Genocide of earthlings. John Kennedy's speech before his assassination, about a secret world government. Conspiracy against the Slavs Jewish Conspiracy against Humanity

There is an extensive literature in English, French and German reflecting the argument that the Bolshevik Revolution was the result of a “Jewish conspiracy,” and more specifically, a conspiracy of Jewish bankers around the world. In general, their ultimate goal is supposed to be their control of the world; the Bolshevik revolution was only one phase of a broader program that supposedly reflected the centuries-long religious struggle between Christianity and the “forces of darkness.”

This argument and its variations can be found in the most unexpected places and heard from the most surprising people. In February 1920, Winston Churchill wrote an article—rarely quoted today—for the London Illustrated Sunday Herald entitled “Zionism versus Bolshevism.”** In this article, Churchill concluded: “It is especially important... that the Jews in every country who are loyal to their adopted land should strive to come forward at every opportunity... and play a prominent role in every effort to combat the Bolshevik conspiracy.” .

Churchill makes a distinction between “national Jews” and what he calls “international Jews.” He argues that “international and mainly atheist-minded Jews”, of course, played a “very large” role in the creation of Bolshevism and brought about the revolution in Russia. He asserts (contrary to the facts) that with the exception of Lenin, “most” of the leading figures in the revolution were Jews, and adds (also contrary to the facts) that in many cases Jewish property and synagogues were excluded by the Bolsheviks in their policy of confiscation. Churchill calls international Jews a “sinister confederation” formed from persecuted populations in countries where Jews were persecuted on racial grounds. Winston Churchill traces this movement back to Spartacus-Weishaupt, casts his literary net around Trotsky, Bel Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman and indicts: “This worldwide conspiracy to overthrow civilization and rebuild society on the basis of arrested development, envious malice and impossible equality is constantly is expanding.”

* The publisher's point of view differs from the statements of the respected prof. E. Sutton in this chapter, set out in the afterword to the book. — Approx. ed. “RI”.

** Winston Churchill. Zionism Versus Bolshevism // London Illustrated Sunday Herald, Febr. 1920. — Note ed. “RI”.

Churchill then claims that this group of Spartacus-Weishaupt conspirators was the main driving force behind all subversive movements in the 19th century. Noting that Zionism and Bolshevism were competing for the soul of the Jewish people, Churchill (in 1920) was concerned about the role of Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution and the existence of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

Another well-known author of the 1920s, Henry Wickham Steed, describes in the second volume of his work After 30 Years, 1892-1922 (p. 302) * how he tried to bring the idea of ​​a Jewish conspiracy to the attention of Colonel Edward M. House and President Woodrow Wilson. One day in March 1919, Steed visited Colonel House and found him upset over Steed's recent criticism of America's possible recognition of the Bolsheviks. Steed told House that Wilson would have been discredited in the eyes of many people and nations of Europe, and “insisted that, unbeknownst to him, the main movers were Jacob Schiff, Warburg and other international financiers who most wanted to support the Jewish Bolsheviks to gain a field of activity.” for the German-Jewish exploitation of Russia.”

* Henry Wickham Steed. Through 30 Years 1892-1922. — Note ed. “RI”.

According to Steed, Colonel House advocated the establishment of economic relations with the Soviet Union.

Perhaps the most damning collection of documents on the Jewish conspiracy is in the Decimal File (861.00/5339) of the State Department. The central document in it, entitled “Bolshevism and Judaism,” is dated November 13, 1918 *. The text is in the form of a report, which states that the revolution in Russia was conceived “in February 1916”, and that “the following persons and enterprises were found to have taken part in this destructive affair”:

The report further states that the Russian Revolution was undoubtedly started and conceived by this group, and that in April 1917: “Jacob Schiff actually made a public statement that it was because of his financial influence that the Russian Revolution was successfully completed, and in the spring of 1917 "Jacob Schiff began to finance Trotsky, a Jew, to complete the social revolution in Russia."

* The Russian text of this document was published (apparently for the first time) in the newspaper “To Moscow!”, published in Rostov-on-Don under the Whites. (23.9.1919). Contrary to the inviting and generalizing style, the text is presented as “a document drawn up by the High Commissioner of the French Government and the Ambassador to the Federal Government in Washington” and has the designation: “-618-6, No. 912 - Development. dept. 2.” In addition to the names given by E. Sutton, the document also mentions the American Jewish Committee, the Parisian firm Lazare Brothers, the Ginsburg Bank, the Zionist organization Poalei, as well as 31 names of leading Jewish Bolsheviks. It is a pity that E. Sutton does not further name the compiler of this text - “a Russian who worked in the US Department of War Trade” - this could clarify the source and degree of reliability of his information. — Editor's note “RI”.

The report contains various other information about the financing of Trotsky by Max Warburg, the role of the Rhine-Westphalian Syndicate and Olof Aschberg of Nia Banken (Stockholm) along with Zivotovsky. The anonymous author (actually an employee of the US Department of War Trade) states that the connections between these organizations and their financing of the Bolshevik revolution show how “the bond was forged between Jewish multimillionaires and Jewish proletarians.” The report goes on to list many Bolsheviks who were Jews, and then outlines the actions of Paul Warburg, Judas Magnes, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and Speyer & Co.

The report ends with a jab at “international Jewry” and makes an argument in the context of the Christian-Jewish conflict, supported by quotations from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Attached to this report are a number of cables exchanged between the State Department in Washington and the US Embassy in London regarding the steps to be taken under these documents:

“5399 UK, Tel. 3253 13:00. October 16, 1919, in a confidential file. Secret for Winslow from Wright. Financial assistance to Bolshevism and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia from prominent am. Jews: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mendel Schiff, Jerome Hanauer, Max Breitung and one of the Guggenheims. The relevant documents are in the possession of the police from French sources. Any facts regarding this are requested.”

“17 Oct. UK Tel. 6084, noon c-h 5399. Very secret. To Wright from Winslow. Financial assistance to the Bolshevik revolution from prominent am. Jews There is no evidence regarding this, but we are investigating. I ask you to insist to the British authorities that publication be suspended, at least until the Department receives the document.”

“28 Nov. UK Tel. 6223 R 17:00 5399. For Wright. Document regarding financial assistance to the Bolsheviks by prominent American Jews. The reports are identified as a French translation of a statement originally prepared in English by a Russian citizen in Am. etc. It seems very unwise to go public.”

A concerted decision was made to suppress this material, and the dossier concludes: “I think we will bury the whole thing.”

This group of materials includes another document marked “Top Secret”. The source of this document is unknown; perhaps it's the FBI or military intelligence. It examines the translation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and concludes:

“In this connection a letter was sent to Mr. W. enclosing a memorandum from us regarding certain information from the American military attache that the British authorities had intercepted letters from various groups of international Jews setting out a plan for world domination. Copies of these materials will be very useful to us.”

This information was clearly engineered, and a later British intelligence report made a direct accusation:

“Summary: There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; [their] leaders are in America, France.”

Russia and England are exchanging correspondence for coordinated actions...” . However, none of the above statements can be supported by solid practical evidence. The most important information is contained in the paragraph that the British authorities have “intercepted letters from various groups of international Jews outlining a plan to rule the world.” If indeed such letters exist, they would provide confirmation (or disconfirmation) of a currently unproven hypothesis, namely, that the Bolshevik Revolution and other revolutions are the work of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Moreover, when claims and assertions are not supported by hard evidence, and attempts to find such evidence lead back to the starting point - especially when someone quotes someone else - then we must discard such a story as false. There is no concrete evidence that Jews were involved in the Bolshevik Revolution because they were Jews. It is true that a high percentage of Jews may have been involved, but given the treatment of Jews during the Tsarist era, what else could one expect? (Here the author is definitely lying! Jewish pogroms were always a response to Jewish terrorism: the murder of the best people in Russia, officers and officials. Example: Kondapoga, Pugachev, etc. A pogrom is always a spontaneous indignation of the people against the actions of others. Only from 1894 to 1917 Jewish terrorists killed 34,000 people in Russia.).

It is likely that the American Revolution included many Englishmen or people of English descent who fought against the Redcoats. And what from this? Does this make the American Revolution an English conspiracy? Winston Churchill's claim that Jews played a “very large role” in the Bolshevik Revolution is supported only by distorted evidence. The list of Jews who participated in the Bolshevik Revolution must be compared with the list of non-Jews who participated in the revolution. If this scientific methodology is followed, the proportion of foreign Bolshevik Jews who participated in the revolution would be less than 20% of the total number of revolutionaries—and these Jews were largely deported, killed, or exiled to Siberia in the following years. In fact, modern Russia continues tsarist anti-Semitism.

Importantly, documents in State Department files confirm that banker Jacob Schiff's investments, often cited as the source of funds for the Bolshevik Revolution, were in fact directed against support for the Bolshevik regime. This situation, as we will see, directly contrasts with the assistance to the Bolsheviks on the part of Morgan-Rockefeller.

The persistence with which the myth of the Jewish conspiracy is pushed suggests that it may well be a deliberate means of diverting attention from the real issues and the real causes. The evidence presented in this book shows that Jews, also among the New York bankers, played a relatively minor role in supporting the Bolsheviks, while the main roles were played by non-Jewish New York bankers (Morgan, Rockefeller*, Thompson).

* The Rockefeller family is included in the book “Americans of Jewish Decent” compiled by the Jewish scholar M. X. Stern (Americans of Jewish Decent. New York. 1960). — Note ed. “RI”.

What better distraction from the forces at work than the medieval bogeyman of anti-Semitism?

The “Jewish Question” and the Nazi (and other) black myths associated with it are so comprehensive that they require more detailed consideration. One of the prominent researchers on this issue is the British historian Norman Cohn.

In his book “Blessing for Genocide” Kohn, analyzing the strengthening of anti-Semitism in Germany, notes that one of the firstThe exponent of ardent anti-Semitism was Paul Boetticher (pseudonym Paul de Lagarde), who, in his work “German Essays” published in 1878, argued that the cause of allmodern changes that are disastrous for the people are the Jews. Boetticher predicted a life-and-death struggle between the Jewish and German ways of life. When he spoke of struggle, he meant physical violence: the Jews, he argued, must be exterminated like bacilli. At the same time, he assumed the possibility of assimilation of German Jews with the Germans, perceiving Jews only as representatives of Judaism, but not as a special race.


Other exponents of anti-Semitic ideas were Wilhelm Marr, who in 1873 published the book “The Victory of Jewry over Germany, Considered from a Single Point of View,” as well as Eugene Dühring, who published the essay “The Jewish Question as a Racial, Moral and Cultural Question.” In these writings, Jews are no longer presented simply as evil, but as irreparable evil; The source of their depravity lies not only in their religion, but is inherent in them from birth.

E. Dühring W. Marr

Finally, in 1899, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, an Englishman by birth, the son of a British admiral, published his two-volume work “The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,” which became a kind of “bible” of the racist movement. It presents the whole history of mankind as an inevitable struggle between spirituality, epitomized by the "German race," and materialism, embodied in the "Jewish race" - a constant struggle between these two only pure races, while all the others were only " chaos of nations." According to Chamberlain, the Jewish race had been relentlessly striving for centuries to establish absolute dominance over other peoples. If at least once a decisive defeat is inflicted on this race, then the German race will be able to freely realize its own, God-determined destiny, that is, to create a new, shining world, permeated with a noble spirituality and mysteriously connecting modern technology and science with the rural patriarchal way of former times.

H.S. Chamberlain

An important role in the development of German anti-Semitism and racism was played by the so-called “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” - a false document that allegedly presented reports or notes for reports by members of the secret Jewish government - the “Wise Men of Zion” - outlining plans to achieve world domination.

As N. Kon notes, the calculations of the “wise men” are based on a specific understanding of politics. In their opinion, political freedom is just an idea - an idea that has great appeal to the masses, but which has never been put into practice. Liberalism, which undertakes this insoluble task, ultimately leads only to chaos, because people are not able to govern themselves, they do not know what they really want, they are easily deceived by appearances, and are not able to make the right decision when it is necessary to choose. When the aristocracy was in power, which was quite fair, and freedom was in its hands, it used it for the common good. But the aristocracy is a thing of the past, and the liberal order that replaced it is not viable and must inevitably lead to despotism. Only a tyrant can restore order in society. Moreover, since there are more wicked people in the world than good people, force remains the only acceptable means of government. Might is always right, and in the modern world the basis of such strength is capital and control over it.

For many centuries there has been a conspiracy to concentrate all political power in the hands of those who are able to use it correctly - that is, in the hands of the "Elders of Zion." Much has already been done, although the conspiracy itself has not yet achieved its goal. In accordance with the plans of the “wise men”, in the period preceding the establishment of their dominance over the entire world, non-Jewish states that still exist, but are already sufficiently weakened, must be destroyed.

First, for this it is necessary to achieve an increase in discontent and anxiety in each state. Fortunately, the means for this are provided by the very nature of liberalism. By encouraging endless propaganda of liberal ideas and incessant chatter in parliaments, the “wise men” help to create complete confusion in the minds of the common people. Confusion and disunity will increase due to a multi-party system: the "wise men" deepen the divisions by secretly supporting all parties. They will ensure that the people are alienated from their leaders. In particular, they will create constant discontent among the workers, pretending to support their demands, but at the same time secretly doing everything possible to lower the standard of living.

Freemasonry and secret societies must be made obedient instruments in the hands of the “wise men.” The industry is concentrated in the hands of giant monopolies so that the property of non-Jews can be instantly destroyed. it is necessary to constantly undermine the moral foundations of non-Jews. Atheism, a beautiful lifestyle, debauchery and vice should be widely promoted, and drunkenness and prostitution should be especially diligently encouraged.

Moreover, according to this anti-Jewish myth, the “wise men” already exercise control over politics and politicians; all parties - from the most conservative to the extremely radical - are essentially tools in their hands. Hiding behind the backs of Freemasonry, the “wise men” have penetrated the secrets of all states, and they are strong enough to bring into existence societies with new social orders or, conversely, destroy society whenever they want. After centuries of struggle, costing the lives of thousands of non-Jews and even many Jews, perhaps only a hundred years separated the “wise men” from finally achieving their goal.

As N. Kon notes, the general public first learned about the “Protocols...” after the publication of several publications in Russia in the period from 1903 to 1907. The earliest printed version is the version published in the St. Petersburg newspaper “Znamya” from August 28 to September 7, 1903. The editor-publisher of the newspaper was P.A. Krushevan, a well-known ardent anti-Semite, involved in organizing the pogrom in Chisinau in 1903, during which 45 Jews were killed and more than 400 were wounded. In addition, Krushevan took an active part in the formation of the Black Hundred “Union of the Russian People.” In January 1906, this organization published the brochure “The Root of Our Troubles”, edited by Krushevan’s friend G.V. Butmi, but with a new title - “Enemies of the Human Race”. Another famous publisher of the “Protocols...” is the Russian mystical writer Sergei Nilus, who included this document in the second edition of his book “The Great in the Small and the Antichrist as a Imminent Political Possibility” (1905). As Cohn points out,all versions of the “Protocols...” are plagiarized from the pamphlet “Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli” published by M. Joly in 1864. The pamphlet was a disguised criticism of Napoleon’s despotismIII. According to N. Kon, the head of the foreign branch of the secret police in Paris, P.I., was involved in the fabrication of the “Protocols...” Rachkovsky. Cohn dates their appearance to 1897-1899. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion acquired cult status in reactionary Black Hundred circles, having a huge influence on the entire white movement, especially after the Great October Socialist Revolution and during the Civil War.

The White Guards actively used this document in their propaganda. As N. Kon notes, “Protocols...” were published in Novocherkassk in 1918. The book was distributed among the white troops by V.M. Purishkevich, one of the leaders of the Union of Russian People, who held a post in the propaganda department of General Denikin’s headquarters in Rostov. The protocols were also distributed in Crimea under General Wrangel. In addition, one of the editions of the “Protocols...” was printed in Omsk for the army of Admiral Kolchak. Cohn refers to the book by G.K., a member of the Kolchak government in 1919. Hins “Siberia, Allies and Kolchak”, which noted that Kolchak was literally obsessed with the “Protocols...”. According to Hins's remark, the admiral's head “was filled with anti-Masonic ideas. He saw Freemasons everywhere, even in his own circle... and among members of the Allied military missions." .

Anti-Semitic White Guard leaflets

However, the war against the Bolsheviks made its own adjustments to the myth of the “conspiracy of the Elders of Zion.” A typical example of such adjustments is the so-called. "The Zunder Document (Zunder)", allegedly found on the murdered commander of the Red Army, which was published already in 1918. This falsified document is notable for the fact that it identifies the “Jewish conspiracy” with the October Revolution and the activities of the Bolsheviks. This fake stated: “ Sons of Israel!... We stand on the eve of world domination... We subjected the authority and beliefs of an alien religion to us through successful propaganda and revelations to merciless criticism and ridicule. We have overthrown other people's shrines, we have shaken peoples and states from their culture and traditions. We have done everything to subjugate the Russian people to Jewish power and force them to finally kneel before us... our primordial enemy is enslaved Russia... Russia has been thrown into dust: it is under our dominion... Having taken away its property and gold, we turned this the people into miserable slaves... We must not have pity for our enemy: we must remove the best and leading elements from them, so that conquered Russia will not have a leader... We must awaken party hatred and civil strife among the peasants and workers. War and class struggle destroy the cultural treasures created by Christian peoples... Bronstein, Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld, Steinberg - all of them, like many others, are faithful sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is unlimited. In cities, commissariats, food commissions, house committees, etc., representatives of our people play a leading role. Children of Israel! The hour is near when we will achieve the long-awaited victory over Russia!».

According to Kohn, the idea that the Bolshevik revolution was the result of a Jewish conspiracy and the fulfillment of the age-old aspirations of the Israeli people became a mania among many White emigrants; it later became an article of faith of the Nazis and for a whole generation influenced the domestic and foreign policies of the German government.

In this modified form, the “Protocols...” came to Germany. By the end of 1919, their fame became worldwide thanks to the activities of two Russian White emigrants who settled in Berlin - P.N. Shabelsky-Bork and F.V. Vinberg. Shabelsky-Bork and Vinberg left Russia at the beginning of the civil war. When German troops left Ukraine after the armistice in 1918, the German authorities provided a train for all Russian officers who wished to travel with them. Shabelsky-Bork and Vinberg took advantage of this opportunity and left for Germany. There, according to N. Cohn, Vinberg met the first translator of the “Protocols...” into German, Ludwig Müller (who took the pseudonym Gottfried zur Beck).

In Berlin, Vinberg and Shabelsky-Bork collaborated on the yearbook “Ray of Light,” the third issue of which (May 1920) contains the full text of the edition of Nilus’s book “The Great in the Small...”. All issues of the yearbook obsessively talked about the Jewish-Masonic-Bolshevik conspiracy.
Thus, the specific White emigrant mythological, ideological and psychological anti-Bolshevik-anti-Semitic clot that formed among the White Guards became a significant component that influenced Nazi ideology. As N. Kon notes, “If from the moment of its founding in 1919 the Nazi Party was already distinguished by rampant anti-Semitism, then hatred of Russian communism overwhelmed it only in 1921-1922, primarily, apparently, thanks to Rosenberg. He became a link between Russian anti-Semitic Black Hundreds and German anti-Semitic racists.” .

Meanwhile, the publishing house “Der Xammer” in Leipzig published the popular publication “Protocols...” edited by Theodor Fritsch, which by 1933 had sold about 100 thousand copies. In 1923, the official ideologist of the Nazi Party, Alfred Rosenberg, published a book entitled The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Jewish World Politics, which went through three editions in one year. Already in 1920, Germany was flooded with hundreds of thousands of copies of the “Protocols...” and commentaries on them.. By the time Hitler came to power in 1933, 33 editions of G. zur Beck's translation had been published. As Cohn notes, “Racist mystics contrasted the world of evil with the world of good, light, personified in the blond, blue-eyed people, who alone were considered capable of creating a civilization or state. It was believed that two opposing worlds were in a state of eternal struggle, and the war of 1939, unleashed by Hitler, represented only the final battle between these two forces." .

From the SS brochure "Underman" issued in 1942: “... in alliance with the primeval essence and the dregs of the whole world - suitable tools in the hands of the eternal Jew - a master in the matter of organized mass murder. Disguised in his civilian attire, the Jew becomes invisible only to naive fools."

Poster for the German anti-Semitic film "The Eternal Jew" (1940)

Humanity has entered the third millennium of its development since the birth of Christ. But the 21st century, unfortunately, did not become a “golden age” with abundance for everyone. On the contrary, many contradictions in relations between states, peoples and people have intensified in the world. The world is filled with violence and fear. Wars, terrorism, man-made disasters, natural disasters are shaking the world as harbingers of the “end of the world”

In the 21st century, the “forces of evil” went on a decisive offensive. On all continents, large-scale destructive activities are carried out by forces openly hostile to humanity, pursuing their own goals. The main goal is the enslavement of people on a global scale through a system of global management, control, manipulation of public consciousness for the sake of enrichment and well-being of the masters - the world elite. To achieve this goal, we are controlled, our consciousness is purposefully shaped, our tastes are unified, our ideas are imposed on us by people we have never heard of. In almost every act of our lives, whether in politics or business, our social behavior or ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of individuals. It is they who hold the reins that control public consciousness, restrain old social forces and invent new ways to gain control over the world.

Now they call their way of establishing control over the world “globalization.” In their understanding, globalization provides for the creation of a single World Government, which will establish a New World Order and a single society of earthlings by merging (often violent and coercive) national economies into a single world economic system, by destroying national states and their governments, and therefore borders.

Capitalism, especially at the stage of imperialism, gave powerful economic and financial levers into the hands of the builders of the “universal state and world government,” which significantly accelerated the movement towards a new world order.

The Russian Empire with its vast territory, distinctive culture and religion, social and political system, and then the USSR for a long time stood as an insurmountable barrier before the architects of a “world power” embracing all of humanity. They have always sought to divide Russia into separate states. In the 20th century they achieved this, which allowed them to begin the 21st century with a decisive offensive.

Principle of Change taken by the forces of evil as the basis for their destructive activities. In the interests of attackers, everything changes purposefully, systematically and irreversibly - from the genotype of a person and his environment to the consciousness of people and the stereotypes of their behavior, the connection of times and the connection of generations is interrupted. The fundamental pattern that allows attackers - the enemies of humanity - to remain hidden and unpunished is the gradualness of the changes they make.

The political and financial control of this "relatively small number of individuals" is exercised through a series of secret societies. The most powerful of them, according to the British intelligence officer John Coleman, is an absolutely secret society - Committee of 300.This is the modern organizational form of the World Government, which has existed for hundreds of years and is consistently moving towards world domination.

With the advent of the World Government and the New World Order, large-scale experiments will be launched to eradicate the desire for freedom from the mind, body and soul of man. What we are already experiencing is nothing compared to what is yet to come. Attacks on the soul are the basis of countless experiments being prepared.

The only way to resist is to expose the conspirators and the numerous organizations that serve as their cover.

People must find out who our enemy is, who personally hides under general concepts - imperialism, “dark forces”, forces of evil. This is a vital necessity. It is impossible to fight against an unknown enemy. Moreover, “false” goals are always imposed on us - first the Jewish Freemasons, then Islamic terrorism, and now international terrorism.

Who leads the Committee of 300, what is the composition of its members, its structure, goals, principles, forms and methods of activity? All this must be made public, it must be brought to the attention of people. Forewarned means protected.


Secret societies striving for world domination are secret because their deeds are criminal and must be hidden. Evil cannot withstand the light of truth.

Scouts have a rule - the best way to hide something is to put it in a visible place. The secret masters of the world are also visible, but they are “masks of people who do not make decisions.”

We are told that the master of the world is the United States, the largest power, that its President, Congress, Government (Administration) make the final decisions. But all this is an appearance, behind which lies a truth that is difficult to immediately believe. Our goal is to show and prove to readers who the true enemy of humanity is. The fact is that the United States is only a state-tool to achieve the goals of the secret society Committee of 300.

The brains of this Committee and the people who actually run it are not in the United States of America, but in Great Britain, in Great Britain, not in America. Long-term research by former British intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman prove this convincingly. His conclusions and evidence are presented in the book “The Committee of 300,” written in 1992 and published in Russia in 2001 in a circulation of 5,000 copies.

The author lifted the curtain on the origins of destructive reforms in our country and showed the reality of evil intent in the desire of the Committee of 300 to globally rule the world community. He showed the true “architects” of the new world order.

Here is their collective portrait.

The Committee of 300 is an absolutely secret society consisting of representatives of the untouchable class, which included the Queen of England, the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe, the old families of the Black Aristocracy of Europe, the American "Eastern Liberal Establishment", who became rich from the opium trade.

The Committee of 300 is stuffed with members of the British aristocracy, who have corporate interests and collaborators in every country in the world, including the USSR, and now Russia. At their core, they are selfish and misanthropic. They use any nation and its wealth to secure their privileged lifestyle. The wealth of this class of British and American aristocracy is intricately intertwined and linked to the drug trade, gold, diamonds, arms, commerce and industry, oil, media and entertainment.

The Committee of 300 is largely under the control of the British monarch , in this case Elizabeth II.

And we are so brainwashed that we believe that the British Royal Family is just a nice, harmless, harmless social institution and have no idea how powerful, corrupt and dangerous it is.

After the Queen's death Victoria, matriarch Venetian Black Guelphs, these aristocrats decided that in order to gain power over the whole world, representatives of the aristocracy needed to “enter into a share” on a global scale with non-aristocratic, but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business. It included Morgans, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other rich people.

Members of the Committee are representatives of secret societies: the Illuminati, the British and Italian Masonic lodges, the Order of the Elders of Zion, the World Council of Churches, and the Socialist International. At its core, the Committee of 300 is a union of powerful, greedy, immoral people, united by a common interest - to create for themselves and their loved ones a privileged way of life for eternity through the robbery and exploitation of peoples, the seizure of their property, territories and mineral resources.

By goals, capabilities and structure - it is a global organizational mechanism and a tool for carrying out malicious plans to achieve total control over humanity in general and over the consciousness of people in particular.

Although the Committee of 300 has existed for 150 years, it took on its current form in 1897.

Now it is a powerful political organization with iron discipline, which does not recognize any national boundaries, whose members are responsible only to the members of this group. This is a real economic corporation, including banking, insurance, coal mining, oil industry, media, trade in medicines, drugs, gold, diamonds and weapons.

The Committee of 300 manages all political, financial, industrial, commercial and subversive activities through the front organizations it created, always remaining in the shadows. There are now at least 40 known “branches” of the Committee of 300 in the world. Moreover, the committee chooses the names for these companies in such a way as to confuse the situation and distract people’s attention from their true goals.

One of the oldest "think tanks" of the Committee of 300 is the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIA). or "WITH hate House", which arose from the "Round Table" - Sessila Rodza, Rothschild, Millner etc. . - approx. edit) was and remains an institution closely associated with the British monarchy and the executor of its will in foreign policy.

The path to power in the United States of Henry Kissinger, the chief agent of the IIM, is the story of the triumph of the British monarchy over the Republic of the United States of America.

In 1921, the Committee of 300 at the University of Sussex was created in England. Then its subsidiaries were created: Stanford Research Institute, Institute for Social Research, Center for Special Psychology and others.

In May 1954, in the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch city of Oosterbeek, the Committee of 300 created its own branch, which they named "Bilderberg Club".

It included such prominent politicians, members of the Committee of 300 from the British, American and European elite as Lord Hume, Margaret Thatcher, Allen Dulles, Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Edmot de Rothschild, Georges Pompidou, Willy Brandt.

In 1968 it was created "Roman Club" with the aim of giving new impetus and accelerating plans for the creation of a world government. The “Club of Rome” brings together “new science” scientists, globalists and futurologists purchased by the committee.

All these “think tanks” of the Committee of 300 prepared the conditions for the creation of global structures for managing world processes, such as North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, The Hague International Tribunal.

The roles of these structures in the enslavement of states and peoples are clearly defined.

IMF - wages a financial war against victim countries, introduces ineffective economic models under the guise of a “free market”, imposes loans, turns states into eternal debtors.

WTO - the striking force of transnational corporations, “breaking” national customs barriers, laws on labor protection and environmental conservation in their interests. In fact, it abolishes national sovereignty, imposes low wages and high environmental pollution on a third of the world's countries.

NATO - suppresses the resistance of states and peoples by military force.

The Hague International Tribunal - organizes show trials of the leaders of peoples who resisted the aggressors in order to suppress the will of others to fight for independence.

As a result of these actions, the Committee of 300 became powerful enough to first predict events and then carry them out either by force or by other means that may be necessary to achieve their goals.


The essence of the Committee of 300's malicious intent is based on the teaching Malthus, the son of an English country priest who rose to prominence through the British East India Company, which served as the model for the creation of the Committee of 300.

Malthus argued that human progress is determined by the natural ability of the Earth to support the existence of a given number of people. Once sustainable population limits are reached, the earth's limited natural resources will quickly be depleted and impossible to restore.

From here Malthus concludes that it is necessary to limit population growth to the extent of the sufficiency of diminishing natural resources.

At the beginning of the first half of the 19th century, representatives of the ruling classes from all over Europe came together to develop methods for implementing Malthus's recommendations to increase the mortality rate among the poor. The so-called policy of “oppression of the poor” was developed, which was especially actively implemented in England.The world elite, represented by the Committee of 300, will not allow their comfortable existence to be jeopardized by the rapid growth of useless eaters, therefore, it is necessary to resort to the practice of reducing the population and seizing into their own ownership all the most important resources of the planet.According to Malthus, mass disasters such as wars, famines and epidemiological diseases are necessary mechanisms for population reduction.

Instead of cleanliness and sanitation, the poor were instilled with the opposite habits. Streets in cities were already being built, the number of people in houses was denser to facilitate the return of epidemics, and the construction of villages in swampy areas unsuitable for habitation was encouraged. They introduced cruel exploitation of child labor.

At the same time, the British aristocrats proudly said that the world is a war of the rich against the poor, in which all humanity must be involved . To do this, you need to resort to the practice of reducing population and taking ownership of all the most important resources of the planet. The Committee of 300 developed and fleshed out these sinister plans for the destruction of existing civilization.

Some of them are set out in the book of the founder of the Club of Rome. Aurelio Peccei“Above the Abyss” and in the book of a hereditary member of the Committee of 300 Zbigniew Brzezinski“Technotronic Era”, and even earlier - in the book of a member of the Committee of 300, a science fiction writer H.G. Wells « Open conspiracy - world revolution».

In his book, Peccei showed the plans of the Committee of 300 to subdue the Man whom Peccei.

(We remind readers that it was with contacts with the Club of Rome that the active period began - the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Vienna, where, on the part of the USSR, the founder was the “All-Union Institute for System Research”, headed by Jermain Gvishiani, son of the deputy head of the MGB, son-in-law A. Kosygina and one of the closest consultants Yu. Andropova, and then M. Gorbachev. It is from this institute Almost the entire team of “young reformers” will come out early 1990s - approx. edit.).

British researcher on this topic John Coleman in his book The Committee of 300, published in 1992, he wrote:

“If we summarize the intentions of the Committee of 300 expressed in these works, they are as follows:

1. Complete destruction of nation states, national identity and dignity. Instead, a One World Government and a uniform monetary system under permanent unelected hereditary oligarchs who choose leaders from among themselves in the form of a feudal system, as was the case in the Middle Ages. In this One World, population will be limited by reducing the number of children per family, through disease, war and famine, until there are 1 billion people left out of the entire world population, benefiting the ruling class in strictly and clearly defined areas of activity.

2. At least 3 billion "useless eaters" will be exterminated by 2050 through limited wars, organized epidemics of deadly fast-moving diseases, famine. The amount of electricity, food and water will be maintained at a level sufficient only to support the lives of the non-elite, first of all the white population of Western Europe and North America, and then other races.

3. There will be no middle class - only rulers and servants. All laws will be unified within the legal system of the World Courts, using the same code of laws, which will be enforced by the One World Government police, and the united One World military forces will forcefully implement the laws in all former countries, which will no longer be separated by borders. The system will be based on the basis of a prosperous state; whoever submits and serves the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; whoever rebels will simply be starved to death or outlawed, becoming a target for anyone who wants to kill him. Possession of personal firearms or bladed weapons will be prohibited.

4. The economic system will be based on the rule of the oligarchic class, allowing the production of exactly the amount of food and services needed to operate mass slave labor camps. All wealth will be concentrated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each person will be taught that he or she is completely dependent on the state for survival. The world will be governed by the executive decrees of the Committee of 300, which will immediately have the force of law. Boris Yeltsin is using the decrees of the Committee of 300 to experimentally impose the will of the Committee on Russia.

5. Industry must be completely destroyed along with nuclear energy systems. Only members of the Committee of 300 and their elected representatives will have the right to manage the earth's resources. Agriculture will be exclusively in the hands of the Committee of 300, and food production will be strictly controlled.

6. After the destruction of such industries, such as construction, automotive, metallurgical, heavy engineering, housing construction will be limited, and the preserved industries will be under the control of NATO's Club of Rome, as well as all scientific and space exploration, which will be limited and entirely subordinated to the Committee of 300. The space weapons of the former countries will be destroyed along with nuclear ones.

7. All major and ancillary pharmaceutical products, doctors, dentists and other healthcare professionals will be registered in a central computer data bank, and no medicine or medical care will be provided without the special permission of the regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village.

8. The activities of all central banks will be prohibited, except the Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank. Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed will be made according to a unified scale pre-established by the World Government. Any demands for higher salaries will be prohibited, as well as any deviations from the standard unified salary scale established by the World Government. Those who break the law will be punished immediately.

9. The non-elite will not have any cash in their hands or coins. All payments will be made using a debit card, which will have the owner's identification number on it. Any person who violates the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 will be punished by having his or her card suspended for a period of time depending on the nature and severity of the offense.

When these people go shopping, they suddenly find that their cards are blacklisted and they will not be able to receive any products or services. Attempting to sell "old" coins, that is, silver coins of ancient or bygone nations, will be considered a felony punishable by death. All old coins will be required to be turned in by a certain date, along with pistols, shotguns, explosives and cars. Only the elite and high-ranking officials of the World Government will be allowed to have personal weapons, money and cars.

10. Only one religion of the Church of the One World Government will be allowed, which began to exist in 1920. Satanism, Luciferianism and black magic will be recognized as legitimate subjects of study ( monument and then , simultaneously introducing and activating - approx. edit .). All Christian churches will be destroyed, and Christianity itself will become a thing of the past under the One World Government.

11. To introduce a situation in which there will remain no personal liberty and no concept of liberty, there will be no such thing as a republican form of government and the inherent sovereignty of the rights of the people. National pride and racial identity will be eradicated, and during the transition period even the mention of racial origin will be subject to the harshest punishments.

12. Every person will be taught that he is a creation of the One World Government. All people will be marked with identification numbers, the presence of which can be easily verified. These identification numbers will be entered into a consolidated file on the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, to which all One World Government agencies will have instant access at all times. Consolidated files from the CIA, FBI, state and local police, IRS, FEMA, and Social Security Agency will be greatly expanded and will form the basis of a database of personal records for each resident.

13. Marriages will be outlawed, and family life, as we understand it now, will not exist. Children will be taken from their parents at an early age and raised by guards as government property.

Women will be corrupted by the constant process of "women's emancipation." Free sex will be forced.

14. Pornography will be widespread, and every cinema will be required to show pornographic films, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of “restorative” drugs will be mandatory - everyone will be allocated a quota of drugs that can be purchased in World Government stores around the world. Mind-altering drugs will be widespread and their use will be compulsory. Such mind-altering drugs will be added to food or drinking water without the knowledge and consent of the people. Drug bars will be created everywhere, run by agents of the World Government, in which human slaves will spend their free time. Thus, the masses excluded from the elite will be reduced to the level and behavior of trained animals without their own will, easily subjugated and controlled.

15. The United States will be filled with people of alien cultures, which will finally suppress White America.

16. Conflicts will flare up between rival factions and groups, such as Arabs and Jews, African tribes, and they will be allowed to wage wars of extermination under the supervision of NATO and UN observers. The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of extermination will take place before the World Government is established, and they will be organized on all continents where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as Sikhs, Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus, Slavs. Ethnic and religious contradictions will be strengthened and aggravated, and violent conflicts will be incited and encouraged as a means of “regulating” these contradictions.

17. All information services and media will be under the control of the World Government. Under the guise of “entertainment,” regular “brainwashing” will be established, which is already practiced in the United States, where it has become an art. Children taken from "disloyal parents" will receive special education designed to harden them. Youth of both sexes will be trained to serve as guards at the detention centers of the World Government's labor camp system.

18. Strict control is being established over the education system with the goal of its complete and final destruction.

The Committee of 300's intentions also include:

19. Creating a General Crisis in the global economy and the generation of general political chaos.

20. Taking control of the foreign and domestic policies of the United States.

21. Providing the fullest support to supranational organizations, such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Court, and, as far as possible, to deprive local institutions of influence by gradually eliminating their role or placing them under the auspices of UN.

22. Infiltrating subversive agents into all governments and conducting activities aimed at destroying the sovereign integrity of countries from within these governments.

23. Organization of the World Terrorist Apparatus and negotiating with terrorists wherever terrorist activity occurs.”

I remind readers that D. Coleman’s book was published back in 1992, and we see that, unfortunately, these sinister plans were largely carried out in relation to the USA, USSR, other countries, and the “rulers of Russia” - Boris Yeltsin And Vladimir Putin- strictly follow the instructions of the Committee of 300.

The conspiracy of the Committee of 300 against humanity is also criminal because they are imposing on the world an economic system leading to the death of all humanity. The UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, concluded: “ The modern economic system, which is destroying the environment and depleting natural resources, has led to an environmental and social crisis».

This crisis was expressed in an unprecedented stratification of the Earth's population in terms of living standards. Now in the countries of the “golden billion”, where about 20% of the planet’s population lives and where the so-called “consumer society” has formed, about 86% of all the world’s resources are consumed and 75% of all waste from economic activities is generated.

At the same time, in the poorest countries, also with a population of 20%, classified as developing, 1% of the world's gross product (GDP) is produced, poverty prevails, and social and environmental degradation occurs.

In most countries, where 60% of the world's population lives, only 13% of global GDP is consumed. All these negative phenomena are intensifying as a result of globalization.

Occupying one of the first places in the world in terms of living standards, the United States has become the largest waste producer in the world. Extending the consumption rate of the countries of the “golden billion” to the whole world would require production volumes that our planet simply could not withstand and would die due to environmental collapse.

To prevent this, the USA and other countries of the “golden billion” maintain a vicious way of managing and condemn the remaining countries, where the majority of the world’s population lives, to economic backwardness, poverty, mass hunger and extinction.

This is convincingly proven by the academician K.Ya. Kondratiev in his fundamental study “Ecodynamics and Geopolitics”.

First of all, it pronounces a verdict on modern civilization. Because with the current method of management in the world, the speed with which humanity eats (and mostly tramples and pollutes) its food base shows that we don’t have long to enjoy the benefits of nature.

The situation is complicated by two factors. Firstly, within humanity there is a “golden billion” that consumes and pollutes the planet more than others (one American on average consumes 3 times more energy than a Japanese and 400 times more than a Tibetan). Secondly, there is a demographic explosion. At the same time, agriculture has already reached the limit of natural soil fertility.

Hence the conclusion is that the new generation of a large human family will have nothing to feed. The “scissors” between the number of eaters and the planet’s ability to provide them with food are increasingly diverging. Therefore, Academician Kondratiev concludes - The 21st century will be the “century of hunger.”

There is an alternative to this. It is set out in detail in the Program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, in the book of its leader G.A. Zyuganov « ", where it is suggested " overcome the wasteful nature of industrial civilization, moving from the principle of general exploitation to the principle of general conservation of the natural environment, material resources, and labor. “Overconsumption”, as a function of the production and circulation of capital, should be replaced by reasonably limited consumption, as a function of the comprehensive development of the individual.».

There must be a radical change in the meaning of human work. If previously nature served as an “eternal and inexhaustible basis” for labor, now, on the contrary, labor must become the basis for the conservation and reproduction of the natural environment.” This path was developed at the international conference on sustainable development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, but the Committee of 300 led the world community along its narrow selfish path, condemning billions of people to death.


The conspiracy against humanity is not just on paper . The sinister plans of the conspirators are being purposefully, systematically and consistently implemented.

« Directs and organizes this criminal activity towards humanity is the Committee of 300, at the head of which sits the Queen of England, ruling a huge network of closely connected corporations that never pay taxes and are not accountable to anyone; they finance their research institutions through foundations that almost completely govern our daily lives.

Together with its interconnected companies, insurance businesses, banks, financial corporations, oil companies, newspapers, magazines, radio and television, this gigantic apparatus literally straddles the United States of America, Russia and the rest of the world. » ( D. Coleman"Committee of 300")

(Editor's comment: It is obvious that the whole point is in the ideological Old Testament matrix of “chosenness.” Like us, site " Cahiers de Geopolitique biblique", which examines "current news in the light of the Bible," notes that the Queen Victoria(who reigned from 1837 to 1901) was convinced that British monarchs were descendants of the mythical "King David"According to the queen's wishes, her four sons (the queen had 9 children in total), including the future king Edward VII, circumcision was done. At the same time, the etymology of the name “Britain” is traced not only to the Celtic tribe of Britons, but also to the word “testament” (supposedly sounds like “Brit” in ancient Hebrew. ברית ). In 1845 the Para-Masonic order "B'nai B'rith" was formed. In 1958 L.N. Rothschild becomes Member of Parliament of England, while “carrying out a liberal revolution” - swearing not on the Bible, but on the Torah.

The Committee of 300, through decisive measures, managed to transform the United States of America into a state - an instrument for implementing its policies. He placed the actions of their presidents under his strict control.

With a history of coordination and a dedicated intelligence network, the Committee of 300 carries out carefully timed global actions, be it student riots, the overthrow of sovereign leaders, or financial crises.

A committee of "select" seeks to control all political directions, both left and right. It is no coincidence that they created the Socialist International.

To the Bolshevik Party Lenin just before the revolution he was urgently sent from the USA Trotsky, who consistently implemented in Russia the main tasks of the Committee of “Elects” to eradicate national traditions, shrines, and bearers of the Russian way of life (). The Trotskyists caused enormous damage to the cause of the revolution and served the enemies of Russia well.

(In our opinion, problems should also be sought in the obvious ideological defects of the theory Mordecai Levy-Marx, which became an ideological sabotage to undermine the unity of nations - based on the worldview of an alien matrix. Why was this necessary? - as I wrote - approx. edit .)

The Committee of 300 has arrogated to itself the right to control the life and death of states and people. He persistently and ruthlessly in the twentieth century pursued a policy against the strengthening of nation states and their industrialization, did not allow them to use nuclear energy, seized oil-bearing regions and oil transportation routes, controlled the production and distribution of drugs, introduced ineffective economic models, turning countries into eternal debtors of the IMF and brutally reducing the population.

Before our eyes, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were destroyed, Afghanistan was conquered, and the invasion of Iraq is being prepared.

The overconsumption of the “golden billion elite” from the United States and other G7 countries is based on the chronic underconsumption and impoverishment of most of the world's population. Already, 1 billion of the world's population are constantly hungry.

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov in his book “ Globalization: a dead end or a way out“very clearly showed in what sophisticated ways imperialism hinders social development and enslaves one country after another.

Firstly,cultivates and puts into practice his theories of “deindustrialization”, “limits to growth”, “zero growth”. Of course, for the periphery, and not for yourself. In the countries of the “golden billion” there is a concentration of production and capital, state power and intelligence in the advanced areas of economic growth.

Secondly, artificially preserves the market element, forcibly imposing on the exploited countries a free market, an ultra-liberal economic model, as a means of development, and in essence - as a regime of controlled chaos, in order to hide the mechanism of unequal exchange through which the “golden billion” exploits the periphery. This mechanism of robbery is based on price disparity, debt dependence, concentration and retention of intellectual rent by developed countries.

Third,still subordinates the production of things to the production of surplus value and thereby keeps production within the framework of linear quantitative growth, not allowing it to reach a qualitatively new level. And this is a clear dead end from a social and environmental point of view.

Fourthly,hinders the development of true human freedom and initiative. It hinders the development of the individual as the main and, in fact, the only social wealth. Instead of the traditional one, it introduces a “mosaic culture” that destroys cause-and-effect relationships. Divides the unified education system into schools for the elite and a school - a “factory of subjects” that educates the “man of the masses” for the needs of the oligarchs.

The plan to destroy the planet's population of 3 billion people by 2050 was developed on behalf of the Committee of 300 Cyrus Vance entitled " Global 2000 report", approved and implemented. According to the developments of the Club of Rome research center, the regime Pol Pot in Cambodia killed 2 million people. A policy is being pursued to deliberately starve African nations, as can be seen in the countries south of the Sahara Desert. For the self-destruction of peoples, more and more interethnic conflicts are initiated in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, between Israel and Palestine, in Russia - and everywhere the USA and NATO act as “peacekeepers”.

All directions of the economic plans of the Committee of 300 lead to the crossroads of Malthus and Frederica von Hayek, Austrian, economist, sponsored by the Club of Rome. According to his Hayekian theory: " The economy of peripheral countries should be based on: a) urban black markets; b) small industrial enterprises of the Hong Kong type, using a sweatshop labor system; c) tourist trade; d) free enterprise zones, where speculators are given complete freedom of action and where the drug trade can flourish; e) cessation of industrial production and closure of all nuclear power plants».

Hayek’s ideas are developed by another famous “economist” Jeffrey Sachs, who was sent to Poland to continue Hayek's work. And before that, the Club of Rome organized an economic crisis in Poland, which led to political destabilization in the country. Sachs took the whole process one step further, providing Poland with new economic enslavement. The International Monetary Fund imposed this model on Argentina and led to food riots. Exactly the same economic planning is imposed on Russia through Gaidar, Chubais, Gref(– approx. edit .). The result is known - the state became bankrupt and an eternal debtor. John Coleman predicted this result in his book “The Committee of 300” ten years ago, in 1992.

As a result of this economic policy of the Select Committee, hundreds of millions of unemployed people, in their terminology useless people, appeared in the USA, Russia, Argentina and other countries.

The plan to suppress the will of the unemployed with alcohol and drugs was developed by the Tavistock Institute and Stanford University under the leadership of Professor Willis Harmon. It became known as the "Age of Aquarius Conspiracy" (these “recipes” were based on earlier developments for the manipulation of humanity from Jewish Freudo-Marxists from the “Frankfurt School”: Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse etc. – which were based on the “updated” Sigmund Freud Kabbalah recipes for the degeneration of humanity– approx. edit.) .

This plan is being persistently implemented. The committee of “selected” brutally deals with those leaders who are trying to protect their people from their criminal influence and strengthen their states. For this purpose, the Committee of 300 created the “Assassination Bureau”. John Coleman claims that the Murder Bureau is real. It carries out the order of the Committee of 300 to assassinate high-ranking people. John Coleman provides convincing evidence that the US President was assassinated on behalf of the Committee of 300 John Kennedy, prime ministers of Italy Aldo Moro and Sweden Olof Palme, Shah of Iran and President of Pakistan Bhudto, dad John Paul I.

It is no coincidence that the members of the Committee of 300 included the CIA chief Allen Dulles and the first chief of Israeli intelligence Mossad Reuben Shiloah.

In its criminal activities, the Committee of 300 actively uses the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, which has enormous advantages because there is a Jewish community in every country in the world. By studying social and criminal files, Mossad is able to recruit agents among local Jews who have any incriminating evidence on them and force them to work for themselves.

But the Committee of 300 makes extensive use of people of this nationality and in highly paid jobs - high-level managers tasked with overseeing the governments of national sovereign states. This status is called “court Jew”: Kissinger- in USA, Bronchman- In Canada, Chubais- in Russia.

The "Assassination Bureau" made at least 30 attempts to kill the general de Gaulle, but his security worked as professionally as the security Stalin. In the case of the US President Kennedy, the murder was committed in full view, in front of a large crowd of people and with extreme cruelty.

This was a clear warning to all world leaders not to become disobedient.

Then attacks were carried out on Italy, Pakistan and Sweden.

Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme , a politician who has done a lot to improve the lives of Swedes, had the imprudence to write a short book “The Swedish Model”. In it, Olof Palme showed the close connection between the problem of unemployment and the problem of freedom. Main conclusion: “ Freedom implies a sense of security. Fear of the future, of pressing economic problems, of illness and unemployment turns freedom into a meaningless abstraction... The most important factor in confidence is work. Full employment represents a huge step forward in giving freedom to people. Because besides war and natural disasters, there is nothing that people fear more than unemployment».

Full employment was ensured in the USSR, and such statements by the Swedish Prime Minister could interfere with the implementation of “perestroika” that had already begun, that is, preparations for the destruction of the USSR.

Ideological machine Gorbachev – Yakovlev banned the book “The Swedish Model”, and the Committee of 300 removed the author. No person - no problem.

Late Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro was one of the leaders who opposed the "zero growth" and population reduction policies proposed by the Committee of 300 for his country. Moro's plan to stabilize Italy by ensuring full employment and easing political and economic tensions would strengthen Italy's position and make it much more difficult for the Committee of 300 to destabilize the Middle East.

The Committee of 300 demanded, through its representative Henry Kissinger (then US Secretary of State), to stop the reforms. In 1982, Mrs. Eleanor Moreau, the wife of the Italian Prime Minister, repeated in open court the exact phrase Kissinger said: “ Either you terminate your policy or you will pay dearly for it.».

Moro did not comply and in 1978 was kidnapped by terrorists and brutally murdered.

Kissinger threatened the President of a sovereign Pakistan, Ali Bhudto, whose “crime” was that he developed nuclear energy and contributed to his country’s acquisition of atomic weapons in response to similar steps by Israel. Bhudto was murdered in cold blood in 1978. According to Bhudto's affidavit, which was smuggled out of the country, Kissinger seriously told him: “I will teach you and everyone else a terrible lesson if you continue your policy of strengthening the country.”

Bhudto pursued a nuclear power program with the goal of transforming Pakistan into a modern industrial state, which in the eyes of the Committee of 300 was a direct disobedience of his orders as conveyed by Kissinger to the Pakistani government.

The Committee of 300, with the help of the Club of Rome it created in 1968 and the fictitious “environmental” movement Greenpeace financed by this club. ( David Meyer Rothschild– approx. edit.) , is waging a war against nuclear energy, which allows for the generation of huge quantities of cheap electricity - as a result of which third world countries would gradually become independent of the financial system of the US Federal Reserve dollar and would begin to assert their sovereignty. Electricity produced from nuclear power plants is the key to lifting developing countries out of the backward state that the Committee of 300 has ordered to continue.

Based on this, we need to take a fresh look at the causes of the Chernobyl disaster, at the tough opposition of the United States to the conclusion of contracts by Russia for the construction of nuclear power plants in Iran, at the action of the Yabloko faction and “environmental activists” against the import of nuclear waste into Russia as raw material for nuclear energy .

For developing countries, less foreign aid would mean less IMF control over their natural resources. Dependence on financial aid actually keeps foreign countries in slavery to the IMF and US loan sharks: “The population of the countries that receive such assistance receives only pitiful crumbs, and the bulk ends up in the pockets of government leaders who allow the IMF to rapaciously pump natural resources out of the country.”

Let me remind you that John Coleman wrote this conclusion in 1992. Time, using the example of the IMF’s actions in Russia, has fully confirmed the correctness of his conclusion.

Most of the IMF loans ended up in the family's pockets Yeltsin, Chernomyrdin, Chubais and other oligarchs, and the national debt has grown several times ( At the same time, Russia’s total external debt, including the debts of Russian enterprises, continues to grow even with Putin’s “oil abundance”, approaching $700 billion - approx. ed. ).

At the same time, a huge amount of natural resources is being barbarously pumped out of Russia. And the struggle for resources continues. That is why they want to take the Kuril Islands away from Russia. The question is posed like this: until we resolve the issues of the disputed territories, Russia will not move further along the path to the “world community.” And the answer to this persistence is the coming food shortage. Professor K.V. Kondratovich , The head of the department of atmospheric dynamics and space geoscience of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University claims that there are only 10 places in the world’s oceans where fish stocks are concentrated due to a phenomenon called “upwelling.” This is when the lower layers of water move upward and carry food for fish from the bottom. So, out of 10, Russia has only one such place - within the 200-mile fishing zone of those Kuril Islands that they want to take away from us.

A committee of "select" will go to any lengths to ensure that natural resources, such as oil, come under the control of its "global planners."

The bombings of two skyscrapers in New York on September 11, 2001 allowed the Committee of the “Selected” to make significant progress towards world domination and, among other things, helped to establish control over the routes for transporting oil from the Caspian oil basin in order to bypass Russia. To achieve this, the United States and Britain seized a bridgehead in Afghanistan and established military bases in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia. One of the members of the Committee of 300, John Rockefeller, said: “ The one who controls the transportation routes dictates the conditions for both oil producers and refiners" It is clear that his opinion was listened to.

The criminal activities of the “chosen ones” from the Committee of 300 know no limits.


from the editor: To illustrate this “well-time-tested recipe,” let us not be afraid that on January 18, 1832, it was recorded as an Italian Jewish Mason, known by the nickname Piccolo Tiger, strongly advised to his accomplices:

« In view of the fact that we are not yet able to say our last word, we have found it useful... to shake up everything that tends to move... We recommend that you try to join as many people as possible... but on the condition that complete mystery reigns in them... try to let our into these herds, controlled by stupid piety... Under the simplest pretext... force others to create, various unions, communities... then in small doses introduce poison into selected hearts; do it casually, and you will soon be surprised at the results you get. The main thing is that this will separate a person from his family and make him lose family habits. By the very nature of his character, every person is predisposed to flee from household worries and seek entertainment and forbidden pleasures. - Gradually accustom him to be burdened by your daily labors, and when you finally separate him from his wife and children... instill in him the desire to change his lifestyle. Man is born rebellious; kindle in him this feeling of rebellion until the fire... Having instilled in some souls an aversion to family and religion (one inevitably follows the other), arouse in them a desire to join the nearest lodge. Belonging to a secret society (for the construction of Solomon's temple) usually flatters the vanity of the simple the average person, that every time I am delighted with human stupidity... True, the lodges do little good in their activities - they have more fun and drink there - but then... in the lodges we take possession of the mind, will, soul of a person, we look through, study him, We learn his inclinations, tastes, habits, and when we see that he is ripe for us, we direct him to a secret society, in relation to which Freemasonry is only a dimly lit antechamber" ( Copin-Albancelli, "Pouvoir occulte contre la France", pp. 260-263).

Portrait of Piccolo Tiger: “The activity of this Jew is tireless, and he, without ceasing, travels all over the world in order to create new enemies Christ's. In 1822 he plays a major role among the Carbonari. He is seen now in Paris, now in London, sometimes in Vienna, often in Berlin. Everywhere he leaves traces of his presence, everywhere he joins secret societies of adepts, on whose wickedness he can count. For governments and police, he is a seller of gold and silver, a cosmopolitan banker, immersed only in his business and trade. But if you trace his correspondence, this man will turn out to be one of the most clever agents of the destruction being prepared. It serves as an invisible connection uniting into one common conspiracy all the minor “undergrounds” that are working to destroy the Christian Church" ( Cretineau-Joly, “L"Eglise Romaine en face de la Revolution”, vol. II, p. 108). It is characteristic that the Decembrists were also in correspondence with him, even while already in exile ( Charles, “Solution de la Question Juive”, p. 349), op. By A.Selyaninov,"The Secret Power of Freemasonry", St. Petersburg, Domestic printing house, Shpalernaya, 26, 1911

"Little Tiger" -Lionel (Leo) Nathan Rothschild(1808-1879) in his youth in a flattering portrait by brush Oppenheimer and in old age (in the photo)

According to Count A. Cherep-Spiridonovich , we are talking about the Alta Vendita lodge, which from 1814 to 1848. “led the activities of all secret societies” (expert George Dillon ). It was at this time that he was in Italy"Karl" (Kalman Mayer) Rothschild - banker of the kingdom of Sicily and Naples (it is characteristic that these regions of Italy are still considered the most crime-prone).

A large number of historians Nesta Webster, in particular, they write that “Alta Vendita” was headed by a noble “Italian” youth under the pseudonym Nubius. His right-hand man was "Piccolo the Tiger", a Jew traveling through Europe masquerading as a traveling money lender. He carried instructions to the Carbonari and “returned laden with gold.” Apparently it was young Lionel (Leo) Rothschild, who lived for some time with his uncle (Kalman "Karl" Mayer) in Naples, stayed for a long time in Frankfurt with another paternal relative - Amshela Myra(also known for his boastful phrase - the impudent “chutzpah”: “Give me the right to issue and control the country’s money, and I will not care at all who makes the laws!”) (for more details, see A. Cherep-Spiridonovich, "", which is still in the sphere of influence of the Rothschild group, with which representatives are associated families Bootin who have headed the bank to this day.

After the pope finds himself bound by an agreement with kahal moneylenders, the Alta Vendita lodge, led by the Little Tiger, stops its armed activity, beginning to undermine the Catholic Christian Church from within.

Obama Administration Officially Recognizes Jewish Conspiracy

One gets the impression that the presidential administration has completely lost its sense of reality, since it allows such political and PR blunders as in April-May 2013, the next of which was the actual Obama team self-exposure, publicly acknowledged the existence "Jewish conspiracy" in the USA and the world, which shocked Jewish public organizations and Jewish businesses, who now seriously fear for their safety. Since what previously people around the world only whispered and discussed on the sidelines, now officially announced by Washington, and now humanity knows exactly to whom it owes and lobbying for same-sex marriage at the state level.

As the newspaper reported "Washington Post", May 21, 2013 at an official reception organized by the US Democratic National Committee for Jewish American Heritage Month(month of honoring distinguished American Jews), US Vice President Biden gave a speech in which he recognized exclusive role of Jews in what an idea (“gay marriage”) was legally recognized in some states of America.

In addition, he stated that “ 85% of all changes recent events in Hollywood and the public media were only possible because these industries led by Jews... whose influence is enormous... truly enormous...” Biden also noted the influence of Jews in the areas of “...changes in immigration law, the civil rights movement and the achievements of feminism...” According to the second person in the country after President Obama, “we () are a great country largely due to the contributions that they bring to us Jewish heritage And Jewish principles…»

The pathos of the vice president's speech seemed excessive even to some of his listeners. So, Jonathan Chait from New York Magazine suggested that Biden's speech could give an advantage to opponents of Jews by indirectly confirming the existence "Jewish conspiracy". Other authoritative US Jews, also present at the event, were also not delighted with Biden’s frank speech. Perhaps the PR people of the presidential administration did not take into account that this is a public event that will be covered by leading American and world media, and not a closed party.

And here there is another delicate point that the US Jewish elite and their “expert historians” know, and which they cannot turn upside down - this is documented in official US sources extremely negative attitude first president of america George Washington (1732-1799) to the Jews, about which he literally said the following:

“They are more effective against us than enemy armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our freedoms and the important things we do. One can only lament that every state did not exterminate them long ago as pests of society and serious enemies to the well-being of America ... "(source: Maximum George Washington, Appleton and Co.)

Thus, it turns out that presidents and their administrations, from Abraham Lincoln to Barack Obama, have violated and are violating the commandments of the first president, and now openly admit unlimited influence above them exactly Jews- from such a speech by Biden, George Washington would turn over in his grave, and if he were alive, he would disperse this administration to hell. And if you consider that for two millennia all world leaders (kings, emperors and tsars), to put it mildly, did not want to see on the territory of their states, then it turns out that at the beginning of the 20th century it was USA became a launching pad for the implementation "world Jewish conspiracy", which was officially recognized by the American Vice President a week ago.

Napoleon Bonaparte(emperor): “The property of entire villages is plundered by the Jews, they have restored serfdom, they are real flocks of ravens. The poverty caused by the Jews does not come from one individual Jew, but is the essence of this entire people. They are like caterpillars or locusts that eat France..."

Mobuchum Okuma(Japanese scientist): “Jews all over the world are destroying patriotism and the health of the foundation of the state...”

Ivan Franko: “If I became familiar with the parties of Marxists, socialists, liberals and democrats, then behind their backs I learned the cunning squeak of a Jew...”

Saint Thomas Aquinas(philosopher, born in 1225, died in 1274): “Jews should not be allowed to have what they acquired through usury from others. It would be better if they worked to earn an honest living, because doing nothing makes them more self-interested..."

Abbot Tritheim of Würzburg(1462-1616): “It is clear that the repulsion against Jewish usury is developing from above and below. I approve of legal methods of protecting people from the exploitation of Jewish usury and deception. Is it possible that foreign strangers should rule us not by their strength of courage or by their sublime virtues, but only by their meager money? Do these people dare to grow fat with impunity at the expense of the sweat of peasants and artisans?..”

Erasmus of Rotterdam(Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch scientist, 1468-1536): “What kind of robbery and oppression is being perpetrated on the poor, who can no longer bear it... God have mercy on them! Jewish moneylenders quickly take root even in small villages, and if they lend five florins they demand a deposit of six times that amount. They charge interest on interest, and interest on all this again, so that the poor man loses everything he had...”

Martin Luther(Church Reformer. 1483-1546): “The passionate desires of the crying hearts of the Jews hope for the day when they can treat us as they did in the time of Esther in . And how close to the Jews is the book of Esther, which justifies their bloodthirstiness, vindictiveness and appetites for robber hopes! Never has the sun shone on a people more bloodthirsty and vengeful, who cherish the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdestruction and strangulation of the Gentiles...

None of the other men under the sun are as greedy as they, who are and will be greedy, as indicated by their God-damned usury. They console themselves with the fact that when the Messiah comes, he will collect and divide the gold and silver of the whole world among them...

Their prayer books and books that teach them atheism, lies, and blasphemy must be destroyed. Young Jews and Jewish women should be given hoes, axes, shovels, spinning wheels, spindles so that they can earn their bread by the sweat of their brow...

Princes and legislators sit and snore with their open mouths and allow the Jews to take, steal, rob what they please from their open wallets and chests. Yes it is! They allow Jewish usury to suck everything out of them and skin them. They turn themselves into beggars for their own money. The Jews take our money and property and become the masters of our own country...”

(taken from The Works of Luther, Erlangen ed., Vol. 32)

Giordano Bruno(Italian scientist and philosopher 1548-1600): “The Jews are a pestilent, leprous and dangerous race, which deserves to be exterminated from the day of its origin...” (taken from the works of Spazzio, 1888, volume 2, p. 500)

Pope Clement 8th(Head of the Catholic Church from 1592-1605): “suffers from Jewish usury, their monopoly and swindles. They threw many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially peasants, workers and the poor..."

Jean Francois Voltaire(French writer, 1694-1778): “The Jews are nothing more than a despised and barbarous people, who for a long time have combined disgusting greed with a terrible prejudice and unquenchable hatred of the peoples who tolerate them and from whom they enrich themselves.. .

The small Jewish nation dares to show an implacable hatred of the property of other peoples; they grovel when failure befalls them and become arrogant when things prosper..."

Benjamin Franklin(American scientist and statesman. 1706-1790): “Wherever in a country where Jews settle, regardless of their number, they lower its morality, commercial honesty, isolate themselves and do not give in to assimilation. They ridicule the Christian religion, trying to undermine it, stand as a state within a state, and in case of opposition to them, they strive to mortally strangle the country financially...

If we, through the Constitution, do not exclude them from , then in less than two hundred years they will rush in in large numbers, take over, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will be working in the fields, maintaining them, while they rub their hands in their offices. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not expel the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves. , gentlemen, are Asians - they can never be different..."

Frederick the Great(King of Prussia, 1712-1786): “Rulers should not let the Jews out of their sight, prevent their penetration into wholesale trade, monitor the growth of their population and deprive them of the opportunity anywhere to retard wicked deeds. Nothing infringes on merchants more than the illicit profits made by Jews...”

Maria Theresa(Austrian Empress. 1717-1780): “From now on, no Jew, no matter who he is, will remain here without my written permission. I know of no other unfortunate plague within the country than this race, which ruins the people by cunning, usury, borrowing money, and engages in affairs that repel honest people. Therefore, if possible, they will be moved and expelled from here ... "

Ernst Renan(famous French historian and Orientalist. 1823-1892): “In Eastern Europe, the Jew is like a cancer, slowly eating into the very body of the nation. Exploiting other people is his goal. Selfishness and lack of personal courage are his main characteristics..."

Lord Harrington(Member of the English House of Lords): In his speech of July 12, 1858, he stated: “I object to the admission of the Jews, for they are the great money lenders throughout the world. As a result, the nations of the world are groaning under unbearably heavy systems and national debts. They are always the greatest enemies of freedom..."

John Hylan(Mayor of New York City): In a speech on March 26, 1922, he clarified: “The real threat to our state is the invisible government that, like a giant octopus, spreads its tentacles over our city, our state and our nation. At the head of this octopus is a small group of banking houses, which are usually called “international bankers”. This small group of powerful international bankers is actually running our government for their own selfish ends..."

(world-famous American industrialist): In the New York Times of March 8, 1925, he stated the following: “Put under control the 50 richest Jewish financiers who are making war for their own profits, and wars will be abolished...”

Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich(1053-1125): in 1114, the Council of Princes gathered, which decided: “Send the Jews out of the Russian land with all their property and not accept them in the future, and if they enter secretly, then kill them.” The Decree of the Council of Princes (Government of Rus') dated 1114 is still in effect - none of the subsequent kings or emperors canceled it.

And finally, the Russian writer Victor Pelevin: “any liberal economic reform in Russia has as its ultimate end result the emergence of a new super-rich Jew in London...”

Now, we think it’s clear why Biden’s public revelations were so tense last week. After all, the great minds and rulers of the past cannot be mistaken, who lived in different countries and at different times, who, regardless of political preferences, worldview, political system, religions and the state of the economies of their countries, in fact, were always united only extremely negative attitude towards Jews!

And if we add here a tragedy, where just 100 years after Jews had free access there, not only the leadership and elite completely changed, but even the religion...

P.S. Well, to skeptics and all sorts of fighters for tolerance, “historians” and those who like to rewrite history to suit modern conditions, I would like to say that we do not consider our goal to be the growth of anti-Semitic sentiments in society, the level of which is already off scale, we are simply compare historical facts with our modern times, and we are trying to understand how humanity came to such a life...

Gennady Romanov

Part two of the material “Faith or Kingdom.”

FACTS and reasons why we NEED to know this.

(This material was corrected and updated in July 2011). Below, after the text material, there are many video documents.

I would like to start the conversation on such a serious topic with an anecdote. One Jew calls the anti-Semitic organization “Memory” and asks: “Tell me, is it true that the Jews bought up all of Russia?” They answer him: “Yes, but why are you asking?” He says, “I just wanted to know where and when I could get my share.”

I once received the following comment on my book “The Mystery of Israel and the Church”:
“Current globalism and the US desire for world domination were created by Kabbalists and Talmudists of all stripes who misinterpret the Bible. Do not flatter yourself - these people own the USA and Europe, so they are yours
naive attempts are simply ridiculous...” (Commentary to the book “The Mystery of Israel and the Church”).

Firstly, you need to be very careful with such statements that “these people own the USA and Europe”, without voicing the old
diabolical accusation of ALL Jews in an international conspiracy. Rivers of Jewish blood flowed in pogroms after the so-called “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Even if some people are international bankers or businessmen with Jewish politicians and are involved in preparations for the New World Order (NWO) of globalist occultists (Masons and Illuminati, secret societies, New Age, etc.), this does not mean that this A JEWISH idea or conspiracy, or that Jews as a people are participating in THIS. Jews AS a people do NOT participate in this.

As someone put it, and in my opinion, one of the Jews, Jews do not even have the ability to freely govern THEIR OWN country! That is, Israel, not to mention the rest of the world. Jews cannot calmly defend themselves (like any other country) from missiles and military actions of Islamic terrorists or settle and build houses in Judea and Samaria, without condemnation from world opinion or UN sanctions, even in their own historical homeland in Judea and Samaria ! These lands are often called “occupied territories”! Occupied by Israel. The world community almost unanimously DOES NOT RECOGNIZE the Jewish state even the right to its own capital in Jerusalem! Including the United States, which is allegedly owned or controlled by Jews. This is why world powers do not locate their embassies in Jerusalem.

Under pressure from US rulers, former Israeli Prime Minister Sharon was forced to expel his Jewish fellow citizens from the Gaza Strip in 2005, implementing the so-called “Disengagement” program. Israel, it seems, has itself become, to some extent, a victim of globalist policies, which require it to make impossible concessions and meaningless negotiations.

In general, Barack Obama recently demanded that Israel provide the suicidal borders (which cannot be defended) of 1967 for the creation in the heart of Israel of a “Palestinian state” irreconcilable with it, led by those who do not even recognize Israel’s right to exist.

Who doesn't know about such an organization as the UN? The United Nations, which replaced the former version of the League of Nations, was created by the shadow (no longer quite shadow) leaders of globalization as a preparation for the creation of the One World Government. And what is her attitude towards Jews and Israel? This seems like no one else in the world! Someone calculated, and you may have heard this more than once, that the UN passed about one third of its condemnatory resolutions on Israel! Not about the massacre in Rwanda, or anywhere else, but to the most peace-loving state in the Middle East.

Does this all look like a deliberate, purposeful “Jewish conspiracy”? Read on. The Bible contains the prophecies of the prophet Zechariah, chapters 12, 13 and 14. In chapter 14, the prophet declares from God that ALL nations will go to war against Israel in the last days. Who and what will these peoples be guided by in their massive anti-Semitic campaign? It is very useful sometimes to filter all the information you hear with the help of the Bible, so as not to become, God forbid, a passive or active participant in these upcoming “combat actions.”

There are many Jews, and it seems that the vast majority of them, live practically a secular life, going (if at all) to the synagogue according to tradition, like many of our “Orthodox” - on holidays. Religious Jews, reading the Torah and, it seems, only a few, the Talmud, make up, by some estimates, up to 10-15 percent in Israel, and perhaps much less in other countries. Globalistic Masonic and occult ideas are completely incompatible with the real Jewish faith of Abraham and the Hebrew Bible, in which God clearly and unequivocally condemns all occultism, paganism and idolatry.

And the movement of globalization in its hidden part is based precisely on occult movements. Freemasonry is absolutely not a Jewish teaching. Especially their oaths and practices. Illuminism – even more so. For these people, in general, Lucifer is the center of attention; it is he who is their “enlightener,” just like, in fact, the Freemasons who have reached certain degrees and degrees.

The currently rising cult of the “New Era” (New Age) emerged from the depths of Freemasonry (see the chapter on this in Gary Kach’s book about globalization, about him below). It is this that is being promoted as some new global religion, or something like that. The film The Secret and others like it, from this opera. This cult does not contain the Jewish principles of the Torah or the Jewish worldview. It absorbed Eastern mysticism, yoga, meditation, changes in consciousness, the Hindu approach to the “divinity” of man, and all kinds of occult practices. The Torah commands that a sorcerer should not be allowed to live, and condemns ALL currently known practices of paganism, magic, spiritualism and witchcraft, as well as all existing sexual perversions and extramarital sex.

Israel was never built by God as some kind of “secret society.” Vice versa. Israel was created by God as the light of the world, a light for the nations, an example of piety, justice and true worship of God. It was not by chance that he was placed by the Lord in the center of the earth physically and geopolitically in the history of the world, especially pre-Christian history.

And if the devil managed to impose idolatry and occultism on the Jews, in the form of worship of Baal, the idols of surrounding nations, or sophisticated Kabbalah, or another explosive pseudo-religious mixture of God’s Torah with the teachings and “leaven” of men, then this is a tragedy for the Jews and the whole world, not the Jewish one. CONSPIRACY. In the same way, Satan has more than once created an occult counterfeit of the gospel and Christianity! The Mormon Church (created by Joseph Smith, a Freemason) and the Jehovah's Witnesses (Russell), for example, were created in the USA by people from the Masonic lodge to oppose true Christianity. There are other pseudo-Christian cults.

It is no coincidence that God in the Bible calls everyone to pray for the integrity or literally “shalom” of Jerusalem - “may ALL prosper who love it.” This is the city of the Great King, as Jesus said. From there He will soon rule the world, thanks to which paradise will return to all nations. From there, the opportunity for everyone to return to God's paradise came with the apostles 2,000 years ago (Matthew 28:18). Satan tries to poison almost every true teaching of the Bible or every level of knowledge of the truth with his lies. That is why all those movements of God that defend this or that gospel truth of God’s Word revealed to them are so important.

Yes, a similar tragedy happened to the so-called historical or traditional church, the church that became an apocalyptic harlot (Rev. 17:18) and an apostate. The traditional church, due to pressure from those in power, the “mighty of this world,” accepted a lot of pagan heresy and created its own “Kabbalah,” with its indulgences, relics, images, the Inquisition, false mysticism, magic and witchcraft. It is no coincidence that such a “church” is hinted at in Revelation as “The Mystery – Babylon the Great.” It seems from history that it has long laid claim to world domination, and strives for this to this day, participating with the globalists in building the New World Order and in the creation of the One World Religion. Including the famous late Pope John Paul 2nd. The Vatican's policy does not seem to have changed, this time it is trying to peacefully draw the Protestant churches into its ecumenical unity, and many are already being drawn into this process of non-Jewish globalization, not knowing, perhaps in some cases, what they are actually promoting.

The heresy of pagan Gnosticism, disguised as Christianity, attacked the church in early times. But this does not mean at all that the church itself is an occult organization or some kind of global conspiracy,
even if some remind us of exactly this. The Vatican, Orthodoxy or apostate liberal Protestantism are not the whole Christianity of Jesus Christ. There is a genuine, still located in many Christian denominations and countries where Christians are persecuted, a huge Church of Jesus Christ made up of genuine Christians who are building His Kingdom, and not their own, or the powers that be. And this Church of God has a supernatural witness from God, not mere human degrees, diplomas, vestments and ordinations.

And if you are a Christian, or hopefully on the path to the true God, you need to know what is really happening now, and make sure that no one in the world can in any way use you and your local church or movement to prepare a temporary kingdom Antichrist. Alas, many believers (and not Jews), out of ignorance or for other reasons, contribute to the satanic plans of the global elite.

Christian writer, minister, former US government employee of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, and, in my opinion, one of the best experts on the issue of globalization, Gary Kach, gives specific examples of this, speaking at Christian conferences (see his video of the speech in the original English and with translation at the end of this material).

Gary Kach shows in his book Globalization: On the Path to World Conquest the connection between Freemasonry and Gnosticism. The enemy of human souls, it seems, is simply delivering old lies in new packaging. Just as the first temptation and lie, sounded back in the Garden of Eden, had nothing to do with the Jews, so the occultism of the Illuminati and Freemasons, seeking to establish their occult New World Order, has nothing to do with the Hebrew Bible and true Biblical Judaism. Unless it was clearly and clearly predicted in the Bible. Especially in Revelation chapter 13 and 2 Thessalonians 2. But its very imminent collapse was also predicted through apocalyptic judgments and the coming of the true King of all Kings (see book of Revelation, chapter 19, 2 Thessalonians 2.).

Why do we need to know this?

Firstly, so that we, Christians, are not used by the above-mentioned globalists through flattery, manipulation or inviting us and our influential leaders to their dubious events, through their all kinds of propaganda, including the “war on terrorism” (see Aaron Russo’s interview with one of the Rockefellers) . I believe this is exactly the word I received from the Lord one day when the believers and I were talking on this topic: “So that they do not use us.” And they can do it, or try to do it.

How, for example, can we explain that a major international Christian satellite channel is showing a film depicting a heroic scene from the American war in Iraq? Any American Christian who is at least somewhat free from official propaganda regarding the fall of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, and the resulting war in Iraq, can understand perfectly well how this and similar political wars can relate to noble patriotism , combating terrorism and protecting civil liberties in the United States (and the world). In my opinion, it is simply disgusting and a shame when believers, especially evangelical and full evangelical ones, support the official false version of the cause of the well-known contracted terrorist attack, and the associated policy “those who are not with us are with the terrorists.” Especially after a lot of independent investigations were carried out, proving the complete absurdity of the fact that in the most protected country on earth, in which soon it will be impossible to pee behind a bush without being noticed by the special services or security cameras, TWO strange aircraft could easily bypass all American air defense and radars , lower THREE huge buildings to the ground at free fall speed! Massive propaganda of international fooling simply mocks people, and some believers talk in the movies and in the studio about some kind of protection of their freedom by American troops in Iraq or somewhere else.

Thank God there are other Christian channels that are not afraid to speak and show the truth about what is really happening. “He who guards Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps,” Ps.120. If some watchmen have fallen asleep, the Lord is able to raise up other prophetic television journalists.

At one conference in 1994, the Lord said three times through prophecy: “I am looking for people who will not sell themselves for dollars.” Dollars are issued by international bankers who unjustly seized this opportunity in the US in 1913 (creating the Federal Reserve and thus bringing the US economy, and it seems many countries whose economies are tied to the US dollar, under strong control). Sometimes they managed to do this before, but there were presidents
opposing this. John Kennedy, for example, before his death openly denounced secret societies and their subversive illegal activities. This speech is available on the Internet. It is on the dollar issued by the Federal Reserve that the symbolism of the Illuminati in the form of a pyramid with one eye and their inscription-slogan in Latin “New World Order” or “New Order of Ages” under the Great Seal with a cut off pyramid are so clearly visible.

The second reason it is important to know this: recently, it seems, soon, after a nuclear conflict on the average
east of Israel and the Arabs (this conflict is increasingly getting out of control, judging by interviews with Russo, even globalists), mass hysteria against all Jews will begin throughout the world (see Rick Joyner's book "Harvest", chapter "Israel and the Church", this The entire chapter is available on this site). “Jews will be persecuted and expelled in all countries. Many Jews by that time will occupy important public or
political positions, which will allegedly indicate the existence of a Jewish world conspiracy.”

Do you understand? We Christians should in no way be caught up in this coming anti-Semitic propaganda, which can easily be found even now, when no bombs are exploding in Damascus yet, but anti-Israeli cries are heard in Egypt in the midst of the recent Arab revolution, behind the scenes of which, as claimed Gary Kah, there were specific globalists. Such “democratic” processes in Arab countries can lead to radical Islamists coming to power there, just as Hitler came to power democratically and Hamas in Gaza. Their attitude towards Israel is known. By the way, Gary Kach testifies that among globalists the mood is both against Christians and against Jews. Watch his testimony about the New World Order in Sid's show "It's Supernatural."

A person can be of any nationality, and sometimes even of any religious affiliation, but in reality serve mammon or the “prince of this world.” Who would have thought that Pope John Paul 2, aka Karl Wojtyla, would participate in such globalistic things and the strangest prayers “for peace” together with the pagans. (By the way, one Christian woman from South America, to whom the Lord showed hell, saw him suffering in hell, and the Lord showed her the reasons. But they want to rank this Pope among the blessed. How scary it is to be blind of any denomination!) But is it right to accuse him of a worldwide conspiracy? all Catholics? There are even black women in Masonic lodges! Is it any wonder if some people of Jewish nationality could end up there or in similar organizations if the Vatican is actively operating there?

Colorful documentaries are already being created, mainly on the Internet, where largely true documentaries and history are mixed with strange, sometimes simply ridiculous, anti-Jewish and even anti-Christian propaganda. The Jews look almost like the ancient developers of a worldwide conspiracy, and their story of the Exodus is distorted to the point of absurdity.

A shadow of doubt also casts itself on the Bible. This, as I read, is going to be especially strengthened with the help of all sorts of new “archaeological” discoveries, supposedly refuting traditional religions and beliefs. As one English-language commentary reported, the truth movement (the movement in the West against the faked 9/11 “terrorist attacks”) has been infiltrated by Nazi views.

Satan wants to deprive people of the only weapon and ground on which a person can be free in this world. Without the Bible and the relationship with God through Jesus Christ that it teaches, man simply cannot remain free in the midst of all the modern propaganda, confusion and manipulation. Well, without Jews and Israel, how is the planet-saving Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth and the fulfillment of many prophecies possible? Jesus, according to the Bible, must return specifically to the Jews in Israel. Return with His original Church, which He will take from the earth before His physical return.

Think about what kind of loving Father, Who is also Almighty God, would leave a mass of people on earth amidst confusion and all kinds of dangers, completely without His clear and precise leadership? Without His unchanging Word? What then can you generally demand from people? It would be incredibly cruel. Even the last bandit would have left his son at least a copy of some code of honor or bandit “concepts” for orientation in the zone. Our Creator is better not only than any bandit, but also the most noble knight! He left us an unchangeable, most faithful prophetic Word, which is confirmed by archaeology, scientific discoveries and real history more than all existing religious literature combined!

Thousands of Bible prophecies have already definitely come true in history. We have every reason to believe that ALL the other prophecies and warnings of the Bible will also come true, and that the “New World Order” will not last long. We still have a chance to avoid its worst manifestations. If we submit now to the Divine order, His gospel and the holy discipleship of a Loving God, we can become ready to participate in the Rapture of the Church predicted in 1 Thessalonians 4. And I believe that then we will be able to respond to all the actions of the Antichrist or the globalists look down.

What seems to be the most incredible thing for previous generations, ignorant of modern technologies, is also coming true, the prediction of the God of the Bible about the coming worldwide “electronic concentration camp”, in which it will be possible to buy and sell only if there is a certain mark. Today, such a “mark” is already injected under the skin in the form of a radio frequency identification chip (RFID chip) into elite US troops, the police elite and tens of thousands of others, employees of certain companies or corporations in the USA, Mexico and Europe. These electronic chips have already been introduced into the passports of the USA, Europe, and, as I heard recently, into the passports of Chinese citizens - and this is a quarter of the world’s population. They are planning to do the same here. In the USA, at a minimum, microchips, smaller than the period at the end of a sentence, are being introduced into almost all goods sold in supermarkets, up to 1.5 billion chips per year, including clothes, underwear, and mobile phones. Technologies and specialties scanners even allow you to track what a person then does with the purchased product and where it is sent.

On the lists of the so-called “Council 300?” or other organizations of world globalists, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, most of them contain non-Jewish surnames, the names of former and current politicians, American and European. This was well noted by one American NWO researcher. However, it is known that until the 18th century, Jews were not allowed into any Freemasons at all. Who were they before this? Jews had virtually no rights in Europe. And they simply could not have been Templars (according to a serious version, it was from them that Freemasonry as an order originated; it is no coincidence that their inherent revenge on the kings for the exposed and executed Templars).

The Jews themselves suffered from the Crusaders. Will you accuse all Italians of conspiracy if you come across Italian names on the lists of influential globalist occultists, or the mafia? Such sobriety and a common-sense approach should be maintained in the case of people of Jewish origin, but not of the Jewish Biblical faith, who are deceived or drawn into the world behind the scenes. According to Scripture, a Jew is not only a nationality. Much more, it is a way of life with the true God and a covenant with Him, and a rejection of what Satan has come up with. The first Jew was the Aramean Abram, who opposed state paganism, the “pagan world order” of Babylon, and later received a letter from the sacred name of God in his name, becoming Abraham, the spiritual patriarch of all Jews and Christians. True Jewry was created by God as a clear opposition to pagan worldwide insanity.

Some blame Jews for Bolshevism and the 1917 revolution. “At that time, Jewish believers were subjected to the same persecution in the Soviet Union as Christians. The Soviet government closed synagogues, turning them into clubs, dissolved Jewish religious, cultural and philanthropic institutions, and banned all Jewish books, regardless of their content. Bolshevik Jews did not at all feel a sense of solidarity with believing Jews. When a delegation of Jews visited Trotsky and asked him not to provoke the “white soldiers” to organize pogroms, he replied: “Go back to your Jews and tell them that I am not a Jew and I don’t give a damn about what happens to you” [See: N. Valentin, Antisemitens Spiegel. Vienna, 1937, S. 179-180]. Here we can see an insurmountable gulf, which propagandists of anti-Semitism are trying at all costs to disguise.”

As you can see, although the creation of Marxism and the USSR was carried out according to the plans of the world behind the scenes (globalists), with appropriate funding from Rockefeller, etc., alas, it cannot be called Jewish. And it doesn’t matter how many Jewish names there were in this or that body. This is not a Jewish conspiracy. These are the consequences of the apostasy of some Jews from the Messiah and their unknown God, which is written about in Scripture. And this happened for various tragic historical reasons. This is essentially a confirmation of the words of the Messiah Himself: “You do not accept me, who came in the name of the Father. But when another comes in his name (from himself), receive him.”

Jews, like all other peoples, need a true Messiah. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to refuse participation in the affairs of the Antichrist. And formal church affiliation will not help here. Don't forget that in Germany before Hitler came there were about 90-95 percent who considered themselves Christians. Moreover, both Catholics and Protestants. And it was not Buddhists from Vietnam who voted for Hitler. Whose conspiracy was this? Devil.

Yes, the conspiracy that is now being talked about on the Internet and elsewhere is really happening, and one cannot help but see it. Moreover, he has reached almost the penultimate phase. But he is not Jewish! It is occult-financial-political. They really want to make one big “Soviet” police state out of the land, life in which will not be a right, but a privilege, provided that you perform functions useful for this system. Every step and financial transaction will be under total control. The book of Revelation makes this clear in chapter 13. God gave this revelation to prepare us and perhaps all people, to equip us, to prevent us from becoming part of this system.

It is no coincidence that such a phenomenon as genetically modified food has appeared in the food industry. In the US, up to 70 percent of products are modified. This phenomenon is coming to us too. It is advisable to buy almost nothing in supermarkets. I recommend watching this interesting doc. the film "Caution Food" is about what fast foods like McDonald's and the like are like, along with our sausages, dumplings, modified soybeans and strange dairy products with antibiotics and antiseptics. You will quickly develop a desire to eat the way God designed it, and not the “smart people” of the food mega-industry.

There is no doubt that this is not just a business, but also one of the globalists’ programs to reduce the world’s population. One of the commandments of Freemasonry is to preserve the world's population to 500 million, no more. This is much less than the so-called “golden billion”. According to experiments conducted by scientists, modified food leads to the disappearance of the third generation, and almost the extinction of the second. The UN (two organizations under the UN) have issued staggering sanctions and regulations regarding the standards of food and what it contains. Of the 9 practically toxic substances, they have “legalized” 7. Some beneficial substances have been declared harmful. Some experts on English-language video sites (YOU TUBE) are already sounding the alarm about this. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit even when buying food, so as not to destroy, if possible, the temple of the Holy Spirit - our bodies. The Spirit of God is already providing discernment in these and similar matters. And this is not super spirituality. This is God's love and care for us if we accept it and seek Him. In part, this is the fulfillment of the promise that “no weapon formed against us will prosper.”

Alas, Satan seeks to use many talented people through deception, and the Jews are no exception. Everyone, and especially the Jews, needs the Spirit of Truth to open our eyes not only to the correct meaning of the Scriptures, which is extremely important, but also to what is really happening around us. The Spirit of Truth is Jesus' chief blessing and gift to His redeemed ones. Even worldly people agree that whoever owns information owns the world. The Spirit of Truth will not, however, satisfy our idle curiosity, but will reveal through our discipleship and obedience to the Messiah (the Anointed One) what we need to know for a full, healthy life in God and for the fulfillment of our calling in this world. It is given by God after repentance and acceptance of His Son Jesus the Messiah.
Hurry to accept Him on the terms of the true Architect and Master of the Universe - Father and Son and Holy Spirit.

Skinheads, Nazis and more:

I would like to add the following: how absurd it is for various anti-Semitic parties, organizations, especially pro-Nazi ones, or skinheads to attack simple innocent Jewish fellow citizens, who not only have NO relation to their troubles, problems, have no relation to the mega-bankers, the world they created financial crisis and world globalists, but THEMSELVES are often or may be VICTIMS of what is happening in the world. What, for example, does the boy Yosya or woman Sara from Privoz, Siberia or Moscow have to do with Rothschild, Kissenger or Rockefeller? There are elderly Russian Jews who are in the same poverty as perhaps many of their Russian fellow citizens.

If you are a person belonging to the listed organizations, please, for the benefit of your own eternal soul, open your eyes and take a sober look at the truth. How will you change your life or situation if you come off with hatred at someone who is the same victim of human sin, greed and lust for power as you are? Do you really think that you will somehow influence the politics and behavior of large tycoons or politicians if you cause pain and suffering to innocent people who have NOTHING to do with them? Do not aggravate your already unhappy situation, which can be changed by God's righteous methods of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, at least the condition of your true self - your precious soul. Do not become the blind weapon of Satan, your true enemy.


HARRY KAH - Sid Roth ... New World Order.

In English:
Towards the One World System - Gary Kah
Exposing the One World System from the Bible. Red River Prophecy Conference 2008 Gary Kah- Current Political and Economic Realities

Gary Kah- Global Spirituality
Speaker and author Gary Kah gives a inside view of the coming one world religion headed by the pope!

Apocalypse and the End Times-The Illuminati and Lucius Trust (from God tv)

Grant Jeffrey - The 666 System & RFID Chips\The 666 System & RFID Chips 1

Grant Jeffrey - The 666 System & RFID Chips\The 666 System & RFID Chips 2

Obama & Interpol - Grant Jeffrey & Perry Stone

Will American See Martial law in the Near Future (Gary Kah talks)

The Rush to Globalization - Jan Markell / Gary Kah - Pt 1/6

U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.

Shadow Government - Meet John Wilson

Shadow Government-Save Me!

Shadow Government-Surveillance=Tyranny

Shadow Government - We Are Being Watched

Shadow Government-John Wilson Interrogated

Shadow Government-Global Economic Control and Collapse

Shadow Government-World Government

Shadow Government-Evil Exists…we’re very close!

Shadow Government-Signs of the Times

Shadow Government-Increase of Knowledge and the Mark of the Beast

Shadow Government-Biometrics and Handscans

(RIP) Aaron Russo speaks on the elite

Obama and Rockefeller 1

The Trilateral Commission, the CFR and the Bilderberg Group are all controlled by the Rockefellers. Obama is in league with them. Found out how in Obama and Rockefeller 2!