You can wear the deceased's belongings. Is it possible to wear clothes and other belongings of a deceased person? Where to give the good things of the deceased

Unfortunately, human life is not endless, sooner or later, but each of the living will have to say goodbye to a deceased relative or close friend. Among representatives of the Christian faith, there has always been a tradition of distributing clothes of a deceased person among needy people, but the question often arose: is it possible to wear things after a deceased person? The opinion of the priest, and of many philosophers who study Christian movements, is largely ambiguous.

Should I wear the clothes of the deceased? Priest's opinion

Orthodox priests are of the same opinion in this regard. You can wear clothes, moreover, you need to. At all times, the clothing of a deceased Christian was distributed to the poor, neighbors and close relatives after forty days from the date of death. As a rule, it was distributed at the doors of the temple, which in itself is a blessing. After all, things that served your loved one can warm someone else. Undoubtedly, this person will remember the deceased with a kind word.

Traditions and signs

The Church has always been critical of all kinds of secular superstitions. However, there are several circumstances that every Orthodox priest recommends:

  • do not burn the deceased's belongings
  • don't give away his wardrobe until after the forties
  • do not give the deceased’s pectoral cross into the wrong hands

In addition, priests recommend consecrating those things that you are going to keep as a keepsake or for wearing. It is not difficult to carry out the procedure for consecrating the deceased’s belongings at home; it is enough to draw water from a church spring and sprinkle the clothes with it.


Most of modern people latently trusts a variety of superstitions. And one of them is that the clothes and personal belongings of a deceased person can cause harm to health or well-being if they are worn by a relative or anyone else alive. This opinion is unlikely to be true. This is especially true for expensive items, family heirlooms or precious jewelry. It is unlikely that anyone will voluntarily part with diamonds or ancestral gold that was inherited from your grandmother. On the contrary, the jewelry will be kept and worn with pride by you, but the question of troubles and illnesses that the jewelry could bring with it is unlikely to arise.

Things like memory

It's a different matter when it comes to things. For the relatives of the deceased, his things are a memory of the recent, but already past. To wear it or not is a personal matter for everyone. In addition, modern detergents and disinfectants will help you protect yourself if your relative dies of illness. Most likely, the issue of wearing the clothes of the deceased has a purely psychological background.

This question involuntarily arises among people who are faced with death. loved one. And almost everyone has an inner feeling that it is impossible to wear the things of the deceased.

Psychologists believe that the things of the deceased will involuntarily remind of him, provoking the already shattered psyche of those around him.

Psychics literally feel dead things and warn people not to wear things of seriously ill people and those who suffered before death.

The Church, on the contrary, believes that the things of the deceased should be distributed to the poor and needy, to give things a second life, so that they, in turn, will pray for the soul of the deceased.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased?

Since ancient times, people believed that the clothes of the deceased begin to emit dead energy, which has a bad effect on the living, and therefore ALL personal belongings were burned. Many people think that if they were in a relationship with a deceased person warm relations, then his things can be worn as a memory, and there, in heaven, the deceased will be pleased that his things continue to live and are not thrown into the trash.

It is believed that the clothes worn by the deceased NOT often, after 40 days it becomes wearable. There are some superstitious rules, perhaps they have a real basis, perhaps they are capable of psychological level to set you up that the clothes have been cleaned:

1. Things can be soaked in salt water and then washed.
2.After washing, the item is sprinkled with holy water.
3. Things can be remade and altered.

However, the personal belongings of the deceased and bed linen are in almost all cases thrown away or even burned. For some, clothes are a memory, but for others, they are pain. Therefore, some try to get rid of or give away clothes.

Some funeral agencies provide services for removing the deceased's belongings and distributing them to people in need. You can do the same yourself by contacting shelters or churches.

You should be concerned if a person pays too much attention to the clothing, photographs, and personal belongings of the deceased. Stuck in the past, a person loses the present.

Rules? Personal belongings of the deceased, which he often wore or which were with him when the death directly occurred, are strictly prohibited. Many people bury the deceased without removing his wedding ring, wrist watch, pectoral cross. You need to be especially careful with the belongings of a person who died of a serious illness, a violent death, and who suffered before dying.

It is believed that other things of the deceased cannot be worn or distributed before the 40th day of death. This is due to the fact that over time the energy weakens, and also to the fact that until the 40th day, according to Christian canons, the soul is still not defined in that world.

Before using, storing, or inheriting other jewelry that belonged to the deceased, but which was not on him at the time of death, a special ritual is performed. First, they are placed in a glass with clean water, then for 9 days in a glass with salt, and then for 9 days on the windowsill where the rays of the sun and moon fall. After this, the decorations can be illuminated in the church.

Esotericists urge caution when handling mirrors that belonged to the deceased. Being a conductor and reflecting the thoughts, feelings, desires of others, it can harm the living. The mirror is sprinkled with holy water, three candles are lit white. Even flame - everything is fine. If the candles crackle, smoke, or turn black, then the mirror transmits the negative.

What to do with the cross of the deceased?

As a rule, the deceased is buried along with pectoral cross. The Church believes that the pectoral cross of the deceased can be worn, but first it is better to consecrate it in the church.

There is a rumor among people that you cannot wear the cross of a deceased person, since you will be wearing someone else’s cross. The cross can be melted down into something else, taken to a church or buried in a water source (sea, lake, river). But in most cases, such crosses are not worn, but are placed in a box in memory of the deceased.

What to do with photographs of the dead?

It is customary to keep photographs of deceased relatives as a keepsake in a separate album and not mix them with photographs of living ones. The photographs are usually examined on the days of remembrance of the dead. Post-mortem photographs (taken when the person is already dead) are considered grave photographs. This practice existed in the 19th century, when cameras were still rare and expensive.

It is also very difficult to perceive photographs taken directly during the funeral. It is believed that it is not good for the living to be photographed in a cemetery, especially next to the deceased. Psychics believe that photographs of the dead drain the energy of the living. If the number of photographs is 1-3, then a person may not feel much of a difference, but if there are a sufficient number of them, then the surrounding space begins to change, people get tired faster, they need more time to regain strength, their mood worsens, and irritability appears.

Everyone decides for himself what to do with the photographs depicting his deceased relative. However, if you have this question, it means you are worried about it. Psychologists believe that if you have internal discomfort from the image, then it is better to remove it. You should not keep a framed photograph of the deceased in your bedroom; a family room is more suitable for this.

The perception of a photograph depends on how long ago the incident occurred; some people may have photographs of distant great-grandparents and great-grandparents hanging on their walls and we perceive them normally. But seeing a close relative, you can return to those days again and again, remembering again and causing yourself pain with these memories. Psychics, in turn, believe that by doing this we attract the dead to us and do not let go. Think for yourself, if we put a portrait of the deceased in the most prominent place, we often look at him, remember and live in the past. But we are alive and must continue to live! This is where various signs arise when a woman, putting the portrait of her deceased husband in the most prominent place, does not marry again.

Much depends on perception. If a child has a small pendant with a photo of his dead parents, he considers them angels, asks them for help, then is there anything bad in this? There is only one piece of advice: listen to your feelings, and they will tell you what to do with the photographs. If in doubt, it is better to remove the pictures. And remember, the main thing is what is in our heads, how we see the situation, so it is.

Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased person?

It's possible, but not necessary. It is believed that the bed has a bad effect on the health of the living. If a person was suffering or ill before death, it is not recommended for anyone to sleep on the bed. However, many people neglect this rule and sleep in a bed in which a relative has just died, sometimes without even changing the bed linen. And they sleep like this for many years and nothing happens! People with psychic abilities They explain this by the fact that such people have strong energy and the attitude that this is all nonsense and does not work! And some even feed off this dead energy, their sleep becomes better, and in the morning they feel more energetic.

This is comparable to a hyperactive child who likes to sleep with his grandmother, since the old grandmother willy-nilly pumps energy out of the child, and a hyperactive child full of energy falls asleep better with her.

It should be remembered that many people die in hospital beds and the beds are not changed! But we don’t know this, which means we don’t traumatize our psyche.

Conclusion: if something is bothering you, don’t pretend to be SMART person, and, despite the 21st century, throw away the bed and don’t sleep on it, health is more important. If you are a skeptic and don’t believe in anything, then nothing will happen to you. Most people, after the death of a relative, get rid of the bed and renovate the room.

This question involuntarily arises among people who are faced with the death of a loved one. And almost everyone has an inner feeling that it is impossible to wear the things of the deceased.

Psychologists believe that the things of the deceased will involuntarily remind of him, provoking the already shattered psyche of those around him.

Psychics literally feel dead things and warn people not to wear things of seriously ill people and those who suffered before death.

The Church, on the contrary, believes that the things of the deceased should be distributed to the poor and needy, to give things a second life, so that they, in turn, will pray for the soul of the deceased.

What to do with the belongings of the deceased?

Since ancient times, people believed that the clothes of the deceased begin to emit dead energy, which has a bad effect on the living, and therefore ALL personal belongings were burned. Many people think that if they had a warm relationship with a deceased person, then his things can be worn as a memory, and there, in heaven, the deceased will be pleased that his things continue to live and are not thrown into the trash.

It is believed that the clothes worn by the deceased NOT often, after 40 days it becomes wearable. There are some superstitious rules, perhaps they have a real basis, perhaps they are capable of psychologically setting you up for the fact that your clothes have been cleaned:

1. Things can be soaked in salt water and then washed.
2.After washing, the item is sprinkled with holy water.
3. Things can be remade and altered.

However, the personal belongings of the deceased and bed linen are in almost all cases thrown away or even burned. For some, clothes are a memory, but for others, they are pain. Therefore, some try to get rid of or give away clothes.

Some funeral agencies provide services for removing the deceased's belongings and distributing them to people in need. You can do the same yourself by contacting shelters or churches.

You should be concerned if a person pays too much attention to the clothing, photographs, and personal belongings of the deceased. Stuck in the past, a person loses the present.

Rules? Personal belongings of the deceased, which he often wore or which were with him when the death directly occurred, are strictly prohibited. Many people bury the deceased in this way, without removing his wedding ring, wristwatch, or cross. You need to be especially careful with the belongings of a person who died of a serious illness, a violent death, and who suffered before dying.

It is believed that other things of the deceased cannot be worn or distributed before the 40th day of death. This is due to the fact that over time the energy weakens, and also to the fact that until the 40th day, according to Christian canons, the soul is still not defined in that world.

Before using, storing, or inheriting other jewelry that belonged to the deceased, but which was not on him at the time of death, a special ritual is performed. First, they are placed for 9 days in a glass of clean water, then for 9 days in a glass with salt, and then for 9 days on a windowsill where the rays of the sun and moon fall. After this, the decorations can be illuminated in the church.

Esotericists urge caution when handling mirrors that belonged to the deceased. Being a conductor and reflecting the thoughts, feelings, desires of others, it can harm the living. The mirror is sprinkled with holy water, three white candles are lit. Even flame - everything is fine. If the candles crackle, smoke, or turn black, then the mirror transmits the negative.

What to do with the cross of the deceased?

As a rule, the deceased is buried together with a pectoral cross. The Church believes that the pectoral cross of the deceased can be worn, but first it is better to consecrate it in the church.

There is a rumor among people that you cannot wear the cross of a deceased person, since you will be wearing someone else’s cross. The cross can be melted down into something else, taken to a church or buried in a water source (sea, lake, river). But in most cases, such crosses are not worn, but are placed in a box in memory of the deceased.

What to do with photographs of the dead?

It is customary to keep photographs of deceased relatives as a keepsake in a separate album and not mix them with photographs of living ones. The photographs are usually examined on the days of remembrance of the dead. Post-mortem photographs (taken when the person is already dead) are considered grave photographs. This practice existed in the 19th century, when cameras were still rare and expensive.

It is also very difficult to perceive photographs taken directly during the funeral. It is believed that it is not good for the living to be photographed in a cemetery, especially next to the deceased. Psychics believe that photographs of the dead drain the energy of the living. If the number of photographs is 1-3, then a person may not feel much of a difference, but if there are a sufficient number of them, then the surrounding space begins to change, people get tired faster, they need more time to regain strength, their mood worsens, and irritability appears.

Everyone decides for himself what to do with the photographs depicting his deceased relative. However, if you have this question, it means you are worried about it. Psychologists believe that if you have internal discomfort from the image, then it is better to remove it. You should not keep a framed photograph of the deceased in your bedroom; a family room is more suitable for this.

The perception of a photograph depends on how long ago the incident occurred; some people may have photographs of distant great-grandparents and great-grandparents hanging on their walls and we perceive them normally. But seeing a close relative, you can return to those days again and again, remembering again and causing yourself pain with these memories. Psychics, in turn, believe that by doing this we attract the dead to us and do not let go. Think for yourself, if we put a portrait of the deceased in the most prominent place, we often look at him, remember and live in the past. But we are alive and must continue to live! This is where various signs arise when a woman, putting the portrait of her deceased husband in the most prominent place, does not marry again.

Much depends on perception. If a child has a small pendant with a photo of his dead parents, he considers them angels, asks them for help, then is there anything bad in this? There is only one piece of advice: listen to your feelings, and they will tell you what to do with the photographs. If in doubt, it is better to remove the pictures. And remember, the main thing is what is in our heads, how we see the situation, so it is.

Is it possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased person?

It's possible, but not necessary. It is believed that the bed has a bad effect on the health of the living. If a person was suffering or ill before death, it is not recommended for anyone to sleep on the bed. However, many people neglect this rule and sleep in a bed in which a relative has just died, sometimes without even changing the bed linen. And they sleep like this for many years and nothing happens! People with psychic abilities explain this by the fact that such people have strong energy and the attitude that this is all nonsense and does not work! And some even feed off this dead energy, their sleep becomes better, and in the morning they feel more energetic.

This is comparable to a hyperactive child who likes to sleep with his grandmother, since the old grandmother willy-nilly pumps energy out of the child, and a hyperactive child full of energy falls asleep better with her.

It should be remembered that many people die in hospital beds and the beds are not changed! But we don’t know this, which means we don’t traumatize our psyche.

Conclusion: if something is bothering you, you don’t need to pretend to be a SMART person, and, despite the 21st century, throw away the bed and don’t sleep on it, health is more important. If you are a skeptic and don’t believe in anything, then nothing will happen to you. Most people, after the death of a relative, get rid of the bed and renovate the room.

wear the things of a deceased person?" psychologists clearly answer that no. The clothes of a deceased relative, friend or just an acquaintance will be a constant reminder of the recent loss. This can have a bad effect on your emotional state, leading to depression and other mental disorders.

Church opinion

In the first 40 days after a person’s death, it is not recommended to take out his things, much less wear them. It is believed that the restless soul watches what is happening in her house.

Mirrors that hung in the apartment of the deceased should be hung up in the first 40 days. At this time, you can see the deceased in them, since his soul is in the house.

Opinion of bioenergetics

Bioenergetics specialists believe that it is undesirable to stay overnight in the house of the deceased, since the restless soul may come to you in a dream.

Popular beliefs:

1. Things absorb human energy.

If during his lifetime the deceased person had good energy and was kind, then these things will only bring benefits to their new owner. And if the person was with bad energy, then his things can bring many unpleasant consequences.

2. Dead energy.

When a person dies, the soul leaves his body, after which living, positive energy leaves his things. Soon, dead, negative energy takes its place. And such things will not bring anything good to their new owner.

3. Energy of illness.

If before death a person suffered from a serious, incurable illness, then this will leave a mark on his energy, part of which will be transferred to his things. When wearing such clothes, we are exposed to the energy of the disease, which increases the risk of developing a similar disease.

4. Many peoples believe that one should not often remember the deceased. This can prevent a person from finding peace in the afterlife.

5. Under no circumstances should toys of a deceased child be given to other children. Often such a gift can lead to tragic consequences.

6. You cannot wear the shoes of a dead person. After forty days, it must be given to other people.

7. Money received from the sale of valuable belongings of the deceased should under no circumstances be spent on oneself. Such a purchase can only bring misfortune. This money must be donated to a good cause.

Also, for most people, wearing a deceased person's belongings is something that is wrong. But there are also those who can wear the clothes of the deceased the very next day.

What to do if the deceased left behind valuable things?

Jewels left behind by the deceased should be left overnight in holy water and after that they can be worn safely.

Things you don't want or can't give away can be burned.

Is it possible to cleanse things from the energy of the deceased?

Bioenergetics specialists believe that it is possible, and offer different methods for this:

2. Salt is also a good cleanser. You need to pour it into water and put the thing there.

After this ritual, you should not drain the water or throw away the salt, as you can transfer negative energy to another person.

3. The item can be purified by fire. You need to light a candle and move it over the thing you want to cleanse.

But the best thing is to clear your house of things that remind you of the deceased.

Is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person, according to different religions?


A person wearing the clothes of a deceased person thereby honors his memory and remembers his soul. He must regularly pray for the deceased, go to church and mention the deceased in accordance with church canons.

The Christian Church denies the presence of dead energy in the belongings of the deceased. It is believed that it remains the same and can help its new owner in difficult life situations.


The deceased's belongings must be distributed to the poor. This must be carried out by the heir of the deceased.


To the question “Is it possible to wear things after the deceased?” the Jews answer that no. The things of a deceased person must not be touched for the first thirty days. After this period, they must be distributed to the poor or thrown away, except for shoes. In their culture, shoes are considered a life companion. If you wear it after the death of the previous owner, you can die the same death.

Time is an integral part of human existence. People are born, live their lives and die. This is the constant cycle of existence of all life on earth. But no matter how prepared a person is for death, the passing of someone close is always a tragedy. After carrying out all the rituals of burying the deceased and realizing the loss, the relatives of the deceased do not always know what to do with the things of the deceased person.

Where to locate the deceased's belongings

There are many different opinions about how to dispose of the belongings of a deceased person. In some religions it is customary to burn the clothes of the deceased, in others - to distribute them to the poor. All rules and rituals have been formed over many centuries, slightly modified to suit the times.

Today, various esotericists and psychics have taken an active position in this issue. According to them, the deceased’s belongings carry a charge of negative death energy. It is better for living people not to use the things of the deceased. Believing or not believing these statements is a personal matter for everyone, but it’s still worth listening.

According to Christian beliefs , there are several stages in the ascension of the soul of the deceased to heaven. It is from them that all the rules of the funeral rite come.

What to do with furniture

Wardrobes, beds, sofas and other large pieces of furniture- the biggest problem for relatives. Is it possible to leave a bed or sofa in the house on which the deceased slept, and especially if he died lying on this furniture - not the easiest question for a family. But there is no clear answer to it. Psychics strictly prohibit sleeping on a bed or sofa if someone has died on it. Believers are not so categorical. In their opinion, the main thing is not the thing, but the person. Therefore, it is enough to read a prayer and sprinkle the object with holy water.

Today, not everyone can afford to rid their apartment of pieces of furniture left behind by the deceased. People prefer to invite a priest to their apartment and ask to bless their home after funerals and wakes.

If relatives trust psychics more, you can ask them to clean the entire apartment and furniture with their energy.

Gold and other jewelry

The most questions arise about gold and other expensive jewelry.. It is believed that the precious metal accumulates a person’s energy throughout his life. Precious stones can store negative energy for centuries. There is an opinion that you cannot wear gold after a deceased person. This can lead to negative consequences and even illness.

If you do not delve into the magical component of this issue, but turn to history, then it becomes clear that there is nothing terrible here. From time immemorial, jewelry has been passed down from generation to generation. From mother to daughter, from father to son. Even the crown Russian Empire, decorated with an incredible amount precious stones, has changed many owners.

But there is one rule that is unofficially observed by representatives of almost all religious faiths - do not wear jewelry taken from a deceased person, especially if it is a cross or icon. It happens that the deceased did not have time to take off his jewelry during his lifetime. In this case, relatives have two options. Bury the person as is, or remove the decorations. It is better to sell the jewelry removed from the body or take it to a pawnshop, not forgetting to consecrate it in a church or keep it in holy water.

In other cases, jewelry and decorations do not pose a threat to their new owner. If you still have doubts about whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, then to be sure, it is better to keep the jewelry in holy water for several days.

Who should I give clothes and shoes to?

Very often, relatives feel sorry for simply throwing away the clothes or shoes of the deceased. It happens that the deceased leaves behind good and expensive things. Of course, you shouldn't throw them away or burn them. Today, almost all cities and villages operate collection points for low-income families. You can take your clothes and shoes there or give them to the church. There will always be people at the temple for whom all this can be very useful.

Even if the deceased left very expensive clothes, for example, a fur coat, it is not recommended for blood relatives to wear them. Both psychics and the church are unanimous in this opinion. Psychics claim that clothing will carry the energy of the deceased, so blood relatives will be more vulnerable to the negative energy of the item. According to the church, by giving clothes to people in need, relatives help the soul of the deceased.

Is it possible for his relatives to carry things after a deceased person? The answer to this is unequivocal: it’s not worth it. No matter how expensive the clothes or shoes of the deceased, it is better to give them to charity, and thereby ward off negative energy and help people in need.

Personal belongings of the deceased

Personal belongings of the deceased include all household items. For example, a phone, a watch, a wallet, pillows, blankets, etc. This can also include all kinds of memorabilia - various souvenirs or a set of dishes. Therefore, before you take and sell all this, you should think very carefully. Psychics say: the personal belongings of the deceased carry a very strong energy charge, because they were chosen and acquired with love and strong emotions during the owner’s lifetime.

Under no circumstances should things be taken from the body or from the coffin of the deceased. Today it has become fashionable to cremate the bodies of the deceased and scatter the ashes to the wind. In order for a piece of a beloved relative to remain, many cut off a lock of hair from the deceased. But it is not recommended to store such items at home. It is believed that the soul can become attached to them and not cross the line into another world. And also you cannot keep icons and flowers at home that were in the coffin during the funeral service. Usually they are given to the singers or left in the temple.

Photos and documents of the deceased

Many relatives are interested in what to do with the documents of the deceased. They cannot be thrown away even when all the paperwork related to the funeral has been completed. It is impossible to be completely sure that they will no longer be needed, so it is better to save all the documents of the deceased.

Photos of a deceased relative are not only a memory of him, but also a kind of imprint of a person’s life cycle. After the death of a close relative, it is not necessary to put all the photographs in a box or hang them on the wall. It is better to leave everything as it was during his lifetime. This will help you survive the loss and not forget your loved one.

Where to put things from suicides

At all times, the church had a negative attitude towards people who died of their own free will. There are separate burial rules for suicides:

  • they are not buried in church;
  • they are not buried in a common cemetery (among some peoples);
  • their things cannot be given away to people.

From time immemorial, suicide has been one of the most terrible sins. A person must live as many years as God has given him. If he took his own life, it means he committed a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven or corrected. That's why things from suicides aren't given out to people.

Where to put the things of a deceased person - The priest’s answer will be unequivocal: burn it. It doesn’t matter who this person was - husband, father, son, brother or someone else near and dear. The personal belongings of a suicide cannot be kept in the house or given as souvenirs, even if they are useful, necessary and expensive items.

What to do with the belongings and clothes of a deceased person is decided differently in each family. Some listen to the opinions of psychics, others to the church. For every family, the loss of a loved one is a tragedy, and parting with the belongings of the deceased is not so easy. But no matter what happens, you need to remember: death is not the end. It’s not just that they say that a person is alive while the memory of him is alive.

If the deceased's belongings remain