What is the name of parliament in different countries? Independence supporters gain a majority in the Catalan parliament. The parliament of the thirtieth state has three identical

1. “Yes” or “no”? If you agree with the statement, write “yes”; if you disagree, write “no”. Enter your answers into the table (maximum 10 points).

1.1. Monarchy and democracy are incompatible.

1.2. Rules of law exist only in written form.

1.3. The extensive path of economic development is based on resource-saving technologies and increasing labor productivity.

1.4. Concept political power identical to the concept state power in content and power.

1.5. Constitutional duties of citizens Russian Federation are contained in Chapter 2 of the Russian Constitution “Rights and freedoms of man and citizen”.

1.6. According to the definition, people are considered unemployed if they do not have a job and are not looking for work.

1.7. A budget deficit can occur when the gross national product (GNP) increases.

1.8. The principle of separation of powers in a democratic state governed by the rule of law implies the division of power into three branches independent from each other.

1.9. All personal qualities of a person are determined by his genetic code.

1.10. Catholics and Protestants are Christians.


2. Budget is the most effective way state regulation of the economy. Fill out the table by selecting from the list the numbers of positions corresponding to its columns (maximum - 10 points)

  1. Contents of the state apparatus
  2. Loans from the public and banks
  3. Public debt servicing
  4. Taxes
  5. Nature conservation (ecology)
  6. Maintaining defense capability
  7. Trade in natural resources
  8. External loans
  9. Privatization
  10. Preservation of cultural and historical heritage

The state budget



3.1. Additional question for the crossword puzzle. Give examples of changes in the life of society (or nature) associated with the definitions proposed in tasks No. 6, 12, 19. What do you see as the main criterion that distinguishes these definitions? (5 points = 1 point for the correct example + 2 points for defining the criterion)


1. Stable, natural connections between objects and phenomena, that is, what must necessarily happen under given conditions

5. A special type of human activity aimed at improving the world and oneself.

9. The process of a person’s entry into the social environment in which his life activities take place; in other words - familiarization with the system of norms and values ​​​​accepted in society

11. Development, characterized by movement from lower to higher forms, from less perfect to more perfect

12. A radical, qualitative revolution in the social order.

13. A process opposite to that described under No. 11 in the crossword puzzle

15. A theory that gives priority to reason as the basis of human cognition and behavior, as opposed to sensationalism.

16. A person with his own socially conditioned qualities. A person becomes it, an individual is born.

19. Gradual changes (from Latin - “deployment”). Used as a synonym for development (in in a broad sense). The opposite of what you defined under No. 12


2. Unity of elements interacting based on interconnection

3. A part of the world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their associations

4. The experienced and perceived need for something is the motive for activity

6. Transformation of any aspect of the life of society without affecting its foundations

7. Theory of knowledge (in Greek)

8. One of the main activities that ensure the existence of people

10. The ability to choose activities in accordance with your needs, goals and desires

14. The primary stage of sensory cognition. Reflection of individual properties and characteristics of an object in the human mind.

17. A biosocial creature with the gift of thinking and the ability to create tools.

18. Correspondence of the acquired knowledge to reality

20. The most difficult stage of rational (logical) thinking. Reasoning during which a new judgment is derived (conclusion, conclusion).

Answer (for additional question) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. “Eliminate unnecessary things.” In each of the five tasks below on the topics “Man” and “Society” TWO of the terms given fall out of the general series. Identify them and write down the letters under which they are indicated in the table(up to 10 points)

4.1. Natural human needs:

a) biological

b) physiological

c) social

d) organic

d) ideal

f) natural

4.2. Interpersonal relationships:

a) business

b) personal

c) political

d) formal

e) informal

e) sustainable

e) situational

g) economic

4.3. Concepts characterizing social dynamics:

a) progress

b) structure

c) evolution

d) revolution

e) stratification

4.4. Personality Definitions:

a) subject of relations and conscious activity

b) a stable system of socially significant traits characterizing an individual

c) subject of knowledge and change of the world

d) man as part of living nature

e) man as a separate representative of the human race

f) a person with his own socially conditioned and individual qualities

4.5. Features of post-industrial society:

a) is based on machine production

b) information plays a decisive role

c) production is focused on consumer needs

d) the extensive path of economic development predominates

e) the service sector prevails over the production of goods


5. Below are the sayings famous writers and thinkers of the past, concerning the same concept (in the text indicated […]; Variations of changeable parts are possible of this word) (up to 5 points).

  • ““The best […] is the one that makes itself superfluous” (Wilhelm von Humboldt)
  • “He who has […] above himself has the greatest [...]” (Seneca)
  • “[...] can be defined as the realization of intended goals” (Bertrand Russell)
  • “[...] loses all its charm if it is not abused” (Paul Valéry)
  • “Small errors seem large if they are revealed in the behavior of those to whom they are entrusted […]” (Plutarch).

5.1. What is this concept?

Answer ________________________________________________

5.2. Which of these thinkers' statements do you find most important and interesting? Justify your answer (2-3 sentences)


6. Insert in place of the gaps the serial numbers of the corresponding words and combinations of words from the proposed list. Words and combinations of words are given in the list in singular. The same words and combinations of words may be omitted more than once in the text. Please note: in the list of words and combinations of words there are some that should not appear in the text(10 points)

“A role is the expected _____ associated with a specific _____. The set of roles corresponding to a given _____ is called _____. Our roles are defined by the expectations of others _____. Some of these expectations, like laws, are _____, while others, like table manners, are _____. When a person's _____ meets role expectations, they receive social _____ (such as money or _____).”

7. Below are well-known symbol images. Indicate what exactly these signs mean (up to 7 points = 5 - for identifying the sign + 2 for the correct base of division).



7.1. Divide the signs into two groups, so that one group has three signs and the other two, indicate the basis for such a division. In the group line, enter the appropriate numbers.


Group 2._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Round 2 tasks.

8. Read the text. This is an excerpt from an essay on various types economic systems. The author was unable to distinguish between the characteristics of two different economic systems. Do it yourself (up to 10 points). For this

1) in the table, title the columns, identifying the types of economic systems in question;

2) enter in them the serial numbers of sentences reflecting the characteristics of each of the types of economic systems you have identified.

1. This is an economic system based on traditions fixed in the minds of people based on the experience of generations. 2. It is characterized by centralized directive planning. 3. Economic power is concentrated in the central government, in the bureaucratic apparatus. 4. Customs determine the use of rare, limited natural resources. 5. Enterprises act in accordance with the planned targets communicated to them from the upper echelons of management. 6. Such a system is often based on totalitarian regimes; it contradicts the democratic principles of governance. 7. This is, as a rule, a subsistence economy that serves itself at the expense of its own resources and strength. 8. The dominant role belongs to distributive, command methods. 9. This system fundamentally impedes the development of a free market, competition, and entrepreneurship. 10. It functions on the basis of traditional patriarchal, semi-feudal hierarchical ties between people.


9. Solve a logic problem (8 points = 4 for the correct answer + 4 for revealing the logic of reasoning).

In the Parliament of the Thirtieth State there are three factions of equal size - Yellow (who always lie), Blue (who always tell the truth) and Purple (who sometimes tell the truth, sometimes lie). Last week, parliament approved a bill banning the wearing of yellow boots on weekends by a simple majority. However, the President is very fond of yellow shoes and therefore vetoed this bill. According to the constitution of the Thirtieth State, parliament can override a veto, but to do this, during a second vote, the bill must be supported by at least 2/3 of the deputies. At the preliminary discussion, all purples said they would support the bill. All yellow people said they would vote against it. And the blues said that among them, as many people would support the bill as the purples would actually vote against it.

9.1. Under such conditions, will the bill be able to overcome the president's veto? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9.2.If the yellow people said that the same number of people among them would support the bill as among the purple ones, would this necessarily increase the overall percentage of deputies who supported it? Justify your answers.


10. Dear participants! Here are the statements of famous thinkers. Choose one that will become the topic of your essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to the problem raised in this statement and justify it with those arguments that seem to you the most significant (up to 15 points).

  1. Society is more oppressive than government. (T. Granovsky)
  2. For power to become stronger, it must be limited. (L. Berne)
  3. I'm not interested in politics and it takes up a lot of my time. (E. Lec)
  4. Poverty breeds rebellion and crime. (Aristotle)
  5. In a country that is well governed, people are ashamed of poverty. In a country that is poorly governed, people are ashamed of wealth. (Confucius)
  6. Competition is the life of trade and the death of traders. (E. Hubbard)
  7. A healthy nation also does not notice its nationality, like a healthy person does not notice his spine. (B. Shaw)

Social studies takes 2.5 hours. The work consists of two parts.

Part I consists of 10 complex tasks.

1.5 hours are allotted to complete the tasks of the first part.
Read each task carefully and the suggested answer options, if any. Answer only after you understand the question and have considered all possible answers. Complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task is difficult for you, skip it. You can return to missed tasks if you have time.
Part II consists of a creative task that takes 1 hour to complete. Write an essay on social studies on one of the presented topics (the student’s choice).
Algorithm for working on an essay:

Familiarization with the proposed topics; determining the meaning of the proposed statements; understanding the problem in context historical science; formulating your attitude to the statement; definition of historical terms, concepts and generalizations that will be required to express and justify the position at the theoretical level; selection of facts, examples from social science that convincingly substantiate one’s own position; conclusion


Exercise 1.

Row tasks

1. Name general concept for the ones below:

1.1. Refusal of a gift, will, agreement on children, agreement of exchange, issuance of a power of attorney__________________________________________________________

1.2. Realism, neorealism, liberalism, neoliberalism, neo-Marxism_________________________________________________

2. What is extra in each row? Write out the excess and explain why you decided so.

2.1. Law, government decree, constitution, organization charter, sentence, presidential decree


2.2. Small group, primary group, family, formal group, secondary group, informal group



2.3. Thomas Hobbes, Niccolo Machiavelli, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Task 2.

1. Tasks for choosing an answer (“yes” - if the statement is true, “no” - if the statement is false)

1.1. The influx of migrants from neighboring countries will cause a decrease in wage rates on the labor market in Moscow.

1.2. Moving from one subcultural group to another can be an example of social mobility.

1.3. Changes in the exchange rate affect the general level of prices in the country.

1.4. People's actions based on following some value that is significant to them can be considered rational.

1.5. A firm with market power can sell products at the price it sets.

1.6 . Niccolo Machiavelli was a staunch opponent of democracy and in his book “The Prince” gave a detailed criticism of this form of government.

Task 3.Insert concept

4.1. _____________ taxes are taxes, the burden of payment of which can be transferred to the end consumer.

4.2. ___________________ is a large group of people, largely devoid of structure, united by an emotional mood or subject of attention.

4.3. ___________________ - any reaction on the part of others to the behavior of a person or group, expressing an assessment of behavior in accordance with norms.

4.4. ___________________ is a set of ways and methods by which the normative provisions of the political system are implemented in the practice of political institutions.

Task 4. Establish a correspondence between philosophical teachings and them

main ideas: for each position given in the first column, select

the corresponding position from the second column.

Social statuses of the individual Types of status

1) marginal A) acquired

2) Ukrainian B) prescribed

3) chairman of the trade union

4) woman

5) 30 year old man

Task 5. Below are statements by famous thinkers of the past regardingthe same concept

(in the text it is designated as […]; variations of the variable parts of this word are possible).

"The best […] there is one that makes itself superfluous” (Wilhelm von Humboldt).

"The greatest […] -he who has […] above yourself" (Seneca).

“[...] can be defined as the realization of intended goals” (Bertrand Russell).

« […] loses all its charm if it is not abused” (Paul Valéry).

“Small errors seem large if they are found in the behavior of those to whom they are entrusted […] "(Plutarch).


Task 6. Analyze from a legal point of view.

1. Ivan decided to purchase an apartment for his one-year-old son Alexander, indicating him as the buyer in the apartment purchase and sale agreement. The realtor told Ivan that Alexander cannot be listed as a buyer, since due to his minor age he does not have the right to purchase property, and therefore state registration of the transfer of ownership will be denied. The realtor believed that Ivan should purchase the apartment as his own and then give it to his son.

Indicate who made what mistakes. Justify your answer.



2. Employees of the Investigative Committee, while investigating the murder, received operational information according to which one of the suspects was citizen M., and that the specified citizen was in confession with priest K. the day after the murder. To verify the version of citizen M.’s involvement in the murder, K. was called for questioning as a witness.

Is K. obliged to testify? Justify your answer.

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________





Task 7. What modern concept unites the views of famous thinkers given below?


Good legislation should be the supreme authority, and officials - whether one or more - should be decisive only in cases where the laws fail to provide a precise answer.

S. L. Montesquieu:

If the innocence of citizens is not protected, then freedom is not protected either. Information about best rules, which should be used to guide legal proceedings, is more necessary for humanity than anything else in the world... This information has already been acquired in some countries and should be learned by others.

I. Kant:

In fact, since every right consists only in limiting the freedom of everyone else by the condition that it is compatible, according to some general law, with my freedom, and public law (within the framework of the community) is nothing more than real, in accordance with this principle and legislation combined with power, by virtue of which all those belonging to one people as subjects are in a certain legal state (status iuridicus) in general, namely in a state of equality of action and reaction of the mutually limited arbitrariness of people in accordance with the universal law of freedom (which state is called civil) - then everyone in this state absolutely equally has an innate right (that is, belonging to them before committing any legal action) to force everyone so that the use of his freedom always remains within the boundaries of agreement with my freedom.

N. M. Korkunov:

Each individual body of state power, he emphasized, has power only within the limits of the law.


Task 8. The demand and supply of labor are given by the equations LD=1000–W,
LS=(–100)+W, Where LD And L.S. - the magnitude of labor demand and supply, W - bid wages. How will the number of people employed change if the government sets the minimum wage at 500?


_____________________ _____________________________________________


Task 9. There are several theories of separation of powers. One theory distinguishes three types of power: legislative, executive and federal.

B. Indicate which types of power should not be shared and why.

D. In what case, according to this theory, are the people given the right to use force in relation to the authorities?

D. The author of the theory recognizes the right of the highest executive body to convene and dissolve the legislative body. How does he explain why such a power does not violate the principle of separation of powers?

Task 10. “Parliament” (logical task)

In the parliament of the thirtieth state, consisting of 100 deputies, there are only three factions: truth-tellers, truth-phobes and moneyphiles. Truth-tellers always tell the truth, truth-phobes always lie, and moneyphiles sometimes tell the truth, sometimes they lie. To the question “Which faction is the most numerous?” 70 deputies answered that the majority were truth-phobes, 29 said that truth-tellers predominated, and one said that there were equal numbers of truth-tellers and truth-phobes. Determine how many truth-tellers, truth-phobes and moneyphiles there actually are in this parliament?

Justify your answer:






PART 2. Essay

1. “Representative government is an instrument that only excellent musicians can play, it is so difficult and capricious” (K. Metternich)

2. “Man has become a commodity and views his life as capital that should be invested profitably. If he succeeds in this, then his life has meaning, and if not, he is a failure” (E. Fromm)

3. “Patriotism, as a feeling, is a bad and harmful feeling; as a teaching is a stupid teaching, since it is clear that if every people and state considers If they try to pretend to be the best of peoples and states, then they will all be in gross and harmful delusion.”()

4. “You shouldn’t rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps."(A. Maurois)

5. “It doesn’t matter who is in front of you: a crowd of academics or a crowd of water carriers. Both are a crowd."(G. Lebon)

6. “If there were no points at which the interests of everyone would converge, there could be no talk of any kind of society” (J.–J. Rousseau)

7. “A beautiful thing is love for the fatherland, but there is an even more beautiful thing - this is love for truth. Love for the fatherland gives birth to heroes, love for truth creates wise men" ()

8. “You cannot achieve economic prosperity by raiding the state treasury”(G. Hoover)

9.“Only two incentives force people to work: the thirst for wages and the fear of losing it”(G. Ford )

10. “Laws are useless for both good people, and for the bad: the former do not need laws, the latter do not become better from them” (Democritus)


Countries where the parliament has the same name are Moldova, Italy, Greece, Canada, Armenia, New Zealand, Great Britain and others. In accordance with the constitution, in some states it is established proper name parliament.

The Riksdag is the parliament in Sweden. It is elected every four years and consists of one chamber. The most important task of the Riksdag is to carefully monitor the work of the government and enforce the laws. Thalman is the chairman of the Riksdag. He conducts meetings and is obliged to take a neutral position in relation to various political issues.

In Finland the parliament is called Eduskunta. Anyone can attend. The Finnish parliament consists of one chamber and is elected every four years. Any Finnish citizen who is over 18 years of age can be elected to parliament and have the right to vote.

The Russian parliament consists of two chambers and is called the Federal Assembly. The Federation Council is the highest house, and the State Duma is the lower house. Elections in State Duma take place every five years. Both chambers sit separately from each other. In the USA, Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state has two senators in the Senate, regardless of population. Every two years, approximately one third of the Senate. Elections to the House of Representatives also occur every two years.

In Germany, the parliament is called the Bundestag and consists of one chamber. Members of the Bundestag are elected for a term of four years. The Bundestag can be dissolved only in emergency cases by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany. In Turkmenistan, the parliament, the Mejlis, consists of 125 deputies who are elected for a five-year term by single-member seats.

In Israel, the parliament is called the Knesset and is the governing body. The number of deputies is 120. They are elected according to party lists. Israel has a very low percentage threshold - only 2%, so there are almost always at least 10 parties represented in the Knesset. In Mongolia, the Great People's Khural consists of 76 deputies who are elected for a term of four years. Only citizens over 25 years old can run for Khural.

In Ukraine, the parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, consists of 450 deputies. This is the only government body in this country that is vested with legislative power. The Verkhovna Rada is where the formation and control of the country's Cabinet of Ministers takes place.

The People's Assembly is the name of the parliament in Bulgaria. It consists of 240 deputies who are elected by popular vote for a term of four years. In the event of war or another state of emergency, the powers of deputies are extended until the end of these unforeseen circumstances.

In Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, the country's parliament is called the Sejm. In Switzerland, the United Federal Assembly consists of two chambers. The parliament of this country is structured in such a way that both chambers balance each other and are equal. They hold meetings separately from each other and both control the work of the government.

The Serbian Parliament, the Assembly, consists of 250 deputies and is unicameral. Deputies are elected by popular vote for a term of four years. In Estonia, the parliament is called the Riigikogu. In it, deputies elect the head of state and exercise control over the activities of the government.