Soap for intimate hygiene for women. Products for men's and women's intimate hygiene: gel, cream, herbs. Features of using gel for intimate hygiene

Girls often face unpleasant sensations, in the form of dryness, itching or simply discomfort, but cannot find the reasons for this feeling. Sometimes the problem lies not even in the disease, but in the fact that intimate hygiene is not observed correctly or even observed excessively.

Instead of spending huge sums on expensive medications, you can first try to choose the right gel for intimate hygiene. We suggest finding out which one is better further.

You need to start with the fact that any intimate gel for feminine hygiene must be original, and purchased in specialized stores, and not in dubious shops. You cannot save on your own health.

Next, it is recommended to choose a product whose acidity level is approximately equal to the acidity level in the vagina. Such an indicator should not exceed 4.0. In this case, the acid-base balance will not only be preserved, but also strengthened, and this will also help protect the woman from infections.

  • Lactic acid. With its help, an optimal level of acidity is maintained in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.
  • Aloe extract- it moisturizes the skin.
  • Oak bark extract, calendula, or other plants with the same properties. They are considered herbal antiseptics and protect against the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  • Chamomile extract. Used as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent.
  • Tea tree oil. In most cases, it is used as a prophylaxis against the occurrence of various diseases, an antiseptic;
  • D-panthenol. This tool helps heal microcracks, but also gets rid of irritations by moisturizing the skin.

If the gel has a too pronounced aroma, this does not indicate its quality; on the contrary, it should be discarded. Intimate hygiene products should not contain dyes or additional fragrances.

You should not be afraid of components such as glycerin (moisturizes the mucous membrane), phytosphingosines (stops the occurrence of redness or any redness) and activated glycyrrhizic acid (regulates the development of microflora).

It is important to remember that you need to carefully check the composition of any gel, because it may contain components to which the girl may have increased sensitivity or even allergies. Such remedies, even if they are considered effective, should be avoided.

Excessively chlorinated water can also cause irritation. In this case, to care for the genitals, you must either boil and settle the water, or use special home filters.

If it is still difficult to choose a quality product on your own, it is recommended to pay attention to products that have already been tested by time and many customers. We offer a rating of the best gels for intimate hygiene:

  1. Lactacyd Femina. This product can be used daily. Before use, shake the bottle, then squeeze a small amount of the substance into your hand (a few drops are enough), mix with water, and apply to the skin. The product is washed off clean water.
  2. Carefree. The difference between this gel is that it does not contain soap or alcohol, but at the same time it foams quite well. It can also be used daily.
  3. Uriage. Unlike previous gels, the manufacturer recommends applying this solution several times a day. It is noteworthy that it can be used even by girls aged 4 years and older.
  4. Nivea. It is recommended for use exclusively by girls over 18 years of age. It can also be used daily. Despite the fact that it does not contain alcohol, it is replaced by bisabolol. It is believed that this component helps against irritation after shaving.
  5. TianDe. This solution can even be used by pregnant girls and women during lactation. It is also suitable for daily use and helps fight unpleasant odors.

Note. U healthy woman, there should be no unpleasant odors in the intimate area; if any appear, this indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina or uterus. Even the best gels for caring for the intimate area will not be able to drown out such “aromas” for a long time; only a temporary effect is possible, after which the smell grows again.

There are not many cheap options for gels, however, their quality is in no way inferior to expensive products. Most often they low price justified only by the fact that they were made in post-Soviet countries, where prices are quite affordable.

The most popular of them is delicate soap “Green Pharmacy”. It maintains an optimal acid-base balance, normalizes microflora and has a bactericidal effect.

Gel from the companyNivea also refers to a number of gels that please with both price and quality. In particular, it is convenient to use because, due to its viscous structure, the use of this gel is minimized and it lasts for a long time.

There is also gel bark. It contains chamomile and calendula extract, effectively combats cleansing, softens and moisturizes the skin.

"Epigen Intim." Licorice root, which is the basis of this product, is intended for comprehensive care and restores the balance of microflora. Especially recommended for use during menstruation.

You can also create a gel yourself at home; to do this, you need to add potassium permanganate or a few drops of calendula to boiled water. This option is quite cheap, but no less high quality.

How to use the gel correctly

It is advisable to use the gel every day, and some even 2 times a day. To use correctly, you need to squeeze a few drops onto your hand, dilute a little with water to foam, and apply to the skin.

There is no need to leave the gel on the skin for a long time; it is enough to wash it off almost immediately with warm water.

The doctor will tell you how to properly care for the intimate area in the video:

05/24/2017 at 16:42 · Pavlofox · 5 930

The best intimate hygiene product

A woman's intimate area needs special care because she is super sensitive. Using regular shower gel can lead to dryness and burning, so caring for the external genitalia requires a special product that does not disturb the natural pH balance. The best intimate hygiene product It also allows you to further soothe the irritated area and further moisturize it. The top ten includes cosmetic care products that are most popular among women.


It is one of the best products designed for women who care about their intimate hygiene. This gel contains herbal and safe extracts, including chamomile. This component soothes the skin in the delicate area and carefully cares for it, providing an antiseptic and protective effect against bacteria. The gel also contains lactic acid, which helps maintain the natural pH of the dermis. It does not contain any dyes, alkalis or other substances that could harm the skin and mucous membranes in the labia area. The product is ideal for daily personal care.


Allows you to restore the acid-base balance of the intimate area. The product is produced in the form of a gel, the main component of which is lactic acid, which allows you to maintain the protective barrier. Additional substances are milk protein, lactose and nut oil, which carefully care for delicate areas, cleanse them, providing a mild antiseptic effect that does not disturb the natural microflora. Lactacid Femina is able to eliminate such unpleasant sensations as dryness, pain and burning in the intimate area, which may appear due to the local use of certain groups medicines. The drug must also be used during menstrual cycle to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.


Available in gel form for women to perform intimate hygiene procedures. It has a delicate and light texture that gently cares for the genitals. The product does not dry out at all, but on the contrary, can soothe and moisturize intimate areas. Most of the gel consists of natural ingredients, including burdock extract, chamomile, and hyaluronic acid. They carefully care for the mucous membranes and skin, maintaining their natural pH. The product also contains panthenol and chlorhexidine. The first component has a regenerating effect, so it relieves irritation from razor cuts or any other mechanical damage. Chlorhexidine is a bacteriostatic and effectively fights pathogenic bacteria. The gel can be used daily.


This is a good and inexpensive product that is specially created for gentle care of intimate areas of the body. It cleanses perfectly and has a mild antiseptic effect. The gel is ideal for sensitive dermis. It does not contain soap alkalis, so it can be used for daily washing, as it does not disturb the natural pH. The product has passed all the necessary dermatological and gynecological tests.


This genital care gel is produced by a German company that produces a whole series of products for proper personal hygiene. The product contains an organic tenside complex, which is adapted to the natural pH of the intimate area, which allows it to carefully care for sensitive areas of the body without disturbing their natural pH. The gel not only gently cares, but also soothes the dermis in case of irritation. It also has a bactericidal effect. This product is ideal for everyday use.


In the form of a gel, it can have an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. The product is indicated for women who often suffer from genital herpes. The product contains a complex of acids and other substances that have a bactericidal and antiviral effect. The drug can be used for preventive purposes after visiting swimming pools and during menstrual bleeding. Epigen Intim is not suitable for daily use.


It is a milky emulsion that is ideal for intimate personal care. It does not contain alkalis, so it gently cares and does not dry out even the most sensitive dermis. Calendula extract, which has regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, will help soothe irritated skin. The product belongs to the hypoallergenic series, so it is suitable for most women. Among the active components of the product, lactic acid should also be highlighted, which maintains the pH of the dermis and allantoin additionally relieves irritation and moisturizes.


Gel for the care of intimate areas is one of the best means presented on the cosmetology market. It is based on plant extracts and oils that do not harm the dermis at all and do not disrupt its natural microflora. The product has soothing, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. After using it, you will not feel any discomfort, since it does not dry out the skin at all and almost never causes allergic reactions. It is great for daily use.


It is a gel-like product used by women to care for intimate areas of the body. The product is intended for daily use to support natural pH balance. The drug contains glycerin, lactic acid, aloe extract, chamomile and other components that are intended for gentle care and cleansing of the external genitalia. The product effectively relieves irritation and dryness in intimate areas, and also promotes rapid healing of local microtraumas.

1. Mulsan Cosmetic Gel For Intimate Hygiene

The winner in this category is rightfully the Intimate Hygiene Gel from Mulsan Cosmetic. The manufacturer has completely abandoned harmful chemical components such as sulfates, parabens, silicones, dyes, replacing them exclusively with natural ingredients. The composition is dominated by extracts - chamomile, calendula, almond, wheat germ, fireweed. The gel restores the natural pH balance, relieves irritation and dryness in the intimate area. The product has passed all the necessary dermatological and gynecological tests.
Suitable for daily use. To purchase, we recommend the official online store

Readers' Choice:

Intimate hygiene products for women are used to care for the genital area. The choice of products depends on the condition of the vagina, age and individual preferences. Regular use of intimate products helps maintain an optimal level of acidic environment, which cannot be achieved when using conventional cosmetic products.

Features of intimate hygiene products

Intimate cosmetics should contain a pH amount that does not differ from the acidity level of the vagina (the average pH value is 5.0.. 7.0). This ratio helps maintain normal vaginal microflora and prevents the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.

The use of conventional intimate area care products is not capable of providing such protection to the genitals. Substances included in simple cosmetics, on the contrary, disrupt the acid-base balance of the vagina. The main requirement for all intimate hygiene products is the content of physiological acid (preferably lactic acid). In addition, cosmetics of this type should contain biologically active substances that have a preventive and antimicrobial effect.

Important! When purchasing intimate area care products, you need to pay attention to their composition. You should avoid purchasing cosmetics if they contain dyes, fragrances, soaps and other alkaline compounds.

Types of intimate hygiene products

Intimate area care products are available in various forms, which can be easily combined when used:

  • Gel. The emulsion contains lactic acid and beneficial substances that can maintain the health of the intimate area.
  • Soap. The product must contain acid and natural plant components that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Mousse or foam. Intimate hygiene items are designed to care for very sensitive skin. Their use promotes gentle cleansing, maintaining normal vaginal microflora and relieving dryness.
  • Wet wipes. They help clean the intimate area in those moments when it is not possible to take a shower. The wipes are soaked in a liquid that contains components that do not cause irritation.
  • Intimate cream. Prevents irritation and soothes the skin. Most often used as protection when swimming in open water or pools.
  • Deodorant. The perfume helps get rid of the unpleasant odor from the vagina caused by the presence of diseases in the genital area.

Important! The choice of products depends on the woman’s age and the condition of the intimate area. If you have sexually transmitted diseases, you should consult a specialist before using any of the products.

Rules for choosing products for the intimate area

All intimate area care products must first of all be natural and of high quality. You must purchase products only in pharmacies or specialized cosmetic stores. When choosing items to care for a special area, follow the following rules:

  • Cosmetics should contain substances that maintain optimal levels (lactic acid).
  • If the vagina is dry, to care for its area, you should choose neutral products (their pH should be 5.5).
  • Women suffering from dysbacteriosis should buy products that contain substances that have an antiseptic effect (for example, sage extract, tea tree oil, bisabol - a substance extracted from chamomile extract). Their use will also help curb the growth of pathogenic microflora.

A high-quality intimate product contains minimal amount preservatives and flavorings. The product release form must clearly indicate:

  • composition of components;
  • Date of issue;
  • best before date;
  • manufacturer country;
  • the company that released the product;
  • product code.

Important! If the product has an expiration date that is too long (more than a year), then you should refuse to purchase such a product, as this indicates the presence of preservatives in the product.

Harm of intimate hygiene products

Despite the fact that the use of intimate hygiene products to care for a special area is considered high-quality and safe, their too frequent use can lead to:

  • Intensive cleansing of the intimate area can upset the balance in the vaginal microflora, and this, in turn, leads to dysbacteriosis, changes in acidity and the growth of harmful microorganisms.
  • Washing your intimate area too often can cause an unpleasant odor. It appears as a result of dysbiosis.

Therefore, using intimate hygiene products daily is not recommended. You should resort to them no more than 1-2 times a week.

Basic rules of intimate hygiene

Proper care of the intimate area:

  • wash the intimate area only with plain water, which does not contain alkaline compounds (fragrances, dyes, etc.);
  • use special soap for intimate areas, which does not contain irritating components for the vaginal microflora;
  • carry out water procedures twice a day: morning and evening;
  • after toilet and sexual intercourse, clean with water or wet wipes without fragrances;
  • During menstruation, change sanitary pads every 3-4 hours, tampons - after 2 hours;
  • The direction of the stream when washing the vagina should be from front to back to avoid infections from the anus;
  • Washing the area around the anus is done with regular toilet soap, since intimate products for this area do not provide the necessary disinfection.

Important! The development of the embryo in the uterus directly depends on the cleanliness of the intimate area. Regular care of the genitals will help avoid the occurrence and reproduction of pathogenic viruses that can lead to sexually transmitted infections.

Review of popular cosmetic products

Company nameManufacturer countryProduct FeaturesPopular means
Lactacyd FeminaFranceThe product contains lactic acid, which helps maintain the acidic environment of the vagina. The gel does not contain soap, due to which there is virtually no irritation after its use.Intimate gel, mousse, intimate hygiene wipes
Green pharmacySloveniaThe product contains tea tree extract and provitamin B5. These substances have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effectsIntimate soap
TianDeChinaThe products contain extracts of aloe vera, chamomile, sage, lemon balm, as well as vitamins A, D, C, E, B12. Proper use of products helps prevent dry skin and mucous membranes, as well as eliminate unpleasant odorIntimate gel
CarefreeItalyThe products do not contain alcohol, soap or chemical substances. They contain aloe extract, which helps soften and moisturizeGel, intimate wipes
Intimate by NiveaGermanyCosmetics for the intimate area of ​​this series contain lactic acid and chamomile extract, so regular use of the products helps moisturize the skin and does not have an irritating effect on it.Gel, intimate wipes

Any self-respecting and self-loving woman takes care not only of her beauty, but also of her health. In this case, special attention should be paid to intimate areas. Do not forget that the pH level of the intimate area is slightly lower than the pH of the skin, so it is important to choose the right hygiene products. There are many products, but the most common and in demand is intimate hygiene gel. In this article, we’ll look at the most important things: how to take care of yourself, what you should avoid, how to choose a gel and which brands you should give preference to.

A few words about the culture of intimate hygiene

Most women do not properly care for the cleanliness of delicate areas; some kill healthy microflora with chlorinated water, while others simply do not monitor its cleanliness. In our country, ladies are not used to using special means to maintain cleanliness, but ordinary soap, which most girls use, in 90% of cases leads to dysbacteriosis. In order to feel confident and comfortable throughout the day, it is necessary to toilet the intimate area at least twice a day, and on critical days - every time you change sanitary pads.

About acid balance

A feeling of discomfort in the intimate area indicates that the hygiene product has been selected incorrectly; ideally, an intimate hygiene product should have the following properties:

  • the composition should contain only natural ingredients;
  • the gel should support natural microflora.

Its pH should be acidic. The acidic environment in the delicate area is maintained by lactic acid, which should be part of the gel. When using regular soap, the balance shifts to the alkaline side (soap is inherently alkaline), and this can lead to thrush.

How to choose the right gel for delicate areas

There are many companies producing intimate hygiene products, and they can make right choice pretty hard. First of all, for extra confidence in the quality of the purchased products, it is better to buy such products in special stores, pharmacies and women's departments. An ideal gel for intimate hygiene should prevent the growth of unwanted bacteria, so it must contain lactic acid. It will not only protect against the development of infections, but also normalize the acid balance in the delicate area. Chamomile decoction (chamomile itself has an anti-inflammatory effect) and aloe extract (it moisturizes the skin) are welcome in the gel. As a rule, gynecologists recommend using intimate hygiene gel twice a day (before bedtime and after sleep).

What should be in an intimate hygiene product?

In addition to the above components, it is good if the following components are included in the gel:

  • extracts of medicinal herbs (calendula, oak and others) - they moisturize the skin and, in addition, have antiseptic properties;
  • panthenol and its derivatives - relieve irritation and moisturize delicate skin;
  • tea tree oil - will protect against many infections of the female genital tract.

The most common brands of gels for delicate hygiene

  1. Gel "Lactacid" is a soft emulsion developed using special technology. It does not contain soap and is suitable for daily care. Thanks to the chamomile extract included in Lactacid, it gently cleanses the skin and does not cause irritation. In addition, lactic acid, also included in the gel, helps maintain the balance of microflora at an optimal level. The clear advantage of this product for intimate hygiene is that it can be used even on menstruation days and during pregnancy.
  2. Another well-known gel is “Deo Intim”. This product was created together with bacteriologists, dermatologists and cosmetologists. Two-year tests have shown that this intimate gel reliably protects delicate areas, does not cause irritation, deodorizes the skin, and prevents the development of fungus. "Deo Intim" is suitable for frequent use, in particular after each change of sanitary pads.
  3. Gels from O'RONI are very soft products created for intimate care. They have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal effects, and promote rapid skin regeneration. They contain extracts from plants such as tea tree, calendula, chamomile and others. Suitable for daily use as a cleanser for intimate areas of the body.

Basic rules of feminine intimate hygiene

  1. On critical days, you should not have sexual contact, and you should also avoid swimming in natural reservoirs and pools. Bathing should also be limited.
  2. Underwear should be made from natural materials (cotton, linen, silk).
  3. Each personal hygiene item must be individual.
  4. You need to wash yourself 2 times a day, but do not use rough washcloths or sponges.
  5. Intimate hygiene gel should not contain fragrances or dyes.
  6. During menstruation, sanitary pads should be changed at least 5 times a day, and tampons every 2 hours.
  7. You should not constantly wear panty liners; they interfere with natural air circulation and prevent your skin from breathing.
  8. In order not to injure the delicate skin of the intimate area, you should not wipe the skin dry after washing. It should be remembered that any gel is only a means to help women take care of themselves and keep their bodies clean. The most important thing is to learn to love yourself as God created you. After all, only love for ourselves and our body helps us to be more beautiful and healthier!

For a woman’s intimate hygiene, it is unacceptable to use ordinary cosmetical tools, with the help of which she cares for the whole body. These products in most cases have a pH level in the range of 6-9. The intimate zone of women has a more acidic environment (pH 3.3-5.2), which creates ideal conditions for the reproduction of lactobacilli.

They produce lactic acid, which destroys pathogens. If the vaginal microflora becomes more alkaline, which happens after using regular soap, then optimal conditions are created for the proliferation of microbes. As a result, the risk of developing various diseases significantly increases, which is highly undesirable.

When choosing intimate hygiene products for women, you should pay attention to who they are intended for. Gynecologists recommend following these rules:

  • Before the onset of their first menstruation, girls should use products that have a neutral pH of 6-7. At this age, the vaginal microflora does not yet consist of lactobacilli, which provide protection against pathogenic microorganisms. This feature makes the intimate areas of girls vulnerable, requiring soft and delicate care. Cleansers may also contain plant extracts that provide additional protection;
  • Women of childbearing age should wash themselves exclusively with products containing lactic acid. This will maintain an optimal balance of vaginal microflora, which will prevent many intimate problems. Also, the gels may contain natural plant components with anti-inflammatory, regenerating and restorative effects;
  • women who lead an active lifestyle. Playing sports, swimming in the pool, and frequent travel do not always have a good effect on the condition of the vaginal microflora. Sex without a condom also causes a temporary imbalance, since sperm has an alkaline environment. Active women need to choose a hygiene cream or gel that provides enhanced protection against various infections;
  • pregnant women. As a result of hormonal changes throughout the body, the vaginal microflora also changes. It becomes more acidic – pH 3.2. Such an environment is destructive for various bacteria, but favorable for fungi. Therefore, thrush is a common pregnancy companion. Getting rid of it during this period is not so easy. Intimate cleansers for pregnant women should contain lactic acid and other ingredients to provide additional protection against fungi;

  • Women during menopause experience a decline in reproductive function, which leads to a decrease in the number of lactobacilli and thinning of the vaginal walls. This provokes a feeling of dryness and discomfort in the intimate area. Products that have a neutral pH level can improve this condition.

Popular means

  • Intimate Natural from Nivea. This product contains lactic acid, which helps restore normal vaginal microflora. Thanks to the presence of chamomile extract, it has a mild cleansing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. This gel perfectly moisturizes the skin and is hypoallergenic;

  • Lactacyd Femina. This is a light emulsion that does not contain soap or other dangerous components at all. With its help you can carry out daily care of the intimate area. Lactacid does not cause irritation to delicate skin, and is well suited for women of any age, since it contains lactic acid. This remedy helps prevent inflammatory processes that are caused by a woman’s active lifestyle;

  • Sesderma Intimate Hygiene Gel. This product is suitable for women who often suffer from thrush or inflammatory processes in the vagina. The positive effect of the intimate gel is explained by the presence of burdock extract, panthenol and hyaluronic acid in its composition. The last component provides skin elasticity, which women at any age need;

  • Carefree Sensitive. An inexpensive product that can be used for sensitive skin. Ideal for daily care, it has a pleasant aroma and foams easily.

Restoration of intimate microflora

If problems of an intimate nature arise, which include thrush, inflammatory diseases, ordinary gels for cleansing the genitals are not enough. Creams, ointments, candles for intimate hygiene not only allow you to restore normal microflora, but also destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Such products have almost no contraindications, have a mild effect and give positive results in the shortest possible time. Many of them can be used even during pregnancy, since during this period a woman needs additional protection.

To eliminate vaginal dysbiosis, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • Vitaprinol. These suppositories effectively eliminate many problems of a woman’s reproductive system - colpitis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, erosion, etc. They contain exclusively natural ingredients that provide positive results after their use. Composition of suppositories: phytosterols, vitamin supplements, chlorophyll, polyprenols, essential oils and resins and others;

  • lactonorm. Available in the form of vaginal capsules that contain live strains of lactobacilli. They are compatible with the natural female microflora. Lactonorm ensures the active growth of beneficial microorganisms and inhibits the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. Vaginal capsules also contain lactose, which creates a favorable environment for the normalization of vaginal microflora. The drug does not contain hormones, so it can be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding;

  • Bifidumbacterin. Available in powder form from which a suspension is prepared. It is used to sanitize the female genital tract in the presence of vaginal dysbiosis or specific discharge. The drug is often used during pregnancy and before delivery. Bifidumbacterin not only restores the vaginal microflora, but also inhibits the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms;

  • Lactagel. This vaginal cream contains lactic acid and glycogen. The first ingredient is necessary to lower the pH of the vaginal microflora, which allows you to restore protective functions female body. Glycogen promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, which should populate the intimate area;

  • Vaginorm C. Contains vitamin C in large quantities, lactose and other auxiliary components. This drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets. Their positive effect is explained by the presence ascorbic acid, which normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. As a result, a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms is created on the mucous membrane of the intimate area.

How to deal with dryness?

Many women are concerned about dryness in the intimate area. It can be associated with hormonal disorders (during menopause, after childbirth, etc.) or form as a result of previous inflammatory diseases (colpitis of various etiologies, including those caused by fungi). In this case, you should select specialized products for intimate hygiene:

  • Ortho-Gynest. This is a vaginal cream that contains estriol. This remedy restores epithelial tissue in the vagina and cervix, improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes, which improves the woman’s condition;

  • Gynophyte. This vaginal cream does not contain hormones, so it can be used both medicinal purposes, and preventive. When it is used, natural mucus increases, which produces a pronounced moisturizing effect;

  • Divigel. This ointment or gel for external use contains estradiol. When used, it is possible to eliminate the shortage female hormones leading to weakening of the vaginal wall;

  • Montavit. This vaginal cream is used to eliminate the lack of natural vaginal lubrication. It contains an effective antiseptic substance - chlorhexidine. Therefore, Montavit additionally protects a woman from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;

  • Gynocomfort. Provides optimal intimate care and preserves women Health. This brand produces several products with different effects - restoration, cleansing, moisturizing, specialized care. Gynocomfort contains natural ingredients and can be used by women of different age categories;

  • Estriol. Contains female sex hormones and has a positive effect on the condition of the vaginal epithelium. This drug helps get rid of dryness, discomfort and other intimate problems.

A gynecologist will help you choose a specific product from the many available for daily hygiene or for caring for the intimate area if you have any problems. He will pick up best gel, cream or suppositories in accordance with the condition of the woman’s reproductive system.