Why dream of getting an orchid. Interpretation of sleep orchid in dream books. New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

Briefly about the main

Orchid dreams of success in professional field and personal life. If you dreamed that the plant gave a sprout, then this is to gain new knowledge.

Interpretation of sleep about orchids depending on the details

Depending on which orchid dreamed of:

  • white - for a meeting with a future spouse;
  • blue - good news from friends;
  • yellow - to deception by loved ones;
  • black - to difficulties in personal life;
  • blue - to unrequited love;
  • purple - to the beginning of a favorable period;
  • lilac - to problems in business;
  • pink - for a romantic adventure;
  • orange - to a pleasant event;
  • red - to participate in the solemn event;
  • wild - to disrupt plans;
  • wilted - to cooling feelings for a partner;
  • blooming - to career advancement or salary increase;
  • artificial - to betrayal by relatives or friends;
  • huge - to the betrayal of a loved one;
  • beautiful - to the completion of an important project;
  • fallen - to conflicts at work;
  • broken - to senseless spending;
  • with kidneys - for a fun pastime;
  • with buds - for a pleasant trip.

Depending on where the orchid is in a dream:

  • in a vase - to a passionate romance;
  • in water - to a good mood;
  • in the apartment - to a surprise from a loved one;
  • in the garden - for the arrival of guests from afar;
  • in a pot on the window - to a happy family life;
  • in the dreamer's hair - to the realization of creative ideas.

Depending on the actions in a dream:

  • choose an orchid - to participate in a gamble;
  • give - to positive changes in life;
  • cut - to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • replanting an orchid - to vain troubles;
  • plant its seeds - to change priorities;
  • to pluck - to the fulfillment of desires;
  • watering - to a new relationship;
  • receive as a gift - to disappointment in a loved one;
  • buy an orchid - to financial problems;
  • steal - to unjustified risk;
  • find - to meanness on the part of ill-wishers.

Depending on what exactly happened:

  • a bouquet of orchids - for a period of calm;
  • orchid branch - to mutual love.

Depending on how many orchids dreamed:

  • two - to the patronage of an influential person;
  • three - to receive a gift;
  • a lot - to a chance to change a life.

Depending on who dreamed of the orchid:

  • unmarried girl - to meet an honest man;
  • married woman - to disappointment in her husband;
  • a man - to the implementation of the project.

TOP 3 negative values

  1. Dried orchid dreams to business problems or bankruptcy.
  2. nice smelling- to worries and troubles.
  3. donated close friends- to gossip and intrigue on their part.

TOP 2 positive values

  1. Lots of different orchids dreams of being popular with the opposite sex.
  2. Watch the flower slowly bloom - to success in all endeavors.

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What is the dream of an orchid according to Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book:

  • blooming orchids dream of positive changes in personal life;
  • white - to harmony in relationships;
  • wilted - to trouble;
  • donated - to joy and prosperity.

For men:

  • buying a pot with an orchid - to a worsening financial situation.

For women:

  • plant orchids - to make an important decision;
  • water them - to get new sexual sensations;
  • pulling out the roots of a plant - to perform monotonous work;
  • breaking off shoots - to a misunderstanding in the family;
  • cut dried leaves - to the emergence of a new hobby.

Video about what flowers dream of

What does it mean when an orchid dreamed, according to Freud's dream book?

According to Freud, such a dream symbolizes harmony in relationships.

It is important to know

If you dreamed that friends or acquaintances presented an orchid in a pot, then this is a betrayal on their part.

Other interpretations:

  • black flower - to get a new sexual experience;
  • white - to joy and wealth;
  • red - to a meeting with an interesting person.

For men:

  • watch how the orchid blooms - for vacation.

For women:

  • a virgin dreaming of caring for indoor orchids is a date invitation.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga's dream book, an orchid all in flowers dreams of a pleasant romantic meeting.

Good to know

If you dreamed that the flower withered, then this is a separation from your loved one or a deterioration in well-being.

For men:

  • to see in a dream how a wild orchid blooms - to commit a good deed.

For women:

  • a pale pink orchid in a pot - to the patronage of an influential person.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, such a dream promises a resumption of relations with a former partner / partner.

For men:

  • a young man dreams of giving a blooming orchid to separation from his girlfriend;
  • buying a flower in a pot - to unexpected acquisitions.

For women:

  • the bride dreams of a white orchid bloom for a happy family life.

Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, such a dream can symbolize sexuality and sensuality.

For men:

  • the groom, a blossoming orchid dreams of doubts about the fidelity of the bride.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to Hasse, planting orchids can dream of business success and making lucrative deals.

For women:

  • pluck a flower - for an early marriage.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Good to know

An orchid that begins to fade is a dream of disappointment in life and a deterioration in relationships with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

According to Azar's dream book, it is a dream of joy and pleasant impressions to inspect orchids and select shoots for their reproduction.

For men:

  • in spring, a blooming orchid dreams of good news;
  • in summer - to obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • in the fall - to perform monotonous work;
  • in winter - to improve the financial situation.

For women:

  • blooming orchids in spring dream of pleasant surprises;
  • in summer - to the fulfillment of desires;
  • in the fall - to make important decisions;
  • in winter - to useful acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

According to Kananit, to receive a bouquet of orchids is a dream for the fulfillment of long-standing desires.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great, such a dream portends participation in a risky event.

For women:

  • for a young woman to see in a dream that petals have fallen from an orchid - to the appearance of a rival.

English dream book

If you dreamed that strangers give orchids, then this is respect in the team.

For women:

  • a married woman dreams of buds on an orchid for pregnancy.

Modern dream book

According to the Contemporary Dream Book, such a dream portends a profit.

Other interpretations:

  • dreaming of buying large orchids as a gift for a change in life;
  • to breed them in a greenhouse - to success in business;
  • pick flowers from them - to the fulfillment of desires.

For women:

  • if you dreamed that you were watering an orchid and it bloomed, then this is to meet a rich man and get married.

Chinese dream book

To see in a dream how an orchid blooms on the street - to the birth of a child.

Muslim dream book

According to the Muslim dream book, such a dream portends pleasant surprises.

For men:

  • picking bright orchids from a tree - to the implementation of plans.

For women:

  • a married woman dreams of a broken flower to loneliness and sadness.

Ukrainian dream book

A dream in which orchids grow on a fruit tree in the garden can portend well-being and prosperity in the family.

For men:

  • for a young man, a dream that a withered orchid suddenly blossomed promises victory in the competition.

For women:

  • live orchids - to easy flirting;
  • artificial - to health problems.

Love dream book

According to the Love Dream Book, orchids in a vase dream of a romantic evening.

For men:

  • a single guy dreams of a blooming twig of an orchid for a pleasant acquaintance.

Dream interpretation by numbers: interpretation table

Day of the monthInterpretation
1 To meet an old friend
2 To replenishment in the family
3 To commit a reckless act
4 To a long period of loneliness
5 To worries about the child
6 For a fun time
7 To authority in society
8 Completion of an important project
9 To the loss of a valuable thing
10 For financial problems
11 To the emergence of a new hobby
12 To a pleasant surprise
13 To move for permanent residence in another country
14 To baseless accusations from a partner
15 To apathy
16 For unplanned expenses
17 Longing for past relationships
18 To conflicts in the women's team
19 To friendship with an influential person
20 To do monotonous work
21 To family scandals soon
22 To start a business
23 To an unpleasant conversation with a loved one
24 To the risk of suffering from the actions of scammers
25 For an interesting journey
26 To vain experiences
27 To failure
28 Having to do someone else's work
29 To self-doubt
30 For an unforgettable date

Dream interpretation for women

For women:

  • a girl dreams of a blooming orchid to meet her future groom.
  • a young woman - to resume relations with a former partner.

Dream interpretation for men

For men:

  • a married man dreams of caring for orchids in pots for harmony in the family;
  • to receive blooming flowers as a gift - to success in promoting business.

Lunar dream book

Interpretations on the Lunar dream book:

  • on the full moon, the orchid dreams of problems at work;
  • in the new moon - to commit rash acts;
  • on the growing moon - to family well-being;
  • descending - to anxiety and trouble.

Intimate dream book

To receive a yellow orchid as a gift is a sign of meanness on the part of a loved one.

For men:

  • a man who is married - good luck.

For women:

  • if you dreamed that an orchid was starting to bloom, then this was for mutual love.

Winter dream book

According to the Winter Dream Book, such a dream portends an acquaintance with a good person.

Spring dream book

A motley orchid dreams of the beginning of a favorable period.

Summer dream book

Dreaming of buying an exquisite phalaenopsis flower means a change in image or lifestyle.

Autumn dream book

Dream about choosing an orchid among the multitude different colors may portend the need to make a difficult decision.

Creative dream book

According to the Creative Dream Book, a rare blue orchid dreams of a new hobby.

Dream interpretation of the subconscious

Seeing in a dream how an orchid in a pot bloomed with friends - to meet new people.

Dream interpretation by day of the week

Interpretations from the dream book by day of the week:

  • on the night or in the morning on Monday, phalaenopsis dreams of fulfilling desires;
  • on Tuesday - to the successful completion of affairs;
  • on Wednesday - to the implementation of creative ideas;
  • on Thursday - to overcome difficulties at work;
  • on Friday - to a useful acquisition;
  • on Saturday - for a short romance;
  • on Sunday - to the good news.

Video: what a dream about flowers can mean

The content of the article

Orchid according to Azar's dream book

Orchids - For a woman - A dream that occurred in the spring - to pleasant surprises; in summer, it means that you will be torn between two conflicting desires; seen in the fall, this dream means that in the coming days you should not make any important decisions; in winter - he is to get acquainted with a pleasant and useful person. For a man - a Dream that had a dream in the spring - to minor but pleasant news; dreamed in the summer, he warns of obstacles that may arise in your affairs due to your gullibility or the indiscretion of your friends. A dream in the fall warns that you are going to do something completely useless. Having a dream in the winter, this dream means that you will have the opportunity to quickly and easily earn big money, but you may not guess about it.

Orchid according to the Modern Dream Book

The dream in which you buy orchids as a gift means changes in life, financial instability.

If in a dream you see that you are cultivating orchids, it means that you have become more restrained in your words and no longer make hasty decisions. You will face difficult trials, which you will endure with honor and achieve great success in life.

Picking blooming orchids in a dream - to the fulfillment of desires. If a girl sees such a dream, this portends her long-awaited marriage with a rich man.

To smell the smell of an orchid in a dream is to realize your plans.

Orchid according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Orchids - You see orchids in a dream - you take a risk, and the risk will be justified; you have nothing to lose, but much to gain.

Orchid according to the Noble dream book of N. Grishina

An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.

Orchid according to the dream book about plants

Orchid - personifies splendor, favor and luxury.

Orchid according to the Ladies' Dream Book

Orchid - sexuality; sensuality.

Orchid according to the English dream book

Orchid - Orchids are beautiful exotic flowers that are difficult to grow without special conditions. What is the dream for: Was the orchid given as a gift? This means that the giver views the recipient as someone rare and precious and seeks to cherish and treat them with respect.

Orchid online dream book

If you dreamed of an orchid, it means that a period of change has come in your life.

To grow them means to come to peace, to learn how to make informed decisions.

I dreamed about picking these flowers - you can fulfill your dream.

An orchid that smells strongly in a dream - everything you plan is doomed to success.

You dreamed of a blooming orchid, and you broke off its branch - this is a very good sign, foreshadowing the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

To a young lady such a vision

Orchid according to the dream book of the XXI century

Orchids seen in a dream are a harbinger of victory in a risky business, winning or a successful exchange.

In reality, an orchid is considered a truly female flower; a plant seen in a dream symbolizes good luck in love and success in the business field. What the orchid dreams of is usually interpreted by dream books based on the external features of the flower and the actions of the character directly related to it.

A dry plant warns of problems in business affairs. A blooming orchid, according to Miller's dream book, predicts happiness in his personal life, success on the love front.

Another explanation of why a blooming orchid is dreaming is in the General Dream Book. A dream that has occurred promises the success of a sleeping person in a risky and absolutely hopeless business, and also promises sensual, refined and refined pleasures, the memory of which will be preserved for centuries.

A broken red flower in a dream symbolizes the cooling of love feelings and aspirations. wilted plant for a woman means loneliness. Perhaps this period of life uncertainty is necessary for the dreamer for personal development and spiritual growth.

Color characteristics

It is easy to guess what the orchid is dreaming of according to Dr. Freud. According to the interpreter, having a dream promises untold pleasures and piquant pleasures. A black flower seen in a dream predicts a sleeping person the opportunity to experience thrills, the acquisition of a grandiose sexual experience.

A red orchid in a dream notifies a young girl of a meeting in real life with an experienced and depraved man who will be able to awaken sensuality in her and instill a love for sexual experiments.

The white orchid, according to Miller's dream book, prophesies strong and mutual love. Vanga, who dreamed of a white flower, is positioned with the high spirituality of the dreamer, and yellow - with depravity and immaturity of the soul, quarrelsomeness and a tendency to gossip.


To receive a yellow orchid as a gift from acquaintances or friends predicts the occurrence of gossip and slander about intimate life sleeping person. If it was a different color and presented to acquaintances of the opposite sex, then in reality this character experiences deep feelings and attraction to the dreamer.

The modern dream book of E. Avdyaeva explains what the dream is about, in which the dreamer was presented with a flower, by the fact that in reality the character will not be able to wait for a loved one from a long trip, business trip or army.

To give this flower to someone in a dream predicts the emergence of a long-term relationship with this person or mutual sympathy.


Picking a blooming white orchid, according to Miller's dream book, speaks of imminent marriage. A dreaming vision for a man suggests a meeting with a pure and immaculate girl who will firmly settle in the thoughts and heart of the dreamer.

I had a chance to plant or transplant an orchid in a dream, according to the dream book of E. Avdyaeva, it means an early parting with her lover. Putting it in a vase predicts the beginning of a new exciting love story.

Breeding these beautiful flowers in a dream suggests a calm and balanced disposition of the dreamer, who will face quite difficult trials in the near future. The interpreter predicts that you will cope with all the troubles with honor and conquer the desired peaks.

Fate is often leaves on life path signs indicating future events or the state of a person. One of the ways of communication of higher forces with the individual is sleep.

In order to decipher the message and draw the necessary conclusions, it is recommended to analyze all the details of what was seen at night.

  • plant- a messenger of conflict with superiors. The dreamer will not be able to explain his point of view, which will cause misunderstanding between the employee and the boss;
  • flower- to a crisis in the relationship of lovers. The couple will understand that there have long been many difficult moments between them that have become the cause of disputes. It will take time and effort to resolve these difficulties;
  • See plucked orchids in a bouquet means to be disappointed in one's own actions. A person will not be able to accept his mistakes, because of which he will experience the pressure of conscience. Shame for the past will interfere with normal professional activities, which will affect the final result of the work of the entire team.

Note! If the dreamer himself damaged the flowers, then he will soon have to face his rival. The opponent will win the duel.

Received as a gift

In order to correctly interpret night dreams in which someone gave flowers to the dreamer, it is necessary to remember from whom exactly the flowers were received:

Different colors

Orchid flowers also have their own meanings. But depending on what the flower was, the dream may indicate positive or negative events near future:

In a pot, an orchid speaks of good sign for both men and women.

Useful video

Find out in the video why the orchid is dreaming:

Watch the video about various legends about orchids:

Interesting facts on the video about signs and superstitions about orchids:

Find out in the video why you can not keep orchids at home:


Orchid has long been is a symbol:

  • Purity;
  • tenderness;
  • Attractiveness;
  • And innocence.

However, in dreams a flower may portend both positive and negative upcoming events. Only by remembering the details of what he saw at night, you can predict the future.

In contact with

Modern combined dream book

The dream in which you buy orchids as a gift- means changes in life, instability of the financial situation.

If in a dream you see that you are growing orchids- it means that you have become more restrained in your words and no longer make hasty decisions. You will face difficult trials, which you will endure with honor and achieve great success in life.

Pick blooming orchids in a dream- to the fulfillment of desires. If a girl sees such a dream- this portends her long-awaited marriage with a rich man.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.