Trying on outerwear in a dream. Interpretation of the dream book: why dream of trying on clothes. in a dream I tried on a lot of beautiful and new clothes: first a blue trouser suit, then a pink dress, then an orange tunic

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream about Clothes, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does the dreamer dream of about clothes in a dream?

Clothes - Washing viscose clothes in a dream serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can cause you big troubles in the future. Having greasy stains on your clothes means that you have a profitable business ahead of you. For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a rich marriage. Black clothes in a dream symbolize illness, white clothes mean goodness. Seeing a lot of clothes means that there is a lot of trouble ahead. If you saw a jacket in a dream, it means you might catch a cold.

Seeing or wearing a sheepskin coat in a dream means wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without decrepitude. A jumper seen in a dream symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations, so putting on a jumper means making a new friend, wearing it means a lasting friendship, taking it off means a quarrel.

If you dress in a dream, it means you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Dressing sloppily or inappropriately in a dream means welcoming an unexpected guest. Dressing in new outerwear in a dream means a new wife or mistress; cleaning clothes is fortunate; having upholstered clothes with someone means your wife is cheating; seeing many people in violet and purple clothes in a dream means abuse; Seeing a woman in men's clothing in a dream means the birth of a son.

If you see fur clothes in a dream or put them on, it means that you will receive some property legally. Seeing yourself in brocade clothes in a dream is a harbinger of sadness and loss. Burning clothes means loss. If your clothes burn on you, it means loss of property.

For a woman to see a man in overalls in a dream means that she will be deceived about the true character of her lover; for a married woman, this is a sign that she will remain ignorant for a long time about the reasons for her husband’s frequent absence, until an incident makes her think seriously. For a woman, a sundress seen in a dream is a sign that the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life, mistrust on the part of the spouse.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Clothes in a dream?

Clothes - If you see in a dream that you have problems with clothes, then unpleasant people will bother you and will not let you relax. If you are going on a train trip and don’t have time to get dressed, you will be annoyed by the dishonesty of others. After this dream, you should rely on yourself as much as possible, this is the only way you will achieve success.

Idiomatic dream book

What do you dream about clothes for?

  • “Grow out of your short pants” - become more mature;
  • “they are greeted by their clothes, but seen off by their minds” ( social status, behavior in society), “under the counter” (secretly, covertly).
  • “Wipe your pants” - waste time.
  • “roll up your sleeves” - get down to business energetically.
  • “carelessly” - to do something carelessly, without effort.
  • “cry into your vest” - complain.
  • “keep in style” - not to give in, to put on airs, to be fashionable.
  • “try on (some clothes)” - try yourself in a new one social role or business.
  • “to undress in front of someone” - to be frank, to confess.
  • “put it by the collar” - drink, go on a spree.
  • “staying in your underpants” means going broke, being deceived.
  • Play on words: “cowardly” - run, jog, shake (be afraid).
  • “women's panties” - for a man they indicate erotic attraction, the piquancy of the situation.
  • “put in a stocking” - money savings, greed.
  • Stains on clothes are a “tarnished reputation.”
  • “to undress someone” - to deceive, ruin.
  • “with your pants down” - shame, shame, punishment.
  • “holding onto the skirt”, “being under the heel” - a subordinate position in front of a woman.
  • “running after every skirt” is debauchery.
  • “rumpled” - an unkemptly dressed, unsightly person (homeless).
  • “keep your pocket (or hands) wider” - get nothing;
  • “to fill your pocket” - enrichment, selfish consumption, greed.
  • “get into someone else’s pocket” - secretly appropriate someone else’s property. See separately gloves, belt, shirt, cap, hat.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which Clothing was dreamed

Clothing - Behavioral cultural patterns of others, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Clothes?

  • Clothes - It is important to pay attention to what the clothes were like in the dream: whole or torn, clean or dirty.
  • Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn against communicating with strangers.
  • But clean clothes mean prosperity. If in a dream you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, be careful in reality. Any wrong step can lead you to the point where you will not have enough of even the most necessary things for life. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows deceptive hopes.
  • Wearing excellent but unfashionable clothes in a dream portends luck and, unfortunately, complete neglect of valuable ideas.
  • Refusal of clothes that are out of fashion means that you will soon leave your current environment, make new connections, relationships and novels.
  • If clothes don’t fit you well in a dream, some of your attachments will soon become a thing of the past. Perhaps you will make a grave mistake in some enterprise. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows unpleasant rivalry among friends.
  • If she admires the clothes of others, there may be strong jealousy on the part of her friend.

Symbolic dream book

Meaning of a dream about Clothes

Clothing is a certain symbol of position in society and an element of self-awareness. It is how we appear to ourselves and to those around us. It is possible to “expose” your feelings, to “undress” another person (in the sense of making him defenseless or ruining him). Clothing is a social mask, a disguise; what our true self hides behind. Sometimes in relation to clothing, a dream uses a shapeshifter - too expensive, chic or inappropriately dressed clothes mean the opposite - poverty, collapse of aspirations, loss of authority. Clothing emphasizes human attractiveness and can mean property (richness), a career, acceptance in a team, or a trip. In women's dreams, clothing has a special increased additional meaning, reflecting success, type or perspective love relationship sleeping and her business connections.

Ancient Russian dream book

I dreamed about clothes

Clothes - See Dress.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about Clothes

Clothes - Beautiful, fashionable clothes on yourself or on another person, seen in a dream, indicate that your intimate relationship with your partner is based solely on calculation. If you wear such clothes in a dream, it means real life you strive to occupy an advantageous position, no matter by what means. Torn, dirty clothes indicate that your reputation is being undermined due to your own frivolity and frankness.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

How does the dream book interpret Clothes?

Clothes - The more you wear, the greater the trouble; half-naked - to well-being; putting it on in a dream is a sign of good luck or bad luck, a slippery position; brushing a dress is a profit, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Clothes?

  • If you dreamed that you were well dressed, then people praised you, but if you walked around ragged, then people judged you.
  • Beautiful clothes are a disease.
  • Seeing yourself in white means illness.
  • To be in black means sadness, sadness.
  • Black clothes are a disease.
  • If you dress in black clothes, you will be arrested.
  • Red is unkind. Seeing yourself in red means shame, disgrace.
  • I dreamed that you were dressed in red: for a girl - someone will match; married - any shame.
  • Suite, jacket (outerwear in general) - there will be some news.
  • The clean clothes that the girl is thinking of wearing on the holiday should be placed under the pillow in the evening and made a dream for herself. If you had a dream, then your darling will love you too.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Clothes:

  • Clothing - The persona of the individual: his behavior, position and role; his thoughts and desires, often real facts. Clothing also serves as protection against unwanted touch. A dream can reveal a conflict between the internal needs of the individual and the world with which it faces. An indication of the conflict (contrast) between the performer of the role and the individual himself, between the mask and the persona. Clothing conceals nudity and therefore sexuality; thus it often has sexual connotations. The place in which an individual sees a garment can radically change the connotation. For example, if a doctor sees himself in a hospital trying on a military uniform, this means that his aggression is frustrated.
  • Be dressed, perhaps in a uniform or even armor; inability to undress. The danger of expressing conformity to other people's views rather than developing an independent character.
  • To be undressed, half naked. Refusal to play a role. Failure to adopt a collective image or deliberate rejection of an idea. Extreme protection and social distancing.
  • Clothing transferred from one person to another. For example, an individual’s wife dresses in clothes that belong to her mother. The wife plays in the dream the role of the creator (creator), the owner of the clothes. Some repeated early experience.
  • A man dressing in women's clothing. Transvestism. The individual’s desire to demonstrate his feminine side, perhaps incipient homosexuality or regression to teenage homosexuality after unsuccessful heterosexual contact. Conflict with homosexuality can be expressed by wearing women's clothing on the left side of the body and men's clothing on the right.
  • Uniform on a woman. Animus in a woman.
  • Change of clothes. An attempt to change oneself, sometimes only externally
  • A wife who longs to wear her husband's clothes. The desire to keep my husband. Animus of a woman.
  • Putting on short pants. Infantilism.
  • Short or cropped clothing (shorts). Youthful pleasures.
  • Beautiful clothes. Youth, innocence, boyishness.
  • Clothing belonging to a specific person. Indication of a specific person. Even certain details of clothing can help reveal the true identity of someone in a dream, especially if the details of clothing are associated with someone most significant to the individual.
  • Underwear. What is not always visible, hidden (perhaps consciously), has to do with sex.
  • Tie. Phallus. A sign of dominance, as it focuses attention on the chest, but also of anxiety, as it squeezes the throat.
  • Strip. Loss of moral boundaries.
  • The color of clothing is also important. Someone dressed in black. Antagonism and aggression towards a given person: the individual may wish for his death.
  • White shirt and black trousers. May indicate a contrast between the upper, conscious position and the shadow, instinctive and sexual sphere.
  • White patch on black clothes. Conscious approach (white) surrounded by the unconscious (black).
  • Coat (cloak). Warmth and therefore love. A coat in a woman's dreams. Protection of a man (father, husband, etc.). In dreams of men, a man in a coat. A man who is well protected before a risky undertaking.
  • Thick warm shirt with long sleeves. Inadequacy of loving care. Defense, often meaning defense of faith and God.
  • Sheepskin coat, sheepskin coat. It may have a meaning close to the symbolism of sheep and barn. Fear of losing your coat. Fear of losing one's own faith.
  • Hat. Phallus (high hat, bowler hat) or batting (soft hat). Male or female phallic symbol.
  • Something resembling a hat. Coitus. Halo (aura).
  • A child in a strange hat, (with a shine around his head). Christ. Light raincoat. External protection in general, and in particular the membrane surrounding the fetus before its birth, the placenta; womb, fantasy.
  • Shoes. The point of contact between the phallic and female genital symbols, as well as a symbol of freedom.
  • Shoes. Lace up your shoes: a well-known symbol of death.
  • Veil (tulle) or (veil-like cover). Partial recognition of the individual to himself. If the individual is wearing a veil. Something in himself that he wants to keep veiled or only partially revealed, as the dream book predictor reports.

Egyptian dream book

What does clothing mean?

Clothes - If a person sees himself tearing his clothes in a dream, well, this means that he will be freed from everything bad.

Maly Velesov dream book

What do you dream about clothes for?

  • Clothes - Black - a gift // to illness, misfortune, they will denigrate you, poverty, sadness, prison;
  • white clothes - good, they praise you, you will win // disease;
  • red clothes - wait for matchmakers (for a girl) // sadness, illness, shame;
  • green clothes - dignity;
  • new clothes - good, luxury, profit, success in business, joy // illness, sadness;
  • rich clothes - good, true // envy, misfortune (for the poor), death (for the sick);
  • long, long-skimmed clothing - honor;
  • soiled clothes - bad, sadness, misfortune;
  • clothes with holes - trouble, lies;
  • clothes made of matting are a nuisance;
  • smart clothes – honor (for the rich), profit // illness, misfortune (for the poor);
  • losing clothes is a shame;
  • burning clothes - boredom, slander, insult, quarrel with friends; Anyone you see in old clothes is healthy and cheerful;
  • a lot of clothes - a lot of trouble;
  • getting dressed is an unpleasant position;
  • dress sloppily - an unexpected guest;
  • dress someone in white clothes - praise him;
  • in black - there will be a dead person;
  • for a man to dress as a woman means shame, loss, deception;
  • For a woman to dress in men's clothing is a temptation;
  • cleaning clothes is a profit // the matter is in court, you will have to clean yourself.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Clothes from your dream

  • Clothing in general is a mood; position in society; material level; self-conceit, own claims; reputation, authority; attractiveness for a woman.
  • The color of clothing indicates a specific emotional state (see R. Color). Dressed in red - love for the sleeping person.
  • Clothing with stains, holes, tears, patches - harm, poverty, disappointment, shame, loss of reputation.
  • Original, out of fashion, dressed out of place - a delicate, slippery situation; collapse of the situation.
  • Too chic, expensive clothes - ruin; dishonor.
  • A woman in a man's suit is good luck.
  • A man in a woman means trouble; ailments.
  • Old, worn-out clothes - feelings of fatigue, old age, ruin; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

What do clothes mean in dreams, interpretation:

Clothes - If you dreamed about your clothes, joy awaits you. Dirty and torn clothes are a warning that trouble will soon befall you. Rich clothes embroidered with gold and decorated with bright embroidery.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Clothes, what does it mean?

  • Clothing - Represents the dreamer's character and concerns about problems that are reflected by the specificity of clothing.
  • New clothes - achieving a goal, success.
  • Old, shabby clothes are difficulties.
  • Being naked or half-dressed and feeling anxious is a fear that someone will reveal your secrets.
  • Blouses, shirts - problems of showing or hiding feelings.
  • Dress, coat, jacket - problems of external relations (with strangers).
  • Pants, skirts - concern about sexual image.
  • Panties, bras - sexual fears, innermost aspirations.
  • Hats - hiding thoughts. (See also Hat.)

Assyrian dream book

Clothing - If a person is dressed in black in a dream, this promises loss.

Love dream book

What does clothing mean to the dreamer?

Clothes - If you feel in a dream that your clothes cause discomfort or have long gone out of fashion, you are destined to learn about the existence of a rival. You will be unpleasantly surprised and disappointed. If in a dream you admire the clothes of others, it means that jealous suspicions of your chosen one await you. If you see in a dream another woman - known to you or unfamiliar - with a mourning veil on her face, this means that you will be surpassed by a rival whom you considered unequal to yourself. Get ready for bitter disappointments and troubles - you will be left alone.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about Clothes?

People are greeted by their clothes... Clothes are a reflection of a person’s inner world and individuality. Does your clothing inspire admiration or ridicule? This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel about it. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies. Giving clothes is an ambiguous matter. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem. Sometimes you buy items for special occasions or clothes that are magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Clothes according to spiritual sources?

Clothes are a waste of money.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Clothes seen in a dream:

Clothes – Buying is happiness; wearing black - sadness; white - contentment; children's - family quarrel.

Esoteric dream book

Clothes in a dream:

Clothes - Seeing a lot of clothes means a lot of hassle, everyday things. New new things. Worn old troubles, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Clothing in the ancient sense

Good and clean clothes - for a man it portends a high position, honor, honors, benefit, piety, a significant position and a noble wife, and for a woman - a husband; that is, if a woman sees in a dream a clean and Nice dress, then her husband will be a good man.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Clothing according to Chinese ancient books:

  • A dreamed belt, a belt - foretells an appointment to a place. Favorable sign.
  • You put on a new robe, new outerwear - There will be a new wife or concubine, girlfriend.
  • You put on an expensive and beautiful dress - Prosperity of children and grandchildren.
  • You wash, clean clothes - In all cases, to happiness.
  • Throw a raincoat over your shoulders, cover yourself with clothes from the weather - It will be a great mercy.
  • The dress gets dirty with oil or grease - There will be mercy and protection from above.
  • Old clothes that are about to tear - The wife looks away.
  • You fold, collect new clothes - There will be various adversities, failures.
  • If you give a person clothes, there will be illness, illness, grief.
  • You cut clothes, wear mourning clothes - portends happiness.
  • A belt on a garment loosens or unties on its own - Good luck and happiness in all matters.
  • If you put on yellow or golden, wheat-colored clothes - good luck and good fortune.
  • If you put on white clothes, someone must make a request to you.
  • If you put on blue or green clothes, you will receive help and support from a wise, perfect person.
  • You put on azure, patterned, embroidered clothes - portends great benefits associated with your wife.
  • Many people wearing violet or purple clothing - Indicates abuse.
  • Many people dressed in blue clothes - Indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones.
  • Many people dressed in white clothes - Indicates matters related to service.
  • Many people dressed in red clothes - Indicates great happiness and good fortune.
  • A woman puts on a man's clothes - Indicates the birth of a noble offspring.
  • You own the same clothes with some person - Your wife has a lover.
  • Loss of items of clothing - portends a difficult birth for the wife.
  • If you want to cover yourself with your own blanket, wrap the canopy around it, it portends wealth and nobility.
  • If you choose a headdress or a belt, you will have a promotion.
  • A woman puts on a headdress and a belt - portends the birth of a son

Simone Kananita dream book

What clothes are used for in dreams according to the saint:

Clothes – Buying is happiness; wearing black - sadness; wearing white means contentment; children's - family quarrel; pure - success in business; dirty - failure.

Velor clothing - For a joyful event, for a feast.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

See Clothes:

Blue clothes - The subtle body is associated with the ajna chakra (it is also blue, like this chakra). This is a tall body, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

What does clothing mean for the dreamer?

Clean clothes - Good luck in business; dirty - dishonor

Semenova's lunar dream book

What do you dream about clothes for?

Clothes: losing – Shame; dressing in a new dress is sadness; Dressed in a long dress is a reward.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Clothes

Clothes - Trim, bows - surprise. Fringe is a nuisance. Brushes are an honor. Beads are joy, winding garus is joy. Buying is news. Selling is expensive. Lace - a date with a friend, joy.

Islamic dream book

What do you dream about clothes for?

Clothes - Pilgrim's attire - if a person wears Ihram in a dream, then this indicates his rejection of copulation, its prerequisites and temptation, as well as from sins, disputes and debates.

Winter outerwear is wealth for the one who wears it, because it protects from the cold, and cold is poverty. And wearing it in the summer indicates a sad event.

Dream book of Nina Grishina

Dreaming about Clothing, how to interpret it

Cloth - Different types clothes, putting on a uniform - change. Wearing a tailcoat means valuing yourself too highly, gossip. Folk National clothes- a symbol of arrogance. Wearing a robe or cassock means a wedding. To see another in a dream is a warning against a cunning or flattering person. Holes in clothes are a nuisance. To put on a cloak is to accept someone’s instructions.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Clothes?

Clothing - The symbolism of any attire correlates with a certain mask that can convey a social message without words, therefore interpretations of dream signs about clothing most often relate to the dreamer’s position - in society, at work or in the family. Our clothes in a dream reflect how we appear in the eyes of others, personify our restraint or promiscuity, homeliness or conspicuousness.

  • So, for example, if in a dream you happened to take off someone’s clothes, this is an omen of increasing influence on this person when the dreamer at will opens someone else's soul, gets into a bank account, skillfully manages the fate of a person who depends on him.
  • If you saw travel bags or sports accessories and clothes in a dream, you will soon be called on a trip.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of an elaborate suit, too luxurious and tacky, this is a sign of impending poverty.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book of Clothes

Clothing - Not everyone likes to change outfits and show off in front of the mirror, but the subconscious mind produces original images while dozing. The clothes seen are an ambiguous image, but most often they symbolize the secret corners of the dreamer’s inner world, reveal the features of his individuality, show the state of his self-esteem and survey the sphere of possibilities that will soon be at his disposal.

  • For example, if you dreamed that you were washing clothes that were still clean, consider this as a projection of your desire to get rid of an unpleasant past, including old friends and love affairs.
  • To see clean clothes, if in a dream you dreamed that you finished washing, it means that your attempts to hide your painful memories deeper will be successful.
  • If you didn’t have time to wash your clothes, according to the dream book, this portends a long journey along a thorny path.

Romantic dream book

What do you dream about clothes for?

  • If unmarried woman I happened to see clothes on some man, and his attire was bright red - this symbolizes the deep interest in the dreamer on the part of this man, his serious attitude based on respect and sincere love.
  • When you dreamed of a picture in which you yourself put on old or shabby clothes, this means that your other half is ready for flirting or intrigue, and sharing one suit means the appearance of a lover, betrayal.
  • An elegant tailcoat or evening outfit in your closet is a sign of a romantic meeting.
  • If a woman dressed up in a festive dress in a dream, such clothing promises an early pregnancy from her loved one.
  • A wife wearing her husband's clothes portends a painless birth and a subsequent happy family life.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - suspenders

Clothes - Seeing suspenders is slander (greater concentration of internal composure is required). Changing them to women's suspenders is a base love affair. Hanging on them means your noble thoughts will lead you to disaster.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Velor clothes - for a joyful event, for a feast.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing velor clothes on yourself or others in a dream means that you are living beyond your means.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing velor clothes in a dream or buying them in a store means the stability of your business.

Dreams in which the dreamer tries on or watches clothes being tried on have a special interpretation. Putting on new clothes in a dream, a person seeks to try on a new role in real life or adapt to unusual circumstances. In any case, trying on things means big life changes. They can affect not only the personal life, but also the professional activities of the dreamer. The interpretation of the dream also depends on the gender of the dreamer.

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    Wardrobe items

    Its interpretation depends on what particular item of clothing a person tried on in a dream.

    • A woman dreams that she is trying on a new skirt - a new admirer will soon show interest in her. A whirlwind romance will develop into a strong relationship.
    • A girl dreams of trying on a wedding dress - she will soon get married.
    • A girl or young woman sees items of wedding paraphernalia (veil, white gloves, etc.) on herself - on life path she will meet a man much older than her. He will be wealthy, but love will not arise. The man will become more of a patron and protector.
    • The dreamer tries on things generously strewn with beads, rhinestones, and sparkles - to a quick resolution of financial problems. The person who sees the dream will receive a large inheritance, or his salary will be significantly increased.
    • Trying on expensive branded items means quarreling with family or friends. Putting on an expensive fur coat means quarrels and scandals in the family.
    • A girl tries on her underwear - she will make peace with her husband or lover. If a man sees such a dream, he should be more restrained in his emotions and be the first to ask for forgiveness.
    • Trying on a coat means good luck at work. The boss will appreciate the dreamer’s professionalism or listen to suggestions. Possible promotion.
    • A woman dreams of a new blouse - a declaration of love awaits her. The same applies to a man, only if he is trying on a shirt.
    • In a dream I saw classic clothes for the office - changes in career, transition to another position or job.
    • Casual clothes dream of small life changes that will happen in the near future.
    • Dreaming of trying on sportswear or jeans - frequent meetings and communication with friends. The sporty style of things suggests that the dreamer strives to be a leader among his comrades.
    • A young woman chooses a dress - she dreams of meeting great love, starting a romantic relationship.
    • A person tries on leather clothes in a dream - a lot of grievances have accumulated in his soul, which causes unjustified aggression.
    • Trying on a hat in front of a mirror - such a dream foreshadows a quick trip on vacation.
    • An unmarried young woman should look for children's clothing - she will soon get married.
    • A girl is trying on a hat with flowers in front of a mirror - she has a fan who admires her from afar.
    • A man puts on women's clothes in a dream - in the near future the dreamer will have to tarnish his reputation.
    • Trying on clothes and not paying for them - a dream predicts great financial failure.
    • A man tries on a classic cut suit - a promotion, a change of job.
    • A woman tries on an ancient dress of a noble lady - this is a sign that she will soon attend a big holiday.

      If you dreamed about fitting on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, then changes in life will be for the worse.

      Clothes color

      The color scheme of clothing is also important for dream interpretation:

      • red - for married people this color of things means violent quarrels and scandals, for unmarried people - no less violent passion;
      • white - see yourself or loved one wearing white clothes (excluding wedding dresses) - in the near future this person will get sick;
      • green - meeting new people;
      • blue - the dreamer will be privy to some secret;
      • black - this color has a double meaning in a dream; it can mean both favorable events and mourning for a loved one;
      • yellow is the color of lies and deceit; those who try on clothes of a similar shade will soon discover the betrayal of a lover or spouse;
      • purple - anyone who sees this shade in a dream will soon become a widow;
      • blue - if you try on things of this shade in a dream, you will feel a surge of creative and vitality;
      • pink - for a girl it means naivety in love affairs;
      • to measure things in dark tones - sadness and melancholy will overcome;
      • trying on colorful things means a rich, carefree life.

      Appearance and quality of the item

      Trying on new clothes in a dream means good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. For businessmen, such a dream means that starting a new business will be financially profitable. It is especially good if, after trying on new clothes in a store, the dreamer purchased them.

      Putting on old clothes means deterioration of the financial situation, deprivation and need. Watching a lover put on old things - his attitude towards the dreamer has not changed. Trying on clothes that turn out to be too tight means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult financial situation. Buying tight clothing means the dreamer himself is to blame for his failures.

      If a person dreamed that he was measuring the things of a deceased person, then the dream book warns about the imminent division of property. Trying on other people's outfits - in reality you will need outside help. The clothes turned out to be big and did not fit - troubles in the family and at work. A person puts on torn clothes, rags - such a dream promises that a business on which a lot of hopes have been pinned will fail. Seeing yourself wearing silk outfits means well-being in the family. A man watches his wife trying on silk clothes in a dream - the imminent birth of a son. Measuring a large number of things means happiness in the family and prosperity in the house.

      I dreamed of wrinkled clothes - a sign that the dreamer needs to be more careful. Wrinkled things threaten a damaged reputation. The dreamer sees himself putting on ugly, low-quality clothes - in reality he may miss good idea. A robe with holes from burns - the jealousy of one of the spouses. Seeing yourself in a torn outfit in a dream means a break in relations with a lover, a divorce of spouses. The clothes in the dream were dirty - the dreamer will experience great humiliation.

      Trying on beautiful outfits without being able to buy them means that in the near future a person will appear in your environment whom the dreamer will envy. Trying on clothes in the national style means a business trip or a vacation trip is possible soon.

Dreams are different. Colored and black and white, good and bad, with and without meaning, emotional and ordinary. More often than not, dreams are a reflection of the events experienced during the day; sometimes they come as a premonition of the future. Sometimes a person remembers dreams, but more often they disappear immediately after waking up.

What if you dream of trying on clothes?

Dreams related to measuring clothes have a special interpretation. A dream in which a young unmarried girl tries on a new dress suggests that a romantic acquaintance awaits her. Trying on a dress or skirt signifies curiosity. And here is a dream where a girl measures Wedding Dress or veil - to a wealthy and powerful admirer, and can also mean receiving an inheritance.

Trying on clothes in a store means lack of self-confidence and a great desire to change something about yourself. A dream in which a person tries on ordinary clothes decorated with rich embroidery will bring happiness. But trying on chic and expensive clothes is, on the contrary, a quarrel.

It is a pity that none of the many existing dream books gives an unambiguous interpretation of a specific dream, and the same vision can be explained in different ways.

Trying on torn clothes makes you envious. The person who dreamed of this will certainly become the object of gossip and rumors. Trying on a fur coat in a dream means receiving a high-ranking patron. In this case, the fur coat represents a person who will be able to protect from negativity.

What does it portend?

And yet, why dream of trying on clothes?

Trying on clothes in a dream is a hint about what could happen in real life if you don’t take action in due time.

You should also pay attention to the color of the clothes you try on in your sleep. For example, white clothes are a sign of change, and good ones. Blue - do not renounce the support of friends, green - a symbol of hope. Yellow clothes indicate an improvement in financial situation, and red means danger and quarrels.

You should always pay attention to the color of the clothes that a person tries on in a dream.

Thanks to the huge number of dream books, any dream can be explained, but is it worth overusing it? Perhaps, indeed, all dreams are a reflection of one’s own thoughts and desires?

For example, a fur coat in a dream hangs in a store across the street and a person has long wanted to buy it, but has already forgotten about it because there is no money. In any case, people will struggle with the mystery of the dream mechanism for many years to come.

Shopping in a dream is considered a harbinger of the prospect of gaining new experience or knowledge, and also promises profit or financial influence. The explanation in dream books about why one dreams of trying on clothes is related to the emotional mood of the sleeping person, his ability to adapt to changes and innovations.

Wardrobe items

According to dream books, you need to interpret what you dream about trying on clothes based on the item of clothing you dreamed about. Thus, trying on a blouse or skirt warns against excessive curiosity and frivolity.

Trying on a wedding dress or veil in a dream promises an acquaintance with a wealthy or influential person, or foreshadows the imminent receipt of an inheritance. I dreamed that I had to put on ordinary things in front of the mirror, decorated with embroidery or beads - fortunately, increased well-being; choosing new branded items - to a quarrel.

Trying on underwear in a store foreshadows in the dream book a showdown with your significant other. Try to control your emotions in public and do everything possible to ensure that the details of your conversation do not become public knowledge.

The new dream book explains why you dream of putting outerwear on yourself, with a subconscious desire to protect yourself from public opinion. Throwing a coat over your shoulders denotes a favorable period for developing your abilities, promotions, and financial investments. According to the dream book, trying on a fur coat in a dream means the support of an influential person.

Condition and color of things

Wearing someone else's skirt in a dream foreshadows an unpleasant story, due to which there will be a need to change your place of work. I dreamed that I had a chance to change into a beautiful new dress, which means that in reality a pleasant acquaintance with a young man will occur.

Trying on dirty, torn or defective clothes means unforeseen events that can cause loss of reputation. Black - to bad news, quarrels; white - to joy and prosperity; green - fortunately in the personal sphere; red - for a romantic date, a love adventure; blue - you can completely rely on your friends; orange - count on a quick improvement in your financial situation.

In a dream, buy or try on clothes Pink colour in the store, the dream book speaks of an inflated opinion of one’s own successes. The dream of choosing a black wardrobe item in a dream calls for the dream book to be vigilant and cautious when communicating with unfamiliar people.


Trying on new clothes in a store means lack of self-confidence and a desire to change something in your appearance. Showing off in front of the mirror in someone else’s things or a friend’s new clothes speaks of the dreamer’s subconscious envy of the character’s successes, and her boyfriend’s jealousy of her.

Dreams are different. Colored and black and white, good and bad, with and without meaning, emotional and ordinary. More often than not, dreams are a reflection of the events experienced during the day; sometimes they come as a premonition of the future. Sometimes a person remembers dreams, but more often they disappear immediately after waking up.

What if you dream of trying on clothes?

Dreams related to measuring clothes have a special interpretation. A dream in which a young unmarried girl tries on a new dress suggests that a romantic acquaintance awaits her. Trying on a dress or skirt signifies curiosity. But a dream where a girl tries on a wedding dress or veil means a wealthy and powerful admirer, and can also mean receiving an inheritance.

Trying on clothes in a store means lack of self-confidence and a great desire to change something about yourself. A dream in which a person tries on ordinary clothes decorated with rich embroidery will bring happiness. But trying on chic and expensive clothes is, on the contrary, a quarrel.

It is a pity that none of the many existing dream books gives an unambiguous interpretation of a specific dream, and the same vision can be explained in different ways.

Trying on torn clothes makes you envious. The person who dreamed of this will certainly become the object of gossip and rumors. Trying on a fur coat in a dream means receiving a high-ranking patron. In this case, the fur coat represents a person who will be able to protect from negativity.

What does it portend?

And yet, why dream of trying on clothes?

Trying on clothes in a dream is a hint about what could happen in real life if you don’t take action in due time.

You should also pay attention to the color of the clothes you try on in your sleep. For example, white clothes are a sign of change, and good ones. Blue - do not renounce the support of friends, green - a symbol of hope. Yellow clothes indicate an improvement in financial situation, and red means danger and quarrels.

You should always pay attention to the color of the clothes that a person tries on in a dream.

Thanks to the huge number of dream books, any dream can be explained, but is it worth overusing it? Perhaps, indeed, all dreams are a reflection of one’s own thoughts and desires?

For example, a fur coat in a dream hangs in a store across the street and a person has long wanted to buy it, but has already forgotten about it because there is no money. In any case, people will struggle with the mystery of the dream mechanism for many years to come.

If you had to try on clothes in a dream, then in reality you will be forced to change something in your life, adjust, adapt to new circumstances. Will you be able to cope with such a difficult task? Much depends on your mood and desire. And also from the details of the dream that will help predict the course of events. The dream book will help you answer the question: why did you dream about trying on different things?

By wardrobe items

It is very important to remember exactly what clothes you tried on. So, if in a dream you were wondering how a blouse or skirt fits on you, you know that someone is showing increased interest in you, this curious person is nearby. However, the dream book also warns you against frivolity and the desire to stick your nose into someone else’s business.

A dreamer who tried on a wedding dress or veil in his night dreams will soon meet a respectable, wealthy, influential person.

Another interpretation of this vision promises the sleeper a quick inheritance.

In reality, the dreamer will finally understand that he is happy and has no reason to worry about money, which is why he dreams of trying on ordinary things, generously decorated with beads, bugles, and embroidery. But if in a dream you carefully selected only expensive, branded clothing models, then beware, quarrels or even scandals are possible upon awakening.

In a night phantasmagoria, did you try on underwear in a store? In this case, you will have a heart-to-heart conversation with your loved one, your spouse. If aggravation of relations is not part of your plans, try to restrain your emotions in public. And in general, make sure that no one even guesses about your disagreements with your partner.

Did you dream that you were wearing a thick coat, a warm raincoat or a fur coat? The dream book explains that outerwear in this context reflects the desire to protect oneself from the attacks of others.

But when you throw a coat over your shoulders in your sleep at night, you will be very lucky. You will be able to show off your intelligence, demonstrate outstanding abilities, and as a result receive encouragement from management or an offer to take a leadership position.

And if you put on a fur coat in a dream, then an authoritative person who has weight in business circles is ready to support you, but this will require a lot of effort.

Quality and condition of things

Why dream of trying on clothes that belong to someone else? Other people's things are not the most favorable symbol.

For example, trying on someone’s skirt in a dream, in reality you can become a participant in an ugly story, because of which you will even have to think about changing your job.

Trying on dirty, wrinkled, defective clothes promises the sleeper surprises, as a result of which his reputation may suffer.

Color matters!

Any fashionista knows what color is trending now, but she also remembers which shades suit her and which do not suit her. Ladies usually wear a red luxurious dress to attract the attention of men. And if this happens in a dream, then upon awakening the dreamer will meet her “prince” with whom she will be happy.

If in night vision you had to put on black clothes, then expect bad news. White toilets, on the contrary, promise joy and success. If you tried on green things, everything will work out fine in your personal life; blue ones suggest that you can count on the help of your comrades in difficult times. And if they are orange, then you will very soon improve your financial situation, the dream book promises. Did your eyes fall on pink clothes? If you dream about this, then keep in mind that, according to the interpretation of a number of dream books, this characterizes you as a narcissistic, self-confident person.

When in a dream you are tempted to try on things of dark, gloomy shades, then be careful when communicating in reality with unfamiliar people. The dream book suggests that among them there may be scammers or enemies.

Other interesting interpretations

You are unsure of yourself, you want to somehow improve your appearance, this is why you dream of trying on clothes in front of a mirror in a store. The dream that you are trying on your friend's clothes signals that the sleeping woman is jealous of her friend's successes. She may also be afraid that her lover will be interested in her friend.

Dr. Freud believes that by dressing in someone else's clothes in a dream, the sleeper in reality suffers, believing that his body is imperfect.

You can congratulate the person who, in a dream, calmly and without even trying on anything, bought an entire wardrobe. This lucky man is in reality surrounded by excellent people: reliable business partners, true friends. He is loved, appreciated, respected.

It’s also worth stopping to try on the jacket. According to the dream book, such a plot foreshadows a promotion. But if the fitting in a dream is clearly delayed, then the sleeper worries, doubting his competence and ability to find mutual language with people. What kind of attitude towards work and towards colleagues is commendable. But if in a night dream your jacket is torn or dirty, be careful - among your colleagues someone is hiding a stone in their bosom.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 03/15/2020

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...