Groin pain in men. Pain in the groin on the left, right, nagging, aching pain in the groin area, lower abdomen. The child has pain in the groin! A child has acute pain in the groin

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There are many reasons that cause groin pain. Often pain in this area is radiating, i.e. transmitted from another area outside the groin. If any pain in the groin occurs, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the pain and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Possible causes of groin pain

Groin pain can be caused by many reasons.

Diseases of internal organs:
1. Pathologies genitourinary system:

  • kidneys (urolithiasis);
  • gynecological diseases (adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis, painful menstruation, tumors of the female genital organs);
  • acute cystitis;
  • diseases of the male genital organs (orchitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis, spermatic cord cyst, prostatitis, testicular torsion, varicocele).
2. Intestinal pathologies:
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal colic.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
1. Spine:
  • radiculitis of the sacrolumbar region;
  • compression of the nerve root between the vertebrae (5th lumbar and 1st sacral);
  • compression of the 4th lumbar nerve root.
2. Hip joint:
  • Perthes disease;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • arthritis, etc.
3. Muscle weakening:
  • inguinal hernia;
  • abdominal proptosis (deformation of the anterior abdominal wall due to muscle weakness).
Nervous system diseases: pinched pudendal nerve.

Diseases of the lymphatic system and circulatory system:
1. Inguinal lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes).
2. Aneurysm (enlargement) of the femoral artery.

Other diseases:
1. Trauma to the groin area.
2. Tumors of various localizations.
3. Genital (genital) herpes in men.
4. Psoas abscess (focus of suppuration in the tissue covering the iliopsoas muscle).
5. varicose node of the leg saphenous vein.

Unilateral (right or left) groin pain

Pain in the groin on one side - right or left - can most often occur for three reasons:
1. With an inguinal hernia.
2. For renal colic.
3. For appendicitis.

Vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles) is also accompanied by pain in the groin area, testicles, perineum, and above the pubis.

Acute inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) can be a complication of an infection, an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary organs, or a consequence of injury. In this case, intense pain occurs in the groin and testicles, intensifying with movement. The pain is accompanied by swelling and redness of the scrotum. The patient's general condition worsens, body temperature rises, headache appears, and sometimes vomiting.

Acute epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) is accompanied by similar symptoms. Pain in the groin and testicles with chronic epididymitis is not so severe; it occurs periodically, but quite often, intensifying when walking.

A spermatic cord cyst causes aching pain in the groin of middle-aged and elderly men. Young men with this pathology usually do not experience pain, and accidentally discover a spherical formation on their scrotum.

Testicular torsion can occur with sudden movements during sports. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain in the groin and testicles. Half of the scrotum rapidly increases in size due to edema. The skin of the scrotum turns blue. A twisted testicle is raised higher than a healthy one. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Body temperature rises.

Dilatation of the testicular veins (varicocele) is characterized by pressing, dull, intermittent pain in the groin that does not have a clear localization. Varicocele can be right- or left-sided, and pain is perceived by the patient on the opposite side, or spreads to the entire groin. Often the patient simply experiences a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the groin.

Any pain in the groin in men requires contacting an andrologist, because... Many of these diseases, if left untreated, can cause a decrease in sexual activity, the development of impotence and even male infertility.

In children

In girls, the cause of pain in the groin can be injury, an inguinal hernia (a rare pathology) and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, usually associated with a cold-like inflammation of the uterine appendages.

A number of reasons causing pain in the groin of boys, much wider:

  • Trauma (including trauma to the scrotum during childbirth).
  • Inguinal (inguinal-scrotal) hernia. As in adults, a hernia appears as a swelling in the groin, on the right or left. When pressed, the swelling disappears, but when crying, laughing or coughing, it increases in size.
  • Orchitis (inflammation of the testicle) - often occurs as a complication after mumps, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, etc.
  • Testicular torsion is characterized by sudden, severe pain in the groin. The skin of the scrotum turns red or blue, and the twisted testicle is located in the groin above the other, healthy one. The cause of torsion in a child can be tension in the abdominal muscles or sudden movement.
  • Hydrocele (hydrocele) is rarely accompanied by pain. Pain in the groin occurs only in case of infection of dropsy. The scrotum of a boy with hydrocele is enlarged in size (entirely or only one half). The color of the skin of the scrotum does not change.
  • Varicocele is varicose veins of the testicle. In young boys it is most often asymptomatic. Only in adolescence The child may complain of discomfort or mild pain in the groin.

Pain in the inguinal lymph nodes

Enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, their hardening, pain in the groin lymph nodes are a signal of trouble in nearby organs. In this case, pain in the inguinal lymph nodes can be very acute. Inguinal lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) may indicate the presence of the following diseases:
  • inflammatory diseases genitourinary organs (cystitis, urethritis, adnexitis, endometritis, orchitis, etc.);
  • fungal diseases of the skin of the feet;
  • benign or malignant tumors of the pelvic organs (in this case, the inguinal lymph nodes enlarge, remaining painless);
  • syphilis (primary stage);
  • sexually transmitted infections (AIDS, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
Therefore, if you find an enlarged and painful lymph node (or group of nodes) in your groin, you need to pay close attention to this symptom and immediately consult a doctor.

The nature of groin pain in various diseases


Such pain can occur when:
  • urolithiasis;
  • acute cystitis;
  • arthrosis hip joint;
  • pinched pudendal nerve;
  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.


Severe pain in the groin area is typical for the following pathologies:
  • algomenorrhea (painful menstruation);
  • acute adnexitis;
  • ovarian abscess;
  • orchitis;
  • testicular torsion;
  • malignant tumors.


Dull, intermittent pain in the groin occurs with varicocele - varicose veins of the testicle.

Pulling, aching

Pain of this nature is typical for chronic gynecological diseases (chronic adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis) and chronic prostatitis. Aching pain in the groin can be accompanied by acute cystitis, as well as physiological menstruation.

In addition, nagging pain occurs in the groin muscles after excessive overload during sports training.


Throbbing pain is usually concentrated in the right or left side of the groin. Right-sided throbbing pain causes the doctor to suspect, first of all, appendicitis.

Severe unilateral throbbing pain in the groin can also occur when a femoral artery aneurysm ruptures (an aneurysm is an enlargement of a vessel associated with stretching or thinning of its wall). The rupture leads to the accumulation of blood in the surrounding tissues; the pain radiates to the groin.

Pain in the muscles of the groin area

Pain in the groin muscles and inside hip pain often appears in athletes after competitions or intense training. These muscles experience the greatest load in football, hockey, tennis and basketball players. Muscle pain in the groin has a pulling, aching character.

Athletes may experience groin muscle strains and even inner thigh muscle tears. But these injuries are classified as traumatic and are accompanied by acute pain.

Pain in the groin when moving (walking)

Most common cause pain in the groin, aggravated by movement (walking), is coxarthrosis - a chronic disease of the hip joint, accompanied by deformation of the articular tissues.

Pain in the groin with coxarthrosis is often one-sided and radiates to the thigh. When walking, they first intensify, then the patient “paces” and the intensity of the pain decreases. But long walking again leads to increased pain. With rest the pain subsides.

Pain in the groin caused by acute inflammation of the testicle (orchitis) or its appendage (epididymitis) also intensifies when walking.

Pain near the groin (above, below)

Pain localized near the groin may be a sign of diseases such as urethritis, stones Bladder, prolapse of the uterus, endometritis (inflammation of the uterus). Ectopic pregnancy can also cause pain near the groin.

The cause of unilateral (right or left) pain above the groin can be an inguinal hernia. Right-sided pain above the groin is characteristic of appendicitis. Bladder diseases may be accompanied by pain above the groin in the center of the lower abdomen.

Pain below the groin (lower groin) is most often muscle pain. Pain of this localization is possible with prostatitis.

Pain in groin and leg

In a number of diseases, pain in the groin radiates to the leg. In this case, painful sensations can affect part of the leg (thigh) or the entire limb. For example, pain in the groin, radiating to the anterolateral part of the thigh, down to the knee, is characteristic of coxarthrosis.

In addition, pain in the leg and groin can occur due to tumors (benign and malignant), osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, inguinal hernia, gynecological and urological diseases, and trauma to the groin area.

Lower back pain radiating to the groin

Such a complex of symptoms is possible with osteochondrosis (mainly of the lumbar spine), as well as with prostatitis, with inflammation of the hip joints and sacroiliac joints.

Sometimes such pain is referred to as pain in the back and groin.

What to do if you have pain in the groin?

Since groin pain is most often caused by quite serious diseases, you cannot simply drown it out with analgesics (painkillers). You need to see a doctor to determine the cause of the pain.

If there is an inguinal hernia, treatment is prescribed by the surgeon. The patient is recommended to wear a special bandage, limit physical activity, and subsequently undergo a planned operation. If there is a danger of strangulation of the hernia, the operation is performed urgently.

Which doctor should I contact?

In case of urolithiasis - examination by a therapist and urologist. Depending on the location and size of the stone, medical or surgical treatment is carried out.

A neurologist treats spinal osteochondrosis. He may refer the patient to a chiropractor, osteopath, physical therapist, or physical therapist. In severe cases, surgery is performed by a neurosurgeon.

Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes require a thorough examination of the patient. It would be reasonable to first contact a local physician, who will prescribe an initial examination (blood and urine tests), and then refer the patient to a urologist, oncologist, gynecologist or immunologist.

Treatment of groin pain using shock wave therapy - video

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Men often come to the doctor with right-sided colic in the abdomen. The specific structure of the groin area creates many prerequisites for the development of pathological processes. The causes of painful sensations are varied and only an integrated approach will allow the disease to be correctly diagnosed. A significant indicator is the type and location of pain. A dull character indicates a chronic disease, an acute one indicates a life-threatening pathology and the need for urgent surgical intervention.

Causes of groin pain

Right-sided pain in the groin in men is explained by malfunctions of the nervous, reproductive and urinary systems, the musculoskeletal system (MS) and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Each of them has its own characteristics, which the doctor must know for correct diagnosis. Prescription of treatment is permissible only after full examination sick.

Let's take a closer look at common diseases accompanied by pain:


A right-sided inguinal hernia occurs when the peritoneum or internal organs protrude into the inguinal canal. Development is facilitated by thinned areas of the peritoneal walls in the groin - deepening of the inguinal spaces.


Protrusion during an inguinal hernia is not always accompanied by pain, and incarceration, that is, compression of the hernial sac, will always be a source of pain. It can be blurry and localized.

The figure shows the types of hernias and places of their manifestation.

Irritable bowel syndrome– disruptions in intestinal motility, digested food moves very quickly or slowly. The location of the piercing pain determines the location of the affected area.

Intestinal obstruction– improper movement of food in the intestines. The pain becomes increasingly acute, and the location of the pain determines the location of the lesion.

Chronic constipation– problematic and very infrequent bowel movements. The patient is bothered by distension and abdominal pain.

Colon cancer. At first it is asymptomatic, but later aching pain occurs at the site of development of the tumor.

urinary system

Urolithiasis disease– the appearance of stones in the urinary system. During obstruction in the lumbar region, acute colic occurs in the right ureter. At the same time, blood appears in the urine and digestion is disrupted.

Cystitis called inflammation in the bladder. It is expressed by punctate colic, which intensifies during emptying.

Appendicitis. The pathology is accompanied by piercing pain in the lower abdomen, transmitted to the groin and right leg. The vermiform appendix is ​​located in the iliac region on the right. Nausea and fever often occur.

Bladder cancer- neoplasm on the walls of the bladder. The disease does not manifest itself until the malignant cells spread to nearby organs.

Urethral cancer- tumor in the urethra.

Urethritis– infectious or non-infectious inflammation of the urethra. There is a feeling of heaviness in the groin, and when urinating, there is a burning sensation and colic.

Reproductive system

Acute prostatitis– infectious inflammation of the prostate gland due to the penetration of microbes. The pain in the groin and perineum will be stabbing. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent and problematic.

BPH– strong growth of glandular tissue. The bladder becomes compressed and pain increases when emptying.

Prostate cancer represents a malignant growth from epithelial tissue. In the later stages, cramping pain and repeated urges to defecate occur.

Vesiculitis– infectious inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Pain in the perineum, moving to the groin; the intensity increases with emptying, a full bladder, and ejaculation.

Epididymoochitis– inflammation of the testicles and appendages. The disease is acute: the temperature is above 38 degrees, acute pain occurs in the scrotum.

Testicular torsion– twisting of the seminal canal when rotating the testicle. Piercing pain causes vomiting and dizziness.

Venereal diseases. Caused by sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms depend on the pathogen.

Nervous and ODS

Groin injuries. They are more common among professional athletes. Increased pain with movement, slight swelling is visible.

Nerve damage in the lumbar plexus. Colic is felt in the groin, radiating to the upper thigh and lower abdomen, and sensitivity decreases.


In the video, an ultrasound diagnostic doctor will talk about the main culprits of groin pain that are detected during an ultrasound.

Causes of nagging pain

In most cases, nagging pain is characteristic of chronic diseases. The most common culprit is prostatitis. Long-term statistics state the fact: 1/3 of reproductive men suffer from prostatitis. Most cases are detected at late stages and are complicated by concomitant diseases.

The main culprit is pathogenic microflora that appears in the prostate gland. Signs: colic during bowel movements, small discharge, feeling of discomfort in the perineum.

Reasons for appearance:

Dull pain indicates a sprain of the inguinal ligaments after excessive stress.

Causes of aching pain

A number of pathologies do not have obvious manifestations and are detected by chance during a routine examination. A person occasionally feels a mild aching pain, but in the future it becomes more pronounced.

Aching pain is a companion to the following diseases:

  • cryptorchidism– failures hormonal levels, problems with conception, delayed puberty in adolescents;
  • prostatitis– problems with urination and potency, the appearance of adenoma, infertility;
  • cancer– weight loss, fever, feeling unwell, feeling foreign body inside;
  • cyst– unilateral testicular enlargement;
  • lymphadenitis– single and multiple swellings with adhesions;
  • abscess– impurities in urine, rash, problematic bowel movements, discharge.

Aching pain will be the main symptom of acute cystitis. This is an acute inflammation localized on the mucous membrane of the bladder. The culprits of the acute form are various infections. Manifestations of the acute form: cloudy urine, aching pain, frequent urination with pain, appears in urine bleeding, nausea, high fever.

The likelihood of developing cystitis increases:

  • injury to the surface of the bladder;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • simple blood in the pelvic veins;
  • decreased protective functions;
  • hypothermia.

Aching pain is provoked malignant neoplasms in the rectal mucosa. She talks about the growth of the tumor and the spread of malignant cells into the tissue of nearby organs, the process becomes irreversible. Symptoms: constant constipation, loss of appetite, bloating, bloody stool, feeling of weakness, pale skin.

Causes of sharp (stabbing) pain

Acute pain often indicates the need for emergency surgery. Not only the disease, but also the pain syndrome poses a threat to health. Treatment will necessarily include pain relief measures.

Stitching pain occurs in diseases:

  • Strangulation of a hernia with a small diameter of the hernial ring. The natural process of tissue nutrition changes, which leads to necrosis.
  • Appendicitis - the right side of the abdomen hurts, sometimes under the rib or on the left if it is abnormally located.
  • Testicular torsion is accompanied by swelling of the scrotum.
  • Urolithiasis is characterized by paroxysmal pain, the intensity of which gradually increases.
  • Intestinal obstruction also has a paroxysmal nature of pain, accompanied by digestive disorders.
  • The abscess has a throbbing pain that constantly increases.

Pain in lymph nodes

Lymph nodes filter lymph and control its immunological composition. They are the first to sense the onset of infection. human body. If colic occurs in the groin, or the lymph node becomes denser, then something threatens the body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is possible in groups and is determined by the infectious focus.

Lymph nodes hurt when:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fungal infections of the lower extremities;
  • the appearance and development of tumors in the pelvis;
  • primary stage of syphilis.

If there is pain in the lymph nodes, it is not difficult to recognize the presence of inflammation:

  • the lymph node is the size of a pea and moves easily;
  • during palpation, severe pain is felt, the lymph nodes are not fused with nearby tissues;
  • heat;
  • redness of the skin indicates suppuration.

Treatment involves surgical intervention.


In the video, dermatovenerologist and urologist Sergey Gennadievich Lenkin will talk about the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men and methods of treating this disease.

Actions for pain in the right groin

If you have any pain, you should seek emergency care. medical care. A favorable outcome is possible only after determining the causes of its occurrence. The doctor needs to determine the severity of the process and choose the right treatment method. However, in many cases diagnosis is difficult. The cause may be not only organs located close to the groin, but also those located outside the “epicenter” of pain.


Before a medical examination, you should not take painkillers, as they will make it difficult to determine the real reason pain. It is also not recommended to make warm compresses or apply a heating pad, so as not to provoke the spread of inflammation. To reduce pain, it is permissible to apply cold for a short time.

The doctor will prescribe a number of tests: lab tests, Ultrasound (genital organs, abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space), uroflowmetry. Consultations with other highly specialized specialists are not excluded.

Important! It is necessary to understand that self-medication and refusal to visit a doctor will worsen the situation. When these diseases occur, doctors are left to fight not for recovery, but for the patient’s life. Chronic forms cannot be treated even with modern medical means.

Diagnosis of pain

To diagnose pathologies that provoke right-sided groin pain in men, the following methods are used:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • examination of the patient by a doctor;
  • diagnostics with special drugs;
  • passing various tests.

Diagnosis begins with anamnesis (questioning):

  1. The beginning of pain.
  2. The moment and conditions of the appearance of a pain symptom.
  3. Nature of pain.
  4. Intensity.
  5. Duration.
  6. Localization and reflection.
  7. Associated symptoms.

For groin pain the following are important:

  • the nature of sexual life;
  • hereditary diseases in relatives;
  • past illnesses;
  • bad habits;
  • working conditions;
  • allergy;
  • quality and quantity of food eaten.

After the interview, the doctor begins an objective examination - palpation (palpation), general examination, auscultation (listening) and percussion (tapping).

Laboratory tests include:

  • biochemical, general analysis blood and urine;
  • prostate secretion analysis;
  • taking a smear from the urethra.

Collection of some tests and examinations is possible only if certain conditions are met. After the appointment, you should definitely ask your doctor about preparatory measures.

Instrumental diagnostics may consist of:

  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • Ultrasound;
  • endoscopy.

The doctor does not always prescribe all of the listed examinations. In most cases, an ultrasound, blood and urine tests are sufficient. Drug treatment is prescribed to eliminate symptoms and eliminate the underlying cause of the disease. In severe cases where life is threatened, surgical intervention is performed, after which a certain period of rehabilitation is necessary.

The causes of right-sided pain in men are varied. A doctor can determine them correctly only after conducting a series of studies. Untimely treatment leads to the development of chronic forms of diseases that disrupt the normal lifestyle and begin to threaten a person’s life. Timely examinations and early detection greatly simplify treatment.

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Physiotherapy method Description Indications
UHF therapy A method of physiotherapy that uses ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields. In other words, this is heat treatment. UHF electromagnetic fields help reduce inflammation and pain, heal wounds and fractures, stimulate peripheral and central circulation, and reduce swelling.
  • acute inflammatory processes of the skin and subcutaneous tissue ( especially purulent in nature);
  • inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Magnetotherapy The essence of the method is the use of a magnetic field, the properties of which have a beneficial effect on the human body. In this case, pain is eliminated, blood circulation and metabolism are improved, as well as stimulation of immune processes and restoration of cells and tissues.
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system ( e.g. arthritis, dislocation, fracture);
  • diseases digestive system (eg irritable bowel syndrome, colitis);
  • for example, prostatitis, cystitis);
  • diseases of the nervous system ( for example, radiculitis, neuralgia);
  • skin rashes;
  • recovery in the postoperative period.
Electrophoresis A method in which the human body is exposed to constant electrical impulses in order to provide a general and local therapeutic effect. Electrophoresis is also used to introduce medicines through the skin and mucous membranes. In this case, the medicinal substance ( for example, painkillers) is applied to special electrode pads and, under the influence of an electric field, penetrates the body through the patient’s skin.
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( eg irritable bowel syndrome, sigmoiditis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system ( for example, urethritis, prostatitis);
  • diseases of the nervous system ( for example, neuralgia, intervertebral hernia);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system ( for example, polyarthritis, dislocations);
  • skin rashes;
  • cicatricial and adhesive tissue changes;
  • contractures;

Preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of pain syndrome should be based on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and on the timely detection and treatment of foci of infections in the body.

Features of groin pain in men

Why do men experience nagging pain in the groin?

Typically, the nagging nature of the pain is characteristic of the chronic course of a particular disease. The most common chronic disease among men that causes nagging pain in the groin area is chronic prostatitis. According to statistics, this disease is detected in thirty percent of patients aged twenty to fifty years.

The main cause of prostatitis is pathogenic microbes that penetrate the prostate gland and infect the tissues of the glandular organ. Penetration of infection most often occurs in an ascending manner - up the urethra.

Factors contributing to the development of chronic prostatitis include:

  • pelvic organ injuries;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypothermia;
  • long-term sexual abstinence;
  • wearing shapewear for a long time;
  • sedentary work or sedentary lifestyle;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • psycho-emotional stress.

In addition to pain, signs of chronic prostatitis include frequent painful urination, slight discharge from the urethra, and discomfort in the perineum.

Often, nagging pain in the groin can occur when the groin muscles or ligaments are sprained, for example, due to excessive physical exertion. This symptom is especially widespread among athletes.

Why do men experience aching pain in the groin?

Aching pain in the groin area is the main symptom of acute cystitis. This disease is characterized by an acute inflammatory process that is localized in the mucous membrane of the bladder. Acute cystitis occurs as a result of infection entering the bladder due to, for example, inflammatory processes formed in neighboring organs ( e.g. prostate gland, urethra).

Predisposing factors are:

  • injury to the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvis.
Symptoms of acute cystitis include:
  • discomfort and aching pain in the lower abdomen and groin area;
  • frequent urination;
  • feeling of pain when urinating;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • cloudy urine;
  • presence of blood in the urine;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.
In addition to acute cystitis, aching pain in the groin area can be a sign of a malignant tumor growing from the mucous membrane of the rectum. In this case, aching pain in the groin will indicate an increase in the tumor to large sizes or the growth of cancer cells into neighboring organs and tissues, thereby indicating irreversible consequences.

Symptoms of colorectal cancer also include:

  • frequent constipation;
  • bloating and rumbling in the stomach;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • pale skin;
  • weakness and weakness.

What can hurt the right groin in men?

Pain that occurs in the groin area on the right side may indicate inflammation of the appendix of the cecum, strangulation of the hernial sac, and obstruction of the right ureter by a kidney stone.
Causes of right-sided groin pain Description
Appendicitis Inflammation of the appendix. Topographically appendix ( appendix) is projected in the right iliac region. When it is inflamed, the patient feels a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the right, which can also spread to the groin area, lower back, and right leg. Often the pain syndrome is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature.
Right inguinal hernia Protrusion of the peritoneum, and sometimes internal organs, through the wide inguinal canal. An inguinal hernia can manifest itself as a painless protrusion or be accompanied by pain when the hernial sac is compressed in the hernial orifice. This condition is called strangulated hernia. A strangulated hernia is characterized by the appearance of sharp local or diffuse pain in the groin area.
Urolithiasis disease A disease in which the organs of the urinary system ( kidneys, bladder, ureters) stones are formed. If the right ureter is obstructed by a stone, the patient will feel acute pain in the lumbar region. As the stone moves along the ureter, the pain will move down the abdomen, groin area, genitals and into the inner thigh. Along with renal colic ( pain syndrome) the patient has hematuria ( blood in urine), there is a frequent, unreasonable urge to urinate and dyspeptic disorders occur, manifested by nausea and vomiting.

What can hurt the left groin in men?

Painful sensations that occur in the groin area on the left side are most often caused by strangulation of a left-sided inguinal hernia.

An inguinal hernia is a disease in which the abdominal wall and internal organs of the abdominal cavity protrude under the skin through the wide inguinal canal. The disease manifests itself as a soft, painless tumor-like protrusion in the groin on the left and a feeling of discomfort. A complication of the disease is strangulated hernia - sudden compression of the hernial contents in the hernial orifice. In this case, the patient feels a sharp and gradually increasing pain in the groin area on the left. The hernial protrusion acquires a dense consistency and becomes sharply painful to the touch. A previously freely reducible hernia is no longer reducible. Pallor of the skin is noted. This condition requires immediate hospitalization of the patient.

Also, pain in the left groin can occur with renal colic, due to obstruction of the left ureter by a stone. The patient will experience sharp pain along the ureter.

Why do men experience pain in the groin and testicles?

Pain that occurs in the groin and testicles in men may indicate the presence of diseases such as epididymo-orchitis and testicular torsion.

Inflammation of the testicle and its epididymis. The cause may be groin injuries, viral and infectious diseases ( e.g. pneumonia, flu), as well as unfavorable factors causing blood stagnation in the pelvic organs ( e.g. drinking alcohol, horse riding). Epididymo-orchitis is characterized by an acute onset. The patient complains of acute pain in the scrotum, radiating ( giving) in the groin area and sacrum. There is an increase in body temperature to thirty-eight to forty degrees. Swelling and hyperemia of the scrotum is observed. On palpation, tension, tightness and an increase in size of the testicle and its appendage are felt.

Testicular torsion
This disease is more common in childhood. The cause may be a wide vaginal cavity of the testicle, an elongated testicular ligament, or a relatively large length of the spermatic cord. Predisposing factors include injury, physical stress and sudden movements - all of which can cause testicular torsion in the area of ​​the spermatic cord. Clinical manifestations there will be pain in the groin area and scrotum, urinary retention, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. There is redness and swelling of the scrotum. When palpated, the testicle is painful, hardened and enlarged in size. When examining the abdominal wall, tension in the abdominal muscles and their soreness are noted.

Why do inguinal lymph nodes hurt in men?

Soreness of the inguinal lymph nodes is caused by their inflammation. Lymph nodes located symmetrically throughout the body are organs immune system. Acting as a protective barrier, lymph nodes filter microbes and their toxins, resulting in an inflammatory reaction. Lymphadenitis ( inflammatory lesion of the lymph nodes) is manifested by swelling, redness and local pain. Lymph nodes increase in size and become dense to the touch. The inflammatory process usually occurs near the main site of infection.

The main causes of inguinal lymphadenitis are:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fungal diseases of the lower extremities;
  • tumor-like processes in the pelvic organs;
  • injury to groin tissue with infection.

Why do men experience pain in the groin and lower back?

Pain that occurs in the groin and lower back in men may indicate urolithiasis. This disease is considered quite common among people of different genders and ages. Urolithiasis is characterized by the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system ( for example, in the kidneys, in the ureter, in the bladder). The mechanism of development of the disease is associated with metabolic disorders in the body. Metabolic disorders lead to the formation of insoluble salts, from which stones are formed.

Predisposing factors for urolithiasis are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • Availability inflammatory process in the kidneys, in which bacteria and desquamated epithelium become the core of the future kidney calculus;
  • nutritional features ( for example, the predominance in the diet of foods that acidify urine - sorrel, tomatoes, citrus fruits);
  • peculiarities drinking water, which contains large amounts of phosphates and calcium;
  • disruption of the outflow of urine with the possibility of its concentration ( for example, with prostate adenoma, due to the small amount of fluid drunk).
Before an attack of renal colic, there are practically no symptoms of the disease.

Factors that provoke renal colic include:

  • bumpy ride;
  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • intravenous drip administration of drugs.
  • When renal colic appears, severe tearing pain occurs in the lumbar region on one or both sides with irradiation ( reflection) along the ureter, into the inner surface of the thigh, into the groin area, into the external genitalia, of a cramping or constant nature. In addition, the patient experiences a decrease in the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys or complete urinary retention, an increase in body temperature and blood pressure, and hematuria is observed ( blood in urine), and also noted

    The hip joint is the largest and strongest in human body. It can withstand quite heavy loads. Pain in this part of the leg can occur for various reasons, during sports or at rest. The nature of the pain can be short-term or permanent. Localization of unpleasant symptoms is possible in different places: in the front or back of the leg, in the groin area, to the knee or lower back. Discomfort can occur in both adults and children.

    The most dangerous causes of hip pain in children

    Pain in the hip when bending in a child occurs when physical activity or as a result of injury. This can cause damage to ligaments and muscles.

    Painful sensations also occur due to:

    • congenital dislocation;
    • osteochondropathy;
    • epiphysiolysis of the head of the bone;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • hidden fractures
    • bone tuberculosis;
    • transient arthritis.

    Congenital dislocation occurs as a result of a violation of the formation of the hip joint. This pathology is visible immediately after the birth of the child, it can appear in subsequent years.

    Osteochondropathy is a pathology that occurs during the period of active growth, from 4 to 14 years. May lead to impaired joint development.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    • discomfort;
    • lameness;
    • loss of leg mobility.

    Epiphysiolysis of the head of the bone is a disease in which bone growth in a child stops, which leads to asymmetry of the legs. Causes may include endocrine system disorders, hip injury, or active sports.

    The head of the bone comes out of the glenoid fossa, this is a very painful condition:

    • excruciating pain occurs;
    • movements are constrained;
    • hip displacement occurs.

    The baby must be urgently hospitalized at the nearest hospital.

    Boys between the ages of 3 and 14 may develop Perthes disease, which affects the circulation of the femoral head.

    This pathology occurs due to:

    • infectious diseases;
    • birth defects;
    • excess load on joints;
    • injuries.

    The pain appears first in the knee, then moves to the hip joint.

    Hidden fractures occur in children when bone formation is impaired due to rickets.

    Unpleasant symptoms in the hip area can be observed with cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms and serious infections. Stenosis and occlusion of the aorta and iliac arteries cause pain and claudication.

    Malignant neoplasms are quite rare in the hip joint. With metastases, the ilium is affected.


    If a child's leg hurts without visible reasons in the hip area, this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body.

    Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the hip joint that occurs due to an infection affecting the bone marrow.

    Young children under 10 years of age sometimes develop bone tuberculosis, which can affect the spine and joints.

    A fairly common cause of hip pain can be arthritis of the hip joint. This disease is viral in nature. The child experiences pain, a swollen knee, possible fever, and a rash.

    Inflammation of the synovial membrane - synovitis, a disease of the lining of the hip joint develops against the background of viral infections. The pathology does not require treatment; it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the joint.

    Lameness and pain may be felt with other pathologies:

    • pelvic abscess;
    • complicated appendicitis;
    • inflammation of the female genital organs;
    • retroperitoneal hematoma.

    If a child complains of hip pain and limps, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely treatment will help avoid serious consequences.

    Doctors to see

    The causes of leg pain in the thigh when walking in a child are often injuries. The child may hit his hip or fall on his leg. Treatment should be carried out by a qualified physician. He will determine the diagnosis, prescribe therapy and prevent the development of complications.

    If you have any complaints about pain, you should contact a specialist:

    • osteopath;
    • neurologist;
    • orthopedist;
    • surgeon;
    • chiropractor;
    • pediatrician;
    • reflexologist.

    During the examination, the doctor pays attention to appearance legs, stiffness of movement, conducts a frog test. When lying down, the affected hip should bend in the same way as the healthy one. If the child cannot do this, an examination will be required to determine the diagnosis. The doctor pays attention to the gait.

    The following are prescribed as diagnostics:

    • external examination of the patient;
    • blood tests;
    • X-ray of the hip joint;
    • ultrasound.

    It is necessary to seek help from specialists in a timely manner. You should not hope that the disease will go away on its own. It is important to begin timely therapy aimed at eliminating the pathology.

    Treatment of hip pain

    Pediatric analgesics

    After conducting the diagnosis and making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment. The choice depends:

    • from the individual structure;
    • causes of pain.

    If an injury is detected, movement is limited and a plaster cast is applied to the affected area. If the fracture is complex, then surgery is performed.

    Complex therapy methods:

    • Severe pain is relieved with analgesics. Pain-relieving injections are especially effective. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
    • For injuries and inflammations, ice is used; it must be applied for 10–15 minutes.
    • If the cause of the pain is arthritis, you can warm the sore area or take hot baths.
    • For the first time, bed rest and reduced physical activity are prescribed.

    The following are actively used as additional treatment:

    • Thigh massage to improve blood circulation and relieve pain.
    • Therapeutic gymnastics, swimming.
    • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

    It is important to monitor your body weight because excess weight increases stress on the joints and can lead to the development of diseases.

    The main treatment is related to eliminating the cause of the pain.

    Folk remedies

    Eggshells with sour milk relieve joint pain

    Used successfully for pain relief and as adjunctive therapy ethnoscience. There are many time-tested recipes:

    • Apply a compress of cabbage leaves smeared with buckwheat honey to the sore spot at night and wrap it in a warm towel.
    • 50 gr. pour 400 ml of vodka over lilac flowers, leave for 10 days, drink 50 drops before meals.
    • White from 2-3 eggs, 50 ml of alcohol, 50 g. mustard powder, 50 gr. Mix camphor until smooth. Rub the product into the sore spot.
    • Crush the egg shells, mix with yogurt or milk, apply the paste on the thigh, and wrap with a warm scarf.

    It is necessary to monitor your diet, take more vitamins, exercise and stay outside more. fresh air. Important for proper growth and development healthy image life and good mood.

    There are many reasons for such pain. It can occur when the hip joint is subluxated, or it can appear when a muscle is strained. Kids are very active people. But despite the increased hypermobility of joints caused by young age, there is always a risk of injury to ligaments and joints. But the most serious cause of pain in a child’s groin may be an inguinal hernia.

    In such cases, immediate consultation with a surgeon is necessary. When a subluxation occurs, swelling of the soft tissues and periarticular bursa may begin, which can lead to difficulties in straightening the dislocation. Swelling will disrupt the full blood supply to the soft tissues, and this can provoke long-term and difficult-to-treat pathological changes.

    If groin pain is a symptom of an inguinal hernia, then there is a risk of entrapment. When pinched, necrosis of the pinched intestine rapidly develops. In any case, only a doctor can say for sure why the child has pain in the groin?


    With pain in the groin, the child experiences some suffering. This manifests itself in anxiety and crying. In such cases, refusal of food and food is possible. And this is a very wise reaction of the child’s body. If you have an inguinal hernia, you should refrain from eating large meals until you visit a specialist.

    It is the responsibility of the parents to show the child to a pediatric surgeon as soon as possible. While the parents and the child wait for the doctor, children's painkillers can be given. Try to force the child to lie still so that he does not worsen the situation with his movements.

    In the case of dislocation and inguinal hernia, excess stress on the muscles leads to increased compression of the inflamed area.

    Pain in a boy's groin

    My 3.5 year old son today complained of pain in the groin on the right. There is no pace. There are no external changes. When pressed it hurts, when squatting and standing on tiptoes it also hurts. The pain is not acute, his condition is normal, he went to bed as usual.

    Tomorrow, of course, we will make our way to the pediatric surgeon.

    Has anyone encountered this? What they were doing?

    There may be an inguinal-scrotal hernia, or it may simply be an accumulation of calcification. You definitely need to see a surgeon, and keep an eye on it: if it increases in appearance in this place, then there may be a strangulation, then immediately call an ambulance

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    A boy has pain in the groin.

    Moms, please give me an idea of ​​what could be bothering the child. what is the cause of pain?

    Son is 5 years old Last year sometimes (about 3 times this happened in a year) he complains of pain in the groin on the hip side. This happens extremely rarely and is not always associated with increased physical activity.

    Visually, to this day there have been no changes in the testicles, skin, bones, or muscles.

    Today I complained, I examined it and found a small swelling in the groin on the side of the thigh, it can only be felt with the fingers, it is almost invisible to the eye, but if you compare it with a similar place on the other thigh, then there is still a swollen area

    What could it be?

    Can you recommend a pediatric surgeon who is attentive and good? It is better at the bottom of the gray and orange branches.

    Groin pain in children

    Pain in the groin usually indicates a hernia in this area. This phenomenon is possible due to muscle pinching of a segment of the intestinal loop. When the muscles weaken for some reason, prolapse of a loop of intestine into the weakened area becomes possible. This is how a hernia is formed, or, as it is also called, a strangulated hernia.

    But not only it can cause pain in the groin area. Some infectious diseases cause exactly the same symptoms; only a doctor can distinguish one from the other. Kidney stones can also cause groin pain.

    Diseases by symptoms

    Any symptom is a signal from the body that any organ, department or entire system is damaged. To find out why pain in the groin area occurs, you need to rule out certain diseases. Make sure that your baby undergoes timely diagnosis, check with doctors about the cause of the pain in the groin area, and how to quickly and effectively improve the child’s condition.

    The list of diseases in which children experience pain in the groin area:

    Pain in the groin occurs due to various reasons that can only be determined by a specialist. Do not risk your child’s health and do not try to treat it yourself at home, as pain in the groin can be symptoms of serious diseases.

    In some cases, such symptoms appear as a reaction to increased gas formation. The doctor will clarify all this and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment. In more serious situations, such as a strangulated hernia, surgery may be prescribed.

    Treatment and specialists

    Only a qualified specialist should treat groin pain in children. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat groin pain in a child, how to get rid of complications from groin pain and prevent its occurrence in the baby in the future.

    The following doctors can answer the question of what to do if your child has groin pain:

    The child can usually show where it hurts and describe the severity pain. But only a specialist can determine the nature of the phenomenon. To avoid serious complications and not to aggravate the situation, it is recommended that if you have moderate pain in the groin, you should immediately contact a specialist at the clinic.

    It would not be superfluous to remind once again that the disease detected on early stage is treated faster and more effectively than advanced conditions. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor according to the age of the child.

    Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about groin pain in children. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at around “36.6”.

    Find out what can cause the disease and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

    In the article you will read everything about methods of treating such a disease as groin pain in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

    You will also learn how untimely treatment of groin pain in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent groin pain in children and prevent complications.

    And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of groin pain in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat groin pain in children?

    Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

    Why does a child have tongue allergies?

    When a child complains of pain, you should not ignore such calls for help. After all, any, even minor, complaint can indicate significant problems with the baby’s health. What to do if a child complains of groin pain?


    With pain in the lower abdomen, the child becomes capricious, restless, and cries. He may have no appetite. Before visiting the doctor, you can give painkillers for children to ease the baby's condition. The child should be at rest, lying down.

    Causes of groin pain

    1. The first thing that causes pain in the groin is a hernia. It occurs when the tissues become weak and can no longer support the intestinal loops. It is especially visible when the child is standing. Depending on what kind of hernia it is, surgery may be needed. Therefore, it is best to immediately consult a doctor if your baby is bothered by pain in the groin area.

    If there is swelling of the lymph nodes, but there is no pain, then this may indicate the development of cancer or a benign tumor.

    What to do?

    If your child complains of groin pain, the first thing you need to do is seek help from a doctor. This is necessary because there are many diseases that can lead to pain. This may first be a pediatrician, who will most likely give you a referral to a pediatric surgeon. The doctor will examine your baby and, based on the tests, will be able to make the correct diagnosis. After which you will need to start treatment. Do not ignore any complaints from your child, as this can lead to very serious problems with his health.

    Groin pain in a teenage boy

    My son has been complaining for a good couple of weeks now of severe aching pain in the groin area - according to him, it’s even difficult to move his legs, let alone roll over from side to side while sleeping. My husband and I are very concerned, because we don’t yet have the opportunity to see a doctor, and we ourselves don’t even know what could be causing the pain in the boy’s groin! Help us out urgently - help us figure out how to act in this situation!

    Well, it’s very sad that at the moment you cannot consult a specialist, because with such things, first of all, it’s better to go to the doctor!

    But while it comes to that, try to remember first whether your son overloaded himself in any way physically in Lately, after all, one of possible options manifestations of such pain may well be an inguinal hernia. However, again, whether it is a hernia or something else, only a specialist can tell you, so my advice to you is: rather, find this very “opportunity” to visit the doctor!

    Sudden pain in the groin area in boys

    The reproductive system of boys is very vulnerable. Rarely, serious injuries to the external genitalia occur in boys, threatening their male health in the future.

    Pain in the groin area in boys can occur due to inversion or torsion of the testicle. Testicular volvulus most often occurs in adulthood. With injury to the inguinal scrotum and area, sudden abdominal tension, sudden movements, persistent coughing, masturbation, the testicle may rotate around a horizontal or vertical axis. When the testicle is torsed, blood circulation in the epididymis with the testicle is disrupted. An acute disturbance of lymph and blood flow, resulting from compression of the vascular pedicle, can cause a total hemorrhagic infarction. If blood circulation is not restored soon, irreversible pathological changes may occur in the testicle. Testicular necrosis in children occurs quickly - within 6-10 hours from the onset of the disease. In other words, testicular death can happen very quickly.

    Signs of testicular torsion

    • severe swelling of the scrotum;
    • the testicle is enlarged in size;
    • the spermatic cord is painful;
    • the child shows anxiety;
    • the baby has an elevated body temperature;
    • vomiting and nausea;
    • sudden sharp pain in the groin area;
    • acute urinary retention.

    How to help with testicular torsion?

    If your baby has such signs, call urgently “ ambulance"! For testicular torsion, treatment results depend on the degree of torsion, duration of the disease and destructive changes in the testicle. In many cases, you can save your baby's testicle for 6-8 hours after torsion. But already 24 hours after torsion, the testicle is usually nonviable. Only unwinding of the spermatic cord can save a twisted testicle from necrosis. This can be achieved by two methods - surgically and conservative manipulative untwisting in the opposite direction. The prognosis with timely surgical intervention is most often favorable. The testicle is removed only if it is completely necrosis.

    Groin pain

    Very often, pain in the groin can signal quite serious illnesses. The groin is the area located at the lower border of the abdominal cavity and joins the thigh. This is where the inguinal canal with the large blood vessels of the thigh passes, and also the spermatic cords in men. Therefore, if a nagging pain in the groin appears, like pain of any other kind, it is worth responding to it immediately.

    Here are also the round ligament of the uterus in women and loops of intestines that can form a hernia. That is why pain in the groin area (as well as direct pain in the genital organ) should be noted immediately, and if it does not go away within 24 hours, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pain.

    Causes of groin pain

    The causes of groin pain in women may be as follows:

    • intestinal diseases (diverticulitis; intestinal cancer; intestinal obstruction accompanied by abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and fever);
    • diseases of the uterine appendages of an inflammatory nature, accompanied by acute pain in the groin, deterioration of the general condition, elevated temperature, painful sensations in the lower abdomen upon palpation;
    • torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst or its rupture. They may be accompanied by unilateral, acute and severe pain in the groin, fever, vomiting, and a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
    • ectopic pregnancy, characterized by cramping, gradually increasing pain in the groin area, combined with abdominal pain radiating to the anus (in case of rupture fallopian tubes the pain becomes unbearable);
    • pregnancy, characterized by nagging, aching pain. Their appearance is associated with a physiological discrepancy pelvic bones before childbirth and with sprain of the ligaments that hold the uterus to the inner walls of the pelvis;
    • algomenorrhea (pain before menstruation). Such pain can be aching, cramping, starting 1-2 days before menstruation.

    Causes of pain in the right groin in men (as well as on the left side and in the center):

    • inguinal hernia, characterized by unilateral pain;
    • chronic prostatitis, manifested by constant aching pain;
    • vesiculitis;
    • orchitis, accompanied by severe pain, aggravated by movement, as well as redness and swelling of the scrotum;
    • acute epididymitis (symptoms similar to orchitis);
    • spermatic cord cyst, accompanied by aching pain (observed in middle-aged and elderly men);
    • testicular torsion, which can occur after sudden movements during sports. It may be accompanied by acute severe pain, enlargement of half of the scrotum and bluish skin on it, as well as nausea, vomiting and fever;
    • varicocele (swelling or swelling on the veins of the penis). It can manifest itself in pressing, dull, non- constant pain in the groin without clear localization.

    In addition, groin pain can be caused by:

    • genetic herpes;
    • cryptorchidism;
    • groin injury;
    • tumor diseases;
    • vesiculitis;
    • proptosis;
    • colliculitis;
    • lipoma of the spermatic cord;
    • epididymitis;
    • varicose veins located in the great saphenous vein of one of the lower extremities.

    Groin pain in a child

    Groin pain in a child can be caused by many reasons. The cause of groin pain in girls can be injury, an inguinal hernia, or enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. The latter is often caused by cold inflammation of the uterine appendages.

    Pain in the groin in a boy may be associated with:

    • with injury;
    • with an inguinal hernia;
    • with testicular torsion;
    • with orchitis;
    • with hydrocele;
    • with the formation of varicocele.

    One way or another, if a child has one or more symptoms of such pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Pain in left groin

    Pain in the left groin can be caused by either an inguinal hernia or renal colic. Inguinal hernia is a disease mainly of men, and women rarely suffer from it. Pain in the left groin with this disease is accompanied by the appearance of a swelling in the groin, noticeable when standing and painful when touched.

    The cause of the disease is the displacement of intestinal loops from the abdominal cavity to the groin, caused by weak muscles and ligaments of the anterior abdominal wall. Advanced cases are characterized by a pinched inguinal hernia, accompanied by symptoms such as sharp pain in the groin on the left side and lower abdomen.

    The cause of renal colic, characterized by sudden acute pain in the groin, lumbar region and bladder area, is urolithiasis, complicated by the passage of a stone from the kidney and its movement along the ureter. Sharp and excruciating pain in the left groin and thigh in this case is accompanied by frequent urges to urination.

    Pain in right groin

    Pain in the right groin can accompany inguinal hernia, renal colic and appendicitis. Pain in the groin on the right with appendicitis intensifies gradually, starting in the epigastric region and falling lower and lower.

    General pain in this case intensifies when lying on the left side, pain appears in the groin on the right when walking, and sometimes the pain is localized in the rectum. If you have at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor for qualified medical help.

    Pain in the lymph nodes in the groin

    It is well known that lymph nodes filter lymph and control its composition, and therefore they are the first to suffer when an infection enters the body. Thus, pain in the lymph nodes in the groin, accompanied by their hardening, indicates a threat to human health.

    Pain in the inguinal lymph nodes may indicate the presence in the body of:

    • fungal infections;
    • sexually transmitted diseases;
    • diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • primary stage of syphilis;
    • tumors of any etiology.

    Pain treatment

    Any treatment for groin pain is impossible without first contacting a specialist. It involves drug or surgical elimination of the causes of the disease. It is impossible to simply drown out such pain with analgesics due to the fact that it can be a sign of serious diseases leading to pathological changes in the body.

    Causes, degrees and symptoms of varicocele in adolescents

    Varicocele is a disease associated with high blood pressure in the renal artery, which leads to dilation of the spermatic veins.

    The disease is diagnosed in adult men and adolescents, but there are many cases where it manifests itself at an earlier age.

    Due to the structure of the body, varicose veins are usually observed on the left side of the scrotum. Less commonly, varicoceles appear in the veins of both testicles.

    If venous expansion appears on the right, additional medical examination of the teenager is required, as it may be a consequence of other diseases, including peritoneal tumors.

    Today we’ll talk about varicocele in a teenager: what it is, its causes and symptoms.

    What does varicose veins of the testicles look like in teenagers?

    At the zero stage, varicocele in children and adolescents does not appear outwardly. The dilation of the veins is not noticeable upon examination, but it can be detected during ultrasound or venography.

    If the boy does not undergo such examinations for some other reason, then an incipient varicocele will not be detected during a routine examination. There is usually no pain in the groin area.

    With grade 1 varicocele in adolescents, swelling of the scrotal veins is observed only with increased intra-abdominal pressure. Teenagers may complain of pain in the groin area and surrounding tissues.

    Pain occurs after a hot shower or bath, after lifting weights, when tensing the abdominal muscles, after sexual intercourse. Sometimes pain occurs when running or walking quickly. These are unpleasant, nagging pains that disappear with rest and in a supine position.

    To diagnose the disease, a urologist may perform a Valsalva maneuver. If the patient tenses, strains and holds his breath, and the veins in his scrotum swell, then most likely he has stage 1 varicocele.

    If the disease has reached the second stage, it is easily determined when examining a teenager in an upright position. The doctor detects enlarged veins in the scrotum upon palpation. At stage 2 of varicocele, quite severe pain, impaired potency, increased sweating, and burning in the groin area may appear.

    The pain may have an unpleasant, pulling nature. Upon palpation, the doctor may detect a decrease in the elasticity of one of the testicles and a decrease in its size. The testicle, located on the affected side of the scrotum, begins to move downward. Part of the scrotum may have a bluish tint.

    At the third stage of varicocele development, the appearance of the scrotum changes; during a routine examination at school, the doctor may detect swollen veins. Veins are visible through the skin of the scrotum. The skin on the affected side often becomes bluish, and the testicle is located significantly lower than on the healthy side. The disease is accompanied by nagging pain, burning, and decreased potency.

    When conducting more in-depth studies in the second and third stages of the disease, atrophic changes in the vessels inside the testicle and changes in the germinal epithelium can be detected. When examining adolescents, as a rule, they do not take a spermogram; this diagnostic method is suitable for older men.

    What is the danger of varicocele in adolescents aged 14 - 16 years?

    Constant pain prevents a young man from playing sports or doing physical work; it can lead to a decrease in potency. In addition, a young man may feel inferior due to the fact that his genitals are deformed.

    This disease is not life-threatening, but can greatly worsen the quality of life, as it ultimately leads to male infertility. According to statistics, in 20-30% of cases, the man is “to blame” for the childlessness of a family.

    The disease, which manifests itself early, can progress and lead to a limitation of suitability for military service. During the first examination by doctors of the draft commission (at the age of 16), a teenager with varicocele in the second and third stages is given a referral for examination and surgery.

    If he refuses the operation in writing, he will be declared temporarily unfit for service. If the military registration and enlistment office doctor detects a varicocele at the first stage, and the disease does not manifest itself as pain (there were no several visits to the urologist during the year), then the young man will be declared fit for service.

    For young men who want to enroll in military schools or undergo military service, it is extremely important to cure this disease before the age of 18.

    Why does the disease occur?

    One of the reasons for varicocele in adolescents is the body’s congenital predisposition to this disease. The location of the veins and their structure are purely individual. The weakness of the walls of blood vessels and the expansion of the venous lumen leads to the fact that the blood in the peri-sperm vessels circulates poorly and stagnates, so the veins gradually expand.

    Other causes may also contribute to the occurrence of varicocele. Excessive tension in the abdominal muscles during weightlifting, bodybuilding, and heavy physical work causes internal organs and blood vessels to move downward.

    The vessels leading to the testicle become compressed, which prevents blood circulation, and the veins increase in diameter. This can also occur with constipation, severe cough, or with the growth of prostate adenoma.

    To prevent varicocele, parents should monitor the health of their teenager. Physical exercise at this age should be varied and moderate. Boys and teenagers under 18 years of age must not be involved in work involving lifting and moving heavy objects.

    Treatment of varicocele in adolescents

    Constant contact between the doctor and the teenager’s parents will help cope with the disease. When treating varicocele, the young man should be observed by a urologist and come for routine examinations. The doctor may prescribe drug treatment, physical therapy or recommend surgery.

    Scheduled inspections

    If a varicocele is detected in the zero or first stage, the urologist will register the teenager and recommend that he come for scheduled examinations after certain periods of time (usually every six months). If there is no pain, then treatment is not prescribed. The doctor should simply observe the patient so as not to miss the time to start treatment.


    The doctor may prescribe gentle massage of the testicles and special exercises for the legs and lower body. Exercise and massage will ensure uniform blood circulation in the abdomen and pelvis. During physical education classes at school and in sports clubs, a young man should not experience extreme stress and greatly strain the abdominal area.

    Drug treatment

    Parents of teenagers are afraid of the upcoming operation, so they often turn to the urologist with a request to prescribe medications for oral administration. Many urologists consider treatment of varicocele in adolescents without surgery to be ineffective, so they use it only at a very early stage.

    Varicocele in a teenager: is surgery necessary?

    The operation is prescribed if the testicle begins to decrease in volume or stops growing, with constant pain in the scrotum, as well as with a bilateral form of the disease (stages 2 and 3). The operation is indicated if there is a noticeable difference in the consistency of the testicles (the testicle on the affected side has become softer).

    The decision on surgery is made separately for each specific case, taking into account the opinion of the teenager’s parents. If for some reason it was decided to postpone surgery, the teenager should be re-examined by a urologist in six months.

    During the operation, the spermatic vein is constricted, after which the testicle will be supplied with blood through other vessels. Ligation of one artery does not lead to testicular atrophy. There are three ways to access blood vessels - retroperitoneal, infrainguinal and inguinal.

    The operation can be performed on an open cavity, through a small incision (from a mini-access); nowadays, endoscopic operations are increasingly being performed on adolescents. Less common is surgery to sclerotize the spermatic cord. To restore normal blood circulation, microsurgical revascularization of the testicle is also performed.

    As a rule, the patient is discharged from the hospital on the third or fourth day, and after a week he can attend school. The doctor schedules scheduled appointments to remove stitches and monitor the young man’s condition.

    For several months, the urologist monitors the teenager’s condition in order to take timely measures in case of complications. After recovery, the patient must constantly visit the doctor and independently monitor changes.

    Timely detection of varicocele will help a teenager avoid many unpleasant moments in the future; timely treatment will relieve discomfort and will help you experience the joy of fatherhood in the future.