Aeroflot stewardess uniform of different years. Aeroflot and other flight attendant uniforms. Japan Airlines, Japan


They are always neat and stylish. Their strict form is pleasing to the eye and makes an indelible impression. Although they do not belong to the show or modeling business, but their charm can outshine any celebrity.

We are talking, of course, about flight attendants, charming beauties, in the literal and figurative sense, who are always on top.

Stewardess uniform

It is no wonder that the impeccable style of sky swallows is a hot topic of discussion for those who have ever been in the sky. And the flight attendants of some airlines compete with each other for the title of the most beautiful and stylish.

By the form of a flight attendant, you can understand in which company he works. A mandatory dress code and an ideal appearance are the main requirements for an employee of any airline. And this is understandable, because the flight attendant is her face.

Heavenly fashion is an issue that every self-respecting company approaches seriously and carefully. A flight attendant should not only be well-groomed and beautiful, she should give a proper impression of the highest quality of service of the company whose services she represents.

1. Qatar Airways

The flight attendants of Qatar Airways were recognized as the most fashionable and stylish. They rightfully own the first place among heavenly fashionistas.

Their maroon shape with a retro twist is definitely very pretty and elegant.

The crew members of this Arab airline are always fit and look flawless.

Emirates flight attendants

2 Emirates Airlines

A strict beige suit, a scarlet cap on the head and a scarf underneath - this is the uniform of the stewardesses of one of the most luxurious airlines in the Arab region.

A bag and shoes to match the dark burgundy color are also integral attributes of their appearance, however, as well as bright red lipstick, which should always be on the lips.

The requirements for Emirates flight attendants are very strict. For example, the absence of insufficiently bright colors in makeup can lead to a reprimand or even dismissal.

3. Etihad

Luxury and conservatism is the main motto of almost every Arab airline. Crew members should look luxurious and restrained in an oriental way at the same time. However, unlike the Emirates flight attendants, the Etihad flight attendants have neat and very discreet makeup.

The outfit for the flight attendants of these airlines was designed by the Italian designer Ettore Bilotta (Ettore Bilotta). The main gray color of the suit is diluted with a white shade of a scarf attached to the cap.

4 Air France

French stewardess costumes airlines Air France is an ensemble from the famous fashion designer Christian Lacroix (Christian Lacroix).

The suit is dominated by a classic dark blue color. Mandatory elements- these are white stripes on both cuffs, as well as a wide red belt, which introduces some piquancy, so characteristic of French women.

In addition to the belt, silk scarves, scarlet hats and gloves add a special charm to the flight attendant's outfit. It seems that the flight attendants of French airlines are actresses who have descended from the TV screens.

The Air France uniform has been recognized as one of the most outstanding design solutions in the aviation industry.

Flight attendant uniform

5 British Airways

British Airways has always been a favorite with designers. These airlines are known not only for the high quality of service, but also for the chic uniforms of their flight attendants.

Since 2004, the company has been dressing its flight attendants in Julien MacDonald clothing. The British airline, like the French airline, has chosen a dark blue hue as the base color.

6. Iberia Airlines

The uniform of the stewardesses of the Spanish airline has undergone significant changes. The famous Adolfo Dominguez worked on the design of the sky swallow outfit for Iberia Airlines.

Never before have Spanish flight attendants looked as beautiful and fashionable as they do now. Their uniforms with a luxurious retro accent emphasize the high class of the country's main air carrier.

7 Alitalia Ailines

The main color of these airlines is green. The deep emerald color of the top is complemented by a dark blue shade of the skirts. Flight attendants look great in this set.

Since 1950, Alitalia has entrusted the design of its flight attendants' outfits to the most famous designers. On the creation of the uniform of the stewardess worked such grandees of the fashion industry as Giorgio Armani (Giorgio Armani) and Alberto Fabiani (Alberto Fabiani).

From 1998 to the present day, crew members have been dressed by the famous designer Mondrian.

8 Singapore Airlines

The flight attendants of these airlines are dressed in chic kimono, and their faces are decorated with impeccable makeup.

By demonstrating Asian values ​​and hospitality to the world, this airline's flight attendants can claim a high place in the fashion industry. After all, their costumes are a real work of art.

Not surprisingly, the figure of the Singapore Airlines flight attendant has become almost a cult figure. She is immortalized in the Madame Tussauds wax museum as the personification of the “Singapore girl”.

9 Delta Airline

This American airline recently introduced a new clothing line for its flight attendants.

Delta Airline flight attendant clothing is bright, sexy and catchy. The bright red dresses of the sky swallows undoubtedly attract the attention of passengers, and the male half of the crew, on the contrary, is dressed in restrained white shirts, black vests and trousers.

Aeroflot stewardess uniform

10. Aeroflot

Once upon a time, red was the color of the entire nation. The Russian carrier Aeroflot decided to keep this tradition alive and dressed its flight attendants in the national color. Thus, the form reflects the eccentricity of Russian color.

The red uniform we see now was introduced in 2010. There is currently a dark blue version for male half crew, as well as two versions of the female form: dark blue for the winter period and "tangerine red" for the summer.

All accessories on clothes are strictly golden. The price of one such set, which includes about 20 items, is approximately $1,500.

11 Jet Airways

The Indian air carrier dressed its crew members in bright juicy colors. It's no surprise that this airline's employees made it to the list of the most fashionable and well-dressed in the sky.

The top of the clothes is presented in bright yellow tones, symbolizing the sun and warm Indian hospitality, while the dark blue color in the clothes speaks of the benevolent approach of the flight attendants.

Stewardess clothes

12 Lufthansa

The crew members of this German airline look great in blue suits. Basic classic blue is very advantageously emphasized by scarves of a sunny shade. The set is perfectly complemented by hats to match the suit.

13 Korean Air

The color scheme of the flight attendants of Korean airlines is designed in menthol-cream shades. This combination makes the image of flight attendants gentle and at the same time very elegant.

It is difficult to find another profession that is so heavily tied to appearance. "Meet by clothes" - this is exactly about the stewardesses. It is believed that their appearance should instill calmness and confidence in passengers.

The only problem is how do the flight attendants themselves feel calm and confident in these clothes?

Singapore Airlines

The flight attendants of this airline wear a variant of the traditional Asian dress "sarong kebaya" - a long wrap skirt decorated with authentic ornaments.


Its colors vary depending on the position: blue is worn by ordinary stewardesses, red is worn by senior flight attendants. Miss Caroline Paddock, a former commercial airline stewardess, comments on the appearance of these stewardesses: “Is the uniform elegant? Yes. Do flight attendants look like elegant swans as they float through airports and planes? Yes. Would I like to wear this uniform in case of an accident? Absolutely not! It is much more difficult to maneuver in a long sarong than in trousers and a blazer.”

Unfortunately, the elegance of a woman is still put above her security.

Thai Airways

Thai Airways has become famous not only for the high quality of service, but also for the extraordinary beauty of the uniform. Delicate purple shades with a mother-of-pearl shimmer in clothes and the slogan "Soft as silk".

All flight attendants also pin a fresh flower on their lapel. During long flights, Thai flight attendants sometimes change their clothes to diversify the atmosphere on board.

Air New Zealand

Around the uniform of the stewardesses of this airline in 2010, a whole scandal erupted. They were accused of the fact that the form offends the traditional culture of the Maori people. But in the final design for 2011, the designers made a number of changes to the uniform, fusing modern trends with traditional New Zealand themes.

Unlike many other airlines, Air New Zealand flight attendants have a choice: a dress, two skirt options, pants(!) and four different types shirts and blouses. They can combine them according to their own choice, adding one of the three jackets to their taste.


The form of the representatives of Emirates - their "calling card" - has not changed since 1997, except for minor improvements. Women wear beige skirt suits, and a red hat and scarf are traditionally considered a distinctive highlight. The rules for wearing these accessories are very strict: the hat should be two fingers above the eyebrow, there are also quite strict rules for wearing a scarf.

Needless to say, men's uniforms are much more versatile?

british airways

But BA flight attendants can wear pants - a real breakthrough in the flight industry. However, the struggle for them was serious: it took employees two years to insist that flight attendants can choose gender equal uniforms. An airline union representative told The Guardian that 83% of flight attendants insist on the option for "warmth and protection".

Union spokesman Matt Smith elaborates: "It's not just a victory for equality, it's also a victory for common sense." It's hard to argue.

Korean Airlines

For the redesign of its uniforms in 2005, the airline chose Gianfranco Ferre, who is also called the "Italian architect of fashion." He created a stylish ensemble, combining white, cream and sky blue. Flight attendants are more like the crew of a spaceship than an airplane. And they can wear pants too. True, white is not the best solution for those whose duties include serving coffee.

The costumes are complemented by white and blue neckerchiefs (not the most comfortable accessory for hot weather, I bet) and a long hairpin, which is designed to give the costume a traditional touch.

bangkok airways

Light blouses of different shades of blue in combination with a white stripe refresh the faces of stewardesses and inspire peace and confidence. With a similar combination of colors and light textures, designers have designated the sky and the sea.

Air France

Designer Christian Lacroix adhered to the principles of conciseness and restraint. The dark blue skirt uniform is complemented by a bright touch in the form of a red belt with a large bow.

Skymark Airlines

Around this Japanese airline also heated debate flared up. The flight attendants complained about too short skirts, barely covering the buttocks. A similar appearance, the flight attendants claimed, provokes tipsy passengers to sexual harassment. In addition, too high studs will become a serious problem in the event of an emergency.

In general, this uniform is just a hymn to impracticality.

Garuda Indonesia

As in Singapore, Indonesian airlines' flight attendants wear a sarong, a long, ankle-length skirt. The uniform is complemented by a large brooch and sandals with heels. In general, it will not be easy for flight attendants to help passengers in case of danger.

Virgin Atlantic

Bright red suits of stewardesses are shocking with a riot of colors. But wearing this uniform is much less pleasant. The flight attendants have repeatedly complained to the management that the bright red shoes that look so impressive on the leg shamelessly rub, so that the entire flight the woman is forced to endure the pain of calluses, and the tight collars cut into the neck.

Jet Airways

Surprisingly, the uniform of the flight attendants of the Indian airline from Mumbai turned out to be one of the most modern even by European standards. Black trousers, cut after the traditional shalwar kameez, should be comfortable enough.

The bright yellow light symbolizes Indian hospitality, and the cut of the jacket is elegant, unusual and comfortable at the same time.

If you carefully study the photos of flight attendants, which are in abundance on the Internet, we can conclude that special and separate attention is paid to the working wardrobe of the hostesses of the cabin of the liner. Today it is very curious to observe the variants of the form of stewardesses of Aeroflot and other airlines - not only Russian, but also global.

A flight attendant's suit is not only a uniform. In fact, this is an important part of the overall image of the air carrier. After all, it is the flight attendants that a person pays attention to when he climbs the ladder of an aircraft.

And if there are serious requirements for the appearance of the stewards, then exactly the same should be used in relation to their work clothes. And such close attention to the working suit of the crew is manifested in different airlines of the world.

The clothes of representatives of aviation crews changed constantly. She is always influenced by fashion. In this case, the form must always meet the following points:

  • be classic
  • Be elegant
  • Comply with modern standards
  • Have democratic directions

What should be the working suit of a flight attendant

The uniform of the stewardess meets all the principles of elegance and is an example of excellent taste. Moreover, each airline tries to create work clothes for its staff so that there is a highlight - a recognizable style. But at the same time, experts note that each wardrobe must meet a number of nuances:

  • The appearance of a flight attendant must inspire confidence, evoke exclusively positive associations in the passenger: therefore, it is not uncommon for airlines to involve their customers in the creation of overalls for flight attendants - they conduct surveys, collect focus groups, etc.
  • The flight attendant should be associated with the airline from the very first minutes: the outfit is created as exclusive, but at the same time they should directly reflect the branding of the carrier and be unlike the clothes of other companies
  • The suit must necessarily meet the requirements of convenience and functionality - after all, the flight attendant has to perform a huge number of functions in flight. In addition, the uniform should be comfortable even if the plane crashes - clothing should not interfere with the crew's duties to rescue passengers.

General image of flight attendants

In the image of the employees of the liner, everything should be thought out. The instructions even spelled out hairstyles and manicure color. So, all flight attendants should be dressed in outfits that fit perfectly, clean and ironed. As for hairstyles, hair should be clean and tucked away as much as possible - business hairstyles are welcome: buns, shells, etc. The condition of the hairstyle should be monitored throughout the voyage.

Be sure to have makeup, but not bright, but neat. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the hands in the instructions - there should be a manicure, and the nails should be of the same length (about a couple of mm from the fingertip). If the nails are varnished, it should be monophonic. A minimum of accessories is allowed.

World standards

Today in the world there are several trendsetters of heavenly fashion, which everyone looks at and equalizes. The flight attendants of Qatar Airlines are considered the most stylish. The company's stylists preferred retro options. The uniform of the flight attendants here is maroon. Due to the combination of deep color and neat cut, an optimal tandem is created. At the same time, the crew members are always smart and have an impeccable appearance.

Many look with envy at the flight attendants of another Arab airline - Emirates. They are dressed in beige suits, which are particularly strict. On the head of the flight attendants is a scarlet cap. Under it is a mandatory scarf. The company is luxury, and its entire crew personifies to the fullest.

The airline has strict rules about bright colors in the appearance of the crew. Flight attendants can be reprimanded for not wearing bright enough lipstick, for example.

Stewardesses Air company France are also very elegant. They are dressed by the famous couturier - Christian Lacroix. The suits are made with a predominance of dark blue with the obligatory white cuffs on the sleeves. But French women would not be French if they did not use piquant details even in a strict outfit - they have a wide red belt in their uniform. In addition, they perfectly complement the uniform with silk gloves and hats.

Russian variants

Russian fashion also has something to brag about. So, for example, the uniform of Aeroflot flight attendants has been repeatedly recognized by leading experts in the fashion world as worthy and beautiful.

Today, the girls in this airline are dressed in bright orange suits. The set consists of a skirt and jacket. The uniform comes with bright red high-heeled shoes and white gloves. Moreover, despite the outward simplicity of the outfit, its cost is quite high - about one and a half thousand dollars. According to some experts, the uniform of the largest national carrier often resembles the costumes of the mistresses of the sky of the 60s.

Airline « Ural Airlines» dresses his flight attendants in a dark uniform, complementing it with branded neckerchiefs. The ladies on board also wear pencil skirts and jackets.

S7 prefers dark gray in the clothes of their employees. The whole form is also made in a classic style.

All outfits fully reflect the character of the carrier and his goals. Flight attendants are judged not only about the airline, but also about the country as a whole, the aviation giants are sure. Therefore, quite serious forces are thrown at how the representatives of the crews dress. And we must give them their due - they do not fail. The flight attendants are the envy of everyone - beautiful and fit, they adequately represent the sky.

The presentation of a new form of flight and ground personnel of Rossiya Airlines took place in the evening in the hangar of Pulkovo airport.

The participants of the ceremony witnessed a real fashion show, which took place against the backdrop of the aircraft A319 "Rossiya".
Ground service workers, stewardesses and flight attendants of the airline took to the podium, demonstrating the high style and beauty of the new uniform to the guests.

To begin with, let's remember what the old form looked like and what it was like in the 60s and 70s of the last century.

All these costumes have been preserved in a single copy and are in the museum of St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation.

The form of the airline "Pulkovo" (since 2006 JSC "Russia").


Lapel badges of the Pulkovo airline and the Rossiya airline.


And I photographed this uniform on flight attendants last week.

Let's start the show!

Ladies and gentlemen! Dear guests! We are ready for the start of the official part of the event and we ask you to make sure that all types of mobile, electronic, photo and video devices are set to shooting-ready mode. Please note that the event is prohibited to use alcoholic beverages brought with you, and smoking, including electronic cigarettes.

Modernity, practicality and elegance have become the key components of the new image of the flight and ground personnel of Rossiya Airlines.
The new uniform is made of fabric selected taking into account the specifics and working conditions of aviation personnel. The fabric holds its shape well, while not restricting movement and creates a feeling of comfort.

The main color of the new uniform is blue, which symbolizes stability, reliability and tranquility.

The leading color of the brand - red - prevails in accessories.

Additionally, a metallic color is used.

Flight attendants uniform includes 18 items and accessories, stewardess uniform consists of 21 items.

The basis of the pilot's winter kit is the Alaska jacket. All details of the jacket are made using the brand name: branded buttons and buttons, also fabric inside presented in a pattern with the company logo.
Down jackets for flight attendants have several layers of special insulation. The length and styles of the male and female versions are designed with comfort and practicality in mind.

The trim of the hood is made of natural raccoon fur and will protect you from piercing winds on the platforms of snow-covered Siberia and the Far East.

Winter uniforms also include a knitted scarf and insulated genuine leather gloves.
A common detail of the sets is a headdress. This is a modern hat with earflaps made of natural fur.

Men's earflaps are complemented by a cockade made using 3D embroidery technique using a silver thread.

The off-season, especially in our country, is very different. Therefore, double-breasted raincoats for pilots and flight attendants with a detachable insulated lining are the most convenient option for both warm and cold spring or autumn.

Depending on the weather, a raincoat can serve as either a windproof coat or a lighter wind and moisture protection.

The cap of the FAC is decorated with an embroidered cockade and obligatory noble oaks on the visor.
The flight attendant's cap is also decorated with a cockade and is made in the color of the main uniform set.

A distinctive feature of the uniform of ground service employees has become an elegant, but at the same time, strict gray color, which complements the main blue - common with the main color of the flight personnel uniform. The uniform of ground service employees consists of 10 items of clothing and accessories, the women's set includes 12 items.

The main women's set is presented in three versions: a set with trousers, a skirt and a dress.
The men's set is represented by a three-piece suit.
Costume groups use European-made fabric with elastane content. The fabric holds its shape well, while allowing you to move freely, does not restrict movement and creates a feeling of comfort.

Ties and neckerchiefs are made in factories in Italy. The design of the accessories was developed on the basis of corporate identity elements - the unique pattern of the Rossii brand, the aircraft line and, of course, the airline logo.

And an unchanging classic - the stylish rigor of the pilots' uniforms.

The new flight crew uniform includes 17 items and accessories for men and 18 for women.
The complex for the PIC was designed taking into account world aviation traditions, but at the same time with a focus on modern fashion trends.

For comfortable flights in the summer, flight attendants' uniforms provide several solutions. Before us are options for kits for the warm season and flights to sunny, tourist destinations, which please the Rossiya airline for its passengers.

The dress is the highlight of the women's set. Red piping at the neckline and elegant turn-ups on the sleeves are combined with a red women's belt, which has a stylish metal buckle with the airline's branding. Slits on the skirt and dress provide ease of movement and passenger service on board.

Working summer kits for flight attendants and pilots successfully harmonize with each other.
The back of suit vests is made of specially branded fabric.

White blouses are available in two comfortable options: short sleeves for the summer period and three-quarter sleeves for the cold period.
A comfortable apron made of water-repellent fabric is provided for serving passengers with in-flight meals and drinks.

The weather outside the window gradually brings us back to earth. This autumn, I want to put on something warm and cozy, even while in the hangar.

For such cases, when working on board in the cold season, flight and cabin crew uniforms are provided with comfortable knitted wool-blend vests with an embroidered company logo.

Ground services

Welcome to the airport of arrival or departure, where you will be warmly welcomed and served by representatives of the ground services of the airline "Rossiya".
A distinctive feature of the uniform for ground service personnel is an elegant, but at the same time, strict gray color, in which accessories and individual details of clothing are made.

The ground service uniform set includes 12 pieces of clothing and accessories for women and 10 for men.

The set includes: a jacquard tie, the girls have a scarf with a gray pattern, gray piping on the dress, gray trim on the knitted vest.

Break for music.

The manufacturer of uniforms is the company "TechnoAvia" - the winner of the competition for the manufacture of uniforms for the airline "Rossiya".

The main men's and women's uniforms, outerwear and summer shoes are made in Russia. The factories of Italy and Poland were involved in the production of accessories.


When developing the overall style of the new uniforms, great attention was paid to the details.

Marina Vlasova and Alexandra Kirillina are the creators of the new form (leading specialist of the product quality department of AK Rossiya and deputy head of the quality management department).


New salons are presented on board.

Soon all sides will be equipped with new seats.

The guests of the solemn event were representatives of authorities, partners of the airline, as well as journalists and bloggers.


And a few more photos.

The new uniforms for flight and ground personnel are an integral part of the company's rebranding, which began in April 2016.

The design of the new livery of the Rossiya liners was based on an element that outwardly resembles an engine blade. It consists of modules that graphically repeat the image of the turbine. This ornamental image in the form of a unique corporate pattern of "Rossiya" was continued in women's scarves and men's ties of the new uniform of the airline's employees.

Dmitry Saprykin, Director General of Rossiya Airlines JSC: “Constantly developing for passengers, we are simultaneously changing ourselves. The new uniform of our employees is a reflection of a modern, but already well-known and beloved airline by millions of our passengers."

Here is such a beauty.

From the very beginning of the history of the development of civil aviation, couturiers have been looking for a formula for the ideal balance of style and comfort of the “sky swallows” uniform. On the occasion of international day flight attendant (July 12) we recall the most interesting episodes from the history of the stewardess costume.

Models showcase the new 1977 British Airways stewardess uniform

The history of aviation fashion remembers the transformation of the stewardess uniform from white coats to stylish and feminine, and sometimes even a few vulgar costumes of the late twentieth century.

From the very beginning of the development of the transport industry, air travel has been the privilege of the wealthy class, so comfort and luxury have always gone hand in hand with air travel. World War I bombers that had served their time in the 1920s began to be actively reconstructed and operated for commercial purposes. The main task of that time was to attract rich clientele, so air carriers luxuriously furnished aircraft interiors, offered passengers menus from fine dining and wines served in fragile porcelain and crystal.

Now it is hard to imagine, but until 1928 there were no maintenance personnel on aircraft. Only at the end of the 20s did the first steward appear as part of the crew of the German airline Lufthansa. It was assumed that in the minds of passengers, a man personifies strength, trust and help. True, airline owners soon came to understand that a flight attendant is not only a “waiter” (although the duties of the attendants in those days also included cleaning shoes, catching insects, etc.), but also the face of the company, a person who, on behalf of the entire crew, welcomes passengers, communicates with them. So, in 1930, a woman stepped on board an aircraft as a flight attendant for the first time.

Ellen Church

Stewardess 1940s

At that time, the role of a flight attendant was limited to providing medical care. History remembers the brave Ellen Church, a nurse who came to the Boeing Corporation (USA) with the intention of taking the pilot's seat. However, instead, she received an offer to enroll on board an airship as a nurse. This idea turned out to be so exciting that within a few years, flight attendants appeared on board the aircraft of each airline. Then he came up with a uniform consisting of long skirts and double-breasted jackets. As one of the employees of the Quantas Corporation (Australia) recalled, then the suits were completely uncomfortable - with a huge number of bronze buttons and other metal elements that made the shape very heavy, and besides, they had to be cleaned to a shine. The clothes were more like the uniform of naval officers, there was not a hint of femininity in it.

By the end of the 40s, the level of passenger service began to rise, so the appearance of flight attendants changed somewhat, in addition, flight attendants began to be taught proper makeup, hairdressing and etiquette. Gradually, the military style began to recede, and all attention is now focused on sexuality and that very feminine principle, which was so carefully hidden by coarse fabrics and masculine styles. Low-cut shoes have been replaced by high-heeled shoes, clumsy headdresses are turning into neat caps, heavy jackets have given way to collarless jackets in the style of Pierre Cardin.

Stewardesses of Southwest Airlines (1972)

TWA flight attendants

One of the first designers to work with airlines was the legendary designer Oleg Cassini, who designed signature clothing for the American company TWA in the 1950s. Early in the next decade, Pierre Balmain designed the uniform for Singapore Airlines (not surprisingly, the Singapore Airlines flight attendant soon became iconic, especially after being immortalized in wax at Madame Tussauds as the perfect Singaporean girl). In the 1970s, Valentino Garavani worked with the same TWA, who proposed a spectacular pantsuit, and the Pucci Fashion House dressed the stewardesses of the American company Braniff in the form of very psychedelic colors. Today, British Airways employees proudly wear uniforms designed by Givenchy's Julian MacDonald.

The fashion for attracting famous couturiers to the development of stewardess uniforms tangentially hooked on Russian airlines. In the 90s, Valentin Yudashkin was responsible for the image of our Aeroflot flight attendants abroad: since 1993, the French representative office of the airline has been dressed in couture uniform, since 1997 - all the rest. The uniform from Yudashkin has been criticized more than once for being "boring". But now the Aeroflot crew wears a uniform proposed by St. Petersburg designers Yulia Bunakova and Evgeny Khokhlov from the Bunnakova and Khokhlov design bureau. And you can't even call it boring. The tangerine red color form they created was introduced in 2010. There is also a more discreet version for the male half of the crew, made in classic dark blue, as well as two sets of female uniforms: dark blue for the cold season and red for the summer. When choosing a color for accessories, the designers settled on a golden hue. The price of one such set, which includes 20 items, is approximately $1,500.

Uniforms for flight attendants of some Arab airlines (Etihad and Emirates Airlines) were designed by Italian designer Ettore Bilotta. The strict color scheme of the uniform design (the main gray color of the suit is diluted with a milky shade of a scarf) argues with the bright makeup of Emirates Airlines flight attendants, who can even be reprimanded by management for not wearing red lipstick on their lips. Their competitor Etihad, on the contrary, stands for the naturalness and freshness of the face.

For the flight attendants of Singapore Airlines in 1968, Pierre Balmain designed colorful sarongs.

Air France flight attendant costumes are a flight of fancy by fashion designer Christian Lacroix. The designer paid special attention to detail, which is why the uniform is made in classic dark blue tones, and the cuffs are decorated with white stripes, the waist is girded with a wide red ribbon. At one time, Air France's uniform was noted as one of the most outstanding design solutions throughout the history of aviation fashion.

Since the early 2000s, British Airways has been dressing its flight attendants in Julien MacDonald. Like the French, the British chose navy blue as their base color.

Adolfo Dominguez worked on the design of the outfit for the Spanish queens of the sky of the Iberia Airlines corporation. The uniform with a hint of retro emphasizes the company's status and reminds of the long history of the country's main airline.

Italian airline Alitalia has entrusted the design of its flight attendant outfits to fashion industry kings such as Giorgio Armani and Alberto Fabiani. From the late 90s to the present day, the Mondrian design has been favored by crew members.

A Braniff International Airways flight attendant wearing a uniform designed by Emilio Pucci in 1966.

Designers are still trying to find the formula for the perfect balance of style and comfort of the "sky swallows" uniform. In this regard, in the spring of 2013, conducted a survey among 7.5 thousand fashion experts as part of Aurora Fashion Week in order to at least at this level find out whose uniform is most in line with modern fashion trends.

The shortlist includes 15 airlines. As a result of the voting, 31.5% of experts voted for Aeroflot flight attendants (Russia). The second place in the rating was taken by flight attendants of Emirates (UAE) - 13.5%, the third - S7 Airlines (Russia) - 12.5%.

If, in general, you pay attention to the styles of stewardess uniforms around the world, you will notice that the costume models look quite strict: the length of the flight attendant's skirt of the 2010s is no higher than the knee, but the style - a pencil skirt (as a rule), allows you to moderately emphasize curves female body. The fabric of the suits is dense, not translucent, the trend is the absence of parts of the naked body: even in the summer, flight attendants wear jackets and blouses with long sleeves. There are no restrictions on the color palette.

Thanks to current trends in aviation fashion, the idea of ​​flight attendants as geisha girls who have to entertain and please customers with their talents is dissipating. A wave of feminism has also taken over the airspace, now flight attendants feel quite comfortable in restrained styles, and, as statistics show, attacks on airline employees by male passengers have significantly decreased after the return of military style elements and closed styles to the uniforms of stewardesses.

Stewardess Braniff International Airways