Armenian Russian names. Meaning of the name Oganes. Characteristics of the name Oganes

What does the name Oganes mean?: fiery (the name Oganes is of Armenian origin).

Angel Hovhannes Day: is not celebrated, since the name Oganes is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.

Zodiac named Oganes: Virgo, Gemini.

Characteristics of the name Oganes

Positive features: Such a person is constantly on the move, and routine, on the contrary, frightens him. Oganes gets along with people quite easily due to his sociability and sincerity. Possessing high level intelligence, he can always carry on a conversation, and people also appreciate this.

Negative traits: Sometimes the name Oganes can be overly talkative, but in noisy companies this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

Character of the name Oganes: It must be said that the meaning of the name Oganes can be determined by its constituent letters. Of course, such an analysis cannot be considered completely objective and accurate. However, it gives an idea of ​​what a person is like. This helps others build relationships with him. The person bearing the name himself may be surprised at how many hidden talents and opportunities he has, because very often we are completely unaware of it.

Very often, solitude and silence are required to inspire the name Oganes. So, we can talk about a certain duality of his nature. On the one hand, Oganes is sociable and loves company, but on the other hand, from time to time he prefers to spend time alone.

Oganes and his personal life

So, if we talk about the personality of the name Oganes, then the letters of his name indicate optimism and activity. The sincerity inherent in Oganes can sometimes play a cruel joke on him. The whole point is that every person is a potential friend for him. Therefore, when entrusting another secret to another friend, the name Oganes sacredly believes that the person will keep the secret. But in practice it may turn out completely different. Then Hovhannes becomes disappointed in the person and accumulates resentment within himself for a very long time. Over the years, he does not change and retains his gullibility and naivety.

The combination of intelligence and creative skills allows Oganes to make his life bright and even bring something interesting into ordinary things. He is able to make any work exciting, constantly looking for some new hobbies and passions. Oganes partly does this out of a desire to abstract himself from the harsh reality, to distract himself from those things that are unacceptable to him and which he is unable to change.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Often Oganes chooses a creative profession or work related to travel, business trips, and communication. He is a very hard worker, and his colleagues are often amazed at his efficiency. Despite the large amount of vital energy, Oganes is also prone to depression and pessimistic moods. However, he quickly comes to his senses and again begins to live in the same rhythm.

Business and career: If we talk about numerology, then this science determines the meaning of the name Oganes with the number 7. It indicates a person who is capable of directing his numerous talents into the scientific, creative, philosophical and even religious sphere. Indeed, a man named Oganes often prefers to leave worldly life and take orders, turning to God. The spiritual component of the activity to which he devotes his life is very important for him. Oganes can also become a good teacher, because he understands people and knows how to win over those around him. In addition, he is disciplined, intellectually gifted and eager to share knowledge.

The poetic soul often leads Oganes into creativity and the world of art, where he also achieves significant success. He can also do business due to his analytical thinking.

The fate of Oganes in history

What does the name Oganes mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Hovhannes Artashesovich Hovhannisyan is an Armenian footballer, forward of the Yerevan football club Pyunik and the Armenian national football teams under 19 and under 21.
09 Mar 2017 - 16:27

Armenian names are usually divided into 5 categories:

by parents,
by geography,
by occupation or
according to the distinctive characteristic of a person.

Armenian names and surnames, due to the influence of the Armenian diasporas different countries, are unusually diverse. Among Armenians you can find not only native Armenian, but also Persian, Arabic, Turkic, Slavic, Old Testament, Eastern Christian, Western Christian names, etc.

Ա - A

Abgar (Աբգար)- according to some sources, “Abgar” is the name of the title of a number of rulers of the Kingdom of Edessa. The spread of the name among the Armenian people is associated with Abgar V Ukkama, who gained fame thanks to apocryphal correspondence with Jesus Christ. According to Moses of Khoren, Abgar Ukkama came from an Armenian family and marked the beginning of the Christianization of Armenia.

Stepan, Stepanos goes back to ancient Greek. Στέφανος (stephanos) - “wreath, crown, crown, diadem”

Վ - B

Vahagn (Վահագն)- in ancient Armenian mythology, a hero-snake fighter.

Vagan- shield

Vagharshak- the omnipresent Sun

Vahe (Վահե)- strong; hardy

Vaginak, Vahinak (Վաղինակ)- solar warrior

Vahram, Vakhram (Վահրամ)- the swiftness of a tiger

Vazgen- descendant of the king (gr.)

Vanush (Վանուշ)

Varazdat- gift from heaven

Vardan, Vartan (Վարդան)- There are several versions of the origin of the name Vardan. Most often they believe that the name is Armenian, but they differ in the interpretation of its translation. Some believe that Vardan is the masculine version of the name Vardanush, which means "voluptuous rose". Others believe that the name comes from the name of the elite part of the Armenian clergy - the so-called Vardapet monks, so the name is translated as “reward”.

Vardkes- King (lion) of the country

Varuzhan- born to be a protector

Vaspurak- from the name of the ancient region of Armenia Vaspurakan (noble country)

Vakhtang (Վախթանգ) - comes from Persian "wolf's body"

Vachagan (Վաչագան) - from Persian "cub, youth"

Vigen- from the Latin Vincent "conquering, victorious."

Vrezh (Վրեժ)- revenge

Vruyr (Վրույր)

Տ - T

Taron (Տարոն)- Taron is one of the main historical centers of Armenia. According to legend, the ancient Armenians named the region Taron in honor of one of the descendants of Noah Torgom.

Tatul (Թաթուլ) - big-armed, handy

Tigran (Տիգրան)- from the Armenian “big spear” knight, king

Tonakan (Տոնական)- festive

Tonapet ( Տ ոնա պ ետ) - lord of the holiday, master of the holiday

Trdat (Տրդատ)- names of several kings of Great Armenia from the Arsacid dynasty

Ր - P" (lung)

Raffi (Րաֆֆի)- comes from the Hebrew “(רפאל) “God (El) heal. He is God who heals.”

Ց - C

Tsakan (Ցական)

Tsolak (Ցոլակ) - with sparkling eyes

Փ - P" (approx.)

Fanos- from ancient Greek. "immortal"

Paylak (Փայլակ) - brilliant

Ք - K" (approx.)

Kaj (Քաջ)- brave

Kajaz (Քաջազ)

Kadzhik (Քաջիկ)- brave man

Kochar (Քոչար)

Krist (Քրիստ) - short for Christ

Օ - O

Ogan (Օհան)- fiery

Ֆ - F

Frunze (Ֆրունզե)

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Issues related to the origin and transformation of names and surnames are studied by a science called onomastics. At the birth of a child, parents give him one name or another to distinguish him from other people.

The names originated from early stage humanity and mainly came from common nouns. Previously, in ancient times, people were called meaningful names that corresponded to their external quality, or those that expressed the desire to see a person in the future endowed with certain qualities.

For example, the Armenian name Rachia means “fiery eyes,” Zarmair means “noble man,” Zorair means “man endowed with strength.” Many male Armenian names will form like this: a characterizing adjective is added before the word “ayr” - (“man” - Arm.). Also female names, before the word - dukht (“daughter” - Arm.), the father’s name is added and a new name is obtained. For example, Vormizdukht, Aykandukht, etc.

For many peoples, names arose from the names of various totems - deified animals, plants, natural phenomena. Of the Armenian names, some also come from the names of animals, birds, plants (Garnik, Aitsemnik, Akhavni, Artsvik, Shushan, Nargiz, Eznik, Manushak, Hasmik, Tsakhik, etc.), but are not associated with their deification, such as , adopted by the aborigines of the Samoan islands in the Pacific Ocean, where at the birth of a child they pronounce the names of different totems, and what is said at the very moment of birth becomes the name of the child.

Armenian names of this nature are mainly an expression of strength, beauty, tenderness, etc.

On ancient East there were personal names made up of the names of gods, just like the Armenians, for example, Artamazd, Anahit, etc. When Christianity began to spread, the names mentioned in the Old and New Testaments came into use. However, peoples with a developed culture have retained their ancient names. Christian names spread among almost all European peoples. But each of these peoples transformed in their own way.

For example, the name “Johannes” became Giovanni for the Italians, Jean for the French, Jan for the Poles, John for the English, Ivan for the Russians, Juan for the Spaniards, and Hovhannes for the Armenians, retaining the sound closest to the original. The names Karen, Abel, Eve, Lazar, etc. also entered our everyday life.

To distinguish between female and male Armenian names, you can use the rule according to which a suffix or ending is added to the word that determines the gender, “ui” – female gender (eg: Srbui), “ayr” – m.gender (eg. : Norayr). But not all names can be classified according to this type.

There are names derived from Armenian toponyms (Hayastan, Ararat, Ani, Vanik, Vanui, Nairi, Nairui, Naira, Sisak, Araksi, Masis, Taron, Mushegh, etc.). A number of Armenian names reflect religious content, and are translations of foreign Christian names:
Harutyun - resurrection,
Khachatur - sent down by St. Cross,
Arakel - apostle,
Astvatsatur – sent by God, etc.

All listed names are translated from Greek.

There are also newly formed names with religious content:
Ambartsum - ascension,
Galust is a phenomenon
Srbui - saint,
Avetis - good news,
Mkrtich – baptist, etc.

Many names reflect the external and internal dignity of a person:
Zhirayr – lively,
Patvakan - venerable,
Amest - modest
Nazan – tender, graceful,
Gekhetskui - beauty,
Makrui – clean, etc.

Some names, although foreign in origin, nevertheless, having changed, became Armenian (Eghishe, Vagram, Ruzan, Seda, etc.). And there are names that, despite the fact that they are also used by other peoples, are nevertheless recognized as Armenian (Ruben, Samvel, Levon, David, etc.).

If you listen carefully to exceptionally euphonious and meaningful Armenian personal names, then without much effort you can understand the meaning contained in them:
Arevik - Sunshine,
Astghik - asterisk,
Azat – free,
Arpi - dawn,
Razmik is a warrior,
Drakht is paradise,
Martik is a warrior,
Zepyur - a breeze, etc.

Origin of Armenian surnames

Surname (“azganun” - Armenian) - in Armenian means the name of the clan. But initially there were no generic names, because people lived in small groups, isolated, and everyone knew each other well. Well, if it happened that several Arams or several Anahits lived in one settlement, then they were identified in different ways: for example, Aram, the grandson of Garnik, or Aram, the grandson of Hayk. Or they always found some characterizing feature, for example, the lame Amayak or Anahit, who has ten children.

Rachia Acharyan paid special attention to the study of Armenian names, who compiled a unique five-volume Dictionary of Armenian Personal Names.

Rachia Akopovich Acharyan (Armenian: Հրաչյա Աճառյան) - Armenian linguist, philologist, etymologist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR. Born on March 8, 1876 in Constantinople, in the Samatia quarter. Father was a shoemaker.

As a child, in addition to the compulsory Turkish, he mastered Armenian and French. He studied at the Sorbonne and Strasbourg universities, where he studied new languages ​​and then became known for his exceptional research in the field of Armenian studies.

After completing many years of education, Hrachya Acharyan worked as a teacher in Etchmiadzin, and then in Shushi, where he got married.

Together with 600 Armenians who miraculously escaped during the Shemakha massacre, the couple moved to Tabriz. There, in 1923, already an outstanding teacher and scientist, he received an invitation from the authorities of Soviet Armenia to settle in Yerevan with his wife, where he was to teach at the Yerevan State University. State University. For the next 30 years, Yerevan State University was like a home for the great scientist.

In 1937, he was arrested on a fabricated case, but two years later he was released and rehabilitated. He continued his work at Yerevan State University and research in the field of linguistics.

Known for his work in the field of studying dialects and dialects of the Armenian language. Rachya Acharyan spoke more than 50 languages.

Rachya Acharyan died on April 16, 1953. After his death, several dozen unpublished works remained in manuscripts. He left all this as a legacy to his native people, to whom he dedicated his life.

P.S. Extracts from the five-volume “Dictionary of Armenian Personal Names”

Female names

ALMAST “Almaz”
AMALIA “Spotless, pure”
MELANIA “Meeting”
ANAIT “Heart”
NAIRA “Free”
ANOUSH “Breath of the Morning”, “Voluptuous”
NANA “Mama”
ARAXIA “Sacred Watch”
NARINE “Woman, wife”
NUNE “Praising”
ARPENIK “Holy Protector”
PARANDZEM “Resembling the dazzling Supreme Deity”
ARUS “Solnechnaya”
HIPSIME “Above all praise”
SATENIK “True doe”
ASHKHEN “Heavenly”
SATE “True”
GAYANE “Home, family”
SEDA “Tenderness”
EGINE “Striving for the Sun”
TATEVIK “The Path of the Ancestors”
ZARUI, ZARA “Priestess of the Fire Temple”
SHAGANE “Meek, Pious”
KARINE “Rejoicing”

Male names

ABIG “Chanter”
AREG in Armenian "Sun";
AVET, AVETIK, AVETIS – from Armenian. "Blagosvet"
from Sanskrit “Sacred Knowledge”
ARISTAKES “Saint Protector”
AGASI “Unshakable Mountain”
ARMEN, ARMENAK “Spirit of the Aryans”
AZAT “Free”
ARSEN “Noble Warrior”
AYK “Unity”
ARTAVAZD “Abode of Truth”
AYKAZ “Unity”
ARTAK “Striving for the Sun”
AKOP “May God help and protect”
ARTASH, ARTASHES “The quest for truth”
AMAZAP “Victorious Defender”
ARTEM “The Path to Truth”
AMAYAK “Sincere”, “Highest Spirit”
ARTHUR “Light of Truth”
AMO (starts with “h”) – from Armenian. "Ascension";
from Sanskrit “Luminous, sparkling in the sky”
ARTUSH “Striving for Light”
ANANIAH “One of a kind”
HARUTYUN “Resurrection”
ARA “Noble”
ARUSHAN “Sunny Face”
ARAKEL “Apostle”
ARSHAVIR “Solar Hero”
ARAM “He is noble”
ARSHAK “Life-Giving Sun”
ARGAM “He is worthy”
ATOM “Divine Spirit”
ARGISHTI “Worthy of Love”
ASHOT “The Hope of this World”

BABKEN “Father-Sage”
BAGRAT “Joy of Love”
BAGDASAR “Gracious power”
BARSEG “Very Influential”
BAGISH “Intoxication of Happiness”
BARKHUDAR “Reverence of strength”
BAGRAM “Happiness of Love”

VAAGN “Omnipresent Fire”
VARUZHAN “Born to be a defender”
VAAN “Shield”
VASAK “Light of the eyes”
VAGARSH, VAGARSHAK “The Omnipresent Sun”
WAHAK “The Omnipresent Sun”
VAGRAM “The Swiftness of the Tiger”
VAKHINAK “Solar Warrior”

GAGIK “Heavenly”
GASPAR “Coming to liberate”
GALUST “Parish”
GEGHAM “House”
GEREGIN “Fire of Sacred Knowledge”
GRANT “Holy Book”
GARNIK “Sacrificial Lamb”
GURGEN “Sacred Knowledge from the Spiritual Teacher”
GARSEVAN “Fire Worshiper”

DAVID – “Giver of knowledge”
DERENIK – “Moderately worshiping (God)”
JIVAN – “Living incarnate soul”

YEGISH – “Thirsty for Power”
YERVAND – “Holy Faith”

ZHIRAYR – “A lively, lively Aryan (man)”

ZAVEN – “Heavenly”
ZORIY – “Priest of the Cult of the Sun and Fire”
ZURAB – “Divine”
KAMARI “Holy Love”
KIKOS “Solid, resistant”
KARAPET “Lord of the rays of the sun”, “Sun” KIRAKOS “Chronicler”
KAREN “Elephant”
KORYUN “Glorifying, praising (God, Sun)”
KEROP “Solar Arrow”

MESROP “Moon Arrow”
MARKAR “The Noble Path”
MECHAK “Carnation” from Sanskrit. “Sunny Eye”
MGER “Solnechny”
MIGRAN “Sunny Face”
MELKON “Meeting of the Sun”
MINAS “Fish”
MELKUM “Meeting the Dawn”
MUSHEG “Excellent”

NERSES – “Birth of a Hero”
NUBAR – “Praise”


PANOS “Wonderful”
PARUNAK “God Particle”
PARKEV “The Custom of Libations”
PATVAKAN “Dignity”
PARTEV “Warrior, Tsar”
PETROS “Stone”
PARUYR “Spiral”

RACHIA – “Creation, creation”

SAAC “Power of the Sun”
SARO “Strong”
SAGATEL “Sign of Power”
SASUN “Live”
SAKO “Divine”
SEROP “Shooted arrow”
SANASAR “Power of Eternity”
SMBAT “Friend, Relative”
SANTUR “Sacred Light”
SPARTAK “Liberator”
SAPAH “Reverer of God”
SUKIAS “Happy Face”
SARGIS “The Power of Nature”
SUREN “Divine

TATEVOS “The Path of the Ancestors”
TRADE “The Walking Savior”
TATOS “Fatherly”
TOROS “Energy”
TATTUL “Father’s Joy”
TRDAT “Gift of the Gods”
TIGRAN “Sacred Face”

UNAN – “Golden Face”
USIK – “Morning”

HARPUT – “Solar Lotus”
KHOREN – “Sun”
KHOSROV – “Throwing the victim into a stream of fire”

SHAVARSH – “The Power of the Sun”
SHMAVON – “Peace loving

Let's decipher the information about the male name Oganes, and you will find out what hidden talents and unknown desires its owner has. From morning to night you hear the sounds of your name; since childhood they have been affecting you in one way or another. Understanding what will attract good luck to you, knowing the best sides of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    The meaning of a boy named Oganes

  • Writing in Latin – Oganes
  • This name refers to the element – ​​Water
  • The most suitable color is Fiery Orange, Chocolate
  • It is better to use a person named Oganes, metal – Iron
  • The most suitable tree for this name is Olive.
  • Planet that brings happiness - Pluto
  • Constellation attracting good luck - Canes Venatici (Canes Venatici)
  • According to numerology named after Oganes, numbers that bring good luck to men - Six
  • You are better off eating meat and dairy products
  • Animals are your symbols for the name Oganes– gazelle
  • Stones are talismans for people with the name Oganes - Cat's Eye

To attract financial luck, people named Oganes need a strong Money Amulet , the main thing is that it is encoded personally for you, in your name and your date of birth. I can only recommend This is a verified site!, The Good Luck Talisman really works to create an aura of well-being.

What is most preferable by fate to people named starting with the letter O - Oganes

  1. It is better if a boy named Oganes was born under the zodiac sign - Sagittarius (11.22 - 12.21)
  2. It will be most successful if a man with the name Oganes was born according to eastern calendar per year - Horse (Horse) - years 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026, 2038
  3. It’s best to start things on Saturday and Tuesday
  4. The most favorable days year, these are February 28, May 10, July 10 and October 1
  5. Favorable time of day for you is late morning
  6. A dangerous age at which you need to be careful is in childhood and adolescence - ten years; in youth - twenty-nine years old; in and maturity - thirty-six years, in old age - seventy-eight years
  7. The name starting with the letter O - Oganes leaves an imprint on the health of these people, diseases of the right hand are especially dangerous
  8. Professions related to repair and repair are best suited for you

Character types named by the male name Oganes

Often he does not show his feelings even to the girl he really likes. How to mislead the opposite sex. You must learn to guess and analyze what is useful for him and what is not. Women can be offended by an indifferent attitude, and they leave it. For those who walk through life next to him, it is always easy and accompanied by some inexplicable luck. If he has achieved something in this life: do not doubt it - this is the result of his hard everyday work. For a man named Oganes, it is important that their work brings pleasure and reveals their capabilities. At the same time, it is necessary that the team is friendly and interested in communicating. Usually he is shy to show his feelings openly, rarely gives compliments, but in close relationships he becomes a real romantic. He has both feet on the ground and he real husband. Distinctive features- originality and self-expression.
A man named Oganes can unknowingly hurt a person, and the inability to say NO, often from simple novels, makes cruel breaks. He is always ready to help a woman in any life situations. Only over time do they turn into caring and loving fathers. Men named Oganes take a long time to choose a suitable wife, mercilessly refusing those who do not suit them. Neither his family members, nor relatives, nor friends will be able to predict what he will do in a minute. To drag him down the aisle is a whole art; getting married is difficult and reluctant. The first people he meets do not become his friends.

Table of the main character traits of a person named Oganes

The calculation of character traits was carried out on the basis of the name and month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and first name, patronymic and last name, if you need this, VISIT THIS PAGE.

The vertical column of the table (top), select your (or a person with a name starting with the letter O - Oganes) month of birth, the horizontal (side) line is aspects of character. Their intersection will show a coefficient from 1 to 100, than more value, all the better.

January February March
Strength of will 63 27 38
Energy 5 20 56
Learning ability 5 38 16
Hard work 48 3 60
Kindness 57 55 76
Patience 92 72 92
Creation 31 60 49
Intuition 57 31 33
Sociability 25 73 61
Self-esteem 43 3 4
Money 1 3 39
Talent 99 16 48
Spirituality 91 52 91
Determination 78 73 96
Stability 34 46 74
Love 97 21
Duty 82 37 46
Mentality 61 80 100
Prudence 14 34 36
Emotionality 81 76 71
April May June
Strength of will 8 7 4
Energy 55 37 85
Learning ability 77 45 5
Hard work 63 17 17
Kindness 90 42 28
Patience 79 5 39
Creation 80 28 60
Intuition 53 71 71
Sociability 90 50 51
Self-esteem 87 28 28
Money 90 22
Talent 67 32 19
Spirituality 68 34 42
Determination 57 12 85
Stability 33 49 85
Love 64 87 18
Duty 53 62 93
Mentality 11 41 69
Prudence 5 86
Emotionality 17 62 4
July August September
99 43 48
Energy 51 86 97
Learning ability 86 52 80
Hard work 64 20 65
Kindness 40 53 59
Patience 99 14 72
Creation 2 91 93
Intuition 95 40
Sociability 86 59
Self-esteem 53 70
Money 77 82 43
Talent 93 34 90
Spirituality 39 74 38
Determination 73 11 64
Stability 83 98 70
Love 37 37 19
Duty 49 97 46
Mentality 91 63 92
Prudence 93 50 1
Emotionality 91 45 57
October November December
Strength of will 51 80 51
Energy 31 66
Learning ability 60 43
Hard work 29 79 81
Kindness 16 11 58
Patience 13 66 10
Creation 35 47 38
Intuition 34 66 54
Sociability 52 1 26
Self-esteem 43 61 66
Money 74 60 50
Talent 33 21 95
Spirituality 44 63 60
Determination 95 29 24
Stability 29 44 98
Love 5 21 48
Duty 59 15
Mentality 35 62 8
Prudence 41 34 40
Emotionality 61 23 12
  • The main character traits that are present in people named Oganes are good-natured, amiable, silky
  • Compatibility of men with the name Oganes in relationships

    This table shows the love compatibility of people named Oganes, depending on their birthday. The vertical column (on top) is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (on the side) line is your partner’s horoscope sign. Their intersection will put the extent and aspects of the relationship into perspective.

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    Fish Aries Taurus
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) empty worries hassle for both empty worries
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) be together for a long time all according to plan melancholy and routine
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) empty worries it will be better money will separate you
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) money will separate you Everything will be fine it will be better
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) often misunderstandings nervousness for you Not boring life together
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) hatred and quarrels passion and jealousy common dreams
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) excellent long life together difficulties
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) partnerships parting financial difficulties
    Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) explosion of feelings difficulties adoration and love
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) excellent long life together acrimonious relationship
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) bad feelings you shouldn't start a relationship long relationship
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) common dreams Not recommended joyful experiences
    Twins Cancer a lion
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) good family often misunderstandings disappointment
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) good family good Everything will be fine
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) long relationship hatred and quarrels hassle for both
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) acrimonious relationship not a boring life together difficult relationships
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) short-lived love happiness, but not for long melancholy and routine
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) difficult relationships disappointment money will separate you
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) partnerships hatred and quarrels Not recommended
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) money will separate you part as enemies difficult relationships
    Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) long relationship excellent explosion of feelings
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) contempt long life together all according to plan
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) short-lived love be together for a long time good family
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) peace in the house long life together calm home
    Virgo Scales Scorpion
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) acrimonious relationship all according to plan excellent
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) difficulties family happiness bad feelings
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) happiness, but not for long melancholy and routine bad feelings
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) common dreams happiness, but not for long be together for a long time
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) acrimonious relationship long life together Not recommended
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) empty worries excellent emotionality
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) well-being and prosperity well-being and prosperity hatred and quarrels
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) Not recommended Not recommended financial difficulties
    Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) rich house and joy wasted worries hassle for both
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) troubles and troubles emotionality Everything will be fine
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) emotionality Not recommended passion and jealousy
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) parting disappointment empty worries

    The first letter of the name OGANES will tell you about the character

    The ultimate dream is to be just the two of us. Do you see your happy life only in a closed world. Communicate with friends more often and remember: Your love for logical analysis can ruin even the most better relationship.

    Characteristics of the name OGANES

    • power
    • comfort
    • attention to detail
    • good faith
    • mystery
    • talkativeness
    • vitality
    • insight
    • passion
    • emotionality
    • vigor of self-expression
    • interest in health
    • sharp mind
    • creative ambitions
    • great emotionality
    • mysterious disturbances
    • imperiousness
    • common sense
    • moodiness
    • oppression

    OHANES: number of interaction with the world “7”

    People under the influence of a seven are less likely than others to be correctly understood by others. They are often considered arrogant snobs, not inclined to communicate and making little contact with anyone, but this is not at all the case; It’s just that in this case the behavior, especially among unfamiliar people, corresponds to the inner essence to a very small extent. So, the “seven-year-old” is not at all a gloomy beech who is just waiting for others to make mistakes or make themselves look funny; in fact, he is endowed with a love for the world and all its representatives, as well as the soul of a tireless seeker whose curiosity is limitless.

    “Sevens” themselves choose with whom they communicate, and usually prefer loneliness to boring company and empty conversations, but they listen sensitively to the words of everyone in the hope of finding a reasonable grain in them. Prone to change and inconstancy, a person of seven understands better than others that you cannot step into the same river twice - but he believes that people change for the better, and is always ready to give the once guilty a second, or even a third chance. Self-development is an integral attribute of the life of “sevens”, and in order not to stand still, they need freedom and the absence of restrictions, including internal ones. That is why, growing up, the first thing they do is try what was forbidden by their parents for a long time, do not behave as they were taught, and, freed from guardianship, begin to form their own personality.

    It is not difficult to win the favor of a “seven” person, since such a person is usually generous with emotions, but maintaining his affection for a long time is almost impossible. This is possible only for those who are ready to work on themselves, not to open up completely, to slip away and hide; the “Seven” will quickly get bored with someone who lacks unpredictability and mystery.

    The personal life of people of seven is not easy. They experience a series of marriages, frivolous and serious relationships, and with them painful breakups, scandals, and mutual claims. This is the price to pay for the right not to belong completely to anyone but yourself.

    “Sevens” often strive for the unattainable and usually know this very well. In their struggle, even if doomed to failure, they gain invaluable experience they need to move forward. These people have a strong inclination towards philosophy and metaphysics; often it is knowledge of the occult sciences that helps them not to lose heart.

    OHANES: number of spiritual aspirations “5”

    Those born under the influence of A would happily spend their entire lives traveling and searching for their dreams. Since childhood, they are extremely inquisitive, but they rarely succeed at school due to their restlessness. That is why these people prefer to learn from their own mistakes and choose practice rather than unfounded theory.

    Even if an A student lives in a luxurious apartment, he is content with little, not paying much attention to everyday amenities. His abode can hardly be called cozy, and if it turns out to be clean, it is definitely not thanks to the efforts of the owner.

    At a young age, people under the influence of the Five strive to gain the favor of others, while not forgetting about their own freedom. After 30, they avoid relationships because they quickly begin to get tired of them. Their marriage will be happy only if the partner comes to terms with the inconstancy of the A student and copes with all the problems that arise alone.

    What you definitely shouldn’t do is try to re-educate a person with an A or burden him with any demands. Amorous relationships play a huge role in his life. The duration of such connections, as a rule, is short-lived, but they are always filled with sincere emotions and experiences.

    It is very important for those born under the influence of A to express their feelings, which is why to many their behavior seems too feigned. If in their youth these people are faced with misunderstanding, they withdraw into themselves, while continuing to hope for a meeting with a sincere person who will not hide their feelings.

    Despite the fact that people of the Five do not particularly delve into monetary issues and the nuances of even the most interesting matters, they manage to achieve success in their work, since they definitely cannot be denied the presence of reason. Full of self-confidence, A's enjoy speaking in public, so they often choose to pursue legal careers, public relations, or acting.

    They have many acquaintances, and, being in a favorable mood, these people prove themselves to be wonderful interlocutors and business partners. However, if a five-year-old has encountered a dark streak in life, then, as a rule, he remains alone during this period, since few are able to endure his outbursts of anger in such a state.

    OHANES: number of true features "2"

    People born under the influence of two are gladly accepted in any company. Moving towards their goal, they will definitely not go overboard, will not indulge in intrigue and will not break the rules. They are more interested in finding a compromise or giving in to their opponent rather than trying to impose their own point of view. People of 2 diligently carry out any task; no work is insignificant for them.

    Losers are irreplaceable workers: they not only unquestioningly obey their superiors and avoid conflicts, but also strive to establish informal relationships in the team. These people are friendly and sociable, easily adapt to a new company and know how to carry on a conversation even with unsociable guests.

    A person under the influence of two has a strong charisma. He is confident in himself, uses his charm without embarrassment and can turn from a sweet dreamer into a cunning manipulator, although he quickly repents and loses interest in deception. A loser feels most comfortable demonstrating the best traits of his character: caring for friends and loved ones, helping those in need, showing himself as a wonderful spouse and parent.

    These people do not like to break the rules, since harshness and aggressiveness are completely unusual for them. However, they will not blindly obey either, since they always have their own point of view on current events, although they are in no hurry to share it with others.

    Those born under the influence of two are not always able to cope with difficulties; they become nervous if they realize that the efforts made have been in vain. However, they prefer not to accumulate negativity in themselves, but to strive towards new dreams and goals.

    Dreaming of universal well-being, people of two, as a rule, start with their own family. It cannot be said that everything comes easy to them, but these tireless workaholics know how to enjoy even the little things. An ideal family, stable income, true friends - this is what brings true happiness to a loser.

    Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) empty worries part as enemies good
    Aries (21.03 - 20.04) adoration and love contempt rich house and joy
    Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) partnerships it will be better not a boring life together
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) good family love and happiness difficult relationships
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) explosion of feelings love and happiness emotionality
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) nervousness for you vain dreams peace in the house
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) nervousness for you nervousness for you nervousness for you
    Libra (24.09 – 23.10) family happiness troubles and troubles part as enemies
    Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) passion and jealousy hassle for both often misunderstandings
    Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) explosion of feelings peace in the house vain dreams
    Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) love and happiness long relationship Not recommended
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) adoration and love