They take blood from a finger. What do you need to know to donate blood from a finger prick? What indicators does the study determine? What does a complete finger blood test show?

A blood test is the most common diagnostic procedure. It is carried out at absolutely any age, as part of a comprehensive examination. An analysis in which blood is taken from a finger is called a general test. In order for the result to be most reliable, the main principles of preparation and implementation of the procedure should be observed.

Why is blood taken from a finger?

What does a general blood test show? As a result, the study determines the number of certain types of blood cells. This is necessary for diagnosing various diseases.

The main functions of general analysis include:

  • Hemoglobin level measurement;
  • Platelet count;
  • Determination of blood clotting abnormalities;
  • Determination of the number of monocytes and lymphocytes;
  • Measurement of the number of neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils;

The results obtained help determine the development of diseases such as:

  • Anemia;
  • Bone marrow diseases;
  • Infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • Development of an allergic reaction;
  • Diabetes;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;

How to prepare properly?

The analysis will show a reliable result only if you prepare for it correctly. Is blood donated on an empty stomach or not? Treatment rooms in government institutions are open strictly in the morning. You cannot have breakfast before taking blood. In private clinics you can donate blood at any time.

The main principles of preparing for blood collection are as follows:

  • The day before, he recommends avoiding foods rich in fat;
  • 1-2 days before donating blood, you should not drink alcohol;
  • Immediately before visiting the treatment room, you should refrain from smoking;
  • It is recommended to avoid stressful situations and physical activity the day before;

Types of blood sampling instruments

It is advisable to first find out how blood is taken for research. The degree of pain depends on the device for drawing blood. This function is performed by a scarifier for drawing blood. It is a thin steel plate with a pointed end. During the procedure, a puncture is made on the skin of the finger, through which blood flows out.

For children, a special device is provided that allows blood sampling to be done painlessly. It is called a lancet. The piercer is a special needle placed in a certain way, providing uniform pressure on the skin. Using the lancet is quite simple. The device works by contacting the skin or pressing a special button.

Drawing blood from infants also does not cause any difficulties.. For this purpose, you can use the Komarik kit for painless delivery. The set comes with 4 disposable needles. The mechanism of the device allows you to pierce with a needle without pain so that the child does not understand anything.

The advantages of a lancet over a scarifier are as follows:

  • Quick to use;
  • The possibility of hematomas at the puncture site is excluded;
  • No pain;
  • Can be used at home;
  • The appearance of the device does not cause emotional stress, which helps to obtain reliable results;

Procedure implementation process

To obtain the most reliable results, the puncture technique must be followed. Blood donation is carried out in a specially equipped sterile room. It is important to pay attention to the instrument used to prick when drawing blood. It should be disinfected.

The following items are required:

  • Alcohol or other antiseptic;
  • Piercing needles or scarifier;
  • Glass for taking a smear;
  • Iodine tincture;
  • Ether;

The procedure algorithm is as follows:

  • The upper phalanx of the ring finger of the left hand is treated with an antiseptic;
  • The tool is directed strictly from the side, at an angle;
  • The next step is to pierce the finger. When a drop of blood appears on the surface of the skin, it is removed with a sterile swab;
  • A second drop of blood is used for the study;
  • The blood collection method involves making smears. For this purpose, sterile glasses are used;

Which finger is best to take blood from?

Why is it common to take blood from the ring finger? The choice is due to the fact that this finger bears less physical stress. Injury to the damaged area of ​​skin is unlikely. You can also take blood from your middle or index finger. This is practiced if plasma donation is carried out on a regular basis.

Any damage to the skin can lead to the spread of infection. The anatomical location of the index, middle and ring fingers eliminates the possibility of infection spreading to the hand due to the presence of an internal septum. Infection from the little finger or thumb spreads faster.

What is the difference between venous blood sampling and capillary blood sampling?

Why do venous blood sampling if capillary blood donation is much easier? Analysis venous blood more developed. Even externally, there are significant differences between capillary and venous blood. The first is quite light, and the blood from the vein is dark. In laboratory conditions, it is much easier to work with a venous blood sample.

What is detailed analysis?

A comprehensive blood test is called a biochemical blood test. Blood taken from a vein is examined. It is prescribed when clinical analysis does not provide enough necessary information.

The advantages of this type of analysis are as follows:

  • Accurate diagnosis of the disease;
  • Possibility of determining the level of vitamins in the body;
  • Ability to detect illness initial stage, in the absence of characteristic symptoms;

Video: Biochemical blood test - interpretation, table and norm

Despite the fact that the general analysis shows less information, it also has its advantages.

These include the following:

  • High speed of the procedure;
  • Only pierce the skin surface. The depth of the wound does not exceed 3 mm;
  • The fence rules are much easier to follow. This increases the reliability of the result;
  • Capillary biomaterial is tested much faster than venous blood;
  • In private clinics, the price for a general analysis is lower than the cost of a biochemical analysis;

Where to submit?

Doubts regarding your health sooner or later make you wonder how and where to take a general blood test. The answer to this question depends on the patient's requirements and capabilities.

There are three possible options:

  • State clinic;
  • Private clinic;
  • Medical personnel visiting your home;

In the first case, the diagnostic procedure is carried out within the framework health insurance. Analysis is absolutely free. The disadvantages of donating blood in government agency include long queues for carrying out the procedure at a strictly fixed time. It takes more time to examine a blood sample, which cannot be said about private clinics.

You can take the test at a paid institution at any convenient time. Main condition– do not eat for more than 3 hours. It costs more to have a medical professional visit your home. The advantages of the service include the absence of the need to leave the walls of the house, which is especially important if the patient is seriously ill.

Analysis results

You can find out how much analysis is done immediately before donating blood. Typically the duration of the study is from 5 to 7 days. In private clinics, the result is ready within 3-5 days after the collection procedure.

If you get bad results, you should remember the following:

  • The possibility of error should not be excluded;
  • The reliability of the result depends on how correctly the medical worker takes the blood;
  • Violation of the rules for preparing for analysis leads to an incorrect result;
  • Before the procedure, do not rub your fingers. Ultimately, the result will include increased white blood cell counts;

The results are interpreted by the attending physician. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

General blood test norms

As a result of the analysis, data on the following parameters are presented:

  • Hemoglobin;
  • Red blood cells;
  • Reticulocytes;
  • Platelets;
  • Leukocytes;
  • Monocytes;
  • Lymphocytes;
  • Granulocytes;
  • Color index;

A person who has passed the general analysis has a question: what outcome should be feared.

The following situations indicate the presence of serious diseases:

  • Fall in hemoglobin level;
  • Increase in ESR;
  • Increased white blood cell count;
  • Reduction of red blood cells;

Taking blood from a finger is a fairly common procedure. Every person, regardless of gender and age, faces the need for such an analysis from time to time. Therefore, many are interested in: how to donate blood from a finger prick correctly? What is determined during research of its samples? What rules should you follow to get the most accurate results?

Why is analysis needed?

Many patients in clinics and hospitals are first sent for a finger prick blood test. In addition, similar research is being carried out in preventive measures. Today, studying samples of so-called capillary blood is the most accessible and at the same time informative method. After all, its results give the doctor the opportunity to determine the condition of the entire body.

Thanks to these, it is possible to establish a more or less accurate blood formula, as well as determine its group and the presence of the protein Rh factor in it. In addition, a general analysis allows you to find out the level of hemoglobin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Determination of the blood formula: why is it needed?

Laboratory research allows you to determine the approximate number of formed blood cells, which makes it possible to determine the general condition of the body. After all, it’s no secret that almost any disease entails a change in the blood formula. What exactly do laboratory technicians and doctors pay attention to?

What is ESR?

During a general blood test, a determination is made. The results of this analysis are not specific - they indicate the presence of certain disorders, but do not provide information about the reasons for their occurrence. The essence of the study is simple - the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells in plasma depends on their ability to aggregate (stick together). B is 2-15 mm per hour in women and 1-10 mm per hour in men. A change in the indicator may be an indirect sign of inflammation and some other pathological processes.

How to donate blood from a finger? Preparation rules

It should immediately be noted that there are many factors that can affect the composition of the blood and some of its properties. This is why many people are interested in the question of how to donate blood from a finger correctly. In fact, the rules here are very simple:

  • They take a blood test from a finger prick in the morning, always on an empty stomach. Laboratory tests will be most accurate only if samples are taken 8-12 hours after the last meal. That is why in most clinics blood sampling is carried out from 7.00 to 11.00.
  • In the morning you are allowed to drink only a small amount of plain water (not carbonated, not sweet).
  • The only exceptions can be cases when the patient is suspected of some serious, serious illness, in particular myocardial infarction, appendicitis, acute pancreatitis - in such situations you cannot wait until the morning.
  • Under no circumstances should you donate blood if you drank alcohol the night before. The presence of alcohol in the body can distort the test results, so it is best to reschedule the test for another day.
  • Experts recommend avoiding intense physical activity before collecting samples, as well as visiting saunas, steam baths, and taking a cold shower. Strong effects on the body of external factors can affect the blood formula.
  • Immediately before the test, do not rub your fingertips, as this may affect the number of white blood cells in the formula.

This is what the rules look like on how to donate blood from a finger prick. Do not neglect the recommendations, because incorrect test results can affect the final diagnosis.

Finger blood sampling: algorithm

The previous paragraph described preparation for the study. But how is blood taken from a finger performed? The algorithm looks something like this:

Where can such an analysis be done?

As already mentioned, a finger prick blood test is prescribed to almost every patient who consults a doctor with health complaints. This is the simplest, most accessible and informative study that provides the specialist with information about the general condition of the patient’s body.

Therefore, blood sampling, as well as its laboratory test, is carried out in almost every hospital and clinic. There are also private diagnostic clinics offering the same service. If you have any questions about where to donate blood from a finger prick, then you just need to ask your doctor about it.

Any change in the human body is necessarily reflected in the biochemical composition of the blood. Therefore, to identify disorders or in the treatment of any disease, a general blood test is periodically performed. The doctor may prescribe a sample from a vein, but much more often for basic research they use a blood sample from a finger (when a minimum amount is sufficient for diagnosis).

How to prepare

No complicated preparation is required, but you will still have to fulfill a number of requirements:

  • A blood test is taken only on an empty stomach so that the results are objective and correct. The only thing allowed is drinking clean water;
  • There should be no breakdown products of alcohol in the blood, so you should abstain from drinking for at least 2 days;
  • Fried and fatty foods also have a negative effect; the diagnosis will be more accurate if you stop eating them a couple of days before the test;
  • Doctors do not recommend exercising before taking blood. physical exercise, which contribute to the release of large amounts of hormones. They can cause errors in the analysis results.

If you plan to donate blood at a public clinic, you will have to take with you a disposable scarifier (a device for piercing a finger), as well as medical gloves - sterile or non-sterile.

This point is very important, since many infectious diseases are transmitted through blood. If the laboratory technician does not change gloves after the previous analysis, but only washes and wipes them with alcohol, microscopic particles of blood may remain on them. When taking a test, the hands of a medical worker are in active contact with the injection wound, so infection can occur.

How do they take a blood test in a laboratory?

Blood is most often collected from the ring finger. There is a scientific explanation for this - anatomically, the vessels of the ring finger are located somewhat isolated from the rest, so if there is a danger of infection, only this part of the hand will suffer.

The puncture area is wiped with a cotton swab containing a 70% alcohol solution or another disinfectant. The laboratory assistant makes a puncture of approximately 2-3 mm with a scarifier, after which the first drop is removed with a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad. Subsequent portions are pumped using a small bulb and a glass adapter. The resulting blood is placed in glass tubes and labeled.
After collection, the injection site may bleed slightly, so it is better not to remove the cotton swab moistened with alcohol for a while.

What does a general clinical analysis show?

A general analysis is a basic study that can even be prescribed for preventive purposes. It is often carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and quality of therapy during treatment. However, when diagnosing diseases, a blood test will be one of the primary, basic indicators. Here's what he shows doctors:

  • number and erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
  • hemoglobin level;
  • the number of leukocytes, as well as the leukocyte formula of the blood.

Analysis of blood taken from a finger prick can reveal disorders such as anemia, leukemia, bleeding disorders, infectious and inflammatory diseases. However, if necessary, this analysis can be subjected to more detailed studies, for example, an allergen test.

The main indicators of the main fluid of the human body: leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells can tell an experienced doctor a lot. His health and well-being depend on the quantity of them contained in a person. Consequently, such a seemingly simple analysis can show diseases and disorders in the functioning of the body.

How to take blood?

When you are sick, any doctor always prescribes a general blood test for you. How much blood do they take? To accurately detect the disease, it is usually necessary to take 10 ml. blood. But not only the quantity, but also the quality of the procedure performed is very important. In this article you will learn how and where blood is taken, and what methods for collecting it.

How is blood taken?

A laboratory technician can take blood from a finger, but if you need to donate blood from a vein, this should only be done by a qualified nurse. The room must be sterile, and the nurse must wear gloves.

It is important that you prepare yourself before donating blood. This means that you do not need to physically strain yourself before the procedure, eat, drink alcohol, smoke, or be nervous.

Immediately before the blood draw, the staff at the clinic should give you a ten-minute rest. Before the procedure, you must take a sitting position; if your health does not allow this, then you are allowed to lie down. If the medical staff noticed that you violated the rules for donating blood (drank alcohol, smoked...), then the date of the test should be postponed to another day.

Most often, because of the convenience of sampling, veins from the forearm are used. These veins are usually clearly visible. For convenience, veins are also selected according to their degree of mobility. The most convenient veins are those that are inactive. This is the middle vein of the elbow or external superficial vein.

It happens that the ulnar veins are poorly visible, then blood is drawn from the popliteal cavity.

In people suffering from diabetic disease (there is a violation of peripheral blood flow), taking blood from the veins in the legs is not recommended.

Do not take blood from areas with damaged skin or scars.

To collect blood, you must purchase a disposable blood collection system kit, as well as disposable syringes with needles (needle diameter 0.55-0.65 mm), a rubber tourniquet, a test tube, disposable sterile gloves, cotton wool, and alcohol.

How is blood taken from newborns?

In newborns, blood is taken from the temporal veins. You yourself may have noticed that when screaming, these veins in children swell greatly and are quite clearly visible. This is very convenient, this procedure is very quick and almost painless for the baby. There is also the practice of taking blood from the baby’s heel.

How is blood taken from a vein?

  • Apply a tourniquet to the middle third, this will stop the blood flow.
  • The site of the future injection in the elbow bend is lubricated with alcohol.
  • The patient alternately bends and straightens his fist.
  • With the cut side up, we pierce the vein and slowly, carefully along the vessel, insert the needle, no more than a third of the needle size.
  • Place a test tube on the cannula of the needle and release blood in the required amount.
  • We remove the tourniquet. Now you can unclench your fist.
  • We remove the needle and apply cotton wool and alcohol to the injection site.
  • Quickly bend your arm at the joint and press it to your chest. This will stop the bleeding.
  • A direction is immediately applied to the filled test tube.

What and how do you take blood from your finger?

At the clinic, blood is taken from a finger using a medical “pen”. There are also modern clinics, where blood is drawn from a finger using very thin automatic needles.

Would you like to see with your own eyes how blood is drawn? You can find a video on the Internet and see this procedure with your own eyes.

A finger prick blood test is a method of collecting a biological sample that is used when the test requires a small amount of blood.

How to take it

The method of studying capillary blood is quite informative and simple. However, in order to obtain the most reliable results, the following rules must be observed:

  • Blood from a finger prick should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach (8–9 hours after the last meal).
  • On the eve of the analysis, it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna, or overload the body with excessive physical training.
  • Before the analysis, you are allowed to drink only a small amount of plain water without gas.
  • If the patient takes medications, he must definitely notify the doctor about this who gives him a referral for research. This is because some medications can distort the test results.
  • The day before taking a finger prick blood test, you should stop drinking alcohol.

You should not rub your fingers before the procedure. Such an action can provoke an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood, which will also negatively affect the test results, and incorrect test results often cause an inaccurate diagnosis.


Let's consider some indicators of a clinical blood test:

A clinical or general blood test from a finger prick is performed not only for the purpose of diagnosing pathologies, but also for prevention. A timely examination allows a specialist to identify the disease at early stage development and prevent many possible complications.