Cherkasov Konstantin Valerievich. Public administration at the level of the federal district: administrative and legal research. specified in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission

As a manuscript

Cherkasov Konstantin Valerievich





12.00.14 - Administrative law; financial right;

dissertations for competition degree

Doctor of Law

The work was carried out at the Department of Administrative Law of the State educational institution"Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation».

Scientific consultant:

Sergun Petr Pavlovich

Official opponents: Doctor of Law, Professor

Bakaeva Olga Yurievna

Doctor of Law, Professor

Kononov Anatoly Mikhailovich

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor

Maksimov Ivan Vladimirovich

Lead organization-

higher professional education

"Rostov Law Institute

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation"

The defense will take place "_____" __________ 2009 at _____ hours at a meeting of the dissertation council D 229.001.01 at the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation at the address: 117638, Moscow, st. Azovskaya, d. 2, bldg. 1, meeting room of the dissertation council.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council

PhD in Law, Associate Professor Yu. L. Smirnikova


Relevance of the topic dissertation research. The adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 and the legislation specifying it did not immediately create an effective mechanism for the implementation of state administrative functions in the country in the conditions of separation of powers both vertically and horizontally. The Soviet administrative-command system of governing the country was actually liquidated, and the legal system in a workable form has not yet been created. Formation of the new Russian statehood in the late XX - early XXI centuries. characterized by a violation of a number of basic constitutional foundations, the loss of the ability of the central government to influence political and socio-economic processes in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, the opposition of representative, executive, judicial public authorities at all levels, and especially at the local level. This resulted in centrifugal, separatist aspirations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, a real threat to the territorial integrity of Russia, a decrease in the effectiveness of the work of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in solving urgent socio-economic problems and the emergence of a danger of an active manifestation of mass discontent among the population, which left a significant imprint on the development of modern territorial management.

Public administration and the system of public authorities in Russia since 2000 have been undergoing significant changes, which are largely associated with the formation of seven federal districts and the creation of state bodies at the level of the federal district. Currently, public administration at the level of the federal district is in its infancy, characterized by an intensive search by the central government for the place of state bodies at the level of the federal district in the structure of the state apparatus and the mechanism of public administration. Some of these bodies are still only being formed, and the established ones sometimes do not work effectively enough. Increasing the efficiency of state bodies at the level of the federal district is the most important part of the administrative reform being carried out in Russia today, and therefore the issues of their functioning, as well as the existence of federal districts, are subject to consideration within the framework of administrative law. The optimization of public administration in the context of the implementation of administrative reform largely depends on the organizational, legal and institutional mechanisms for its implementation at the level of the federal district.

However, a proper comprehensive scientific study of public administration and state bodies at the level of the federal district, as well as federal districts as a managerial level, has not yet been carried out. In existing publications, state bodies at the level of the federal district were considered fragmentarily, which was the reason for the absence in these works of an analysis of the effectiveness of these bodies in achieving and solving their goals and objectives, as well as generalizing conclusions and specific proposals aimed at improving their legal status. There were no conceptual generalizations, answers to many questions put forward by practice. The problems of organization and functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district, as a rule, were covered within the framework of constitutional rather than administrative law, and therefore the administrative and legal aspects of their activities remained unexplored.

The absence of a carefully worked out theoretical basis significantly complicates the process of modernization of state bodies at the level of the federal district. In this regard, the most important task of the science of administrative law today is a comprehensive study of public administration at the level of the federal district, understanding the regulation of various aspects of the activities of state bodies at the level of the federal district, as well as putting into practice the most effective forms of their organization and work. In general, the need for a scientific study of public administration at the federal district level is due not only to the importance of a theoretical study of the question of the place occupied by state bodies at the federal district level in the public administration system, but also to a greater extent by the need to generalize the experience of their functioning and propose specific measures. aimed at improving the efficiency of administrative and legal regulation of the activities of these bodies.

Target consists in a comprehensive administrative and legal study of public administration at the level of the federal district, the development of theoretical structures and practical proposals aimed at optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district.

In accordance with the purpose of the dissertation work, the following main research tasks:

Consider the theoretical and historical foundations of public administration at the level of the federal district;

To highlight the issues of the formation and functioning of executive authorities at the level of the federal district;

To reveal the administrative and legal aspects of the activities of the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts;

Understand the mechanisms, degree of integration and interaction of state bodies at the level of the federal district;

Substantiate the expediency and determine the prospects for improving the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district;

Analyze the essence, state and development trends of the federal districts as a level of management;

Formulate specific proposals and recommendations aimed at improving public administration, increasing the performance of state bodies at the level of the federal district, as well as optimizing the system and structure of federal districts as a managerial sphere of influence.

objectdissertation research public relations that arise in the sphere of public administration, administrative and managerial activities of state bodies at the federal level and the level of the federal district act.

Itemdissertation research make up the doctrinal provisions of the theory of administrative law in the field of public administration, the stages of formation and development of state bodies at the level of the federal district; legal regulation of the structural organization, tasks, functions of state bodies at the level of the federal district, as well as prospects for its improvement; legal support of the territorial sphere of administrative activity of state bodies at the level of the federal district.

The degree of development of the research topic is characterized by the fact that the establishment of an additional level of federal government, the creation and functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district aroused considerable interest in them by researchers studying history, sociology, political science, management theory, economics and jurisprudence. Domestic and foreign legal science contains extensive material that reveals some issues of public administration, the functioning of territorial bodies of federal state bodies.

The dissertation used the scientific works of pre-revolutionary, Soviet, modern scientists and statesmen:

S. A. Avakyan, O. A. Avdeeva, A. S. Avtonomov, A. P. Alekhin,

G. V. Atamanchuk, M. I. Baitin, O. Yu. P. Belyaeva, V. G. Bessarabov, V. G. Vishnyakova, B. N. Gabrichidze, M. V. Gligich-Zolotareva, A. D. Gradovsky, A. A. Grishkovets, G. V. Degtev,

V. V. Denisenko, N. M. Dobrynina, B. N. Eliseeva, V. G. Ermakova, S. M. Zubarev, D. A. Kerimov, V. O. Klyuchevsky, S. V. Kogan, Yu. M. Kozlova, N. M. Konina, A. M. Kononova, I. A. Konyukhova, N. M. Korkunova, M. A. Krasnova, Yu. A. Krokhina, B. M. Lazareva, M. A. Lapina, I. V. Levakina, I. V. Leksina, V. I. Lenina, V. N. Lysenko, Yu. M. Luzhkov, A. E. Luneva, T. B. Makarova, I. V. Maksimova, A. A. Maksurova, A. V. Malko, V. V. Mamonova, G. N. Manova, V. I. Manokhina, N. I. Matuzova, S. N. Makhina, T. L. Migunova, S. E. Naryshkina, S. I. Nekrasov, V. I. Novoselova, A. F. Nozdrachev, A. V. Obolonsky, D. M. Ovsyanko, L. A. Okunkova, M. I. Piskotina, V. S. Pronina, A. V. Remnev, Yu. A. Rosenbaum, B. V. Rossinsky, N. G. Salishcheva, I. N. Senyakin, P. P. Sergun, S. S. Sobyanin, Yu.

V. D. Sorokina, Yu. N. Starilova, M. S. Studenikina, A. M. Tarasova, Yu. A. Tikhomirova, T. Ya. G. Chernyavsky, A. N. Chertkov, V. E. Chirkina, E. V. Shorina,

B. S. Ebzeev, Ts. A. Yampolskaya and others, including foreign ones, researchers (for example, G. Braban, J. Wedel, K. Hesse).

The issues of public administration and the functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district were somehow touched upon in dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of legal sciences of the following authors: R. M. Aslanova, A. I. Bagba,

O. N. Birina, I. S. Vagina, P. M. Kandalova, V. Yu. Katkov, O. Yu. Kokurina, V. D. Koshlevskogo, O. V. Krasnykh , I. Yu. Makanova, N. I. Makarov, I. Yu. V. Semenova, K. A. Skaleuha, A. S. Sologubova, I. V. Syskova, O. A. Uglanova, V. S. Chepikova, S. N. Chernova,

V. N. Sharikova. These researchers have taken the first steps in the study of public administration and state bodies at the level of the federal district, which, undoubtedly, is of scientific interest. However, their works lack an integrated approach and do not pay due attention to the administrative and legal aspects of the creation and operation of state bodies at the level of the federal district. In addition, consideration in the legal literature of certain aspects and areas of functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district does not exclude the possibility of making new generalizations in this area from the standpoint of administrative and legal regulation.

Methodological basis of the dissertation research make up general theoretical and special scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, logical, dialectical, historical, sociological, statistical, system-structural methods, as well as methods of comparative law, expert assessments and analytical interpretation legal regulations. Their application made it possible to study objects in interconnections and interdependencies, to identify certain trends, to draw generalizations and conclusions. When writing the work, an interdisciplinary approach was used.

Theoretical basis of the study presented modern achievements science of administrative law. In addition, generalizations and conclusions are used. economic theory, political science, sociology, management theory, theory of state and law, as well as the results of research in the field of constitutional, criminal, civil law branches, works, including dissertations, of domestic and foreign scientists, statesmen and politicians, encyclopedias and textbooks.

Normative basis of dissertation research compiled: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, acts of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, federal executive authorities and other state bodies, decisions of higher judicial instances Russian Federation and materials of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, acts of public authorities of foreign states, legislation of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Analyzed drafts of a number of federal laws, some agreements on the delimitation of jurisdiction and mutual delegation of powers between bodies state power of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the situation in the country, the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the state.

Empirical basis of dissertation research is based on statistical, analytical and practical material obtained during an internship in the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, as well as in the process of participating in the work of the Office of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Volga Federal District. Archival materials of the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, information of the divisions of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, control departments of the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts have been studied. Materials used sociological research(survey and questioning) conducted by the applicant among civil servants of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District and the Office of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Volga Federal District. The information contained in the transcripts of meetings and meetings of state bodies, judicial decisions, acts of legislative bodies of state power, recommendations of experts, records of Internet conferences of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, on the official websites of a number of federal state bodies, in the information reference legal systems.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research. The work is a comprehensive study of public administration at the federal district level. It highlights on a monographic level: theoretical basis and historical stages of the formation of public administration at the level of the federal district; administrative and legal aspects of the establishment and activities of state bodies at the level of the federal district, their interaction with each other and other state bodies; development trends and prospects for improving the efficiency of the functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district; federal districts as a managerial level. A systemic in nature and conceptual in content study of the problems of public administration at the level of the federal district was carried out, which allowed the dissertation candidate to put forward a number of independent proposals aimed at improving public administration, optimizing the organization and activities of state bodies at the level of the federal district. Based on the achievements of legal thought, fundamentally new generalizations and conclusions regarding public administration and state bodies at the federal district level have been introduced into administrative and legal science.

As a result of the study the following are defended, which are new or contain elements of novelty and reflect the author's understanding of public administration and the administrative and legal nature of state bodies at the level of the federal district:

1. It is argued that public administration at the level of the federal district is the activity of state bodies at the level of the federal district in the exercise of their powers. A state body at the level of a federal district is a territorial body of a federal state body (representative office) or a structural unit (representative) of the central office of a federal state body, created in accordance with federal law by a federal state body, acting within the framework of the powers granted, extending to a specific spatial-territorial unit Russia - a federal district, and accountable to a federal government agency. State bodies at the level of the federal district - federal state structures that implement the functions of individual federal state bodies at the appropriate management level. Legal relations, arising in the process of creation, organization and activities of state bodies at the level of the federal district, are administrative.

2. The existence of two main trends at the level of the federal district is stated. The first trend is the establishment and functioning of state bodies at the level of the federal district. The reorganization affected the bodies exercising control and supervision functions, the former interregional territorial bodies of the federal executive bodies, whose powers extended to the territories of the subjects of Russia bordering each other or their parts, as well as the federal executive bodies, the management of which is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation. The creation of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies at the level of the federal district represents a horizontal deconcentration of power. The structure, competence and organization of the activities of the executive authorities at the level of the federal district differ, which is due to the tasks and functions of the federal state bodies and depends on whether they are divisions of the central offices or territorial bodies. Differences in the internal structure and, to some extent, the powers of the executive authorities at the level of the federal district of one federal body are determined by the specific problems that exist in certain federal districts, the leadership's vision of ways and ways to solve them. In general, in matters of the establishment and functioning of federal executive bodies at the level of the federal district, a formal approach, imperfection and declarativeness of their legal basis can be traced. The status of such bodies is often unreasonably underestimated, and their activities are ineffective. The main problem is the lack of unification in the structure and legal status of state bodies at the federal district level. The second trend is largely predetermined by the first and is characterized by the creation of non-state structures at the level of the federal district.

3. The existence of objective and subjective reasons that impede the strengthening and strengthening of interaction and integration of state bodies at the level of the federal district. Construction features, uncertainty legal status and the hierarchical position of a number of state executive authorities at the federal district level make it difficult to interact both between them and between other divisions of federal executive authorities, authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, as well as non-state structures . Nevertheless, at the level of the federal district, to a certain extent, independent administrative and other structures with well-established mutual and multilateral ties began to be created.

4. It is argued that the ongoing administrative reform in the Russian Federation is largely selective, fragmented, not only in relation to state bodies belonging to various structures, but also to the levels of public administration. If in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities its individual elements are already being carried out, then at the level of the federal district only the contours of the upcoming transformations have been outlined. The managerial effect associated with the establishment of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies at the level of the federal district has not been achieved due to the incompleteness of this process. In this regard, the necessity of carrying out a reform of territorial administration is substantiated, which consists in the creation and functioning of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies at the level of the federal district with the simultaneous liquidation (reorganization) of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The formation of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is justified only if one system executive power is not able to ensure the effective implementation of the powers of the Russian Federation in the field. Issues of federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district should be reflected in the federal law “On administrative and managerial districts in the Russian Federation” proposed for adoption.

5. It is substantiated that the creation of governments of the federal districts, giving the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts or special (plenipotentiary) representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation and their apparatuses the status of administrations of the federal districts with the empowerment of their executive and administrative powers and the approval of budgets for each of the seven federal districts is inappropriate . Otherwise, this will either lead to a violation of the principle of separation of powers or the departmental vertical of executive bodies (the unity of the executive power system), or may provoke separatism in the federal districts. The terms of reference of the governments of the federal districts as presumably bodies of general competence, the mechanisms of their interaction with the Government of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as the degree of subordination of the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities to both their central offices and federal governments are not clear. districts. At the same time, the interaction of central and territorial federal executive bodies with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities will be difficult, and federal state bodies will be held responsible for miscalculations in the field of regional development approved by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

6. It is noted that the consolidation of the legal status of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts by the norms of by-laws is insufficient, not fully consistent with their significance. Provisions proposed for adoption federal law"On administrative and managerial districts in the Russian Federation" can fill this gap and consolidate the main elements of the legal status of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, as well as determine the key areas of their activities, the basis for interaction both between them and with other public bodies, non-state structures. At the same time, it would be a mistake to completely abandon the practice of issuing sub-legislative normative legal acts regulating certain areas of activity of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts and detailing the federal law. Otherwise, the head of state will be effectively deprived of the opportunity to promptly modernize his structures at the territorial level, limited in his powers in the field of forming the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, appointing and dismissing plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation.

7. Proposals are made to improve the legal status of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, in particular, on the establishment of additional conditions for the appointment of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts to the post. Such requirements can be formulated in the Regulation on the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 849 dated May 13, 2000 “On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on the Plenipotentiary Representative) as follows: A citizen of the Russian Federation who does not have the citizenship of a foreign state or a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of a foreign state and who has reached the age of 30 years may be appointed representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district. It is advisable to detail federal legislation and clearly define the “dependence” of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts on the head of state, indicate in the Regulations on the Plenipotentiary Representative that the early termination of the exercise of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation, his removal from office entails the dismissal of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts; plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts resign their powers before the newly elected head of state.

8. It is pointed out that, acting as structural elements of a peculiar public education- presidencies, offices of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, together with plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts, contribute to the exercise of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation at the interterritorial and regional levels. By their legal nature, the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, together with their apparatus, are working, auxiliary structures of the head of state in places of general competence. They are separate structural subdivisions and officials of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Thus, the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, together with their apparatuses, form territorial presidential state structures (bodies), the purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of the main tasks and functions of the head of state in the field.

9. It is concluded that the administrative reform in Russia should solve not only the problems of the organization and activities of executive authorities. No less acute are the issues of improving presidential structures, their interaction with other public bodies, civil society institutions, and eliminating duplication of functions within the apparatus of the head of state. In this regard, there is a need to optimize the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, which consists, in particular, in the adoption of regulations for the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts; the creation of commissions to comply with the requirements for official conduct of state civil servants of the Russian Federation and the settlement of conflicts of interest in the apparatus of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts; reorganization of the positions of chief federal inspectors and federal inspectors of the offices of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts.

10. It is determined that the content of the tasks, functions and rights of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, as well as the mechanisms of their interaction with other public bodies and non-state structures are determined by the place of the President of the Russian Federation in the system of separation of powers, his status and importance as the head of state, the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as an official holding a dominant position in the system of public administration in the Russian Federation. As head of state, the President of the Russian Federation is forced in a number of cases to assume the functions of executive power at his own level. In the same way, the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts are often faced with the same need at the local level due to the insufficient effectiveness of the work of the executive authorities in modern Russia. The powers of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts are basically concentrated on resolving issues of strategic importance, ensuring national security and have a multifunctional orientation, and their legal status is “secondary” in relation to the legal status of the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the administrative and legal status of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District is higher than the status of his colleagues, which is due to the need to solve some problems in the North Caucasus region in the field of state building, which are not typical, at least on such a scale, for the rest of the territory. countries. This feature is the similarity of his legal status with the status of the governor in the Caucasus in Tsarist Russia.

11. It is established that the solution of the main tasks set by the head of state for the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, as well as the implementation of the functions assigned to them, are difficult to implement, and in some cases impossible without the participation in this process of other state bodies, local governments, public associations , organizations, citizens. In this regard, the activities of advisory and advisory bodies under the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts are of great importance, which can be conditionally divided into three groups: bodies, the creation and operation of which are not necessarily provided for by federal legislation (they are established by plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts). districts at their own discretion); bodies, the creation and activities of which are mandatory provided for by federal legislation (the discretion of the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts is excluded); bodies, the creation of which is provided for by federal legislation, and the issues of activity are determined by authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. There is a need for codification of legal acts regulating the status of advisory and advisory bodies under the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, which should result in a unified and consistent basis for their functioning. Such an act could be the federal law “On administrative and managerial districts in the Russian Federation”.

12. Recommendations are formulated to improve the efficiency of the activities of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, in particular, on empowering them, firstly, with the function of submitting to the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representative bodies of municipalities of representations in the event of a conflict between the adopted by them of normative legal acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation, as well as instructions in relation to territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, executive bodies of municipalities in case of violation, non-execution or improper execution by them of federal legal acts and entered into legal the force of decisions of federal courts; secondly, the right of law-making initiative to the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representative bodies of municipalities, as well as making proposals and recommendations to the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of Russia, the executive bodies of municipalities of proposals and recommendations on the appropriateness adoption by them of this or that legal act, amendments to it or cancellation; thirdly, the function of submitting proposals to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation on the abolition of legal acts of federal executive bodies in case of their contradiction with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international obligations of Russia or violation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen ; fourthly, the right to submit proposals to the President of the Russian Federation on awarding state awards of Russia, a Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation or encouragement in the form of announcing the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation to heads of territorial bodies of federal state bodies, as well as heads of municipalities; fifthly, the right to submit proposals to state and municipal bodies on rationalization, improvement of their system, structure and increase the efficiency of activities, as well as recommendations to the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of candidates for appointment to the positions of heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of Russia.

13. Arguments are given about the inexpediency of reorganizing the institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts into the institution of plenipotentiaries of the Government of the Russian Federation in federal districts. First, the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts perform tasks and functions that are not characteristic of other state bodies and cannot be effectively implemented by the authorized representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. Secondly, the exercise of powers (especially control) of the President of the Russian Federation on the ground will be seriously hampered, while there will be a significant and, most likely, conflicting redistribution of powers between state executive bodies. Thirdly, authorized representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the federal districts will not be able to adequately coordinate and, even more so, control the work of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, whose activities are led by the President of the Russian Federation, as well as territorial bodies of other federal state bodies and structures that have a pronounced specificity. legal status. Fourthly, there will be a problem of uncertainty of the legal status of authorized representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. Fifthly, today there are no serious reasons for such a radical modernization of territorial administration, a break in the existing and well-established managerial ties. Sixth, in part, the experience of functioning of authorized representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the federal districts already exists in the form of activities of representative offices of the Government of the Russian Federation in certain subjects of the Russian Federation, whose work did not have the proper result.

14. Makes sure that the federal districts are not subjects of the Russian Federation, do not make any changes to the state structure of Russia, to the legal status of the subjects of the Russian Federation, do not change their territorial boundaries. The unification of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into federal districts is of a formal, abstract nature. Today, the federal districts are the administrative level, the territorial sphere of activity of the relevant state bodies. At the same time, the centralized and, for the most part, uniform managerial influence of federal state bodies on processes in federal districts in one way or another contributes to the formation on their basis of some legally conditional (at least for now), but nevertheless territorial entities that can theoretically be called proto-territorial formations.

15. The necessity of optimization of federal districts is emphasized, which consists in increasing their total number and changing the structure of some of them. It seems promising, firstly, to form two federal districts on the territory of today's Siberian Federal District - West Siberian and East Siberian - with centers in the cities of Novosibirsk and Irkutsk, respectively; secondly, to create on the territory of the current Far Eastern Federal District also two federal districts - South-Eastern and North-Eastern - with centers in the cities of Khabarovsk and Magadan. The Republics of Udmurtia, Bashkortostan, Perm Territory, Orenburg Region should enter the Ural Federal District and, consequently, withdraw from the Volga Federal District. The Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugra) and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs should leave the Urals Federal District and enter the West Siberian Federal District that is being created. The principles of formation, the structure and spatial-territorial limits of the federal districts should be reflected in the federal law "On administrative and managerial districts in the Russian Federation".

Theoretical and practical significance of the research. The conclusions and proposals formulated in the dissertation work can be applied for further theoretical study of issues of public administration at the federal level and the level of the federal district, the organization and activities of state bodies at the level of the federal district, as well as for improving the legal regulation and practice of their functioning in modern conditions and in the future, ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of their goals and objectives. In addition, the theoretical significance of the work is determined by the scientific substantiation of the provisions that have not been sufficiently reflected in the current regulatory legal acts and in the practice of state bodies at the level of the federal district. The results of the study can be used in the preparation of textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials in the course of administrative law, as well as in the process of teaching academic discipline"Administrative law" in educational institutions.

Approbation of the results of the dissertation research. The main provisions and results of the study were tested in the following areas:

During an internship in 2002 in the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District;

During the research work on the topic: “Mechanisms for improving the effectiveness of personnel policy and the formation of a civil service management system in the Volga Federal District, aimed at implementing the federal program “Reforming public service Russian Federation (2003-2005)” (the topic was approved by the order of the rector Russian Academy State Service under the President of the Russian Federation of March 6, 2003 No. 213 “On Approval of the Plan for Budgetary Research and Development for 2003”);

In the process of conducting lectures and seminars at the Volga Region (Saratov) Law Institute (branch) of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), the P. A. Stolypin Volga Academy of Public Administration, Omsk Law Institute;

During training in 2007 within the framework of the cooperation program under the patronage of the French Embassy in the Russian Federation between the Volga Academy of Public Administration named after P. A. Stolypin and the National Center for Territorial Service;

In the process of developing and submitting for consideration in 2007 to the Committee on Information Policy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation an author's draft federal law regulating issues of public administration at the level of the federal district;

During the preparation of the work on the topic: "Modern trends and prospects for the development of public administration at the level of the federal district" for participation in the All-Russian competition "New Names in Public Law Science - 2008" (organizer - Center for Public Law Research; following the results of the competition, the first place);

Speaking at a meeting of the Coordinating Council under the Office of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for the Volga Federal District with a report on the topic: "The role of state bodies at the level of the federal district and the prospects for increasing their importance in the mechanism for ensuring a single legal space in the Russian Federation" (Cheboksary, September 30, 2008 );

When approving the direction and topic of the dissertation research by the Academic Council of the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, as well as discussing the dissertation at the Department of Administrative Law of the RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia;

When preparing publications and publishing them (including in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Science should be published), as well as speaking at international, all-Russian, interuniversity scientific and scientific practical conferences.

More than 100 publications on the topic of dissertation research scientific works with a total volume of over 100 pp, including three monographs with a total volume of 39.85 pp. There are positive reviews of monographic works in federal periodicals, as well as reviews of statesmen, recognized legal scholars.

Thesis structure subject to the logic of the study, its goals and objectives. The dissertation includes an introduction, four chapters, consisting of 16 paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliography.

In Vadministered the relevance of the dissertation topic is substantiated, the goal and objectives, the object and subject of research are determined, the degree of scientific development of the topic is shown, the methodological, theoretical, normative and empirical foundations of the research are revealed, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work, the main provisions submitted for defense are formulated, information about the approbation of the results and the structure of the dissertation.

Chapter first"Theoretical and historical foundations of public administration at the level of the federal district" consists of four paragraphs.

The first paragraph highlights the conceptual issues of public administration at the federal district level. Based on the points of view available in the legal literature, the main categorical (conceptual) apparatus of this study is defined and analyzed. Particular attention is paid to such concepts as: "state power", "public administration", "public authority", "state body", "official". From the traditional point of view, which is adhered to, in particular, by the dissertation author, the author's understanding of public administration and the state body at the level of the federal district is formulated. The applicant's judgments expressed in this paragraph are in a logical relationship with the subsequent presentation of the research results, which is manifested in the structure of the work, as well as in further generalizations and conclusions.

The second paragraph explores the territorial administration in pre-revolutionary Russia. A detailed analysis of the governor-general (viceroyal) system of government allowed the dissertation student to identify the historical roots of public administration at the level of the federal district. According to the author, the institution of the governor-general was ambiguous. He proved himself well in those regions of the Russian state, the level of economic development in which was lower than in the native Russian provinces. In the provinces where the level of development was higher, the general governments did not fully achieve their goal. The successes of the governor-general system of government were not the same in different parts of the country and also depended on the remoteness of the region from the center, its ethnic composition, and the pressure of centrifugal forces striving for national self-determination. A serious shortcoming of the governor-general administration was the excessive prevalence of the administrative factor over the economic one. At the same time, throughout the history of existence, the powers of governors-general (deputies) were not clearly defined in the legislation.

The work reflects the functional similarity of governors-general (deputies) and plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. At the same time, the difference in their legal statuses is emphasized and considered, which is based on the form of government that existed then and established today. At the end of the paragraph, it is noted that the system and structure of territorial administration in Tsarist Russia were heterogeneous and were due to taking into account, when carrying out the territorial division, the features of the political and legal development of the existing ethnic groups, nations and peoples, which made public administration difficult. However, attempts to unify territorial administration within the framework of the existing legal system proved to be untenable, as they caused sharp rejection on the part of the national elites and only multiplied the contradictions of territorial development.

The third paragraph is devoted to the study of enlarged territorial administration in Soviet Russia. The dissertation traces the dual and contradictory policy of the country's leadership aimed at optimizing the territorial administration. On the one hand, economic expediency forced repeated attempts to create enlarged territorial entities; on the other hand, in the context of Russia's transformation from a proclaimed federal state into a de facto unitary state with a strong central and relatively weak local authorities, for the sake of political necessity, the number of regions was constantly being disaggregated and increased. Due attention is paid to the issues of zoning and the activities of economic councils.

In the system of territorial administration of the Soviet state, the principle of democratic centralism prevailed, and double subordination was widely used. The leading role belonged to the sectoral principle of management organization. In fact, the relationship between all levels of power and management was based on the principle of vertical subordination. In Soviet times, a stable mechanism for coordinating the interests of the center, departments, and territories developed, which was closed on party structures that replaced administrative power. Various levels of party-state influence represented centralized system management. The core of the state apparatus was the party organs with their strict subordination and high level of discipline. The first secretaries of the republican, regional and regional committees of the CPSU were representatives of the ruling party and conductors of its policy in the regions. In part, they inherited the importance of governors-general in the mechanism of the state apparatus, since, being outside the rigid government hierarchy, they also implemented the political will of the state leadership on the ground. In general, the apparatus of state territorial administration in Soviet Russia was a cumbersome, but quite effective mechanism.

The fourth paragraph analyzes the current stage of the formation of public administration at the level of the federal district. Three temporary stages of the establishment of state bodies at the level of the federal district have been identified. The first stage (from August 1991 to December 1993) is defined as the stage of formation of the institute of representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the field and the creation of interregional executive bodies during the period of changing the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, characterized by the search for the central government of their place in the process of building a new system that has begun public bodies in Russia. The second stage (from December 1993 to May 2000) is marked by an active search by the federal government, politicians, and the scientific community for the most effective model of the institution of authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the field as an effective mechanism capable of ensuring the unity of state policy on the territory of the country, as well as creation of the necessary conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the work of interregional executive authorities. The third stage (from May 2000 to the present) is the latest period in the history of the establishment of public administration at the level of the federal district and is characterized by the growing influence of presidential and executive federal state bodies, the enlargement of the territorial sphere of activity of federal state bodies, which began the process of strengthening Russian statehood. Their consideration determined the structure of the paragraph.

According to the dissertation, the formation of modern Russian statehood revealed two problems: the combination of the broad independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the need to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia. Representatives of the head of state and territorial federal state bodies were supposed to become the mechanism for ensuring the solution of nationwide tasks on the ground. However, they were exposed to negative factors hindering the strengthening of the unity of the system of executive power in the country, which led to threatening consequences for the Russian statehood. The paragraph defines the main reasons for the creation of public administration at the level of the federal district; the proposals of scientists and statesmen in the field of reorganization of the territorial administration of the state were analyzed (some of them today have found legal consolidation in federal regulatory legal acts).

Chapter Two"Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts" contains five paragraphs.

The first paragraph considers the institutionalization of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. According to the dissertation, the right to appoint plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts stems not only from the constitutionally established powers, but also from the "implied" prerogatives of the President of the Russian Federation. The institution of local representation in foreign countries was studied, as a result of which the author came to the conclusion that in countries where the central presence in the regions is provided in the form of officials appointed "from above", these officials, as a rule, are, firstly, appointed by the government, Secondly, they are endowed with administrative power.

It is argued that the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts represent an organizationally separate structure in the system of presidential bodies, which, within the limits of its powers, is legally independent and fully subordinate to the head of state alone, but organizationally does not merge with him. Due attention is paid to the appointment of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts to the post, as well as dismissal from it. The place of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in the structure of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, their hierarchical position is analyzed, which allowed the author to speak about the duality of the subordination of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. In comparison with the institution of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, the institutions of special representatives of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field are considered.

In the second paragraph, the apparatuses of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts are studied. Their main purpose is to directly support the activities, the practical implementation of the powers of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, to facilitate the fulfillment of the tasks set by the head of state for them. The author notes that the competence of the offices of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts covers almost all traditional areas of executive and administrative activity, and therefore, at present, the number of their personnel is inferior to the scale of the tasks assigned to them.

The dissertation analyzes in detail the structure of the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, their place in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the powers of officials of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in relation to the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. Particular attention is paid to the legal status of deputies, assistants to the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, chief federal inspectors and federal inspectors of the apparatus of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, as well as the status and structure of the departments of the apparatus of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. According to the author, today the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts are endowed with more significant powers in relation to their apparatus than their predecessors. Measures are proposed that, from the point of view of the applicant, can improve the structure of the apparatus of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, official relations in them and thus increase the efficiency of their work as a whole.

The third paragraph covers the issues of advisory and advisory bodies under the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. Their division into three groups and further research determined the structure of the presentation of the material. Highlighted character traits advisory and advisory bodies under the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts and the chief federal inspectors of the apparatus of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, their common features and features are determined, and a classification is proposed. The need to reduce the number of advisory and advisory bodies under the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts has been identified. At the same time, in order to increase the efficiency of the activities of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, it was proposed to establish, without fail, such consultative and advisory bodies under them, such as: a public chamber, a commission on pardons, a department of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, an institution of regional lawmaking, a council for cross-border cooperation, anti-corruption council, extended council. The necessary attention is paid to the Regional Collegiums of federal executive bodies, the Councils under the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, the Commission for the Improvement of the Socio-Economic Situation in the Southern Federal District.

In the fourth paragraph, a competence-functional analysis of the main activities of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts is carried out. The latter are mediated and limited by the tasks assigned to the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts and the functions assigned to them. The effectiveness of the head of state, federal executive bodies exercising their powers at the local level depends on their resolution and implementation. At the same time, the author notes that the list of the main tasks of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, established in the Regulations on the Plenipotentiary Representative, is inaccurate, not exhaustive and does not fully reflect the entire range of their activities. In this regard, the formulation of other tasks is also proposed. The dissertation author points to the ambiguous perception of their tasks by the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, which is explained by the geopolitical, economic, social and other features of a particular federal district, as well as partly by the personal views of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts themselves.

The regulation on the plenipotentiary took on most of the positions contained in the description of the pre-existing institutions of representatives of the head of state in the field. At the same time, the legal status of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts has been seriously upgraded compared to the legal status of their predecessors, and their role and importance in the mechanism of state administration have been strengthened. This position is substantiated in the dissertation. Study of tasks, functions, rights, including those not enshrined in the Regulations on the Plenipotentiary Representative, as well as the main areas of work of the Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts (combined into functional blocks: representative, personnel and awards, socio-economic, control and coordination , information-analytical, work with citizens' appeals is highlighted separately) allowed the applicant to draw a number of conclusions that reveal their administrative-legal status and state-legal essence.

The fifth paragraph discusses the issues of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts. Conclusions and suggestions in this area are concentrated in the dissertation research. Their practical implementation will make it possible to specify the legal status of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, to increase the efficiency of not only their activities, but also the work of other state bodies at the level of the federal district and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In general, according to the applicant, the further development of the institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts should be carried out within the framework outlined by Part 2 of Art. 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which establishes the general competence of the President of the Russian Federation.

The dissertation author believes that institutional structures capable of effectively solving the tasks assigned to the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, as well as performing their functions, ensuring the implementation of the powers of the head of state in the field within the framework of the principle of separation of powers and the system of public authorities in the Russian Federation, and thus There are currently none that can replace them. Their possibilities in building modern public administration are far from being exhausted.

Chapter Three"Federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district" consists of three paragraphs.

In the first paragraph, the organizational and legal foundations of the establishment and functioning of federal executive bodies at the level of the federal district are studied. It is stated that today the federal executive authorities, as well as some state bodies belonging to other structures, have generally completed the process of forming their territorial bodies, representative offices or relevant divisions in the central office at the level of the federal district. The formation by a number of federal state bodies (in the overwhelming majority of executive bodies) of their territorial bodies and representative offices at the level of the federal district allows us to speak of the creation at this managerial level of subdivisions of federal state bodies, the main task of which is to perform the traditional functions of territorial bodies and (or) in the generalization and analysis of information, coordination of work and control over the activities of their departmental structures in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and to some extent, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The author comes to the conclusion that the establishment of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district makes it possible to build territorial state administration according to the "cluster" principle, to move away from the sectoral (ministerial) to the functional-sectoral principle of state administration. Under these conditions, the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts are able to synthesize and direct the complex of regional departmental verticals of the federal center into a single channel, thereby organizing the executive vertical of a more effective level.

The second paragraph reveals the administrative and legal aspects of the integration and interaction of federal state bodies at the level of the federal district. The integration of federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district, as well as the interaction between them and the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, are determined by the functions of the latter and are conditioned both by the need to ensure the interaction of divisions of federal executive authorities within their structures (vertically) and by the need to increase the degree and the intensity of joint activities of state bodies at the level of the federal district (horizontally). The dissertation indicates their main mechanisms and directions.

In accordance with a number of legal acts, model regulations on territorial bodies of federal executive bodies should define model rules for interaction with authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts. However, in practice there is no uniformity in this matter. Most standard provisions on territorial bodies contain only a general indication of the interaction of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies with authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts. However, acts of the Government of the Russian Federation require the establishment of precisely the rules for such interaction. Most provisions on federal executive bodies in the section "General Provisions" use the wording according to which they carry out their activities in cooperation with bodies that cannot be attributed to authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts. A similar wording is contained in the general provisions of the regulations on the territorial bodies of some federal executive bodies. The reason for this inconsistency is seen by the author in the frequent modernization of the system and structure of the federal executive authorities in the absence of appropriate changes in the regulatory legal acts regulating their interaction with the presidential bodies. Consideration of these issues in the dissertation work is given an important place.

The third paragraph highlights the problems and prospects for optimizing the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district. The author of the dissertation argues that the placement of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies is carried out today unevenly and unsystematically. So far, only fragmentary changes are taking place, leading to the complication of the structures of executive authorities at all levels and their relationships. A situation has arisen where some federal executive bodies have their own territorial bodies or representative offices in the federal districts; others - in the subjects of the Russian Federation (in all or some); the third - on a part of the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation; fourth - in the regions, including the subjects of the Russian Federation, located both on the territory of one federal district, and adjacent federal districts; the fifth - in federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation; sixth - simultaneously in federal districts, regions, as well as in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; seventh - do not have those at all. There is a redundancy of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the subjects of Russia. As a result, the existing multi-level system of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies, increased bureaucratization of public administration lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the implementation of management decisions.

In this regard, the points of view available in the legal literature on the ways and directions for improving the system of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the Russian Federation are considered. It is noted that the short period of functioning of the territorial bodies of federal executive authorities at the level of the federal district showed not so much the effectiveness of their work as a whole, but the correctness of the direction chosen by the central government to optimize the territorial state administration in Russia. A proposal has been put forward and substantiated for the transition to a two-tier and, only in limited cases, a three-tier system of federal executive bodies, where the lower link will be the territorial bodies of federal executive bodies at the level of the federal district.

Chapter Four"Federal districts in the Russian Federation: state and development trends" includes four paragraphs.

The first paragraph analyzes the essential characteristics of federal districts in Russia. According to the author of the dissertation, the federal districts are not stipulated, but allowed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, an instrument aimed at optimizing the state territorial administration. They represent the sphere (level) of managerial influence, the spatial limits within which state bodies exercise their powers. The constitutionality and expediency of creating federal districts is substantiated. Held comparative analysis federal districts in Russia and similar entities in foreign countries, which showed their difference in a number of significant characteristics identified in the dissertation.

It is noted that the federal districts are non-industrial and non-industrial entities. functional type, but created to manage state affairs in their entirety within the framework of federal competence. The importance of federal districts in matters of strengthening the executive vertical of power is analyzed. It is concluded that the creation of federal districts in broad sense should be viewed as a transition from a two-tier (federal center - subjects of the Russian Federation) to a three-tier (federal center - federal districts - subjects of the Russian Federation) structure of federal state territorial administration. In a narrow sense, they act as the territorial sphere of activity of the head of state, formations in which the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation at the interregional level ensure the implementation of the policy of the head of state on the ground.

The second paragraph highlights the state and determines the place of the federal districts in the system of other interregional formations in Russia. A study of the federal districts revealed their significant differences in a number of significant characteristics. It is noted that, despite the reduction in the subject composition of Russia and the change in the names of some subjects of the Russian Federation, the list of federal districts has not changed in terms of content. Since the centers of federal districts are not always such from a geographical point of view, the wording “the authorized representative is located in the center of the federal district” enshrined today in the Regulations on the Plenipotentiary Representative needs to be clarified. It is proposed to state this norm in the following wording: “The plenipotentiary is located in the corresponding federal district in the place determined by the President of the Russian Federation, taking into account the proposals of the plenipotentiary and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation located within the federal district. The location of the plenipotentiary representative is the center of the federal district.

A comparative study of the federal districts and other interregional formations existing in Russia allowed the applicant to put forward a number of generalizations. In particular, it was concluded that, on the one hand, unlike other entities, federal districts contribute to the creation of real prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of centralized management socio-economic development of the country and ensure the implementation of the strategy for building public administration at the interregional level. On the other hand, the federal districts, without acting as an obstacle to the development of other inter-territorial formations, take into account their location and subject composition, the current economic zoning of the country, the organization of the basic sectors of the economy, and transport infrastructure to the necessary extent. This allows state bodies at the level of the federal district to use the experience accumulated by inter-territorial entities, to carry out their functions on the basis of already established economic and, to some extent, political ties. It is indicated that the boundaries of the federal districts were defined so as not to completely coincide with the boundaries of other interregional entities.

The third paragraph is devoted to the study of the significance of federal districts in the issue of changing the state-territorial structure of the Russian Federation. The dissertation author emphasizes that there are more than enough arguments to justify the need to enlarge the subjects of Russia. However, there is still no consensus on the scheme for the consolidation of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the final result and the process of its flow: they are largely controversial and ambiguous. It is substantiated that the current Constitution of the Russian Federation does not allow for a full-scale change in the territorial division of the Russian state only by uniting the subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is indicated that territorial transformations are likely to cause clarification of the limits of federal districts and their internal structure.

Emphasizing the important role of the federal districts in the reform of the territorial structure of Russia, the applicant expresses the point of view that the transformation of federal districts into subjects of the Russian Federation and the enlargement of regions to the size of existing federal districts is unacceptable. The actual substitution of federal districts for the subjects of the Russian Federation will cause negative consequences, indicated by the author in the dissertation. If, however, we are talking about the formation of several levels of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a multi-level federation in Russia (in other words, federations within a federation) or the creation within the boundaries of supposedly new constituent entities of the Russian Federation - federal districts of a kind of "autonomies" in the form of the constituent entities of Russia that exist today, then for This will require significant changes to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, a certain experience of the existence of a similar type of territorial division of the country has proven itself negatively on the example of the so-called complex subjects of Russia. Federal districts are proposed to be considered as a kind of alternative to the enlargement of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The fourth paragraph examines the modernization of the structure and system of federal districts in Russia in modern conditions. It is argued that the existing size of the federal districts entail a number of management problems associated with the significant remoteness of their peripheries. At the same time, in the process of formation of federal districts, some of them included subjects of the Russian Federation, the geographical location of which does not correspond to their name (for example, the location of the Perm Territory, the Orenburg Region within the Volga Federal District, the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugra) and Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous Okrugs - within the Urals Federal District). In addition, the territories of some subjects of the Russian Federation are located in the same federal districts and at the same time are included in other territorial associations that do not geographically coincide with them. The name "Central Federal District" also raises objections. The author's understanding of the current situation is stated.

The dissertation substantiates the expediency of establishing nine federal districts in Russia, which, in his opinion, will allow, without violating the interregional ties that have developed in the federal districts, to align them with each other in socio-economic terms, and also to strengthen the managerial aspect in their placement. A proposal is made to rename the federal districts into administrative and managerial districts, which, from the point of view of the applicant, will make it possible to more accurately comprehend the essence of the districts as a managerial level, as well as to reflect the administrative reform being carried out in the country in their name. The state affiliation of the districts is determined as administrative and managerial districts in the Russian Federation.

IN imprisonment the results are summarized, the conclusions obtained in the course of the study are summarized.

The main content of the dissertation is reflected in the following publications of the author:


1. Formation and development of the institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / K. V. Cherkasov; ed. P. P. Sergun. - Saratov: SUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. - 9.25 p.

2. Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in Federal Districts: Status and Development Prospects / KV Cherkasov; ed. P. P. Sergun. - Saratov: RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, 2007. - 8.5 p.

3. The system of public authorities and management at the level of the federal district / K. V. Cherkasov; ed. P. P. Sergun. - Saratov: RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, 2008. - 22.1 p.

peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications,

specified in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission

4. On the issue of institutionalization of the legal status of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / KV Cherkasov // Russian justice. - 2006. - No. 9. - 0.25 p. l.

5. Cherkasov KV, Sergun PP// Bulletin of the Saratov State Academy of Law. - 2006. - No. 4 (49). - 0.5 p. l. / 0.25 p. l.

6. Chief Federal Inspector and Federal Inspector of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District: Issues of Operation on present stage/ KV Cherkasov // Bulletin of the Saratov State Academy of Law. - 2006. - No. 50 (anniversary issue). - 0.5 p. l.

7. Bodies of constitutional justice at the level of the federal district: prospects for formation / KV Cherkasov // Russian justice. - 2007. - No. 1. - 0.25 p. l.

8. Federal districts as a territorial sphere of activity of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation: the state and prospects for the development of the system / KV Cherkasov // Constitutional and municipal law. - 2007. - No. 3. - 0.5 p. l.

9. On the issue of advisory and advisory bodies under the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / KV Cherkasov // Law and Politics. - 2007. - No. 6. - 0.6 p. l.

10. On the establishment of an independent level of power in the federal districts / KV Cherkasov // Law and Law. - 2007. - No. 5. - 0.15 p. l.

11. On the issue of the territorial sphere of activity of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts / K. V. Cherkasov / / Modern law. - 2007. - No. 5. - 0.3 p. l.

12. To the question of the tasks of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts / K. V. Cherkasov / / Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2007. - No. 2. - 0.15 p. l.

13. Institute of local representatives of the head of state in Russia and abroad / K. V. Cherkasov // Bulletin of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2007. - No. 4. - 0.15 p. l.

14. About the place of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in the system and structure of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation / KV Cherkasov // "Black holes" in Russian legislation. - 2007. - No. 5. - 0.3 p. l.

15. Improvement of the system of state territorial administration in the Russian Federation / KV Cherkasov// Modern law. - 2007. - No. 11. - 0.45 p. l.

16. Once again on the "appointment" of the heads of regions or on improving the efficiency of the functioning of the territorial bodies of the presidential vertical of power from the perspective of administrative reform / K. V. Cherkasov / / Constitutional and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 8. - 0.3 p. l.

17. Representatives of the head of state on the ground in pre-revolutionary and modern Russia: general and special in the legal status / K. V. Cherkasov / / “Black holes” in Russian legislation. - 2008. - No. 1. - 0.25 p. l.

18. On the essence of the institution of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / KV Cherkasov// Law and Law. - 2008. - No. 3. - 0.15 p. l.

19. Interaction of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts with the departments of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for federal districts / KV Cherkasov / / Modern law. - 2008. -

No. 4. - 0.3 p. l.

20. Issues of deconcentration of state-territorial administration in Russia (based on the experience of the federal district) / K. V. Cherkasov // “Black holes” in Russian legislation. - 2008. - No. 2. - 0.2 p. l.

21. The system of executive authorities at the level of the federal district: issues of construction and development / KV Cherkasov// Russian justice. - 2008. - No. 6. - 0.4 p.

22. Institute of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts: characteristics and place in the system of state power in Russia / K. V. Cherkasov / / Modern law. - 2008. - No. 7. - 0.45 p. l.

23. Issues of building a system of territorial administration in the period from Peter I to Catherine II / K. V. Cherkasov / / “Black holes” in Russian legislation. - 2008. - No. 3. - 0.3 p. l.

24. Federal districts in the mechanism of modernization of modern Russian federalism / K. V. Cherkasov// Journal Russian law. - 2008. - No. 8. - 0.5 p.

25. Coordination as the main activity of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / KV Cherkasov// "Black holes" in Russian legislation. - 2008. - No. 4. - 0.25 p. l.

26. Some issues of organization and prospects for the functioning of public authorities and management at the level of the federal district / KV Cherkasov / / Constitutional and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 16. - 0.5 p. l.

27. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated

July 28, 2005 No. 452 “On the Model Regulations for the Internal Organization of Federal Executive Bodies”: Some Issues of Improving Legal Prescriptions / K. V. Cherkasov // Russian Justice. - 2008. - No. 9. - 0.4 p. l.

28. Federal districts: essence and place in the federal structure of Russia / KV Cherkasov // State and law. - 2008. - No. 12. - 1.1 p. l.


29. Formation and development of the institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in modern Russia: the first stage (1990-1993) / K. V. Cherkasov / / Politics and society. - 2007. - No. 5. - 0.6 p. l.

30. Formation and development of the institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in modern Russia: the second stage (1993-1997) / K. V. Cherkasov / / Politics and society. - 2007. - No. 9. - 0.5 p. l.

31. Formation and development of the institution of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in modern Russia: stage three (1997-2000) / K. V. Cherkasov / / Politics and society. - 2007. - No. 12. - 0.5 p.

32. Administrative reform at the level of the federal district: reality and foreseeable prospects / KV Cherkasov// Legal policy and legal life. - 2007. - No. 2. - 0.1 p. l.

33. To the question of the place of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in the structure of the public service of Russia / KV Cherkasov / / State power and local self-government. - 2007. - No. 12. - 0.4 p.

34. To the question of the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district / KV Cherkasov// Administrative and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 2. - 0.5 p. l.

35. Federal districts in the state system of Russia / KV Cherkasov// Legal culture. - 2008. - No. 1. - 0.8 p.

36. Executive authorities at the level of the federal district: organizational and legal foundations of functioning / KV Cherkasov, AA Rozhdestvenna// Administrative and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 6. - 1.25 p. l. / 1 p. l.

37. Cherkasov KV, Rozhdestvina AA On the issue of entering the state civil service in the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district // Administrative law. - 2008. - No. 2. - 0.35 p. l. / 0.2 p. l.

38. Administrative and legal status of deputies and assistants to the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / KV Cherkasov// Administrative and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 8. - 0.35 p. l.

39. Some aspects of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts / KV Cherkasov // Citizen and Law. - 2008. - No. 9. - 0.8 p. l.

40. To the question of the content of the concept of "public administration" in Russian legal science / KV Cherkasov // Administrative and municipal law. - 2008. - No. 11. - 0.5 p.

All-Russian and international conferences

41. On the institute of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district / K. V. Cherkasov / / Constitutional readings: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / resp. ed. cand. legal Sciences G. N. Komkova. - Saratov: Volga region. acad. state services, 2002. - Issue. 3. - Part 2. - 0.6 p. l.

42. Issues of the constitutional and legal status of the institution of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts / K. V. Cherkasov // The Constitution of the Russian Federation and modern legislation: problems of implementation and development trends (to the 10th anniversary of the Constitution of Russia): international. scientific-practical. conf. (October 1-3, 2003): at 3 o'clock / ed. A. I. Demidova, V. T. Kabysheva. - Saratov: Publishing House of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Academy of Law", 2004. - Part 2. - 0.2 p.

43. Issues of interaction between authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts with local governments / KV Cherkasov // Local government in the system of public authority: Russian and world experience: Sat. scientific tr. / resp. ed. dr ist. sciences, prof. S. Yu. Naumov. - Saratov: Volga region. acad. state services, 2004. - 0.2 p.

44. Federal districts and prospects for changing the administrative-territorial division of Russia / K. V. Cherkasov // Tatishchev readings: actual problems of science and practice: Legal relations and legal responsibility: materials of the international. scientific conf. / resp. ed. Dr. jurid. sciences, prof. V. A. Yakushin, Doctor of Law sciences, prof. R. L. Khachaturov. - Tolyatti: Volzh. un-t im. V. N. Tatishcheva, 2005. - Part 1. - 0.3 p.

45. The institute of local representation of the head of state in pre-revolutionary and modern Russia / KV Cherkasov// 35 years of the Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its role in the development of legal education: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. (Moscow, October 13, 2005): in 2 vols. / otv. ed. Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor I. E. Zvecharovsky. - M. : RPA MJ RF, 2005. - T. 1. - 0.6 p.

46. ​​Questions of the essential characteristics of the system of federal districts in Russia / KV Cherkasov // Law and Politics: History and Modernity: Materials of the International. scientific conf. (September 2005) / rev. ed.

V. V. Kozhevnikov. - Omsk: Omsk. acad. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006. - 0.3 p.

47. Prospects for the development of the system of federal districts at the present stage / K. V. Cherkasov // International legal readings: materials of scientific and practical. conf. (April 12, 2006). - Part 2 / otv. ed. Yu. V. Derishev, A. I. Kazannik, Yu. P. Solovey. - Omsk: Omsk Publishing House. legal in-ta, 2006. - 0.4 p.

48. The Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts - a mechanism for strategic management of the socio-economic development of regions / K. V. Cherkasov / / Strategic management of enterprises, organizations and regions: Sat. Art. Vseros. scientific-practical. conf. / under total ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. O. A. Luzgina. - Penza: RIO PGSKhA, 2007. - 0.15 p. l.

49. To the question of the organization of the system of territorial administration in Rus' in the pre-Petrine era / K. V. Cherkasov / / Theoretical aspects and law enforcement practice of Russian legislation: materials of Vseros. scientific-practical. conf. / ed. count : S. G. Emelyanov [and others]; Kursk. state tech. un-t. - Kursk, 2007. - 0.2 p.

50. Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in the mechanism of ensuring a single legal space of Russia / K. V. Cherkasov // Tatishchev readings: actual problems of science and practice: Legal relations and legal responsibility: materials of the international. scientific conf. / resp. ed. Dr. jurid. sciences, prof. V. A. Yakushin, Doctor of Law sciences, prof. R. L. Khachaturov. - Tolyatti: Volzh. un-t im. V. N. Tatishcheva, 2007. - 0.35 p.

51. To the question of the reasons for the establishment of the institution of plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts / KV Cherkasov // Questions of theory and practice of Russian legal science: collection of articles. Art. III international. scientific-practical. conf. / ed. cand. legal Sciences G. V. Sintsov. - Penza: ANOO "Privolzhsky House of Knowledge", 2007. - 0.15 pp.

52. On the issue of integrated management of the territory of Siberia in pre-revolutionary and modern Russia / K. V. Cherkasov // State and municipal management in Siberia: state and prospects. State and law: materials of international. scientific-practical. conf. (February 26-27, 2007, Novosibirsk) / otv. ed. I. V. Knyazev. - Novosibirsk: SibAGS, 2007. - 0.25 p. l.

53. Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal Districts and Commissioners of the Provisional Government: Historical Parallels / K. V. Cherkasov // Higher Education Science for the Region: Materials of the Fifth All-Russian. sci.-tech. conf. : in 2 tons / holes. ed. dr. chem. Sciences, Prof., Vice-Rector for Research V. A. Shorin. - Vologda: VoGTU, 2007. - V. 2. - 0.15 p.

54. Plenipotentiary and special representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the field in the mechanism of public administration of Russia: questions of correlation / K. V. Cherkasov // Modern Russian management: state, problems, development: Sat. Art. VII international. scientific method. conf. / ed. Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. B. N. Gerasimova. - Penza: ANOO "Privolzhsky House of Knowledge", 2007. - 0.15 pp.

55. Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district as an element of the mechanism for ensuring the sustainable development of municipalities - cities of Russia / K. V. Cherkasov // Problems of sustainable development of cities: coll. Art. participants of the IV international. scientific-practical. conf. - T. 1 / otv. ed. K. V. Krinichansky. - Miass: Geotour, 2007. - 0.2 p.

56. To the question of the essence of the system of federal districts in Russia and abroad: a comparative analysis / K. V. Cherkasov / / Second All-Russian Derzhavin Readings (Moscow, November 9-10, 2006): Sat. Art. : in 8 books. - Prince. 2: Problems of constitutional and international law/ resp. ed. V. A. Vinogradov; GOU VPO RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. - M. : RPA MJ RF, 2007. - 0.25 p. l.

57. To the question of the realization of the right of citizens to appeal to the bodies of the presidential power vertical / K. V. Cherkasov / / The right of citizens to appeal: problems of theory, regulation and practice: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. (February 28, 2007). - M. : Mosk. Institute of Law, 2007. - 0.15 p.

58. Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in federal districts as a tool for anti-crisis management of territorial development / KV Cherkasov // Theory and practice of anti-crisis management: Sat. Art. V international. scientific-practical. conf. / ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. S. P. Burlankov, Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof. N. G. Tarasova, Ph.D. tech. Sci., Assoc. O. E. Chufistova. - Penza: ANOO "Privolzhsky House of Knowledge", 2007. - 0.15 p.

59. Federal districts and other supra-subject formations in the Russian Federation: a comparative analysis / K. V. Cherkasov / / Stages of modernization of the state-legal systems of the CIS countries (experience, realities, prospects): materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. / ed. cand. legal Sciences, Dr. ist. sciences, prof. K. D. Zholomana, Ph.D. ist. Sciences, Assoc. R. S. Aryna. - Pavlodar: "KGUU" PSUI, 2007. - 0.35 p. l.

60. Government at the level of the federal district: the need for creation or the absurdity of existence / K. V. Cherkasov / / Modern Russian statehood: theoretical and constitutional and legal aspects / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Moscow State University. N. P. Ogareva; [under common ed. prof. A. R. Eremina]. - Saransk, 2007. - 0.3 p.

61. On the legal status of the Commission on improving the socio-economic situation in the Southern Federal District / KV Cherkasov // Trends in the development of modern law: theoretical and practical problems: Sat. Art. (Based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conf.

62. Implementation of administrative reform at the level of the federal district / KV Cherkasov// The quality of state and municipal government as a factor in the competitiveness of Russian regions: Sat. scientific tr. / resp. ed. dr ist. sciences, prof. S. Yu. Naumov. - Saratov: Volga region. acad. state services, 2007. - 0.2 p.

63. Issues of increasing the efficiency of the activities of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts in the field of interaction with other public authorities / K. V. Cherkasov / / Federalism and regionalism: priorities of the XXI century: materials of the international. scientific conf. / under total ed. cand. legal Sciences, Assoc. M. A. Mindzaeva. - Vladikavkaz: Vladikavkaz. Institute of Management, 2007. - 0.4 p.

64. On the issue of the interaction of the presidential power vertical with the institutions of civil society in the Russian Federation / K. V. Cherkasov // Problems of the formation of civil society in Russia (May 14-15, 2006, Yoshkar-Ola): materials of the All-Russia. scientific conf. students and young scientists / chairman. ed. count Dr. Philosophy sciences, prof. G. M. Purynycheva. - Yoshkar-Ola: Mariysk. state tech. un-t, 2007. - 0.3 p.

65. Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district and a division of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the federal district: issues of interaction / K. V. Cherkasov // Constitutional Readings: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / resp. ed. dr ist. sciences, prof. S. Yu. Naumov. - Saratov: Volga region. acad. state services, 2007. - Issue. 8. - 0.25 p. l.

66. On the issue of improving the legal status of the bodies of the presidential power vertical in Russia / K. V. Cherkasov // Topical issues state and civil society at the present stage: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. (April 10-11, 2007). / resp. ed. Dr. jurid. sciences, prof. Z. I. Enikeev. - Ufa: RIC BashGU, 2007. - Part 11. - 0.25 p.

67. On the enlarged territorial administration in Soviet Russia / KV Cherkasov / / Innovations in the state and law of Russia: materials of the All-Russia. scientific-practical. conf. (Nizhny Novgorod, April 19-20, 2007): at 2 o'clock / otv. ed. A. V. PETROV - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Publishing House. state un-ta, 2007. - Part 1. - 0.4 p.

68. Issues of formation of the system of courts of general jurisdiction at the level of the federal district / KV Cherkasov // Priority directions for the development of the rule of law: materials of the international. scientific-practical. conf. / resp. ed. cand. legal sciences, prof. V. P. Kolesova. - Barnaul: AAEP Publishing House, 2008. - 0.15 p.

69. On the issue of the possibility of establishing a legislative (representative) authority at the level of the federal district / K. V. Cherkasov // Third All-Russian Derzhavin Readings (Moscow, December 14-15, 2007): Sat. Art. : in 8 books. - Prince. 2: Problems of constitutional and international law / otv. ed. V. A. Vinogradov; GOU VPO RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. - M. : RPA MJ RF, 2008. - 0.25 p. l.

70. On the question of the main activities of the plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts: competence-functional analysis / K. V. Cherkasov // Nauch. tr. / Ros. academy of law Sciences. - Issue. 8: in 3 tons / holes. ed. V. V. Mushroom - M .: Ed. group "Lawyer", 2008. - Vol. 1. - 0.3 pp.

Signed for publication on 28.01.2009.

Format 60x90 1/16. Conv. oven l. 2.4. Circulation 150 copies.

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Russian Law Academy

Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation".

117638, Moscow, st. Azovskaya, d. 2, bldg. 1.

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No. 3 [Posev, 1996]

Socio-political magazine. Published since November 11, 1945, published by the publishing house of the same name. The motto of the magazine is "God is not in power, but in truth" (Alexander Nevsky). The periodicity of the journal has changed. Initially published as a weekly publication, for some time it was published twice a week, and from the beginning of 1968 (number 1128) the magazine became a monthly one.

<...>Zaporozhye", these Cherkasy moved in thousands to Moscow.<...>Rusakov Konstantin Vladimirovich.<...>Thanks again, the signature was: Konstantin Mishchenko (Kiev).<...>Rusakov Konstantin Vladimirovich.

Preview: Sowing No. 3 1996 (1).pdf (1.7 Mb)



March 15-17, 2013 in the village of Brodokalmak, Krasnoarmeysky district, Chelyabinsk region, the first civil communication platform took place. The program of this site is published and short review discussions.

Long silence ... Yuri Cherkasov, director of YuzhUralStroyizyskaniya LLC, entrepreneur: - I have a different<...>Yuri Cherkasov: - More on electricity.<...>Konstantin Natsievskiy: - So many questions at once.<...>Konstantin Natsievskiy: – I am ready to support.<...>Answered by Konstantin Olegovich Natsievskiy.


The article discusses the issue of the goals and course of the armed struggle for the city of Opochka between the Russian and Polish-Lithuanian armies. The author concludes about the strategic importance of the struggle for Opochka

In September 1517, hetman Konstantin Ostrozhsky, once defeated by Russian troops on Vedrosha, and then<...>And with the help of God, the governor of Lyadtsky 4000 troops were beaten, and other commanders were poimasha: Cherkas Khreptov and brother<...>Lithuanians from Bryaslavl (“from Bryaslovl, Krasnogorodsk volosts”3) are getting help, led by a certain Pan Cherkas<...>The Lithuanians resisted for a long time, but, in the end, they surrendered their fortification; Cherkas locked himself in the "priest's house<...>In other words, things had not yet reached the general battle, and Konstantin Ostrozhsky already felt


Currently, the Russian Federation is working on the creation of an "open government" system. One of the main tasks of the system is the formation of open public administration, which ensures greater interaction between government and society. The article discusses the main factors hindering the development of open government in Russia. Special attention is paid to the problem of forming a culture of openness. Proposals for the formation of a culture of openness among civil servants and citizens are formulated.

Konstantin V. Cherkasov Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law<...>Cherkasov, D. A.<...>Cherkasov, D. A.<...>Cherkasov, D. A.<...>Cherkasov, D. A. Zaharevich 2.


Voronezh regional linguistic studies in aspects of Slavic philology Part 1. Oikonymy of the Voronezh region

Publishing and Printing Center of Voronezh State University

The textbook was prepared at the Department of Slavic Philology of the Faculty of Philology

Konstantin Zazvonnykh NEW USMAN (late 16th century), p.<...>the name of the village arose in the 17th century, when this nickname did not exist, and the Russians called Ukrainians “Cherkasy”<...>(formerly Konstantinov Yar, Moscow)<...>(previously Malaya Gvozdyovka, Panska Gvozdyovka, Cherkasy Gvozdyovka (← “on the appeal of pans and Cherkasy, as<...>(formerly Cherkasskaya Trostyanka) ← “Russians then called Ukrainians Cherkasy, hence the first

Preview: Voronezh local linguistics in aspects of Slavic philology. Part 1. Oikonymy of the Voronezh region.pdf (0.6 Mb)




The purpose of our work, carried out at the Department of Breeding of the Belotserkovsky Agricultural Institute, was to find out the influence of growing and reproduction conditions on the yield and seed quality of peas.

Cherkas. . . . Kolkhoz with. Fursy Collective farm with. Ozernaya Collective farm with. Cherkas. . . . Kolkhoz with.<...>Cherkas s. Fursi s. Ozernaya s. Cherkas s. Potievka 1964. "Shkarovka p.<...>Cherkas s. Fursy. With. Ozernaya s. Cherkas s. Sweat. in 1964 p. Shkarovka with.<...>Cherkas s. Fursy with. Ozernaya. With. Cherkas s. Potismzha 1963. Bila Tserkva OSS.<...>Konstantinov, P. I. Lisitsyn, D. Kostov (1936) and others. V. Ya.



Nominal reference book of the Cossacks of the Orenburg Cossack army, awarded with state awards of the Russian Empire

This book is the second supplemented and corrected edition of the book "Nominal Directory of the Cossacks of the Orenburg Cossack Army, awarded with state awards of the Russian Empire", which was published in 2012 and had a great public outcry. The book contains the names of more than 11,000 Orenburg Cossacks, who in various years were awarded state awards for their military and civil merits. The book was published with the financial support of the descendants of the Orenburg Cossacks.

<...>17 OKP, GM 4 Art. No. 144700; Cherkasov Vasily - 3 OKP, GK 4 tbsp. No. 183916; GM 4 tbsp. No. 235062; Cherkasov<...>Ivan - 3 OKP, GM 4 tbsp. No. 1039040; Cherkasov Pavel - 11 OKP, GK 4 tbsp. No. 697985; GM 4 tbsp. No. 575978; Cherkasov<...>Alexander - 11 OKP, GK 4 tbsp. 311101; Cherkasov Alexey - 12 OKP, GK 4 tbsp. No. 91261; Cherkasov Alexey -<...>17 OKP, GM 4 Art. No. 144700; Cherkasov Vasily - 3 OKP, GK 4 tbsp. No. 183916; GM 4 tbsp. No. 235062; Cherkasov

Preview: Nominal directory of the Cossacks of the Orenburg Cossack army, awarded with state awards of the Russian Empire.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Medieval Russian political and legal thought gives us an original picture of views on society, the state and law. The thinkers of that era developed in a peculiar way many issues of the political and legal sphere, including the idea of ​​state unity. In the modern sense, state unity is defined by legal science as a rejection of any manifestations of separatism, i.e., such a policy in certain parts of the state that does not take into account the interests of the entire state and opposes them to local interests1. It is also noted that state unity implies a very significant volume and a high level of coordinated positions, interests and relations between the institutions of statehood, interconnected with the political and legal systems, as well as with civil society on the basis of interaction in resolving specific problems of social development, which ensures a stable power structure. and power relations in the state, its territorial integrity2.

Cherkasov K.V., 2014 3.<...>Fedor Sergeevich Sosenkov* Konstantin Valerievich Cherkasov ** Ideas of state unity in the period of formation<...>Prince Cherkasov is the only representative of the supreme power.<...>Cherkasov The story "Kazan History" is dedicated to the conquest of the Kazan Khanate in 1552.<...>Cherkasov Concepts of state unity, territorial integrity, theoretically formalized


No. 122(7585) [Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Economics of the Ural District, 2018]

This was reported to RG by Sergey Cherkasov, who introduced himself as a member of the working group of the Sverdlovsk regional<...>Including a shopping and office center on Weiner Street, where Sergey Cherkasov owns the premises. - We don't<...>Let's say that in 2014 my tax was 3,492 rubles, and in 2015 it was already 96,409 rubles, - says Cherkasov<...>According to the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and mass communications RF by Konstantin Noskov, digital<...>Somewhere it was estimated at 60 kopecks, and somewhere - at 112-120 thousand rubles AY SPEECH Konstantin Noskov, Minister

Preview: Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Economics of the Ural District No. 122(7585) 2018.pdf (1.3 Mb)


Historical and genetic analysis of the introduction of the complex "Ready for labor and defense" in the twentieth century [learning method. allowance]


The study guide provides a historical and genetic analysis of the factors that determined the form and content of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex in the 20th century. Regional historical material is used, comprehensive information is given for such types of independent work of students as essays and abstracts.

soldier's rank, and the peasants recruited were automatically freed from serfdom [Cherkasov<...>affairs were reflected in the “Table of ranks of all ranks of military, civilian and courtiers” introduced under Peter I [Cherkasov<...>the main means of physical culture<...>Konstantinov N. A., Medynsky E. N. Essays on history Soviet school RSFSR for 30 years.<...>Cherkasov P.P., Chernyshevsky D.V. History of Imperial Russia. From Peter the Great to Nicholas II.

Preview: Historical and genetic analysis of the introduction of the Ready for Labor and Defense complex in the 20th century.pdf (0.4 Mb)


The history of the new Moscow Troitsk and its environs

Moscow: International Academy of Evaluation and Consulting

The book is a story about the history of the city of Troitsk (currently Troitsky administrative District Moscow) and its environs, numbering almost 500 years. The reader will find information about the villages and villages historically associated with the Troitskoye and Bogorodskoye estates, about the people who inhabited this land, about the origin of the names of rivers, cities and villages. All information presented in the publication is confirmed by archival materials, however, the author reserves the right to his own opinion about individual persons and events.

In retaliation, the Polish commander Konstantin Ostrozhsky decided to conquer the city of Opochka.<...>In Chernigov, Gendrich converted to Orthodoxy and became known as Leonty, and his sons - Konstantin and Fedor<...>Konstantin's grandson Andrei came from Chernigov to serve in Moscow, where he was "applied with the nickname Tolstoy<...>You already know that the surname Cherkasov comes from the old Russian word "cherkas" (Ukrainian Cossack) and<...>And for the upbringing of Konstantin - a silver service and 60 thousand for “home furnishing”.



the article analyzes the legislative foundations of the right of convicts to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, the norms of the penitentiary legislation of the Russian Federation, which determine the main directions of interaction between religious organizations and correctional institutions, identifies shortcomings in legal regulation, and also proposes legal measures aimed at improving the efficiency of implementation by convicts said right and remedial process.

BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-ServiceCopyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service 21 © Cherkasov<...>Konstantin V. Cherkasov Head of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law


No. 5 [Military History Journal, 2013]

Monthly popular scientific publication of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It covers topical issues of domestic and foreign military history, the military policy of the Russian state at all stages of its formation and development, the historical experience of ensuring national security, the history of the development of military science and technology, the activities of outstanding Russian and Soviet commanders and naval commanders, as well as many other aspects of military history and science. The readers of the journal are professional historians, specialists from research institutions, faculty, officers and cadets of the military educational institutions, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the Armed Forces, as well as all those who are interested in military history. The publication will also be of interest to the younger generation, as it contains the section "Youth military history magazine". In addition to articles, it publishes cryptograms, chainwords and crosswords on military-historical topics. The authors of the publication are three candidates of sciences, one honored cultural worker of Russia, as well as military experts and historians. This guarantees a high professional level of the content of the magazine, consisting of such headings as "Military Symbols", "Military Heraldic Work", "Family Archive", "Symbols Russian Empire”, “On the pages of rare editions”, “Bookshelf of a military historian”, “Criticism and bibliography”, “Memorable dates” and others. In addition, the journal publishes information on the results of historical research, as well as reports on thematic exhibitions and expositions held by archives and museums. The Military Historical Journal has been published from August 1939 to the present with some interruption: its publication was temporarily discontinued with the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War and resumed already in 1959. Four years ago, a special supplement of the journal appeared on the Internet - Military Historical magazine. Internet Application". Its main task is the publication of articles, documents and scientific research that cannot be placed in a printed edition due to the limited volume of the journal - 80 pages and 8 color pages. Currently, the publication is actively cooperating with educational institutions, and also organizes visiting and correspondence reader conferences, seminars and round tables.

It is characteristic that in Moscow they continued to believe in the quick support of the Cherkasy as co-religionists: “and [Cherkasy] are against<...>Siege head Nikifor Yatsyn, nobles Semyon Voshchinin, Fyodor Oladyin, Ivan Cherepov and Alexei Konstantinov<...>Inspector-General of military educational institutions of Russia Grand Duke Konstantin visited the Vladikavkaz Corps<...>The All-Russian Central Executive Committee rejected the request for clemency, and on the night of June 23, the sentence was carried out. 16 Sychev Konstantin<...>Konstantin Andreevich Popov himself (1876-1949) in 1920-1922. worked as deputy, and then - chairman

Preview: Military Historical Magazine No. 5 2013.pdf (0.7 Mb)


The powerful growth of the world economy stimulates interest in the mineral resources of the planet. Their diversity and abundance in national territories is called a factor that increases the competitiveness of countries. In many cases, the wealth of the subsoil determines the level of economic well-being of the population. The main goal of the creators of numerous world databases of mineragenic data (DB) is clear, in addition to general education and information: to identify the availability of mineral raw materials for the industrial development of states and regions, to see the prospects for the future. The aspiration looks worthy of support. Doubts, however, are caused by attempts to use such a priori incomplete descriptive material for responsible mineragenic generalizations and predictive constructions. The situation can be improved by creating, in addition to the database, the national version of the World Lithoteca, a kind of microcore storage, examples of which, available in world practice, are discussed.

Cherkasov.<...>Konstantinov M. M. Models of gold deposits of new and non-traditional types / M. M.<...>Konstantinov // Ores and metals. - 2006. - No. 3. - S. 13-20. 4.<...>Cherkasov and others - M. : IGEM RAN, 2006. - 390 p. 6.


No. 5 [Moscow Journal. History of the Russian State, 2008]

The journal was founded in 1791 by N. M. Karamzin and resumed in 1991. This is a literary, artistic, local history publication of the Moscow Government. Frequency - 1 issue per month. Circulation - 5000 copies. The magazine is one of the few publications that exclusively covers the events of the past and present of Russia on the basis of documentary facts. It reflects all spheres of Russian life in their past and present, publishes unique documents from public and private archives, local history articles, memoirs, biographical essays on the most prominent figures of Russian statehood, science and culture. The publication has general social tasks focused on the formation of the cultural image of a citizen. The historical and local history material published in the journal enhances and educates such socially significant feelings as patriotism, love for the Motherland, responsibility for its fate, humanism, and generally improves the image of state authorities and administration. The authors of the magazine, which is addressed to both specialists and a wide range of readers, are well-known historians, archivists, local historians. Magazine readers are the most different ages and professions. For promotion of high ethical and moral principles, the journal was awarded the Distinction of the exhibition "Press-2006", "Press-2007" - "The Golden Fund of the Press". It is recommended to Russian libraries for acquisition of collections. Over the years, the editors have prepared and published special issues dedicated to the anniversaries of certain cities or regions of the Russian Federation. We invite you to take part in a joint project to issue a magazine issue, which will be fully or partially dedicated to the anniversary of your museum.

Cherkasov. Chromolithography by F. Dreger).<...>However, the colonel did not stay here for long: Cherkasy (as the Great Russians called the Cossacks and local residents) did not<...>Peter was informed: “It is not pleasing to the Cherkasy to be a commandant for a foreigner, about the insults of which they come to beat with their foreheads<...>, but there is no reason from him, the Cherkasy complain, they get along better with the Russians.<...>Konstantin Karlovich Saint-Hilaire.

Preview: Moscow magazine. History of the Russian State No. 5 2008.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Latuhinskaya power book. 1676

M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture

Latukhinskaya Book of Degrees of the 1670s is the result of a significant revision and addition of the Degree Book of the Royal Genealogy of 1562. It has attracted the attention of historians since N.M. Karamzin, but never published. Meanwhile, this huge text (1189 pp.), taken as a whole, gives us a significant increase in new historical knowledge, both due to the description of the events of the 1560s - 1660s, and a sharp increase in the range of sources for the previous seven years. centuries. The relevance and practical significance of introducing the full text of this source into scientific circulation is determined by the important and for today the main goal of the author of the Latukhin Book of Powers - to show the common destinies of the three East Slavic peoples and the population of the whole country as a whole. Here, successively, starting from ancient times, news about the fate of Ukraine, Belarus, Great Russia, as well as information about Siberia, the Kazan Khanate, and about overcoming the Time of Troubles is collected. This monument of writing allows us to trace not only the important role of the state in church building all centuries of national history, but also the role of the supreme power in the formation of the ideology of the absolutist state.

To him, the Cossacks of Zaporizhia, Cherkasy came.<...>There, the Cherkasians arrived at night // and took prison.<...>At that time, the Cherkasians ran away to the border of everything.<...>Kiev - 174, 181 Constantine II, Metropolitan. Kyiv - 192 Konstantin, bishop.<...>. - 30, 177, 215 Konstantin Borisovich (erroneously named Konstantin Vasilievich), Prince.

Preview: Latuhinskaya power book. 1676.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 3 [Ancient Rus'. Questions of Medieval Studies, 2010]

Science Magazine " Ancient Rus'. Questions of Medieval Studies" has become one of the most famous and authoritative periodicals, which publishes research by scientists in the field of history, philology and art history, concerning the Russian Middle Ages. The founder of the journal is the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Konstantin Vladimirovich of Ryazan was a servant of the Chernigov prince Rostislav Mikhailovich in Przemysl<...>According to the Laurentian Chronicle, Constantine in 48 in the same place. With. 348. 49 ibid. With. 355. 50 cm,<...>exterminate the other brothers. the murderers divided power in the Ryazan land58. a further quarter century of Constantine's life<...>These are, in particular, references to Jerusalem, King Constantine, the cosmos, and Damian, the cross.<...>on Moscow”8, “and so the reign of Tver is completely empty”9. who replaced Alexander on the throne of Tver Konstantin

Preview: Ancient Rus'. Issues of Medieval Studies №3 2010.pdf (1.5 Mb)


Institute of Municipal Administration

City reforms of 1870 and 1892 An exceptional role in the management of the city economy was assigned to the head of the local administration - the "mayor". Moreover, in small and non-district settlements, the sole performance of the duties of a local council by the mayor was allowed (for example, in Kainsk, Narym, Kolyvan, etc.). Consequently, the effectiveness of the activities of city institutions, the nature of relations with the central government, provincial administration and residents largely depended on the personality of the head of the city ... >>>

Cherkasov was awarded a pension of 1200 rubles for his service in the mountain districts.<...>Chairman of the Red Cross Society; gold miner, owner of a stud farm; philanthropist Longinov Konstantin<...>1895-1897 Tobolsk tradesman, home education Duma vowel, city commissioner Tarasov Konstantin<...>vowel of the Duma, member of the council; owned a sheepskin coat and pimokat establishments, traded tea and sugar Cherkasov<...>department, member of the Board of Trustees of the Kuznetsk Men's Parochial School, gold miner Konstantin Golubtsev

Preview: Mayors (headmen) and their assistants in the cities of Western Siberia in the 1870s–1900s.pdf (0.1 Mb)


No. 28 [Vedomosti APK, 2013]

The only publication in Russia dedicated to the issues of finance in agriculture. Being an independent business publication, it covers the state agrarian policy and ways of reforming it.

(100)| November 2013AGRIBUSINESSnews | trends | 4 12 15 person Kirill CherKasov<...>JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service 4 28 (100) November 2013 person Kirill Cherkasov<...>Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, member of the LDPR faction Kirill Cherkasov<...>Economic Forum, President of the Association "Rosagromash" and the Industrial Union "New Commonwealth" Konstantin<...>Initiator of the development of the "Roadmap for Development Agriculture Russia until 2020" Konstantin Babkin

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No. 4 [Practice of anti-corrosion protection, 2015]

The Journal "Practice of Anti-Corrosion Protection" (ISSN 1998-5738) has been published quarterly since 1996. "Practice of Anti-Corrosion Protection", in fact, has been and remains the only Russian journal dedicated to the theory and practice of corrosion protection of metallic and non-metallic materials, machines, equipment and pipelines of the fuel and energy complex, housing and communal services, various industrial buildings. The journal also publishes articles on energy saving and environmental problems of anti-corrosion protection. Leading scientists - corrosion specialists from Russia and a number of other countries have worked and continue to work as members of the editorial board. Articles are reviewed by experts in the relevant areas of anti-corrosion protection. The journal has a kind of author's and reader's "asset" - the authors of articles and subscribers who have been cooperating with the "Practice of Anticorrosion Protection" for many years. The editors have established feedback with readers. It is practiced to publish articles commissioned by major specialists on issues of particular interest to readers.

<...>Cherkasov, I.F. Gladkikh, Yu.V.<...>Cherkasov N.M., Gladkikh I.F., Filimonov V.A.<...>Konstantinov Development of ideas about the mechanism of nucleation and development of corrosion pits on carbon<...>Cherkasov, I.F. Gladkikh, Yu.V.

Preview: Anti-corrosion protection practice No. 4 2015.pdf (3.3 Mb)


№10(1084) [Knowledge is power, 2017]

"Knowledge is Power" is a Russian popular science and science and art magazine founded in 1926. It publishes materials on achievements in various fields of science - physics, astronomy, cosmology, biology, history, economics, philosophy, psychology, sociology.

Duration Konstantin Eduardovich estimated at several billion years.<...>A critical analysis of the ideas of Konstantin Eduardovich is available in the book by G. M.<...>“We won’t clean it up,” Cherkasov decided. “Because human labor is the most important thing for us.”<...>Cherkasov is a successful businessman.<...>Konstantin Balmont.

Preview: Knowledge is power No. 10(1084) 2017.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The article presents a method of marginal analysis, which takes into account the marginal income and marginal costs necessary to determine the amount of profit sufficient for the sustainable functioning of production in the current economic conditions.

Natalya Viktorovna Economist-manager Department of Economics and Planning of Mining Production, Moscow State Mining University YANKEVICH Konstantin<...>Dmitry Cherkasov, Lead Design Engineer, OAO Kopeysk Machine-Building Plant


No. 5 [Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Week, 2014]

National socio-political newspaper. The founder is the Government of the Russian Federation. Published since November 11, 1990. Editor-in-Chief of Rossiyskaya Gazeta: V. FRONIN

donated - cannot be taken away. February 10, Monday, the Moscow City Court will consider the case of State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Konstantin<...>The funeral ceremony ended with a speech by his grandson, Colonel Konstantin Petrov.<...>Cherkasov told me that they had bought a nice room in a communal apartment for Sergei.<...>Cherkasov and the company could not cope with him, therefore, apparently, they decided to get rid of him in this way<...>When he refused the proposed scenario, the psychologist Cherkasov began to exaggerate. - Scared what if

Preview: Russian newspaper - Week No. 6 2014.pdf (1.8 Mb)


No. 3 [Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, 2016]

The main content of the publication is scientific articles, reviews and reviews. In "Bulletin of RUDN. Series: Medicine” publishes articles in all areas of medicine, health care and medical education. The name and content of the headings of the publication correspond to the list of scientific specialties, the names of the departments and the established scientific areas of the RUDN Medical Institute. The topics of the articles are very diverse. They reflect the results of scientific work in the performance of candidate and doctoral dissertations, as well as other relevant scientific research, including exploratory and reflecting the improvement and expansion of existing diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

<...>P., Cherkasov S. G., Suslov Ya. A.<...>Cherkasov †, Ya. A.<...>Cherkasov S. G.<...>Cherkasov †, Ya. A.

Preview: Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series Mathematics, Informatics, Physics No. 3 2016.pdf (0.7 Mb)


Ukraine and the Commonwealth in the first half of the 17th century. monograph

Moscow: Prometheus Publishing House

The monograph is devoted to the study of the history of Ukraine and the Commonwealth in the first half of the 17th century, the period immediately preceding the speech under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, known in Soviet historiography as the "Liberation War of the Ukrainian people". This paper examines the patterns of development of the societies of the Commonwealth and Ukraine as a special part of this state, the apparatus of state administration formed by these societies, the systems of political views and ideas of various social groups in the period of the first half of the 17th century, the phenomenon of "Sarmatism" in the culture of the Polish gentry of the Lithuanian state, the process of forming the worldview and self-awareness of the Ukrainian people proper and, especially, its political elite during the period of time indicated in the title of the work, the attitude of the Russian government to the events in Ukraine, its reaction to the news of the Cossacks' action under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in 1648. The author pays great attention to the analysis of the historiography of the "Ukrainian Question", and domestic historiography is considered in its development.

importance educational activities brotherhoods and parts of the Orthodox aristocracy headed by Prince Konstantin<...>separate estates, large feudal lords had detachments of foreigners, mainly from the Tatars. Prince Konstantin<...>Klyuchevsky regarding the "memory of the Cherkasy Lisovsky and Sapieha".<...>Khmelnytsky, one of the "balamuts" just came "from Cherkasy".<...>“Cherkasy de, sovereign, the Belarusians are pestering.”

Preview: Ukraine and the Commonwealth in the first half of the 17th century. Monograph.pdf (0.2 Mb)



In May 2012 at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov International Scientific Conference "I. A. Goncharov in modern world", dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the writer's birth. The reports made at the conference aroused the interest of the audience and were accompanied by a lively discussion.

Cherkasov (Belgorod) demonstrated how, in the works of émigré literary scholars devoted to the life of Goncharov,<...>Temnova (Moscow, Moscow State University) was devoted to Goncharov's correspondence with Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov (K.R.


No. 1 [Russian history, 2017]

<...> <...>Bulgakov wrote to his brother Konstantin about Klyucharev: “This is a big scoundrel, and the city rejoices at the removal<...>Butenev, it was "the favorite adjutant of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, who was with him in Italian<...>Chernyshev, and among the members, along with the ministers and Grand Dukes Alexander and Konstantin Nikolaevich

Preview: Russian History No. 1 2017.pdf (0.4 Mb)


No. 13 [Interlocutor, 2018]

All-Russian weekly newspaper. One of the authoritative socio-political publications in Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries. The brand name throughout history remains an independent position. The newspaper was the pioneer of the principles and rules of the free press, which later began to be used by the new generation of media. "Interlocutor" is loved and read by the whole family, because the editorial board very correctly determines the interest of its readers and writes not only about political events in Russia and the world, social and economic problems and issues, but also raises issues of human health, analyzes the psychological aspects of ordinary people, gives reviews of novelties in cinema, theater and the book market.

In particular, the employee Konstantin Bondarev.<...>The UFSB to ban them from visiting Filinkov in the pre-trial detention center, but was refused, lawyer Vitaly Cherkasov told Sobesednik<...>Zakamsky was suspected of selling amphetamines. “Now I am also dealing with this case,” said lawyer Vitaly Cherkasov.<...>However, there are few chances for a successful outcome, lawyer Cherkasov admits: “Well, you understand how we<...>/Konstantin Bakanov.

Preview: Interlocutor No. 13 2018.pdf (0.3 Mb)


The split of the Russian Church in the middle of the XVII century.

The book by A. V. Kramer "Causes, beginning and consequences of the split of the Russian Church in the middle of the 17th century." was published in 2005. Its content exactly matches the title. Of greatest interest in it are the author's reflections on the consequences of the split. Many of these consequences have not gone into the past and are involved in shaping the way of life in Russia and in our time, which should not be indifferent to all Russian people. The second edition is expanded and supplemented with many episodes and two separate chapters.

It said: “Cherkasy and few European peoples have taken it into their heads that to live under the glorious<...>Constantine 3, app. Philip 3, etc.<...>Constantine gave the Pope St. Sylvester throughout Italy), clearly directed against the Code.<...>In May of the same 1655, Manuil Konstantinov arrived in Moscow with a message from Patr.<...>equal to the apostles, Roman emperor, c. 45, 66, 95 Constantine, Byzantine emperor - iconoclast Constantine

Preview: The split of the Russian Church in the middle of the XVII century. .pdf (0.2 Mb)


Fifty years ago, for the first time in the thousand-year history of world theatrical culture, children received their own theater, specially designed for them. They received it from the hands of the newly born Soviet state. Because it was a state created by the socialist revolution!

This is the patriarch of the children's theater Alexander Bryantsev, Nikolai Cherkasov, Evgeny Demmeni, Lyubov Shaporina-Yakovleva<...>Sats, Olga Pyzhova, Boris Bibikov, Alexander Solomarsky, Maria Knebel, Yuri Kiselev, Eleonora Shpet, Konstantin


Brand management of higher education institutions based on the assessment of its market power and the elasticity of the competitive response: Ph.D. dis. ... cand. economy Sciences

The purpose of the dissertation research is to develop theoretical provisions and scientific and methodological recommendations for the formation and management of the brand of the university, taking into account the strength of its market position and the competitive response of other market players.

Professor Savina Olga Alexandrovna Leading organization: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Konstantin Kartashov<...>Cherkasov, V.V. Azaryeva, E. Burlyukina, V. Sekerin, S. Mamontov, N. Moiseeva, N. Piskunova, G.

Preview: Management of the brand of higher education institutions based on the assessment of its market power and the elasticity of the competitive response. dis. ... cand. economy science.pdf (0.1 Mb)


Russia and France. XVIII-XX centuries. Release 12

M.: The whole world

The next issue contains materials on the history of Russian-French relations over the past three centuries. Specialists in the history of France and Russia will find in it a lot of useful information for research and teaching. The collection contains articles and publications archival documents reflecting the diplomatic, economic, scientific, technical, cultural and intellectual ties between Russia and France from the time of the historic visit to Paris of Peter the Great in 1717 to the present day. French merchants in the Crimea and New Russia in the last third of the 18th century, Nicholas I and the “king of the French” Louis-Philippe, Nicholas II and the President of the French Republic Felix Faure, Mikhail Gorbachev and Francois Mitterrand, Boris Yeltsin and Jacques Chirac, Vladimir Putin and Nicolas Sarkozy, France of the 1870s in the journalism of F.M. Dostoevsky, unknown pages of the history of the Russian Expeditionary Force in France - these and other topics make up the content of the materials included in the 12th edition of the collection. For specialists and everyone who is interested in national and general history.

P. 339. 9 See about this: Cherkasov P.P.<...>Petr Cherkasov. M., 2014. S. 264.<...>Cherkasov P.P. Spy and other stories from the archives of Russia and France. M., 2015. Cherkasov P.P.<...>Cherkasov P.P.<...>Cherkasov P.P.

Preview: Russia and France. XVIII-XX centuries. Issue 12.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 11 [Water transport, 2018]

Founded in 1918. Being an organ of the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR and the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR, it objectively and timely covered the achievements and problems of the industry. For a great contribution to the development and improvement of the industry in 1982, the newspaper was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Media group "PortNews" by order of the National Chamber of Shipping" resumed publication of the newspaper.

AWARDED THE WINNERS OF THE DIPLOMA COMPETITION CEO Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Konstantin<...>roadmap" for the project, said the Minister of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the region Maxim Cherkasov<...>A package of proposals from interested parties is also being formed, ”said Cherkasov.<...>Cherkasov recalled that the region takes part in a federal project to prevent pollution

Preview: Water transport №11 2018.pdf (0.2 Mb)


The stage is decorated with posters of a military theme. The hall is decorated in the form of a cafe. Boys and girls enter, sit down and talk.

Rising to the attack, Donetsk poets also died: Konstantin Gerasimenko, Yuri Cherkassky, Hero of the Soviet


The demographic dimension of the oprichnina policy in the Russian state in historiography is usually limited to counting the victims of repression, losses in land development and mapping the oprichnina territory. Researchers have repeatedly addressed the related problem of military losses, captivity and emigration in the 1560s, however, calculations and conceptual constructions in this area are hypothetical. In discussions about the oprichnina, the Livonian War and one of its "fronts" - the confrontation between Russia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and later the Commonwealth, usually serves as a background for interpretation. In this work, I will try to consider the events of the Livonian War and, above all, the military catastrophes of the pre-prince years and their consequences, as a factor in the repressive policy of the early 1560s. and in the first years of the oprichnina. This view has already been repeatedly outlined in studies.

Moscow-Lithuanian War of 1562–1566 and the establishment of oprichnina: problems of demography and land policy Konstantin<...>5l - Grigory Petrov 2 5l - Fedor Sakovkov 2 5l - Grigory Semyonov 2 5l - Mikhailo Zhokhov 2 - - Semyon (Cherkasy<...>) 4 5l - Ivan (Cherkas) 4 5l - Lawrence (Cherkas) 4 5l - book.<...>Only with nominal nicknames are Cherkasy Semyon, Ivan and Lavrenty on the list.


No. 45 [Literary newspaper, 2019]

Literaturnaya Gazeta is the oldest Russian periodical. The first issue of the newspaper, founded by a group of writers with the close participation of A.S. Pushkin was published on January 1, 1830. Today "LG" is primarily a social and political weekly for a wide range of intellectuals, dedicated to politics and economics, society, literature and art, and man. Mandatory topics for each issue: "Events and Opinions", "Politics", "Society", "Literature", "Art", the famous "12 Chairs Club". Issues with extensive appendices are periodically published: "Characters", "LAD - Russian-Belarusian Newspaper", "Club 206". "Literaturnaya Gazeta" is an integral part of the history, culture and spiritual life of Russia, its national treasure.

Readers are waiting for exciting pages dedicated to Konstantin Somov and the "lady in blue" - Elizaveta Martynova<...>Tarusa Pages, published in Kaluga with the support of one of the most authoritative writers of those years, Konstantin<...>It turned out that Cherkasov managed to buy an evening newspaper and knew that Kosygin had been appointed People's Commissar for Textile<...>When Cherkasov congratulated Kosygin over tea, he did not believe him.<...>domestic development: the project of the most powerful passenger steam locomotive in Europe was created by designers Konstantin

Preview: Literary newspaper No. 45 2019.pdf (0.4 Mb)


No. 1 [Surgical practice, 2017]

The main task of the editorial board is to make a journal interesting in a practical sense for Russian surgeons. The purpose of the STATUS PRAESENS section. The current state of the problem: reviews, lectures - providing the practicing surgeon with an extract of information characterizing the current state of the most relevant problems for the surgical clinic, highlighting existing points of view and trends in modern surgical science. The materials of the section will be able to help in the formation of a reasoned view of the problem, as well as to determine the priorities in the planned scientific research. In the MANU PROPRIA section. Original research is represented by publications based on the Scientific research and original designs. Journal section, DE ACTU ET VISU. Clinical cases, discussions, presented by works that are, from a formal point of view, Evidence based medicine, the complete opposite top level evidence, namely, descriptions of individual clinical cases and private opinions of practicing surgeons One of the goals of the HOMAGIUM section. A tribute to the outstanding ministers of surgery is the presentation of surgery as a way of life, as a kind of religion, on the one hand, requiring from its servants a combination of a number of both professional and universal qualities, on the other hand, revealing incredible prospects for the realization of a wide variety of positive qualities of the human personality. Section of the magazine PRINCIPUM ET FONS. The surgical departments of Russia and the CIS countries are dedicated to the "beginning and source" in the training, scientific and practical activities of surgeons, regardless of their nationality, age and nationality - the surgical departments of institutes, academies and universities. The task of the VIRIBUS UNITIS section. Surgery and related specialties is the coverage of the current state of affairs in various fields of medicine, not only for the practical surgeon to understand the language and capabilities of his colleagues anesthesiologists, oncologists, gynecologists, urologists, cardiologists, endocrinologists, raising the quality of patient treatment to a fundamentally new height, but also that not unimportant, to improve the level of his professional culture.

Cherkasov, A. P. Ratiev, L. Zh.<...>CHERKASOV2, A. P. RATIEV1, L. Zh.<...> <...>Egiazaryan K.A., Cherkasov S.N., Attaeva L.Zh.<...>Konstantinov B. A., Bochkov N. P., Gavrilenko A. V. Voronov D. A. and others.Cherkasov, P. P. Louis XVI and Catherine II (1774-1776) / P. P.<...> <...>Cherkasov, P. P. History of Imperial Russia from Peter the Great to Nicholas II / P. Cherkasov, D.<...>Cherkasov, P. P. Louis XVI and Catherine II (1774-1776) / P. P.

Preview: History.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Material culture and life of the peoples of Transbaikalia. XVII - beginning of XX centuries. study method. allowance

Publishing house of ZabGGPU

The educational and methodological manual is addressed to students of the specialties "Fine Arts" and "Art History" of the direction "Art Education", the specialty "Theatrical Art" and "House Studies", as well as students of humanitarian faculties and all those interested in the culture of the peoples of Transbaikalia. The manual contains a program, a thematic text commentary, questions for seminars, a list of recommended literature, as well as applications that include reference and illustrative material.


№5 [Agricultural literature. Systematic index, 2011]

Monthly Systematic Index, the registration authority of the National Agricultural Bibliography, has been published since 1948. Every year, it publishes information about 42 thousand domestic books and articles on all issues of agriculture and related branches of knowledge. The index is the main and most complete reference manual on domestic agricultural literature published in Russian in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. It is intended for scientists, teachers of agricultural universities and colleges and agricultural specialists, as well as for employees of special and universal libraries and bodies of scientific and technical information.

Cherkasov G.N. and others. About the scale of soil survey and the structure of the soil cover / Cherkasov G.N.<...>Cherkasov G.N. et al. The mechanism of manifestation of deflation on light soils / Cherkasov G.N., Nechaev L.A.<...>/Cherkasov G.<...>,Cherkasov G.N.<...>A.B. 13839 Cherkasov G. 12149 Cherkasov G.N. 11988, 12112, 12266, 12292, 12337, 12341, 12256, 12244 Cherkashina


History of the Voronezh Regional School of Soil Science

Publishing House of Voronezh State University

Proposed tutorial is, first of all, the history of the emergence of soil science as a natural science discipline in the Voronezh state university. The formation of this direction is associated not only with the names of prominent naturalists and founders of genetic soil science V.V. Dokuchaev, N.M. Sibirtsev, P.A. Kostychev, K.D. - Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I) and Voronezh State University.

Cherkasov<...>Konstantin Reva (VIIYAKA, Moscow); 2. Vladimir Savvin (VIIYAKA, Moscow); 3.<...>Konstantin Reva, Russian Super Cup among men's teams, Cup of Siberia and the Far East among women's<...>Moscow Jump serve 1936 Irakli Akhabadze "Torpedo" (Moscow) Power serve 19371939 Ludwig Avalyan, Konstantin<...>(Moscow) Forward shot in the middle of the ball's flight path during a cross from zone 3 1948 Konstantin

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No. 11 [Russian reporter, 2018]

Russian Reporter is a nationwide illustrated weekly magazine of Expert Media Holding. An independent publication for people who are not afraid of change and prefer to determine their own style of life. The magazine covers socially significant topics, political events and news. Main headings: "Actual", "Reportage", "Trends", "Figure", "Culture", "Habitat", "Afisha", "Case". Saturated with high-quality photo reports and illustrations by famous world authors. Socio-political publication. Main headings: "Reportage", "Actual", "Figure", "Trends", "Culture", "Poster", "Habitat", "Case" and much more. In addition, the magazine publishes photo essays by famous world authors. The format of the "Russian Reporter" is similar to the format of such world-famous magazines as "Time" or "Stern".

–18 JUNE 2018 PROCESS On the evening of May 24, Chairman of the Council of the Memorial Human Rights Center Alexander Cherkasov<...>The President expressed his intention to raise these issues in order to promote the triumph of law,” Cherkasov wrote.<...>began with a personal attack on the Chairman of the Board of Memorial HRC (“one could swear that Alexander Cherkasov<...>“In Chechnya, everyone is very interested in whether Cherkasov raised this topic in a conversation with Macron, whether he asked for assistance<...>Meyerhold THREE SISTERS Director - Konstantin Bogomolov Moscow, Moscow Art Theater. A.P.

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Moscow: St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute

Since 2007, the Publishing House of the Institute has been publishing the scientific journal “The Light of Christ Enlightens Everyone: Almanac of the St. Philaret Orthodox Christian Institute”. The SFI Almanac publishes the works of leading Russian and foreign theologians, teachers and members of the SFI board of trustees, as well as student research. Each issue is devoted to the subject of one of the SFI departments.

Cherkasov = Cherkasov N. Letter to A. A. Shteven dated August 18, 1897. Personal archive of Agapova I.<...>Konstantin Aggeev, teacher of the law at the Smolny Institute; priest<...>Konstantin Aggeev (Secretary of the Women's Commonwealth), Fr. Peter the Kremlin, Fr.<...>Cherkasov.<...>Candidate) of Theology SFI Rector, Head. Department of Missiology, Catechetics and Homiletics [email protected] Obozny Konstantin

Aleshkin tells about those fratricidal events that took place in his native places, near Maslovka in the 1920s. The prose writer found and studied many documents in the archives of Tambov and Moscow, met with old-timers who still remember those bloody events. But the theme of "Antonovism" will not exhaust itself soon, more than one work will appear before it can be said that the writers have told the whole truth about this short but most tragic segment of the history of the Tambov region.

Cherkasov Semyon! Amelin finished reading confidently and casually. Where is Cherkasov? No? .. Left?<...>Go, go, Konstantin Mitrich. Become hanging ... Is everything? .. Is the order clear to everyone?<...>swearing and yelling at Semyon Chirkun, but Cherkasov did not pay attention to the cry, as if he had not heard, or maybe