How to spell anything for good luck. Spell on a thing: a strong remedy will help in various situations. From chronic failure

Spell for money and luck, a talisman for good luck from a pin

Magic spells to attract money and good luck belong to the means of white magic. And since such influences are aimed at good, they do not have any negative consequences.

Popular ritual options

It is unlikely that anyone will object that luck in life is directly related to financial well-being. Therefore, rituals aimed at attracting money and good luck in life are in great demand. Most often, in such rituals, in addition to conspiracies, various attributes are used, which become talismans.

It should be remembered that any conspiracy for money and luck must be carried out during the waxing moon. It is important not to read magic words from a piece of paper. The text of the conspiracy must first be learned; improvisation is completely acceptable. The main thing when pronouncing magic words is to put all your energy into them.

Ritual for luck

A ritual for good luck in everything, including financial well-being, involves the use of a safety pin. Moreover, the charmed pin becomes a talisman.

In addition to the pin, the following additional attributes will be needed for the ceremony:

  • Three tablespoons of sugar;
  • Three tablespoons of salt;
  • Three tablespoons of white rice;
  • Ceramic saucer.

At night, you need to pour a heap of sugar into a saucer, then salt and rice. A pin should be inserted into the top of the slide obtained from magical ingredients.

All attributes must be left untouched throughout the night. In the morning you need to pick up the pin and always pin it in an inconspicuous place to the clothes you wear when leaving the house. If you constantly wear the enchanted pin, luck and fortune will become constant companions in life, and financial stability will soon come.

Before bedtime

There are conspiracies for money and luck that you need to read before going to bed and after that you need to try to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

One of these conspiracies goes like this:

For magical rituals to be effective, you must believe in them. It is very important to be in a positive mood during them. Any negative emotions reduce the effectiveness of conspiracies aimed at attracting good luck and money into life.

Spells, amulets and prayers for good luck at work

It’s no secret that a lot in our lives depends on success at work. We spend most of our lives at work and want it to bring benefits commensurate with the costs. But very often it happens that no matter how much effort we make, there is no result, as if we were talking.

You can have a good education, hard work and a quick mind, but all this is not enough when there is no luck. Some individuals, even without education, with very dubious mental abilities, but having luck and fortune, quite successfully reach the heights of material and financial success.

A salvation against chronic bad luck can quite successfully be a conspiracy for success and good luck at work. Our ancestors, when starting any ordinary task, began with prayer, not forgetting to also say words of gratitude when they finished. For the most important matters, rituals and ceremonies were necessarily used to attract good luck. In fact, there is nothing complicated about them, but excellent results are guaranteed.

Make it a rule to start a new business with a conspiracy to attract good luck

Making it a rule to use spells and rituals that attract good luck at work is actually not difficult at all. Just take a few proven ones and use them whenever you have important work to do, or start a new business.

  • Conspiracies are not time-bound to the phases of the moon. They can be used at any time of the day.
  • Don’t tell anyone that you are using them - they will jinx it and want to interfere.
  • Do not brag about your achievements, attackers can do damage in order to take away your luck.
  • You can carry the words of a prayer or spell with you, it is very convenient and will help out at any time.

To help with conspiracies and prayers, you can make an amulet that will retain the power of the conspiracy if the matter is long-term or you have been subject to a long period of failure. The purpose of the amulet is to strengthen the words of prayers, protect from evil envious people and repel negative influences.

Prayers and spells to help with work

Whenever you start work, or you are planning to start a new task that is not yet entirely clear to you, start it with prayer.

Prayer to Jesus Christ for help in business:

“Give a blessing, Christ the son of God!

Give your advice for every undertaking.

I attract Angels to help me.

Let them prompt and guide me.

May luck and success be my reward.

For my efforts and humility - luck as a gift.

I glorify You, Son of God, forever.

Protect from the evil eye and the spoiled glance.

From black envious people and vile detractors.

Glory to You, Son of God! Glory!"

It’s not at all difficult to say these words when starting business or before any undertaking, but you will be rewarded with good luck and success.

Spell for a good start to the working day:

“I will get up and bless myself, I will go out into the field and pray.

I will find the magical herb, healing for all good luck.

No matter where I start, it will become controversial, thanks to the words of my conspiracy.

The devils will bother me, but the Angels will be able to disperse them!

I will seal the deal with the power of my words! As I ordered, I will fulfill it!”

Start your working day with these words. Especially if you receive a new assignment from your superiors, say the words to yourself and you won’t even notice how well everything will work out for you. It is also effective to use in any independent endeavor.

Amulet to attract good luck in work and protection from the evil eye

If you notice that you are being haunted by failures, even in those little things where everything should work out and go well, you often fail, then perhaps there is an employee next to you with the evil eye, and you become a victim of the evil eye.

A spoken amulet can help you ward off other people’s bad looks from interfering with your aura. Sometimes such people have no idea that they are bringing you failure. The amulet will absorb their bad energy, thereby protecting you from the harmful influence of your employee.

Take some item that can always be with you at work. It is advisable that this be a silver decoration. Silver is the metal that successfully absorbs negative energy. But you can also use a simple decoration made of any metal.

  • You can always carry the jewelry with you, it will not surprise others. A ring or pendant made of durable material will not be destroyed and will be durable.

Say the words of the conspiracy over the little thing that you have determined for yourself for the amulet:

The words of the conspiracy can be read at any time of the day, before sunset. After all, this is a ritual from the arsenal of White Magic, so it is not advisable to read it in the evening or at night! Keep the hex secret so that no one would think of stealing your amulet to interfere with your business.

  • If something happens to the amulet: unexpected damage or the silver darkens, then this is a sure sign that they are trying to interfere with you using magical means.

Prayers, spells, amulets for good luck and happiness

Take a new large bill and bend a corner on the right side. Then fold the corner on the other side of the bill in the same way. You will get an isosceles triangle. After this, bend the bill along the vertical axis of the short side of the bill. With your left hand, take any corner, bring it close to your lips and write the following text on the bill

How a strong river attracts streams

And the sea is strong rivers

How a woman attracts a man

So you would attract

similar to themselves. May it ALWAYS be like this

Place this “charmed” bill in your wallet, and under no circumstances should you take it into your hands again or take it out of your wallet for three months.

If you come across bills of the same denomination, place them next to the charmed one, without bending them over

In this case, the strongest principle comes into play: money attracts money. At the same time, the owner of the “irredeemable” bill should neither count the money in his wallet nor remember how much there is in there.

Like leaves on a tree, so the coin multiplies in the reflection, how earnestly I pray to you! AMEN. AMEN. AMEN.

How to turn a birch broom into a money decoy

(for example, you are late for work, and transport,

as luck would have it, no, or there is no money left in the wallet,

and the long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat about

yourself as often as possible: “twenty.” 2 – will multiply your efforts,

and 0 – will nullify the counterforce

If it’s the other way around, you need to slow down this or that process

(for example, the child told you that he intends to urgently

get married, but this is not part of your plans), repeat

to myself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable

figure. It is she who will delay, slow down

action. In addition, a square has all sides equal

so no matter where you go, it’s the same everywhere

stability and deceleration

Part 4 – Prayers, spells, amulets for good luck and happiness

Strong spells and prayers for good luck and luck in everything

Nowadays, conspiracies and prayers for good luck and fortune are often not taken seriously by modern people, and very wrongly. Ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves push away with their hands what can bring them good. What many generations before them relied on were numerous prayers, such as a prayer for good luck in love, that can be used at home.

How to become lucky?

Which of us can say with confidence that we can do without luck in our lives? No matter how good a person is, no matter what abilities and talents he has, in all his endeavors he needs her – Lady Luck!

A short video on the topic of luck:

How to make luck always be on your side?

How to enlist the support of higher powers in any of your affairs? The solution is obvious - magic. Conspiracies to attract good luck are the most ancient and widespread types of magical intervention in a person’s destiny.

Even our distant ancestors, in dark and harsh times, resorted to the help of shamans and sorcerers of the tribe. Before every warrior went out hunting or into battle, they called upon spirits to help and conjured good luck. So why don’t you provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important task, like conspiracies that attract good luck?

White magic is a very great helper in attracting good luck and luck. Any of us can independently use good luck spells without mandatory magical training. For example, you are going to a government house. And there is constant red tape, moving your papers from one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials. In this case, you will save time and nerves by reading the following plot (read to yourself while holding the door handle of a government-owned house):

“Protect me from evil deeds, help me, and bring me strong luck.”

If you need to negotiate with someone or you sit down at the gaming table and want to win, then you need to do this. Sit at the table where the business will take place, slightly pull it towards you and quietly whisper:

There are also ways to attract good luck through money. Find three shiny, mint coins not issued on a leap year. Place them under the threshold so that they will not be moved or seen from there and say:

“Gold to gold, silver to silver, money to money to this threshold in this house”

Spell for good luck in business

There is a very strong conspiracy for good luck in business. For the ritual you will need a small green bag.

Put in it ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, powder of the dried peel of three apples, three copper coins and one of white metal. Tie the bag with a ribbon. Cast a spell on him and hang it over the place where you do business.

Good luck will always be with you if every Monday you crumple the bag in your hands and read this plot:

“Business is behind, business is ahead, profit is in the middle”

Conspiracy to attract good luck

Here is an excellent plot to attract good luck (you can also read about the plot to work). Take a small plate and pour three tablespoons of coarse salt into it. Sprinkle the same amount of sugar on top of the salt, and the same amount of rice cereal on top of it. Next, you will need a new safety pin, which you need to stick the point into this slide, and leave this structure overnight.

In the morning, fasten the pin to your clothes so that it is not noticeable, and read the following plot before leaving the house:

“From the sky, you, Sun, shine and give warmth to the earth. Well, give me luck so that my business will succeed. You are the source of life, the Sun, and the stream of bright light. Well, give me success so that I can become more successful than everyone else!”

Prayers for good luck and luck are also very popular among people. Well, every person should remember at least one conspiracy by heart. Here is an example of such an easy to remember and powerful conspiracy:

“What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely blow away, I attract luck and money to myself”

If a streak of bad luck has begun, then there is a conspiracy that allows you to return good luck. Light a candle as large as possible:

Yellow or blue candle- if you have health problems

Dark blue candle- if you want to defeat your enemies

Green candle- if you are desperately short of money

Candle purple- if you need spiritual development or new knowledge

Brown candle- if you are experiencing a lack of success in your professional field

Red candle- if there is no luck in passion and love

White candle- if you need to complete an important task, and your strength is running out.

The candle should be taken with two palms. “Adjust” your breathing so that it becomes calm, slow, but deep. Look at the flame with adoration and visualize your most cherished desire (learn more about the conspiracy to make a wish come true). The candle is charged with the energy of your desires and dreams and gives you confidence that everything you dream about will certainly come true.

Spells and prayers for good luck and luck on the full moon

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck on the full moon are considered the most effective. Here is an example of one of them:

On a full moon night, place the cauldron on the table. Place a saucer in it with a dry mixture of a few pinches of cinnamon and cedar needles. Place three new shiny coins on the table next to the cauldron. Hit each coin with the index finger of your right hand and say to each coin:

After this, the coins are placed in a cauldron on a saucer with herbs. Move your right hand over the cauldron seven times clockwise, saying:

Take a small bag of green or brown fabric prepared in advance and pour coins with herbs into it. You need to carry it with you throughout the lunar cycle. Then you need to store it at home so that no one sees or touches it except you.

Natalia Stepanova's spells for good luck

Natalia Stepanova's spells for good luck are also very popular, we present you one of them. We take thick threads (the kind for knitting) and begin to weave a braid.

While weaving, imagine your luck in the activities in which you will take part. Imagine how you get results by achieving a successful solution in business.

The cord is woven from threads of four colors:

  • Red thread - is a symbol of love and passion;
  • Yellow thread - health and physical strength;
  • Green thread - a symbol of material well-being and wealth;
  • Blue thread - a symbol of fulfilling desires and achieving goals.

And here is another conspiracy for good luck in life from her:

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer are considered the most powerful. Therefore, we will give you another of her spells for happiness and good luck (read when leaving home in order to return with a profit):

The most important thing is to believe that your conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck are not an empty phrase, but real word magic that will always help you. And don’t forget to deserve the help of higher powers yourself; magic doesn’t like lazy people, remember this!

An effective spell for good luck

Luck is the main component of any business, but capricious Fortune will not always turn her gaze to a person. Is there a working spell for good luck? In our review, we will consider the most popular and effective rituals that have been tested for centuries.

A spell for good luck in everything

How to attract happiness

Even the most hardened skeptic still needs a bit of luck. Without it, it is impossible to pass an exam or make a good deal. Capricious Fortune cannot be bought with money or lured onto a horseshoe, so you have to look for suitable spells and pendants.

Human destiny lies in the palm of higher powers, which forces us to call for help in any endeavor. Our ancestors lived in harsh times and before starting a hunt or war they always performed important rituals. Lucky spells are white magic that does not disrupt the natural flow of natural energy. Rituals simply direct it in the right direction and do not harm other people.

Among the original and powerful amulets you can find sacred schematic images - mandala. They are embroidered on fabric or applied in the form of designs on a bracelet. Such amulets protected the family at home and on the road from evil people and actions.

A certain combination of ancient runes made it possible to take a person’s destiny to another level. They were used for a successful marriage and helped to attract good luck in the coming year. To make the trip safe and guarantee return, the sages knew how to find and select a unique combination of symbols.

Morning spells are considered the most effective. The fact is that white magic uses the positive energy of the rising sun, so all rituals for luck should be performed at dawn. To become very lucky, you don’t have to regularly bow in the temple or hang yourself with amulets. Correctly chosen words for the waxing moon will transform fate beyond recognition.

Magicians believe that for money events it is better to give preference to Thursday, and on Wednesdays you can “clean” karma. It is easier for lucky people to live on earth, so women often perform protective rituals of knitting on behalf of their son or husband based on photos.

The ancient Eastern science of Feng Shui paid a lot of attention to the arrangement of objects in a person’s home. Like food on the body, every thing has a huge impact on the subtle matter of the soul. It was important to create a harmonious combination of all elements.

Unlike other rituals, short conspiracies to attract good luck act quickly and precisely, although there are also universal rituals (both for love and business). Magicians warn that you should strictly follow the instructions and the result will appear immediately.

Before an important matter

Attracting money and luck into your life is the basis for the financial well-being of any person. If the future depends on certain negotiations, then a lot of emotional and physical effort has to be made to achieve the goal. To secure your promotion and attract Fortune, we recommend performing a simple ritual.

The ritual is performed on the thirteenth day of any month. You need to go to the temple and buy candles: a dozen small ones and one large one. The change received at the church is exchanged for metal coins.

Having crossed the threshold of the home, they scatter coppers around the house and do not collect them until the morning. Professionals advise performing the ceremony alone. Then you won’t have to explain to friends and acquaintances the cause of the disorder.

At dawn the next day, the money is collected from the floor into a new handkerchief, tied, and a strong spell for good luck is read.

The grandmother is a witch who lies in a coffin and guards that coffin. You were brave, doing your magic work. She collected happiness, took it away from people, stole luck and gifted herself. Give me, grandma, good luck and prosperity. And with it comes happiness (name) to boot.

The bundle is hidden under the bed so that none of the people or animals can find it. You can put it in a box or tuck it into the cracks under the sofa. Remember: the ritual is performed on an empty stomach, before you have had time to wash your face. It is better to complete the magical work immediately after waking up.

Ancestors claimed that spices attracted good luck both at work and in study. For this we used a mixture of:

The substances were mixed and poured into a bag made of green cloth. Additionally, three copper coins and one white cube were added inside. The amulet was tied with a beautiful ribbon and hung next to the workplace (on the arm of a table, for example). To recharge with luck from the amulet, they took it in their hands and mentally asked for help. Once a week is enough and your life will radically change for the better.

By the way, strong charmed objects for luck are obtained from gold and silver. It is recommended to read on a chain or pendant. Such amulets perfectly absorb the necessary information, allowing you to get rid of failures. Stone is a more capricious element, so it is better to entrust the completion to professionals.

If pagan rituals do not agree with faith, then you can ask Christian saints for help. Most often they turn to:

Regular prayer will become a reliable shield in misfortune and will allow you to find a way out of even the most confusing case. The black stripe will pass, and the solution will appear on the surface.

Financial luck

The problem of poverty and wealth has been relevant at all times. Some people own huge capital, while others take out loans for easy apartment renovations or surgery. How to improve your well-being and get a stone of prosperity?

Attracting money and luck into your life is an idea that people all over the planet are thinking about. There is no need to look for powerful magicians or influential psychics: just perform an ancient ritual and bad luck will leave your home.

Before the ceremony, it is necessary to carefully prepare for an important event. Preliminary procedures begin with a three-day fast. During this period, preference is given to light, plant-based dishes. You cannot talk about the upcoming ritual or argue with loved ones. The fact is that such actions will scare away luck.

To attract money and good luck, use strong spells for the waxing moon. As the constant satellite of our planet increases in volume, so does the financial well-being of a person. We need to prepare some new bills and shiny nickels. Fortune tellers advise that the total amount coincides with the birth number.

The ceremony is carried out in the evening, when the house is illuminated by moonlight. Money is placed on the windowsill so that it absorbs the energy of the night light. Magicians recommend meditating and imagining how the coins are multiplying. The next morning, the finances are hidden in a place inaccessible to the family.

To attract good luck to your business, you need to read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. A Christian saint rarely refused anyone, so Orthodox Christians often light candles in churches and hope for a miracle. To strengthen the result, practice repeated repetition over a long period of time.

A real way to poppy from fortune tellers allows you to catch luck by the tail. The ritual attracts buyers, so it is often used to improve trade and when opening a new business. On any day on a young moon, a glass of gray grains is purchased. Remember: the seller is not asked for a discount and the change is not taken away.

You need to lay out a new handkerchief on the counter, onto which the product is poured. They say the words nine times.

Just as there are countless and countless poppies, there will be so many buyers for my product. All those who step on scattered seeds will definitely buy my product for themselves and their friends. I exchange goods for money at a profit and glorify God. Amen (three times).

Now every morning, before entering the store, a pinch of grains is scattered on the floor. A person who steps on the potion will definitely want to buy something and will not try to return the product. By the way, we recommend placing a wealth stone in the room that matches your horoscope.

On the subject

How to speak for quick luck? Many people dream of winning a car or apartment in a lottery or promotion. There are many participants in the drawing, and luck often passes you by.

Magicians recommend getting rid of negativity and setting your mind up for a big victory. Even the most powerful ritual will be ineffective if there is no faith, so you need to visualize your dream. Imagine yourself at a housewarming party in a new home or driving your personal car.

To get an energy boost, you need to perform a simple ritual. Pour three tablespoons onto a small saucer:

It is important to adhere to the specified sequence, otherwise the ritual will not be valid. The result is a large mound into which a new safety pin is stuck. The structure is hidden at night in a secluded place so that it is inaccessible to prying eyes.

Before purchasing or filling out a lottery ticket, you must remember to say the words of the spell for good luck and luck.

Let the right hand of the giver not fail. Let this pin attract a big increase in wealth. Only white products will help me everywhere: salt, sugar, and grains. And you can’t take it away, and you can’t break this circle, you can’t throw a stone at it, but you can’t destroy the work. Amen (three times).

The metal object is pinned with the clasp down to the inside of the garment. The little talisman contains enormous power that attracts luck. Such an amulet can be used in gambling, but with each win it is gradually depleted.

From chronic failure

Regular misfires and lesions negatively affect a person’s aura. Success seems to be something unattainable and mystical, so you have to attract luck with special rituals. For Fortune to come, they perform a powerful ritual at dawn.

Professionals say that you can charge an object with positive energy - jewelry or an ordinary coin. They are always at hand and have enormous power. You need to believe in the magical abilities of a thing, otherwise all the magic will be destroyed.

The future talisman and clean consecrated water are laid out on the table. Then they light a candle and read the “Our Father” three times and the prayer of the ninety-nine names. After the ritual, objects are sprayed with liquid.

Conspiracies for good luck in life are strong and powerful mantras that help clear the karma of even the most unlucky people. Getting rid of bad luck is always accompanied by fasting.

5 powerful spells for good luck.

5 powerful spells for good luck.

A spell for good luck and money for sugar.

Water is a strong conductor of energy. Conspiracies and love spells

Often envious people and sorcerers try to take away good luck, so they use a voodoo doll or runic curse symbols. But the most terrible rite was considered everywhere to be the ritual at funerals and cemeteries, which are classified as black magic. Destructive energy drains strength from the victim and deprives him of past and future victories. After a series of bad luck, death can occur.

Complex rituals that break the invisible connection between a vampire and a person will help protect yourself from such influence. To prevent rude interference, we recommend tying a red thread around your left wrist. The ancient amulet will become a reliable shield and will help remove the consequences of witchcraft. The return of negative energy will hit the mental criminal hard.

For the event

There are effective ways that can bring good luck with certain actions. We recommend that you secure the exchange or purchase of real estate yourself. To do this, they bring a glass of blessed water and a small candle from the church. Before the transaction in the morning, light a light near a container with liquid and mentally say any protective prayer.

The more repetitions, the stronger the charge is transferred to the elements. The end of the text is always accompanied by the sign of the cross. After the ritual, you need to drink a few sips and wash with water. Now you can go to a meeting with a person without fear: the heavenly guard will protect you from scammers and assist in the sale of property or the purchase of a home.

Childbirth is an important period in the life of every woman, so all relatives often experience it. For everything to go smoothly, it is better to take the advice of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova. Conspiracies for good luck help to avoid pain and complications for children and mothers.

You need to bite off a piece from the edge of black bread, while repeating the following words.

Bread, did Mother Theotokos look at you? Did you endure bodily pain during your birth? So my daughter (name) should look at the bread and not endure torment in my homeland.

By the way, the ritual can be successfully supplemented with a prayer at the image of the Matrona of Moscow. During her lifetime, the saint was a healer for many people, and after her death she became a reliable protector of all women. At home, before going to bed, a small icon is placed near the bed of the expectant mother.

Speaking while studying at school or during court hearings are important and serious stages in a person’s life. By the way, young ladies are very nervous before meeting a man. Experiences can frighten Fortune, so we recommend starting preparations three days before the event. During the waking period, they repeat simple words of prayer to the Guardian Angel or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In modern life, it is difficult to influence your destiny. A spell for good luck at the moment of utterance is an easy and reliable method that has been tested for centuries. Our recommendations will help you sell a product, bring you luck in sports, or make it easier to meet a new person.

Nowadays, controlling destiny is not so difficult. It is enough to use a little light magic to get what you want. With the help of simple rites and rituals, you can not only attract material wealth, good luck, bring an important event closer, but also cast a spell on your loved one. So, for example, recently a spell on a thing has become popular. By resorting to these kinds of methods, you can cause melancholy in a person, attract his attention, and even prevent possible betrayal. And in this article we offer several options for effective conspiracies for various things to change a person’s behavior in the direction you want.

Love magic is considered one of the most powerful. Particularly effective are conspiracies for things that constantly affect a person while he is in contact with them.

This love spell can be useful for those who want to win the attention of their lover and bewitch him to themselves. To send melancholy to the object of your desire, you can say a gift for him. He must definitely like this thing. If he definitely uses the item you gave him, the spell will work faster.

You should definitely buy a new thing for your loved one on the days when the moon is in its waxing stage. When bringing a gift intended for your lover into your home, read the magic spell over it:

“By accepting this thing from me, you will give me your peace. In the light of the sun and in the darkness of the night, you will be with me mentally. Amen".

Then you can give this item to your lover. The longer he uses your gift, the more effective the ritual will be.

Attracting success

By using a spell on any thing, you can attract good luck. And this thing will bring success to the one to whom the energy message is intended.

If you want good luck to accompany your life path, take your personal item. For these purposes, it is advisable to use a talisman or amulet that you practically never part with. Taking it in your hands, you must say the following words:

“Just as a squirrel wears a fur coat and never takes it off, so (the name of the thing) brings me good luck. My word will be firm. Amen".

The enchanted item can be placed in a secluded place and taken with you to events where you would like good luck. If the item is practical, you can always keep it with you.

Talking about a personal thing

Often, a spell on a thing is used by those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. As a rule, such magical sessions will require the personal items of the beloved.

This love spell does not provide clearly limited boundaries for the use of objects. However, it is best to talk about a personal and not entirely new thing about a person. It is advisable that he uses it regularly (comb, mirror, etc.).

If you manage to get such an object while holding it in your hands, begin the magic ritual. First, read the Lord's Prayer to yourself three times. Then you can recite the text of the conspiracy itself:

“The truth is that water will not burn the threshold, and the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will not find another. Only my beloved will hug me and never leave me. As long as he (name of the thing) uses it, as long as he will be mine. Amen".

After this ritual, you need to put the thing in its place. The conspiracy will begin to operate as soon as a person begins to use it.

We charm the object to bring back our lover

Particularly popular are conspiracies that can be used to bring back a loved one. Often, these kinds of methods are used in situations where the spark of love has not gone out, and there is hope for a future together.

A magical ritual to enchant a loved one’s belongings is carried out using:

  • church candles;
  • photos of your partner.

It is worth noting that for a session you can purchase 3, 5, 9, 12 candles. The effectiveness of the method depends on their number - the more candles you light, the faster the spell will work.

A love ritual for the return of a loved one should be performed in the evening. Having cleared everything from the table, place candles on it and light them. Sitting down at the table, place a photo of your loved one in front of you. Next, looking at the photo, say the following spell:

“I got up early in the morning, washed my face with clean water, prayed to Jesus Christ, and bowed to the red sun. I went into an open field to look for a big tree, under it was a church, there was melancholy. Throw, melancholy, at the servant of God (say the guy’s name) thoughts about me. So that he could neither eat calmly nor drink, so that my image would become dearer to him than anything in the world. Amen".

This text should be recited every evening for three days. For the next three days, do not read the magic plot. You can repeat the words after the “break” ends.

We spell a little thing to save a marriage from cheating

Using light magic, you can not only bring luck back into your life, attract the attention of your lover, but also save your marriage from betrayal. Spells on your husband's things are suitable for these purposes. This method is suitable for those who know how to knit.

To knit a magical thing for your husband that will keep him away from other ladies and infidelity, buy wool yarn. The purchase should be made only on those days when the moon is in its waxing stage. It is imperative that it be in the hands of a loved one. To do this, invite him to hold a skein of yarn while you wind a ball from it.

When starting to knit a sweater, gradually weave in one hair at a time. While knitting, you need to think only about good things and how happily you live with your husband.

When you finish knitting a product, pronounce a special love spell over it:

“As a thread intertwines with hair, so our destinies flow together. No one will interfere with our happiness. As long as this sweater holds hair together, it protects good luck and happiness. Amen".

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about powerful amulets for attracting good luck in life, how to speak on your own and make them with your own hands. The world of personal amulets is large and varied. Each country has its own magical artifacts, endowed with special powers, which people have used for centuries to protect against evil people and Dark Forces, to cause damage, to attract happy situations, luck and money into their lives.

The amulet has power simply because a large number of people believe in this power, endowing the object with colossal psychic energy. But the amulet becomes a truly magical item, and it is yours, when you establish a connection with it. This can be done in different ways - with the help of meditation or magical rituals, finding an effective amulet for good luck and luck in everything.

How to cast an amulet yourself for good luck in business

To independently perform a magical ritual to establish contact with a personal talisman, you will need:

  • object chosen as a talisman
  • wax candle

This must be done on the waxing moon. First, the object must be cleansed of foreign energy. To do this, you need to hold it under running water for some time. Light a candle, and holding your future in your hands The most powerful amulet to attract good luck, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Protect me from evil and help me live, bring me happiness, good luck, and victory in business.”

Don't put out the candle, let it burn to the end. During all this time, let your magic talisman lie nearby. Upon completion of the ritual, carry your personal amulet for attracting success, always with you.

How to cast an amulet at home for good luck and luck - to live in abundance

The most popular magical item for attracting money and prosperity are coins. Money itself symbolizes well-being; in various magical traditions, magical rituals are performed with them to fill the money channel and activate the energy of prosperity. If you find a coin dropped by someone, take it for yourself, it will attract monetary fortune into your pocket. If you perform a witchcraft ritual with it to attract money and constantly carry it in your wallet, periodically strengthening it with a spell, then the most ordinary coin will become a powerful magical amulet for good luck in work and in any financial transactions. You can have lucky coins in your pocket or purse, the main thing is that you always have it with you.

As a powerful amulet for good luck and money, you can buy a gold coin in a jar. In black magic there are many rituals to attract money using gold and silver coins. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, now want to offer you a homemade spell for a wallet with coins. The simplest coins used here are not gold, not old, not found, but those that happen to be in your wallet.

A money plot is read for your wallet on the first day of the new moon. Shake your wallet and read the text of the conspiracy for well-being three times, calling money into the house. If you do this every new moon, your wallet will eventually become a very powerful amulet for attracting money and good luck to your home:

“A rich merchant comes to visit me, he brings me a precious casket as a gift, the merchant is all neat and very rich, anyone will be glad to see such a guest. The merchant's purse rings with gold, let the silver money rattle sweetly, let my wallet also ring with gold, let the silver money rattle sweetly, for this hour, forever, for all time. Lips and teeth, key and lock. These words are so that no one can open them. Amen".

Strong amulets for happiness and good luck in all matters

Not only images related to religions become the strongest amulets for good luck, health and for attracting the energy of prosperity and money. The world of stones, plants, and animals has its own amulets. Money witchcraft extends to the whole world, and not to individual parts of it. Real magic towers over the whole world, covering it like a dome. Here are some examples of the most common money amulets that you can use in your life.

  • Bamboo - Green sprouts of this resilient plant are usually given to loved ones in different countries as a personal amulet to attract success in business. Bamboo in any endeavor. According to Feng Shui, to activate chi energy, this green amulet should be placed in the eastern part of the house.
  • The powerful money talisman horseshoe is not only a Slavic amulet for good luck and a talisman against disasters and troubles. In many countries and at different times they believed and still believe in the miraculous power of the iron horseshoe. There is strength in iron. Iron is the result of the sacred struggle between the Elements - Fire and Metal. You can, of course, buy a magical horseshoe amulet for good luck in business. But it is believed that the most powerful amulet is a found horseshoe dropped by a horse. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you, how to hang a horseshoe talisman in your home. A horseshoe above the front door, positioned with its ends down, will block the entry into the house of all sorts of misfortunes, and will protect you from the evil eye and curses. A horseshoe with its horns facing upward will attract wealth and make the house a full cup.
  • A good talisman is the Scarab - this amulet comes from Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egyptian civilization, the scarab beetle was considered sacred and was one of the most revered mystical symbols. Therefore, images of this insect were perceived not at an everyday everyday level, but at a higher, divine level. The scarab personified change, transformation, rebirth in another world. It also symbolized life energy, something without which no one can exist. And, of course, it brings good luck. And not only in matters related to material wealth, but also with what today we call spiritual growth. Today it is easy to order a real amulet for good luck and success, buy and wear it without fear of energy vampires, dark witchcraft and ruin.
  • A strong talisman for good luck Rabbit's foot - only the back foot of the animal can be used as an amulet. Magical rabbit's foot amulet promotes success in business and material well-being. In addition, if you dream of becoming parents of many children, the energy of the rabbit will help you fulfill your dream.
  • Talisman Cat's Eye - This semi-precious stone protects its owner from the evil eye and magical damage, helps to overcome life's difficulties, and get out of difficult situations with minimal losses. The cat's eye is classified as a powerful amulet and charm for good luck in everything; This is an almost universal magic item. That is why not only businessmen, but also gamblers love it so much for winning money.
  • Good luck talisman Elephant - Images of these powerful, calm, noble animals bring success in any field of activity. An amulet in the form of an elephant figurine symbolizes longevity and wisdom, and to achieve true financial prosperity. A pair of elephants with their trunks raised up symbolize hospitality and well-being at the family hearth.
  • Home amulet Key - any key can become a magical amulet for good luck or a talisman for attracting happy situations, depending on what ritual is performed with it. It could be an old key, or a key accidentally found on the road, or the key that you yourself used once. Even from a souvenir “golden” key you can make a strong amulet by charging it with good luck and luck. It is believed that such keys help unlock people’s hearts, open paths to enrichment, attract success in life, and improve health.

On a full moon, the key can be spoken for money with these magical words:

“The key is not simple, the key to the royal treasury. The key is mine, the lock obeys me, if I want it, I’ll come and take the gold. I should open the bins, I should close the bins, I should not allow naked and toothless poverty on the threshold. So be it. Amen".

The key money amulet can be placed in your wallet and carried with you at all times. Or maybe to the place where you keep your money.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

And here is another accessible ritual of white magic, how to make an amulet for good luck and money at home. Take the old lock and the key to it. Open and close it several times, then read the words of the conspiracy that will attract money into your life:

“Here is the castle, with the treasury attached to it. There my wealth lies, the key and lock guard it. The castle is mine, the key is mine, I am to rule the treasury, I am to own the money. Let it be so".

Let the lock lie where you keep your money. And carry the key with you.

How to create a strong amulet with your own hands to attract good luck

If you are a little familiar with magical rituals for independent use, then it will not be difficult for you make a good luck amulet with your own hands. In the rituals of Russian witchcraft there are many simple, proven spells and rituals for home use. For example, you can weave a magic cord for yourself - an amulet for success in business. It is woven with colored threads and must be worn on the ankle of the left leg.

It will help you become luckier and more successful, and with its help it will be easier for you to achieve your desires. Choose threads of those colors that correspond to the task that you set for your amulet. You can take several flowers or just one.

  1. The green thread symbolizes wealth.
  2. The red thread represents love.
  3. The yellow thread is health, and the blue thread is the achievement of your goals.

When you make your own amulet for good luck in life, weaving it from colored threads, visualize the successful solution of the tasks that are facing you at this time.

Black magic of nauz - spells for an amulet for good luck and happiness

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, the magic of nauz was created - a knot that a magician ties with a clearly defined intention. Scientific magic is incredibly simple, and consists of a number of techniques that allow you to effectively achieve what you want using strings. Scientific magic is based on the ability of any person to fall into a trance. Magic knots are both real witchcraft and the basis for a powerful technique for attracting success and wealth into your life. Using independent rituals of knot magic, it is not difficult to make an amulet for good luck in life, and for luck in business.
The knot is a symbol of your magical action. Subtle influence on the physical plane. But it is also an anchor, a sign of your intention. The very intention that the magician can touch. In the practices of folk witchcraft, the simplest materials at hand are used, something on which you can tie a knot:

  • And on the third nauz, say the text of the spell for luck in life: “Yes, neither true nor obvious can knock my luck away from me. Let it be so".
  • All 3 knots are knitted with a double knot, which is called - witch's curse. Then this piece of skin is hidden in the house, or carried with them as a talisman. Nauz can be sewn into clothes and worn as a protective talisman.

    In order for the amulet to perform its functions, it must be configured. Your vibrations and those of your guardian must match, then the amulet will work with full efficiency. You can increase the power of the amulet, this is done with the help of special magical rituals. Sometimes strong CONSPIRACY can be performed without any ritual actions, and all that may be necessary to perform the action is yourself and your strong amulet for good luck in life.

    If you have chosen a stone for yourself as an amulet, then you can use the magical ritual of casting a stone on the growing Moon, which we will give below as an example.

    How to cast an amulet on the waxing moon

    To perform the ritual, you will need the actual stone that you want to speak and consecrate, and one candle. The color of the candle should correspond to the purpose and tasks for which the amulet was created. For example, if the amulet is designed to attract and, the candle should be red or pink, but if it is a money amulet, then the candle should be the appropriate color, i.e. green.

    Light a candle and take the stone in your right hand. When you feel the energy of the stone, feel that it has begun to pulsate with energy, bring it to your face and hold it at the level of the “third eye”. Visualize those states and impressions that arise in moments when he helps you in difficult and conflict situations, or simply attracts some benefits into your life. Imagine how your powerful talisman for good luck in business helps you achieve your goal. To imagine this more vividly, you can close your eyes. While continuing to think about your goal, place the stone in front of the candle and cast a spell. It is noteworthy that a strong spell aimed at a good luck amulet can be arbitrary. We can say something like this:

    “A stone that came into being from the depths of the earth, a stone of earthly power! Take the power of the elements, increase your strength every hour, every minute, until you reach full power. Let it be as it is said! Let it be the way I want!”

    Leave next to the candle until the candle burns completely. The ritual of strengthening the amulet is completed, and you can use it for your own purposes. Ritual actions can be changed, different components and various conspiracies can be used. Let's look at another example of how you can charm a health charm or talisman.

    How to cast a strong amulet or talisman for good luck

    The action will require the following items: one yellow candle, one candle of the color that matches your goal, an amulet or talisman. Light both candles and place the amulet between them. Blow on it and say, for example, like this: “I give you the gift of Air, gusts of the south wind, the roar of a storm and a light breeze.”

    To speak, take the amulet in your right hand, carry it through the flame of the candle that is in harmony with your goal, and say: “I give you the gift of Fire, you will direct it to the fulfillment of my desire.”

    Wet your finger with saliva and quickly draw an invoking pentagram on the amulet, while you need to say something like this: “With Water, I now give you the life of ringing streams and strong waves.”

    Any things store the energy of their owner. When you need to influence a person, you can take his thing and, having performed a ritual of witchcraft, charm it into any action - useful or, on the contrary, harmful. With the help of rituals, you can attract good luck to things, bewitch your loved one, and perform a ritual to attract luck and success. The correct ritual on clothes can even heal the patient.

    Magic has the same enormous potential in its ability to cause harm by bewitching someone’s thing. They harm people, destroy families, and easily damage their health and luck using a spell on any personal items. Therefore, never give things that contain traces of your biofield. Any witchcraft can read your personal information code and cause a lot of trouble for you.

    You've probably noticed that there are clothes that you put on, and your plans come true, or the necessary meeting goes smoothly and successfully. So this thing yours in its energy. Having noticed such properties behind some item of clothing, it is worth strengthening them, speaking for good luck in order to fully use the potential of luck.

    To speak for good luck, in addition to an item of clothing, you will also need a church candle. She will create a portal of communication with the spirit world. A ritual of strengthening something in magic is done during the waxing Moon, so that it multiplies these qualities. The time for the ceremony is chosen arbitrarily, but always before sunset.

    Place the thing you want to speak on the table. Light a candle. Establish contact between your hand and a burning candle; you should feel the movement of your biofield in the flames. Taking it in your left hand, read the words. The spell is said as many times as you feel the energy moving from hand to candle.

    “I speak for good, I seal it at random! Let my clothes become my faithful assistant in business and a talisman against troubles. He will close the eyes of envious people, and shut the mouths of gossipers. And it will give me luck and success. Let it be so! Amen!"

    This item will become your amulet for good luck in any matter. When you need to hold a business meeting, go somewhere on an important matter, or come to an agreement with an unapproachable person, wear your enchanted clothes. When you are in it, everything will be easy for you.

    • Important! For these purposes, you can use not only clothes; anything from your own wardrobe will do: shoes, a hat or a scarf.
    • If you are left-handed, then it is permissible to change hands in the condition of witchcraft. Establish energetic contact between the candle and your leading hand, and hold the candle with your right hand.