A pregnant woman's legs hurt at night, what should she do? What to do if your legs hurt during pregnancy? Symptoms and treatment of pathological conditions causing leg pain

Aching joints, “buzzing” in the feet, sudden awakening from severe pain that pulls and twists the calves - such leg problems during pregnancy are perceived as something inevitable that must be accepted and waited out. Weakness of muscles and joints that cannot withstand the increasing load, old injuries and hitherto hidden vascular weakness make themselves felt during this period, forcing the woman to endure pain and limit her movements.

Possible causes of leg pain during pregnancy

If your legs hurt without other accompanying symptoms, you may need to change your activity regimen. Both excessive physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle result in pain that should not be ignored.

Restructuring the musculoskeletal system is also not without pain. In addition, pregnancy is characterized by risks of hormonal imbalance, which can affect the condition of muscles, joints and nerves. Pain in the legs caused by such specific causes requires special attention: by establishing why they arose, you can improve the general condition of the body.

In the early stages

Painful symptoms in the legs caused by walking and standing may be a symptom of varicose veins, as increased progesterone production affects the elasticity of blood vessels. Despite the fact that on early stages Active weight gain has not yet begun, hormonal changes and increased blood supply to the pelvic area exacerbate the discomfort associated with flat feet. If pain is accompanied by swelling, hidden kidney problems may be making themselves felt.

Changes in diet associated with taste preferences, decreased or increased appetite, and toxicosis can also cause leg pain. The joints and blood vessels of the legs react most acutely to excess salt in the body. A lack of potassium, calcium, and iron causes convulsive pain syndrome when the muscles “twist”, or aching pain that occurs at rest, especially at night.

In conditions of reduced immunity in the early stages of pregnancy, exacerbation of rheumatism, arthritis, and spinal pathologies may occur. If bones ache at the sites of old fractures, this is also a sign of general weakening of the body.

In the later stages

Fatigue and pain in the legs in most cases are associated with weight gain and go away after childbirth. Increased hormone production and increased metabolism in the second half of pregnancy lead to water retention in the body, which leads to a feeling of fullness. The extra fluid needed to carry nutrients and oxygen can accumulate, causing swelling in the ankle area. The growing uterus puts pressure on the veins of the pelvic area and blocks blood flow from the lower extremities, increasing the load on the vessels and leading to the appearance of varicose veins.

Sciatica, a pinched sciatic nerve, can lead to neurological cramping pain (we recommend reading: what to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched during pregnancy?). Lack of calcium and large amounts of phosphorus in the body lead to restless leg syndrome. The hormone preparing for pregnancy (relaxin) softens the ligaments, under its influence on last month joints hurt during pregnancy.

Localization of pain

The initial stage of varicose veins is characterized by pain in the legs, in the back of the knees and minor swelling that disappears after rest. Muscle cramps can spread throughout the entire leg, but more often they affect the calves (we recommend reading: Why do pregnant women experience leg cramps?). The feet and arch of the foot hurt during periods of weight gain and a shift in the center of gravity and can be caused by salt accumulation in the ankle joint. Neurological pain affects the back of the leg. Hip pain is characteristic of late pregnancy and, to a moderate extent, is considered a normal reaction to preparation for childbirth.

Severe pathologies, the development or exacerbation of which occurs during pregnancy, are characterized by complex symptoms. Constant pain in the legs, which are accompanied by swelling, deterioration in general well-being, spreading to the lumbar region, back and arms, serve as a reason to consult a doctor. An alarming signal may also be the localization of pain in one leg, which may be a consequence of the formation of a blood clot or an undetected injury. The calves of the right and left legs may alternately contract with cramps that occur due to a deficiency of microelements.

The nature of pain depending on the causes of its occurrence

Tolerating pain and other discomfort in the legs is not The best decision for a pregnant woman. Determining the reason why discomfort, helps to carry out prevention in a timely manner and consult a doctor. Restrictions on the use of medications during pregnancy can be compensated for by physical therapy.

Nature of painRelated symptoms and conditionsObstetric (pregnancy-related) causesPathologies
Aching or paroxysmal pain over the entire surface of the thigh, radiating to the perineumDiscomfort, stiffness and pain in the pelvic areaThe effect of the hormone relaxin before childbirthDefeat hip joint, osteochondrosis, symphysitis
Drawing pain on the back of the legsPain syndrome spreads from top to bottom from the lumbar regionPinching of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterusSciatica
Drawing bursting pain on inside thighs, back and inner surface of the knee areaSwelling in the ankles, itching, burning, pain, mainly at nightLoad on the veins of the lower extremities associated with an enlarged uterus and the intensity of blood circulation in the pelvic areaPhlebeurysm
Spasmodic, shooting, sharp pains mainly in the calf muscleFeels in the initial phase or during deep sleepCalcium or potassium deficiencyUrolithiasis, flat feet, umbilical or inguinal hernia, cystitis (if other characteristic symptoms are present)
Pain in heels, knees, anklesOccurs after physical activityShift in center of gravity, accumulation of salts, relaxation of ligaments due to hormonal changesFlat feet, arthritis, rheumatism
Burning, twisting pain in the calf areaSymptoms are felt until 4 am and disappear by morningIron and vitamin deficiency, hormonal surgesTired/restless legs syndrome, anemia, diabetes, thyroid problems

First aid for leg pain and treatment features

The situation when unbearable pain “twists” the calf is familiar to most women - you need to not lose composure and urgently rub or heat the muscle, trying to restore the mobility of the leg by moving your shin. To stop tired leg syndrome, it is recommended to get out of bed and walk around for a while.

The reason to immediately call a doctor is severe pain in the legs that does not subside when resting. It is especially dangerous if your back or lower back hurts at the same time, numbness occurs in the limbs, body temperature and blood pressure rise, urination becomes more frequent or swelling rapidly increases (see also: what to do if your back hurts in the lumbar region during pregnancy?). When there is pain and aching not only in the legs, but throughout the whole body, and this condition lasts more than 2 days, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics.

Leg pain caused by obstetric causes is treated symptomatically using physiotherapeutic procedures and local medications. Ointments and gels to activate blood flow and relieve pain are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Physiotherapy methods: massage, wraps, compresses and relaxation sessions. It is also recommended to take potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins. When diagnosing pathologies, gentle therapy is used to minimize the risks of miscarriage and fetal development disorders.

Treatment of injuries to soft tissues and joints of the legs should not be started - with reduced immunity, characteristic of pregnancy, healing processes are inhibited, and foci of inflammation may arise that threaten the health of the fetus. Pain and swelling in the legs can be symptoms of gestosis, serious abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and endocrine system. A general deterioration in health or severe pain is an indication for a woman to visit a rheumatologist, neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, nephrologist.

Chronic pathologies must be recognized before they harm the health of the fetus and cause complications during and after childbirth. There are a number laboratory tests and hardware diagnostic procedures that can confirm or refute the diagnosis.

For problems with bones and ligaments, ultrasound or MRI are used instead of radiography. Inflammatory processes are stopped with gentle antibiotics, the beneficial effect of which prevails over the potential harm.

Prevention of leg pain during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, leg health is threatened by a complex of factors affecting blood vessels, muscles and joints. Their negative impact can be reduced or eliminated by:

  • a complete diet;
  • maintaining a sleep schedule, physical activity and rest;
  • wearing anatomically correct shoes;
  • timely access to doctors.

Choosing the right shoes will help you avoid not only foot problems, but will also reduce the load on your spine. You should stop wearing high heels immediately after pregnancy: if you do this while later, weight gain will aggravate transient foot pain. The foot may lengthen during pregnancy, and pain is often caused by tight shoes. Trying on a new pair is best done in the evening. The ideal choice would be sports sneakers with adjustable width and good cushioning.

You need to avoid tight-fitting boots and wear special compression tights and stockings to prevent varicose veins. The load on the musculoskeletal system is relieved by special bandages for pregnant women, which evenly distribute the weight and regulate posture. Comfortable and safe shoes will help avoid ligament injuries, the risk of which increases during pregnancy.

Legs should be raised as often as possible, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing. To prevent night pain, you need to walk for 15-20 minutes before going to bed. Foot mobility can be maintained throughout the day with a simple set of exercises involving twists and rotations. Restrictions in physical exercise can be compensated by softly swinging on a swing or in a rocking chair with emphasis on your legs. While lying on your back, you should place a cushion or pillow 15-30 cm high under your feet and lie in this position for 20 minutes.

If your kidneys are functioning normally, you need to drink more fluids. Contrary to popular belief, dehydration increases swelling. Correcting your diet during pregnancy not only prevents the occurrence of leg problems, but also helps relieve pain that has already appeared. Limiting salty, sweet, fried and fatty foods, focusing on natural foods rich in minerals, will help improve blood vessels, avoid deficiency of nutrients and obesity. If muscle pain occurs, you should avoid drinking coffee and tea.

The time when a woman is expecting a child is one of the most beautiful times in her life. However, pregnancy does not always proceed calmly and without complications. Often this period causes a lot of unpleasant, painful and uncomfortable sensations. At the same time, the expectant mother does not have any pathology. This article will tell you about why your leg hurts during pregnancy in one case or another. You will find out the main causes of unpleasant sensations. It is also worth saying why there is often pain between the legs during pregnancy.

Leg pain

The expectant mother may experience discomfort in the lower extremities. In this case, the pain can be aching, stabbing, pulling, itching, and so on. Each cause of discomfort has its own symptoms.

If you suddenly realize that your leg hurts during pregnancy, you should contact a specialist about this problem. First, visit your gynecologist and tell him about your feelings. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine what kind of specialist help you need. If your leg hurts during pregnancy, then a rheumatologist, traumatologist, surgeon, phlebologist or therapist can improve the situation. The choice of a particular specialist depends on the cause of the pathology. Let's find out why legs hurt during pregnancy.


This pathology occurs in almost 40 percent of expectant mothers. Women who abuse uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes are at risk. Also, varicose veins often develop during pregnancy due to hereditary predisposition. In addition, the pathology can occur in representatives of the fairer sex who work in the service sector and spend all day on their feet.

As pregnancy progresses, the reproductive organ greatly increases in size. This leads to the fact that the large veins of the small pelvis are compressed. The situation is especially aggravated when the expectant mother lies on her back or right side. Legs hurt during pregnancy due to stagnation of blood in them. In this case, cramps, swelling, itching and other signs may appear. Most often, symptoms appear towards the end of the day. It is worth noting that discomfort may only be felt in one or both limbs.

Correcting this condition is not only possible, but also necessary. However, only a doctor should prescribe medications. Most often these are ordinary venotonics in tablet form. In this case, treatment is carried out only from the middle of the term. In particularly severe cases (if thrombosis occurs), it may be chosen surgical intervention. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the risk to the fetus and compare it with the benefit for the child. expectant mother.

Urolithiasis or kidney failure

The calves of the legs often hurt during pregnancy due to impaired kidney function. If there are problems associated with this organ, then you are at risk. That is why it is recommended to carry out treatment if necessary even before pregnancy.

As the uterus grows, pressure on the kidneys increases. In this case, the right side of the body suffers more. The ureters become pinched and the outflow of fluid from the body worsens. All this leads to stagnation of urine and the occurrence of inflammatory process. Kidney pathology is accompanied by an increased load on the vessels and urinary canals. In this case, the expectant mother experiences pain and discomfort in the groin area. The pain may radiate to the lower leg or even the calf.

The disease certainly needs to be treated. However, this can only be done after examination by a specialist and additional research. For correction, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. can be prescribed. Everything depends on the stage of pregnancy.

Lack of vitamins

Why do leg bones hurt during pregnancy? Often discomfort is a consequence of an insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the body of the expectant mother. As the fetus develops and grows, it requires more and more calcium. This substance is necessary for the proper formation of bones, teeth and ligaments. The baby in the womb takes calcium from the body of the expectant mother. This may be the reason for the lack of this element.

If the bones between the legs hurt during pregnancy and the reason for this is a lack of calcium, then the treatment is quite simple. In most cases, the expectant mother is prescribed to take a multivitamin complex and follow a certain diet. All this very quickly corrects the situation and eliminates pain.

Musculoskeletal response

If you have pain during pregnancy, this may be due to a change in load. As the fetus grows, the cavity of the reproductive organ increases. Outwardly, this is quite noticeable: the expectant mother’s belly is growing significantly. As a result of this process, the center of gravity may shift. The load on your back and legs increases. The expectant mother may feel pain in the lower back and lower leg. Discomfort also often appears in the calf area.

Treatment in this case is not prescribed. A pregnant woman with such symptoms needs more rest. If you have to spend the whole day on your feet, try to periodically sit down and relax. A bandage can also be a lifesaver. However, this device must be selected by a specialist.

Divergence of the pelvic bones

If the bones between your legs hurt during pregnancy, the reason for this may be the approach of childbirth. Often, the expectant mother experiences similar sensations already from the middle of her term. At the same time, you get the feeling that you have been riding a horse for a long time. No worries. After a few weeks, this discomfort will disappear and you will feel much better. However, it is worth reporting this sensation to your gynecologist.

Some women do not feel at all how their bones are moving apart. Discomfort usually appears in thin and fragile representatives of the fairer sex.

Body weight gain

Women often have pain in their calves during pregnancy due to fat mass increasing and mammary glands enlarging while they are expecting a baby. Also, one cannot help but mention the strong growth of the tummy. By the end of pregnancy, the weight of the reproductive organ is approximately seven kilograms. This includes amniotic fluid and the baby's weight. The fairer sex's breasts increase by at least half a kilo each. All this does not pass without a trace. Relatively rapid weight gain affects your well-being.

Approximately after (for some even earlier), the lower extremities begin to swell. Many believe that this is a consequence of excess fluid and stop drinking water. However, this action is wrong. Refusal to drink plenty of water can only make the situation worse. If your feet and calves are swollen, you should definitely tell your doctor about it. If necessary, you will be given a series of tests.

Most often, women are recommended to follow a certain diet: give up everything salty, peppery, and fatty. It is worth eating boiled meat, legumes and fish. Drink more. Give preference to plain water cranberry juice and rosehip drinks. Raise your legs up more often or take a horizontal position.

Wrong shoes

If your foot hurts during pregnancy, the reason for this may be the wrong shoes. This often causes a problem. Also, a bad pedicure can cause the nail plate to become bent. Remember that while you are expecting your baby, your feet may swell a little. This is why it is worth purchasing shoes a size larger. Buy only high-quality products that you will be comfortable in. Forget about tight shoes and high heels. You will have time to wear them after giving birth.


If one leg hurts during pregnancy, the cause may be an injury. It is worth noting that during this period old damage may make itself felt. If you sprained your ankle several years ago and did not attach any importance to it, then it may become ill while you are expecting your baby. The thing is that as pregnancy progresses, the load on the musculoskeletal system, in particular the legs, increases. This can lead to inflammation of old lesions.

If a joint or bone hurts in a certain place, and the discomfort intensifies with movement, then you should contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. Most often, if a pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes an x-ray. However, such exposure is contraindicated for expectant mothers. That is why an individual examination and treatment plan will be selected for you.

What to do to prevent leg pain?

If you want to avoid such unpleasant sensations, then you should follow some recommendations. Talk to your gynecologist and find out what preventative measures are available. Most often, doctors give the following prescriptions:

You now know why your legs hurt during pregnancy and what you need to do about it. Monitor your well-being. Have an easy pregnancy!

What to do if your legs hurt? Most often you can hear that you need to lie down. But the opinion that, on the contrary, you need to walk a lot is also not uncommon. Let's consider situations when it is really better to limit activity, and when you can continue to lead a normal lifestyle.

Varicose veins during pregnancy

Your legs may hurt if you have varicose veins - a change in the venous wall with subsequent dysfunction of the vein and the development of venous stagnation. In this case, the legs hurt in the evening, become “heavy”, “hum”, and swell. Perhaps, apart from these complaints, no external manifestations of the disease bother you, but this does not mean that varicose veins do not exist - it is simply still at the stage when it is not visible and manifests itself only as a symptom of “heavy legs”.

In case of varicose veins, it is useful to lie down, but you should not lie down. Namely, several times a day you should lie down for 10-15 minutes, raising your legs slightly above the horizontal level - for example, putting a pillow under them. An active lifestyle is encouraged. Moderate physical activity in the form of walking and swimming is appropriate. The main thing is for the lower leg muscles to work, because they, like a pump, help the blood move upward through the veins. If you lie in bed all the time, the blood in the dilated veins will stagnate and thrombosis (blockage of a vein with clotted blood) may occur. But static load (standing on your feet or sitting in one position) should be limited. If you know you'll be on your feet all day or working at a desk, it's best to wear compression stockings or tights. This is a special knitwear for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs. Such stockings or tights create a certain pressure throughout the leg, preventing the veins from expanding and overflowing with blood.

Compression hosiery is sold in specialized stores. Ordinary tights with a “stretching effect” are not suitable for the treatment of varicose veins. Compression jersey will help overcome the load without harm; for the veins, and by the evening there will be no such pain and fatigue in the legs.

Flat feet during pregnancy

You may have never had flat feet, but it could develop during pregnancy and cause leg pain. With flat feet, the pain is usually in the foot and lower leg. The pain is aching, periodic or constant - it depends on: the degree of flat feet. On initial stages the legs may simply become excessively tired after minor exertion.

What is flat feet and why can it occur during pregnancy? The bones of the foot are arranged in such a way that they form an arch. The arch of the foot is a kind of apparatus that absorbs shocks when walking, running, and jumping. Ligaments help hold the many bones of the foot in position so that it does not flatten under the influence of body weight. During pregnancy, all connective tissues undergo some “softening”. The ligaments become more elastic and pliable, and their function—holding the bones in the correct position—deteriorates. In addition, your normal weight increases by 8-10 kg, which also creates additional stress. When foot function is impaired, the load on almost all joints increases.

So what should we do, lie down? No. Of course, you can walk - only correctly. You probably don’t wear high-heeled shoes now anyway, but completely flat soles are also not the best choice. The most comfortable shoes are those with wide heels, 3-4 cm high. Place an insole-instep support (sold in specialized orthopedic stores or made to order) into it, supporting the arch of the foot, and walk as much as you want - of course, without overworking yourself. Before purchasing insoles, it is advisable to consult with an orthopedist to determine the degree of flat feet and select the best option.

Cramps during pregnancy

Cramps during pregnancy may occur due to low levels of electrolytes in the body. Electrolytes are minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.) involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction. The lack of one of the microelements or the predominance of others leads to involuntary muscle contraction - cramps. Such sharp contractions cause pain.

Painful cramps can occur at rest and during physical activity. If your leg cramps during sports or while walking intensively, it is natural that after this you will want to lie down or at least be at rest. This is really advisable, because... with active movements, metabolism increases, and if heavy sweating also occurs, then the loss of microelements is inevitable. In this case, it is correct to reduce the load and replenish electrolytes. The fact that there may be a lack of calcium or magnesium at some period of pregnancy is natural, because the formation and development of the child’s skeletal system requires an increased amount of these and other minerals. Take special vitamins for pregnant women, they contain a balanced content of all essential minerals. Eat foods rich in calcium (fermented milk products, celery). Additionally, you should take calcium or other microelements in the form of tablets only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the duration of your pregnancy and the content of this microelement in your body. Uncontrolled use of such drugs can be harmful.

A blood test for calcium, potassium and sodium levels will help confirm the cause. At the moment of cramps, pull the toe of your foot towards you: this will relieve the pain a little. It is not necessary to lie down for pain caused by leg cramps.

Muscle pain during pregnancy

Of course, it’s hard to imagine that, while pregnant, you ran a cross-country race, squatted with a barbell, or did a high-impact workout on the steppe, and the next morning terrible muscle pain does not allow you to walk normally. Even if you haven’t done anything like that, but your legs hurt, it means that you have overstrained muscles that are not used to intense work. During the load, lactic acid was released - you will not confuse this pain with another. Lactic acid is formed during the breakdown of glucose. As a result, the working muscle receives “fast” energy, and lactic acid is used by the same tissues, but more slowly. If the amount of broken down glucose exceeds the amount consumed, then lactic acid begins to temporarily accumulate in the muscle tissue and causes some “irritation”, which manifests itself as pain.

Such pain is not harmful, and for athletes it is even pleasant; many consider it an indicator of the effectiveness of training. In this case, there is no need to lie down, because lactic acid is produced when the muscle is working and is also consumed when the same muscle is working. Therefore, despite the pain, try to “work” a little with the muscles that hurt - this will help you use the accumulated lactic acid faster, and the discomfort will go away. This requires dosed physical activity on all muscle groups (physical exercise).

Radiating pain during pregnancy

Radiated pain means that the source of the pain is far from where it occurs. As a rule, the cause of radiating pain is the spine, and the legs may hurt. In this case, back pain is mild or absent altogether. During pregnancy, the spine experiences additional stress. The reasons are the same: an increase in body weight, a shift in the center of gravity, and a softening of the ligamentous apparatus.

A common cause of radiating pain is sciatica, or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs from the spine to the lower extremities. Compression or inflammation of the upper sciatic nerve causes severe pain in the legs along the nerve. It seems that this pain, like a needle with a long thread, “pierces” the entire limb. Starting in the lower back, it reaches the toes. Depending on the location of the pressure on the nerve, the pain may travel along the outer or inner thigh and end in the big toe or little toe.

If your legs hurt like this, then it’s really better to lie down. In this case, a feather bed and a soft mattress are not suitable - the surface should be moderately hard, and it is better to lie on your back. This helps relax the paravertebral muscles and reduce stress on the spine. For pregnant women, starting from the second trimester, prolonged lying on their back is not recommended (in this position, large vessels running behind the uterus are compressed, which can lead to decreased pressure and dizziness), so you will have to look for other ways to relieve pain - lie in a position that is comfortable for you. For prevention (but not in the acute period), swimming can be recommended, which relieves stress on the spine. Go to the pool several times a week if your doctor doesn't mind. Wearing a brace can also reduce the strain on your back muscles. And of course, rest more while lying down, even if not on your back, but in a position that is comfortable for you.

Edema during pregnancy

Swelling often accompanies pregnancy, especially at the end of the second and third trimester. Excess fluid accumulates in almost all soft tissues of the body, but swelling will be most noticeable and noticeable in the legs and arms. You can notice the appearance of swelling in your feet by the cut-in elastic of your socks or tight-fitting shoes. Even with minor swelling, you may feel constant fatigue, heaviness in your legs and moderate bursting pain. To make sure your feet are swollen, apply pressure with your thumb on the front of your ankle. If after pressing there is a depression left, it means there is swelling, and it may be the cause of pain in the legs.

Edema, especially systematic swelling, which appears daily, is one of the manifestations of a pregnancy complication - gestosis, and requires mandatory consultation with a doctor, since with this complication, despite the fact that the condition of the expectant mother remains subjectively good, the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus deteriorates.

For pain caused by swelling, it is not necessary to lie down, but physical activity it is better to reduce, in addition, the doctor will prescribe a number of measures and, possibly, medications to reduce swelling - this is the restriction of fluid, salt, the use of diuretics, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation in the vessels.

Now you see how varied the causes of pain in the legs are and how different the recommendations for movement patterns are in each individual case. Some are not worth worrying about, while others, on the contrary, may be a sign of a serious illness and require immediate medical attention.

Be sure to consult a doctor if:

too much pain, numbness, weakness in the sore leg;

  • pain persists for more than three days;
  • appearance the legs have changed (redness, cyanosis, pallor, swelling have appeared);
  • the temperature of the diseased limb is lower or higher than that of the healthy one;
  • ulcers or any formations appear on the diseased limb;
  • pain is accompanied by a change in general well-being (fever, weakness);
  • there are bone or joint deformities due to injury;
  • the joint hurts and changes;
  • pain is combined with swelling.

All women who have given birth know the feeling of pain in their legs during pregnancy. This symptom is very frightening for women, but this is a normal physiological condition, which is explained by the fact that a woman during pregnancy wears a big belly every day, and it constantly increases more and more. The increased mass puts pressure on the lower part of the body, which is most felt in the later stages.

Causes of the phenomenon

Many men believe that, being in an interesting position, some women want to attract attention to themselves and their condition by declaring various uncomfortable conditions. This can even begin in the early stages. All whims begin with desires and cravings regarding food and end with various ailments in one or another part of the body.

It is worth noting that you cannot ignore any pain during pregnancy, so you must definitely visit your gynecologist, who will conduct examinations to identify possible pathological changes. In certain cases, periodic leg pain in pregnant women may signal the development of a serious disease (varicose veins, deterioration of skin sensitivity, etc.).

Modern medicine, despite the skepticism of the male part of society, fully confirms such an unpleasant phenomenon during pregnancy as pain in the lower extremities. The following main reasons can be identified that cause pain in the lower extremities during pregnancy:

  1. 1. Increase in body weight. During pregnancy, body weight gradually increases and puts pressure on the bones of the lower extremities, especially the feet. The most difficult situation is for women who were obese before pregnancy. At the end of the third trimester, their legs are straight out twisted in pain.
  2. 2. Shifting the center of gravity as the child grows. The muscles of the pelvis and back cannot support the body, so the main pressure goes to the spine and lower limbs.
  3. 3. Fluid retention in body tissues. This causes swelling of the lower extremities, which is often accompanied by shooting pain.
  4. 4. Tight and uncomfortable shoes made from low-quality materials. While carrying a child, a woman should pay special attention to her shoes. Shoes with heels, tight and floaty will cause swelling, which is accompanied by severe pain.
  5. 5. Involuntary cramps and tingling in the leg muscles. This signals that the woman has high blood pressure, which causes an increase in blood volume in the legs.
  6. 6. Change hormonal levels. During pregnancy, the main role is played by the hormone progesterone, which intervenes in all systems of the body, rebuilding them to bear a child.
  7. 7. Ingrown toenails on big toes.
  8. 8. Flat feet may develop under body weight.
  9. 9. Decreased levels of various minerals. During growth, the child takes vitamins and minerals from the mother, which leads to a weakening of the musculoskeletal system. A lack of magnesium and calcium disrupts the structure of the bones, causing pain in the lower extremities, which bear the main load.
  10. 10. Drinking a lot of caffeinated drinks. Caffeine causes an increase blood pressure. Dilated vessels in the legs are under constant pressure.

Among all the causes of pain in the legs, it is necessary to highlight varicose blood vessels. This condition can pose a serious risk to mother and baby. Varicose veins occur very often during pregnancy in most people and last until childbirth. In most women, this disease first appears during pregnancy and accompanies the woman throughout her life. Varicose veins occur because mother and child have one circulatory system, which is under constant load. A strong manifestation of varicose veins is dangerous, because blood circulation in the body is reduced, causing a deficiency in the fetus' supply of vitamins and minerals, and most importantly, oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your legs, noting the appearance of a venous pattern. If it is clearly visible, then this is a reason to consult a doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Symptoms and signs

Most often, a woman feels pain in her legs in the evening and during sleep. A woman feels aching pain in both calves, which intensifies significantly during long or fast walking or long standing. During sleep, muscle cramps and the so-called leg twisting condition may appear.

Varicose veins are manifested by a more extensive set of symptoms:

  • pain in the lower half of the legs;
  • a feeling that your legs are twisting, which makes it difficult to move;
  • it is very difficult to walk far;
  • the appearance of swelling in the legs in the morning after sleep and in the evening;
  • the appearance of a so-called network of blood vessels on the calf muscles and between the legs;
  • muscle cramps, which are most noticeable at night.

In the second half of the third trimester, as a result speed dial As a child, a woman feels pain most in her lower extremities. The most painful areas are the calf muscles and thighs. This is especially felt in the evening or after a long walk.

Treatment methods and pain relief methods

The basic principle of treating leg pain is to reduce or eliminate excess fluid in the female body.To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • limiting daily fluid intake to 2 liters per day;
  • normalization of nutrition (it is best to switch to a dairy-vegetable diet, and also completely eliminate spicy, salty and smoked foods);
  • use of diuretics and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Very often, pregnant women experience a problem such as ingrown toenails. This occurs as a result of the fact that a woman wears tight and uncomfortable shoes during pregnancy or does not completely trim the nail plate. Ingrown toenails lead to pain and swelling in the feet. This problem can be solved at home using foot baths and nail scissors. To prepare the bath, you need to use salt, a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, calendula) and baking soda. Baths are performed 3-4 times throughout the day for up to 30 minutes. After the skin on the big toe has softened, you need to carefully trim the edge of the ingrown nail using nail scissors. To relieve pain at the site of an ingrown nail, it is recommended to apply a healing ointment to the wound. If it is impossible to cut the nail on your own or the pain remains for several days after this, then the woman should consult a doctor who will perform a special operation.

During pregnancy, many women develop flat feet. This process begins in the second trimester due to weight gain. Flat feet manifest as severe twisting pain at the base of the foot and heel. The pain intensifies significantly after prolonged walking or standing. If such a pathology is detected, a woman should visit an orthopedic doctor who will tell you how to put on shoes correctly and how to relieve pain.

If pain in the lower extremities is caused by varicose veins, then the woman is prescribed special knitted stockings that fit her legs, preventing the veins from expanding. Drug treatment used only for complex degrees of the disease.

For decreasing pain Doctors recommend following these simple rules:

  1. 1. A woman should walk less, limiting movement over long distances.
  2. 2. If, nevertheless, a woman needs to be on her feet for a long time, then she should take care of her body by sitting down for at least a few minutes at any convenient moment.
  3. 3. If possible, it is recommended to rest with your legs slightly elevated to improve blood circulation in the lower extremities.
  4. 4. During pregnancy, it is recommended to forget about the habit of crossing your legs while sitting or placing them one on top of the other. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the legs and pelvis.
  5. 5. To prevent swelling, it is recommended to sleep more on your side than on your back. This will help relieve compression of the vena cava, which supplies blood to the pelvic organs and lower extremities. Compressing this vessel slows down the flow of blood from the legs.

Women have suffered from leg pain while pregnant for thousands of years, so... ethnoscience has long developed a number of methods that help alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman.

You can quickly get rid of pain and heaviness in your legs by rubbing them with a piece of ice. For the best effect, it is recommended to add a small amount of mint extract to the water when preparing ice.

Hot baths will help relieve pain cold water: you need to alternately dip your feet in hot water (up to 45ºС) for 3 minutes and in cold water (less than 15ºС) for a quarter of a minute.

Baths made from an infusion of dried nettle, coltsfoot leaves and plantain will help relieve evening heaviness in your feet. It is necessary to chop and mix all the grass. After 4 tbsp. l. Add 3 liters of boiling water to the herbal mixture and leave for 10 minutes.

Wash your feet daily with linden infusion.

You can get rid of swelling and heaviness in the lower extremities with the help of a compress. To prepare it, wrap several pieces of ice in a bandage and gradually apply it to the lower part of your legs for several minutes.

To soften the skin in areas of swelling that cause discomfort in the legs, it is necessary to take a healing bath. To prepare it you need hot water pour 2 tsp. soda, 3 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical infusions of mint, birch buds and chamomile flowers. You should keep your feet in the infusion for a quarter of an hour, after which they are rubbed with pumice and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

To reduce fatigue in the legs, it is recommended to massage them. My husband can do the massage. The feet are massaged with the fingers for 20-30 minutes, and after that the feet are intensively rubbed with a hard towel. Rubbing with a towel lasts 5 minutes. If you have varicose veins, massage is prohibited.

You can relieve tired legs with the help of revitalizing baths from sea ​​salt. In 5 l hot water diluted with 25 g of sea salt. It is also recommended to add a few drops of cedar or fir oil to the water. The bath lasts 20 minutes. Next, you need to dry your feet and lie down on the bed, placing a pillow under your calves.

  1. 1. It is necessary to raise your legs more often. To do this, it is recommended to perform the following exercise: lie on your back, raise your legs 25 cm above the floor and place them on some support. Lie in this position for 20-25 minutes. This simple exercise will improve blood flow from the lower extremities, which will lead to the disappearance of swelling.
  2. 2. Leg rotation. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on a chair, then lift one leg, with which you rotate the ankle 10 times to the left and to the right. The exercise is done 10 times - 5 times on each leg.
  3. 3. Take a comfortable lying or semi-sitting position. Now try to raise your legs above the level of your heart muscle. Try to stay in this position for as long as possible, but no more than 15 minutes.

During pregnancy, a woman should listen to her body, but not panic about every reason. Swelling and pain in the legs can be harbingers of various pathologies, so you must report all changes to your doctor, who will be able to respond to the upcoming danger.