Why does water make you sick? Why does water vomiting occur and how to get rid of it? Drinking water causes a gag reflex

Vomiting is an involuntary act in which, as a result of contraction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and diaphragm and a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the fundus of the stomach, its contents are quickly thrown down the esophagus into the oral cavity. This phenomenon, as a rule, is always preceded by a feeling of nausea, increased salivation, a change in breathing rhythm and increased heart rate. Vomiting is a mechanism for cleansing the body in case of poisoning, overeating, or infection.

A vomiting attack can also occur against the background of diseases of the digestive system and nervous system. The appearance of this symptom should be treated responsibly and seek help from specialists, especially if it recurs many times within one day or periodically over several days. Based on an analysis of the composition of vomit, its color, consistency and conditions of occurrence, you can obtain information about the cause that caused it and, depending on this, decide what to do when vomiting in each specific situation.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting begins to appear in a person after a special signal enters the stomach from a special center located in the medulla oblongata. Irritation of the vomiting center can be caused by impulses from the digestive organs, vestibular apparatus or direct impact on it in the brain. In this regard, the causes of vomiting can be:

  • poisoning from spoiled food;
  • intoxication chemicals or alcohol;
  • binge eating;
  • seasickness;
  • side effects from taking medications;
  • high body temperature at the beginning of the development of infectious diseases;
  • brain diseases (meningitis, trauma, migraines, presence of neoplasms, etc.);
  • early toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • nervous system disorders.

Vomit, in addition to food debris and gastric juice, may contain impurities of bile, mucus, traces of blood or pus

In order to find out the reason for the doctor to decide what to do when vomiting, the patient’s medical history is first taken. In this case, be sure to evaluate:

  • time of onset of vomiting and duration of symptoms;
  • the relationship between vomiting and food intake;
  • the presence of other symptoms that appeared simultaneously or some time before the vomiting attack;
  • color, smell and consistency of vomit.

How to help if vomiting occurs?

Vomiting is often one of the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, and it is accompanied by a feeling of pain in the abdominal area. With gastritis, vomit contains recently eaten food and bile. With peptic ulcers, tumors, and damage to blood vessels in the digestive tract, vomiting of blood is observed. In case of intestinal obstruction, the secreted vomit acquires a specific smell of feces. Vomiting with copious secretion of bile is observed during exacerbation of cholecystitis. Vomiting may also occur in patients with acute appendicitis.

Important: Vomiting is not a specific sign of any disease. Its appearance requires contacting a doctor and clarifying the diagnosis. It may be accompanied by diarrhea, high fever, deterioration in general condition, headaches and other related symptoms.

Helping a person with nausea and vomiting

What helps against vomiting and how to prevent an attack? Vomiting is always preceded by a feeling of nausea, increased salivation and increased breathing. In some situations, the occurrence of a vomiting attack can be prevented at this stage with the help of quite simple methods. However, this is not always necessary. If vomiting is a consequence of intoxication with drugs, chemical compounds or spoiled food, then you need to give the body the opportunity to cleanse itself, and only then take measures to prevent repeated vomiting.

How to get rid of nausea?

For mild nausea not accompanied by vomiting, it is recommended to do the following to alleviate the condition:

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  • drink in small portions cold water with the addition of lemon juice;
  • provide fresh air and breathe deeply;
  • take a comfortable body position, preferably sit down or, even better, lie down;
  • suck lozenges or take special medications if nausea is caused by motion sickness;
  • drink water with mint tincture or take sedatives if the cause of nausea is nervous stress.

If a person experiences intense vomiting during nausea, then it is necessary to induce vomiting by pressing on the base of the tongue. After cleansing the stomach, the condition improves almost immediately.

Vomiting is often preceded by a feeling of nausea

Help with vomiting

First aid for vomiting is to not interfere with the emptying of the stomach and not to try to forcefully stop the vomiting process. What to do after vomiting starts? It is necessary to ensure a comfortable body position for the patient, placing him in a chair or on a bed. In case of repeated attacks, place a bowl or basin and a towel nearby, and cover the chest with oilcloth. After each vomit, the person is given a glass of water to rinse his mouth.

If a person is unconscious, you need to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, the patient is placed on the bed on his side so that his head is below the level of the body. Make sure that the vomit that comes out does not create an obstruction to breathing.

After a bout of vomiting, it is recommended to drink more fluids to prevent dehydration. This can be ordinary boiled water or mineral water without gases, glucose-salt solutions (Regidron, Gastrolit, Trihydron, etc.) They will help cleanse the body of toxins and restore water-mineral balance. You need to drink in very small portions, starting with 10 ml, gradually increasing the volume so as not to provoke a new attack.

Timely replenishment of water lost through vomit is necessary to prevent dehydration

What to drink if you are poisoned and vomiting? When the body is intoxicated, enterosorbents are usually prescribed. These include Activated carbon and its analogues, Enterosgel, Smecta and other drugs. In case of poisoning, you should never try to suppress the urge to vomit; toxins that have entered the body must be able to exit.

Important: If vomiting attacks occur repeatedly, you should contact a specialist. If the ejected vomit contains traces of blood, call immediately. ambulance. Before her arrival, it is forbidden to give a person any medications, as well as anything to eat or drink!

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Galina Savina, how she cured her stomach.
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Definition of vomiting

By definition, vomiting is a complex reflex action during which all the contents of the stomach are expelled through the oral cavity. This action occurs when the vomiting center of the brain stem is affected by peripheral or central stimuli. Vomiting most often indicates that a person has a serious illness, that is, it is one of the symptoms.

Vomiting is caused by the following actions: a sharp contraction of the abdominal muscles occurs, and the esophageal tube becomes wide. As a result, the entrance to the stomach becomes open. Before a person vomits, he feels that he is starting to feel sick, swallowing movements begin to occur spontaneously, breathing becomes very rapid, salivation increases, and watering from the eyes may begin.

Vomit is not processed food debris, gastric juice, or mucus. It happens that blood, bile or even pus are mixed with the vomit.

Why does vomiting occur?

Vomiting acts as a kind of defensive reaction immune system which tries to remove toxins or other irritants from the body.

There are many reasons for vomiting:

  1. Emerging infections
  2. Poisoning of the body resulting from eating mushrooms, alcohol, drugs, harmful gases and other substances
  3. Toxicosis in pregnant women
  4. Liver and kidney diseases
  5. Endocrine diseases such as adrenal insufficiency or diabetes
  6. Diseases of the central nervous system, such as impaired blood circulation in the brain, migraines, brain injuries and others.

Most often, vomiting occurs due to infections or emerging diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Associated symptoms are nausea and pain in the stomach or abdomen. If a person vomits several times, the result may be dehydration, because the body excretes sodium, potassium, and chlorine along with the vomit. This leads to repetition of vomiting, and the person completely loses strength and his condition worsens greatly.

If a person suffers from a stomach ulcer, then his vomit may contain blood and mucus. A person may experience pain in the epigastric region. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Bed rest and an individual strict nutritional plan are required.

If the outlet of the stomach decreases, a scar forms on the ulcer or it swells, then in such cases vomiting can be very strong and frequent. It begins on average five hours after eating. In people with such diseases, the body is severely exhausted and dehydrated. For this reason, they must be sent to hospitals immediately. Most often, the disease can only be cured through surgery.

If a person vomits a large amount of blood, then this indicates a serious illness in the body. This means that the blood vessels of the stomach and esophagus have begun to hemorrhage. The cause of vascular hemorrhage can be a stomach ulcer, vascular erosion, diathesis, tumor decomposition, or a ruptured vein in the esophagus.

Intestinal obstruction is indicated by vomiting with a very strong unpleasant odor. In this case, the person feels severe pain in the abdomen. It happens that a person vomits due to inflammation of appendicitis, kidney colic, myocardial infarction, influenza virus, pneumonia, severe intoxication, diabetes mellitus.

You need to clearly know that if a person vomits, then these are the first signs of the disease. Since vomiting is not an exclusive symptom of just one disease, it requires medical investigation of the causes of its occurrence. Experienced doctors will be able to correctly diagnose the patient and apply appropriate treatment.

Signs and treatments for vomiting.

The initial signs that a person will vomit are a feeling of nausea, rapid breathing, copious discharge saliva and lacrimation. The person tries to swallow, and the abdominal muscles begin to contract uncontrollably, and the esophagus becomes dilated. As a result, the person vomits.

In order for the vomiting to stop, you need to take drugs that have an antispasmodic effect, for example “No-shpu”. You can introduce a solution of atropine, or a drug that will normalize the motility of the digestive tract, for example, Reglan or Cerucal. Such drugs can be administered either intramuscularly or intravenously.

If the cause of vomiting is intoxication of the body, then it is necessary to carry out actions that contribute to detoxification of the body. If the body is dehydrated, fluids and electrolytes can be administered intravenously using a system. If the patient experiences surges blood pressure, then it is necessary to carry out normalizing therapy.

It should be borne in mind that vomiting should be treated only based on the nature of its occurrence, that is, you need to know the reasons. The main thing to remember is that if vomiting occurs repeatedly, and its strength increases, and there is blood in the vomit, then this indicates the seriousness of the disease and requires urgent attention to professional doctors.


Treatment of vomiting with dill and mint.

One of the most popular traditional methods Treatment for vomiting is mint tea. Mint has a calming effect, has a gentle effect on the inflamed walls of the stomach and helps eliminate gag reflexes. In order to prepare mint tea, you need to add a spoonful of dried mint leaves to a mug of boiling water, cover the mug and let it brew for 10 minutes. After this, the tea needs to be strained, and it is ready for drinking. If the tea is infused for two hours, you will get a very useful tincture. You need to take it three times a day, one tablespoon.

If the cause of vomiting is stress, then the person should be taken to fresh air. He should also take 15 drops of mint tincture diluted with water.

If a person is poisoned, vomiting can be cured with a decoction made from dill seeds. To do this, you need to brew the seeds in boiling water and let it brew for two hours.

It must be remembered that when vomiting, the body becomes severely dehydrated, and it is necessary to replenish the water supply. To do this, you can give the patient something to drink mineral water mixed with fruit juice.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, you do not need to stop vomiting, because through vomiting the body tries to remove harmful toxins. After the vomiting has stopped, you need to pour cool water on the patient’s head and give him coffee with lemon.

Treatment of vomiting with decoctions of lemon balm and trefoil.

If repeated vomiting occurs, then the person needs to take a lemon balm decoction. It is better to drink it even after recovery, half a glass before meals. In order to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, you need to use an infusion of three-leaf watch.

Treatment of vomiting with maple and lemon.

A decoction of maple tree leaves is very good remedy from vomiting. To prepare it, you need to brew dry maple leaves in a glass of boiling water. After this, the broth warms up in a water bath, but does not boil. Afterwards, the broth is filtered and cooled. You need to take the decoction three times a day, ¼ cup.

You can also cure vomiting with lemon. To do this, you need to infuse lemon peels with alcohol.

Treatment of vomiting with henbane and asparagus.

To soothe the inner walls of the stomach, you can take asparagus powder. The powder is mixed with water and drunk.

If vomiting is severe and frequent, then you can use the following method. A quarter gram of dried henbane leaves is poured with half a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be evaporated over a fire until the consistency becomes like porridge. In the future, you need to dilute 2 drops of the resulting mixture with water and drink three times a day. Henbane itself is poisonous, so it must be taken very carefully. If poisoning occurs, the only measure will be gastric lavage.



Ways to get rid of nausea attacks

Nausea is a sign of digestive diseases. However, the reasons can be completely different and need to be dealt with different ways. With such symptoms, you should contact not a gastroenterologist, but a neurologist, cardiologist or endocrinologist. Having diagnosed the cause of nausea, you can decide on ways to get rid of its attacks. If you just feel sick, there is no need to treat your nausea. But if you are constantly feeling sick, then this is a reason to consult with your doctor.

How to relieve nausea, how to quickly get rid of nausea?

1 Sit quietly if you feel very nauseous

The first thing to do if a person starts to feel sick and wants to get rid of the feeling of nausea is to sit quietly, without any sudden movements. Nausea usually gets worse if a person makes sudden movements. It should be remembered that in most cases of seasickness, nausea can be helped by lying still, but in some cases, lying down during an attack of nausea can only make the situation worse. That is why doctors recommend that if you have an attack of nausea, in order to get rid of it, take a sitting position, close your eyes and rest motionless.

2 Try to breathe deeply

Fresh air usually reduces nausea and its intensity, therefore, if a person has severe nausea, it is recommended that he go out into the fresh air and breathe calmly and deeply.

3 If you feel nauseous, place a cold compress on the back of your neck

In this case, to reduce and relieve nausea, a cloth moistened with ordinary cool water may be suitable. It should be applied to the back of the neck.

4 Try to distract yourself

If you feel very nauseous, then in order to get rid of the feeling of nausea, you can try to transfer your attention to some activity that will not require intense attention, but will not involve heavy physical activity. Often nausea occurs due to anxiety, panic attack or stress, in such situations it is recommended to try to distract your thoughts and try to relax.

5 Acupressure, stretching, avoid sharp and strong odors

If you feel nauseous and want to get rid of the feeling of severe nausea as soon as possible, try to avoid very strong odors, try stretching, stretching your neck and back.

6 Don't overload your stomach

To avoid feelings of nausea, try not to overload your stomach and avoid eating after 7 p.m.

7 Don't mix hot and cold foods if you feel nauseous

If you take both cold and hot food at the same time or after a short period of time, this can significantly upset the stomach and lead to worsening nausea.

8 Eat and chew a lemon slice thoroughly

Nausea after eating

When nausea occurs after eating and is accompanied by heartburn and heaviness in the stomach, this indicates gastritis. A feeling of heartburn or pain in the upper abdominal region on an empty stomach and after eating food indicates a stomach ulcer. A feeling of nausea after eating food can be caused by an allergy to a specific product. In such cases, this product should be crossed out from your menu.

Products that cause an allergic reaction:

6 Vegetables and fruits that cause allergies.

Nausea may occur after overeating due to excessive stress on the stomach. You need to eat food in small portions. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before eating. Nausea may occur when eating fatty or spicy foods. In this case, drinking mineral water in small sips, chamomile tea or tea with lemon will help.

If you use spoiled products or violate basic hygiene rules, you may feel unwell, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and sometimes more serious illnesses. In case of mild food poisoning, only “home” measures are sufficient; in a more complex situation, or in case of poisoning in the elderly or children, you must immediately seek help from your doctor, and if necessary, call an ambulance.

To remove toxic substances from the body, gastric lavage, sorbents and laxatives are used. They need to be used as early as possible.

Gastric lavage is done with a light soda solution. Use up to three liters of water. Washing is done by taking four glasses of the mixture orally, followed by inducing a gag reflex. In case of general deterioration of the patient's condition, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Nausea - with alcohol poisoning

Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, incoherent speech, unstable condition - these are the first signs of alcohol poisoning. To provide assistance at this stage, you need to provide access to fresh air, open a door or window, and unbutton your collar. In warm weather, you need to take the patient outside. Give a couple of glasses of liquid to drink and induce a gag reflex. Then use ammonia. To cleanse the body, you need to drop six drops of ammonia into a glass of water and give it to the patient. After vomiting, you need to drink strong coffee to improve your health.

If an attack of nausea occurs the next day and is accompanied by a headache, then this is hangover syndrome. There are many ways to help get rid of these negative symptoms.

How to get rid of nausea?

First, you need to drink plenty of water, regardless of whether there is vomiting or not, whether the patient feels thirsty or not. Within a few hours you need to drink up to two liters of salted liquid, or still mineral water.

Helps cope with dry mouth lemon juice or water with orange juice or honey.

For nausea, you need to drink activated charcoal - one tablet per ten kilograms of body. You can get rid of nausea with tomato juice, with the addition of black pepper. You need to drink the juice little by little, in a couple of doses.

You also need to brew tea with mint, chamomile, ginger, and willow bark in equal proportions. It is better not to drink strong tea or coffee if you have alcohol poisoning.

In case of severe nausea, weakness, vomiting and trembling in the extremities, you need to rub your ears vigorously with your hands until they turn blue.

To tone your body, you need to take a contrast shower. Hot bath cannot be accepted.

Walking has a good effect on the body fresh air(but not in the sun) - a huge amount of oxygen will improve the patient’s condition and remove intoxication, and a walk will increase blood flow and speed up the process of eliminating toxins.

To begin preventing a hangover, you need to abstain from food. Over the next few days, you need to remove spicy foods from the menu. Eat liquid and low-fat food, avoid eating canned food and smoked meats, eat more fermented milk products, drink chamomile decoction.

The first thing you need to do if you feel unwell is take a cold shower, but in no case a cool shower, since a depleted body is susceptible to developing colds. The best option would be a contrast shower, where warm water alternates with cool water. Several elementary physical exercise, saturate the body's cells and accelerate the removal of toxins.

To reduce alcohol intoxication, take activated charcoal before drinking alcohol.

Nausea during pregnancy

Diseases in pregnant women associated with nausea and vomiting are called toxicosis. Early toxicosis is called nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, salivation and other pathologies.

During the normal course of pregnancy, changes occur in all internal organs in the patient’s body, which are controlled by the nervous system with the participation of the endocrine glands. Scientists interpret the theory that pregnancy side effects that appear on early stages, are a protective mechanism to prevent viral bacteria and toxins from food from entering the patient’s body. This is confirmed by the fact that pregnant women suffering from toxicosis during pregnancy are less likely to have miscarriages.

Fifty to ninety percent of patients suffer from toxicosis during pregnancy. Symptoms appear in the tenth week, reach their peak in the thirteenth week and resolve on their own by the fourteenth week. However, ten percent of cases, vomiting and nausea can bother the patient until the twenty-second week of pregnancy. It is important to know that in this way the patient’s body is cleansed of the effects of foreign toxins that can harm the fetus. Attacks of nausea accompany a pregnant woman in the morning, when she wakes up and changes her body position. Nausea can also be caused by strong aromas and odors. But if nausea and dizziness do not go away during the day, this can lead to dehydration. The acid-base balance of the body is also disturbed, and weight loss is observed. These symptoms require immediate medical intervention, as without treatment this can lead to fetal exhaustion or death of the patient.


Vomiting may be caused by a serious illness or may occur as by-effect medical treatment or condition. Drinking a lot of water or any other liquid after vomiting may cause you to vomit more. Although vomiting is not harmful, it can lead to dehydration, which is potentially dangerous, especially for children and older adults.

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How to hydrate after vomiting


Eat chips after vomiting to slowly replace fluids.

Do not drink liquids for one or two hours after vomiting. If your mouth becomes dry or you have a bad taste in your mouth, you can suck on ice chips or rinse your mouth with water. 1-2 hours after vomiting and after nausea has subsided, begin rehydrating slowly. Drain clear liquids every 15 minutes for three to four hours. If you start vomiting again, restart the hydration process from the beginning.

Acceptable liquids after vomiting


Avoid drinking milk, caffeine, citrus juice, and alcohol after vomiting.

After vomiting, drink clear liquids that do not contain caffeine or alcohol. It is normal to drink water or liquids containing sugar. Liquid ale, fruit juice, sports drinks and clear infusions are acceptable liquids. Avoid drinking fruit juices that are acidic, such as orange juice or lemonade. You can also eat food or gelatin snacks. Avoid drinking milk or fatty liquids. If vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea, limit sweetened drinks, which can make the diarrhea worse. Instead, choose products specifically formulated to replace electrolytes, which are available in liquids and essences.

When to see a doctor


Monitor children closely for signs of dehydration after vomiting.

In some cases, vomiting can be treated with self-care, but in other cases you may need to see a doctor. Dehydration can be caused by fluid loss during vomiting, inability to drink fluids, or a combination of both. Children and older adults are at greatest risk of dehydration after vomiting. Since children cannot tell you their symptoms, monitor them closely for signs of dehydration. These include dry mouth, fast heartbeat, sunken eyes, lack of tears, dizziness and a feeling of lethargy. Urinating less than once every eight hours is also a sign of dehydration. Contact your doctor if you suspect dehydration, or if you experience nausea and vomiting that continues for more than 24 hours. Children should see a doctor if they vomit for more than 12 hours. Seek immediate medical attention for a child who has a severe episode of vomiting; Dehydration can happen very quickly in infants.

Other serious symptoms that require a visit to the doctor include vomiting, accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting blood.

Eating after vomiting


Wait at least 12 hours after vomiting to eat solid food. Start with some crackers, dry toast, pretzels, bananas, white rice, potatoes or applesauce. Eat only foods that are mild, avoiding spicy and fatty foods. Also avoid raw fruits and vegetables if vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea. Stop eating if nausea or vomiting returns.

Repeated vomiting can be a sign of various not at all harmless conditions and diseases. It is accompanied by weakness and weakness, and worsens a person’s quality of life. The pathology is treated by a doctor who takes into account its cause, and the patient himself is responsible for nutrition, as a necessary condition for successful recovery. But what to eat after debilitating vomiting so as not to provoke a second attack and quickly recover?

Symptoms of the condition after vomiting

The condition after diarrhea and vomiting is characterized by its symptoms: temperature fluctuations, abdominal pain, cramps, loss of appetite. To compensate for the rapid loss of minerals and vitamins, as well as to avoid dehydration of the body, nutrition is necessary, which is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the causes and severity of the victim’s condition. General recommendations include eating light foods, without fatty, sweet, spicy or salty foods, and drinking plenty of fluids.

Fighting dehydration

Removal of fluid from the body is often a consequence of food poisoning. Vomiting interferes with the absorption of food in the amount necessary for this. The best option would be to take it hourly. mineral water with various salts in the composition. The same functions are performed by Regidron and other liquids approved for use. It is desirable that the water contains no gases and a lot of magnesium ions.

Pharmacy drugs

To replenish the water balance, powders are used:

  • Glucosolan;
  • Oralit.

You can prepare saline solutions from them and drink 1 tbsp after vomiting. l. every 5 minutes. When drinking a large volume of water at once, the gag reflex can again work, so such fractional drinking allows the liquid to go where it is needed. If the patient’s well-being improves, the volume of liquid drunk at one time can be increased to 100 ml.

Folk remedies

Diet after diarrhea and vomiting may include:

  • Rosehip decoction with high content ascorbic acid to strengthen the immune system and relieve symptoms of food poisoning.
  • A weak drink made from the herb St. John's wort, which has antibacterial and antispasmodic properties. It ensures quick recovery.
  • A soft-textured rice decoction containing carbohydrates to replenish energy balance and soothe the digestive canal.

Strong coffee and tea, sweet homemade compotes are prohibited. It is better not to drink sports isotonic drinks in order to replenish the balance of electrolytes. They contain many sweeteners and dyes that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Sugar serves as a provocateur for the activation of pathogenic microbes and leads to deterioration of health.

The first 24 hours after intoxication

This period is characterized by particularly intense diarrhea and vomiting.

Therefore, in addition to those prescribed by a doctor medicines, you can take:

  • rice broth;
  • lean broths;
  • rosehip jelly;
  • apple juice or compote.

Gentle nutrition begins on the second day after the fasting break, when the severity of symptoms decreases somewhat, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, symptoms of poisoning are relieved, and the gag reflex does not work.

Chemical sparing involves special methods of preparing dishes that limit fats, reduce sugar levels and maintain sufficient amounts of proteins.

The essence of the principle of mechanical sparing is to grind food into a soufflé or puree.

On the second day after vomiting, you can enjoy crackers with tea or gelatin jelly. From the second day, rabbit, chicken or sea fish are introduced. On an individual basis, the doctor decides whether to give the patient IVs or not, and whether the patient needs hospitalization.

What can you eat after vomiting?

People usually used to treat diarrhea:

  • hard boiled eggs;
  • crackers;
  • strong black tea;
  • White rice.

Official medicine recommends eating non-irritating soft foods after nausea, for example, boiled eggs, which are included in the diet when the symptoms of indigestion have subsided, and then in limited quantities (1-2 pieces). To avoid significant discomfort and increased peristalsis from using fresh vegetables and fruits are completely abandoned.

To soothe the digestive system and saturate the body with energy, oatmeal and rice porridge with half-and-half milk or without milk, as well as decoctions of these cereals, are recommended for breakfast. The porridge should be viscous, rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender.

For lunch you can cook light soup, for dinner potatoes with boiled fish. Main products are introduced gradually, fats last.

Below is a list of foods that can be eaten after repeated vomiting in an adult, however, after the main symptoms have disappeared:

  • low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir;
  • boiled eggs, but only 1-2 pieces per day;
  • steamed omelettes;
  • white meat soufflé;
  • cutlets that do not contain bread;
  • potato;
  • buckwheat;
  • a small amount of pumpkin, zucchini and other non-starchy soft vegetables.

As for fruits, their return to the diet should be gradual, when there is no trace of any signs of malaise.

They return to normal nutrition after 4-5 days.

General food requirements:

  • it should be easily digestible;
  • contain a minimum of fat;
  • help restore the intestines.

Bananas and slimy porridges can serve as a source of vitamins and microelements.

Power scheme

The basic principles of nutrition for upset digestion include:

  • hungry pauses;
  • drinking to replenish electrolyte balance;
  • food that relieves the digestive canal;
  • return to normal diet.

Food should be warm; hot or cold dishes can worsen the condition. The best option- boiled, baked or stewed food. Fried foods, as well as grilled foods using fatty sauces, are prohibited.

What is prohibited when vomiting?

Firstly, foods rich in fiber, which is not absorbed by the human body and can worsen the condition of the victim.

Secondly, dishes traditionally prohibited for diseases of the digestive system:

  • alcohol;
  • juices in packages;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • legumes;
  • fast food;
  • strong tea;
  • coffee;
  • fried foods;
  • fatty meats;
  • semi-finished meat and fish products;
  • smoked meats

Returning to a normal diet should be careful.

Traditional medicine recipes

People in such conditions have always used time-tested recipes.

Among them, the most popular were and remain:

  • Chamomile tea from a glass of boiling water and 1 filter bag. Drink 2 times.
  • Brew marigolds (10 mg) in a glass of water and drink 3 times.
  • Prepare a composition from the same amount of buckthorn bark and the same volume of water, leave for 20 minutes and take 2 times.
  • Dill decoction helps with poisoning poisonous mushrooms. It is prepared from twigs and seeds. You will need boiling water (200 ml) and 20 g of plant materials. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, leave for 20 minutes and drink 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over crushed ginger (10 g), leave and drink 1 tbsp throughout the day. l. in one hour.
  • Pour centaury (20 g) and mint (80 g) into 1 liter of boiled water and leave for half an hour. Divide the entire volume into 3 doses.

It is better not to self-medicate, because vomiting can be a sign of various serious diseases. Admission decision folk remedies should also be taken by a doctor.


The main postulate proper nutrition When vomiting, the rule is that food should be liquid and pureed, and meals should be fractional. A diet after vomiting in an adult involves the inclusion in the diet of broths, cereals, decoctions of medicinal herbs with honey, compotes that will help brighten up these not the most fun days. If a person's condition does not improve, a doctor's consultation will be required. In severe cases, drug treatment cannot be avoided.

To avoid suffering from poisoning in the future, you should check the expiration date of products and not self-medicate, since drug poisoning is one of the most difficult to treat conditions. Alcoholic drinks should be of high quality and better taken in small doses. We hope that these simple recommendations presented in our article will help maintain your health.

Every person experiences nausea accompanied by vomiting from time to time. To cope with the consequences and prevent complications, it is necessary to identify the source of the unpleasant condition. Vomiting may result from:

  • overeating;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • poisoning with low-quality foods and drinks;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • infectious diseases;
  • malfunctions digestive system;
  • diseases;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • reactions to medications;
  • allergic reaction to products;
  • nervous conditions.

The causes of vomiting are different, often caused by poisoning or improper functioning of the digestive system. Associated symptoms of poisoning are diarrhea, elevated temperature, abdominal pain, weakness. – protective reactions of the body. The processes allow you to remove low-quality products and bacteria. Do not interfere with stomach cleansing. To avoid new urges, you should eat with caution after vomiting. There is no need to starve - do not worsen the condition. For the first 4-6 hours, it is better to abstain from food so that the stomach can rest. If you eat after cleansing the body, the patient needs to regain strength.

When vomiting, the body loses fluid and minerals - first of all, it eliminates dehydration. Water will help normalize stomach function. When the urge to vomit does not continue after the first portion, treatment begins. To replenish your water balance you need to drink clean water, weak tea without sugar, juice diluted with water in large quantities. You should not drink a lot of liquid at once; filling the stomach with water will lead to a new attack. It is better to drink little by little often. Doses are not prescribed for adults; drink as much as your body requires.

What to eat

After poisoning, you can eat crackers, cookies without additives, oils, semi-liquid foods - porridge with water, mashed potatoes, jelly. You can eat chicken soup and noodles without fat. Fatty foods cause flatulence. If you feel nauseous, you can limit yourself to drinking.

After two days, if you don’t feel sick, add an egg, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, and boiled or steamed vegetables to your diet. Weakness is a consequence of vomiting. To recover, the body needs protein. Boiled chicken without skin, fish, steamed meat are excellent sources of protein and microelements. Vitamins and minerals will be replenished with bananas and baked apples.

What not to eat

You should return to your usual diet gradually. It is better to exclude foods that irritate the stomach for 2-7 days. Food should be easily digestible and help restore microflora. The diet consists of avoiding the following categories of food:

  • Fried and greasy. Enzymes that promote the breakdown of fats are produced poorly due to disruption of the stomach.
  • Spicy and generously seasoned. Seasonings further irritate the digestive system.
  • Sour. Increased acidity will make you feel worse.
  • Smoked and canned.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Sweets: chocolate, cream and butter-based desserts, jam.

Butter, dairy products, fresh or pickled tomatoes, sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup) can cause repeated vomiting that occurs after nausea. Coffee, cocoa, and fresh baked goods are also undesirable.

Restoration of the body

During the entire recovery period, the drinking regime is observed. Add berry decoctions and compotes. Decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, St. John's wort) and apple juice will help normalize the state of the digestive system. Make sure that the temperature of food and drinks is optimal. Hot or cold causes stomach irritation. The duration of the diet depends on how you feel. The adult himself decides after how many days to return to normal nutrition. After severe vomiting, the recovery period takes up to three weeks. Products must be freshly prepared. Do not eat store-bought offal or soups from a package; artificial products will worsen the condition.

Vomiting in children

Poisoning in children occurs frequently. Usually the reason is due to poor quality products. Vomiting in a small child must be treated with special attention and proper care must be provided. If the case is not isolated, is accompanied by diarrhea and high fever, or the baby complains of pain, consult a doctor. In an adult, poisoning is much easier than in a child. The child’s body is not strong enough and is unable to cope with the infection on its own. Medications may be required.

Drinking regime

Products should not irritate the gastric mucosa; it is better to prepare semi-liquid food and grind solid food using a blender. The food is cooled to a comfortable temperature. If the child is not hungry, there is no need to force him to eat. The body will independently determine the optimal amount and frequency. After one or two days, you can diversify your diet with low-fat dishes, boiled or steamed. It is extremely important to replenish the animal protein content. Liquid chicken broth perfectly soothes the mucous membrane and saturates the body with nutrients. Gradually the menu includes vegetable stew, familiar dishes. It is recommended to consume food in small portions, but often. Gradually portions and intervals are increased.

Additional actions

Recovery lasts up to three weeks, depending on the duration of vomiting. During this period, the body needs vitamins and minerals. The doctor may prescribe medications high in vitamins A, B and C to improve metabolism and increase the body's resistance. In case of prolonged vomiting vitamin complex required.

To avoid re-poisoning, check the expiration date and quality of the products. If the diet does not help, the nausea does not go away, you need to take medicine and call a doctor. After prolonged vomiting, severe dehydration occurs. Prolonged vomiting can lead to serious consequences, chronic diseases, and death. You should pay close attention to your health and determine what is causing your prolonged illness. The doctor will prescribe treatment based on the specifics of the disease.

Nausea is an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach that can occur in both adults and children. It leads to a decrease physical activity, feeling unwell, is a precursor to vomiting. If you feel sick after drinking water, this may be the first sign of serious illness.

Nausea and vomiting are protective functions of the body.

When experiencing a feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area, a person may notice accompanying symptoms:

  • Dizziness;
  • Weakness, sweating;
  • Vomiting;
  • Hypersalivation (increased salivation);
  • Apathy, drowsiness;
  • Irritability;
  • Increased heart rate and breathing;
  • Paleness of the skin;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Feeling of pain in the stomach;
  • Diarrhea is possible.

As a rule, after discomfort in the abdomen, vomiting begins. With the secreted masses, the remains of undigested food and harmful compounds are removed from the stomach (it is dangerous if blood clots, bile, and mucus are observed in the vomit). In this way, the body is cleansed and relief comes. If severe vomiting is observed, this is a signal of pathological processes.

Remember! It is important to find out what the cause of nausea is and eliminate it. Treatment is prescribed and carried out only after the disease is diagnosed.

Why does water cause nausea?

Nausea is not a disease, but an accompanying symptom. If discomfort in the stomach occurs after a glass of water, this indicates a disruption in the functioning of the stomach. The cause may be the use of poor quality water.

Raw water contains trace elements that are beneficial for the body. Modern methods Water purification makes it safe in terms of sanitary and chemical indicators. But worn water pipes can worsen the composition of the water. The increased content of chlorine, iron, organic substances and bacteria negatively affects health and leads to stomach upsets. Therefore, it is recommended to drink water:

  • Cleaned using a filter at home;
  • Bottled (meets safety requirements).

If the water is purified and fresh, but you still feel unwell after drinking the liquid, this indicates health problems.

What diseases cause nausea

Factors that provoke nausea after drinking water:

First aid for nausea

With severe ailments, the body becomes weak. Along with vomit, useful minerals, chemical components, nutrients and water are excreted. In order to quickly restore stomach function, ease the feeling of nausea, and reduce the urge to vomit, you must follow the following rules:

Use any medications only after medical consultation!

When you need to go to the hospital urgently

Short-term nausea and occasional vomiting do not pose a health hazard. It could just be a slight glitch in the digestive system. Signs that require medical attention:

  • Continuous ;
  • The presence of bile and blood clots in the vomit;
  • High body temperature, chills, convulsions;
  • All day long, an adult or child continues to vomit from water;
  • Acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • Severe and sharp headaches.

Contact us in a timely manner medical care to find out the cause and promptly eliminate the disease. Do not ignore periodic illnesses and vomiting. Be healthy!