White copious discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Normal and pathological discharge

During this period, many women first realize that they are pregnant. The most common first sign of pregnancy is delayed menstrual bleeding. Signs of pregnancy at 5 weeks can be varied, but not very pronounced - nausea, dizziness and headache, increased fatigue, irritability and nervousness, aversion to certain tastes and smells, increased or lack of appetite.

If you notice a combination of several of the listed signs, you should buy pharmacy kiosk test to determine probable pregnancy. But you need to remember that the test in the early stages may not determine a positive result - then you need to take a test to determine the level of hCG in the blood. This test is highly specific and accurate; the level of this hormone doubles every 24-48 hours during pregnancy.

How many months have passed? The fifth obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second month. By the end of the week, the embryo is 21 days old, actively developing and growing, and developing the main organs and systems.

What's happening?

Now happening First stage the development of your baby, the formation of all his organs. The uterus at the 5th week of pregnancy is still quite small, its shape is asymmetrical due to the fertilized egg located in the uterine cavity. As the uterus grows, it will become more rounded.

Embryo at 5 weeks of pregnancy

By 5 weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg has already moved into the uterine cavity, and the embryo has begun to actively form. At the 5th week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is no more than a gram, and its length is from one to three millimeters. It is actively growing and changing, taking the shape of the letter C; the baby has the appearance of a cylinder, in the upper pole of which the head will form, and in the lower pole - the legs.

Along the future body there is a groove, which gradually closes into the neural tube. In the future, the spinal cord and the entire nervous system will form from it. At the upper end of this tube there is a thickening - the brain is formed from it. Along the neural tube there are thickenings - future muscles. You can also see the vertebral buds that will soon surround the neural tube and form the fetal spine.

Other organs are also actively developing. The fetus develops a cardiovascular system: first, blood vessels are formed that grow into the embryo, then the heart is formed. Initially, the heart is formed in the form of a tube, and only later it becomes four-chambered. At this time, a significant event occurs - approximately 21–22 days from conception, the baby’s heart contracts for the first time. In the future, the heartbeat will not stop for a minute.

On both sides of the dorsal chord, paired organs are formed: lungs, kidneys. The liver, pancreas and thyroid gland are actively developing. The trachea is separated from the esophagus, and the rectum from the urinary tract. The foundations of the intestines are laid.

Despite the size of the baby, at the 5th week of pregnancy you can see small rudiments of arms that still look like fins. Also in the head area the rudiments of eyes and ears are formed.

The fetus is separated from the chorion, amniotic sac and yolk sac. Primary germ cells are formed in the yolk sac, which determine the sex of the child - in boys they form sperm, and in girls they form eggs.

Fetal photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

The most important thing in the first weeks of pregnancy is the mother’s nutrition - after all, for the proper development of all organs, the baby must receive all the necessary substances. In this situation, a significant deficiency of any element in the mother’s body can lead to a catastrophic situation - the formation of defects and miscarriage.

This postulate is especially relevant in relation to folic acid. Scientists have proven that its deficiency can lead to disruption of the formation of the nervous system and other organs. That is why taking folic acid is indicated three months before the expected conception, and then throughout the entire pregnancy.

In addition to taking the vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by the doctor, mommy should eat well. Particular attention should be paid to various vegetable crops, fresh fruit. The amount of protein in the diet should correspond to the increased needs of a pregnant woman.

If early toxicosis does not allow you to fully enjoy your new position, limiting your food choices, you should listen to your body. If you absolutely cannot eat certain foods because of nausea, try to choose others so that the balance of essential nutrients is maintained. At the same time, you should not force yourself to eat those dishes and foods that make you very sick.

You need to drink a lot of water, teas or fruit drinks, fresh juices. They can help you fight toxicosis and also replenish vitamin deficiencies.

Mom's feelings

The belly at the 5th week of pregnancy has not yet enlarged, but the baby is already making itself felt - nagging pain in the pelvis and abdomen, increased urination, swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands are sometimes perceived as harbingers of menstrual bleeding by mothers who do not yet know about their pregnancy.

The appearance of these symptoms is associated with hormonal changes in the body, which is preparing to bear a child. Hormones can cause a decrease in the tone of the stomach and intestines, which causes heartburn, nausea and constipation. The uterus squeezes bladder, arise frequent urge to the toilet. Due to hormone surges, a woman can become irritable, anxious, and tearful. This period is also characterized by frequent mood swings, alternating periods of increased activity and apathy, and fatigue.

Many mothers complain that after the 5th week of pregnancy begins, the stomach and lower back are pulled - the uterus grows and stretches its ligaments. Also, under the influence of hormones, a restructuring of the pelvic bones gradually occurs, which can also cause nagging pain.

The temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy may increase slightly under the influence of hormones. If you feel overwhelmed, tired, and your temperature is no higher than 37.5° C, blame your hormones. If the temperature rises above this level, accompanied by a cough, runny nose, or sore throat, contact the clinic immediately. After all, a viral infection during the period of active development of the embryo has a detrimental effect on it.

Discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy may become more abundant and watery, but it should not have a distinct odor or color. The appearance of curdled, greenish or yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor is a consequence of an infection, which is very dangerous for the baby.

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, brown discharge or with scarlet blood should alert you - this may be a sign of a miscarriage. In a small percentage of women, menstrual bleeding continues despite the successful development of pregnancy, but this is rather an exception to the rule. If you find bloody issues, especially if they are accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen, urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

An ectopic pregnancy may also present with severe cramping or cutting pain and bloody discharge. Only a doctor can distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one. Interrupt ectopic pregnancy It is dangerous for a woman’s life, so if the listed symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Twins pregnancy, 5 weeks

Pregnancy with twins at this stage does not yet cause any inconvenience to the mother. If an ultrasound reveals two embryos in the uterine cavity, the mother should pay more attention to her health and nutrition. After all, two babies require double doses of nutrients, and also double the load on the body of the expectant mother.

Typically, in the fifth week of pregnancy, mothers experience an increase in libido. Sometimes, due to toxicosis, sexual desire, on the contrary, may be absent. If the pregnancy develops normally, there is no threat of miscarriage - there are no obstacles to having sex at this stage either.

Pain at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Pain at this stage should not particularly bother the pregnant woman, although minor nagging pain in the abdomen is possible (reminiscent of pain at the beginning of menstruation). If you are experiencing severe abdominal pain, headaches and other pains, seek medical help. Never try to treat pain yourself. Firstly, taking medications without a doctor's prescription can harm the developing embryo. Secondly, by taking painkillers you can blur the picture of your condition, which will complicate diagnosis and assistance.

Necessary studies and analyzes

Usually the first test a pregnant woman undergoes is a pregnancy test. This test determines the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. In the early stages it can be quite low. Therefore, it is recommended for control in controversial situations. An elevated hCG level at 5 weeks of pregnancy makes it possible to accurately determine the presence and duration of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy is performed quite often as a way to diagnose pregnancy. An ultrasound can determine the number of embryos, the exact duration of pregnancy, and the size of the uterus. In addition, a determination is made of whether the size of the fetus and uterus corresponds to the stated gestational age. Occasionally at this time it is already possible to determine the baby’s heartbeat.

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Questions - answers

I’m 5 weeks pregnant, I’m on a forced diet due to toxicosis. What foods do I need to include in my diet so that my baby doesn’t suffer because of my nausea?

Mommy's diet should include a lot of leafy greens, various vegetable and fruit dishes. If you have an aversion to meat, eat more plant-based protein. Avoid smoked and spicy foods. Instead of frying, steam or simmer. Try not to eat foods that are too cold or hot. Every mother has a way of dealing with nausea, try to find your own and focus on foods and dishes that are pleasant to you.

My pyelonephritis worsened, my temperature and my blood tests were very bad. How dangerous are antibiotics at 5 weeks of pregnancy for a baby?

Any medications during this period can be dangerous for the baby. However, infection and exposure to high temperatures are even more dangerous, so follow all doctor’s orders. In the future, pregnancy monitoring should be very careful to promptly identify possible abnormalities. When planning your next pregnancy, try to treat all chronic diseases before conceiving the baby.

I suffered from ARVI at 5 weeks of pregnancy, there was no fever. Could this affect the baby?

If the temperature did not rise, and the disease itself was not very severe, then the probability of a favorable outcome for the embryo is quite high. Typically, severe infections during this period lead to miscarriages. If the pregnancy develops normally, and no pathology is detected on the ultrasound, there is no need to worry.

According to an ultrasound, I am 5 weeks pregnant; my period started in the morning. Is it dangerous?

Bleeding at this stage of pregnancy may be due to the onset of menstruation, but this is rather an exception. Much more probable cause is termination of pregnancy. If you experience any bleeding during pregnancy, you should go to the hospital to rule out pathology and maintain pregnancy.

Is severe nausea normal at 5 weeks pregnant?

Hormonal changes in the first weeks of pregnancy can lead to the development of toxicosis. The most common manifestation of toxicosis in pregnant women is nausea, especially in the morning. The development of nausea in the 5th week of pregnancy is natural, but you should not try to treat it yourself. If nausea bothers you too much, consult a doctor. He will advise methods of combating this disease.

I am bleeding heavily at 5 weeks pregnant, what should I do?

Heavy bleeding in the early stages may indicate miscarriage. At the first sign of bleeding, call ambulance and go to the hospital to find out its cause and treatment.

The nature of discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy may vary depending on the presence or absence of pathologies, as well as on the state of the hormonal system. The color, smell, structure and quantity of liquid can tell a lot about a woman’s well-being, as well as the course of her recent pregnancy.

5 week of intrauterine life

First, let's decide on the timing. Obstetric method, when conception is timed to coincide with the first day of the last menstruation. Of course, in reality, fertilization occurs a little later, approximately in the middle of the cycle. We will talk about the real gestational age, which is most reliably determined by ultrasound, because in the first trimester the development of the embryo occurs in the same way.

The embryo looks like a caterpillar or small fish, but with the help of ultrasound you can already see the heartbeat. Although the rudiment of the circulatory system pulsates, and not a full-fledged organ.

A woman experiences all the signs of pregnancy - drowsiness, mood swings, nausea, increased pigmentation of the nipples, and breast enlargement. The discharge at this time is not very different from the vaginal secretion in the intermenstrual period, but there may be various surprises, which we will talk about later.

Attention! According to reviews from women, many experienced brownish or beige discharge in the early stages, which quickly disappeared without leaving any consequences. Doctors say it's a hormonal change.

Ideal discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Instead of periods after conception, light brown ones appear within one day. This is a sign of implantation of the fertilized egg. After which the amount of secretion decreases sharply, it becomes thick white or yellowish. Because cervical mucus gels to block the passage into the uterine cavity for dangerous bacteria from the outside.

Options for pathological discharge in the early stages

If the marks found on the laundry differ from those described in the previous paragraph, then various problems can be suspected.

White lumps

During pregnancy, the acidity of the vagina changes. And if it becomes uncomfortable for bacteria here, then fungi feel great. Therefore, the detection of dense ones may indicate the development of candidal colpitis - thrush. Along the way, painful itching and changes in the mucous membranes are noted - redness and swelling.

Yellow with an unpleasant odor

Such discharge is a sign of infection. The reason may be infection with an STI, for example, trichomoniasis, then the liquid has a foamy consistency. Or a decrease in immunity during pregnancy caused the proliferation of staphylococcus, E. coli or other microbes. The external genitalia begin to itch, and there may be pain when urinating. , like snot or liquid, with an unpleasant odor, also characterize infections.


With normal progesterone production, the secretion is cloudy, whitish or yellowish, and colorless mucus indicates hormonal disorders. If no other signs of pathology are found and the tests are in order, then the phenomenon can be considered a variant of the norm.

Transparent and sticky, with a shine similar to glass, discharge occurs due to chlamydial inflammation.

Carefully! If the infection is not treated, the consequence can be various diseases in the child, including death after birth.

Separately about blood at 5 weeks

Red, pink and brown fluids in early pregnancy can occur due to dangerous conditions, as well as rare and strange individual characteristics.

Washing the fruit

This is the name for bloody spotting during menstruation in the presence of pregnancy. This happens rarely, but does not lead to serious consequences. Simply, an increased amount of estrogen with a low level of progesterone causes a slight rejection of the intrauterine membrane 1-2 months after conception.

Or dark red, very scanty and short-lived.

Colored pregnancy

These are rare cases when “menstruation” occurs almost before birth. If there is no threat to the fetus, this phenomenon is a reason to monitor the woman more closely. Cases are very rare and usually occur without problematic complications, but such symptoms may hide other dangerous conditions.

History of pathologies of the uterus and appendages

If before conception the patient had endometriosis, cysts, polyps, inflammatory processes, then with the onset of pregnancy they do not go away. A woman's smear will be brown, with small streaks or clots. Such a patient is often hospitalized, prescribed complete physical and intimate rest, and supported with medication. Because these diseases negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Pathologies of pregnancy

At the 5th week of pregnancy, brown spotting that turns into bleeding can manifest itself in very dangerous conditions:

  1. Tubal pregnancy. At the same time, painful one-sided sensations in the abdomen increase. A successful outcome is only possible if the operation to remove the fertilized egg is performed on time.
  2. Placenta previa. Implantation of the embryo near the cervical opening jeopardizes its life and development, but 9 out of 10 women carry a child safely if they follow medical recommendations.
  3. Placental abruption. Rejection of the embryo in the area of ​​attachment to the wall of the uterus. Occurs abruptly or gradually. In this case, the sacrum, lower back and abdomen can be pulled. When hormonal drugs are prescribed, for example, Duphaston, recovery occurs.
  4. - a type of detachment. When blood accumulates at the rupture site. The flow of brown discharge is a good sign, which means that the pathology has stopped.
  5. Frozen pregnancy occurs due to placental rejection or an incorrect set of chromosomes, as well as under stress and other circumstances in a woman’s life. It is distinguished by the cessation of hCG production.
  6. A miscarriage is accompanied by heavy bleeding with clots, weak contractions and poor health.

By appearance This is not yet noticeable for women, but inside the body the uterus begins to quickly and noticeably increase in size. Its shape has an external resemblance to chicken egg, while the convex place falls on the side of the fertilized egg. Accordingly, at week 5 the uterus increases unevenly. And only for more later During pregnancy, it will become shaped like a ball. The fifth week of pregnancy is a sufficient period for an experienced gynecologist to determine the onset of pregnancy using palpation.

Until recently, the baby was just a few cells that were constantly dividing, but by now they have turned into a spherical blastocyst, which, on the 8th day after conception, descended into the uterine cavity and settled there. Now, almost two weeks after the implantation took place, the baby looks like a cylinder about 1.5-2 mm long. Exactly on the fifth obstetric week it is officially called an embryo because the embryonic period of development begins.

Before this, the baby went through the germinal stage of development, then was in the implantation stage for 40 hours. All this time, the embryo could not be called an embryo, since in essence it was not yet one. The stage that starts for him this week is the most responsible and important for the entire pregnancy.

This week the baby's airway begins to develop. The trachea will begin to develop first, the lungs and bronchi will begin to form only after a couple of weeks. At 5 weeks after conception, the formation of the neural tube continues. How correctly this process proceeds will determine how the baby’s brain and spinal cord will be formed and how his central nervous system will work. This week the neural tube closes and closes.

At 5 obstetric weeks, that is, in the very next few days, the baby will have sexual identification - gonoblasts will begin to form in the yolk sac - primary germ cells, which a little later will become either sperm, if a boy is conceived, or eggs, if “settled” in the womb " girl. At the cellular level, these days the formation of the digestive organs occurs, genitourinary system.

There is nothing humanoid in the image of the embryo yet. It looks like a tadpole with an oval head bud, a protrusion where arms will soon appear. However, already at such an early stage the embryo develops a tiny heart. While it has only two atria, it will divide into 4 chambers a little later.

To better imagine the size of the crumbs, you need to remember what a small grain of rice looks like. By the end of the 5th obstetric week, the growth of the embryo will approach 4 mm. This baby already demands respect for himself and it is in the fifth week that he begins to “achieve” a certain freedom and independence, self-expression.

It is separated from the embryonic structures (chorion, amnion and yolk sac). Now a young placenta will begin to form, to which the embryonic structures, by the end of the first trimester, will completely transfer their responsibilities for the production of hormones, protection, and nutrition of the fetus.

An objective change at this time is a delay that has already lasted several days. Externally, pregnancy does not yet manifest itself in any way. But inside a woman there are numerous and very complex processes that must prepare her body for long-term gestation and childbirth. For some women, nipple halos begin to darken already at this stage.

The breasts themselves increase slightly in size, a feeling of “fullness” appears, fullness of the mammary glands; touching the nipples can cause painful sensations, their sensitivity increases. The release of colostrum at the 5th obstetric week is more typical for multiparous women. Those who become pregnant with their first child may not experience such symptoms.

All other changes in female body occur due to changes hormonal levels. From the first minutes after conception, the hormone progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities, which is necessary so that the muscles of the uterus do not tense, are relaxed, and also so that the maternal immune system does not destroy the embryo: the hormone reduces the ability of the immune system, female protection weakens, but the baby's chances of survival increase.

The production of progesterone is promoted by the hormone hCG. It is produced by the chorionic membranes and enters the blood and urine expectant mother, increasing every two days. By week 5, according to obstetric calculations, the hCG level becomes sufficient to diagnose pregnancy using rapid tests. These two most important hormones for pregnancy are also supported by estrogens - female sex hormones.

Against the background of such a massive hormonal attack, the mood and psychological state of the expectant mother are usually the first to change. Already now a woman can notice that she has become more anxious, tearful, sensitive, and sentimental.

Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, digestion may be disrupted: heartburn will appear or diarrhea will begin. Some women emphasize that their sleep is disturbed, they have difficulty falling asleep, and feel overwhelmed.

Progesterone increases appetite. The uterus begins to round; before conception it was more pear-shaped. This week there is a slight increase in the volume of the female reproductive organ. This may cause slight nagging pain in the lower back. The amount of vaginal discharge may also increase.

The same property of progesterone causes the appearance of physiological rhinitis in pregnant women - many people have a runny nose at 5 weeks without any other symptoms of a cold or ARVI. A hormonal “storm” in the female body often causes an increase in body temperature in the evenings. The woman feels a slight chill, the temperature rises to 37.0 degrees or slightly higher. Many people begin to worry whether they are getting sick. Such symptoms have nothing to do with the disease. Usually in the morning there is no fever.

But the basal temperature, which some women continue to change in the fifth obstetric week, confidently remains at low-grade levels - progesterone, while its level is sufficient to maintain pregnancy, does not allow it to drop.

During the 5th week of pregnancy, changes occur due to the growing fetus. At this stage, an increase in body weight can be observed. With severe toxicosis, weight decreases.

Basal temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy remains elevated from the moment of conception. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the temperature will begin to drop, so it is important to measure it.

The discharge becomes more abundant, but do not worry about this if it does not cause trouble: this is the norm. The main thing is that the discharge is light or transparent, but definitely not bloody. In this case, consult your doctor immediately. Bloody discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy may indicate the possibility of miscarriage and bleeding. Don't be alarmed: spotting can also be due to the fact that your period is still ongoing. Consult your gynecologist.

Brown discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy indicates the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Greenish discharge, similar to mucus, indicates sexually transmitted infections. This can have a bad effect on the fetus. Pink spotting and spotting at the 5th week of pregnancy are accompanied by changes in the structure of the tissues of the vagina and cervix.

During pregnancy, the hormones progesterone and estrogen are produced - they smooth the tone of the uterus and prepare the mammary glands for milk production. Due to this, the breasts may increase slightly or by several sizes. Among other things, the breasts become sensitive at the 5th week of pregnancy.

The discomfort usually goes away, the chest stops hurting, but it is possible that the pain in the chest will last throughout the pregnancy. The areolas may darken and the veins on the skin become more defined. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the uterus increases. Because of this, a pulling sensation appears above the pubis, and the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent. The uterus is pressing on the bladder.

A pigmented stripe often appears on the abdomen. All these changes may appear at a later date.

At week 5, the small organism is no longer a fetus, but an embryo. This period, from a medical point of view, is considered critical. After all, the formation of the child’s future organs is now taking place, namely the digestive, cardiovascular and urinary systems. The brain is actively developing. At the beginning of the second month, the embryo begins to develop the outline of a nose and upper lip.

Now it is extremely important to exclude the influence of such negative factors on the body as toxins, infections, hormonal imbalances, and psychological disorders. This negatively affects the development of the baby and often provokes intrauterine malformations.

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal parameters are still very tiny. Its weight does not exceed one gram, and its diameter is only 4-6 mm. The period under consideration is accompanied, although imperceptible, by very serious changes in the formation of a new life. Let's look at them:

  • the rudiments of the gonads appear;
  • olfactory pits are formed;
  • tissues of the spinal column and spinal cord are formed from the neural tube;
  • four chambers appear in the heart, valves actively develop;
  • lenses continue to improve;
  • the placenta goes through an extremely important stage of development;
  • the rudiments of the lungs are formed;
  • the tongue and pancreas appear;
  • the auditory vesicles become larger in size.

Signs and sensations

Frozen pregnancy at 5 weeks is diagnosed in many women. This happens under the influence of several provoking factors. These include:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • mother's bad habits;
  • venereal diseases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • stress;
  • chromosomal abnormalities;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs;
  • infection with various diseases.

At first, it is very difficult to detect this condition on your own. In this regard, a woman is recommended to regularly visit an antenatal clinic and take all necessary tests.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy:

  • an abrupt cessation of toxicosis, that is, if symptoms such as malaise, nausea, and increased sense of smell have gone away;
  • pulling sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • slight increase in body temperature (up to 37-37.5 degrees).

These signs may be accompanied by cramping pain and cramping in the uterine area, nausea, flatulence, and upset bowel movements.

What happens in the 5th week of pregnancy, what sensations accompany the girl? What symptoms can you use to determine pregnancy?

In previous weeks, the symptoms may have been subtle, without causing any discomfort. In the fifth week, all signs worsen.

The following signs are typical for the 5th week of pregnancy:

  • Lack of menstruation;
  • Slight deviation of body temperature from normal;
  • Pulling sensations in the abdomen, most often below;
  • Increased sensitivity and odor intolerance;
  • Fatigue;
  • Slight increase in breast volume.

By checking this list, you will most likely correctly recognize the body’s cues. But it is also possible that there are no signs at this stage. Toxicosis and fatigue, so hated by all women, may pass you by. Toxicosis becomes a common occurrence in the 5th week of pregnancy.

At the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, important events for the formation of the baby. Symptoms of pregnancy are also detected late in pregnancy or may not appear at all. The body's reaction to increased hormonal levels can be unpredictable: the mother may feel both a loss of strength and a surge.

The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, so from the 5th week of pregnancy you will start running to the toilet more often. This symptom, together with other signs, may lead a woman to think about a possible pregnancy. And it seems like my period should have started a long time ago... And then my chest hurts, my stomach hurts, and the nausea somehow became stronger, and also the smells are all so pungent...

At the 5th week of pregnancy, taste preferences may change, appetite may increase or disappear altogether, toxicosis often begins to manifest itself, including vomiting - hormones are actively working.

Among the first signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman is also worried about headaches, weakness, fatigue, and weakness. She becomes more irritable and inattentive. These signs can appear all together, only selectively or not at all - depending on your luck. But the most reliable and characteristic sign of a possible pregnancy is undoubtedly a missed period: it’s time to take a pregnancy test.

As the uterus enlarges, it begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing a more frequent urge to urinate. Lack of menstruation, chest pain, abdominal pain, some attacks of nausea along with frequent trips to the toilet are signs of pregnancy. The fifth week may bring a surprise in the form of changes in taste sensations and gastronomic habits.

Often toxicosis begins during this period. Morning vomiting may occur. General weakness in the body and headaches appear. All this leads to excessive irritability and loss of attention. The set of all these signs may vary depending on the general condition of the woman, her age, the number of fetuses of pregnancy, bad habits and other factors.

If menstruation is delayed and at least one of these signs is present, you need to take a pregnancy test. Very often, in the fifth week, the breasts begin to hurt and swell. The nipples itch unpleasantly and they also become more sensitive. Nipple halos may darken, and spider veins may appear on the breast itself.

However, these changes are normal and temporary. One of the pleasant transformations is the enlargement and rounding of the breasts, which begins in the fifth week of pregnancy. As a rule, for most women at this stage of pregnancy, the sensations are not pleasant - toxicosis, mood swings, increased body temperature to low-grade levels.

Toxicosis before the 12th week of pregnancy is the norm during pregnancy, and that is why it is now necessary to study the question of how to minimize its manifestations. Please note that if you experience frequent vomiting, you should visit your doctor immediately. The appearance of a temperature in the range of 37-37.2 C can be both a sign of illness and a normal indicator of the functioning of hormones during pregnancy.

Associated symptoms play an important role in determining a woman’s condition: runny nose, cough, swelling of the nasopharynx and others. At this time, you need to remember that the use of medications and many traditional medicines in the first trimester is strictly prohibited. You should definitely consult the doctor who is observing you.


The changes that begin in the body during the 5th week of pregnancy will certainly affect your breasts. It may just be a slight tingling sensation or an annoying uncomfortable feeling in the mammary glands. It's like there's something there and it's interfering. At the 5th week of pregnancy, your breasts may already itch and hurt, your nipples become especially sensitive, which all together only increases your nervousness.

For some women, nipple halos darken already in the early stages: don’t worry, all these changes are temporary, and when the time comes, they will disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

In addition, a venous network may appear on the chest - this is also normal. But there is good news: from the 5th week of pregnancy, the breasts will gradually begin to round and increase in size - your husband will like it.

Necessary tests

A pregnancy test is usually the first test of any pregnancy. As a rule, if a woman feels well, then she does not need to visit a gynecologist at this time to register and undergo any tests. However, if there is a situation where there is a threat of miscarriage, doctors advise registering as early as possible and seeing a doctor.

In a standard situation, a gynecologist, after an initial examination and registration of a woman, gives a referral for testing. At this stage of pregnancy, these are usually the following tests: general analysis urine and blood, analysis to determine the Rh factor and blood group, hemostasiogram - an analysis that can give the doctor information on blood clotting, tests to detect infections of both the genital area (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea), and analysis for hepatitis and other tests, including depending on the woman’s medical history.

Also, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the gynecologist prescribes a determination of the quantitative content of human chorionic gonadotropin using a urine test. In addition, such an analysis is also informative in the area of ​​confirming the presence of pregnancy as such. It is this analysis that can show an increased concentration of hCG in the blood serum already on the 12th day after conception.

However, by the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the urine will already be sufficient to determine pregnancy using an ordinary home test. In addition, an analysis to determine the level of the sex hormone progesterone is very informative. The task of this hormone is to create and provide favorable conditions for conception, maintenance and development of pregnancy.

At the first appointment, the gynecologist will conduct an examination in order to properly advise and give useful recommendations.

The doctor will do the following:

  1. He will conduct an examination on the chair and palpate the uterus.
  2. They will take a swab for analysis.
  3. Conduct a health survey.
  4. Measure your pelvis and weight.
  5. Will measure arterial pressure.
  6. Examines the mammary glands.
  7. If there are deviations from the norm, he will prescribe tests individually.

Prescribe mandatory tests during pregnancy:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Blood sugar test;
  3. Blood group and Rh factor analysis.
  4. General urine analysis.

By registering, you are automatically assigned to a local gynecologist, but if for some reason you don’t like him, you have the right to demand that you be assigned to a specific or another local gynecologist.

The gynecologist himself will tell you: when to come next time, when to get tested, what medications and vitamins to take and in what period. He will also explain how to eat properly and what physical exercise are acceptable.

Before going to the doctor, make a list of questions you have. Especially questions concerning intimate life. Don’t be shy, a gynecologist is a person who will know you for 9 months, about all the changes in your body and in the development of the baby.

Suspecting her interesting situation, the woman rushes to make an appointment with a gynecologist. This is quite normal, because most mothers have many fears and questions at 5 weeks of pregnancy. At the first visit, the doctor conducts an examination on a gynecological chair and fills out a medical record. After confirmation of pregnancy, visits to the antenatal clinic are carried out 1-2 times a month until the birth.

At the first visit, the doctor prescribes some tests, sometimes an ultrasound examination is performed.

Mandatory tests:

  • analysis to detect sexually transmitted diseases;
  • vaginal smear;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • determination of Rh conflict;
  • coagulogram.

Ultrasound is performed if there are certain indications or at the personal request of the woman.

On the pages of women's forums there are serious debates about when to contact the antenatal clinic to register. There can be only one answer - the sooner the better. Early registration will help identify possible pathologies earlier. early stage, for example, to detect an ectopic pregnancy at a stage when it is easy to perform laparoscopic surgery and preserve reproductive women Health, and not when the growing fetus tears the fallopian tube to shreds and to save the woman’s life it will be necessary to remove it completely.

No one, of course, forces a woman to go to the doctor immediately after taking a home test that showed two coveted stripes. But you shouldn’t wait until the pregnancy “passes” 8-10 weeks. If you wish, you can close this issue for yourself once and for all by visiting a gynecologist at the end of the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy.

It is advisable to have the results of a blood test for hCG with you so that the specialist has no doubts about the fact of pregnancy, because manual examination at this stage does not always show a significant increase in the size of the uterus.

If such a decision is made, the woman should know that she will have excellent time to prepare for the first prenatal screening, which takes place from 10-11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy inclusive. Preparation will consist of slowly passing all the tests required during registration, as well as visiting doctors of other specialties, which is recommended in the first trimester.

When you first contact a doctor, a pregnant and postpartum card is filled out, a small copy of it is issued - an exchange card, which is given to the woman. Now this is her main document, which she always needs to carry with her, especially to her next consultation appointment. The results of all tests and ultrasound will be entered into the exchange card. It is with this card that the woman will be admitted to the maternity hospital when her due date arrives.

The tests that will be prescribed at the first stage are numerous. These include general blood and urine tests, a vaginal smear for microflora, and detailed biochemical blood tests. You will definitely have to donate blood for HIV and syphilis, hepatitis, and for TORCH infections (rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, toxoplasmosis). A woman must confirm her blood type and Rh factor.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, blood tests for hormone levels can be prescribed based on individual indicators, as well as an ultrasound of the pelvic organs if there is a threat of miscarriage.

To confirm pregnancy, tests should be taken. At this time, you can undergo an ultrasound. The abbreviation stands for ultrasound examination of the body using special waves. The possibilities of ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy are quite wide: it can directly reveal not only the fertilized egg, but also the yellow sac in it.

At the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, the baby becomes like a small thin strip about two millimeters in size. The child’s heart is already beating, which means you can trace its pulsation.

Most often, it is during this period that women find out that they are pregnant. Pregnancy tests help determine this. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just them: it’s better to go for an ultrasound. Tests can also show a positive result in case of an ectopic pregnancy, and this is very dangerous.

The study is carried out using a sensor that is inserted into the vagina. This helps to better view the uterus and rule out ectopic pregnancy. Girls usually undergo an ultrasound examination for the first time when they suspect pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of infections: a condom is placed on the sensor.

Before an ultrasound at the 5th obstetric week of pregnancy, you must drink about one and a half liters of water. Diagnosis is carried out with a full bladder. You may not need to drink as much water if the sensor is inserted into the vagina. Women with various diseases need more frequent ultrasound scans than healthy women.

During pregnancy, the hormone is produced by the chorion tissue after the embryo attaches around the eighth day of fertilization. This hormone is one of the most significant in determining a healthy pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin, abbreviated hCG, begins to be produced from the first hours of pregnancy and grows rapidly. The hormone is released by the placenta.

The hCG test at 5 weeks of pregnancy is a more reliable pregnancy detection test than others and helps determine the fertilization of the egg at a very early stage. This hormone is an indicator of the presence or absence of abnormalities in the developing fetus. The hCG norm at the 5th week of pregnancy is 7650 - 229000 mIU/ml.

It is advisable to take a blood test for this test on an empty stomach.

Usually, at 5 weeks of pregnancy, a woman only learns the news based on the test results. Not everyone runs to the gynecologist immediately after this, and in most cases they are not registered so early yet. But if there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as when registering, tests at the 5th week of pregnancy will be mandatory.

However, the hCG level can be determined for diagnostic purposes - to confirm pregnancy. Already on the 12th day after conception, the analysis will show an increased concentration of hCG in the blood serum, although by the end of the 5th week in the urine it may already be sufficient to determine pregnancy with a simple home test, but this is not at all necessary.

Another significant analysis in the event of a threat of interruption may be the determination of progesterone levels. This hormone creates favorable conditions for the preservation and development of pregnancy, in particular, it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. When its quantity is reduced, pregnancy is at risk.


Despite the fact that there can be a lot of signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, many women, if they experience them, are more likely to expect a late period. Although, if there was a reason or hope to expect pregnancy, then, as a rule, they observe almost all the symptoms at once.

Feelings during the 5th week of pregnancy can be very different: from happiness and joy to confusion and dejection. But if we talk about physiology, then most likely you will not feel the best. The most noticeable thing is fatigue and weakness, constant drowsiness, sometimes the woman even thinks that she is about to get sick, and the temperature seems to be elevated.

If you don’t know about your pregnancy yet, but against the backdrop of the sensations described above you want to sing, cry, break dishes, and the irresistible desire to eat a lemon is replaced by a craving for herring (even though it’s so smelly!), then you can immediately go to the gynecologist - why spend money on buying a test...

Each female body is individual in its own way, so not all symptoms may appear. However, it is necessary to know which of them are normal during embryo development and which are not.

The fifth week is accompanied by the following symptoms (normal):

  1. The breasts become larger and hurt.
  2. The stomach pulls due to changes in the body.
  3. Toxicosis begins. You feel disgusted by smells or, conversely, experience sudden pleasure from some aroma.
  4. Are changing taste qualities. Your favorite dishes may become disgusting, and you will begin to eat those that you have never eaten or liked before with great pleasure.
  5. The hormonal background in the body changes, so the body temperature rises slightly.

But the main sign and new sensation will be sudden mood swings. Due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. You can be very irritable, and after a few minutes you are cheerful and happy with everything.

Dangerous symptoms

The fetus, or as it is called in medicine, the fertilized egg, has begun to develop. An embryo begins to form in it. Therefore, it's time to undergo an ultrasound. Usually the fertilized egg is round, but it can also be oval - this is a pathology. However, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it. Consult a gynecologist, he will prescribe medications to help the embryo develop normally.

If you notice that the discharge has changed. For example, they look like cottage cheese - this is one of the signs of thrush. Consult a doctor, he will prescribe the correct treatment.

Any bleeding may indicate a risk of miscarriage. Even with minimal bleeding, consult a doctor immediately. Of course, there are times when menstruation begins in the fifth week, however, it begins exactly according to your previous schedule. This is not a pathology! But be sure to consult your doctor to definitely eliminate the risk of miscarriage.

The lower abdomen should not hurt; you may feel that the lower abdomen is a little tight, but no more. If your stomach hurts constantly on one side for several days, and the pain does not go away, consult a doctor to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

When is an ultrasound performed?

How is an ultrasound done in the early stages and what is visible? An ultrasound examination is carried out at the request of the pregnant woman or, if there are special medical indications, using a transvaginal sensor. In the early stages, the following situations serve as reasons for performing an ultrasound:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge in a woman;
  • history of miscarriages, abortions, or tubal surgeries;
  • pain in the lower abdomen of unknown etiology;
  • clarification of the gestational age;
  • anembryonics or ectopic pregnancy;

  • the onset of conception using IVF.

Using ultrasound, a specialist determines the gestational age, the size of the embryo, the condition of the chorion, and the place of attachment of the fertilized egg. Mom is unlikely to be able to see much in the picture, but one thing is for sure, new life originated and is developing.

Causes of elevated temperature

5 weeks after fertilization, a pregnant woman may experience an increase in body temperature. Let's figure out why this happens. In the early stages, elevated basal temperature is considered normal. This is explained by hormonal changes in the body.

If the temperature has jumped to high levels, you should urgently look for the cause. Conditions in which the thermometer readings exceed the norm:

  • Cold or ARVI. In this case, symptoms such as headache, sore throat, runny nose occur.
  • Flu and other infectious diseases. The condition is accompanied by high fever, body aches, and headache. In the early stages, such infections are very dangerous for the life of the embryo, so treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Diseases of internal organs (hepatitis, cholecystitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and others).

Often the temperature rises during a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage.

Weakness throughout the body and drowsiness may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature at the 5th week of pregnancy to subfebrile levels - 37-37.2 C. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the active work of hormones. If your general condition is satisfactory, then a low temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy should not be a cause for concern. An increase in temperature is considered a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, although it is not observed in all newly pregnant women.

If the temperature rises to high levels, and along with this you observe other signs of a cold (cough, runny nose, headaches, sore throat), then you need to immediately begin to act: be careful, in the first trimester not only medications are prohibited, but also many folk remedies.


You may notice a change in your libido. Here hormones behave very unpredictably: while for some women the attraction to a man completely disappears, for others this is all they think about all day. If you do not observe any signs that threaten your pregnancy (bloody discharge with nagging pain in the lower abdomen), then do not deny yourself intimate intimacy with your husband. Now the rule applies: everything that does not cause harm and gives pleasure only benefits you and the unborn child.

Changes in the uterus of a pregnant woman at 5 weeks.

Sex hormones at this stage of pregnancy sometimes behave in the most unpredictable ways, affecting a woman’s libido. So, some ladies begin to experience increased interest in men, while others, on the contrary, completely lose attraction to them. If the doctor has not found that you have a threat of termination of pregnancy, and you do not have nagging pain in the lower abdomen or any discharge at 5 weeks, you can safely live a full sexual life.

Whatever brings you pleasure also benefits your baby. At the same time, if you experience nagging or cramping pain in your abdomen, this indicates possible uterine tone and, accordingly, the risk of miscarriage. In such a situation, doctors do not recommend having an active sex life.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain a calm, measured lifestyle, avoid physical activity and wear high-heeled shoes. Sometimes such painful sensations in the abdomen are caused by improper bowel function due to prolonged sitting or squeezing. abdominal cavity. However, if, along with such painful sensations in the abdomen and lumbar region of the back, you notice the appearance of brown discharge from the vagina, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

If you are aware of your interesting situation and suddenly experience vaginal bleeding, then this could undoubtedly be a miscarriage. In order to still maintain the pregnancy and minimize the adverse consequences of this situation for your health, we advise you to immediately go to the hospital.

The main thing is not to despair and remember that you still have a high chance of maintaining the pregnancy - on average up to 50%. You also need to remember that the likelihood of miscarriage in women with high levels of male sex hormones is much greater. Therefore, women who have a male body type, an increased amount of hair on it, or are overweight should register for pregnancy as early as possible.

Nutrition during the 5th week of pregnancy should be extremely healthy and wholesome. Changes in taste buds and, as a result, gastronomic preferences will encourage you to eat food that is not entirely healthy and unexpected. In attacks of desire for strange and unhealthy food, we advise you to limit yourself to small quantities.

All in all, daily diet your diet should contain a lot healthy dishes and products. First of all, these include fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs. Eat meat, fish and cottage cheese regularly. If possible, give up everything fried and do not overdo it with salty and spicy foods.

Pregnancy is an exciting period not only for the expectant mother, but also for the rest of the household. Relatives and friends should support the woman physically and mentally. At the same time, you should think about proper nutrition, sufficient rest, change of work schedule and other aspects.

It's no secret that pregnant women get tired quickly and sleep a lot. These are not whims at all, as many are accustomed to believe. The fact is that this condition is caused by internal changes in the body and the influence of the hormone progesterone.

Working conditions

Doctors recommend avoiding work associated with intense physical activity. First of all, this applies to female athletes. Other representatives of the fair half in the fifth week should distribute the amount of work so that they have the opportunity to relax during the day. You should not perform labor feats during this period.

Sometimes toxicosis during this period is very strong. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, depression and other manifestations prevent you from doing even light work. In such a situation, the girl can obtain a certificate from the attending physician about temporary release from work duties.

Having sex with a partner is not prohibited unless there are any problems. Often, at week 5, the desire for sexual intercourse subsides, which is associated with toxicosis and hormonal changes in a woman. The husband should treat such changes with understanding. Soon the woman’s condition will return to normal.

Contraindications to sexual intercourse:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • sexually transmitted diseases in a partner;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs in women;
  • bleeding;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

If such problems are detected, the doctor often prohibits sex with a partner to preserve the life of the embryo.

Nutrition at week 5

In the early stages of pregnancy, you should pay close attention to your body. It's time to think about a healthy and balanced diet. The diet should include a large amount of vegetables, fruits, fermented milk products, and cereals. Mom and baby should receive enough vitamins and minerals. This will ensure the woman’s well-being and the proper development of the fetus.

The list of prohibited foods includes the following:

  • fried, spicy, sour, smoked;
  • white flour bread, cakes, pastries, pastries;
  • raw meat and fish due to the risk of helminth infection;
  • exotic fruits that the woman has not previously consumed;
  • alcohol;
  • drinks with a lot of caffeine.

Now the statement that an expectant mother should eat for two is outdated. The first rule of nutrition is balance and maximum benefit.

Not all girls suffer from toxicosis. Many lucky women managed to avoid this unpleasant condition. If you experience nausea and malaise at week 5, we offer you some effective tips:

  • you need to eat often and in small portions;
  • drink more water, green tea, rosehip decoction, natural juices;
  • after sleep, you don’t need to get out of bed immediately, let yourself soak for 15-20 minutes;
  • if an attack of nausea occurs, you can drink mint tea, water with lemon;
  • give up various fragrances and cosmetics with strong odors;
  • ventilate the room more often;
  • walk on fresh air.

A positive psychological attitude is also very important for combating toxicosis. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, you should learn to control your emotional state. Negative emotions can harm the baby.

Pregnancy is a rather exciting and difficult period for every woman. In this case, not only physical, but also emotional stress arises, because throughout the entire period the expectant mother will have to go through many trials. We bring to your attention tips that will help maintain the health of the fetus and the well-being of the mother.

Tips for women in the 5th week of pregnancy:

  • Maintain a balanced and healthy eating. This is important for a woman and the tiny organism inside her.
  • Get more rest and walk in the fresh air. Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the baby's health.
  • Take any medications, such as Metronidazole, Viferon, Levonorgestrel and others, only as prescribed by your doctor.
  • If the pregnancy is unwanted, under no circumstances should you use Postinor and other medications to terminate it. It is also dangerous to use folk remedies to induce a miscarriage.
  • Don't be afraid to share your fears with your loved ones. Emotional support from loved ones will help overcome any negative experiences.
  • Give up bad habits. Cigarettes and alcohol provoke developmental defects in the fetus.
  • During this period, you should not fly by plane or go on long trips. It is better to wait until 12 weeks to travel, when the risk of miscarriage decreases.

Why does the lower abdomen and lower back pull?

It’s another matter if you feel pain in the lower abdomen, as if before your period. They indicate increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. Don't panic, many women experience this in the early stages. But you still need to take care: try to rest more, in a horizontal position, don’t get nervous, stop wearing high heels, and also provide yourself with sexual peace for a while.

Perhaps the source of pain is not the uterus at all, but the intestines: it is precisely this type of pain that intensifies after prolonged sitting and squeezing the abdomen. It is also possible that the pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen are associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles that hold it. But if at the 5th week of pregnancy your stomach hurts, like during menstruation, and these pains are accompanied by brown or bloody discharge from the vagina, then we are talking about a threat, and the situation requires the participation of a doctor.

Lower back hurts

Such threatening pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the lower back or back at 5 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, spotting brownish discharge usually appears from the vagina, as if menstruation is beginning.

If a woman does not yet know about the conception that has occurred, then most likely she will perceive such signs as the beginning of a new one. menstrual cycle. But if you already know, then don’t delay: pain in the lower back and back at 5 weeks of pregnancy is an alarming sign.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen is a normal phenomenon at week 5, because now the embryo is actively developing and the uterus begins to enlarge. If it hurts from time to time and there are no other alarming signs, you don’t have to worry. You should sound the alarm in the following situations:

  • there was discharge mixed with blood;
  • pain increases;
  • discomfort extends to the lower back;
  • body temperature increased;
  • the condition is accompanied by a headache, the woman feels sick and vomits.

All these signs often indicate an incipient miscarriage. To maintain your pregnancy, you should go to the hospital immediately.

HCG level at 5 weeks

The presence of hCG in early pregnancy can be detected using a routine test. Majority modern devices are able to detect a jump in human chorionic gonadotropin from the first days of the delay. If 7-10 days have passed since conception, the test will easily show pregnancy. If it is negative, perhaps the period is still too short or conception has not occurred.

Laboratory research blood test for hCG helps not only to determine the interesting position of a woman, but also to find out whether the embryo is developing correctly. To do this, a woman needs to donate blood from a vein in the morning. The normal level of human chorionic gonadotropin during this period ranges from 2560 to 82300 mIU/ml. You can learn more about hCG norms during pregnancy from this article.


If you have stomach and back pain at 5 weeks of pregnancy, and suddenly vaginal bleeding begins, then there is no doubt that this is an incipient miscarriage. You need to go to the hospital urgently in any case: both if you want to continue the pregnancy, and if for some reason you do not do this. You must understand that a favorable outcome depends on how you now react to bleeding at 5 weeks of pregnancy. The chances of saving it are 50/50.

Please note that the risks of miscarriage at 5 weeks are especially increased in women with high levels of male hormones (with a masculine physique, increased body hair growth or excess weight) - it is recommended that they register as early as possible.

However, normally, menstruation no longer occurs at the 5th week of pregnancy. This is prevented high level progesterone in a woman's body.

Bleeding in the fifth week of pregnancy is a rather alarming sign. Bleeding in the early stages indicates an ectopic pregnancy, pathology of pregnancy or an infectious disease. If there is heavy bleeding, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and placed in “conservation” in order to monitor the course of the pregnancy and protect the embryo.

Doctors usually prescribe hemostatic injections, antispasmodics (for example, Papaverine suppositories), vitamins for pregnant women (for example, Pregnacare), etc.

Brown spotting discharge in the 5th week usually indicates a threat of miscarriage, so contact your obstetrician-gynecologist as soon as possible with a complaint about uncharacteristic discharge.

Fetal heartbeat

The fifth week of pregnancy is an important period in the formation of the heart muscle in the baby. It is at this time that the primary septum between the atria is formed. Thanks to this, it is possible to record the heartbeat of a tiny organism for the first time.

A special ultrasound machine is used to listen to the heart. It is normal if the heart rate of the embryo ranges from 90 to 110 beats per minute.

Normal and pathological discharge

So, we found out that any spotting during the 5th week of pregnancy is not normal and should attract attention. Spotting brownish discharge warns of the threat of termination of pregnancy, bright red bloody discharge of varying intensity warns of an incipient miscarriage. In this case, you must consult a doctor!

You should also tell your gynecologist if you notice strange or unusual vaginal discharge. Yellow, green, grayish discharge can be a sign of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. If at the same time they cause you obvious discomfort - itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genital organs - then the fact of the disease is obvious. During pregnancy, thrush very often worsens - this symptom is even considered early signs pregnancy.

However, a change in the nature of discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy does not necessarily indicate a bad thing. During this period, the amount of leucorrhoea may normally increase. Increased production of vaginal mucus is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Just pay due attention intimate hygiene using only natural hypoallergenic products and cosmetics.

Moderate discharge is normally observed in all women at 5 weeks of pregnancy. They usually have a slimy consistency and no odor. The situation is different if brown, pink, beige or other discharge appears. Let's consider conditions that may be accompanied by the production of secretion with a pathological color:

  • white curdled flakes with an unpleasant odor. This sign often indicates thrush;
  • rare watery discharge may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • light beige spotting may appear after sexual intercourse or after gynecological examination;
  • pale yellow, greenish with a pungent odor often indicate sexually transmitted diseases;
  • smear streaked with blood indicates a threat of miscarriage or the presence of cervical erosion.

You should sound the alarm if there is bleeding in any quantity.

This warning sign should be reported to your doctor immediately. Excessive precautions in this case will not harm, because bleeding indicates serious problems.

Cold in the fifth week of pregnancy.

A severe cold may not have the best effect on the child, because right now such important processes in his development begin! So take care of yourself. And at the first signs of a cold, start drinking warm liquid, gargling, and rinsing your nose. But be careful with the funds: ethnoscience may also pose a danger during pregnancy.

If 2 weeks ago you could drink alcohol because you didn’t yet know about pregnancy, and you “got away with it,” but now you need to exclude alcohol from your life. Discussions between scientists, doctors and ordinary people continue on this issue. But the following remains unchanged: the embryo is already connected to you by blood vessels and begins to receive from your body everything that gets there, including alcohol at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

Can you calculate a dose that is safe for him?.. Of course, drinking a glass of wine is not a reason for an abortion, but if we are talking about a conscious choice at this time, then we recommend completely eliminating any alcohol. By the way, pharmacists say that even alcohol-based medications are prohibited for pregnant women. But the amount of alcohol there is generally negligible.

Reduced immunity is a woman's companion throughout pregnancy. This is why many women become more susceptible to viral infections and many colds. Any illness during the 5th week of pregnancy is extremely undesirable. Traditional medicines cannot be used not only in the 5th week of pregnancy, but throughout the entire first trimester.

In addition, the diseases themselves do not have the best effect on the formation of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman should devote a lot of time to her condition, take care of herself, get plenty of rest, worry less, eat well and get enough sleep. If you suddenly become ill, use folk remedies with extreme caution.


At week 5, the risk of involuntary miscarriage remains quite high. This is due to various reasons at the physiological level, hormonal fluctuations, the psychological aspect, diseases of the genital organs and other situations. You should immediately consult a doctor in the following situations:

  • pain appeared in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • bloody discharge is found on the underwear;
  • headache, nausea, vomiting are often present;
  • Disorders such as diarrhea and fever may occur.

Modern medical methods help prevent miscarriage if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. If you discover similar symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital, even if the smear is mild.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in the 5th week of pregnancy.

Nutrition at the 5th week of pregnancy should undergo correction and changes towards health. Changes in appetite and taste preferences will sometimes force you to eat foods that are far from healthy - take this calmly. If it “comes over” you and you want something like this, then don’t worry, set your teeth on edge. But only a very small amount, just to calm the soul and body.

In general, your diet should consist of healthy dishes and products: a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs - but certainly in season. Be sure to make sure that fish, meat, cottage cheese, and milk appear on the table regularly. Get a steamer - it’s simply an irreplaceable thing in a family with small children. Try to eat fried foods as little as possible, and also limit spicy and salty foods so as not to have kidney problems in the future.

Meals during the 5th week of pregnancy must include foods containing folic acid, which also needs to be taken separately or in combination with other vitamins.

And don’t limit yourself to water – this has long been discouraged for pregnant women.

What can you eat at 5 weeks pregnant? Basically, everything the soul desires. However, we would make the following recommendations:

  • Listen to your body. He knows exactly what he is missing.
  • If you have toxicosis, give up meat and eggs, replacing them with nuts, legumes and soy products.
  • Vegetables and fruits are a source of vitamins and minerals. Increase your consumption of carrots, mangoes, apricots.
  • Be sure to consume dairy products. Don't like milk? Eat yoghurts or cheeses!
  • Avoid alcohol altogether. The fifth week is the time when all the baby’s organs are formed. Don't harm him!

Nutrition during the 5th week of pregnancy should be proper and balanced. What should you eat? Fried foods should be replaced with steamed ones, because... they retain more nutrients.

Don't give up stews. Salt, sugar and sweets should be eliminated from the diet as much as possible. A balanced diet should include meat. Healthy fats can be obtained from nuts, which are preferably eaten in the morning. They will give you energy for the day.

Fruits and vegetables that contain essential nutrients are also important. There is no need to give up dairy products.

The diet should be varied so that all the beneficial substances enter the body. For healthy fetal development, products must contain folic acid, vegetable proteins, and fresh herbs.

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the body needs to receive the right amount of iodine and magnesium; they are found in bananas and seaweed. Some foods can be replaced with vitamins. For example, chimes are often prescribed during pregnancy: it preserves the life of the fetus if the mother is diagnosed with placental insufficiency. This drug has positive reviews.

If you want to eat something sweet, don’t limit yourself, otherwise it will lead to unnecessary stress.

The 5th week of pregnancy is significant in terms of fetal development. It weighs only 3.5 g and looks like a tube 4-7 mm long rolled into an arc, but not only the head and tail are visible, but also other parts of the body and organs: the rudiments of arms, legs, fingers, eyes, mouth and nasal slits are visible , ears, the upper respiratory tract, liver and pancreas begin to form.

At week 5, partial closure of the neural tube occurs, from which the spine, spinal cord, brain and the entire central nervous system will form. This is facilitated by the mother taking folic acid. It is very important to protect yourself from stress during this period; every experience can affect the baby. On days 20-22 after conception, just this week, the small primitive heart makes its first beats.

The first blood vessels of the embryo are formed, and it itself is surrounded by amniotic fluid: from the 5th week, the metabolism between the mother and the unborn child is established, now you are fully responsible for it, and it depends entirely on you, your nutrition, mood, actions.

Interestingly, it is already possible to determine the blood type of the fetus. And the sex glands, eggs and sperm are also formed - the sex of the unborn child was determined at the moment of conception.


From this week, the uterus begins to noticeably increase in size, although this is not yet visible from the outside. Now it is shaped like an egg and can protrude from the side of the fertilized egg, that is, it increases asymmetrically. Gradually, from elongated it will become spherical. At week 5, the uterus has already enlarged enough for an experienced gynecologist to be able to detect these changes by touch and predict the development of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at 5 weeks of pregnancy can accurately determine the size of the uterus and confirm the “diagnosis”. At this time, they will accurately tell you how many fetuses are developing inside you, where exactly they have attached, and will also assess the condition of the uterus and, if necessary, make the necessary forecasts. At the 5th week of pregnancy, during an ultrasound, a good specialist using good equipment can already listen to the first heart rhythms of the embryo - more likely towards the end of the 5th week. This indicator, together with motor activity The fetal ultrasound specialist will use it to assess the baby’s vital functions.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound will not yet show the expected weight of the child or other parameters. Instead, the diameter of the amniotic sac and CTR are measured - the coccygeal-parietal size, that is, the length of the embryo from the crown to the coccyx. It is this “growth” of the fetus that will be indicated during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and after that it will begin to be measured in full height- from the crown to the heels.

Signs and symptoms

The enlarging uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder, so from the 5th week of pregnancy you will start running to the toilet more often. This symptom, together with other signs, may lead a woman to think about a possible pregnancy. And it seems like my period should have started a long time ago... And then my chest hurts, my stomach hurts, and the nausea somehow became stronger, and also the smells are all so pungent...

At the 5th week of pregnancy, taste preferences may change, appetite may increase or disappear altogether, toxicosis often begins to manifest itself, including the onset of vomiting - hormones are actively working.

Among the first signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman is also worried about headaches, weakness, fatigue, and weakness. She becomes more irritable and inattentive. These signs can appear all together, only selectively or not make themselves felt at all - depending on your luck. But the most reliable and characteristic sign of a possible pregnancy is undoubtedly a missed period: it’s time to take a pregnancy test.


The changes that begin in the body during the 5th week of pregnancy will certainly affect your breasts. It may just be a slight tingling sensation or an annoying uncomfortable feeling in the mammary glands. It's like there's something there and it's interfering. At the 5th week of pregnancy, your breasts may already itch and hurt, your nipples become especially sensitive, which all together only increases your nervousness.

For some women, nipple halos darken already in the early stages: don’t worry, all these changes are temporary, and when the time comes, they will disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

In addition, a venous network may appear on the chest - this is also normal. But there is good news: from the 5th week of pregnancy, the breasts will gradually begin to round and increase in size - your husband will like it.


Despite the fact that there can be a lot of signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, many women, if they experience them, are more likely to expect a late period. Although, if there was a reason or hope to expect pregnancy, then, as a rule, they observe almost all the symptoms at once.

Feelings during the 5th week of pregnancy can be very different: from happiness and joy to confusion and dejection. But if we talk about physiology, then most likely you will not feel the best. The most noticeable thing is fatigue and weakness, constant drowsiness, sometimes the woman even thinks that she is about to get sick, and the temperature seems to be elevated. This condition is normal in early pregnancy. If toxicosis has already begun to annoy you, then there is nothing left to do but study ways to combat it and be patient - by week 12 the condition should improve. However, if you vomit frequently, you should consult a doctor immediately!

If you don’t know about your pregnancy yet, but against the backdrop of the sensations described above you want to sing, cry, break dishes, and the irresistible desire to eat a lemon is replaced by a craving for herring (even though it’s so smelly!), then you can immediately go to the gynecologist - why spend money on buying a test...

Temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy

Weakness throughout the body and drowsiness may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature at the 5th week of pregnancy to subfebrile levels - 37-37.2 C. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the active work of hormones. If your general condition is satisfactory, then a low temperature at 5 weeks of pregnancy should not be a cause for concern. An increase in temperature is considered a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, although it is not observed in all newly pregnant women.

If the temperature rises to high levels, and along with this you observe other signs of a cold (cough, runny nose, headaches, sore throat), then you need to immediately begin to act: be careful, in the first trimester not only medications are prohibited, but also many folk remedies.


You may notice a change in your libido. Here hormones behave very unpredictably: while for some women the attraction to a man completely disappears, for others this is all they think about all day. If you do not observe any signs that threaten your pregnancy (bloody discharge with nagging pain in the lower abdomen), then do not deny yourself intimate intimacy with your husband. Now the rule applies: everything that does not cause harm and gives pleasure only benefits you and the unborn child.

I have a stomachache

It’s another matter if you feel pain in the lower abdomen, as if before your period. They indicate increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage. Don't panic, many women experience this in the early stages. But you still need to take care: try to rest more, in a horizontal position, don’t get nervous, stop wearing high heels, and also provide yourself with sexual peace for a while.

Perhaps the source of pain is not the uterus at all, but the intestines: it is precisely this type of pain that intensifies after prolonged sitting and squeezing the abdomen. It is also possible that the pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen are associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles that hold it. But if at the 5th week of pregnancy your stomach hurts, like during menstruation, and these pains are accompanied by brown or bloody discharge from the vagina, then we are talking about a threat, and the situation requires the participation of a doctor.

Lower back hurts

Such threatening pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the lower back or back at 5 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, spotting brownish discharge usually appears from the vagina, as if menstruation is beginning.

If a woman does not yet know that conception has occurred, then most likely she will perceive such signs as the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. But if you already know, then don’t delay: pain in the lower back and back at 5 weeks of pregnancy is an alarming sign.


If you have stomach and back pain at 5 weeks of pregnancy, and suddenly vaginal bleeding begins, then there is no doubt that this is an incipient miscarriage. You need to go to the hospital urgently in any case: both if you want to continue the pregnancy, and if for some reason you do not do this. You must understand that a favorable outcome depends on how you now react to bleeding at 5 weeks of pregnancy. The chances of saving it are 50/50.

Please note that the risks of miscarriage at 5 weeks are especially increased in women with high levels of male hormones (with a masculine physique, increased body hair growth or excess weight) - it is recommended that they register as early as possible.

Menstruation at 5 weeks of pregnancy

However, the onset of bleeding is not always associated with termination of pregnancy. More than 20% of pregnant women continue to menstruate in the first months. There is a lot of debate about this, and this spotting is called differently, but the fact remains a fact. Sometimes a woman finds out about her pregnancy already at 4-5 months precisely for this reason: every month on the date of her expected menstruation she experiences bleeding, similar to menstruation. In obstetrics, this phenomenon is called “washing of the fetus” or “color pregnancy”.

However, normally, menstruation no longer occurs at the 5th week of pregnancy. This is prevented by the high level of progesterone in a woman’s body.


So, we found out that any spotting during the 5th week of pregnancy is not normal and should attract attention. Spotting brownish discharge warns of the threat of termination of pregnancy, bright red bloody discharge of varying intensity warns of an incipient miscarriage. In this case, you must consult a doctor!

You should also tell your gynecologist if you notice strange or unusual vaginal discharge. Yellow, green, grayish discharge can be a sign of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. If at the same time they cause you obvious discomfort - itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genital organs - then the fact of the disease is obvious. During pregnancy, thrush often worsens - this symptom is even considered one of the early signs of pregnancy.

However, a change in the nature of discharge at 5 weeks of pregnancy does not necessarily indicate a bad thing. During this period, the amount of leucorrhoea may normally increase. Increased production of vaginal mucus is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Just pay due attention to intimate hygiene, using only natural hypoallergenic products and cosmetics.


Thrush affects a woman due to decreased immunity, which occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. For the same reason, expectant mothers often find themselves defenseless against viral and colds. A cold at 5 weeks of pregnancy is a very undesirable occurrence. Medicines You can’t take it now, and it’s not advisable to get sick: a severe cold may not have the best effect on the child, because right now such important processes in his development begin! So take care of yourself. And at the first signs of a cold, start drinking warm liquid, gargling, and rinsing your nose. But be careful with the remedies: traditional medicine during pregnancy can also pose a danger.

Alcohol at 5 weeks pregnant

If 2 weeks ago you could drink alcohol because you didn’t yet know about pregnancy, and you “got away with it,” but now you need to exclude alcohol from your life. Discussions between scientists, doctors and ordinary people continue on this issue. But the following remains unchanged: the embryo is already connected to you by blood vessels and begins to receive from your body everything that gets there, including alcohol at 5 weeks of pregnancy. Can you calculate a dose that is safe for him?.. Of course, drinking a glass of wine is not a reason for an abortion, but if we are talking about a conscious choice at this time, then we recommend completely eliminating any alcohol. By the way, pharmacists say that even alcohol-based medications are prohibited for pregnant women. But the amount of alcohol there is generally negligible.


Nutrition at the 5th week of pregnancy should undergo correction and changes towards health. Changes in appetite and taste preferences will sometimes force you to eat foods that are far from healthy - take this calmly. If it “comes over” you and you want something like this, then don’t worry, set your teeth on edge. But only a very small amount, just to calm the soul and body. In general, your diet should consist of healthy dishes and products: a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs - but certainly in season. Be sure to make sure that fish, meat, cottage cheese, and milk appear on the table regularly. Get a steamer - it’s simply an irreplaceable thing in a family with small children. Try to eat fried foods as little as possible, and also limit spicy and salty foods so as not to have kidney problems in the future.

Meals during the 5th week of pregnancy must include foods containing folic acid, which must also be taken separately or in combination with other vitamins.

And don’t limit yourself to water - this has long been discouraged for pregnant women.


Usually, at 5 weeks of pregnancy, a woman only learns the news based on the test results. Not everyone runs to the gynecologist immediately after this, and in most cases they are not registered so early yet. But if there is a threat of miscarriage, as well as when registering, tests at the 5th week of pregnancy will be mandatory. These are a general analysis of urine and blood, determination of the Rh factor and blood group, hemostasiogram (blood clotting test), tests to detect infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis) and others. If there is an existing threat, a quantitative urine test for hCG may be prescribed.

However, the hCG level can be determined for diagnostic purposes - to confirm pregnancy. Already on the 12th day after conception, the analysis will show an increased concentration of hCG in the blood serum, although by the end of the 5th week in the urine it may already be sufficient to determine pregnancy with a simple home test, but this is not at all necessary.

Another significant analysis in the event of a threat of interruption may be the determination of progesterone levels. This hormone creates favorable conditions for the preservation and development of pregnancy, in particular, it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. When its quantity is reduced, pregnancy is at risk.