Courage is the beginning of a matter, and chance is the master of the end. Courage is the beginning of victory. Courage is the beginning of victory.

In a country where there is order, be bold in both actions and speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in your actions, but careful in your speech.

When you are afraid, act boldly, and you will avoid the worst troubles.
Sachs Hans

There is no need to confuse courage with arrogance and rudeness: there is nothing more dissimilar both in its source and in its result.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Until you have made a final decision, you will be tormented by doubts, you will always remember that there is a chance to turn back, and this will not allow you to work effectively. But the moment you decide to devote yourself completely to your business, Providence is on your side. Things begin to happen that could not happen under other circumstances... Whatever you are capable of, whatever you dream of, start making it happen. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power. Make up your mind!
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Have the clarity to admit the things you can't change, the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Mark Levy

Excessive courage is the same vice as excessive timidity.
Benjamin Johnson

With courage you can do anything, but not everything can be done.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Courage, bordering on recklessness, contains more madness than fortitude.
Miguel de Cervantes

In battle those most exposed to danger are those who are most possessed by fear; courage is like a wall.
Guy Sallust Crispus

To be completely devoid of courage, one must be completely devoid of desires.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

Courage replaces fortress walls.
Guy Sallust Crispus

Courage, which is based on prudence, is not called recklessness, but the exploits of a reckless person should rather be attributed to simple luck than to his courage.
Miguel de Cervantes

Courage is often the result of a feeling that life is worthless, while cowardice is always the result of a false exaggeration of its value.
Artyom Michurin

What courage is really needed for is sincerity.
Michael Jackson

Courage has a curious quality that gives it a special value. This trait lies in the fact that it is much easier to be brave when you need to help someone else than in those cases when you need to save yourself.
Gregory David Roberts

Venus and good fortune help the brave.

He who is confident in himself is alien to the feeling of fear. And since one who indulges in sadness also experiences fear, it follows that courage is incompatible with sadness.

Here you all are looking at my pendant. What did you like about him? - suddenly asked me elderly woman, compartment neighbor.
We didn't travel long. I learned about her appearance in the compartment this morning. She sat by the window and was silent.
Traveling on a train always gives me the opportunity to think and observe people. In addition, it is on the road that people willingly share their thoughts, I would even say ideas.
I was still watching the woman. But - he gave himself away!
- Indeed, I was staring at it - and it’s not surprising. He's not ordinary. What's on it? - I asked.
The woman smiled strangely. I realized that there was a story behind the pendant. And this grin is just a pause before a long conversation.
At that moment the conductor came in and I ordered tea. The woman looked at me gratefully and began.
Here is her story.

As a child, I was a coward. I was afraid of the dark, heights, ghosts, spiders, dogs and even cats... basically, almost everything. The adults tried to somehow cope with this. But it seems to me that all their efforts only aggravated the fear. I was already starting to be afraid of them. I spoke little, quietly. It was very difficult to get an answer from me to a simple question. In the end they left me behind.
I really loved one of my toys. They don't do things like that now. It was a real teddy bear - soft and shiny. The bear's head was hard and its body was soft. I hugged him, and fed him porridge, and talked to him. Nothing could separate me from him. I held on to him tightly and was not so scared. I fell asleep only with him.
In the morning, when I woke up, the first thing I did was check to see if my bear was still there...
One day my mother and I went for a walk. I held the bear with one hand and held on to her with the other.
My mother was a kind woman, only at times an incomprehensible irritation came over her, and she became extremely harsh.
She was so irritated on that walk. We walked very quickly. Mother was talking to herself, not complaining about unknown people who had offended her. And it had to happen that I got confused, distracted by another bug or fly. And my mother was angry with me for this - apparently we were in a hurry to somewhere very important.
As a result, the bear fell out of my hand and remained lying on the road.
I didn’t dare stop and anger my mother even more. And at the same time I was left without the protection of my bear.
And then I saw a dog approach the bear.
It was a huge shaggy black dog.
She grabbed the bear and dragged him into the gateway.
In the evening we returned home. Mother finally noticed that I didn’t have a bear, and she was very upset.
She looked into my eyes with concern. Such indifference came over me, as if the bear really contained my soul, and I was left without it like an empty shell.
Mother sat next to me in the bedroom until she decided that I had fallen asleep.
Having made sure that she had left, I began to get dressed.
I was determined to find my bear.
It was dark outside the window. It was autumn then.
I remember this night for the rest of my life - darkness, rain and wind. I expected danger around every corner and shuddered at the creaking of doors and trees. God! I was so scared!
But I walked to that gateway.
And so I got there.
And I saw it.
Your own bear. He sat leaning against the wall. So dear and familiar - my bear. Just a few steps away.
But I didn’t dare to do them. That huge shaggy dog ​​was sitting next to the bear.
Just a few steps, and I stood and was afraid to move.
In the end, I decided this - even if she eats me, this dog, but I won’t abandon my bear!
And she went. She went up to the bear, took him in her arms and went home.
And the dog walked alongside. Like a shadow of me and the bear. She didn’t bark or fawn over me - she just walked next to me.
I remembered that I had a bun in my pocket. I took it out and gave it to the dog. And she even let her pet her.
And then I fumbled with my hand for the chain. The dog was wearing a medallion. I opened it - there was paper in the locket.
Then I realized that the dog is not a stray, it has owners!
I came home in the morning. My family were very surprised by my appearance, and also by the dog accompanying me.
But this time I decided to explain everything and told my mother the whole story in detail.
My father was a serious man. He decided to take the dog to its owners.
He soon returned and said that the owners had been found and that they wanted to see me.
Everyone at home took part in putting me in order, simultaneously teaching me the rules of behavior in polite society. Where I was brought soon.
I found myself in a large hall. Those around me looked at me with a smile and repeated, “How lovely!”
I don't remember anything else. And I came home with this pendant.

The woman took off the pendant and let me look at it.
The pendant had the shape of a circle, on which the figure of a dog was engraved, and on the reverse side were the words “Courage is the beginning of victory.”

Empty glasses, the warmth of the carriage and an interesting interlocutor with her pendant drove away.
And I still stood on the platform and looked after the departing train.

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of “Courage and Cowardice.” Does it take courage to say no?

Some people tend to be timid. Such people very often do not know how to refuse, which others take advantage of. The heroine of A.P.’s story can serve as such an example. Chekhov "". Yulia Vasilievna works as the narrator's governess. She is characterized by shyness, but this quality of hers reaches the point of absurdity. Even when she is openly oppressed and unjustly deprived of the money she has earned, she remains silent because her character does not allow her to fight back and say “no.” The heroine’s behavior shows us that courage is needed not only in emergency situations, but also in everyday life, when you need to stand up for yourself.

How is courage demonstrated in war?

Extreme conditions tend to reveal the true nature of a person. Confirmation of this can be found in the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". During the war, Andrei Sokolov was captured by the Germans, he was starved, he was kept in a punishment cell for attempting to escape, but he did not lose his human dignity and did not behave like a coward. The situation is indicative when, for careless words, the camp commandant summoned him to his place to shoot him. But Sokolov did not give up his words and did not show his fear to the German soldiers. He was ready to face death with dignity, and for this his life was spared. However, after the war, a more serious test awaited him: he learned that his wife and daughters had died, and only a crater remained in place of the house. His son survived, but his father’s happiness was short-lived: on the last day of the war, Anatoly was killed by a sniper. Despair did not break his spirit; he found the courage to continue life. He adopted a boy who also lost his entire family during the war. Thus, Andrei Sokolov shows a wonderful example of how to maintain dignity, honor and remain courageous in the most difficult life situations. Such people make the world a better and kinder place.

How is courage demonstrated in war? What kind of person can be called brave?

War is a terrible event in the life of any person. It takes away friends and loved ones, makes children orphans, and destroys hopes. War breaks some people, makes others stronger. A striking example of a courageous, strong-willed personality is Alexey Meresyev, the main character of “The Tale of a Real Man” by B.N. Polevoy. Meresyev, who has dreamed all his life of becoming a professional fighter pilot, is seriously wounded in battle, and both legs are amputated in the hospital. It seems to the hero that his life is over, he cannot fly, walk, and is losing hope of starting a family. While in a military hospital and seeing the example of courage of other wounded, he understands that he must fight. Every day, overcoming physical pain, Alexey does exercises. Soon he can walk and even dance. Meresyev is trying with all his might to get accepted into a flight school, because only in the sky does he feel like he belongs. Despite the serious demands placed on pilots, Alexey receives a positive response. The girl he loves does not give up on him: after the war they get married and have a son. Alexey Meresyev is an example of a man with an unbending will, whose courage even war could not break.

“In battle, those most exposed to danger are those who are most possessed by fear; courage is like a wall” G.S. Crisp
Do you agree with the statement of L. Lagerlöf: “More soldiers always die when fleeing than in battle?”

In the epic novel "" you can find many examples of human behavior in war. Thus, officer Zherkov shows himself as a person who is not ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of victory. During the Battle of Shengraben, he shows cowardice, which leads to the death of many soldiers. By order of Bagration, he must go to the left flank with a very important message - the order to retreat. However, Zherkov is a coward and does not convey the message. At this time, the French are attacking the left flank, and the authorities do not know what to do, because they did not receive any orders. Chaos begins: the infantry flees into the forest, and the hussars go on the attack. Because of Zherkov’s actions, a huge number of soldiers die. During this battle, young Nikolai Rostov is wounded; he, along with the hussars, boldly rushes into the attack while other soldiers are in confusion. Unlike Zherkov, he did not chicken out, for which he was promoted to officer. Using the example of one episode in the work, we can see the consequences of courage and cowardice in war. Fear paralyzes some and forces others to act. Neither flight nor fight guarantees survival, but courageous behavior not only preserves honor, but also gives strength in battle, which increases the chances of survival.

How are the concepts of courage and self-confidence related? The courage to admit when you are wrong. What is the difference between true courage and false courage? What's the difference between being bold and taking risks? Do you need to have courage to admit your mistakes? Who can be called a coward?

Courage expressed in excessive self-confidence can lead to irreparable consequences. It is generally accepted that courage is a positive character trait. This statement is true if it is associated with intelligence. but a fool can sometimes be dangerous. Thus, in the novel “Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov can find confirmation of this. The young cadet Grushnitsky, one of the characters in the chapter “Princess Mary,” is an example of a person who pays great attention to external manifestations of courage. He loves to impress people, speaks in pompous phrases and pays undue attention to his military uniform. He cannot be called a coward, but his courage is ostentatious and not aimed at real threats. Grushnitsky and Pechorin have a conflict, and their offended pride demands a duel with Grigory. However, Grushnitsky decides to be mean and does not load the enemy’s pistol. Finding out about this puts him in a difficult situation: ask for forgiveness or be killed. Unfortunately, the cadet cannot overcome his pride; he is ready to bravely face death, because recognition is unthinkable for him. His “courage” does no one any good. He dies because he does not realize that the courage to admit his mistakes is sometimes the most important thing.

How are the concepts of courage and riskiness, self-confidence, and stupidity related? What is the difference between arrogance and courage?

Another character whose courage was foolish is Azamat, Bela's younger brother. He is not afraid of risk and bullets whistling overhead, but his courage is stupid, even fatal. He steals his sister from home, risking not only his relationship with his father and his safety, but also Bela's happiness. His courage is not aimed either at self-defense or at saving lives, and therefore leads to sad consequences: his father and sister die at the hands of the robber from whom he stole a horse, and he himself is forced to flee to the mountains. Thus, courage can lead to dire consequences if it is used by a person to achieve goals or protect his ego.

Courage in love. Can love inspire people to great deeds?

Love inspires people to great deeds. Thus, the main characters of O. Henry’s story “” showed an example of courage to readers. For the sake of love, they sacrificed the most precious thing: Della gave her beautiful hair, and Jim gave him the watch he inherited from his father. In order to realize what is truly important in life, remarkable courage is required. Even more courage is needed to sacrifice anything for the sake of a loved one.

Can a brave man be afraid? Why shouldn't you be afraid to admit your feelings? What is the danger of indecisiveness in love?

A. Maurois in the story “” shows readers why indecision in love is dangerous. Main character story Andre falls in love with an actress named Jenny. He brings her violets every Wednesday, but does not even dare to approach her. Passions are seething in his soul, the walls of his room are hung with portraits of his beloved, but in real life he can't even write her a letter. The reason for this behavior lies in his fear of being rejected, as well as his lack of self-confidence. He considers his passion for the actress “hopeless” and elevates Jenny to an unattainable ideal. However, this person cannot be called a “coward”. A plan arises in his head: to go to war in order to accomplish a feat that will “bring him closer” to Jenny. Unfortunately, he dies there without having time to tell her about his feelings. After his death, Jenny learns from his father that he wrote many letters, but never sent a single one. If Andre had come closer to her at least once, he would have learned that for her “modesty, constancy and nobility are better than any feat.” This example proves that indecisiveness in love is dangerous because it prevents a person from becoming happy. It is likely that Andre's courage could make two people happy, and no one would have to mourn an unnecessary feat that did not bring him closer to his main goal.

What actions can be called courageous? What is the feat of a doctor? Why is it important to be brave in life? What does it mean to be brave in everyday life?

Doctor Dymov is a noble man who has chosen serving people as his profession. Only concern for others, their troubles and illnesses can be the reason for such a choice. Despite the hardships in his family life, Dymov thinks more about his patients than about himself. His dedication to his work often puts him in danger, so he dies saving a boy from diphtheria. He proves himself to be a hero by doing what he was not supposed to do. His courage, loyalty to his profession and duty do not allow him to do otherwise. To be a doctor with a capital D, you need to be brave and decisive, like Osip Ivanovich Dymov.

What does cowardice lead to? What actions does cowardice push a person to do? Why is cowardice dangerous? What is the difference between fear and cowardice? Who can be called a coward? Can a brave man be afraid? Is it possible to say that there is only one step from fear to cowardice? Is cowardice a death sentence? How do extreme conditions affect courage? Why is it important to have courage when making your decisions? Can cowardice hinder personal development? Do you agree with Diderot’s statement: “We consider him a coward who allowed his friend to be insulted in his presence”? Do you agree with the statement of Confucius: “Cowardice is knowing what you should do and not doing it”

It's hard to always be brave. Sometimes even strong and honest people with high moral principles can get scared, like, for example, the hero of the story V.V. Zheleznikova Dima Somov. His character traits, such as “courage” and “correctness,” set him apart from other guys from the very beginning; he appears to readers as a hero who does not allow the weak to be offended, protects animals, strives for independence and loves work. During the hike, Dima saves Lena from her classmates, who began to scare her by wearing the “muzzles” of animals. It is for this reason that Lenochka Bessoltseva falls in love with him.

But over time, we observe the moral decline of the “hero” Dima. At first he is frightened by the problem with his classmate's brother and violates his principle. He does not talk about the fact that his classmate Valya is a flayer because he is afraid of his brother. But the next act showed a completely different side of Dima Somov. He deliberately allowed the whole class to think that Lena told the teacher about disrupting the lesson, although he did it himself. The reason for this act was cowardice. Further, Dima Somov plunges deeper and deeper into the abyss of fear. Even when they boycotted Lena and mocked her, Somov could not confess, although he had many chances. This hero was paralyzed by fear, turning him from a “hero” into an ordinary “coward” and devaluing all his positive qualities.

This hero shows us another truth: we are all made of contradictions. Sometimes we are brave, sometimes we are afraid. But there is a huge gap between fear and cowardice. Cowardice is not useful, it is dangerous, because it pushes a person to do bad things, awakens base instincts. And fear is something that is inherent in everyone. A person who performs a feat may be afraid. Heroes are afraid, ordinary people are afraid, and this is normal, fear itself is a condition for the survival of the species. But cowardice is an already formed character trait.

What does it mean to be brave? How does courage influence the formation of personality? In what life situations is courage best demonstrated? What is true courage? What actions can be called courageous? Courage is resistance to fear, not the absence of it. Can a brave man be afraid?

Lena Bessoltseva is one of the most powerful characters in Russian literature. From her example we can see the huge gap between fear and cowardice. This is a little girl who finds herself in an unfair situation. She is inherently afraid: she is frightened by the cruelty of children, she is afraid of stuffed animals at night. But in fact, she turns out to be the bravest of all the heroes, because she is able to stand up for those who are weaker, she is not afraid of universal condemnation, she is not afraid of being special, not like those around her. Lena proves her courage many times, such as when she rushes to Dima's aid when he is in danger, even though he betrayed her. Her example taught the whole class about goodness and showed that everything in the world is not always decided by force. “And longing, such a desperate longing for human purity, for selfless courage and nobility, more and more captured their hearts and demanded a way out.”

Is it necessary to defend the truth, to fight for justice? Do you agree with Diderot’s statement: “We consider him a coward who allowed his friend to be insulted in his presence”? Why is it important to have the courage to stand up for your ideals? Why are people afraid to express their opinions? Do you agree with the statement of Confucius: “Cowardice is knowing what you should do and not doing it”

It takes courage to fight injustice. The hero of the story, Vasiliev, saw injustice, but due to his weakness of character, he could not resist the team and its leader, Iron Button. This hero tries not to offend Lena Bessoltseva, refuses to beat her, but at the same time tries to maintain neutrality. Vasiliev tries to protect Lena, but he lacks character and courage. On the one hand, there remains hope that this character will improve. Perhaps the example of the brave Lena Bessoltseva will help him overcome his fears and teach him to stand up for the truth, even if everyone around him is against it. On the other hand, Vasiliev’s behavior and what his inaction led to teaches us that we cannot stand by if you understand that injustice is happening. Vasiliev’s tacit agreement is instructive, since many of us face similar situations in life. But there is a question that every person should ask themselves before making a choice: is there anything worse than knowing about injustice, witnessing it and simply remaining silent? Courage, like cowardice, is a matter of choice.

Do you agree with the statement: “You can never live happily when you are always trembling with fear”? How is suspiciousness related to cowardice? Why is fear dangerous? Can fear prevent a person from living? How do you understand Helvetius’s statement: “To be completely devoid of courage, one must be completely devoid of desires”? As you understand stable expression: " fear has big eyes"? Is it possible to say that a person fears what he does not know? How do you understand Shakespeare's statement: “Cowards die many times before they die, but the brave die only once”?

“The Wise Piskar” is an instructive story about the dangers of fear. The gudgeon lived and trembled all his life. He considered himself very smart because he made a cave in which he could be safe, but the downside of such an existence was the complete absence of real life. He didn’t create a family, didn’t make friends, didn’t breathe deeply, didn’t eat his fill, didn’t live, just sat in his hole. He sometimes thought about whether someone benefited from his existence, he understood that there was no, but fear did not allow him to leave his comfort and safety zone. So Piskar died without knowing any joy in life. Many people can see themselves in this instructive allegory. This fairy tale teaches us not to be afraid of life. Yes, it is full of dangers and disappointments, but if you are afraid of everything, then when to live?

Do you agree with the words of Plutarch: “Courage is the beginning of victory”? Is it important to be able to overcome your fears? Why do you need to fight fears? What does it mean to be brave? Is it possible to cultivate courage in yourself? Do you agree with Balzac’s statement: “Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive”? Can a brave man be afraid?

The problem of overcoming fear is also explored in Veronica Roth's novel Divergent. Beatrice Prior, the main character of the work, leaves her home, the Abnegation faction, to become Dauntless. She is afraid of her parents' reaction, afraid of not going through the initiation rite, of not being accepted in a new place. But her main strength is that she challenges all her fears and faces them. Tris puts herself in great danger by being in the company of Dauntless, because she is “different”, people like her are destroyed. This scares her terribly, but she is much more afraid of herself. She does not understand the nature of her difference from others, she is frightened by the thought that her very existence could be dangerous for people.

The fight against fears is one of the key problems of the novel. So, Beatrice’s lover’s name is Faure, which means “four” in English. This is exactly the number of fears he needs to overcome. Tris and For fearlessly fight for their lives, for justice, for peace in the city they call home. They defeat both external and internal enemies, which undoubtedly characterizes them as brave people.

Do you need courage in love? Do you agree with Russell's statement: “To fear love is to fear life, and to fear life is to be two-thirds dead”?

A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet"
Georgy Zheltkov is a petty official whose life is devoted to unrequited love for Princess Vera. As you know, his love began long before her marriage, but he preferred to write letters to her and pursued her. The reason for this behavior lay in his lack of self-confidence and fear of being rejected. Perhaps if he were braver, he could become happy with the woman he loves.

Can a person be afraid of happiness? Do you need to have courage to change your life? Is it necessary to take risks?

Vera Sheina was afraid to be happy and wanted a calm marriage, without shocks, so she married the cheerful and handsome Vasily, with whom everything was very simple, but she did not experience great love. Only after the death of her admirer, looking at his dead body, Vera realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. The moral of this story is this: you need to be brave not only in everyday life, but also in love, you need to take risks without fear of being rejected. Only courage can lead to happiness, cowardice and, as a consequence, conformism leads to great disappointment, as happened with Vera Sheina.

How do you understand Twain's statement: “Courage is the resistance to fear, not the absence of it”? How is willpower related to courage? Do you agree with the words of Plutarch: “Courage is the beginning of victory”? Is it important to be able to overcome your fears? Why do you need to fight fears? What does it mean to be brave? Is it possible to cultivate courage in yourself? Do you agree with Balzac’s statement: “Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to the indecisive”? Can a brave man be afraid?

Many writers have addressed this topic. Thus, E. Ilyina’s story “The Fourth Height” is dedicated to overcoming fears. Gulya Koroleva is an example of courage in all its manifestations. Her whole life is a battle with fear, and each of her victories is a new height. In the work we see the life story of one person, the formation of a real personality. Every step she takes is a manifesto of determination. From the first lines of the story, little Gulya shows real courage in a variety of life situations. Overcoming childhood fears, he takes the snake out of the box with his bare hands and sneaks into the elephant cage at the zoo. The heroine grows up, and the challenges encountered in life become more serious: the first role in a movie, the admission of being wrong, the ability to take responsibility for one’s actions. Throughout the entire work, she struggles with her fears, does what she is afraid of. Already an adult, Gulya Koroleva gets married, her son is born, it seems that her fears have been conquered, she can live in peace family life, but her biggest challenge lies ahead. The war begins, and her husband goes to the front. She fears for her husband, for her son, for the future of the country. But fear does not paralyze her, does not force her to hide. The girl goes to work as a nurse in a hospital in order to help somehow. Unfortunately, her husband dies, and Gulya is forced to continue to fight alone. She goes to the front, unable to look at the horrors happening to her loved ones. The heroine takes the fourth height, she dies, having defeated the very last fear living in a person, the fear of death. On the pages of the story we see how the main character is afraid, but she overcomes all her fears; such a person can undoubtedly be called a brave man.