The old man and the fox (Abaza folk tale). The Old Man and the Fox - Even folk tale The Tale of the Old Man and the Fox

When the fish appeared in the spring, the old man decided to send the deer to the mountains. The old man says to his old woman:
- Old woman, will you fish if I go with the deer?
Wife says:
- I can't fish. I'm weak, I can't fish.
While the old man was thinking, a fox came. The fox asks: - Grandfather, what are you thinking about?
- Fox, I’m thinking of sending my reindeer to the mountains.
Fox says::
- Grandfather, teach me how to herd, then I will take your reindeer to the mountains.
The old man says:
- Take the reindeer up the Eche River. You'll bring me back in the fall. In the summer, kill our calves for meat and eat them.
Fox says:
- Grandfather, don't worry. Why should I eat calves? I will live as Europeans.
Wagging her tail, the fox left, saying: “Goodbye.” The old man and the old woman remained.
When autumn came, the fox came. The old man was delighted and asked:
- Fox, how are you grazing? Fox says:
- I graze well, our deer have become fat. The old man was delighted and ran to the deer, approaching
close to them, he whistled. All the deer are lying down. He whistled again, they were still lying there. Not a single deer moves. When he came close to one deer, he whistled again. One deer was kicked. His deer rolled head over heels like a furry ball and turned over. He dragged the deer. It turns out that it is all filled with moss. I examined all the deer: all the deer were filled with moss.
The old man ran home. Approaching the house, he shouted:
- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail! The old woman says to the fox:
- Fox, what is grandfather shouting? Fox says:
- Old woman, feed the fox milk for making our deer fat.
The old man shouts again:
- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail, the fox killed all our deer!
The old woman heard. I caught the fox by the root of its tail.
Fox says:
- Grandma, don’t hold it like that, otherwise the sun will hide.
The old woman took her hand away, holding the end of her tail. The fox rushed forward strongly. The old woman tore off the end of the tail and let the fox go.
An old man came:
- Old woman, where is the fox?
- No, the fox ran away.
The old man and the old woman began to argue. We were left without food.
Then the old man says to his wife:
- Old woman, let's go to the fishing place.
They went. Suddenly a fox comes towards them.
- Grandfather, where are you going?
- Get out! Don't lie, you killed all my deer.
- Grandfather, you were mistaken, it was a red fox, and I am a silver fox.
To prevent the old man from recognizing her, the fox went into the burning place and got her fur dirty. The old man believed. The fox began to help him again.
- Grandfather, I know a fishing place, let's go there. The fox drags the sled on a belt. An old man and an old woman are walking behind the sledge.
Suddenly the fox screamed:
- Oh oh oh! The old man says:
- Fox, what’s wrong with you?
- Grandfather, I broke my leg.
The old man put the fox on his sled. The fox lay down.
We arrived at one big river. The old man asks:

- This river is called “Initial”.
Just at this time, the fox began to steal the fat that the old men were carrying on the sled.
Let's move on. We came to another river again. The old man asks again:
- What is the name of this river? Fox says:
- This river is called “Half”.
She had already eaten half the fat by this time. Let's move on again. Again we came to another river.
The old man asks:
- Chanterelle, what is the name of this river? Fox says:
- This river is called “Terminal”. She finished eating fat.
The old man looked at the sledge. It turns out there is no fox. We examined the sled - there was nothing, all their fat was finished off by the fox. G
This is the end.

“The Fox and the Wolf” is a Russian folk tale that more than one generation of children has grown up with. It tells about the adventures of a fox and a wolf. A fox once pretended to be dead in the middle of the road to steal fish from an old man. She threw all the catch off the cart and ran away herself. When she eats fish, a wolf comes to her. The fox teaches him how to catch fish with his tail. The ingenuous wolf takes her word for it, for which he is beaten. At the same time, the fox also falls into a vat of dough, which saves her from the wolf’s wrath: she claims that she also got it from people. Find out with your children how the story will develop further. The fairy tale will teach them not to blindly trust people and to be careful.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather says to grandma:

“You, woman, bake the pies, and I’ll harness the sleigh and go after the fish.”

He caught fish and is taking a whole load home. So he drives and sees: a fox curled up and lying on the road. Grandfather got off the cart, went up to the fox, but she didn’t stir, she lay there as if dead.

“This will be a gift for my wife,” said the grandfather, took the fox and put it on the cart, and he himself walked ahead.

And the little fox seized the time and began to lightly throw out of the cart, one fish at a time, one fish at a time, one fish at a time. She threw out all the fish and left.

“Well, old woman,” says the grandfather, “what a collar I brought for your fur coat!”

“There, on the cart, is a fish and a collar.”

A woman approached the cart: no collar, no fish, and began to scold her husband:

- Oh you! So-and-so! You still decided to deceive!

Then the grandfather realized that the fox was not dead. I grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

And the fox collected all the scattered fish into a pile, sat down on the road and eats for itself. A gray wolf comes to her:

- Hello, sister!

- Hello, brother!

- Give me the fish!

- Catch it yourself and eat it.

- I can't.

- Hey, I caught it! You, brother, go to the river, put your tail in the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, both small and great! Catch, little fish, both small and great! The fish will attach itself to your tail. Just make sure you sit there longer, otherwise you won’t catch anything.

The wolf went to the river, lowered his tail into the hole and said:

- Catch, fish, both small and great!

Following him, the fox appeared: he walked around the wolf and chanted:

- Make it clear, make the stars in the sky clear!

- What are you saying, little fox-sister?

- Then I’ll help you.

And the cheat herself keeps repeating:

- Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!

The wolf sat for a long, long time at the ice hole, did not move from his spot the whole night, and his tail froze; I tried to get up; no such luck!

“Wow, so many fish have fallen in and you can’t get them out!” - he thinks.

He looks, and the women go for water and shout, seeing the gray one:

- Wolf, wolf! Beat him! Beat him!

They came running and started beating the wolf - some with a yoke, some with a bucket, some with anything. The wolf jumped and jumped, tore off his tail and started running without looking back.

“Okay,” he thinks, “I’ll repay you, sister!”

Meanwhile, while the wolf was puffing away on his sides, the little fox-sister wanted to try to see if she could pull off something else. She climbed into one of the huts where women were baking pancakes, but her head fell into a tub of dough, she got dirty and ran. And the wolf meets her:

- Is this how you teach? I was beaten all over!

- Oh, brother wolf! - says the little fox-sister. “At least you’re bleeding, but I have a brain, they beat me harder than you: I’m struggling.”

“And that’s true,” says the wolf, “where should you go, sister, sit on me, I’ll take you.”

The little fox sat on his back, and he hung her up.

Here the little fox-sister sits and quietly says:

The beaten one brings the unbeaten one,

The beaten one brings the unbeaten!

- What are you saying, sister?

- I, brother, say: “The beaten one brings the beaten one.”

- Yes, sister, yes!


This was told in 1976 by A. Kolesov, a resident of the village of Bomnak, Zeya district, Amur region. Recorded by the teacher of the Evenki language of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen, folklorist N. Bulatova. Literary adaptation by V. Sangi.

Long ago an old man and an old woman lived on earth. They had a lot of deer - so many that when the deer stood in a herd, they resembled a birch grove.

When the reindeer herder was strong, he still managed the reindeer and grazed them. But then old age came, and it became difficult for the reindeer herder to graze the reindeer.

One day the deer left their owner. He searches and searches for a herd near his home and does not find it.

What should I do? “Where can I find deer?” the old man asks the old woman.

What to do... We have to look, says the old woman.

The old man went into the forest. He is looking for deer or pretending to be looking, because he has little strength left.

And then a fox runs up to the old man.

“My blueberry clearing has produced few berries,” the fox says to the old man. “And your clearing is good!”

What is it good for? - asks the old man.

There are good blueberries in your blueberry plant. Let me feed in your clearing.

The old man thought and said:

I lost my deer. We need to find them.

Uh, I'll help you, I'll look for it myself. “Don’t work, rest,” says the fox. “I will find your deer and graze them.” I'll graze and go down to the blueberry meadow and eat the berries. I'll eat the berries and graze your deer again. This is how we will live.

The old man agreed. And from then on the fox became the old man’s shepherd.

The fox finds the tracks of the deer by smell, and the herd itself by the scent. He will find a herd, catch a deer, eat it.

That's how they live. The fox catches old deer and eats them.

Time passed, and the old man asked the fox:

Fox, how are my deer?

Lisa answers:

Grandpa, your deer are good. We have recovered a lot.

Did you say “good”? - asked the old man.

Yes, grandfather, they are good! - the fox answers.

Well, okay,” says the old man. “Just you, fox, take a good look at my deer.” And come to me more often and tell me.

“I’ll do that,” said the fox:

The fox ran away to the deer. I caught one and ate it. Then she caught another and ate it.

After some time, the fox comes running to the old man. And the old man asks:

Fox, fox, how are my deer?

Oh grandpa, your reindeer are very good. Fat steel, beautiful.

The old man says:

Fine. Let them get fat.

This is how they live and live. Summer has passed. Winter has passed. More time has passed. The old man asks again:

Fox, how are my deer?

Ooh! Very fed up! They became completely fat.

The old man then says:

We need to look at them and gather the herd.

The fox ran off to collect deer. She was gone for a long time. But it turned out that she had already eaten the last deer from the old man’s herd.

The fox came to the old man so well-fed. And says:

Grandfather, I didn’t find our reindeer; they had gone somewhere. I walked around our blueberry clearing, there were no deer anywhere. Let's go look together.

The old man told the fox to go behind, and he himself went ahead. We reached a blueberry clearing, and the clearing was all covered with bones. The old man understood: the fox had deceived him. All summer and winter she did nothing but eat old deer. The whole herd was finished off.

You are a liar! You are a robber thief! - the old man shouted at the fox.

The fox ran back to the old man's house. The old man chases after her, but cannot catch up. But then a home appeared. The old man shouts to the old woman:

Catch the fox! She ate our deer!

The old woman did not hear the old man’s words. And the fox is already close. She says to the old woman:

The old man orders me to tie an ornament to my tail - for my good work.

What decoration? - asks the old woman.

Tie the knife. The knife will be an ornament,” says the fox, as if he were conveying the old man’s words.

The old woman tied a knife to the fox's tail. The fox ran on.

An old man came running and asked:

Why didn't you catch the fox?

“I tied a knife to the fox’s tail,” said the old woman.

Why did you tie it? - the old man doesn’t understand.

You yourself shouted at me to do this. The fox conveyed your words to me exactly.

The old man fell sadly to the floor...

And the fox ran into the clearing and there gnawed at the bones of the deer.

Time passed and the fox began to starve. He thinks: where can I find something to eat? The meat is gone, and so is the blueberry. And he sees a wolf coming.

Wolf says:

Eh, fox, hello!

Eh, brother, hello! How did you survive the winter?

“I almost died of hunger,” the wolf answers.

Then I noticed something sparkling on the fox’s tail. Asked:

What's that on your tail?

I rode, rode on the tail - it turned out to be a decoration.

“It’s a good decoration,” the wolf envied. “I also have a tail, like you.”

“Yes, my decoration is good,” the fox boasted.

Where have you been skating? - the wolf is curious.

I found some ice, very slippery. “I rode on this ice,” the fox answers.

Wolf says:

Well, fox! And I'll ride!

The fox led the wolf to the ice. The wolf ran, sat on its backside, and rolled around. And the ice is uneven. The wolf asks:

Fox, why does my butt burn?

Show me,” said the fox.

The wolf put his butt up, shows. And the fox says:

Eh, you're a pain in the ass! You will die - the splinter has entered deep into you.

“Oh, pull out the splinter,” the wolf almost cries.

Guvi, guvi,” the fox hums and stabs the wolf with a knife.

Oh, why does it burn even more? - asks the wolf.

Because I'm reaching for the splinter. I'll pull it out soon and the pain will subside.

The fox pulled out the intestines from the wolf and ate it. Then she finished off the wolf himself.

So the cunning fox deceived a man - an old reindeer herder and his main enemy - the wolf.

A fairy tale about a little fox-sister who deceived the old man, taking all his fish, and taught the wolf to catch fish in such a way that he was left without a tail.

AND or there was a grandfather and a woman. One day the grandfather says to the woman:
“You, woman, bake the pies, and I’ll harness the sleigh and go get some fish.”

I caught a whole load of fish. He drives home and sees: a fox stretched out in the middle of the road, as if not alive.

An old man drove up to her, but she didn’t move. “It will be a nice collar for an old woman!” - thought the old man and put the fox in the sleigh.

And that’s all the fox needs: she began to lightly throw everything out of the cart, one fish after another, one fish after another.
She threw out all the fish and slowly ran away.
The grandfather came home and called the woman:
- Well, old woman, what a collar I brought for you! There, on the sleigh, is both a fish and a collar. Go get it!

The old woman approached the sleigh and looked - no collar, no fish. She returned to the hut and said:
- There’s nothing on the sleigh, grandfather, except for the matting!
Then the old man realized that the fox had deceived him! I grieved and grieved, but there was nothing to do.

Meanwhile, the fox collected all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats.

A wolf walks by:
- Hello, fox! Give me some fish!

- Look what you are! Catch it yourself and eat it.
- Yes, I can’t!

- What are you! Go to the river, put your tail in the hole, sit and say: “Catch, fish, big and small!” The fish itself is on your tail and attaches itself.
The wolf ran to the river, lowered his tail into the hole, sat and said:
- Catch, fish, big and small!
And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. The wolf's tail froze tightly. The wolf sat on the river all night.

And in the morning the women came to the ice hole for water, saw a wolf and shouted:
- Wolf, wolf! Beat him!
The wolf goes back and forth, cannot pull out its tail. The woman threw the buckets and began to hit him with the yoke. Beat and beat, the wolf was eager and eager, tore off his tail and took off running.

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “The Old Man and the Fox (Even Tale)” even for adults, you immediately remember your childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them every day in our everyday life. “Good always triumphs over evil” - on this foundation will be built a creation similar to this one, with early years laying the foundation for our understanding of the world. Having become familiar with the inner world and qualities of the main character, the young reader involuntarily experiences a feeling of nobility, responsibility and a high degree of morality. The text, written in the last millennium, combines surprisingly easily and naturally with our modern times; its relevance has not diminished at all. Simple and accessible, about nothing and everything, instructive and edifying - everything is included in the basis and plot of this creation. Every time you read this or that epic, you feel the incredible love with which the images are described. environment. The fairy tale “The Old Man and the Fox (Even Tale)” needs to be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners details and words that are incomprehensible and new to them.

When the fish appeared in the spring, the old man decided to send the deer to the mountains. The old man says to his old woman:
- Old woman, will you fish if I go with the deer?
Wife says:
- I can't fish. I'm weak, I can't fish.
While the old man was thinking, a fox came. The fox asks: - Grandfather, what are you thinking about?
- Fox, I’m thinking of sending my reindeer to the mountains.
Fox says::
- Grandfather, teach me how to herd, then I will take your reindeer to the mountains.
The old man says:
- Take the reindeer up the Eche River. You'll bring me back in the fall. In the summer, kill our calves for meat and eat them.
Fox says:
- Grandfather, don't worry. Why should I eat calves? I will live as Europeans.
Wagging her tail, the fox left, saying: “Goodbye.” The old man and the old woman remained.
When autumn came, the fox came. The old man was delighted and asked:
- Fox, how are you grazing? Fox says:
- I graze well, our deer have become fat. The old man was delighted and ran to the deer, approaching
close to them, he whistled. All the deer are lying down. He whistled again, they were still lying there. Not a single deer moves. When he came close to one deer, he whistled again. One deer was kicked. His deer rolled head over heels like a furry ball and turned over. He dragged the deer. It turns out that it is all filled with moss. I examined all the deer: all the deer were filled with moss.
The old man ran home. Approaching the house, he shouted:
- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail! The old woman says to the fox:
- Fox, what is grandfather shouting? Fox says:
- Old woman, feed the fox milk for making our deer fat.
The old man shouts again:
- Old woman, hold the fox by the tail, the fox killed all our deer!
The old woman heard. I caught the fox by the root of its tail.
Fox says:
- Grandma, don’t hold it like that, otherwise the sun will hide.
The old woman took her hand away, holding the end of her tail. The fox rushed forward strongly. The old woman tore off the end of the tail and let the fox go.
An old man came:
- Old woman, where is the fox?
- No, the fox ran away.
The old man and the old woman began to argue. We were left without food.
Then the old man says to his wife:
- Old woman, let's go to the fishing place.
They went. Suddenly a fox comes towards them.
- Grandfather, where are you going?
- Get out! Don't lie, you killed all my deer.
- Grandfather, you were mistaken, it was a red fox, and I am a silver fox.
To prevent the old man from recognizing her, the fox went into the burning place and got her fur dirty. The old man believed. The fox began to help him again.
- Grandfather, I know a fishing place, let's go there. The fox drags the sled on a belt. An old man and an old woman are walking behind the sledge.
Suddenly the fox screamed:
- Oh oh oh! The old man says:
- Fox, what’s wrong with you?
- Grandfather, I broke my leg.
The old man put the fox on his sled. The fox lay down.
We arrived at one big river. The old man asks:

- This river is called “Initial”.
Just at this time, the fox began to steal the fat that the old men were carrying on the sled.
Let's move on. We came to another river again. The old man asks again:
- What is the name of this river? Fox says:
- This river is called “Half”.
She had already eaten half the fat by this time. Let's move on again. Again we came to another river.
The old man asks:
- Chanterelle, what is the name of this river? Fox says:
- This river is called “Terminal”. She finished eating fat.
The old man looked at the sledge. It turns out there is no fox. We examined the sled - there was nothing, all their fat was finished off by the fox. G
This is the end.