Crafts made from natural materials and household waste. DIY crafts made from garbage for school. Crafts from unnecessary flower pots

The idea to write this post came to me quite a long time ago; the draft had been lying around among other ideas for several months. What inspired me was the idea of ​​Green School in Bali and its environmentally friendly approach to teaching children. I was especially fascinated by the students’ crafts, which were entirely made from various types of garbage. At the Green School, children make everything this way - either from garbage or with their own hands from natural materials (even paints for drawing in the classroom). In general, that’s when I decided to write about it.

Many useful things are made from garbage:
— From waste paper you can make any paper products, toilet and office paper, notebooks and puzzles.
— From recycled glass - both new bottles and designer plates and even shower cabins.
— From plastic bottles - countless new things: from basins to children's slides. For example, 2,000 shampoo bottles can be turned into a garden bench.
— Aluminum cans can make at least a new can or even an airplane part.

Mishutka already knows that she needs to sort the garbage. Due to my age, I have not yet explained to him the full reason for this need, but the fact that a child learns to do this from childhood also does not go unnoticed. For example, in Singapore he stands and discusses where to put what.

And even in games, he learned to know what plastic is, what belongs to food waste, and that paper must be thrown away separately from the rest, putting everything in the necessary trash cans.

Mishutka began to learn what a tablet is after the age of three, and does not play often, but thanks to the fact that I filter each game for the child, they all turn out to be educational to one degree or another. So, with the help of multimedia games, the child also learns the need to separate garbage.

Well, with the help of real games that we play together, Misha also learns that something old, which should be thrown into the trash, can turn into something completely new, and even into a wonderful toy! This process of “rebirth” of garbage into a toy, I think, helps the child get acquainted with a completely different plane of perception of ordinary things, develops ecological thinking and understanding of the cycle of transformation of one thing into another, which is so natural to our nature.

Homemade toys and crafts from garbage

I’ll say right away that you don’t need to understand the word “garbage” to mean waste at all, that for the sake of a new toy you will need to rummage through the trash in order to get “materials.” I simply consider garbage to be something that has not yet reached the trash can, but clearly takes up extra space in the house - plastic bottles, old clothes, scratched CDs, newspapers or magazines that are a pity to throw away, and much more. Let's approach this junk with creativity;)

Paper plates

Paper (not plastic) disposable plates may remain surplus or barely used since a child's birthday party, for example.


At Green School in Bali, I saw these simple but interesting fish - “piranha” in the photo on the right; unfortunately, I didn’t have a more clear picture, but I think the idea is clear.

A triangle is cut out to form the piranha's mouth and then glued on as a tail. My Mishutka himself, without involving me, plans and glues such fish, the whole house is littered with them))


I already wrote in detail about how to make a Frisbee from two paper plates in the article How to make a Frisbee with your own hands in just 10 minutes.

Here I’ll add that this turns out to be an excellent toy for active games; such a homemade frisbee flies wonderfully!

Old clothes

Our mothers knew very well that old clothes can be successfully turned into new ones :) At least for a toy;) For example, I once sewed such a shirt for a tiger cub, my son’s favorite toy.

It is not surprising that Mishutka was incredibly glad that his pet was now also dressed and would no longer walk around the house naked :))

I did this for one more reason (cunning mother))) - so that the child would learn to dress. Firstly, he learns to put on a toy, i.e. someone else is practicing how to pull things. Secondly, I sewed different buttons, Velcro, buttons, zippers, etc. onto each garment so that the child would learn how to fasten and unfasten them, while also developing motor skills. In general, some advantages :)

However, it is not always possible to change it. For example, the baby hat that Misha wore when he was 6 months old, and his sneakers, were perfect for Tigger :))

It's very touching to see a child care about someone. And even though it’s still a toy, at this age you can start with them. Besides, remember yourself as a child, because all your toys were truly alive for you, and we treated them accordingly.

But not only clothes, but also soft toys themselves can be sewn from old rags. Personally, I like tildes, but you can sew whatever your heart desires;)

Newspapers or magazines

You can make many paper crafts from old newspapers. Starting from a variety of airplanes, ending with complex Japanese paper structures - origami. A lot of instructions can be found on the Internet, but for my home I bought this wonderful book “Paper Airplanes”.

And quite a long time ago there was the book “Academy of Children's Creativity”. Previously, it was only in the English version, but a couple of years ago it was republished in Russia. It contains not only crafts, but also a wide variety of games and drawings and much, much more. For all toys, either old newsprint, or toilet paper tubes, or all sorts of other paper “waste” are used. In general, there are many interesting tasks that children will enjoy.

Carton boxes

Cardboard boxes can be classified as other waste paper, but I will still write about them separately, because... there is plenty of room for imagination and there are much more possibilities with boxes. I have already written about the Makedo designer, which allows you to make the most unimaginable things and toys out of boxes, the simplest option of which is a house.

But I also want to say that I learned about this designer from the “cardboard dad,” whose hobby I have been following on LiveJournal for many years. So Evgeniy (the name of the “cardboard dad”) published an excellent book with a variety of toys made from cardboard. And I can say that one of the most interesting and distinctive books among creative children's books, I'm glad that we have it, because... very inspiring, and detailed instructions help you cope with any craft.


When I was a child, we had intercoms made of tin cans, like simple telephones or walkie-talkies. When two cans are tied on both sides of a thin rope or fishing line, then pulled tight and voila - you can talk into one can while a friend puts your ear on the other end;) The principle of operation of this device is perfectly depicted in this picture.

The main condition is that the rope/thread should be taut and not dangling. Well, the longer the rope, the worse the connection. I remember in some children’s book about the Soviet past, either by Kir Bulychev or Vladislav Krapivin, the boys extended a similar telephone from the window of their house to a tree house that was in the yard, and so they could talk to each other. This is wonderful =) I still can’t get rid of the idea of ​​making a treehouse for my children, so I’ll definitely put a “telephone” there for them too ;)

Plastic bottles

In my opinion, the easiest way is to make flowers from plastic bottles with children. We were taught how to make them by Anabel, a wonderful girl who gave a master class for children in Bali. Find Mishutka in the photo;)

The recipe is simple: cut off half a liter plastic bottle, take the top part and make cuts to form petals, then paint them. These are the flowers you get.

I think the process itself becomes clearer from the photo;) But on the Internet I also found such a beautiful photo where flowers are made from the bottom of small plastic bottles. I think the result looks magical =)

You can make any cartoon characters out of plastic bottles by simply wrapping the bottles with opaque construction tape in several layers, and then drawing a face on the resulting “tube” and painting the character with suitable colors. New Year is coming soon, so Santa Claus will be the best option, and also simple, because... except for the face, the rest of the entire part is simply painted red.

Using the same principle, you can make bowling with construction tape, when several wrapped and painted bottles are placed in rows and then knocked down with a ball. I really wanted to make a bowling alley like this for playing outside with my children in the summer, but I never got the required number of plastic bottles, well, we don’t drink all kinds of colas and other chemical drinks, and nothing else is sold in bottles... Well, maybe by next year we’ll save up ;)

Old disks

One day I came up with the idea of ​​making a disco ball out of old beat-up CDs. I wanted to make this ball before last New Year, so that it would create an even more festive mood in the room, but at Eton we only started making this disco ball this fall. Here are the supplies you need: foam balls of various shapes, old disks cut into small squares, pva glue.

I don't have a photo of the result, because... The children quickly took everything to their corners, but believe me, the disco ball turned out no worse than the store-bought one, my mother even scolded me, thinking that we had gutted her old store-bought ball, but seeing that everything was in order with it, and hearing, I was very surprised that these squares were made from ordinary non-working disks :) Mishutka just made a small ball, but Sashulka decided to make a ball with an eye from “mirrors”, like Egyptian ujat, it turned out very original and stylish :)

In general, just give your child any material for creativity, and he will definitely figure out what to make from it, trust his imagination, support and develop it;)

Have you noticed that in order to give a second life to garbage, you must first separate it? Boxes separately and plastic bottles separately, tin cans and old clothes - also separately. Or remember - we handed over waste paper separately and metal separately. No, you can, of course, come up with some kind of combined craft, but, as a rule, only homogeneous garbage is recycled into something new. And it is important to convey this to the child, talk about the separation of garbage and why this is done.

Of course, with age, I will try to explain to Mishutka in detail why to do this, that many other things can be made from the same boxes, that this helps to preserve the forest. I remember it was a good idea to collect waste paper at school, but they told us: “Bring it.” It’s necessary!”, but they didn’t really explain why it was necessary or they explained it somehow vaguely, in the end you drag this pile of old newspapers to school, push, and there is absolutely no feeling that you are helping, there is only an obligation and a feeling that you were forced. This, of course, will never help a child to instill the concept of ecology, the desire to take care of the environment. Therefore, we will try to do things differently, and the easiest way to do this is through games;)

Dull plastic bottles can be turned into colorful fleece picnic blankets, piles of used paper into smartphone boxes, and aluminum cans into airplane parts. Colored bins for separate waste collection in every yard can change the life of things.

We, adults ourselves, can at least sign a petition for separate waste collection on the Greenpeace website. And then we ourselves will be able to set an example for our children by sorting garbage and throwing it into different garbage containers in our yard. Thanks to the caring people of our country, such a project is already on its way to implementation in Yekaterinburg and Petrozavodsk.

The advantages of such toys

I would like to summarize my thoughts on why such toys are so good.

  • ecology, talk about recycling materials, giving a second life to garbage, old products;
  • creativity, the child spends time in creative activities, cuts out, paints and glues - ideal development for preschoolers;
  • a toy made with one’s own hands acquires value, the child begins to understand that toys are not just a store and a waste of money that is still abstract for him (he doesn’t earn it, so he doesn’t feel it, although they start counting money early today))), these are handmade products , an understanding of the possibilities and value of manual labor, and labor in general, is developing!
  • even if the craft breaks, as often happens with children's toys, it is not as sad as buying it, because... no material costs were incurred for it, plus there is an understanding that you can again make another one like this for free, and maybe even better!
  • If there are several children in a family, then each will have their own toy! after all, every child creates it for himself. which means no quarrels and divisions, as often happens with store-bought toys (unless, of course, you buy two or three identical toys each time in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels between brothers and sisters, but personally I wouldn’t be able to afford that even for financial reasons, and I think the majority are like that in the country)

    Even if you don't sort your waste, try to flatten bottles and cans - this will take up less space when removing waste, which means the garbage truck can take away "less air", which reduces air pollution and reduces the area of ​​landfills.

    Crafts from waste is a topic that makes people think creatively, get used to treating nature with care, instill environmental thinking in children, develop their craftsmanship skills, and satisfy aesthetic needs.

    On planet Earth, people produce approximately 3.5 million tons of waste and garbage every day. Over time, this figure will, unfortunately, grow, but not decrease. Now all civilized humanity understands that this is a serious problem that requires a solution that must be radical. What does a radical decision mean? If you threw a bus ticket on the ground, threw a plastic coffee cup there, or poured broken glass into a “secluded place” in the forest, then this is not a fundamental solution to the problem. In this barbaric way, you solved the purely personal problem of not cluttering your space with trash at home or at work.

    Meanwhile, in developed countries people have learned to sort industrial and household waste and recycle it. Recycling of recyclable materials is called (from the English recycling - recycling). That is, it is enough for an ordinary person to carefully sort the garbage and put it on the street. Then begins the work of specialists who give the garbage a second life. However, creative individuals sometimes find amazing ideas for making something useful or interesting out of garbage.

    What types of recyclable materials can be used to make various crafts? First of all, these are paper, old clothes, various types of plastic, wood waste, scrap metal, glass and glass products, rubber and rubber objects.

    Why is it worth recycling waste and making something out of it, rather than just throwing it away?

    1. Once waste enters the environment, it becomes a pollutant. For example, 1 liter of machine oil poured onto the ground forms a thin film on it with an area of ​​two football fields.
    2. Many resources on the globe are exhaustible or limitedly renewable, so it is logical to use waste as secondary raw materials.
    3. Garbage and worn-out items are a cheaper source for making new products than natural ones. Here it would be appropriate to use the statement that the rich are rich not because they spend a lot, but because they know how to save.
    4. Making crafts from garbage is a fascinating activity that requires creativity and ingenuity. You can involve children of any age in the process, which will take them away from computers and tablets and make the family more friendly.

    What can be made from waste

    In everyday life, people often use things obtained from garbage. These things can be obtained in production, or they can be made with your own hands. Here are some examples of using garbage as recyclable materials.

    The scourge of garbage cans in Russia is plastic bottles. What can be made from plastic waste in production? It turns out that this type of waste is very easy to recycle, and it can be recycled an infinite number of times! At the enterprises, caps and labels will be removed from the bottles, sorted by color, then compressed, crushed, passed through a steam boiler to remove residual impurities and eventually get granules (flex). Flex can be used to produce not only plastic containers, but also, for example, non-woven or polyester. Has the thought at least once occurred to you that you are wearing clothes made from plastic bottles?

    It takes 60 days to recycle an aluminum can, such as a Coca-Cola can, and put it back on the store shelf. Approximately 75% of all aluminum produced since 1988 is recycled aluminum.

    In addition to recycling waste in production, there are many ways to make crafts from household waste. For example, you can create beach bags, rugs, decorative items, toys for children, Christmas tree decorations and many other crafts from solid household waste with your own hands.

    On the eve of the most fun holiday of the year, we will present several original ideas for crafts made from waste material - garbage.

    Previously, these were light bulbs, but now they are cute toys for the Christmas tree.

    You have accumulated used cocktail straws! Stack them, tie them with wire in the middle, straighten each tube, and paint it with gold paint. The original Christmas tree decoration is ready! You can also make a Christmas tree decoration by following the instructions described in the picture above.

    Don't throw away toilet paper tubes! They can be turned into cute Santa Clauses!

    What do you think of these “cozy” penguins made from plastic bottles using paints, yarn and imagination?

    We could give dozens more examples of how waste is turned into design elements, but the length of the article will not allow this. Therefore, we will focus on tips on how to make crafts from garbage for children at school and for children in kindergarten.

    What should a child do for school?

    You need to start talking to your child about environmental topics, that is, the topic of relationships in nature, from an early age. It's even better to back up your words with action. An excellent lesson on ecology could be making useful crafts from waste for school together with a younger student. They say that children should not play with matches, and this is absolutely true! But you can make a whole didactic game out of empty boxes!

    To work you will need:

    • 33 matchbox;
    • colored photocopy paper;
    • colored self-adhesive paper;
    • scissors;
    • glue;
    • many small items: buttons, doll slippers, keys, acorns and so on.

    It is clear that a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter should work together with an adult. The steps are very simple:

    1. Cut out rectangles from xerox paper, the length and width corresponding to the surface of the matchbox.
    2. Seal the top of the matchbox with the prepared rectangles.
    3. Cut out letters from self-adhesive paper and attach them to the top of the rectangles.
    4. Place in each box a small object whose name begins with the letter written on the box.

    The multifunctional toy is ready:

    • the child, putting objects into the correct boxes, learns the alphabet;
    • tries to arrange letters in order;
    • makes words from letters.

    Important! The child not only memorizes Russian letters and develops ecological thinking, but also develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on brain development.

    What to do for a child in kindergarten

    It is known that mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers relive childhood events again and again with their children and grandchildren. Adults, just like children, are interested in making something and turning ideas into reality. Let the New Year's fairy tale surround us now, but Easter is just around the corner, and this means that soon we will need to paint eggs, and we need coasters for painted eggs. Here is a master class on making Easter egg stands from the most banal material - tubes from used toilet paper.

    To work you will need:

    • toilet paper rolls;
    • corrugated multi-colored paper;
    • ribbons, scraps of lace sewing, strings;
    • glue;
    • a lot of positive.
    1. Take the sleeve and make a strip of glue in the center.
    2. We cut out rectangles from corrugated paper of different colors with a width equal to the height of the sleeve and a length 1 cm greater than its diameter. We wrap the sleeve in a piece of corrugated paper, gluing it.
    3. We fix it in the middle of the product: a rope, lace or braid, and tie it.
    4. Ready!

    And if in kindergarten teachers teach children how to color Easter eggs placed on homemade stands, then this will be a wonderful lesson. In the process, children will come into contact with beauty, comprehend the basics of Orthodox culture, and understand that things need to be treated with care, and that before throwing them away, they need to think about where this thing might be useful.

    If kindergarten children master the technique of making pom-poms from plastic grocery bags that have become unusable or from garbage bags, then together with adults they can make a lot of toys and useful things.

    This poodle is assembled from one color pompoms made from plastic bags that could have simply been thrown in the trash.

    And again a relevant topic: this sun can be an excellent decoration for the New Year tree.

    The question arises: how to make pompoms from plastic film (from garbage bags)? Very simple! The following materials and tools are required for work:

    • clean garbage bags;
    • sharp scissors;
    • thread with good density;
    • two cardboard rings with a hole inside.

    The packages, depending on what is planned, can be of different colors: either all one color, or multi-colored.

    1. First we make long strips from the bag.
    2. Next, we wrap the cardboard rings in a circle using the slot.
    3. If the strip runs out, then cut it off at the root of the ring.
      Apply a new strip.
    4. We stop laying the polyethylene strips when the rings are completely closed. Using scissors, we make a slit between the cardboard rings.
    5. We slightly move the rings away from each other and pull the polyethylene strips between them with a strong thread.
    6. We remove the cardboard rings and straighten the resulting pompoms.
    7. It's time to turn on your imagination and assemble pompoms into the right thing or toy. If you don't want a toy, put together this charming rug.

    Modern life dictates its own rules to people, one of which is respect for nature. By making useful things from waste material, people preserve one or another natural resource and contribute to saving the planet from being littered with garbage.

    Every day, people throw away a lot of used material with household garbage, which can still be used for DIY crafts from waste. Typically these are paper or plastic items such as:

    • bottles;
    • packaging;
    • traffic jams;
    • hoses;
    • tubes;
    • cups;

    and many other various materials, the use of waste in such a craft as the starting material is very profitable, because they cost nothing and in case of failure, you just need to try again to make the intended figurine or useful thing.

    Crafts made from waste can not only keep your child occupied or amused, but it is also a very good way to protect the environment from extra tons of household waste.

    What can be made from junk trash

    Plastic bottles.

    Used plastic bottles are perfect as raw materials for school crafts made from waste. This is a very durable and at the same time flexible, deformable substance. From bird feeders to pencil holders. You can do things like:

    • toys;
    • stands;
    • boxes;
    • vases;
    • flowers;
    • decorations;

    Even by simply connecting two bottles with adhesive tape, in which holes have been previously made for a mast with a sail, you can make a boat. Such not only help protect the environment from pollution, but also develop thinking.

    Carton boxes.

    After moving or buying household appliances, there are often a lot of cardboard boxes left over. Crafts made from waste cardboard can be of completely different sizes and purposes. You can make a small toy house and decorate it with colored pencils. A few boxes, a roll of adhesive tape and imagination are the necessary things for a child to build a full-fledged playroom.

    • This is a great piece of paper for coloring as it is solid color and has a paper backing.
    • And also, each paper package can be used as a building block, fastening them with glue or tape, we get a wall.
    • You can build small houses for children's games.
    • Create furniture.
    • Using pencils or old CDs, the box will turn into a kitchen stove, also by gluing burner handles from bottle caps to it.
    • By slightly changing the shape of the box and decorating it, children can easily get spaceships or racing cars.
    • To get a crib for a doll or kitten, you just need to cover the bottom of the box with a soft cloth.

    These and many other crafts from cardboard waste can be made to entertain a child.

    Disposable tableware.

    Crafts made from household waste, first of all, should bring joy and entertain people. Disposable paper tableware will be very relevant here. From such products with just three things:

    • glue;
    • colored markers;
    • and scissors;

    you can make many bright and joyful figures, for example:

    • the yellow sun is a plate, and the forks attached to the edges are rays of light;
    • By decorating the plate and slightly changing its shape, you can make a ladybug, fish, funny faces, birds or pig snouts.

    Old clothes.

    Using recycled clothing waste or parts thereof will allow you to diversify your wardrobe of children's toys and dolls, as well as develop your child's motor skills.

    When altering old or unnecessary things for children's dolls, you can sew on them:

    • buttons;
    • snakes;
    • Velcro;
    • straps;
    • ropes;
    • buttons;

    and other fasteners. This contributes to the development of the child, he learns to use all types of fasteners independently, and also learns to dress correctly.

    Many similar crafts can transform , which is not only good for the environment, but also financially beneficial.

    You might be interested in what can be made from plastic bottles.

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    In the process of human life, garbage is constantly generated. Some of it is thrown into the nearest landfill; some types of waste require disposal.

    Another way to use garbage is to use it as material for children's crafts.

    Crafts made from garbage will teach toddlers and school-age children to think creatively, develop imagination and fine motor skills. Where an adult sees garbage, a child can find a source of inspiration and give household waste a new life.

    What role do waste crafts play?

    As soon as garbage enters the environment, it immediately begins to pollute it. Within the framework of one person, this harm seems insignificant, but on the scale of the entire population of the planet, the problem of environmental pollution is very serious.

    In developed countries, people sort and dispose of industrial waste and solid waste. Creative people find incredible ideas in ordinary trash to create beautiful, useful or simply interesting things.

    Children's crafts made from recycled materials are play, not recycling. However, this play method allows them to think about the importance of keeping both their home and the environment clean.

    Young children create something small, like toys or decorative items, while older children think about practical uses and make flower pots or pencil stands from waste material.

    Flower pots made from plastic bottles

    Pencil holder

    Fish from plastic plates

    Beer can vase

    Material that can be used for crafts from garbage

    When choosing recycled material for children's creativity, two criteria must be taken into account: ease of handling and safety for the child. This directly depends on age and developed skills in working with certain raw materials.

    Light and safe materials for crafts made from garbage are:

    • Plastic bottles and caps.
    • Old disks.
    • Rolls of toilet paper or paper towels.
    • Disposable tableware made of cardboard or plastic.
    • Cotton pads.
    • Old newspapers.
    • Old clothes.
    • Plastic bags.
    • Cardboard products (matchboxes, breakfast cereal packaging, milk cartons).

    Crafts from empty matchboxes

    Matches are not a toy for children, but empty boxes from them will become a good and practical material for crafts.

    Instead of throwing them in the trash with the rest of the trash, you can make an interactive alphabet learning game for little ones.

    To create such a game you will need:

    • Matchboxes.
    • Colored paper.
    • Stationery glue.
    • Small figures.

    You can buy figurines at any store that sells goods for games and creativity, or you can draw them yourself. Their names begin with the letter in which they are found in the box. This is necessary to consolidate the material and introduce playful elements into the study of the alphabet.

    Furniture for dollhouses can be made from matchboxes covered with colored paper or fabric. At the same time, the furniture will be cute and functional, such as a chest of drawers for Barbie.

    The child will become a young interior designer, creating rooms or houses from "match furniture".

    An organizer for beads, beads, and other small items for handicrafts made from matchboxes will be convenient for little craftswomen and mothers. Thick cardboard prevents the beads from scattering and mixing.

    Dads can store screws, nails, nuts and other construction items in similar garbage boxes.

    From cute toys to Halloween monsters.

    Making crafts from bushings is quite simple: In addition, you only need glue, colored paper and paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

    You can also think about the practical use of garbage by making an organizer for office supplies or other items. The same creative tools will be required.

    There is no shame in bringing such a product to school or kindergarten as homework for a craft lesson: looking at some photographs, it is difficult to guess that the material for making the craft was ordinary household waste.

    They make interesting wall decor. You can experiment with colors, shapes, sizes. Such recyclable materials are easy to handle and give room for imagination.

    Another thing that is considered trash is egg trays. It doesn’t matter what kind of base they have - cardboard or plastic, they serve as an excellent material for both children’s and adult creativity.

    Preschoolers and primary school children make a variety of toys and games from such waste.

    If you want to do something practical, then egg trays will serve as material for lamps.

    Another idea for crafts made from garbage is flowers, which are well suited for decorating photo frames or mirrors.

    Milk or juice cartons appear in many families every day and at the same time take up a lot of space in the trash basket. This recyclable material can also be used to create toys and useful things.

    Bird feeders made from milk cartons hang in almost every yard in winter. Most often these are simple boxes with a hole inside, but you can approach their creation from a creative side.

    The important thing is that such feeders are easy to make, they are safe for birds, and thanks to them, many birds survive the cold season.

    By making such a craft, a child does a good deed and understands that all animals need care.

    When preparing to celebrate the New Year, you can get your child interested in creating a small village for Santa Claus.

    Cardboard boxes are a ready-made basis for houses; all you need to do is put in a little effort and you can make a model of a city out of garbage.

    Another useful household item is a piggy bank. which can be made from a decorated cardboard box.

    Before working with boxes, they must be thoroughly washed. Otherwise, any thing made will begin to smell unpleasant in a short time.

    These are a few examples of what a child can quickly do with his own hands or with the help of his parents.

    You can find as many ideas for creativity as there is trash in the average family. Both children and adults are interested in crafts made from garbage.

    Some contemporary artists and sculptors are making works of art out of waste, many of which convey environmental messages.

    The anthropogenic impact on the environment cannot be underestimated. But through play, you can teach a child to take care of the world in which he lives and create something new from ordinary garbage, and the creative process will bring a lot of pleasure.

    Nowadays, people do not think at all about the well-being of our common home - planet Earth. Everywhere you can see unrecycled plastic bottles, bags, shoe boxes, egg containers and a lot of other waste. All this is usually called waste material. However, if you put in the effort and imagination, you can use such material wisely, without cluttering the planet, but, on the contrary, decorating it!

    Products made from such material have recently become very popular. Such crafts can be made together with your child, at the same time developing his fine motor skills, instilling a caring attitude towards nature and developing creative thinking. Parents should teach their children not to throw away any unnecessary materials on the street, but to create beautiful things from them.

    Waste material can be found in any home, so products made from it are not expensive at all. Do not rush to throw away used plastic bottles and jars - with the use of imagination, they will serve you for a very long time.

    Original ideas from unnecessary materials

    Colorful pendant

    To make a pendant, take the following tools:

    • paper plate;
    • beads;
    • pieces of plastic;
    • wool thread;
    • pumpkin seeds;
    • plastic straw;
    • hole puncher;
    • knife or scissors;
    • glue gun

    Use a hole punch to make a hole in the plate. Make plastic petals (to do this, draw them on a piece of plastic and cut them out with scissors). Glue the petals onto the plate around its perimeter. Decorate the petals and pumpkin seeds. Place the seeds on plates. Now make the pendants. Attach a flower to the thread (glue seeds to the bead and fasten it to the thread). Attach the resulting pendants to the plate.

    The product is ready and can already decorate any interior.

    To make such a watch, take:

    • old newspapers or magazines;
    • cardboard;
    • watch mechanism;
    • glue.

    Cut up unwanted magazines and newspapers into many small strips. Roll each strip. Paint the finished rolls with paints (you can use watercolors). If you made rolls from bright editions, then they do not need to be dyed.

    Next, take a piece of cardboard, draw a circle on it, and cut it out with scissors. After this, glue all the rolls onto the resulting cardboard circle using ordinary PVA glue. Do this so that they fit as closely as possible to each other.

    Having carefully glued all the rolls, attach a special mechanism and hands to the finished watch. The original watch is ready. They will look perfect in the kitchen or in a country house.

    Lanterns made from waste material

    On the eve of the New Year, everyone wants to decorate their home with beautiful crafts to get great decor and a great mood. A wonderful New Year's idea would be unusual lanterns made from ordinary plastic bottles. This craft will be an excellent option for a gift or New Year's decoration. To create lanterns, prepare paints, scissors, a knife, and thread.

    Take unwanted bottles and decorate them with bright colors. For additional decor, decorate them with different patterns. Leave to dry. After this, use a knife to make slits in the bottle. Unbend the resulting strips and slightly compress the lantern. Make a hole in the lid and thread a thread through it - this will be a loop.

    Pistachio picture

    Pistachio shells will be an excellent material for making unique crafts. For example, you can even create a picture with their help. To do this, take shells, paints, glue.

    To create a picture, make flowers from shells. Glue them on the underside. Each time, make the buds larger in volume. Decorate the resulting flowers with paints. For this purpose, paint with an acrylic base or aerosol is suitable. If using acrylic, dilute this paint with water in a bowl or plate. Place the flowers there for a few minutes and remove the already painted ones.

    Use ready-made flowers to form patterns for the future painting. Glue it onto the base using a special gun.

    Crafts for the garden

    In the previous section, options for crafts for a country house were proposed. Below are ideas that will fit perfectly into your yard, vegetable garden or plot of land in your country house.


    Such a bird will certainly become a real decoration of the yard. To make a peacock, take a five-liter plastic bottle, film and wire. Make a base from a bottle and wire. Cut many strips of film to form a kind of fringe. Glue it to the bottle - this will be the tail and wings of a peacock.

    If you have unnecessary rubber boots lying around at home, then it’s time to use them as flower pots. To do this, paint them to your liking, then make a hole to hang the future pot. Fill the boot with soil and plant the plant you like. The flower pot is ready.

    Crafts from unnecessary flower pots

    If you have unnecessary pots, you can use them to make a wonderful decoration for your garden. It all depends on your imagination. There are many photographs on the Internet with various crafts made from flower pots that will suit your taste. And if you beautifully paint the finished products, you will get a unique craft.


    There is nothing difficult about making wonderful pigs. All you need is regular five-liter eggplants. Paint them pink and cut out eyes and ears. You will get cute pigs that can be placed in the yard or in the country. It will look original!

    Country crafts from bottles

    Unnecessary bottles can be found in any home. You can make a huge number of useful products from them. For example, glass bottles are ideal for making a lamp, you just need to skillfully add a lamp and wiring. Plastic bottles are perfect for making a country tree that will decorate any area. Using the caps you can decorate a fence or walls in your country house.


    This favorite of all children can be made from ordinary old tires. It is enough to paint them in certain colors, according to the chosen character, hand him a shovel or rake, and the original decoration of your summer cottage is ready!

    Waste products are truly versatile and original, and this type of activity can become your hobby for many years. Remember that any item that can be recycled can be used to make various useful things, which can also serve as original decorations for home or garden decoration.

    Be creative, imaginative and introduce new ideas. By doing this you will do good not only for yourself, but also for our planet, which needs to be protected from garbage accumulations. Do-it-yourself products made from waste material will become a second wind for unnecessary materials and will bring new notes of comfort to your home.

    After reading this article, you will be able to do extraordinary things with your own hands, using waste material. Use these master classes and create your own masterpieces!

    99 photos of ideas for crafts made from waste materials