The most dangerous drinks. The most dangerous drinks in the world - not for the faint of heart The 10 most dangerous alcoholic drinks

And today we bring to your attention the Top 8 alcoholic drinks - the most dangerous and harmful to health, the site says.

Top 8 most dangerous alcoholic drinks

1. Rum

Rum negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, the drink contains a lot of calories, which also does not properly affect the liver.

2. Vodka

Yes, indeed, many are right when they claim that vodka is the least dangerous alcoholic drink. This is true, since it does not contain sugar or other carbohydrate sources. However, it came into second place in the ranking due to the fact that people often exceed the norm and, as a result, harm their health.

3. Beer

Unfortunately, beer lovers will have to take into account (if, of course, they take care of themselves and their health) that this drink should not be consumed in large quantities. The fact is that its use leads to salt deposits in the joints, leads to obesity, the development of gout, hormonal imbalance, and problems with the cardiovascular system. And this is not the entire list!

4. White wine

It would seem, how can “innocent” white wine harm? Well, it can! Journalist JoeInfoMedia Nastya Art found that its use leads to a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood, but over time, sulfites are formed in it. These harmful substances cause severe hangovers, migraines, allergic reactions, and also damage teeth.

5. Red wine

Red wine contains huge amounts of reservatrol, a natural antioxidant. It should be noted that in small quantities, this drink will only improve health, inflammatory processes and reduces cholesterol levels. But everywhere there is a “But!” Red wine contains two types of alcohol - methanol and ethanol. Believe me, it’s easier for the liver to master them one by one.

6. Champagne

Sparkling wines contain antioxidants that protect against the destruction of nerve cells. However, with bubbles, alcohol is absorbed into the blood much faster.

7. Whiskey

First, the good stuff. Single malt whiskey contains beneficial ellagic acid. It can slow down the growth of cancerous tumors. Moreover, it is even capable of destroying cancer cells.

And now about the unpleasant stuff. Experts have found that the love of whiskey causes attacks of rage and anger, inappropriate behavior. The drink is too strong to drink in its pure form, and even without a snack... And this is how they drink it most often.

8. Brandy

Brandy is rich in antioxidants, but causes very strong hangover syndrome. With increasing aging, the content of harmful substances also increases. The same applies to rum, gin, red wine and whiskey.

Be healthy and always remember moderation!

In England, almost 70% of men drink alcohol more than once a week. In Russia this figure is close to 80%. The top five drinking countries according to the World Health Organization are: Belarus (17.5 liters of pure ethanol per year per capita), Moldova (16.8), Lithuania (15.4), Russia (15.1) and Romania ( 14.4). One liter of pure ethanol is about 2.5 liters of vodka or 25 liters of beer. So why do people drink so much? Perhaps because alcohol calms them down and makes them less shy. Unfortunately, alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world. Let's try to explain why.

Alcohol destroys the lives of all people dependent on it

No matter how successful and talented a person is, addiction to alcohol can ruin his life

The Great Study is one of the longest sociological research in history. Back in 1938, scientists from Harvard University selected 200 volunteers and monitored their future lives, drawing conclusions about their emotional, physical and material condition. Data collected over decades have shown that intellectual development(above a certain level) does not in any way affect a person’s material well-being, and liberals have more sexual experience. But this was not the most important result. Scientists have also found that alcohol can ruin the life of any person.

This is interesting: In 2012, in the traditional annual report on the interim results of the study, the head of the scientific group, George Vaillant, noted that alcohol influenced the lives of study participants much more than their intelligence, education, character, political views or the financial situation of relatives. Regardless of how high a person was in the social hierarchy, with regular consumption of alcohol he began to sharply slide down. Researchers have proven that alcoholism is the main cause of divorce. In addition, it provokes the development mental disorders and, along with smoking, most often leads to the death of people of pre-retirement age.

George Vaillant described alcoholism as a factor that has the most powerful destructive force.

You can say that taking drugs has a similar effect on a person's life. This is true, but let's not rush to conclusions and try to prove that alcohol is the most dangerous drug.

Alcohol is the leading cause of death among young people

One in three road accidents in the United States is caused by drunk drivers

In the United States, an average of 90 thousand people a year die from alcohol abuse. Yes, yes, there is no typo here. Every year, everyone's favorite alcoholic beverages kill more people than terrorists or maniacs. Experts from the Centers for Disease Control say that alcohol ranks “a respectable” third place on the list of causes of death in the United States. And scientist David Nutt says that in Britain alcohol is the leading cause of premature death in people under 60 years of age.

Alcohol abuse leads to the development of serious diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system, putting people's lives at risk. But this is not the only destructive factor. People often die due to accidental poisoning or reckless behavior while intoxicated. We can't help but mention drunk driving.

This is interesting: According to the Center for Disease Control, more than 30% of all fatal traffic accidents in the United States are caused by alcohol. This means that in America, approximately 28-30 people die every day due to drunk drivers. And the total annual cost of damage due to such accidents is estimated at $60 billion. Croatia's annual GDP, by comparison, is $63 billion.

Alcohol provokes sexual violence

Students who drink are more likely to commit rape

It's no secret that drunk people often commit sexual assault. In 2004, Harvard University researchers found that British colleges with a reputation for drinking were more likely to commit violent crimes.

Experts divided all colleges in Britain into three groups depending on the level of drunkenness. Colleges in which no more than 35% of students drank more than 5 glasses of strong alcoholic beverages “in one sitting” over a two-week period were called “light drinking.” In "average drinkers" educational institutions such students ranged from 36% to 50%. Finally, colleges with the highest binge drinking rates were over 50%. The researchers concluded that girls in educational institutions with secondary or high level Drunken people are raped 1.5 times more often than light drinkers. A similar study was conducted in 2013, its results were approximately the same.

Back in the 90s, American scientists concluded that approximately 50% of all crimes related to rape are committed by drunk people. Moreover, almost half of the victims are also intoxicated. And this is not a reason to say that the victims themselves are to blame. After all, the person who committed it bears full responsibility for rape.

This is interesting: You should not conclude that a glass of beer or a glass of wine turns all representatives of the stronger half of humanity into rapists. The fact is that among them there are, so to speak, “malicious repeat offenders.” Studies have shown that just 3% of male students commit nearly 90% of college rapes!

Alcoholics are more dangerous to others than drug addicts

Nothing stops a drunk person from, for example, breaking a store window at night.

People who use drugs such as methadone or heroin are less dangerous to society than alcoholics. Let's explain why.

In 2010, the results of a study conducted by the team of Professor David Nutt were published in the authoritative scientific journal The Lancet. The scientist made conclusions about the dangers of 20 commonly consumed drugs. In terms of the negative impact on the health of a drug addict, the leading substances were heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamine. But alcohol turned out to be the most dangerous for society. People who consume alcohol cause harm to others several times more often than crack or cocaine addicts. Out of the maximum possible 100 points, alcohol received 45. Heroin, which came in 2nd place, received only 21.3 points. Other popular drugs, cocaine and marijuana, received about 10 points each. At the same time, ecstasy and LSD scored less than 1 point.

Dozens of criteria were assessed: damage environment, criminal offenses, family conflicts, etc. Almost all drugs were among the leaders in only one or two categories, but alcohol occupied one of the first three places in each of them. Part of this can be explained by its availability, but still this result should make you reconsider your opinion about alcoholics.

Booze kills more teenagers than drugs

Every year, more than 4 thousand teenagers die in the United States due to alcohol. Many of them die after driving while drunk.

Every now and then new drugs appear and quickly become popular among teenagers. In this regard, real panic arises in the media. In early September 2015, American journalists became aware of the drug K2. It was said that it turns people into real zombies and deprives them of the ability to control their actions. As a result, they may begin to undress in public place or knock out a store window with your hand, resulting in serious injury. The previous mass hysteria in society began after the appearance of the drug Cloud 9, which sent hundreds of American teenagers to hospitals. But journalists, in pursuit of sensations, often forget that there is another more accessible, but no less dangerous drug that circulates freely among children. Every year, 4 to 5 thousand teenagers die in America due to alcohol.

Even the 9/11 attacks killed fewer people. And all other drugs taken together kill fewer children! So why are these facts kept silent? Probably, powerful multi-billion dollar alcoholic beverage companies do not want to receive such anti-advertising. In addition, taxes on the sale of alcohol regularly replenish the state treasury. Therefore, government officials do not want to deprive the state (including themselves, corruption has not yet been abolished) of a serious part of the income. As a result, ordinary people get sick and die en masse, while the powers that be count the profits they have made.

Note that the panic that arose after the appearance of Cloud 9 was caused by approximately 10 deaths, some of which may have been falsely attributed to this drug by journalists. Of course, the logic of journalists is clear: “sensational” materials are interesting more people than a description of, for example, another road accident involving drunk teenagers. So they cover only the information that will attract more attention to their newspaper or website. And now in more detail.

Policy of double standards on the part of the media

The media raises a panic about some drugs, but is silent about the dangers of others

Journalists like to simplify everything and make clear benefits. Cover all sides of an issue in short message It’s not easy, which is why media workers often don’t try to do it. As a result, readers often develop false beliefs, for example about drugs. There is no doubt that in recent decades the media has adopted a policy of double standards when it comes to stories related to drug use.

From 1990 to 2000, approximately 2.3 thousand deaths related to drug overdose (including alcohol) were recorded in Scotland. Of these, 546 were described in newspapers. Let's see which stories the valiant media workers chose to cover:

  • Morphine: Only 1 death was reported due to this drug (there were 72 in total).
  • Heroin: one in five deaths was covered.
  • Cocaine: every eighth.
  • Ecstasy: Journalists described 26 of the 28 deaths attributed to ecstasy. This can only be explained by the desire to create panic and create fear in people of this drug.
  • Alcohol sent almost 2 thousand people to the next world - about 70 times more than ecstasy. There was not a single mention in the press about any of these deaths...

And during the same period of time, the press covered only one of the 256 deaths associated with an aspirin overdose. Why are things this way?

"Bad" drugs receive more attention from the press, reinforcing the belief that deaths caused by them are very common. Few would believe that alcohol kills tens of times more people than heroin or cocaine. But stubborn statistics only confirm this.

1 liter of vodka drunk in an hour will kill you

A liter of vodka drunk in less than an hour - lethal dose

Heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine - all of these drugs are incredibly dangerous substances and can deprive you of your health in a matter of months. But alcohol can perform a similar trick. Unfortunately, unlike other drugs, it is not prohibited.

Despite the fact that smoking marijuana also has a detrimental effect on health, this drug is many times less dangerous than alcohol. Experts from the US Drug Enforcement Administration say that in order for a lethal dose of marijuana to enter the body, a person must smoke 700 kilograms of the substance in less than 20 minutes.

This is interesting: The risk of dying from ecstasy use is approximately equal to the risk of dying while riding a horse. And LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms cannot kill you at all (unless, of course, you take into account the risk that you might jump out of a window while under their influence). In the case of alcohol, everything is much worse. Approximately 1 liter of vodka drunk in an hour is considered a lethal dose.

Scale comparison

There is evidence that marijuana is less harmful to the body than alcohol.

It is difficult to compare the negative effects of alcohol and other drugs because the amount of people who use them varies greatly. Alcohol can be bought at any store or supermarket, while other drugs are prohibited. Even in the United States, marijuana is only legal in some states. What are we leading to? Moreover, there are always more alcoholics than people addicted, for example, to ecstasy or cannabis.

If we compare the scale, we can come to the conclusion that, in percentage terms, not so many people die from alcohol. But that's not true. WHO experts concluded that even if marijuana were as popular a substance as alcohol, it would cause death tens of times less often.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people have formed a false illusion about the relative safety of alcohol.

Drinking parents deprive children of a happy childhood

Children whose parents drink feel unhappy and are often subject to domestic violence

Drinking parents do not treat their children well enough. Unfortunately, this is an axiom. In such families, violence often occurs, child abuse or neglect of parental responsibilities occurs. Unfortunately, adults do not understand that alcohol abuse not only harms them, but also turns the life of their children into a living hell.

This is interesting: According to statistics, children whose mother or father like to drink feel unhappy about 9 times more often than their peers.

Psychologists call this “negative childhood experience,” which can manifest itself in different ways. Some of the children have to live in poverty, while others are forced to look after their drinking mother all the time instead of playing hide and seek with friends. In families where both parents are alcoholics, the situation becomes even more depressing.

It would be wrong to say that unhappy childhoods only occur in children whose parents drink. A similar result is observed in families in which the mother or father is addicted, for example, to heroin or even gambling. Fortunately, drugs, like gambling, are considered illegal in many countries, and dependence on them is frowned upon by society. At the same time, the attitude towards alcoholics is more lenient.

Unfortunately, alcohol consumption is often only encouraged by others

Anthropologist and PhD candidate Anne Fox believes that alcohol, contrary to popular belief, is not a cause of violence. According to her, there is no evidence that drinking alcohol causes such desires in people. It turns out that the roots of our problems are hidden much deeper. It's all about culture.

If alcohol actually caused people to commit violence, the rate of alcohol-related crime would be about the same in all countries. But in practice things are different. Thus, residents of Iceland drink significantly more alcohol than Americans, while there is much less alcohol-related violence there. Dr. Fox says our behavior when drunk is determined by what our culture teaches us.

This is interesting: B modern world Drinking is not considered something reprehensible. Heroes of films and TV series often drink alcohol. In the videos of popular music artists, they appear in front of the camera every now and then with a glass of whiskey or some kind of cocktail. At the same time, the media has convinced us that drinking alcohol leads to violence and reckless behavior. Unfortunately, this cause-and-effect relationship is firmly entrenched in our minds and has prevailed over common sense. Therefore, when a person gets drunk, he begins to behave as he “should”, endangering not only his life, but also the health of those around him.

But the worst thing is that we don’t see anything wrong with, for example, drinking a bottle of beer every day after work. It's funny that if we found out that some guy smokes marijuana every day (remember, a safer substance than alcohol), we would consider him a drug addict. No one even thinks about the fact that a person who cannot imagine his life without beer (or something stronger) is also a drug addict.

It would be foolish to advocate the need for a state ban on the sale of alcohol, because bans have repeatedly proven to be ineffective. There is no doubt that the number of deaths caused by the consumption of low-quality alcohol will only increase in this case. That's not what this is about at all. It’s just time to stop the “glamorization” of alcohol consumption. If you drink, you will not seem at all like a more status or successful person. Instead, alcohol will only poison the body and shorten your life.

Any dose of alcohol leads to the death of brain cells and the destruction of millions of neural connections. We perceive this “harmless” state as intoxication. At a temperature of 36.6°C, non-living cells begin to decompose (rot), leaving scars in their place. The body must get rid of this rot. Cerebrospinal fluid is pumped into the brain to dissolve dead tissue. Intracranial pressure increases, causing you to experience a hangover the next morning. And all rot is removed from the body through the excretory organs. Yes, yes, it is in the toilet that dead neurons find their final refuge, and with them your knowledge and talents. So, do you still want to open that can of beer?

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on human health - even the manufacturers themselves do not hide this fact. strong drinks. There is a significant amount of research regarding its effects on morbidity and mortality in people consuming it at various doses.

Unfortunately, sad statistics do not stop millions of people from drinking alcoholic beverages. However, there are also those that not everyone dares to use.


Goldenrot is a Swiss cinnamon schnapps (contains 43.5% alcohol) containing very thin but clearly visible flakes of real gold. Each liter of goldenroth contains ~15 mg of gold.
Especially for this drink, sieves with tiny holes are produced that trap especially large gold flakes. However, most snobs who bought a bottle for more than 300 bucks drink the drink without straining, as a result of which tiny pieces of metal often damage the stomach lining; there have been cases when gold remained in the stomach for several months, causing the gourmet discomfort, burning and nausea. Upon release, the precious metal can also get stuck, damage and cause decay in the rectum.

Gilpin Family Whiskey

This extremely rare drink of the gods is produced exclusively to order, which will certainly interest all whiskey connoisseurs without exception, who, however, are unlikely to be able to suppress the natural vomiting reflex, having learned that the main ingredient of Gilpin Family Whiskey (translated from English as “Glipin Family Whiskey”) is the urine of elderly people with type 2 diabetes.
The author of this masterpiece is the outrageous designer and researcher James Gilpin, whom critics have more than once sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.
Mr. Glipin extracts urine from a group of elderly volunteers, including his own grandmother.
Before freshly collected urine is used to make whiskey, it undergoes a simple purification procedure - filtered through a regular water purification filter.

Fijjtu Beer

"Armageddon" - the strongest beer in the world


Alcoholic drinks are popular all over the world. It is difficult to find an adult who has never drank alcohol. But sometimes the desire to try something new goes beyond all limits. Here are 12 of the strangest alcoholic drinks of our time.

1. Rice vodka infused with baby mice

The idea of ​​adding animal bodies to strong alcoholic drinks is not new: manufacturers add scorpions, snakes, and caterpillars. In Korea, these little mice are no older than three weeks - they are already quite large, but have not yet grown hair. The mice are placed in a bottle, filled with rice vodka and the bottle is placed in a cool place. dark place. After a year, the drink is completely ready for consumption.

Manufacturers claim that the taste of vodka is simply amazing. Such vodka, according to their assurances, is, first of all, a medicine, and if you drink it regularly, no diseases will be scary. The statement is somewhat dubious, but there are those who are willing to buy unusual drink there are quite a lot.

2. Goldenrot

The cost of one bottle of the Swiss drink Goldenrot is about $300. In essence, this is an ordinary, albeit strong (53.5%) schnapps with cinnamon, but during production, gold flakes are added to the drink. Yes, real gold - each liter contains at least 15 mg of gold shavings.

Small gold flakes are clearly visible in the drink. Heavy metal is unsafe for health, so the kit includes a sieve with tiny holes. It is recommended to strain the drink before drinking, but most snobby buyers neglect this and suffer from the consequences - constant nausea and a burning sensation in the stomach. There have been cases where gold accumulated in the rectum and surgery had to be performed. But will this stop a real gourmet?

3. Chicha

Chicha was invented by the Incas more than six centuries ago, and the recipe has not changed over the centuries: women chew corn kernels into a paste, spit the resulting mass into a jug, then the paste is diluted with warm water, poured into clay bottles and placed in a dark, damp place.

Nowadays they add cumin or anise to chicha and chew the grains less thoroughly. But in Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica, remote from civilization, they still adhere to traditional recipe. True, even in these countries they are trying to ban the drink, imposing fines, since the authorities are convinced that chicha can cause dangerous diseases.

4. Snake wine

Snake wine was invented in Vietnam, but over time the preparation technology migrated to other countries. Asian countries. The basis of the drink is a poisonous snake placed in a bottle, and the main feature of the wine is the poison dissolved in alcohol. The poison is neutralized by ethanol, so the drink is safe for health. Sometimes many small snakes are placed in the wine, cockroaches, centipedes, tiny turtles or birds are added for beauty and the drink is infused for several months.

The second preparation recipe: the body of a recently killed snake is cut open, the juices of its body are added directly to a bowl of wine and drunk.

You should drink snake wine in small sips so that you can fully concentrate on the taste.

5. Ayahuasca

Translated from the Quechua language, the word “ayahuasca” is translated as “liana of the dead” - this is the name of the melon vine from which the drink is prepared. Ayahuasca can only be tasted in one of the wild tribes of the Amazon. The Indians believe that with the help of the drink they gain contact with the world of the dead. Not surprising: the vine is a powerful psychotropic drug, and the drink has a hallucinogenic effect.

6. Changaa

Changaa is an African version of moonshine made in the slums of Kenya. There is nothing new in the recipe - grains like sorghum and corn are distilled and drunk, but Africa is Africa. There is no talk about sanitary standards and quality, and the drink is often “seasoned” with sand, dirt, and even human feces. And to make the taste completely unforgettable, battery acid, jet fuel or embalming fluid are added to the changaa.

In order to get drunk, 300 grams is enough for a large, tall man. The consequences of consumption are corresponding - a severe hangover, severe headache, nausea and aches throughout the body, the risk of complete memory loss. The literal translation of the name of the drink - “kill me quickly” - you can’t help but believe, given its components.

7. Everclear

Everclear is the strongest liqueur in the world. Since the alcohol concentration in this liqueur is 95%, it is not drunk in its pure form, but is used to create cocktails or as a base for other alcoholic drinks.

Of course, by and large, Everclear is not a liqueur at all, but a real alcohol, but it is called a liqueur because of its relatively mild aftertaste. The liqueur is made from grain crops, and its fantastic strength caused it to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

8. Beer Fijjtu

Now it is no longer possible to try Fijjtu - the only plant in the world existed for five years and was closed in 2003.

9. Gilpin Family Whiskey

Collection whiskey Gilpin Family Whiskey is produced exclusively to order. The amazing drink was invented by designer and researcher James Gilpin.

The drink has an amazing taste, combining traditional bitterness and soft astringency. Gilpin Family Whiskey has even been called the drink of the gods. True, at that time it was not yet known what was included in its composition.

One of the main ingredients is the urine of elderly people suffering from type 2 diabetes. By the way, one of the main “suppliers” of raw materials is Gilpin’s own grandmother. The urine is filtered through a water purification filter and added to the drink. There are plenty of people who want to buy whiskey, because it is a collectible drink! And probably everyone has friends whom they really want to treat to something similar...

10. Tsongsul

Tsongsul is not very popular even in the country of origin, Korea, and it sells very poorly around the world, but it is still made in fairly large quantities.

According to tradition, the main ingredients of tsongsul are human feces and medicinal herbs. All this is kneaded into a fine paste and infused with alcohol for four months. The taste of the drink, according to those who drank it, does not cause any disgust. There is even a known case when Korean journalists decided to make fun of young Chinese women. The girls found the drink pleasant, especially the aftertaste. However, having learned what the wine was made from, they sharply changed their minds.

11. Molort

Molort is considered the most disgusting tasting drink in the world. It is a not very strong (35%) wormwood schnapps. It is difficult to say what the taste is like, but it is described exclusively as “real poison”, “abomination”, “disgusting rubbish” and so on. In addition, the aroma of molort is reminiscent of a whole range of unpleasant odors - just imagine how all turpentine, ink and burnt rubber smell together.

Why is it made and who drinks it? Complex issue. Most likely thrill seekers.

12. Rotten Toe Cocktail

All the drinks described above are nothing compared to the signature cocktail of the Canadian bar “Sourtoe Cocktail Club”. Its “highlight” is a real toe of a real human foot, filled with anything - from beer to whiskey or alcohol. The cost of one glass is five dollars.

According to legend, in 1973, a certain captain Dick Sievens threw his amputated finger into a friend’s glass, and since then the tradition has taken root. You can join the elite club only with a recommendation from one of its members. If you don't drink a cocktail, there's no point in joining. Regular members of the club prefer “their” fingers, and if you come for the first time, you will receive a second-hand finger, used many times.