Why do you dream of a pink gemstone? If you dream of finding precious stones. Decorations and Jewelry

The dream book believes that precious stones in a dream represent the best human qualities - real treasures. The interpretation of what valuable minerals and jewelry made from them mean in dreams often identifies them with the dreamer’s cherished desires and the likelihood of their fulfillment.

Time to collect stones

If in your night dreams you are lucky enough to find and collect precious stones, the dream book predicts intense work and overcoming obstacles. The best helpers will be persistence and self-confidence.

Finding treasures in a dream is considered a life-affirming sign. The dreamer has every chance of success in the planned enterprise. The find hints at non-standard solutions that could surprise even him.

Interpreting why one dreams of finding precious stones in a dream, the dream book pays due attention to the location of the find. A treasure discovered in your own home suggests that the desired object is somewhere nearby, and you have long known the answer to your pressing question.

If you had to spend a long time and persistently collecting expensive minerals that you were just lucky enough to find, what you saw can be considered a signal to begin active action. Right now is the most favorable period for solving a problem that you have been putting off for a long time.

Most interpretations consider it a good sign when you happen to collect precious stones in a dream. If you dreamed of a similar plot, then luck is on your side.

Often in dreams the completely opposite action appears: the sleeper loses or scatters his treasures. The Islamic dream book explains why this symbol is dreamed of. Unfortunately, this is a harbinger of failures and losses in reality; the illness of one of your loved ones is possible. The interpretation promises that the dark streak will end sooner or later, and the problems will resolve themselves over time.

Beware of fakes!

Semi-precious jewelry is not the most auspicious symbol. They often personify deception and falsehood, which are highly likely to be encountered in reality.

A dream in which semi-precious jewelry appears calls on you not to rush to take your word for it and carefully double-check any information, as it may turn out to be deliberately distorted or incomplete.

Multicolored minerals

In the dream book you can find an explanation of why red stones are dreamed of. Often, seeing scarlet rubies in a dream happens to those who are passionately in love. If you dreamed about this bright image, one can hope for reciprocity of feelings.

The Chinese dream book calls green gems a symbol of love, fertility and stability. Emerald colors represent the majestic union of heaven, earth and man. If you are lucky enough to see green jades and emeralds in a dream, the dreamer will have a long period of harmony and prosperity.

Diamonds have long been identified with eternity, wisdom and purity. If you dreamed of cut gems, the sleeper will have the opportunity to look at the problem from a different angle. Sometimes seeing diamonds in a dream happens to greedy people.

Combination with precious metals

Gold often serves as a setting for precious stones. Miller's dream book explains why such a combination is dreamed of. If you dreamed of gold jewelry with stones, real life Any doors will be open to you. Wherever you go, you will be given a worthy welcome. It will be possible to accomplish what previously seemed impossible.

Purchasing a beautiful, expensive item promises a successful marriage and a good income. The plot according to which he managed to lose her threatens with real troubles. The meaning of the lost stone will tell you from which side to expect the blow of fate in order to meet it fully armed.

When interpreting what stones mean in dreams, it is worth paying attention to their color, breed and accompanying circumstances. Some minerals warn of dangers or character traits that should be changed. At the same time, this symbol carries a hint on how to cope with upcoming difficulties.

Decorations and Jewelry

What precious stones mean in dreams depends on the emotions they evoke. To admire is to be capable of passion and strong feelings. Not resisting the beauty of stones and stealing them - pipe dreams will lead to deep disappointment. To experience sadness from the loss of a piece of jewelry means you will have to grieve in reality. Enjoying an abundance of stones will soon bring you extraordinary luck.

Since each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain stone, you should pay attention to what type of stone was that caused certain feelings in the dreamer. Perhaps in reality these same emotions will be given to you by a person whose zodiac sign and mineral are connected.

Jewelry with precious stones promises a long journey, adventures and exciting events. The following jewelry items are symbols that carry any signs:

  1. A bracelet with stones will bring great surprise from your deed in reality. loved one. This can be either a provoked scandal or a pleasant surprise.
  2. Earrings with emeralds, agate or turquoise foreshadow joyful events associated with career growth. Sometimes such a dream is a warning: you need to respect other people’s secrets and not spread gossip.
  3. Seeing a diamond ring in a dream means changes in your personal life. Married people will have a serious quarrel that could lead to divorce, unmarried people will have to start a new relationship or get engaged. If the ring was put on the finger, then the dreamer will soon be awarded special honors. In addition, joyful things can happen important events, for example, a wedding or the birth of a child.
  4. The pendant with the stone reflects the attitude of the spouses towards each other. If the decoration was on the dreamer’s neck, then he considers his partner a burden. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband.
  5. The dream of a necklace with stones is a symbol of well-being. There is a series of pleasant news and events coming. If a woman puts a necklace around her neck in a dream, it means that she is too dependent on her husband.

In or near a body of water

To see stones at the bottom of a lake or river in a dream - good sign. This promises a girl a walk with a pleasant young man. For a married woman, a romantic evening alone with her husband. If a man saw a dream, then soon he will meet a pretty person.

Large stones washed by sea waves foreshadow the appearance of a powerful patron in the near future. Gray inconspicuous pebbles on the shore will bring uninteresting acquaintances and boring conversations in reality.

Large stones far from the water warn of hard work that will not be rewarded immediately. Beware of envious people and ill-wishers. Boulders of unusual color are harbingers of unprecedented success, which for some reason will not be accompanied by joyful feelings.

If you dreamed that a boat crashed on rocks, then something will happen that will greatly frighten the dreamer. The smaller the boat and the larger the boulder, the more serious and terrible the event will happen.

Psychoanalysts believe that a stone that attracts attention in a dream is a symbol of parents. What emotions the sleeper experienced while interacting with him reflects his real feelings for his mother. If this symbol appears often in a dream, then it is worth working on developing your empathy.

According to Freud

In psychoanalysis, the stone symbolizes indifference and apathy. This symbol is often found in the dreams of people suffering from depression.

If a woman dreamed of stones scattered on the road, this indicates her disinterest in close relationships and sexual relations.

A man who has such a dream considers himself uncompetitive in love affairs. However, in reality the situation may be the opposite.

The subconscious of a person who sees a stone being thrown at him warns the dreamer against rivalry, which could develop into a big scandal.

If you dreamed of precious stones mixed with cobblestones and pebbles, then the person carefully hides his sensuality. This is a sign that it’s time to confess your secret desires, at least to yourself. Fulfilling the need for sensory experiences will bring satisfaction and refresh existing close relationships.

Boulders covered with cracks, dirt or moss represent difficulties in intimate life due to illness, unfavorable psychological state or misunderstanding on the part of the partner. In this case, it is worth checking your health and talking with your spouse about things that worry you.

People who see this symbol in a dream need to take more care of satisfying their desires. You should relax more often and not be afraid to show your sensuality, otherwise intimate life can turn into a routine, or even a hated duty. You should listen to your partner's wishes and also be careful when choosing him.

Colors and properties

Particular attention should be paid to what color the dreamed mineral was. Dream books say the following about the colors of stones:

  1. Green indicates that the dreamer lacks wisdom and self-confidence.
  2. Red is an auspicious symbol. Soon there will be trials that will be overcome with honor, which will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s image. If a red cobblestone blocks the path, then you cannot avoid meeting a serious opponent.
  3. Blue stone warns that in the near future it will be impossible to achieve understanding even from the closest people.
  4. Black is a symbol of loss and grief. The smaller the stone, the faster the sorrows will pass.
  5. White pebbles represent the sleeper's attitude towards himself. Throwing small stones into the water - not respecting yourself, walking on them barefoot or holding them in your hand - self-respect will save you from stupid actions.
  6. Blue stones symbolize the other world and subtle matter. Perhaps the sleeper yearns for one of the dead. Otherwise, the dream encourages you to reveal your talents.
  7. Yellow and orange promise profit and career advancement.

Hand-painted stones indicate the great creative potential of the person who saw this symbol. Neither the color of the pattern nor the mineral itself are important here. It is worth paying attention to the size of the picture and its theme. The more intricate the pattern, the more talents the dreamer will have to discover in himself, and the larger the stone, the more difficult it will be to do this.

Moonstone is a symbol of impermanence. Anyone who sees him in a dream will soon radically change his attitude towards what is happening in his life. The mineral also warns of the infidelity of a loved one and difficulties during travel. Sometimes this symbol is seen by people who are facing a sudden change of residence.

Semi-precious stones are not a very good sign. They report deception or incomplete information about current events. After such a dream, you should check all information, even that received from reliable sources.

Natural elements appearing in our dreams can give us many clues or warnings.

Water, stones, trees - their perception and interpretation in dream books of different peoples are very similar: water is equally wet, and stone is equally hard for both a resident of the Far North and an inhabitant of hot countries. Why stones are dreamed of depends on what they were: a dream about ordinary cobblestones will have a completely different meaning than a vision about beautiful precious stones.

What should you pay attention to if you dreamed of stones?

  • Was it a lone boulder or a scattering of rocks?
  • What did you do yourself - walked on the stones, lay on them, dragged them from place to place?
  • Maybe you had to dodge rockfalls in your night visions?
  • Did you dream that there was a stone in your mouth?
  • Or did you dream of precious stones?
  • What did you do with them - admired them, mined them yourself, or perhaps succumbed to the temptation to take someone else’s jewelry?

Each of these dreams will have its own interpretation. And you need to try to clearly formulate what you saw in your dream.

Why do you dream about a stone, explains Pastor Loff’s Dream Book: a dream about a block of stone or a boulder speaks of a person’s strength of character. If the dream is repeated, this may mean that the dreamer cannot get rid of some emotional experiences, returning to them again and again. To understand what is preventing you from moving forward in relationships with people, you need to analyze what became that very stone in your path and try to remove this obstacle.

Seeing stones in a dream, according to Modern dream book, - warning about possible difficulties and obstacles in business. If in reality you are doing business, and at the same time you have a dream in which your path lies along rocky terrain or along a mountain path, it means that you will soon have to overcome many bureaucratic obstacles.

Seeing a scattering of small stones around in your night dreams means that small obstacles will not create real difficulties for you, but they can ruin your mood. Don't worry - these minor troubles will end quickly.

The erotic dream book considers stones in the dream of a man or woman in a relationship to be a sign of sexual coldness or constraint of the dreamer. The interpreter encourages you to learn to behave more freely and pay more attention to your couple.

Walking and work

Seeing yourself throwing a stone at someone in a dream means that you are about to have a serious and not very pleasant conversation.

Throwing stones at someone in a dream means that you will need to defend your position, your beliefs, and defend your cause. Miller's dream book, on the contrary, believes that if in a dream you throw stones at someone, then in reality you will try to warn your friend about the troubles that threaten him, and if stones are thrown at you, it means that your ill-wishers are weaving intrigues.

A very good sign if in a dream you saw yourself lying on a huge boulder. This means the beginning of a new stage of life, a new relationship or a new business. If the boulder was pleasantly warm from the sun's rays, events will develop smoothly and calmly, but if it was cold, serious efforts will need to be made to achieve success and make a profit.

A dream in which you happened to see yourself sitting on rocks, for example, on the shore, has a similar meaning. When you saw that “licking” large boulders and small pebbles, it means that you will have a mentor or patron who will help you realize your plans in the best possible way.

Why do you dream about a stone that in a dream you had to chop, chop, or trim? This means that in reality you will have to work hard - not in any case the work will bring profit, but you will definitely earn experience and authority. Seeing that you have been processing or laying curb stones will be quite risky, but justified, and if you worked with gravel, your dexterity and quick wits will allow you to avoid trouble and make a profit.

Rocks falling from the sky are a warning of some kind of emergency. The dream books do not specify what the scale of the event might be: to see stones falling from the sky in a dream may be a harbinger of how natural disaster(say, a powerful thunderstorm or hurricane), and events in your personal life (breaking up with your lover, failing an exam). After a dream about stones flying from the sky, you should be on guard in order to minimize the consequences for yourself from unpleasant but inevitable events.

Collecting stones in a dream is a good omen: it promises the successful implementation of your plans and tangible financial returns. Collecting beautiful pebbles on the seashore - the dream promises that everything will go “like clockwork”, but if by chance there is a precious one among them, success will come to you very quickly.

Precious silence

According to some interpreters, seeing stones in a dream is a symbol of mental restlessness due to external circumstances. For example, seeing yourself with pebbles in your mouth - such a dream says that the dreamer knows how to keep other people's secrets. This ability adds points to your reputation, but sometimes you are not too pleased to be the keeper of other people's secrets.

If you dream that you are trying to spit out pebbles that are in your mouth, it means that you consider the actions of one of your relatives or close people ugly. Seeing that you easily spit out stones that are in your mouth - soon you will express to this person your point of view on his behavior.

To see that in a dream you are holding a precious stone in your mouth, according to Noble dream book, means a threat to health - you should take care in the near future. Also, precious “stones” in the mouth can mean the possibility of an accident, so you should be careful, especially while driving. Another interpretation of what a gem in your mouth can dream of is that surviving dangers and miraculously getting rid of them will strengthen your faith in God.

If you dreamed of beautiful precious, semi-precious or ornamental stones for jewelry not in such a “dangerous” situation, then you should take a closer look at them. Each of them will tell you about different options developments of upcoming events.

As the English dream book says, a moonstone - similar to luminous frozen translucent milk - speaks of some favorable changes that will occur in your life. You should not expect “sharp turns” - the changes will be smooth and soft, like the shimmer of a moonstone. It could be new love, and impressions of a pleasant trip.

Seeing amber in your night dreams, says the Interpreter of the Empress, is a harbinger of good luck. If a girl or young lady had a dream - she accepted a piece of jewelry as a gift - amber set in metal - her marriage will be happy. Walking along the seashore and finding amber - the endeavor you are embarking on will be successful, mainly due to your ability to think outside the box.

To dream of a pomegranate, on the contrary, speaks of the clarity and orderliness of the dreamer’s mind. Thanks to this, the pomegranate from the dream portends, there will always be order in your affairs. If for now they leave much to be desired, then the pomegranate in dreams foretells that soon everything will get better and be in order.


Why dream of a stone that in all centuries was considered the “king” of jewelry - a ruby? The magical dream book assures that a ruby ​​in dreams is the personification of happy and passionate people. love relationship. This gem also speaks of the dreamer’s luck, which accompanies all his affairs - from career to home.

To see a ruby ​​set in or silver in a dream - soon you will be declared in love. However, the admirer may be too demanding of you. If you bought the ruby ​​jewelry in your dream yourself, perceive your couple as an ordinary person, and not as an embodied ideal, and your relationship will be cloudless.

To present ruby ​​stones as a gift - in reality you will meet a person who will provide big influence on your destiny: he will become either your mate, or a friend, or a patron. When you are given rubies without frames, it means that you will either have to move or renovate with a change of interior.

A hard and sparkling diamond warns the sleeping person: he needs to plan what he has planned more carefully, otherwise his desires may not come true. If you want your projects to bring real income, you need to build your “palaces” on solid ground, but not in the clouds.

Another precious stone - green emerald - appearing in your dreams predicts that you will have to reevaluate your relationships with others. You can painlessly “let go” of a person who is no longer interesting to you, but to dear people On the contrary, over time the attachment will only get stronger.

A green gem that you unexpectedly found in your night dreams may suggest that the dreamer will soon become an heir. But when you dream that you are purchasing emeralds yourself, paying for it an amount unthinkable for you in reality, the Dream Book of the 21st century warns: beware of participating in dubious transactions.

Not only precious stones, but also “simple” stones can give clues in a dream. Blue turquoise or green jade seen in a dream indicates that you will soon be able to implement some of your ideas to please everyone in your household.

An ordinary green stone that appears to you in a dream suggests that soon you will need all your knowledge and self-confidence. The lost green pebble encourages you not to lose courage - it can be the key to your success.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of finding precious stones” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Precious stones in a dream represent the dreamer's desires and values ​​- his real treasure. Most often, stones signify honor and dignity.

Expensive minerals in a dream are often an omen of good luck, profit and relationships. But they can also be your psychological ballast, which lies at the bottom of your consciousness. We invite you to remember the details of your dreams and find below the interpretation of your particular case.

Precious stones in a dream, individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books

  • In the dream you had to collect treasures. The dreamer tried to take into his bosom as many jewelry as possible that lay in front of him. Such a dream predicts intense work, overcoming obstacles on the way to the goal, especially if you felt tension in the dream;
  • Find precious minerals in a dream. If you did not collect stones, but found them in one place, then the prediction for such a dream is optimistic - you will be lucky enough to find a solution to your problem that will surprise you;
  • A treasure of precious stones was buried near your house. A dream in which you find precious stones literally under the nose of your home indicates an unresolved issue, conflict or the desired object. The key to the solution is very simple, you just have to think rationally;
  • Collect small expensive stones one by one. Collecting small minerals predicts good luck and success in professional activities;
  • Steal treasures. If you stole jewelry in a dream, then in real life you may have problems due to ignorance of the laws;
  • You inherited jewelry or won it in gambling. Your prosperity in real life will be extraordinary, but short-lived and most likely will not please you fully;
  • Exchange gems for money or valuable items. You were lucky enough to exchange your stones for money or something. In this case, in your environment there are only worthy, pure-minded people who will never betray you and will be able to help in any situation;
  • The precious mineral ended up in the dreamer's mouth. The dream symbolizes the power of your prayers and efforts. This is a sign that you are doing everything right and are clearly following your goal;
  • You lost a gem and found it immediately. The dream marks fragile and short-lived happiness in the near future, which should not be held on to;
  • A huge variety of precious stones appeared before you, an entire room. You will be tested by temptations and tested for strength, after which you will be one step closer to your cherished goal;
  • Seeing gems in a dream. Gems predict success equally in business and in love affairs;
  • Give gems to someone. You often work to the detriment of yourself and to please others. Such activities should be stopped immediately;
  • Mine precious stones in production. Engaging in such difficult activities in a dream promises good health and the imminent birth of children in the immediate environment;
  • A young woman had a dream about how she received jewelry. The dream marks imminent marriage and desired pleasures;
  • The girl loses precious stones. In this case, the dream signals a threat; you are in danger. You may be flattered and deceived;
  • Buy precious things. The dream signifies success in matters of the heart and material wealth;
  • Semi-precious items in a dream. If you saw a fake in your dream, then you should not take everyone’s word for it and always carefully check their intentions. It is quite possible that someone has been leading you by the nose for quite a long time;
  • Scarlet ruby ​​lying on a plane. Red is the color of passion, love. A dream with a red jewel, a ruby, portends reciprocity of feelings and a quick relationship;
  • Diamonds in a dream. Diamond is a symbol of eternity, wisdom and harmony. Seeing a diamond in a dream means it is possible to bring the swarm of your thoughts into orderly movement, look at the problem from a different angle and solve it;
  • Seeing diamonds in a dream often happens to greedy people. Perhaps you really have such a problem, try not to concentrate only on material wealth and prosperity;
  • Precious stone with a gold frame. According to dream books, such a combination marks open opportunities for the dreamer, the achievement of goals;
  • Precious agate. Seeing agate in a dream means a promotion in the near future, for which, however, you will have to try hard;
  • Amethyst in your dreams. Amethyst in a dream predicts the appearance in your company of a gossip whose tongue is completely boneless. His promises are just empty words that should not be given any attention;
  • Turquoise in a dream. If turquoise was among the stones you saw, then you are destined to meet with a long time ago forgotten man, whom you haven't seen for a long time. In addition, the stone promises fulfillment of desires and recovery;
  • The dreamer is talking to a jeweler about a precious stone. Soon, the one who saw the dream will be betrayed by friends, disappointed in his idol;

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. The dream book of the Chinese prince Zhou Gong does not give an unambiguous interpretation. For example, if a whole mountain of valuables is piled up, then such a dream signifies great wealth beyond dreams, but a pile of precious stones piled up in one’s bosom signifies devastation and big troubles. Purchasing a ring with precious stones in a dream according to the Chinese dream book means nobility, material wealth;
  2. Modern dream book. According to modern family dream book precious minerals mostly symbolize wealth and prosperity;
  3. Lunar dream book. According to the lunar dream book, the interpretation is not clearly defined. Most often, seeing jewelry in a dream according to the lunar dream book is a symbol of the dreamer’s honor and dignity;
  4. Wanderer's Dream Book. Temptation, flattery, betrayal and deception - this is what precious stones mean in dreams, according to the wanderer’s dream book;
  5. Interpretation according to Stuart Robinson's dream book. Precious minerals, especially in a heap, mean concentration and restraint, prosperity and stability of the dreamer;
  6. According to Miller's dream book. Miller's dream book interprets precious stones as a symbol of your success in various endeavors, quick relationships and enjoyment of life;
  7. Dream book of spiritual seekers. According to the dream book of spiritual seekers, precious stones emphasize the dreamer’s inner strength and inflexibility, and the esoteric effectiveness of prayers.

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The dream book believes that precious stones in a dream represent the best human qualities - real treasures. The interpretation of what valuable minerals and jewelry made from them mean in dreams often identifies them with the dreamer’s cherished desires and the likelihood of their fulfillment.

Time to collect stones

If in your night dreams you are lucky enough to find and collect precious stones, the dream book predicts intense work and overcoming obstacles. The best helpers will be persistence and self-confidence.

Finding treasures in a dream is considered a life-affirming sign. The dreamer has every chance of success in the planned enterprise. The find hints at non-standard solutions that could surprise even him.

Interpreting why one dreams of finding precious stones in a dream, the dream book pays due attention to the location of the find. A treasure discovered in your own home suggests that the desired object is somewhere nearby, and you have long known the answer to your pressing question.

If you had to spend a long time and persistently collecting expensive minerals that you were just lucky enough to find, what you saw can be considered a signal to begin active action. Right now is the most favorable period for solving a problem that you have been putting off for a long time.

Most interpretations consider it a good sign when you happen to collect precious stones in a dream. If you dreamed of a similar plot, then luck is on your side.

Often in dreams the completely opposite action appears: the sleeper loses or scatters his treasures. The Islamic dream book explains why this symbol is dreamed of. Unfortunately, this is a harbinger of failures and losses in reality; the illness of one of your loved ones is possible. The interpretation promises that the dark streak will end sooner or later, and the problems will resolve themselves over time.

Beware of fakes!

Semi-precious jewelry is not the most auspicious symbol. They often personify deception and falsehood, which are highly likely to be encountered in reality.

A dream in which semi-precious jewelry appears calls on you not to rush to take your word for it and carefully double-check any information, as it may turn out to be deliberately distorted or incomplete.

Multicolored minerals

In the dream book you can find an explanation of why red stones are dreamed of. Often, seeing scarlet rubies in a dream happens to those who are passionately in love. If you dreamed of this vivid image, you can hope for reciprocity of feelings.

The Chinese dream book calls green gems a symbol of love, fertility and stability. Emerald colors represent the majestic union of heaven, earth and man. If you are lucky enough to see green jades and emeralds in a dream, the dreamer will have a long period of harmony and prosperity.

Diamonds have long been identified with eternity, wisdom and purity. If you dreamed of cut gems, the sleeper will have the opportunity to look at the problem from a different angle. Sometimes seeing diamonds in a dream happens to greedy people.

Combination with precious metals

Gold often serves as a setting for precious stones. Miller's dream book explains why such a combination is dreamed of. If you dreamed of gold jewelry with stones, in real life any doors will be open to you. Wherever you go, you will be given a worthy welcome. It will be possible to accomplish what previously seemed impossible.

Purchasing a beautiful, expensive item promises a successful marriage and a good income. The plot according to which he managed to lose her threatens with real troubles. The meaning of the lost stone will tell you from which side to expect the blow of fate in order to meet it fully armed.

Stones in a dream are interpreted by many dream books as heaviness: physical or mental, a secret sin that he will have to carry through his entire life journey. At the same time, the stone reflects perseverance and courage, and sometimes aggression and cruelty. How to understand why this or that stone is dreamed of? The answers will be given below.

So why do you dream about stones? Before understanding the interpretation of the image, it is worthwhile to accurately establish their type and quality. After all, stones are jewelry and sea pebbles, huge boulders in nature and stone pavements in the city. And when our subconscious draws such unusual images in a dream that it leads to a dead end. Therefore, dreams with stones can have several interpretations, and only by knowing yourself can you choose the right one.

Why do you dream of stones according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book believes that a stone in a dream is a harbinger of upcoming difficulties. But if you dreamed that you were mining stone ore, it means you have enough strength to cope on your own. If you are in too much of a hurry while mining a stone, then you should take a short break in life and rest.

Stones in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga

A prophetic dream in which key place occupies a stone, according to Vanga’s dream book, fraught with human torment: a feeling of shame because of one’s sinfulness, a feeling of fear because of one’s insecurity, physical and mental torment.

If you were covered with stones in a dream, pay attention to your health. If you dreamed that you stumbled over a stone, it means that there is a person nearby who puts a spoke in your wheels.

Why do you dream that you find yourself in a field strewn with huge boulders? Know that soon you will have to answer for all your actions - both good and bad.

What does it mean - you dreamed of a stone according to the Modern Dream Book

A large stone symbolizes the hard work ahead, the completion of which will bring relief. If you happen to see one large cobblestone in a dream, it means that you will soon have to make a choice. You had to sit on the stone - an important task awaits you, the completion of which will begin a new stage of life.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a stone in a dream symbolizes calm, excessive confidence and even the passivity of a person. Subconsciously, these qualities become a hindrance in relationships with the opposite sex.

If a woman dreams of a stone, then she should work on her manners. Her affectation and excessive mannerism can scare off men. Why does a man dream about this image? The dream book advises him to become more attentive and gentle to his chosen one.

Interpretation of the image according to esoteric dream book E. Anopova

Elena Anopova in her dream book believes that a stone seen in a dream symbolizes future problems. If you see inscriptions on the stone, then you need to turn to the experience of your ancestors.

Why do you dream of Kamenyuka at the crossroads of two or more roads? In life you have to make a choice, otherwise you will be left with nothing. According to this dream book, a tombstone warns of a throat disease.

Deciphering the image from Madame Hasse's dream book

In her dream book, Madame Hasse quite clearly and in detail described the meaning of stones in a dream. A large stone blocking the road foreshadows illness, and if you dreamed that you tripped or caught on a pebble, unfortunately, the threat of death loomed over you or your loved ones.

Why do you dream about throwing stones? In a dream, this is a sign of an imminent quarrel, and if you are pelted with cobblestones, then in reality you will be condemned by others.

Owning precious stones in a dream means a carefree life in the present or the opportunity to meet a person who will take you under your protection in the near future.

Interpretation of the image according to the dream book of E.P. Tsvetkova

According to this dream book, a stone in a dream symbolizes difficulties, problems and obstacles in life. life path person. Did you dream about several pieces at once? This is a sign of an upcoming illness.

Throwing a stone - you will find yourself involved in a scandal. Hewn stone warns of the onset of difficult times. Why else do you dream about a stone? In any case, the dream book advises you to behave more carefully.

Why do you dream of a ring, earrings, jewelry with stones?

  1. A ring with a stone in a dream foretells financial well-being. But if you dreamed that a stone fell out of a ring, then this warns of an impending loss or disappointment in a seemingly reliable business or a loved one.
  2. Why do you dream about a ring? It symbolizes changes in your personal life. Most often, the vision foreshadows a new romantic relationship, but sometimes a new level of mutual understanding with the other half.
  3. Earrings with stones dream of news. If you see earrings in a dream that are new and made of expensive materials, the news will be good and significant. If the earrings turn out to be ugly, old or broken, you will learn gossip that you should not pass on, otherwise you will attract trouble.
  4. Beads with precious stones - a valuable gift from a loved one awaits you.
  5. The pendant symbolizes a person's fear of being used.
  6. A bracelet means a friend will open up from a new side for you and this will turn out to be an obstacle to further friendship.
  7. To see in a dream a piece of jewelry inappropriately richly studded with precious stones - you expect the appearance of strong man on his way. This meeting can dramatically turn life around for the better.

Dream Interpretation - precious stones in a dream

Why do you dream of precious stones? If you were able to recognize the type of jewelry in a dream, then this is a great success. After all, each precious stone has a special symbolism and individual meaning.

  1. A diamond in a person’s mind is associated with prosperity and love, so if you dreamed that you found a diamond, you would literally grab luck by the tail. To receive a diamond as a gift from a loved one - life will be filled with love; to lose a diamond - you will have to go through poverty.
  2. If you happen to see an agate in a dream, you can safely begin to bring your ideas to life. In the near future, fortune will be on your side.
  3. Why do you dream about opal? He warns of danger.
  4. Moonstone portends positive changes in life.
  5. Amber symbolizes harm from rash actions.
  6. Lapis lazuli tells you that you have finally found something in life that you truly value.
  7. Sapphire portends the fulfillment of desires.
  8. Pomegranate - you will become aware of someone else’s secret.
  9. Seeing turquoise means that your financial situation will become significantly stronger.
  10. Emerald signals the success of a close relative.
  11. Ruby - expect guests.
  12. Topaz speaks of reliable people who surround you.

Stones in a dream - dream options

  1. Stones in the water mean that you are under the influence of another person and often do not act in your own interests.
  2. Did you dream that you were throwing stones into the water? This characterizes the feeling of guilt towards another person. Perhaps you had the imprudence to spread an untrue rumor about him and now it torments you.
  3. If you dreamed of stones in the sea or on the seashore, then in the near future you will be bored.
  4. Stones in the mouth warn against illness.
  5. Falling stones in a dream warn of danger. Those falling from the sky portend a very serious, almost mortal danger.
  6. If you dreamed that they were throwing stones at you, in the near future you will become the object of someone’s attacks, but if you throw a stone at the enemy, your beliefs are correct, you do not need to give in to your opponent. If you throw yourself at a loved one, there will be a quarrel. If a falling pebble hits you hard, expect your friend to betray you.
  7. Why do you dream about a lot of stones? They symbolize many troubles in life. The larger the stones, the more effort you will need to put in to finally break out of the black streak. Small stones reflect minor troubles, fleeting difficulties, and troubles.
  8. Beautiful stones represent the feminine principle, maternal energy. Did you dream that you were admiring them and sorting through them? Perhaps you are nostalgic for your childhood.
  9. Collecting means creating difficulties for yourself.
  10. A road of stones - on the way to the goal, various difficulties and troubles will arise, which will be easier to overcome with the support of a friend. The paved road also marks an important choice.
  11. If a woman dreams of stones, she needs to show perseverance and patience. If it is a man, then he should learn to translate his anger and cruelty into active activity, otherwise his family may turn away from him.
  12. There are many stones on the road - obstacles await you on the way.
  13. If you carry stones in a dream, then the moment has come when you need to change your lifestyle.
  14. Sitting on a stone means you have a long wait for something.
  15. If you dreamed that you were sorting through pebbles, you should know that you are tormented by uncertainty or envy.
  16. To see a boulder that has cracked - pay attention to your behavior. Perhaps you think too highly of yourself or take on too much.
  17. I dreamed of a stone growing into the body - to illness.
  18. A stone thrown in the back warns: be careful in your actions and words - you can seriously disgrace yourself
  19. Why do you dream about a tombstone? In a dream, it foreshadows illness for you personally or relatives.
  20. Stumbling over a stone is a harbinger of death.
  21. Brick - hobbies can turn into danger.
  22. Seeing inscriptions on a stone indicates the need for advice from a more experienced person.
  23. A vision in which you swallow stones portends illness.

The meaning of colored stones in a dream

The color of a stone can carry its own meaning in the interpretation of a prophetic dream.

  1. Red - you will feel the joy of victory.
  2. Green symbolizes confidence in the future. They also reflect the inner qualities of a person. Finding a green stone means finding balance in your emotions, and losing it means unreasonable actions will lead to dire consequences.
  3. Blue speaks of a person's untapped potential.
  4. Gold portends trouble. If you dreamed that you were collecting gold stones, it means that in life you pay more attention to petty troubles than trying to solve a problem that has long become an obstacle to a happy life.
  5. White symbolizes the perfection of feelings. You have finally found peace and balance.
  6. Why do you dream about black stones? In a dream very bad sign. If you had such a vision, then you should be wary of your surroundings; someone you know will turn out to be a liar and could cause you harm.
  7. Blue foretells wealth and power. This may be a new position with a large salary or you will win a valuable prize, but such luck will cause envy and misunderstanding of others.
  8. Transparent stones dream of joy in the house.
  9. Gems predict a streak of luck in literally all endeavors.

At all times, dreams have seemed to people as mysterious signs from something else, upper world, which can save you from troubles or give a hint to any question that worries a person. Some people believed that during sleep, their souls began to travel through different worlds and see the past and future as clearly as we perceive the present. How to understand the meaning of your dream? Is it possible to accurately decipher a message from higher powers? Today we will try to reveal the secrets of certain dreams and, most importantly, interpret them for the benefit of the dreamer.

What is a dream book?

Skeptics consider dream books to be ridiculous fun that has no serious scientific basis. After all, it is difficult to collect evidence of the effectiveness of a dream book and write a scientific work on this topic. But for you and me, those who read this article, the necessity and importance of the dream book is not in doubt. Moreover, in history there is enough evidence of how a correctly deciphered dream helped people save their lives. Quite a lot of this data has already been collected, the first of which dates back to the Babylonian era, and you can find out the latest by asking the stories of your friends. Surely at least one of them will respond with delight to the timely interpreted dream.

In short, a dream book is a book that contains explanations of the most common dreams, dating back to ancient times.

When did the first dream book appear?

It is not clear when exactly the first dream book appeared on the planet, or who its author was. But it is known that the first mention of a dream that saved a life occurs during the reign of the great king Nebuchadnezzar. According to written sources of that time, the very famous prophet Daniel lived in Babylon. He knew how to predict the future and often used dreams as a basis for predictions. One day the king himself appeared to him and told him about his dream, which was repeated every night for many days in a row. The Prophet listened to him and explained that the dream was a warning about death. Nebuchadnezzar listened carefully to everything the seer told him and managed to stay alive. After this, the Babylonian sages were ordered to collect interpretations of dreams around the world and write them down in one great book. Perhaps this was the first dream book in the history of mankind.

Types of dream books

In every country at one time there were different kinds dream books. Their popularity largely depended on the fashion for certain fortune-tellers and soothsayers. They released their own versions of dream books based on the knowledge of their ancestors.

But famous scientists did not cease to be interested in the nature of sleep and study it. For example, the famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud paid great importance dreams and created his own book containing their interpretations. The most famous now is Miller's dream book; it is published in all countries of the world in different translations. In our country it appeared even before the revolution and does not lose relevance to this day.

The publication of a general dream book, which contains all observations and interpretations of dreams over several millennia, is quite in demand. This book is called “Assyrian Dream Book”. This option is ideal for those who do not trust dream books too much. After all, you can always check with different interpretations and find the compromise value that is repeated most often.

How do dream books work?

The most common question asked by skeptics concerns the technology of the dream book. Well, it has some basis. Opponents of dream books argue that all dreams are subjective, and it is impossible to find an interpretation that suits everyone without exception. The argument is very serious, isn't it?

But experts in the study of sleep can easily give weighty counterarguments - during sleep, the human mind enters the world of subtle matters. Sometimes it is also called the collective subconscious, and in this case the information received in a dream is accurate and reliable, because it is not influenced by subjective factors of the individual.

We won’t convince you of the effectiveness of dream interpretation, but let’s still look into the dream book. Why do you dream of precious stones? Do you want to know? Well, we will provide such an opportunity, and you decide how true the information obtained from the book is.

General dream book (interpretation): precious stones

In interpretation, precious stones are one of the most complex symbols. Here a lot depends on the nature of the dream and the actions performed in it. For many peoples, precious stones symbolize something very pleasant. Perhaps you will finally be able to solve the problem that is preventing you from living in peace. Or family troubles will suddenly end, it will come white stripe, filled with love and tenderness. Quite often, precious stones are dreamed of as an incentive to start an important business. If you can’t decide on something for a long time and suddenly start seeing precious stones in your dreams, then it’s time to act and not think.

If your dream was very detailed and you can describe all your actions, you should look through the dream book more carefully. In this case, precious stones are ready to give you subject hints and help solve problems.

Collecting Gems: Meaning

So, let's look into the dream book. Collecting precious stones is not the easiest thing. If you have had a similar dream several times, then get ready for some difficult and unpleasant task. On the way to achieving your goal, you will encounter a lot of obstacles, but stubbornness and strength should see you through to the end. Otherwise, you will have to regret your cowardice for a long time.

According to the data included in the dream book, collecting precious stones and then losing them is a very bad sign. He says that someone is trying to interfere with your business and take away what belongs to you. If you don't take decisive action, luck will completely turn away from you.

Found gems: why do you dream?

According to what the dream book says, finding precious stones is a sign of great luck. This is especially symbolic for a woman. If she found a stone in a dream, then success and happy events await her ahead. In the case of a young girl, a found gemstone can mean a quick and successful marriage.


The meaning of a dream is influenced not only by the action with the gem, but also by its size. If you believe in the dream book, a large gemstone is an attempt to gain self-confidence. You will need it in the near future, when extraordinary events occur that require the exertion of all your strength, including emotional ones. In this case, the dream book interprets precious stones quite clearly - they symbolize future achievements, the result of which depends only on the invested efforts and active actions on your part.

Dream Interpretation: Gems - Jewelry

Some dreams are even more difficult to understand; they can represent a collection of different objects that need to be brought together in order to understand the message of the dream. If you dreamed of jewelry, then immediately look into the dream book. The precious stones in them are not of particular importance in this case; it is better to pay attention to how the jewelry came to you.

If someone unfamiliar gives you jewelry in a dream, then you should be careful. This gift is a clear threat to everything you have achieved to date. A broken piece of jewelry warns of disappointment awaiting you in the near future. You will be able to achieve your goal, but you will remain alone as a result of the betrayal of your closest people. Buying jewelry in dreams predicts success in a business that occupies all your thoughts day and night.

Precious stones in rings, pendants and earrings: the meaning of sleep

The types of decorations have a significant difference in interpretation. Any dream book usually contains all variants of meanings.

A ring with a precious stone means that you will soon receive an offer for a well-paid job. It is worth agreeing to it, since in the future new prospects will open up for you through this vacancy. A silver ring symbolizes the strengthening of relationships; your love is not in danger. A dream of a gold ring with a stone predicts the birth of a son.

Earrings with precious stones promise rapid career growth; no intrigues or intrigues can interfere with you. Dream interpreters also paid attention to pendants with stones. The dream book interprets precious stones in pendants and pendants as great success in the love field. Happiness will be unexpected and all-encompassing.

A scattering of precious stones of different colors

According to the dream book, precious stones in a dream in bulk are a very positive sign. Especially if they have different colors. Such a dream is clearly interpreted as quick success in business. Moreover, what you needed to achieve your goal is at hand. You just have to look around, and the issue will be resolved by itself.

It’s bad if the scattering is represented by semi-precious stones. They warn you about deception or any false information. You still accept it as the truth, but it can destroy your whole life. The sooner you recognize a lie, the faster you will get rid of traitors in your environment.

Blue gems

The dream book especially highlights the blue precious stone. The shade and brightness of the jewelry matters for interpretation.

A light blue stone whose shade approaches blue means minor troubles. This could be due to friendly quarrels, a short illness, or a restriction on your initiative in the workplace.

The deep blue color symbolizes the state of mind. The brighter it is, the more fulfilling and joyful your life is. If the stone in the dream was blue and without sharp corners, then you can assume that you are in search of your spiritual beginning.

The dark blue color, shimmering with purple, warns of injustices and troubles. Perhaps someone will laugh at you cruelly, and you will feel offended for a long time. It is worth saving your nerves and temporarily limiting communication only with trusted people.

Red gemstones

In all cultures, the color red symbolizes energy and strength, and the dream book does not depart from this. Red gemstones notify you of imminent victory in business. They indicate that you are a very bright person who sweeps away absolutely all obstacles in your path. Leaders and fighters for justice see red gems in their dreams. In many cases, such a dream promises good material wealth.

It's worth considering if a red gem is lying on your road. It can mean a serious opponent who is equal to you in strength and intelligence. To defeat him, you will have to use cunning and resourcefulness. Under no circumstances should you act from a position of strength and ambition. Such tactics will not bring the desired result.

Carrying a red stone on yourself means having a high patron in business. While you may not know about his existence, he is already ready to provide you with support, and it will come in handy. Do not refuse help; in the future you will have the opportunity to thank your patron.

Of course, you shouldn’t hope that the dream book will be able to explain to you everything that happens in life. He will not be able to distinguish a prophetic dream from any other. In this matter, you should take into account only your own experience and intuition. But if you are tormented by a constantly recurring dream, then it would not be a bad idea to look into the dream book. After all, the interpretation of a dream can be a real revelation for you.