How does a health insurance policy work? How can I find out the expiration date of my compulsory health insurance policy? Duration of the insurance policy

Residents of the Russian Federation receive a policy with an unlimited time period, and foreigners officially working in Russia and persons with refugee status can apply for a paper document, the validity period of which coincides with the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

Refugees have the right to receive a paper policy, which is issued until December 31 of the current year, but the period of operation may exceed end date stay, registered in the temporary residence permit.

Citizens of the EAEU temporarily staying (due to official duties) can receive a paper policy that will be valid until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the period specified in the employment contract.

Foreigners temporarily staying in the country who are members of the collegial Commission of employees of EAEM bodies and officials are provided with insurance for a period covering the entire duration of the contract, but no longer than until December 31 of the current year.

What are the differences between the old format policy and the new one?

The old format insurance was issued for various periods. Thus, paper policies are registered for 1-5 years; the expiration date is written at the bottom of the form.

Modern policies take the form of a plastic card with a chip in which information about the owner is encrypted.

The advantage of modern UEC is the absence of a validity period. That is, they are issued for an unlimited period. An exchange may be required due to damage, loss of the card or change of passport data.

Previously registered policies of the old format remain valid until the end of the specified period, but it is still better to obtain a new certificate by issuing it at the first opportunity.

The plastic format is registered simultaneously with the paper form, just like the UEC (electronic card). Encrypted information about the owner is read using scanning devices. The card is compact: it is convenient to carry it with you. It is important that it is recognized as valid not only on the territory of our country, but also in other states.

A new uniform policy will allow you to use the entire volume without restrictions free services provided for by current Russian legislation. The presence of a uniform compulsory medical insurance allows you to receive emergency assistance and quality medical care at any time.

Compulsory health insurance is considered social protection citizens of the Russian Federation. That is why every person in our country needs to have a compulsory medical insurance policy, which provides free medical care. Nowadays a new document is being used, and many people do not know whether they need to receive it instead of the old one. Validity compulsory medical insurance policy established by law. This will be discussed in the article.

What it is?

All residents of Russia who have citizenship of the country participate in compulsory health insurance only with a policy. It is the main document that confirms that a person is an insured person. It is provided in clinics, hospitals, and when seeking free medical care.

The document is mandatory when applying to a public clinic. If it is not available, the patient is provided with only emergency (ambulance) care, and other types of treatment will be paid for. Medical organizations necessarily require a policy due to the specifics of the work - after the provision of services, they must issue an invoice to the insurer.

The presence of a policy is necessary for government agencies to obtain reliable information about how many people and at what time want to go to a health care institution, and in what condition the medical field is. A document is drawn up during an inpatient stay in a hospital at the request of the medical structure, as well as by power of attorney. However, the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy may vary.

Types of policies

The policy was previously issued in various formats - from a printed document to an electronic card. The following forms are currently in effect:

  1. Sheet A5 indicating information about the insured person and the insurance company.
  2. Plastic card - the person’s full name is indicated on the front, and all information is stored using electronic media.
  3. Universal UEC card - all information is indicated on an electronic microchip. These policies are not issued in every region of the Russian Federation, but they are valid, like the 2 previous types.

The most simple view the document is a paper version. Usually a duplicate card is provided with it, which has the same functions. It is convenient to store the paper at home so as not to lose it or spoil it, and the card is easy to use and is always at hand.

Since usually in government organizations There is not enough equipment and means for electronic processing of information; information is copied manually thanks to the census on paper. In large populated areas, there are no difficulties in accepting the UEC and the old electronic card.

Whatever the document is - old or new, it is divided into temporary and unlimited. The first one is usually provided while the main one is being replaced. Registration is carried out according to a sample, the form of which is the same for all insurance companies.


What is the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy? Since the documents were issued at different times and in different localities, the form and validity period differ significantly. Since 2011, a universal electronic card system was introduced, which was intended to standardize the insurance scheme in the healthcare sector and ensure the transition to a single policy.

During the implementation of the idea, many technical and other difficulties arose, but now new documents are in force. However, not all residents of the country have changed their policy; many use old ones. Many people do not know when to apply for a replacement. Now new document is provided to persons who receive it for the first time. These include:

  1. Newborns.
  2. Persons not registered with compulsory medical insurance.

What is the validity period of old compulsory medical insurance policies? It is indicated on the front of the document. It turns out that no single period, it is different for everyone, it all depends on the date of receipt. What is the validity period of the new compulsory medical insurance policy? This document is indefinite, i.e. no expiration date. The second option is more convenient.

When is replacement required?

Whatever the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy, situations arise when it is necessary to replace the document. Typically this should be done in the following cases:

  1. Replacement of passport.
  2. Changing personal information.
  3. Lost or damaged document.

Re-registration rules

Even if a new or old compulsory medical insurance policy has expired, it should be borne in mind that this is not a basis for refusing to provide medical services. Emergency assistance should be provided to a person in any case.

Persons who received the document before 2007 face difficulties, especially when re-registering. If the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy has expired, it must be changed at the organization where it was issued. You can contact another institution where a person wishes to receive a document.

The policy is usually needed when providing emergency assistance. If a patient is refused due to the introduction of a new sample, he should contact the hospital management and the insurance company or compulsory medical insurance fund in the region. Replacement takes 1-1.5 weeks. If a document is damaged, it is advisable to replace it: a damaged version may not be accepted due to unreadability.

Temporary option

This document is provided during the period while the main policy is being issued. This is a certificate showing that the paper is in the process of being made. It has the same power, but for a limited time - up to 30 days. With its provision, all necessary free services should be provided in medical institutions.

How to find out the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy? It can be seen on the document itself, since this information is necessarily recorded. You can check the validity period of your compulsory medical insurance policy through your insurance company.


In addition to the compulsory medical insurance policy, there is also VHI - voluntary medical insurance. The document is provided in electronic card form. The client is issued a VHI card. You can check the necessary information using a reading terminal, which is available in large clinics in Russia. The client will be recorded in the electronic database. Today, VHI is in demand in Rosgosstrakh. The company's policy provides many advantages that compulsory medical insurance does not have:

  1. The client independently selects the list of necessary services and institutions. After all, all people need certain medical services more.
  2. VHI includes diagnostic and treatment procedures that are not covered by compulsory medical insurance. For example, MRI knee joints. And dentistry, in general, is almost 100% paid.
  3. The second document is renewed on its own if the contract states that the insurer can write off funds from the client’s salary card during the renewal period.
  4. With VHI, you don’t have to wait in line. This applies to appointments with a specialist and diagnostic and treatment procedures.

The policy can be purchased by an individual or a legal entity. This nuance is the main difference between VHI and compulsory medical insurance. For example, a company wants to receive additional medical protection for employees. Then VHI is organized as part of the employee’s social package, and the policyholder will be a legal entity.

VHI is great for people with complex chronic illnesses that are difficult to treat. The services are suitable for those whose work poses health risks. But these factors increase the price of insurance.

Investing in health is considered the best investment. But how to determine which clinics are covered? VHI policy? This information can be found in the insurance contract and on the company’s website. But modern health care facilities, almost all across the country, operate under the new VHI system. You can buy a policy after filling out a form at the insurer’s office or after leaving an application on the website. The document may have a validity period, but it can also be indefinite.


It is advisable to replace the old sample with a new one so that there are no difficulties during registration at the hospital or when providing emergency medical care. Although it is not prohibited by law to use a policy from previous years, you should obtain new option, especially if the old one is no longer usable.

It is advisable to change policies provided before 2007, as technical difficulties arise with their registration. Documents issued after this period are valid, although some have an expiration date of 2011. UEC cards do not have a limited expiration date, so they are changed only if personal information is damaged, lost or changed.

What does a newborn need to get a policy?

To apply for a policy for a newborn, you must provide:

Birth certificate;

Identity document of the child’s legal representative;

SNILS (if available).

If the child is a foreign citizen, then in addition to the above list of documents, you will also need a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit for the child.

Can I replace the compulsory medical insurance policy for my grandmother without her presence? What is needed for this?

Yes, you can order compulsory medical insurance policies for your loved ones. You need to contact MEDSTRACH with your grandmother’s passport and SNILS. In addition, you need to provide a power of attorney from her in simple written form or your passport.

The new insurance policy has been lost. How many days will it take to recover? Is a temporary policy issued before a new one is issued?

When contacting MEDSTRAKH regarding the loss of a mandatory policy health insurance you will receive a temporary certificate that completely replaces the policy at the time of its production. The duplicate policy will be ready in 45 working days. The policy number is saved. When applying, you must have your passport and SNILS with you.

Do I need to change my policy when I change jobs? Previously worked in Moscow, now I work in the Moscow region, registered in the Moscow region? I received the policy in 2013.

If you changed your job, but did not change your actual residence address and clinic, then you do not need to re-register your policy. If you change your place of residence, you must contact insurance company, which operates in this region. Since you have a uniform policy in your hands, you do not need to change it. On the back of the policy they will put the seal of the insurance organization about re-registration, and the information about the owner of the policy will be entered into the compulsory medical insurance database.

Am I required to change my old MEDSTRAKH policy? For how long is it valid?

From May 1, 2011, new compulsory medical insurance policies of a single standard were introduced Federal law dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ. Old-style policies are valid until they are replaced by new-style policies. For citizens of the Russian Federation, the validity period of the policy is unlimited.

At the clinic where I went, the information machine does not read the barcode of my policy. I can't make an appointment with a doctor. What to do?

If your uniform policy is not read by the terminal and you cannot make an appointment with a doctor, then you need to contact the receptionist or the clinic staff. Also, you need to check the validity of your policy by contacting the contact center number of your insurance company.

My mother, a citizen of Ukraine, who is 76 years old, has been issued a temporary residence permit. The issue of issuing a residence permit is being resolved. It is registered in Moscow. Can she receive free medical care at the clinic at her place of registration?

Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 established that foreign citizens temporarily residing in the Russian Federation (having a temporary residence permit) have the right to compulsory health insurance. To apply for a policy, you must provide to MEDSTRAKH a passport of a foreign citizen or another document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen, with a note indicating permission for temporary residence in the Russian Federation. According to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Rules, a paper policy is issued with a validity period until the end of the calendar year, but not longer than the validity period of the temporary residence permit.

To issue a policy, a representative of the insured person must provide the insurance company with original documents, the representative’s passport and a power of attorney.

I have a 1995 policy in my hands. Is it still valid?

Compulsory medical insurance policies are valid until they are replaced with policies of a single standard.

I live in Golyanovo, I have an old policy issued by MEDSTRAKH. Can I replace the policy only with your company? How are insurance companies different?

You can change your compulsory medical insurance policy at any insurance company. Contact the selected company with your passport and SNILS card. The tasks of insurance companies are to protect the rights and interests of the insured upon receipt medical care. We recommend paying attention to the company’s experience and the presence of qualified experts on the company’s staff.

Can I apply for a policy for my husband if I have a photocopy of his passport?

You can contact MEDSTRAKH to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in your husband’s name. When applying, you must have your passport, a simple written power of attorney from your husband, a passport or a certified copy of your husband’s passport, and a SNILS card.

Do I need to exchange a MGFIF card issued before May 1, 2011? If necessary, what is the exchange procedure?

It is advisable to replace compulsory medical insurance policies issued before May 1, 2011 with policies of a single standard. To replace the policy, you must contact MEDSTRAKH with your passport and SNILS.

What documents are needed to obtain a Moscow compulsory medical insurance policy if you have permanent registration in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but live and work in Moscow?

From May 1, 2011, any citizen of the Russian Federation can choose an insurance company himself once a year. To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy at your place of actual residence, you need to select an insurance company and contact one of its offices in person. You must have your passport and SNILS with you.

I have your compulsory medical insurance policy. I got married and changed my last name, do I need to order a new policy?

When changing your last name, you need to get a new compulsory medical insurance policy. If you previously had a uniform policy, its number will not change.

To replace your policy, contact MEDSTRAK in person. Indicate the reason “change of name” and the policy number that you have in your hands.

I have lost my insurance policy, how can I restore it?

You need to contact your insurance company. You need to have your passport and SNILS with you.

My mother lives with me and is not registered in Moscow. Can I get a policy for her and what documents should I take with me?

Lack of local registration permanent residence cannot serve as an obstacle to obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. You can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy in your mother’s name at our insurance company. To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to have your passport, mother’s passport, power of attorney and SNILS with you.

Can I get a policy for a relative who now lives in the country and cannot pick it up?

You can get a policy for a relative. You need to have your passports, power of attorney and temporary certificate with you.

Compulsory medical insurance – compulsory health insurance. In Russia, compulsory medical insurance is an analogue of the American systems of providing medical services to the population - Medicare and Medicaid, which have been operating for half a century and are the backbone of American healthcare. In the States, the most important question regarding health insurance has been and remains the question of the list of medical services that are covered by this insurance. In Russia, until recently, the issue of the list of services within the framework of compulsory medical insurance did not arise particularly acutely. Maybe it's a matter of ingrained traditions of self-medication. Or maybe it’s that only in last years Compulsory medical insurance began to be significantly reduced. The main issue was the validity period of the compulsory medical insurance policy. That is, each policy, regardless of which insurance company it was issued, almost always had a very limited expiration date.

After which it needed to be replaced with a new copy, i.e. extended. True, certain categories of citizens were issued a perpetual policy, which was valid until its complete physical wear and tear. Finding out the period for which the policy was designed was not difficult. Information about compulsory medical insurance and the validity period of this policy was indicated on the document itself.

Before 2011, the validity period of a compulsory health insurance policy was on average several years, but the period of relevance of this document in different regions could vary greatly. In the Russian Federation, to this day, the most common and well-known version of the compulsory medical insurance policy is an A5 piece of paper, which, as a rule, is also folded in four to make it more convenient to carry in a purse or directly in your passport. Actually, this is why previously the policy had to be renewed so often.

The paper is far from the most best quality quickly fell into such disrepair that it became problematic to make out basic information about the policy holder. Currently, the old-style compulsory medical insurance policy retains its legal force. However, gradually the form of this medical document is being optimized, and old samples are giving way to new ones. What does the described document provide? Following:

  1. The compulsory medical insurance policy allows every citizen of the Russian Federation to count on minimum set vital medical services for which the citizen does not pay directly, and the state tax for medical care is regularly collected from income.
  2. The policy allows you to maintain a variety of statistics on state level: how many people went to the hospital during a specific period, for what reasons, how often does it happen that necessary treatment goes beyond compulsory medical insurance, and so on.

There are currently three forms of this document in force:

  • a well-known A5 paper sheet;
  • a plastic card with a set of basic personal and medical information about the patient (full name, home address, telephone number, blood type, disability, positivity for major infections such as HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.). The entire set of information on the card must also be duplicated in the electronic database of medical institutions in the locality where the card holder lives;
  • UEC is a universal electronic card that exists exclusively in in electronic format. Essentially, this is a cell in the database that saves the insurance company client from having to carry another document with him. However, in the regions of the country, the UEC has not been introduced everywhere; the process of transition to such an electronic catalog continues to this day.

But there is no talk yet of canceling the old compulsory medical insurance policy. Newborn children and people who have received a new passport (change of surname, loss or destruction of an identity card) are now required to be provided not only with a new insurance policy in paper format, but also with a plastic card. Compulsory medical insurance of the new model is unlimited.

Moreover, increasingly, UEC is also being introduced to holders of paper policies and cards. That is, a person receives all three mutually duplicating documents. In the future it is expected complete cancellation physical insurance carriers and a complete transition to UEC. This process is hampered by the slow computerization of Russia and the familiarity of the population with old paper policies, not to mention bureaucratic obstacles.

A medical policy, regardless of the date of issue and the insurance company, must always meet the same standard. Since 2011, such a standard has been introduced. As already mentioned, its owners are those born after 2011 and who have changed their passport. However, if desired, the old-style policy (before 2011) can be replaced with a new one. At the same time I received an insurance plastic card. Persons who received a compulsory medical insurance document before 2007 urgently need to update it.

Since certain clinics may refuse service to a client who presents an expired policy. Although in fact this is illegal, because even the old policy retains its legal force. This means that the person was registered in the national health care system, from which no one has the right to exclude him.

It may also happen that the institution offers paid services to a client with an old insurance policy. In such a situation, you can safely go to Rospotrebnadzor and write a complaint to the head physician.

It is worth mentioning separately about persons officially temporarily residing in the country:

  • refugees;
  • foreigners doing business in the Russian Federation;
  • foreigners studying in the Russian Federation;
  • foreign tourists;
  • foreign relatives who came to visit.

All these categories also have the right to medical care from the Russian healthcare system, but their policy is always valid for exactly as long as their stay in the country takes. Moreover, even if the length of stay increases, the medical insurance policy is still subject to renewal. So to summarize:

  1. Persons who have a policy from 2007 or earlier are highly recommended to take an updated medical document instead. This can be done at the medical institution to which the person is assigned at his place of residence.
  2. Persons using a 2008–2010 policy are advised to find out whether the document needs to be renewed (the answer may vary in different regions). Although in most cases such policies retain their validity, since they are increasingly being made permanent along with the new policies from 2011.
  3. If you have both a plastic card and a paper A5 format, it is better to carry only the card with you. Legally, it is completely equivalent to a paper policy, but wears out many times slower.
  4. Currently, the need to renew policies is a thing of the past. Modern ones are replaced only if they are lost or physically destroyed.
  5. At the first opportunity, it is recommended to create a UEC, then even if all physical insurance medical documents are lost, a person will be able to receive all the assistance required under compulsory medical insurance without any problems.

In particular, the VHI policy should be mentioned. VHI is voluntary health insurance. The policy of this type of insurance, as a later and modern one, is issued in electronic card form. That is, the client receives plastic card VHI. You can check all the necessary information on it using a reading terminal, which can increasingly be found in large clinics in the country. The client is also entered into an electronic database. IN Lately VHI, which is offered by Rosgosstrakh, is very popular. A valid VHI policy provides a lot of advantages that, alas, compulsory medical insurance does not yet have:

  1. The client himself chooses a list of priority medical services and preferred institutions. Let's say that someone needs expanded gastroenterological services, and someone needs neurological services.
  2. VHI includes important diagnostic and treatment procedures that are not supported by compulsory medical insurance. For example, MRI of the knee joints. And dental services are now generally almost 100% paid.
  3. The second policy is renewed automatically (hence, will be valid indefinitely) if the agreement with the insurer stipulates that the latter has the right to write off funds from the client’s salary card when the time for renewal approaches. A lifelong VHI policy is rarely purchased due to its high cost.
  4. VHI eliminates the need to wait in line. Both for an appointment with a specialist and for a diagnostic and treatment procedure.

This policy can be purchased as an individual(specific person), and legal entity. This, by the way, is the main qualitative difference between VHI and compulsory medical insurance. For example, some company is interested in additional medical protection for its employees. Then the company organizes voluntary health insurance as part of the employee’s social package, and in the contract the insured (client of the insurance office) will mean the company, the legal entity.

Every citizen living in the Russian Federation must have a compulsory health insurance policy. In 2018, information appeared that it was necessary to replace the old-style policy with a new one. In this article we will dispel this myth, provide current data and understand how compulsory health insurance differs from both options.

The old-style compulsory medical insurance policy is a thick piece of paper, the size of which is half the size of an A4 sheet. On the front and back sides are written the basic information of the owner necessary to receive assistance.

On the first - the person’s personal data, on the second - the number when the certificate was replaced. Front side of the old version of compulsory medical insurance:

  1. Upper left corner – state emblem Russian Federation.
  2. In the middle – last name, first name, patronymic of the owner.
  3. Gender, date of birth (in full).
  4. Identification barcode.
  5. Unique set of numbers.
  6. For how long is it valid?
  7. Signature of the insured person.

Old and new policies Compulsory medical insurance in one photo - the card looks more reliable.

The reverse side contains the following information:

  1. Name and date of registration with the medical insurance organization.
  2. Signature and seals of the responsible organization (branch).
  3. Series of issued certificate. Consists of 11 digits.

The new look is similar to what the old compulsory medical insurance policy looks like, only in a smaller form and with improved protection against dirt and water.

How do policies differ from each other?

Differences between the new policy form and the old one:

  • The option is plastic, so it is distinguished by its wear resistance and durability.
  • Maximum level of protection due to plastic update.
  • Almost three times less than the paper version.
  • Appearance. Concerning appearance, then the new sample contains a photo, but there are no fields for filling out information. The new form is a more compact version of the certificate.

If lost or expired, contact the insurance company you registered with. A new one must be issued within 30 days from the date of submission of the application, then it is issued in the order of priority, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive it.

If desired, it is not difficult to change an old-style paper compulsory medical insurance policy to a new plastic one.

How to see how long it is valid

The validity period of the old compulsory medical insurance policy is indicated on the reverse side. For a new one, the period of use is not limited, since it is released in plastic form.

You can replace it if there are compelling reasons for this, established by Russian legislation, for example, loss or damage to paper, change of surname or place of residence. In this case, contact the appropriate authorities and obtain a new one within 30 days. For this period, you will be issued a temporary version of the policy.

Where are the series and number on the old model?

They are located on the reverse sides of the document. To do this, you will need to take the sample in your hands and find the corresponding numbers; options of 16 and 11 digits are provided.

Where is the policy series and compulsory medical insurance number of the old model:

  • Look at the main side and you will see large numbers above the unique barcode, this is a single number.
  • Turn it over and under the data on insurance organizations you will see a series.

On the new format:

  • Look at the main side: there is no other information on it, except for the unique number in large numbers.
  • Turn it over and you will see a series under the photo.

Do not mix up the numbers, otherwise health workers will not be able to issue a certificate or make an appointment with a doctor (a certain decoding is provided).

Do I need to change the document to a new one?

Last year information appeared that everyone needed to replace standardized certificates with new ones. The service was provided until November of the same year. Otherwise, services will not be provided. The applicants were the official authorities, who clarified that the issuance would be suspended in 2019.

After some time, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund made it clear that it was not necessary to exchange the old certificate for a new one in order to receive appropriate assistance. Typically, employees of medical organizations set a standard period of use, after which it is necessary to replace it. There is a deadline of November 1 for those who want to change their insurer.

According to the law, such replacement can be made no more than once a year. Even if the client is not satisfied with the quality of services provided by the organization. No immediate replacement is required.

Important! It is not necessary to change your old paper compulsory health insurance policy to a new plastic card!

The new plastic compulsory medical insurance policy has a number of advantages, but it is not necessary to receive it.

In what cases is it necessary to change

Yes, it is not necessary to change the certificate if you have a valid, not lost and intact old sample. But there are also situations in which a citizen is obliged to change his document. Let's look at each one:

  1. If the owner changed his last name regardless of the circumstances. For example, a girl got married and took her husband’s surname. Therefore, after the marriage, she must come to the appropriate authorities and provide Required documents for re-registration.
  2. If a citizen has changed his place of residence. For example, if the owner sold one apartment and moved to another. Yes, compulsory medical insurance is another important document in which you must indicate your actual place of residence (registration).
  3. The presence of errors or inaccuracies has been established. Errors of any kind are considered, be it an incorrectly spelled last name or a typo in any part of the document. In this case, the citizen must necessarily come to the registration point and return it. Please note that if you come to receive medical care and an error is discovered during registration, the provision of services will be denied.

If you change your first name, last name, place of residence or other personal information, you must notify your insurance agent within a month. Additionally, an electronic version is attached in written form. It is also subject to replacement, and on the paper version a mark is placed on the reverse side in a specially designated line.

So, let's summarize. Citizens of the Russian Federation can continue to safely use the old-style insurance. The certificate must be replaced if you move, change your last name, patronymic or any other personal data. The re-registration procedure is quick, and the policy is issued within 30 days from the date of application.