What does diarrhea mean in different colors: red, white, black, green. The secret language of the bauble You, of course, love her, maybe

What is diarrhea? Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a pathological condition associated with indigestion, in which stool has a liquid consistency and occurs more than three times a day. Loose stools are a consequence of increased intestinal motility (contraction muscle tissue) or impaired absorption of liquid by the walls of the digestive tract, as a result of which the stool becomes liquefied and comes out faster.

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Digestive disorders are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdominal area, elevated temperature body, weakness, lack of appetite. The consequences of loose stools are dangerous to human health and life. Thus, diarrhea is the cause of dehydration, lack of vitamins, minerals and many vital substances washed out of the body with liquid feces. Also, frequent bowel movements can cause the formation of hemorrhoids and many intestinal diseases. Diarrhea may appear suddenly and last from several days to several months. If the duration of diarrhea is no more than two weeks, it is classified as acute. If it lasts more than fourteen days, it is classified as long-term, which gradually becomes chronic.

Causes of diarrhea

Depending on the causes, there are several types of diarrhea:

  • neurogenic in nature;
  • infectious;
  • nutritional diarrhea occurs when you are allergic to foods or have an unbalanced diet;
  • toxic diarrhea, the causes of such diarrhea are poisoning with chemical elements;
  • dyspeptic diarrhea is called when there is enzyme deficiency of the pancreas, liver, stomach, intestines;
  • medicinal, the causes of which are drugs;
  • exudative – occurs as a result of diseases digestive system.

The nature of the stool depends on the type of diarrhea and the reasons that caused it. This means that loose stools vary in consistency, smell and color, and may contain various impurities such as mucus or blood particles. That is, the color of the diarrhea depends on the root cause.

Orange loose stools

Often the color of stool depends on what kind of food a person ate. Loose, orange-colored stool may occur from foods containing beta-carotene (vitamin A). Beta-carotene is found in large quantities in berries, vegetables and fruits in orange, red and yellow shades. There is a lot of it in carrots, pumpkin, apricots, melons, plums, nectarines, mangoes, cherries, as well as cauliflower, lettuce, and beet tops. This means that stool can acquire an orange color after eating food containing a huge amount of vitamin A, an overdose of which causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal colic and itching. Orange diarrhea can also be caused by the use of certain medicines eg rifampin.

Additionally, orange diarrhea may indicate some pathological conditions in organism:

  • inflammatory processes in the digestive tract;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • hepatitis and other liver pathologies;
  • diseases of the biliary tract;
  • stones in the biliary tract;
  • cystitis;
  • lung diseases.

Loose brown stools

Gray loose stools

Gray stool in an adult may indicate the presence of liver pathologies, such as hepatitis or cirrhosis. Gray diarrhea means that there are disturbances in the bile ducts, which lead to their blockage and disruption of the flow of bile to the intestines, and diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis);
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammatory diseases pancreas, for example, pancreatitis;
  • stones or tumors in the gallbladder and bile ducts, liver, pancreas.

In addition, gray liquid stool may have an unpleasant rotten odor caused by:

  • disruption of the production of digestive enzymes;
  • decreased stomach acidity;
  • inflammation of the colon mucosa.

In addition, the formation of gray feces can be affected by an abundance of fatty foods, taking antimicrobial and antifungal drugs, contraceptives, and medications for gout. Allergies can also contribute to the appearance of gray, loose stools.

Loose red stools

So, the red color of liquid stool may mean that there is damage in the digestive tract, accompanied by the release of blood, most often this is facilitated by: ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, infectious intestinal pathologies.

Black loose stool

Black color of loose stool means that there is severe damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and the presence of prolonged bleeding. Black diarrhea is characterized by damage to the upper intestines, with loose stools having a tarry consistency and a very unpleasant odor. This type of diarrhea is fraught with a huge threat; it is often accompanied by black or scarlet vomit, which means that the body experiences large blood loss, which leads to a decrease in hemoglobin, pressure, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and coma. The causes of such conditions are ulcers, cancer, gastritis, esophagitis, Crohn's disease, esophageal varices, histoplasmosis.

The formation of dark diarrhea is possible after eating any red food: beets, blueberries, black licorice, prunes. In this case, the consistency of loose stool is not as tarry as with diarrhea caused by bleeding. Also, the appearance of black diarrhea can be caused by:

  • excess iron in the body;
  • Activated carbon;
  • bismuth-based medicines;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • medications that cause bleeding in the stomach (ibuprofen, aspirin);
  • mercury poisoning.

White diarrhea

White diarrhea means bile deficiency. This means that there is a blockage of the bile ducts, which is caused by the following diseases:

  • tumors and stones in the bile ducts;
  • pancreatitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver cancer;
  • cirrhosis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • tumor formations of the pancreas;

Often the culprit of pale stools is malignant tumors of the digestive system. You should observe the nature of the regularity of diarrhea. In oncology, it manifests itself in a chronic form, that is, constantly. In other cases, white stools are short-lived.

In addition to organ pathologies, there are other factors that can cause the formation of white, loose stool. This is an unhealthy diet, eating foods that are light in color or contain large amounts of calcium - rice, tapioca, milk, sour cream. Abuse alcoholic drinks also promotes the outflow of bile and the appearance of white stool. Another reason may be taking medications for gout, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Green diarrhea

Green color of loose stool indicates intestinal infections. These diseases are characterized by disruption of the intestinal microflora as a result of the suppression of beneficial microbes in the intestine by pathogenic ones, the growth of which causes fermentation. They are accompanied by a sour, putrid odor and the presence of mucus in the stool. The causes of green feces are: violation of hygiene standards, treatment with antibiotics, consumption of spoiled food, unwashed vegetables and fruits. Feces can also acquire a green color after eating lettuce, spinach, sorrel, that is, greens.

Green stool may also indicate problems with the liver and blood.

Diarrhea Treatment Methods

The main rule in treating diarrhea is to drink plenty of fluids. Frequent bowel movements dehydrate the body, so fluid should be replenished regularly, every half hour. But you should not use carbonated drinks or raw water. It is best to drink herbal infusions, decoctions and jelly, which have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The following are suitable for this: St. John's wort, rose hips, chamomile, blueberries, bird cherry, apples, pears, lingonberries, etc.

To remove toxins from the body, you should take drugs that have adsorbing properties - carbon tablets, Smecta, Enterosgel. Salt solutions, for example, Regidron, help replenish the water balance. Until it is known what causes the diarrhea, you should not take drugs to consolidate the stool. First you need to undergo an examination. You should also consult a doctor if diarrhea does not go away for more than a day, is accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, or impurities in the form of blood and mucus in the stool.

In case of stool disorders, you must adhere to dietary nutrition. In the first hours after the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, or better yet for a day, it is better to refuse food, using only drink. The diet should contain food that helps restore the digestive tract. If vomiting is present, a decoction of rice is suitable. You can eat:

It is important that the food is pureed. You should avoid fatty, spicy, smoked, cold and hot foods so as not to irritate the intestines.

People give preference to one color, or at most two or three (depending on where these colors are used: in clothing, furnishings, etc.). One popular question is: “What is your favorite color?” Is not it? The answer to it can not only satisfy simple curiosity, but also help to unravel the character and emotional make-up of the individual. Of course, it cannot be denied that over time a person’s taste and preference for color can change.

Before you start reading, think about which color is your favorite and which one will be relegated to last place: red, pink, orange, yellow, green, light green, light blue, lilac, blue, purple, brown, beige, gray, white, black.


The color red symbolizes the unbridled desire for success, dramatization of experiences, and a feeling of fullness of life. This is an incentive for all activities, activity in all possible areas. A person is distinguished by courage, willpower, authority, quick temper, sociability, and a tendency toward altruism, if red is his favorite color. If you place red in first place, it means you want to intensify your emotional sensations and act energetically.

However, the bright, joyful picture also has a downside... since you crave bright colors in life so much, routine can drive you crazy; impatience leads to fickleness and inconstancy.

It is difficult for you to remain objective, your behavior is characterized by self-confidence and stubbornness. You prefer, after listening to someone's advice, to do things your own way. Patience is not one of your virtues. However, other people are interested in you and you motivate them to take action. The world would be a boring place without red people.

Since the color red is associated with a frantic lust for life, excitement and passion, not liking this color may mean that you are unlikely to feel such intense emotions right now. Perhaps you are put off by the aggressiveness and pressure associated with the perception of the color red. Or perhaps you are still looking for more satisfaction from life, but are afraid of being drawn into its cycle?

People who are irritable, tired, worried about many problems often turn to cooler colors in search of rest and relaxation - this is a natural defensive reaction.

People who put this color in last place have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, love of solitude, and instability in relationships.


Pink is a softened red that combines passion and purity. This color is associated with romance, freshness, sophistication and tenderness.
A person who prefers the color pink spends his entire life in a world of dreams and anticipation of miracles.

He dreams of sublime love, he is gentle and relaxed. He is a terrible opponent of paradise in a hut - he loves comfort and coziness. Often “rose-colored glasses” replace reality for him, so calm is his second self. But a meeting with harsh (if at some point it is such) reality can unsettle him for a long time. It happens that a “pink” person often lets those around him down because he overestimates his strength. But after troubles and storms in life, he calms down almost instantly. Such a person often promises much more than he can fulfill, but his plans are often illusions.

If you put pink in last place, it means that you are a pragmatic person and do not like to “have your head in the clouds” in vain. In general, soft, moderate shades are not distinguished by emotionality, so many people are indifferent to pink color. If you don't like pink, you may be looking for a splash of excitement and this color is too calm for you.


This is the color of people who have extraordinary intuition and are prone to daydreaming. They absolutely love to shine in any society and be the center of attention. Possessing many abilities, such people are most likely original, but not brilliant. Flaws?

Let's turn to the ancient Italian comedy of masks - where the color orange meant hypocrisy and pretense! People whose favorite color is orange are often fickle: their best friend such a person will most likely name someone with whom he recently became friends. In love they are independent and always ready to conquer new worlds!

If you prefer peach tones, you have the same qualities as "orange" people, but you are calmer and even less aggressive, you are just as friendly and charming, and even softer in communication. You are capable of working just as hard, but in the game you often choose the role of observer.

If you put the orange color in last place, apparently you don’t like too bright colors in life: you don’t like noisy parties, irrepressible fun, loud laughter, boasting and intimacy on display. Therefore, you find it difficult to get along with people and may even be considered unsociable. You prefer a narrow circle of really close friends to a huge number of acquaintances, and if you find a friend, it’s a friend for life.


The color yellow is perceived as luminous and warm, as it is strongly associated with sunlight. This color sparkles with optimism; it symbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, and intelligence. Being loved means being sociable, curious, courageous, adaptable, and enjoying the opportunity to please and attract people. People who have yellow beloved, original, endowed with a rich imagination and developed artistic taste. Possessing an inquisitive mind, they love everything new and interesting. If you like the color yellow, you are most likely a reliable friend. Your ambitions are often realized and you generally have a very bright outlook on life.

However, you are often selfish and do not like to be second. You can be generous, but you are often distrustful, which can make you seem like you shy away from people. Sometimes you are intolerant of other people's ideas, which seem to you to be not as well thought out as your own. You sincerely care about the good of society, but are still more inclined to think about it than to take action. “Yellow” people are prone to pedantry, but at the same time they are quite satisfied with the world and are happy.

If you dislike the color yellow, then you also dislike the traits that “yellow” people have. You are a realist, practical person with utilitarian preferences and are likely to be critical of those who do not share your views. You are skeptical of new ideas and would rather focus on familiar things than try something new. A guaranteed result is always important to you, since you prefer to reliably protect yourself from disappointment. If you put yellow in last place, then most likely you are a focused, pessimistic person, and it is difficult to make acquaintance with you.


Green is the color of nature, nature, life itself, spring. The most “natural” color fascinates with its balance of warmth and coolness, and “green” people often turn out to be confident and balanced in character. They are diligent citizens, caring parents, caring neighbors - discerning, kind and generous people.

If you prefer green, it means that you are afraid of other people's influence and are looking for a way to assert yourself, since this is vitally important for you. You are smart and understand new ideas on the fly. On the other hand, you will rarely agree to take risks and try something new where you can follow a proven, generally accepted path. “Green” people never suffer from a lack of appetite, and even if they have to go on a diet, they rarely manage to lose weight. One of the worst traits of these people is their tendency to gossip and envy.
The dark green fan is stubborn and persistent. Those who put this dark green color in the first place are mostly straightforward, uncompromisingly committed to fulfilling their own decisions, and show a tendency to idealize themselves, while at the same time having a tendency to forcibly improve others.

Anyone who does not like the color green is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, and in general - all difficulties. A person who has resolutely rejected the color green often complains that others demand too much from him. Those who put green in last place can hardly be called sociable or sociable. The natural need to be accepted by a group of people is more likely to push you away from them than to force you to join. You don't like to act, think or look the same way as most people around you act, think and look. Picnics and parties, and even trips to visit relatives are not for you.


Light green is considered the favorite color of people with a commanding character and a rather cynical outlook on life and relations between the sexes. Such people like to suppress and boss not only at work, but also in the family. Such people generally have a fear of active action: they are always afraid of getting into a difficult situation. But they like to push others to be active and wait: what will happen?

If you put the salad color in last place, then most likely you are a closed, uncommunicative person, you do not like to command people, it is much easier for you to obey. At the same time, you are an obligatory, tactful, and sometimes even delicate person.


Blue color is a symbol of impressionability, affection, fidelity. Those who put blue in first place easily become discouraged in moments of failure. This is a typical infantile tone, and if an adult prefers it, it means that he has retained the “child” and associated character traits within himself. Blue color speaks of freedom, carefreeness, and a tendency to change the situation.

This is the color of artists, and not necessarily artists by profession. Such people love life, love to play beautiful roles in it, adore success and, as a rule, achieve it easily. They strive for recognition. If they like their work, they achieve great success in it. If a person prefers light blue, then he cannot stand loneliness and, as a rule, suffers deeply if emptiness forms around him. He is naturally very sociable and has many friends. He knows how to give a lot, but wants to receive just as much in return. Among the few qualities that complicate his life is the fear of loneliness.

If you decisively reject the color blue, then this means inner restlessness and a desire for change that will help get rid of depression and passivity.


People who love the color lavender often prefer it over all others. Such people like to be considered different from others; They are savvy, although they are not always distinguished by a subtle mind. “Lilac” individuals strive for perfection and even sophistication in life; they have a fantasy about a world in which all the “dark” sides of life can simply be ignored. Appearance and the first impression of the interlocutor are very important for such people.

Aristocraticism and a tendency towards sentimentality are associated with the color lilac, as well as romance, nostalgia and sophistication. Because this color is very close to purple, lilac people are often creative and enjoy supporting talented people.

If you put lilac in last place, your approach to life is businesslike. You don’t like it when your interlocutor flirts with you or avoids direct conversation, since you yourself prefer to be straightforward. You are not subject to nostalgia because you live in the present. Those who dislike the colors purple and lilac also have a strong dislike for superficiality in behavior or appearance, and usually do not hide it. They usually perceive the color purple as bland and boring.


Blue is the color of calm and tranquility. This is probably the most widely preferred color. Since this is the color of the sky, it is usually associated with the spiritual exaltation of a person, his purity. If you like him, it speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly and easily, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him.

People who prefer blue are gullible and need to be trusted. Sensitive to the needs of others, capable of strong attachment, such people have a hard time experiencing any betrayal or disappointment. They do not avoid large companies, but, nevertheless, prefer to remain among close friends. “Blue” people strive for harmony, calmness, patience and perseverance, and tranquility. They are conservative, reliable, have an even temperament and think twice before saying or doing anything.

If your color is blue, you have a strong sense of responsibility. You should be careful that pedantry does not make you too demanding of others. However, your attentiveness to people and gentleness will outweigh the negative traits of your character.

The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy.

In general, dislike of the color blue means anxiety, restlessness, and the need to break out of the surrounding monotony. Perhaps you want to change jobs, or even change your whole life in search of experiences. You are probably tired of the fact that someone is constantly “relying on you,” but your conscience does not allow you to give up everything. Do you wish you were rich or famous (or both?) because sometimes you feel like it allows you to enjoy life without having to work so hard. Deep, rich blue is often associated with sadness and melancholy, which is why some people put it in last place.


Anyone who loves the color purple is an unusual person. He strives for freedom and independence, loves surprises and zigzags. He may seem “sleeping,” but in his soul he strives to fly, dreams of wings in order to fly as high as possible. He loves intellectual communication, and, by the way, he often lacks it! Lovers of the color purple often have remarkable intelligence.

“Violet” personalities are mysterious, have a creative mind and quickly perceive sublime ideas. The color purple is often favored by artists, as well as people who feel that they stand out from the monotony of the crowd around them. If this is your color, you are most likely generous and charming. Purple is often associated with observation, receptivity, vanity and changeability.

Since purple is a combination of red and blue, which are perceived as opposites, your character is characterized by a combination of contradictory traits, and you constantly try to balance between these opposites - the excitement of red and the calmness of blue...

Purple people are considered easy to live with, but difficult to truly get to know. You can be secretive, so even in those moments when you reveal your soul, your closest friends may not always fully understand you.

If you don’t like the color purple, then you are a materialist, you are used to justifying your views on life, you value stability, clarity, and symmetry. They are straightforward and open in communication, and apparently do not like people who are arrogant, unnaturally refined, or judge things superficially.


The color of Mother Earth is associated with strength and reliability. People who are partial to shades of brown have an even character, a strong sense of duty and responsibility, and value subtle humor, simplicity, comfort, quality, harmony and home. A fan of the color brown is thorough and tries to take only deliberate actions.

He prefers loneliness and silence rather than noisy company. Such a person is distinguished by severity in relationships, perseverance in life and frugality. He loves power and strives for it. For him, the most important thing is to stand firmly and firmly on the ground. Such a person rarely makes a brilliant impression on others, but in difficult times you can rely on him. A “brown” person is active in love and devotes a lot of time to it, although love will never prevent him from controlling himself (if only in order not to completely lose his head). He is also inclined to think about the problems of the world, and if he sets a goal for himself, he will achieve it at all costs!

Brown people are loyal friends, understanding but inflexible, they have strong opinions and can be intolerant of those who think, speak or act too quickly. They are attentive to money, know how to look closely at a product and make a profitable purchase.

If you bet Brown color Lastly, you seem to fantasize about a lot of things - for example, you dream of going on a trip with a traveling circus or becoming a racing driver... everything new excites you, and everyday things seem incredibly boring. You are a witty, impulsive and generous person. Life on a farm is not for you, and couch potatoes make you bored. You love people, but they must be bright and outstanding. A serious relationship can be very risky for your partner - after all, it is so difficult to get you to sit in one place!


"Beige" people have the same basic distinctive features, like “brown” ones, only these features are greatly softened and do not appear so clearly. Creamy beige and honey tones take on many of the qualities associated with yellow, while pinkish shades of beige are closer in mood to pink.
The color beige is liked by sincere people who value quality and practicality and strive to remain neutral in difficult situations.

If you don't like beige, you are more reserved than those who don't like brown, but have many of the same qualities. The pallor of beige color symbolizes for you a pale existence - boring and tedious. You hate routine.


Gray is the favorite color of sensible and distrustful people who think for a long time before making any decision. People who prefer this most neutral of all shades have the same neutral attitude towards life, as if they are trying to protect themselves from a crazy world by wrapping themselves in a reliable blanket of neutrality.

If this is your color, you obviously prefer a safe, prudent, balanced lifestyle, and unlike red lovers, you seek contentment rather than excitement. It is important for you to maintain the “status quo” in any situation.

You often make compromises in life. You are practical and calm, and do not like to attract attention, enjoy work and strive to be useful. In general, you are a leisurely, conservative, reserved and reliable person.

Not liking gray means not liking neutrality. You would rather be right or wrong than abstain. Ordinary life is too boring for you: you strive for a fuller, richer life. Perhaps this forces you to often change your attachments, interests and preferences in search of your happiness...

In a word, people who do not like this color have an impulsive, sometimes even frivolous character.


It is a synthesis of all colors, which is why it is the ideal color, the “dream color.” It contains a significant meaning, since it simultaneously conveys the brilliance of light and the coldness of ice. This color can be preferred by a person with any character; it rarely repels anyone.

White color symbolizes purity. Those who prefer pure white to other tones are usually distinguished by accuracy in everything, they are careful and insightful, critical and somewhat fussy. White also signifies self-sufficiency and, often, innocence. He is like a memory of childhood and simplicity...

Dislike of white does not mean that you are a disorganized or unkempt person, but it is unlikely that you are completely possessed by a passion for order, especially since you cannot be called too fussy a person. Slightly asymmetrical things are much more interesting to you than ideal proportions, and a few specks of dust on a bookshelf do not make you want to immediately start a big cleaning. You are relaxed, and it’s a pleasure to spend time with you in company.


Black is not really a color, but the absence of it. However, black has an unusually large number of adherents. The person who chooses it is always ready to fight, he is full of fire and passion. The feelings of the “black” absorb him entirely, sometimes overwhelming him.

This is the color of rebellion, the elements, but not a voluntary feeling, but inspired by circumstances or other people. Alas, a lover of black cannot always correctly assess the situation, which is why he loses and suffers greatly. In his life, intimacy plays a leading role, he is very passionate, a kind of “king of the night”, loves to love and be loved. Regardless of the goal, he always goes ahead without stopping. In a relationship with him, you will definitely encounter uncontrollable emotions.

Often the color black symbolizes a joyless perception of life. Anyone who prefers to dress in black (except for mourning symbols - this is a special case) often perceives life in gloomy tones, is unsure of himself, unhappy, and prone to depression, because he has no doubt that ideals in life are unattainable. Frequently changing a black suit or dress to another, brighter one is an indicator that pessimistic moods are dissipating.

For people who put black in last place, this color can be associated with absolute negation... it is an eternal secret, an abyss, a black hole... It can symbolize death and mourning. Perhaps you were afraid of the dark as a child and forgot about it, but feelings of discomfort haunt you when you look at the color black. However, black may simply seem too heavy and dark for you.

You most likely feel uncomfortable in the company of people with sophisticated manners - you prefer sincere people who do not burden themselves and others with the conventions of social status.

(show “vDud”) Oleg LSP spoke about logical lessons in the songs “Baby Loves the Dealer” and “”:

For me, always, when I touched on these topics, dirty, well, like, I felt that, well, like, something was wrong, well, like, something like this, so it’s impossible, well, just, like the blacks: “I smoked, I drank, I’m all fucked up” - well, like, that’s so, well, that’s wrong. That if you push such crap, you still need to lead to some kind of logical, well, like, lesson. If you're going to... "Mama Baby Loves the Dealer," yeah.

<…>That's why…
Baby loves the dealer, dealer -
He's stylish and bold

Everyone, well, like, who doesn’t enter, thinks: “Fuck, this is, like, a track about the fact that, like, drug dealers are cool, chicks love them.”
- And in fact?
- The track “Baby Loves a Dealer”... By the way, it was recorded with, do you have any idea who he is?
- Well, this is the most smoking and selling person associated with Russian rap.
- Yes, yes, a very funny guy. I had the honor of meeting him personally. One of the funniest people I've ever met, but with his own problems and his own drama.

At that time, he was not particularly... very narrowly known.
- Yes.
“But I really liked his energy and originality. I was thinking about making a track with him, but I couldn’t think of what it was about. But in his work, these themes were style-forming. I was lying, like, in the bathroom and came up with some... tune: “Ta-ta-ra-ran, tar” - and I thought: “Oh, I’ll write a track!” - “Baby loves a dealer, dealer” - well, like, I came up with this. Well, then the story is like a bad guy, like, a girl and, like, there’s a good guy, there’s a bad guy... And the girl, like, from nice guy, with whom it’s not so fun and, like, hmm, who maybe isn’t so rich there, who knows. And there is this bad guy who is fun to be with, who has...
- Going to him?
- Yes, and she goes to him and gets a divorce. The first version of the track comes out, where I tell this story that I just briefly outlined to you, and Young Trapp flies in for the second verse - and in my understanding, he was supposed to tell how he flew into the fits in America: “Here, hi, dudes , I’m Lil Wayne, everything is fucked up, everything is bullshit” - fly away so purely in style: hop, diversify, fly away. Well, Young Trapp pops up and says pretty much the same thing I expected. We sit and listen, and Roma says: “Fuck, well, like, no, bullshit, well, not really, like,” says: “Here’s your text, well, like, fuck it, here - somehow not Very". He does the second and third verses - well, like, more fun, well, in form, but still, well, like, somehow he didn’t get it right. And Roma says: “Fuck, well, like, you should have finished it yourself, well, like, the second one.” And I think: “Fuck, well, in reality, some kind of understatement.” And a week after the release of the first version, well, like, I’m finishing the second verse, which tells how she went to the dealer, got buried in this fabulous bullshit, in this fucked-up place, everything became fucked up with her, and, well, like, circle... ah...
- It's clear. She got…
- “Requiem...”, “Requiem for a Dream”, yes.
- She got her comeuppance, yes.
- And when I finished writing this, then I wrote it down, I heard it - I thought: “Oh! Fuck it all now!”<…>I tried to turn it out as much as possible to show: there is a good side, and then you pay for it - you love to ride, you love to carry a sled.

When I was at school it was fashionable to weave different baubles from beads, ropes, cords and leather. All the girls' arms were hung with different baubles, and sometimes boys too. I wove only from beads, but my baubles were popular and admired by my friends. My sister was more advanced in this; she wove leather, combined it with beads, and braided lucky coins. Now unfortunately baubles They are not as popular, but there are still quite a lot of children and teenagers who enjoy weaving and wearing them. But now they are more conscious about weaving fennec. It turns out they have their own secret language, just like they have their own love language, and so do they.

To understand the secret language of baubles, you need to turn to the history of baubles.

Fenechka is a characteristic attribute of the hippie subculture. Hippies are flower children; they love everything bright, colorful, and sophisticated. A real hippie outfit is a work of art. And the pinnacle of hippie self-expression is fenki.

Fenechka was borrowed from the Indians, and was used as a symbol of friendship - after exchanging baubles, the Indians were considered sworn brothers. Initially, the situation was similar for hippies. But over time, the symbolic meaning of baubles acquired many options besides friendship. Everything depended on its color and ornament. Fenki weave to someone, i.e. made specifically for a specific person, taking into account his character, preferences, and his own attitude towards him.

When donating baubles it is tied into three knots, and on the third knot a wish is made to the person to whom it is given. This bauble is worn without taking off until it falls off or breaks.

Fenechka - this is a bracelet that is symbol of friendship or love and is transmitted from one person to another. More fenki used by hippies instead of wedding rings. Usually like this wedding baubles weave identical ones and give each other. Then it's no longer Fenka of friendship, A Fenka of love. Sometimes beaded rings are made instead of baubles-bracelets.

Baubles of different colors and different patterns can provide various information about the wearer, for example about friendship, love, musical preferences, sexual orientation, etc.

The meaning of flowers in a bauble

  • White - ideal, purity, faith, truth, accuracy, innocence, death (liberation), religiosity, sophistication, freedom, way, road, path, beginning, life, goodness, search, light, independence.
  • Blue - calmness, tranquility, spirit, infinity, melancholy, openness to everything new, purity, long memory, sky, harmony, love of God, friendliness, purity.
  • Blue - harmony, friendship, limitlessness, water, calm, sky, melancholy, hope, mind, spirit, peace, suicide, tranquility.
  • Green - hope, nature, youth, life, forest, plants, harmony, faith, eternity, search for love.
  • Pale Green (Grey-Green)- melancholy, dashed hopes.
  • Red - passion, love, blood, energy, fire, affection, joy, port.
  • Gray - modesty, sadness, insensitivity, old age, passion, punctuality, freedom in solitude (loneliness as freedom).
  • Orange - pacifism, sexuality, severe madness, affection, energy, love, fire, grass.
  • Pink - dreaminess, affection, passion, energy, childhood, tenderness, love, naivety.
  • Black - strong energy, detachment, purification, magic, fearlessness, drugs, occultism, loneliness, mourning, death, freedom, mysticism, reluctance to communicate, independence, sadness, yin.
  • Scarlet - aggressiveness.
  • Yellow - sun, melancholy, despondency, sadness, jealousy, changeability, envy, insincerity, summer, greed, sadness, faith, easy death, beauty, abundance (gold, money), death, madness, insanity, fate (rock), beer .
  • Burgundy - deceit.
  • Purple - wisdom, fantasy, mysticism, extravagance, dreams, originality, friendship, schizophrenia, magic.
  • Brown - death, intemperance, earth, laziness, grass, melancholy, home comfort(hearth).

Combination of colors in a bauble

  • White + Red – free love.
  • Green + Red- love of nature.
  • Blue + Red – pacifism.
  • Red + White + Green- hypersexuality.
  • Purple + Black- black magic.
  • Black + Brown + Yellow- black magic.
  • More than 3 colors (different range) with patterns– psychedelia.
  • More than 3 colors (different ranges) without pattern- roof failure.
  • Brown + Orange– grass.
  • Red + Black – anarchy, sharp mind, mortal love, unhappy love.
  • Black + White + Red– anarchy.
  • Yellow + Blue + Orange– passion for the East and exotic cultures, alternative medicine, eccentricity.
  • Red + White + Blacklife path(birth-life-death).
  • White + Black – drugs, loneliness, pride, “NIRVANA”, birth-death, yin-yang, suicide.
  • Purple + White– white magic, dreaminess.
  • Blue + Red + White– vodka.
  • Green + Yellow + Red– Rastafari.
  • Yellow + Green + Blue- nature, forest, harmony, pacifism, naturalness, brotherhood.
  • Green + Yellow – Jah, “Green Peace” (grass).
  • Brown + White- Jah.
  • Blue + Yellow – Sun in the sky.
  • Purple + Yellow- insanity, paranoia.
  • Yellow + Blue (Cyan) + White– BG (gold on blue, under the blue sky there is a golden city).
  • Green + Black are very strong drugs.
  • Black + Green – no drugs.
  • White + Blue – hope, vulgarity.
  • White + Blue + Black- hope.
  • Blue + White – Lusy in the Sky with Diamonds, LSD.
  • Gold + Turquoise (blue)- “NIRVANA”, nirvana.
  • Green + white – Green Peace, white magic, faith in God.
  • Yellow + Brown + Green– grass.
  • Blue (Light Blue) + Black- homosexuality.
  • Pink + Red– lesbianism.
  • Red + Yellow – crazy love.
  • White + green + orange- hippie.
  • Black + Yellow + White– heroin.
  • Black + Yellow – complete drug addict, eternity, suicide, anarchy, imbalance.
  • White + Pink – variability.
  • White + rare splashes of Red- sexual search.
  • Transparent + Red- pure love, .
  • Brown + Black– grave, death (loneliness in the earth).
  • Brown + Red- down to earth love.
  • Orange-White-Green- passion for Druids, Celts, Ireland.
  • Silver + Black– warlock, magician, witch.
  • Rainbow - a distance equal to the equator along the route.
  • Emerald + Gold + Turquoise- morning in the forest.
  • Green + Blue – track