And the profession of a lawyer will always give him a piece of bread in case of creative stagnation.

Each person in this world has his own niche, you just need to find it competently. It is not necessary to become a laureate of international competitions or an Olympic champion; it is enough to find your audience, your contingent of “consumers”. The recipe is simple: you have to do it. Do what you like, learn what is interesting. And look for your circle in which your efforts will be in demand. And to what heights this will lead is only a matter of your talent and ability to work. If you have both, you will certainly find yourself in what now seems “missing” to you.

"I dont have an opportunity"

Suppose you are sincerely drawn to law. But here’s the problem: you don’t have the “blat” to pay for tuition at a commercial university. But this does not mean that all is lost. You can approach solving this problem from the other end: you need to interest in yourself those who will help you study: a commercial structure or the state. And you can only be interested in work: in the police - if you rely more on the state, or in any law office - if there is no trust in the state. Either way, you'll start out as a part-time job, but if you show intelligence, ability, and interest in the field, you can hope for a promotion that includes student loans. Any structure always needs dedicated personnel. And this does not mean “lifelong bondage.” Often a training contract requires the employee to work for the company for three years. It's not that much. Then, if you wish, you are free to change the company.

You shouldn’t bend your character too much to the demands of society: if you are not very sociable, then a profession that requires constant contact with a large number of people is not for you. And even if you strive for fame, remember: it comes regardless of the degree of your sociability.

The famous pianist Glen Gould has repeatedly admitted his isolation and unsociability. And he frankly did not like speaking in public. But fame and recognition still caught up with him - due to his talent and efficiency.

Trying to fit yourself into some standard will only lead to neurosis, but not to success. Consider your inclinations and personal qualities - for example, “ringleaders” are not always needed everywhere. And if you are slow but precise, you can become an indispensable assistant to any leader. If you are a generator of ideas, then you should not expect that you will be able to successfully work your whole life under someone else’s control: choose a creative profession in which you will build your own work schedule. Or learn something that will give you the opportunity to organize your own business. If you have a stormy temperament, the work should be dynamic, it doesn’t matter whether it’s physical or mental dynamics. If you don’t feel the pressure of energy in yourself, don’t strive for responsible positions and work in which there is a lot of unpredictable things: you will only tire yourself out in vain. People with stable biorhythms should also listen to themselves: both larks and owls can find a suitable niche in our time. And if you start to get sick from getting up at seven in the morning, you should think in advance what profession would provide you with the opportunity to live according to your own schedule.

In conclusion, I would like to say: in this world there is a place for every person. And the less you rely on generally accepted standards and templates, the deeper you look into yourself, the more you trust yourself, the higher the chance of finding this place. Uncertainty and herd feelings have ruined many talents.

Naturally, while you are young, you will make mistakes. However, contrary to popular belief, no one has yet learned from the mistakes of others.

And doing them at twenty is much more natural and understandable than at forty. Searching is the normal state of a young person. And you shouldn’t be afraid to try yourself in different areas, gain experience and, based on it, decide which path to choose. This is the only way you won’t regret your choice.

Every person is a social being. Therefore, in order to receive at least some kind of pension in old age, you have to work. And choose a profession so that it brings not only money, but also pleasure. The choice must be approached with all seriousness of the matter.

Children, associating themselves with adults, “try on” their professions. Girls are often teachers, doctors, and salespeople. Nowadays almost everyone wants to be a model. Modern boys no longer want to be astronauts and captains. Now there are other priorities. Everyone wants to be a programmer

lawyers, financiers, bankers. Quite a worthy profession. Recently, the number of young people and even girls who want to connect their lives with law enforcement agencies has increased.

In Soviet times, it was prestigious for entire families to work at one enterprise. This is how labor dynasties arose. Feature films were made about them. It was honorable and prestigious to work at one enterprise for the entire working life. Those people who changed jobs frequently were called “flyers.” Although Americans believe that such people are “stuck” in their development.

How to choose your profession? You can contact psychologists. Using scientific tests, they will determine a list of professions for a particular person. You can read horoscopes. There they also write a list of professions for each astrological sign. There is some rational grain in this.

You can contact your parents, other close relatives or teachers. They watch the children and note what they like best. But it also happens in life that parents, fearing for their child or not believing in his strength, suggest that he choose the same profession as theirs. And the child, in order not to offend them, agrees with their choice. And he himself dreams of another profession.

You shouldn’t put pressure on a child or cut off the wings of his dream. Let him choose where and with whom he will work. Let him try, even make mistakes. But let it be his choice. So that later you don’t go to work like it’s hard labor, and don’t count the minutes until the end of the working day. Work should bring pleasure so that you want to go to it like a holiday. People develop somatic diseases from unloved work.

Option 2

Everyone has to choose a profession at some point in their life. Everyone thinks about what they should become in the future, what to do. Recently, this issue has not become less relevant, despite the development of mankind, it is still difficult to find a well-paid job that everyone will like. And vice versa - sometimes there is a good job, but you just won’t take it because it is so popular that it will soon become unnecessary.

Typically, this question arises among teenagers between 14 and 16 years old, when they don’t know where to go in high school. Parents often come to the rescue - they will tell you where to go and who you are currently studying for. Sometimes they may also give advice regardless of their child's wishes, in which case the person should disobey his parents by giving several arguments.

This decision is very important, because the entire future career depends on this moment of her choice. You should not underestimate your profession or assume that you can change it at any time. A person's work will accompany him for most of his life and is a very important part of his happiness.

Also, material profit is very important, because it will be difficult to even go on vacation when there is not enough money, and vacation is a very important part of work. This much-desired vacation will help restore productivity and pleasure at work.

What should you look at when choosing a profession? Important aspects will be the following: salary, vacation schedule, your calling. Working just for money will be quite easy at first, but after a month you may come to the decision that such work is not worth the time spent on it. It would be much better to work for pleasure, then you won’t have to spend a lot of money on vacation.

You should also pay attention to the relevance of the profession. Some types of work are low paid because there are many specialists in that field and there is a high demand for employment, and there is less work as such.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the choice of profession, as mentioned above, is a very important part of every person’s life. You should not disdain the time spent deciding what your calling is, where you should apply your skills. After all, knowledge acquired at work is much more applicable to life than theory read in textbooks. A person must decide his own destiny, and not follow the lead of others.

Essay on the topic Choosing a profession

How pleasant it is to remember your childhood years: walks in the park with your parents, trips to the sea, childhood friends and much more. Unfortunately, childhood flies by in an instant and now, you are already a schoolboy, who has years of study ahead and the most important choice in life - the choice of profession, here parents, friends, school psychologists with various programs for self-determination, profession ratings come to the rescue, but the most important thing is your own vision of yourself in a particular profession.

The desire to become a specialist in any field is the key not only to a successful career, but also to the psychological comfort of the person himself, as in the morning you go to your favorite job, and not to hard labor. But there are millions of such examples: I went to study for the company, my parents insisted, or there was just a small competition, whatever it was, and here we have always dissatisfied, incompetent employees, and it’s good if it’s just a manager, and not a doctor on whom a person’s life depends .

In my opinion, the most important guideline in this difficult task is your own feelings. If you like mathematics and computers, then why go to dentistry, and if you don’t like noisy companies and the child is not very sociable, then is it worth imposing on him work related to dentistry? everyday communication?

Modern realities are such that now the choice of one’s professional activity must be correlated with the labor market. Analysis of the ranking of professions is needed in order to adjust the area of ​​development in a particular area, and in the future to decide on the choice of institute. Everyone knows that lawyers and economists are not such a popular profession now as they were 10 years ago; engineers, agricultural workers, doctors, teachers are needed, so the decision on choosing a profession must be made based on data from the labor exchange. If you want to develop in the field of education, then you should look at what specialists are in demand and pay attention to this profession in order to easily find a job in the future.

Choosing a profession is a multifaceted and complex question; you cannot answer in one minute what you want to become, as in childhood. The combination of many factors should determine the future profession, namely: the desire to develop in a given profession, the availability of educational institutions that can provide the knowledge and skills necessary for the chosen profession, an understanding of the essence of the profession and the relationship between one’s personal and professional qualities, and family support is no less important. In any case, no matter what profession a student chooses, the most important thing is that he likes what he does.