How to spoil women's health opponent. Damage to beauty: how to remove it and what it is Signs of damage on a young unmarried woman

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell today by whom and how can damage be done to a girl? Who is an interesting question. Our enemies are always with us. An envious girlfriend or rival can spoil beauty through inducing black damage. A rival fighting for her own - simple female happiness, can also take away her health, or even bring female damage to fornication, or black cemetery for a quick death.
  • take away luck
  • youth,
  • health,
  • make a money thief
  • close life paths

maybe a magician who conjures for his own good, whose actions are reduced to destruction as a way to get what he wants with minimal effort. And they also send damage to their ex-girlfriends. Motivations here may be different, and negative impact can be found in any field. When a girl is spoiled, distorting and interrupting her fate, this must be diagnosed and removed as soon as possible. In such cases, it is not a sin to return it to the one who brought it.

And here is an example of how a person practicing magic can damage a girl. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note in passing that real pros hide themselves, it is rather difficult to find and identify a real sorcerer, as well as send him a return line and punish him. Strong magicians know how to hide and protect themselves. Beginner adepts suffer from kickbacks and reverses, and those who conjure in their kitchen, without particularly delving into the system of magical rituals.

Spoil a girl for the loss of everything - how to take revenge on an ex-lover

Many people have a desire to punish their former mistress or wife. How can punish a girl for betrayal? For example, take away beauty, spoil obesity, or make a woman bald. You can grow old or get a drunken demon hooked on. Yes, you never know what you can do, skillfully! And I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will offer a way of strong revenge on the ex-girlfriend - to independently bring damage to the loss of everything that she had, so that she is left with nothing, and so that the sky looks like a sheepskin to her. To do during the period of the full moon, or on the waning moon.

To take revenge on your ex-girlfriend, you will need:

  1. black wax candle
  2. white chicken egg
  3. female hair
  4. ritual knife with a sharp end
  5. clay cup

Light a candle. Take an egg, make a hole in the blunt end with a knife and release all the contents through this hole into the bowl. Whisk the empty egg with hair. Take for the ritual putting a curse on a girl for treason, hair of a walking woman. And if it is not possible to get the hair of a prostitute, there is an alternative option - to buy hair from a degraded tramp (homeless woman), who lives one day and spends the night on the street.

“Roll, drift, under the stove, roll under the stove, lie down under the stove. As that hair rots, so the mistress, slave (name), be unhealthy. As an egg is empty, so is your house empty. As an egg rolls, so grief falls on the slave (name). I call out famously. A strong word has been spoken. Amen".

Leave the candle to burn out. And the egg spoken at the first opportunity should be thrown with a lining in the house of your former beloved, and thus get revenge on a girl for cheating. If there is no access to the house, you can throw it in the city trash. Redemptions are not needed in this case. The rite is done on the personal strength of the conjuring person. If you are not sure that there will be enough strength, and the result will be, then call the assistants. If you are working with the Dark Ones, call them according to all the rules, then according to the rules and pay off to the crossroads, thank the devils for their work.

You can conduct a magical rite of punishment for a girl for betrayal in a slightly different way, changing its last part. An egg wrapped in hair and spelled seven times with a strong conspiracy to take revenge on an ex-girlfriend should be buried in the nominal grave of the victim. In this case, the work is carried out according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft with obligatory gifts to the deceased. The standard mention is honey in combs on a piece of white bread, sweets and a glass of jelly, or a glass of vodka and a sandwich. Someone is used to leaving coins. This is also considered a ransom for the dead.

How to spoil a woman's fornication yourself

To do on a full moon, or on a growing moon. The result of a magical rite is the unbridled lust of a woman who has undergone such a harsh and nasty magical effect. The victim who made this damage to rabies of the uterus, becomes a walker, abandons his family, children, it happens that he completely becomes an inveterate drunkard. Sometimes, because of the way of life that she leads, she becomes seriously ill with sexual diseases. Yes, by the way, the feeling of guilt is not canceled, so, to severely punish a girl for betrayal in this way, it means not only to give her to the censure of others, but also to herself.

You can’t bring damage to a woman’s fornication yourself like this.

You need to take a strand of a harlot, and speak with the words of a conspiracy that makes powerfulspoiling a woman for sex and unrestrained lust and fornication:

“In the middle of the city of Babylon stands a stone tower, around that tower harlots walk, walk around, one more beautiful than the other. And in that chamber the queen of demons sleeps, the mother of all harlots, the wife of all devils. Bound in chains, drugged with dope, motionless, neither alive nor dead. I will go (name), through the free steppes, distant mountains, fast rivers; I will break seven locks, I will open seven doors. Behind the seventh door is not a dungeon, not a chamber, but lies, sleeps, drugged with dope, bound in chains, the Queen of Demons, the mother of all harlots, the wife of all devils. I will bow (name) before her and say a word. “Oh, you, Queen of demons, mother of all harlots, wife of all devils! You wake up from caustic dope, you break the iron chains, get out of the tower to your girlfriends, girlfriends. You tell them: This is not the time to walk around the great city of Babylon. And we go, free steppes, distant mountains, to the slave (name). May you enter into the slave (name), into her white body, into her sugary mouth, into her loins and fetus, into her heart and insides. Let the Babylonian lust burn inextinguishably in her for both the young man and the old man, and the brother and the matchmaker, the foreigner and the infidel, any male. Neither water, nor wine, nor vinegar, nor milk, nor holy water, nor spring water can extinguish that fire. Do not cover it with stones or earth. All burn blaze and kindle inside. I conjure Babylon, the king of demons. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After the charmed hair is divided into 3 parts. The first part of the hair must be burned, and the ashes should be sprinkled on the former beloved woman, let her eat with food or drink with drink. Take the second part of the harlot's strand to the cemetery and bury it there, on the nominal grave of the victim. And the third part of the curl must be sewn into her pillow.

Then the black revenge of the former beloved girl will be able to do it herself.

Here's another strong way to take revenge on a girl for treason - to make a woman's damage to frigidity. As you can see, this is the other extreme. Neither the state of unbridled lust, nor the icy trance, when a woman does not let a guy close to her even at a distance of a shot, neither one nor the other will make the lady full and happy. Here is the tested good way spoil a girl for frigidity and not wanting sex.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Self-damage to a woman for sex - make a cold woman

For self-infliction of damage to ex-wife need a wax volt. According to all the rules, lay the bindings, call. The only difference from the usual volt is that it should be in the shape of a candle, respectively, along with the bindings, it is also necessary to lay a wick.

In addition to the volt, to induce sexual damage to a girl, you will need:

  1. deep tin container
  2. a cup of cold spring water, you can even with ice

Candle - put a volt in a deep container prepared for the ceremony, light it, wait a little, so that it blazes well. Read an independent conspiracy only 1 time.
And the words of the conspiracy to punish the girl for betrayal are as follows:

“As this candle burns, burns, so (name) burns with a lustful desire, with a hot flame, with an ardent desire. So (name) throws itself at the peasants, it flares up with a white body.

Having said this, pick up a cup of ice water, and in order to spoil the girl, indifferent, lethargic, like a herring, make it, pour water on the candle, and extinguish the flame.

Then read the text of the conspiracy on the woman's frigidity 3 times:

“As it burned and burned, so (the name) of the male’s elda wished, as I filled the candle with water, so the passion (name) extinguished forever. The key water fills the fire, the blood (name) freezes with cold. The uterus of the cold at (name) cuckoos, from the peasants (name) twists. There were (name) joys of love, and from now on, darkness, drowned your icy passion with water, cooled your desire with cold ashes, from now and forever deprived you. Just as the burnt one does not burn again, so you do not burn from the caresses of men. From now on, it’s not blood in your veins, but ice water, your woman’s nature in it will cool forever. The heat of your love water cooled, but buried it in the coldness of the grave. As your teeth ache from cold water, so your inside shrinks in front of a peasant, drenched in horror. Hugs are sad for you, man's dick is shameful. You drive the peasants away from you, you can’t stand touching, you lie in bed like a sleepy fish and sleep all the time. The lust in you has cooled down, frozen in the icy water, decayed, burned down forever. Amen".

After reading the plot three times, the resulting design must be removed in the freezer so that everything freezes properly. Magic ritual allows you to put a curse on the girl for treason, and the continuation of the ceremony is done in the cemetery. There must be a good connection with the cemetery egregor so that everything works out as it should.

In compliance with all the rules of cemetery witchcraft, this design is buried in the grave of the same name of a woman who is spoiled for sex. Such damage will work for a long time.

Burying an ice volt, read a sexual plot for revenge on a woman

“You (name) are dead, lying in a grave, sleeping in a cold grave, I wake you up, I raise you, I entrust you with work. Just as you lie in your coffin, you don’t run anywhere, you don’t want men, you don’t have ardent blood, so cool the blood in the veins of the living (name), cool down the desire to lust. Cover her heart with darkness, cover her uterus with the coldness of the grave, so that (name) cools down to fornication, so that the peasants hate her. From now on, to be cold (name), not to know carnal pleasures with anyone. Amen".

How to remove damage to fornication - cleaning the Black Shroud

An independent ritual of cleaning a woman from spoilage is proven, it works perfectly. Removes strong curses:

  • large piece of black linen
  • funeral candle
  • basin with water

Fill the basin with water after midnight. Removal is done on the street, at sunset. The woman who was spoiled for fornication should be seated on a chair. Cover it with black cloth. Put a bowl of water in front of her. Stand behind, take a burning candle, read a plot to get rid of spoilage for sex, at this time, carry a candle around the woman's head counterclockwise.

Read an independent conspiracy from a woman's nymphomania as many times as your instinct tells you, but at least 3 times:

“The day is running out and the disease is coming to an end. The blackness sat in the slave (name), tormented and tormented her, and tormented her with painful thoughts. (name) did not get along with her in one day, and not in any. The slave (name) was defeated by her adversary, but she was strongly bewitched. I, (name), a healer, a prophetic husband, cleanse the slave (name) from all human filth, but demonic, from slander, exhaustion, creases, damage,. As I say my word, so I will drive out the demon, sitting inside, from the slave (name). Go, blackness, melancholy and all sorts of things away, to the ends of the world, sit there behind oak doors under iron bolts, forever and ever. To all my words, strength is strong, bound by my covenant. Amen".

Upon completion of reading the conspiracy to remove the spoilage for sex from the girl, pull off the shroud from her with the words:

"I put the amulet firmly, firmly."

After that, you need to drip wax from the candle. First on the back of the head, then on the right shoulder, on the left, between the shoulder blades, on the lower back, and finally on the right palm. Wax from the right palm of the woman must swallow. After that, she should wash herself with water from the basin, wash her hands up to her shoulders and her legs up to her knees.

The water through which the spoilage for fornication was removed from a woman must be taken and poured out at the crossroads. Pour out the ashes from the burnt shroud there. The girl can't eat anything meat for 7 days, and she can't drink alcohol for a month. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise that if the damage to female whoredom does not go away the first time, the witching rite can be repeated several more times on your own.

About female damage, and everything connected with it, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell in this article. Revenge on a woman can be realized different ways. There will always be a better option than the other. The tradition of black witchcraft is old. Many amazing and incredibly powerful rituals have been stored in the arsenals of black magic for centuries. There are a lot of damage done to the girl. How many goals and desires a sorcerer has, so many opportunities to get what he wants. Let's say that take revenge on a woman for cheating, or something else, you can do any of the following methods of inducing damage, and enjoy the torment of the enemy.

Many (especially beginners sin with this) immediately rush to do mortal damage. But, it’s not so easy to bring the enemy to the grave. Real rituals of inducing damage to death are the highest aerobatics in witchcraft. The support of the Forces must be serious. If you don't have one, then nothing will work. And now I’ll show you what signs of damage a woman can have.

Common symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman

The symptoms of the magical effects of black energy do not appear immediately and not brightly. It is not immediately possible to understand that the induced by someone is manifesting powerful damage that these are traces of her presence. And yet, an attentive and knowledgeable person, he notices such bells and does not disregard them. What are the signs of the evil eye in women, as well as heavy magical negativity? How can black negativity manifest itself? As you like, there are many options, but it all depends on which area of ​​​​life is cursed.

Signs of damage to loneliness in women are very characteristic.

A girl who bears such a magical seal on herself remains alone in any life scenario. There are different types of curses for loneliness. They can curse at the impossibility of marriage, the creation of a real full-fledged family. And also, they can make it to the full,. With such negativity, there will be no men at all in the life of a girl. So an offended wife can punish a rival, or an abandoned husband or lover wants to take revenge on a woman for treason. One way or another, damage works, no matter who initiates it.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, did not accidentally use this particular word - “sick”, or patient. So many unfortunate people need real magical help. To be cured, you need to remove the source of the disease, remove damage from a woman's personal life, and, thanks to the additional magical work on the positive, everything will gradually get better.

What else, besides spoiling loneliness, can a woman do?

Sometimes they close the paths, curse the business, make thieves who take money. But, nevertheless, mostly men suffer from such influences of magic. Whereas female damage is more associated with marriage, family hearth, the birth of children.
Eat different kind black rituals, but the most severe manifestation of the destructive black influence is a curse on the female line. This burden is passed on to the descendants of that woman who was once cursed, punished, condemned by someone to torment. The curse does not go away on its own, it must be removed. And only a strong, practicing magician can do this.

Common signs of damage to a woman can be considered:

  • a sharp deterioration in well-being
  • nervousness, irritability
  • aggression or tearfulness
  • restlessness in words
  • thoughtlessness of actions
  • guilt
  • infertility
  • unwanted changes in appearance
  • depressive states
  • craving for alcohol
  • loss and emptiness
  • a series of troubles, failure in business

Inflict sexual damage on a woman - fornication as a punishment

It is possible to ruin relationships and, in general, the personal life of an ex-girlfriend. And not necessarily, making her forever a lonely bean. Damage to women in their personal lives can take different forms. For example, by bringing prodigal damage to a married woman, you can finally ruin her relationship with her husband, and ruin her. And an unmarried girl can be made the object of ridicule and condemnation in the eyes of others. Fornication can be removed, but the consequences - it will be difficult for a girl to restore her reputation.

Here's how you can spoil a woman for sex. Take the land where the bitch urinated, speak to her, and throw a lining into the house of the victim, whom there is a desire to spoil. You can also pour on the threshold. The conspiracy is this:

“Fiery passion burn the body of the slave (name), do not find peace in any bed. Let it be so".

And here is another example of female damage to fornication.

The rite is done independently with a lining. On a small piece of cloth they take the blood of bitches in estrus, read strong conspiracy and hide the shred in the house of the one to whom the damage to sex is intended:

“Blood bleeds, males are attracted, the slave (name) suffers, the body languishes, desires fornication. She will find fornication on a slave (name), she will not find peace without males. Strong word, true deed. Amen".

Of course, one such conspiracy to hurt a woman and achieve major changes in her life, little. Magicians always work in a complex way. Rune magic is often combined with black rites, and such a combination of magical traditions, in my opinion, from the experience of the magician Sergei Artgrom, gives good results. In general, with female damage, not everything is so simple. Using them correctly, you can create completely different situations, and without making heavy mortal damage, you can bring the enemy to death.

Sexual damage belongs to the category of curses on women's health.

If a girl is not abstemious and not particularly picky about relationships, sooner or later she will end up with a venereal disease, alcoholism. In addition, the mental health of the damned will also have an extremely negative impact. And then it only needs to be slightly pushed in one direction or another, and it will roll along an inclined line, do not hold it!

Out of revenge, many women do love spells on their former lovers in order to make weak-willed blockheads out of men. But there are rituals in magic that allow them to punish themselves. Here, for example, is a magical conspiracy - called "Women's mockery of lust."

Strong damage to women's personal lives - a mockery of women's lust

On their own, they read the conspiracy on the growing moon, on a new mirror, and then they give the mirror to the one to whom the female damage is done, they are pushed into whoredom. As soon as the girl looks in the mirror, the dark witchcraft will begin to act on the revenge of the woman. Read for several days in a row, as many times as your intuition tells you, but at least 3 times. Don't look in the mirror yourself!

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“I will stand without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, from the hut not by doors, from the courtyard not by gates, and I will go to a wide street and I, the witcher (name), will look around the whole wide world, I will look on the earth and under the highest skies, and under black clouds . Under high skies and under black clouds, I, the witcher (name), will see a fiery serpent with a fiery flame and a fiery chariot. And I will scream, the witcher (name), and I will ask him: “Where are you, serpent, flying with a fiery chariot and with a fiery flame?” And the fiery serpent says: “I flew to distant seas and distant lakes to the Babylonian kingdom, to dry the seas, lakes and rivers, and to light the forest, stumps, and logs in the Babylonian kingdom!” And serve me, a non-Christian, a renunciate from the world, and take me as a covenant, and I will do your will, go filthy on Wednesdays and Fridays, and do fornication on parental days. And I, witcher (name), will take my lust and flesh, youth and rage and put it on a crystal mirror. Through my lust and flesh, and my youth and rage, on what day, or what hour, or what quarter looks into that mirror of the slave (name), so that day, and that hour, and that quarter, dry this slaves (name) a ruddy body and a white face, and ignite in it a zealous heart, hot blood, though flesh, and power, youth and rage, and all seventy lived, and seventy joints, and three, and two, and one vein and single joint. And whose shadow in the mirror is for you, and she, a slave (name) to me in body and heart, mind and mind, flesh, and lust, and all veins. And so that she, the slave (name), thought and dried up for me, grieved, yearned and cried every day, and every hour, and every quarter of an hour. And I, the witcher (name), will go out far into the open field, I will face the west, the ridge to the east. And just like the morning dawn, Maria cannot see enough of her sister Ulyana, nor look enough, and the evening dawn Ulyana cannot see enough of her sister Maria, nor look enough, and so the slave (name) could neither see enough of me, nor look enough every day, and every hour, and every quarter of an hour. And I will go far into the open field, to the filthy sea. And there is a board on the filthy sea, and longing itself sits on that board: without arms, without legs, without eyes, but it cries, yearns and mourns for clear eyes and for the white world. Come on, longing and dryness, to the slave (name), and so that for me, the witcher (name), yearn and grieve, and cry century after century, from now to century. And if it is sickening and bitter for that longing on that board, as she does not see the white light, it would be so sickening and bitter for the slave (name) as she does not see me. What day, and what hour, and what quarter, she would grieve and grieve, dry and cry, on the day with the sun, and on the night with the moon, with frequent stars and violent winds, at dawn in the morning and in the evening . She could neither drink nor eat, nor speak words with anyone, all she would think, and think, but dry, would yearn for me. And I will also go out and march far into the open field, from the open field I will go to the filthy sea. Our king is sitting, Satan himself with his son-in-law Yerzoul. Oh, thou art, king, young man, demon Satan with his son-in-law! How will you give me and send your colleagues to kindle and inflame, and serve me, slave (name). Thirty-three and one Yerzoul, Yerohmid, Marvs-the demon, Kriv, Tok da Matok, Kotyga da Matyga, Embarrassed, Lit, Kindled, Poked, Tyal da Matyal, Takusa da Marusa, Luk, Mirulei, Miraha, Prochaha and also Sale, Tikhia Sahia, and Elizuda, and Dagrud, and Shirih, and all your possessions. to myself and I send you to this slave (name), go and serve, and listen to your king, father Satan, but with my thoughts, but with your strong archery bows and strong sharp fiery broadswords, and light, and shoot, confuse and hint, tempt the slave (name), where you find. In the night on the spot, and during the day during a conversation, on the road, or on the road, or in a crystal mirror, from which her shadow is taken out, given to your father Satan, and whose shadow is to you, and she is to me, the witcher (name ) body, soul, and heart, and your thoughts. And we will do your will, go around on Wednesdays and Fridays, and do fornication on parental days. And with those strong words of mine, the lock is in the pike in the fish, in her teeth in the Don River, and the key is in Satan himself in his knees. Forever and ever. Truly."

Prodigal conspiracy on a female trail - witchcraft revenge on a girl

Here's how you can take revenge on a woman for treason, for being unfaithful. Such a way of revenge on an ex-wife is suitable if they want to laugh at her, not to give life with a new guy, to deprive her of her honor. You have to notice where the woman you want to punish has passed. Go and take out her trail right away.

Throw this earth into the flame of a furnace or a fire and read a black love spell on revenge on a woman:

“As the trail burns, the girl (name) would burn, and the body, and the heart, and the blood, and the liver of that girl (name) to me, the warlock (name). And how the fire in the cave burns and dusts and it is impossible to suffocate it, except for water, so that girl of the slave (name) yearned for me, grieved, threw herself into the water and rushed into the fires, choked on the loops in the daytime, on the young moon and at the end of the month. And to that cause the key is now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Black damage to women's health - curse the rival and turn the man away

There are many different rituals to deprive the young, attractive girl good health which is so seductive for men. strong damage to women's diseases will make of beautiful woman disabled person, will force the rival to switch from someone else's husband to her own problems. Yes, and the consequences of the witchcraft rite are such that long after it was damage to women's diseases is determined, and removed, the woman will recover.

They independently damage women's underpants.

It is necessary in any way, which you yourself know, to have panties worn by the one on whom you send a curse on female diseases. If there is no way to have such a toilet item, another thing of the victim will do. Take that thing, speak damage to women's health. Bury the spoken thing in the garbage. The ritual was tested by beginner magicians, the results of those who did it at home were good.

“Let my lovebird (name) m ... be tormented hard, be cursed with pain as if drunk. Let her whine m ... yes, day and night, so that she could not do everything. Let it inflate it from pain, let it rage from torment. So that she had falling weakness, a shaking fever attacked, so that she fell into a fever and delirium, gnashed her teeth from pain. So that the pain would burn her body, the sickness of the woman would not give rest, so that m ... yes it itched, there was no living place left on her. So that she becomes for (the name of the man from whom the woman must be turned away) unloving, for (the name of the man) hateful, and his desire to go on a date with her would disappear. I speak with my strong word, my deed, my chapel (name of the man) to (name of the rival) not to go on a date, to cool off forever. Amen".

result strongdamage to female organs become a variety of diseases in gynecology. Independently do the ceremony on the waning moon, on Women's Day. Read the plot 9 or 13 times.

Self-damage to female impotence

The sorcerer holds fate in his hands. If it goes so that it is necessary to punish a woman, then the magician will induce infertility, damage the female organs. Here is the way. Go into the forest, find an old rotten stump, which is already crumbling into dust. Find a hole in it, and read a conspiracy 13 times on that hole so that hurt a woman. Then take a bit of dust, and pour it with a lining in the house of the girl you need.

“I will go through the gates backwards, through the doors in front. I will go into the dense forest, I will find a combustible stone. Under that combustible stone lies a rotten board, a rotten snag. I’ll take that rotten board, rotten snag, bring it to the slave (name). Like a rotten board, a rotten snag has neither a leaf nor a process, so you (name) have neither, nor a daughter, not a single embryo. Amen".

Here everything works on the strength of the magician. If you have your own strength, then you can damage a woman. But, it is possible to agree with the dark helpers. In this case, the Force pays off. And in general, when you work in the forest, always leave offerings to the forest. So they will get in touch sooner.

With a burning candle, put on a burdock leaf a photo of a woman who needs to be spoiled, and an egg on it. Wrap in a sheet and crush. Then, with a sharp movement, tear the sheet and throw it into the cauldron. Pour (wine prepared for spoilage, infused with herbs of Saturn. Herbs of Saturn: rue, hellebore, mandrake, pine, hellebore, cypress, wild parsley. Wine is infused on rue powder for 3 days, it is permissible to infuse on herbs for up to 40 days). You can use pig blood, or rotten water.

Stir the contents of the cauldron counterclockwise with an elderberry stick, and, stirring constantly, heat the contents over the fire. You can read the plot based on the situation and intention. Then splash out the brew at the crossroads with swear words. Payback right there, and to the house, without looking back.

Here is a list of things to prepare:

  • handful of earth
  • white piece of natural material

In the place where a fierce dog is on a leash, barking, rushing about, throwing himself at everyone, you need to take a handful of earth. Tie this land into a white rag, and with a knot cross it across the patient’s body, drive and read the plot removing spoilage from the genitals of a woman to become healthy:

“You are a wild dog, yes you are an evil dog, if you start barking day and night, if you bark, if you throw your teeth with a grin, if you are on a leash, then the leash is now broken, but you are set free, so now you are sick (name) black, yes chase her across the field, yes chase her through the forest, yes you tear her with tenacious teeth, yes you drive her deep into a hole, yes you jump into a tall tree, yes into the muddy waters you her chilliness, yes you scatter her in tufts paired, whatever remains, it will be untied with a roar, even your menacing (name) will get rid of the ailment, even this ailment is cast out, but it is driven out of the body (name), everything is watered with barking dogs, everything is called by barking. Amen".


Unfortunately, this kind of damage is very common. Many women suffer from it, but they do not even suspect that many of them are sick because they are spoiled. If doctors cannot cure your illnesses, injections and pills do not help, proceed to treatment. Turn to our Lord, ask him for forgiveness for your sins and help from Him and the Mother of God and you will get rid of damage, so you will recover.

Place the icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God on the table. Light a candle, place a container of water and read the FOLLOWING:

1. "Our Father" - 3 times
2. "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice" - 3 times
3. Conspiracy - 3 times

I turn to the Mother of God, I, a sinful slave (name).
I ask for forgiveness and healing for the body from the damage that people sent me out of their malice.
Mother of God, save, help, heal the unworthy, sinful servant (me),
Deliver from corruption on female flesh.
Pray before our Lord for me, a sinful slave (name).
Help, mother of God, heal my female flesh from illness, from damage.
Do not get sick, do not suffer, do not lie in my bed for the sole reason
That I have pain from the deeds of witchcraft.
Heal my flesh from someone else's corruption.
Please, I beg you, help me, heal my flesh from pain, from damage.
Pray for me, sinful servant (name) before our Lord.
I ask Him for forgiveness and healing from the corruption that people have sent.
Save me, Mother of God, deliver me from corruption.
May I be healthy by the grace of God.
Do not suffer, do not get sick, do not lie to me in the hospital.
Help, I beg you, Mother of God, deliver me from corruption,
Corruption of someone else's and in vain, what people did out of their own malice.
Health ruined, children deprived.
Give me health, mother of God, help, heal, save the slave (name) from damage.
Forgive my sins, restore my health, my Heavenly Father,
Save, save my female flesh, deliver me from damage, from pain for this reason.
Please, I beg, save, help, heal my body from damage,
From black and evil deeds of witchcraft.
My Heavenly Father, have mercy, save, save, deliver from corruption
The sinful soul of an unworthy slave (name). Amen!

EXPLANATION: drink water until complete recovery. Water can also be used for douching. But for this matter, water must be boiled, cooled, prayers are read on it, and then douching. You can also make compresses on the abdomen and below with this water. Wrap this place warmer and lie down for an hour. You can put a compress at night.
Do not tell anyone about your treatment. There is no need to talk about this. Health to you, dear women.

I am often approached by women who want to eliminate a rival and ask me to do everything possible and impossible so that the lover becomes uninteresting to men. Most of these clients, burning with righteous anger, are ready to sign a death sentence for their mistress on the spot, as her beloved has found a new passion for himself and intends to leave the family and even end relations with children.

The most common and unpleasant magical revenge is damage aimed specifically at a woman's health.

In this case, it is most advantageous to apply not mortal damage, but more sparing - damage to women's health. It is the evil eye on the disease that is the most common and unpleasant magical revenge. It will be a serious blow to the female body and will affect not only the well-being of the homeowner, but also her external beauty.

What is damage to women's health?

This type of dark magic rituals is used in relation to the woman whom they want to deliver a lot of health problems, and therefore with appearance, and with self-esteem, and with matters of the heart.

Damage to women's health is a negative program created and directed by a magician to a certain point in the body.

I often use damage to the reproductive organs. Such a program creates holes in the human energy field, as a result of which the state of health in the female part is destroyed.

It is the message of magical information that acts purposefully, directly on the centers female organs large and small pelvis. Through such holes in the disturbed aura of a woman, the excision of the vital force occurs, and she begins to get sick often, problems appear in the functioning of the reproductive system.

I can guarantee a quick result if the woman who is being spoiled was not in very good health before, and was also too free in terms of sexual relations (frequent change of partners). Her energy field is already broken, and damage will weaken it even more, and the woman will gradually begin to fade away. It is sexuality and libido that will be the first to be hit, a woman will lose her ability to be aroused.

Sexuality and libido are the first thing that a woman suffers when spoiling

With such damage traditional medicine is absolutely powerless, doctors cannot correctly diagnose, treatment is prescribed for a woman who has been damaged, which in most cases completely spoils her health. Such damage does not lead to the death of the victim, but sometimes death can occur, especially if the woman has weak immunity.

Varieties of spoilage

Damage to women's health can differ both in methods and in signs. I apply damage in two ways:

  1. Damage to the disease of the organs of the female reproductive system of a single exposure. This type of magic is used only once and in a short period of time destroys some parts of the woman's energy field, creating ideal conditions for the development of diseases.
  2. Damage to women's health of repeated exposure. I perform this type of ritual magic several times, triggering the mechanism of diseases. The ritual chain of corruption does not allow the manifestations of diseases to fade away.

The damage of repeated exposure, inflicted on women's health, triggers a whole mechanism of diseases

Methods for performing rituals

There are a number of magical procedures that allow you to purposefully influence the internal reserves of the body:

  1. A simple conspiracy ritual works if a woman already has some problems in her organs. genitourinary system. In this case, the energy strike falls on a weak spot and will further deplete her already weak female health.
  2. Damage to the lining is carried out according to a special magical scheme. For this, simple objects are used: grass, needle, stone, mud, swamp mud. Sometimes, to enhance the effect, you can use a photo of the victim, nails or hair. I explain to all clients to whom I damage the health of a rival that the main rule of this type of magic is that it is forbidden for the customer to take the lining item with his bare hands. If, nevertheless, the customer nevertheless picked up the lining (there are very different situations), then it is necessary to immediately apply the lapel action in order to avoid negative consequences for the health of the customer.
  3. Cemetery ritual of inducing damage through a photo of a rival. I must say right away that I rarely undertake such work. There are many reasons for this: First, such a ritual, performed according to all the rules, will cost the client more than one thousand dollars, and it can cost me several years of my life. Secondly, I have repeatedly mentioned in my blog that the punishment should be commensurate with the guilt. So, taking a man away from his family and paying for it with his life is somehow not very commensurate. But if the client insists, I tell her how the ritual will take place, and I voice what material and physical price she will have to pay for it.

A prerequisite for damage to death is the use of a photograph that was taken recently and where the woman is depicted alone. Further, the photo is taken to the cemetery on the night when the moon is in its waning phase and the photograph of the victim is buried in the grave where the woman with the same name is buried.

All your actions must be accompanied by conspiracy words. But, it is worth thinking a hundred times, the dead rarely forgive the performer such disrespect for themselves.

Signs of spoilage

After the ritual, the client wants to make sure that the damage is effective, so I always tell you what signs indicate this:

The sudden appearance of problems with women's health is the first and main sign of spoilage

  • the main symptom is the sudden appearance of problems with women's health, without any prerequisites;
  • the process of development of the disease proceeds rapidly, and it is not always possible for doctors to establish the cause of the sudden appearance;
  • a woman who has been spoiled becomes lethargic, depressed, can sometimes become passive to the outside world, since all vital forces are directed to combat health problems;
  • possible changes in body weight or its fluctuations over a short time;
    • in the eyes, a difference in the size of the pupils can be noticeable;
    • sleep disturbances are observed, often there may be attacks of insomnia, as a result of which the the immune system And female body ceases to fight illnesses;
    • a young family cannot conceive a child, although, according to all medical indicators, both the man and the woman are both absolutely healthy.

    In my opinion, damage to a woman's health is a ritual that is most effective when it comes to turning a loved one away from an object of desire, that is, another woman.

    But before you take revenge on your rival for destroying your family, think about whether this union may have outlived its usefulness. Remember that nothing in the universe just happens and if something or someone leaves your life, maybe it's time for you to choose a different model for your life.

For men, potency means a lot. There is a problem when they lose it. It becomes especially strange if this happens at a young age. When conventional medicine fails to help. Thoughts about spoiling sex come to a man’s head.

Help to restore male power

Often there are men who are in good health. At the same time, they have a problem in intimate terms. They may date many girls, but there will be no sex drive.

Even if the man really wants it. In this case, it is not a disease, but black magic. It is directed from an abandoned girl or wife. With the goal that no one gets the man, as a punishment for neglecting her feelings.

Basic concepts of black magic on sex

Damage to impotence affects not only a man, but also offends a rival to the same extent. There is damage that is aimed at mistresses. A man will be able to feel intimacy only with the one who performed such a ritual.

After that, he gets:

  1. Interest in a wife or rival in an intimate way disappears;
  2. The genital organ will begin to hurt during intercourse or even its curvature will occur;
  3. The occurrence of complete impotence.

To induce damage, knots are usually created on the linen of the intended object. In other cases, sticks broken in half or knots from different trees are thrown to him. If this is found, then it is necessary to observe possible symptoms.

Varieties of damage to sexual impotence

Damage can be of different types:

  1. Disease of the genitals, leading to sexual impotence;
  2. Damage to loneliness does not allow a man to contact the opposite sex (depending on how strong magic was used);
  3. Impotence;
  4. Sexual impotence only with his wife and complete discord in the man's family.

If the damage is aimed at the illness of a man, then most likely it will arise suddenly. Doctors in this case will not be able to accurately determine the diagnosis. The name of the disease will be simple. During such a man feels a decline in vitality. This happens due to the fact that health passes to the person who caused damage.

The use of spoilage for impotence for a man is usually called a "string". A magical ritual is performed on underwear. Women make knots on it. During this action, they read the plot. This leads to male impotence. In some cases, the phallus is twisted.

Signs of inducing black magic on potency

In most cases, depression occurs in men with the onset of impotence. It becomes closed with the advent of this disease. If you do not solve the problem, then a complete breakdown in relations with your wife, lover or beloved woman is possible.

The man is most likely to be left alone. Therefore, actions should be taken to solve the problem. In case of helplessness of medical healing, prayers, protective conspiracies against damage will help.

There are some signs that male dysfunction could arise from the use of black magic, which include:

  • During intercourse, a man's erection is weak (even if he lusts for his chosen one);
  • There is complete indifference to women;
  • Unreasonable aggression, nervousness and irritability appear;
  • Disordered sleep due to nightmares, turning into insomnia. Thoughts arise about the same woman;
  • Women try to avoid such men. With the help of intuition, they feel negative energy next to a man;
  • Medical diagnosis does not identify the presence of diseases and pathologies.

Sometimes a man consciously begins to refuse intimate relationships with the opposite sex. This kind of situation occurs because of the numerous failures during the sexual act. Instead of pleasure, a man feels disappointment and inner pain. After sex, he comes to his senses for a long time, restoring his mental and emotional state.

Often, different situations can occur with a man that arise quite suddenly. Especially when he goes to see a doctor. This gives reason to think about an unconventional cause of the disease.

Even in this case, you should not put an end to further relationships with women or your wife. A man is able to independently prevent the action of the evil intent of the ill-wisher.

Ways to relieve the "illness" with the help of conspiracies

Sometimes a man still begins to suspect that a black woman is to blame for his problem of impotence. magic. He begins to look for ways to remove damage to sex, impotence, or a disease of the genital organs. There are many conspiracies and other ways to get rid of a painful illness.

You can use a decoction of thistle. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Plant a thistle;
  2. Fertilize with your sperm;
  3. Wait for the plant to germinate;
  4. On Friday, during the new moon, dig up a sprout.

The plant is divided into 2 parts. In this case, the first is dried and put in a breast or secret pocket on clothes or in a wallet. The second part of the thistle serves to create a decoction. The plant is poured with boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon of the infusion until it runs out before going to bed. The remaining thistle root should be planted closer to the house.

In addition to a decoction of spoilage, they use a conspiracy on a wedding ring. It is removed from your finger. Urine is passed through the ring 3 times.

During this action, a conspiracy is spoken:

“Throw off all this illness, rise up and jump like a young one, don’t fall anymore, be full of strength. Amen to my word."

This ritual with a conspiracy of the ring is one of the most effective. In addition to it, you can do a rite on a belt to strengthen the result. The ritual is performed during the growing moon. Before this action, you should purchase a new belt.

Holding it in their hands, they read the words 3 times:

“I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the open field, where the cypress is green. The roots of that tree are strong, and the branches are strong. So let the strength of the servant of God (name) become unbending, not blown away by the wind. Amen"

After a conspiracy on the belt, he will give strength to his master. The effect will increase day by day. The most important thing is to wear it more often, then the condition will work.

To perform any of the rituals, you must first detect the presence of at least a few signs of damage. The main thing is not to be afraid to talk about it with your wife. She can provide support or find out that such a thing happened due to her selfishness.