The norm of red blood cells in pregnant women is the 2nd trimester. What causes low red blood cells during pregnancy? Reasons and methods for normalizing red blood cells. Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system

It is important for expectant mothers to monitor their health. To do this, you need to undergo special examinations, including regular blood and urine tests. They will help detect diseases that a woman may not have known existed. For example, red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy are a sign of infection in the body or pathology genitourinary system.

The appearance of red blood cells in the urine of pregnant women is called hematuria. Depending on the number of red blood cells, macro- and microhematuria are distinguished.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells that are present in sufficient quantities in the blood of every person. Their task is to transport oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. Red blood cells are synthesized in the bone marrow; their lifespan on average does not exceed 120 days. After this, they leave the body through the spleen and liver disposal system.

Thus, the role of red blood cells for a person, in our case - for a woman preparing to become a mother, is invaluable - they are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. But if red blood cells are present in the urine during pregnancy, this should alert the attending physician.

Red blood cells in urine during pregnancy: normal

The body of every pregnant woman undergoes major changes with the onset of conception. Many physiological mechanisms proceed according to a changed scenario due to the growth and development of the unborn baby. That is why during pregnancy it is important for every woman to monitor her own health.

Elevated red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy are an indicator of trouble. Normally, pregnant women should not have red blood cells in their urine; one is allowed to appear in the field of view. If the red blood cells in the urine are elevated during pregnancy, there are more than 3-5 of them, then the woman is asked to take a urine test again.

Even a small amount of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy is unacceptable; this phenomenon is called microhematuria. If urine due to the presence in it large number erythrocytes acquire a reddish tint, we are talking about gross hematuria. Both of these conditions require diagnosis and elimination of the cause that caused them.

Causes of high red blood cell count

If in the urine expectant mother red blood cells are detected, the doctor finds out the cause of hematuria. First of all, he must exclude pathological conditions of the kidneys and cancer. In this case, a woman should not panic, since the appearance of red blood cells in the urine is not always an indicator of a serious illness. Perhaps we are talking about errors in urine collection or more harmless conditions.

Experts distinguish between true and false hematuria. In the case of true pathology, red blood cells are processed by the kidney tubules. This phenomenon means that pathological changes have occurred in the upper organs of the urinary system. If the analysis shows intact blood cells, it means that we are not talking about a true process, that is, the disease has affected the bladder and urethra.

Let us highlight the main causes of hematuria:

  • urolithiasis (stones injure the walls Bladder and ureters, causing minor bleeding);
  • pressure of the uterus on the genitourinary system, which often causes stagnation of urine and provokes disorders of the urinary organs;
  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • , glomerulonephritis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • injuries of the renal tubules and ureters;
  • diabetes;
  • quality composition of consumed water;
  • scratches, cuts and scratches in the groin area;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress factors;
  • hot weather.

To find out what caused the appearance of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, after examining the woman, a specialist prescribes the following additional tests:

  • - examination of the condition of the cervix using a special colposcope (microscope);
  • bacteriological culture from the mucous membrane of the cervix and urethra to study the microflora to exclude possible infections, in particular Trichomonas;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and pelvic organs;
  • blood tests: repeated general and Nechiporenko tests.

Rules for collecting urine for pregnant women

To exclude the erroneous appearance of leukocytes and red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, it is necessary to learn how to correctly collect urine for general analysis.

Urine should be collected strictly in the morning, after the usual hygiene - washing (in no case should it be confused with douching). It is advisable to collect urine in special containers designed for this purpose - they are sterile and are sold in every pharmacy.

Immediately before collecting urine, the vaginal opening is covered with a clean gauze swab. You need to collect a medium portion, so urination should begin not into the urine collection container, but past it into the toilet or bidet. Having collected the middle portion, the container must be closed with a lid and delivered to the laboratory as quickly as possible: the container cannot be stored for longer than 2 hours, otherwise this may affect the analysis results. When collecting urine, it is important to ensure that the surface and edges of the container do not come into contact with the woman’s skin and mucous membranes.

If red blood cells are still found in the urine, the doctor usually recommends a Nechiporenko urine test. The technology for collecting it will be the same. It is necessary to again collect an average portion of urine, in which the exact number of blood cells in quantitative ratio will be diagnosed. If the Nechiporenko test shows a positive result, most likely we are talking about kidney damage. This condition requires hospitalization of the expectant mother in a hospital to receive appropriate treatment under the supervision of doctors.

Why is it so important to regularly test your red blood cell levels?

Every person tries to monitor their health, especially for women during pregnancy. Hormonal changes in the body associated with bearing a child change the normal functioning of internal organs and often cause various problems and ailments. This is why pregnancy requires careful monitoring by various specialists.

During pregnancy, a woman undergoes a large number of various tests. This is done as prescribed by the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic to monitor the condition of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. One of the most needed studies is general analysis blood of a pregnant woman. Thanks to it, many indicators are determined, including the level of red blood cells in the blood. Based on this value, the specialist will judge whether the baby is receiving enough oxygen and whether there are any pathological changes in the body of the expectant mother.

The role of red blood cells in the body

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the main component of these cells.

The main task of red blood cells is transportation. They distribute oxygen from the lungs between body tissues, while collecting carbon dioxide and facilitating its elimination.

Red blood cells are highly specialized cells, and therefore they are deprived of other functions, completely “giving themselves over” to gas exchange.

Preparing and conducting analysis

On average, a pregnant woman undergoes a clinical blood test every month. Passing it is considered standard procedure.

To do this, in the morning (before 10.00) capillary blood is taken from a finger. The results, as a rule, are ready the next day and are transferred to the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

There are a number of preparatory activities, the implementation of which will help to obtain a more accurate result:

  1. The analysis is carried out on an empty stomach. The last meal is dinner, 8-10 hours before the analysis,
  2. On the eve of collecting biomaterial, you can only drink water,
  3. Reception is suspended medicines And vitamin complexes. If it is impossible to comply with this point, consult your doctor, he may change the dosage,
  4. Physical and emotional stress on the body is reduced to a minimum.

Normal values

In the first trimester, plasma volumes increase by 35-50%, and the number of red blood cells also increases by 12-25%. As a result, red blood cells are slightly reduced during pregnancy, as the blood becomes more diluted with plasma. It's not a pathology, it's just female body prepares for the inevitable blood loss during the birth process. Red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy must correspond to the data indicated in the table.

In addition to the total number of red blood cells, clinical analysis determines their sedimentation rate. This indicator is called ESR and is measured in mm/hour. The table below shows the standards by week.

Increased level

A high level of red blood cells in the blood should be expected if:

  • Emotional shock was suffered
  • Regular physical activity is carried out,
  • Residence is located in the mountains,
  • Heat.

An increase in the concentration of red cells as a result of toxicosis and dehydration is not considered a pathology, since it is associated with functional changes, and the volume of blood plasma decreases. Therefore, such erythrocytosis is considered a relative value and cannot be taken into account.

If the red blood cells in the results form are elevated, this may be a symptom of the development of diseases:

  1. Of cardio-vascular system,
  2. Kidney failure
  3. Liver dysfunction,
  4. diseases of the respiratory system.

Many people mistakenly believe that an increased level of red blood cells during pregnancy will provide the baby with more oxygen. Everything is completely wrong. With such indicators, the blood becomes thicker, which means its transport ability slows down. As a result, only remnants of oxygen will reach the baby, most of which will be processed and oxidized along the way. All this can develop fetal hypoxia.

Reduced level

During pregnancy, as a rule, the level of red blood cells becomes lower than usual. But you should carefully ensure that it is within the lower limit of the standards.

The content of red blood cells in the blood is pathologically reduced (erythropenia) in the following cases:

  • Incorrectly selected diet
  • Significant blood loss
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs - kidneys, heart or liver,
  • Anemia,
  • Deficiency of iron, vitamin B, folate,
  • Chronic inflammatory process,
  • Infectious diseases,
  • Autoimmune diseases,
  • Frequent pregnancies - the interval between them is less than 3 years,
  • frequent and uncontrolled use of antibiotics,
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Leukemia and other blood tumors,
  • Hemolysis is the “dissolution” of red blood cells and disruption of the integrity of their membrane.

In case of erythropenia, a pregnant woman experiences the following symptoms:

  1. Pallor of the skin,
  2. Low blood pressure,
  3. Cardiopalmus,
  4. Drowsiness,
  5. Constant fatigue
  6. Cold wet palms
  7. Fainting is possible.

A low level of red blood cells in the first trimester is not considered a pathology, so no urgent measures need be taken. But if anemia develops, caused precisely by a drop in the level of red blood cells, then it is necessary to treat immediately, otherwise there is a high risk of conditions such as:

  • Premature birth
  • Hemorrhages,
  • Weak labor activity
  • Fetal underdevelopment

Attention! It is generally believed that anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin levels, but since hemoglobin is contained in red blood cells, a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells most often leads to anemia.

Principles of treatment

When the condition “low red blood cell count” is confirmed, it is important to identify and eliminate the cause.

The following methods are used for this:

  1. Making changes to the menu of the expectant mother. Rich foods are included in the diet folic acid, iron, copper. It is recommended to drink juices and herbal infusions,
  2. Alcohol, tobacco and drugs are strictly prohibited,
  3. Vitamin complexes for pregnant women are prescribed,
  4. If stagnation of fluid in the body is detected, then diuretics are prescribed and a salt-free diet is prescribed,
  5. For infectious lesions, special immunostimulants are prescribed in combination with therapeutic measures.

The body of the expectant mother experiences double the load every day. Its organs ensure the vital functions of both the mother’s body and the body developing in the baby’s womb.

In order not to miss any disturbance in the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus, the attending physician constantly prescribes tests.

From the moment she is registered, a woman undergoes a lot of examinations, especially often. Sometimes laboratory technicians indicate in the test results that red blood cells have appeared in the urine - this is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy. Could this mean that some dangerous pathology is developing?

The kidneys function as natural filters. They pass blood through themselves, from which plasma with some solutes is filtered in the renal glomeruli.

In the tubules, many compounds return back to the bloodstream. The result is urine that contains water, salts, and some breakdown products of organic compounds.

As a rule, blood cells do not enter urine, or they are found there in extremely low concentrations. In people, in the absence of pathologies, during examination, 1-3 red blood cells may be detected in the field of view.

This is considered normal, since red blood cells can enter urine accidentally, without inflammation or damage. If the amount exceeds the specified norm, then you need to look for the cause - the presence of blood in the urine.

You should not try to decipher the tests on your own; you need to ask your doctor which indicators are considered normal in this examination and which are not.

Causes of high red blood cell count

Red blood cells can penetrate the walls of the renal glomeruli, tubules or the mucous membrane of the urinary ducts.

Red blood cells enter urine in the following diseases:

  1. (calculi injure tissue);
  2. nephrotic syndrome (kidney glomeruli are affected);
  3. (accompanied by inflammation);
  4. kidney infarction (accompanied by necrosis of renal tissue);
  5. (they compress or rupture blood vessels);
  6. internal organ injuries.

During pregnancy, the list of causes of hematuria expands due to the special physiological state of the woman. The uterus, which increases in size every day, puts pressure on tissues and organs abdominal cavity. Thin structures may be pinched, for example.

For this reason, urine does not flow normally, and stagnation develops. They themselves can cause hematuria. But stagnation can also provoke other pathological phenomena - the development of inflammation, accumulation.

A factor that greatly affects the functioning of almost all organs throughout the entire nine months is hormonal changes.

Hormones play a vital role in maintaining pregnancy, developing the placenta, and preparing the mammary glands for their active work in the future.

But many other organs are also susceptible to the action of these biologically active substances. For example, the relaxing effect of progesterone, which is aimed at relieving the tone of the uterus, is reflected in the ability of the intestines to peristalsis and the smooth muscle cells of the bladder to contract and empty. For this reason, disruption of the outflow of urine causes the same stagnation.

The expectant mother should exclude factors that can provoke hematuria and the causes of its development (trauma, bad habits, promoting and tumors).

The immune system of a pregnant woman is extremely vulnerable. The body spends a lot of energy to support the baby’s vital functions, and if it lacks something (vitamins, energy reserves, microelements), this all affects the mother’s immune defense. Both general and local immunity decreases.

The urinary organs are at higher risk of developing infections.

Infectious inflammations can cause damage to the kidneys' filtering system.

And another factor is an increase in the amount of fluid circulating in the body.

There is more blood, lymph, and tissue fluid. The kidneys are forced to pass larger volumes of blood compared to the load before pregnancy. This can reduce their endurance, causing new pathologies to appear or old chronic diseases to worsen.

Why is it important to regularly take a urine test?

Pregnancy is a reason to include a pregnant woman at risk for many diseases.

If the likelihood of developing pathology is increased, then it is necessary to conduct periodic examinations that can identify the pathological process at the start of its development.

After all, some diseases do not immediately manifest symptoms, but at the asymptomatic stage they can be identified using laboratory tests. Therefore, gynecologists who monitor the development of pregnancy regularly refer the woman for examinations. Urine tests are very informative, and they can tell the doctor about changes in the pregnant woman’s body that she has not yet noticed.

After the expectant mother has received a referral for urine testing, she should complete the test on time. Regular examinations will help build an overall picture of the course of pregnancy, which means you cannot skip or delay the next visit to the laboratory.

Before taking tests for the first time, you should consult with your doctor about the rules for collecting biomaterial - this greatly affects the reliability of the results.

If a woman misses the examination without completing it within the specified period for valid reasons, this should be reported to the doctor. In the case when the expectant mother consciously refuses tests, this makes her responsible for the untimely identification of possible pathologies in her and the child.

Treatment Options

If the test results are disappointing, and more than 3 red blood cells in the field of view are found in the urine, the doctor may prescribe a repeat test and additional diagnostics. If deviations are confirmed, it is necessary to collect all available information about the condition of the pregnant woman in order to determine the cause of the deviation.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor chooses the optimal treatment regimen. Infectious diseases treated with antiviral drugs. In case of inflammatory phenomena in the renal tissue, anti-inflammatory therapy is needed.

The choice of treatment tactics for urolithiasis and neoplasms depends on the stage of development of the disease. If you want to surgical intervention, the doctor must comprehensively assess the condition of the mother and baby.

If possible, all radical treatment measures that could harm the fetus are postponed until the postpartum period.

On the other hand, the expectant mother’s condition cannot be allowed to worsen, as this can be dangerous for her and the baby’s life.

If you suspect serious illnesses or their immediate diagnosis in a pregnant woman, the doctor recommends hospitalization.

It cannot be refused, since the woman will not be able to carefully monitor the condition and carry out all the necessary procedures. It is better to spend some time under close supervision.

The expectant mother is responsible for her baby, so she has to follow the doctor’s recommendations even more carefully so as not to harm the baby.

Red blood cells in the urine of pregnant women are a sign inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system or internal bleeding. An increase in red blood cells in urine is considered a deviation from the norm, so the expectant mother, whose tests turned out to be unsatisfactory, is sent for additional examination, and she is also given a preliminary diagnosis of hematuria.

Let's take a closer look at why there is an increase in red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy, what diseases this indicates, and also study methods for restoring the normal composition of urine.

Normal indicators and types of hematuria

When urinating urine healthy woman A pregnant woman has a light yellow tint that resembles the color of wheat straw. If there are increased red blood cells in the urine, then the urine becomes pink or brown. There are clinical cases where the urine does not appear to differ in color, smell or density, but a biochemical study shows that the erythrocyte parameters are increased.

In urine during pregnancy, red blood cells are normal when there is no more than 1 red blood cell in the field of view of a specialist examining biological material using a microscope. It is better when these cells are not detected at all. If, based on the results of the analysis, it is established that there are 3-4 red blood cells in the field of view, then this is also not considered for a pregnant woman pathological condition body. Anything above these indicators is a sign of a concomitant disease.

Classification of hematuria

The following types of increase in red blood cells in the urine during gestation are distinguished:

  • constant - the norm of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy is disrupted over a long period of time (from 5 to 10 days), the results of the tests, which were taken at different times of the day, confirm that there is a constant release of red blood cells into the urine of a pregnant woman;
  • recurrent - the increase in red blood cells is symptomatic, when the body of the expectant mother is influenced by a number of negative factors;
  • isolated - occurs in pregnant women suffering from concomitant kidney diseases, when the filtration function of their tissues is impaired, not only an admixture of red blood cells is present in the urine, but also other secretions indicating massive cell death;
  • combined - with laboratory research It is established that, together with red blood cells, the urine contains a large number of protein molecules, there are clear signs of proteinuria (this clinical situation suggests that the reason for the reflux of red blood cells into the urine of a pregnant woman is a serious kidney pathology, which significantly reduces their functional activity).

It is believed that the most dangerous is persistent hematuria, when an increasing concentration of red blood cells in urine gradually leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. A pregnant woman begins to feel unwell, weak, and there are signs of shortness of breath and fatigue. There is a threat of developing anemia and oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Causes of pathology

A pregnant woman who has no health problems has no red blood cells in her urine. The reasons for their appearance may be associated with the presence of the following diseases, which have different stages of development:

  • pathologies of kidney tissue (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), in which the filtration function of the excretory organ is disrupted; during the passage of blood through the kidney filter, a small amount of red blood cells are thrown into the composition of the produced urine;
  • urolithiasis, when foreign formations in the form of stones of various origins begin to move along the ureter, inside the kidney or bladder, injure the sensitive mucous membrane, provoking local capillary-type bleeding (it is very important that before planning a pregnancy, a woman undergoes an examination of the excretory system for the presence of sand and stones);
  • intrauterine bleeding, it is typical for women in the first trimester of pregnancy (develops in the event of embryo rejection or mechanical damage to the abdominal cavity);
  • erosion of the walls of the uterus, their appearance is possible under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacterial, viral or fungal infections (it is severe, with a large number of complications, difficult to treat with medication);
  • taking medications containing large amounts of iron oxide (prescribed to women suffering from anemia or other diseases associated with an imbalance of red blood cells);
  • colpitis of the vaginal mucosa, because of which traces of red blood cells appear in the pregnant woman’s urine (diagnosed in women who initially had inflammatory disease internal genital organs, but it developed in a chronic form, and the state of pregnancy provoked an exacerbation of the disease);
  • toxic poisoning of the body due to exposure to vapors of harmful chemical compounds, medications, salts heavy metals(in this case, the female body takes emergency measures to preserve its own vitality, the process of fetal rejection begins, its development is preceded by the release of blood from the vagina and kidneys);
  • Oncological processes in the ovaries, uterus, kidneys, bladder, which are of a malignant nature, develop over 2-3 months and begin to destroy the tissues of the genitourinary system.

Increased red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy pose a serious threat not only to the life of the woman herself, but can also cause a miscarriage. The most dangerous are cancerous tumors and severe intoxication of the body. chemicals, infectious infection of the genitourinary system.

How to collect urine for analysis?

It is important to remember that urine testing to determine the quantitative composition of red blood cells in pregnant women should be carried out exclusively in the morning. An hour before collecting biological material, the genitals should be thoroughly washed using warm water and soap. Urine is collected in a sterile plastic container prepared in advance for this procedure.

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The container can be purchased at a pharmacy, or obtained from the laboratory where the analysis will be carried out. In general, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • after performing hygiene procedures, immediately before urination, take a clean cotton swab and plug the entrance to the vagina (this is necessary so that mucus and other secretions do not get into the urine, which may affect the results of the study);
  • for the first 2-3 seconds, a stream of urine must be directed into the toilet to allow natural washing of the urethra to occur, and the rest of the biological material in a volume of 80-100 milliliters can be directed into a container for analysis;
  • immediately after filling the sterile container, it is tightly closed with a lid and delivered to the biochemical laboratory, where specialists will conduct a study, determine the presence and absence of red blood cells.

If red blood cells in urine are elevated during pregnancy, this is indicated in the medical report, which is the basis for making a final diagnosis for the patient. Based on this, a further treatment regimen is formed.

Other diagnostic methods

A urine test can only show the presence or absence of red blood cells, as well as other cells that indicate the state of health of the pregnant woman. If a preliminary examination has confirmed the presence of red blood cells, then the expectant mother will need to undergo the following types of instrumental diagnostics:

  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys, bladder, internal genital organs to exclude foci of inflammatory nature, foreign tumors, stones in the form of stones, as well as sand particles;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs, and, if necessary, the entire abdominal cavity (displays in more detail the state of tissue health, provides information about the degree of their functionality, size, presence or absence of inflammatory processes);
  • a smear from the surface of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls (selected in order to determine the microflora of the woman’s internal genital organs, to exclude an infectious cause for the appearance of red blood cells in the urine, when, under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, the epithelial layer of the vulva is damaged and erosions are formed).

A mandatory condition for examination when red blood cells appear in the urine is to donate blood from a finger for its clinical study to control the quantitative composition of red cells. Also for rent deoxygenated blood to determine whether there are severe strains of infection, cancer cells, or other biochemical changes in the body.


Therapy for hematuria directly depends on what triggered the appearance of red blood cells in urine. The most effective and frequently used treatment methods are the following therapeutic measures:

  • prescribing antibacterial drugs if the cause of the illness is associated with infectious inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, internal genital organs, excretory canals (antibiotics during pregnancy are used only in extreme cases, when the threat to the health of the mother and child is much more serious than the negative consequences of using medications);
  • taking sorbent preparations for toxic poisoning of the body;
  • treatment of ulcerative formations of the vaginal mucosa with antiseptic solutions;
  • injections and intravenous drips for crushing stones in the kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system.
  • anti-inflammatory drugs intended for systemic therapy of the kidneys, if hematuria occurs due to damage to the tissues of this organ.

In blood tests in pregnant women, attention is paid to the number of red blood cells only when there are signs of anemia. This happens because oxygen saturation depends on the number of red blood cells. Red blood cells during pregnancy have great importance, both for the expectant mother and for the child. The red blood cells contain hemoglobin. The growth of the fetus and the condition of the pregnant woman depend on its quantity. Red blood cells, under no circumstances, should leave the bloodstream, so the detection of red blood cells in the urine indicates a pathology of pregnancy.

Red blood cells in urine during pregnancy

When tests reveal red blood cells during pregnancy, it is urgent to find out the nature of the hematuria (“bleeding in the urine” in Greek). The cause of the appearance of red blood cells in the urine during pregnancy may be a serious kidney disease or a tumor process. Similar information is contained in reference books recommended for study by students of faculties of medical academies and medical schools. In practice, the reasons why red blood cells appear in the urine during pregnancy are much simpler and more prosaic.

Laboratory technicians distinguish between true and false hematuria. In the first case, the researchers directly indicate that the red blood cells were “processed” in the renal tubules. If the analysis contains whole red blood cells, hematuria is considered false, because the blood mixed with urine during its excretion, but not formation.

Causes of false hematuria:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Colpitis in a pregnant woman.

In case of urolithiasis, kidney stones either move with the flow of urine, or, being in a fixed state, form bedsores in the renal pelvis - trophic ulcers, from which formed blood elements, including red blood cells, can be released. The movement of sand through the urinary canals is accompanied by injuries and abrasions on the inner surface of the epithelium of the ureters and urethra. This is how red blood cells appear in the urine during pregnancy, which got into it not at all because of kidney disease, but due to traumatic lesions of the urinary system.

During uterine bleeding, red blood cells are also found in the urine. It is not at all necessary that the urine be colored the color of blood; 1-15 red blood cells per field of view is enough - a circle on a glass slide, limited by the contours of the microscope tube. It so happens that a routine urine test reveals hidden signs of a threatened miscarriage.

If a woman is diagnosed with cervical erosion, red blood cells may also appear in the urine; during pregnancy, the cervix softens, the vessels dilate and allow blood to pass through.

Colpitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa - occurs in pregnant women with special features. Vaginal cells are filled with glycogen, which provides an excellent breeding ground for microbes. They penetrate into the intercellular spaces and damage cell membranes. This is how red blood cells appear in smears and urine during pregnancy, which have nothing to do with kidney function.

Additional check of urine tests and gynecological examination allow us to find out the cause of false hematuria.

Additional studies and measures if red blood cells appear in the urine during pregnancy:

  • Examination of the cervix in the speculum and colposcopy;
  • Laboratory examination of vaginal smear;
  • Culture of the cervix and urethra for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (Trichomonas);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.

The most important step is to eliminate errors when giving urine. It should be collected in the morning, after a simple hygiene procedure (washing, but not douching!). Before collecting urine, cover the vagina with a gauze swab, then skip the first portion, and collect the rest in a container (jar). This will be the average portion. If for any reason it is impossible to comply with the urine collection technology (there are no living conditions), a urinary catheter is used. If the same picture is observed in the results, a urine test should be collected according to Nechiporenko. The collection technology when handing it over is no different. The same average portion of urine is taken, but the number of red blood cells in the blood is determined in a quantitative ratio. With a positive Nechiporenko test, red blood cells during pregnancy exceed the upper limit of normal. This indicates kidney damage and requires treatment in a hospital.

Elevated red blood cells during pregnancy

When it comes to blood tests, a low red blood cell count indicates anemia. In this situation, the tactics are clear to both doctors and the pregnant woman. Their number should be increased! For this purpose, drugs are prescribed that stimulate the production of red blood cells in the red bone marrow. The most accessible means for such purposes are food, specifically pomegranate juice. You should just keep in mind that an increase in red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy will not occur earlier than after long-term use of the “medicine,” since the lifespan of a red blood cell is 120 days.

Often blood cells containing a small amount of hemoglobin turn pale and are difficult to identify. They can be mistaken for lymphocytes - also quite large cells, the nuclei of which are rarely visible when viewed through a regular microscope. A true decrease in red blood cells occurs with hypoplastic anemia, one of the types of leukemia, in which pregnancy, as well as conception, become problematic.

More often, tests reveal elevated red blood cells; during pregnancy, it is impossible to confuse them with other blood cells. A high number of red formed elements per unit volume does not indicate improved health, but a thickening of the blood.

Elevated red blood cells during pregnancy do not improve oxygen supply; on the contrary, they worsen it. Why is this happening?

The blood, having thickened, stagnates and moves much more slowly. On the way from the lungs to the placenta, red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy give off a huge amount of oxygen, while the child receives already oxidized products. This is the paradox of the situation - there are a lot of red blood cells, but the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen.

Normal red blood cell counts during pregnancy range from 3.8 to 5.5 10 12 /l. Values ​​above and below are considered pathological. Blood hematocrit indicates the ratio of red blood cells to blood volume and is expressed as a percentage. If the hematocrit is over 45%, the pregnant woman needs to be hospitalized for infusion therapy (droppers). The blood will thin out - the nutrition of the fetus and woman’s cells will improve.

A normal pregnancy should not be accompanied by abnormal tests that determine an increased number of red blood cells, especially their appearance in the urine.

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