How to get a subsidy for an apartment under the housing program for young people. Additional state benefits. Nuances of the “Young Family” program or obvious disadvantages

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The government of the Russian Federation is launching projects to improve the quality of life of citizens, developing loyalty programs for this. They are aimed at various segments of the population, incl. and for Russians who have recently gotten married. They are interested in the issue of receiving housing subsidies for young families.

Previously, issues of improving housing conditions for young families were regulated by Government Decree No. 889 of August 25, 2015. This direction is one of the goals set for the federal target program “Housing” until 2020, which was the subject of the document. But on October 12, 2017, changes were made to it by new Resolution No. 1243.

From 01/01/2018 the Housing program is terminated.

Now privileges in obtaining an apartment/house are being implemented within the framework of the project “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities to citizens of the Russian Federation.” This issue can also be developed at the regional level. If the budget allows, then local authorities (not only Moscow, but also other regions) have the authority to take measures to expand (but not vice versa) the privileges provided by the state.

Another regulatory act regulating the issue of providing housing benefits is Government Decree No. 1050 of December 17, 2010 (as amended on May 20, 2017). This bill defines the procedure for providing financial support for the purchase of housing.

Not all citizens can take part in the “Providing Housing for Young Families” subprogram. To do this, you need to belong to one of the categories that are determined at the legislative level.

Basis for receiving a subsidy

Receiving a subsidy for young families for the purchase of housing is available to the following families:

  • where there are one or more children, and one of the spouses does not have Russian citizenship;
  • where there is a child or more, but only one parent;
  • in which the age of one of the spouses (or two) has not reached 35 years;
  • having a financial situation that makes it possible to obtain a loan in order to pay for housing with an average cost.

These families can count on subsidies for both the purchase of secondary housing and the construction of new housing.

The state also provides assistance to young families who have an income below the subsistence level per person. In this situation, the fact of having many children will increase the chances of receiving subsidies from the state.

What are the signs that indicate that a family needs improved living conditions?

It is possible to obtain the status of a young family that needs the provision/expansion of living quarters if it meets the specified demographic and housing indicators, which are determined by Government Decree. The main one of these requirements is the absence of a house (apartment or room) owned by the applicant. This also includes situations where the existing premises do not meet sanitary standards and are not equipped with minimal amenities.

Standards for the dimensions of living space are also taken into account. According to the established rules, improvement of conditions is provided to young families who live in conditions where each resident has less than 12 square meters.

Types of subsidies for young families

Providing subsidies to families in need is not only about allocating funds for the purchase of housing. State assistance has several directions.

To pay for housing and communal services

For large and low-income young families who do not need living space, another type of benefit is provided. It represents the allocation of money from the state budget that will be used to pay for utilities.

For the purchase of housing

The most popular category. Since most young families live with their parents, the best option for them would be to buy real estate. Due to its high cost, part of the payment is covered by the state. The allocated funds can also be used as a down payment.

Purchasing living space in installments

One type of privilege is the ability to pay for new housing in installments. This option is suitable for those who do not want to overpay for interest on a mortgage loan. But it should be taken into account that the size of each part will be significantly larger than the regular loan payment.

Funds instead of land

State assistance also applies to the allocation of plots. But instead of this privilege, you can receive funds equivalent to the value of the land.

Construction of a private house

Some citizens prefer to build a house in the private sector over purchasing an apartment. This option is more expensive compared to purchasing an apartment. This is due to several cost items:

  • procurement of construction materials;
  • payment for the services of the construction team;
  • acquisition of licenses for the construction of buildings.

Therefore, the state included this category in the support program.

Note! A young family can use the housing subsidy only once. This rule applies to all categories of offered privileges in this area.

What is the amount of housing subsidy for large families?

Families with three or more minor dependents are considered to be large families. An allocation of up to RUB 1,000,000 is provided for them.

Also, such families are entitled to receive additional benefits. In some cases, privileges may be expressed in the provision of financial assistance for the purchase of housing in the amount of 100%.

Legal right to queue

In order to purchase housing, taking into account the benefits provided by the state, you need to get in line to receive a subsidy. This right is reserved for every citizen whose status allows him to count on this kind of privilege.

How to receive funds?

Receiving government support for housing takes place in several stages.

Where to contact?

Registration of citizens in the housing program is carried out at the regional “Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services” at the place of registration of the applicants.

Required documents

List of papers that will be needed to formalize the right to housing privileges,
as follows:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • passport (for children - birth certificate) of each family member - copies and originals (for verification);
  • parents’ marriage certificate – copy and original;
  • documentary evidence of the income of both spouses (this is necessary to confirm solvency when applying for a mortgage loan; if a young family receives social benefits or has a bank account, then a corresponding statement is required);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • information about place of residence for the current 7 years at the time of application (written or oral evidence).

Drawing up an application

The text of the statement does not simply contain a request for financial assistance from the state. It indicates the specific type of subsidy: for the construction of a house, for the purchase of living space in installments, etc.

The document is drawn up in two copies. One of them remains in the hands of the applicants with a note from the MFC that the application has been accepted for consideration.

How to get government assistance?

After receiving the documents and reviewing the application, the commission makes a decision on the award of benefits and the amount of financial assistance. As a result, the applicant is issued a certificate of the right to use the specified amount accrued by the state.

The validity period of the issued certificate is limited - no more than two months are allowed for its use after registration.

Actions after receiving the certificate

After the certificate for receiving financial assistance is issued, the needy young family must present it at the bank. After this, the financial institution will credit the specified amount to the applicant’s account.

Deadline for issuing a subsidy certificate

The average time to obtain a certificate is two to three months. This time is allocated for processing the documentation received from the applicant, checking it and confirming it for the issuance of the certificate itself.

The most complete and reliable package of documents that the person in need will submit to the MFC will reduce the waiting period to some extent.

The Russian Federation supports the improvement of the demographic situation in the country, and therefore provides support in the formation of young families. Therefore, citizens should not be afraid of financial difficulties due to the birth of children.

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A subsidy for young families for the purchase of housing is a convenient program that can greatly help out citizens who are unable to purchase a house or apartment at the price established on the market. Unfortunately, not all families manage to receive support from the state due to lack of awareness of the programs operating in the region.

The legislative framework

According to the law, young families living in the Russian Federation with at least two people can receive assistance from the state in purchasing housing. To receive a subsidy for a young family to purchase housing in 2018, you will need to complete some steps to prepare documents and register.

Young families in Russia can receive a subsidy on the basis of the current federal program “Housing”, the duration of which is calculated until 2020. It provides for the purchase of housing using public funds; the final conditions depend on the region where the family lives.

One of the areas of the Housing program is “Young Family”. The financing procedure is determined by government decree No. 275 (dated February 22, 2016).

A subsidy under the “Young Family” program can be issued to citizens of the Russian Federation who have officially registered their marriage with the registry office, or to a single parent with a minor child. A prerequisite is that adult family members should not be more than 35 years old.
If financial assistance is issued to repay a loan or part thereof, it is issued only after a certificate from the lending institution is provided. If a targeted subsidy is issued to a young family for the construction of a house, the funds can only be spent on those needs that are provided for by the terms of the program.

Who is eligible?

People under 35 years of age have the right to stand in line under the program to receive assistance - they can be spouses, and the terms of the program also apply to families consisting of a single parent and a child.

The following conditions apply for applying for admission to the queue.

  1. Both adult family members are under 35 years of age.
  2. The area of ​​housing currently occupied by a family is no more than 15 m2 per person.
  3. Applicants are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  4. You must have an income that meets the program conditions or obtain a document from a credit institution confirming your ability to receive a loan.

It is worth noting that funding for this program is targeted. For example, a subsidy received under a program for the construction of a house for young families will not be allowed to be used for any other purpose.

After approval of participation, the funds allocated under the program cannot be spent in other ways, except for making the following payments:

  1. Payments that are established through purchase and sale agreements, equity participation agreements;
  2. Payment of debt for purchased housing, including mortgage repayment;
  3. Down payment according to the terms of the selected loan to the lending institution.

Housing under the terms of the program is purchased or built where the subsidy is issued. When a transfer of rights is made, the property must be registered in the ownership of all members of the family participating in the program. Minor children must also have shares in the purchased housing.


Funds may be refused for designated purposes if all conditions for the provision of a subsidy are not met. Therefore, it is worth finding an opportunity for consultation on this issue in advance. If it is not possible to contact local authorities or the housing department for information, consult a lawyer.

How to get help from the state when buying a home?

To receive a subsidy, interested parties must submit an application to the municipality or housing department in the city where they permanently reside. The application is accompanied by certificates and documents collected according to a specific list. When all the documents have been reviewed and a decision has been made that the application has been approved, the funds will be sent on a first-come, first-served basis.

Families are considered to be in need of improved living conditions in the following cases:

  • housing is available, but is unsuitable for living;
  • the housing area when divided by all family members gives a smaller number of squares than what is established in the region;
  • family members are forced to live in the same area as a person with a serious illness.

To receive gratuitous assistance from the state, you will need to collect papers according to the list below.


After submitting an application to the authorities authorized to deal with the housing problem, you will have to wait quite a long time, so do not delay the application if you think that your family meets the conditions of the program.

What documents are needed?

When contacting an organization that accepts documents, you will need to provide them according to the following list.

  • Completed application.
  • Identification documents for adult family members (passports) and children (birth certificates).
  • Marriage certificate (if available).
  • To confirm the solvency of the applicants - documents from the bank indicating that the organization agrees to provide a loan to the applicants, or a certificate of existing deposit. In some cases, they also accept receipts from individuals or legal entities indicating that they are ready to lend the applicant a certain amount of money.
  • Certificate of family composition from the place of residence, extract from the house register.
  • If housing is found unsuitable for habitation, documents confirming this fact must be provided.
  • A certificate received from the BTI stating that the applicants had not previously received such a subsidy from the state.
  • Documents containing information about the place of residence of family members for the last five years.

All documents are provided in the form of copies and originals. After the employee accepts the package of documents, the originals remain in the hands of the applicants.
The list contains the main documents that may be required to apply for a housing subsidy.


When considering your situation, local authorities may decide to require additional certificates. This depends on the terms of the program adopted in a particular region. Find out in advance how they are determined for yours.
You can find out whether it is realistic for your case to apply for and receive a subsidy after consulting with a lawyer.

Amount of state aid

Families consisting of at least 2 people can participate in the program. The size of the subsidy depends on the number of people in the applicant’s family. If it consists of young spouses who have not yet had time to have children, state assistance will amount to 35% of the price of the purchased housing. If there are children in the family, the amount of state support will be 40%. The amount of the subsidy is also calculated for families with one parent and a child (or several).

The final amount also depends on the region in which the applicants for the subsidy live. When calculating it, the cost of living and real estate prices in the region are taken into account. Consultation with local authorities will help you more accurately determine the amount.

You can try to do the calculations yourself.

  1. First, find out the average price per square meter of housing in your region.
  2. Calculate the number of meters that your family will need in accordance with the terms of the program. For one person the norm will be 15-18 m2. Multiply these figures to find out the average price of an apartment.
  3. Next, calculate how much 35 or 40 percent of the total cost of housing will be.

Subsidy calculation (example)

A family living in Novorossiysk has an apartment with an area of ​​35 m2. The family consists of parents - mother (27 years old), father (36 years old) and child (7 years old). To improve living conditions in accordance with the requirements of the state support program, you will need to purchase housing with an area of ​​at least 45 m2, since in this city 15 m2 per person is considered normal living conditions. Let's assume that the average price of one square meter is 47,822 rubles.

We count:

45 X 47822 =2,151,990 (rubles)

Since there is a child in the family, the subsidy amount can be 40% of the amount needed to purchase housing: 2,151,990 X 0.4 = 860,796 rubles.

Taking into account the data taken as an example, we can conclude: assistance from the state for the purchase of housing can be in the amount of 860,796 rubles.

You will need to pay the remaining 60% from your own funds: 2,151,990 – 860,796 = 1,291,194 rubles.

In order to purchase housing using this program (for example, by taking out a mortgage), you must first provide documents on the possibility of supplementing the funds allocated by the state with the amount of 1,291,194 rubles.

Stages of purchasing a home

The main disadvantage of the program is the long wait. The timing of subsidy payment may be significantly delayed. The priority categories are large families and low-income people - they are the ones who are given certificates first.

When applicants finally receive the certificate, they should open a personal bank account within a month. The funds will be transferred to him. In the future, they will be sent to the account of the apartment seller.

The certificate is valid for 9 months. If the owners for some reason do not use it within this period, the certificate eventually becomes invalid.


If you have expired your certificate, you can try to issue it again. To regain the right to government support, you will need to collect documents again and get on the waiting list as those in need of housing.

Reasons for refusal

Certificate applicants may be ineligible for the grant program in the following circumstances.

  • The family had previously had the opportunity to improve their living conditions - for example, by participating in the privatization program, housing programs, by obtaining subsidies related to housing.
  • Applicants do not meet the requirements for program participants - for example, they are not able to confirm the required income.
  • The submitted documents do not meet the requirements established by law.
  • The information provided in the documents does not correspond to what was valid at the time of provision.


If you receive a refusal for other reasons, you can appeal it by going to court. Given the available evidence, the court obliges the administration to recognize the applicants as participants in the state program. By court decision, young spouses may be provided with a housing subsidy.

How to find out your place in line?

You can check the government assistance waiting list to see how far along your number is. It is worth being patient, as the wait can last for months and sometimes years, especially if you are not in the priority category.

There are several ways to find out how far along the queue you are and what your number is in the queue.

  1. Write a statement to the housing department asking for information.
  2. Send a request to the address of the housing inspection and wait for a response. This may take several days or weeks.
  3. By contacting the local administration. Each of the registered families has the right to receive information about the progress of their number in the queue.
  4. The queue can be tracked online - a separate electronic database has been created for each region, which contains up-to-date data on the serial numbers of each participant.


It is recommended to choose the most convenient method depending on the specific situation. If you require information only to have information about the progress of the queue, it will be enough to look through the electronic database. If you require official data on paper, it is better to send a request by mail or apply. In this case, the answer will be provided in the form of an official document.

Social programs help provide young families with more comfortable living conditions than they can afford. Despite some difficulties that may arise when preparing documents, for many this path is the most convenient and profitable.

Today, many people are unable to purchase an apartment on their own, and therefore use housing programs offered by the state.

But, unfortunately, not every family can take advantage of government support due to ignorance of the operation of a particular program in different regions.

What types of government assistance are there for young families?

The state is trying to help everyone who needs it. The largest program can be called subsidy "Young Family".

But besides her, the state can offer the following assistance for families:

In addition, a young family can count on for two more types of assistance from the state:

  1. Housing. A program that began its work in 2002.
  2. Providing housing for young families. This program is similar to the Young Family subsidy, but offers greater opportunities for families to improve their conditions.

The state also offers assistance to large families in the form of various social assistance.

Program description

Participants in the program can be a young family, as well as an incomplete family consisting of one parent and one or more children.

Spouses who do not have children also have the right to receive a certificate from the state for the purchase of real estate. All citizens living in the territory of the Russian Federation can take advantage of financial assistance from the state.

Also to requirements for participants include the following:

  • age at the time of receiving the certificate is no more than 35 years;
  • the need to improve living conditions;
  • confirmation of solvency;
  • Russian Federation citizenship.

Families may be recognized as needing improved housing conditions in the following situations:

  • unsuitable housing for habitation;
  • the number of square meters per family member is less than established by the region.
  • living in the same area as a sick person.

With funds issued by the state, you can not only buy real estate, you can use this certificate for the following purposes:

  • pay off the existing loan taken out for real estate, if it is suitable for habitation;
  • spend on building a house;
  • use as a down payment on a mortgage.

In order to qualify for this assistance from the state, you will have to collect a lot of paperwork and wait quite a long time.

To apply for a certificate to the administration of the district where you live, you need to provide following documents:

These are just the basic documents that may be required; it is better to find out about the rest from local governments, since the conditions of the program are different in each region.

In order to submit an application, you need to provide not only original documents, but also copies of all their pages.

Validity periods and possibility of extension

Initially, the program was designed for 5 years, for the period from 2011 to 2015. But during this period of time it was not possible to achieve all the tasks that were discussed during its implementation, and therefore the program was extended for another five years, until until 2020.

To date, there is no information regarding the further extension of the state program. But it is assumed that when this subsidy ends, a new one will be invented, also aimed at improving living conditions.

Possible changes and news for this program

If we talk about changes in the conditions of the program, the changes practically did not affect this assistance from the state.

But still some amendments were introduced:

  1. A young family can only use the certificate to purchase housing on the primary market.
  2. The certificate cannot be used to pay off a mortgage previously taken out on the property.
  3. Also, program changes may affect specific regions.

Amount of assistance

Families consisting of at least two people can take part in the program. The size of the subsidy depends on the number of people who take part in the program. If two spouses participate in it, then the state can allocate them from 30% of the average cost of an apartment; for families with children, this amount is 35%. Also, 35% is due to families with one child and one parent.

The amounts received for different regions of Russia may differ. It all depends on the cost of living, the average cost of real estate in one or another part of Russia. In order to calculate how much a family can claim, it is recommended to use a calculator.

To count you need to do the following:

Let's give example to calculate the subsidy. A family consisting of three people (two young parents, 25 and 27 years old, and a three-year-old child) lives in the city of Tyumen in a one-room apartment with an area of ​​35 square meters. In order to improve their conditions, a family must have an apartment of at least 45 square meters (since for the city of Tyumen 15 square meters is enough for one person). The average cost of one square meter in the city is 47,822 rubles. That is, based on these data, the state will provide a subsidy to the family in the amount of no more than 753,184 rubles. Thus, to purchase housing that falls under the terms of the program, you must have your own funds or taken out a mortgage of at least 1,398,770 rubles.

Payment terms

As for the timing of subsidy payment, this is perhaps the main disadvantage of the program, since it is not possible to obtain a certificate for spending money within the prescribed period. If a person joined the queue in 2018, then by 2019 he should already receive a certificate.

But there are some families who receive assistance from the state 1-1.5 years after submitting applications. But on average, people have to wait 4-5 years to receive a certificate.

First The following families receive assistance from the state:

  • large families;
  • the poor.

After the certificate is received, within a month you need to open a bank account to which the funds will be transferred. The validity period of such a certificate is 9 months; if the family does not have time to use it, it becomes invalid. To receive it again, you must join the queue again in the general order.

Features of provision in various regions of the Russian Federation

As mentioned above, in different regions the conditions for issuing subsidies and the amount provided by the state may differ.

Undoubtedly, Moscow– the city is the leader in issuing this assistance. In Moscow, the Young Family program works in a slightly different way.

Eat several options for receiving funds in addition to providing housing for those in need:

  1. Buying an apartment outside the city with a mortgage at 10% for 10 years, subject to a down payment of 10%. Such a mortgage is offered to spouses, and upon the birth of a child, the debt is completely written off.
  2. Providing families with preferential housing rental for a period of 5-10 years. It is assumed that during this period of time you can save up to purchase an apartment. After this time, participants still receive the Young Family subsidy.

In order to qualify for government assistance in St. Petersburg both spouses or at least one of them must live in the city for at least 10 years. In addition to such assistance from the state, you can get an interest-free mortgage, subject to a down payment of 30%. The maximum term of such lending is 10 years.

As mentioned above, the number of squares per person in each region may differ. So, in Tyumen and the area is 15 squares, and in Krasnodar and Novosibirsk 18 square meters for families of more than 3 people. In order to use the certificate for families South of Russia, consisting of two people, you need to purchase a property of at least 42 square meters.

Also, documents may be accepted at different times. For example, in Tyumen you can submit documents from January 1 to August 1; in Krasnodar, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk this period is 1 day shorter.

Of course, everyone wants to receive help from the state, but as practice shows, not everyone can achieve this. Since it is very easy to jump off the line, for example, when changing registration, a person returns to the end of the line.

For a description and conditions of the “Young Family” program, see the following video:

A person is nowhere without a home. And preferably separate, spacious and comfortable. But we need money to purchase our own home, so we take out loans from banks, apply for loans, and sometimes... receive subsidies. Read all about subsidies for improving housing conditions in our article.

According to monitoring data conducted last year, almost half of the Muscovites surveyed do not know at all about the existence of subsidy programs, and more than 40% find it difficult to determine whether these programs are capable of solving their housing problems.

What are housing subsidies?

A subsidy for improving housing conditions is payments provided to citizens at the expense of the state or local budget for the purchase of housing. Unlike a loan, it is gratuitous in nature - you will not have to return the money to the state. However, no one will give money “in hand” either: the subsidy is provided in the form of a state certificate or certificate.

As a rule, the subsidy does not fully cover the costs of purchasing your own apartment (with the exception of large families and other categories of beneficiaries, and even then only in some regions of the Russian Federation), so in any case, “start-up capital” is required.

Theoretically, many citizens of our country have the right to state assistance in the housing issue. Low-income people and people without housing at all, people living in premises that do not meet the established requirements, can apply for the provision of premises from the housing stock of their municipality. However, practice shows that we have to wait for this for decades (as of May 3, 2012, 113,750 families in need of improved housing conditions were registered in Moscow alone).

In Moscow, a family in need of improved housing conditions can receive a free subsidy from the city budget as part of city housing programs. True, this is only possible if the family is solvent, that is, able to pay that part of the cost of housing that exceeds the amount of the housing subsidy. Such citizens are called “recognized as needing assistance from the city of Moscow.” By the way, according to reviews, the process of obtaining such subsidies is not even very long - on average it takes from 3 to 9 months, although there may be exceptions.

All programs by which residents of the capital can improve their living conditions are described in Law of the city of Moscow dated June 14, 2006 No. 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises” on the website of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow.

Who needs it?

First you need to find out if you are considered "needy".

Subsidies for young families

Subsidies for young families are provided as part of the housing program “Providing housing for young families” (part Federal target program "Housing" for 2011-2015). It is expected that with the help of activities within the framework of this program, 172 thousand young families will improve their living conditions.

What can you spend it on?

The subsidy can be used:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • for the construction of an individual residential building;
  • to make the last payment towards the share contribution, if you are a member of a housing cooperative;
  • to pay a down payment when receiving a housing loan, including a mortgage, or a loan for the purchase of residential premises or construction of a house.

Who do they give it to?

Only those who:

  • Really young - the age of each spouse (or one parent in a single-parent family) should not exceed 35 years;
  • Really needs it (see above), and, preferably, for a long time - first of all, those who registered before March 1, 2005 are included in the lists of applicants;
  • Indeed, he has his own funds (which, like all of the above, will have to be documented). A young family can use maternity capital as additional funds!

How much do they give?

If the couple does not yet have children - 30% of the estimated (average) cost of housing; for families with 1 child or more, as well as for single-parent young families consisting of 1 young parent and 1 child or more - 35%.

In the case of using a subsidy for the payment of a share contribution, its size is limited to the amount of the remaining debt for the payment of the share (that is, if you have 100 thousand left to pay, they will give exactly that much - and not a penny more).

The estimated cost directly depends on the number of people in the family. Thus, a family consisting of 2 people (young spouses or 1 young parent and child) is entitled to living space with a total area of ​​at least 42 m². If there are more than two people in a family (parent + two or more children or a young couple with a child/children) - 18 m² for each.

The cost of housing used in calculating the amount of social benefits is determined by the formula:

StJ = N x RJ,

N— standard cost of 1 m² of total housing area in the municipality;
RJ- the size of the total living area.
That is, if there are 3 people in a family, then the total area will be 54 m² (18-3). With a standard cost of 1 m² of area 40,000 rubles. (it is different in each subject of the Russian Federation, see Appendix to the order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 09, 2011 No. 562) the estimated cost of housing will be equal to 2,160,000 rubles.
35% of this amount will be 756 thousand rubles. This is the size of the subsidy that a young family of three can apply for.

Of course, you can save money and buy an apartment with an area of ​​less than 54 m². But since there are three people in our hypothetical family - no less than 30 m², if we are talking about Moscow, because the accounting norm, as mentioned above, is 10 m² per person. But buying a larger apartment is not prohibited: you can receive a subsidy according to the accounting norm, and buy a larger apartment depending on the size of your personal savings.

In Moscow there is a program “Affordable Housing for Young Families”.

The program applies to the following categories of citizens:

  • those expecting the birth of a child (upon presentation of a certificate of pregnancy for at least 28 weeks);
  • who have adopted a minor child;
  • having a child under the age of five (inclusive);
  • having three or more minor children or a disabled child.

A young family is also considered a family with children in which both spouses (in the case of an incomplete family - mother or father) are not older than 35 years (inclusive). But in the case of a childless couple, there is an interesting addition - both spouses must be in a registered marriage for at least one year.

Naturally, all members of a young family must be citizens of the Russian Federation and at least one of the spouses must permanently reside in Moscow.

Documents for receiving a subsidy

To participate in the subprogram, you need to provide the following documents to the local government body at your place of residence (usually the district administration):

  • application in the prescribed form in 2 copies. (one copy is returned to the applicant indicating the date of acceptance of the application and the documents attached to it);
  • a copy of identification documents of each family member;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate (does not apply to single-parent families);
  • a document confirming the recognition of a young family in need of residential premises;
  • documents confirming the recognition of a young family as a family with income that allows them to obtain a loan or other funds to pay the estimated (average) cost of housing in a part exceeding the amount of the social benefit provided.

The local government body checks the documents and makes a decision within 10 days. The young family is notified in writing of consent or refusal by the local government within five days.

The right to improve housing conditions using social benefits is granted to a young family only once. This is especially important in light of the fact that the validity period of the certificate confirming the right to receive a subsidy is no more than 9 months from the date of issue indicated on it. We'll have to hurry!

Questions and answers

Where can I buy it?

The purchased residential premises (or house under construction) must be located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation whose executive authority included the young family in the list of applicants for the subsidy.

Is it possible to pay off a mortgage with a subsidy?

No, unfortunately, it’s not possible. If you have already taken out a loan, you are not entitled to a subsidy.

Programs for young professionals

In many cities there is a system of assistance in solving housing problems for young public sector professionals. In Moscow, the family of a young specialist is recognized as a family (including incomplete) of citizens of the Russian Federation, in which at least one of the spouses is not older than 35 years (inclusive), graduated from a higher educational institution, works in a budgetary organization of the Social Sphere Complex system, or is an employee of government bodies of Moscow financed from the city budget. The Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund, based on applications received from Moscow government agencies, provides such families with separate apartments.

In this case, families of young professionals in whom:

  • at least one of the spouses is recognized in accordance with the established procedure as in need of improved housing conditions at their place of residence;
  • both spouses are employees of budgetary organizations of the Moscow Social Sphere Complex system;
  • there are children.

True, the apartment will not become property, but will be received under a social tenancy agreement. The Moscow Housing Policy Department, based on received applications, provides separate apartments to families under the terms of a rental agreement for a period of up to five years inclusive (this period can be extended).

In order to retain young qualified personnel in rural areas, within the framework of the “Social Development of Rural Development until 2013” ​​program, subsidies are issued for the purchase or construction of housing to young professionals living in rural areas or who have expressed a desire to move there. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is responsible for the implementation of the program. The amount of social benefits (that is, subsidies) in this case can reach 70% of the estimated cost of housing.

In some cities, citizens are provided with budget subsidies to pay part of the interest rates on loans and borrowings received for the construction and purchase of housing. In practice, this means that over a certain period (for example, 36 months), 5-10% of the mortgage loan is paid by the city budget. And for those who work at state and municipal enterprises, there is a subsidy to pay part of the cost of housing. The conditions in this case are very similar to subsidies for young families, only without age restrictions. Many cities also provide budget subsidies to pay off debt on housing loans in the event of the birth or adoption of a child.

7 steps towards a subsidy

  1. study regulatory documents at the federal level (Housing Code of the Russian Federation, target program "Housing" for 2011-2015, etc.);
  2. find out the accounting norm for the area in your region;
  3. familiarize yourself with documents of local importance (laws, programs, orders) and choose a subsidy program;
  4. in the event that each member of your family has fewer meters than required, register as those in need of improved housing conditions (if this is necessary under the terms of the subsidy program);
  5. go to a local government office for a consultation and get a list of required documents;
  6. collect documents;
  7. submit the documents and wait to receive the certificate.

Unfortunately, everything is simpler on paper than in real life. But do not despair: thousands of people still purchased housing with the help of subsidies. For example, Marina A. from Rostov-on-Don: “I submitted documents and got in line to receive a subsidy for public sector specialists almost 5 years ago. I almost forgot about it when they called me and told me to come for a certificate. Time to find an apartment . million on credit and bought a small two-room apartment. Under the terms of the subsidy, the state pays me 10% of the loan rate for three years, this makes life very easy, and I’m renting out the apartment in order to quickly pay off the main debt.”