Nocturia in older women. Nocturia in women. Causes of the disease in men and women

Frequent urination at night is called nocturia.

Nocturia: causes, features, diagnosis

With nocturia, there is a predominance of nighttime urine volume over daytime. Obviously, the process is accompanied by a regular disruption of night sleep. As a result, patients develop chronic fatigue, increased fatigue, decreased performance, etc.

In a healthy person, nocturia can result from drinking caffeinated drinks in the evening. Everyone's favorite tea, coffee, and alcohol have a visible diuretic effect. It is believed that one trip to the toilet per night is a variant of the norm. If the need to urinate occurs two or more times, then this is a signal that a medical examination is necessary.

Nocturia, as a symptom, indicates a combination of a number of diseases. So, its appearance may accompany the inability of the kidneys to sufficiently concentrate urine. Diabetes mellitus, liver or heart failure can also manifest itself in the need for frequent nighttime urination.

A course of treatment with a number of drugs can also be accompanied by nocturia. It also accompanies hyperactivity. Bladder.

An enlarged prostate gland in older men prevents proper urination. Part of the urine returns to the bladder and further leads to the development of nocturia.

If there are relevant complaints from the patient, for the purpose of diagnosis, a urine test according to Zimnitsky is prescribed. Its essence lies in the fact that every three hours during the day the patient urinates into a separate bowl. The daytime and nighttime urine is then compared in terms of volume and specific gravity in the laboratory. With nocturia, nocturnal urine is larger (about 2/3 of the daily volume), and it is not sufficiently concentrated.

When clarifying the diagnosis in older people, as a rule, the level of antidiuretic hormone, the function of which is to reduce the nighttime amount of urine, is examined without fail. With age, the production of such a hormone by the body decreases, as a result of which nocturia may develop.

Valuable information for medical analysis provides a diary, which is recommended for patients with nocturia. It fixes the drinking regimen and urination regimen.

A number of serious medical studies conducted in Japan and the United States convincingly prove that the presence of nocturia can seriously increase the risks to the patient's health, up to death. That is, mortality in owners of this symptom is higher than in people with similar underlying diseases, but without nocturia. Of course, this fact is not a reason for panic, but the basis for a timely appeal to a specialist.

If the most common cause of nocturia in men is prostate adenoma, then nocturia in women often develops due to cystitis. Also, the cause of its occurrence can be urinary incontinence (in particular due to atrophy of the muscles of the pelvic floor).

Frequent (two or more) trips to the toilet at night in the absence of a large amount of liquid drunk in the evening are a signal for contacting a doctor.

When symptoms are confirmed by laboratory testing, treatment of nocturia is started. In fact, it is the diagnosis and therapy of the underlying disease.

Various antimuscarinic drugs, such as Solifenancin, have been successfully used to treat nocturia with overactive bladder.

Also, patients with nocturia, especially older women, are advised to systematically train the muscles of the pelvic floor and exclude heavy drinking in the evening.

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Nocturia is a sensitive issue

In our time, unfortunately, the list of all kinds of diseases is only increasing every year.

And, as we are all well aware, any illness causes at least discomfort for various reasons, and at the maximum it can lead to serious consequences.

If the form of the disease is latent, that is, hidden, it poses a direct threat to your health.

And if you feel changes in your body, pain, general deterioration - you should pay attention to this.

Diseases associated with the disorder genitourinary system are becoming more and more common these days.

Unfortunately, both men and women are affected by this disease. Although it is worth noting that the percentage of men who are concerned about this disease is still greater.

So, one of the most unpleasant diseases, the symptoms of which are pronounced, is nocturia. So what is this disease?

The organs affected by this disease are responsible for urination. This is primarily the human genitourinary system.

It is characteristic that such frequent urination occurs for no apparent reason.

A normal, healthy person becomes a regular in the toilet room if he has previously drunk a copious amount of diuretic fluid. For example, tea, coffee or any alcoholic beverage.

Therefore, if you do not "abuse" at night, but go to the toilet so often that you lose count - run to the doctor!

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The main, and perhaps the main symptom is frequent urination at night. But it should be noted that nocturia as such can be a signal for the appearance of a number of diseases.

This is their inability to sufficiently concentrate urine.

Frequent urination is, oddly enough, also a signal of hepatic or heart failure.

In order to make sure what exactly caused the appearance of nocturia (frequent urination), a thorough examination should be carried out.

After the manifestation of these symptoms, you should immediately contact the medical facility for examination and further treatment.

They may be as follows:

  • Cystitis,
  • cystopyelitis,
  • chronic pyelonephritis,
  • interstitial nephritis,
  • Nephrosclerosis.
  • She is an indicator inhibition of the concentration function kidney that appear due to any pathological conditions, in addition, it indicates a decrease in the reabsorption of water in the renal tubules due to the development of diabetes insipidus.

    But in most cases, increased nocturnal diuresis is due to impaired blood supply to the kidneys as a result of a disease of the cardiovascular system or pathology of the kidneys.

    In some cases, it is observed with the gradual disappearance of edema, including the treatment of nephrotic syndrome.

    Medical treatments for nocturia

    If you have passed a thorough examination, passed the main analysis - according to Zimitsky, and as a result of the check you were diagnosed with this - you need to immediately start treatment.

    For the treatment of kidney diseases, our readers successfully use Galina Savina's method.

    For those who are ready to entrust such valuable health to themselves, take note. Traditional medicine has advanced far in its development. Many ailments are treated in this way. Nocturia is one of them.

    These products keep your cardiovascular system in good shape, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of your nervous system.

    Also useful will be

    Among other things, it is believed that it is necessary to stimulate the points responsible for the urinary system. An uncomplicated way are mustard plasters, which must be put at night for ten minutes, and during the day, walk with a pepper patch.

    You need to put it in the pubic area, in the area of ​​​​the sacrum from the dimples to the coccyx.

    Every patient has a choice. Why do you have three of them:

  • treatment by the usual methods, that is, the drug method;
  • heal yourself with the help of grandmother's methods, or, more simply, using the laws traditional medicine.
  • is not treated at all and continue to live hand in hand with discomfort.
  • Remember that your health and its recovery depends only on you!

    "Diuresis - what is it" - this question interests everyone who suffers from nocturia.

    Not only adults, but also children suffer from nocturia. Nocturia is one of the symptoms of elevated white blood cells in the urine. Detailed information you will find in our article.

    Features of the treatment of nocturia in women

    Symptoms This disease is similar to the symptoms of the disease in men. That's all too hateful frequent urination at night when you just want to have rosy dreams.

    But causes this disease is very different. These can be such diseases of the bladder and kidneys as:

    For medical treatment, prescribe antimuscarinic drugs such as solifenancin.

    In addition, women who are concerned about this disease are advised to regularly exercise their pelvic floor muscles.

    And, of course, dear ladies, do not neglect sports, eat healthy food and then your body will be in good shape, and in general your body will say “Thank you”!

    The symptoms of this very unpleasant disease are simple. Men, like women, also suffer from frequent trips to the toilet at night.

    As you probably know, men are more likely to suffer from this kind of disease. Frequent urination (nocturia) is the first but very important signal that the name of your disease is BPH.

    You cannot sleep because of the very frequent urges. As a result, you feel constantly overworked, you are irritated and pessimistic. Sleep becomes a luxury for you.

    But not only the prostate gland can cause all your disasters and ailments.

    Additional causes of urinary incontinence may include

  • various environmental factors,
  • excessive consumption of diuretic drinks (coffee, tea, alcohol),
  • taking medicines that are not suitable for your body.
  • Due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system, problems with the genitourinary system may also occur. The point is that nocturia eliminates the consequences of oliguria that takes place during the day.

    Heart failure is the reason that during the day our vital organ - the heart - bears a huge load and sometimes cannot cope with it, which is why the blood flows to the kidneys to a lesser extent, and this is the root cause of the slow formation of urine.

    At the first time at the conclusion of the diagnosis "Heart failure" thanks to nocturnal polyuria, the water-salt balance of the body is restored.

    In order to avoid this, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment with a cardiologist.

    Among other things, diseases such as:

  • cystopyelitis,
  • cystitis,
  • other diseases of the human genitourinary system.
  • This disease is a signal that the normal functioning of your kidneys is impaired.

    In order to protect yourself from the consequences of this unpleasant disease, you need to follow very simple rules:

    • the last glass of any liquid you drink must be completed no later than 18-19 hours
    • try as often as possible (but in moderation!) to drink decoctions of kidney tea and cranberry juice
    • try to monitor the general condition of your body, keeping your body warm; hypothermia also negatively affects the normal functioning of your genitourinary system
    • When reading recommendations on the Internet, do not forget that no one has yet canceled an appointment with a good specialist! Remember that such, only at first glance, a minor disease can lead to a lot of consequences.

      Due to your lack of sleep, the reason for which will be frequent trips to the toilet, the general condition will be unpleasant. Fatigue, lethargy, lack of energy, irritability, and maybe depression - all this will negatively affect your work (study) and relationships with loved ones.

      Stick to simple rules, keep active, healthy lifestyle life and then you will be able to avoid a lot of unpleasant diseases. And you will simply feel a surge of strength and energy!

      To be healthy means to fully live and enjoy life!

      How to treat nocturia folk remedies

      Nocturia is a condition in which the frequency of urination at night is higher than during the day, and the main excretion of urine from the body occurs at night. The reasons for this pathology may be different. But most often the disease develops against the background of some other disease and serves as a sign that something is wrong in the body. Nocturia occurs in men and women, although the causes of this condition in people of different sexes may be different. Treatment of this condition is aimed at eliminating the cause of nocturia, for which, first of all, it is necessary to conduct an accurate diagnosis. Nocturia can be caused, in particular, by diseases of the genitourinary system.

      Treatment of such diseases can be effectively carried out folk methods that do not cause harmful side effects and have a complex positive effect on the entire body.

      The causes of the disease in men and women may be different.

      In some cases, nocturia in women is not a sign of any disease, but is considered a variant of the norm. Sometimes the ability to concentrate urine by the kidneys decreases precisely at night. At the same time, the density of urine is slightly lower than daytime, but its values ​​do not go beyond the normal range. This condition is more common in women. If other unpleasant symptoms do not appear, and the examination did not reveal other diseases, then this condition is not a pathology. Nocturia is also considered normal in women on later dates pregnancy. This is due, in part, to the fact that the fetus presses on the bladder, especially when future mom lies.

      Treatment in this case is not carried out. To reduce the amount of urine excreted at night, it is necessary to limit drinking in the afternoon and evening. The total amount of fluid consumed should not decrease. You can also treat with diuretics. Taking such drugs will normalize kidney function and return the normal ratio of daytime and nighttime urine. Taking medications in this case is not recommended, since they have a negative effect on health. Drug therapy is especially dangerous for pregnant women.

      In some cases, nocturia in women can develop against the background of menopause. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. However, in any case, it is necessary to conduct an examination and determine the presence or absence of diseases that could cause nocturia.

      In men, this condition often develops in old age. Only 5% of young men are found among sick men. However, older men consider this condition to be a variant of the norm and are rarely diagnosed. In men, nocturia can develop against the background of diseases of the prostate gland, in particular, adenoma. In men, the enlargement of the prostate gland causes it to compress the ureters, and urine flows back into the bladder. In this case, there is a violation of the excretion of urine, and the urge to urinate becomes more frequent.

      In women and men, regardless of gender, nocturia can develop against the background of various other pathologies. Diseases that could cause nocturia:

      Nocturia in heart failure develops against the background of stagnation venous blood and fluid retention in the tissues, followed by its removal at night.

      Kidney disease leads to the expansion of the renal vessels and, as a result, an increase in the daily volume of urine.

      With cirrhosis of the liver and against the background of some other cardiovascular diseases, the patient has an increased arterial pressure. Increased pressure in the blood vessels leads to increased filtration of blood in the kidneys and more frequent urination.

      Also possible reason diseases are the use of certain medications, in particular, long-term treatment with diuretics or the use of weight loss drugs.

      Non-pathological nocturia in men and women develops due to the use of large amounts of liquid in the evening, as well as coffee, tea, alcohol, or other substances with a diuretic effect. These activities increase the production of urine, and the person will experience the urge to urinate at night. However, in this case, the nocturia resolves if fluids and diuretics are stopped at bedtime.

      The main symptom of nocturia is frequent (several times a night) nocturnal urination. At the same time, the sleep pattern is disturbed and the quality of rest is reduced. Due to the fact that a person does not constantly get enough sleep, neurological symptoms develop: fatigue, weakness increase, irritability increases, neurosis and depression may develop. If the pathological condition arose against the background of other diseases, then in parallel there are other symptoms characteristic of this disease.

      Diagnosis of the disease

      When nocturia occurs, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the causes of the pathology. When making a diagnosis, the symptoms that occur in a person are taken into account. Also, for this, a laboratory study of urine, its bacterial culture is carried out. To determine the condition of the internal organs, an ultrasound examination is performed.

      In order for the diagnosis to be accurate, it takes several days (for men - 3, for women - 4) to keep a diary of urination, where to record the time of urination and the volume of urine.

      Treatment of the disease depends on its cause. Diseases of the genitourinary system are effectively treatable folk remedies. Diuretic drugs can normalize kidney function and urine production. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents will help to cope with the infection of the genitourinary system.

      Alternative treatment has a complex positive effect on the body, acts gently and does not cause side effects. In order for traditional medicine to work, it is necessary to carry out a complex treatment of several drugs. You need to take decoctions and tinctures every day several times a day and do not miss the hours of admission. Only with long-term systematic treatment can a positive effect of therapy be observed.

    • Bearberry. Dried leaves of this plant are used in therapy. 1 st. l. vegetable raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 1 hour, then filtered. Take 1 tbsp. l. this infusion 4 times a day. The drug has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Kidney tea. An infusion of the leaves of this plant is used as a diuretic for cardiovascular diseases. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. l. chopped dried leaves are brewed in 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for half an hour, then filtered. Take 100 ml twice a day half an hour before meals.

    • Cowberry. An infusion of the leaves of this plant is used as a diuretic. In 1 glass of water, steam 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves, insist 1 hour, then filter. Take 2 tbsp. l. infusion 4 times a day.
    • Chamomile. This medicinal plant has a mild anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. In 1 cup boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile, insist in a thermos for 20 minutes, then filter. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
    • Dill. Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system are treated with the help of the seeds of this plant. In 200 ml of boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. seeds, stand for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then filter. Take 100 ml 4-5 times a day. Treatment lasts 7-10 days.
    • Parsley. This spicy herb also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Chopped fresh parsley. 2 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials pour 400 ml cold water and insist the night. The next day, they drink the entire volume of this remedy in several doses and prepare a new one in the evening. Treatment lasts about 2 months.
    • St. John's wort. In 1 cup boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, kept in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then filtered. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. The drug is effective for inflammation of the genitourinary system.
    • Honey and celandine. In 700 ml of boiling water, 100 g of celandine grass are steamed, kept in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then cooled and filtered. In this decoction dissolve 0.5 kg natural honey. The drug is stored in the refrigerator in a glass container and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Helps with nocturia caused by prostatitis in men.
    • Pumpkin. The seeds of this plant are effective in treating the disease in men. The seeds are dried and eaten 30 seeds a day in several doses. You can prepare a healing potion with honey. 500 g of fresh seeds are ground in a meat grinder and mixed with 200 g of honey. The drug is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. twice a day before meals.
    • Hazel. Leaves and bark of this tree are mixed in equal proportions. In 1 cup boiling water, steam 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials, insist in a thermos for half an hour, then filter. Take 50 ml of infusion 4 times a day. The drug is effective for the treatment of nocturia in men.
    • Important for therapy and diet and diet. With nocturia, it is recommended to stop eating one hour before going to bed, and drinking three hours before. These measures will reduce nighttime urine output.

      In diseases of the genitourinary system, you need to reduce the use of salt, and it is better to completely abandon it. It will be easier to do this if you use seasonings and herbs, as well as sour sauces based on lemon juice. In the diet should always be present fresh vegetables, fruits and vegetarian dishes.

      Some foods are diuretic. To normalize kidney function, it is useful to include them in your diet.

    • Freshly squeezed carrot juice. It is useful to drink 1/3 cup in the morning.
    • Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. Drink half a glass once a day.
    • Berries: viburnum, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, chokeberry. Berries are best ground with honey and eaten fresh. From dried berries, you can prepare a decoction: 2 tbsp. l. in 300 ml of water. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
    • Watermelon. This tasty berry should be eaten fresh.
    • To prevent nocturia from developing, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:

      limit the use of water, tea, coffee and alcohol in the evening;

    • detection and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, hormonal disruptions;
    • lead a healthy lifestyle, practice moderate physical activity.
    • Sports activities improve the condition of the whole body. This intensifies metabolic processes and increased blood flow. It contributes to the health of all organ systems.

      Write in the comments about your experience in the treatment of diseases, help other readers of the site!

      Nocturia, what is it? Signs in women and men, treatment, drugs

      Nocturia - what is it?

      A healthy adult body excretes up to 80% of urine per day from the total amount of fluid drunk. The ratio of the amount of urine excreted in the daytime and at night varies by almost a third - 2/3 during the day and 1/3 at night. When the ratio changes, and nighttime urination exceeds the daily rate, this is nocturia.

      Depending on the etiological factor, nocturia is classified as cardiac, developing against the background of low contractile function of the heart muscle and renal, due to renal pathologies.

      Causes of nocturia - general and nocturnal forms

      The causative factors of nocturia are due to the action of hormonal imbalance and problems associated with the functional state in the structure of the bladder. The regulation of water balance in our body is carried out by two hormones - vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone) "AVP", produced by the posterior pituitary gland and atrial natriuretic ("ANH") hormone.

      The action of the hormone "AVP" is due to the increased effect of absorption (absorption) of fluid in the tubular renal system (renal glomeruli), providing a decrease in the excretory functions of the kidneys and a decrease in the secretion of uric acid. This hormone performs the functions of regulating the level of water saturation of the body.

      But when, in cardiac pathologies, there is an oversaturation of cardiac muscle tissue with blood, natriuretic hormones are released. When these hormones are activated, the processes of water release and increased secretion of urine occur. The causes of nocturnal nocturia are due to four underlying factors:

      • a long delay immediately before the act of urination;
      • a thin stream of urine output;
      • "terminal" stage of emptying - drip urine output;
      • involuntary release of urine drop by drop, after the process of urination;
      • a feeling of incomplete release of urine.
      • Accumulative symptoms are characterized by:

      • frequent urination;
      • increased trips to the toilet at night;
      • imperative urges (failure of prolonged urinary retention);
      • imperative urinary incontinence (impossibility of control, urination often occurs before reaching the toilet).
      • Symptoms of nocturia in women

        Women are distinguished by a more sensitive genitourinary system, which reacts sharply to even a slight penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, which often causes the development of serious pathological processes in the body.

        For example, kidney pathologies can lead to such a delicate problem as nocturia. Symptoms of this condition in women may well proceed without pain, but be accompanied by poor health or various kinds of discharge. Women may experience nocturia:

      • The development of cystitis processes in women is accompanied by frequent urge to urinate, in advanced cases even urinary incontinence, severe cutting pains, day and night pains with a full bladder.
      • The presence of urolithiasis in the urethral system. Frequent trips to the toilet, minimal exercise, walking or sudden movements cause acute painful symptoms in the groin. A characteristic sign of the pathological process is the feeling of incomplete urination after the procedure and even in its process.
      • Signs of nocturia are clearly manifested in chronic pyelonephritis, accompanied by high fever and dull pain in the lumbar region.
      • The symptomatology of nocturia of cardiovascular genesis is expressed in women by swelling of the tissues.
      • With the development of renal or cardiac nocturia, frequent nightly trips to the toilet can become permanent chronic, which will negatively affect the further treatment of nocturia.

        Treatment of nocturia - drugs and methods

        Methods for the treatment of nocturia in women, as in men, are aimed at identifying and stopping the background processes that caused the pathology. If pathologies of cardiac and vascular genesis are detected, a cardiologist is connected to the treatment.

        After performing the necessary diagnostic studies, an appropriate, individually selected treatment is prescribed, aimed at stopping the main hemodynamic changes.

        If organic cardiac or vascular disorders are found, recommendations for surgical treatment are possible.

        X-ray endovascular intervention may be required if atherosclerosis is detected in the renal arteries. This minimally invasive surgical method restores vascular patency and restores blood flow.

        At the same time, access to the affected area of ​​the vessel is carried out by means of a puncture through the femoral vessel, which does not leave behind a large surgical incision.

        In the treatment of nocturia in men with an adenomatous lesion of the prostate, it may be necessary surgical intervention. Today, there are many modern methods for the elimination of tumor neoplasms in the prostate.

        Access to the operating field is through the urethra. Such techniques are characterized by an effective effect, allowing treatment to be carried out in a short period of time.

        As a pharmacological individual treatment of nocturia, drugs are prescribed:

      • Medications to improve blood circulation - "Pentoxifylline" and its analogues;
      • Nootropics - Piracetam, etc.
      • NVPS - "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", "Indomethacin";
      • Antidepressants - Sertraline, Tianeptine, Fluoxetine, Citalopram;
      • Drugs that improve the functions of the urethral canal and bladder - "Oxybutynin", "Tolterodin", "Solifenacin";
      • With atrophy of the lower parts of the urethra, and pathologies of the bladder - individual doses of Ovestin.
      • Patients are encouraged to keep a urinary diary. According to him, according to the vaginal condition, urodynamic and colposcopic examination, the dynamics of clinical symptoms is assessed after three and six months.

        What is nocturia disease and why does it appear?

        The genitourinary system is one of the most important for humans. Its main function is the production of urine, its removal from the body and the processing of blood from toxins and toxins. If the system fails, then this is fraught with various diseases that manifest themselves with certain symptoms and causes.

        What is a disease?

        nocturia is a nocturnal urination, in the process, which is the predominance of nocturnal diuresis over daytime. Most often, the disease occurs in older men who suffer from prostate pathology. Therefore, the treatment is based on the surgical removal of the prostate tumor.

        In rare cases, nocturia occurs in children. Rarely enough, the cause of the pathology can be diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys. In most cases, nocturia occurs in conjunction with polyuria, which is frequent urination throughout the day. Polyuria is the result of receiving more than 1.8 liters of urine for the whole day.

        How to get rid of prostatitis without the help of doctors, at home?!

      • to stop the pain
      • normalize urination
      • to have sexual desire and the ability to have sexual intercourse

      The following factors lead to such a pathology:

    • angina;
    • Chronic heart failure;
    • kidney disease;
    • Insufficient amount of estrogen.
    • Symptoms of nocturia are the same in older people and young children:

    • Increased urination during the daytime;
    • Nighttime excessive urination;
    • Mixed type of nocturia;
    • Small bladder size.
    • Also, symptoms of a disease of the urinary system can be:

    • Increased fatigue;
    • Sleep disturbance;
    • change in the color of urine;
    • Increase in temperature;
    • Pain in the lumbar region.
    • The main symptom, for both males and females, is frequent urination at night.

      There are also the following symptoms of the disease:

    • Reduced daytime performance associated with constant going to the toilet at night;
    • The body gets tired quickly;
    • Fatigue appears, which becomes chronic;
    • A healthy person may develop nocturia if they drink large amounts of caffeinated drinks or alcoholic beverages at night;
    • It is believed that the norm is to visit the toilet at night no more than once. If the number exceeds one time, then this indicates the presence of kidney pathology. Therefore, you need to consult with a specialist;
    • Also, increased urination at night indicates diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, and abnormal liver function;
    • Reception medicines, which increase the formation of urine;
    • As men age, prostate cancer develops.
    • The disease is diagnosed as follows:

      Therapeutic measures

      With nocturia, therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the causes that led to impaired urination. First you need to eliminate the disease, a symptom of which is the development of nocturia.

      The tactics of treatment depends on the specific disease:

    • Prescribe medications;
    • The use of a special diet;
    • Reduce fluid intake in the afternoon.
    • Nocturia can lead to serious complications. Without qualified treatment, the patient may die. If you have symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

      Prevention of the disease in men

      To avoid illness, do the following:

    • Observe the drinking regime in the evening;
    • During the treatment of pathologies that can lead to the development of nocturia;
    • Once a year, undergo an examination and examination by a urologist;
    • Reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages and strong tea and coffee;
    • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
    • Engage in physical exercise.
    • Nocturia occurs for reasons such as:

      Nocturia is considered an indicator of inhibition of the concentration of kidney function and impaired blood supply in them.

      Treatment goes like this:

    • Drug therapy includes the appointment of antimuscarinic agents;
    • Women need to exercise their pelvic muscles;
    • Eat healthy and wholesome food;
    • Features of treatment in women

      The symptoms of nocturia are quite similar to those in men. This is constant urination at night, which leads to the development of insomnia.

      But the causes of the disease are different:

      Features of treatment in men

      Men, like the fairer sex, often visit the toilet at night. Men are more affected by this disease.

      Treatment of nocturia folk remedies

      In addition to the use of medications, you need to add to the diet:

      There are three main approaches to treatment:

    • Treatment with medication;
    • Share tips and recipes of traditional medicine;
    • Generally ignore treatment and live with constant pain and discomfort.
    • Not only adults, but also children suffer from nocturia. With this pathology, the level of leukocytes in the blood rises. Urine becomes concentrated and specific gravity increases.

      For many patients, this disease disturbs sleep.

    • Sleep disturbance and irritability;
    • Forgetfulness;
    • Constant drowsiness and fatigue;
    • The presence of stress and depression;
    • The occurrence of general malaise;
    • memory impairment;
    • Observe the drinking regime.
    • Examination of children with urination disorders

      When collecting an anamnesis in children, it is imperative to take into account the mode of drinking and eating. When identifying a primary violation and before the development of a serious condition, it is necessary to compare all the diseases transferred by the child, taking medications and toxic substances. A visual examination of the child should reveal internal and external edema.

      The following examinations are mandatory for children:

    • Clinical blood test with formula;
    • General urinalysis;
    • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity and kidneys.
    • To consult children, the following specialists are needed;

      If the child is worried about other symptoms and this causes fear in the parents, then it is better to hospitalize the baby for further treatment and examination in the hospital.

      A person in good health has the number of trips to the toilet to urinate should not exceed 7 times per day and twice per night. With the development of nocturia, the number of urination per night exceeds the daily norm.

      A person constantly feels tired, he wants to sleep, concentration of attention decreases. Patients suffering from nocturia always delay going to the doctor. Sleep disturbance gives serious complications in the work of all human organs and systems.

      Nocturia refers to the symptoms of the disease and is not an independent pathology. One such disease is problems with the heart and blood vessels. During the day, a person drinks liquid, and it accumulates in the body, and edema develops. At night, the blood flows to the kidneys in sufficient quantities and urination increases.

      Often this problem occurs in men after 48 years who suffer from inflammation of the prostate. It is not recommended to take liquid two hours before bedtime, this will increase the development of nocturia. It is necessary to reduce the drinking load 5 hours before bedtime. This applies not only to water, but also to other drinks.

      Nocturia is manifested by increased urination at night. This pathology disturbs a person's sleep, and he becomes irritable, memory and attention decrease. A large number of both men and women suffer from this disease.

      A healthy person can develop nocturia with a large intake of caffeinated substances in drinks in the evening. Coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks have a diuretic effect. Nocturia, as a symptom, can cause many diseases of the urinary system.

      According to studies, such a pathology can lead to serious disorders of the kidneys and bladder and end in death for the patient.

      Nocturia in women is spoken of when going to the toilet more often at night than during the day. Accordingly, the amount of urine excreted per night prevails over daytime diuresis. Nocturia brings many inconveniences. Most often, this symptom leads to sleep disturbance. And in connection with this, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, depression and other disorders appear.

      Causes of nocturia

      Nocturia is a symptom of many diseases. This condition can be observed with the following diseases:

    • Cystitis.
    • Pathology from the kidneys. Especially often this condition is characteristic of kidney diseases, accompanied by a violation of the concentration function.
    • Syndrome of an overactive bladder.
    • Diabetes.
    • Taking diuretics.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are accompanied by impaired renal blood flow.
    • Heart failure.
    • Not always nocturia in women is considered a manifestation pathological condition. In this case, the causes of nocturia may be the use of large amounts of fluid before bedtime. This is especially true for green tea and coffee. It is these drinks that have a pronounced diuretic effect. Therefore, a single case of the predominance of nocturnal episodes of urination over daytime episodes can be considered a normal condition.

      The presence of nocturia is determined by urinalysis according to Zimnitsky. The essence of the method is that urine is collected in separate portions throughout the day. Then note the amount of diuresis at night and daytime. And also determine the density of urine, thus, the concentration function of the kidneys is evaluated.

      Nocturia Treatment Methods

      The main step in the treatment of nocturia is the fight against the underlying disease that caused this symptom. Actually, the result of therapy depends on this.

      Treatment of nocturia folk remedies involves eating more nuts, dried fruits, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables. These products have a tonic effect and improve metabolic processes.

      To treat nocturia in women, it is important to reduce fluid intake before bed. It is advisable not to eat at least an hour before bedtime.

      Frequent urination in women

      Frequent urination in women is a classic urological or gynecological symptom, most often manifested in the fair sex with a variety of diseases, pathologies and other problems with the body. Only in some cases it is caused by physiological mechanisms. What are all the main causes of the symptom? How to identify the problem in time? How effective will drug treatment and is it mono to get rid of frequent urination with folk remedies? You will read about this and much more in our article.

      Reasons for frequent urination

      There are several physiological explanations for frequent urination in women, which do not significantly affect the health of the fair sex, but provoke unpleasant symptoms:

    • Excessive fluid intake. If a woman drinks a lot of coffee, tea, and other types of drinks, she often feels “urges for small needs”;
    • stressful situations. Depression, nervous breakdowns, psychological overstrains, which are so relevant in our modern era of global urbanization and the frantic pace of life, over-activate the sympathetic system of the body, causing various negative manifestations, including frequent urination;
    • Unbalanced nutrition. Excessive consumption of salty, spicy and fried foods irritates a number of organs and systems, including the bladder;
    • Taking medications. Row medicines It has side effects in the form of disorders of the urological spectrum, among which frequent urination can be distinguished;
    • Menstruation. This regular physiological event is inextricably linked with the accelerated removal of fluid from the body due to hormonal changes;
    • Elderly age. During the onset of menopause, the female body undergoes a radical hormonal change, one of the side effects of which may be frequent urination;
    • Pregnancy. On early dates frequent urges by little need are explained by the change hormonal background. Starting from the 2nd trimester, the growing fetus itself comes to the fore, which puts pressure on individual organs (including the bladder), which provokes frequent urination.
    • The above physiological causes are diagnosed in only 10-15 percent of patients who have complained of frequent urination to a urologist or gynecologist. The provoking factors of the symptom in the rest of the fair sex are a variety of pathologies - gynecological, urological, endocrine and other types of diseases.

      Gynecological diseases

      A typical cause of excessive urination, due to too tight mutual work of the urinary and reproductive systems of a woman. The most famous in this context are prolapse and uterine fibroids.

    • Uterine prolapse. The omission of the main genital internal organ of a woman causes problematic conditions of the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal cavity and abdomen. They can be both physiological (postpartum omissions) and pathological in nature. In this case, the provoking factors are excessive physical activity, chronic constipation, increased intra-abdominal pressure. Most often, frequent urination occurs due to prolapse of the anterior wall of the vagina and the corresponding part of the uterus - they put pressure on the bladder with the urethra, causing pathologies with urination;
    • Myoma of the uterus. Benign tumors in the inner layer of the female smooth muscle penis can also provoke a deterioration in the functioning of the urinary system.
    • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

      Most common cause urinary disorders in women, regardless of age. The most common pathologies:

    • Urolithiasis disease. Urolithiasis is the formation of stones in the urinary system. It is most often diagnosed in patients aged 20 to 50 years, while in an acute condition (with ureteral obstruction), in some cases it requires surgical intervention;
    • Cystitis. Classic inflammation of the bladder. It can be acute and chronic, caused by both pathogenic microorganisms (the vast majority of cases), and tumors, stones in the genitourinary system. In women, this disease is much more common than in the stronger sex due to the wide and short urethra, through which the infection quickly enters the bladder;
    • Urethritis. Inflammatory process of the urethra. Most often caused by bacteria or viruses that affect the inner walls of the urethra;
    • Pyelonephritis. Inflammatory process in the tubular system of the kidneys, the most common disease of the nephrological spectrum, regardless of age and gender group. The fair sex suffers from pyelonephritis six times more often than men.
    • Endocrine diseases

      Endocrinological problems often cause polyuria syndrome - frequent and profuse urination, when the daily dose of excreted fluid sometimes reaches 2-3 liters. The mechanics of this process is associated with a deterioration in the reabsorption of water in the renal tubules, resulting in a decrease in its absorption by the body as a whole. This pathology is characteristic of diabetes and diabetes insipidus.

    • Diabetes insipidus. A rare syndrome associated with a malfunction of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. The mechanism of pathology is tied to a decrease in the production of vasopressin (peptide antidiuretic hormone), as a result of which the prerequisites for frequent and profuse urination are formed. Diabetes insipidus is caused by tumors and metastases in the brain, circulatory disorders of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and supraoptic-pituitary tract, primary tubulopathy, genetic predisposition;
    • Diabetes. An endocrine disease associated with an absolute or relative lack of insulin production. One of its basic symptoms is frequent urination.
    • Symptoms and signs of frequent urination

      Frequent urination, as mentioned above, is a symptom of many diseases and physiological conditions. In some cases, this manifestation is accompanied by:

    • Pain syndrome during the act of urination. The pain is often sharp, piercing, radiating to the rectum and neighboring organs;
    • Incomplete emptying of the bladder. It can be subjective (according to sensations) or true, when after the process of urination a woman still feels the urge to carry out the event, while the urine itself is no longer excreted even with effort;
    • Discomfort in the lower abdomen. May be accompanied by a pain syndrome of unclear localization, most often mild or moderate, disappearing 10-20 minutes after the act;
    • Bloody discharge in the urine. Usually characterize the acute course of the pathology of the genitourinary sphere. On initial stages diseases are present only in trace amounts, with advanced complications they are expressed in large clots visible to the naked eye;
    • Decreased sex drive. As a rule, inflammatory processes of the urogenital area entail a weakening of sexual desire and a decrease in libido;
    • Nephrological symptom complex. When the kidneys are involved in the pathological process, the patient may experience a complex of symptoms characteristic of manifestations of this type - general intoxication, weakness, nausea with vomiting, convulsions, itching, discoloration of the skin, arrhythmia, etc.;
    • Symptom complex of endocrinological type. Classical manifestations of DM are characterized by primary symptoms in the form of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and a sharp change in body weight;
    • Other non-specific symptoms associated with the peculiarity of the course of a particular disease, one of the manifestations of which is frequent urination.
    • Urinary incontinence in women over 50

      As modern medical statistics show, with an increase in the age of a woman, frequent urination becomes a regular problem for her, which is sometimes very difficult to get rid of. This is due to a number of objective reasons:

    • Accumulation over the years of chronic diseases. Chronic diseases over time, in the absence of adequate therapy, are practically not amenable to even complex treatment, as a result of which they significantly affect the quality of life and the development of persistent forms of pathologies;
    • Perennial physical work. If the fair sex has led an active life for decades, and her work was associated with regular physical activity, then after 50, a woman has specific problems that cause uterine prolapse and deterioration of the pelvic floor muscles, which leads to mechanical pressure on the bladder and causes pathology;
    • Physiological aging. Over the years, organ cells recover more and more slowly, soft tissues lose their elasticity, mucous membranes gradually lose their protective function, which leads to an increase in the risk of infectious lesions even under favorable hygienic and epidemiological conditions;
    • Climax. Serious hormonal changes on an ongoing basis are an additional risk factor for the development of a number of syndromes, pathologies, diseases that cause frequent urination;
    • Other reasons that directly or indirectly create prerequisites for the development of pathology.
    • Solving the problem with urination after 50 years is much more difficult than at a young age, however, with timely access to a gynecologist, urologist, and other specialized specialists, the chances of recovery increase significantly. In addition to complex drug therapy, it will be necessary to correct lifestyle, regular physical therapy, proper nutrition and other measures prescribed by doctors.

      Treatment for frequent urination

      There is no specific treatment for frequent urination, since pathology is a symptom of a number of diseases of the genitourinary, nephrological, and endocrinological spectra. The exact therapeutic regimen is prescribed by the attending physician only after establishing the final diagnosis with its confirmation laboratory tests and instrumental research methods.

      Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable and can only worsen the patient's condition, complicating the basic task for specialized specialists!

      Possible treatment regimens may include medication, physical therapy, surgery, exercise therapy.

      Conservative therapy

    • Antibiotics. Since most diseases, where one of the manifestations is frequent urination, is caused by bacterial infection against the background of a decrease in local or general immunity, that it is antibacterial agents that more often than other drugs become the basis of a woman's therapy. Specific drugs are prescribed after identifying the type and type of pathogen. Typical drug groups are penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones;
    • Antifungal agents. Sometimes, the causative agent of the inflammatory process is a pathogenic fungal microflora. In this case, antifungal drugs are used - nystatin, levorin, nitrofungins, urosulfan;
    • immune modulators. They can be included in the scheme of any therapy, but at the same time they are necessarily prescribed for the viral nature of the infection. Usually prescribe drugs based on interferon and its derivatives;
    • Detoxification drugs. Most often prescribed in cases of acute forms of diseases, in the presence of complications and severe forms of infection with severe intoxication. Typically, this group of drugs is administered parenterally. Typical representatives are glucose, sodium chloride, hemodez, reopoliglyukin, neocompensan, and so on.
    • Vitamin and mineral complexes. Introduced into therapeutic schemes as support for the main therapy. A specific combination drug is selected based on the identified disease, while it necessarily contains elements of groups B, C, P, PP, calcium, zinc and other components;
    • Antispasmodics. They are prescribed to relieve spasms of the periphery of blood vessels and soft tissues. Typical representatives are papaverine, drotaverine, mebeverine;
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Both non-steroidal variants of drugs (aspirin, ketorolac, nimesulide) and hormone-based drugs (corticosteroids in the form of dexamethasone, prednisolone) are used;
    • Antihistamines. They are used in the allergic nature of the pathology, to reduce the autoimmune reaction of the body, and also as a supplement to the anti-inflammatory effect of other groups of drugs. Typical representatives are clemastine, loratadine, zirtek, suprastin;
    • Analgesics. Designed for temporary relief of pain and relief of severe attacks. Typical representatives are analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, dimexide. In especially severe cases, analgesics of the narcotic spectrum can be prescribed - morphine, butorphanol, promedol, pentazocine, fentonyl;
    • Other groups of drugs for vital and symptomatic indications, from cardiovascular agents, probiotics / prebiotics and angioprotectors to anticoagulants, calcium channel blockers and antiplatelet agents.
    • Physiotherapy includes an extensive list of classical techniques used in the post-reactive period of diseases to speed up the recovery of the body. Typical activities are vacuum drainage, perineural sympathetic blockade, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IR irradiation, UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis, biogalvanization, and so on.

      In the presence of complications and special indications, the patient may be prescribed surgical intervention. The specific list of actions depends on the severity of the identified disease that provokes frequent urination and the characteristics of its course. Typical variants of operational measures are catherization, necrectomy, fasciotomy, pyelostomy, decapsulation, etc.

      Other procedures include physiotherapy exercises, specially designed diet and lifestyle changes, as well as the rejection of bad habits.

      Treatment of urinary incontinence in women at home with folk remedies

      Urinary incontinence or frequent urination in the vast majority of cases is one of the manifestations of a serious disease, pathology, syndrome that cannot be cured by traditional medicine. Such funds are considered only in the context of an addition to the main therapy agreed with the attending physician.

      The most famous folk remedies are considered to be infusions of knotweed, bearberry, horsetail, celandine, chamomile, lingonberries and cranberries, used both internally as an oral intake, and locally, with douching. The specific composition, concentration, scheme of use and other characteristics are indicated by a qualified phytotherapist with the mandatory participation in the process of a urologist, gynecologist and other specialized specialists involved in the treatment of the patient.

      Exercises for urinary incontinence

      Physical therapy for urinary incontinence is included in the basic therapy regimen at the stage of the post-reactive period of the disease during the rehabilitation of patients or the presence of a stable remission of a chronic disease. Exercises are prohibited in case of an inflammatory process, as well as any acute conditions.

      Basic measures are mainly aimed at preventing the uterus from sinking, as well as training the muscles of the small pelvis and other support systems related to the urogenital area. Possible procedures:

    • Contraction and relaxation of the vaginal sphincter. 5-8 sets with an interval of 20 seconds (rest periods);
    • Extension and compression of the legs to the sides. Performed lying down. 10-15 times in 2 sets.
    • Classic bridge. The exercise, known since Soviet times, must be performed 5-7 times, taking breaks of 10-15 seconds;
    • Bending "cat". It is performed from a kneeling position, 10-12 times in several approaches;
    • Squats. From 5 times or more (depending on the state of the body and the fitness of the woman);
    • Other procedures as prescribed by a specialist physiotherapist.

    Nocturia, what is it? A disease of the genitourinary system, the main symptom of which is the predominance of the volume of nighttime urine over daytime. Those suffering from this pathology often go to the toilet, their sleep is disturbed, fatigue appears.

    A disease can be called if walking more than 2 times, repeated every night. There is nocturia in men and women. The reasons are different.

    General information

    Frequent urination at night can be a symptom of many diseases, indicating negative processes occurring in the body.

    If a person often gets up at night (more than twice) for a long time, the condition can be considered a pathology. This problem began to be studied not so long ago. There are two concepts "nocturia" and "nocturia".

    1. The first is not emptying the urinary bladder before going to bed, so you have to get up at night.
    2. The second is an increase in diuresis due to a pathological process.

    It is considered normal when the volume of day and night is allocated in a ratio of 3: 1 and corresponds to the liquid drunk.

    Why does diuresis appear? During the day, a person is in an upright state. The renal arteries are stretched, this contributes to the rapid outflow of urine.

    Kidney pathologies disrupt the natural process of getting rid of excess fluid, it lingers, the outflow mechanism changes, and swelling forms.

    When the patient takes a horizontal position, the tension of the artery falls, the kidney is better supplied with blood, filtration and urine production increase. This leads to frequent trips to the toilet.

    There is nocturia in women and men. It can occur at any age, especially in the elderly. The stronger sex is more prone to problems with urination. One of the main reasons for this is prostatitis and adenoma, when ischuria occurs (the term refers to urinary retention).


    The causes of occurrence are different and have the following types:

    • Temporary - during the period of exacerbation of tachycardia.
    • Permanent - associated with the pathology of the organs.

    Another reason for the difference is the quality of diuresis;

    • True, when the excretion of urine stops during the day (anuria).
    • Unstable - during the day there is a decrease in the outflow of fluid in the body, due to pathological diseases (adenoma, diabetes insipidus, thyroid gland).


    These occurrences are conditionally divided into two parts and may differ from each other and mean different reasons:

    Physiological type, when nocturnal diuresis is caused by taking a large amount of fluid before bedtime. It can be coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks. Occurs in women during pregnancy, when the fetus presses on the urinary organs. Relaxation occurs at night and the kidneys filter better. Once the baby is born, everything goes back to normal.

    Pathological, caused by deterioration in the functioning of organs and systems. It is permanent and requires immediate treatment. It should be distinguished from enuresis (bedwetting), the child and the old person are more often ill.

    Reasons for development

    Symptoms and treatment largely depend on the etiology of the disease that provoked it.

    • CHF (heart failure). During the day, due to the poor performance of the system, blood stagnates in the veins. Fluid accumulates in tissues. Over time, it also appears in the internal organs (thorax, abdomen, skull).
    • Kidney pathologies - chronic renal failure (chronic pyelonephritis), glomerunonephritis, nephrosclerosis, cystitis. Inflammation and abnormal changes lead to vasodilation in the glomeruli and increased filtration at night.
    • Malfunctioning of the thyroid gland.
    • With cirrhosis of the liver, arterial hypertension develops.
    • Lack of the hormone vasopressin (antidiuretic) causes diabetes insipidus. The inability to compensate for the lack of water in the body provokes hypertonic degradation (strong thirst, the amount of fluid released is up to 15 liters).
    • Enlargement of the prostate gland (adenoma). Squeezing the channel, provokes difficult and frequent release of fluid, the return of urine back into the bladder.
    • Congenital anomaly of the system.
    • Low blood pressure and anemia - pernicious anemia.
    • Orthostatic swelling of the ankles leads to blockade of calcium channels.
    • Venous stasis of blood leading to edema.
    • Diabetes. The presence of glucose attracts a lot of urine, which leads to frequent urination.
    • In women, due to a lack of estrogens that affect the state of the pelvic floor muscles, their atrophy develops. There is a prolapse of the internal organs, which leads to compression of the urinary system. At night, the pressure decreases and there is an increased excretion of urine.
    • An overactive bladder, when the number of nerve impulses increases in its walls, which give signals for the outflow of urine.
    • Older age, when vascular sclerosis occurs, the level of ADH decreases.
    • Dilatation of the heart (increase in volume while maintaining the thickness of the heart wall), which causes an increase in natriuretic peptide (hormone) that affects water and electrolyte metabolism (reduces the amount of water and the rise of sodium in the vessels).


    The process of urination is controlled by the hormone vasopressin, which is produced by the hypothalamus. Under its influence, the reverse absorption of fluid in the ducts of the kidneys (the formation of secondary urine) occurs. Its concentration does not increase.

    Normally, it is produced more at night, which reduces its volume and increases concentration (morning urine). Medicine believes that the disease appears due to poor heart function.

    Its deficiency provokes stagnation of blood in the veins of the kidneys. Due to this, diuresis is reduced. When muscle relaxation occurs during sleep, the work of the heart improves, the filtration of the kidneys increases.

    The pathogenesis of nocturia occurs for any reason, there is a weakening of the increased contraction of the vessels of the organ during sleep, a change in the absorption of fluid (secondary urine). It is believed that this is the main thing in nocturnal urination without visible pathological manifestations of cardiac weakness.

    In women, after menopause, due to a lack of sex hormones, disruption of the pelvic organs may occur. In late pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder. After giving birth, everything is restored.


    Depending on the causes, there are different manifestations.

    Impaired excretion:

    • The sphincter opens poorly, a long wait for the start of the process.
    • The exit is not a stream, but drops (stranguria).
    • There is a feeling of incomplete emptying.

    Rapid Bubble Enlargement:

    • I have to get up several times during the night.
    • Incontinence, inability to control and prolonged suspension of urine.

    General signs of pathology:

    • Thirst. Increase in drinking regimen.
    • Heaviness and pain in the lumbar region.
    • Great swelling of the limbs and face.
    • Increase or decrease in weight.

    The addition of other pathologies causes:

    • Pain in the suprapubic part.
    • Polyuria - frequent "voyages" to the toilet day and night, which are painless.
    • Cystitis causes severe pain and the release of a small amount of urine, hematuria.
    • Dehydration of the body, the skin becomes dry.
    • Loss of moisture with sweat.
    • Change in body temperature.
    • Signs of intoxication (nausea, vomiting).
    • Hypertension is high blood pressure.
    • An increase in edema, not only external, but also internal.
    • Decreased appetite.
    • Various skin rashes.
    • Mental disorders due to sleep disturbance, neurosis.


    In order to determine the pathology, you need to contact a specialist, undergo an examination. The first thing to do is to take an analysis according to Zimnitsky, so that the doctor establishes the ratio of daytime and nighttime urine, its density (lack of hypoisostenuria).

    It is collected in separate 8 containers, every three hours for a whole day. It is also recommended to keep a diary of drinking regimen and the number of nightly visits to the toilet. For men - 3, for women - 4 days.

    • Older patients are directed to the hormone vasopressin.
    • If other diseases are suspected, an additional examination is prescribed:
    • General analysis of blood and urine.
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
    • Biochemistry.
    • Buck seeding urine for sensitivity to antibiotics.
    • Cardiogram.
    • If necessary, ultrasound of the heart.

    If pathologies are detected, adequate therapy of the underlying disease is prescribed.


    It consists in removing the cause. After examination, a diagnosis is established. If this is a lesion of the organs of the genitourinary system, antibiotics are prescribed, herbal preparations to relieve inflammation, which the doctor individually chooses.

    It is possible to treat dysuria in men with an enlarged prostate or adenoma with alpha 1 adrenergic blockers, folk remedies, and various herbs. female body in old age may suffer from weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.

    A drug or pill will not help in this case. There is Kegel gymnastics, which, with the help of special exercises, helps to strengthen muscles.

    In severe cases, surgery is indicated. Be sure to follow the diet and rules of nutrition. The patient is determined for an additional examination to establish a diagnosis. You need to be treated by a cardiologist.

    If the cause of frequent nighttime urination in young people, more often in male half, in the renal arteries, minimally invasive surgical procedures are performed, after tests characteristic of the pathology.

    The postoperative period is easy, which is of great importance for a quick recovery. Such manipulations are carried out at the Russian Research Institute of Urology Lopatkin in Moscow.

    The stimulation of the point responsible for the urinary system helps to cure. Will help pepper patch, which is placed at night, in the sacrum or mustard plaster during the day, for 10 minutes.


    To avoid any manifestations of nocturia, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle:

    • Exercise.
    • To refuse from bad habits.
    • Do preventive checkups once a year.
    • Timely treat infectious lesions of the genitourinary system.
    • Don't drink a lot of fluids before bed.
    • Train your pelvic floor muscles.
    • Observed by specialists in the presence of urolithiasis, prostatitis, VVD (vegetovascular dystonia), heart pathologies, diabetes mellitus.
    • Eat right, eat more fiber for the digestive tract.
    • Avoid hypothermia.

    • Sleep disturbance
    • Frequent nighttime urination
    • Irritability
    • Anxiety
    • irascibility
    • Forgetfulness
    • Violation of the perception of reality
    • Urinary incontinence at night

    Nocturia is a disease of the genitourinary system, the main symptom of which is an increased urge to urinate at night. People with this disease often go to the toilet at night, because of which sleep is disturbed, and the person feels tired and reduced performance. It should be noted that we can talk about nocturia only if a person goes to the toilet at least 2 times at night, and there are no predisposing factors for this, such as drinking too much liquid before bedtime.

    • Causes
    • Symptoms
    • Nocturia in children
    • Diagnostics
    • Treatment

    This disease can occur in a person as a result of serious pathologies, but the increased excretion of urine at night is not always associated with diseases - sometimes the causes can be quite natural. In particular, people often go to the toilet at night in the above case (drinking large amounts of liquid the night before), while taking certain medications, such as diuretics.

    In addition, frequent nocturnal urination is often inherent in older people who have reduced bladder muscle tone. Often there is nocturia in older women - the pathology develops as a result of a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor.

    If we talk about the causes of nocturia related to the health of the patient, then they include:

    • diabetes;
    • kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrosclerosis;
    • cystitis of various etiologies;
    • prostate adenoma in men;
    • heart and kidney failure.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Nocturia is an indicator of inhibition of the concentration function of the kidneys. This indicates a violation in the human body of water-salt metabolism. The symptoms of the disease are as follows - a sick person at night feels frequent urge to urinate, after which there is relief. At the same time, nocturia is often combined with another pathology - polyuria, which is characterized by frequent urge to urinate both during the day and at night, as well as an increase in the volume of urine excreted.

    At the same time, urination itself is painless, which makes it possible to distinguish this disease from other pathologies of the urogenital area, including cystitis.

    Due to the fact that the patient’s night sleep is disturbed, he develops other symptoms, in particular various mental disorders, namely:

    • increased anxiety;
    • forgetfulness;
    • irritability and irascibility;
    • violation of the perception of reality.

    Nocturia in children

    Very often, parents are faced with such a sign of nocturia as urinary incontinence in a child at night (the baby is not able to wake up on time).

    The causes of nocturia in children are similar to adults, but they can also be accompanied by stress and nervous strain. This is because children still have an unformed nervous system, and any stress is accompanied by disturbances in the work of all organs and systems. And, although the treatment of nocturia in children will be similar to the treatment of the disease in adults (which will be discussed below), nevertheless, the psychological factor must also be excluded - to normalize the psychological background in the family and the team where the child studies.


    Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by taking urine samples according to Zimnitsky. According to this analysis, urine is taken from the patient every three hours during the day and night for analysis, and at the end of the sampling period, the daytime and nightly amount of urine excreted by him is determined. If the night volume prevails, they speak of nocturia.

    In addition, the Zimnitsky test allows you to track the dynamics of the course of the disease during the treatment.

    Treatment of the disease

    To get rid of such a pathology as nocturia, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that cause it. In particular, if the pathology has developed against the background of diseases of the genitourinary system, treatment of the affected organ is required - in this case, antibiotics, herbal remedies and other drugs are indicated, which only the attending physician can choose.

    If we are talking about nocturia in men who have prostate adenoma, the appointment of alpha1-adrenergic receptor antagonists or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors is required. If nocturia in elderly women has developed due to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, special gymnastics or surgery is indicated. Be sure to follow the appropriate diet during the treatment. It is worth noting that in some cases only surgical intervention can save the patient from an exhausting disease.

    • pumpkin pulp juice, which should be taken by men with an enlarged prostate gland, once a day in a glass - for three weeks;
    • a decoction of white birch leaves, suitable for both men and women, and which must be consumed in half a glass several times a day;
    • An excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the pelvic organs has a decoction of parsley leaves in milk, which must be taken every hour.

    What to do?

    If you think that you have nocturia and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a urologist, a nephrologist, a therapist.

    Nocturia is one of the common urological symptoms associated with increased urine output at night. The main victims of nocturia are young children under two years of age and adult men over 50 years of age. But pathology can manifest itself at any age and in both sexes. The reasons for such nocturnal activity are very different - from natural to pathological. Therefore, each case of nocturia requires an individual approach and special treatment.

    Nocturia - what is it?

    Nocturia is not an independent disease, but just a separate symptom. It can be the result of an improper drinking regimen or occur against the background of serious diseases and stressful conditions.

    When a person goes up to the toilet once a night, this is considered a variant of the norm. But if the number of night trips is two or more, doctors are already talking about nocturia. Normally, the volume of daytime urine is 2/3 of the total amount per day, the rest is the nighttime "portion". With nocturia, this ratio changes markedly in the opposite direction.

    The most dangerous consequences of constant nighttime urination are psychological. When a person constantly gets up at night to the toilet for several weeks or months, this leads to a serious deterioration in the quality of life.

    And if nocturia is not treated, the predictions will be as follows:

    • restless sleep, later insomnia;
    • drowsiness throughout the day, developing into chronic fatigue;
    • decreased memory and attention;
    • stress and an increased risk of depression.

    Causes and symptoms

    Distinguishing nocturia from other similar symptoms (such as cystitis) is very easy. If night trips to the toilet are associated with inflammation, then urination will be accompanied by discomfort and pain. Among the signs of nocturia there are no unpleasant sensations.

    Most often at night overtakes small children and adult men. Women of reproductive age suffer from increased nocturnal urination much less frequently. But with the onset of retirement age, the risks of such urological pathology increase in both men and women.

    In children

    Increased formation of nocturnal urine is often diagnosed in children under two years of age, a little less often in children under 7 years of age. In the period from 7 to 15 years, nocturia occurs in only 3-5% of all patients with such a delicate problem.

    In young children, nocturia is often combined with bedwetting - enuresis. The main causes of this pathology:

    • infantile bladder in infants up to 1 year old (the parasympathetic nervous system is just being formed, emptying occurs reflexively);
    • immature bladder in children 1-2 years old (the child learns to control the processes of urination);
    • Very deep sleep(the child does not wake up, and urination occurs in a dream);
    • low air temperature in the bedroom;
    • stressful situation (in young age All systems of the body, including the excretory system, respond to stress.

    In addition, the causes of nocturia in children are often associated with inflammatory processes, with congenital kidney disease, heart disease and diabetes. That is, those reasons that usually provoke a urological symptom in adults.

    Among women

    In many cases, nocturia in adults is a one-time phenomenon associated with nutrition and drinking regimen. Drank a lot of coffee or green tea at night, ate cucumbers or watermelon, or drank alcohol - and the amount of night urine naturally will increase.

    But if the drinking regimen is correct, and nocturia lasts for a long time, the reasons may be:

    • chronic or acute cystitis (the most common cause in women);
    • kidney disease (associated with impaired concentration function of the kidneys);
    • taking diuretics;
    • diabetes mellitus (at night, the synthesis of vasopressin, a diuretic hormone, decreases);
    • decreased bladder capacity (occurs with fibrosis and cancer);
    • estrogen deficiency during menopause;
    • atrophy of the pelvic floor muscles;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    In case of problems with the heart and blood vessels, nighttime urination is a kind of compensation for daytime oliguria - lack of urine associated with poor blood supply to the kidneys.

    In men

    Nocturia is an almost inevitable destiny of any man. Practicing urologists report that nocturia in men over 50 years old occurs in 60-70%, over 80 years old - in 90%.

    Causes of increased urine formation at night and night trips to the toilet in men:

    • various kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, nephrosclerosis, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
    • cystitis;
    • reduced production of diuretic hormone at night (due to diabetes);
    • long-term use of diuretics (diuretics);
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • decrease in the structural volume of the bladder at night;
    • inflammation or adenoma of the prostate gland (enlarged prostate compresses the urethra, interfering with the full outflow of urine).

    The latter reason is the main one in the diagnosis of "nocturia" in older men. According to urologists, about 85% of patients with prostate adenoma initially complain of frequent urination at night and associated insomnia.


    Traditionally, there are two forms of nocturia - true and non-permanent.

    With the true variety, the average daily volume of urine remains at the usual level, and frequent nighttime urination is accompanied by daytime oliguria. That is, a reduction or almost complete absence of urine.

    Intermittent nocturia is all cases of increased production of urine at night, in which the daily volume of fluid is not reduced. Such a symptom can manifest itself against the background of chronic renal failure, diabetes, prostate adenoma, sometimes thyroid diseases and cirrhosis of the liver.

    If constant night trips to the toilet from a non-permanent phenomenon turn into a stable form, this means that the underlying disease is rapidly progressing. The most dangerous signal is when nocturia disappears with cardiovascular pathologies and edema constantly occurs. This indicates a serious stage of the disease, requiring urgent medical intervention.


    To make a diagnosis of nocturia, the doctor needs to clearly know the volume of the patient's daytime and nighttime urine and establish their ratio. For this, a collection of urine samples according to Zimnitsky is used.

    Before the analysis, it is necessary to refuse to take diuretics, it is impossible to increase the volume of fluid familiar to the patient. The optimal amount is 1-1.5 liters of fluid per day. You will have to delete foods that provoke thirst from the menu: sweet, salty, spicy, etc.

    The essence of the method is that the patient must collect urine for a whole day (including at night). The volume of liquid is drained into a separate container every three hours.

    There should be 8 containers of urine in total for the following periods:

    • 09.00-12.00;
    • 12.00-15.00;
    • 15.00-18.00;
    • 18.00-21.00;
    • 21.00-24.00;
    • 24.00-03.00;
    • 03.00-06.00;
    • 06.00-09.00.

    If there is a suspicion of kidney disease or other organs, the doctor may prescribe additional procedures: urine, blood, ultrasound, etc. Elderly patients also require testing for vasopressin, a diuretic hormone.

    Norms for the amount of urine according to Zimnitsky


    Since nocturia in most cases is only a signal of an existing disease, it is necessary to identify the root cause before treating it. For this, antibiotics are used (if there is an infection), hormonal preparations, herbal preparations, etc.

    To eliminate nocturia itself, antidepressants, sleeping pills (if a sleep disorder has appeared), M-anticholinergics and other groups of drugs are prescribed. M-anticholinergics block muscarine receptors on the walls of the bladder, reducing its tone. At night, spasms of the sphincter of the bladder do not occur, there is no urge to urinate, and the patient sleeps peacefully.

    For men whose nocturia is caused by BPH, drug groups such as α1-adrenergic antagonists and 5α-reductase inhibitors are recommended. The former relax the muscles of the prostate and bladder, reducing squeezing of the urethra and, accordingly, reducing the number of urges to urinate.

    5α-reductase inhibitors help reduce the size of the prostate and relieve the symptoms of urethral obstruction, which leads to incomplete bladder emptying and increased number of trips to the toilet.

    To prevent the occurrence of nocturia or weaken those that have already appeared, doctors recommend following preventive measures:

    1. Strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis (especially for women).
    2. Avoid hypothermia, so as not to provoke inflammation of the bladder.
    3. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night (the last glass of water or a cup of tea - 2-3 hours before bedtime).

    With inflammation of the kidneys or uterine appendages (in women), you can also be treated with folk remedies: a decoction of blackcurrant leaves, parsley, etc. But if you are not sure about your diagnosis, you must first consult a doctor.

    In children under 7 years of age, doctors usually do not advise treating nocturia with medications. It is important here to exclude all stressful situations from the child's life, to provide him with comfortable conditions for sleeping: warm pajamas, the temperature in the bedroom is not lower than 20ºC. And also observe the drinking regimen: the last glass of liquid 3 hours before bedtime, before going to bed - a mandatory visit to the toilet.
    On the video about the causes, symptoms, treatment of nocturia:

    Nocturia is a disease associated with frequent urination at night. More often nocturia in women It is also accompanied by polyuria, which is manifested by a large amount of urine. Due to the fact that the patient often needs to get up at night to go to the toilet, sleep is disturbed, the person gets tired, which reduces efficiency.

    Causes of nocturia

    Nocturia in women can occur due to various diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (nephrosclerosis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystopyelitis, etc.).

    Symptoms of the disease can occur against the background of excessive fluid intake before bedtime, especially alcohol, coffee or tea. With disorders of the kidneys, the organs are not able to concentrate urine as needed, and therefore the person experiences frequent urge to urinate. Nocturia can also be caused by diseases of the heart, liver, and diabetes mellitus.

    Symptoms of nocturia

    Symptoms of nocturia are the frequent urge to go to the toilet (more than twice a night), an increase in the volume of urine released at night.

    Diagnosis of nocturia in women

    To make a diagnosis of nocturia, it is necessary to conduct a Zimnitsky test. Thanks to this study, it is possible to investigate the ability of the kidneys to dilute and concentrate urine, as well as to determine the daily change in diuresis in a patient. The dynamics of nocturia is assessed, according to which the effectiveness of therapy is evaluated.

    Treatment of nocturia

    As such, there is no treatment for nocturia. To get rid of the symptoms of this syndrome, the underlying diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are treated. Also, light sedatives may be prescribed to normalize sleep. If an overactive bladder is observed, antimuscarinic drugs such as Solifenancin are effective. Patients with nocturia, especially elderly women, are recommended special gymnastics aimed at training the muscles of the small pelvis, as well as eliminating the use of large amounts of fluid in the evening.

    Prevention of nocturia in women is the avoidance of hypothermia, personal hygiene, as well as the prevention of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. In addition, you need to limit the use of large amounts of fluid in the evening, especially alcoholic beverages and those that have a diuretic effect.

    Pyelonephritis of the kidneys, symptoms

    Pyelonephritis of the kidneys is an inflammatory disease characterized by damage to the pyelocaliceal system of the kidneys and its parenchyma. This disease It can occur in both children and adults of both sexes.