Execution of the target model "Connection to heat supply systems, connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply and sanitation systems. "Road map" for the implementation of the target model "Connection to the system" in the Tula region

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2017 No. 147-r approved the target model for simplifying doing business and increasing investment attractiveness “Connection to heat supply systems, connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply and sanitation systems” (hereinafter referred to as the target model) , providing 18 events.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2017 No. 2723-r, amendments were made to Decree No. 147-r, providing for the exclusion of measures to reduce the time frame for registering property rights in terms of the target model, since this factor relates to the powers of federal authorities .

The “road map” for the implementation of the target model was approved by order of the Ministry of Housing, Communal Services and Energy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) dated February 28, 2017 No. 81-p and in 2017 it is extended to the territory of the city of Yakutsk by 4 main resource supply organizations (JSC " Vodokanal”, PJSC “Yakutskenergo”, State Unitary Enterprise “Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” and Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Teploenergia”). Due to the fact that the executor of the target model was the State Unitary Enterprise “Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”, the measures for the provision of electronic services, an exhaustive list of documents for filing an application and the possibility of calculating connection fees using an online calculator actually extended to 26 municipal districts in which the State Unitary Enterprise “Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” operates.

As of March 30, 2018, 17 out of 17 established measures have been implemented, which is 100% (taking into account amendments to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2017 No. 147-r).

Based on the results of the implementation of the Road Map, the following results were achieved:

1. It is possible to submit an application for technological connection to heat supply, water supply and sanitation networks in electronic form (using an electronic digital signature) on the basis of the Portal of state and municipal services of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

2. The websites of resource supplying organizations contain data on the availability of available capacity, a comprehensive list of documents for filing an application for technological connection, and calculators with which you can calculate the approximate fee for connecting to heat, water supply and sanitation systems.

3. It is possible to hold a technical commission to determine the possibility of connection with the participation of the applicant with the disclosure of information about the measures taken.

4. The need to obtain permission for the construction of heat, water supply and low-hazard wastewater networks has been abolished.

Low hazard levels include:

intra-block water pipelines with an internal diameter of less than 300 millimeters from the points of connection to ring water pipelines to capital construction projects;

intra-block gravity sewer networks (collectors) with an internal diameter of up to 300 millimeters inclusive from capital construction projects to points of connection to main sewers;

pressure sewer networks (collectors) with an internal diameter of up to 200 millimeters inclusive from sewage pumping stations to the points of connection to the main collectors;

local intra-block and village heating networks, except for main networks transporting water steam with a working pressure of up to 0.07 megapascal inclusive or hot water with a temperature of up to 115 degrees Celsius inclusive, as well as hot and cold water supply and sewerage networks.

5. Regulations have been approved for the provision of municipal services to the city of Yakutsk for obtaining permits for obtaining a warrant for excavation work;

The maximum period for obtaining a land order is 15 days (previously the maximum period was not established).

6. It is possible to send to the applicant an act on the readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the connected capital construction facility for the supply of thermal energy and coolant, signed with an electronic signature, and an act on the connection (technological connection) of the facilities, delimitation of balance sheet, signed with an electronic signature.

On the e-yakutia.ru portal, the service is provided through the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

7. Possibility of determining free capacity on the map of the city of Yakutsk.

The website of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) contains a map of the city of Yakutsk indicating the heat supply zones and free capacity for each heat supply zone, as well as a map of the city of Yakutsk indicating the zone of the centralized water supply and sewerage system and free capacity in this zone.

8. A regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has been adopted on reducing the time required for the examination of design estimates for the construction of heat, water supply and sewerage networks.

On December 20, 2017, the draft Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “On Urban Development Policy in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” and Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) “On Assignment to Rural Settlements of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) issues of local importance" was adopted by the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the final reading.

This law provides for a reduction in the time required for the examination of design estimates for the construction of heat, water supply and sewerage networks from 60 to 45 calendar days.

9. Municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) have approved all required heat supply, water supply and sanitation schemes.

Of the 410 heat supply schemes required for approval in municipalities, 410 schemes have been approved. The only municipal entity that does not require the development and approval of a heat supply scheme is the Kyundyadinsky Nasleg Municipal Municipality of the Nyurbinsky ulus, in which heat supply is provided through electric heating.

Water supply and sanitation schemes have been approved for 262 municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). For 149 municipalities, the development and approval of water supply and sanitation schemes is not required.

The head of the working group is the Deputy Minister of Housing, Communal Services and Energy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Rufov Vitaly Dmitrievich (tel. 342400).

The responsible person is the chief specialist of the Department of Utilities and Energy Efficiency Ivan Vasilievich Timofeev (tel. 506892).

Information on the implementation of each factor provided for by the target model is attached as a file.

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

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On the best practice of implementing the target model “Connection to heat supply systems, connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply and sanitation systems in the Kamchatka Territory”

The “road map” for the implementation of the target model “Connection to heat supply systems, connection to centralized water supply and sanitation systems” in the Kamchatka Territory was approved by the Order of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory in February of this year.

Currently, the Action Plan has been implemented by 39% (out of 18 factors, 7 have been completed), while in September it is planned to reach the figure of about 60% (out of 18 factors, at least 10 must be completed).

The main tools for implementing the target model are the constant interaction of executive authorities of the Kamchatka Territory, local governments with network and resource supply organizations. Interim results are summed up at meetings of the established Working Group, and emerging problems are resolved here.

In addition, in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the implementation of target models in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a monthly analysis of the achievement of target indicators by factors of the target model is carried out. Employees responsible for working in the “Region-ID” system have been appointed to update the information posted in the System in terms of changing the current values ​​of indicators, achieving target values ​​and implementing road map activities.

What is done:

1) Changes have been made to the regulatory framework of the Kamchatka Territory. To reduce the time required for technological connection, the Kamchatka Territory Law “On the regulation of certain issues of urban planning activities in the Kamchatka Territory” was adopted. The law establishes cases in which it is not necessary to obtain permission for the construction and reconstruction of linear objects (water pipelines) from a capital construction project to the point of connection to centralized hot and cold water supply systems. Also, in accordance with Article 16 (1), cases are established in which it is not required to obtain permission for the construction and reconstruction of linear objects (water pipelines), pressure and gravity sewer collectors with a diameter of up to 300 millimeters inclusive from the capital construction site to the point of connection to centralized hot water systems and cold water supply.

2) Employees responsible for working in the “Region-ID” system have been appointed to update the information posted in the system, in terms of changing the current values ​​of indicators, achieving target values ​​and implementing road map activities.

In addition, during the implementation of the road map:

1) The Regional Tariff and Price Service of the Kamchatka Territory for 2017 approved standardized tariff rates for connection (technological connection): a) to a centralized water supply system; b) to a centralized drainage system. These rates are calculated from the technical characteristics of pipelines and are applied in 99% of cases of incoming applications with diameters up to 200 mm.

2) KSUE "Kamchatsky Vodokanal" has developed Regulations for completing the procedure for providing services for technological connection to cold water supply and wastewater networks.

3) Local government bodies of the Kamchatka Territory are taking measures to develop and approve Programs for the integrated development of municipalities, heat supply, water supply and sanitation schemes for municipalities of the Kamchatka Territory. Heat supply schemes have been approved in 52 municipalities of the Kamchatka Territory, water supply and sanitation schemes have been approved in 49 municipalities, which is 100% of the total number of schemes required for approval. Programs for the integrated development of communal infrastructure systems in settlements and urban districts in the Kamchatka Territory, which have an approved master plan, have been developed in 51 municipalities, which is 96.23% of the total.

4) In order to reduce the time required for the implementation of measures for the execution of contracts for technological connection, RNO introduced changes to the Regulations on the procurement of goods, works, and services. These changes will allow enterprises to conduct purchases in bulk lots, without restrictions on the purchase price when concluding an agreement for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services as part of the fulfillment of obligations for technological connection to centralized cold water and wastewater networks.

5) In order to obtain the opportunity to carry out technological connection work in an economic way, KSUE "Kamchatsky Vodokanal" is considering the possibility of joining self-regulatory organizations of builders and designers in 2017. And generate the necessary forces and means.

6) In order to comply with the regulatory deadlines for the execution of the contract for technological connection and improve the quality of service provision, KSUE "Kamchatsky Vodokanal" has created a Center for working with subscribers in the form of a "one window", where any applicant can receive free consultations on technological connection issues, submit an application and receive ready documents after all work has been completed. A hotline has also been created to provide advice.

7) In order to reduce the stages of the procedure for technological connection to cold water supply and sanitation networks and increase the level of awareness of service consumers, the possibility of installing a software package is being considered that allows accepting applications through the information and telecommunications network “Internet” with the ability to track the execution of the application in real time. Based on the results of the analysis of the market for software products, the THESIS system is being implemented, which makes it possible to fully automate the procedures and accounting of technological connection, as well as accept applications through the Internet information and telecommunications network.

8) The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Energy of the Kamchatka Territory has developed and approved methodological recommendations for monitoring consumer satisfaction with the quality of services provided by resource supply organizations for the implementation of technological connection to cold water supply and sanitation networks. These methodological recommendations were sent to the resource supplying enterprises of the region in order to conduct a survey of applicants regarding the provision of services on an ongoing basis.

9) To increase the level of awareness of service consumers, the “Technological connection” section is posted on the official page of KSUE “Kamchatsky Vodokanal”, containing information on the approved tariff rates for technological connection and other information revealing the sequence of the technological connection procedure for applicants.

Suggestions for improving the target model.

It is proposed to consider the possibility of adjusting the target model in terms of creating a single federal resource, that is, a single Internet portal , to post the necessary information (maps of available power, personal accounts with the ability to sign and track contracts), which will allow:

1) will facilitate work at the regional level;

2) will eliminate the need to develop a regional Internet portal in each region;

3) will make it possible to unify requirements for all resource supply organizations.

Regional project offices will remain ensure timely and reliable entry of data into the specified Internet portals.

The implementation of all the activities of the Roadmap will allow, by the end of 2017, to reduce the number of procedures and the average time for connecting to hot, cold water supply and sanitation networks, and will also reduce the costs of gaining access to engineering infrastructure, which will lead to an improvement in the investment climate of our region.

Pirogov Eduard Vladimirovich
director of KSBU
"Regional Center for Energy Development and Energy Saving"

for the implementation of the target model “Connection to heat supply systems, connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply and sanitation systems”

1.1.1. Availability of information on available capacity in the public domain on the website of local governments or resource supply organizations

Description of the indicator: Availability of information about available capacity on the websites of all GOs and ETOs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments. If at least one GO or ETO or at least one local government body does not post the necessary information on the website, the indicator value is “no” (only if all of them post - “yes”). Confirmation: List of GOs and ETOs in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or local government bodies in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with an explicit display of the required information - for all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations ( ETO) on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or for local governments in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

1.1.2. Availability of publications on the website of the resource supplying organization about an exhaustive list of documents required to be submitted for the preparation of a connection agreement with an example of completion

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at reducing the time applicants have to obtain the necessary information on connection

Description of the indicator: Availability of a publication on the websites of all GOs and ETOs in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation about an exhaustive list of documents with an example of completion. If at least one GO or ETO does not post the necessary information on the site, the indicator value is “no” (only if all of them post it - “yes”). An exhaustive list of documents is established: for cold water supply and sanitation - in the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. 000, for hot water supply - in the Rules of hot water supply, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001. No. 000, for heat supply - in the Heat Supply Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Confirmation: List of GOs and ETOs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with explicit display of the required information and a screenshot with an example of filling out documents - for all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations (UTOs) on territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017 Yes

1.1.3. Availability of publicly available information on the website of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation about the possibility of connecting the applicant’s load at the selected connection point in connection with the land plot

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at reducing the time applicants have to obtain the necessary information on connection

Description of the indicator: The value “yes” is indicated if the consumer can obtain information about the possibility of connecting the applicant’s load at the selected connection point in relation to the land plot using a map of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If it is physically difficult to provide a breakdown in relation to a land plot, the value “yes” is indicated if an enlarged (quarterly) breakdown is provided. Confirmation: Link to the website, as well as a screenshot of the website of the subject of the Russian Federation with an explicit display of the required information.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017 Yes

1.1.4. Availability of a hotline for connection issues

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at reducing the time applicants have to obtain the necessary information on connection

Description of the indicator: To indicate the value “yes”, it is sufficient to have at least one “hot line”, with the help of which the consumer could receive comprehensive information on the issues of connecting to heat and water supply and sanitation systems. Confirmation: Links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with explicit display of the required information - for all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations (UTO) in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including hotline telephone numbers.

1.2. Automation of the connection process

1.2.1. Availability of a calculator on the website of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and on the website of resource supply organizations, which allows you to calculate the estimated connection fee based on a specific connection point and taking into account the applicant’s load

Creation of an electronic service to reduce the time spent by the applicant to obtain information about the cost of connection

Description of the indicator: Availability of at least one calculator on the website of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and on the websites of all GOs and ETOs in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, with the help of which you can calculate the estimated fee for connecting to heat, water supply and sanitation systems. If a subject of the Russian Federation or at least one GO or ETO does not post at least one such calculator on its website, the value of the indicator is “no” (only if everyone does – “yes”). Confirmation: Links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with explicit display of the required information - for the site of the subject and all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations (UTO) in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation.

2.1. Ease of submitting an application for a connection agreement

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

2.1.1. It is possible to submit an application for concluding a connection agreement: in electronic form, using a qualified electronic signature; by post; with courier

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at reducing the time applicants have to obtain the necessary information on connection

Description of the indicator: If at least one GO or ETO does not post on the website information about the possibility of submitting an application for concluding a connection agreement in electronic form, using a qualified electronic signature, by post, with a courier - the indicator value is “no” (only if everyone posts - "Yes"). Confirmation: Links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with explicit display of the required information - for all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations (UTO) in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.2.1. Conducting a technical commission to determine the possibility of connection with the participation of the applicant with the disclosure of information about the measures taken

Ensuring increased openness of information

Description of the indicator: The value “yes” is indicated if there is the possibility of holding a technical commission to determine the possibility of connection and its composition includes a representative of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a representative of the RSO, a representative of the applicant (as agreed) and disclosure of information about the decisions of the commission. Confirmation: legal acts on the creation of a technical commission, regulations on the activities of the commission, minutes of the meeting (scans), where the possibility of the applicant’s participation is provided, a link to the site, as well as screenshots of the site with an explicit display of the required information (about decisions made by the commission) - for the site of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.1. Simplified obtaining permission for the construction of heating, water supply and sanitation networks

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.1.1. the presence of a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that abolishes the need to obtain a permit for the construction of low-hazard heat, water supply and wastewater networks, by approving at the level of the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation a list of cases in which a construction permit is not required

Introduction of amendments to the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, providing for simplification of obtaining permission for the construction of heat, water supply and sanitation networks

Description of the indicator: To indicate the value “yes”, the law or other regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation must determine which specific heating, water supply and sanitation facilities do not require a construction permit. Confirmation: legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.2. Optimization of procedures

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.2.1. Availability of a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on reducing the time required for the examination of design and estimate documentation for the construction of heat, water supply and sewerage networks

Description of the indicator: To indicate the value “yes”, the law or other regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must provide for a reduction in the time frame for undergoing the examination of design estimates for the construction of networks and other heat, water supply and sanitation facilities by at least 1 working day. Confirmation: legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, providing for a reduction in deadlines, as well as legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, establishing previously valid deadlines.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.2.2. Possibility of placing, in accordance with the land legislation of the Russian Federation, objects of heat, water supply and sanitation networks on lands or land plots in state or municipal ownership, without the provision of land plots

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at optimizing connection procedures

Description of the indicator: To indicate the value “yes”, a law or other regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must provide for the possibility of placing heat, water supply and sanitation facilities on lands or land plots in state or municipal ownership, in accordance with the land legislation of the Russian Federation, without providing land plots. Confirmation: legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.2.3. Availability of regulations for the provision of municipal services for obtaining permits for obtaining a warrant for excavation work

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at optimizing connection procedures

Description of the indicator: If at least one municipal body has not approved/provided the regulations, the value of the indicator is “no” (only the presence of regulations of all municipal bodies corresponds to the value “yes”). Confirmation: List of municipalities, regulations for the provision of municipal services for obtaining permits for obtaining a warrant for excavation work of all municipal bodies in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

3.2.4. Shortened period for providing a warrant for excavation work

Implementation of a set of measures aimed at optimizing connection procedures

Description of the indicator: To indicate the value “yes”, the law or other regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation must make changes to the legal acts, as a result of which the period for providing a warrant for excavation work will be reduced by at least 1 working day. Confirmation: legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, providing for a reduction in deadlines, as well as legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, establishing previously valid deadlines.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

4.1. Expedited procedure for issuing a certificate of readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of a connected capital construction facility for the supply of thermal energy and coolant

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

4.1.1. Availability of the possibility of sending to the applicant a certificate of readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of the connected capital construction facility for the supply of thermal energy and coolant, signed with an electronic signature

Ensuring a reduction in the time frame for issuing a certificate of readiness of on-site and intra-house networks and equipment of a connected capital construction facility for the supply of thermal energy and coolant

Description of the indicator: If at least one GO or ETO does not provide this opportunity on the site, the indicator value is “no” (only if all of them post - “yes”). Confirmation: List of GOs and ETOs, documents from all GOs and ETOs on the availability of the possibility of sending a report on readiness to supply thermal energy (in the case of UTS) and water (in the case of GOs); links to the websites of all GOs and ETOs and screenshots of these sites confirming the public posting of these documents.

4.2. Expedited procedure for issuing an act of connection (technological connection) of an object

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

4.2.1. Availability of the possibility of sending to the applicant acts on connection (technological connection) of objects, delimitation of balance sheet ownership, signed with an electronic signature

Ensuring a reduction in the time period for issuing the act of connection (technological connection) of the facility

Description of the indicator: If at least one GO or ETO does not provide this opportunity on the site, the indicator value is “no” (only if all of them post - “yes”). Confirmation: List of GOs and ETOs, documents from all GOs and ETOs on the availability of the possibility of sending an act on connecting objects, delimiting balance sheet ownership; links to the websites of all GOs and ETOs and screenshots of these sites confirming the public posting of these documents.

5.1. Timing optimization

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

5.1.1. Reducing the time frame for registering rights to property created (reconstructed) during the connection process, and the time period for issuing permits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for resource supply organizations at the regional and local levels

preparation and implementation of a set of measures aimed at reducing the time frame for registering rights to property created (reconstructed) during the connection process, and the time frame for issuing permits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for resource supply organizations

Description of the indicator: To indicate the value “yes”, the law or other regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must provide for a reduction in the time frame for registering rights to property created (reconstructed) in the process of connection, compared to the Federal Law “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with nim" No. 000 dated 01/01/2001 as amended in force at the time of data provision, at least for 1 working day, as well as the deadlines for issuing permits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for resource supply organizations at the regional and local levels (construction permits and documents for the allocation land plots) compared to the current deadlines by at least 1 working day. Confirmation: legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, providing for a reduction in the time frame for registering rights to property in comparison with federal legislation; NLA of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which provides for a reduction in the deadlines for issuing permits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for resource supply organizations at the regional and local levels (construction permits and documents for the allocation of land plots), as well as NLA of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, establishing the previously valid deadlines for issuing permitting documents.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

5.2. Approval of heat and water supply schemes and investment programs of regulated organizations

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

5.2.1. Availability of approved heat and water supply schemes, as well as investment programs (if there is a need to implement measures to ensure connectivity)

Implementation of measures to approve heat and water supply schemes and investment programs of regulated organizations in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Description of the indicator: If at least one heat, water supply and sanitation scheme is not approved, the indicator value is “no” (only if all are approved - “yes”). Confirmation: Letter of approval of all heat, water supply and sanitation schemes signed by the head of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

5.3. Improving mechanisms for providing services electronically

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

5.3.1. Creation of an IT infrastructure for the possibility of submitting an online application for connection via the Internet information and communication network

Description of the indicator: The value “yes” is indicated if the website of each GO and ETO provides the opportunity to submit an online application for connection. Confirmation: Links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with explicit display of the required information - for all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations (UTO) in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Start date 02/01/2017 Deadline 12/31/2017

5.3.2. Availability of an Internet portal with accessible and up-to-date information with the ability to monitor the status of execution of an application for connection online

Implementation of measures aimed at improving online services

Description of the indicator: If at least one GO or ETO does not provide on its website the opportunity to monitor the status of execution of an application for connection in interactive mode, the indicator value is “no” (only if everyone posts - “yes”). Confirmation: Links to sites, as well as screenshots of sites with explicit display of the required information - for all guaranteeing organizations (GOs) in the field of water supply and sanitation and unified heat supply organizations (UTO) in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Note: The above indicators are monitored and sent as a report to the Ministry of Construction of Russia

International ratings of investment attractiveness and competitiveness clearly indicate that the investment climate in Russia in recent years has had positive, but low, dynamics. In the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Index for 2016-2017, Russia ranks 43 out of 140 countries. Over the year, Russia's position improved by 2 places.

The key problems remain administrative barriers, insufficient efficiency of government agencies and the quality of labor resources.

However, the indicators of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation significantly exceed the results of Russia. For example, reducing property registration requirements to three procedures that require 13 days, as was done in Khabarovsk, could result in Russia taking 12th place in the ranking in terms of the number of requirements and 28th in terms of time. If the same low price for connecting to the power supply system is provided as in Omsk, then it will be cheaper than in 75% of the countries considered in the study. At the same time, the data presented also indicate a significant gap in the conditions for doing business between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In 2016, ASI conducted a study of best practices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and, based on the analysis obtained, formulated a system of incentives to improve the investment climate in Russia in general and in the regions of the country in particular. The result of this work is the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2017 N 147-r “On target models for simplifying business procedures and increasing the investment attractiveness of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” aimed, among other things, at ensuring the availability of utility services for consumers.

In particular, target models for technological connection to electricity, gas, heat, water supply and wastewater systems were formulated.

Technological connection to electrical networks

The “model object” is the technological connection of power receiving devices with a maximum power of up to 150 kW inclusive.

The target period for connection to power supply networks is 90 days (Figure 1), including:

Concluding an agreement on technological connection - 10 days;

Completion of work - 70 days;

Registration of the fact of technological connection - 10 days.

Figure 1. Target model for connecting to power supply networks

Availability of the applicant’s personal account on the official websites of network organizations;

Transparency in calculating fees for technological connection for the applicant;

Availability of a simplified procurement system for the construction (reconstruction) of electric grid facilities;

Availability of a simplified procedure for carrying out construction (reconstruction) of power grid facilities;

Availability of a simplified procedure for the construction (reconstruction) of electrical grid facilities;

Optimization of the procedure for obtaining permission to carry out construction (reconstruction) of electrical grid facilities;

at the stage of registration of the fact of technological connection to electrical networks:

Fast procedure for generating and issuing documents (acts) for signing, including through electronic document management;

Concluding an energy supply agreement through a network organization before completing the technological connection procedure without interaction between the applicant and the energy sales organization.

Currently, more than half of the regions lag behind the target model for 3 main factors:

  1. Availability of a simplified procurement system – 17 lagging regions (in a small number of regions “framework” agreements are used).
  2. Simplified procedure for carrying out construction (reconstruction) work - 14 lagging regions. (at the regional level there is often no approved list of objects for which a construction permit is not required.
  3. Simplified procedure for locating power grid facilities - 15 lagging regions (a small number of municipalities have regulations for the application of Russian Government Resolution No. 1300).

Technological connection to gas networks

A gas-using device with a maximum gas flow rate from 15 to 42 cubic meters was identified as a model object. meters per hour (power from 125 to 350 kW), with a design operating pressure in the connected gas pipeline-inlet of no more than 0.3 MPa and a distance from the applicant’s land plot to the gas distribution network, measured in a straight line, no more than 150 meters.

The target period for connection to gas supply networks is 90 days (Figure 2), including:

Conclusion of a technological connection agreement - 30 days;

Completion of work - 90 days;

Gas start-up – 15 days.

Figure 2. Target model for connecting to gas supply networks

To achieve the target model, the following main factors for optimizing the process of technological connection have been identified:

at the stage of concluding an agreement on technological connection:

Convenience of submitting an application for technological connection;

Availability of board options;


at the stage of carrying out technological connection activities:

Adequacy of financing for long-term development and optimization of the cost of construction of gas distribution networks;

Flexibility of land approval mechanisms;

Degree of interaction between municipalities;

at the gas start-up stage:

Fast procedure for issuing a TP act;

Reducing the time required for registering property.

Technological connection to heat, water supply, and wastewater systems

The target model “Connection to heat supply systems, connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply and sanitation systems” (hereinafter referred to as the target model), developed on the basis of best regional practices, determines the procedure for reducing the time required for completing procedures and their number required for connection to heat supply systems , connection (technological connection) to centralized water supply and sanitation systems (hereinafter referred to as connection).

The target model is formed on the basis of a “model object” with the following parameters:

A facility in the field of heat supply with a load of up to 1.5 Gcal/hour, subject to the technical possibility of connection;

A facility in the field of water supply and wastewater disposal with a load of no more than 10 m3/hour, subject to the technical possibility of connection.

In this case, it is possible to apply to all applicants, regardless of the size of the connected load.

The target period for connection to heat, water supply and wastewater networks includes:

Conclusion of a technological connection agreement - 40 days;

Completion of work – 18 months;

Start - (no data).

To achieve the target model, the following main factors for optimizing the process of technological connection have been identified:

at the stage before concluding an agreement on technological connection:

Information Support;


at the stage of concluding an agreement on technological connection:

Ease of application;

Information Support.

at the stage of carrying out technological connection activities:

Simplified obtaining a building permit;

Optimization of contractual procedures.

at the start-up stage:

Fast procedure for issuing a certificate of technical specifications;

Fast procedure for issuing a TP act.

For the successful implementation of target models of technological connection to electricity, gas, heat, water supply and sanitation systems, it is necessary for public utilities organizations and authorities at the regional and local levels to fulfill certain conditions.

Grid organizations must enter into contracts for the construction of power supply facilities for the planned volumes of technological connection (“framework” contracts) before receiving applications for technological connection, and also ensure the development of electronic services that ensure the submission and tracking of the implementation of an application for technological connection in electronic form.

Authorities need to provide in regional legislation for the possibility of constructing facilities and distribution networks of engineering infrastructure without obtaining a construction permit, create unified regional Internet portals with easily accessible information, and also provide access to the ISOGD in viewing mode for network organizations.

Thus, within a few years it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the time required for connection to public utility infrastructure systems, thereby increasing the investment attractiveness of urban areas for the business community.